
zulSpamapS: the mariadb community guy mneptok should be at uds00:00
zulSpamapS: so just giving you a heads up, but he is really a cool guy though00:01
Kyle__More of a general ubuntu 10.10 than server issue...but is anyone noticing that the system is starved for entropy?  According to /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail00:01
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SpamapSzul: right on00:03
SpamapSkirkland: are you around? I'm curious about the mdadm mess that was brought up shortly before lucid. bug 55742900:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 557429 in ubuntu-release-notes "array with conflicting changes is assembled with data corruption/silent loss" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55742900:06
fluvvellI don't know if its related SpamapS, but I tried to build a basic raid1 array during a lucid server setup and the whole process is borked. Is there discussion anywhere about this?00:30
smoserkirkland, thanks00:55
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rneesehey guys03:02
demonsporkhey rneese03:02
rneesehow would I add a script to the server iso thats run on first reboot after install . to install and configure pkgs ?03:03
rneeseI have made a basic sh script03:03
rneesethis makes a fast install for our project03:05
rneeseis there a good how-to page ?03:06
twbIn lucid, which upstart jobs run-parts over /etc/rcS.d?03:07
twbBecause rcS.conf appears to do something different03:07
twbBasically I want to know if it's possible for the network to be up before the apparmor and iptables-persistent rcS.d jobs are executed.03:08
twbHmm, if I read this right, rc-sysinit.conf does it when "filesystem" (presumably $local-fs) and the loopback interface are up.03:10
rneesewhats the cmd-line to configure the eth0 interface03:18
twbrneese: configure it to do what?03:20
jdstrandtwb: iirc, you don't use ufw, but ufw dtrt wrt to that and will be up before network rules. you could create an upstart script by looking at what ufw does03:20
twbjdstrand: yeah, that's plan B03:20
rneesedisable dhclient and set a static ip03:20
twbNote that I want the firewall to load *before* the network interfaces are up.03:21
twbiptables-restore doesn't even need the interfaces to exist (udev/drivers) when the firewall is loaded.03:22
twbQoS (tc qdiscs) do, so that upstart job would/will be different.03:22
twbrneese: that is normally done in /etc/network/interfaces03:25
twbrneese: if you need to do it temporarily, I would run something like...03:26
twbifdown --force eth0; ip set eth0 up; ip address add dev eth003:26
twbAlso "ip route add 0/0 via" if you also need a default route03:26
intel352hey guys, is there a simple way to resolve a conflict between packages provided by 2 different PPA sources03:27
twbintel352: yeah: turn off one of the PPAs03:27
intel352one is PHP/FPM that also has php5-memcached (which I need), the other is gearman, which I need, but uses an older libmemcached03:28
twbOtherwise you do all the things you do when dealing with retarded package conflicts, like forcibly overriding them, downgrading one half, rolling equivs stubs to trick apt, rebuilding one half from source.03:30
twbNone of them are very nice, and they all add a maintenance burden.03:30
intel352k, thx twb, I appreciate the advice03:30
twbOh, and of course you can complain to the PPA owners -- that should be step #103:30
intel352yeah, that's what i'll be doing next, while disabling the ppa03:30
intel352thx again :-)03:31
twbUnless you are already familiar with packaging, most of those tricks I mentioned are too dangerous for you to contemplate.03:31
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izinucsI've got a flash presentation on my LAN server that I'm accessing from within the lan.. when it get's to the point of actually playing a video nothing comes across.  Is there a plugin or package I need to install to spool the flash video? All I've installed currently is apache2.03:39
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fluvvell!codeofconduct > fluvvell05:28
ubottufluvvell, please see my private message05:28
kirklandSpamapS: yo, yeah, what do you want to know about it?06:21
SpamapSkirkland: IMO its a non-issue. Nobody boots on two separate parts of a RAID and expects a consistent system. I do think we could go further and stop the corruption, but I think thats a new feature, not a high priority bug.06:39
SpamapSkirkland: I just wondered what you thought about it, as I understand you have some strong thoughts on booting a system degraded or not. ;)06:42
noaXessRoyK: good morning.07:54
osmosishow do I set nginx to start automatically at bootup?  or any service for that matter?07:57
AstralStormcreate a script and use update-rc08:04
AstralStormyou should put the script in /etc/init.d08:05
AstralStormyou can of course write an upstart job instead08:05
AstralStormif so, you'd instead use service08:06
AstralStormupstart jobs go into /etc/init08:07
AstralStormosmosis: ^08:07
epaphusHello all. Iam trying to install Maverick server iso .. no matter how i install it I end up getting the generic-pae kernel as shown in uname -a. Shouldnt this kernel be named server-something because it is the optimized kernel?08:40
xampartepaphus: think it has something to do with wether you're using 64bit08:44
twbxampart: pae doesn't apply to x86-6408:45
twbepaphus: current releases do not has a server-specific kernel for x86.  It isn't necessary.08:45
epaphustwb, your saying that iam getting the same kernel a desktop user would get? in 32 bit08:46
twbA desktop user probably wouldn't get the -pae kernel.08:46
