
magicianlordGood evening.00:00
vu1kanluca__: that's just a gui tool to modify a config somewhere, sadly idk the name of it00:00
skypcehow can i view a log of a python program00:00
skypcesomethig like a debug00:00
tejaishotheya.... my system is not allowing me to change the thngs like create, remove etc what has happend to it and what should i do???00:00
Kyle__This sucks... I'm resoring to while [ 1 ];do find / >& /dev/null;sleep 10;done to generate entropy.00:00
luca__vu1kan: hm shame, thanks though00:01
proxxKyle: check prefs of file and look for owner00:01
idkwtfCan you guys do me a favor and click this: http://adf.ly/6GGo00:01
JoeSomebodyi tried the clone thing, it didnt work, i have a text file weith no list00:01
idkwtfCan you guys do me a favor and click this: http://adf.ly/6GGo00:01
Kyle__proxx: What?00:01
JoeSomebodyhelp with that please ?00:01
skypcei need send to var log a python program how can i do it please00:02
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate00:02
Reverend_Ruffidkwtf, please don't post random links and ask us to check them out. You will be kicked.00:02
proxxright click on file > preferences > look for file owner00:02
Blue1JoeSomebody: what do you need help with?00:02
vu1kanluca__: someone else may know...you might wanna try asking again in a few00:02
proxxshould get you started from there00:02
proxxyou can read up on the subject from google00:02
Kyle__proxx: What are you talking about?  I'm having issues with a system being starved for entropy.00:02
luca__vu1kan: will try tomorrow, 12am here, off to bed ;) cheers00:02
JoeSomebodytrying aptoncd, says i have no room, tried "clone" , didnt work00:02
Reverend_Ruffidkwtf, if you have an issue please post it in a clear, detailed manner. Explain what the link leads to, etc.00:03
JoeSomebodyneed a list of all my packages for reinstallation00:03
Kyle__proxx: I'm running find / in a loop because it generates noise that the system uses for it's entropy pool.00:03
idkwtfit leads to google00:03
proxxsorry wrong person i guess :P00:03
pr0xyCan you run Ubuntu on a mac under VirtualBox?00:03
magicianlordAre there any cool updates to 10.10 since the launch?00:03
Reverend_Ruffidkwtf, We can all see it does not. Try again00:04
Kyle__proxx: That's OK.  But then again, if you know why 10.10 seems starved, I'd love to hear it.00:04
Reverend_RuffHello Guest76151!00:04
Blue1JoeSomebody: not sure what you want to re-install.  you determine that, not linux.00:04
Kyle__magicianlord: I'm hoping, since I'm having issues.00:04
Guest76151Can anyone help a newbe out?00:04
Reverend_Ruff!ask | Guest7615100:04
ubottuGuest76151: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:04
pr0xyGuest76151 what do you need help with?00:04
JoeSomebodyneed a list of all my packages for reinstallation00:04
Blue1JoeSomebody: well easiest way is to create a script.  let me see if I can pastebin mine00:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:05
encarnacion-texspeaking spanish??00:05
proxxCan someone give me some hints : I have 2 soundcards, 1 onboard 2pci. At first i had only onboard and worked fine.    than i plugged the pci one in and since than the onboard no longer shows up in the soundmanager, also not in alsa-base.conf       (ubuntu 10.04 )00:05
jsec!es | encarnacion-tex00:05
skypcehola yo hablo espñol00:05
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:05
ubottuencarnacion-tex: please see above00:05
Guest76151okay, thanks ubottu! first time on IRC and with linux(finally after getting wifi driver working)! question is: on new ubuntu netbook edition, how do i add programs that i've installed to the main interface "unity"?00:05
nikolaencarnacion-tex, /join #ubuntu-es00:06
pr0xyGuest76151 ubottu is a robot.00:06
Blue1JoeSomebody: http://paste.ubuntu.com/517104/00:06
encarnacion-texi`m not speaking english00:06
Guest76151not a robot00:06
FloodBot1Guest76151: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:06
pr0xyGuest76151, ubottu is a robot. You don't need to thank her.00:07
Guest76151what? floodbot1? i didnt paste anything00:07
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)00:07
Guest76151oh ok00:07
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)00:07
pr0xyGuest76151, @FloodBot1 is a robot, too.00:07
Guest76151yeah i get it now00:07
Guest76151whats with all the bots?00:07
JoeSomebodyBlue1 i see, but i was trying one command - i'll see if i can find that webpage00:08
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!00:08
pr0xyGuest76151, they're to help00:08
Reverend_RuffGuest76151, they help us keep order00:08
Guest76151they didnt answer me!00:08
Jyggahi, i would like to install postgresql, what is the difference between installing "postgresql" and directly installing "postgresql-8.3" ? what does the "compatible version" package do for me?00:08
Blue1JoeSomebody: that's how I re-install programmes after laying a fresh copy of ubuntu down.  good luck00:08
JoeSomebodythis didnt work - http://www.ubuntugeek.com/clone-your-ubuntu-installation.html00:08
Guest76151anyone know how to add programs to unity interface?00:08
Danyhenriquezare there any wireless n usb 2.0 dongles that work out f the box?00:08
pr0xyWhy can't I install 10.10?00:08
JoeSomebodyperhaps it is because i am on the latest00:09
Blue1pr0xy: there are about a million answers to that question.  bad download, bad burn, bios won't allow, hard ware issues.....00:09
baba_bubbathe bots whack us on the head when we misbehave :)00:09
Edowardovinagre seems to scramble my clipboard from server to client but is fine the other way. any ideas?00:10
Guest76151is there any other channel for getting help with netbook edition? i just want to know how to add applications to unity so i dont have to command them00:10
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning00:10
Edowardoanybody? seriously?00:10
Blue1Guest76151: I have a netbook, but have never used unity, sorry (don't know what it is to be honest)00:10
pr0xyBlue1 should I redownload and reburn?00:11
Guest76151the built in interface which covers the desktop00:11
dinkyHelp!!! I can't mount my LVM /home partition on my server....00:11
Blue1pr0xy: first verify you have a good download00:11
dinkyAnyone good with LVM? Been searching on google for a couple hours now...00:11
Blue1!md5sum | pr0xy00:11
ubottupr0xy: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:11
Guest76151i can launch by command, just dont knwo how to add to somewhere to click to launch an app00:11
Danyhenriquezlist of wireless n00:12
LinuxVirginRav http://pastebin.com/r8n2dVTq00:12
vu1kanJoeSomebody: [ dpkg --get-selections > installed-software ] will list your currently installed packages00:12
LinuxVirginRav3nSw0rd, http://pastebin.com/r8n2dVTq00:12
Danyhenriquezare there any wireless n usb 2.0 dongles that work out f the box?00:12
coz_Guest76151,  what is it yo want to launche00:12
jsecGust76151, maybe this? http://www.killertechtips.com/2010/10/13/add-applications-ubuntu-netbook-unity-launcher/00:12
jsecok nvmd then >_<00:12
=== juanestevez is now known as manux
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)00:13
dinkyCan anyone help me with Logical Volume Management? Have just botched a resize, and can't mount my /home partition00:13
grpaceNING Compiz Cube...  Has anyone else notied that (sometimes) the Cube doesn't rotate??  Instead, the mouse pointer appears to be 'marking out a portion of the desktop' to copy/paste??  The Cube doesn't rotate.  I get this about 2/3 of the time.00:13
WilliamHerryi only have / patitions on my ubuntu, today i add a 10GB hard disk, formatting to two 5GB patition /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb2, i mount them in /sdb1 and /sdb2, copy /usr to /sdb1 and /var/ to /sdb2, add them to /etc/fstab, when i reboot, some error showup00:13
WilliamHerrywhat's the right way to do this?00:13
jacktheripperhello, am I not allowed to execute files off NTFS partitions ?00:14
jacktheripperI'm not able to set the executable bit.00:14
fat_rat!bot abuse00:14
Rav3nSw0rdLinuxVirgin, Sorry, should have mentioned, sudo requires a password to be entered00:14
ubottuPlease don't play with the bots, or else... Also see !behaviour and !msgthebot00:14
dinkyPlease help... anyone know LVM? I can't mount my /home partition....00:15
=== levis is now known as Guest43025
Rav3nSw0rdLinuxVirgin, needless to say, don't paste your password on pastebin or here, but when it asks for your password, enter your password and push enter00:15
Rav3nSw0rdLinuxVirgin, oops, misread the pastebin, sorry00:15
magicianlordRav3nSw0rd: lol00:16
waslinuxhi guys!00:16
LinuxVirginDidnt think my password appeared00:16
vu1kanLinuxVirgin: it doesn't, rav3n just misread00:16
LinuxVirginoh ok00:17
vu1kanone of my favorite features00:17
TDJACRIs there anyway to revert to the old Ubuntu Netbook GUI?00:18
ChogyDanTDJACR: from what?00:20
TDJACRChogyDan: The new 10.10 GUI00:20
jsecTDJACR: not perfectly... but apparently you can create a passable imitation of it. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159279600:20
ubuXubufresh install and no panels?00:20
ChogyDanTDJACR: hmm, I havent tried out the 10.10 netbook gui00:20
ubuXubui am lookin at a bare desktop no panels00:21
ubuXubuhow does this happen00:21
kdk995509383kkddis there a program, which can show me what program(firefox,wget,etc)uses what bandwidth?00:21
Rav3nSw0rdLinuxVirgin, magicianlord, vu1kan yea, I read it as though he pasted the line for his password XD; since I saw errors and thought I saw missing lines, lol00:21
=== Vialas is now known as Vialas|away
edbianubuXubu, gnome-panel&00:22
edbiankdk995509383kkdd, Yeah but not very intuitively.  tcpdump, wireshark (graphical).00:22
Rav3nSw0rdLinuxVirgin, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9952439 --> try running "sudo rmmod -f dell-laptop"00:22
trismkdk995509383kkdd: maybe nethogs?00:22
LinuxVirginOk, brb00:22
kdk995509383kkddedbian, trism thx ill try those00:22
ubuXubuthanks edbian00:23
edbianubuXubu, No prob00:23
Barridusdo updates/apt-get etc run on a specific port?00:23
ubuXubucommand not found?00:23
pibarnasubuXubu,  ??00:23
ubuXubuwas i supposed to put the & at the end?00:23
edbianubuXubu, Yeah, that makes it fork the background.00:24
electronics-cathelp i accidentally 587000:24
ubuXubudo i put sudo 1st?00:24
edbianubuXubu, sudo apt-get install gnome-panel     will install gnome panel if you're sure.00:24
edbianubuXubu, You shouldn't need sudo00:24
jsecelectronics-cat: ?00:24
vu1kanelectronics-cat: you accidentally waht?00:24
ubuXubujust gnome-panel00:24
ubuXubucannot register the panel shell???00:25
magicianlordHow do you add new gnome panels when they all been deleted?00:25
edbianmagicianlord, gnome-panel&  in a term00:25
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
callenhas anyone here installed Maverick on a recent model of the MacBook Pro?00:25
edbianubuXubu, I don't know what that means00:26
callenI can't seem to get it to boot, and gptsync says the tables are synced00:26
ubuXubuok its happeneing  i think00:26
Blue1magicianlord: it's easier to start over.  rm -r .gconf*  then logout, and back in, and the panels will be there.00:26
callenalso, I tried reinstalling grub, but no dice.00:26
ubuXubudarn it00:26
pr0xyBlue1 the install is fine.00:26
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate00:26
dinkyAnyone able to help me with LVM? I can't mount my /home partition after a resize on my server...00:26
ubuXubusays already newest version vut i have no panels00:26
Blue1pr0xy: eggsalad!00:26
Nobuddyaptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages00:27
pjzanyone having laptop crashes on power removal? seems to be wifi related ; doesn't happen if the wifi drivers are unloaded00:27
Blue1pr0xy: that00:27
ubuXubumaybe if i do the kill one they will appear?00:27
edbianubuXubu, Than you made a typo.  gnome-panel&  is the command00:27
Nobuddygives an error00:27
Blue1pr0xy: that's my way of saying excellent!00:27
=== ubuntu is now known as serard
ubuXubuok so i do need the &00:27
callenanybody? booting ubuntu on a macbook pro?00:27
pr0xyBlue1 oh. lol. I meant the MD5 on the download is correct.00:27
electronics-catubuntu, mac, what?00:27
ubuXubuinvalid operation hehe00:27
jseccallen: regular macbook, yes. pro, no.00:27
Blue1pr0xy: kewl -- what did you use to burn the cd?  what programme?00:28
callenjsec: did you have any trouble booting into ubuntu from refit?00:28
edbianubuXubu, With or with the & the command will work. If you don't have it though when you close the terminal the gnome-panels will close too00:28
pr0xyBlue1 I used Disk Utility00:28
jseccallen: not at all. i don't use it anymore because I didn't have a need for OS X, but when I had the dual boot, it ran quite smoothly.00:28
callenjsec: gptsync says they're synced, I installed grub to my root ext4 partition00:28
ubuXubuinvalid operation00:28
ubuXubuprolly cos it is a fresh install00:28
ubuXubuso it thinks i have it00:28
briancHow can I enable both passwords and pubkey auth? e.g. verify public key first and then ask for password?00:28
voss749Ubuntu 10.10 NBR, is the first Netbook remix Ive regretted installing00:28
edbianubuXubu, invalid operation?  It didn't say "command not found" ?00:29
jseccallen: when I did it, I just let ubuntu install grub for me in whatever default location it uses.00:29
callenjsec: funny, that's /dev/sda00:29
NobuddyJoeSomebody was trying to help me clone the install, looks like its not possible anymore?00:29
ubuXubuinvalid operation gnome-panel00:29
ubuXubuis wut is says00:29
callen"On the last dialog of the installer, just before it actually starts installing, be sure to click the “Advanced” button and choose to install grub to /dev/sda3."00:29
Nobuddydoens anyoen know how to do it ?00:29
callenfrom the documentation.00:29
Blue1pr0xy: 32 bit or 64 bit iso?  not fam. with disk utility.  I'd use something like k3b.00:29
edbianWhat is the command to remove the folder that stores the settings for gnome-panel in it?00:29
ubuXubukill something?00:30
Blue1edbian: rm -r .gconf*00:30
Nobuddygoogle is wrong and so it the bot00:30
edbianubuXubu, run what Blue1 said ^^00:30
Nobuddygoogle is wrong and so IS the bot00:30
aeon-ltd!panel | edbian00:30
vu1kanubuXubu: try < killall gnome-panel > then < gnome-panel& >00:30
aeon-ltd!panels | edbian00:30
ubottuedbian: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:30
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning00:30
callennobody has a clue eh?00:30
coz_edbian,  do you wnat to reset gnome to defaults?00:30
edbianubuXubu, see what ubottu said as well ^00:30
edbiancoz_, I'm helping ubuXubu.  His are missing00:30
coz_oh ok00:31
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate00:31
ubuXubuis not known00:31
ubuXubudo i put sudo apt-get in front00:31
callenserard: hi, welcome to the ghetto.00:31
bryhoytI've just successfully enabled plymouth to start up early (immediately after grub) with "echo FRAMEBUFFER=y > /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash". I've set it to 800x600, and I've set GRUB to 800x600, and X Windows uses 800x600, so there should be no further mode switches. However, there is a mode switch (or two, maybe?) right before X starts up. How can I eliminate it?00:31
coz_ubuXubu,  your panel is missing?00:31
Blue1edbian: easiet way, let's you start over fresh -- after deleting them, just logout/back in00:31
edbianubuXubu, sudo makes you root.  apt-get install packages.  I'm not sure what command you're asking if you should put them in front of00:31
pr0xyBlue1 I'm on a mac. and it was a 64 bit ISO00:31
edbianBlue1, tell ubuXubu00:31
ninjamaskshey guys does anyone have good experience setting up server edition LAMP?00:32
=== c0nv1ct_ is now known as c0nv1ct
Blue1pr0xy: i am not the mac guy, sorry00:32
serardI'm trying to connect to a remote desktop over a VPN (connexion seems OK as I can ping the computer over the VPN), but I get the error "Unable to connect" error (ubuntu 10.10, using terminal server client), any clue ?00:32
pr0xyWho is?00:32
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages00:32
NobuddyCAN SOMEONE CORRECT THIS LINE PLEASE?   aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages00:32
ubuXubukillall is invalid00:32
pr0xyI'm not installing it on a mac.00:32
GneaNobuddy: not if you're using all caps00:32
callenGnea: read what I said00:32
callenGnea: been there, done that, followed the instructions and all relevant linked forum topics00:32
vu1kanNobuddy:  [ dpkg --get-selections > installed-software ] will list your currently installed packages00:32
edbianubuXubu, What the heck?  How do you not have any commands?00:32
Nobuddyi need a way to reinstall easy00:33
callenGnea: gptsync says the partitions are synced, grub is installed to sda3 (wtih a reinstall attempted later on)00:33
Reverend_Ruffedbian, did he delete /bin?00:33
Blue1Nobuddy: grab your live cd, and start over00:33
wildbattquestion~ is it possible setup a guest account( for public use )  that "Lock" the guest setting so that they can't change it like resolution, panels, bashrc / profiles, etc?00:33
callenGnea: it never successfully boots, just sits on the linux penguin in refit00:33
Nobuddyaptoncd is easy but will not ruin00:33
Gneacallen: please to be paying attention: I just joined, wasn't here. have no idea what your issue is about.00:33
churlAre there additional items for the "Add New Items" to Panel?00:33
edbianubuXubu, press the tab key 3 times. What does it say?00:33
callenGnea: well now you know00:34
* Gnea shrugs00:34
callenGnea: this is a bit like level 50 tetris though, you've got to admit.00:34
Nobuddyif i make a text fiel, that is no help to me a noob00:34
ninjamaskshey guys does anyone have good experience setting up server edition LAMP?00:34
Nobuddyi have 200 packages, i anit starting over00:34
Nobuddyso no one will help? or can?00:35
Reverend_RuffNobuddy, make a snapshot of your packages then reinstall, then use the snapshot to update00:35
callenNobuddy: *shrugs*00:35
Gneacallen: well, I really have no idea where you're coming from on this, so it's more like the game hasn't even started yet00:35
Blue1Nobuddy: yeah, just make them a desktop user.00:35
Blue1okay off for a bit....00:35
ubuXubuweird they came in with the update manager00:35
ninlyis there a quick way to list the non-universe packages i have installed? command line preferably00:35
ubuXububizarre pice of engineering ???00:35
Nobuddywhat is a snapshot?00:35
callenGnea: Ubuntu's installed to an ext4 partition on my macbook pro, I have refit for booting and (gptsync) partition syncing00:35
serardI'm trying to connect to a remote desktop over a VPN (connexion seems OK as I can ping the computer over the VPN), but I get the error "Unable to connect" error (ubuntu 10.10, using terminal server client), any clue ? (sorry for repeat)00:35
Nobuddy!help snapshot00:35
callenGnea: gptsync says the MBR and GPT are synced and working fine00:35
Reverend_RuffNobuddy, it's a list of all the currently installed packages.00:36
Gneacallen: I don't own a mac.00:36
callenGnea: it doesn't boot, and I've verified that grub is installed to the root linux partition at /dev/sda300:36
Nobuddyif i have a list, what can use that list?00:36
callenGnea: don't make the bot spew links at me if you don't know what you're doing.00:36
vu1kannobuddy, you take that text file and < dpkg --set-selections < installed-software > after re-install00:36
callenGnea: or the context, for that matter.00:36
ubuXubusomebody must of been tokin some ganja when they came up with that one?00:36
Rav3nSw0rdcallen I'm currently using ubuntu on macbook pro, that documentation that you were following, when it says sda3, i'm pretty sure it means the same partition as which you designated earlier on in the installer for which partition is to be used as "/"00:36
Gneacallen: this channel will do just fine without your attitude.00:36
edbianubuXubu, Just a bug I suppose?00:36
p1und3ranyone here know the package libjaula1 and know how I can use it in my cpp program?00:36
Reverend_RuffNobuddy, this will be of immense help to you -> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-reinstall-all-of-currently-installed-packages-in-fresh-ubuntu-install.html00:36
ubuXubuthey always say that00:37
vu1kan[ dpkg --set-selections < installed-software ]00:37
ubuXubufresh gd install00:37
Rav3nSw0rdcallen: granted, I didn't install using 10.10 disk, I upgraded from 10.0400:37
ubuXubupanels show up 20 minutes later?00:37
ubuXubugotta luv it00:37
callenRav3nSw0rd: should I try that? :|00:37
Nobuddyvu1kan, Reverend_Ruff thx00:38
edbianubuXubu, fresh gd ??00:38
Reverend_RuffNobuddy, always a pleasure buddy. Let us know if you need further help. =D00:38
Rav3nSw0rdcallen, sorry, try what? XD00:38
ubuXubuyeah fresh dadgummed install here and it takes 20 minutes to see panels00:38
ubuXubunow all those commands i ran to fix it will prolly bite me later00:39
callenRav3nSw0rd: using 10.04 to install, then upgrading from there to maverick?00:39
edbianubuXubu, They had no effect.  According to you they all errored out00:39
ubuXubuno idea00:39
ubuXubuthats wut it said00:39
ubuXubumaybe the updates will smooth this disaster out00:40
Rav3nSw0rdcallen, it's worth a shot imo if you have the time, but can't guarantee that it'll work00:40
pr0xyHow much ram do I need for 10.10?00:40
ubuXubui am doing this install for someone who is new to ubuntu...00:40
=== Pilif12p is now known as Pilif|hw
churlAre there additional items for the "Add New Items" to Panel other than the default list of items?00:41
furican someone help me with music applet? after configuring it and making it it doesn't show up on the add to panel list. i'm using 10.10. what should i do about this?00:41
vu1kanubuXubu: probably will...i use < sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade > for a single line upgrade00:41
ubuXubui do it thru synaptic00:41
Reverend_Rufffuri, do you know the name of the applet or the command used to run it in terminal?00:41
ubuXubui have seen it hang using the update mgr00:41
ubuXuburuined an install on me never again00:42
furiReverend_Ruff: no, i do not.00:42
Reverend_Rufffuri, What was it when you got it?00:42
Talhey guys: I have a wubi installation and i just want the first menu to pop up (asking windows 7 or ubuntu) I dont want the one that asks what kernel or whatever. How do I make that invisible or just remove that option00:42
furiReverend_Ruff: what do you mean?00:42
Reverend_Rufffuri, what is it's name?00:42
furiReverend_Ruff: the folder?00:42
callenRav3nSw0rd: booted back into OS X, then rebooted to refit, works now.00:43
churlReverent_Ruff - not to derail your current conversation, but does that mean that you can take apps that can be started from the command line and add them to the Panel (or to the "Add to Panel" list, more accurately)?00:43
Reverend_Rufffuri, anything. You keep saying a music-applet, does this applet have any kind of name?00:43
callenRav3nSw0rd: no guarantees it will continue to do so, but oh well. phantom boot problems ftl.00:43
ubuXubui hope these nutty panels dont disappear now...00:43
Reverend_Ruffchurl, yes, not a problem.00:43
furiReverend_Ruff: it's called music applet.00:43
furiReverend_Ruff: http://www.kuliniewicz.org/music-applet/00:43
churlCan you point me at documentation on how?00:43
Reverend_Rufffuri, let me look it up.00:43
linux_probehmm all them open proxys o-O00:43
Chaos2358anyone familiar with empathy? how do i erase my prevoius conversations?00:44
Reverend_Ruffchurl, use "which <command> to see what the path is. Then use that path as the target in your new icon on the panel or in the menu. Like this: (typing more detailed)00:44
Rav3nSw0rdcallen, can't really help you :S but maybe update refit if it's not the current version?00:45
serardUsing NMAP for my TSC over VPN connection, I get this : "All 1000 scanned ports on are filtered" What should I do ?00:45
Reverend_Ruffchurl, Right click on a panel and select "Custom Application Launcher", under name set the name you want, then under command use /usr/bin/python (just an example), set an icon and a comment and you're good to go.00:45
callenRav3nSw0rd: it works now, refit is the latest version.00:45
LinuxVirginRav3nSw0rd, Are you there00:46
churlReverend_Ruff: awesome, thanks!00:46
Reverend_Ruffchurl, most commands, like python, don't need to have the absolute path, like /usr/bin/python, set because they're already in the path. Just "python" will work. =)00:46
Rav3nSw0rdLinuxVirgin, yup00:46
Chaos2358anyone familiar with empathy? how do i erase my prevoius conversations?00:46
vu1kan!patience | Chaos235800:47
ubottuChaos2358: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:47
LinuxVirginThank you for your help. That article worked00:47
Rav3nSw0rdLinuxVirgin, np, glad to hear your wifi issue was solved00:47
GneaChaos2358: check ~/.local/share/Empathy/logs/00:47
Reverend_Rufffuri, http://www.kuliniewicz.org/music-applet/faq.html <- second question00:48
Chaos2358gnea thank you00:48
LinuxVirginRav3nSw0rd, I typed the second line of code and hopefully it will not happen again00:48
GneaChaos2358: cheers00:48
MattLinuxwhats up with the floodboys questions00:48
LinuxVirginFaith in Linux has been restored, even tho it boggles my brain00:48
ubuXubuhiya elky!!!00:49
Reverend_RuffHey elky00:49
churlReverend_Ruff: are there any pre made fancy launcher apps that i can add by installing a package?00:49
serardUsing NMAP for my TSC over VPN connection, I get this : "All 1000 scanned ports on are filtered" What should I do ?00:49
serardThe 3389 port is filtered, what should I do pleaaase ?00:49
Reverend_Ruffchurl, I do not know of any. That is something you'd do better by either googling or asking on the forum.00:49
Rav3nSw0rdLinuxVirgin, seems to me everything in linux is fixable XD if you don't know it yourself, you'd have to ask or do some searches ;P00:49
MattLinuxhey guys whats the deal with floodbot questions00:49
Reverend_Ruffserard, on your router?00:49
serardOn my MAC using ms tsc I can connect to my other computer over the VPN and it works00:50
vu1kanchurl: you could just write one using a bash script and zenity00:50
Reverend_RuffMattLinux, ignore the floodbots. They're just doing their job to keep our room clean. =D00:50
MattLinux=D thx reverend_ruff00:50
LinuxVirginRav3nSw0rd, That seems true.00:50
MichKatDoes this room do cloak?00:50
serardso I guess the problem is on my ubuntu side (I'm running Ubuntu using "test mode" live cd on my same mac machine)00:50
vu1kanMichKat: that would be #freenode00:50
MichKatok, how do I get myself one of them?00:51
linux_probe>_> wow is that a huge ban list00:51
vu1kanMichKat: /j #freenode , they'll be better able to answer your question00:52
MichKatok, thanks00:52
LinuxVirginRav3nSw0rd, Once again thank you. I have to head for bed now as its almost 1am.00:52
serardReverend_Ruff, I have here one machine, an iMac. When running macosx, I can connect to my other computer using MS TSC over VPN. On my live cd ubuntu, on the same iMac, I can't. Any clue ? :)00:53
serard(so I guess it is not a router problem, more a routing problem perhaps, but my ufw is inactive and everything is open according to iptables -L)00:54
Chaos2358Gnea after some searching i finally found "empathy" in my files but no logs???00:54
Rav3nSw0rdLinuxVirgin, gnite!00:54
Reverend_Ruffserard, Nope00:54
GneaChaos2358: you have to cd to that directory, and then look in the sub-directories00:55
Reverend_RuffChaos2358, the "find" command is your best friend00:55
serardI have here one machine, an iMac. When running macosx, I can connect to my other computer using MS TSC over VPN. On my live cd ubuntu, on the same iMac, I can't. Any clue ?? :)00:55
serardTSC on Ubuntu says "Unable to connect"00:56
Chaos2358ok found it with "find" command but how do i CD it Gnea00:56
sysfettrying to install wireless drivers. can someone please help me?00:56
Reverend_RuffChaos2358, cd <path>00:56
Reverend_Ruffsysfet, are they in the repos?00:56
chzkeepercan someone tell me how to install fonts?00:56
Chaos2358ok but how does doing it in terminal help me clear the logs?00:57
Chaos2358i'm confused00:57
Reverend_RuffChaos2358, cd = change directory. Instead of typing rm /path/to/logs each time you'll just cd /path/to/logs then rm log, rm log, rm log00:57
sysfetRff: i dont think so.  i tried clicking on "device drivers" said. there are none00:58
Chaos2358Reverend_Ruff, ok I'm lost. lol i'm a noob and not familiar with.00:58
Reverend_RuffChaos2358, or you can deleted the entire directory with rm -r /path/to/log/delete_this_whole_directory_here00:58
GneaChaos2358: cd is a basic command used on the commandline to change directory so that you can work within that directory, it's sort of like double-clicking on a folder in nautilus. if you've ever used DOS, it's bsically the same thing.00:58
Reverend_RuffChaos2358, what is the path to the logs?00:58
Chaos2358~/.local/share/Empathy/logs/ thats what Gnea said anyway. i'm trying to remove the empathy conversations00:58
Chaos2358Gnea never used dos00:59
Reverend_RuffChaos2358, just do rm -r ~/.local/share/Empathy/logs to delete the "logs" folder and everything in it.00:59
Chaos2358never used anything but windows up until a few weeks ago00:59
Kagedoes network manager output logs anywhere?00:59
GneaChaos2358: you're going to need to learn how to use it, and you'll be glad you did, so pop this up in your browser and go through it, you should be able to figure it out: http://linuxcommand.org/lts0020.php00:59
Reverend_RuffGnea, nice one. Forgot about linuxcommand. Good website for linux newbies.01:00
GneaKage: no, but logs are generally output to /var/log/syslog01:00
Chaos2358gnea great thanks. i'm doing my best to learn it01:00
Reverend_RuffChaos2358, also remember you can run man before a command to see it's manual (help) page.01:00
GneaReverend_Ruff: I forgot about it for a long time, I'm re-bookmarking it01:00
GneaChaos2358: you can do it01:01
Chaos2358Gnea thanx01:01
Reverend_RuffAnything someone else has done you can do to. Except fly to the moon on cheese wings. Coz you just dreamed that. (It wasn't real)01:01
Reverend_RuffWow, ubuntu himself is here.01:02
furiReverend_Ruff: tried doing that, it still isn't showing up01:02
Reverend_Rufffuri, =O01:03
ubuntumy ubuntu wont load01:03
Reverend_Rufffuri, Then probably recompile it and mark the output this time.01:03
baba_bubbaapparently it's not the real deal01:03
furiReverend_Ruff: to be honest, it isn't that that's the problem either; the make thing is trying to put the .server in the wrong place, and i don't know how to change where it puts it01:03
Reverend_Ruffbaba_bubba, apparently01:03
ubuntuwhy wont ubuntu load01:04
Kagecan someone help me get network manager to connect to my vpn?01:04
KageI have a "ovpn" file01:04
Reverend_Ruffubuntu, what is the exact issue? What do you see when you press the power button?01:04
ubuntuI hate this01:04
Kagethat works when I pass it to the openvpn --config01:04
vu1kanubuntu: define "won't load"...or nevermind01:04
Gneaubuntu: that's not very descriptive...01:04
Gneaah, he'll probably go back to windows01:05
Kagebut I can't seem to get the openvpn plugin for networkmanager to work :\01:05
vu1kanADD assistance seekers, gotta luv 'em01:05
furiReverend_Ruff: the .server files are in /usr/lib/bonobo/servers, instead of /usr/local/lib/bonobo/servers01:05
furiReverend_Ruff: and the .server file is never even made in the first place01:05
Kageand its not being helpful and telling me why it doesn't work01:05
Reverend_Rufffuri, pastebin the output of ls /usr/lib/bonobo/servers01:05
GneaKage: I've always been fine using it via initscript01:05
KageGnea :(01:06
sysfetrebooting this SLOW as f***machine bbs01:06
furiReverend_Ruff: http://pastebin.com/kXUj9gMa01:06
KageI really want to see the functionality of network manager... also it looks neat01:06
=== brian_ is now known as blfriis
Kageand I want it to automatically start it01:07
Kageand where I can turn it on and off with like 2 mouse buttons01:07
KageIm using custom desktop files right now01:07
Reverend_Ruff!enter | Kage01:07
ubottuKage: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:07
KageGnea: really if there was just a better log file on WHY its failing I think I could fix it01:08
Reverend_Rufffuri, I'd recommend you check into just recompiling it? I do not see it anywhere or know what to tell you. Try in #linux?01:08
Gnea!info network-manager-openvpn01:08
ubottunetwork-manager-openvpn (source: network-manager-openvpn): network management framework (OpenVPN plugin). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1+git.20100810t173015.1711d04-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 99 kB, installed size 896 kB01:08
GneaKage: do you have that package installed ^^^01:08
KageGnea: yeah01:08
jiohdiare there any desktop gadgets for 10.1001:09
KageGnea: this is the best output I can get from it: Oct 20 19:51:41 fate NetworkManager[931]: <error> [1287618701.96054] [nm-vpn-connection.c:844] connection_need_secrets_cb(): NeedSecrets failed: dbus-glib-error-quark Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.1" (uid=0 pid=931 comm="NetworkManager) interface="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Plugin" member="NeedSecrets" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="org.01:09
Kagefreedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn" (uid=0 pid=2406 comm="/usr/lib/network-manager-openvpn/nm-openvpn-servic"))01:09
Kageas you see.... not very helpful :\01:09
GneaKage: do you have an openvpn server setup somewhere to accept clients?01:09
KageGnea: yes01:10
furiReverend_Ruff: did you check it?01:10
GneaKage: have you read this?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient01:10
furiReverend_Ruff: it shows no music-applet01:10
bryhoythow can I eliminate the graphics mode switch between when Plymouth quits and X starts? They're both using the same res.01:10
furiReverend_Ruff: or anything of the sort on top of that01:10
Reverend_Rufffuri, I did check it and I suggested asking in #linux as I do not know what else to tell you. Sorry *shrugs*01:10
furiReverend_Ruff: it's no problem01:11
MemnochHi all, I had changed previously changed how my motd was handled before upgrading to 10.10, and now those changes have been overwritten. What's the best way now to go about changing the generation of the motd?01:11
bryhoytI'm using Ubuntu 10.04: How can I eliminate the graphics mode switch between when Plymouth quits and X starts? They're both using the same screen res.01:11
furiReverend_Ruff: i got redirected to ##linux-overflow because of some sort of "abuse" mentioned that other people have been doing01:12
Reverend_Rufffuri, you need your nick to be registered to enter the channel.01:13
Reverend_Ruffuse /msg nickserv register password e-mail01:13
furiReverend_Ruff: i don't know how to01:13
furiReverend_Ruff: oh, i see01:13
Reverend_Rufffuri, the intarwebz is srs bsns. Srsly! We require you to register your nick to verify you're a real person, etc. =P01:14
furiyeah, i understand01:14
furiReverend_Ruff: despite the fact that i've registered, i'm still using freenode.01:16
Reverend_Rufffuri, you'll always be using freenode. =P Registered or not01:17
pedro3005trying to print something01:21
pedro3005keep getting "Missing or invalid Coords in shading dictionary"01:21
pedro3005for some reason.. other prints worked just now01:21
pedro3005any help?01:21
h00kubottu:  tell furi about register01:22
ubottufuri, please see my private message01:22
h00kfuri: :)01:22
BaribalHi. I've been (seemingly *am*) running karmic and just did an apt-get dist-upgrade. The Update manager still offers me 10.04 LTS, apt-get update still reads karmic repositories and neither apt-get upgrade nor dist-upgrade find further available updates. What went wrong?01:23
rwwh00k: they're already registered, just not identified01:23
h00krww: ahha. I see.01:24
rwwBaribal: what's the problem there?01:24
rwwoh, you think dist-upgrade upgrades distribution versions01:24
rww!dist-upgrade | Baribal01:24
ubottuBaribal: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.01:24
rww!upgrade | Baribal01:24
Baribalrww, that the update manager offers an update that apt-get can't provide.01:24
ubottuBaribal: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:24
rwwBaribal: Ubuntu doesn't support upgrading to a new Ubuntu version through apt-get directly. Use the update manager tool.01:24
KageGnea: how would I enable connection debugging?01:25
BaribalReading up on it now... But, there's no command line tool to do it (except for editing sources.list and praying really hard)?01:25
GneaKage: turning up the verbosity level in the ovpn config file01:26
rwwBaribal: do-release-upgrade works too. See the UpgradeNotes page and the relevant page it links to; they have instructions.01:26
KageGnea: the plugin doesn't accept a ovpn file01:26
KageGnea: it wants all the information in the file seperated or something01:26
GneaKage: no, you have to manually edit the config file in /etc/openvpn/01:27
rwwBaribal: specifically, if you want to use the commandline, and you're going 9.10 to 10.04, you want the "Network Upgrade for Ubuntu Servers" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades (yes, even if it's not a server)01:27
=== zakwilson_ is now known as zakwilson
pedro3005on the command `lpr something.ps`, how do I set it to print as draft grayscale01:28
pedro3005couldn`t find it on man lpr01:28
KageGnea: /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf   is the only file I have in the directory01:28
ninjamaskshey guys does anyone have good experience setting up server edition LAMP?01:29
jribninjamasks: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)01:30
sysfetcompaq presario 1700 here. looking for01:30
GneaKage: should have another one there for the connection itself01:30
stealth-Does anyone know if ubuntu 10.10 comes with multiverse enabled by default? A friend of mine on a new installation is remote and I can't remember if you have to enable multiverse before you run a 'apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras', to enable java in chrome.01:30
KageGnea: nope... I have a ovpn file I can do:      openvpn --client client.ovpn      with to connect01:30
Kageor rather   --config01:31
Kagenot   --client01:31
jribstealth-: tell him to run it and see what happens01:31
GneaKage: then edit that and turn up verbose01:32
ninjamasksjrib, im looking for LAMP server file sharing software. one where people can access to up/download, delete, modifty, etc.01:32
jribninjamasks: why not use ssh or ftp?01:32
KageGnea: the connection is FINE with that... I am trying to get it so the network manager can manage my VPN connection01:32
stealth-jrib: Can't. It's over the phone and I really want to just get it right the first time before I call him up, lol >.>01:32
Kagebut the network manager doesn't accept ovpn files01:33
ninjamasksbecause its needs to be straight forward enough that my roommaes don't have to use cli or an ftp client even.01:33
jribstealth-: I think there's some option at install, in any case just tell him to enable it in the gui, if it's already checked, no big deal01:33
GneaKage: you wanted more logging, right?01:33
stealth-jrib: Ah, k.01:33
GneaKage: sorry, didn't see the part where you said "okay, that worked"01:33
stealth-jrib: Thanks.01:33
jribninjamasks: do you just want to share files on the local network?01:34
BaribalHeh, looks like before I upgrade, I've got to shovel free a bit of disk space anyways...01:34
jrib!who | ninjamasks01:34
ubottuninjamasks: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:34
ninjamasksjrib, im planning on expanding it to my residence floor01:34
KageGnea: this is what I am trying to setup:  http://imagebin.org/11949401:35
Baribalninjamasks, sounds like a case for SMB.01:35
ninjamasksjrib, im looking for a file sharing portal i guess?01:36
ninjamasksBaribal, 1 sec ill check it out01:36
CjhanHi, I installed ubuntu before, during installation it recognized my windows installation and asked if i wanted to move the files over01:36
KageGnea: but all I have is a .ovpn file01:36
Cjhani'm wondering if ubuntu 10.10 will recognize a vista installation and offer to transfer files to the ubuntu installation during install01:36
ninjamasksBaribal, isn't that just a protocol like FTP or AFP?01:36
lahwranto those in their offices: say "alpha kenny body" out loud01:36
KageGnea: I tried creating the files it wants from the ovpn as all the correct feilds are there01:36
KageGnea: but its not accepting them01:37
GneaKage: OH, didn't know you're using kubuntu01:37
KageGnea: its not even attempting to connect to the OpenVPN01:37
GneaKage: maybe you need to ask in #kubuntu01:37
GneaKage: I've never used that thing01:37
KageGnea: I did, nobody gonna help me :\01:37
* Kage cries01:38
bobthemilkmanGnea: There's no difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu, excluding the GUI.01:38
MattLinuxanyone here that can help me?01:38
Baribalninjamasks, yes, but it's the "usual" protocol, which means that it won't require clients that aren't installed on most computers anyways.01:38
GneaKage: hm, is network-manager-gnome installed?01:39
Gneabobthemilkman: there is in the way the GUIs handle different events.01:39
ninjamasksBaribal, what about web server software, such as a website they can access through their browser01:39
KageGnea: no, I am am using network-manager-kde     its should be pretty much the same though01:39
Gneabobthemilkman: because we're not talking about the underlying layer at this point01:39
GneaKage: doesn't matter, install it.01:39
MattLinuxi need help01:39
GneaKage: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3081799.001:40
Baribalninjamasks, just create a folder on your desktop (or wherever else), rightclick, properties, share, check "Share this folder" and "Guest Access", click "Create Share" and already everybody on your network should be able to access the files that you drop in that folder.01:40
KageGnea: thats with KNetworkManager... thats from KDE3 or something01:41
Ikolhow do I get a screenshot?01:41
Baribalninjamasks, of course you can hack up a homebrew webserver solution with LAMP, LAPD or whatever.01:41
KageGnea: quite old01:41
kregso what's the chkconfig --list  equiv ?01:41
MattLinuxbaribal can you help me01:41
ninjamasksBaribal, thats what i want to do, yes01:41
KageGnea: network-manager-kde    is competely different program then KNetworkManager01:41
BaribalWell, then... Have fun?01:41
GneaKage: well I don't know what else to suggest then.01:42
CjhanWhen installing ubuntu, will it recognize a vista installation and offer to transfer files to the new ubuntu installation?01:42
BaribalMattLinux, no, I don't even know what your problem is.01:42
Cjhanubuntu had this feature in previous versions does 10.10 have it?01:42
GneaKage: someone else might know, might just need to be patient01:42
KageGnea: :(    maybe how to extract the ca, cert, and key information correctly from the ovpn file?01:42
MattLinuxbaribal im trying to install mplex and i cant find anything ive looked everywere01:43
GneaKage: AFAIK, those are all separate from the get-go, never seen them pooled into one file before01:43
wedwo-Ikol, printscreen on your keyboard or Applications >> accessories >> Print screen01:43
KageGnea: they are all in this .ovpn file I have01:44
CjhanWhen installing ubuntu, will it recognize a vista installation and offer to transfer files to the new ubuntu installation?01:44
EDinNYInstalled a SATA on a machine that has ubuntu installed on a PATA drive.  Bios sees SATA as first drive.  Can I use install disk to make ubuntu boot from SECOND drive instead of the menu item "Boot from first hard drive"01:44
KageGnea: can you show me what a ca.crt file looks like?01:44
nullm0demninjamasks: have you tried extplorer? http://extplorer.sourceforge.net/01:44
coz_Cjhan,  it should yes01:44
Ikolwedwo no numberpad XD and no printscreen, 1 reason I hate macbookpro XD but thanks for the second option :D01:45
wedwo-Cjhan, not files per se but browser bookmarks and settings01:45
GneaKage: well what kind of file is the .ovpn file?01:45
blahsphemerhow do I apply the gmail filters to evolution01:45
ninjamaskslol thanks nullm0dem01:45
JoeSomebodyhi, i grabbed getting started with ubuntu 10.04, but i am running 10.10, will that pdf be close or the same for most things? any new books out?01:45
Cjhanwedwo-, i've had ubuntu ask if it wanted to transfer my documents to ubuntu before01:45
Cjhanin previous versions01:45
BaribalMattLinux, neither can I, sorry.01:45
kregnew to ubuntu, what's the tool used to manage services?   surely i don't go edit every single rcX.d01:45
Cjhancoz_, I was trying to intall ubuntu and got to the partitioning table, didn't want to proceed because it didn't ask yet01:45
KageGnea: pretty much its own format, has some elements of xml but its not xml01:46
Baribalkreg, do you mean the program called service? :)01:46
wedwo-Cjhan, it will only ask long after the partitioning01:46
Cjhanwedwo-, maybe 10.10 doesn't? but that wouldnt' make sense, i know for sure ubuntu had this option to transfer document and settings01:46
h00kCjhan: it would ask if you leave your Vista partition on there, I believe.01:46
haxtoris it too late to start programming at 18?01:46
nullm0demninjamasks: :-D01:46
GneaKage: I just don't know, I'm used to generating everything by hand to get it all setup01:46
kregBaribal, heh i might.   googling is suggesting i don't have such a tool to manage the services01:46
coz_Cjhan,   ok when you get to that point  you wan to choose..i believe it says...ubuntu along side of window...something to that effect... then you should be presented with a "slider"  to  position the ubuntu partition01:47
kregBaribal, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20583     *shrug*01:47
h00khaxtor: that isn't quite on topic for here, perhaps check with #ubuntu-offtopic as it's not directly Ubunut related01:47
h00khaxtor: *ubuntu related01:47
coz_Cjhan,   I would defrag  vista first  though then do that... let me see if I can find a good image how to hold on01:47
haxtori was just wondering01:47
wedwo-Cjhan, yes I seem to remember My Documents too but I cannot give you a definite answer01:47
Cjhancoz_, i don't want to duel boot. tho. but install full ubunt on the drive. older versions of ubuntu was able to detect windows and transfer files and settings01:47
Cjhanwedwo- ok thanks01:48
KageGnea: I have ssh access to the VPN server01:48
KageGnea: think you could guide me to getting those files?01:48
Cjhancoz_, thanks i'm looking right now too, hard to search for that feature01:48
GneaKage: not really, I have to get going, got homework to do and then bed before class tomorrow01:48
uLinuxWhat is the name of the package used to change Language in Ubuntu?01:48
h00kCjhan: I'd recommend making a backup of your stuff before you do it, just in case.01:48
coz_Cjhan, mmm that I am not sure of01:48
KageGnea: alright, thanks for the help01:48
GneaKage: good luck01:48
JoeSomebodyanyone? i grabbed getting started with ubuntu 10.04, but i am running 10.10, will that pdf be close or the same for most things? any new books out?01:49
Cjhanh00k, yea but we dont' have any way to do that right now :(01:49
uLinuxthis Language bug is annoying me and no solution.01:49
kregWhy would ubuntu not be using this defaultly??  http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-controlling-access-to-linux-services.html01:49
dio525iis there a log file for the "cp" command by default? i'm in the middle of copying 700GB and realize that there are some errors i did not use cp xyz zyx >/sum/dir/log when copying ...should i start my copy over again or is there a log created by default(i am using tty1 to cp)01:49
Agent001Do people generally keep icons/folders on ubuntu desktop?01:51
h00kAgent001: it's personal preference :)01:51
uLinuxWhat is the name of the package used to change Language in Ubuntu?01:51
Agent001Its just that the icons are so big...01:51
trismuLinux: the package is language-selector01:51
coz_Agent001,   I do not... unless I want to transfer them to external storage... but yes it is very personal01:51
BaribalAgent001, I do, but mostly as a reminder to file the files there away to better places.01:52
WXZdoes ubuntu support black berry?01:52
uLinuxtrism: it's just that I downloaded portuguese language packages but I can't use them01:52
coz_Agent001,  can you screenshot that and upload to picpaste.com  so I can see it?  yes?01:52
Agent001My desktop is the default look01:52
h00kWXZ: Check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/Blackberry for more information01:52
rojanudio525i: As far as I know there are no logs for CP command, why don't you use rsync?01:52
coz_Agent001,  what size monitor set at which resolution?01:53
trismuLinux: does: check-language-support -l pt; print out anything?01:53
coz_Agent001,   and you feel the icons are too large on that01:54
uLinuxtrism: no :s01:54
Agent001Yeah, the ebook files are huge01:54
trismuLinux: so everything seems to be installed (it would print the required packages if you needed any)01:54
MathuinAre there any webcam programs out there that work like convenience-store security cameras, recording a picture every few seconds but only saving the pictures that are substantially different than the previous picture?01:54
coz_Agent001,  ok open  nautilus01:55
dio525irojanu i am trying to recover a hd for a friend..it's ntfs...has some errors and bad blocks...i just forgot to make a log file when i started copying...didn't realize my mistake until 3hrs in : P....will rsync amend any missing files after my initial copy is over?01:55
uLinuxtrism: yeah but im unable to use them :(01:55
Agent001Not sure what the nautilus is :P01:56
bradfordi need some help getting my ntfs partition to auto mount in xubuntu01:56
{bosco}how to make it so that my webcam instead of showing my webcam shows a video anyone know::??01:56
uLinuxAgent001: where you browse your folders and files01:56
coz_Agent001,  under the "View"  tab  there is a section named "Icon View Defaults"  and that is probably set at 100%   you can change that there     ....nautilus would open when you open your home directory01:56
Agent001oh, that'd be great01:56
uLinuxAgent001: Nautilus is like Explorer :P01:56
rojanudio525i: rsync sync files between two different dir, So, it only copies/moves if target is different than the source01:56
redondoshi. how should i go about switching from ubuntu netbook remix to regular ubuntu?01:57
dio525irajanu: thank you very much! i will do this after my initial copy is complete...saved me a 3hr mistake01:57
coz_Agent001,   find it?01:58
rojanudio525i: good luck01:58
rojanuredondos: I would say install ubuntu-desktop package01:58
GarandirAnyone have issues with USB ports "freezing" on 9.10/10.04/10.10?01:58
Agent001I'm not seeing "icon view default"01:58
redondosrojanu: it's installed, rojanu01:58
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone, ubuntu 9.10 starts to load, I get the ubuntu logo, then nothing but a black screen ideas?01:59
coz_Agent001,   ok   do you see the "View"  tab under  Edit  /  preferences01:59
coz_Agent001,   go to the "Edit"  menu and open Preferences01:59
Agent001Oh now i see01:59
coz_Agent001,   when that dialog opens  the first tab  ...in maverick>> is the "View" tab01:59
coz_Agent001,   ok cool02:00
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone, ubuntu 9.10 starts to load, I get the ubuntu logo, then nothing but a black screen ideas?02:00
Agent001Thanks coz02:00
rojanuredondos: Then you have Ubuntu running. I am not exactly sure what the remix is.  What exactly is what you want02:00
coz_Agent001,  no problem02:00
redondosrojanu: oh i got it. just select it in gdmsetup02:00
GringoStar940My desktop is empty, no more gnome menu, no task bar...02:00
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK: Patience, we say the first time02:01
THE_GFR|WORKyea don't have a lot of time02:01
Agent001hilarious. The icons look sharp even at 200% size02:01
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coz_Agent001,   :)   yes .. but now you see can configure the look and feel to suit your needs :)02:03
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK: It seems your screen resolution is not right, I can't remember of top of my head but there is an X shortcut to change screen resolution. I think it was (CTRL + ALT+ +) try it multiple times see if that helps02:03
coz_Agent001,   most of the icons are  svg format meaning you can make them wall size and they will still be sharp02:03
THE_GFR|WORKok I'll try, but FYI when I shut it down, last time it worked, it was working perfectly.02:03
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK: Did you do an update?02:04
Agent001After experimenting with the sizes, I think I'd rather prefer the original setting. thanks anyways :)02:04
trismuLinux: what locales do you have in /var/lib/locales/supported.d/02:04
coz_Agent001,   :)02:04
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: thanks for helping, and no updates were done02:04
uLinuxtrism: en local pt02:04
coz_Agent001,  if after making these changes the icons in your home directory are not original size  ...hold down the ctrl  key and use the scroll wheel to reset them02:05
uLinuxtrism: i think the problem is gnome itself02:05
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: it sits there if I do recovery from the boot loader "waiting for root file system"02:05
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THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: it says alert /dev/disk/uuid etc is missing02:06
Agent001Neat trick, that could come in handy02:06
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: not found, dropping to shell02:07
trismuLinux: possibly, can you launch individual applications in another locale? say: LANG=pt_PT.utf8 gedit;02:07
kermithow do i make eSATA drives automount?02:07
fassatmjoin #python02:07
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK: on grub menu when your kernel is selected hit "E" key and go to line starting with vmlinuz at the end there should something like "splash quite" delete them and hit "B"02:07
uLinux!cn | shumeng02:07
ubottushumeng: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:07
uLinux!jp | shumeng02:07
ubottushumeng: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい02:07
fassatmhow do i join a channel via command line?02:07
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK: that should tell you what the bootloader is doing02:07
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: ok just a sec02:08
rwwshumeng: type /join #ubuntu-cn02:08
rwwuLinux: please don't just guess randomly ;P02:08
Hapticanyone willing to help me with some internet issues that I get while on Ubuntu?02:08
_heaterif someone can look at this post and give me some feedback that would be nice, it is a HDMI sound related issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10003466#post1000346602:08
uLinuxrww: :PP02:08
bobthemilkmanuLinux: That's Chinese.02:08
uLinux(damn router DNS...) brb02:09
rojanuHaptic: don't ask if you can ask a question, Just fire away somebody, if they have an idea, will respond to you02:09
Maaheswhats the command line option to have aptitude refresh sources but not download or install anything?02:09
rwwMaahes: sudo aptitude update02:09
_heaterahhh rww beat me to it :(02:09
bobthemilkmanMaahes: sudo apt-get update02:09
coz_Haptic,   I am not completely skilled at sound issues ,.  however...if no one can help at this time here ...try  both  #pulseaudio and #alsa channels :)02:09
shortcircuitAnyone know a good program to add tiling-window-manager-like behavior to metacity?02:09
bryhoytI'm using Ubuntu 10.04 for a touchscreen kiosk-like system, and I've been pruning startup scripts, but now it doesn't shutdown properly. It goes through the process, but the power doesn't turn off at the end. Can somebody look at http://pastebin.com/g5XqECmS and tell me which script I shouldn't've disabled?02:09
Maahesthankyou, I had forgotten02:09
rwwbobthemilkman: note the part of the question that said "aptitude" ;P02:09
HapticMy wireless connection seems to be very slow while on Ubuntu 10.10. I've gone onto Windows to try and see if it was just the connection but it worked like always.02:10
bobthemilkmanrww: Note that part of the answer said "apt-get"02:10
shortcircuitLast time I tried using a straight tiling window manager on Ubuntu, a lack of a status panel put crimps in my day.02:10
Maahesshortcircuit, there's a plugin for compiz that does it. But it's not very good in my opinion, you are much better off installing awesome or wmii02:10
coz_shortcircuit,  so have you gone back to compiz with  both the tile plugin and grid plugin?02:10
rwwbobthemilkman: giving inapplicable answers to questions is fun, I take it :\02:10
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: I did that, it does not work I still get the splash screen, I removed the "quiet" it tries to boot off of uuid that is wrong for some weird reason02:11
Maahesshortcircuit, awesomeWM has a built in status bar02:11
ShishireOk, I'm on ubuntu 10.04, and I installed the vlc-plugin-jack.  I've checked, the library is in the right place, /usr/lib/vlc/audio_output/libjack_plugin.so.  I start vlc and it doesn't register that it exists.  No entry in the list of plugins, no functionality.  Why?02:11
failcakesello. I messed up grub hard and I tried a number of things including http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1397629&page=2 but I get error: the symbol grub_puts_ not found and can't boot. I tried booting into a live disk but I can't execute the commands in root... I'm beyond my depth here. can anyone help?02:11
_heateranyone have a chance to look at my post on ubuntuforums, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10003466#post10003466 , and give feedback?02:11
shortcircuitMaahes: So, e.g. NetworkManager's status applet will show up?02:11
THE_GFR|WORKit appears if it says it does not exist02:11
bobthemilkmanrww: apt-get update updates aptitude.02:11
Maahesotherwise on other window managers you're supposed to use dmenu (there's another menu or two as well, but most people use dmenu)02:11
Maahesshortcircuit, yes.02:11
* rww sighs, goes back to ice cream02:12
tlshey there02:12
coz_failcakes,   you might want to follow this how to  http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide   read it through a few times before attempting it02:12
tlsI'm trying to play a .mov file02:12
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK: OK, do the same procedure and change the UUID to device path to your HDD e.g. /dev/sda102:12
coz_tls,   did you install the extra codecs?02:12
tlsI installed libquicktime102:12
shortcircuitMaahes: Sweet. Thanks.02:12
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profanephobiaI'm using ubuntu 9.10 and everytime I run k3b or audacity it is completely full screen02:13
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK: sorry, correct example would be (hd0,0)02:13
failcakescoz_: I tried that it won't do sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt at all02:13
tlscoz_, I installed libquicktime1 and mplayer is playing only sound no video02:13
coz_tls,  it should open in totem or  vlc    mplayer-gui is broken and not available on maverick yet02:13
tlsin totem i got an error message02:13
coz_failcakes,  ok then I would move over to the #grub channnel...they will be more equipped to help with this issue02:13
failcakescoz_: thanks!!02:14
THE_GFR|WORKright thats what it says hd0,0 ext3 or something02:14
xanguatls: no idea what were trying to do installin some library called  libquicktime1 that has nothing to do with the videoplayer for osx02:14
tlsGStreamer encountered a general stream error.02:14
xanguatls: better install ubuntu-restricted-extras02:14
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: sorry I can't paste what it says here... its not right next to me...02:14
_heateranyone have an idea why my sound panel doesn't load says: "Waiting for sound system to load"02:14
HapticCan someone help me out with my Internet issues? Seems to be running very slowly while on Ubuntu 10.1002:14
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: should I just reinstall 9.10?02:14
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK: OK, what was the exact error message02:14
uLinuxtrism: "LANG=pt_PT.utf8 gedit;" opens using English02:14
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: it says that the /dev/disk etc does not exist when I do the recovery option from the boot loader02:15
tlsxangua, I'll try that thx02:15
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MaahesAnyone know how to undo the gdm settings for a usb install that makes it not allow me to use a user with a password?02:15
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profanephobiaI'm using ubuntu 9.10 and everytime I run k3b or audacity it is completely full screen02:15
toe_new user to puredyne , it is like ubuntu?02:16