twbPAE is a hack that allows x86 systems to address more than 4GiB of RAM.08:46
epaphusthats it? i was expecting more for a 32bit kernel in the server iso.. more optimization...08:47
epaphusyup i know that :)08:47
twbBut lets be realistic: if you're commissioning new hardware, there's no way you should be running i386.08:47
twbAny new x86 server worth a damn will be x86-64 unless it's embedded08:48
twbEven the atoms and celerons are x86-6408:48
epaphustwb, well yes you have a point. However does the 64bit version of a server also has its kernel named generic? or server ? just curious08:48
twbLast time I looked, the amd64 builds still had a separate -server kernel.08:49
twbrmadison or packages.ubuntu.com will tell you08:49
jussigoood morning all, I need to update a server from an eol release, what is the best way to go about this and what precautions should I take. I only have remote access to this server...08:53
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noaXesshey jussi09:11
twbjussi: which release?09:13
jussitwb: gutsy09:14
twbjussi: firstly, you need to upgrade one step at a time, not all at once09:14
twbStupid bot!09:14
jussibe nice to her...09:14
twbIn #debian, the dpkg bot is smarter09:14
jussitwb: what does it do?09:15
twbIt points to a document like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:15
twbSaving me from looking it up in google09:15
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twbe.g. <dpkg> Read the release notes, ask me about <lenny release notes>.  Ensure your Etch installation is up to date, ask me about <etch sources.list> (aptitude update; aptitude dist-upgrade).  Then ask me about <lenny sources.list>.  aptitude update; aptitude install aptitude; aptitude safe-upgrade; aptitude full-upgrade.  Also ask me about <apt-listbugs>, <etch->lenny key>.09:17
twbWhere <foo> is another entry in the infobot09:17
jussicurius, do I really have to change my sources list to hardy? I thought the upgrade tool did that?09:30
twbjussi: read the article I linked to, and the gutsy upgrade article it links to, and the general EOLupgrades article *it* links to.09:33
twbjussi: if you're still not sure, ask again.09:33
twb(But: I don't know, since I don't use d-r-u because I'm a Debian cowboy.)09:34
dsirijusi've read on some place on web that there's no sense in setting up iptables at all? any truth in that?09:35
twbThat's a bit like saying that there's no point in having a roof on your house.09:40
twbMaybe it's true if you like somewhere that never has rain.09:40
dsirijusgotcha :)09:41
jussialright!! upgrade to hardy went fine... now to get to something modern... like lucid...10:16
twbDarn bot.10:17
tdnHow can I stream webcam video from a webserver?10:22
twbtdn: that depends on the webserver.10:33
twbnetcat is perhaps the simplest approach.10:33
jussiright, Ive an issue with the hardy -> lucid upgrade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/517316/10:35
twbjussi: so did you upgrade your kernel as it tells you to do on the first line?10:37
jussitwb: not yet, I wanted to ask here to be sure, as adding lenny sources seems strange to me10:38
twbThat is indeed extremely strange10:38
twbWhere does it say to do that?10:38
jussiThe installation of a 2.6 kernel _could_ ask you to install a new libc10:38
jussifirst, this is NOT a bug, and should *NOT* be reported. In that case,10:38
jussiplease add lenny sources to your /etc/apt/sources.list and run:10:38
jussi  apt-get install -t lenny linux-image-2.610:38
twbOh, I see.10:39
twbThat is either because your sources.list or sources.list.d somehow contains debian sources in it, or the ubuntu people stole debian packaging and forgot to change the error message to refer to ubuntu10:39
_rubeneither would be quite bad :)10:39
jussihrm... Ill guess the second...10:40
tdntwb, how?10:41
jussijussi@vps110:~$ uname -a10:41
jussiLinux vps110 2.6.11-xenU #2 Fri Jan 19 23:16:04 EET 2007 i686 GNU/Linux10:41
jussiso, whcih kernel do I want to pick to install?=10:41
twbtdn: the netcat manpage contains an example10:41
twbjussi: unless you control the dom0, you might not be able to fix that10:42
_ruben2.6.11?? jikes10:42
jussioh dear :(10:42
* _ruben admits having a few 2.6.5 based systems running around .. *shiver*10:43
twb_ruben: he's upgrading from gutsy10:43
twbI can't tell if gutsy shipped 2.6.11 because rmadison doesn't know about gutsy :-/10:43
jussiyeah, the gutsy->hardy upgrade went fine10:43
tdntwb, no.10:44
tdntwb, netcat is not related to webcam.10:44
tdntwb, I really do not care much which web server I use.10:44
tdntwb, I just need to stream webcam from a web site.10:44
_ruben2.6.11 is waaaay older than gutsy10:44
twbtdn: netcat is a general-purpose utility for streaming data between hosts.10:44
_rubendapper was 2.6.16 afaik10:44
tdntwb, apache or any other web server will do fine.10:44
tdntwb, exactly. How does that help me to stream webcam from a web site?10:45
jussitwb: is there any way to reverse this procees a little and stay on hardy for now??10:45
twbEr, you do something like nc -l 12345 </dev/camera on the webcam, and nc camera.example.net 12345 >foo on the client10:45
twbjussi: you need to talk to your xen vendor about why they're giving you a 2.6.11 kernel10:46
twbjussi: in case you don't realize it: the host you're sshing into is a Xen domU (i.e. a VM)10:46
jussiyes... :(10:46
jussitwb: I think Im going the backup and call the vendor to give me a shiny new virtual machine...10:47
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uvirtbotNew bug: #664424 in tftp-hpa (main) "PUT unable to upload to server - Error Code 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66442412:16
ttxJamesPage: you have 6 sessions lead for UDS, which is a lot for a first UDS. You might want to transfer control of the application packaging one to SpamapS12:56
ttx(who only has 4 so far)12:57
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kirklandSpamapS: I agree with your assessment, sounds right to me13:08
lycan-workhey guys, im trying to reset my root password on a newly fresh installed ubuntu server box but when i go into recovery it gives me a root shell but i made a long password but it just doesn't work13:10
VelmontI need an FTPd that uses normal user accounts. I want to have it be low in RAM usage, not hard to set up and reasonably secure. Been looking at twoftpd, proftpd, pureftpd, and maybe vsftpd. Recommandations?13:19
VelmontThe ftp-usage is very low traffic.13:20
jpdsVelmont: Just use SSH? http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/59013:20
Velmontjpds: Yes, I know, I know, but I've got tons of 50-60-70 year old users. They hate change.13:20
jpdss/SSH/SFTP from the sshd/ .13:21
VelmontI have been using and providing only SFTP so far, but I'm getting too many complaints.13:22
pmatulisVelmont: i recommend vsftpd run out of inet13:24
lycan-workI'm running ubuntu server 9.04 and i can't seem to be able to reset my root password on a freshly installed box, i don't know what user my friend created when he installed it but i did boot up the first time into recovery and enter a root password but now when i try logging in as root it doesn't let me13:25
JamesPagettx: OK - did wonder whether I had bitten too much off for my first UDS!13:25
JamesPagettx: with regards to the application packaging session; do you think trying to cover off the generic packaging and distribution and java specific application packaging in one session is going to work timewise?13:26
pmatulislycan-work: do you have a user you can log in with who is a member of the admin group?13:26
ttxJamesPage: I think so. We can schedule an extra session at the end of the week if needed13:27
JamesPagettx: sounds like a good approach13:27
lycan-workpmatulis unfortunately no, i don't remember what my friend created or left it written down the user name .. i've tried entering single in the grub line etc to try to reset the root passwd or even try adding a user maybe ubuntu restricts root login? but it can't be since i even looked at the sshd_config line enabled with root login via ssh13:27
xxfogHey guys, can somebody please help me? I try to set up samba on a fresh clean installed ubuntu server13:28
xxfogpath = /home/samba13:29
xxfogbecause /home/ is mounted to a really big partition  on a raid113:29
xxfogI have a unix user "media" and there should be s shared- smb where all Users who know "media" and the correct pswd can see and edit all files within that share13:29
xxfogso normaly it`s just one shared folder with username and password13:29
xxfogbut i don`t get it working13:29
lycan-workpmatulis i think i just found it .. it says enter this in boot grub line rw init=/bin/bash13:30
pmatulislycan-work: "it says"?  what says?13:33
pmatulislycan-work: but, yes, that should work13:33
lycan-workpmatulis didnt work, when i try keyboard just dies13:40
pmatulislycan-work: weird13:41
pmatulislycan-work: normal keyboard?13:41
lycan-workpmatulis yes usb when it works normally , when i use the init=/bin/sh or /bin/bash keyb just doesnt work afterwards weird13:42
lycan-worklooks like im gonna have to reinstall13:43
pmatulislycan-work: try booting into a live session (alternate or desktop CD), mount the root filesystem, then use chroot to reset the root p/w13:43
lycan-workpmatulis guess i will try that13:44
pmatulislycan-work: if sda1 is root f/s then: 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt; sudo chroot /mnt passwd root'13:44
lycan-workpmatulis thanks so much will try now13:45
pmatulislycan-work: for usb k/b not working, make sure BIOS allows USB k/b13:45
PupenoIs there some easy to install web anonymizer that I could run on my own server? Basically something to which to stablish ssl connection to encrypt non-ssl connections.13:50
AstralStormtor can partially do that13:53
AstralStormbut the last step is of course unencrypted if it's http13:53
AstralStormread torproject.org13:53
Amoz it seems my lighttpd won't set setenv.add-response-header. I use simple vhosts, and checked the headers with cUrl13:57
Amozwhere to start troubleshooting?13:57
PupenoAstralStorm: yes, but tor is too slow and I don't care for that much protection.13:57
AstralStormthen maybe JAP13:57
PupenoAstralStorm: and I want to do it only for some pages.13:57
AstralStormwell, you can use tor only for a subset of pages13:57
AstralStormit's a normal socks5 proxy13:57
AstralStormso e.g. foxyproxy works13:58
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AstralStormand it's not *that* slow13:58
PupenoAstralStorm: I use Chrome. I've used tor.13:58
AstralStormwell, then maybe JAP will be faster13:59
AstralStormother than those two, no freely available apps out there13:59
AstralStormyou might want to get a VPN server somewhere instead14:00
AstralStormalthough that's not really anonymous14:00
AstralStormor use some anonymizer service (most are paid)14:00
AstralStormnow, for a proxy that will route only some requests through either of those, I recommend... hmm. probably privoxy ;p14:02
AstralStormmiddleman is fine too, but you'd need my patches14:02
AstralStormto build it14:02
lauopenldap is compiled against gnutls on ubuntu lucid14:02
AstralStormlau: and?14:03
lauI generated certificates via gnutls-tools14:03