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK: If no updates are done and you didnot do something like "rm -rf /" as root, your HDD might be reaching EOL.  Boot from a livecd install smart package02:16
trismuLinux: have you tried a: dpkg-reconfigure locales;02:16
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: the drive has been run for a total of 5 hours at the very most02:17
ninjamaskscan i get a little help with the mount command? im having trouble mounting a second HDD through CLI02:17
bryhoytCan somebody look at my disabled startup scripts http://pastebin.com/g5XqECmS to see if there are any startup scripts I should re-enable to make Ubuntu powerdown properly?02:17
toe_i dont think its as easy but anyways im trying to install beryl and how no idea how to02:17
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK: I think it was called smartmontools and check for the HDD health,  If it passes tests you can reinstall if you want02:17
uLinuxtrism: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=34gXrLSK02:17
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: anyhow it says "gave up waiting for root"02:17
bobo123hello if when I want to turn off ubuntu an dialogbox popps up that a Program is still running, is it possible to find out what program?02:17
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: it also says /dev/disk/by-uuid/whateveruuidis does not exist dropping to shell02:18
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: the hard drive isn't failing02:19
trismuLinux: which locales are listed in /var/lib/locales/supported.d/pt02:19
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK: It seems bootloader can't find what it is looking for, so either faulty HDD or files are removed02:19
raonidis anyone having trouble having Empathy connect to MSN in the last days?02:19
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: something is corrupted I guess, what can I do to check the disk for file system issues?02:19
uLinuxtrism: pt_PT.UTF-8 UTF-802:19
uLinuxand pt_BR.UTF-8 UTF-802:19
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK: OK, on shell edit fstab and replace UUIDs with your device path, this time with something like /dev/hda102:19
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: ok02:20
trismuLinux: okay I would start with: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales; and see if that helps02:20
uLinuxtrism: ok ill try02:20
tomgraCan someone help with an install issue I am having. I replaced the 80 GB drive with a Seagate Barracuda 1TB SATA drive, 7200 RPM and 32 MB Cache. Now I cannot install anything on the new drive. I install Ubuntu 10.04 and I get to the point of where it partitions the drive. All I am doing on this part is selecting erase and use entire drive. It then goes to the next screen and sticks at 5% complete. Then I get the following error "(Proce02:20
tomgrass:301): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown users id (0)".02:20
bobo123the dialogbox only says Unknown Doesnt answer. And no I don't have any program running, but I assume there is some process running that shouln't.... how do I find out which process listed in ps -ax  it is that fails...?02:20
uLinuxtrism: "pt_PT.UTF-8... cannot open locale definition file `pt_PT': No such file or directory" lol02:21
bobthemilkmanrww: Both sudo apt-get update and sudo aptitude update will update the files listed in /var/lib/apt/lists based upon the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.  For the purposes of updating, running either command is the same.02:21
trismuLinux: it should be in /usr/share/i18n/locales02:22
uLinuxtrism: no PT there02:23
trismuLinux: and it is part of the locales package, so if it isn't you may need to: sudo apt-get install --reinstall locales;02:23
toe_I HAVE A PRESONUS FIREPOD  and i'm sick and tired of using windows and don't have a mac can anyone tell me the easiest version of lunix to use for that type of thing02:23
toe_i've used ubuntu before but im real rusty with installing different things02:24
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toe_and now im using puredyne but i have the firepod on and it doesnt reconize it02:24
toe_rather its like its not pluged into the firewire card02:25
uLinuxtrism: should I "sudo apt-get install --reinstall locales" ?02:25
bobo123I am running Ubuntu 10.04 if that helps.... and I just want to know what process it can be that fails to exit, since the 'a program still running'-dialogbox only says 'unknown'02:25
trismuLinux: yes02:25
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: if you could see the problem you could fix it I'm sure02:26
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uLinuxtrism: maybe i need to logout?02:26
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK: Here is some other people having the similar issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112777902:26
uLinuxtrism: YOU ARE THE MAN02:27
trismuLinux: worked?02:27
uLinuxlet me just confirm02:27
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jrib!away > Vialas02:27
ubottuVialas, please see my private message02:27
tomgraDoes any one know why I am getting this error when doing a new install on a 1 TB SATA drive? (Process:301): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown users id (0)".02:27
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tacomasterdoes it really matter if i want to download 10.04 or 10.10 is there a site that explains the differance02:29
StrangeCharmi don't know how i did it, but in nautilus, E is bound to 'new tab'. how can i change this shortcut binding?02:29
Gnea!shortcut | StrangeCharm02:29
ubottuStrangeCharm: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts02:29
ninjamaskswhy is it after doing sudo fdisk -l my second HDD, which is mounted, doesnt show?02:29
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK: here is another one http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/kernel/168246-alert-dev-disk-uuid-3-does-not-exist-dropping-shell.html02:29
bobo123Ok I guess noone knows, or it impossible to find out wich process that is hindering exit then :-/02:30
HapticMy internet browsing is running very slow in Ubuntu. I jumped onto Windows, and it was running fine. How could I fix this?02:30
tjizzwhere can i locate the network manager applet?02:30
Gneaninjamasks: because it only defaults to the first disk without an argument02:30
StrangeCharmGnea, that only covers system shortcuts, not application shortcuts02:30
uLinuxtrism: now I see and can select PT but didnt change ill try rebooting or something02:30
GneaStrangeCharm: I'd check #nautilus02:30
ninjamasksGnea, whats the arguement to list everything?02:30
Gneaninjamasks: there isn't, you just specify the disk as an argument:  fdisk -l /dev/sdb02:31
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK:  It must be UUID of the HDD. Try using the device path, (hd0,0) for grub and /dev/hda1 for /etc/fstab, at the same to see if that makes any difference.02:31
StrangeCharmGnea, not a real channel02:31
bobo123Haptic: and you are using same webbrowser-version in both windows and ubuntu (firefox 3.6.8 or wwhat du you have?)02:31
GneaStrangeCharm: oh....02:31
rojanuTHE_GFR|WORK: After that I would update Ubuntu to current version02:31
tjizzanyone know the location of the network manager applet?02:31
ChogyDantjizz: nm-applet02:32
RockyIVgetting stronger02:32
uLinuxhello jvargas02:32
THE_GFR|WORKrojanu: how do I know what my hard drive number sdaX is ?02:32
jvargaswhere is the right place to set environment variables at startup ?02:32
tjizzthats what im looking for02:32
undecimI've noticed that Ubuntu doesn't use uswsusp for hibernation now. Does that mean I can hibernate with a swap file?02:32
Hapticyeah, I used Firefox on both. Tried Chrome on both also, Windows internet browser was faster then too.02:32
jvargasI need to set some environment variables before apache startup02:32
tomgraDoes anyone know where I can get help with this error? t I replaced the 80 GB drive with a Seagate Barracuda 1TB SATA drive, 7200 RPM and 32 MB Cache. Now I cannot install anything on the new drive. I install Ubuntu 10.04 and I get to the point of where it partitions the drive. All I am doing on this part is selecting erase and use entire drive. It then goes to the next screen and sticks at 5% complete. Then I get the following error "(02:32
tomgraProcess:301): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown users id (0)".02:32
Hapticinternet browsing*02:32
ChogyDantomgra: have you check the disk for errors?02:33
rusivitomgra: Did you MD5SUM the iso you burned to the CD?02:33
tomgraYes I have and it passes. I have even burned the iso on different drives.02:34
THE_GFR|WORKhow do I know my SDAx number?02:34
chzkeeperHow can I stop Ubuntu from mounting my Windows C: drive? I want my Windows partition completely cut off when I'm in Ubuntu.02:34
trismuLinux: it is possible that whatever purged the locales purged the language packs too, so you may need to reinstall the pt ones too02:34
ninjamasksGnea, fdisk -l /dev/sda just lists the boot disk, not the second02:34
psusitomgra, you mean you see that when you look in .xsession-errors, or it pops up?02:34
EeePC_woeskhedron : Hi, not sure if you'll remember me from a couple days ago - you suggested trying debian on my Eee PC?02:34
uLinuxtimfreund: Ei VirtualBox is using PT..02:34
ChogyDantomgra: you may also want to give 10.10 a try.  Maybe there is a bug that has been fixed already02:34
undecimchzkeeper: You could setup a udev rule, I suppose.02:34
Gneaninjamasks: well yeah, sda *is* the first disk, sdb the second, sdc the third, and so on...02:34
tomgraI tried and I get the same error.02:34
uLinuxtrism: how can i do that02:34
undecimchzkeeper: Or there may be an easier way. IDK02:34
chzkeeperI'll look up udev.02:35
tomgraThis is happening no matter what I use 10.04 desktop or server or 10.1002:35
Gneajust a matter of remembering your ABC's and 123's02:35
EeePC_woeskhedron : Well that didn't work - I get the same error "udevadm trigger is not allowed while udev is not configured"02:35
psusitomgra, are you getting this as a pop up, or is it just stuck at 5% and that's the last thing you see when you read .xsession-errors?02:35
trismuLinux: check-language-support -l pt --show-installed; will show all the available packs, you could apt-get install --reinstall those packages too02:35
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: pastebin?02:35
psusitomgra, because it takes  a good 20 minutes or so to format a drive that big, during which time, the progress bar will sit at 5%02:35
uLinuxtrism: it shows a lot02:36
trismuLinux: yes there are about 902:36
lapiontomgra, make sure your hdd doesn't have 2MB sized sectors02:36
tomgrapsusi it happens when I after I set the partitions for the drive. It stops when it start the /home partition02:37
UbuntuNoobhi i upgraded to 10.10 and i cant use ccsm to have any fun display tweaks when i go to preferences appearance and then try to turn on visual effects to normal i get an error about not being able to enable visual effects. any solutions?02:37
EeePC_woesChogyDan : There's just that one line, after which the [initramfs] cursor shows up02:37
psusilapion, what are you talking about?02:37
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: is this an apt-get/dpkg error?02:37
psusitomgra, it stops, or it is taking a long time?  it will take a long time for a drive that big02:37
lapionnewer hdds have 2mb sectors instead of 512 k..02:37
psusilapion, think you mean 4kb02:38
earthshadeWoe is me02:38
lapionyeah sorry02:38
sobczykhi, why there is no liblame-dev in maverick?02:38
psusilapion, and that doesn't matter02:38
ninjamasksGnea, to mount sdb is it: sudo mount ex4 /dev/sbd /media/ ?02:38
lapionof course it does02:38
psusilapion, not unless you are installing 8.04 or something quite old02:38
UbuntuNoob 02:39
xwwould someone tell me how to access to my disk?02:39
tomgrait stops and then I get the following error "(Process:301): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown users id (0)"02:39
undecimchzkeeper: If you write a udev rule to give the device 000 permissions, it would be easy for you to "unlock" it if you need to repair/recover that partition from Ubuntu.02:39
uLinuxtrism: nothing changed im gonna reboot02:39
uLinuxwish me luck02:39
trismuLinux: good luck02:39
tomgralapion how do I change the sector size/02:39
EeePC_woesChogyDan : to recap, I have a 1005HAB that worked fine running NBR 10.04, I fucked up by installing updates when it wasn't plugged in and it shut down on me half way through, now on boot, after the BIOS screen all I get is that one line error. I have tried using a liveUSB with NBR 10.10, 10.04 as well as Debian (squeeze) but the error persists02:39
psusitomgra, what do you mean you "get" that error?  that looks like a line that normally you would find if you were to bother looking at the normally hidden error log02:39
IdleOne!language | EeePC_woes02:39
ubottuEeePC_woes: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:39
Gneaninjamasks: no, /dev/sdb is the disk itself, you need to specify a partition to mount02:40
EeePC_woesIdleOne : I'm sorry, won't happen again.02:40
psusitomaw, just wait 20 minutes for it to finish02:40
EeePC_woesubottu : I'm sorry, won't happen again.02:40
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: you get that error even with the live disks?02:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:40
chzkeeperthanks, undecim02:40
tomgraThe install will start partitioning the drive and then when it starts the /home partition it goes to a blank screen with that error on it.02:41
uLinuxtrism: it looks like is not affecting gnome02:41
bobthemilkmanHmmmm.  Is there any way to reload /etc/init.d/gdm from within gdm?  There's an error with my video card settings and alt-ctrl-F1-6 don't work (won't display viewable screens).02:41
EeePC_woesChogyDan : I don't have an external drive, so it's the liveUSB not the disk. It's the same error with the liveUSB02:41
tomgrapsusi there nothing I can wait for it stops and then gives me that error.02:41
uLinuxtrism: some stuff has changed02:41
psusitomgra, can you take a screen shot?02:41
=== Vialas is now known as Vialas|away
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: hmmm, I don't know, maybe reset your bios or something.02:42
undecimchzkeeper: You could also make a mountpoint /mnt and set it up with a "noauto" in fstab if you don't want to go through the trouble of writing the udev rule. That would be much more straightforward.02:42
jrib!away > Vialas|away02:42
ubottuVialas|away, please see my private message02:42
trismuLinux: I am not sure what else to check02:43
ninjamasksGnea, sudo mount ext4 /dev/sdb1 /media/   ?02:43
Gneaninjamasks: you might not even need the 'ext4' bit, and I wouldn't do it straight to /media/, but maybe /media/dir/02:43
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: are you sure that it is booting the liveUSB properly?  Ie, you have to hit the right buttons on boot, something like esc or f202:43
tomgraI wish I could take a screen shot but I has not installed Ubuntu at this stage02:43
undecimI notice that 10.10 doesn't use uswsusp. Does that mean I can use a swap file for hibernation now?02:43
EeePC_woesChogyDan : I'm willing to try anything, the data on it is all backed up. I will however need specific instructions, since I'm an utter n00b02:43
uLinuxtrism: you are a hero :)02:44
UbuntuNoobhi someone said to go to package cleaner to resolve my problem. how do i get to package cleaner?02:44
jribUbuntuNoob: tell us your actual problem02:44
uLinuxtrism: PT wasnt set in Language & Text :P02:44
EeePC_woesChogyDan : Yes, it's esc. on mine. It throws up the option to pick which device i want to boot off of02:44
tomgraIs this maybe a hardware issue?02:44
=== zipp01 is now known as zipp0
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: can you get into the bios?02:44
Gneaninjamasks: well I have to go now, do you have it figured out?02:45
EeePC_woesChogyDan : Yes02:45
jimi_Is this the same channel as irc.ubuntu.com #ubuntu?02:45
jimi1ah yes it is02:45
jribjimi_: yes02:45
UbuntuNoobjrib: im using ccsm to enable some cool effects on my windows and i went to preferences under system then to appearance and tried to enable desktop effects and it said it couldnt enable my desktop effects and i heard to fix it i could go to package cleaner and do something from there02:45
ninjamasksgnea, no, i still cant get it to mount02:45
jribUbuntuNoob: what video card do you have?02:45
uLinux!bot > uLinux02:46
ubottuuLinux, please see my private message02:46
tomgraPsusi do you know what might be causing this?02:46
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone whats the default password for ubuntu 9.04 live disc?02:46
UbuntuNoobjrib: not sure; i hat 10.04 installed and everything i did worked seamlessly02:46
jribUbuntuNoob: lspci will tell you02:46
Gneaninjamasks: try it like this:  mkdir /media/dir && mount /dev/sdb1 /media/dir02:46
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: there is no default password, it's blank02:46
Gneaninjamasks: might need sudo02:46
psusitomgra, not having Ubuntu installed does not prevent you from taking a screen shot02:46
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: you shouldn't ever need to even worry about what the password is02:46
tensa_zangetsui sort of want to do a clean install of 10.1002:46
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: not true02:46
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: example?02:47
psusitomgra, do you only see that message if you click the triangle at the bottom of the installer window near where it says it's at 5%?02:47
ninjamasksthat did it02:47
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: I need it so I can SSH into the box and run some commands to fix it02:47
ninjamasksthank you02:47
lapiontomgra try manually creating partitions beforehand with gparted02:47
ninjamasksgnea, thanks02:47
THE_GFR|WORKwhat is the default PASSWORD?!02:47
tjizzi installed ubuntu on my laptop and the wireless card no longer works. how can i get my wireless to work again?02:47
ninjamasksgnea, it worked :)02:47
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: you are sshing into a live cd?  I told you the password already.02:47
tensa_zangetsui have a 10 gb ext4 partition that is / and a 50 gb ext4 partition that is /home02:47
Gneaninjamasks: cheers02:47
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: well, if you are getting the error, even with a live install, maybe there is a hardware issue.  Sometimes the bios will have a reset to defaults like option, and maybe that would help.  Im kinda out of ideas02:47
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: I missed it02:47
psusiTHE_GFR|WORK, there isn't a password02:48
tomgraI can't because when it goes to the blank screen everything freezes.02:48
h00kTHE_GFR|WORK: There isn't one.02:48
UbuntuNoobjrib: i cant find it in that list im still working too02:48
THE_GFR|WORKit asks for one and isn't blank02:48
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: I don't understand why you would ssh into a live cd to fix it02:48
EeePC_woesChogyDan : OK, Looking at it now02:48
jribUbuntuNoob: grep VGA02:48
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: so I can copy commands and use the web to fix it...02:48
tomgralapion I will try gparted maybe that will work. I hope.02:48
tjizzanyone know how to fix the wireless?02:48
lapiontomgra before starting the install program do the partition creating02:48
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: but why are you bothering?  How could you have broken it and why aren't you just rebooting?02:48
UbuntuNoobIntel 82852?02:49
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: it won't boot correctly it says it can't find the right uuid for the HD or something02:49
THE_GFR|WORKso anyway02:49
tomgralapion so I shoule use gparted then do the install?02:49
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: if you can't boot it, then you can't ssh...02:49
Sean93how do i clone the contents of one hard drive and store it on another hard drive so that i can format the drive and then put the contents back on it?02:49
UbuntuNoobjrib: Intel 82852?02:49
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: just to clarify, you select the liveusb, and then what happens?02:50
jribUbuntuNoob: why is there a "?"+02:50
lapiontomgra, just try creating the partitions and filesystems, afterwards only point to the correct partitions in the install program02:50
psusiSean93, depends... why do you want to do that?02:50
UbuntuNoobjrib: i did that lol i wasnt sure if that was right or not02:50
Sean93the drive wont mount02:50
jimi_<jrib> THE_GFR|WORK: if you can't boot it, then you can't ssh... lol02:50
psusiSean93, what do you mean?02:51
THE_GFR|WORKI can ssh into it via the LIVE DISC but its asking for a PASSWORD and I need the password blank does not work, nothing does not work02:51
lapiontomgra, if gparted cannot handle the partition scheme try using parted02:51
THE_GFR|WORKI can ssh into the LIVE DISC02:51
THE_GFR|WORKbut I need the password02:51
psusiTHE_GFR|WORK, then you need to set a password02:51
=== Tanvir is now known as Tanvir|Busy
tomgralapion I will try your suggestions.02:51
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: ok, I think you are being a bit imprecise with what you are saying and it's causing confusion.02:51
UbuntuNoobTHE_GFR|WORK: root, alpine?02:51
jrib!away > Tanvir|Busy02:51
ubottuTanvir|Busy, please see my private message02:51
Sean93psusi: Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 12: Failed to read last sector (3907027119): Invalid argument02:51
EeePC_woesChogyDan : I select the liveUSB and then it follows the exact same process - blank screen for a few seconds, then a single line error "udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is not configured"02:51
psusiSean93, what did you do when you got that?  what's the exact command?02:52
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: take 2 minutes and collect your thoughts.  Then tell us exactly what the issue you have is.02:52
Sean93its when i try to open the drive in places02:52
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: the issue is I can't login via SSH02:53
psusijrib, he did... he is booting the livecd, installed sshd, and wants to have someone else ssh to him02:53
earthshadeilovefairuz: !!!02:53
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: into where?  Live cd?  Install?02:53
psusiTHE_GFR|WORK, go set a password with the passwd command... there is none by default02:53
uLinuxtrism: the cause of the problem was Bleachit. I used it to clean Locales and once I deleted PT..02:53
THE_GFR|WORKpsusi: thanks that worked :)02:53
Sean93psusi: its when i try to open the drive in places02:54
EeePC_woesChogyDan : Then it says Gave up waiting for Boot Device, Common Problems: 1. Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline) , - Check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough?) , - Check root= (did the system wait for the right device)  2. Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev)02:54
psusiSean93, sounds like the drive is screwed... can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l in a terminal?02:54
psusi!paste | Sean9302:54
ubottuSean93: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:55
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: did you try the bios reset?  if it exists?02:55
sarge1221Anyone here really good with virtualbox OSE?02:55
EeePC_woesChogyDan : Couldn't find it02:55
EeePC_woesChogyDan the closest I found was to restore defaults, which I did. But that didn't help02:55
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: can you check that your harddrives are in order within the bios?02:55
EeePC_woesChogyDan : In order, as in the correct boot order? HDD > USB?02:56
Sean93psusi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/517155/02:56
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: no, as in still connected, enabled, detected by the bios, etc02:56
EeePC_woesChogyDan : I do not have any partitions, so those are the only two options02:56
EeePC_woesChogyDan : Gotcha, on it02:57
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: maybe disable your hdd in the bios, and try to boot the liveusb (maybe the hdd is making the boot process panic)02:58
psusiSean93, ok, which one of those is the one you are trying to open? ;)02:58
Sean93psusi: sdd02:58
sarge1221having problems trying to setup a windows 7 64 bit OS on VB OSE. when I try to create the OS it stops the creation of a new drive saying that it is already created?02:58
Saikanyone good decyphering virus code?02:58
rusivi!virtualbox sarge122102:58
jrib!ot | Saik02:58
ubottuSaik: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:58
rusivi!virtualbox | sarge122102:59
ubottusarge1221: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:59
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone here is the issue, I can't boot the system off the hard drive beause it says the uuid does not exist, I'm trying a fix from a website but its NOT working, the very first command fails02:59
sarge1221I have the free version.02:59
THE_GFR|WORKplease help02:59
THE_GFR|WORKI don't want to reinstall02:59
jrib!enter | THE_GFR|WORK03:00
ubottuTHE_GFR|WORK: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:00
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: is the uuid incorrect in the grub configuration?03:00
psusiSean93, sorry, forgot to tell you to add -u... can you post the output of sudo fdisk -lu /dev/sdd?03:00
sarge1221And nvm i will never get this program i just tried reinstalling it for the third time and speak of the devil it actually installed my new drive correctly after like 45 failed attempts.03:00
EeePC_woesChogyDan : The only option I can see that would disable the HDD is: "ATA/IDE configuration" under which I have "Configure SATA as:" with AHCI / IDE as the two options03:00
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: I don't know but I would assume so but the last time I booted this ubuntu install it worked perfectly03:00
psusiEeePC_woes, you want AHCI03:01
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: find out03:01
nimbioticsHello all. My son need toproduce a PODCAST for his classes and I dont have an apple ... Using ubuntu 10.04, can we produce some other type of file that he can then convert into a podcast? TIA03:01
Sean93psusi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/517158/03:01
psusiSean93, also this appears to be formatted for windows... do you dual boot?  can windows access the drive?03:01
Excelsiornimbiotics: a podcast is just an MP3 file of some people talking, isn't it?03:01
Sean93psusi: Yes and yes03:02
nimbioticsExcelsior: i have no idea whatsoever03:02
Excelsiori'm pretty sure it is03:02
rusivinimbiotics: a podcast is just a marketing term for a audio file available to many through itunes03:02
EeePC_woesChogyDan : OK, I missed this: Under ATA / IDE Configuration I can choose either enhanced or compatible03:02
nimbioticsExcelsior: not a apple user03:02
nimbioticsrusivi: so i must guess that if he takes an mp3 file to an aple machine hell be able to convert it, right?03:03
psusiSean93, hrm... the partition appears to extend beyond the end of the drive03:03
rusivinimbiotics: podcast is not a file type, it is a marketing term.03:03
ATXquick question lol.. does the belkin wireless adapter work with *ubuntu?03:03
nimbioticsrusivi: Ok, thatnks a BUNCH!03:03
jribnimbiotics: are there any actual format requirements?  "podcast" to me just means an audio file in a series that releases often03:03
Saiknimbiotics: then he just needs an audio file that he creates, and yes, an mp33 would work. RSS uses mp3s as well most of the time03:03
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: I dunno.  All the stuff I google has people able to boot the liveusb, so ... I don't know.03:03
psusiSean93, I suggest you run a chkdsk /f on it from windows03:03
nimbioticsSaik: hes suposed to use a fotware called garage something03:04
jribnimbiotics: garage band?03:04
Saikjrib: can I pm you a sec?03:04
nimbioticsjrib: yes03:04
Sean93psusi: ok i will03:04
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: and I'm not sure which option you would use to disable the drive03:04
THE_GFR|WORKit drops me to a busybox commandline and I can't do anything03:04
jribSaik: sure03:04
THE_GFR|WORKI guess there is nothing to do but reinstall03:04
Saiknimbiotics: program doesn't really matter, just the outcome does03:04
THE_GFR|WORKthis is retarded03:04
THE_GFR|WORKI need some help please03:05
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: we can't help you if you don't do what we tell you to.03:05
Cairois there a program that scans all the installed programs and tells you which is the largest?03:05
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: on my eeepc, there is Advanced > IDE configuration03:05
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: I don't know how to find out what information you are requesting03:05
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: are you on the live cd now?03:05
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: yes03:05
nimbioticsExcelsiorm rusivi, jrib, Saik et all: Thanks!03:06
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: compare what is in your /boot/grub/grub.cfg with the output of « sudo blkid »03:06
EeePC_woesChogyDan : Yes, that's where I found the AHCI / IDE options03:06
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: the HD isn't mounted or showing up03:06
THE_GFR|WORKer I mean its not mounted03:06
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: I can set my drive to "not installed"03:06
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: mount it03:06
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: it asks for a file system type...03:07
ChogyDanTHE_GFR|WORK: can you pastebin all the output of your attempt to mount?03:07
nimbioticsDoe anyone know if  there is any software for ubuntu that would allow me to create a video to simulate a car accident?03:07
petranHi. How can I change NLS for an Oracle XE installed in Ubuntu?03:07
THE_GFR|WORKroot@ubuntu:/# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/mount03:07
THE_GFR|WORKmount: you must specify the filesystem type03:07
EeePC_woesChogyDan : That's not an option for me. But I found it under Boot > 1st boot device > disabled03:07
EeePC_woesChogyDan: Trying that now03:08
ChogyDan!paste | THE_GFR|WORK03:08
ubottuTHE_GFR|WORK: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:08
EeePC_woesChogyDan : I'll be back in a but I have to make another liveUSB and try it03:08
lapionTHE_GFR|WORK, use the duso03:08
THE_GFR|WORKlapion: what?03:09
EeePC_woesChogyDan : Is there any way to make sure the liveUSB is working03:09
lapionTHE_GFR|WORK, use the sudo03:09
THE_GFR|WORKI did03:09
jriblapion: he's root03:09
THE_GFR|WORKI'm root03:09
incogweedois anyone using docky?03:09
rusivi!blender | nimbiotics03:09
ubottunimbiotics: blender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro03:09
THE_GFR|WORKwhat file system do I specify?03:09
TeppyGreetings. I'm looking for the package that contains the 32 bit developer libraries for OpenGL. (I'm on 64-bit Lucid)03:09
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: pastebin « fdisk -l »03:09
EeePC_woesChogyDan : I tried using it with my Mac, but it doesn't detect it. But the people I spoke to said that it doesn't necessarily mean the lvieUSB doesnt work03:09
Andre_Gondimwhen alternate version installer is recommended?03:09
dragoneyeIf i got a partition of 230GB and only 37GB is used, how can i make a iso out of that partition without getting the unused portion with it?03:09
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: AFAIK, macs don't boot liveusb.  They are locked down03:10
nimbioticsrusivi: Thanks!03:10
sosaitedHi. is there any program which shows realtime mouse pointer X, Y coordinates in the tooltip or a small window?03:10
Nobuddyanother newbie question if i  may, how do i find stuff, when i search in nautilis i cannot see a directory for the files, just the name, i need the folder as well03:10
EeePC_woesChogyDan : Yea, that's what I heard. And I followed the instructions pretty closely, and didn't return any errors03:10
Nobuddyif i could add a column for that it owuld be nice03:11
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone how do I know what the file type is and how to specifiy it?03:11
THE_GFR|WORKspecify it03:11
rusividragoneye: If your looking to clone your primary OS for backup purposes you could do so via fsarchiver, FOG, or partimage.03:11
rusividragoneye: clonezilla03:11
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: all I need to know is how to specify the file system type03:11
ChogyDanTHE_GFR|WORK: can you pastebin all the terminal text?03:11
trelaynehey all, I'm on LTS and wondering: how can I see the individuals services being started in realtime at boot-time03:11
=== Kyoku is now known as Kaizen
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: again, you are ignoring what people ask you to do.  It's impossible to help you this way.03:12
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: if that's all you want to know, read « man mount » for two minutes.03:12
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: all I need to know is how to specify the file system type with the mount command03:12
Saiktrelayne: system monitor will tell you what is running, bit I don't know how to get a startup log03:12
dragoneyerusivi: tank you :-)03:12
trelayneSaik, thanks but I'm thinking in real-time at boot-time... I believe there must be a way to do it03:13
SaikTHE_GFR|WORK: ubuntu will automatically detect it03:13
dragoneyerusivi: its my primary partition with window on it, the HD is saying nighy nighty :-)03:13
sosaitedIs there any program which shows current mouse pointer X, Y coordinates03:13
ChogyDanTHE_GFR|WORK: it sounds like you are running literally `sudo mount /dev/sdaX /mnt`     but you need to replace X with a number03:13
jribsosaited: xev?  I'm guessing that's not what you want though.03:14
sanjaygud morning to all, i bought new hp deskjet 1050 printer.. u ubuntu 10.04 is not detecting it... can u pls help me03:14
Saiktrelayne: probably is, I just don't know it, sorry03:14
THE_GFR|WORKChogyDan: trying to!03:14
trelayneSaik,  oh no problem, didn't expect you to know!03:14
Nobuddyhow do i find stuff, when i search in nautilis i cannot see a directory for the files, just the name, i need the folder as well - can i add a column for that? or is there a better way?03:14
trelaynewas more for others gurus03:15
psusitrelayne, install the bootchart package03:15
jribNobuddy: well you could use locate or find in the terminal.  Or right click on the file result in nautilus and go to properties.  Don't know of a another way to do it in nautilus03:15
jribtrelayne: you want some text to tell you what is going on instead of just the pretty boot graphic?03:15
trelaynejrib, yep03:16
Nobuddyjrib thx03:16
trelaynethanks psusi03:16
jribtrelayne: do you happen to also not want gdm to start?03:16
trelaynejrib,  it's mainly because something is dramatically slowing down the login window from showing earlier than a minute03:17
THE_GFR|WORKI can't get it to mount at all03:17
jribtrelayne: ah, then bootchart is probably more helpful in that case.03:17
SaikTHE_GFR|WORK: what are you trying to mount then?03:17
THE_GFR|WORKit just won't so I guess I'm stuck reinstalling and LOSING ALL MY FILES!!! that pisses ME OFF!!!!03:17
ChogyDanTHE_GFR|WORK: I don't think we can help further until you pastebin all the terminal text of your attempt03:17
trelaynejrib,  thanks none the less03:17
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: if you want help, do what people ask you to.  Stop ranting here03:17
sosaitedjrgp: Not really. I actually needed something to tell me exact coordinates of a specific area so I could use that in ffmpeg/x11grab to record the screen. But I found a better solution as ffcast. Thanks :)03:17
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: my issue is I turned on this machine it boots to a screen that says the uuid DOES NOT EXIST03:18
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: yes, and I told you what you need to do.  You said that all you needed was something else and ignored me.03:18
Saiksosaited: so the whole guess and check metod isn't your style huh? lol (I usually just guess and get lucky)03:18
THE_GFR|WORKI booted the live CD of ubuntu to mount the hard drive and I can't mount it with mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mount/mount03:18
THE_GFR|WORKI booted the live CD of ubuntu to mount the hard drive and I can't mount it with mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/mount03:18
THE_GFR|WORKthere we go03:18
THE_GFR|WORKit says wrong file type or bad superblock03:19
THE_GFR|WORKand thats WRONG03:19
SaikTHE_GFR|WORK:  creater a directory and then "sudo mount /dev/sda1 (your path here)"03:19
sanjaygud morning to all, i bought new hp deskjet 1050 printer..  my ubuntu 10.04 is not detecting it... can u pls help me03:19
Mac102250Alright, I'm really really new to linux03:19
stringarrayI have a nVidia video card: product: NV18 [GeForce4 MX 4000] and the driver is version 96.43.17, I was about to upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick) but the release notes say "The new Xorg 1.9 available in Maverick is not compatible with  nVidia based chipsets that use the (nvidia-96) and (nvidia-173) drivers. " What does this mean?03:19
dstanekTHE_GFR|WORK: have you tried leaving off the -t?03:20
Saiksanjay: have you installed the drivers from the repository?03:20
THE_GFR|WORKlemme try dstanek03:20
ChogyDanstringarray: it means, wait to upgrade  :)03:20
Mac102250And when I enter the command "sudo -i", it asks me to enter my password but nothing shows up when I type it.03:20
sanjaysaik: how.. i don't know any thing i am very new to ubuntu03:20
jribMac102250: that's normal, you don't see it03:20
Saiksanjay: search symantec for it03:20
Mac102250Oh, I thought it would turn it into asterisks.03:21
THE_GFR|WORKno that fails dstanek03:21
Mac102250Well, now I feel dumb.03:21
Jordan_UTHE_GFR|WORK: Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid".03:21
Jordan_UMac102250: Common mistake :)03:22
sionide21I have a question about packaging. Is this the right place to ask?03:22
sosaitedSaik: Well I am all for guessing and experimenting, but sometimes you don't have the luxury to do that if what you want to record will be there for just once :)03:22
Saiksosaited: good point03:22
sosaitedThanks guys03:22
jribsosaited: you can ask but depending on the question, #ubuntu-packaging or -motu may be more helpful03:23
Sean93psusi: i ran the chkdsk and got the error "the second NTFS partition is not readable" or something lol i cant remember :S03:23
IdleOnesionide21: probably #ubuntu-packaging03:23
jribsionide21: you can ask but depending on the question, #ubuntu-packaging or -motu may be more helpful03:23
dstanekTHE_GFR|WORK: are you sure sd1 is the device you are looking for?03:23
THE_GFR|WORKwell the SDA is the 500.1GB hard drive03:23
THE_GFR|WORKwhich has the OS installed on it and it is saying the UUID is wrong03:23
sosaitedjrgp: I guess that was meant for sionide21  :)03:23
sionide21Thanks, I'll head over there03:23
jribsionide21: *nod*03:23
gary_inNYCIs there a way to delete events for a set of pictures in Shotwell?  The photo manager is cluttering my screen with automated events by date only.  I'd rather use my own events.03:23
dstanekTHE_GFR|WORK: does sda only have one partition?03:23
jribsionide21: erm... that nod was for you :P03:24
THE_GFR|WORKdstanek: it has whatever is needed for ubuntu to run, swap and main partition etc03:24
Jordan_UTHE_GFR|WORK: Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid".03:24
Sean93psusi: you here?03:24
THE_GFR|WORKJordan_U: I did above03:24
sosaitedwhile I am here, I might as well ask it. I use Gnome PPP to connect to my Evdo connection. Is there a way I can set it up so it always connects about one minute after Ubuntu starts. ?03:25
Jordan_UTHE_GFR|WORK: Ahh, didn't notice because you didn't use my nick. Sorry.03:25
THE_GFR|WORKJordan_U: np03:25
THE_GFR|WORKI have the UUID listed by blkid but why does it drop me to busybox and say the uuid does not exist?03:25
ShapeShifter499ok I want to know... what can I uninstall from my PowerPC ubuntu system so I can have ubuntu act as a bootstrap (or whatever you'd call it) for qemu and reactos?03:25
porjoHow do I setup gnome-terminal with a background image but *without* transparency...so far I can only make the background image appear if I also enable transparency!?03:25
THE_GFR|WORKhow do I fix this!!!??!?!?!?!?!?03:25
* THE_GFR|WORK says fixit fixit fixit fixit fixit fixit fixit03:26
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: stop that please03:26
rww!helpme | THE_GFR|WORK03:26
ubottuTHE_GFR|WORK: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude03:26
THE_GFR|WORKI dunno what to do next!!03:26
Jordan_UTHE_GFR|WORK: Wait patiently for more instructions.03:27
SaikTHE_GFR|WORK: patience is a virute, do try to excersize it03:27
Saikwow.. I'm typo city tonight..03:27
porjoShapeShifter499: you want to run Reactos inside a qemu VM inside Ubuntu?03:28
ATXIm trying to use the usb-creator tool on the disk to create a bootable usb flash drive, and the iso isn't showing up to install from03:28
gary_inNYCOk, so based on what I've found in forums it seems Shotwell imposes its date events on you, and you can't delete if if you tried?03:28
ShapeShifter499porjo: ya but in such a way to where it looks like react os is the only thing installed03:28
psusiSean93, looks like that drive is fubar... did you format it originally under windows?03:29
Sean93How to i clone the data on hard drive one and store the data on hard drive two, so that i can format hard drive one and but the data back onto it? there is about 400GB of data.03:29
Sean93psusi: sorry didnt see your reply03:29
Jordan_UTHE_GFR|WORK: Please pastebin the output of "sudo fsck -n /dev/sda1".03:29
porjoShapeShifter499: you could launch it fullscreen - that would give the impression that it is the only thing installed!?03:29
psusiSean93, drag and drop03:29
Sean93psusi: i didnt format it when i bought it03:29
psusiSean93, and it came new?03:30
psusiSean93, wow, that's fubar03:30
SaikSean93: alwaya a good idea to format things when you buy them03:30
ShapeShifter499porjo: I know but what can I uninstall so I can free up ram, how do I turn ubuntu ppc into a minimal system just for running qemu03:30
THE_GFR|WORKJordan_U: http://www.pastebin.org/35691603:31
psusiFouled Up Beyond All Recognition is the cleaned up version03:31
Sean93psusi:  how do i fix it?03:31
THE_GFR|WORKso will it finish up ever?03:31
psusiSean93, copy your files to another drive and reformat it03:31
Jordan_UTHE_GFR|WORK: There should be more output than that if you wait.03:32
THE_GFR|WORKJordan_U: how long? this is a 500GB hard drive03:32
Sean93what is the best way to do that since ubuntu wont mount the drive?03:32
frostbyt3whats a good FTP client for Ubuntu? not having much luck. wish #1 - sshfs supported ftp. wish #2 - nautilus allowed setting remote permissions03:32
Jordan_UTHE_GFR|WORK: At least 5 minutes.03:32
nimbioticsBlender shows as installed but ic annot find it on any of the menus, any ideas?03:32
frostbyt3ps. not filezilla03:32
psusiSean93, with windows03:32
SaikTHE_GFR|WORK: how fast is your processor?03:33
THE_GFR|WORKSaik: 3GHz socket 775 intel CPU03:33
porjoShapeShifter499: you still need X windows, however you shouldn't need Gnome or KDE WM - perhaps go for a lightweight WM like Xfce? That should free some RAM03:33
psusiSean93, have you ever had Ubuntu mount this drive in the past?03:33
Saiknimbiotics: reboot, it'll appear03:33
Sean93psusi: no03:33
SaikTHE_GFR|WORK: i7?03:33
psusiSean93, it's hard to believe that a new drive would come with a broken format, but that appears to be the case03:33
THE_GFR|WORKSaik: no P4, 3GHz socket 77503:33
psusiSean93, is this drive in an external enclosure or anything?03:34
SaikTHE_GFR|WORK: ah.. sorry, not good with processor numbers lol03:34
Sean93its an external, forgot to mention that03:34
EeePC_woesChogyDan : OK, I tried it again with the HDD disabled, and now it's asking me to reboot and select a proper boot device. The current preference is for it to boot from removable device, so i guess this means the liveUSB isn't working?03:34
ShapeShifter499porjo: hmm ok ok thanks...03:34
THE_GFR|WORKok on pass 503:34
ShapeShifter499porjo: I'll google this more03:34
nimbioticsSaik: found it under graphics ... i was looking under sound & video03:34
psusiSean93, hrm.. your external drive enclosure might be broken and making the drive appear smaller than it is... you should try connecting it internally03:34
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: actually, I think that sounds about right.  You are getting a double wammy.  Error, and the livecd isn't working03:35
SaikTHE_GFR|WORK: it might take a little over 10 mins, estimation on the lengthy side by me03:35
THE_GFR|WORKit has a lot of errors how do I fix it?03:35
frostbyt3wow rhymnbox fail.. randomly stops and crashes03:35
THE_GFR|WORKsaik: how do I let it fix the errors?03:35
mr_orange_besides using lock when screensaver activates is there another way to lock the screen03:35
Sean93psusi: should i reformat it before i try that? and also do i just drag and drop in windows?03:35
Saiknimbiotics: ok, it ppeared for you. it doesn't alays/ didn't used to always03:35
EeePC_woesChogyDan : I just created the liveUSB on my mac and followed all the steps exactly. The terminal output matched what the official ubuntu site says03:35
test34frostbyt3, same here03:36
porjomr_orange_: ctrl+alt+l03:36
Sean93mr_orange_:  crtl+alt+L03:36
psusiSean93, yea, you can just drag and drop in windows... no, you should not reformat until you try connecting it internally... if it IS just the enclosure, then there's nothing wrong with the drive or the data on it03:36
EeePC_woesChogyDan : Any idea where to go from here?03:36
THE_GFR|WORKJordan_U: hey03:36
psusiSean93, this is a USB enclosure right, not esata?03:36
SaikTHE_GFR|WORK: tbh, not my department. I haven't used linux since just after gutsy03:36
Sean93psusi: yes03:36
psusiSean93, and it was what?  a 2tb drive?03:36
EeePC_woesChogyDan : It sounds like the only option might be buying an external optical drive03:36
Saiker.. hardy03:36
Jordan_UTHE_GFR|WORK: Replace "-n" with "-y". So "sudo fsck -y /dev/sda1".03:36
Sean93psusi: yes03:37
frostbyt3i think rhymnbox is like passively scanning all my mounts for music.. it has a bunch of sound files from an old usb. i didnt open them. now they are 'missing' and probably causing it to crash, perhaps03:37
psusiSean93, yea, my guess is that the drive is larger than the enclosure can handle03:37
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: Im afraid I don't know macs at all03:37
Sean93so do i need to install it internally?03:37
psusiSean93, yep03:37
Sean93does that void my warrenty?03:37
ChogyDanEeePC_woes: maybe find a friends computer with windows or ubuntu, and burn the disk there?03:37
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:37
psusiSean93, ohh..... it CAME as an external usb drive?03:37
psusiSean93, wow... what make an model is this?03:38
SaikSean93: it it a wd?03:38
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: Apple's firmware is buggy, its BIOS inteface doesn't work with USB.03:38
Saikis it*03:38
EeePC_woesChogyDan : Yes, i guess that's the only option.03:38
Sean93WD elements03:38
al_nz1how do I find a file? "find . xxx.conf" to search system wide?03:38
EeePC_woesJordan_U : So there is no workaround for making a liveUSB on a mac?03:39
SaikI have a mybook, it wasn't particularly happy with linux (mine's a 320)03:39
jribal_nz1: use locate03:39
EeePC_woesJordan_U The ubuntu site lists out the instructions on making a liveUSB through terminal pretty clearly03:39
johnihello everybody03:39
Saik!hi | johni03:39
johnihave the weirdest problem with an apple keyboard, I push 4 and 5 fast and the tabs in firefox change03:40
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: Yes, you can make a LiveUSB from a mac that will boot on any other PC with those instructions :)03:40
al_nz1jrib: ta03:40
Saikit's been  a while since I've used the bot :P03:40
porjoal_nz1: try 'locate'03:40
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: It *can* be worked around using grub-efi, so that you don't need to use the BIOS interface.03:40
bryhoythi, I'm using xinput_calibrator to calibrate a touchscreen. It says to put configuration into /etc/hal/fdi/policy/touchscreen.fdi But 10.04 got rid of HAL, so where should I put this stuff now?03:40
al_nz1ie locate . xxx.conf03:40
izinucsI've got a flash presentation on my LAN server that I'm accessing from within the lan.. when it get's to the point of actually playing a video nothing comes across.  Is there a plugin or package I need to install to spool the flash video? All I've installed currently is apache2.03:40
al_nz1to search system wide?03:40
Sean93psusi: Its a Western Digital Elements 2TB03:40
THE_GFR|WORKJordan_U: its still checking now03:40
EeePC_woesJordan_U Gotcha, so the Mac + Eee combination is a bad one. How complex is this grub-efi workaround?03:41
porjoal_nz1: yeah - providing that mlocate is set to run daily from crontab (which it is by default)03:41
johniactually on any keyboard on my ubuntu 10.04 the firefox tabs change when I push 4 and 5 in fast succession, any help?03:41
porjoal_nz1: otherwise use 'find /'03:41
Jordan_UTHE_GFR|WORK: It's safe to cancel the check (fsck -n) with ctrl+c. Note that it is *not* safe to do the same with fsck -y though.03:41
al_nz1porjo: scrolled a whole bunch of files but none of them match the expression03:41
sionide21I going to ask in here because packaging is very low traffic. Packages like mysql-server create a new user when installed. How do they do this? Is it a preinst thing or something else?03:41
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: A LiveUSB created on a mac should boot on an EeePC without issues.03:42
psusiSean93, I'm not sure about the warranty, but if you could connect it directly without the enclosure, that would rule out the possiblity of the enclosure being the problem03:42
johnisure indeed 4 and 5 in short succession, only 4 gets typed and the 5 does not :(03:42
psusiSean93, it is hard to believe that WD ships drives with either a broken format or a broken enclosure, but... damn...03:43
al_nz1porjo: whats the "/" for?03:43
porjosionide21: that's just part of the package post install script (embedded in the deb file)03:44
Jordan_USean93: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"?03:44
Saikal_nz1:  "/" = root03:44
Sean93psusi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1569941 it seems like they do03:44
al_nz1Saik: "/" the same as using "." ?03:44
EeePC_woesJordan_U OK, here's what happened so far: I was running NBR 10.04 on my 1005HAB. I unfortunately made the mistake of letting the battery run out while installing some updates, and now when I boot up I get an error saying "udevadm trigger is not allowed while udev is not configured"03:44
Saikal_nz1: it will search from start to end that way for sure03:44
porjoal_nz1: find / will start searching at the root of your filesystem03:45
al_nz1Saik: hmmm, ok, can you stop the output except for files match expression?03:45
THE_GFR|WORKJordan_U: it fixed a bunch of stuff on SDA103:45
Sean93psusi: once i move the files, how do i format the drive?03:45
psusiSean93, can you at least look at the sticker on the drive and get its exact size and/or model number?03:45
bryhoytWhere do I put xinput_calibrator settings in ubuntu 10.04?03:45
EeePC_woesJordan_U This error persisted even when I tried booting from liveUSB, until ChogyDan here had the idea of diasbling my hdd during boot, and the error switched to the generic please insert a bootable media error, which confirms that the liveUSB is the problem (right?)03:46
mr_orange_i have ubuntu netbook version 10.04 and everyonce in a while my wifi will disconnect and then reconnect again...anyone know why?03:46
FroodleAnyone know if there's a recent development on nvidia-96 drivers and 10.10?03:46
psusiSean93, assuming you want to keep it formatted so windows can access it, best way is to use windows03:46
THE_GFR|WORKdo I need to reboot and see if it will boot up now ?03:46
hmastersonmr_orange: this happens to me every time we run our microwave03:46
sionide21porjo I suspected that. DO you know how to see that? I tried downloading a package and opening it up but I couldn't find any of the files except control and the parts to actually put on the fs (etc, lib, ...)03:46
EeePC_woesJordan_U So how do I figure out what the problem is in the liveUSB, when I've been using the terminal commands and following them to a T03:46
EeePC_woesJordan_U with no errors and all output as expected03:47
mr_orange_well i dont know if thats the case. it does it in class where no microwaves are present03:47
Saik2stupid network failure..03:47
THE_GFR|WORKJordan_U: do I reboot now and see if it will work?03:47
Saik2al_nz1: all it will output is what you ask it to03:47
johnihow can I find to what keyboard is a key mapped to?03:47
porjosionide21: actually, that was a bit of an assumption. That's the way it works for RPMs (Redhat distros) and so I'd imagine it'd be similar for DEBs03:47
hmastersonmr_orange: any other wireless devices in the room that have the same problem?  or, is it just you?03:47
mr_orange_as far as i know its just me03:47
Sean93psusi: P/N:WDBAAU0020HBK-01 is that what you're looking for?03:48
nimbioticsI use google voice a lot to make calls from my PC using a USB headset. I need to record some of these calls and have been trying with Audacity, but all i've been able to record so far is my own voice. How can I record whatever is coming thru my headset's speakers?03:48
izinucsnimbiotics: I need an answer to that too :)03:48
Saik2jrib: you an ircop, or just an op here?03:49
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: Could you pastebin the output of "sudo dd if=/dev/disk_in_osx_naming count=1 | od -x"?03:49
al_nz1well why does "find / password.lst" fail when I can see the file????03:49
Jordan_UTHE_GFR|WORK: Yes.03:49
Blue1al_nz1: try /etc/password03:49
sionide21porjo: there are postinst and preinst scripts, I just have no I dea what happens to the once its all rolled up. I am pretty new to the whole packaging thing :/03:49
psusiSean93, can you open the enclosure and read it directly off the drive?03:49
psusiSean93, WD'03:49
Saik2al_nz1: "find /* password.lst" perhaps?03:49
psusiSean93, WD's site is being obtuse and refusing to give me any real technical specifications on that thing03:49
=== Saik2 is now known as Saik
Sean93Ill see if i can open it03:50
EeePC_woesJordan_U When I boot from the HDD, I only have access to the [initramfs] shell, so I can't use that03:50
uLinuxim using ALSA for sound but now i dont have sound in front jack03:50
sionide21al_nz1: "find / -name password.lst"03:50
psusiSean93, it's all marketing garbage.. if I can get the model of the drive itself, they usually list the exact sector count so we can check to see if it is being detected correctly or not03:50
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: I meant from your mac.03:50
porjosionide21: if you need a custom install of MySQL, then you're probably best off just installing the tar.gz binary into /usr/local and going from there. Why do you want to hack the DEB package?03:51
EeePC_woesJordan_U Sorry, Do you want that with the liveUSB plugged in?03:51
rwwbucky_: now ask the people in here :)03:51
bucky_ i need direction trying to have 17 different desktops and displays on one or a few servers who do i ask for help03:51
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: Yes.03:51
al_nz1sionide21: ta03:51
Sean93psusi: i cant work out how to open it :S there don't seem to be any screws03:52
EeePC_woesJordan_U sorry for the inane questions, I R Noob03:52
bucky_my buddy owns a bar we want to put boxee on all tvs03:52
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: You'll have to figure out the device name to use on your own, it might be listed in Disk Utility.03:52
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: np :)03:52
sionide21porjo: actually, mysql was just an example of a packiage that I know does this. I am trying to get a smaller project to create its own user so that it doesn't run a webserver as root by default03:52
EeePC_woesJordan_U I can use diskutil list for that, right?03:52
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: Probably. I haven't used OSX in a while :)03:53
psusiSean93, darn... I'm wondering if WD just formatted it wrong somehow, or if it's the usb enclosure they use that is messed up03:53
porjosionide21: ah, ok. Sorry, I'm not going to be much help there - I use Centos for all my server stuff. Just using Ubuntu on the desktop :)03:53
johniis there anything special with 4? it activates some sort of special mode when I type it03:53
johnican somebody help me?03:53
Jordan_USean93: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"?03:54
sionide21porjo: lol, ok. Thanks anyway I will just keep on googling.03:54
Saikthat's odd..03:54
porjojohni: do you mean the key '4' on your keyboard?03:54
bucky_how many desktops does ubuntu support03:54
SaikSean93: you tried the drive on windows?03:54
Bossmanbetahey, I'm having trouble extracting the iso from ghost-4-linux to a usb stick ... it extracts, but I cannot make it bootable. Unetbootin locks up when I try to select the ghost 4 linux ISO .. I also downloaded it 2x to make sure the iso wasn't corrupted.. Anyone know an alternate way to make a usb stick bootable?03:55
Sean93Saik: yes, it works03:55
Sean93what does smesg do?03:56
Jordan_UBossmanbeta: This channel is for Ubuntu support, try asking in ghost-4-linux's support areas.03:56
SaikSean93: sorry, I'm multitasking and fixing a pc all at once, brain's a bit fuzzy.  anyways... have you done a discx check on it since running it on windows?03:56
johniporjo, yeap the key 4 on my keyboard03:56
Jordan_USean93: It shows kernel messages, which often have usefull information about why things are failing.03:56
porjojohni: ok, and what 'special mode' do you mean? What happens on the screen?03:56
EeePC_woesJordan_U Here you go: http://pastebin.com/QcxcrapG03:57
Sean93Saik: yes, it said something about the second NTFS partition03:57
SaikSean93: there's 2 on that drive?03:57
uLinuxhow can i restart alsa?03:57
johniit was activating some special mode03:57
johnii think i found the culprint, it was the xmodmap file03:58
Sean93Saik: not that i was aware of, but thats what it said03:58
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: That output is verry odd. It suggests that you don't even have a partition table.03:58
Saiktried mounting it on command line?03:58
Saiker... in terminal03:58
Sean93Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/517177/03:58
Sean93Saik: how do i do that?03:59
psusiSaik, he already confirmed the format is fubar by checking it in windows03:59
EeePC_woesJordan_U I'm sorry, I don't follw03:59
SaikSean93: off the top of my head it's probably sudo mount -o force /dev/usb0 /dir/here03:59
psusiSaik, only question is why?  either the size of the drive is being reported as too small due to the usb enclosure being broken, or somehow wd just formatted it broken04:00
EeePC_woesJordan_U what are the implications of that for my Mac?04:00
DarthScapeAnyone notice that Apple's Mac OS X Lion has a feature called "Launchpad"? Anyone think there will be trademark issues?04:00
bucky_how many displays does ubuntu support04:00
Saikpsusi: I'd try forcing a mount and see what happens personally04:00
EeePC_woesJordan_U <feverishly gmails work files to himself in panic>04:00
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: That command will display the first 512 bytes of your disk in hex. The first 512 bytes of a disk contain the partition table and the bootloader. The first 512 bytes of your disk, according to that output, are all zeroes.04:01
porjobucky_: I'm not sure. There could be an arbitary limit, otherwise it's going to be limited by your system resources i.e. RAM - won't don't you try and see how many you can create :)04:01
Sean93mount point /dir/here does not exist04:01
Saikpsusi: the fact it runs in wodows fine shows that it's a driver issue in linux, not the drive itself most likely04:01
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: I assume that you can't actually read any files from that drive currently and that disk utility does not show it as having any partitions?04:02
SaikSean93: /dir/here can be anything: /root, ~/mycrappyfilder, etc.04:02
Sean93what should i use?04:02