AstralStormand then?14:03
laubut had to remove slapd.conf directive TLSCertificateFile    /usr/share/ssl/certs/slapd.pem14:03
AstralStormthen your certificate is incorrect14:03
AstralStormthat directive should work14:04
lauerf, remove directive TLSCipherSuite in order ro make openldap working14:04
lauyes TLSCertificateFile works14:04
AstralStormthen you must've had wrong arguments in there14:04
laubut if I use TLSCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM:-SSLv214:04
AstralStormGnuTLS ciphersuites are different from OpenSSL14:04
lauit is not working14:04
AstralStormthat won't work14:04
lauoh ? can you explain please ?14:05
AstralStormalthough the GnuTLS defaults are very similar to that14:05
AstralStormin fact, they don't allow a few more almost-weak ciphers14:05
AstralStormwell, I forgot the specifics, google for it14:06
hallynkirkland: to push new kvm to natty, do i propose a merge from bzr, or send you a debdiff?  (proposed merge to bzr seems to default to lp:ubuntu/kvm, not sure if that's correct yet)14:06
kirklandhallyn: bzr branch lp:ubuntu/kvm14:07
kirklandhallyn: then bzr info14:07
kirklandhallyn: bzr info should you show you if that's natty yet or not14:07
hallynshoulda done a shared tree for this then14:08
hallynsilly me14:08
hallynjust says bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%2Bbranch/ubuntu/kvm/14:08
hallynwell, i'll try and insert 'natty' into the lp-open web interface and see what it says :)14:09
lycan-workpmatulis the server is usb only, i ended up now installing 10.10 i had 9.04 though14:11
pmatulislycan-work: you re-installed?14:13
lycan-workpmatulis yes :(14:13
lycan-workreinstalling right now14:13
pmatulislycan-work: ok.  should have at least tried so you could learn something14:14
lycan-workpmatulis i did14:14
lycan-workfor an hour or more14:14
lycan-worktried plenty of options14:14
pmatulislycan-work: my chroot suggestion?14:14
lycan-worki tried the chroot thing with a gentoo 64bit cd, didnt have a ubu desktop cd around14:15
batokwhat's the meaning of LTS in Ubuntu 10-10 LTS?14:15
pmatulis!lts | batok14:15
ubottubatok: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)14:15
patdk-wkbatok, nothing :) it doesn't exist14:15
twbpatdk-wk: jaded much? ;-)14:15
twbOh, I see.  You mean there's no 10.10 LTS -- I thought you meant the "support" in LTS was nonexistent.14:16
patdk-wkI just don't get why people think everything is an lts :)14:16
twbPeople are dumb.14:16
batokand LTS means packages are maintained or commercial support , I don't  get the meaning14:17
cwillu_at_worktwb, and you called patdk-wk jaded...14:17
cwillu_at_workbatok, no14:17
Pici10.04 is LTS, 10.10 is not.14:17
* patdk-wk is defently jaded14:17
cwillu_at_workbatok, lts means "long term support"14:17
twbcwillu_at_work: I was projecting14:17
cwillu_at_workbatok, i.e., security updates for 3-5 years instead of 1.5 years like a normal release14:17
hggdhbatok: and SRUs when needed14:18
cwillu_at_worktwb, now, did you want my btrfs crack patches or not? :p14:18
patdk-wkif you want to setup a system, and not mess with it, lts is what you want14:19
twbI only run it on my netbook, man14:19
patdk-wkif you need the latest and greatest, it's not what you want :)14:19
cwillu_at_worktwb, and you don't value knowing how much data you have, and how much more you can fit?14:19
twbcwillu_at_work: correct14:19
batokI have a server with 9.10 .  Is there a way to upgrade it to 10.10?14:19
twbcwillu_at_work: I went from 4GB to 64GB; I'm nowhere near filling it14:19
cwillu_at_worktwb, you forget which filesystem you're running :p14:20
patdk-wkbatok, upgrade to 10.04, then 10.1014:20
cwillu_at_workbatok, if you're insane you can upgrade directly, but it'll break, and you'll be on your own to fix it by hand14:20
twbcwillu_at_work: when I can get a 256GiB SSD, I'll migrate my legacy external HDD to btrfs on it, and then I'll stop caring.14:20
twbEr, s/stop/start/14:20
batokhow is the upgrade process?14:21
cwillu_at_workbtrfs:  filling your disk with valuable metadata since 2009 <314:21
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cwillu_at_work!tmi | twb14:22
ubottutwb: Um thanks... We *really* did not need to know that...14:22
twbcwillu_at_work: it's OK, I don't actually *look* at the porn14:23
patdk-wkI wonder about btrfs, I love the idea, but been thinking it has to be hell on vm's14:23
twbIt's like an electric monk14:23
batokis there a guide somewhere on how to upgrade from 9.10 to 9.04 and after that from 10.04 to 10.10?14:23
cwillu_at_workpatdk-wk, in what sense?14:26
patdk-wkit writes to the whole disk14:27
patdk-wkso using sparse files, thin disk, ..., would be useless14:27
cwillu_at_workI don't think you know what you're talking about :p14:27
cwillu_at_workoh, you mean using btrfs inside disk image14:28
patdk-wkusing btrfs in the vm, on a sparse file for the vm disk14:28
patdk-wkit would fill the sparse file out quickly14:28
cwillu_at_workpatdk-wk, you'd probably want to disable copy-on-write for such a use14:29
LyonJTDoes anyone know how to enter proxy settings into ubuntu server14:29
patdk-wkhmm, didn't realize it was disablable :)14:29
patdk-wkproxy settings for what program?14:30
cwillu_at_workpatdk-wk, yep, it's just a mount option14:30
cwillu_at_workalthough... I would almost think that a local nfs mount so that you can use a single btrfs pool directly would be a better approach14:30
twbpatdk-wk: or jsut virtualize at the VFS layer instead of the block device layer14:31
patdk-wkcwillu_at_work, I was thinking for use with vmware thin disks14:31
lycan-workpmatulis got it now, now going to add new user14:31
twblxc ftw14:31
mathiazzul: o/14:45
mathiazzul: could you delete the puppet vcs recipe?14:45
mathiazzul: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/+recipe/puppet-daily?14:45
zulmathiaz: sure why?14:45
mathiazzul: I'd like to fix the upstream import14:45
zulmathiaz: k14:45
mathiazzul: and can only do so if all recipes are removed14:45
mathiazzul: keep the content of the recipe as a backup14:46
mathiazzul: so that the daily vcs can be recreated once the upstream import is working again14:46
StAlphonzoUbuntu server doesn't enable firewall by default, does it?14:47
mathiazzul: http://paste.ubuntu.com/517444/ <- backup of the daily recipe14:47
zulmathiaz: thanks lemme know when it is fixed14:47
kirklandhallyn: so upstream dropped all of those binary blobs?14:49
kirklandhallyn: hmm, i'm not able to build a source package14:50
kirklandhallyn: do you have qemu-kvm built in a ppa?14:51
twister004hi guys.. i came across thi brctl script, which has the following command "brctl addif br0 $1".. what is $1 here?.. please advise.. i really need help here.. thanks!14:58
twister004the machine has interfaces eth0, eth1 and eth214:58
twister004is there a specific interface ID for each?.. how is that calculated?14:58
i_is_brokewhat can i use to run a virtual machine on a server with no gui?15:02
patdk-wkkvm atlesat15:04
i_is_brokepatdk-wk: i take it there is some docs on this?15:05
patdk-wkya, google15:06
patdk-wkI really should make that a macro, if someone says my name and doc, autoreplay google15:06
hallynkirkland: ppa:serge-hallyn/virt15:35
jeiworthhi guys, any recommendations for a network management and inventory system? currently i have checked out nagios, zenoss, opennms..15:50
kirklandhallyn: okay, so looking at your merge ...15:50
kirklandhallyn: the changelog entry is a little weak;  "Remove patches which have been applied upstream"15:50
kirklandhallyn: typically we list those in the changelog15:51
hallynkirkland: ok, i can do that, though it seems redundant with info in the bzr log...15:57
kirklandhallyn: are you aware of the debcommit command?15:57
hallynkirkland: i also notice i didn't comment on the commit i had to undo of lool's15:57
hallynuh, no - i use dch -i...15:57
* hallyn looks it up15:58
kirklandhallyn: okay, so use dch -e (or dch -i) to add changelog entries15:58
hallynright - except in this case uscan auto-generated it for me, so i just edited it by hand15:58
kirklandhallyn: and then use "debcommit" to commit to bzr, which grabs the entry you added to debian/changelog, and inserts it as the bzr commit message15:58
hallynwhoa - can i do debcommit from a non-bzr tree by chance? :)15:59
hallynthat woudl be cool15:59
hallynas it is, i had to patch -p1 < mydebdiff in the bzr tree and then tweak the file listing15:59
hallyni'll take the smiley as a no :)15:59
kirklandhallyn: yeah, i'm struggling with the bzr part of this one16:00
hallynwell it was really no biggie - i did all the work outside of bzr16:00
kirklandhallyn: i can't get it to build a source package for me from the bzr tree16:00
hallynthen pulled a fresh bzr tree, patched, and checked in16:00
hallynyou're doing sbuild -d natty (or the equiv)?16:01
kirklandhallyn: yeah16:02
hallyntbh i was surprised it built 'just like that' for the ppa :)16:02
hallynbut howdoes it fail?16:03
kirklandhallyn: normally i use "bzr bd -S" to build a source package16:03
kirklandhallyn: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/517503/16:04
hallynyes, i did a bzr bd -S before committing, but like i say i did most of the devel outside of bzr16:05
hallynin fact, most of it i did doing 'rsync -va qemu-kvm-* x; cd x/qemu-kvm*; quilt push -a; quilt ref'  :)16:05
kirklandhallyn: ah16:05
hallynkirkland: impressive, you are precisely one pb # behind massimo16:06
kirklandhallyn: okay, so i think you're going to have to prune the binary roms, and re-roll the orig tarball16:06
kirklandhallyn: see the changelog entry for qemu-kvm (0.12.3+noroms-0ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low16:06
hallynwill do, thx16:07
kirklandhallyn: yeah, it's a PITA16:07
kirklandhallyn: we've fought this on the upstream mailing list a few times16:08
hallynhm, so 'debuild -S' just lets that pass but bzr bd -S catches it?16:08
kirklandhallyn: well, indirectly16:08
kirklandhallyn: bzr realized that it couldn't represent the binary differences16:08
StAlphonzohow do I tell apache httpd to only accept connections from a certain range of IPs?16:08
rneeseok where do I put a 1 time run script. on the iso and make it copy the file into the right place16:08
kirklandhallyn: and i said "binary"? ... "oh no he didn't..."  :-)16:09
rneeseor make the iso do the instal16:09
hallynkirkland: i'll wait to tackle that when i get home.  (those sources are on my other laptop)16:10
kirklandhallyn: cool16:10
kirklandhallyn: we'll get it sorted today16:11
kirklandhallyn: do you understand the reason behind the +noroms business?16:11
hallyn...  we don't allow binary blobs as a rule?16:11
hallyni'm all for that16:11
kirklandhallyn: right16:11
kirklandhallyn: debian either, per dfsg16:11
hallyni don't like binary blobs steering my systems16:11
pmatulisStAlphonzo: investigate "Allow from"16:11
kirklandhallyn: hence the separate vgabios, seabios, etc. packages16:12
kirklandhallyn: each built from source16:12
kirklandhallyn: and our qemu-kvm using those blobs16:12
hallynkirkland: yeah, and i'll have to do those next i know :)  pretty sure they've advanced in qemu16:12
kirklandhallyn: right, that was what I was getting to16:13
kirklandhallyn: when we're line-for-line in sync with qemu's rom sources, we're usually pretty bug free16:13