SaikSean93: pick something. I usually use ~/win04:02
Saikbut I have that folder already created, as you will need to as well btw04:03
StevethepirateThe rent is too high.04:03
Sean93how do i create it using terminal?04:03
johniporjo, found the culprit was using this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard and one of the mapping for .Xmodmap is    add    Mod1    = Alt_L 0x007D04:03
psusiSaik, it doesn't run in windows fine... he ran a chkdsk on it and it reported a similar error04:03
johniporjo, the 0x007D is the one that was creating the problems04:03
=== cece is now known as semo_PlzTellMe
Saikpsusi: not what he said a minute ago..04:04
=== foxlover is now known as PauloRicardo
tacomasterare the sys > admin > hardware drivers the only proprietary drivers that ubuntu uses?04:04
SaikSean93: mkdir ~/win will create a "win" folder in your home folder, if I remember correctly04:04
bucky_porjo_:well not sure of hard ware i need 17 desktops on 17 displays setup on a rackmount a dont want 6 or 7 servers i want one or 20 no input on the displays just different picture04:05
=== oracle_ is now known as oracle
nonewmsgsi took out the videocard and am now using the builtin one.  what is the best way to redo X?  do you still dpkg?04:05
psusiSaik, he mounts in windows, but that is because windows is stupid... I had him run a chkdsk /f and it reported a similar error... I'd really like to figure out if the detected size of the drive is wrong or not but WD's frigging web site doesn't give technical specs for that product04:05
SaikTB drive here has 931gb total04:07
nonewmsgswilliam@jesus:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg did nothing04:07
Saikit'd assume double it (roughly) that's what it should have04:07
psusiSaik, yea, but exactly how many sectors is that drive supposed to have?  because the partition is a few larger than the total detected size of the drive04:07
Sean93sudo mount -o force /dev/usb0 ~/win = mount: special device /dev/usb0 does not exist04:07
Sean93sudo mount -o force /dev/sdd ~/win = mount: you must specify the filesystem type04:07
psusiSean93, it was sdd1 for you04:08
malachaiIm having a minor problem. Im trying to change the picture on the logon screen. Ive done it a few times before and it seems like I did it with Ubuntu Tweak. Ive looked all over through Tweak and cant find it anywhere. Did they take it out? Is there another program that I can use? I tried System/Admin/Login Screen, but it doesnt give me the option to change the picture. Can someone help me with this?04:08
Sean93Failed to read last sector (3907027119): Invalid argument04:08
psusiSean93, I wonder... can you post the output of sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdd?04:08
Sean93sudo: smartctl: command not found04:09
psusiSean93, err, sudo apt-get install smartmontools04:09
andriHeya guys.04:09
Saikpsusi: User Sectors Per Drive 3,907,029,16804:10
Sean93i configuration window cam up inside terminal, what do i do?04:10
andriI'm looking to run my dual screens in extended mode but there's not an option for it in Monitor Settings (Lubuntu), is there a software I could use to fix this?04:10
psusiSaik, where'd you get that?04:10
psusiSean93, huh?04:10
Saikpsusi: http://google.ad.sgdoubleclick.net/pagead/nclk?sa=L&ai=1&fadurl=googleads.g.doubleclick.net&u=http%3A%2F%2Fhothardware.com%2FArticles%2FWestern%252DDigital%252D2TB%252DCaviar%252DGreen%252DPower%252DHard%252DDrive%2F&aclck=http%3A%2F%2Fmarketsearchbar.org%2Fsearch.php%3Fkeyword%3Dwestern%2Bdigital%2B2tb%2Bsectors04:10
mr_orange_is there a good program out there that will disable my touchpad while im typing?04:10
Saikbah.. lemme get a cleaned link04:10
psusiSaik, that's the drive I have... but I'm not sure if it is the one sean has04:11
Sean93i configuration window came up in terminal when i tried to install smartmontools, what do i do?04:11
Sean93a configuration window*04:11
psusiSean93, I'm not sure what you mean04:11
porjoandri: do you mean one desktop across 2 monitors?04:11
shadow98who do i rm -rf *.* but exlude one file name04:12
malachaiIm having a minor problem. Im trying to change the picture on the logon screen. Ive done it a few times before and it seems like I did it with Ubuntu Tweak. Ive looked all over through Tweak and cant find it anywhere. Did they take it out? Is there another program that I can use? I tried System/Admin/Login Screen, but it doesnt give me the option to change the picture. Can someone help me with this?04:12
Sean93its a blue and grey window that says postfix configuration and its talking about a mail server04:12
andriporjo: Yeah, and be compatible with two resolutions while spanning across two monitors.04:12
andriCause I have two different size monitors. (only one of them is wide screen)04:13
psusiSean93, apparently you installed posfix before and didn't finish configuring it04:13
Sean93how do i configure it?04:13
psusiI dunno04:13
porjoandri: OK, I currently do that with my ATI graphics card. It's setup using the ATI Control panel. I'm not sure how to do with Nvidia though...04:13
Sean93should i just close the window?04:13
andriporjo: I have ATI.04:14
Saikpsusi: it's close04:14
psusiSean93, oh wait, nevermind... damn recommends04:14
Sean93im confused :S04:15
frostbyt3test34: Listen is pretty awesome so far, it plays music and doesn't crash!04:15
Saikpsusi: the wd drives are withing 20 sectors-ish of each other04:15
psusiSean93, ctrl-c out of there and try it again with --no-install-recomends04:15
psusiSaik, need an exact number04:15
Makkarso does anyone else have an issue with full screen flash video not going full screen ?  happens in chromium and firefox04:16
tjizzhow can i locate the . inf file for my wireless card?04:16
tjizzthere must be a way04:16
edbianSorry to bother you guys.  Where is the linuxmint channel?04:16
Sean93E: Command line option --no-install-recomends is not understood04:17
porjoandri: if you're using the fglrx driver, then install fglrx-amdcccle package which is the ATI control panel04:17
blahsphemerimport db.DBObject; in java gives me a 'package db doesnot exist error' even though I have installed javadb using 'apt-get install sun-java6-javadb'04:17
zetheroo1anyone know off-hand what the australian ubuntu channel is called?04:17
bucky_anyone know about ltsp04:17
porjoandri: that will install icons in your Gnome menu04:17
blahsphemerI am using Lucid04:17
blahsphemercould somebody kindly help me out04:17
andriporjo, how do I know if I have these fglrx drivers?04:17
porjoandri: what sort of ATI chipset does your graphics card have?04:17
Saikpsusi: no luck on finding an exact04:18
Sean93psusi:  E: Command line option --no-install-recomends is not understood04:18
john38can somebody help me04:18
andriporjo, it's the HD5870 graphics.04:18
Makkarfor me the third party driver option popped up under the system/preferences tab if I remember right04:18
psusiSean93, paste the command?04:18
porjoandri: try running 'fglrxinfo' from the command line04:18
Makkarand im running dual 4850 1gb's04:18
Sean93sudo apt-get install smartmontools --no-install-recomends04:18
psusiSean93, ohh, there are 2 ms in recommends04:18
tacomasteris "hardware drivers" the only proprietary drivers that ubuntu uses?04:18
john38every time i try to dual view with my tv there is no video04:19
andriporjo, doesn't give me anything interesting..04:19
frostbyt3andri: System -> Administration -> Additional Drivers, works fine with my 585004:19
john38i use geforce 25004:19
john38every time i try to dual view with my tv there is no video04:20
frostbyt32nd monitor blinks when I play a video or game tho, ati ftl04:20
Sean93E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)04:20
Sean93E: Unable to lock directory /var/cache/apt/archives/04:20
malachaiIm having a minor problem. Im trying to change the picture on the logon screen. Ive done it a few times before and it seems like I did it with Ubuntu Tweak. Ive looked all over through Tweak and cant find it anywhere. Did they take it out? Is there another program that I can use? I tried System/Admin/Login Screen, but it doesnt give me the option to change the picture. Can someone help me with this?04:20
Makkarim using dual 24in lcd's and they work great..  my only issue now that I have it all installed is my flash player isnt playing video in full screen..04:20
andrifrostbyt3, ok I will try that, thanks!04:20
EeePC_woesJordan_u I'm sorry about that, Firefox crashed (3.6.11 acting up for anybody else?) You'd just asked me about the drive and whether i could read from it.04:20
TheHammeredhello, i just installed ubuntu and im having trouble connecting my msn account through empathy.  it just keeps saying connecting... I have verified my username and password numerous times but i cant get it to connect... can someone assist?04:20
psusiSean93, did ctrl-c like I said, or just open another window?04:20
frostbyt3EeePC_woes, Firefox has been crashing for me since v2 (so about 5 years)04:21
Makkarati is ftw.. and i was a diehard nvidia guy for the last 10-12 years or so04:21
tjizzhow can i locate the .inf file for my wireless card?04:21
Sean93closed the other window because ctrl-c didnt do anything04:21
porjoandri: try installing the control panel 'sudo apt-get install fglrx-amdcccle'04:21
psusiSean93, bah... that's annoying... reboot ;)04:21
frostbyt3Makkar, ya i know, ati is pretty pro now but they still need to work harder on *nix drivers04:21
john38thats the problem when i go fullscreen it goes blank04:21
EeePC_woesjordan_U I think I know what happened - when I first tried that command, It returned a 'resource busy' error so i unmounted it04:21
Sean93ok one sec04:21
blahsphemerimport db.DBObject; in java gives me a 'package db doesnot exist error' even though I have installed javadb using 'apt-get install sun-java6-javadb'04:21
andriporjo, I didn't even have the ATI drivers installed. I'm installing them now via 'Additional Drivers'.04:21
blahsphemerI am using Lucid04:21
nbros652Is it possible to delete a group from the set quotas in ubuntu?04:22
Makkaryeah I cant say i know much about that...  last *nix distro I used was a real early redhat release bout 10 years ago.. heh04:22
john38can somebody help me04:22
andriDoes 32x (86x) vs 64x make any difference on Lubuntu?04:22
Makkarbut I know their windows shit is rock solid.. even my older 4850's are rockin 60+ fps in everything I play04:22
EeePC_woesfrostbyt3 Yes, I know - I hate it's guts, but it's better than Safari, and Netflix doesn't support Chrome, so I end up using Firefox04:22
TheHammeredAnyone able to help me with my msn/empathy issue?04:23
Makkarlookin to upgrade this tax season to dual 5850's04:23
MakkarI gave up on that msn/empathy issue  =o\04:23
john38every time i try to dual view with my tv there is no video04:23
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john38thats the problem when i go fullscreen it goes blank04:23
EeePC_woesJordan_U if you'll give me that command again, I'll run it with the disk mounted04:23
Makkarinstalled pidgen, but now I dont have the facebook chat04:23
TheHammeredmakkar its common?04:23
TheHammeredall my other accounts connect fine04:23
MattLinuxsup everyone04:24
Makkarits all over the web too.. dating back like 2 years04:24
TheHammeredso never been fixed?04:24
TheHammeredi have to download a separate msn client?04:24
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: If you can mount it at all then that output didn't come from that disk.04:24
Makkarsome people were saying they removed the butterfly deal and made it use the haze one or somethin04:24
Makkari dunno..  I was pretty stoned when I was tryin to figure it out.. finally said the hell with it04:25
TheHammeredwhat? my issue is that it wont even connect04:25
Makkaryeah either will mine04:25
frostbyt3EeePC_woes, same 8( chrome needs a little work though, it's nice but need firefox for web dev. i used firebird (firefox 1.5) up to like a year ago04:25
john38anybody know???04:25
Sean93psusi: what was the command?04:25
Makkari thought maybe the server settings were wrong so I double checked those and those havent changed in years04:25
BaribalHi. I just finished upgrading to 10.04. How do I move the window buttons back to the top right corner?04:25
TheHammeredis ubuntu really better than win7?04:25
TheHammeredseems buggy so far04:26
TheHammeredim new to this...04:26
psusiSean93, sudo apt-get install smartmontools --no-install-recommends04:26
Makkardepends on what you need it for I'd think04:26
TheHammeredwhat is ubuntu good for then?04:26
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frostbyt3TheHammered, LOLs04:26
vanDizzledoes switchable graphics work in Ubuntu?04:26
Makkarubuntu is faster..  and i havent ran into any bugs with ubuntu directly..  pretty much the only problem is flash isnt playing at full screen for me, and the empathy/msn issue04:26
john38every time i try to dual view with my tv there is no video04:26
EeePC_woesJordan_U Nope, it definitely did, the drive is up and running now and I can open up the ubuntu files within04:26
john38thats the problem when i go fullscreen it goes blank04:26
john38i use geforce 25004:27
TheHammeredim testing it out in hopes of learning linux a bit04:27
EeePC_woesJordan_U Nope, it definitely did, the drive is up and running now and I can open up the ubuntu files within04:27
frostbyt3TheHammered, win7 is a proprietary piece of crap and only works because developers are forced to support it's monopoly04:27
xanguaMakkar: flash sucks in linux; for msn you can try other IM like pidgin, emesene, amsn, etc; there is also msn-pecan an alternative msn plugin for pidgin and empathy04:27
EeePC_woesIf you give me the command again I'll try it again - perhaps i made a type when typing in the /dev/diskID04:27
TheHammeredforced... but its still supported? :)04:28
Makkaryeah.. I been in and out of every os since the beginning of computers..  I go in phases..  right now Im into the 'putzin with whats new in linux' phase...  couple weeks I'll be back to the 'killin shit in all my games on my win7 partition' phase.. heh04:28
tjizzwhere can i find the inf file for my wireless card? ive been looking for a way to get my wireless working all day someone plz help04:28
EeePC_woesfrostbyt3 Wow - so you were running 1.5 for ~2 years?04:28
frostbyt3TheHammered, ya sure, but i'd rather not support something hold us back from advancing technology as a whole04:28
TheHammeredah makkar04:28
TheHammeredfrostbyt3 true!04:28
Sean93psusi: ok, i installed it. now what?04:29
TheHammeredi just noticed that when i tap my touch pad to click (im on a laptop) it doesnt click sometimes...04:29
psusiSean93, sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdd04:29
TheHammeredi plugged in a mouse and didn't have that issue04:29
EeePC_woesJordan_U If you give me the command again I'll try it again - perhaps i made a type when typing in the /dev/diskID04:30
TheHammeredquite a few minor things arent working like the hotkeys and leds on my asus laptop with ubuntu04:30
TheHammeredis this normal?04:30
Makkarcould be a driver issue with the touchpad... /shrug04:30
EeePC_woesJordan_U Ha! I misspelt the word typo04:30
frostbyt3tbh though, for the most part Apple restricts people and manages their product well enough that the Mac is a better alternative to windows in almost? every way04:30
TheHammeredsorry but this is the first time i'm using ubuntu04:30
john38every time i try to dual view with my tv there is no video04:30
john38thats the problem when i go fullscreen it goes blank04:30
john38anybody know???04:30
Makkarnot really04:30
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: "sudo dd if=/dev/disk_in_osx_naming count=1 | od -x"04:30
Sean93psusi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/517186/04:31
Makkaronly 2 things mac do better than windows.. and I wouldnt even say better, i'd say easier.. thats audio/video editing04:31
Makkargod knows they dont game better than windows..  lol04:31
psusiSean93, that's a seagate drive... I thought sdd was the wd?04:31
TheHammeredmacs look nicer though04:31
machow do i as a normal user create a file in etc/init.d04:31
frostbyt3you're not a normal user, now are you04:31
BaribalTheHammered, my flatmade had, in his first days with it, quite some trouble with Ubuntu. Now, maybe a month later, he won't touch windows again.04:31
maci tested: sudo echo "hasd" > /etc/init.d/asd  .. "permission denied"04:31
psusiSean93, check sudo fdisk -l again04:31
Sean93psusi: so did i:S04:31
TheHammeredis it possible to install win7 after ubuntu to dual boot?04:31
psusiSean93, -lu rather..04:32
psusiSean93, it must have moved during the reboot04:32
Makkara normal mac user ?  no.. I like building my own machines.. im a hardware guy... so I will always be a PC  =o)04:32
xanguaTheHammered: better install windows first and then any ohter OS04:32
frostbyt3TheHammered, yes, you boot ubuntu live cd and reinstall grub04:32
macMakkar: :)04:32
frostbyt3TheHammered, but install win7 first, then ubuntu, and grub will auto-detect it04:32
Sean93it has changed to sdc04:32
maci tested: sudo echo "hasd" > /etc/init.d/asd  .. gave me "permission denied"04:32
TheHammeredi take it its easier to install win7 first04:32
TheHammeredi see!04:32
Makkaryeah.. thats how I did it04:32
Makkarhad to unraid my drives though..04:32
MattLinuxsup makkar04:32
EeePC_woesJordan_U I'm getting the same resource busy error, trying again after unmounting04:32
TheHammereddo u have to create seperate partitions still04:33
TheHammeredor does grub do it all after04:33
Makkari did04:33
Sean93/dev/sdc: Unknown USB bridge [0x1058:0x1021 (0x2002)]04:33
Sean93Smartctl: please specify device type with the -d option.04:33
TheHammeredso how does ubuntu game?04:33
MakkarI have dual 640gb drives...  I split one into 2 320gb partitions..04:33
nullm0demI have a strange issue in 10.10. i have a 1TB data drive where i keep all of my files. when i click on it to mount it under the places menu it automatically opens up rythmbox instead of nautilus. where can i prevent this from happening?04:33
TheHammeredwin7 probably has the most games04:33
Makkarthen installed win7...  then ubuntu04:33
Sean93psusi: what does the u do?04:33
TheHammeredthanks, i will do that makkar04:33
Sean93the u in lu*04:34
MakkarI did it off of a 4gb flash drive and it worked slick as shit04:34
Makkarjust love technology these days.. shits gettin cool as hell  =o)04:34
Sean93psusi: nvm i just found out04:34
TheHammeredwhy use cds to install anymore... sooo slow04:34
psusiSean93, puts it in units of sectors rather than cylinders... damn... I had a feeling the stupid usb enclosure would prevent SMART04:34
EeePC_woesJordan_U It's the same output again, but I assure you the drive was browsable earlier04:34
frostbyt3i think your average consumer will find mac a more pleasant experience, smoother, lighter, consistent UI, crash-free, blah blah. btw it has native bash support and bsd based, so you can find a lot of *nix alternatives on it.. so actually it does a lot better. there's just quirks like gaming, but even then - much better support than *nix04:34
Sean93Makkar: indeed it is lol04:34
TheHammeredmakkar can u run pc games on ubuntu?  if its wine isnt that slow?04:34
Agent001ubuntu is definitely more stylish04:35
aroni125WINE afaik is a simulator, not an emulator.04:35
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frostbyt3i think ubuntu *can* be more stylish, but its also more inconsistent with all the different UI libs04:35
SaikTheHammered: it depends on the game if it will run well or not04:35
TheHammeredwhats good on ubuntu?04:35
frostbyt3kde, gnome, xul, etc.04:35
TheHammeredi think all ive seen was halo04:35
SaikTheHammered: there's lots good about ubuntu, but if you're a gamer linux has never been the way to go04:36
frostbyt3i keep seeing people running wine and lots of games fine on ubuntu, but ive had no such luck.. i always use the newest versions - crappy drivers04:36
TheHammeredi think my hibernation doesnt work neither... it just turns to a blank screen witha blinking cursor04:36
aroni125TheHammered: If it is a Windows 3D game, you'll probably have more luck with Windows as host, though.04:36
jiohdilinux is a vw beetle... not the new ones... while win7 is a cadillac... gas gusler... infinitely more expensive for not a lot more value... linux will get you were you are going cheap... :)04:36
TheHammeredah i see04:36
frostbyt3aroni125, i think u mean to say DirectX game04:37
MakkarI would have to disagree with that frostbyt3..  with windows 7, its alot more user friendly than any previous windows..  and its rock solid stable..  my record on my rig is 43 days uptime in windows7..and I been running it since it was released and have yet to have it crash because of the os..  ive crashed it overclocking my rig a little too far.. lol  but i have yet to have a single issue with win704:37
psusiSean93, well, I'd say just use windows to get your data off the drive, then reformat it... guess we won't be finding out tonight whether WD formatted it wrong or used a broken enclosure04:37
TheHammeredmy win7 blue screens04:37
Makkarcheck your hardware04:37
TheHammereddoes ubuntu crash04:37
arshadLtry to cleen up your ram04:37
SaikTheHammered: then you're just VERY unlucky, I've never bsod'd on win704:37
TheHammeredmakkar brand new computer... probably drivers or something04:38
Makkari havent seen a blue screen yet that wasnt a direct result of me pushin my hardware too far04:38
frostbyt3im not disagreeing previous windows were shit as well, although i used xp for years, basically being required to do so due to the monopoly04:38
frostbyt343 days uptime hehe04:38
arshadLdid u adjust the bios settings04:38
Makkaryes...if you wanted to game on a pc, ya gotta roll whatever mr gates is tellin us to roll04:38
aroni125frostbyt3: I haven't seen a Windows game which uses something other than DirectX or PhysX.04:38
TheHammeredim less concerned with win704:38
TheHammeredim trying to learn linux04:39
TheHammeredubuntu looks like the most user friendly so im starting here04:39
frostbyt3aroni125, o.o well you aint lookin hard enough, there's a beautiful world of OpenGL supported games out there.04:39
Makkarfor what its worth, I could just run ubuntu in vmware, but I wanted to experience it without that overhead...04:39
nonewmsgshow can i fix X?  i went from a pcie card to the builtin one04:39
TheHammeredi havnt been able to figure out how this ubuntu media player works04:39
Nicolas_Leonidasmy locate command doesn't work04:39
TheHammeredall i want is my podcasts04:40
Nicolas_Leonidaswhen I type "locate php.ini" it doesn't return anything04:40
frostbyt3tru fact: windows runs faster inside *nix Virtualbox, than Ubuntu does inside Windows, because Windows sucks so much balls, it will also probably kill your harddrive if you don't have virtual memory disabled04:40
frostbyt3kill it faster at least04:40
aroni125TheHammered: Rhythmbox?04:40
lubaticIs there an xorg.conf file included in 10.10?04:41
Hyperionwhats an xorg?04:41
MakkarI have a pretty beastly rig..  nothing kills this beast.. lol04:41
macanyone knows what this does: sudo cat <<EOF | sudo sed -e "s,%,$,g" >/etc/init.d/dropbox04:41
Makkarbut I do know what you mean.. os x runs kinda like crap on vmware as well04:41
jiohdihyperion x window system, the graphics stuff04:41
frostbyt3NTFS is crap. Windows thrashes your harddrive unnecessarily. It's crazy. Seriously, touch your harddrive when you're running Ubuntu, then try WIndows - especially noticeable with a USB/esata dock. Makes me cry.04:41
Sean93Makkar: my rig is about 6 years old, you jeaulous? lol04:41
frostbyt3I just got my beastly rig though, disabled VM, rocking a whole 6gb ram!04:42
frostbyt3lol i think 12 is unnecessary 8)04:42
frostbyt3lubatic, there is04:42
Makkaryeah it is until you start doing heavy video editing and shit04:42
HyperionAnyone wanna link me to somewhere I can learn all the stuff I should already know about Linux?04:42
frostbyt3same place it was before iirc04:42
Nicolas_LeonidasNicolas_Leonidas, hi04:43
Makkaractually I kinda am jealous... my favorite times are the old celeron 300a days.. the games during that era were just way funner than anything out these days04:43
lubaticfrostbyt3: I was curious, there's not one in Lubuntu.  Does X just assume defaults for any options not listed?04:43
BaribalMakkar, there's always the option of writing your own... :)04:44
TheHammeredis there some sort of ubuntu drivers repository04:44
TheHammeredthis touchpad thing is driving me bananas04:44
Makkarnah.. im an old hippy stoner.. that boat sailed back in the days of basic on my old color computer   =o)04:44
frostbyt3Hyperion, depends, there's a lot to learn in a lot of different categories.. go with the flow, and look up stuff on ubuntuforums/stackoverflow. if you want to know commands (helpful) learn some bash, and stuff.. http://showmedo.com/videotutorials/series?name=pQZLHo5Df04:44
BaribalMakkar, did you ever try coding... on weed? </half-baked-reference>04:45
Sean93should i format my drive to ext4 or NTFS? can windows access ext4?04:45
Makkarno it cant.. at least not natively that I know of04:46
nonewmsgsext2fs or something like taht04:46
nonewmsgsit works pretty well04:46
frostbyt3lubatic, i cant imagine lubuntu not having a xorg conf file somewhere.. it just has the default software rendering but you should install some hardware drivers.. can you locate/updatedb it? or look it up04:46
Makkarheh good movie.. and yes.. Ihave04:46
aroni125TheHammered: re Rhythmbox, are you asking about how to add a podcast? re Drivers, there is an additional drivers utility in System>Administration>Hardware Drivers04:46
Makkarsadly all I coded that night was a stick figure running across the screen back on my coco304:47
lubaticfrostbyt3: updatedb is installed.  but when I did a "sudo find / -name xorg.conf", nothing came back04:47
DetoxicaDo you have an old or integrated card?04:48
Makkarso what are some other flavors that are worth checkin out ?04:48
Nicolas_Leonidaslocate command should work under ubuntu too right?04:49
Nicolas_Leonidaslocate php.ini doesn't return me anything04:49
BaribalMakkar, until about a month ago, all I coded game-wise was back on my MSX. Now my chessboard is about half-finished.04:50
lubaticDetoxica: I have an integrated intel card04:50
frostbyt3lubatic, google, it's a beautiful thing - conf but it doesn't have one04:51
* frostbyt3 will feel bad if that guy was on crack04:51
Jordan_UEeePC_woes: I must be misunderstanding something then.04:51
MakkarBaribal: yeah I havent done any coding since basic.. back in the mid 80's..  well I cant say that.. I did some coding in OS/9 on my coco around the same time.. but that was more copy and paste out of a magazine.. lol04:51
BaribalMakkar, well, checkout and build Crystal Space, read the official Python tutorial, ask a few questions and you're good to go. :D04:52
EeePC_woesJordan_U I guess - it does look like an odd output04:53
linuxman410as  long as you use strong passwords and keep system updated ubuntu should be secure right04:53
lubaticfrostbyt3: I don't understand, conf but it doesn't have one?04:54
EeePC_woesJordan_U Any other ideas? The USB looks like it should, all the right folders for a liveUSB seem to be in the right places04:54
Makkarooh.. crystal space looks interesting04:54
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lenDoes anyone know who makes that cheap generic purple/pink 802.11n pccard sold all over ebay and lots of internet stores?  What chipset does it use, and does it work with Ubuntu?04:55
frostbyt3lubatic, it says .config in the title. try searching that. or 1) login root 2) Xorg -configure 3) move /root/xorg.conf.new to /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:55
frostbyt3seriously, google04:55
BaribalMakkar, it is. It has a few kinks, but, you know, OSS, we're working on it. :D04:56
lenIt's hard to google when you don't know the manufacturer and noone ever lists chipsets in their ads04:56
KrishnanduHey guys when I start my pc I don't get samba shares to other windows pc's. Though the samba server is already running and it set it on under chkconfig. I need to do again system-config-samba to get the shares.04:56
MakkarLen: what are you tryin to find out ?04:57
soulwarpI have a problem with libfusion. apparently the version update broke a lot of my programs that relied on it such as blender, nexuiz, and openarena.04:57
soulwarpfor instance "error while loading shared libraries: libfusion-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"04:58
lenIf that generic pink/purple 802.11n pccard sold on ebay and many internet stores has linux drivers.04:58
lenNobody lists the chipset and their is no brand name.04:58
soulwarpbut I did a locate of the file $ locate libfusion, and it says "/usr/lib/libfusion-1.2.so.0"04:59
Makkaryou have windows installed at all ?  boot up windows and check device manager..  will probably shed some light on as to who makes it04:59
lenI don't have it.  I want to find out if it is worth buying.05:00
soulwarphow can I tell all my programs that look for libfusion-1.0.so.0 to use the new libfusion-1.2.so.0?05:00
lenI don't want to buy something that only works in windows05:00
soulwarpwith out having to manually make scripts for each program. I want to get it done right05:01
Saiklen: there's a compatability agent fot that05:01
lenI hate it how they always advertise all kinds of marketing "specs" but never list truely important info like chipset.05:01
lenI don't want to use a wrapper.  That can be a real pain--especially when you want to use wpa205:02
jimisrvroxhey guys Im trying to figure out why I cant get my ethernet connection to go past my router...I can ping my router but when I ping say yahoo.com it comes back unknown host...any ideas?05:02
Saikwpa works fine though05:03
jimisrvroxIve tried to reset my router, Ive tried to bring the iface up/down and still nothing05:03
snarksterafter doing the recent updates Ive lost my windows startup option in the grub menu.. how do i get it back?05:03
jimisrvroxsnarkster: do you know what partition Windows is on?05:04
snarksterdifferent hard drive05:04
jimisrvroxyoud have to edit the grub.cfg and add it back in05:04
lenI figured someone here might have tried it becuase not that many cards come up when you search for 802.11n pccards, and it has that distinctive purple/pink color.05:04
jimisrvroxunfortunately thats about all I know :)05:04
jimisrvroxlen: usually its best to check the hardware compatibility list before you go buying hardware..it avoids lots of issues.. :) not meant to be demeaning but Ive had my fair share of wireless problems as well05:05
soulwarpnever mind I figured it out. I used a symlink05:06
lenThat's what I'm trying to do, but it don't know the manufacturer05:06
glitchdhello all=)05:06
soulwarpthanks anyway ubuntu05:06
jimisrvroxlen: is it usb or pci?05:06
glitchdis it possible to get a internet connection in wine on ubuntu 10.04?05:07
Blue1glitchd: yes05:07
lenneither.  It's a pccard.05:07
lenie what used to be pcmcia05:07
lenfor notebooks05:07
Blue1glitchd: ass/u/mind that linux first has a connect05:07
glitchdwell this is what in trying to do, let me explain,05:07
jimisrvroxok well I would try to see if it comes up when you type in lspci in a terminal05:08
blahsphemermy internet speed in ubuntu is too darn slow, while in windows it is quite fast. What could be wrong? I am using lucid lynx05:08
glitchdim trying to install a addon into firefox which doesnt work with linux firefox, so i was gonna install firefox into wine to install the addon and use it from there.05:08
jimisrvroxlspci lists all pci devices on the machine so hopefully it might bring up pcmcia as well.05:08
glitchdand yes, linux is connected05:08
lenThat would work if I actually had the card :)05:09
=== joseph is now known as Guest66396
Blue1glitchd: can you prefix messages with my nick please, it helps a lot - type blu+tabkey thanks -- what addon are you trying to use?05:09
jimisrvroxblahsphemer: dont want to give you wrong info but Im guessing possibly tcp/ip stack differences...but i could be very wrong05:09
jimisrvroxlen: ooo05:09
=== Guest66396 is now known as jhardinee
glitchdBlue1, my apologies sir05:09
glitchdBlue1, freecorder is the addon im trying to install05:10
blahsphemerjimisrvrox, what must I do then?05:10
jimisrvroxBlue1: hey bud is there a way to get me some x11vnc server for my usb in a .deb because im trying to do it with my ubuntu machine but for whatever reason it just wont go past my router05:10
lenIt's only $11 shipped.  I'd buy it in nothing flat if I knew it had drivers.05:10
lenIt's a mystery card though05:10
glitchdBlue1,  but its actually just not compatible with the version of firefox im running, i think..05:10
lenmystery chipset05:10
jimisrvroxblahsphemer: that is a good question which I do not have the answer to unfortunately..05:10
lenmystery manufacturer05:10
Blue1glitchd: please try blu plus the tab key -- nick auto completion.  thanks.05:10
glitchdBlue1, but thats of no consequence, i like to stay in linux and not go into windows.05:11
jimisrvroxlen: easiest thing to do is grab a magnifier glass and see if you can spot a serial/model # or possibly a chipset #05:11
glitchdBlue1, i did address it to u.05:11
lennone of the sites show the back in photos05:12
jimisrvroxblahsphemer: I liked Ubuntu but ive recently switched to PCLinuxOS but make no mistake..the Ubuntu support community is Id say the biggest05:12
lenjust the front05:12
Exavionmy laptop cpu is running at 70-85 degrees celcius - is there a reason this happens on ubuntu but not windows?05:12
jimisrvroxlen: sorry but i didnt come in when you first started talking about this card...05:12
blahsphemerjimisrvrox, if you say so.05:12
Blue1jimisrvrox: what happens if you do a sudo apt-get install x11vnc05:12
jimisrvroxlen: so you dont have the card but yet youve bought it05:12
glitchdBlue1, any clues??05:13
lenI want to know is I should buy it.05:13
Blue1jimisrvrox: ahh you want the .deb05:13
jimisrvroxBlue1: dude..i cant even ping yahoo.com says unknown host..ive tried to take the iface down/up reset the router05:13
lenIt's sold all over, but nobody knows anything about it05:13
jimisrvroxI have no other ideas as to why the hell an ethernet connection would not work..05:13
Blue1jimisrvrox: sound like dns problem05:13
jimisrvroxyeah thats what I thought too05:13
jimisrvroxso what I did was went to my routing table and plugged in the ISP DNS server..05:14
jimisrvroxdidnt do a damn thing!05:14
glitchdBlue1, i take it u have no idea then..?05:14
Blue1jimisrvrox: can you pastebin /etc/resolv.conf please?05:14
jimisrvroxwhy it could be DNS when all of my other machines on the net are doing just fine05:14
jimisrvroxbecause from what I understand you get DNS through your router05:14
jimisrvroxwhich contacts the ISP DNS service if it cant find it in cache05:14
Blue1ahh guys, please prefix messages with my nick - -thanks05:15
glitchdhow can i rip pandora(pithos) in ubuntu linux?05:15
gary_inNYCis it possible to enable touchpad tap zones in ubuntu, e.g. tapping top left corner to trigger navigate back actions?05:15
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jimisrvroxBlue1: remember I said that I went in and set DNS custom..so it points to the right DNS server according to DHCP settings in my router05:16
jimisrvroxBlue1: I think I ended up taking NetworkManager off of here05:17
glitchdhow can i find an active internet radio stream?05:17
Blue1jimisrvrox: /etc/resolv.conf is dynamically generated.  if you do an ifconfig, do you have an ip address?05:17
jimisrvroxBlue1: I have static IP set05:17
gary_inNYCI just want to tap the corners of my touchpad so i can nav forward and back.  This is really frustrating as I've grown accustomed to tap zones to browse the web or navigate the file manager.05:17
jimisrvroxBlue1: for eth1 because I want to VNC into the machine05:18
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Blue1jimisrvrox: okay what is eth0 then?05:18
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jimisrvroxBlue1: and as far as dynamically generated...its telling me generated by NetworkManager.. there is no eth0 for whatever reason it ends up being named eth105:18
Blue1jimisrvrox: sounds like tht's the issue then.  do you know what kind of card?05:19
jimisrvroxBlue1: so basically I really dont care about connectivity right now because all I want to do is VNC so what I really need is the x11vnc server05:19
jimisrvroxBlue1: AFAIK its an nVidia nForce on-board eth05:19
Blue1jimisrvrox: well if it's eth1 something is wrong......05:20
jimisrvroxBlue1: lemme run lspci05:20
Blue1jimisrvrox: I have eth0 and eth1 BUT I also have 2 network cards installed.05:20
jimisrvroxBlue1: ok lspci is showing nForce2 eth controller rev a105:21
Blue1jimisrvrox: should work05:21
jimisrvroxBlue1: Ive been able to connect this machine before im pretty sure...so its a suprise to me as to why it wont connect via ethernet...I could understand wireless..but ehternet..but yea man all I want is a .deb of x11vnc server and god forbid I have to deal with deps..id be SOL..05:22
Blue1jimisrvrox: but it should be eth0 with only 1 network card - bios setting is most likely culprit05:22
jimisrvroxBlue1: the ethernet controller itself works because otherwise I wouuldnt be able to ping the inside of my router05:22
Blue1jimisrvrox: what version of ubuntu are you using?  32 or 64 bit?05:22
jimisrvroxbut I think im on 9.0405:23
linkslicewhat would the debian version of this be: add-apt-repository ppa:maco.m/ruby05:24
jimisrvroxand right now I dont feel like burning any iso's or anything...if anything i would boot off my USB and throw PCLinuxOS on here and just make a new partition05:24
Blue1jimisrvrox: PLEASE prefix messages to me with my nick - thanks you can do a cat /etc/issue to get the release05:24
jimisrvroxBlue1: dude...i hate to say it but it does get annoying with this Chatzilla..because theres two blue's in here afaik..itd be easier just to PM...05:24
jimisrvroxBlue1: 10/0405:25
Blue1jimisrvrox: private message ok?05:25
jimisrvroxof course..05:25
^banditoz^i need ubuntu girls --- LOL---05:26
IdleOne!codeofconduct > ^banditoz^05:26
ubottu^banditoz^, please see my private message05:26
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gary_inNYCdoes anyone know if gpointing-device-settings does tap zones?05:27
BalthazarCan anyone help me configure firestarter. It is causing my download speeds to be cut in 4ths05:29
^banditoz^gui >> yes/no05:30
Balthazaryes, firewall gui05:30
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^banditoz^it was configuring ip IO05:30
^banditoz^in >> output05:30
whiten0isehi guys. i have booted a live cd of ubuntu on my main machine, but the wireless just won't connect for some reason on the live cd.05:31
^banditoz^u just need configuring what ip addr u want to allow05:31
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gary_inNYCit would seem from the flurry of responses that tap zones in ubuntu is not a priority XD05:31
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^banditoz^<< not using ubuntu, but like to come in ubuntu forum05:31
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aroni125TheHammered: are you still on?05:33
lucentslow night in #ubuntu05:35
aroni125hello, banditoz!05:35
^banditoz^hello joshua05:36
AshyisMewoah that was a clever floodbot05:36
AshyisMeim trying to use an ubuntu livecd to restore my grub config to my hdd05:37
AshyisMefor some reason in the terminal i cant do 'sudo grub'05:37
AshyisMejust says it cannot find the command05:37
AshyisMesame as if i go 'sudo /sbin/grub'05:37
aroni125Grub2 doesn't have the command.05:37
whiten0isei'm trying to use ubuntu live cd to just connect to a wireless network, and its not working.05:37
Jordan_UAshyisMe: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide05:38
whiten0isei tried network manager and wpa_supplicant05:38
aroni125AshyisMe: Are you reinstalling the MBR?05:39
blahsphemereven after editing the iwconfig file, my internet speed is too darn slow in ubuntu alone, in windows it still is lighning fast05:42
blahsphemerI am using lucid lynx05:42
AshyisMeJordan_U, cheers05:42
blahsphemerI tried 2 suggestions from google: edit the iwconfig to replace 1Mbps to 54 Mbps and installing wicd05:42
blahsphemernone of them worked05:43
AshyisMearoni125, nah the partitions are fine, i just need to fix up grub05:43
FloodBot1Ricci0070ab: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:43
john38is it better to use ubuntu nvidia driver or proprietary driver05:43
Cairois there any reason why there isn't any drivers listed in the Additional Drivers thing?05:44
Cairosorry did i say thing?05:44
Cairoi meant application05:44
aroni125Cairo: There probably aren't any proprietary drivers your computer can use.05:44
rwwCairo: presumably, because it didn't detect any additional drivers for your hardware05:45
rwwjohn38: if the Ubuntu one works, I'd recommend it05:45
IdleOnejohn38: go with the Ubuntu ones if they work well for you05:45
Cairothere used to be05:45
john38i got this problem my dual monitor view doesnt work so well05:45
aroni125Cairo: Have you upgraded Ubuntu since you saw the driver entries last?05:46
john38when i enable twin view on TV i cant see full screen video feeds05:46
aroni125john38: Is this using the Ubuntu driver?05:46
Cairothe nvidia 96-43-18 driver05:46
totesmuhgoatshey guys. i am trying to install tuxonice in maverick, i was consulting this document and i was wondering if i could simply replace "jaunty" with maverick in the appropriate places. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-tuxonice-in-ubuntu.html05:46
whiten0isedoes no one have any ideas about my problem?05:46
totesmuhgoatsor is there a preferred method05:46
aroni125I would try the nVidia  driver if the Open Source driver doesn't work for your needs.05:47
Cairojust install it from here http://www.suspend2.net/05:48
john38aroni125, i mean im alble to see desktop on TV but when i go full screen on live video feeds it goes blank05:48
nikolai usually format my usb drives as fat32, i have a nice 8gb corsair voyager mini. today i tried to copy few movies for a friend, it would start as 3.5MB and then go slower, but if i would start to copy more then one speed on each goes under 800kbs. i was googling and searching forums for some time, and then decided to format drive as ntfs . i tried then to copy one file, speed is nice 10.5M. then i tried two 1.4GB files, and they were even wit05:48
nikolah around 4.5mb. my question is, why are on fat32 that much slower speeds?05:48
aroni125whiten0ise: what driver do you use for wireless normally?05:48
rocketsTheoretically, the next Ubuntu LTS release should be 11.10, right?05:48
rwwrockets: 12.0405:49
nikolarockets, 11.0405:49
totesmuhgoatsCairo: ooh, thanks i didnt see that distros tab05:49
rwwrockets: they're every 2 years, last one was 10.0405:49
rwwnikola: no05:49
rocketsnikola, rww, ?05:49
Cairoit's all right05:49
blahsphemereven after editing the iwconfig file, my internet speed is too darn slow in ubuntu alone, in windows it still is lighning fast05:49
rwwrockets: 6.06 (delayed...), 8.04, 10.04, 12.0405:49
rocketsrww, oh yeah, every 2 years, so 10.04 -> 12.0405:49
* rww nods05:49
nikolathanks, rww :)05:49
Cairowhat are rockets?05:49
rocketsHmm . . . so I guess I should use 10.04 for production servers, for now?05:50
rwwrockets: that's what I'd recommend05:50
rocketsCairo like bombs that fly fast.05:50
rwwrockets: upgrading a server every 6 months wouldn't be fun05:50
nikolathing that bothers me with that fat32 is that i tried it on windowsxp, and speeds were faster on fat3205:50
rocketsrww, just because a new version comes out every 6 months doesn't mean you need to upgrade . . . non-LTS releases still get 2 years of updates.05:50
Cairoyes but what do rockets have to do with ubuntu?05:50
john38anybody here know how to execute .run files05:50
whiten0isearoni125: i'm using a rosewill usb dongle, so its using the rtl800** whatever drivers...you know?05:50
rocketsCairo, nothing . . .05:50
nikolai am happy to see my flash voyager mini rocking on ntfs, but why isnt that optimized for fat3205:50
rocketsCairo, it's just my nickname.05:51
rwwrockets: 18 months, actually. and waiting 18 months and then upgrading through three releases also wouldn't be fun ;)05:51
whiten0isei forget the exact name of them05:51
macoCairo: rockets are also the things that take spaceships up into the sky and a type of fireworks05:51
rocketsrww, true I suppose.05:51
nikolaor is there any workaround for low speeds on fat32, i cant seem to find resonable workaround for it on google, adn i googled for more then 30 minutes05:51
rocketsrww, although I'd never actually upgrade, I'd probably do a fresh install.05:51
rocketsand migrate.05:51
john38anybody here know how to execute .run files05:51
rwwrockets: it's a matter of personal preference, I guess. I subscribe to the Debian-esque scool of getting it set up and working, and then leaving it alone for a couple of years ;)05:52
rwwschool **05:52
rocketsjohn38 that could be anything. it's probably just a script or binary that needs to be executed. try doing chmod +x filename and then double clicking it, or trying ./filename in a terminal05:52
rockets(after doing chmod +x filename still)05:52
john38rockets, sudo first??05:53
grendal_primeok something kinda werid today.  i dont use a windows machine for anything right...so today set up my first customer on this subscription based web pos system i wrote.  they are using a windows laptop to run there pos on.  everytime they enter anything into the web front end some other window opens.05:53
rocketsrww, heh, but I'm talking about web servers here for "web 2.0 garbage", so i'm going to constantly crave new versions of ruby/rails/etc.05:53
rwwrockets: ah, yeah, that would be an issue with LTS05:53
FriGiNi have an executable text file, how do i get it so when i double click it it just runs instead of asking me would you like to run in term and such05:54
grendal_primeits like every time they scan in a upc wham another empty window opens with search results related to the isbn or upc they just scanned...what the hell is that all about?05:54
megamanx1978Can someone help me add a repository to ubuntu?05:54
grendal_primethey have about 3 browser bars installed. "bing" being the primary from what i can tell.05:54
plantmanwhat brand makes good ram?05:55
Krishnanduplantman, what brands are you looking at05:55
megamanx1978Kingston makes good ram05:55
obs3rv3rplantman: I generally go with kingston and hynix05:55
aroni125megamanx1978: I should be able to05:55
epona666my screen is terribly small running ubuntu on virtualbox, is there a way to fix this05:55
epaphusHello all. If I install brasero with apt-get install brasero, the proper way to remove brasero and ALL the dependancies is also apt-get remove??? is this true?05:55
obs3rv3repona666: Install virtual box additional tools.05:56
ChogyDanepaphus: autoremove05:56
rocketsrww, do you work for read write web?05:56
rwwrockets: no05:56
nikolaanyone has experience with 8gb flash drives formated as fat32 or ntfs? and how do i safely remove flash drive from ubuntu05:56
rocketsrww damn.05:56
megamanx1978I am having issues with adding the ultimate edition repo05:56
aroni125nikola: Unmount the drive, then remove.05:56
obs3rv3rnikola: I have a 500Gig on NTFS and FAT32. Just unmount and remove.05:56
ChogyDanTomboy used to have little icons next to the notes list, where I could set certain notes as sticky.  How can I get that back?05:56
Caironikola right click on it and select eject05:56
rwwmegamanx1978: Ultimate Edition isn't supported by this channel.05:56
rocketsWell, goodnight everybody. I have to go write a paper from 1am to 7am because I'm an idiot.05:56
megamanx1978I am using ubuntu05:57
johnjohn101don't stay up all night to write a paper.05:57
FriGiNi have an executable text file, how do i get it so when i double click it it just runs instead of asking me would you like to run in term and such05:57
greenmang0megamanx1978: what are you trying to do?05:57
megamanx1978I just want to add that repo to get more software05:57
rocketsjohnjohn101 no choice.05:57
Krishnandumegamanx1978, sudo add-apt-repository repo-addess OR go to System > Administration > Software Sources and add there05:57
aroni125nikola: What Cairo suggests with "Eject" works as well.05:57
rocketsmegamanx1978 did you try actually reading the website? it's right here: http://ultimateedition.info/ultimate-edition-repository/05:58
Cairoit's what I use05:58
nikolaok, because i lost twice my data on usb stick today, with unmount and safely remove05:58
Cairoalso it is probably more "user friendly"05:58
nikolanot a problem because i am testing it, but still05:58
megamanx1978I already added the repo to software sources but I get a error05:58
rwwSikth: there you go. now talk here :)05:59
megamanx1978I did read it05:59
Jordan_Unikola: Flash drives can be very unreliable.05:59
epaphusIs uname -a different for a server install then a desktop????05:59
greenmang0megamanx1978: what error?05:59
SikthHi, I'm trying to learn scripting on ubuntu and have some questions, is there a good channel for that?05:59
nikolain my life with computers, Jordan_U , i only once till today lost data on usb stick05:59
Guest52415i'm having problems with graphics... popular websites (facebook, sourceforge, skype, etc.) are shown as text only, and its bothering me quite a bit.05:59
megamanx1978Let me send a screen shot 1 sec05:59
rwwGuest52415: which web browser are you using?06:00
Guest52415firefox & Chromium06:00
aroni125Jordan_U, nikola: I've only lost data from washing a flash drive in my laundry, and not unmounting before removing the drive.06:00
rwwI've had USB sticks go through the laundry and still work ;D06:01
epaphusChogyDan, hmm.. thanks.. i wonder why if i do autoremove brasero it will remove even linux-headers . and if I do install it doesnt install it...06:01
Sikthrww, same here :)06:01
aroni125rww: It eventually worked... a few months later.06:01
nikolarww, stick i have now is certified to go into laundry and come out alive06:01
BaribalHow can I get the close/minimize/maximize buttons on the window decorations back to the top right corner?06:02
ChogyDanepaphus: oh, autoremove will just remove anything that is autoremovable.  It isn't that specific06:02
rww!controls | Baribal06:02
ubottuBaribal: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side06:02
Jordan_Uaroni125: I have an almost new flash drive that consistently, and silently, corrupts data. It's hit and miss, especially with cheap ones :)06:02
nikolacorsair voyager mini 8gb06:02
nikolaBaribal, there is  an option to switch theme06:02
Guest52415how do i get away from seeing web pages as text only?06:02
gary_inNYC!tap zones06:02
aroni125Jordan_U: does it do this in Windows?06:02
nikolaGuest52415, dont use terminal browser?06:03
epaphusChogyDan, ohh ok! so if I give it an argument like apt-get autoremove brasero ... it will remove everything removable PLUS brasero and its dependancies right?06:03
Jordan_Uaroni125: Yes.06:03
Guest52415in regular browsers06:03
johnjohn101if hibernate doesn't work on my mb, is there any hope of ever getting it working?06:03
nikolaGuest52415, did you tried to install any other browser and try?06:03
ChogyDanepaphus: yeah, pretty much.  BTW, Im a new fan of debfoster for removing those dependencies06:03
aroni125Jordan_U: The problem is probably the flash chip in the drive, not the operating systems.06:04
Guest52415i found the error in firefox, and installed chromium to test it, and both showed only text06:04
epaphusChogyDan, cool. thanks06:04
Jordan_Uaroni125: I know, I never thought otherwise :)06:04
nitsmarnanel: my hotmail id won't connect, the error after it tries connecting says "no specific reason" any ideas06:04
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megamanx1978Ok here is the screen shot06:04
nitsmy hotmail id won't connect, the error after it tries connecting says "no specific reason" any ideas06:05
oldude67hey can someone tell me if its possible to put virtualbox on server that is running with no gui?06:05
Jordan_Uaroni125: I now use it for testing btrfs's checksumming / RAID features :)06:05
nitsusing empathy, my hotmail id won't connect, the error after it tries connecting says "no specific reason" any ideas06:05
ChogyDanoldude67: I think there are other virtualization methods for servers06:05
epaphusIs uname -a different for a server install then a desktop????06:05
megamanx1978I think there maybe a pub key I need somewhere06:05
Siktholdude67, I highly doubt it. but there are other ways06:06
oldude67oh yeah, and that being?06:06
Aemaethnits, i'm having a similar issue with hotmail right now, it just continually connects and fails06:06
aroni125ubottu: gconf-editor06:06
ubottugconf-editor is a graphical tool used to maintain the GNOME desktop environment registry. For more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GConfEditor06:06
rwwepaphus: yes, assuming the server's using the -server kernel06:06
aroni125ubottu: are you a bot?06:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:07
epaphusrww, doesnt the server kernel say "server" somewhere in uname -a ?06:07
nitsAemaeth: oh, glad to know it's not just me06:07
rwwepaphus: yes, that's my point06:07
nitsAemaeth: but sad though :(06:07
rwwepaphus: server kernel ends in -server, desktop usually ends in -generic06:07
megamanx1978did you see the image greenmang0?06:07
=== Krishnandu is now known as Guest60064
epaphusrww, thats weird.. i installed from the server cd.. and I clicked on minimal install.. and it installed the generic :(  is that normal?06:08
rwwepaphus: no idea, I don't have much experience with it06:08
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jimisrvroxhey guys is there a way to get x11vnc in a deb with all the deps to install to USB? Right now Ive got a linux box that is having DNS issues...and all I want is VNC for now..looking for VNC server specifically06:09
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nitsAemaeth: but you can still log on to the hotmail web messenger right?06:09
vakhi all06:09
ChogyDan!offline | jimisrvrox06:09
ubottujimisrvrox: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD06:09
UNIm95есть кто знающий ОО?06:09
jimisrvroxChogyDan: im on a windoze box right now..06:09
vakNo networking icon in notification area :( How to fix it?06:09
rww!ru | UNIm9506:10
ubottuUNIm95: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke06:10
aroni125vak: try pressing alt+f2 and typing nm-applet.06:10
ChogyDanjimisrvrox: click the link!06:10
UNIm95sorry false window06:10
Aemaethnits, i can log into hotmail, idk this web messenger06:10
vakaroni125: nothing happend06:11
aroni125vak: Is this happening when you first log on?06:11
vakaroni125: i tried this also from console ==> "An instance of nm-applet is already running."06:11
nitsAemaeth: oh ok, same same, maybe it's got something to do with empathy, trying to google on the issue06:11
vakaroni125: yes. Since two weeks. each day.06:12
vakNotification area does present06:12
greenmang0megamanx1978: that link isn't accessible from browser06:12
aroni125vak: try "killall nm-applet", Alt+f2, "nm-applet"06:12
Krishnanduhey guys say I've 5PC's. And I need to install same packages and updates on all the PC's. So is there any way out such that I can download and install updates and packages in one PC and other PC's can be synchronized..??06:12
greenmang0megamanx1978: i mean the repository06:12
vakaroni125: the same :(06:13
vakaroni125: no networkng06:14
greenmang0megamanx1978: what does your /etc/apt/sources.list read?06:14
greenmang0Krishnandu: apt-proxy... i guess06:14
aroni125are you logged into another account?06:14
al_nz1anyone know how to chaneg the size of a mainly ntfs win7 partition in ubiquity to allow for a installation of linux after i assume a resize operation?06:15
Sikthvak, which version of ubuntu are you running?06:15
vakaroni125: no I am not logged into a diff acc.06:15
Krishnandugreenmang0, well...thnx lemme see06:15
greenmang0Krishnandu: http://apt-proxy.sourceforge.net/#apt-proxy_v206:15
vakSikth: from yesterday 10.10. But the issue is 2 weeks old06:15
lucental_nz1: gparted after a clean shutdown of windows?06:15
coolsanaroni125: i have same prob like vak06:15
ubottuapt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy06:15
Krishnandugreenmang0, Thnx...was just googling about it..!!06:16
vakcoolsan: and your notification area indeed present too?06:16
Sikthvak can you just right click and select Add to Panel?06:16
vakSikth: Add what applet?06:16
al_nz1lucent: currently booted off a live cd that just has uqiquity?06:16
nitsAemaeth: just installed pidgin and it seems to connect to hotmail06:16
coolsanaroni125: notification area howing only battery but no network icon06:17
nullm0demWhen using the Places menu in ubuntu 10.10 to access drives and folders rhythmbox open instead of nautilus anyone know whats up with this?06:17
coolsanaroni125: notification area hsowing only battery but no network icon06:17
Sikthvak indicator applet?06:17
coolsanaroni125: notification area showing only battery but no network icon06:18
loltphAnyone having trouble with the Msn account plugin?06:18
lucentnullm0dem: wow, that's special.06:18
nullm0demNot sure how this happend06:18
saaabIf I want to use xp inside ubuntu using virtualbox do I need the xp installed in Harddisk or I can install it using virtual box?06:18
loltphanyone think its the new update?06:18
lucentnullm0dem: something with mime types and associations, no idea how to get at that information to change it though06:19
aroni125coolsan: have you tried pressing Alt+F2 and typing "nm-applet", like I advised vak?06:19
nitsloltph: seems i cant connect to hotmail via empathy but it does so via pidgin06:19
megamanx1978deb http://downloadue.info/repo maverick all#Ultimate Edition Repository06:19
Jordan_Usaaab: You can install it within virtualbox, and that's actually recommended.06:19
megamanx1978That is the repo06:19
aroni125loltph: I've gotten it to work in Pidgin.06:19
saaabthanks jordan_U06:19
greenmang0Krishnandu: i never tried it ... but let me know if it serves your purpose06:19
Jordan_Usaaab: You're welcome.06:19
nitsloltph: yes same as empathy except i don't think it automatically reconnects like empathy wen disconnected06:19
loltphsaaab: A virtual hard drive with virtual box06:19
FriGiNhey guys, i am having troubles keeping my Linksys/Cisco WUSB54GC v3 [Ralink RT2870] to hold a connection. it randomly dies, and stays dead. any suggestions?06:19
nullm0demlucent: i have been looking all night, mimetypes would make sense but i cant seem to find moe indepth setting06:20
megamanx1978I think I need a key but I am not sure where to get it06:20
needhelp1can someone help me with a bresaro issue, im trying to burn some jpg's to a disk and it keeps messing up, i get all the way to checking the checksum and then it gives the errors. here is the log http://pastebin.com/JaPHYd1206:20
Krishnandugreenmang0, I'm not going to try it too..!! I was just curious what should I do if I were in this position :P06:20
manlymatt83Hi folks.  Quick question.  I'm thinking of upgrading my T42 (1024x768 display) to a T510 (HD+).  I haven't used any wide screen laptop before, and I'm obviously super used to the larger text size.  Someone has told me not to upgrade, as I'll think text is just too small, and someone else has told me to upgrade to the T510, but adjust settings in my OS to "increase text size across the board".  Is that possible in Ubuntu?  Can I run in HD+ resolution bu06:20
nitsneedhelp1: have u tried k3b? it's much more stable than brasero06:20
coolsanSikth: indicator appelt add only battery not network icon06:21
greenmang0Krishnandu: :)06:21
Krishnandunits, Ofcourse !!06:21
Krishnandugreenmang0, :P06:21
vakSikth: aroni125: coolsan: i can see an icon with 2up-and-down arrows -- going to restart system to ensure it remains. Albeit I can't say for sure which action brought it back to the life...06:21
needhelp1nits, i havent06:21
nitsneedhelp1: try it out then it should be there in the ubuntu software center , super-stable for any kind of disc burning  :)06:22
aroni125vak: that should be the icon.06:22
Sikthcoolsan can you give me the output of this in a terminal "sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces"06:22
taranis it posible to install Ubuntu Server and desktop as Dual boot systems on a single PC06:22
loltpharoni125: installed pidgin with the 30 plugins pack06:22
Krishnandunits, Brasero fails many times..!! :P06:22
Krishnandunits, and you've much more options in k3b06:23
nitsKrishnandu: oh yes! have wasted too many discs with that, still don't get why it is the default burner for ubuntu though06:23
needhelp1isnt k3b for kde?06:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:23
Krishnandunits, It's default any for GNOME06:23
nitsneedhelp1: yes it's meant for KDE but you can install it on GNOME as well06:24
Doctehhow well does pae work with ubuntu? I currently have 2gb and plan to upgrade to 6gb of ram in my desktop. I'm wondering if i should go for a pae kernel or try and get a 64bit kernel running with 32bit userland06:24
Krishnanduneedhelp1, k3b is an KDE app. But thr is nothing like that you can't use it in GNOME06:24
coolsanSikth: auto lo06:24
lucentBrasero uses the horrible cdrkit06:24
nitsKrishnandu: i didn't know that , lol06:24
coolsaniface lo inet loopback06:24
aroni125loltph: I can use MSN using Pidgin without the plugin pack.06:24
Krishnandunits, All GNOME comes with brasero and KDE with k3b, be it ubuntu, fedora, opensuse doesn't matter06:25
lucentBrasero is really great, but cdrkit is broken and the maintainers have no support from the community to fix problems that they have introduced since the illegal fork away from cdrtools06:25
loltpharoni125: i've installed the skype plugin06:25
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info06:25
FriGiNI am having troubles keeping my Linksys/Cisco WUSB54GC v3 [Ralink RT2870] to hold a connection. it randomly dies, and stays dead. any suggestions?06:25
hrp2171is there a webdav channel?  i've setup webdav in ubuntu 10.10 and when accessing the folder through dreamweaver or cadaver, I cannot write, erase, or add to the folder.06:25
nitsKrishnandu: didn't know that yet, now I know something, woo hoo! gotta love irc :P06:25
osmosishow do I set nginx to start automatically at bootup?06:26
lucentso, basically, you could install cdrtools and have working burn program from the commandline, except that cdrtools is refused to be packaged and included06:26
Krishnandunits, :)06:26
Jordan_Ulucent: You can use wodim.06:26
lucentI see based on some research about this, while we're stuck with cdrkit in Ubuntu things will remain broken06:26
Krishnandulucent, burning cd's from commandline was really a nice experience06:26
ubuntu91humanHello O06:26
ubuntu91humanHello all06:26
lucentJordan_U: that's what I am talking about? wodim is part of cdrkit06:27
nitslucent: ah.... cdrtools eh? cool will give it a shot next time i burn06:27
hrp2171hello ubuntu91human06:27
ubuntu91humanJordan_U, hrp2127, I encountered a big problem with 10.1006:27
Jordan_Ulucent: ... it's included in a default Ubuntu install.06:27
needhelp1has any of this hit the idea torrent?06:27
lucentnits: It is on my list of activites to package up cdrtools stable release as a PPA06:27
needhelp1regarding cdrkit06:27
nitslucent: sweet :D06:28
ubuntu91humanJordan_U : I cannot use some input methods in Ubuntu 10.1006:28
rwwJordan_U: lucent has previously expressed the incorrect views that 1) Ubuntu had anything to do with the switch from cdrtools to cdrkit, 2) that the switch was a bad thing. Probably best not to bother reasoning about it.06:28
lucentthere's a quote from Mark Shuttleworth somewhere, he said about cdrtools that would be denied from entering Ubuntu end of story no discussion needed06:28
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:28
IdleOnePlease feel free to pontificate in #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.06:29
vakSikth: aroni125: coolsan: icon is here after a restart, many thanks for help!06:29
ubuntu91humanWe have got 10 input methods in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, but we have got only 2 in Ubuntu 10.1006:30
lucentubuntu91human: is that good/bad ?06:30
ubuntu91humanChewing is a very important Chinese input method in iBUS preference06:30
ubuntu91humanwhich is gone in Ubuntu 10.1006:30
FriGiNI am having troubles keeping my Linksys/Cisco WUSB54GC v3 [Ralink RT2870] to hold a connection. it randomly dies, and stays dead. It also is very broad in the data transfer rates, it will be fine then go super slow.  Any suggestions?06:31
needhelp1burning now with k3b06:31
=== aL3x is now known as alexlea
nitsneedhelp1: Be amazed by the stability :P06:31
ubuntu91humanI guess now I cannot move forward to 10.10 because of this06:31
ubuntu91humanlucent : It's really bad if we don't have Chewing input method06:32
lucentubuntu91human: okay06:32
lucentFriGiN: ralink stuff works better with compat-wireless drivers06:32
ubuntu91humanI can't believe 10.10 is so many stuff disappear compare to 10.04 LTS06:32
nitsguys one question, where do u look for the error logs in log file viewer? or any command to view the errors from the terminal itself06:33
Sikthcoolsan try reinstalling it by "sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome network-manager" in a terminal06:33
ubuntu91humanI can't believe 10.10 has so many stuff disappeared compare to 10.04 LTS06:33
IdleOneubuntu91human: report a bug on launchpad.net06:33
Sikththen restart your computer06:33
FriGiNlucent, can ya walk a noob thru settin that up?06:33
ubuntu91humanIdleOne : launchpad.net?06:33
aroni125The packages appear to exist for chewing, they just aren't installed.06:33
IdleOneubuntu91human: yes, that is Ubuntu bug traqcker06:33
IdleOne!bugs > ubuntu91human06:34
ubottuubuntu91human, please see my private message06:34
loltphHow d'you set up a skype plugin? Inside of Pidgin or Empathy?06:34
lucentFriGiN: i.e. linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.35-22-generic 2.6.35-22.12 from source linux-backports-modules-2.6.3506:34
ubuntu91humanI didn't mean that Chinese is important to me, I like to use English, but when we need to do work with Mandarin paper, we do need Chewing input method06:34
lucentFriGiN: save us both time if you search for "compat-wireless" and the codename of your ubuntu release06:34
loltphubuntu91human: you could use a pre-release06:35
FriGiNlucent:  will do thx.06:35
lucent"compat-wireless maverick" from Google is me pointing you in the right direction, lots of helpful tutorials how to do it I would be not much better in explaining it06:35
ubuntu91humanloltph............ ahmmmmm06:36
ectospasmhow can I set workspace names in Maverick?  It used to be there but now it's gone, and google (ubuntuforums & www) doesn't provide any hints.06:36
lucentFriGiN: I have a ralink chipset here on my ALFA 1/2watt wifi adapter ;)  so I noticed that it dropped wifi link with high number of network connections in the new wifi driver and compat-wireless driver works better for me06:36
loltphubuntu91human: bit unstable but...06:36
ubuntu91humanthis bug is really big to many asian people06:36
aroni125ibus-chewing and scim-chewing exist in the maverick repositories.06:36
lucentectospasm: I don't know the UI way, it's accessible from gconf-editor06:36
ectospasmlucent: no, it's not.  I've tried setting it there, and it does *nothing*06:37
ubuntu91humannow I know how wonderful Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is.06:37
ubuntu91humanI love 10.04 LTS06:37
SikthI'm still on 9.10 :/06:37
FriGiNlucent: yes thats what its lookin like here.. im just new back to linux after a long long stretch away and my brain doesnt do what it used to do.  Got old and dumb.06:37
Madpilotubuntu91human, have bugs been filed against 10.10 for this?06:37
ubuntu91humanSikth, cool~06:37
ectospasmlucent: the names are in gconf-editor06:37
needhelp1k3b worked06:37
nitsneedhelp1:  Sweet :)06:37
lucentectospasm: maybe it's dconf now?   anyhow, if you right click the workspace switcher applet from a panel, then preferences, you can click-to-edit the workspace names06:37
ubuntu91humanMadpilot, I will file a bug report06:38
epaphusHello. DOes sun-java6-jre exist in the multiverse rep for maverick?? i added the rep in /etc/apt/sources.list and did apt*get upgrade... yet it says there is no installation candidate.. iam LOST06:38
lucentFriGiN: it's like trying to hop on a moving train ;)  no worries06:38
IdleOneepaphus: it is in the Partner repo now06:38
ectospasmlucent: *what* workspace names?  Only controls I have are columns and rows06:38
lucentoh.  ectospasm which Ubuntu release/06:38
epaphusIdleOne, since when?06:38
ectospasmlucent: I already said Maverick06:38
lucentectospasm: calm down it's going to be okay06:38
aroni125epaphus: It does exist.06:39
ectospasmlucent: I've been digging at this for an hour06:39
IdleOneepaphus: since 10.04 I believe06:39
ActionParsnipepaphus: look in the partner repo06:39
ectospasm...it's frustrating06:39
ectospasmlucent: when it used to be so simple.06:39
=== wolf is now known as Guest81537
ubuntu91humanI need to log off first, see you folks later06:39
aroni125That could be why I have it. I have all repositories enabled.06:39
jimisrvroxhey guys I just ran a command ./vncinstall /usr/local/bin /usr/local/man and so it comes back and is telling me cannot stat filename no such file or directory any ideas?06:41
epaphusIdleOne,  thanks06:41
boxbeatsyhi, how do i run a command in the background and write all output to a text file?06:41
nitsguys one question, where do u look for the error logs in log file viewer? or any command to view the errors from the terminal itself?06:41
ActionParsnipepaphus: you could use the self extracting archive at www.java.com its a great way to get 654bit native java. You will need to manually upgrade it though06:42
lucentnits: typically /var/log ?06:42
boxbeatsyi have "python blank.py & > file.txt 2>&1" but that's not working06:42
FriGiNlucent: i just installed "2.6.35-22.12 (linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.35-22-generic-pae)" via ubuntu software center, is that about what i need to do?06:42
Sikthcoolsan youthere?06:42
ActionParsnipjimisrvrox: did you run the command with sudo?06:42
nitsboxbeatsy: nohup command& , the command will run in the background and output appended to nohup.out06:42
lucentboxbeatsy:   ./command > textfile.txt 2>&1 &06:42
jimisrvroxActionParsnip: no I guess that would be why chmod came on after there..06:42
boxbeatsycool thanks!06:42
lucentboxbeatsy: the "2>&1" is in a strange place because of the way the shell works, it's just an oddity and needs to go on the right side of the redirection06:43
nitslucent:  something in particular i shld look wen i am looking for errors in /var/log06:43
jimisrvroxnope...ran in root and still didnt do anything for me06:43
ActionParsnipjimisrvrox: you are trying to write to /usr which (half-ironically) users do not have write access06:43
epaphusActionParsnip, yes06:43
jimisrvroxActionParsnip: so ran as room and cp came back cannot stat and chmod came back cannot access06:43
lucentit sends 2 (stderr) to 1 (stdout)  such that the '>' now is sending both stderr and stdout into stdout, which is redirected into the file.  wow.06:43
nft-mnthelp please help me to fix the adobe flash for mozilla on my ubuntu 10.0406:43
lucentbash is crazy06:43
ActionParsnipnft-mnt: you mean firefox, I presume06:44
jimisrvroxActionParsnip: yeah Im trying to do that so I can install vncserver! I ran through ./configure and make and they tell me thats the next step06:44
nft-mntcos I cant play anytin from the youtube06:44
aroni125nft-mnt: what problem are you having?06:44
jimisrvroxActionParsnip: Im having to install from tar bc I dont have a net connection on the linux box06:44
nft-mntYes fierefo06:44
richardcavellHi gang.  On a PC with 4 Gigs of RAM, if you install Windows 32-bit, it only addresses 3.2 Gigs of that RAM.  If you install Ubuntu 32-bit on a 4-Gig machine, is there any similar limitation?06:44
aroni125richardcavell: Yes.06:45
lucentrichardcavell: 64-bit kernel then no, 32-bit kernel then yes and must install 32-bit PAE kernel06:45
rwwrichardcavell: yes, if you don't use the PAE kernel06:45
ActionParsnipnft-mnt: can you give the output of: uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf ,use http://pastie.org to give the output, thanks06:45
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info06:45
jimisrvroxActionParsnip: great...so how the heck am I going to install vncserver w/o write permissions to /usr?06:45
nft-mntI cant see the videos from the web06:45
aroni125richardcavell: It's something to do with the processor hardware.06:45
nft-mntOk i Try06:46
richardcavellSo is the short version of this: If you have 4 Gigs of RAM, install 64-bit Ubuntu (and Windows for that matter) ?06:46
ActionParsnipjimisrvrox: you do know ubuntu default install comes with vino?06:46
richardcavell4 Gigs isn't a lot of RAM by modern standards06:46
nft-mntLinux nftparlante 2.6.32-25-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 19:48:22 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux06:46
jimisrvroxActionParsnip: tried to access it..says its not installed..synaptic says it is..06:46
aroni125richardcavell: It's generally enough for general use.06:46
ActionParsnipjimisrvrox: you could use: sudo -i ,then run the command.06:46
jimisrvroxActionParsnip: so then I decided ok i'll go get x11vnc06:46
ActionParsnipjimisrvrox: I suggest you find guides. It is installed, just not enabled by default06:47
nft-mntNo LSB modules are available.06:47
nft-mntDistributor ID:Ubuntu06:47
nft-mntDescription:Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS06:48
FloodBot1nft-mnt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:48
lucentfail detected.06:48
aroni125nft-mnt: ... what Floodbot said.06:48
ActionParsniprichardcavell: depends on your needs. If you only chat and web browse, 4Gb is far more than you'll ever need06:48
malachaiWhats up guys?06:48
ActionParsniprichardcavell: for a simple fileserver you will need about 256mb06:48
jimisrvroxActionParsnip: heh wonderful! ok well when I do sudo -i I get ./vncinstall no directory...which is BS06:48
alexleai'm hi and bored06:49
richardcavellWell there isn't a down side in running 64-bit Ubuntu on non-exotic hardware, is there?06:49
ActionParsnipjimisrvrox: no, when you ran:sudo -i ,you changed directory to /root ,its not BS in anyway shape or form06:49
jimisrvroxActionParsnip: rather command not found..the vncinstall is an install script of course...so idk06:49
Madpilotlucent, be polite. pastefloods happen.06:49
ActionParsnipjimisrvrox: run: pwd; ls ,you'll see06:49
jimisrvroxActionParsnip: Im saying....what it came back with command not found is BS to me06:50
alexleathis is the most actve channel on freenode06:50
ActionParsniprichardcavell: some 3rdparties only support 32bit06:50
ActionParsnipjimisrvrox: yes because your pwd changed, so the file isn't there06:50
malachaiIm wondering if someone can tell me how to mark files as executable? Im trying to install convertxtodvd in WINE and when I click the setup.exe Im told that its not marked as executable, but doesnt give me an option to do so. Any Help?06:50
richardcavellWell I'm talking Intel i3, nvidia graphics card, plain hardware06:50
jimisrvroxActionParsnip: they say in the readme that after the program builds you should copy it to your PATH environment variable...06:50
jimisrvroxpwd didnt change06:51
aroni125malachai: chmod +x setup.exe06:51
alexleamalachai: you stole my nick06:51
lucentmalachai: right click the thing, go to properties06:51
jukyesterday after kernel upgrade, ubuntu desktop session freezes with gnome-do and window requiring password at the background06:51
lucentmalachai: should be a tab for file permissions.06:51
nft-mntBueno no veo mucha ayuda06:51
ActionParsnipjimisrvrox: so if you run: ls ,you see the file?06:51
nft-mntgracias de todas formas06:51
john38can somebody help me06:51
juknow I'm in safe mode06:52
john38im trying to download a tar.gz file06:52
malachaiIll be damned.06:52
ActionParsnipjohn38: what is the file for?06:52
john38but the only thing in the archive is libflahs.so file06:52
malachaiWhod have thunk that...lol06:52
malachaiThanks man.06:52
alexleamalachai is grouped to me...so how can htere be more than 1...thought freenode didnt do that06:52
ActionParsnipnft-mnt: still waiting on that pastebin dude06:52
malachaisorry man i just typed my name in06:52
john38ActionParsnip, libflashplayer.so file06:53
aroni125john38: the file gets put in the plugin directory of your browser.06:53
yenkocan someone tell me how to save display settings in ubuntu 10.10? the config file is blank.06:53
alexleamalachai: i'm just curios why its working...i never use that nick anyway06:53
john38aroni125, how do i do that06:53
ActionParsnipjohn38: copy the file to your browsers plugin directory if you are installing flash, or you can simply install the package: flashplugin-nonfree ,and you will get flash06:53
=== user_ is now known as TermanaN900
aroni125john38: what browser and version are you using?06:54
=== diego is now known as Guest73489
hasek79what would be the best email client for using a pop3 account?06:54
john38aroni125, firefox ubuntu 10.10 maverick\06:54
ActionParsnipjimisrvrox: then try using tab to complete the filename, you could also try chowning the file to root06:54
aroni125john38: firefox version06:54
FriGiNlucent: am i literally typing "./scripts/driver-select <driver-name>06:54
FriGiN" cuz <driver-name> sounds fishy...06:54
Guest73489where are the girls that want Ubuntu?06:54
rwwalexlea: because you don't have nickserv enforcement turned on, so it doesn't force people using the nick to stop06:54
sukataWhat packages (if any) should be installed (Ubuntu 10.10) to compile c++ source files?06:54
rwwGuest73489: This isn't a dating channel; I recommend you stop thinking it is.06:55
rwwubottu: tell Guest73489 about guidelines06:55
ubottuGuest73489, please see my private message06:55
ActionParsnipsukata: build-essential06:55
hasek79and does evolution email support pop3?06:55
sukataThank you06:55
taransukata: I am running c languiage programs withut having to install anything additionally06:55
mal10csukata: i just use g++06:55
john38aroni125, 3.6.1006:55
lucentFriGiN: huh? oh it should be far simpler than that06:55
ActionParsniphasek79: it supports pop3 afaik06:55
mal10csukata: apt-get install g++06:55
cicatrix1an email program that doesn't support pop3 would be really weird06:55
hasek79whats afaik?06:55
ActionParsnipmal10c: build essential gives nice header files too06:55
rwwhasek79: as far as I know06:56
mal10cActionParsnip: true06:56
kgsA few minutes ago gnome went crazy on me. All the text turned into jumbled characters. Like when you cat a file with a strange symbol and your terminal get screwed up. Anyone have any idea what this could be about?06:56
alexlearww yes, i do have it on...which is why i am confused06:56
rwwcicatrix1: there are some that only support local mbox/maildir, which makes perfect sense :)06:56
ActionParsniprww: thanks, takes me days to type on this thing06:56
nft-mntwell I'll find help in other place06:56
cicatrix1meh technicallity06:56
FriGiNlucent: i ended up using ubuntu software center to get 2.6.35-22.12 (linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.35-22-generic-pae) but afaik it didnt do much of anything but dl it.. i didnt dc or rc as the helps say i should06:56
earthshadeWhat is the command to change nickserv password06:56
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john38aroni125, ??06:57
lucentFriGiN: oh, did you need PAE?06:57
hasek79then what do i need to do to set it up b/c i have the account type set to pop and thats my only option so i didnt know if that was right or not b/c it doesnt work06:57
rwwal3xl34: indeed. try asking #freenode o.O06:57
aroni125john38: try putting it in /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.10/plugins. if that does not exist, try putting it in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins.06:57
FriGiNman i dont even know what PAE is, it was that or the x64/i386 version.06:57
ActionParsnipearthshade: ask in #freenode for password support06:57
hasek79there is no pop3 option in evo mail06:58
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info06:58
lucentFriGiN: the modules should match 'uname -r' output, is all.  If it says PAE in your uname output, then you need PAE, I *think*06:58
ActionParsnipFriGiN: something addressextension.it allows 32bit to access up to 12gb ram using software06:58
lucentFriGiN: PAE is for folks with 4+GB ram to say it simply06:58
aroni125FriGiN: PAE is "Physical Address Extension"06:58
FriGiNwell im @ 8GB06:59
FriGiNhowever my kernel is 2.6.35-22-generic06:59
cicatrix1hasek79: it's usually an option when creating a new account.  You can almost never flip from IMAP to pop3 on an existing accoung06:59
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ActionParsnipFriGiN: that's fine. The 64bit one is also generic. You can see your arch with; uname -m ,i686 == 32bit. X86_64 == 64bit07:00
ActionParsnipFriGiN: if you have no use for suspend and hibernate, you can use no swap if you like. You have tonnes of ram for a desktop OS07:01
john38aroni125, how do i copy paste to usr/lib/firefox07:01
hasek79what is imap? then is there another option i should try b/c my email is from my isp?07:01
FriGiNActionParsnip: i installed i686 cuz when i did a test run on my laptop i had some serious troubles with a couple programs i use regularly not supporting x6407:01
malachaiNice. Got it working so far. Thanks for the obvious explanation lucent.07:01
aroni125john38: you may have to run nautilus as root to do it.07:01
ActionParsnipjohn38: if you run: mkdir $HOME/.mozilla/plugins ,and put the .so file in there. It will work07:02
FriGiNlucent: so if i used the ubuntu software center to get that driver.. am i good or do i need to do something to tell the system to use that driver instead of the default one?07:02
ActionParsnipFriGiN: yeah its a shame , you can run 32bit apps on 64bit OS but satisfying libs can get messy07:03
lucentFriGiN: good question, after installation of the package you will need to reboot, but that may not be enough07:03
john38aroni125, its in my Downloads folder07:03
obs3rv3rhasek79: imap is another way to access your emails. This way your emails remain on the server and you have a synced mail folder across many mail clients.07:03
aroni125ActionParsnip, john38: The only down side to that is that it's only available to the local user then, but if you're the only one who uses it, then it would have the same effect.07:03
john38aroni125, what do i type in terminal07:03
john38aroni125, im the only user07:04
lucentFriGiN: I remember all I had to do was reboot and the compat-wireless versions of the modules were then being used07:04
ActionParsniparoni125: most systems have the one user but I guess its safer not to assume07:04
denysoniquecan anyone recommend a tool for monitoring network traffic, ideally a tray application07:04
denysoniqueI want to calculate the bits of my modem07:04
ActionParsnipjohn38: if you will only ever be the only user, my way is fine07:04
lucentdenysonique: system monitor in gnome panel applets list?07:04
hasek79should i try imap then? b/c the incoming is still pop3.______.com07:04
ActionParsnipdenysonique: ntop07:04
aroni125john38: to copy the file, or to open nautilus to do a copy and paste?07:04
_pg_I have a mactel ubuntu, to turn my red light coming out of my headphone jack I need to run "amixer set IEC958 off" how can I make it so that I dont need to run that each time I reboot my computer?07:04
denysoniquelucent, won't the system monitor reset after log out?07:04
obs3rv3rhasek79: confirm if your isp provides imap service. If it does secure imap (imaps) is the one you should go with. But sorry what was your actual question?07:05
john38aroni125, copy and paste from Downloads to /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.10/plugins07:05
lucentdenysonique: "reset" well what are you trying to do that requires persistence?07:05
* obs3rv3r agrees with lucent.07:05
denysoniquelucent, make sure that I have bytes left to use07:05
lucentoh, metering07:05
aroni125john38: sudo nautilus&07:05
denysoniqueto prevent my self from running out of bits07:05
obs3rv3rdenysonique: that is you just want to keep an eye on the bandwidth utilized ?07:05
lucentdenysonique: I'm not sure about metering apps07:05
ActionParsnip_pg_: make a simple bash script, then add it to your startup items07:06
denysoniqueobs3rv3r, yes, in the tray07:06
ActionParsniparoni125: no, not sudo for nautilus07:06
ActionParsniparoni125: gksudo nautilus07:06
Eighteensis there a equivelant in ubuntu, to this windows command dir /a/s *.mp3  i want unbuntu to look recursively in all my folders,  i'm trying to find all my mp3's and pipe the output to a file.txt07:06
_pg_ActionParsnip, that seems like overkill/ i dont know how07:06
obs3rv3rdenysonique: well I am not sure if you prefer it but I use conky for that thing.07:06
lucentActionParsnip: pro-tip 'gksudo -- nautilus --browser'07:06
obs3rv3rdenysonique: it gives me a overview in my desktop. makes life easier.07:06
lucentotherwise it zombifies afterward07:06
denysoniqueobs3rv3r, does conky via what app? to measure?07:06
ActionParsnip_pg_: hardly, you need a command to run it. Your script is a 2 line text file07:07
hasek79i cant get my email to come in and i think its b/c i dont know what option to choose. my incoming mail is pop3 and there is no option for that. the closest to it is just pop and that dont work07:07
obs3rv3rdenysonique: conky itself is an app...it utilizes profiles for the purpose. There are 100s of them lying around the internet.07:07
ActionParsnip_pg_: first line.   #!/bin/bash07:07
_pg_ActionParsnip, but i mean, isnt there a way to disable it for good? like changing the default rather than just fixing it each time?07:07
denysoniqueobs3rv3r, what does conkey use to meter?07:07
ActionParsnip_pg_: 2nd line is your command07:07
denysoniqueobs3rv3r, something built in?07:08
obs3rv3rhasek79: does your email client say that your pop3 is connected well ?07:08
ActionParsnip_pg_: you have a known way to fix it, why waste effort when you already have a fix07:08
malachaiIf I want to tell it to open a program with 7zip but its not on the list so I have to look for it. Where would I browse to?07:08
Eighteensi mean in windows i could be in my music folder, and do a dir /a/s >file.txt "is thre a equivelant to that using the ls command"07:08
hasek79yes we have it working on the other computers but i cant get it to work on ubuntu07:08
FriGiNlucent: i'm totally horked. im getting device descripptor read/64,  error -71 system does not boot07:09
obs3rv3rhasek79: What client are you using? thunderbird ?07:09
aroni125john38: you can also type gksudo nautilus to get into a root file manager, as Action Parsnip pointed out to me.07:09
hasek79evolution mail07:09
_pg_ActionParsnip, what do I  save this as?07:09
ActionParsnip_pg_: save the file as whatever you like in your home, right click the file and mark it as executable. Then just call it in your startup items. Problem solved07:09
john38aroni125, ok its copied07:09
hasek79is Thunderbird better?07:09
obs3rv3rhasek79: I am a fan of thunderbird. Not used to with evolution.07:09
ActionParsnip_pg_: you don't have to put any special file extension on, those mean very little in linux07:10
_pg_ActionParsnip, if I need to add more hacks in the future, can I use the same file?07:10
john38aroni125, i been having this problem going into full screen on a live video feed on my TV07:10
lucentFriGiN: how'd you do that?07:10
obs3rv3rhasek79: telnet pop3.__.com 110 , user $username, pass $pass, list07:10
ActionParsnip_pg_: absolutely07:10
hasek79this is my first time with evo mail07:10
obs3rv3rhasek79: follow thru those comands07:10
john38aroni125, its a little off doesnt take up whole screen07:10
X_Tech__is it necessary that we have to have all the updates of ubuntu in our system07:10
lucentdenysonique: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMonitorInternetTrafficTotals07:10
ActionParsniphasek79: depends on needs. Neither is better, nor worse07:10
rwwX_Tech__: security updates: yes. normal updates: not really.07:10
aroni125I have a computer malfunction, brb07:10
obs3rv3rActionParsnip: But for some reason I find Thunderbird easy for newcomers.07:11
_pg_ActionParsnip, swwet il test it out07:11
pvl1im trying to keep my log files clean. my dhcp server and dns server sent a lot of junk to my syslog. im trying to understand how to configure syslog.conf to have messages from them router to a different file, but cannot figure out how07:11
hasek79put that in the terminal???07:11
FriGiNlucent:  nfc... i restarted to restart the wireless like i always do.. now im sitting at a boot screen saying sorry bub you sck.07:11
newbiehello guys can any body here who can help me download and install yahoo messenger coz im a newbie in linux07:11
john38ActionParsnip,  i been having this problem going into full screen on a live video feed on my TV07:11
X_Tech__My computer is running really slow after all updates....how shallI roll it back07:11
obs3rv3rhasek79: Yes one after another .... those separated by comma.07:11
_pg_ActionParsnip, i doth prtested too much. that was stupid easy07:11
nico_hi.. can anyone help me get my wireless working on ubuntu netbook07:11
lucentFriGiN: privmsg, maybe we can sort it out07:11
_pg_ActionParsnip, thanks for that07:11
Taz1I'm trying to revert back to Vista after trying Ubuntu 10.10, Vista doesn't load and  tells me I have to use boot manager, don't have disk requested (used  computer), what do I do to get back to Vista?07:11
john38ActionParsnip,  its a little off doesnt take up whole screen07:11
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obs3rv3rdenysonique: searching a profile for you.07:12
ActionParsnipobs3rv3r: sure but if a user needs a feature in evolution which isn't in thunderbird then choosing thunderbird for its ease is a bad choice :)07:12
denysoniqueobs3rv3r, you don't need to07:12
denysoniqueI don't want conky, I want to see it in the tray07:12
pvl1Taz1, get into the live cd for ubuntu and fix your mbr07:12
osmosishow do I set nginx to start automatically at bootup?07:12
lucentTaz1: microsoft support should be able to help you, not joking07:12
denysoniqueobs3rv3r, thanks btw07:12
ActionParsnipjohn38: what doesn't? You haven't given any context07:12
osmosisor any service for that matter07:12
nico_hi.. can anyone help me get my wireless working on ubuntu netbook.07:12
obs3rv3rdenysonique: Fine. np.07:12
boxbeatsyhi, i'm trying to write standard output from a python script to a text file, but it's not working07:12
obs3rv3rActionParsnip: True.07:13
boxbeatsythe command imtrying is "python blank.py > file.txt 2>&1 &"07:13
ActionParsnipnico_: run: sudo lshw -C network ,websearch for the product line of the wireless to find guides07:13
boxbeatsybut it'ts not writing anything to the text file07:13
rwwboxbeatsy: try python -u instead of just python07:13
malachaiWhats a good nfo reader for maverick?07:13
Taz1sorry, the live cd for ubuntu? How do I access that?07:13
X_Tech__@nico just logon to ubuntu and switch on your wireless radio switch07:13
nico_it says the firmware is missing07:14
ActionParsnip_pg_: scripts are very powerful,you can make your own and do lots of things in one command, you can even ask for input from users and perform logic07:14
boxbeatsyrww: hey that worked! what does that do?07:14
ActionParsnipnico_: ok run: dmesg | grep -i firm ,do you get told a filename is missing (the firmware)07:14
aroni125malachai: I believe they're text files, so a text editor like gedit should work.07:14
X_Tech__how to rollback in ubuntu07:14
rwwboxbeatsy: by default, python waits until it has a bunch of output queued up before outputting it, for performance reasons. -u stops that. see the manpage for more details07:15
ActionParsnipX_Tech__: rollback what?07:15
rwwboxbeatsy: I know this because I had the exact same problem and asked #python ;)07:15
malachaiYeah I found it thanks.07:15
X_Tech__I want to roll back to earlier07:15
nico_thanks guys!07:15
ibrahim-kasemHi guys, please tell me how can go back to the home folder using terminal, I am in the Desktop now after cd Desktop07:15
rwwibrahim-kasem: cd ~07:15
aroni125cd ~ or cd.07:15
ibrahim-kasemrww: thnx.07:16
obs3rv3rcd <enter>07:16
rwwibrahim-kasem: or in general, cd .. to go to the "next directory up"07:16
rwwi always forget that cd by itself does that :S07:16
ActionParsnipX_Tech__: then you'll need the debs from earlier. This sort of thing will most likely mess your OS up07:16
ActionParsnipibrahim-kasem: just: cd ,on its own will take you to $HOME07:16
ibrahim-kasemrww: Thnx again, did not expect it to be just like Dos.07:17
john38ActionParsnip, when i enable twin view on my tv i go to full screen on tv video doesnt take up full screen07:17
ActionParsnipibrahim-kasem: it is but more powerful, its more on a par with powershell07:17
blahsphemerhow do I troubleshoot this, my ubuntu is unable to connect to the wireless networks07:17
john38ActionParsnip, a little more than half07:17
blahsphemeralthough from windows I am able to do it07:17
blahsphemerI run lucid lynx07:17
ActionParsnipjohn38: I have no idea, try asking the channel insteadof targetting just me07:17
obs3rv3rjohn38: probably because of resolution.07:18
ibrahim-kasemActionParsnip: This can be useful later thank you.07:18
ActionParsnipblahsphemer: what windows does is of no conseuence here07:18
obs3rv3rjohn38: try setting them to clones on twinview, and change the resolution to the one the TV supports.07:18
john38Can anybody help me i cant get full screen on live video feed07:18
nitsblahsphemer: do u use a broadcom wireless driver?07:18
KrishnanduHey guys how to upgrade using Maverick Alternate CD??07:18
john38obs3rv3r, i got nvidia07:18
ActionParsnipblahsphemer: ifyou run: sudo lshw -C network ,you can see the wireless chip and can websearch for guides07:19
boxbeatsyrww: cool, thanks!07:19
KrishnanduI mean just booting from it?? Or any command from Lucid???07:19
obs3rv3rjohn38: Yes. system>administration?nvidia x server settings07:19
obs3rv3rits there.07:19
Eighteensi wish it was more like dos, i could do a dir /a/s *.mp3 >file.txt   I can't figure this out "how can i get ubuntu 10.10 to look in my /music/ dir and look recursively for all .mp3 and PIPE IT out to a file.txt, can anyone please help, i'd go back to windows to do it, but i'm so happy with linux that i deleted windows, oops07:19
john38obs3rv3r, theres no option for clones in display settings07:19
quiescensto be fair, "cd" as change directory existed in unix a fair while before most flavours of dos existed07:19
_pg_ActionParsnip, the script runs when i click it but not as a startup item. any ideas?07:19
ActionParsnipKrishnandu: mount the CD. You will find an upgrade script on the root.if you check the upgrade documentation,it tells you the name07:19
obs3rv3rjohn38: see under position.07:19
blahsphemernits,  • Intel Wireless-N Card07:20
ActionParsnip_pg_: add it in your startup items07:20
KrishnanduActionParsnip, Okies :)07:20
john38obs3rv3r, only Disable, X separate, Twin view07:20
rwwEighteens: find Music/ -name *.mp3 > file.txt07:20
nitsEighteens: find /path/to/folder/*.mp3>>file07:20
Eighteensahh thanks rww07:20
_pg_ActionParsnip, I did,07:20
obs3rv3rjohn38: thats the configuration...select twinview and dropdown on position.07:20
Eighteensand nits, thank you07:20
ActionParsnip_pg_: ok then reboot to test07:20
_pg_ActionParsnip, I did. no joy07:20
nitsEighteens: np :)07:20
john38obs3rv3r, select clone from position dropdown07:21
ActionParsnip_pg_: ok do you use gnome, kde or xfce?07:21
obs3rv3rjohn38: Yes!07:21
ibrahim-kasemrww: Did I forget doing something? http://paste.ubuntu.com/517240/  because I am still in the same Dir Desktop.07:21
_pg_ActionParsnip, under "command" it points to my exec text file. and I use gnome07:21
john38obs3rv3r, what resolution should i set it to i got the old CRT TV07:21
nitsblahsphemer: oh i had a prob with a broadcom once, fixed it by installing a package called bcmwl-kernel or something like that, try ndiswrapper?07:21
obs3rv3ribrahim-kasem: there needs to be " " space between cd and .. or ~07:21
rwwibrahim-kasem: cd .., not cd..07:21
blahsphemernits: oh ok.07:22
nitsblahsphemer: others here might prove to be more useful though.. :P07:22
obs3rv3rjohn38: whats the size ? 17"?07:22
nitsblahsphemer: me newbie :P07:22
ActionParsnip_pg_: ok you may need a sleep on the second line: sleep 10 ,should do it. Makes the script wait then run the command07:22
john38obs3rv3r, 27"07:22
BossmanbetaRunning Ubuntu 10.04: How would I apt-get the latest version of Syslinux ?07:22
Bossmanbeta..or get the .deb for the latest syslinux ?07:22
ActionParsnip!info syslinux lucid07:22
ubottusyslinux (source: syslinux): Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS floppies. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.63+dfsg-2ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 394 kB, installed size 860 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 lpia)07:22
obs3rv3rjohn38: try going with auto on the resolution.07:22
_pg_when i made it exec it seemed to add Actio to the 2nd line, normal?07:22
obs3rv3rif it doesn't help try increasing it.07:22
aroni125Bossmanbeta: sudo apt-get install syslinux07:23
Krishnanduis it reliable to upgrade using the CD..?? or should I ask is it reliable to upgrade now..??07:23
ActionParsnipBossmanbeta: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:23
john38obs3rv3r, auto is 1024*76007:23
Bossmanbetaaroni125, yes, the version installed is old.07:23
BossmanbetaActionParsnip, done -- the version is still old.07:23
macwhat does this line do: cat | sed -e 's,%,$,g' | sudo tee /etc/init.d/dropbox << EOF07:23
ActionParsnipKrishnandu: sure, its the way to do an offline upgrade07:23
maci dont get the sed command07:23
BossmanbetaNote: latest = 3.85 syslinux07:23
BossmanbetaNote: latest = 3.85 syslinux07:23
ActionParsnip!ppa | Bossmanbeta07:23
ubottuBossmanbeta: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.07:23
obs3rv3rjohn38: it should still cover all of ur tv's screen wit big icons for being in low resolution.07:23
ActionParsnipBossmanbeta: try a ppa then07:24
KrishnanduActionParsnip, Thanks, actually I see many users complaining ubuntu broke after upgrade07:24
obs3rv3rjohn38: did you hit apply with auto itself ?07:24
aroni125You could find the source and compile it, if you want the very latest.07:24
BossmanbetaActionParsnip, sorry .. latest is 4.02 ... typo from the wrong document07:24
_pg_ActionParsnip, sleep 10 made it not work at all07:24
ActionParsnipKrishnandu: yeah ifi ts lucid to maverick and similarit can happen. I personally always clean install07:24
ActionParsnip_pg_: hmm strange07:25
_pg_ActionParsnip, i was supposed to add that before the command right?07:25
FroodleAnyone know if there's a recent development on nvidia-96 drivers and 10.10?07:25
ActionParsnipBossmanbeta: the link gives a search which may yield a ppa you can add for a newer version07:25
youssefsanGood morning. I have an Ubuntu installed with wubi on Windows Xp partitions for weeks. Today when I tried to boot, I do not get a boot menu but instead a grub console (grub>). Could someone help me?07:25
BossmanbetaActionParsnip, yes, seems 3.82 is the only one offered in ppa07:26
ActionParsnipFroodle: you can see the build date of the packages and such on packages.ubuntu.com07:26
KrishnanduActionParsnip, well..in that case I need to install everything again... :(07:26
lucentBossmanbeta: be warned that there was a hacked-up syslinux distributed with Lucid 10.04 LTS07:26
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ActionParsnipBossmanbeta: then you will need to websearch or compile yourself. What's so new in the later version?07:27
Bossmanbetalucent, I heard of that.......... Unetbootin is giving me a HEADACHE when trying to press Parted Magic to my USB Stick07:27
lucentBossmanbeta: if you encounter errors having to do with gfxboot, then you will want to research this issue further07:27
ActionParsnip!clone | Krishnandu07:27
ubottuKrishnandu: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate07:27
BossmanbetaActionParsnip, from my readings... I get errros when booting into parted magic when I use Unetbootin to create the USB stick ...07:27
aroni125Bossmanbeta: Source is at http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/boot/syslinux/syslinux-4.02.tar.bz2.07:27
ActionParsnipBossmanbeta: parted magic?07:27
Bossmanbetathe developer of PMagic says "dont blame me.. Ubuntu has old repositories for syslinux"07:28
lucentBossmanbeta: making a USB bootable Lucid Live ISO is possible using the Startup Disk Creator from System>Administration menu on a Lucid 10.04 LTS Live system... if that helps any07:28
BossmanbetaActionParsnip, yes.07:28
lucentBossmanbeta: chicken-and-egg07:28
ActionParsnipBossmanbeta: I've heard of parted and partition magic, but not parted magic07:28
murlidharhow can i get lucid's unr in mavericK ?07:28
aroni125ActionParsnip: It's a linux distro for a partition manager.07:28
BossmanbetaActionParsnip,  http://partedmagic.com/07:28
rwwmurlidhar: as I've already told you, you can't.07:28
ActionParsnipBossmanbeta: pendrivelinux has an iso to usb maker07:28
Bossmanbetait wraps gparted, ghost 4 linux, clonezilla, SuperGrubDisk, etc into 107:29
murlidharrww: must be some kinda legacy packages maybe ?07:29
BossmanbetaActionParsnip, I thought that was Windows only ... (the DL link seems to be an .exe)07:29
ActionParsnipBossmanbeta: why not just use parted on the livecd ubuntu system?07:29
youssefsansee you07:29
rwwmurlidhar: nope. It was deleted from Maverick's repositories completely.07:29
BossmanbetaActionParsnip, this is for my admins to clone Winblows boxes.... my Admins don't understand *nix07:29
aroni125Bossmanbeta: It should work in linux if you have WINE...07:30
murlidharrww: so you mean they killed it completely ? jeez.07:30
ActionParsnipBossmanbeta: if they are cloning then use partimage07:30
Bossmanbetaaroni125, bah I should be able to get the latest syslinux :)07:30
rwwmurlidhar: yes07:30
BossmanbetaActionParsnip, I already got Clonezilla ISO to go to the USB stick.............. I was trying for Parted Magic07:30
ActionParsnipBossmanbeta: all you need then is the live ubuntu session with partimage installed and a cd or usb device with the image stored on it07:30
murlidharrww: i really hate the panel on the right side07:31
ActionParsnipI see, your call07:31
murlidhari mean left side07:31
nitsmurlidhar: change the theme, it'll shift back to the right - the min, max and close buttons for the window if that's what u mean07:31
ActionParsnip!controls | murlidhar07:32
ubottumurlidhar: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side07:32
BossmanbetaActionParsnip, I was trying to use this distro.. of course I could use full blown ubuntu live-cd ... but I wanted to use this07:32
rwwnits: you're talking about something completely different ;P07:32
ActionParsnipBossmanbeta: makes sense, leaner and meaner07:32
murlidharhmmm i then wont upgrade to maverick for my lappy.07:32
nitsrww: lol sorry, gonna keep my mouth shut for a while then :P07:32
BossmanbetaActionParsnip, yea the iso is 135megs.................07:32
jimisrvroxI think this hdd is going out...keeps giving me I/O read errors at block 007:32
rwwmurlidhar: 10.04's supported for three years, thankfully. hopefully something better will be out by then :)07:33
ActionParsnipnits: its just a gconf setting07:33
lucentjimisrvrox: might be driver issue, have you changed software recently?07:33
_pg_ActionParsnip, any other ideas to get that script to run at startup?07:33
jimisrvroxlucent: no not that im aware of07:33
BossmanbetaActionParsnip, wow I have to do this on windows then to create this USB stick......... wow07:33
nitsActionParsnip: ah.... i prefer it on the left though, something different :P07:33
jimisrvroxlucent: I just dont want to wait for the fsck07:33
Bossmanbeta..how insulting.07:33
murlidharrww: hopefully. i really am not comfortable with the new UI for netbooks that i got with the maverick live cd.07:33
ActionParsnipBossmanbeta: sounds like puppy ;) xpud is smaller than that too, but has few apps and few drivers. But boots in 3 seconds here07:34
lucentjimisrvrox: I would try on a totally different computer system if you're very worried, I had a firewire drive that got hosed because of firewire driver changes in the kernel shipped to Maverick install07:34
* obs3rv3r is happy with lucid :P least for now LTS is always good ! :D yet to try maverick!07:34
ActionParsnip_pg_: that's all I got kid, i'd ask in #bash to check syntax07:34
jimisrvroxlucent: reason fsck is running is bc it says that the FS has errors...so it forced a check..which im like I really dont give a crap beacuse all I wanna do is make a new partition...and I cant do that if / is mounted and im in the gui07:34
BossmanbetaActionParsnip, hey I should be able to get a deb of the latest syslinux ... bah humbug07:34
obs3rv3r_pg_: pastebin ? I would like to see what you are working on.07:34
Jordan_UBossmanbeta: You can always use grub instead.07:35
steevoah, grub is nice07:35
lucentjimisrvrox: it sounds like you're doing it wrong, over 9000, and preparing for epic fail. Please, boot a livecd to do this kind of work on your data.07:36
BossmanbetaJordan_U, after dd'ing the iso to the USB key, how would I place grub on the usb key?07:36
jimisrvroxlucent: are you good with installing stuff from tar? Im tryin to get Xvnc running...and I was talking to ActionParsnip and so basically i was trying to run an install script and because of limited permissions I couldnt write to the /usr directory...07:36
jimisrvroxover 9000?07:36
_pg_obs3rv3r, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/JjduXzGc just trying to get this silly command to run at startup07:36
rdzhi all. i am using compiz. how can i make the menu bar fully opaque (it seems to be semi-transparent per as default settting)?07:36
steevoyou must fix harddrive errors before you partition07:36
lucentjimisrvrox: gnome should include 'vino' which can function as VNC server, why Xvnc though?07:36
obs3rv3r_pg_: tried rc.local ?07:36
_pg_obs3rv3r, it makes the red light turn off the eminates from inside my headphone jack on my mac. I dont know what rc local means07:37
Jordan_UBossmanbeta: You wouldn't dd it to the USB drive, unless it already is designed to do that.07:37
jimisrvroxlucent: only because I couldnt do x11vnc like I wanted07:37
BossmanbetaJordan_U, yes it is (the ISO that is) -- but I would need to make it bootable after.07:37
aroni125Bossmanbeta: I'm compiling the latest version now.07:37
obs3rv3r_pg_: /etc/rc.local . chmod a+x $filename and add the path to the filename to /etc/rc.local and reboot.07:37
BossmanbetaJordan_U, usually syslinux will do that, but my version is rather old on 10.0407:37
_pg_obs3rv3r, what is rclocal07:38
PEYMANhi , I am a newcomer07:38
Jordan_UBossmanbeta: If it's designed to be dd'd to a flash drive, then just the act of dd'ing it will make it bootable.07:38
Bossmanbetaaroni125, I'm not comfortable compiling ... but good for you :)07:38
jimisrvroxlucent: sent you a PM07:38
* lucent facepalms quickly07:38
aroni125Bossmanbeta: I don't think dding a ISO onto a jumpdrive will work... It'll mount, but I don't think the bios will like it.07:38
_pg_obs3rv3r, the script is executable. it works when i run it terminal but wont run as a startup item07:38
PEYMANI have a q,who answer to me ?07:38
BossmanbetaJordan_U, well that didn't happen Jordan_U -- so perhaps DD'ing is wrong.. assume I extracted the ISO contents to a USB key .. how would I place grub on the USB key to make it bootable?07:38
Jordan_UBossmanbeta: Parted Magic can be booted from an iso file on a filesystem using grub2's loopback feature.07:38
obs3rv3r_pg_: Does the script need something , a driver or some module be loaded before it could work ?07:39
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:39
obs3rv3rIf so you can keep it in your home directory's .bashrc file07:39
_pg_obs3rv3r, i dont know. i doubt it. it just turns the spdif off for sound so the red light goes away07:39
BossmanbetaJordan_U, I'm not familiar with configuring/placing grub on a USB key though, any howto's ?07:39
_pg_spdif/IEC958. has to do with toslink audo or something07:39
obs3rv3r_pg_: There is a .bashrc file in your home directory try adding the command there.07:39
steevosoemone should develop a time machine feature for linux07:40
PEYMANI use ubunte live cd,I need it's root password,but I dont know it , Help me07:40
steevopeyman:try root or toor07:40
_pg_obs3rv3r, i dont see it07:40
obs3rv3r_pg_: Yes I got that. Thats the digital audio over fiber you get in the 3.5mm audio jack in a mbp07:40
malachaiI burnt a game onto disk in Windows before switching to Linux. It worked in Windows, but when I try to set the permissions in WINE. It wont let me because it is read-only. Is there any way to change that? Or do I need to reburn and set the permissions beforehand to read-write only?07:40
PEYMANi want to mount hdd partition, but it needs root passw07:40
steevoPEYMAN:IF THAT FAILS look it up on google root and toor are standard pass07:40
_pg_obs3rv3r, i dont see this template bash file in my home dir07:41
obs3rv3r_pg_: Strange.07:41
obs3rv3r_pg_: add /path/to/that/file in /etc/rc.local07:41
_pg_obs3rv3r, is it hidden or something?07:41
obs3rv3r_pg_: Yes its hidden/07:41
obs3rv3rctrl+H on your nautilus07:41
steevo_pg_>it should be a .bashrc or something. check your hidden files most configs are hidden07:42
obs3rv3r_pg_: But I would still recommend you add it to /etc/rc.local first and try a reboot.07:42
_pg_would it be better in rc.local or in .bashrc?07:42
steevohows gnome shell treating everyone07:42
malachaiI burnt a game onto disk in Windows before switching to Linux. It worked in Windows, but when I try to set the permissions in WINE. It wont let me because it is read-only. Is there any way to change that? Or do I need to reburn and set the permissions beforehand to read-write only?07:43
tioxsteevo: Pretty good.07:43
obs3rv3r_pg_: Would recommend rc.local . keeping it on .bashrc will run it everytime you open up a terminal . Its just to debug atm.07:43
Jordan_UBossmanbeta: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860407:43
tioxIs anyone else having this problem?07:43
tioxW:Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/dists/maverick/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found [IP: 80]07:43
tiox, W:Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/dists/maverick/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found [IP: 80]07:43
steevo<tiox>is it more stable or just managable07:43
PEYMANI check root and toor pass , but it was not currect, help me again, I need ubuntu live ce root password07:43
BossmanbetaJordan_U, <yay> -- thank u sir07:43
Jordan_UBossmanbeta: You're welcome.07:43
tioxGnome is the default for Ubuntu and is a well-rounded, all-purpose interface.07:44
tioxIn short: It works, and that's why Ubuntu uses it.07:44
steevo<peyman>ubuntu doesn't set the root password for the users safety, u set in a terminal sudo passwd i think07:44
Madpilottiox, he's talking about GNOME Shell, not just GNOME07:44
_pg_why cant i paste into rc.local07:44
tioxI is tired.07:44
MattLinuxsup guys07:45
suigenerisdo you have any idea why 40 09 * * 1-4 /home/bilmer/scripts/shutDownTerminal.sh wouldn't work?07:45
obs3rv3r_pg_: sudo vi /etc/rc.local ... its for your own safety.07:45
tioxlol, I was about to say begin with sudi.07:45
steevo<itox>its ok. i hear good and bad things about it. want to hear from a real user07:45
tioxWell, I don't use the interface that much, most of my time is spent tooling with Emerald and Compiz Fusion.07:46
PEYMANsteevo: thank u,it worked07:46
_pg_wtf now its in terminal. how do i get rid of all the A and B i have created trying to save this file07:46
malachaiI burnt a game onto disk in Windows before switching to Linux. It worked in Windows, but when I try to set the permissions in WINE. It wont let me because it is read-only. Is there any way to change that? Or do I need to reburn and set the permissions beforehand to read-write only?07:46
steevo<peyman>no problem. happy to help07:46
tioxBut Gnome proves to be a decent interface anyone with limited knowledge of using a PC can adapt to.07:46
quiescenssuigeneris: permissions? environment? path? etc?07:46
obs3rv3r_pg_: do a :q and hit enter and try sudo vim  /etc/rc.local :P07:46
fepi have a smartboard connected to my laptop, with ubuntu 10.10 and it requires software in windows to be operated by touch. is there any alternative software i can use in ubuntu, wich get in connection with the board? (so i can use the touch functions, not only view with the projector)07:46
tioxI cannot say it's the best, since people will beg to differ.07:47
_pg_sudo vim command not found07:47
fepits a SMARTboard from www.smarttech.com07:47
obs3rv3r_pg_: sudo apt-get install vim first ....07:47
Jordan_Uobs3rv3r: For new users it's better to recommend nano.07:48
_pg_jesus christ i cant just change the default on/off status of this silly audio setting?07:48
obs3rv3rJordan_U: Was about to :)07:48
tioxBut, I can say from experience, I have been able to have fun with the Gnome interface.07:48
obs3rv3r_pg_: try sudo nano /etc/rc.local07:48
tioxGTK Window decorator is easy to modify, though not many people will think to change settings for button_layout in cgonf-editor.07:48
_pg_hold on, im instaling 28mb of whatever vim is07:48
Jordan_Uobs3rv3r: *before* they get stuck in vim and can't figure out how to close it :)07:48
quiescensoh dear07:49
tioxCaps fail.07:49
obs3rv3rJordan_U: :) yup ... my bad :P07:49
tioxBut anyway, yeah you get the point. vim has more stuff.07:49
the_germantiox: Dont ever let a UNIX user hear that07:49
tioxSomeone explain what I said wrong?07:49
quiescenseasiest to use whatever editor they prefer to use o.o07:49
PEYMANsteevo:my ubuntu live works with firefox 1,i want to upgrate it,how ?07:50
_pg_oh boy. vim is installed07:50
obs3rv3rthe_german: try vim in a bsd environment and feel the difference :D07:50
obs3rv3rthe_german: sorry that was for tiox :) ... jk07:50
smallfoot-in Synaptic Package Manager, there is "Installed" and "Installed (manual)" but the manual one, got 10000+ items, and only few were manually installed by me. why?07:50
tioxPEYMAN: Why stick to a live CD?07:50
the_germanobs3rv3r: I dont see the point... ahh allright...07:50
obs3rv3rthe_german: now you do :)07:50
_pg_how do i save and then exit this file from within terminal?07:51
clu3hello guys, when i "top", i see java is taking 90% of CPU, what can i do to figure out which application is it?07:51
the_germanobs3rv3r: vim is for those who want to use the arrow keys ;-)07:51
fepNever mind, i found linux software for the smartboard at their webpage.07:51
fepthanks anyway07:51
obs3rv3r_pg_: write what you want and type and hit esc, :x and enter .07:51
tioxclu3: Open System Monitor if you're using Ubuntu.07:51
steevo<pyman>depending on your memory you can install programs even with the live cd and they will disappear when you reboot07:51
obs3rv3rthe_german: we are happy with hjkl you mean ? :D07:51
tioxThen seek the process taking your CPU up.07:51
_pg_escape, x and enter? in that order?07:51
obs3rv3r_pg_: yes colon x ":x"07:51
_pg_it just typed :x07:52
obs3rv3r_pg_: if fails try with nano, will be easier on you.07:52
tioxPEYMAN: Install to a USB drive. That's what I did.,07:52
_pg_and now it says help disabled07:52
quiescensclu3: if you press 'c' in top, it will show the command line of the process rather than just the image name07:52
* _pg_ cries and bangs head into desk07:52
the_germanobs3rv3r: of course we are. I use "vimperator" in firefox also ... hjkl is all you need in the world07:52
tioxHeck, Patriot's made a 64GB USB drive.07:52
PEYMANsteevo:i have no way,how can i upgrase FF ?07:52
obs3rv3r_pg_: close that terminal and use nano.07:52
PEYMANsteevo:i have no way,how can i upgrade FF ?07:52
tioxStill the size of your thumb and it's roomy.07:52
* obs3rv3r agrees with the_german .07:52
* _pg_ feel even dumber because he is using nano07:52
steevo<peyman>explain please. you have no way. no internet? or...07:53
clu3tiox, quiescens i still only  see something like this07:53
osmosishow do I set nginx to start automatically at bootup?  or any service for that matter?  verify if it is set to start at boot?07:53
clu37710 steve     20   0  728m 177m 4172 S   95  8.8 547:58.73 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/../../bin/java sun.applet.PluginMain /t07:53
tioxsteevo: He said live cd earlier I think.07:53
PEYMANI have FF new .tar file !!!!!!!!!!!07:53
suigenerisquiescens perms is 0645, the first line says #!/bin/bash07:53
obs3rv3r_pg_: you can use arrow keys here write wha tyou want and Ctrl+X is all you need.07:53
clu3still cannot figureout which APPLICATION it is07:53
obs3rv3r_pg_: dont forget to say yes though :)07:53
suigenerisquiescens path is correct07:53
_pg_file name r.locales?07:54
tioxPEYMAN: You need to modify the ISO file and re-burn to CD, or re-mount to USB if you are using a live USB with no persistience.07:54
quiescenssuigeneris: i'm just saying, there isn't enough information to make a reasonable guess, is the script not being run, or is it running but doing something wrong?07:54
obs3rv3r_pg_: its /etc/rc.local07:54
_pg_obs3rv3r, why is ubuntu wanting me to name it locales?07:54
steevo<peyman>you can install small files even using a livecd. u can use then in your live session only after the install.check file permissions first, opnen the .tar and check out the readme for install instructions07:54
tiox_pg_: Wanna give us your vim log? :P07:55
clu3nvm, it's the stupid firefox, i just killed it, thanks anyway guys07:55
tioxHaha, clu3, that happens.07:55
suigenerisquiescens not running at all07:55
obs3rv3r_pg_: you sure you did sudo nano /etc/rc.local ?07:55
clu3firefox performs really badly on ubuntu :(07:55
fepHow can i find a total list of what i have installed in Ubuntu (like the add remove programs in windows), so i can remove programs i dont use07:55
obs3rv3rdpkg --list :P07:55
_pg_no way. vim is scary as hell. the new rc.local does what i need when i run it in terminal, will that script run at boot?07:55
suigenerisquiescens I don't see anything in /var/log/messages07:55
tioxSo wait, steevo, he can install the new Firefox on his live CD as it is being used with it persisting?07:55
obs3rv3r_pg_: you bet it will.07:55
quiescenssuigeneris: why would it show up in /var/log/messages07:56
_pg_baller i shall try it now07:56
tioxOr did I hear him wrong?07:56
_pg_thanks for the patience and help gents07:56
suigenerisquiescens wouldn't it?07:56
obs3rv3r_pg_: another reboot! :D07:56
lucentclu3: true fact.   You can make the "smart bar" faster by vacuum'ing the sqlite db, search a howto on that if interested07:56
_pg_i know lol07:56
fepPlease answer me if you know, it should be a basic question07:56
obs3rv3rfep: dpkg --list07:56
steevo<tiox>he can install programs in his session, use them in session and have them disappear after the ram is erase after reboot07:56
fepobs3rv3r: ok, thanks :) is there any graphical version of it?07:56
obs3rv3rfep:  or go to software centre07:56
quiescenssuigeneris: not unless you're doing something that would make something show up?07:56
fepobs3rv3r: the package manager?07:57
tioxAlso, he's gone. Impatient twats peev me. :P07:57
obs3rv3rfep:  yes.07:57
fepobs3rv3r: thank you very much07:57
tioxPatience is what makes Linux what it is. :P07:57
tioxThat too.07:57
tioxA real big problem I know aboout is, trying to explain Linux.07:58
suigenerisquiescens I thought cron output to /var/log/messages?07:58
clu3lucent, what has firefox got to do with sqlite?07:58
KrishnanduHey can anyone help me with MB and MiB??07:58
lucentclu3: yes.07:58
Jordan_Uclu3: Firefox uses sqlite for history/settings/bookmarks07:58
KrishnanduI know MiB is Mebibyte, but what's the diff with MB??07:58
obs3rv3rtiox: on the explaining part...i would say that is why it is linux :D07:59
aubrey616Hello. I have a weird problem, when i start gparted it crashes after just 2-3 seconds. tried reinstall, no help.07:59
lucentKrishnandu: officially 'MB' used to be powers of two, now it is powers of ten07:59
obs3rv3raubrey616: try it from a comman dline ?07:59
lucentKrishnandu: marketing on storage devices "300MB" means 300 * 10^6  I think bytes07:59
Jordan_UKrishnandu: It's not used consistently (though Ubuntu has tried to standardize within Ubuntu itself).07:59
obs3rv3rKrishnandu: the big B means Byte and small b is bit that is what I understand.07:59
quiescenssuigeneris: traditionally a cron job with no output will generate no record of being run, and a cron job that has output will mail the output to the user who owns the job08:00
steevoDoes anyone know of a voice command program. I would like to dictate my pc from voice08:00
Krishnandulucent, 1MB = 1024KB so 1Mib = ?KB ??08:00
tioxIf you all want Ubuntu to be, then stop trying to promote Linux more than Ubuntu. You think Microsoft said for Windows 3.1 it worked on top of MS-DOS?08:00
fepobs3rv3r: is the list to the left in package manager what is installed?08:00
tioxbe more popular*08:00
obs3rv3rfep go to all an sort the first column08:00
fepstarting with "amateur radio" something08:00
Krishnanduobs3rv3r, Ya dats diff Mb and MB, these is used in mainly broadband speeds ads08:00
lucentKrishnandu: not today, 1MB = 1000*1000 bytes, 1MiB = 1024*1024 bytes08:00
clu3Jordan_U, i see, thanks, i always thought it would use some sort of temp files to do that..08:00
Jordan_UKrishnandu: 1024 KiB08:00
fepok, ill try to find08:00
lucentKrishnandu: it has changed, that's why it is confusing :)08:01