kirklandhallyn: bug free on the bios front, i mean16:13
kirklandhallyn: when we're not, bugs creep up from the *weirdest* places16:13
hallynkirkland: yeah i was just going to look through the git log and make sure i'm identical down to the last commit16:14
hallynhowever, i'm pretty sure i'll forget one of them :)  kvm-pxe and seabios, i can remember.16:14
StAlphonzopmatulis, ah... Thanks. I should've remembered that. :)16:14
kirklandhallyn: yeah, there's pretty much 3 that I check and test, in this order: [seabios, vgabios, etherboot]16:16
kirklandhallyn: etherboot source package provides the kvm-pxe binary package16:16
kirklandhallyn: one of those (etherboot, i think) only builds on i386, which gets me every time :-)16:16
kirklandhallyn: kees taught me "linux32 bash", which rocks16:16
hallynkirkland: i'll tackle those tomorrow hopefully16:17
kirklandhallyn: sounds good16:24
kirklandhallyn: when do you leave for Orlando?16:24
hallynkirkland: sunday16:24
hallynkirkland: you?16:25
hallyni fly sw at 1pm or so16:25
kirklandhallyn: roughly same, we'll take this private and see if it's the same flight16:25
hallynno i wanna be stalked16:26
rneeseis there a good webpage for how to add a install script to the iso ?16:34
rneesewe have made a script to do a custom install of pkgs16:35
rneeseand either we want the iso to do all the work or make it a 1st run script that rm itself after install and configuration16:36
SpamapSkirkland: cool thanks. :)16:44
kirklandSpamapS: if you want more than that, let's have a beer at UDS :-)16:44
* SpamapS looks through his /lastlog and sees that he just had an IRC conversation with kirkland that had an average latency of about 5 hours16:44
kirklandSpamapS: :-D16:45
kirklandSpamapS: i'm back on US Central time now16:45
SpamapSkirkland: we should invite Surbhi to that beer. I think she's got some designs on improving mdadm too. :)16:45
kirklandSpamapS: after spending >1 month on Pacific :-)16:45
SpamapSkirkland: Oh, sucks to be you.. pacific time is soooooo sweeeet16:45
twbAny timezone defined by a political body (i.e. pretty much all of them) sucks.16:49
twbEspecially when said body decides to change DST start/stop times with one week's notice16:49
hallyntwb: some asinine q/a web page had the q when does dst start in 2010?  answer was "it is always on (whatever week it has been on since 2009)".16:51
alex88hi, i've some php.ini files in some subdirs..is there a fast way to replace safe_mode=on to safe_mode=off?16:54
PiciOne way would be: find /path/ -name php.ini -exec sed -i s/^safe_mode=on/^safe_mode=off/g {} \;16:57
Picialex88: ^^ Remove the -i from sed to test it out before you do it, the results will go to stdout instead of being saved back in the files.16:57
alex88-i test, !-i file write?16:58
Picialex88: -i = in-place edit.  remove it to test it out.16:59
alex88ok..thank you :) btw, i think that mcrypt package in lucid should be changed, # comment way is deprecated, need to use ;16:59
alex88mmhh...it outputs the files :)17:00
alex88find /home -name php.ini | xargs sed -i 's/safe_mode =.*/safe_mode = 32M/' this worked :)17:03
alex88well... find /home -name php.ini | xargs sed -i 's/safe_mode =.*/safe_mode = Off/' worked :)17:04
=== alex88__ is now known as alex88
lauI am trying to connect ldap+ssl+samba samba alone *not* PDC17:19
lauldap+ssl is working ok on the samba machine17:20
lauI can id ldap_user17:20
lauand ldapsearch with the samba admin user17:20
laubut I can't smbclient //myshare/ -U ldap_user17:20
lauprotocol negotiation failed: NT_STATUS_INVALID_NETWORK_RESPONSE17:20
lauany idea ?17:20
launote that ldap+samba works 100%17:21
hallynkirkland: pushed changes to my proposed kvm natty bzr tree18:26
hallynnow heading out for lunch, bbl18:26
qjcgI'd like to do a remote install as follows: a colleague puts in an Ubuntu Server 10.04 cd in a drive on a remote machine, and then I take control via SSH18:33
qjcgI looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetworkConsole , but the Ubuntu server 10.04 cd doesn't seem to have the "network console" option!18:33
qjcgany suggestions?18:34
gamla_kossanhi people.. so, I've got myself a lucid box, but would like to run icinga on it. however, icinga only has a repo supporting karmic. is it possible to use this repo anyway osmehow, or is that a really bad idea?18:35
patdk-wkgamla_kossan, all depends on what it depends on18:48
netritiousHi, asked a question yesterday that received no response so trying again today...18:55
netritiousI have a remote host "pfg" logging to syslogd on hardy on my local network. What do I add to /etc/syslog.conf in order to have messages from pfg written to /var/log/pfg.log instead of /var/log/syslog ?18:55
tapoxiHow can I force APT to use a proxy server?19:00
khusseinnetritious: this might be helpful http://bit.ly/d6SShp19:02
khusseintapoxi: http://bit.ly/c5sZNL shows how to configure it to use a proxy server.19:04
netritiousthanks khussein...close, but opposite config...my problem is configuring hardy (the syslog host) to write to a separate log file for "pfg" (the remote client)...everything is working except writing to separate log file19:05
khusseinnetritious: did you try adding a filter rule on your host?19:12
netritiouskhussein: I tried "pfg.* /var/log/pfsense.log" (without quotes) but nothing..restarted syslogd a few times too..nothing..I am sure I have something wrong19:15
netritiouswhat I mean by nothing is that /var/log/pfsense.log is empty (zero bytes)19:16
khusseinThis link describes how to do it using syslog-ng http://bit.ly/aDuTus  I don't know if this helps.19:17