suigenerisquiescens anyway, it's not running. how can I fix it?08:01
tioxMake the word Ubuntu mean usability, stability and security, since the consumer runs from the word Liinux. :P08:01
Krishnandulucent, Ohh got it..!! So MB is 2^ and MiB is 10^08:01
Jordan_Ulucent: It's never been consistent. It's best to avoid 'MB' if the difference is actually important.08:01
patrick_obs3rv3r, so that light is still on08:01
fepobs3rv3r: sorry, im a newbie as you call it. when i press all, the list dont change08:01
Jordan_UKrishnandu: No.08:01
patrick_which kinda sucks08:01
KrishnanduJordan_U, Just the opposite??08:01
lucentKrishnandu: yes.  The only one that is consistent is "MiB" because it is new, and explicitly says powers of 208:02
patrick_i think its funny that my hackintosh is easier than my ubuntu X|08:02
lucent"Mebibyte"  MiB08:02
bobbican somebody help me with my flickering virtual consoles when enabling proprietary graphic drivers? -alternatively making 1280 x 768 resolution available when not?08:02
obs3rv3rpatrick_: so it didn't change ?08:02
Krishnandulucent, means MiB is 2^ and MB 10^ right??08:02
tioxI should be in bed, but I am interested. Talk, patrick_.08:02
steevo<patrick>hows the terminal on the mac08:02
lucentKrishnandu: yes08:02
Krishnanduokies...thanks :)08:02
obs3rv3rpatrick_: keep a sleep of 30 before you run the amixer command08:02
Jordan_UKrishnandu: *iB has always been, and will always be powers of two. MB KB are used both ways by different people in different places.08:02
patrick_obs3rv3r, not on startup08:02
patrick_tiox, so my mac has a headphone jack that glows red because it is using spdif out. i can fix by running "amixer set IEC958 off"08:03
fepobs3rv3r: oh my god, its a huge list of every little thing that is implemented in the operating system. i was hoping for a list like "this is what you installed the last two week : "08:03
KrishnanduI didn't knew.....even modern computer books these says 1KB=1024B, 1MB=1024KB and so on...08:03
* tiox has achey eyes and thinks bed would be best08:04
patrick_tiox, i just want to change the default to be off, but apparently thats too easy to do. Linux pros need something more adventurous; like writing a script to change it at every boot08:04
* patrick_ punches self in mouth repeatedly08:04
=== tiox is now known as tiox|dreaming`in
obs3rv3rpatrick_: put it in /home/$user/.bashrc and try opening a terminal08:04
lucentpatrick_: ALSA mixer persistence should be automatic08:05
=== tiox|dreaming`in is now known as tiox|dreams`in`C
taranwhich channel should I joion to learn about Language or Soft skill Laboratory and Classroom learning resources  in  Ubuntu08:05
steevobye guys08:05
patrick_lucent, yeah i dont know what that means08:05
tiox|dreams`in`C(lol, C. I don't know a dran thing abouot it!)08:05
obs3rv3rfep /var/cache/apt/archives holds a list of apps u install08:05
Jordan_UKrishnandu: A "megabyte" is technically power of ten (though people often don't mean that when they say megabyte) and "mibibyte" is powers of two. It's an unfortunate situation, and a widespread problem. Again, it's best to just avoid "MB" and the like if the distinctions is actually important.08:05
fepanyone? obs3rv3r seems to be away for a moment08:05
fepobs3rv3r: ok, thanks08:05
=== tiox|dreams`in`C is now known as tiox|suspend
patrick_lucent, is alsa=sound prefs applet?08:05
KrishnanduJordan_U, Ya got it in wiki...MB is 10^6 and MiB 2^2008:06
ubudis there a way to recover missing partion in MBR08:06
obs3rv3rpatrick_: but one question...does the spdif glows even if you plugin nothing ?08:06
n00oooooooooooobhey how can i join ape-project@irc.freenode.net ?08:06
patrick_obs3rv3r, yeah thats the main problem08:06
n00oooooooooooobPlease im new to irc08:06
lucentpatrick_: alsa is the name of the project which writes drivers for sound devices08:06
patrick_obs3rv3r, actually thats the only problem08:06
obs3rv3rpatrick_: thought the same...tried with .bashrc ?08:06
fepobs3rv3r: that was better :) ... maby i can find it in package manager and do a complete remove, or do apt-get remove software?08:07
n00oooooooooooobCan someone tell me how to connect to ape-project@irc.freenode.net08:07
patrick_obs3rv3r, where is that again? i tried it in whichever one you said to try first08:07
lucentpatrick_: if your alsa system is not saving mixer settings, then that is a bug in Ubuntu most likely not running the correct command provided by the ALSA tools08:07
obs3rv3rfep which you find comfortable...is fine.08:07
fepobs3rv3r: ok, thanks08:07
lucentthe command would be 'alsactl'08:07
n00oooooooooooobHELP !!08:07
n00oooooooooooobANYONE HELP?08:07
=== sc is now known as krishnan
ubudhow to recover a deleted partion?08:08
patrick_lucent, the applet in the gnome panel, is that configuring alsa?08:08
Jordan_Unoisewaterphd: Type "/join #ape-project"08:08
Jordan_Uubud: How did you delete it?08:08
doogetry /join #ape-project08:08
Krishnandun00oooooooooooob, /connect irc.freenode.net and then /join #ape-project08:08
doogeseeing you're already on the freenode network08:08
krishnanHi, good day08:08
fepwhats the difference of imap and pop? (is imap that wich read from the server,and pop that wich downloads the mail from the server?)08:09
ubudJordan_U: actually not deleted but suddently my 80GB hard disk only shows 18GB08:09
n00oooooooooooobThanks everyone08:09
doogeyou're welcome :)08:09
n00oooooooooooobDoes anyone here have an idea about ape-server?08:09
Jordan_Uubud: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l"?08:09
krishnanfep: pop will download your mails locally.08:10
coz_n00oooooooooooob,   that is some nick :)  maybe for each thing you learn you can remove one "o"  each time :)08:10
fepkrishnan: ok thanks08:10
Krishnandulol @ coz_08:11
ubudJordan_U: paste where?08:11
coz_n00oooooooooooob,  that way  you will be less and less of a noob :)08:11
obs3rv3rcoz_: but those zeros and the Os are confusing ;)08:11
Krishnanduubud, pastebin08:11
n00ooooooooooooblol coz08:11
aubrey616obs3rv3r, ok,08:12
Jordan_U!pastebin | ubud08:12
ubottuubud: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:12
coz_n00oooooooooooob,  eventually you will nust be n0008:12
aubrey616here is the output from fail gparted08:12
aubrey616glibmm-ERROR **:08:12
aubrey616unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler:08:12
aubrey616what: basic_string::_S_create08:12
aubrey616e ignored.08:12
FloodBot1aubrey616: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:12
obs3rv3r!pastebin | aubrey61608:12
ubottuaubrey616: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:12
doogeyou learned how to join a different channel so remove an o08:12
aubrey616obs3rv3r, i used gksudo gparted08:13
Krishnanduaubrey616, Ya paste that in pastebin and just share the link with your ques.08:13
obs3rv3raubrey616: that would be a bug I guess.08:13
obs3rv3rpatrick: did the light go away /08:14
patrickobs3rv3r, no dude08:14
=== patrick is now known as Guest63488
n00oooooooooooobThe ape-project room is totally inactive , any idea where I can get help about the ape-server????08:14
Guest63488thanks for the help man, but its 3am and i gotta work in the am08:14
Guest63488apparently nickserv agrees08:14
murraycaubrey616: You can get a useful backtrace by doing "catch throw" in gdb.08:14
murraycaubrey616: But I would run it under valgrind.08:14
Jordan_Uubud: I saw it the first time.08:14
Guest63488obs3rv3r, but thanks for all your trouble08:14
obs3rv3rpatrick wait a moment08:15
aubrey616murrayc, i cant debug gparted properly, i am not that good. thanks though08:15
Guest63488obs3rv3r, yes?08:15
Krishnandun00oooooooooooob, if the ape guys can't help...then thr is no other option other than wiki / blog / google / their own documentation08:15
murraycaubrey616: Then just file a bug then.08:15
greenmang0Krishnandu: my friend just give me output of "df -h" http://paste.debian.net/97423/08:15
obs3rv3rGuest63488: try whats in that link..should help you i guess.08:15
krishnanWhat is the dir structure for the apt repository in the server?08:15
greenmang0Krishnandu: how can one have such a setup? single partition on multiple mount points?08:16
aubrey616murrayc, ok, i'll do that. Heh, i've experienced a lot of problems with 10.10, thinking of downgrading to 9.04 or 10.0408:16
ubudJordan_U:  the usb hard disk( winxp ) actual size 80GB not 20GB, I lost all my data08:16
krishnanUsed to work with /var/install/prod/ubuntu/dist/*08:16
Krishnandugreenmang0, I think he mounted diff folders :P08:17
krishnanIs it different after hardy?08:17
knightstalkerHello,How can I activate my finger print on Ubuntu 10.10?08:17
aubrey616murrayc, i dont have a launchpad account, can you file it for me ?08:17
Jordan_Uubud: How are you sure you aren't just looking at a different drive?08:17
KrishnanduYa diff folders are mounted instead of the whole /dev/sdc108:17
ubudJordan_U: i tool out the hd from a CPU and put it in a usb casing08:18
greenmang0Krishnandu: mounting folders instead of partition?08:18
Krishnandugreenmang0, Ya08:18
greenmang0Krishnandu: how?08:18
Krishnandugreenmang0, Just as you mount paritions, see /etc/fstab for better idea08:19
Jordan_Uubud: Hard drives don't change in capacity, apparent or otherwise. I'm almost certain that none of the drives listed in that output are, or ever were, 80 GB.08:20
murraycaubrey616: No. Please sign up.08:20
jagsI'm curious if I can add color to the 'more' and 'less' commands in xterm?08:20
Krishnandugreenmang0, See those proc and etc. They even doesn't exists. Just a virtual thing.08:20
ubudJordan_U: think the mbr is missing, because the hard disk is raw now08:20
aubrey616murrayc, nah, i am a user, thats it.08:21
murraycaubrey616: Expect no improvement then. I wonder why you even bother asking here.08:22
greenmang0Krishnandu: sudo mount --bind Music/ /mnt/music08:22
greenmang0Krishnandu: it must be a binding then08:22
quiescensbinds don't show up in df08:22
Jordan_Uubud: The mbr has nothing to do with the total capacity listed by fdisk.08:22
n00oooooooooooobthx krishnandu08:22
Krishnandun00oooooooooooob, :)08:23
tgywaHi ....08:23
aubrey616murrayc, i ask so i know if i am the only one experiencing problems with latest gparted, running ubuntu 10.10. I have the 64 bit though ...08:23
quiescensgreenmang0: i would think an easier way would be to just run "mount" with no arguments and look at the mount list08:23
tgywaHow can I fix this error "“SMBus base address uninitialized – upgrade BIOS or use force_addr=0xaddr”  ?08:23
lucentJordan_U: not forgetting mfg drive tool to set capacity?08:23
tgywaHow can I fix this error "SMBus base address uninitialized – upgrade BIOS or use force_addr=0xaddr”  ?08:23
Krishnandugreenmang0, Ya thats right...follow quiescens. Just using mount will give you much better idea08:23
lucenttgywa: wow, seems pretty self explanitory, no?08:24
greenmang0Krishnandu: yeah... i asked him to provide me o/p of mount08:25
knightstalkerHello,How can I activate my finger print on Ubuntu 10.10?08:25
Krishnandugreenmang0, see man mount...see the binding thing....08:25
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greenmang0yeah... i did check that...08:25
obs3rv3rknightstalker: use thinkfinger08:25
ningnetlinks xubutnu08:26
knightstalkerobs3rv3r,how exactly can I tell ubuntu to install it?08:26
Krishnanduya see -B and -R, and you'll get howz that done08:26
Krishnandugreenmang0, ^^08:26
KiiKHI, how to update a software I installed it from source (compile from source)08:27
obs3rv3rknightstalker: follow http://bit.ly/c7DcjO08:27
EpicFaggot2anyone very familar with hardware raid6 controllers? Trying to make a wise decision which one to get08:28
obs3rv3rKiiK: download an updated source and compile/install again.08:28
obs3rv3rEpicFaggot2: why raid6 ?08:28
EpicFaggot2cause i got over 8 drives?08:28
obs3rv3rEpicFaggot2: personal experience ... be away from RAID 5 and its variants .08:28
obs3rv3robs3rv3r: go with RAID 10 if its possible for you.08:29
Jordan_UEpicFaggot2: If it's FakeRAID, pretty much guarenteed if it's desktop hardware, don't bother with it at all.08:29
EpicFaggot2Jordan_U: I'm looking at enterprise level ;/08:29
KiiKobs3rv3r: sometimes they have .configure, how can i do if I forget what args/options I set before ?? thanks08:29
EpicFaggot2Jordan_U: Like http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681615104908:29
obs3rv3rKiiK: check config.log then08:29
obs3rv3rEpicFaggot2: I am suggesting you from an Enterprise Level.08:30
EpicFaggot2Nope, I'm a software engineer ;p08:30
KiiKobs3rv3r: old source code config.log ??08:30
Jordan_UEpicFaggot2: Might get better answers in ##hardware, or maybe #ubuntu-server.08:30
obs3rv3rKiiK: Yes.08:30
Jordan_UEpicFaggot2: Please change your nick, it is not apropriate for this channel.08:31
KiiKobs3rv3r: if I removed the old source code, therefore no way to check it back ??08:31
EpicFaggot2It seems when it comes to enterprise and hardware, they seems to be good redudancy08:31
obs3rv3rEpicFaggot2: wait or 1 of your disk to bite dust...and see the performance then.08:31
=== EpicFaggot2 is now known as Bobbobson
obs3rv3rKiiK: Sorry no.08:31
obs3rv3rKiiK: Unless you have saved the logs somewhere.08:31
Bobbobsonobs3rv3r: thats the purpose of having hw you dont see a huge performance drop from degradation08:32
obs3rv3rRAID is supposed to be a savior. You want more space..buy more disks.08:32
obs3rv3rBobbobson: With RAID 5 ? :)08:32
Bobbobsonobs3rv3r: RAID 608:33
tgywalucent, thanks ... but how can i use Force_addr ? Is it a module?08:33
obs3rv3rBobbobson: still. the recovery time would not be appreciating to the service at that moment.08:33
Bobbobsonobs3rv3r: Recovery time is around a few hours, plus this is a workstation not a server ;p08:34
obs3rv3rBobbobson: You please yourself then :)08:34
Bobbobsonobs3rv3r: ;P of course but I'm looking for insight on a specific manufacture of hw raid controllers08:35
KiiKobs3rv3r: thanks. I will keep them all next time. and anyway to auto conf them without I copy it myself, like point to config.log instead.08:36
obs3rv3rKiiK: did ont get the second part08:36
momentumdoes ubuntu 10.04 have automatic trim suppot?08:36
momentumor do I need to do some thing?08:37
obs3rv3rBobbobson: if so #hardware would be a good place I suppose.08:37
Bobbobsonobs3rv3r: otw thnx08:37
=== jhattara_ is now known as jhattara
epaphusHello all. Iam trying to install Maverick server iso .. no matter how i install it I end up getting the generic-pae kernel as shown in uname -a. Shouldnt this kernel be named server-something because it is the optimized kernel?08:39
jimisrvroxhey guys im trying to connect to my local net machine using the remote desktop viewer that came with Ubuntu..and while I can ping the host for whatever reason it will not let me connect...08:41
jimisrvroxI dont have any firewalls or nothing on08:41
jimisrvroxthat would prevent it08:41
Jordan_Uepaphus: Is it 64 bit hardware? If so I'd highly recommend using 64 bit Ubuntu.08:42
cjaeOk I am trying wrap my head around lvm for the 2nd time, I have two hdd one small holding everything in / but /home and home is one a large hdd.  I used the alternate install disk to setup lvm on install of os and have created a volume group and logical volume but when I try to see size of /home it is clearly installed on the smaller hdd (30 vs 1500 gigs)08:44
peymanHELLO every body08:44
peymani 'm back08:45
peymani want to upgrade new version os Firefox,I have it's .tar file.how can i update it please ?08:45
epaphusJordan_U, its 32bit arch. Just wondering about the name of the kernel08:45
peymanhi Cairo08:46
peymancan you help me?08:46
peymancan you help me? Cairo08:46
Cairowhat do you need help with?08:46
peymani want to upgrade new version os Firefox,I have it's .tar file.how can i update it please ?08:46
peymani want to upgrade new version os Firefox,I have it's .tar file.how can i update it please ?08:46
peymani want to upgrade new version of Firefox,I have it's .tar file.how can i update it please ?08:46
Cairocouldn't you just use update manager08:47
Jordan_Uepaphus: As I understand it, with 32 bit, when people wanted PAE they used to install the -server kernel, because it had PAE enabled. Because that was the primary reason people installed what used to be called the server kernel, they renamed it -pae.08:47
Cairoor use the inbuilt firefox update function08:47
Jordan_Uepaphus: So 64 bit has a -server pacakge available and 32 bit has a -pae package available.08:47
Cairoor maybe that isn't in the linux version08:47
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
peymanubuntu live cd,Cairo08:48
epaphusJordan_U, thanks08:49
Cairocould you just install it08:49
Jordan_Uepaphus: You're welcome.08:49
Cairoif you double click on the .tar file a window should open08:49
pyrokamileonwhat would be the harm in running xubuntu 8.10 and not updating it?08:49
Cairowait is this source?08:49
coz_pyrokamileon,  welll there would be no real updates for it08:50
Jordan_Upyrokamileon: It would be dangerous to have it connected to the internet since there are no security updates for 8.10 anymore.08:50
odb|fidel_pyrokamileon: do you expect you get firefox updates in 2018 in a 8.10 install?08:50
Jordan_Upyrokamileon: Why would you want to?08:50
Kata1ystrunning old versions of *any* operating system is dangerous from a security standpoint08:50
coz_pyrokamileon,  yes  as Jordan_U  said08:51
pyrokamileonI just installed it and there are plenty of updates offered, as well as upgrade options for the next version of xubuntu08:51
rwwpyrokamileon: Ubuntu 8.10 doesn't have security updates for any problems discovered after April 2010.08:52
pyrokamileonI have a linksys wusb54g and it has been a real pain trying to use it08:52
B3AST_MODEfuck lol08:52
B3AST_MODEreboot wrong terminal08:53
pyrokamileonI'm using this linksys to connect to my friends wpa wireless and it seems that if I use ANY ubuntu that was made after 9.10 it will not connect at all!08:53
jussi!language | B3AST_MODE08:53
ubottuB3AST_MODE: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:53
B3AST_MODEplease don't suspend me08:53
=== tehbaut_ is now known as tehbaut
pyrokamileonwhy did everone just quit??08:54
odb|fidel_pyrokamileon: netsplit is the keyword08:54
psycho_oreos!netsplit | pyrokamileon08:54
pyrokamileonwhat's that mean?08:54
odb|fidel_wikipedia should be able to explain that in detail08:54
rwwif ubottu weren't overwhelmed, she'd tell you ;(08:55
pyrokamileonlol yeah I guess so..08:55
rwwpyrokamileon: one or more of the servers in this IRC network unlinked from the others, so users on one side of the link can't see users on the other side of the link08:55
Cairowe had that in #hedgewars and #minecraft too08:55
Dulakit means 1 or more of the irc servers disconnected from the network, they'll come back eventually08:55
Bobbobsonoh i wasn't crazy08:56
pyrokamileonso what's it called when they come back?08:56
Bobbobsonthought services hated me08:56
shcherbaknice, looks nice08:56
cjaeso noone can help me with the lvm question?08:57
Bobbobsonservices still down?08:57
rwwBobbobson: they work for me08:58
rwwubottu: netsplit08:58
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:58
rwwthere we go :)08:58
Bobbobsonyeah i registered might have to register again seems services crashed too ;/08:58
pyrokamileonhaha, fun :-)08:58
quiescenscjae: what are you trying to do?08:59
cjaequiescens: Ok I am trying wrap my head around lvm for the 2nd time, I have two hdd one small holding everything in / but /home and home is one a large hdd. I used the alternate install disk to setup lvm on install of os and have created a volume group and logical volume but when I try to see size of /home it is clearly installed on the smaller hdd (30 vs 1500 gigs)09:00
quiescenscjae: you want to leave / on your small hdd and have /home on the other one?09:00
cjaequiescens: yep09:00
Kata1ysthave you tried using fuse?09:01
quiescenscjae: i'm not entirely sure what that has to do with lvm really09:01
Kata1ystworks for my server like a charm09:01
aciculaI have my phone paired and setup with ubuntu, but every time i want to reconnect to access files or use the internet i keep getting prompted for a (new) pin. Is this intentional and/or can i change it so it will not prompt for a new pin everytime?09:01
shcherbakcjae: you could link /home with folder on large one09:01
cjaequiescens: and have the ability to add drives to in the future09:01
quiescenscjae: okay, so your small drive has whatever, and your larger drive is set up as a lvm physical volume?09:02
cjaequiescens: yes09:02
cjaebut with the ability to add drives in the future quiescens09:02
happydudeafter update ... MENU IN FIREFOX NOT WORKING. WTF?09:03
quiescenscjae: so "sudo pvscan" should show the physical volumes that lvm is able to recognise09:03
pyrokamileonok yeah so I'm using older versions of ubuntu because my linksys wusb54g won't work on newers versions..09:03
peymani want to upgrade new version of Firefox,I have it's .tar file.how can i update it please ?09:04
pyrokamileonI was using Debian Lenny because of it's older kernel (which I assumed was part of the solution) but just the other day it stopped connecting on my laptop and desktop!09:04
Kata1ystpyrokamileon: is the device recognized at all?09:04
tdnHow can I stream my webcam to a web site? I have installed apache web server and I have a web cam.09:04
suigeneristdn webcamd09:04
karlo94when firefox 4 release ?09:05
pyrokamileonum well, I never got around to doing an lsusb on it because wireless options were available and the adapter did light up09:05
Rickardo1I need to list every file changed in the last 24 hours in a folder structure.. is there any way I can do that with ls or find?09:05
pyrokamileonso I'm assuming so09:05
suigenerisI need help regarding a cronjob. it's not running at all09:05
cjaequiescens: PV /dev/sdb5   VG mediaxpand   lvm2 [1.36 TiB / 0    free] Total: 1 [1.36 TiB] / in use: 1 [1.36 TiB] / in no VG: 0 [0   ]09:05
happydudeIs the menu in firefox not suppose to work anymore?09:05
peymango to hell all of you09:05
peymango to hell all of you09:05
peymango to hell all of you09:05
peymango to hell all of you09:05
FloodBot1peyman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:05
pyrokamileonI mean it'll try to connect and if I can get a close enough unsecured network it will connect, just not with a wpa network..09:06
quiescenscjae: and "sudo lvscan" should show you where all that space is being allocated09:06
suigenerisI put it the systemwide cron, for root to be able to run it09:06
karlo94is firefox 4 released ?09:06
cjaequiescens: ACTIVE            '/dev/mediaxpand/mediaoriginal' [1.36 TiB] inherit09:06
pyrokamileonanybody else have a wusb54g v.4?09:06
rwwkarlo94: no09:07
peymango to hell all of you09:07
peymango to hell all of you09:07
peymango to hell all of you09:07
peymango to hell all of you09:07
peymango to hell all of you09:07
peymango to hell all of you09:07
FloodBot1peyman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:07
pyrokamileonI'm planning on just replacing it because it seems to work just fine on my windows partition...09:07
quiescenscjae: okay, so have a look at the output of "mount" and see whether that logical volume is mounted anywhere09:07
quiescenscjae: i'm assuming you want to mount that onto /home ?09:07
pyrokamileonbut until then I just installed this xubuntu 8.10 and it works flawlessly!09:07
cjaequiescens: yes09:07
FloodBot1Raquel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:07
karlo94peyman, hell is just a human imagination...09:08
pyrokamileonso I'm gonna upgrade my installation now so it'll be current I'm just worried by the time I get to 9.10 it won't work again...09:08
Raquelhello floodbot09:08
Mike123In following the xampp install guide, I have tried to create the control-panel.desktop file. I get permission errors.09:08
earthshadeRaquel: Lol09:08
cjaequiescens: gvfs-fuse-daemon on /home/media/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=media) is the closest thing I see09:09
karlo94..and.. I am oat of here.. x)09:09
pyrokamileonso yah, wish me luck! I had fun watching the netsplit :-)09:09
Raquelhola floodBot09:09
earthshadeFloodBot is a BOT09:09
Mike123anyone know how to save a file as .desktop into the applications folder?09:10
suigenerisI need help regarding a cronjob. it's not running at all. I put it the systemwide cron, for root to be able to run it09:10
KarunaMike123: sudo09:10
cjaequiescens: there is nothing about /dev/sdb509:10
peymankarlo94 , hell is true,so where is yours09:10
Mike123thanks Karuna, I will try that09:10
peymankarl0 go to hell09:10
Karunasudo gedit09:10
peymankarl0 go to hell09:10
peymankarl0 go to hell09:10
peymankarl0 go to hell09:10
peymankarl0 go to hell09:10
FloodBot1peyman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:10
peymankarl0 go to hell09:10
q_plazhey folks this is #ubuntu not #theology09:11
rww!ops | peyman flooding09:11
ubottupeyman flooding: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!09:11
moats    09:11
quiescenscjae: okay, what happens is lvm is using the space on /dev/sdb5 to make a logical volume located at /dev/mediaxpand/mediaoriginal09:12
greenmang0damn! i accidently deleted all the scripts in /etc/init/ ... is there any way to recover them?09:13
quiescenscjae: so all you need to do is mount /dev/mediaxpand/mediaoriginal onto /home09:13
quiescenscjae: assuming it has already been formatted09:13
cjaequiescens: so if I save stuff to /home to will be saved to /dev/mediaxpand/mediaoriginal ?09:13
quiescensprobably not at the moment09:14
quiescensI don't know09:14
quiescensone moment09:14
tdnsuigeneris, ok09:14
Karunagreenmang0: goodluck reinstalling application09:14
quiescens!paste | cjae09:14
ubottucjae: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:14
cjaequiescens: it is formatted as ext409:14
quiescenscould you use that and give me the output of your "mount" command09:14
Mike123Karuna, I don't see the item I created in applications. Where I saved it in usr/share/applications/ I see tons of other desktop shortcut things09:15
cjaequiescens: http://pastebin.com/GumbtS1R09:16
KarunaMike123 /usr/share/applications is system owned files09:16
Karunaso you should use sudo to modify files there09:16
Karunasudo gedit someapplications.desktop09:16
* Wo-TaoYan is away: 我很忙09:16
moats      /quit09:16
quiescenscjae: so what you have at the moment is probably the filesystem is formatted and ready for use, but isn't currently mounted09:16
Mike123I did, per your advice. And now I see xampp-control-panel.desktop in the file viewer, but its not on the applications tab09:17
Mike123yup, I used sudo gedit09:17
quiescenscjae: we'll want to mount the lvm volume somewhere, copy your current /home onto it, and then set up the system to use it as your new /home09:17
KarunaMike123 off course you should save it on /usr/share/applications09:18
rww!away > Wo-TaoYan09:18
ubottuWo-TaoYan, please see my private message09:18
Mike123roger, I can confirm it is located there09:18
cjaequiescens: ok09:18
=== gorep is now known as megatron
Mike123wait a minute, it stripped the .desktop file extension09:18
ChesterXhello, I am using an eeepc with ubuntu netbook remix. There are several programs which have too long windows and therefore don't show all the available option (the windowss can't be resized manually). I was wondering if the was a way to solve this problem?09:18
chalcedonyi'm trying to get a vnc to work, between my laptop ( the viewer - i got realvnc) and my desktop (server, ubuntu 9.04) (vino) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers09:18
KarunaMike123: after that sudo update-desktop-database09:18
quiescenscjae: so first lets do "sudo mkdir /mnt/newhome" "sudo mount /dev/mediaxpand/mediaoriginal /mnt/newhome"09:19
Karunagreenmang0: try installing fresh one on other computer, then copy all /etc/init on that pc09:19
chalcedonythe laptop says it's trying to connect, but no icon shows on the desktop, to ask for permission09:19
greenmang0Karuna: ok09:20
cjaequiescens: must specify the fs type09:20
simarhow to set up pbuiler for natty in maverick??09:20
quiescenscjae: try "sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/mediaxpand/mediaoriginal /mnt/newhome" if it is ext409:20
cjaequiescens: so sudo mount ext4 /dev/sdjfksjdflkjsdlfj /mnt/newhome09:20
rwwsimar: I believe you'd use the --distribution option to pbuilder to do that, though I'm not well-versed in packaging.09:21
Mike123awesome Karuna! Its working09:21
simarrww, Not working .. I mean I think debootstrap version will still remain of maverck09:22
cjaequiescens: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/mediaxpand-mediaoriginal,09:22
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quiescenscjae: yeah, it sounds like you haven't formatted the logical volume09:22
cjaemissing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try09:22
cjaedmesg | tail or so09:22
Mike123ok, one more thing I couldn't figure out. I installed a program (synergy plus) using a .deb file. I can go into the software center and confirm it is there. Synaptic shows it as part of "Development" section. I don't know what that means. But I can't find a way to launch this program09:23
quiescenscjae: just to make absolutely sure before I tell you to format something, can you do "sudo file -s /dev/mapper/mediaxpand-mediaoriginal"09:23
rwwMike123: looks like there are two executables, synergyc and synergys. You'd run them from the Terminal.09:24
rwwMike123: see also, http://synergy-foss.org/pm/projects/synergy/wiki/Setup09:25
cjaequiescens: /dev/mapper/mediaxpand-mediaoriginal: data09:25
Mike123ok, thanks rww. That is what I was looking at before. I couldn't get it working and was hoping a more GUI type thing would help09:26
Mike123maybe I'm crazy to think I can get it working on a ubuntu and win 7 machines09:26
quiescenscjae: okay, to format it just do "sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/mediaxpand-mediaoriginal"09:26
rwwMike123: apparently, http://synergy-foss.org/pm/projects/synergy/wiki/RelatedProjects has some GUI frontends listed09:26
seidosardour could not start jack...any ideas?09:27
cjaequiescens: running09:28
billubuntu 10.10 - how can i get rid of launcher and install menu instead09:28
Mike123checking out qsynergy now, rww. Thanks for advice09:29
stardustHi everyone!!!09:30
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jimisrvroxHey guys im trying to VNC into one of my boxes on my net here...I can ping my this box to my VNC box and back...but try to VNC into my box and this box tells me it cant connect...09:30
cjaequiescens: little over half :(09:30
stardustDoes anyone knows if intell i5 processor's turbo boost and hyper threading works on ubuntu 10.04?09:30
cjaequiescens: done09:32
anger78stardust:yes, heres an article, but german :(  it says that it works since 9.04 >>http://www.heise.de/ct/hotline/Turbo-Boost-unter-Linux-861189.html09:33
quiescenscjae: now see if you can do "sudo mount /dev/mapper/mediaxpand-mediaoriginal /mnt/newhome"09:33
stardusti don't know german09:33
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stardustbut i'll try09:33
moats        09:34
cjaequiescens: http://pastebin.com/mrqssnqh09:35
quiescenscjae: that's fine, we just need to copy your current /home onto the new /home and then make it use the new home09:35
Mike123thanks for the help.09:35
quiescenscjae: do "sudo cp -a /home/* /mnt/newhome"09:36
cjaequiescens: sudo cp: cannot stat `/home/media/.gvfs': Permission denied09:37
quiescensthat should be okay09:38
cjaequiescens: ok09:39
quiescenscjae: now you need to add a line to /etc/fstab09:39
cjaequiescens: being done through ssh btw09:39
CapnShinerhello Ubuntu community09:39
quiescenscjae: do you have a preferred text editor?09:39
quiescenscjae: okay sudo nano /etc/fstab09:39
suigenerisever since I installed 10.10, when I power on, it says error: file not found, and when I hit enter, it starts without no errors. any thoughts?09:40
quiescenscjae: add a line at the bottom: "/dev/mapper/mediaxpand-mediaoriginal    /home    ext4   defaults   0   2"09:40
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quiescenscjae: save and exit, "sudo umount /mnt/newhome" "sudo mount /home" to test your fstab, if that works "sudo umount /home" and then reboot and it should work without doing anything after reboot09:42
cjaequiescens: done/saved09:42
Benkinoobyhi is it possile to run 2 different gui (gnome and fluxbox) on 2 different terminals (so i switch with ctrl-alt-f#)?09:43
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KrishnanduBenkinooby, gdmflexiserver09:43
anger78sometimes after bootup there is no sound>couldn not start audio subsystem it says, next reboot everything is fine... /var/log/messages says: http://paste.ubuntu.com/517281/09:43
suigenerisever since I installed 10.10, when I power on, it says error: file not found, and when I hit enter, it starts without no errors. any thoughts?09:44
cjaequiescens: so now I should be able to see if /home = 1.3TB? via gui09:44
quiescenscjae: after you reboot ideally09:44
CapnShinerI'm using Linux Mint 9(based on Ubuntu 9.10) and lately I have been having problems with my wired ethernet not reconnecting to my Linksys WRT54G router after power cycling the router. Running a Live CD has no problem with ethernet and rebooting seems to resolve the issue temporarily. I have tested connecting the computer directly to my modem with no change in status. I'm using my Win7 PC now.09:45
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:45
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billhow can i make 10.10 desktop look like 10.04 desktop09:45
cousteau`workI've recently replaced /bin/sh with a symlink to /bin/bash, and maybe due to this, now sometimes the PC gets stuck at boot time, only displaying the splash and not letting me to do anything but Alt-SysRq-REISUB. Here's the end of the syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/517293/09:45
BenkinoobyKrishnandu, thank you. at chance do you knwo a good website/tutorial that gives me a good overview over x-server, window-managers, display-managers, x-clients and how the play together?09:46
CapnShinerI hope there is someone in the Mint chat...I thought there may be more people here, but I'll try it09:46
cjaequiescens: ok so it shows 1.3 TB for /home without the umount and no reboot but on /09:46
Krishnandu!xorg | Benkinooby09:46
ubottuBenkinooby: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution09:46
KrishnanduBenkinooby, sorry09:47
Aemaethportsnap hangs after file fetch, what could be wrong?09:47
cousteau`workcould be the replacement of /bin/sh with bash the cause of this? I need it to be bash due to a software I'm using that won't work with /bin/sh pointing to dash09:47
quiescenscjae: on / ?09:47
SyriaGuys please tell me how can I know what version of nvidia drivevrs do I have?09:47
KrishnanduBenkinooby, Try the wiki, xorg's wiki, DE's wiki or documentation. But you'll learn it yourself only after you configure it manually..!!09:47
q_plazdoes the live boot CD for 10.10 work on a laptop with no HD?09:47
cjaequiescens: how else can I test via cli to see? fdisk?09:48
quiescenscjae: "df -h" is usually helpful09:48
BenkinoobyKrishnandu, thanks again. i don't have a problem working on all these things, but still i don't have a good impression about how all these components work together. i am confudes about the exacat tasks of all these things.09:48
q_plazburned 2 for 10.4, couldn't get it to run09:48
quiescenscjae: i do recommend rebooting to make sure there is nothing using the old /home if possible though09:49
cjaequiescens: ok one sec09:49
suigenerisever since I installed 10.10, when I power on, it says error: file not found, and when I hit enter, it starts without no errors. any thoughts?09:49
cjaethen ill paste df -h09:49
BenkinoobyKrishnandu, until now i was working a bit on X, abit on fluxbox, played around with display managers xdm/kdm/gdm but i don't have a clear view of the "dependencies"09:49
KrishnanduBenkinooby, Your confusion won't get clear after reading the wiki's or documentation too...coz they will just give you the overview. Try to configure from scratch manually. Then only you'll get experience..!!09:49
quiescenscjae: and of course to make sure that it works on a cold boot, so that you don't find out it doesn't work the next time you turn on the computer09:49
BenkinoobyKrishnandu, ok. so i keep on doing what i do ;)09:50
ljsoftnetwhat does verified author mean in google chrome extension?09:50
cjaequiescens: ok brb09:50
KrishnanduBenkinooby, you don't need to think about dependencies, that's the headache of distro's packagemanager09:51
Syriaow can I know what version of nvidia drivevrs do I have?09:51
BenkinoobyKrishnandu, maybe dependency was a bad expression. i want to know how all these components work together.09:51
KrishnanduBenkinooby, well, install just cli, now install xorg, install de, install alsa etc do everything from scatch09:51
ChesterXdoes anyone have an answer to my question?09:52
* suigeneris jumps up and down for help09:52
KrishnanduBenkinooby, I mean say just install cli, now install and configure everything else manually..09:52
BenkinoobyKrishnandu, i did this. now my set up so messed up XD09:53
cjaequiescens: http://pastebin.com/RYdVmNFa I think its all good :)09:53
KrishnanduBenkinooby, well...tats normal, you're trying for the first time, so you always need patience to figure out problems and solve them. And read the wiki throughlly09:54
KrishnanduBenkinooby, better install lynx and irssi to get help from cli09:54
ljsoftnetwhat does verified author mean in google chrome extension?09:54
tdnsuigeneris, I cannot find much documentation for webcamd. How do I get started?09:54
quiescenscjae: okay09:55
cjaequiescens:  it still says /home is on / and volume unknown in nautilus09:55
suigeneristdn oh, you can also use cheese09:56
quiescenscjae: should be okay, you don't need to work with the volume directly, everything should just be on /home09:56
cjaequiescens: ok now if I want to use something like mediatomb do I use /home or dev/mapper?09:57
cjaeor does it matter09:57
quiescenscjae: most things should work with your /home, usually only system utilities should do anything in /dev09:58
cjaequiescens: ok thank you very much I have been struggling with this for awhile, and this has cleared a lot up for me09:59
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/09:59
suigenerisever since I installed 10.10, when I power on, it says error: file not found / error: you need to load the kernel first / Failed to load both default and fallback entries, but when I hit enter, it starts without no errors. any thoughts?10:00
abraginhello, how can I build only a specific module in the kernel?10:00
cjaequiescens: so the directory in /mnt is not needed anymore now that it is mapped?10:00
BenkinoobyKrishnandu, i found what i wanted (glory to Wikipedia). see, sometimes i even don't know the name of what i am looking for. i just know what i want it to do. now my knowledge about terminology is at leas sufficient to take apart my (x-)system... software-wise10:01
abraginfound it10:02
quiescenscjae: yeah, you can remove /mnt/newhome if you want10:02
ljsoftnetwhat does verified author mean in google chrome extension?10:02
billhow can i show the main menu in 10.10 -  the launcher doesn't allow me to 'stick' my apps to it10:02
cjaequiescens: thank you10:03
cousteau`workThat's it. I'm done with this plymouth thing. Removing "quiet splash" from my GRUB10:04
pmorrisSince upgrading from 8.04 to 10.4, all my cron jobs fail10:04
pmorrisIsn't it the case that cron spawns `sh` to execute its commands?10:04
pmorrisI notice that sh is linked to dash instead of bash now which might be what's causing it10:04
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cousteau`workpmorris: afaik it's been always linked to dash10:05
Aemaethwhile we're on the subject, who picked dash?10:05
cousteau`workAemaeth: the debian guys, I think. It boots faster or something.10:06
cousteau`work(and you can still use bash by using `bash` instead of just `sh`)10:06
Aemaethcousteau`work, and afaik pmorris is right, used to be one thing then they switched10:06
cousteau`workAemaeth: I'm not sure... it's easy to check, I must have some LiveCDs at home10:07
ljsoftnetwhat does verified author mean in google chrome extension?10:08
Aemaethanyone know why my software handler hangs after it fetches the ...wait, nevermind, it's working, thanks!10:08
pmorrisIn 8.04, sh was linked to bashj10:08
KrishnanduHey guys, I'm in office and orkut, facebook etc is blocked here. Is there any way out to bypass that?? Proxy servers are really painfull, kproxy is compatible with facebook but it's down maximumtime10:08
pmorrisIn any case, how can I make cron use bash instead of sh?10:09
pmorrisWithout relinking sh directly to bash for the entire system10:09
erUSULpmorris: use scripts with #!/bin/bash in the shebang10:10
rwwljsoftnet: it means the person who uploaded the extension has verified using Google Webmaster Tools that they own the domain that's listed after "Verified author:"10:10
* cousteau`work wishes that the Xilinx guys do that in the future10:10
ljsoftnetrww if its verified does this mean that the extension is safe?10:11
rwwljsoftnet: that's not what I said, no.10:11
pmorriserUSUL: the problem is that the command itself is using bash syntax, e.g. herestrings to launch the script10:11
ljsoftnetrww if the extension says can access all data on websites, when installing an extension, it still has access on it?10:12
rwwljsoftnet: yes, extensions can access all data on all websites you visit.10:13
ljsoftnetrww but author cannot access the data rigth?10:13
erUSULpmorris: do not use those features then; stick to posix sh10:13
rwwljsoftnet: the author created the extension. the extension can access the data. if the author told the extension to send data to her...10:14
ljsoftnetrww ah10:14
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pmorriserUSUL: No. I use them because I need them. Also, I believe I can change it in /etc/crontab but I'm not sure if it applies to user crontabs also10:16
FLX99hey guys, I'm using an ATI card with a monitor that supports 1920x1200, but the ATI Manager only gives me 1024x76810:16
FLX99but my xorg.conf does mention the modes: http://pastebin.com/6WS3PAqY10:16
FLX99any idea on how to fix this?10:17
* seidos has no idea10:17
tiborghi all10:17
yakitorisukiHi tiborg10:17
ljsoftnetrww what internet browser are you using?10:18
FLX99btw, this is some POS that someone else configured, I'm not even sure it loads /etc/X11/xorg.conf instead of another file, any way of checking?10:18
rwwljsoftnet: chromium10:18
furythorI did remove the top panel by accident, how to restore it without reinstalling the whole system10:19
seidosFLX99, you have two Screen sections maybe?10:19
FLX99seidos: this is the complete xorg.xonf10:19
dsgahello, i need your help. I need to increase the root partition with mroe space. I ha the home partition very large, at the momnet i have restarted the pc form CD rom ubuntu 10.10 and i have gparted hopen, how cna i do?10:20
sweetpi!resetpanels | furythor10:20
ubottufurythor: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »10:20
seidosFLX99, i'm looking at what you pasted.  is that not the complete xorg.conf?10:20
FLX99seidos: what I posted is my complete xorg.conf10:21
adalalhey, is there a tool to manage users via apache?10:21
tiborgPlease, help me sold this problem: When i started ex: abiword under lubuntu 10.10, the X is restarting. (one monitor fine work, but i enable the secound separetad secound monitor with xinemara, nvidia current driver, restarted the x), my xorg log: http://pastebin.com/MDR6347R my syslog: http://pastebin.com/dbqbLpV510:21
tdnHow can I stream webcam video from a webserver?10:22
seidosFLX99, i was suggesting perhaps having multiple "Screen" sections was causing the problem.  i'm not sure how X will choose your screen, unless you are given the option to choose from the ati display program.  you could make a copy of your xorg.conf, and remove the screen that doesn't have the mode you want?10:22
furythorit worked, thanks alot10:22
* seidos ponders why abiword would cause X to restart10:23
ABJayoHi, is there an easy way to restore my 2 panels back to their original state please?10:23
adalalseidos: looked at the logs?10:24
ljsoftnetrww hey man can i but a bookmark icon on the toolbar of chromium?10:24
seidosadalal, no, not yet10:24
FLX99seidos: which one would you recommend to remove?10:24
rwwljsoftnet: dunno, I just use the bookmark bar10:24
seidosadalal, you?10:24
Benkinoobyto get that straight: every terminal (swtiching with ctrl-alt-f#) has it's own xserver? so i have several x servers running? i thought it is only aloowed to run max. 1 x-server on one machine10:24
FLX99the default screen one?10:24
ljsoftnetrww ah ok thanks10:25
dsgadoes anyone can help me to enlarge the root partition?10:25
seidosFLX99, the one without the mode.  yeah, that would be the one.10:25
adalalseidos: i don't use abiword, but there should be an error, you should look up the log files... /var/logs/syslog ? or some other log in there10:25
Benkinoobydsga, use gparted10:25
dsgai have itù10:25
dsgaBnekinoby; i have gparted open but i don't know how to do it10:26
Benkinoobywow, what's going on? some1 plugged a cable ;)10:26
dsgaBenkinoby; i have gparted open but i don't know how to do it10:26
crawlerlol yea that was odd10:26
ABJayoHi, is there an easy way to restore my panels back to their original state please?10:26
seidosadalal, tiborg pasted some log files.  i'm looking at them.10:26
Benkinoobydsga, gimme 1 moment to start it myself so that i can instruct you10:27
adalalanyone here know how to setup a web based user management (password management, user creation, etc.)?10:27
tiborgwhich and where more log file?10:27
dsgaBenkinoby; thank you. i have already started the pc form cd rom so th epartition is unmounted10:27
Benkinoobydsga, good. nothing sould be mounted10:28
Benkinoobyhave you gparted started dsga10:28
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dsgaBenkinoby; yes10:28
FLX99seidos: didn't change it : /10:28
Benkinoobydsga, so what do you want to do? you want resize a partition?10:29
dsgayes enlarge the root10:29
seidosFLX99, did you create an entry on the forums?  i'm out of ideas presently.10:29
ABJayoHi, is there an easy way to restore my panels back to their original state please?10:29
FLX99seidos: not yet, will do10:29
FLX99thanks for the help10:29
dsgaBenkinoby; enlare the root, taking space form the home10:29
seidosFLX99, good luck10:29
crawlerABJayo: see this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=501ea3fc096b7fedd9982f8331d92b50&p=3947795&postcount=610:30
seidosFLX99, if the problem persists, create a bug on launchpad too10:30
seidos!panels | ABJayo10:30
ubottuABJayo: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »10:30
Gerwindsga: Boot usiung a Live CD or USB, then use GParted from the Live environment.10:30
dsgaGerwin; already done10:30
dsgaùi ma form cd10:31
ABJayocrawler,  and seidos, who of you two should I copy?10:31
dsgaGerwin; I am form cd with gparted open10:31
crawlerABJayo: seidos' info is more relevant + current10:31
seidosABJayo, if you tried the suggestions from ubottu, don't ask me, because i'm out of ideas.10:31
dsgaGerwin; if i reduce home it creates to me a new space and i cannot enlarge root partition10:31
Benkinoobydsga, root do you mean / or  /root ?10:31
ABJayook, so if I do that command BOTH my panels will reset back to the default?10:31
seidosABJayo, only one way to find out10:31
dsgaBenkinoby;  i have 3 partions, root home and swap, i need to reduce home and enlarge root10:32
crawlerwow another big timeout10:32
Benkinoobyhahaha, now it's getting odd10:32
Gerwindsga: Eh, you don't have a / partition?10:32
mjasomebody help me:10:32
nbubuntuhi would like to know which channel for smplayer ? the smplayer can't play .mp4 file downloaded from youtube10:32
dsgaBenkinoby;  to reduce home is clear, but it not clear how to move that space to root partition10:32
BenkinoobyGerwin, i think by root he means /10:32
quiescens"root" usually means /10:32
ABJayoawesome they are set back to default :)10:33
willembHey.  is this the right place to talk about how to customise ubuntu's look?10:33
dsgaGerwin; yes i have10:33
Gerwin!anybody | mja10:33
ubottumja: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:33
crawlerABJayo: glat to hear it :)10:33
willembI tried lxde and unity, still don't like the look and feel (obviously tried gnome first)10:33
ABJayocrawler,  there is a white bar next to the show desktop button now though :S10:33
seidoswillemb, this is the right place to ask questions.  if you want to talk, try ubuntu-offtopic10:33
Benkinoobydsga, so when you selet the partition what happens if you click the resize button?10:33
willembany reccommendations on making it look better?10:33
mjahacking wireless network10:34
crawlerABJayo: i would try logging out & in...maybe that will fix it10:34
dsgaBenkinoby;  i cna reduce perfectly home but i don't know how to enlarge root partition, it seems i cannot10:34
Gerwinwildbatt: http://www.kde-look.org has lots of eyecandy for a KDE desktop.10:34
Gerwinwillemb: ^10:34
aquariusI have a package which I tried to remove, and removing failed, but now I can't fix that and I can't install anything. It was a third-party package (from Dell); when I try and install anything, I get: "dpkg: error processing lindvd (--remove): subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 1" How can I resolve this?10:34
seidoswillemb, kde, enlightenment if you're looking for eye candy.  super + m in compiz if you're looking for ideas on colors.  fluxbox if you're looking for light weight.10:34
Benkinoobymja, hm... i am not sure if this is the right channel for you.10:35
willembDefinately do not want kde10:35
willembpity geubuntu seems dead-ish10:35
Benkinoobydsga, ok, how do you know it doesnt work? can't you click that button? do you get an errormessage?10:35
DrHouse|Aribethhi, im having a problem installing Ubuntu 10.10, when it boots i get I/O errors like crazy and ends up just dropping down to busybox, even Disk Check fails with cant open /dev/sdd: no medium found, but when i burned in windows Verification was ok so im guessing the disk is fine, the board is a MSI 890fxa-gd7010:36
rusty149dsga: You will likely need to move home partition to the right10:36
Benkinoobywillemb, xfce?10:36
DrHouse|Aribethand 10.04 worked fine so it seems to be a change in 10.10 which bonks boot10:36
dsgaBenkinoby;  just a moment it is resizing the partition home now10:36
Benkinoobydsga, np. btw spell my name correctly so that i get notyfied when you write me. try to write the first fes letters of my name and then pess "Tab"-button. it sould autocomlete my name10:38
seidosDrHouse|Aribeth, that sounds severe.  have you considered creating a bug in launchpad?10:38
adalalanyone here know how to setup a web based user management (password management, user creation, etc.)?10:38
seidosadalal, ask in #php10:39
DrHouse|Aribethyep, but just wondering if it was known or anyone had some ideas for fixing it, ob i think its not detecting the cd drive properly hence the /dev/sdd errors.10:39
seidosadalal, or #apache?10:39
adalalseidos: thanks10:39
seidosadalal, good luck10:39
FrEaKmAn_how could I install development version of python on my 8.04 server?10:39
seidosDrHouse|Aribeth, the only thing i can think of is maybe try changing the medium (try live cd from live usb), and verify checksum of iso before burning10:40
seidosFrEaKmAn_, sudo apt-cache search python should list all the python packages available10:40
lf2sagaHey, how to make ubuntu portable on a USB10:40
bigbrovaranyone knows if evolution 2.3 has been ported to Lucid?10:41
dsgaBenkinooby,  i have created an  unallocated area now, how can i allocate to root partition?10:41
lf2sagaAnyone Please Help!! How to make ubuntu portable??10:41
seidoslf2saga, use usb-creator.  system > administration > usb startup creator10:41
lf2sagaseidos= Ok, Let me try10:42
lf2sagaThanks Seidos10:42
Benkinoobydsga, click your partition and then use the resize button on the top10:42
seidoslf2saga, good luck10:42
lf2sagaThanks a Lot10:42
dsgaBenkinooby,  it does not allow me to enlarge root, even if i have 38 gb free now10:43
dsgaBenkinooby,  it deos not work10:45
hoareguys I am on my windows partition and all my files are set to chmod 777. I execute chmod -R 644 * in any folder they are still rwxrwxrwx. What should I do?10:45
hoareI think a long time ago I mistakenly made them all 777. Now I cant fix it. chmod does not output any error but does not also change mod10:45
seidoshoare, did you use sudo?10:46
hoareseidos: hell yeah. it does not make it work, too.10:46
seidoshoare, no idea10:46
hoareit seems there is something automatically makes it all 777.10:46
rwwhoare: NTFS partitions don't have a concept of UNIX file permissions, so everything on them shows 777 when viewed from Linux. This is intended behavior.10:46
erUSULhoare: if it is a windows partition the permissions are faked for all files at mount time via mount options10:47
hoarerww: let me see10:47
nbubuntuhi would like to know which channel for smplayer ? the smplayer can't play .mp4 file downloaded from youtube10:47
dsgaBenkinooby,  now it does not show me any partition anymore, but i have lost all the data into the hard disk?10:47
hoarerww: that's wrong. my other ntfs partition (c:) has non-777 permissions. however this storage ntfs partition has 777.10:47
erUSULhoare: you probably have umask=0000 fmask=0000 dmask=0000 ( the first or the last two ) as mount option10:48
Benkinoobydsga, the point is i don't see what you are doing :(10:48
rwwthen something fun's going on.10:48
dsgaBenkinooby,  it shows my harddisk unallocated, how can i recover everything?10:48
hoareerUSUL: how can I change settings of automount?10:48
Benkinoobydsga, usually gparted remebers all your actions and executes them i one big swipe when you tell it to do so.10:49
dsgaBenkinooby,  ok i have reduced home partiton, i have created  a new partiton on the unallocated area, and gparted has unallocated all my hardisk and partiton10:49
Benkinoobydsga, did ouy allready write to hard disk?10:49
dsgaBenkinooby,  it doe snot show me how to recover them10:49
Benkinoobydsga, try to find the undo button10:49
Benkinoobydsga, it should be in the menu10:49
dsgait does not wor10:49
Akshit_Anyone!! Help Again.. How to make Ubuntu Portable?10:50
erUSULhoare: really duno;10:50
crawlernbubuntu: hi i've never used smplayer before, but you might need the medibuntu repository to install w32codecs10:50
dsgaBenkinooby,  it odes not work10:50
Benkinoobydsga, hm10:50
hoareerUSUL: so where are the mount options?10:50
dsgait shows me empty hardisk10:50
seidosAkshit_, what do you mean "portable"?  you mean create a live usb or cd?10:50
Benkinoobydsga, start a terminal and use fdisk10:50
Benkinoobydsga, do you know fdisk?10:50
Akshit_seidos- I am lf2saga10:51
seidoshoare, man mount might have some info10:51
erUSULhoare: it is all managed by udisks this days « man udisks »10:51
dsgaBenkinooby, no10:51
Benkinoobyok, do you knwo the name of your hard disk?10:51
seidosAkshit_, so you tried usb startup creator?  what happened?10:51
Akshit_System>Administration and then where to go?10:51
Benkinoobydsga, is it /dev/sda?10:51
Akshit_Seidos- System>Administration and then where to go?10:52
seidoshoare, you might try unmounting and remounting the drive/partition manually10:52
dsgaBenkinooby, it says unable to open sda10:52
seidosAkshit_, usb startup creator10:52
hoareseidos: it is mounted automatically on startup. so I would have to do that each reboot.10:52
Akshit_seidos - but I can't find the option10:53
crawlerAkshit_: alt+F2 then type usb-creator-gtk10:53
dsgaBenkinooby, leave I will format everything. thank you10:53
seidoshoare, i am just saying to do that to see if it will fix the problem10:53
hoareseidos: hmm let me see10:53
seidoshoare, if it does, you can worry about automount.  up to you on how you want to handle it.10:53
arti12hi to all10:53
Akshit_crawler - Thanks! I got it10:53
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hoareseidos: I observed that running "fisk -l" without sudo does not error anything and does not produce output.10:54
hoarecan you try fdisk -l without sudo and do you observe an error?10:54
Krishnanduhoare, that's administrative command10:55
crawlerhi arti1210:55
arti12i have one problem with my web cam,when i turn with cheese ore other aplication i got black screen (it recognize my web cam) since i puted the ubuntu 10.10 i got this problem,can someone help me to fix this10:55
arti12crawler hi10:55
Krishnanduno error will be given but no output without sudo10:55
hoareKrishnandu: but expected to print something to stderr eH?10:55
seidoshoare, fdisk -l doesn't do anything on my end10:55
Akshit_What to do Now? I opened Make Startup Disk10:55
Krishnanduseidos, run it with sudo10:55
seidoshoare, without sudo.  there is no error.10:55
hoarecan't I just use "su root" like other distros? I prepend sudo everytimre10:56
seidosyeah, it runs fine with sudo, Krishnandu10:56
FLX99sudo -i10:56
seidoshoare, no idea10:56
Akshit_Seidos or Crawler - What to do Now? I opened Make Startup Disk10:56
FLX99does anyone has suggestions for stable webcam streaming to client and embedding?10:57
FLX99basically skype + web page embedding10:57
crawlerAkshit_: i think you put in your ubuntu disk, or point to the .iso file and click "Make Startup Disk"..10:57
Krishnanduseidos, Ya it would do...10:57
seidosAkshit_, you should download an ubuntu iso if you haven't already.  you need it to create the live usb.10:57
seidosAkshit_, i recommend downloading via torrent.  faster in my experience.10:57
Krishnanduhoare, root a/c is locked by default in ubuntu. Though you may unlock it anytime. But it's not recommended10:58
Benkinoobyplease some1 tell my if this statement is correct: Xorg is the x-server. X is only a client of Xorg. so i need Xorg to run any gui (inlcuding X).10:58
Akshit_Seidos and Crawler- I am chatting via Xchat from Ubuntu and I have the .iso file10:58
Laurenceb_hi, can someone help me setup a printer?10:58
Laurenceb_its on a print server10:59
arti12i have one problem with my web cam,when i turn with cheese ore other aplication i got black screen (it recognize my web cam) since i puted the ubuntu 10.10 i got this problem,can someone help me to fix this,in 9.10 version it worked good,in lsusb it shows my cam,can someone help me10:59
KrishnanduBenkinooby, ya10:59
Laurenceb_and uses lpt10:59
crawlerarti12: what make and model webcam?10:59
Laurenceb_so my machine - lan - print  server - lpt - printer10:59
llutzBenkinooby: X ist just an abbreviation for the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System10:59
seidosAkshit_, what is your question?10:59
BenkinoobyKrishnandu, thank you.10:59
Laurenceb_im not sure how to set this up10:59
arti12crawler Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0ac8:303b Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. ZC0303 Webcam10:59
antIPEver sense i installed 10.10 I've been having trouble with my mouse fluttering/jumping every once in a while. I tested another mouse and got the same problem. Cleaned them both, and bought a new mouse pad, and both mouse are still jumping around randomly every minute or two.11:00
KrishnanduBenkinooby, :)11:00
Akshit_Seidos - When I try to do so, it says permission denied11:00
seidosLaurenceb_, i'm sure system -> administration > printing is what you want11:00
hoareI unmounted and mounted by "mount /dev/sda3 /media/Data" and it is still 777.11:01
seidosAkshit_, you need to run with gksudo privileges.  run gk-sudo usb-creator-gtk11:01
Laurenceb_seidos: is it a network printer?11:01
DrHouse|Aribethi posted a bug report on the issue, attached though is a picture of whats going on so maybe it could be of help https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/66439911:01
cryptodiradoes anyone actually have the backlight keyboard feature on ANY toshiba laptop working?11:01
syriusI have problem with ubuntu when booting I have ubuntu 10.04 . when booting up I get this error message "chroot cannot execute /bin/bash"11:01
Benkinoobyllutz, to be honest sometimes the terminology of all these X-things is very confusing. i read this artikle and all atrikels linked to it at least twice (no joke)? now i am at the manpages. also this site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_server claims to wirte about the x-window- system too. you see the danger of confusion ;)11:02
seidosLaurenceb_, ah, yes, your printer is a network printer.11:02
crawlerarti12: antIP desktop or laptop computer?11:02
seidosLaurenceb_, you are connecting to it via the network.  it is on the network according to what you said.11:02
Benkinoobyllutz, oh, never mind. it's the same page11:02
johnswrakshit: You should be able to create a USB startup disc from System/Administration/Startup Disk Creator. From there, select the USB drive you wish to use (it may show it twice...one with a size..choose that one). Then select the Ubuntu .iso.11:02
DjAngo23Hello everyone, I' m using 10.10 (updated from 10.04 where everything worked great) and now, the sound scratch each second. It does not depend on the sound source. Any ideas ?11:02
Laurenceb_seidos: but what protocol?11:02
arti12crawler desktop pc11:02
antIPcrawler: desktop.11:02
seidosLaurenceb_, i would hope tcp/ip.  but that depends on your configuration.11:03
antIPcrawler: PS. Didn't have the problem last week on 10.0411:03
Laurenceb_seidos: it is11:03
Laurenceb_but i cant see the option for that11:03
antIPcrawler: And I ran a lxde session and still had the problem.11:03
seidosLaurenceb_, do you know the ip address of the printer?11:03
Akshit_Seidos - Thanks its Working now!!11:03
seidosLaurenceb_, is there somewhere that you can put the ip address in the printer app?11:03
Laurenceb_cant see that :-/11:04
seidosAkshit_, glad to hear it11:04
Ankhwatcherhey, if I run a diff -r on two folders will it tell me if they contain the same files?11:04
antIPcrawler: At this point, I'm worried that my CPU is dying. But it seams weired that it would have happened at the same time as installing 10.10.11:04
seidosLaurenceb_, perhaps the URI location?11:04
Laurenceb_internet printing protocol?11:04
Neckor Hi guys11:04
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antIPcrawler: and there are no other signs of CPU problems.11:04
seidosLaurenceb_, sounds good to me :}11:04
Neckorin OpenVPN, what method should i use for simple authentification with password, without copying RSA Keys on clients hosts ?11:04
cryptodiratoshiba satellite, amd components, ubuntu 1011:04
Laurenceb_okay ill try the URI thing11:04
llutzLaurenceb_: ipp://ip-of-the-printserver/11:04
Laurenceb_ah ok i see11:05
crawlerantIP: i've no idea what's going on..did you try another usb port, or is it a PS/2 mouse connector?11:05
cryptodiratoshiba satellite, amd components, ubuntu 10.04 .... NO keyboard backlight after bootup..... help , please11:05
antIPcrawler: I tried two mouse. One of them was USB and the other PS/2. Both have the same issue.11:06
ikoniacryptodira: a few people have been complainint about backlight issues, have you searched lanuchpad.net for known bugs11:06
Laurenceb_the ipp apply button is greyed out11:06
crawlerantIP: very strange11:06
seidoscryptodira, that's a rather specific problem.  i have a toshiba, it doesn't have backlight on the keyboard though :(.  what model # toshiba is it?11:06
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Neckorin OpenVPN, what method should i use for simple authentication with password, without copying RSA Keys on clients hosts ?11:06
BenkinoobyantIP, i guess using a different gui like xfce won't change anything. seems to be a driver ting to me11:07
seidosLaurenceb_, it's not over here.  i don't have a printer to test it with.11:07
seidosLaurenceb_, screen shot?11:07
antIPBenkinooby: Yeah,  I wonder what sort of updates were done to the mouse or video drivers in 10.10. One of the mouse is hp and the other is logitech.11:08
Laurenceb_seidos: ive got it non greyed out now11:08
cryptodiraseidos: A660d model.... all amd components, ubuntu amd64 10.04.... there are other issues with sound... but the keyboard backlight is paramount11:08
seidosLaurenceb_, i see11:08
the_germanNeckor: PPTP=11:08
Laurenceb_should i put the port onto the end of the ip address?11:08
antIPcrawler & Benkinooby - Both mice are wired too. So it's strange.11:08
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Laurenceb_its not finding the printer atm11:08
botcitywhile using firefox  it freezes and uses my hard drive as if scanning for something is this normal or what?11:08
llutzLaurenceb_: ipp implies port 63111:09
BenkinoobyantIP, do you have desktop effecs enabled?11:09
YBH_1Mac OS X Lion will be distributed via USB stick & not DVD!11:09
Laurenceb_i know11:09
Dereckbotcity: normal for FF) lol11:09
cryptodiraikonia: launchpad.net, is a new source.... will look.... thanks11:09
crawlerantIP: an odd suggestion, but try using the underside of the mousepad11:09
seidos!ot | YBH_111:09
ubottuYBH_1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:09
Laurenceb_"the print share is not accessable"11:09
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crawlerantIP: nevermind, the fact that it doesn't do this in previous ubuntu versions most likely rules out hardware issues11:10
Laurenceb_it says its verifying the printer first11:10
Laurenceb_then that error11:10
seidoscryptodira, i would create a bug in launchpad11:10
BenkinoobyantIP, http://radu.cotescu.com/2009/07/05/how-to-fix-cursor-jumping-in-ubuntu/11:11
botcityDereck thanks just annoys me something chronic!11:11
seidoscryptodira, is there a driver that you're supposed to install to get that feature working?11:11
llutzLaurenceb_: "nmap -P0 <printservers-ip-add-ress>"  to make sure it offers ipp or to find other protocols11:11
antIPcrawler Benkinnoby - I have desktop effects (Compiz) enabled. I'm not sure if they were enabled during the lxde session wherein the same problem happened. I did try changing sevearl settings in Compiz, but nothing changed. I suppose I could just turn it all off. I bought a new clean mousepad so It's not realted.11:11
Neckorthe_german, do u have a tutorial for that ? :)11:11
suigenerishow can I make any root access command NOT ask me for password EVER?11:11
suigenerisvisudo didn't fix it11:11
BenkinoobyantIP, turn desktop effects off for a while, maybe it helps11:11
mrehis there a newtwork backup tool for both Windows and Unix out there?11:12
the_germanNeckor: I do not...but I am sure there are a lot of them on google ;-)11:12
Neckorthe_german, okay thx ;)11:12
loflooking for a solution to a modem failure11:12
BenkinoobyantIP, i know this is a strange adivice, and i have it from "da interwebz" ;) but it would at least help to circle the problem. also read the link i sent you. it's from 2009 so not all that outdated and might give a good hint11:12
lofkeeps requesting ttyUSB1/211:13
Laurenceb_All 1000 scanned ports on are filtered11:13
lofcan transfer data via a drive folder anyone wish to help11:14
antIPbenkinooby: That link seems to describe something very different than what I'm experiencing. In my case the mouse only jumps when I'm using it. Not while typing. His solutiosn are related to touch pads.11:14
cryptodiraseidos: the backlight works before ubuntu boots.... but not after.....thus, I think something in ubuntu is making it farkle.11:14
syriusI get this error when booting up on ubuntu 10.04 I upgraded from 9.10 from 9.04 http://pastebin.ca/raw/196882911:14
BenkinoobyantIP, oh, sorry. might have missed something you said before.11:14
FlynsarmyI created a project with svnadmin then imported a folder to it. i then cd'd to the folder created with svnadmin command and typed 'svn update' however it says "svn: '.' is not a working copy" ideas?11:15
antIPBenkinooby: No problem. I've already done a bunch of google searching too.11:15
seidoscryptodira, so it works like, if you're in the bios menu or something?11:15
nbubuntucrawler : I am pretty sure most of the code and other code works well but only with youtube mp4 having problem11:16
Laurenceb_llutz: All 1000 scanned ports on are filtered11:16
lofpackage help on modemmanager11:16
antIPBenkinooby: The mouse just jumps a little bit, it's almost as if it just flashes, or flutters for a second. I can live with it, but I would like to try to fix it if I can.11:16
crawlerantIP: what does it say in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file for mouse0?11:16
BenkinoobyantIP, any dmesg ?11:16
BenkinoobyantIP, is it getting worse when you move the mouse fast and a lot?11:17
galoisfieldhi all..recently i have faced problem in booting my windows 7 after updating my ubuntu 10.04..its always going for checking errors rather than starting thr login page..any suggestions??11:17
crawlernbubuntu: try installing vlc, it can playback most any video file11:17
Laurenceb_llutz, seidos: when i setup this printer in windows theres an option to configure the print server, but nopthing like that here11:18
cryptodiraseidos: that is correct.... during bootup Before the splash page, or, while in the bios setup.... just not after boot up11:18
suigenerishow can I make any root command NOT ask me for password EVER?  bilmer tarama01 = NOPASSWD: /sbin/poweroff in visudo didn't do it11:19
nbubuntucrawler :VLC did play well but I would like to fix the error on smplayer , as i know smplayer runs the code according to mplayer so it means mplayer having the same problem too ?11:19
seidosLaurenceb_, i'm not sure what "configure the printer server" means in this context.  you want to print to the printer, not administer the server, right?11:19
antIPBenkinooby: No it doesn't get worse. But sometimes I think it's related to CPU increase, and other times it doesn't seem to be. PS. I don't have an xorg.conf in /etc/X11/11:19
Benkinoobynbubuntu, you can change the mediaplayer in firefox that is responsibe to play back media files. the standard one is gplayer or so. with mplugin you can change that. use my words and do a bit google. there are a lot of manuals out there.11:19
Laurenceb_seidos: i need to tell it what port to use11:19
suigenerisgaloisfield yes?11:19
galoisfieldtype sudo su..then passwd..set the root password..11:19
Laurenceb_it has two usb ports and a lpt port11:19
DjAngo23Hello everyone, I' m using 10.10 (updated from 10.04 where everything worked great) and now, the sound scratch each second. It does not depend on the sound source. Any ideas ?11:19
Laurenceb_windows gives me that option11:19
Laurenceb_windows also lets me enter the type of print server11:20
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nbubuntuBenkinooby : the most weird thing is , every mp4 on youtube not working , but other encoded mp4 works well. This is really a weird case11:20
Laurenceb_here i just seem to have ipp:// ip of printserver11:20
galoisfieldsuigeneris: it wont ask for root password thereafter as u ll access ur system as root..11:20
seidoscryptodira, create a bug in launchpad is the only thing i can recommend.  use alt-f2 ubuntu-bug ubuntu-desktop .  that should work.11:20
BenkinoobyDjAngo23, use alsamixer in the terminal and check the levels of the BOOSTers11:21
seidosLaurenceb_, er, port, okay.  have you tried ipp://ip:port ?11:21
Benkinoobynbubuntu, dou you use firefox?11:21
antIPcrawler: No it doesn't get worse. But sometimes I think it's related to CPU increase, and other times it doesn't seem to be. PS. I don't have an xorg.conf in /etc/X11/11:21
nbubuntuBenkinooby : I am using firefox now , anything related with firefox browser ?11:21
Laurenceb_i meant port as in socket on the back of the server11:21
Laurenceb_lpt or usb11:22
galoisfieldhi all..recently i have faced problem in booting my windows 7 after updating my ubuntu 10.04..its always going for checking errors rather than starting thr login page..any suggestions??11:22
Forrestany reason why i cant find "/boot/grub/menu.lst"11:22
galoisfieldanyone faced similar problem??11:22
seidosLaurenceb_, ah.  okay.  i guess the print server you are using isn't sharing it as an ipp printer.11:22
Benkinoobynbubuntu, i think you should change the multimedia plugin for firefox.11:22
KrishnanduForrest, grub2 doesn't support that11:22
crawlerantIP: sorry, i'm still using jaunty so i don't know where they moved the xorg.conf to.  but try to change the driver that is moving the mouse to evdev if it's not already set to use it11:22
seidosLaurenceb_, is it a windows printer server?11:22
KrishnanduForrest, even don't use that11:22
Laurenceb_in windows i can setup a tcp/ip printer11:23
Benkinoobynbubuntu, see my post at 12:1011:23
Dan_EDoes anyone know a good program to convert .mp4 to dvd?11:23
Benkinoobynbubuntu, 12:19 i mean11:23
ForrestKrishnandu okay all the guides i am reading are old11:23
nbubuntuBenkinooby : i mean downloaded mp4 from youtube.11:23
rusty149Dan_E: devede11:23
Laurenceb_seidos: its not actually running windows11:23
seidosLaurenceb_, you can select other protocols by clicking the little arrow next to "Network Printer".  windows printer via SAMBA is an option there11:23
Laurenceb_its a small hardware device11:23
Dan_Edoes it burn also?11:23
KrishnanduForrest, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub211:23
Benkinoobynbubuntu, hm, maybe it doesn't get converted properly11:23
KrishnanduForrest, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub211:24
nbubuntuBenkinooby : that's the reason11:24
rusty149Dan_E: not sure but you have brasero for that11:24
antIPcrawler: xorg.conf is no longer present in Ubuntu unless it is explicitly required.11:24
seidosLaurenceb_, can you ping the device?11:24
DrHouse|Aribethnow isnt that weird11:24
Forrestthank you Krishnandu!11:24
DrHouse|Aribethit just booted when i burned to a DVD11:24
crawlerantIP: well, things sure have changed ;-)11:24
KrishnanduXorg >1.8 doesn't use xorg.conf11:24
KrishnanduForrest, :)11:24
crawlerhey now11:24
Laurenceb_seidos: no11:25
nbubuntuBenkinooby : at the first view , it play out the video picture but when clicking the same file for the second view , it only got sound with no video11:25
Laurenceb_guess i need to talk to the network admin11:25
cryptodiraseidos: thanks for the help.11:25
seidosLaurenceb_, if you can't ping the device, i'm not sure what else to try.11:25
seidoscryptodira, may the ubuntu be with you11:26
DrHouse|Aribethi read somewhere when you get I/O errors sometimes burning to a dvd helps the issue, but question is, why would me burning it to a CD cause a flood of I/O errors but not a DVD11:26
Benkinoobynbubuntu, hm, what player do you use?11:26
antIPcrawler: Yeah, I'm surprised anyone is still running Jaunty.11:26
nbubuntuBenkinooby : smplayer ,11:26
Benkinoobynbubuntu, try vlc11:27
nbubuntuBenkinooby : vlc and mplayer .With mplayer downloaded code , and VLC it works11:27
crawlerantIP: hehe i'm comfortable here and still get updates, so no reason to upgrade yet11:27
nbubuntuBenkinooby : vlc works , but not smplayer, I wanted smplayer to work too since it's more easy for newbie like us11:27
antIPcrawler: Yeah, reinstalling ubuntu every 6 months gets a little old.11:27
Benkinoobynbubuntu, it think it would be ebst if you go to smplayer irc-channel or find help that is more smplayer specific. this is no ubuntu thing anymore.11:28
crawlernbubuntu: is there any way you can upload the video in question somewhere so we can analyze it?11:28
crawlerantIP: seriously..that and every time i upgrade from the update-manager, a million things go wrong11:28
antIPcrawler: I've never attempted an upgrade, and I never will.11:29
Laurenceb_seidos: network admin had given me the wrong ip address11:29
Laurenceb_its still not working :/11:29
mawstI upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 without zero problems.11:29
mawstNothing wrong with a clean install though.11:29
DrHouse|Aribethits one of them, it varies things11:30
BenkinoobyantIP, crawler ubuntu LTS ftw !!!!11:30
seidosLaurenceb_, and you can ping the device?11:30
Laurenceb_^ i pastebinned nmap results11:30
nbubuntucrawler : let me pastebin it out11:30
san 11:31
lf2sagaHello Everyone!11:31
Laurenceb_should i try jetdriect or something?11:31
lf2sagaI want a private chat with a Helper! Please11:31
antIPBenkinooby. Yeah, you're right. Especially for production/work machines.11:31
lf2sagaSomeone Help Please11:31
lf2sagaNeed a Private Chat11:31
lf2sagawith an expert11:31
BenkinoobyantIP, usually what i do is to go with LTS and if i really want a cool nice feature i try to use backports11:32
seidosLaurenceb_, why not try everything you can?11:32
Laurenceb_heh thats one idea :P11:32
Chousukelf2saga: ask a question. People can decide whether to take it to private chat after that.11:32
kapuwhen placing a "home router" behind another home router that is connected to the modem, what things must be considered to make dns on the second router work quickly?11:32
lf2sagaI want Ubuntu Portable11:32
nbubuntuBenkinooby :crawler : using mediainfo for code output http://pastebin.com/kZW1T0iz11:32
crawlerBenkinooby, antIP: it's embarassing when friends and family who i've converted to ubuntu users go to upgrade - thinking they are doing the right thing and now i'm the one to blame :-)  so now i disable all the apgrades11:32
lf2sagaLike Slax (www.slax.org).11:33
Benkinoobycrawler, never touch a running system11:33
Krishnandulf2saga, install it in USB drive11:33
crawlerBenkinooby: i learned that the hard way11:33
lf2sagaIt is a portable operating system11:33
AnkhwatcherIf my assertion was true, how can I run the command in a screen and output the results to a txt file?11:33
seidoslf2saga, what failed when you couldn't get the iso on your usb drive?11:33
Benkinoobycrawler, who didn't.... same fun as to learn about the importance of backups... hm, reminds me that i should make a backup.... :P11:34
Anomie21Can someone help me set up a subdomain on apache2 over ssh?11:34
lf2sagaSeidos - I want it as it runs on a Pen Drive but all the Changes I make doesn't get saved11:34
seidoslf2saga, are you trying to copy slax to your usb drive?  or ubuntu?11:34
BenkinoobyAnkhwatcher, use >11:34
nothingspeciallf2saga: usb-creator-gtk, you can choose to make it persistant11:34
BenkinoobyAnkhwatcher, example: ls > output.txt11:34
kapuawww bummer11:34
Pr3nt1c3can anyone help me? the calander app / clock panel app is detached from the panel, and fails when I try to enable a view of other time-zones11:34
seidosi tried using usb-creator to make a fedora liveusb.  didn't work.11:35
nothingspeciallf2saga: I think it does it by default11:35
lf2sagabut we have to  install it to hardrive11:35
crawlernbubuntu: what method did you use to download this from youtube?11:35
kapuman. I need to research how to quiet joins and leaves in irssi11:35
Benkinooby123Benkinooby: i know you11:35
rwwkapu: for one channel or all of them?11:35
BenkinoobyBenkinooby123, i know you too11:35
Krishnandulf2saga, for that you need to make it persistent11:35
lf2sagain slax its an operating system in which you can make any changes and it resist when you reboot11:35
kapuwell, this one11:36
Krishnandulf2saga, see unetbootin11:36
jrib!quietirssi | kapu11:36
ubottukapu: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS11:36
mangojuicehow to force a resolution in ubuntu, gotta set mine to 1360x738 from 1920x1080 ?????11:36
rwwkapu: /ignore -channel #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS11:36
nothingspeciallf2saga: stored in reserved extra space option11:36
Krishnandulf2saga, see pendrivelinux11:36
kapuubottu: u rock ty11:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:36
Pr3nt1c3it's driving me crazy not being able to tell what time it is in the EU and the US11:36
mangojuicehow to force a resolution in ubuntu, gotta set mine to 1360x738 from 1920x1080 ?????11:36
jrib!fixres | mangojuice11:36
ubottumangojuice: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution11:36
lf2sagapendrivelinux and unetbootin just install ubuntu on a Pen Drive, nothing else11:36
kapuahhh much better11:37
lf2sagaWe can just try using it on a usb11:37
Krishnandulf2saga, pendrivelinux has option to make it persistent11:37
lf2sagait doesn't resist any changes11:37
syriusupdated pastebin problems at boot http://pastebin.ca/raw/196884211:37
lf2sagaI know but which option to select in persistence?11:37
mangojuice@jrib : fixres?11:37
Krishnandulf2saga, persistent option should be checked to achive that11:37
Laurenceb_seidos: working with jetdirect11:38
Laurenceb_also works in colour XD11:38
Krishnandulf2saga, thr is a checkbox persistent, check it.11:38
philsfI upgraded my netbook from lucid to maverick, but in unity I can't use Alt-tab to run a command. How can I debug this?11:38
seidosLaurenceb_, nice work :}11:38
nothingspeciallf2saga:  stored in reserved extra space, tick it11:38
Laurenceb_all the windows guys on the lan cant get colour working atm XD11:38
Laurenceb_thanks for the help11:38
qutron_xyxyI have ASUS eee pc 1215n, ubuntu 10.10, multitouch doesnt work. Any ideas?11:38
Anomie21Is this right? > http://pastebin.org/37841711:38
lf2sagaKrishnandu - Thanks! I will try it. Anyways, are you an INDIAN?11:39
Laurenceb_- its a v old colour laser11:39
Krishnandulf2saga, Yes11:39
rwwphilsf: do you mean alt-f2?11:39
lf2sagaKrishnandu - Me Too!!11:40
seidosLaurenceb_, tells us all about it in #ubuntu-offtopic11:40
Pr3nt1c3alt-F2 is the equiv of windoze 'windoze-key'+r11:40
seidoswindoze-key = super11:41
lf2sagaOk, all Bye for NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:41
mangojuicehow to force a resolution in ubuntu, gotta set mine to 1360x738 from 1920x1080 ?????11:41
mangojuicehow to force a resolution in ubuntu, gotta set mine to 1360x768 from 1920x1080 ?????11:42
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dairaHello, how to permanently change keyboard layout without using gui or gnome tools? I am using lxde11:42
ernovwhat software would you recommend for streaming video over network from a webcam?11:42
seidosernov, only thing i have tried with my webcam is cheese11:43
jribmangojuice: read the link ubottu gave you11:43
seidosmangojuice, i think you can add the "mode" to your xorg.conf file.  you can try that.11:43
Pr3nt1c3anyone know where I can get a fix for the clock / calendar panel app?11:43
lazarus_ im devloping some scripts using zenity if you would like to help me devlop this https://sourceforge.net/projects/modbuntu/ let me know11:43
aciculaI have my phone paired and setup with ubuntu, but every time i want to reconnect to access files or use the internet i keep getting prompted for a (new) pin. Is this intentional and/or can i change it so it will not prompt for a new pin everytime?11:44
nbubuntucrawler: yes , i downloaded them from youtube11:44
ernovseidos: i'm guessing i can't use that on CLI11:44
kapumangojuice: I'm on bsd, but i think u are looking for xconf?11:44
XimDevdear all, i need to get help finding the torque/pbs ubuntu channel11:44
mangojuice@kapu : i dont know how to edit it11:44
jriblazarus_: this isn't the right place to ask about that11:44
kapumangojuice: ahh11:44
nothingspecialernov, let me try with ssh11:44
seidosernov, you can type cheese from cli, but it will open it in xorg11:44
crawlernbubuntu: try loading the file from the terminal and see what errors if any11:45
kapumangojuice: new to unix?11:45
Krishnanduacicula, thats because the connection the disconnected everytime and it tries to set up a new connection11:45
mangojuice@kapu : 111:45
lazarus_jrib, sorry could you direct me to somewhere which is11:45
kapumangojuice: i use vi but i think an ez editor is nano11:45
XimDevi am using karmic koala, i installed torque on it, but jobs i submit can not be run automatically, administrator has to to do qrun, any idea where can I get help for that?11:45
crawlernbubuntu: mplayer [options] [url|path/]filename11:46
nbubuntucrawler: how do i do that ?11:46
jriblazarus_: #ubuntu-offtopic maybe, but you'll probably get more eyes at the forums (try #ubuntuforums for help on where you should post)11:46
jribmangojuice: ubottu's link explains how to do what you want, but you have to read it for it to be helpful11:47
crawlernbubuntu: open a terminal and type mplayer filename11:47
mangojuice@jrib : overlooked it, reading it now :)11:47
lahwranso I have a fairly fresh maverick install, trying to build gnome-games (I want to customize some stuff in the code of tetris), and I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/517350/11:48
nothingspecialernov: getting a seg fault, hang on11:48
lahwrananyone seen that before? it's not a library I can search for, like missing header errors are11:48
Pr3nt1c3the forums have nada... and google is useless for ubuntu 10.1011:48
nbubuntucrawler: mplayer runs well11:48
Pr3nt1c3I'm really stuck on this one11:49
ernovnothingspecial: i am getting segfault on ffserver/ffmpeg which i was using til now11:49
kapumangojuice: ~/xorg.conf display section11:49
crawlernbubuntu: ok so maybe it's a bug in smplayer11:49
mangojuice@kapu : ok :)11:49
nbubuntucrawler: when I try smplayer,  nothing load at all11:49
jribPr3nt1c3: you need to be more specific about your issue, don't assume people who read what you write now have any clue what you wrote 2 minutes ago...11:49
kapumangojuice: lotta help i am lol11:49
nbubuntucrawler: It just show This is SMPlayer v. 0.6.9 (SVN r3447) running on Linux11:49
crawlernbubuntu: look at the cli options usually smplayer --help11:50
kapuI like the ubuntu community compared to bsd11:50
kapumuch friendlier11:50
nbubuntucrawler: cli option  ? what's that ?11:51
nothingspecialernov: There goes the next half hour, trying to figure this out11:51
crawlernbu command line options, in the terminal type smplayer --help11:51
lahwrankapu: not trying to break what you just said, and it doesn't matter so much 'cause it's slow right now, but try to stay ontopic to ubuntu-os-specific support and take other ubuntu stuff to #ubuntu-offtopic11:52
kapulahwran: ok11:52
billhow do i get main menu to show in 10.1011:52
kapulahwran: my bad new here11:52
nbubuntucrawler: the problem is smplayer doesn't decode some video file.11:52
lahwrankapu: you're fine, things are being slow right now. if we were in one of the one-message-per-second times I'd just call !ot to you11:53
Pr3nt1c3ok: I recently did a fresh install of ubuntu-10.10.... and aside from some minor issues, the clock / calendar app in the panel floats about 100px from the panel, and floats even further when I try to add "locations" so I can keep track of other timexones11:53
Pr3nt1c3was that clear enough?11:53
kapulahwran: k np11:53
lahwranPr3nt1c3: i didn't understand the part about the fresh11:53
lahwranPr3nt1c3: .. yes, it was clear enough ;)11:54
crawlernbubuntu: sorry, i'm wont be of much help..check the smplayer preferences ( i just installed it)11:54
Pr3nt1c3as in I did a complete back-up, and then formatted and installed 10.1011:54
crawlernbubuntu: look under performance there are options for H.26411:54
lahwranPr3nt1c3: I was joking. because you don't get to joke very often here.11:54
lahwranPr3nt1c3: sounds like it's trying to display something to do with timezones, not sure exactly what or how to attack it11:55
nbubuntucrawler : i am sure I have h.264 installed , I am able to play .mkv files but not mp411:55
lahwranthat's the downside of these less active times, less people to see your problem and possibly know an answer11:55
Pr3nt1c3neither am I... hence my question11:55
greenmang0can anybody give me output of "# dpkg -S /etc/init/gssd.conf"  please?11:56
lahwrangreenmang0: why?11:56
Pr3nt1c3I'll keep asking until I get a fix, or it is fixed via patching11:56
Pr3nt1c3thanks anyway11:56
greenmang0lahwran: i want to know which package provides that file11:56
lahwrangreenmang0: I'm not going to run a command I don't understand without explanation11:56
lahwrangreenmang0: ok.11:56
aciculaKrishnandu: im aware of why the pairing occurs, but normally the shared secret is stored and reused, so a permanent pairing, this pairing also remains stored both on the pc and phone but it will still try to pair again, this should not happen in this case11:57
Krishnanduacicula, Ahh...well..11:57
lahwrangreenmang0: I don't have that file on my 10.10 machine.11:58
greenmang0lahwran: well... nfs-common provides that file :)11:58
lahwrangreenmang0: then why are you asking?11:58
crawlernbubuntu: try different output driver like gl2, it's in preferences > general > video11:58
greenmang0lahwran: i just figured out that11:58
shatly_Just wondering what music players people would recomend for 10.10 (my frend needs it to work with a *shivvers* ipod)11:58
greenmang0lahwran: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=gssd.conf&mode=filename&suite=maverick&arch=any11:59
lahwrangreenmang0: ah.11:59
crawlershatly_: banshee or rythmbox haven't failed me yet11:59
nbubuntucrawler : btw,  i am using maverick 10.1011:59
lahwranshatly_: I just started up amaroK11:59
nothingspecialernov: Have you tried webcam-server11:59
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shatly_(also any one know how to switch to a non-standord ubuntu server, we have one here on campus that is not on the offisal repo list)12:00
lahwranshatly_: I'd strongly recommend against both banshee and rhythmbox, both have crappy interfaces IMO. if you don't want amaroK, I'd recommend exaile12:00
lahwranshatly_: ubuntu server?12:00
shatly_persononayl i think i will install all 3 and look at them each12:01
shatly_a mirror for ubuntu12:01
crawlernbubuntu: i'm using 9.04 jaunty - have you tried different output drivers?12:01
yuvatejahow to use telent ?12:01
shatly_when i was on windows i used mediamonkey12:01
ubottutelnet is not safe. Please use ssh instead. See !ssh12:01
obs3rv3rshatly_: ssh user@host ! :P12:01
lahwranyuvateja: see above :)12:01
lahwranobs3rv3r: wrong guy12:02
obs3rv3rthought that would come :D12:02
yuvatejaubottu: why?12:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:02
nbubuntucrawler : yep , still the same , this problem is really weird , at first play of new files it works well but second play it doesn't show video12:02
obs3rv3rlahwran: sorry that was for yuvateja12:02
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)12:02
shatly_obs3rv3r: no swith my repos over to a mirror that is not listed in the stnadord repos, i guess i can edit the text file, but there has to be a better way12:02
shatly_i ssh a lot and know about that12:02
konraddohi, is there any other advantage of installing ubuntu netbook remix instead of 'normal' ubuntu than just customized interface?12:02
obs3rv3rshatly_: sorry that was a mistake ... my bad :(12:02
willembdoes anyone know what happened to geubuntu?12:02
rwwyuvateja: because it sends your passwords and session in plaintext, so anyone between you and your server can trivially see them and then login as you.12:03
rwwkonraddo: no12:03
shatly_obs3rv3r: i stated the question poorly12:03
konraddorww: thanks12:03
lahwranyuvateja: telnet sends everything you do over the network in plaintext. anyone who knows anything about networking can see it. with ssh, nobody can see it.12:03
obs3rv3ryuvateja: speaking simply, you don't want your boss see you login to a server or try using his username/passwords :P12:04
nbubuntucrawler : i think I found out the reason12:04
lahwranyuvateja: if you're just (for instance) connecting to a multi-user dungeon game, however, then telnet is generally fine12:04
lahwranyuvateja: otherwise, use !ssh12:04
blinkybEmpathy not connecting. it says "No specific Reason"12:04
crawlernbubuntu: what is it?12:04
obs3rv3ryuvateja: or you want to send email using telnet itself :P or for some troubleshooting purpose .12:04
nbubuntucrawler : the first setting , remember option12:05
lahwranobs3rv3r: probably a bit too much over his head to mention :)12:05
lahwranlaninha: hi12:05
SpaceMinti've just installed 10.10 and then used jockey to add the propriety video drivers, following a restart "fglrxinfo" doesn't display anything - the terminal just hangs, what could be wrong?12:05
yuvatejalahwran:  tell me please what we can do using telnet and also ssh12:05
laninhalahwran: hi12:05
nbubuntucrawler : as soon as you reminds me , I said "the first time it play but not the second time" which leads to me to test the remember setting12:05
glaucousAnyone know of a program which can record input and realtime compress it?12:05
obs3rv3rglaucous: record input ?12:06
laninhaI am downloading ubuntu iso. Can I burn it to dvd or does it have to be cd?12:06
lahwranyuvateja: read what ubottu said. we're getting busy again here and I can't tell you about what ssh is.12:06
glaucousobs3rv3r, pulseaudio that is :)12:06
lahwran!ssh | yuvateja12:06
ubottuyuvateja: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)12:06
crawlernbubuntu: good to hear, that took a couple hours or so to figure out :-)12:06
nastSpaceMint: could strace it and see where it's hanging12:06
lahwranSpaceMint: do you have an ati? just to be sure ;)12:06
SpaceMintyes, it's an ati 4670 :)12:06
nbubuntucrawler : at the preferences , General , (media settings , uncheck the (remember settings for all files)" it fix the prolem12:06
nastlaninha: dvd will work too, in my experience12:06
crawlernbubuntu: nice!12:06
=== BJMA^Lynch is now known as BJMA
greenmang0lahwran: what's the ownership of files in /etc/init/ ?12:07
laninhanast: ok, will try that - I'm out of cd's so...12:07
nbubuntucrawler : it took me a day to work out , since yesterday i tried installing a bunch of ffh264 codes12:07
greenmang0lahwran: on your system12:07
DoubleDratHello - I had an Ubuntu 10.4 update crash earlier today and now my Ubuntu won't load - it just repeatedly displays the nvidia splash screen - can anyone help me repair it?12:07
lahwrangreenmang0: well I didn't install that package, but lemme check12:07
nbubuntucrawler : wondering maybe my code problem12:07
greenmang0lahwran: no.. i am asking about other files12:07
lahwranDoubleDrat: are you using the proprietary nvidia drivers?12:07
crawlernbubuntu: well we both learned a lot today, heh12:07
nbubuntucrawler : haha , thanks a lot man ;-)12:08
obs3rv3rgreenmang0: 64412:08
DoubleDratit worked fine until today12:08
crawlernbubuntu: you're welcome bud12:08
greenmang0obs3rv3r: no.... i am asking about owner12:08
obs3rv3rgreenmang0: oh its root:root !12:08
greenmang0obs3rv3r: ok thanks12:08
laninhamy laptop is 64-bit but dl page says that ubuntu 32-bit is recommended. Any views, comments/opinions?12:08
lahwranhttp://pastebin.com/XQJ5Befc greenmang012:08
nastlaninha: yeah, use 64 bit.12:09
nbubuntucrawler : :-)12:09
lahwranlaninha: well, 32 bit is recommended because apps get more testing there; however 64 bit will be faster and able to use all your ram.12:09
DoubleDratI can boot Ubuntu from USB, but cannot access my filesystem from there - is this possible?12:09
obs3rv3rbut you can always run a 32 bit app in a 64 bit environment...except there are exceptions at times that need more workaround!12:10
nastlaninha: 32bit is recommended because a lot of ubuntu users like to use piece of crap items of proprietary software that don't work well or at all in 64bit land12:10
lahwranDoubleDrat: why can't you access your filesystem?12:10
lahwranDoubleDrat: do you know?12:10
nbubuntucrawler : but still really feel funny , should it be a bug or setting error ?12:10
obs3rv3rDoubleDrat: can't access the filesystem as in ?12:10
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nastlaninha: free software, and free operating systems, have been working very well in 64 bit mode for many years :)12:10
lahwrannast: y  way of putting it, but ok12:10
DoubleDratI mean I have Ubuntu installed ... when I boot from USB (not HD), I cannot access any of the files that are on my HD12:11
DoubleDratI don't know how/why12:11
* obs3rv3r likes discordianfish's host 12:11
nastDoubleDrat: then mount them.12:11
obs3rv3rDoubleDrat: you need to mount them .12:11
discordianfishi think a found a regession in the mapping of the cryptodisk via cryptosetup but don't know how to debug that further. i already opend a ticket but i doub't that this is enought info: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cryptsetup/+bug/66425212:11
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:11
discordianfishobs3rv3r: thanks ;)12:11
laninhanast in the real world I probably someone who uses crappy proprietary software too, sorry :(12:11
crawlernbubuntu: hmm...maybe it's smplayer's default settings that need to be changed.  if i were you, i'd talk to them and find out the reasoning for making it remember as default.  then suggest to them they consider changing it to off as default12:12
blinkybEmpathy not connecting. it says "No specific Reason"12:12
DoubleDratah i see12:12
DoubleDratthank you, I will look into that12:12
nastlaninha: enjoy your pain ;P12:12
nbubuntucrawler : so i should post the bug error on ubuntu forum ?12:12
lahwranblinkyb: what are you connecting to? I recommend against empathy, thought clearly the packagers of the livecd don't12:12
obs3rv3rlahwran: pidgin is god :P12:13
SpaceMintnast: strace fglrxinfo spams the terminal and then stops with "ioctl(5, 0xc01c64a6"12:13
lahwranobs3rv3r: I also recommend against pidgin12:13
laninhais installing ubuntu on a laptop that already has windows7 on it no problem (to create a dual-boot) Windows won't break if I take some of its space away?12:13
blinkyblahwran: i've used it for 4 months so far. it worked fine until now. i didnt like pidgin.12:13
lahwranobs3rv3r: xchat and bitlbee12:13
blinkyblahwran: lemme restart and see if it works or not.12:13
greenmang0lahwran: thanks for the link... everything's alright in my /etc/init/12:13
lahwranlaninha: erm, depends12:13
obs3rv3rlahwran: i am on xchat! its good for IRC. pidgin is good for other IMs. least for me.:)12:13
crawlernbubuntu: check their forum first, the bugtracker http://smplayer.sourceforge.net/ see if anyone brought up this issue before12:14
obs3rv3rwill check on bitlbee though :)12:14
lahwranlaninha: I had a major pain with windows 7 and 10.10 today, it can be painful, though it's usually seamless12:14
laninhalahwran: huh?12:14
lahwranobs3rv3r: you'll never use another im client again12:14
laninhalahwran: why are you scaring me?12:14
greenmang0lahwran: actually i accidently deleted all scripts in /etc/init/ ... so had to install kubuntu on virtual box and copy files from there... and had to reinstall some applications too ... but everything's fine now :)12:14
crawlernbubuntu: on their front page "One of the most interesting features of SMPlayer: it remembers the settings of all files you play. So you start to watch a movie but you have to leave... don't worry, when you open that movie again it will resume at the same point you left it, and with the same settings: audio track, subtitles, volume..."12:14
nbubuntucrawler : ok thanks , a lot :D12:14
obs3rv3rlahwran: so it will integrate my xchat with all that I use.... wow!12:14
nastSpaceMint: there's more to that line...but it's not so important, now you know why its hanging12:14
lahwranlaninha: so you know that it's not the safest thing in the world. though if things do goof up and you can only boot ubuntu, just come back in here and we'll help you12:15
laninhalahwran: i'm actually installing it on a friend's laptop for her. I wouldn't want to mess her system up. She's an old lady12:15
ernovnothingspecial: is in the repo?12:15
crawlernbubuntu: sure, i think they must really love that feature :)12:15
lahwranlaninha: what laptop?12:15
syriusI fixed my problem by install selinux policy for ubuntu12:15
laninhalahwran: Dell vostro12:15
lahwranlaninha: you're 99.995% safe to install12:15
laninhalahwran: i like those odds ;)12:15
blinkyblahwran: still the same error12:16
nbubuntucrawler : maybe though , but this feature indeed cause me a headache haha12:16
lahwranblinkyb: sorry what?12:16
blinkyblahwran: empathy not connecting12:16
syriusno more chroot cannot execute errors on boot :)12:16
obs3rv3rlahwran: your pants are on fire :)12:16
lahwranobs3rv3r: eh?12:16
nbubuntucrawler : btw , other question how do I change my default browser setting ? somehow , which I click on the link you give me , it get's oepn with other borwser chrome which I had install the last12:16
nbubuntucrawler : anyway to set back default to firefox ?12:17
DjAngo23Hello everyone, I' m using 10.10 (updated from 10.04 where everything worked great) and now, the sound scratch each second. It does not depend on the sound source. Any ideas ?12:17
lahwranlaninha: btw those odds drop significantly if you don't keep a straight head during install. for instance, don't click "erase hard drive"12:17
laninhalahwran: :DD12:17
lahwranDjAngo23: what sound driver12:17
nbubuntucrawler : i think i figure it out again , sorry12:17
DjAngo23lahwran, Don't realy now12:17
lahwranDjAngo23: should have asked what sound device >.>12:18
nbubuntucrawler : (preferred application ) gtg thanks for the help again ;-)12:18
DjAngo23lahwran, doen' t know either ;)12:18
crawlernbubuntu: anytime, buddy12:18
crawlernbubuntu: you helped you more than i did :)12:18
lahwran!pastebin | DjAngo23 show me 'lspci'12:18
ubottuDjAngo23 show me 'lspci': For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:18
nbubuntucrawler : :-) i remember you name though , last time ,12:19
nbubuntucrawler : you are facing the problem with smplayer  ?12:19
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lahwranDjAngo23: use that pastebin, please12:19
crawlernbubuntu: lol yes12:19
DjAngo23lahwran, http://pastie.org/1237840 Here it is12:20
nbubuntucrawler : that's great , anyhow , happy to know it's temp fix , will post at ubuntu forum , maybe later cause i gtg now .12:20
nbubuntucrawler : Cya ;-)12:20
obs3rv3rDjAngo23: wow what a nice way to tickle my eye :) the pastebin .12:21
lahwranDjAngo23: dard syntax highlighting made me turn my laptop lcd screen to a better viewing angle >.> lol12:21
obs3rv3rlahwran: same here :)12:21
DjAngo23Well, you can change the template ;)12:21
nothingspecialernov: Not been available for a while, it seems12:21
DjAngo23top right corner ;)12:21
lahwranDjAngo23: there was a reason I asked you to use the pastebin from !pastebin :)12:21
DjAngo23Sorry i will paste it there !12:21
lahwranDjAngo23: hold your horses12:21
lahwranit's already pasted and I already have the info I needed12:22
crawler!howdy | NCS_One12:22
lahwranDjAngo23: next paste goes to http://paste.ubuntu.com however - I want to see what lsmod shows now12:22
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lahwranNCS_One: greetings!12:22
NCS_Oneany one having trouble connecting to msn using Empathy?12:22
lahwrancrawler: they removed that.12:22
crawlerlahwran: rats12:22
lahwranNCS_One: I don't know about msn, but someone here was having empathy problems (heh) a minute ago12:23
lahwranblinkyb: you fix it?12:23
=== oracle_ is now known as oracle
NCS_OneI get something like this, tranlating "Off - No reason specified"12:24
rigvedhi everyone12:24
DjAngo23lahwran, http://pastebin.com/vxhXBzjY Here it is ;)12:24
rigvedi have Debian/Ubuntu 10.04 and I have a NVIDIA 9600 GT graphics card12:24
rigvedcan anyone can any one please tell me if the new NVIDIA drivers for Linux x64 are robust? Or are new NVIDIA drivers available via the Software Center?12:25
QuantsHi, I have a  small problem. Every music player, except moc, uses about 10% of time of my processor, I think this is high.12:25
lahwranDjAngo23: wrong pastebin again >.>12:25
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DjAngo23Doen' t change anything, roght /12:25
DjAngo23right ?12:25
Guest97428i need help to install oident on my ubuntu12:25
acicularigved: its recommended to stick to the drivers nvidia installs via hardware drivers12:25
lahwranDjAngo23: nope, pastebin.com is an ok pastebin12:26
lahwranjust not the one I asked for :)12:26
Guest97428i need help to install oident on my ubuntu12:26
rigvedacicula: but how do i update those drivers?12:26
DjAngo23Poor little you ;)12:26
acicularigved: ubuntu maintains updates for you, no manual updating required12:26
domcodQuants: mplayer too?12:26
obs3rv3rGuest97146: system> administration> synaptic package manager12:27
lahwranDjAngo23: how much ram do you have free?12:27
rigvedacicula: ok...is there some way to find out the current version of my hardware drivers?12:27
Quantsdomcod: Didn't checked that.12:27
lahwranDjAngo23: looks like your device and driver are compatible, sounds like a higher-level software problem now12:27
Quantsbut isn't mplayer a movie player?12:28
DjAngo23Hum, even that is quite strange because, i have to the same computers, the other one is working great !12:28
acicularigved: err yeah software manager probably, but ubuntu always lags behind nvidia's latest releases12:28
domcodQuants: and vlc?12:28
domcodQuants: mplayer is a player for a lot of things12:28
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:28
Quantsvlc is ok12:28
Quantsfor movies12:28
Guest97428obs3rv3r: i have installed12:28
glaucousWhen using gst-launch-0.10 for recording ogg audio, is it possible to set the bitrate or sample rate?12:28
Guest97428but on irc i have ~12:28
Guest97428can i configure oident ?12:28
acicularigved: have a read there, but just be sure what you get into, manually updating drivers can be a real nuisance.12:29
Guest97428if yes: where is config file12:29
lahwranDjAngo23: !12:29
acke-_rigved you might have some drivers from system->administration->hardwaredrivers12:29
rigvedacicula: ok12:29
obs3rv3r/etc/oidentd.conf ??12:29
lahwranDjAngo23: are they the exact same model?12:29
Justenmono debugger segfaults when debugging ASP.Net applications but only on ubuntu systems initially installed with 10.04+ (upgrade from 9.10 and all is well). Everything built from the same sources, so it doesn't seem to be a bug in mono... but I have no idea what else could be to blame. Not sure whether to post on the forum or raise a bug report (against what?)12:29
DjAngo23Yes they are12:29
DjAngo23What i paste you a screenshot12:30
obs3rv3ror ~/.oidentd.conf as it says in the man page.12:30
DjAngo23pastebin ? hihi12:30
flodinwhen reading a manual with gnome help viewer, how do I search only within that manual as opposed to every manual present on the system?12:30
rigvedacke-_: yes, it says the driver version is "current", but no mention of the exact driver version12:30
DjAngo23Wait *12:30
acke-_rigved, aah, thats screwed up. :)12:30
SpaceMintnast: http://paste.ubuntu.com/517365/  the last 150 lines from the terminal, do you have any hints why fglrxinfo freezes? thanks12:30
acke-_rigved: what drivers are you looking at there?12:30
syriushow do I remove ubuntu splash screen?12:31
lahwranDjAngo23: a screenshot won't help12:31
quietoneis there anything I can do to stop the big blank areas in combo boxes?12:31
lahwranDjAngo23: there is something wrong with alsa, I think. probably buffer underruns12:31
rigvedacicula: yes i know, which is why i first tried to find out if software center can update my nvidia drivers, but it says that the current driver version is installed and separately there's a version 185 available in software center12:32
lahwranDjAngo23: I don't know enough about alsa to keep helping you12:32
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rigvedacke-_: maybe version 185 or higher12:32
DjAngo23Oh no. there is something really strang going on12:32
quietoneflodin, afaik you can't12:32
rigvedacke-_: latest  is version 26012:32
DjAngo23CPU is weaving between  20 en 60%12:32
acke-_rigved what does glxinfo tell you?12:32
domcodQuants: i think the cpu usage of mplayer is a kind of minimum because it doesn't have any fluff. try its -ao switch to narrow down the problem12:32
lahwranDjAngo23: tell whoever helps you next that "the guy from #ubuntu said it's probably alsa buffer underruns"12:32
DjAngo23lahwran, No really wait a second12:32
flodinquietone: that's a shame. I get far too many search results to have any use for it12:32
DjAngo23Pulsaudio was at 120% CPU12:33
acicularigved: the older numbers are legacy drivers and only support (very) old cards12:33
lahwransudo killall -9 pulseaudio12:33
rigvedacke-_: should i type that in the terminal? - "glxinfo"12:33
acicularigved: 185 or higher is what you want12:33
rigvedacicula: yes12:33
Forrestgrub does not know how to handle windows 7 by default12:33
quietoneflodin, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43699112:34
acke-_rigved do glxinfo | less in the terminal12:34
lahwranDjAngo23: if you feel inclined, you could also try 'sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio' but that will remove your ability to play more than one sound at once from more than one app12:34
Guest1608how can i disable the gdm  display loupe12:34
DjAngo23Well,  killed like you told me. but still the CPU is weavind every second12:34
DragonKeeperim using playonlinux i have installed aoe3 but online play wont work  is there anyway to fix this bug ?12:34
lahwranDragonKeeper: the short version - not for you.12:35
ikoniaDragonKeeper: speak to them about it12:35
ikoniaDragonKeeper: not really ubuntu's issue12:35
flodinquietone: thanks12:35
lahwranDragonKeeper: the long version - maybe.12:35
rigvedacke-_: terminal says that it cannot find the package glxinfo in the repo12:35
lahwranikonia: playonlinux is a wrapper to wine12:35
quietoneflodin, sure12:36
Guest1608is there a way12:36
rigvedacke-_: can jockey give some answers?12:36
ikonialahwran: yes, so not an ubuntu issue12:36
DjAngo23lahwran, can i do : top >> list.txt ?12:37
lahwranikonia: yeah but "speak to them about it" is not helpful12:37
obs3rv3rDjAngo23: I guess no.12:37
acke-_rigved: never used it, but it certaninly seems helpful12:37
lahwranDjAngo23: no, top uses nCurses12:37
obs3rv3rtyou can do top -b -n1 > list.txt12:37
ikonialahwran: it is, it's confirming you should speak to the guys who make it12:37
lahwranikonia: if you say so12:37
Dr_Williswine app database may have some info on the game.12:38
rigvedacke-_: i tried it in the terminal, it seems that there is no CLI for jockey12:38
rigvedacke-_: i'll installing sysinfo12:38
acke-_rigved: not able to get x upp?12:38
Ankhwatcherokay I think I figured it out12:38
Ankhwatcherthat diff is going to take a long time to run12:39
lazarus_i have an issue with empathy12:39
joelhey there12:39
joelany french here?12:39
DjAngo23lahwran, Is there a way to display the cpu usage and swap in CLI ?12:39
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DjAngo23or obs3rv3r12:39
rigvedacke-_: do you mean my dispaly? my display is working fine...i just wanted to update for the heck of it12:39
lahwranDjAngo23: that'd be top12:39
obs3rv3rDjAngo23: top does that12:40
lahwranDjAngo23: you already knew that clearly12:40
Guest57471who knows the solution to a nvidia96 problem on xubuntu?12:40
lahwranGuest57471: buy a new card? oh wait.12:41
lahwran!ask | Guest5747112:41
ubottuGuest57471: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:41
Guest57471just install xubuntu yesterday and 3d doenst work because of my nvidia geforce 420 card12:42
acke-_rigved, i dont get why you dont run jockey then?12:42
Guest57471it worked fine on ubuntu 8.04 !12:42
acke-_rigved: and it seems weird that you cant run glxinfo12:43
helpNeededi installed last time win7 and it ruined the grub conf how to restore ? I am using now xubuntu live cd12:43
MrBlue_NLGuest have you installed the drivers for it?12:43
rigvedacke-_: there is no CLI for jockey12:43
DjAngo23Even my mouse is slow now : http://pastebin.com/UA9nYq5p http://pastebin.com/GWfdpbsn12:43
thevishyDr_Willis , Hi can you spare 2 mins12:43
Dr_Willis!fixgrub | helpNeeded12:43
ubottuhelpNeeded: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.12:43
Dr_Willisthevishy:  about to load up Lord of the Rings Online. :) Better make it fast.. heh12:43
DjAngo23(for lahwran and obs3rv3r )12:43
rigvedacke-_: and the GUI for jockey only tells me that it is the current version, but no version name12:44
lahwranGuest57471: geforce 420!?12:44
evidentIs anybody of you running a dualboot system with Win7 and Ubuntu? Mine works fine, but I have some issues accessing the Ext3 Partition from Windows (using the Ext2FSD driver)12:44
Guest57471old one i know12:44
lahwranGuest57471: that's the very latest isn't it?12:44
helpNeededDr_Willis, ty but thats for ubuntu i got xubuntu and no automatic mounting12:44
Guest57471[GeForce4 MX 420]12:45
obs3rv3rDjAngo23: Are you playing some many flash games on your chromium ?12:45
Guest57471very old but it used to work fine on my ubuntu8.04 until i changed for xubuntu10.04 !12:45
rigvedacke-_: ok, i found it using nvidia-settings; my current driver version is 19512:46
rigvedacke-_: :)12:46
DjAngo23obs3rv3r, lahwran : In chrome ere is : gmail, mysql manual, pastebin, a local page, phpmyadmin and a simple webpage without flahs12:46
obs3rv3rDjAngo23: If so why is npviewer.bin eating up ?12:46
rigvedacke-_: the nvidia-settings GUI has glx information12:46
lahwranevident: Ext2fsd has never worked for me12:46
DjAngo23I had zendStudio open12:47
rigvedacke-_: thanx for the help12:47
rigvedacicula: thanx for the help12:47
DjAngo23And mysl workbench12:47
DjAngo23But it' s off now12:47
obs3rv3rkill that sudo pkill -9 npviewer.bin12:47
KillGutaGuys, do you know of any software for Linux that allows you to make an USB stick boot an iso?12:47
DjAngo23I' m doing nothin on my computer now and the cpu is weaving between 40 an9% every second12:47
obs3rv3rDjAngo23: you running a 64 bit OS ?12:47
chilli0Hello, I would love some help with libimobile, my ipod touch isn't working with the music I am trying to sync. iPod touch has got 4.1 on it and I am using ubuntu 10.10 it shows the music on the ipod, but when I play it it just skips the songs.12:47
obs3rv3rKillGuta: Yes its Ubuntu :)12:48
Dr_WillishelpNeeded:  the command line parts are the same.12:48
DjAngo23obs3rv3r, Still very slow, after the kill.12:48
Dr_WillishelpNeeded:  mount the drives by hand if you need to.12:48
DjAngo23obs3rv3r, 6412:48
obs3rv3rDjAngo23: Kill all chromium if its not a problem. And with 64 please install the 64 bit flash12:48
KillGutaobs3rv3r: I want to boot an Window$ iso from an USB, because I really want to play Fallout New Vegas and it doesn't work with wine, currently12:48
DjAngo23Hoe should i insta ?12:49
DjAngo23How should i install flash 64 ?12:49
Dr_WillisKillGuta:  ive heard windows7 can be done that way via 'dd' but other windows.. not so lucky12:49
DjAngo23obs3rv3r, lahwran : http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/7676/selection001b.png12:51
DjAngo23This is my CPU12:51
lahwranDjAngo23: sorry busy playing 100-column tetris12:52
mun__can one add new Google Calendar events using krunner?12:52
glaucousIs it possible to run a gnome-terminal from terminal, and set it to execute a command, and stay open?12:52
CiSense(10.10 Wubi installation) how do I access all my NTFS partitions? - one is not visible12:52
DjAngo23obs3rv3r, and now : http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/6188/selection002.png12:52
KillGuta11GB swap? :O Why is it so big?12:53
DjAngo23Default Ubuntu installation configuration12:53
DjAngo23But the cpu is like a weave, looks like evry second a peak...12:54
helpNeededDr_Willis, ok i started with sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/root and when i add command chroot /mnt/root /bin/bash i get root: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory12:55
Dr_WillishelpNeeded:  i dont recall needing that /bin/bash command when i chrooted.12:56
Dr_WillishelpNeeded:  you also need to be sure you set up /dev/ and /proc (i think) properly befor you chroot.12:56
Aerguys can anyone help me please, im using Ubuntu 10.04 with Wine 1.2 my problem is when i try to install "Flash" in winetricks for "Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and firefox plugins"12:58
AerI get this error "sha1sum mismatch! Rename /home/kurt/.cache/winetricks/./install_flash_player_ax.exe and try again." i dunno what it means or what to do to fix it :s12:58
Dr_WillisAer:  sounds like a bad download to me.12:58
Aerhmm how would i fix that ?12:58
_oo__anand__oo_where to get LAMP for ubuntu????12:59
thevishyDr_Willis which room / directory should i go in logs ubuntu ? there are numerous pages like ubuntu-us etc  which is the one for #ubuntu12:59
aciculai had it too before, winetricks was complaining about that constantly12:59
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/12:59
helpNeededok proc fails also not existing such /mnt/root/proc12:59
aeon-ltd!lamp | _oo__anand__oo_ `12:59
smallfoot-my MSN in Emptathy dont work, other have this problem?12:59
ubottu_oo__anand__oo_ `: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:59
Aeracicula, how did you fix it ?13:00
DjAngo23smallfoot-, try the ppa of empathy, and perform an update13:00
aciculaAer: dunno think i just gave up13:01
Aeroh >.<13:01
aciculaAer: the downloads were fine, i just guessed the script was outdated/not maintained13:01
Aercan anyone help me fix this error please "sha1sum mismatch! Rename /home/kurt/.cache/winetricks/./install_flash_player_ax.exe and try again." im new to linux and cant fix it myself :(13:01
Aerahh :/13:01
neo|Tracercisco packet tracer for ubuntu ? it exists for ubuntu ?13:01
Jigalwhere can i get help for adding project to code.google.com form ubuntu file system?13:04
samlewisjigal: tortoisehg or tortoisesvn13:04
samlewishas a nautilus plugin13:04
tonysanhow do I move file from host a to b with only ssh? (both ubuntu, in the same subnet)13:05
ikoniatonysan: scp13:05
Aeranyone who can help ?13:06
Jigalwhere can i get help for adding project to code.google.com form ubuntu file system?13:06
ikoniaAer: ask a question ?13:06
Aeri did13:06
ikoniaJigal: the file system doesn't matter13:06
Aerwhen i run winetricks and select flash i get this error message when i click ok to install13:06
Aer for "Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and firefox plugins"13:06
Aersorry wrong one13:06
Jigalikonia, ok so how do i upload a directorie and its subdirs to a googlecode project13:07
philsfI upgraded my netbook from lucid to maverick, but in unity when I try to use Alt-tab to run a command nothing happens. How can I debug this?13:07
Dr_WillisAer:  find that file via google from some other source perhaps?13:07
ikoniaJigal: exactly the same as you would on any other file system13:07
Aerthis is it sha1sum mismatch!  Rename /home/kurt/.cache/winetricks/./install_flash_player_ax.exe and try again.13:07
ikoniaJigal: the google documentation should explain how to use the interface13:07
Aeri did i didnt find anything useful lol13:07
ikoniaAer: have you asked the guys in #winehq ?13:07
Jigalikonia, it doesnt explain this13:07
Aeryeah no reply yet13:07
suigenerisdoes anyone know what the channel for sabayon application is? #sabayon is for distro13:07
ikoniaJigal: there should be a contact pages on the google home page for support13:07
ikoniaAer: hang in there then13:08
zmbmartinHow stable is btrfs?13:09
frederic_whitch speak french ?13:10
ikoniazmbmartin: not very13:10
iceroot!fr | frederic_13:10
ubottufrederic_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:10
frederic_ok thanks13:10
zmbmartinikonia: is it worth using or should I stay away for a little bit longer?13:11
ikoniazmbmartin: I wouldn't be using it - there are no recovery tools13:11
icerootzmbmartin: why change? never touch a running system13:11
aciculaI have my phone paired and setup with ubuntu, but every time i want to reconnect to access files or use the internet i keep getting prompted for a (new) pin. Is this intentional and/or can i change it so it will not prompt for a new pin everytime?13:11
zmbmartiniceroot: I have a new laptop coming so I need to do  new install anyway.13:11
icerootzmbmartin: then use ext3 or ext413:12
zmbmartinikonia & iceroot Thanks13:12
DoubleDrathi i am having some trouble mounting a drive13:14
DoubleDrata logical drive containing my ubuntu installation13:14
gadeynebramhi all, I was wondering if the dvd release of ubuntu 10.10 also contains any other extra's than language packs... Does it for instance also contain video drivers or frequently used extra applications?13:14
DoubleDratsudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt -t ntfs     - works OK13:15
ikoniagadeynebram: nothing that has legal restrictions for distrubtion, such as the nvidia drivers etc13:15
DoubleDratbut I can't see all the files13:15
ikoniaDoubleDrat: you said it contains your linux installation13:15
ikoniaDoubleDrat: so why is it ntfs13:15
ikoniaDoubleDrat: ntfs is not compatiable as a Linux file system13:15
DoubleDratand I'm launching Ubuntu through a USB13:15
ikoniaDoubleDrat: it doesn't matter what your launching it through13:16
DoubleDratI don't know, but that's what it says it is13:16
cipherzhello, just installed ubuntu 10.10.. great installer its all running but! I've made some changes through gconf-editor to apps/metacity .. how do I apply those changes ?13:16
DoubleDratGParted says it's NTFS13:16
ikoniaDoubleDrat: is this something to do with wubi ?13:16
cipherzin ubuntu 10.04 they applied as the key was changed, but I tried that and logging in/out + running metacity --replace without luck :/13:16
DoubleDratoh sorry13:16
DoubleDratthe partition?13:16
ikoniaDoubleDrat: what ?13:16
thunwindI need some advice on SSD...  I'd like to run encryption on my SSD but want trim support (native or with wiper.sh)  Anyone know if it's better to do luks/dmcrypt + ext4, then use wiper.sh to get manual trim, or ext4 + native trim then ecryptfs on top?13:17
DoubleDratI believe so ... if I launch windows 7, then the files I see there are the same as what I see when I mount it13:17
ikoniaDoubleDrat: windows 7 is not your ubuntu installation13:17
ikoniaDoubleDrat: your ubuntu installation is not on an NTFS file system13:17
gadeynebramtkanks ikonia, does the dvd contain other extra's besides language packs? Maybe some games or the ubuntu-extra library?13:17
ikoniaDoubleDrat: your windows 7 installation maybe on an NTFS file ysstem13:17
ikoniagadeynebram: few extra packages that are in the repo - sure13:17