rneese_why are you talking pfsense in a linux channel19:17
rneese_pfsense is a bsd firewall19:18
rneese_not a linux thing19:18
qman__his question is not about pfsense, it's about syslog on hardy19:18
netritious+1 qman__19:18
qman__the host he's receiving messages from happens to be a pfsense box19:18
khusseinnetritious: Is there a reason why you are using syslog instead of syslog-ng?19:19
qman__but that has no bearing on the answer19:19
patdk-wkI didn't think ubuntu used syslog-ng, every ubuntu I have installed uses rsyslog19:20
patdk-wkI normally replace it with syslog-ng after some heavy patching19:20
netritiouskhussein: it comes stock with hardy..no particular reason i suppose...I've read that syslog-ng is more configurable19:20
* netritious is not a dev, so patching is a scary thought lol19:20
patdk-wksyslog-ng is nice, flexable, and is single polled and if your not careful you can overrun it19:21
patdk-wknot normally an issue unless your pushing thousands of log entries at it per second19:21
netritiouspatdk-wk: does syslog-ng require patching on hardy? or will the repos version work fine? just asking before I replace something so critical to the system19:22
patdk-wknetritious, it should work fine, my issue is when I'm doing thousands of logs per second19:23
netritiouspatdk-wk: gotcha..so in that scenario it does require patching?19:23
=== khussein_ is now known as khussein
patdk-wkI think so, I should look back at that sometime19:24
netritiousi don't think i am anywhere near 1000's of entries per second though19:24
patdk-wkI'm at 2gigs of logs per day, after compression with gzip19:24
netritiouseek that is huge19:24
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
patdk-wkalmost maxing out these dual 2.5" 15krpm drives in raid1, just doing logging19:26
netritiousis there additional information that i can provide that would help someone help me configure it with syslog in hardy?19:27
patdk-wksyslog-ng is straightforward to configure, once you get normal syslog syntx out of your head19:27
patdk-wkyou just create filters19:27
patdk-wkthen make log chains19:27
patdk-wkyou will want to filter on host, to get that special log19:29
netritiouspatdk-wk: cool..thanks for the responses and suggestions...you too khussein :)19:33
netritiouswill mull it over19:33
netritiouswill do some testing in a VM and might be back with more questions ;)19:34
antarusHas anyoen else spotted a problem with rpc.gssd and it behaving badly when the machine credentials cache is deleted?19:35
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
mrqhi, im trying to build mysql server in non-root environment but i get this message when running mysql_install_db: ERROR: 1049 Unknown database 'mysql' ??19:41
rneese_un attdended install19:41
smoserSpamapS, you mentioned to me once a UbuntuServer planet ?19:46
smoseris that right ?19:46
smoserand said i should get my blog syndicated there ?19:46
SpamapSIts not a planet19:46
SpamapSthe ubuntu server blog has side-blogs though19:47
SpamapSI think we *should* make it a planet.19:47
SpamapSOtherwise its nothing but meeting minutes.19:47
SpamapSsmoser: I think mathias may have to add you19:54
SpamapSmathiaz: ^^19:54
smoserdear mathiaz , please add me to the coolest side-blog collection in the universe.19:55
smoser  thank you,19:55
smoser  smoser19:55
zenmowereverybody watch out for this19:58
zenmowerit worked on my 10.04 box19:58
keeszenmower: your kerenl is out of date19:59
keeser, kernel.19:59
zenmoweryeah i need to update20:00
mathiazsmoser: https://ubuntuserver.wordpress.com/ - done!20:00
mathiazSpamapS: and yes - we should turn the blog into a planet20:01
mathiazSpamapS: make more sense IMO20:01
* smoser is now rolling in advertisement money after being listed on the uber-popular ubuntu-server blog20:02
=== RoyK^ is now known as RoyK
=== ubugeek_ is now known as ubugeek
jcastrokirkland: how can I specify more than one disk in MONITORED_DISK in byobu's statusrc? Both white space and commas don't seem to work20:05
rneese_ok having a small issut20:07
rneese_I have a scipt I wrote20:07
rneese_but when I run it I get /bin/bash bad interpeter20:08
* RoyK just saw The Social Network and can recommend it to all Good Nerds, and even some "ordinary" people...20:09
pmatulisrneese_: i guess your script is referencing your interpreter incorrectly20:09
pmatulisrneese_: maybe pastebin the script20:11
pmatulisrneese_: 'which /bin/bash' ?20:15
RoyKpmatulis: or even 'which bash'20:15
RoyKno need to give which a path, really, since it searches $PATH in the first place20:16
pmatulisRoyK: yeah20:16
rneese_its the bash installed with ubuntu-server 10.0420:16
rneese_which bash comes back with /bin/bash20:16
pmatulisrneese_: you have some wicked wordwrapping20:17
rneese_not that I know20:17
pmatulisrneese_: according to your paste, yes20:18
rneese_but I was going to run unix2dos on it but cand find it in apt-get20:18
rneese_how to rm it then20:18
qman__rneese_, I forget what the package is called, but simply run 'unix2dos' in a shell and it will tell you which package to install20:19
rneese_unix2dos command not found20:19
RoyKrneese_: apt-get install it20:20
qman__you must have a stripped down install then20:20
rneese_no pkg of unix2dos20:20
rneese_or dos2unix20:20
RoyKrneese_: or perl -pe 's/\r\n/\n/' -i filename20:20
qman__ryan@afro-rig:~$ dos2unix20:20
qman__The program 'dos2unix' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:20:20
qman__sudo apt-get install tofrodos20:20
RoyKrneese_: that perl line will do the same20:20
RoyKor even20:20
qman__there you go20:20
RoyKrneese_: perl -pe 's/\r//' -i filename20:21
RoyKor vi somefile, :set ft=unix, :w20:21