cipherzhmm after login/out it works fine hmm13:17
DoubleDratok but in GParted I can only see NTFS partitions13:18
dubeyi have install vbox on 10.04 now i have downloaded new .deb file and want to upgrade it using dpkg -i vbox.deb, But it giving me error that previous version is already install and conflicting13:18
DoubleDratone of which (sda5) looks a lot like my Ubuntu installation13:18
ikoniaDoubleDrat: it's not13:18
ikoniaDoubleDrat: your linux install is not on an NTFS file system13:18
gadeynebramokey, maybe an other question. Next week we have a lanparty where I'd like to promote ubuntu. I've tried setting up a apt-proxy but that only kees packages that I installed preveously. Is There a way to download some frequently used things and provide them on a LAN-network?13:19
dubeyhow can upgrade it ?13:19
thunwindgadeynebram, apt-on-cd13:19
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gadeynebramthanks! looks great! I'll try that13:21
jacob_If you are using multiple columns/rows for your desktop, is there a way to set different backgrounds for each workspace?13:21
ikoniajacob_: there are hacks, but nothing supported13:21
ikoniajacob_: it's a common request13:21
=== Bobbobson is now known as VastMajority
CiSensei started ntfs-config tool and it closed .. where do i find the error log?13:22
=== VastMajority is now known as BobBobson
jacob_ikonia: Okay, thanks for letting me know :) and i can see why it'd be a common request. it's a darn good idea.13:22
aciculathunwind: i dunno, but ecryptfs is pretty well integrated and easier to use then luks/dmcrypt13:22
thunwindjacob_, if you're using compiz, yes, there is a setting in the compiz-settings-manager13:22
gnomefreakanyone know how to edit in XFCE, i tried "Main Menu" but that only edits the gnome menu13:23
aciculathunwind: id also much rather rely on the hardware trim then have some external software program manage it13:23
thunwindacicula, just FYI, luks is integrated as well, you just need to use the alt cd. :)13:24
aciculathunwind: i didnt say its not integrated, i just said ecryptfs is easier to use13:24
thunwindacicula, From my reading, I think only kernels 2.6.33+ support trim... what does 10.10 use?13:24
aciculai think13:24
oraclewhat happens when your ecryptfs drive is corrupted13:24
bazhangxfce4-menueditor gnomefreak ?13:25
aciculaecryptfs is not a fde like luks, it is layerd on top of your normal filesystem13:25
aciculaand encrypts files on an individual basis13:25
gnomefreakbazhang: thanks i forgot about that, and that is right IIRC.13:25
bazhanghttp://www.xfce.org/documentation/4.2/manuals/xfdesktop  gnomefreak from here13:25
thunwindI've had some bugs using encryptfs from 9.04+, like random files on my desktop (or whole destkop) won't decrypt and be FNEK_<encrypted names>13:26
oracleso it has one masterkey and lots of subkeys13:26
aciculai dont know how it schedules keys internally\13:26
philsfI'd like to report a bug about the panel menu for pidgin. What's the package I should report it on?13:26
gnomefreakbazhang: i guess not, maybe i was thinking panels when i said i remembered. running xfce4-menueditor from term or from "run" both fail13:27
AbhiJitphilsf, pidgin13:27
thunwindbut the advantage of encryptfs + ext4 with native trim might be better then luks FDE (which runs better and faster IMHO)13:27
* gnomefreak really hates the idea of trying in #xfce13:28
bazhangxfdesktop -menu, and for the windowlist use xfdesktop -windowlist.  gnomefreak what about that13:29
philsfAbhiJit, I thought it should be some indicator-* package, no?13:29
aciculai havent run or read about benchmarks so cant comment on that really. having my home encrypted is enough for my security demands so i stick to ecryptfs13:29
mun_does anyone know how to add the volume controller in the panel? mine seems to be missing.13:29
AbhiJitphilsf, ask in #ubuntu-bugs13:30
philsfAbhiJit, thanks13:30
Dr_Willismun_:  did you remove teh mail icon also?13:30
mun_Dr_Willis, um I think so13:30
Dr_Willismun_:  right click - add to panel. You removed the indicator thingy that holds both of those icons.13:30
Dr_Willismun_:  or reset the panel.13:30
JoeMaverickSettmun_: right click panel > add > indicator applet13:30
oracledoes ecryptfs handle swap?13:30
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:30
thunwindoracle, no13:31
mun_Dr_Willis, nice13:31
mun_JoeMaverickSett, thanks13:31
JoeMaverickSettmun_: you are welcome. :)13:31
aciculaoracle: no13:31
mun_is empathy the default chat client?13:32
thunwindoracle, but you really should run swap on SSD anyway. :)13:32
JoeMaverickSettmun_: yes.13:32
gnomefreakbazhang: nope the fdesktop* ran from alt+F2 gives me a list of workspaces. the just gives me an error, also both commands give murrin failures13:32
mun_JoeMaverickSett, but is it actually better than pidgin?13:32
oraclethunwind, i dont run ssd at all13:32
oraclemaybe in a year13:32
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JoeMaverickSettmun_: idk, i use pidgin though. :)13:32
aciculathunwind: i doubt youĺl notice the difference on a modern ssd13:33
JoeMaverickSettmun_: i'd say it depends on the user.13:33
mun_ok thanks13:33
thunwindacicula, difference?13:33
gnomefreakbazhang: i dont remember it being this hard 1 1/2 years ago13:33
aciculain lifespan of the SSD when using a swap13:33
thunwindacicula, ah, wasn't talking about that.  Wear leveling will take care of that, but without trim support, you'll only fill up the drive and degrade its write performance13:34
oraclechrist, even my 160GB magnetic has no lifespan limitation. what on earth13:34
aciculathunwind: modern drives come with spare room and trim support to take care of that13:34
thunwindoracle, modern SDD has 100,000 MTBF13:35
oraclei see13:35
acicularunning swap or entire osś of early ssd or any crummy usb stick thatĺl break it in no time but other then that13:36
thunwindacicula, It would depend on how full your SSD was.  at 90% the reserve space wouldn't last long.  :-/13:36
ubuntu_Помогите плиз. При загрузке системы gdm не грузится. После заставки появляется черный фон и курсор( круглешок с фрашаюшимися черточками) и больше ничего не происходит. Что делать ПОМОГИ.13:36
ubuntu_Пользователь решил продолжить мысль Сегодня в 16:10:41:порылся в логах нашел страшное см ниже и как это исправить:13:36
ubuntu_Oct 21 17:46:44 total-desktop kernel: [ 70.627863] [drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: called without init13:36
ubuntu_Oct 21 17:46:45 total-desktop gdm-simple-slave[2627]: WARNING: Could not run helper: Произошёл сбой при выполнении процесса-потомка "/usr/local/libexec/ck-get-x11-display-device" (Нет такого файла или каталога)13:36
ubuntu_Oct 21 17:46:45 total-desktop gdm-simple-slave[2627]: WARNING: Could not spawn command: Произошёл сбой при выполнении процесса-потомка "/usr/local/bin/dbus-launch" (Нет такого файла или каталога)13:37
ubuntu_Oct 21 17:46:45 total-desktop gdm-simple-slave[2627]: WARNING: Unable to launch D-Bus daemon: Произошёл сбой при выполнении процесса-потомка "/usr/local/bin/dbus-launch" (Нет такого файла или каталога)13:37
don__Attempting to install Google Earth. Using the Terminal and following the password request, received the following13:38
NoUse4aNickmy root paritition on a ubuntu-server 10.04 is full with 9GB and there is no space left for apt-get upgrade or something else?13:38
Dr_WillisNoUse4aNick:  You can try cleaning out your apt cache. that  m,ay free up a bit of space13:39
bobthemilkmanI'm having a really hard time trying to revise some code for a project that's written in C++.  The problem is that the ./configure script produces Makefiles in which oftentimes $CXXFLAGS comes before the objects (which icpc and gcc/cygwin, don't like).  Does anyone know where I can easily fix this problem, or learn how to?  It's hard trying to google for the appropriate autoconf settings and digging around isn't helping.13:39
Zeu5hi there, was using ubuntu logged in as a user. shutdown computer. restart computer. screen went blank. though CPU runninng. tried ctrl+Alt+F1 nothing came out. please advise13:39
NoUse4aNickDr_Willis: apt-get autoremove /clean and autoclean didn't free up some space13:40
ChogyDanNoUse4aNick: there is that disk space profiling app13:41
don__Verifying archive intergrity - all good  Uncompressing GoogleEarthLinux.bin GNU /Linux 5.21 Setupdata/setupdata.xm1 :1: parser error Document is empty ^ setupdata/setup xm1:1: parser error : startup tag expected <not found  couldn't load 'setupdata/setup xm113:42
Dr_WillisNoUse4aNick:  My / with lots of stuff installed is only like 9gb.. You have /home/ on its own partition?13:42
NoUse4aNickChogyDan: u mean du?13:42
ChogyDanNoUse4aNick: bilboba or something13:42
ChogyDanit is graphical13:42
thunwindNoUse4aNick, have you cleanned out /var/cache/apt/archives?13:43
glaucousWhen using command time [command] you get the time it took to execute it, but how do I save this to a log/txt file? Neither tee or >> seems to work on it13:43
VirtuALLHi everybody! I'm experiencing a bug in network manager (kde): network management is disabled after a suspension... googling, it is a known bug, but how to fix??13:43
NoUse4aNickDr_Willis: frsh server install with just lvm, mysql and ssh13:44
NoUse4aNickthunwind: yes is is just 16K big13:44
Zeu5hi there, was using ubuntu logged in as a user. shutdown computer. restart computer. screen went blank. though CPU runninng. tried ctrl+Alt+F1 nothing came out. please advise13:44
the-ermThe volume goes up and down too fast, is there a way to adjust the speed?13:44
Akos_beginnerSince last week I am no able to login with Empathy 2.30.2 to msn.13:45
Dr_WillisNoUse4aNick:  you have a fresh install.. and its taking up almost 10gb?13:45
the-ermOr perhaps I should say does someone know where to adjust the speed of the volume13:45
Akos_beginnerIs it a known issue?413:45
NoUse4aNickDr_Willis: i just tryed to migrate a mysql-db13:46
thunwindNoUse4aNick, trace down what's using all your space.  "du -s /* | sort -n"  Then keep moving down the tree until you find the space13:46
Akos_beginnerThe bug is in the last 12 updated, seems to be I am not alone:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/47187813:46
jsecAkos_beginner: Yes. I've seen a few people in here commenting on the exact issue.13:46
smallfoot-not in maverick too13:47
smallfoot-i hvae same problme13:47
ct529I have the most incredible problem: two computers on the same network, one with ubuntu1004 the other with mandriva. I can ssh and scp from the mandriva to the ubuntu, but if I try to scp or ssh from the ubunut to the mandriva, ubuntu returns a timed out. How is that possible????13:47
jsecct529, ssh server on the mandriva box down?13:48
ct529jsec: nope .... it is up and running13:48
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livingdaylightI burnt ubuntu.iso to dvd but its not opening when I reboot???13:48
thunwindct529, firewalls?13:48
Akos_beginnerBut I guess MSN has changed something as I did not updated my system recently...I try others, amsn or pidgin..13:48
jseclivingdaylight: what happens on reboot?13:48
ct529jsec: on mandriva I can nmap ubuntu and nmap mandriva, but from ubuntu cannot nmap mandriva13:48
shuktyi need a guide to install via wine illustrator i got cs 3 i need d help i wont use virtual machine ... sob sob13:49
ct529thunwind: both down13:49
thunwindct529, can you ssh localhost on the mandriva box?13:49
Zeu5hi there, was using ubuntu logged in as a user. shutdown computer. restart computer. screen went blank. though CPU runninng. tried ctrl+Alt+F1 nothing came out. i got 5 beeps when i turn on computer. please advise13:49
livingdaylightjsec: i wish I could remember, but not theusual ubuntusjplash screen with its options... It tells me of some issue and its a black screen with a prompt "login: "13:49
jsectry re-burning it... seems like it could be a bad burn.13:50
livingdaylightjsec: don't know what to do at prompts... reburn , eh?13:50
jseclivingdaylight: yeah, i had a login screen come up with a livecd once, and a fresh burn was the only thing that solved it for me13:50
livingdaylightjsec: shame... ok :/13:51
ct529thunwind: of course, both localhost and the ip address (
bfarrowZeu5: sounds like a hardware failure. Look up the BIOS beep codes for your pc or motherboard13:51
livingdaylightjsec: what is the checksum on it? where do i find that?13:52
thunwindct529, try to telnet from the ubuntu box to port 22, you should get openssh version header, use CTRL-] <type quit> to exit13:52
ct529thunwind: for goodness sake, mandriva mcc had the firewall back up and cannot distinguish between the same subnet (192.168.2) and the internet as a whole????13:52
jsec!verify | livingdaylight13:52
ubottulivingdaylight: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:52
ct529thunwind: I can't believe13:52
NoUse4aNickthunwind: thx, i find an 8gb file in /var/lib/var/lib/ - was a mistake with unzipping a .at file13:53
thunwindNoUse4aNick, yw, glad you found it13:54
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ct529thunwind: jsec: thanks for your help .... I always liked MCC but this time it let me really down :-( .... I had originally thought the problem was with the ubuntu box13:55
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hhlpreset the defaults settings in Unity (netbook edition) thx...13:58
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afcelieI have a question, when booting Ubuntu 10.10, the cd won boot into the live environment, but when adden acpi=off it will start. I can install, but need to put acpi=off within the command line of the Grub config13:59
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jo__can anyone help a noob fix a menu prob.. I go PLACES/DRIVE  and it opens in vlc .. how do I change this??? plz..14:04
tareki wanted to know what the command is called in order to access the serial interface14:05
jo__nap time i guess..14:06
jo__can anyone help a noob fix a menu prob.. I go PLACES/DRIVE  and it opens in vlc .. how do I change this??? plz..14:07
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ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:09
mangojuicetrying to add a new resolution in ubuntu 1360x768, following this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution, getting this error when i try to add new mode http://pastebin.com/JRMtTEyE14:09
juk_why autocompletion for apt-get and others apps not working?14:10
nobarkingwhat is the package called for Java browser plugin?14:10
mangojuicetrying to add a new resolution in ubuntu 1360x768, following this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution, getting this error when i try to add new mode http://pastebin.com/JRMtTEyE someone help me with this14:10
juk_my ubuntu normal session frozen after last update14:11
JoeMaverickSettnobarking: icedtea Java plugin14:11
mangojuicetrying to add a new resolution in ubuntu 1360x768, following this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution, getting this error when i try to add new mode http://pastebin.com/JRMtTEyE someone help me with this14:11
juk_what was in update?14:11
juk_now im in metasity14:12
apo_laphello. i've got a dmesg message with a new dvbt-stick (usb): af9015: tuner id:177 not supported, please report!  BUT: Where shall i report? Thanks14:12
NoUse4aNickjo__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115132514:12
JoeMaverickSettmangojuice: try this, this might help ya; http://www.myokyawhtun.com/ubuntu-linux/how-to-change-custom-resolution-in-ubuntu-10.html14:13
jacob_Is there an open source program to make Flash Games/Animation (like Adobe Flash)?14:13
juk_jacob_:  I hear gnash, may be14:13
nobarkingwah, the GUI synaptic installer just canceled the rest of my software installations just because of one package dependency issues14:14
nobarkingthis sucks, spent some time selecting applications14:14
Danyhenriquezhello everyone!14:14
mangojuice@joe : can we download packages for apt using a download manager like curl or wget?14:14
tasslehoff!info digikam14:14
ubottudigikam (source: digikam): digital photo management application for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 3407 kB, installed size 12808 kB14:14
nobarkingJoeMaverickSett: thanks14:14
tasslehoff!info python-rope14:14
ubottupython-rope (source: rope): Python refactoring library. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 147 kB, installed size 848 kB14:14
tasslehoff!info python-ropemacs14:14
ubottupython-ropemacs (source: ropemacs): Emacs mode for Python refactoring. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6c2-4 (maverick), package size 23 kB, installed size 156 kB14:14
JoeMaverickSettnobarking: no problem. :)14:15
tasslehoff!info pymacs14:15
ubottupymacs (source: pymacs): interface between Emacs Lisp and Python. In component main, is optional. Version 0.23-1.1 (maverick), package size 94 kB, installed size 504 kB14:15
juk_why irssi says invalid argument if i do /connect Ubuntu?14:15
mangojuice@joe : can we download packages for apt using a download manager like curl or wget?14:15
Danyhenriquezdoes anyone know if there is a web based app (like asbnzbdplus, transmission) that i can install on an ubuntu server 10.04 to upload binaries to usenet?14:15
JoshLIs there a more up-to-date version of this guide somewhere: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation or a known workaround for the grub2 partition table sync issue?14:15
Jef91I am wondering how I would go about creating a .deb file that would extract it's contents to two different folders. I would have one file directory that should be extracted to /opt and I have a second that should be extracted to the current user's home folder and /etc/skel - How would I go about doing this?14:16
apo_laphello. i've got a dmesg message with a new dvbt-stick (usb): af9015: tuner id:177 not supported, please report!  BUT: Where shall i report? Thanks14:17
nobarkingwhat is the apt command to list the package versions available ?14:17
Jef91nobarking like the package version you have installed or the one you can get?14:17
stwg_dpkg -l ?14:17
juk_nobarking: apt-cache will dump all of them14:17
erUSUL!packaging | Jef9114:17
ubottuJef91: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports14:17
nobarkingJef91: the package versions i can get14:18
PiciJef91: #ubuntu-packaging may also help.14:18
tarekwhat is the command called for accessing a serial console14:18
nobarkingJef91: i think there's a command that also lists the one you have installed14:18
Danyhenriquezdoes anyone know if there is a web based app (like sabnzbdplus, transmission) that i can install on an ubuntu server 10.04 to upload binaries to usenet?14:18
Jef91thanks for the channel link pici, didn't know about that one14:18
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pksadiqsound preview not working with Lucid14:20
gnanasenthilhello,i am using ubuntu 10.10 ,i was using opensuse 11.2 previously,i want to know how to install software from my installation ubuntu cd rom as i did in opensuse,because whenever i try to install something the package manager connects to the to the internet and starts downloading and there is no option of installation from cd rom,hwo to sort this out14:20
Jef91gnanasenthil Goto system->administration->software sources14:21
livingdaylightthe new burn of ubuntu has worked and i'm on the live cd now.14:21
livingdaylightits not picking up wireless so i'm using a network cable to get online14:21
CiSense10.10 Wubi installation - how do i see the other files on the same partition as the ubuntu folder?14:21
livingdaylightcan someone help me setup the wireless?14:22
amfgI have installed Backtrack 4 RC1 (based on karmic).. it installed grub and now I can't start maveric or any other system on ext4.. ArtistX (based on jaunty - ext3) is still bootable.. I've got systems in grub but.. it does not work14:22
gnanasenthilJef91:there is no software sources under administration14:22
afcelieI have a question, when booting Ubuntu 10.10, the cd won boot into the live environment, but when adden acpi=off it will start. I can install, but need to put acpi=off within the command line of the Grub config14:22
livingdaylightI got network connections open and see the wireless tab, but don't know how to ADD a connection14:22
livingdaylightusually, wireless simply roams and sees a connection and one then provides the key14:22
jo__can anyone help a noob fix a menu prob.. I go PLACES/DRIVE  and it opens in vlc .. how do I change this??? plz..14:23
Jef91gnanasenthil Ug. Maybe they moved or removed it in 10.10 then. Maybe try installing gnome-do and searching for it that way. Haven't used 10.10 yet.14:23
quiescensthey have removed it by default14:23
pksadiqgnanasenthil: if un 10.10 you might find in ubuntu software Center > edit14:23
pksadiqin *14:23
amfgso can somebody help mi fix this problem?14:23
Dr_Willisafcelie:  you can do that by editing the /etc/default/grub file14:23
juk_!sources > juk_14:23
gnanasenthilJef91:what is gnome-do14:23
ubottujuk_, please see my private message14:23
Jef91gnanasenthil sudo apt-get install gnome-do It is a quick launcher than lets you type the name of the application you wish to run and then press enter to run it14:24
quiescensjuk_: unfortunately, directions are out of date14:24
pksadiqJef91: too young you are, to answer the best, I feel :)14:24
livingdaylightcan someone help me setup wireless?14:25
gnanasenthilJef91:yes it is there in ubuntu software center,but i do not know how to alter things so that i can instal software from cdrom14:25
gnanasenthilpksadiq:yes it is there in the place where you said.thanks14:25
tgywawhat is the best place to put a PHP package which is compiled from source?14:25
pksadiqJef91: just a joke, be don't upset ;)14:26
Karen_mi upgraded to 10.10, and now my applications->accessories->gEdit is gone.  Why would ubuntu do this?  Is gedit depreciated?  I love gedit14:26
suigeneris(CRON) error (grandchild #1517 failed with exit status 127) <--- what does this mean?14:26
afcelieDr_Willis: I did edited the Grub.cfg14:27
gnanasenthilJef91:i dont see anything in software sources which would allow me to install software form cdrom14:27
jsecKaren_m: is gedit still on your system?14:27
suigenerisKaren_m sudo apt-get install gedit14:27
Jef91gnanasenthil In versions lessthan 10.10 it was an easy drop down when the cd was inserted.14:27
Danyhenriquezdoes anyone know if there is a web based app (like sabnzbdplus, transmission) that i can install on an ubuntu server 10.04 to upload binaries to usenet?14:27
Karen_mgedit is still on my system14:28
jo__can anyone help a noob fix a menu prob.. I go PLACES/DRIVE  and it opens in vlc .. how do I change this??? plz..14:28
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jsecKaren_m: then re-add it. System->Preferences->Main Menu14:29
suigeneris(CRON) error (grandchild #1517 failed with exit status 127) <--- what does this mean?14:30
Karen_mjsec, suigeneris , i can add the entry back to the menus with alacarte, what i'm wondering is... WHY did they remove gedit as primary?14:30
detrixhello folks.  What is the file in /proc that lists the video/videocard info?14:30
pksadiqjo__: select any folder > right click > open with Other application > select Open folder ( tick the remember)14:30
jsecKaren_m: they didn't on my upgrades.... maybe an odd hiccup?14:30
yellabshello there14:30
Karen_mjsec, do you have bluefish installed?14:31
Karen_mall my menus when right-clicking, now force bluefish14:31
suigenerisKaren_m I too upgraded, and gedit is there14:31
amfgI have installed Backtrack 4 RC1 (based on karmic).. it installed grub and now I can't start maveric or any other system on ext4.. ArtistX (based on jaunty - ext3) is still bootable.. I've got systems in grub but.. it does not work.. can anybody help me?14:31
yellabsi use emphaty, and it worked a long time, since today its stopped, is there an change in msn protocol that any of you know of?14:31
Karen_mgedit is not there for me, i have to add it again, which makes 0 sense.  I'm going to remove this bluefish as it's garbage14:31
NoUse4aNickjo__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115132514:32
usaguy987hey guys any experience good or bad running ubuntu as a webserver with a dyndns update client and apache?14:32
amfgI have installed Backtrack 4 RC1 (based on karmic).. it installed grub and now I can't start maveric or any other system on ext4.. ArtistX (based on jaunty - ext3) is still bootable.. I've got systems in grub but.. it does not work.. can anybody help me?14:33
Dr_Willisjo__:  You set the default app to be vlc for 'folders' set it to be 'open folder'14:33
Dr_Willisjo__:  i think you can right click, properties, open with ......14:33
jo__got it now thanks all14:34
Karen_mremoving bluefish, I have my menus back to normal14:34
thevishyhyow to reduce cpu frequency from comand prompt14:34
juk_detrix: sudo lshw -c display14:35
detrixjuk_: thanks.14:35
xuekanhello everyone14:35
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pksadiqecho "Hello"14:36
juk_usaguy987: Im running but it has nothing to do with ubuntu support14:36
Danyhenriquezdoes anyone know if it is possible to install jbinup as a deamon/service on the tomcat java server  on ubuntu server 10.04?14:37
xuekanwho knows how to make my ubuntu server version 9.04 to update to version 10.04, I've tried every possible command,but it still is 9.04?14:39
thevishyanyone use macbook for ubuntu14:39
erUSUL!upgrade | xuekan14:39
ubottuxuekan: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:39
apo_laphello. i've got a dmesg message with a new dvbt-stick (usb): af9015: tuner id:177 not supported, please report!  BUT: Where shall i report? Thanks14:39
erUSULapo_lap: v4linux mailing list probably14:39
amfgHow can I upgrade grub?14:40
juk_what was I last update it rendered my normal session unrunnable14:41
xuekanerUSUL,no i mean i've tried the command that needed, and it does has updated, the question is if its version now is 10.04?14:41
xuekanthe version command shows it's still 9.04.14:41
achpilegood day. could you tell me please, what C function executes shell comands?14:41
pksadiqapo_lap:  did you try sudo modprobe bttv ? and then dmesg14:41
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juk_achpile: system14:42
erUSUL!version | xuekan14:42
ubottuxuekan: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »14:42
achpilejuk_ thanx =)14:42
opossum_why my pinnacle usb pctv 70e not work on 10.10 ?14:42
xuekanopossum_,10.10 is not a stable version and is not recommanded.14:43
tasslehoff!info pyflakes14:43
ubottupyflakes (source: pyflakes): passive checker of Python programs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.0-1 (maverick), package size 20 kB, installed size 176 kB14:43
apo_lappksadiq: i did. same message.14:43
erUSULapo_lap: linux-media@vger.kernel.org14:44
pksadiq!dvb | apo_lap14:44
ubottuapo_lap: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out14:44
livingdaylightcreating dualboot14:44
livingdaylight dev/sda3 (ntfs) is the windows partition? anyone?14:44
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Dr_Willisntfs = windows parittions14:45
livingdaylightDr_Willis: thx. so i can go ahead and click Install now14:45
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Dr_Willisit pays to have backups made... :)14:45
[dw]hi, i'm using kdenlive to make videos but am having an audio problem.  basically when encoding an mp3 there's a loud static "click" at the beginning of each clip, then the rest of the file plays fine. i've tried reinstalling pulseaudio, selecting the audio 'playback' manually, etc - nothing works. any ideas?14:46
juk_why autocompletion for apps with completion scripts in /etc/bash_completion.d not working14:47
apo_lapok,i reportedto that mailingslists. lets see what happens. any eta for a patch? 1 month/1year?14:47
albatrossenjuk_, have you just enabled it?14:47
juk_albatrossen: how?14:48
albatrossenin that case you might need to run ". /etc/bash_completion"14:48
albatrossenthat enables it for the current shell14:48
albatrossenI think some root shells does not source it automatically due to most of them being inactive14:49
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juk_albatrossen: i didn't do anything intentional to disable it why would i run that script?14:49
albatrossenit's a bit old info so it might not be accurate, but again it also might help you ;)14:50
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juk_albatrossen: you talking to me?14:50
[CM]I got a question.... my sound SKIPS in 10.10 in both audio and youtube videos all I did was upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 so everything was in place14:50
juk_albatrossen: it seems dumb14:50
albatrossentry running the ". /etc/bash_completion" and see if it helps...if it does I can help you enable it permanently14:51
juk_albatrossen: not works14:51
[CM]in terminal Albatrossen?14:51
albatrossen[CM], was answering juk_14:52
juk_albatrossen: that was ansver?14:52
stoppal_has anybody experience in building a customized ubuntu install cd and give me any hints as to what approach i should try?14:52
albatrossenjuk_, but if sourcing /etc/bash_completion does work I don't know what is the problem :/14:53
pksadiq!info uck-gui14:53
ubottuPackage uck-gui does not exist in maverick14:53
juk_albatrossen:/etc/bash_completion: 32: [[: not found14:54
juk_/etc/bash_completion: 38: [[: not found14:54
juk_/etc/bash_completion: 51: Bad substitution14:54
erUSUL!remaster > stoppal_14:54
ubottustoppal_, please see my private message14:54
odb|fidel_stoppal_: do you know reconstructor?14:54
odb|fidel_stoppal_: well check it - could be a possible solution14:54
albatrossenjuk_, are you sure you are using bash?14:54
mrqhi, what can i do with ERROR: 1049 Unknown database 'mysql' ??14:55
erUSULjuk_: you may be using /bin/sh which is dash14:55
albatrossenafaik [[ is implemented internally in bash14:55
stoppal_odb|fidel_: thx, will look into it14:55
stoppal_erUSUL: n1 tx :)14:55
grendal_prime /msg NickServ identify AROMATIC14:56
Angelovcan anyone tell me is there a channel for chrome?14:56
Picigrendal_prime: Please change your password.14:56
doc|homegrendal_prime: yeah, might want to change that14:56
Picimrq: It would help if you told us what is giving you that error.14:56
grendal_primeYA THINK?14:56
JoeMaverickSettgrendal_prime: change password + there shouldn't be any space infront of /14:56
FloodBot4grendal_prime: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:57
grendal_primenow how to change?14:57
mrqPici: mysql_install_db14:57
juk_albatrossen: executed, still not working14:57
mrqPici: cant install db, because db is not installed??14:57
albatrossenjuk_, I'll priv PM you14:57
Angelovcan anyone tell me how "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so google-chrome" make it load permanently with Chrome14:59
twister004hi guys.. i came across thi brctl script for ubuntu, which has the following command "brctl addif br0 $1".. what is $1 here?.. please advise.. i really need help here.. thanks!14:59
twister004the machine has interfaces eth0, eth1 and eth214:59
twister004is there a specific interface ID for each?.. how is that calculated?14:59
Dr_Willis$1 = option passed from the command line.15:00
Dr_Williseth0 is interface #0, and so on...15:00
twister004#0?.. or $0?15:00
pksadiqgrendal_prime: /msg Nickserv set password15:00
Dr_Willis$ is a variable  in bash.15:00
Dr_WillisBash basics.15:00
twister004yes... but where does the input come from?15:01
Dr_WillisYoru $1 is whatever you pass to the script15:01
Dr_WillisYOU tell it...15:01
grendal_primepksadiq, hmm. i thought it was with setpass that that seems to not work..even though thats what help suggests15:01
Dr_Willisfoo eth015:01
Dr_Willis$1 = eth0 in that case15:01
Picimrq: You may want to try asking in #ubuntu-server if no one in here has an idea.15:01
t325Hello, using Jolicloud 1.0 (Ubuntu netbook-based distro), I have the following bug when trying to open firefox after latest update of libnss3:15:01
t325/usr/lib/firefox-3.6.3/firefox: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libnssutil3.so: undefined symbol: PL_ClearArenaPool15:01
t325can't find anything on google about this exact problem with firefox, although I have found the same problem with thunderbird15:02
Dr_Willist325:  Jolicloud has their own support channels and web sites..15:02
twister004Dr_Willis.. i can hard-code this $1 to be a particular interface name in the script right?15:02
pksadiqAngelov: create a file with name chrome2 in /usr/bin and in that file add LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so google-chrome chrome15:02
t325Dr_Willis: Well ok, but I'm pretty sure it is a general ubuntu bugt15:02
Dr_Willistwister004:  you can do whatver you want.. :) its a varible you can set. or edit it to use eth015:02
t325bugt->bug, sorry15:02
twister004"brctl addif br0 eth2 will do it in the script correct?..im kinda new to this:D15:03
t325Dr_Willis: and jolicloud room is pretty much dead15:03
grendal_primethanks pksadiq_15:03
astiamdoes anyone have troubles trying to connect to msn with empathy?15:04
grendal_primeim usning the rebranded bitchx that comes with ubuntu..didnt there use to be a place we could put that passwd info so it would auto feed it?15:04
t325the distro I use is based on 9.0315:04
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twister004Dr_Willis.. i have to change the script to be executable right?15:05
t325hell, epiphany is broke too - only seamonkey works... please help!15:06
BluesKajDr_Willis, any reports of a grub.cfg hang after doing an update ?15:06
grendal_primechatx gnome needs a place to store nic_serve passwd15:07
punikariapt-get update is not working15:07
grendal_primejust for you15:08
grendal_primemine just worked fine.15:08
BlackboxDoes anyone know why Firefox is considered an important security update15:08
Blackboxits just 10mb of wasted space15:08
grendal_primesome sort of exploit? (hehehe sorry coudnt resist)15:09
jpdsBlackbox: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-997-115:09
punikariW: Couldn't stat source package list http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com breezy-backports/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/sg.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy-backports_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)15:09
punikariW: Couldn't stat source package list http://security.ubuntu.com breezy-security/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy-security_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)15:09
punikariW: Couldn't stat source package list http://security.ubuntu.com breezy-security/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy-security_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)15:09
punikariW: Couldn't stat source package list http://security.ubuntu.com breezy-security/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy-security_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)15:09
FloodBot4punikari: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:09
rubbsBlackbox: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-997-115:09
thiagofsigalera aki é o Thiago ....15:09
grendal_primewow punikari  breezy?15:09
thiagofsié o seguinte eu to querendo manter o meu ubuntu 10.04 por ser LTS e estou querendo atulizar o meu gnome alguém pode me ajudar15:10
grendal_primei would think....not supported anymore?15:10
rubbsI think breezy is EoL'd now15:10
Pici!br | thiagofsi15:10
ubottuthiagofsi: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:10
punikariis it possible to update thru net15:10
ryanni've installed ubuntu 10.10 server on a box i am ready to ship out.  there is an external (usb) hard drive that is used for a backup.  this disk is automounted via fstab.  however, if the disk is not connected, during boot up ubuntu pauses and says "disk drive not ready" and waits for user input "S to skip, M to manually mount".  Is there anyway to ignore this error and continue booting, other15:10
ryannthan to remove the entry from fstab?15:10
punikariI mean is it possioble to install the updated one thru online15:11
grendal_primea distupgrade...but man i dont know how your going to get to current lts from there.15:11
nlsthznUbuntu Tribe - The movie: A movie that was started in 2007 and has since disappeared from the face of the web, anybody have any idea what went wrong?15:11
Picipunikari: You'd need to update to 6.04, then to 8.04, then to 10.04 then to 10.10.15:11
erUSULryann: you can add an option to the fstab line, « man mount » ( i do not recall its name from the top of my head )15:11
[dw]simply encoding mp3 with f=mp3 acodec=libmp3lame b=128k in kdenlive is giving a chirp at the beginning... cmd line doesn't have the problem :[15:11
Picinlsthzn: This channel is for support of Ubuntu Linux, if you're looking for something else, #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place to start.15:12
kasperwwDo I have to use a net install iso if I'm going to install debian testing amd64 with a gnome desktop?15:12
punikariHi Pici, it is possible to upgrade thru online15:12
BlackboxI dont even want firefox on my system so why is it telling me to installe update when i dont want it.15:12
Blackboxhow can i remove it from the update list without installing it?15:12
nlsthznPici, Sorry about that, thanks!15:12
pksadiq_!ot | nlsthzn15:12
ubottunlsthzn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:12
erUSULryann: nofail Do not report errors for this device if it does not exist.15:13
Picipunikari: If you're using the desktop version of 5.10, then you're out of luck.  6.06 desktop is no longer supported.  You're much better off reinstalling anyway.15:13
ryannis that a mount option?15:13
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BlackboxAny one know of an applet for redtube15:13
albatrossenDoes anybody know why my laptop might not be using the entire battery -- it reports design capacity to ~5Wh while the label on the battery says ~77Wh (It discharges like it was a 5Wh battery which only gives me 10minutes)15:13
grendal_primepunikari, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubuntu_releases#Ubuntu_5.10_.28Breezy_Badger.2915:13
ryannerUSUL: is nofail a mount option?  I'll google now.  Thanks for the tip.15:13
punikariPici : Thanks a lot15:13
[dw]Blackbox: www.kleenex.com :P15:13
BluesKajPici, any reports of a grub.cfg hang after doing an update ?15:14
punikarigrendal_prime : Thanks a lot15:14
=== adam___ is now known as Ikon
shane2perudoes shotwell import f-spot tags?15:14
PiciBluesKaj: I've not see any myself.15:14
erUSULryann: yes; check the man page as i said. google is fine for many things but the ultimate autorative source are man pages for this kind of things15:14
shane2perualso can f-spot be installed in 10.1015:14
IkonHi guys, anyone know how to change my boot list and timeout settings in grub2?15:14
ryannthank you erUSUL15:15
[dw]Ikon: /boot/grub/grub.cnf or somethin google that man its all over ubuntu.com15:15
oskar-Ikon:  /etc/default/grub and for a different order i.m.h.o. the best would be to set symlinks in /etc/grub.d15:16
t325epiphany-browser: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libnssutil3.so: undefined symbol: PL_ClearArenaPool15:18
aciculaalbatrossen: old/bad battery?15:18
aciculamight try deep cycling it a few times, but this is probably a goner if it indicates max capacity at 5Wh15:18
juk_hello, something is wrong with ubuntu normal desktop session, I can move mouse but everything is inactive and prompt with enter unlock keyring, yesterday i had updated15:19
juk_now im in metacity it works ok15:19
albatrossenacicula, shouldn't change the design capacity15:19
Blackboxall:  If you use a dock application what would you say is the best15:19
malachaiWondering if someone can help me? I run two monitors. My 55" plasma and a 21" monitor. When I open up Chromium (which is my girlfriends web browser, I use Firefox) and go to her facebook games. The flash wont seem to play on the monitor. If I bring the web browser up on the tv the games load and play just fine. No flash on the same web browser on the monitor though. WTF???15:20
aciculaalbatrossen: fair point15:20
furii've been trying to get music applet (that's the name of it) to work, but after configuring it and making it, it doesn't show up in the add to panel menu. i'm using 10.10. what should i do?15:20
aciculaalbatrossen: its the battery that reports that value though, so old or bad battery?15:20
Blackbox Chromium for the masses much better than firefox15:20
malachaiNot reall Blackbox I can any game on either monitor in firefox15:21
albatrossenacicula,  perhaps since I've heard HP makes some c**** batteries15:21
juk_that's it im going to stick with openbox15:22
BlackboxStop playing flash games on facebook anyway i lost my mum to them... Worst then crack i tell ya15:22
albatrossenthis is the info from the battery: http://paste.ubuntu.com/517473/ I'm trying to google it but with no luck15:22
tarzeauBlackbox: full ack!15:23
malachaiTrue but that doesnt answer the question of why th eflash video wont play on the browser when on the small monitor.15:23
juk_how do replace gnome with openbox and will i able to run gnome apps in openbox/15:23
ahrihow do i get ubuntu to ask me for my SSH passwords when i log in?15:24
vvcepheijuk_: yes you will. just search for openbox in Synaptic, I imagine15:25
malachaiIs there maybe some kind of primary/secondary functioning of the monitors? If so how would I get them to both act as equals instead?15:25
pksadiq_juk_:  sudo apt-get install openbox for lucid15:25
Ikon!seen Oskar15:25
ubottuI have no seen command15:25
vvcepheijuk_: yup, sudo apt-get install openbox15:25
Blackboxmalachai : i was just about to recomend searching for something to do with that15:25
aciculaalbatrossen: i wouldnt know about the quality of HP batteries, if its a factory fault you can probably get it replaced, otherwise it may have just worn out due to use, how old is it?15:26
vvcepheithen, you will have an option on the login screen to select openbox instead of gnome15:26
[dw]what is kdenlive doing to audio encoding? f=mp3 acodec=libmp3lame b=128k works fine at prompt but causes a chirp on output from kdenlive15:26
IkonHi guys, can someone please just spare me a couple of minutes to walk me through how to edit timeout settings and boot list on grub 2 in pm please?15:26
goshawkisn't the ubuntu bug day today ?15:26
ahriIkon: edit files in /etc/grub.d, run update-grub15:26
BlackboxSet the monitor as primary15:26
juk_vvcephei: ok, i'll try to open evince from openbox then15:26
bcjAre there any syscalls (other than fork/clone) that cause a new process to be spawned or the current process ID to change?15:26
malachaiDont know how to?15:26
juk_vvcephei:I meant empathy15:27
Blackboxmalachai: Set the monitor as primary . through . System/prefs.../monitor15:27
albatrossenacicula, my guess is 2008/09/05 since that is contained in the serial number15:27
Dr_WillisIkon:  you edit the proper files in /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.2 - its documetned on the wiki pagesd . then rerun sudo update-grub15:27
IkonRight ok15:28
Dr_Willisoops its /etc/grub.d15:28
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:28
pachi_ikon: or you can also try with startupmanager.....it,s allow you to configure grub 215:28
albatrossenacicula, but it's a work computer so I don't know how much it has actually been used (but I can just ask the IT department for a new and try it out)15:28
Dr_Willisstartup majanger lets you do a few things with grub2.. but not everything many people want.15:29
VanscotSo... I'm having problems with my webcam...15:29
VanscotIt was working till a few weeks ago..15:29
VanscotBut now doesn't show any image (when using cheese)...15:29
malachaiWont let me do anything in Sys/Prefs. I have to use the ATI Catalyst Center. Not finding an option for setting primary or secondary though15:30
ahrihow do i get ubuntu to ask me for my SSH passwords when i log in?15:31
Blackboxmalachai: what graphics card have you got15:31
malachaiGoing to try rebooting with just the monitor plugged in and then plugging hdmi in afterwards and see if that does it.15:31
albatrossenacicula, thanks for the help, i'll be leaving now ;)15:31
malachaiATI RadeonHD 435015:31
LinuxVirginHi all,15:31
Sivikwhat is the best way to reconfigure xorg.conf, dpkg-reconfigure15:32
Sivikdoesn't work anymore15:32
i_is_broke   ..15:32
malachaiIm wondering if maybe the card is seeting HDMI as priority automatically15:32
Vanscotsivik: just move the .conf..15:32
Vanscotxorg looks for it, if not found, it recreates it.15:32
LinuxVirginCan anyone tell me how to how to increase folder sizes. Im trying to create a DVD and the tmp file is over 2gb15:32
SivikVanscot: so that works to re-configure it?15:33
VanscotLinuxVirgin: what Filesystem are you using?15:33
Blackboxmalachai : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=177354415:33
VanscotSivik: I'll create a simple xorg config..15:33
LinuxVirginthink its ntfs. I installed with wubi15:33
VanscotThat you can later edit and modify.15:33
Blackboxmalachai: try making it into one desktop and just dragging chromium to the right screen15:34
NRemorsehello all15:34
NRemorseWhen i try to run apt-get update...alot of errors occur15:35
NRemorsesomething is terribly wrong with apt-get and aptitude...how can i fix this issue?15:35
NRemorseshall i go pastebin?15:35
VanscotMm, can you confirm?15:35
guerrilhahello! im having problems burning a .vob file to dvd, im trying with k3b15:36
guerrilhait tells me it couldnt determine the file size15:36
Blackboxmalachai: doe the thread help at all?15:36
malachaiGetting invalid string value error on that Blackbox.15:36
SivikVanscot: even after uninstalling the nvidia drivers its still not taking my new xorg.conf settings15:37
LinuxVirginVanscot, ntfs I think15:37
malachaiSecond line to copy/paste gave me invalid string value15:37
VanscotLinuxVirgin: can you confirm that FS?15:37
VanscotSivik: Ok, lets see if I understand..15:37
hazardReally? I can't just idle?15:37
malachaiIm gonna go ahead and reboot with just the monitor plugged in and see what happens.15:37
VanscotYou have installed nvidia drivers..15:37
VanscotAt some point, they stop working..15:38
VanscotAnd you want to reconfigure?15:38
SivikVanscot: uninstalled nvidia drives as changed to an ati card15:38
astrojpEmacs 23, 22 GTK, or 22 X11? I have no idea what the best choice is here.15:38
LinuxVirginFS ?15:39
VanscotWell, since it's not working..15:39
jonahhey guys i'm using 64 bit 10.10 and i downloaded vmware player. only when i run it i get an error: "GNU C Compiler (gcc) version 4.4.5 was not found. If you installed it in a non-default path you can specify the path below."15:39
VanscotLinuxVirgin: Filesystem15:39
jonahchecking kpackage i do have gcc 4.4.5 installed, what do i do?15:39
VanscotSivik: did you apt-get remove --purge (drivers) xorg?15:39
SivikVanscot: not yet15:40
VanscotLinuxVirgin: it should be working fine with files larger than 2gb..15:40
Siviktrying that now15:40
VanscotHow are you trying to create the file?15:40
VanscotDoes dmesg says something?15:40
NRemorsehas anybody ever re-build apt-get or aptitude?15:40
fujitsuhi guys15:40
Vanscot(you can run dmesg from a terminal)15:40
blinkhi. how can i recover my lost Empathy log files?15:40
Blackboxjust put them in again15:41
shyamgaiHi There.15:41
aciculajonah: its nto installed by default, install it15:41
fujitsuhow do i configure my gnome terminal such that the prompt is not username followed by hostname, but the current directory?15:42
SivikVanscot: now I cannot get out of the black screen15:42
VanscotI know..15:42
aciculafujitsu: man bash or google bash prompt , its governed via an environment variable15:42
chowderAlright, so I have gnome-shell installed. I've seen videos of Gnome 3 running Gnome-shell and it looks amazing. However, when I run gnome-shell --replace it doesn't really run all that smoothly. It doesn't look like it does in the videos. I can't switch to different workspaces or anything. Am I missing a package? Is something from xfce interfering with gnome shell's normal operation? I believe it is the latter and I've been trying t15:42
chowdero make a new gnome-shell session but I can't find any docs on doing it in xfce. Anyone care to help me run gnome-shell properly?15:42
shyamgaiHaving GPG signing problems with .deb packaging;15:42
icerootfujitsu: edit ~./bashrc15:42
VanscotPress [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F1]15:42
VanscotYou'll see a terminal..15:42
shyamgaiAny PGP/signing gurus here?15:42
guerrilhahello! im trying to burn a dvd here in ubuntu using k3b. i add the .vob file to video ts folder bt i got this error - http://pastebin.com/0274b3H815:42
fujitsuiceroot: yes but which part?15:42
icerootshyamgai: just ask your ubuntu-releated question :)15:43
icerootfujitsu: the part with the prompt15:43
VanscotLogin and reinstall xorg and ati drivers.15:43
Picishyamgai: If you're asking about creating a new .deb, then #ubuntu-packaging may be able to help you out better than here.15:43
icerootfujitsu: if there is no part like that, create one, else the global bashrc will be used15:43
fujitsuit's called PS1=......15:43
NRemorseHas anyone had problems with apt-get or aptitude?15:43
shyamgai:-). The gpg key with which the .deb files were originally signed has expired.15:43
fujitsuthat is the "part"15:44
icerootfujitsu: correct15:44
shyamgaiThis is a web app with a: "Press this button to update"15:44
LinuxVirginVanscot, This is the msg I get when trying to make this DVD. "There is not enough space on temporary directory."15:45
SivikVanscot: I would love to but now all I have is a blank black screen15:45
ahrihow do i get ubuntu to ask me for my SSH passwords when i log in? i'm pretty sure that one version of ubuntu did this, but 10.10 doesn't15:45
VanscotLinuxVirgin: check the program settings, it may be trying to use another folder/mount point that's running out of space.15:45
guerrilhais there a way to burn a dvd with k3b only having the .vob file?15:45
VanscotSivik: Did you reboot?15:46
Guest53245why am i still a guest?15:46
SivikVanscot: yes, twice15:46
Siviksame thing15:46
BlackboxHi my names Blackbox and i'am a pc, Windows 7 should of been just an idea15:46
ostrogradskyhello . tracepath shows my computer is connecting first to the ip, and it connects . 4 times to it direction but route tells me my gateway is ... I also suspect i am being arp-poisoned . how can i know tha15:46
VanscotDid you had ssh enabled?15:46
Sivikand ctrl f1 isn't taking me to terminal15:46
VanscotI mean, can you ssh to that machine?15:46
SivikVanscot: are you asking me about ssh?15:46
Blackboxdoesn't ctrl alt +t     take you to terminal15:47
shyamgaiSivik: It is Ctrl Alt F115:47
Sivikshyamgai: i know that15:47
Sivikdidn't hit the right buttons when tryping15:47
Guest53245I am using Xubuntu a bit deffer from Ubuntu or Kubuntu15:47
Sivikshyamgai: that doesn't work anyways but i'm in ssh15:47
SivikVanscot: i'm in via ssh15:47
fazzilhi all...15:47
VanscotReinstall xorg and ati drivers.15:47
Guest53245Can anybody tell me how to login Ubuntu server?15:47
icerootGuest53245: with ssh15:47
shyamgaiok. That is interesting. Do you get a screen that looks like X gone bad?15:47
Guest53245ssh? what is it?15:48
iceroot!ssh | Guest5324515:48
ubottuGuest53245: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)15:48
SivikVanscot: uninstall and re-install?15:48
BlackboxI ran xfce for ubuntu and it all went tits up. theres no home like gnome15:48
VanscotSivik: Yeah..15:48
VanscotRemember the --purge15:48
fazzilhow can i install kubuntu environment in ubuntu v10.10?15:48
Picifazzil: install the kubuntu-desktop metapackage15:48
Blackboxgo to software manager and download kubuntu de15:48
Blackboxbeat me to it15:49
whiten0isehi all, i'm trying to use a livecd to connect to a wireless network here at home. i'm using a rosewill usb dongle which will be using the rtl8187 drivers...but the livecd will not connect to a network.15:49
SivikVanscot: ton of xserver-xorg things installed15:49
SivikVanscot: so --purge isn't working15:49
Picifazzil: Its just a package that depends on a bunch of other packages but doesn't actually have any content itself.15:49
sakjq0THE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO KNOW WHEN YOU COMMENT ON SPAM, THE GAY NIGGERS WIN. NOW YOU KNOW, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! GO NIGGER!!! sakjq0 schlaftier robsan uLinux MrNaz duffydack JoshL docente BlueEyes2116 fazzil ComputerNewbie trism ohnotagain Claudinux_ dngr ostrogradsky Pitel a_l_b stefanivarsson OiPenguin shyamgai fujitsu jcrawford xangua joe85 Azhax littlebearz hazard vadi01 waltercool cdavis juk guerrilha electhor ajink15:49
sakjq0THE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO KNOW WHEN YOU COMMENT ON SPAM, THE GAY NIGGERS WIN. NOW YOU KNOW, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! GO NIGGER!!! tmwnn pickett RambJoe stodertoad vinc3nt nobarking goshawk ahri Ikon sjm DzokoT tails zaid_h fep SimonP86 zenon_ qutron_xyxy aaroncampbell_ chcat Pinna shane2peru jean-claude desaiu trigrou neriukas davzie obscurant1st wyclif j-rex ryann pachi_ no--name Blackbox hwilde pmcgowan KabukiOrigin avinas15:49
sakjq0THE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO KNOW WHEN YOU COMMENT ON SPAM, THE GAY NIGGERS WIN. NOW YOU KNOW, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! GO NIGGER!!! Chell SirDidi Guest46949 s_p_or_t_o X-2 swex Mehz noobuntu bollullera ChrisBuc1holz ChrisBuchholz poine geronimo9 JanC joe75 Stoil89 shcherbak noob-tux shriekout Sky[x] mbeierl tizbac brishu rmrfslash Kraln wasutton3 Muffler xiong arniokas nuovodna plainhao gravitus tankdriver_ Karen_m furi kthoma15:49
sakjq0THE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO KNOW WHEN YOU COMMENT ON SPAM, THE GAY NIGGERS WIN. NOW YOU KNOW, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! GO NIGGER!!! komputes konttori_work jamur2 e-DIO-t_ mhaylson renato soni_sm acke-__ th_ boolean iceflatline AntiSpamMeta manio FiReSTaRT fumanchu182 phmatheus timmillwood xarneo kek christoz YBH_1 chr isw jrjr PsyTrance WarHitex_ mreh DavidLevin kubanc nanase_ kondores dan512 pixil mun_ subzero2000 tensorpuddi15:49
sakjq0THE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO KNOW WHEN YOU COMMENT ON SPAM, THE GAY NIGGERS WIN. NOW YOU KNOW, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! GO NIGGER!!! Craig_Dem Wader bazhang andrewsinclair anon33_ Terminator tonysan ede_ [GuS] AbhiJit Roland djdb crankyadmin veloce cannonball BardicBeluga vitor-br rfolco marrusl dagny_taggart Maxwell tranqui nhandler FrankLv Aemaeth krachny Dr_Willis ukine Xplain1 ukine_work carandraug cece Dekko OpenSourcedNic15:49
SivikVanscot: tryin a few things.15:49
nobarkingwe've got a troll attack coming15:50
VanscotSivik: Did you apt-get remove --purge (xorg, nvidia drivers) and then apt-get install (xorg, ati drivers)15:50
maconobarking: a bit late?15:50
no--nameWhat does K-Line mean?15:50
suigenerishow can I *completely* get rid of passworded login? it just sits there and waits with my username on the screen to press enter15:50
Blackboxfazzil : kubuntu plasma desktop package15:50
jukreasons why to use eval exec instead of just app;15:50
SivikVanscot: trying to.15:50
maconobarking: server-ban15:50
Pinnaohey there gnaa15:50
fazzilpici: where i can get it?15:50
SivikVanscot: working on it now15:50
Picifazzil: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop15:50
blinkybany Empathy expert in here?15:50
nobarkingmaco: they did the same thing at #debian15:50
xangua!anyone | blinkyb15:50
ubottublinkyb: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:50
jribblinkyb: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)15:50
Blackboxfazzil : kubuntu plasma desktop package15:51
jukor `cat command.file`15:51
Vanscotblinkyb: Problems connecting to msn network?15:51
fazzilpici: i try it before but it can't15:51
Picifazzil: Why not?15:51
maconobarking: they do it all over freenode. theyve tried on many occasions to wreck freenode.15:51
nobarkingis that what it is15:51
robsanI need help to setup my wireless connetion at IBM Site, at home it's fine, but here I can connect15:51
blinkybVanscot: yeah. but i've done "sudo apt-remove butterfly..." something15:51
andriiI'm using lubuntu and the internet was working fine yesterday (wired) but now it doesn't work still wireless works on my laptop. Any ideas??15:51
blinkybEmpathy now is working, but the logs are missing.15:52
jukhow to run sh for check syntax only15:52
Vanscotblinkyb: Check settings also, butterfly? what's that?15:52
Vanscot(I'm having the same problem)15:52
blinkybi found the logs inside .local folder but I want to load them again into Empathy's log system15:52
VanscotI'm having problems with my webcam, cheese doesn't show anything..15:53
ComputerNewbiehi, im trying to run a make file and it says "error: 'memset' was not declared in this scope"15:53
jukok, it's -n15:53
ComputerNewbiealso does the same thing for 'memcpy'15:53
uniquewhat package do i need to install to be able to untar... my ubuntu keeps telling me "untar: command not found"15:53
ComputerNewbieanyone know what im missing here?15:53
SivikVanscot: i'm assuming i need to install the fglrx drivers as well?15:53
erUSULunique: untar does not exist15:53
VanscotSivik: Dunno, I guess so?15:53
Velmontunique: "tar zxvf myfile.tgz"15:53
erUSULunique: you do tar xf file.tar.whatever15:53
honeypothi, how is ubuntu 10.xx special, I have a problem with my graphic card which never appeared with previous versions15:53
erUSULunique: x is eXtract15:54
honeypotOld VIA motherboard15:54
uniquestill sleeping15:54
vldcnstHi, any idea on how I could view which cpu core a specific program is using?15:54
Velmontalias untar="tar xf"15:54
kad_hey need help : my HDD only mounted by root although i try on /etc/fstab /dev/sd1 /media/test auto rw,user,sync 0 0 why ? thx15:54
jribkad_: half of what you said makes no sense15:55
Blackboxvldcnst: what for15:55
andriiMy internet doesn't work on lubuntu. (Wired) It worked fine yesterday, I've double checked and the cable is definitely connected..Any ideas?15:55
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone15:55
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have an issue, ubuntu 9.10 comes up saying /dev/disk/by-uuid/ uuid does not exist15:55
THE_GFR|WORKhow can I fix this my ubuntu won't boot15:56
kad_jrib, i have hdd, when i mount it , it always have full permission to root, i can't put anything on it15:56
jribkad_: what filesystem?15:56
jukObconf doesn't show up in openbox15:56
kad_jrib, ext415:56
vldcnstBlackbox: just trying to debug something. any hints?15:56
jrib!permissions > kad_15:56
ubottukad_, please see my private message15:56
TheThing|4chanTHE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO KNOW WHEN YOU COMMENT ON SPAM, THE GAY NIGGERS WIN. NOW YOU KNOW, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! GO NIGGER!!! TheThing|4chan Pedrolima88 Claudinux_ speed THE_GFR|WORK apetro w00tw00t BlueEyes2116 Pablerkas dpac_ kad_ vldcnst unique honeypot KennethP Faithful Claudinux SaRy andrii blinkyb Agent001 schlaftier robsan uLinux MrNaz duffydack docente fazzil ComputerNewbie trism dngr ostrogradsky Pitel OiP15:56
jukhehe it's not installed15:56
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
pksadiq_why floods are increasing in channel day by day?15:57
Blackboxvldcnst: just looking now15:57
jukthey added in menu but didn't add in dependency lol15:57
macopksadiq_: this troll group's been at this for years15:57
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have an issue, ubuntu 9.10 comes up saying /dev/disk/by-uuid/ uuid does not exist15:58
THE_GFR|WORKhow can I fix this my ubuntu won't boot15:58
pksadiq_maco: What does they get doing so? are they from microsoft? ;)15:58
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: please don't repeat so often and stop using the enter key to break up what you say into multiple lines15:58
kad_jrib, thx and when i reboot, it will mount automatic with +rwx  permission ?15:58
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: hey15:58
jribkad_: whatever permissions you set using chmod or right click -> properties on files will persist between mounts15:59
suigenerishow can I *completely* get rid of passworded login? it just sits there and waits with my username on the screen to press enter.15:59
jribsuigeneris: what version of ubuntu?  On lucid you could just go to Users and Groups and there were some options there15:59
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: how can I fix this issue?15:59
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: I tried to help you several times yesterday but you ignored me.  I'm not wasting any more of my time16:00
suigenerisjrib 10.1016:00
BlackboxTalking about the gay nigger association. Has any one seen the film.... GAY NIGGERS FROM OUT OF SPACE16:00
Blackboxits real16:00
macoBlackbox: stop16:00
jribBlackbox: stick to ubuntu support only here16:00