RoyKshould work20:21
rneese_ok fromdos filename says it worked20:22
rneese_but I still get bash : bad interpiter20:23
qman__does it give a line number, or not?20:23
RoyKrneese_: pastebin it again, please20:23
rneese_I cant paste from this virualbox machine it wont let me cut and paste20:24
rneese_only line with bash is line 120:24
qman__you could use the pastebinit program20:24
RoyKrneese_: first line should be #!/bin/bash20:24
rneese_it is20:25
RoyKno hidden characters there?20:25
RoyKreplace the line with a new one20:25
RoyKor pastebin a hexdump of the line20:25
RoyKhm... pastebinit waa nice20:26
RoyKdidn't know that one20:26
rneese_ok that fixed it20:27
rneese_the script is running20:27
rneese_testing the script20:28
rneese_then have to figure how to add it to a cd20:28
rneese_for install20:28
RoyKwhy? can't you just run it after installing?20:29
rneese_yes but have to add it to the iso so its installed and run after 1st boot20:29
RoyKwhat sort of setup is this?20:30
rneese_its for a pbx20:30
RoyKif it's a server rollout, PXE install will probably be easier to automate20:30
RoyKrneese_: not using asstrix, are you?20:30
rneese_the iso is for other to dl and install with20:30
rneese_no freeswitch20:30
rneese_and fusionpbx gui20:31
* RoyK hands rneese_ a beer20:31
rneese_the idea is a iso users can dl and boot and install20:31
* RoyK used to work with asterisk for some years, and has learned to hate that PoS quite badly20:31
rneese_and have a working pbx in basicly under 45 min20:31
rneese_I did to20:32
rneese_and freeswitch is 1000000000000% better20:32
RoyKI know20:32
RoyKI remember the project was started because it was virtually impossible to make Mark and his flock understand that code should be reliable etc20:33
rneese_lol yeah20:33
rneese_is there a page on how to add scripts to the install20:33
rneese_for a 1time run / install and rm the script20:34
RoyKasstrix never "needed" a jitterbuffer or PLC "because it was a PBX meant to be used on a LAN"20:34
RoyKI paid for one to be written, and it eventually came into upstream asstrix in 1.420:34
RoyKI didn't pay digium for that, though, some guy from don't remember where (eastern europe) wrote it20:35
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
RoyKthe code works, but I don't think Digium has integrated that with their g.729 code even now, five years later or so20:36
RoyKrneese_: it's been some years since I made my own install cd for something (that was debian), but ask the -dev guys - I guess they have a build system20:43
RoyKor even20:43
hallynSpamapS: hm, i just got an 'error in tls push section' or something on sendmail - can you let me know if you do/don't see an email from me ato -server (re: the bind chroot email)20:51
=== colonel is now known as Guest91137
trapmaxi have a public server at www.example.com and an lan application server at inside.example.com. how would i do redirect from outside so "www.example.com/inside" could be used?22:04
quentusrextrapmax, you need to be a bit more specific.22:05
quentusrexDo you want the traffic from the outside to be redirected to the inside server?22:06
quentusrexif so that is called an apache reverse proxy22:06
trapmaxi have confluence with tomcat on wiki.mydomain.fi, and i would like to serve it, with ssl, to www.mydomain.fi/wiki22:08
trapmaxi tried it with "proxypass /wiki/ http://wiki.mydomain.fi/; proxypassreverse /wiki/ http://wiki.mydomain.fi" but it messes something up22:10
trapmaxand i with something i mean: www.mydomain.fi/wiki/ works well, but when i try to browse the wiki, it drops the "/wiki/" from the url, and everything's messed up again22:11
delimitertrapmax: not every web app is able to deal with being proxy-passed22:14
delimitermove the backend URL to  http://wiki.mydomain.fi/wiki it'll probably work out better for you22:15
SpamapShallyn: yes I see your mail22:39
* SpamapS said, nearly 2 hours later22:39
hallynSpamapS: thx - he'd already sent a private reply to my reply :_22:45
=== khussein_ is now known as khussein
c-h-i-z-hКу народ! надеюсь пришел по адресу - есть знатоки INOTIFY и подобных вещей?23:11
c-h-i-z-hНужно следить за событиями файловой системы в определенной папке рекурсивно (чего не может incron) и ловить полные имена файлов с которыми произошло событие (чего не может inotifywatch) что подскажите?23:14
flybackdid the latest 10.04 lts kernel update seriously fuck something up with networking?23:26
jpdsflyback: Which network module23:31
flybackrealtek in both cases23:36
flybackyes I know I wouldn't use realtek to scratch the roids on my ass23:36
flybackbut in this case it's what the mini-itx system came with as nic #2 and I don't have another low profile card23:36
flybackI might try to get one rush shipped23:37
latenitessHi folks, what filesystem would you recommend for a fileserver/db-server?I am asüecialy concerbed about the / partition and the /data partition23:42
jeremydeilatenitess, I like xfs23:43
latenitessjeremydei, on all partitions?23:44
latenitessor just the on that hold that data?23:44
latenitessHi, I want to setup lvm. I have an extended partition with 2 logcial partitions (swap, data) BUT I cant do "pvcreate" http://pastie.org/1239432 ? why23:49
jeremydeilatenitess, I use it on all my filesystems23:49
latenitessjeremydei, ok i wll try it, too23:50
latenitessbut for now I have this poblem that I can t create a pv23:50
jeremydeilatenitess, i think it's because you have to use the whole disk?  pvcreate , i don't think does partitions like that23:53
latenitessjeremydei, I am very sure it does partitions.23:54

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