xilois anyone having problems connecting to MSN in empathy?16:00
THE_GFR|WORKjrib: its hard to do things when you are not right at the box and have to SSH in and none of the fixes are working, this channel scrolls by fast and if I missed something its because it scrolled by fast16:00
IdleOne!guidelines > Blackbox16:00
ubottuBlackbox, please see my private message16:00
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have an issue, ubuntu 9.10 comes up saying /dev/disk/by-uuid/ uuid does not exist16:01
xanguaxilo: no problems in pidgin, you can try msn-pecan an alternative msn plugin for pidgin and empathy16:01
THE_GFR|WORKhow can I fix this my ubuntu won't boot16:01
blinkybI am connecting to 2 msn accounts on Empathy. I accidentally removed one "Group". How can I recover them?16:01
xiloxangua: it was working yesterday and i'm able to login to MSN on my iphone, so i know it's not just a MSN problem :/16:01
suigenerisjrib I looked there, nothing16:02
hazardWhat is it with the FloodBot? I am not allowed to idle in here or what?16:02
jribhazard: you can idle here if you want16:02
whiten0isehow can i see what driver/chipset my wireless card is using in ubuntu?16:02
hazardjrib: That FloodBot keeps keeping me over to Ubuntu-unregged16:02
AndrewMChazard: you have to register to join currently16:02
hazardI am registered.16:02
guerrilhahow do i generate an .ifo file from a .vob one so i can create an image in k3b?16:02
Picihazard: you're timing out, its not anything that our bots or our channel is doing.16:02
jribhazard: your client wasn't identified when you attempted to join the channel16:03
hazardPici: No, that bot keeps pushing me into #ubuntu-unregged, and I have to rejoin here.16:03
Picihazard: Then what jrib  said.16:03
hazardjrib: It happened twice in the last half hour or so, and I just checked to see if I was Ident'd, and I am.16:03
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have an issue, ubuntu 9.10 comes up saying /dev/disk/by-uuid/ uuid does not exist16:03
THE_GFR|WORKhow can I fix this my ubuntu won't boot16:03
hazardIt asks me a question, and if I don't answer it shoves me over to the other channel.16:04
hazardPerhaps it's broken?16:04
jribhazard: it's really a combination of what Pici and I have told you.  You timeout, you try to rejoin, you aren't identified when you try to rejoin16:04
jacob_Is there any good desktop recorders for Linux? Is Istanbul any good?16:04
cdavison 10.10, is there a icon for ubuntuone on the bar somewhere? I can't seem to get it there16:04
vldcnstHi, any idea on how I could view which cpu core a specific pid is using? (sorry for repeat)16:04
popey!screencasts | jacob_16:04
ubottujacob_: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.16:04
popeyjacob_: take a look at kazam too http://launchpad.net/kazam16:04
jacob_popey: thank you kindly =]16:05
popeynp jacob_16:05
fazzilpici: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)16:05
fazzilE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?16:05
fazzilit will show this after i key in my password, why?16:05
hazardjrib: That's really odd, because I haven't re-identified, and am still fine in the rest of my channels. I suspect something is broken, or I'm completely thick and not understanding you corretly16:05
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have an issue, ubuntu 9.10 comes up saying /dev/disk/by-uuid/ uuid does not exist16:05
THE_GFR|WORKhow can I fix this my ubuntu won't boot16:05
ComputerNewbiehi guys, theres something wrong with this make, im getting errors. anyone know whats wrong? http://pastebin.com/ryF3AzqP16:05
ComputerNewbieit works on my other system thats ubuntu16:05
jribhazard: your client tries to join the channel before you are identified, then you get identified but it's too late16:05
uniquewhere is the php5 cli file in ubuntu 10?16:05
Picifazzil: Because you have another package manager open or you're installing something right now.  Is synaptic or software center open?16:06
Piciunique: Which file?16:06
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: wait longer than 3 minutes to repeat your question please and stop using two lines for it16:06
Blackboxvldcnst : Its stumped me, I think you can assign processes to a certain core . so you will know what its running on. But iam not sure about seeing what processor is doing what16:06
uniquePici: i have php5 installed but i dont see /usr/bin/php16:06
chris12231980How do I force a apt-get on a 32 bit app for 64 bit ubuntu? I have the ia32 bit library installed?16:06
THE_GFR|WORKI repeated once it scrolls off my screen ok16:06
rusivi!recovery | THE_GFR|WORK16:06
ubottuTHE_GFR|WORK: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"16:06
xiloxangua: i fixed it http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10003289&postcount=1716:06
jribTHE_GFR|WORK: not ok.  Wait about 10 or 15 minutes16:07
vldcnstBlackbox: I know about taskset -c, but that's not what I'm looking for.16:07
fazzilpici: software centre open, i install kubuntu plasma netbook system16:07
jribchris12231980: what are you trying to install?16:07
suigenerisjrib what I wanted was System > Administration > Login Screen16:08
chris12231980libreoffice and currently it only has a 32 bit repository16:08
Picifazzil: you can't have software center open and use apt-get at the same time.16:08
jribsuigeneris: k16:08
hazardI guess I'll just dump this channel. That's too much of a nuisance.16:08
DavidTrubyis the qt-sdk package gone in maverick or is it just renamed?16:08
fazzilcan i use the method to install kde environment ?16:08
jukhow to move/resize openbox windows16:08
jukwith keybinds16:08
suigeneris!info qt-gtk16:08
ubottuPackage qt-gtk does not exist in maverick16:08
suigeneris!info qt-sdk16:09
ubottuqt-sdk (source: qt-sdk): Complete Qt Software Development Kit. In component universe, is optional. Version 2ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB16:09
VanscotSivik: anything?16:09
suigenerisDavidTruby ^^^^16:09
VanscotWell, I'll use this time to ask for my problem..16:09
honeypotwhat are logins for 10.10 live cd plz16:09
blinkybhow can i load my old logs into Empathy?16:09
DavidTrubysuigeneris: i cannot find it in the repositorys16:09
Piciunique: Do you have the php5-cli package installed?16:09
fazzilpici: can i use the kubuntu plasma netbook system to install kde environment ?16:10
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone how do I know what the current UUID of my hard drive is?16:10
DavidTrubysuigeneris: hmm, actually i can find it on my 32-bit pc but not my 64-bit one16:10
VanscotAcer Aspire One (110) running  ubuntu 10.04.....16:10
suigenerisDavidTruby enable universe repos16:10
chris12231980How do I force a apt-get on a 32 bit app for 64 bit ubuntu? I have the ia32 bit library installed?16:10
chris12231980libreoffice and currently it only has a 32 bit repository16:10
xanguafazzil: install kde desktop¿ sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop16:10
suigenerisTHE_GFR|WORK sudo blkid16:10
VanscotI'm having problems with the webcam, it's detected (and it was working a few weeks ago) but now it doesn't show any image..16:10
VanscotCheese wont take a picture either.16:10
THE_GFR|WORKsuigeneris: thanks16:10
Picifazzil: I've not heard that package description before. I only know of kubuntu-desktop16:11
DavidTrubysuigeneris: i already have all four repos enabled...16:11
fazzilpici: i use netbook16:11
jukthere is no #openbox channel?16:11
trojan_spikeKDE in plasma16:11
goshawkho do i disable drm polling in maverik ?16:11
Picifazzil: And? You just want KDE?16:11
suigenerisDavidTruby deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick universe how about this one?16:11
[dw]_plug it, unplug it, insane16:12
trojan_spikenetbooks aren't great for it tho,, would lag alot16:12
pepohi people!16:12
fazzilpici: both16:12
Picifazzil: Both?16:12
chris12231980How do I force a apt-get on a 32 bit app for 64 bit ubuntu? I have the ia32 bit library installed?16:12
amanthakurcan anyone tell me what is the meaning of this line "configure: Requested 'glib-2.0 >= 2.18' but version of GLib is 2.1.3"??16:12
pepowhere can I get some solutions about samba performance?16:12
jribchris12231980: what are you trying to install?16:12
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone when I attempt to boot up my ubuntu it drops me to a shell saying that the UUID of my hard drive 478f4648-b004-49ce-8e02-d2bea04fc81e does not exist when blkid shows it as 478f4648-b004-49ce-8e02-d2bea04fc81e16:12
fazzilpici: i want Kubuntu and Ubuntu 10.10 in my netbook16:12
=== dreamtraveler is now known as noobuntu
Picifazzil: Either install kubuntu-netbook or kubuntu-desktop, its your choice.16:13
jribamanthakur: what are you trying to compile?16:13
THE_GFR|WORKwhat do I need to check to make sure it has the correct UUID?16:13
chris12231980libreoffice and currently it only has a 32 bit repository16:13
amanthakurjrib, glib16:13
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have an issue, ubuntu 9.10 comes up saying /dev/disk/by-uuid/ uuid does not exist16:13
fazzilpici: kubuntu netbook16:13
chris12231980I am trying to install libreoffice16:13
jribamanthakur: why are you compiling glib?  You already have it16:13
THE_GFR|WORKhow can I fix this my ubuntu won't boot16:13
xangua!repeat | chris1223198016:13
ubottuchris12231980: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:13
Picifazzil: then install it with the command that Ig ave you before.16:13
jrib!who | chris1223198016:13
ubottuchris12231980: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:13
goshawkTHE_GFR|WORK, it's trying to access to a partition which doesn't exist anymore16:14
Picifazzil: actually, it looks like you should use the kubuntu-desktop package.16:14
amanthakurjrib, i ma trying to install gstreamer and its demanding different glibe version but i m not getting which version its demanding.16:14
Picifazzil: that should include the netbook packages.16:14
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: right, but the partitions have NOT changed16:14
jribamanthakur: gstreamer is in the repositories.  You should use the repositories through APt, not compile things16:14
goshawkTHE_GFR|WORK, boot with a livecd and re-calculate the uuid16:14
=== upnita is now known as livingdaylight
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: how do I recalc the uuid?16:15
amanthakurjrib, i m running opensuse right now :)16:15
fazzilpici: in ubuntu 10.04, i have no problem install kubuntu16:15
jribamanthakur: then you are in the wrong channel16:15
amanthakurjrib, its the matter of comping source packages thats why i thought of getting help out here :)16:15
DavidTrubysuigeneris: that repo was already in my /etc/apt/sources.lst, and still no qt-sdk package...16:15
cylobin google earth, it wont own links in an external browser. it says:   Could not launch any web browser. Please make sure16:15
jribchris12231980: I don't see any ppa offered at http://www.documentfoundation.org/download/, you're probably better off using the tar.gz they provide16:15
cylobyou have set the $BROWSER environment variable to16:15
cixahello, when i do ifconfig, i get something like this:16:16
goshawkTHE_GFR|WORK, wait, it was vol_id i'm lookig for it16:16
jukhow to talk with dbus to undoc app16:16
cylobhow do i set the $BROWSER environment variable? i tried using export in the bashrc but no luck16:16
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: how do I see that16:16
cixaeth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:14:c2:5c:e1:4f16:16
cixa          inet addr:
fephow do i search trough all my sda1 for the file "test.c" ?16:16
rusivi!uuid | THE_GFR|Work16:16
ubottuTHE_GFR|Work: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)16:16
cdavisIs there a way to have UbuntuOne status shown in the notification area?16:16
jukhow to talk with dbus to undock app16:17
jribfep: just use locate16:17
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: I posted the UUID its the same UUID as in the fstab file16:17
fazzilpici: THANKS... ;-)16:17
xanguacdavis: it uses indicator applet i believe16:17
uLinuxlol trolls hilighting ppl16:17
fepjrib: locate test.c ?16:17
fepok, thanks16:18
goshawkTHE_GFR|WORK, maybe you are looking at the wrong uuid16:18
jribfep: yes (if nothing comes up, run "sudo updatedb")16:18
goshawkchack all the UUIDs of your systems16:18
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: it says SDA1 and SDA516:18
THE_GFR|WORKso yea looking at the correct one16:18
goshawkTHE_GFR|WORK, run a sudo update-grub16:18
=== Dynamic is now known as Guest95516
christianivWhy can't i set up multiple screens with nvidia driver? I just removed the drivers and now i can. But i dont have the effects?16:19
SivikVanscot: i got ternimal back but nothing on gui16:19
cdavisxangua: Do you know how to get that applet to show up?16:20
Vanscotdo you have gnome/kde installed?16:20
Brozillahow do i add conky to startup?16:20
dpac_Followed instructions from http://www.modrails.com/install.html, used gem to install passenger but the next command passenger-install-apache2-module is not available.16:20
dpac_Whats wrong16:20
xanguacdavis: right clic in the panel>add>indicator16:20
SivikVanscot: yes16:21
SivikVanscot: its an upgrade from 10.04 and change of video cards16:21
xanguaBrozilla: system>preferences>startup apps16:21
BlackboxMint linux16:21
Sivikworking with vesa now16:21
VanscotDid you tryed startx ?16:21
Siviknow just have to get ati working16:21
xangua!mintsupport | Blackbox16:21
ubottuBlackbox: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:21
SivikVanscot: its loading now with vesa video drives16:21
Sivikjust have to get it to work with ati16:21
fazzilpici: it is good if i have kubuntu n ubuntu10.10 environment in my netbook?16:22
VanscotLet's hope it works.16:22
christianivHi. I have a problem with the nvidia proprietary drivers. When i try to set up my second monitor, it messes up something in the xorg.conf file, and gnome doesn't start.16:22
jonahhey guys, when i try run vmware player it says it needs to compile some stuff, and then i get the error Unable to build kernel module. Can anyone help please. I've tried the patch people have posted on the internet but it doesn't seem to work as it's no longer at the location/link people have used16:22
xanguadpac_: that obviously are not ubuntu instructions, no idea what distro is refering16:22
uLinuxWhy I don't have sound in Front speakers jack? http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/3251/terminal001.png16:23
Vanscotjonah: You need vmware player or you could use another virtual machine? (Like virtualbox?)16:23
harmazis Gnome the default GUI for 10.10? if not, what is (i'm clearly new to this)16:23
jukwhy Maximize action not works with keybind16:23
dpac_xangua: Sorry, I posted it in wrong channel. Sorry for bothering. Gem is ruby app for installing mods. The instructions are for Ubuntu only.16:23
Dr_Willisharmaz:  gnome is the default for ubuntu - yes.16:23
IdleOneharmaz: gnome is the default GUI for 10.1016:23
macoharmaz: gnome is the default gui in all Ubuntu release. kde in Kubuntu, Xfce in Xubuntu, LXDE in Lubuntu16:23
bartmonhey, guys! after upgrade to 10.10 my middle touchpad button started working as left mouse click. How can i repair this?16:24
[dw]_why does every video editing app make a chirp at the beginning of my mp3s??16:24
xanguaapt-get install libapache2-mod-passenger apt-get install nginx-brightbox < says there dpac_16:24
DavidTrubysuigeneris: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/qt-sdk/2ubuntu2 says its only built for i38616:24
ComputerNewbienewbie@ubuntu:~/Desktop/project3/mORB/book-sources/scripts$ ./run_morb_server &16:24
ComputerNewbie[1] 2181116:25
ComputerNewbiehow do i kill [1] 2181116:25
christianivHi. I have a problem with the nvidia proprietary drivers. When i try to set up my second monitor, it messes up something in the xorg.conf file, and gnome doesn't start.16:25
FloodBot2ComputerNewbie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:25
dpac_xangua: Yes, but the version is old one. And it has some issues. Gem install was painless but its not happening. Anyways, I'll try apt-get method16:25
DavidTrubysuigeneris: that's why it isn't there, but it there any reason it would be built for x86-64 in Lucid and not in Maverick?16:25
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:25
PiciComputerNewbie: kill 2181116:25
suigenerisDavidTruby anything could happen16:25
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: ok16:25
fepwhere is all my atheros 9 drivers located? my /usr/src/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9 directory is empty16:25
ComputerNewbiePici: is there any way i can identify that process by the 116:26
ComputerNewbiebecause it says [1] before 2181116:26
ComputerNewbiei remember there was something like kill %`116:26
ComputerNewbiei remember there was something like kill %1...16:26
FloodBot2ComputerNewbie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:26
ComputerNewbiebut im not too sure, i forgot16:26
Predakinghello. What's the best way to install nVidia drivers for my ubuntu install? Are the repo drivers based off the nvidia drivers which are updated constantly?16:26
jukopenbox is sexy16:26
PiciComputerNewbie: It just means that there is one job running in the background (iirc).16:26
DavidTrubysuigeneris: i suppose i will have to install the relevant Qt packages one-by-one then, i was just wondering why the meta-package wasn't there16:26
ComputerNewbiePici: ok16:26
xilowhere does gnome mount folders to if you connect to like smb://...?16:26
DavidTrubysuigeneris: anyway, thanks for the help16:27
ComputerNewbiewhat happens if i type kill %1, i did that just to test :p16:27
ComputerNewbiei hope i didnt kill any important processes16:27
Picixilo: ~/.gvfs/16:27
fepsorry that i repeat myself, but there is so much text floting here : where is all my atheros 9 drivers located? my /usr/src/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9 directory is empty16:27
=== chocoby is now known as CHOCOBY
PiciComputerNewbie: It might work, if that really is your first job.16:27
xiloPici: thanks16:27
SivikVanscot: how do i tell what version of xorg is running?16:27
Dr_Willisxilo:  they are in ~/.gvfs i recall. you can mount them by hand to other locations16:27
ComputerNewbieso i typed kill 21811, and it said this: bash: kill: (21811) - No such process16:27
=== CHOCOBY is now known as chocoby
ComputerNewbiebut immediately after it said : [1]+  Terminated              ./run_morb_server16:28
VanscotSivik: apt-cache show xorg package16:28
Dr_WillisPredaking:  i use the ones in the repos. They are the nvidia drivers from the nvidia web site repackaged to work with ubuntu.16:28
ComputerNewbieso im just a little confused, was it already killed prior to typing 'kill 21811'16:28
Dr_WillisPredaking:  they are not Updated 'constantly'16:28
VanscotComputerNewbie: type fg16:28
Predakingthank you Dr_Willis16:29
ComputerNewbiesaid no such job16:29
BlackboxIs there a beta version of natty out yet16:29
neurochromegparted carshes on startup in maverick, is there a way to get it working?16:29
Dr_WillisBlackbox:  given how 'alpha' versions come out first.. :) i dont think so.16:29
user2056are somebody have working hdmi on ubuntu?16:29
rusiviPredaking: You may want to check out: System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers16:29
bartmonBlackbox: LOL, no. That will be out sometime next year16:29
user2056because i see that this feature also not work properly16:29
jonahhas anyone else got vmware player working on 64 bit 10.10?16:30
Dr_Willisuser2056:  hdmi video works for me..16:30
neurochromeBlackbox, if you want beta software try Maverick Meerket...16:30
bartmonuser2056: depends which graphics driver you are using16:30
user2056im using nvidia16:30
user2056on ion motherboard16:30
Blackboxuser2056: HDMI port on my laptop works for me.. On ubuntu 10.1016:30
Dr_Willisuser2056:  i plug a hdmi cable into my laptop with hdmi out. and it works.16:30
SpaceMinthmm, i've just installed ubuntu 10.10 and restarted, but the gui menu, dashboard etc don't appear - there is a multi-colour wallpaper and a mouse pointer, the mouse buttons don't have any effect16:30
user2056i also see video16:30
bartmonuser2056: proprietary nvidia driver or opensource nouveau?16:30
Dr_WillisNo idea on hdmi audio. I got nothing to test that with.16:30
SpaceMinthow do I start gnome16:30
bartmonSpaceMint: gdm16:31
user2056im interesting to run audio also16:31
rusivijonah: I've tried VMWare Server in Lucid, I found it performs less desirable in comparison to VirtualBox.16:31
Dr_WillisSpaceMint:  try alt-ctrl-f1 seeif you get to a console.16:31
ksbalajihow to start ibus with bootup? using lucid16:31
user2056because audio not works16:31
Blackboxmy HDMI port out audio and video as default16:31
jonahrusivi, but it says i can't build the kernel module16:32
Dr_Willisuser2056:  theres known issues with nvidia hdmi audio drivers from what ive seen.16:32
ksbalajiSpaceMint: gnome - gdm16:32
pksadiq_Dr_Willis: don't stop saying ALT + CTRL + F1, they might get stuck at tty, say F7 too16:32
SpaceMintBaram: Dr_Willis I can get a console, but gdm gives an error "warning failed to acquire org.gnome.Displaymanager..."16:32
rusivijonah: What does, VMWare?16:33
Dr_WillisSpaceMint:  thats  odd...16:33
user2056im run 10,04 lts with nvidia drivers16:33
SpaceMintsudo gdm gives a similar error16:33
jonahhi i disconnected so here's my issue again, when i try run vmware player it says it needs to compile some stuff, and then i get the error Unable to build kernel module. Can anyone help please. I've tried the patch people have posted on the internet but it doesn't seem to work as it's no longer at the location/link people have used16:33
Dr_WillisSpaceMint:  how about 'sudo service gdm stop' then 'startx'16:33
blinkEmpathy not connecting. Remove "telepathy-butterfly" but lost all previous logs. Installed it again, recovered all logs, not it's not working.16:33
rusivijonah: VMWare Player performed even worse than Server.16:33
fepwhere is all my atheros 9 drivers located? my /usr/src/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9 directory is empty16:33
neurochromeuser2056, we need to know what hardware you have in order to help you... sudo lshw, then pastebin the results (lsusb, lsmod, lspci -vvv)16:33
jukhow to call A-F2 window, from cli16:34
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: hmm16:34
xiloblink: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10003289&postcount=1716:34
ksbalajiSpaceMint: if you feel that gdm is running, try alt+f10 - I think that toggles between gdm and command screen16:34
jonahrusivi: yeah vmware player, i can't get it to work as it says it can't build the kernel module16:34
neurochromeuser2056, run those other commands - in the brackets - and pastbin the results of those too.16:34
goshawkTHE_GFR|WORK, what ?16:35
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:35
goshawkdoes anybody knows how to disable DRM polling ?16:35
user2056one moment16:35
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: how do I update grub it can't find it I'm booted from a live disk16:36
neurochromeTHE_GFR|WORK, is grub borked?16:36
Pedrolima88update grub for boot disk?16:36
THE_GFR|WORKneurochrome: no16:36
goshawkTHE_GFR|WORK, chroot into your system16:36
Pedrolima88or grub break?16:36
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: how?16:36
SpaceMintDr_Willis: after "startx" the screen went black and there was a white mouse pointer but no gui16:36
THE_GFR|WORKPedrolima88: no the system is crashing to a busybox shell saying /dev/disk/uuid does not exit16:37
neurochromeTHE_GFR|WORK, ??? what are you trying to do then? if you want to reinstall grub, becasue t is broken then user-bookmarks16:37
ksbalajihow to start ibus at bootup?16:37
neurochromeTHE_GFR|WORK, http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide16:37
goshawkPedrolima88, THE_GFR|WORK, he has grub corrupted, he just need to run update-grub into the chrooted environment16:37
SianaGearzhelloes. my long tcp(http) transfers get aborted all the time, across any app or viewer. this does not happen on windows. why is this happening and how do i fix?16:37
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: I do? ok so how do I do that?16:37
goshawkTHE_GFR|WORK, mount your /root in the livecd16:37
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: sda1 is mounted under /mnt16:38
goshawkand then type chroot MOUNTPOINT16:38
goshawksudo chroot /mnt16:38
neurochromeTHE_GFR|WORK,  This is how to fix grub http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide16:38
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: ok done16:38
goshawksudo update-grub16:38
bartmon!startup > ksbalaji:16:38
djigitHi to all. Sorry, my English is not very good. I need help: how i can see my IP (Wi-fi). I want to add it to conky..16:38
bartmon!startup | ksbalaji:16:38
ubottuksbalaji:: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot16:39
Silexhi, if there is only two tools that got installed to /usr/local when I did some sudo make install... can I *safely* go rm -r /usr/local and reinstall just the tools I want?16:39
malachaiWell I dont knkow what I did, but I got the monitors working the way I want them to now. Thanks for the troubleshooting help Blackbox!!!16:39
blinkxilo: thx for link. when i type the first line into terminal, an empty file opens!16:39
jribSilex: yes16:39
SilexI mean, is there a tree by default or smth?16:39
SianaGearzdjigit: on command line, ifconfig or iwconfig16:39
Silexjrib: great, thanks16:39
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: now do I reboot and try to see if it boots up?16:39
IlluOFFwhy isn't formail on the repositories=16:39
xiloblink: don't know... it was there for me16:39
* neurochrome facepalms.. why do people not listen16:39
SianaGearzlove2angel: you mean /part :)16:39
goshawkTHE_GFR|WORK, yep16:39
blinkxilo: can i access the file manually?16:39
BlackboxDoes any one on this server write a ubuntu blog?16:39
littlebearzBlackbox: no16:40
love2angeli 'm a new user16:40
xiloblink: sure just navigagte to the directory16:40
PiciBlackbox: http://planet.ubuntu.com16:40
littlebearzBlackbox: I do write sometimes, but for linux in general, http://blog.littlebearz.com16:40
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: ok here goes16:40
bartmon!startup > ksbalaji16:40
ubottuksbalaji, please see my private message16:40
neurochromeTHE_GFR|WORK, if that doesnt work try the official guide http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide16:40
goshawkTHE_GFR|WORK, does it mean that it's working ?16:40
quidnuncWhere can I get list of rsync frequency for archive mirrors?16:41
=== mzia is now known as OS5706
neurochromethat is the final time I post that link... it's from the grub irc chan... I've used it many times16:41
blinkxilo: found it. thx a alot.16:41
malachaiLeon Russel-the man, the myth, the legend. On the today show. Amazing!!!16:41
Piciquidnunc: They are listed here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors16:41
xiloblink: yep... i had the problem earlier16:41
djigitSianaGearz: Thank you16:41
amfgI have a problem with instaling LILO. output of liloconfig - http://pastebin.org/39474316:41
quidnuncPici: The update frequency is not16:41
oddyhello all, i'm going back to 10.04 and am going to (for the first time) have different / and /home partitions. any suggestions for size ratio?16:42
Piciquidnunc: Oh. Er...16:42
SianaGearzamfg: are you sure you want lilo?16:42
Pedrolima88anyone use bluesnarf?16:42
uLinuxhow do i find out which ethernet driver im using?16:42
nanovanyalguien de mexico?16:42
Pici!es | nanovany16:42
ubottunanovany: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:42
nothingspecialoddy: about 8-10g / rest /home16:42
NRemorseanybody have a idea how to re-install apt-get and aptitude they both seem to be corrupt16:42
NRemorsei can't update or upgrade / safe-upgrade16:42
neurochromeoddy, / is about 15gb for me, though it needn't be that large... /home should be as big as possible16:42
NRemorseits all messed up16:42
amfgSianaGearz: I've got lots of problems with grub so i want to try something different16:42
quidnuncNRemorse: What is the problem you are getting exactly?16:42
oddynothingspecial: really, is that all?16:42
nanovanyooh gracias16:42
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: it still says "uuid does not exist" same exact error its not fixed yet16:43
NRemorsequidnunc: http://pastebin.com/q1rRYS2N16:43
neurochromeNRemorse, error messages help...16:43
nothingspecialI`ve got about 3g used on / but you can`t be too sure16:43
nanovanywhere can I change of canal16:43
bartmonNRemorse: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a16:43
SianaGearzamfg, it looks like lilo has been abandoned and doesn't know what uuids are. perhaps you want to try grub instead of grub2, but i rather suggest you fix your grub2 problems.16:43
oddynothingspecial: fair enough16:43
NRemorseand also http://pastebin.com/NtqcnziP16:43
nothingspecialoddy: /dev/sda1              12G  2.2G  8.8G  20% /16:43
IdleOnenanovany: /join #ubuntu-es16:43
=== mzia is now known as OS5706
Matthes__is there a way to set the monitor color somehow16:44
oddyo_O very small16:44
user2056=> neurochrome <= http://pastebin.com/jeNLv6Dh here my hardware and software list16:44
goshawkTHE_GFR|WORK, follow http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide as neurochrome said16:44
Piciquidnunc: Let me see if I can prod one of the sysadmins about it, I personally would assume that you'd need to extrapolate from the last-updated listings.16:44
nothingspecialoddy: custom minimal ;)16:44
Matthes__my monitor seems to display everything a little yellow than it should be16:44
blinkxilo: one last thing please.. i can't edit the file at all!16:44
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: how do you know my grub is corrupted?16:44
oddyahh, cheating ;)16:44
SianaGearzMatthes__: sure. take a can of spray paint and paint it -.-16:44
NRemorsedpkg-query: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 478 package 'debianutils':field name `Pre-Depends8' must be followed by colon /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: adduser is not installed16:44
NRemorsesorry to paste here16:44
NRemorsejust one line16:44
SianaGearzoh i was kidding :) before you try that16:44
NRemorsewhen i did the reconfigure -a16:45
user2056i test sound like "aplay -D plughw:hdmi file.wav"16:45
nothingspecialoddy: full ubuntu /dev/sda1             9.2G  3.0G  5.8G  34% /16:45
goshawkTHE_GFR|WORK, it seems so from what you've said. have you checked the fstab about uuids too ?16:45
nanovanygracias idleone16:45
neurochromeNRemorse, have you tried a different mirror?16:45
bartmonMatthes__: see in the monitor menu with buttons on monitor if there is something called temperature - change that if you have it16:45
oddynothingspecial: wow, surpsingly small16:45
oddyalso: should i bother having a separate partition to boot?16:45
NRemorseneurochrome: i haven't done much for this problem16:45
user2056but i have no sound from tv loudspeakers16:45
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: fstab has the uuid that shows up when I do blkid16:45
NRemorseim not sure how to set that up really16:45
quidnuncPici: My problem is that I want a frequently updated mirror so I used the most recently updated one but now it is a week behind. I don't have stats for the "last updated" metric so I have nothing to go on.16:45
jpdsquidnunc: Yo.16:45
neurochromeuser2056, what distro are you using?  I have one of those boxes too and AV works fine via HDMI16:46
quidnuncjpds: Yes?16:46
goshawkTHE_GFR|WORK, and does /boot/grub/menu.lst has it too ?16:46
nothingspecialoddy: Is this your personal computer with one or 2 operating systems16:46
Piciquidnunc: Thats the sysadmin I was asking ;)16:46
jpdsquidnunc: Nearest frequently synced mirror that I know of is http://mirror.anl.gov (every 6 hours).16:46
oddynothingspecial: tommorow i'm installing windows 7 and ubuntu 10.04, so i'd say 2. 160GB hard disk.16:46
THE_GFR|WORKgoshawk: yes16:46
jpdsquidnunc: ...to Canada.16:46
user2056i use ubuntu 10.04 LTS with latest security fixes16:46
nothingspecialoddy: wouldn`t bother16:46
quidnuncjpds: Canada is a big place. Is that east coast?16:46
nothingspecialoddy: with /boot I mean16:47
oddynothingspecial: awesome, thanks for all the help :]16:47
jpdsquidnunc: Chicago-area.16:47
NRemorseneurochrome: what should i do?16:47
quidnuncjpds: Thanks16:47
oddynothingspecial: yeah i got that lol16:47
goshawkTHE_GFR|WORK, i don't understand why it's not working then, and the best thing to do is to suppose grub is broken16:47
neurochromeTHE_GFR|WORK, last time...  follow the guide...16:47
jpdsquidnunc: Information is at that buttom of their front page.16:47
user2056my hardware is acer acpire revo 361016:47
THE_GFR|WORKneurochrome: I will, but how is my grub corrupted?16:47
NRemorseI hoep i don't have to re-install16:48
oddynothingspecial: were those lines with /dev/sda1 and that jazz all from /etc/fstab?16:48
malachaiHas anyone tried using xbmc in WINE? I know its available as a standalone for Ubuntu, but for some reason the video doesnt work properly. When I open XBMC in Ubuntu, it looks great all the way up until I select a movie to watch. Then for some reason it looks like a crystal clear 60's technicolor movie. Any suggestions?16:48
NRemorseI never had problems like this before16:48
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know what package i need for gtk+ so i can do my gtk+ programming?16:48
nothingspecialoddy: df -h16:48
oddycheers :)16:48
ryannerUSUL.. I've incorporated the nofail option into fstab, and have tried it both as "nofail,defaults" and "defaults,nofail", however the system still pauses during boot.16:48
perlsyntaxi don't think i got it installed can't find the headers/16:48
neurochromeTHE_GFR|WORK, I have no idea, but that guide will reinstall a good version ,so stop talking ,more typing16:48
jribperlsyntax: libgtk2.0-dev probably16:48
MathuinIs there an alternate CD for ubuntu netbook?  or do I just use the alternate CD for desktop and install ubuntu-netbook ?16:48
jpdsquidnunc: If you wish to check the freshness of a mirror (don't trust Launchpad too much); see the files in this directory: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu/project/trace/16:49
perlsyntaxi got that installed but it will not work when i did a hello world.16:49
user2056=> neurochrome <= are you using custom asoundrc for your hardware?16:49
jribperlsyntax: pastebin exactly what you did and the full output16:49
user2056or something specific16:49
neurochromeNRemorse, worth trying a different mirror to see if the issue remains the same or whether there is a problem on the server16:49
GaryxHello everyone. I was wondering if anyone had any info on wifi disconnect issues with RTL8191 based wireless with 10.1016:49
NRemorseneurochrome: how do i set a different mirror16:49
quidnuncjpds: Thanks I'll use that16:50
neurochromeuser2056, no.... I used to but since I switched to XBMC Live I haven't found the need to use it (unless I want menu sounds, which I don't)16:50
MathuinGaryx: I don't have any information per se but I've been having the same experience with the same hardware, I believe.  EeePC 1000 here.16:50
nanovanywhat is the difference if I install a program from the terminal and from the center of sftware?16:50
Picinanovany: Nothing.16:50
jribnanovany: the end result is the same16:50
nothingspecialnanovany: supposing you are using apt and not compiling16:50
perlsyntaxnouthiong happons16:51
neurochromeNRemorse, software sources... Canonical have hidden it, I mean *moved* it to Ubuntu Software Centre16:51
perlsyntaxi do what they say in the guide.16:51
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:51
NRemorseneurochrome: this is on a server, no desktop16:51
MathuinIs there a way within Ubuntu Software Center to list packages by how recently they have been installed?16:51
jribperlsyntax: I'm not looking at your computer screen.  If you do what I asked, I can help you.  Otherwise, I can't16:51
TopKatzcan I run a bash script that calls sudo and has the password in it already?16:51
Pablerkashi there. My Ubuntu 10.10 USBs work perfect but are not mounted automatically, i have to do it manually... whe? this is done: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB#Configuring Automounting16:51
Mathuin... or with 'sudo apt-get blah' or 'sudo dpkg blah' ?16:51
perlsyntaxcc: helloworld.c: No such file or directory16:51
GaryxMathuin: been googling this issue a bit and all I can see that seems to be the common factor is that the wireless networks that get these disconnects are WPA based.16:51
IdleOne!softsources | NRemorse16:51
ubottuNRemorse: Looking for your Software Sources in Maverick/10.10? For a simple way to enable the menu item see http://tinyurl.com/24jxd6t - More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories16:51
malachaiHas anyone tried using xbmc in WINE? I know its available as a standalone for Ubuntu, but for some reason the video doesnt work properly. When I open XBMC in Ubuntu, it looks great all the way up until I select a movie to watch. Then for some reason it looks like a crystal clear 60's technicolor movie. Any suggestions?16:51
jribTopKatz: for what purpose?16:52
Pablerkasby manually i mean by shell commands16:52
GaryxMathuin: But havent really had time to double check that16:52
perlsyntaxjrib, cc: helloworld.c: No such file or directory16:52
MathuinGaryx: I'm WPA2 at home and don't have trouble.  I do have trouble at school, but I don't recallw hat kind of wireless is there.16:52
TopKatzto start up jasperserver16:52
jribperlsyntax: do what I told you or I can't help you16:52
neurochromeNRemorse, ah, then you may have to edit the /etc/apt/sources/list manually... ?16:52
=== akssps011 is now known as Guest2375
perlsyntaxi just show you  the error message16:52
GaryxMathuin: ahh oks. I have this issue at school as well.16:52
NRemorsei run 10.04 server16:52
jribperlsyntax: "pastebin exactly what you did and the full output"16:52
savidDoes anyone know if it's possible to get the mac text-to-speech voices to work on linux (eg, with festival or espeak)?16:52
perlsyntaxi just did16:52
perlsyntaxcc: helloworld.c: No such file or directory16:53
jribperlsyntax: "pastebin exactly what you did and ..."16:53
LinuxVirginHello All16:53
jrib!who | perlsyntax16:53
ubottuperlsyntax: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:53
IdleOne!softsources > neurochrome16:53
ubottuneurochrome, please see my private message16:53
blinkhow can i edit manually opened system files??16:53
perlsyntaxyou fuck you ass holes16:53
GaryxMathuin: I havent been able to spot anything on launcpad when reading through the bugs yet.16:53
IdleOneNRemorse: in that case you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list16:53
neurochromeIdleOne, you sure that was meant for me?16:54
MathuinGaryx: maybe this is your chance to document and report a bug. :-)16:54
davirrirrihello everybody. I have a problem with mi broadcom wifi target. I had installed before Maverick in 3 times without problems in my red tarjet, but in my last installed the the driver sta show is activated and works, but in the network manager says is disabled16:54
nothingspecialblink: what do you want to edit16:54
davirrirrisomedody can help me please16:54
GaryxMathuin: I'll see if I have time later on if I dont find anything.16:54
IdleOneneurochrome: I also sent it to neurochrome but then saw that he is running server. so your way is correct.16:54
blinknothingspecial: /usr/share/pyshared/papyon/service/description/SingleSignOn/RequestMultipleSecurityTokens.py16:54
IdleOneneurochrome: NRemorse that is :/16:54
malachaiHas anyone tried using xbmc in WINE? I know its available as a standalone for Ubuntu, but for some reason the video doesnt work properly. When I open XBMC in Ubuntu, it looks great all the way up until I select a movie to watch. Then for some reason it looks like a crystal clear 60's technicolor movie. Any suggestions? PLEASE??16:54
nothingspecialblink: sudo nano, gksudo gedit16:54
blinknothingspecial: when i type the file name in terminal as: "gksudo gedit ......"16:55
MathuinGaryx: at the very least, try to reproduce the bug yourself and take some notes and check Monday for a bug report from me -- that's my next school day.16:55
neurochromeIdleOne, I am neurochrome... NRemorse is the guide needing help ;0)16:55
blinknothingspecial: it opens an empty file!16:55
blinknothingspecial: that's why i am choosing to edit it manually. because the file is not opening16:55
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IdleOneneurochrome: we are both failing at typing today :)16:55
nothingspecialblink: Make sure the file name is correct, use TAB key16:55
neurochromeIdleOne, yep lol16:55
MathuinTo answer my own question, Ubuntu Software Center has a 'history' thing on the left.  Very useful for removing a package and all its new crap if you decide you don't want it anymore.16:55
LinuxVirginCan any one help please. I have ubuntu installed on it's own hard drive using wubi. For some reason its saying I have no more room on the Disk. How can I increase the limit or let it use the full partition?16:55
malodixI've been trying desperatly to get flash player 10 working on Lucid for about 2 hours now. It's installed, firefox sees it, yet no embeded flash works.16:55
GaryxMathuin: Will, do. A bit swamped at the moment to be able to spend time checking this enough detail for a bug report16:56
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IdleOneNRemorse: so you need to sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list16:56
MathuinGaryx: me too, which is why I hadn't, but now it's affecting someone else so I'm going to do it on Monday if you haven't by then.16:56
ThePhysicianI was wondering if someone could offer some help with a few problems I'm having in Ubuntu, since the forums don't ever feel like responding to my topics.16:56
malachaiHas anyone tried using xbmc in WINE? I know its available as a standalone for Ubuntu, but for some reason the video doesnt work properly. When I open XBMC in Ubuntu, it looks great all the way up until I select a movie to watch. Then for some reason it looks like a crystal clear 60's technicolor movie. Any suggestions? PLEASE???16:56
nothingspecialblink: If the file doesn`t exist the text editor will create it, so you are editing an empty file or it doesn`t exist16:56
neurochromeNRemorse, my system currently uses archive.ubuntu.com to download updates (the main uk server) but there are many other possible server to pull the downloads from16:56
furidid someone talk to me while i was away?16:56
furiabout music applet16:57
furibecause i can't scroll high enough to see what they said about it16:57
GaryxMathuin: I found a couple of people posting about it on the forums and it sounded like what we are experiencing.16:57
blinknothingspecial: the system file actually exists but it has no content when i run it from terminal. i am pretty sure that am typing the name correctly16:57
ThePhysicianIs anyone here using the Ambiance theme?16:57
jribfuri: no one replied to you16:57
furijrib: okay, thanks16:57
pksadiq_furi: use Page up keys ;)16:57
furipksadiq_: there's a limit to how many lines it can save16:57
nothingspecialblink: Use the tab key to be sure16:58
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ryannCan anyone confirm if fstab ignores the nofail mount option?16:58
neurochromeso, is the menu laggy and slow for anyone else using 10.10 ?  I sometimes have to hover away from a category and back again just to get it to open up16:58
malachaiHas anyone tried using xbmc in WINE? I know its available as a standalone for Ubuntu, but for some reason the video doesnt work properly. When I open XBMC in Ubuntu, it looks great all the way up until I select a movie to watch. Then for some reason it looks like a crystal clear 60's technicolor movie. Any suggestions? PLEASE???16:58
ThePhysicianAnyone here use the Ambiance theme on 10.10?16:58
malachaineurochrome- Yes, I ususally click on it a couple to bring up submenus.16:59
suigenerissudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified <--- how can I fix this?16:59
neurochromemalachai, glad it's not just me... I'm tired of the bloat that is crepping in16:59
fepwhy is my /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-22/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k folder empty, when i use ath9k drivers?16:59
BlackboxIs there any ubuntu chicks on here to support my cock17:00
malachaiYeah I thought it was just me too. Wonder what the deal is. Cuz it wasnt like that in Lucid17:00
ThePhysicianI'm experiencing a graphical bug in the Ubuntu 10.10 Ambiance Theme and I want to know if it's isolated or if others experience the same bug. Gahhhhh.17:00
MathuinZoneMinder installed a total of 41 packages on my system.  Grrr.17:00
neurochromemalachai, gparted worked in lucid too17:00
malachaiSo did XBMC17:00
neurochromemalachai, XMBC will have a ppa soon... I use Live17:01
neurochromeXBMC Live is awesome17:01
malachaiLive? Is that a media center?17:01
ThePhysicianAm I dead?17:01
neurochromemalachai, no a live distro of XBMC (ubuntu based)17:01
VanscotThePhysician: Cant help you there..17:01
VanscotI dont use sounds on my os..17:01
neurochromepksadiq, used to be XBox Media Centre17:02
pksadiqneurochrome: k, thanx17:02
ThePhysicianI have a bunch of problems on Ubuntu 10.10 and nobody feels like responding to my threads or posts about them. No community. =(17:02
malachaiWhere would I try that one? I have tried getting from XBMC, and also a few diff. tuts on how to do it manually and come uup with the same result.17:02
neurochromeThePhysician, that is simply not true17:02
smallfoot-when i use \tableofcontents why it says "Chapter 1         1" instead of "Chapter 1............ 1" ?17:02
suigenerissudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified <--- how can I fix this?17:03
neurochromemalachai, it is available on the xbmc.org site.. you can install it to HDD too, doesn;t ahve to be on cd/usb17:03
PredakingI was just poking around my XBMC install and I return to find this17:03
ThePhysicianFor starters, is there a way to make EmpathyIM show which AIM users on my friends list are mobile, like every other chat program in existence?17:03
malachaiOk. Ill go check that one out. Thanks.17:03
PredakingI install XBMC through synaptics17:03
Predakingthey do have a live package17:03
BichoGRILOhi there17:03
pksadiq!repeat | ThePhysician17:04
ubottuThePhysician: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:04
neurochromeThePhysician, I have problems with 10.10 too.... Not happy about being forced to update from a perfectly good 9.04... Thinking of jumping to Arch at present17:04
BichoGRILOhi there, anyone uses winamp o ubuntu?17:04
BichoGRILOwith wine?17:04
neurochromeThePhysician, I don;t use Empathy... Pidgin was better IMHO17:04
IdleOneneurochrome: who forced you to upgrade?17:05
ThePhysicianNeurochrome, Yeah. I hear ya. I just wish the program that is all integrated with Ubuntu and the Me Menu wasn't a horrible piece of software.17:05
[thor]BichoGRILO: try asking in #winehq17:05
neurochromeBichoGRILO, no.. with the vast amount of players available it seems pointless... if you were to use a win palyer foobar would be better17:05
malachaineurochrome- that is the one that says Live, next to Window, Linux etc...correct?17:05
danieruhello, i have a problem, some time ago i created a folder called "*", i can open it from ubuntu, but i can't from windows, now i want open again, but ubuntu say me that this folder doesn't exist... but grub detect the folder and can open it....17:05
neurochromeIdleOne, EOL Jaunty...17:05
BichoGRILOempathy is confused for me...17:05
BichoGRILOthanks thor17:05
neurochromeIdleOne, Ino more security updates...17:05
IdleOneneurochrome: I see.17:05
pksadiqBichoGRILO: try xmms2 and abraca, it works with winamp skins17:05
ThePhysicianIs anyone here on 10.10 that can confirm a graphical bug for me?17:06
neurochromeIdleOne, I loved 9.04... broke my heart to switch...17:06
malodixI've been trying desperatly to get flash player 10 working on Lucid for about 2 hours now. It's installed, firefox sees it, yet no embeded flash works.17:06
danierusome one have a idea to open the folder or copy, move or rename it...17:06
BichoGRILOpksadiq thanks man, i'm new on ubuntu :S17:06
malachaineurochrome- that is the one that says Live, next to Window, Linux etc...correct?17:06
danieruhello, i have a problem, some time ago i created a folder called "*", i can open it from ubuntu, but i can't from windows, now i want open again, but ubuntu say me that this folder doesn't exist... but grub detect the folder and can open it....17:07
neurochromeI have 2 media centres, and have had Karmic, Lucid and Maverick on those machines.. but my laptop is my main machine and Jaunty just worked.... Every other distro since has had some stupid changes or broken packages.... Not impressed.17:07
danierusome one have a idea to open the folder or copy, move or rename it...???17:07
pksadiqBichoGRILO: sorry it's promoe17:07
blinkybnothingspecial: everything working perfect EXCEPT.. i removed a Group in Empathy by mistake, i would like to recover that.17:07
neurochromedanieru, ???17:07
danieru<neurochrome> ??? have some idea to help me???17:08
neurochromedanieru, that makes little to no sense17:08
pksadiqBichoGRILO:  also audacious217:08
neurochromegrub finds folder called "*"....What?17:08
danieru<neurochrome> i do it for protect the access of this folder from windows17:09
BichoGRILOi've liked audacious217:09
danieru<neurochrome> windows can't open it... ubuntu yes17:09
THE_GFR|WORKthanks everyone grub reinstall worked and my system boots up fine now thanks for all the help!! :)17:09
danieru<neurochrome> but now ubuntu don't detect this folder, but windows an grub yes17:09
BichoGRILObut i'm looking for anyone who have the queue plugin, and the global hotkeys too17:09
neurochromedanieru, you can use a few characters in the folder name to block windows access, or you could try encrypting the drive?17:09
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pksadiqdanieru: does ls -a shows it?17:10
danieru<neurochrome> yes17:10
sresuHow to boot up from LAN?17:10
neurochromedanieru, do you mean partition?17:10
danieru<neurochrome> but i can't open it with cd17:10
danieru<neurochrome> no, it is a folder, no a partition17:10
neurochromedanieru, then how can grub see it??? and do you mean Live CD?  You're making very little sense17:11
sresu*How to boot up from LAN to use Ubuntu/Kubuntu?17:11
danieru<neurochrome> yes grub can see it, and grub can see the elements iside the folder17:12
neurochromegrub is a not a file manager, it's a boot manager.. it doesn't view folders17:12
Octohedrai accidentally my friends balls17:12
danieru<neurochrome> and i try with livecd, but nothing17:12
danieru<neurochrome> sorry, but grub have command ls17:12
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:12
malodixI'm still having issued with Flash player 10. I've tried everything. It's really doing my head in now. Firefox says it's installed, yet I can't view any embeded flash. Suggestions?17:12
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone question, how do I dd all the data off a hard drive to an iso image?17:13
Dr_WillisTHE_GFR|WORK:  you really dont do it that way.17:13
danieru<neurochrome> and you can navigate into folders of your partitions with grub17:13
neurochromedanieru, do you mean terminal?17:13
Dr_WillisTHE_GFR|WORK:  you can use other commands/tools/ but not dd normally for that task17:13
THE_GFR|WORKDr_Willis: I have to copy every bit of data from the drive to a file17:13
Dr_WillisTHE_GFR|WORK:  and how big  is this drive?17:13
THE_GFR|WORKDr_Willis: 60GB17:13
SianaGearzneurochrome: stfu :) http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#ls17:13
SikEnCidedoes anyone know how well ubuntu 10.10 runs on macbook pros17:14
danieru<neurochrome> no, i say grub, when you boot, you can press "c" to open grub for input commands... example: ls (hd0,0)/17:14
neurochromeSianaGearz, yeah I'm looking it up now17:14
SianaGearzdanieru: uhm something like mv '*' newname doesn't work?17:14
rusiviSikEnCide: Friend of mine tried the Live CD on a Mac Book Pro, said worked great.17:14
blinkybi removed a Group in Empathy by mistake, i would like to recover that.17:14
danieru<SianaGearz> yes, but it say that the folder doesn't exist17:14
SikEnCidevery nice thanks17:14
Dr_WillisTHE_GFR|WORK:  so you are going to backup a HD via dd to some 15 DVD disks?17:14
THE_GFR|WORKDr_Willis: what are you suggesting?17:14
ComputerNewbieOBJS      = ${SOURCES:.cc=.o}17:14
danieru<SianaGearz> but this folder really exist17:14
neurochromedanieru, where is the folder "*" ?17:15
ComputerNewbiewhat does that mean in a make filke?17:15
Dr_WillisTHE_GFR|WORK:   use a backup tool like fsarchiver, or other tools.17:15
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THE_GFR|WORKDr_Willis: no I need it to copy the data sector-by-sector as-is to an ISO FILE17:15
pksadiqdanieru: can't you use GUI and use nautilus to rename?17:15
danieru<neurochrome> it is in "/media/Disco E/dwload*"17:15
danieru<neurochrome> it is in "/media/Disco E/dwload/*/"17:15
THE_GFR|WORKDr_Willis: no I need it to copy the data sector-by-sector as-is to an ISO FILE17:15
Dr_WillisTHE_GFR|WORK:    why?17:15
danieru<pksadiq> no, nautilus can't see it17:15
SianaGearzdanieru: i was able to create and rename a folder named *17:15
THE_GFR|WORKDr_Willis: why does it matter?17:15
Dr_Willisa sector by sector will NOT be an 'iso' filesystem.. so yes it matters.17:16
THE_GFR|WORKDr_Willis: the why really has no bearing on how to do it17:16
neurochromedanieru, what does ls-l produce when you are in /media/Disco E/17:16
SianaGearzdanieru: so your problem is something entirely different17:16
Dr_WillisTHE_GFR|WORK:  good luck then..  fromw hat i know your idea. wont work.17:16
pksadiqdanieru: check in nautilus whether tick is given to show hidden folders/files17:16
THE_GFR|WORKDr_Willis: I was told the command to dd the data off the drive to an ISO FILE drivedata.iso17:16
THE_GFR|WORKbut I forgot it17:16
[thor]danieru: "ls /media/Disco\ E/dwload/"17:16
neurochromepksadiq, hidden folders have . in front17:16
danieru<neurochrome> drwx------ 1 danieru danieru     12288 2010-10-21 18:16 dwload17:17
[thor]danieru: spaces need \ in front of them17:17
Dr_WillisTHE_GFR|WORK:  that will not make an iso filesystem. that will make a data dump of whatever filesystem is on the partition. it wont handle splitting it into 4gb parts either.. and how will you restore it?17:17
san_can anyone say wat app is used in ubuntu for burning ISO?17:17
wackyshutUndernet: Miami.FL.US.Undernet.org17:17
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto17:17
neurochromedanieru, ls -la?17:17
IdleOnesan_: default app is called Brasero17:17
danieru<pksadiq> i can hidden files and folders, but i can see it17:17
pksadiqneurochrome: one can make any folder as hidden if they wish , never matter what the name is17:17
Dr_Willissan_:  brasero by default. but the others are 'better' in many way17:17
cylobthere's a nero for linux, but it's not free (but its on demonoid)17:18
neurochromepksadiq, how?17:18
malachai<neurochrome>- So now I just put this on a cd? Or didnt  you say something about putting this in an hdd? Can I put it in a external hdd?17:18
pksadiqdanieru: did you try running nautilus as sudo17:18
Dr_WillisI dont see much point in using Nero for linux. when k3b and other tools do a good job.17:18
san_can anyone say wat app is used in ubuntu for burning ISO?17:18
danieru<neurochrome> d????????? ? ?       ?           ?                ? *17:18
IdleOnesan_: default app is called Brasero17:18
Dr_Willissan_:  we told you. 'brasero' by default.17:18
THE_GFR|WORKuh Dr_Willis maybe you can let me worry about restoring it, for now I just need to know how to dump all the data from the hard drive to an .iso file17:18
danieru<neurochrome> drwx------ 1 danieru danieru     12288 2010-10-21 18:16 dwload17:18
trojan_spikeNero is kinda better than those..17:18
malodixI've been trying desperatly to get flash player 10 working on Lucid for about 2 hours now. It's installed, firefox sees it, yet no embeded flash works. Suggestions?17:19
danieru<pksadiq> yes... terminal, and nautilus17:19
san_nero for linux?17:19
neurochromemalachai, I created a usb flash pen with it on using unetbootin... then boot from it and at the grub menu there is an option to install to disk...17:19
lxsysHi #ubuntu. Recently, firefox has been really sluggish, to the point that I cant even click on a textbox in ebay. How do I get firefox to be a tad more speedy?17:19
cylobnero is great though, but yeah it kinda sucks using commercial software for rather basic tasks17:19
spinningcompasscylob: That's how I feel when I use an ATM.17:19
trojan_spikei wish,, i cant get nero on wine at all17:19
Dr_WillisTHE_GFR|WORK:   dd wont make it an iso file. it will make a 'raw' image file of that part of the hard drive. thats not an iso file.17:19
neurochromedanieru, are you in the dwload folder or in its parent directory?17:19
cylobhaha what, im not familiar with ATM software17:19
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Dr_Willistrojan_spike:  better in what way? ive not heard of any real outstanding features of nerolinux.17:19
KillGutaGuys, how do I use a patch file?17:19
[thor]san_: nero for linux exists, but you are better off using non-commercial software.17:19
KillGutaIs there an GUI for it or something?17:20
neurochromedanieru, d????????? ? ?       ?           ?                ? *  is not good17:20
KillGuta*source code patch17:20
danieru<neurochrome> this is a ls into a dwload17:20
danieru<neurochrome> the other is a ls -la of parent of dwload17:20
wackyshutanyone here use downthemall add-on for firefox in ubuntu?17:20
neurochromedanieru, yeah... it looks like the perms are messed up... have you tried altering them?17:20
trojan_spikebetter in decoding etc,, ive used DeVeDe etc but had to go back to nero.. i use K3B for multi burning tho17:21
cyloblxsys: firefox is my favorite browser but i left it for chrome because chrome is just faster17:21
akabkn__hello, does anybody know how to free up memory beyond 16m?17:21
san_how to burn an ISO image to a pendrive in ubuntu?17:21
wackyshuti got problem,i can't use it anymore..anyone could help?17:21
danieru<neurochrome> yes i try put chmod +xwr17:21
neurochromedanieru, it can see a folder called * but if the perms say ??? then you may need to fix that17:21
danieru<neurochrome> yes i try put chmod +xwr *17:21
san_is der any software?17:21
Dr_Willistrojan_spike:  are you sure that nero-linux even has decodeing features?  last i checked on it. it did not do video stuff. (that was a year+ ago)17:21
lxsyscylob: yeah I might use chrome, but I'm used to firefox, plus chrome ran really poorly on my laptop last time I used it. Does chrome support tor?17:21
trojan_spikenero-linux?? like from nero?17:21
wackyshuti use chrome too,but there is no download manager as good as downthemall on firefox i thing...17:22
Dr_Willissan_:  you want to make a bootable flash drive from a ubuntu cd iso file. Use unetbootin, or the ubuntu startup-disk creator tool.17:22
wackyshutanyone could help me??17:22
danieru<neurochrome> in ubuntu oly can see it from terminal... nautilus can't see... grub and windows see it17:22
neurochromewackyshut, dta is great.. multiget is a good frontend to wget (standalone)17:22
Dr_Willistrojan_spike:  NERO has their own 'linux' version of their program. thats what we were talking about. :) as far as i know it does NOT have the same featureset as the windows version.17:22
bluefox83can i upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 by just upgrading using the packages on a usb image ?17:22
danieru<neurochrome> this is very strange17:22
san_Dr_Willis: thank u17:23
Dr_Willissan_:  the 'pendrivelinux' web site has other tools  that you may want to check out also.17:23
trojan_spikesorry,, news to me.. i thought yous meant windows nero17:23
neurochromenautilus perhaps needs the perms to be fixed before it will recognise it..17:23
neurochromedanieru, have you tried chmod 0755 -R the folder?17:24
san_Dr_Willis: okay.. thank you17:24
m3asmichmod not workin,g like I won't17:24
=== tuxyq is now known as Thor^^
IdleOnebluefox83: you can upgrade by using the Alternate CD17:24
neurochromedanieru, naming a folder * was a silly idea!! ;0)17:24
IdleOne!alternate > bluefox8317:24
ubottubluefox83, please see my private message17:24
Dr_Willisneurochrome:  heh. Im not even sure how you would do that...17:24
danieru<neurochorme> now i know that it is not a good idea17:24
bluefox83IdleOne: i was wondering if i could just plug my usb thumb drive in, and it just notice there are new packages and try to install them...17:25
akabkn__does anybody know how to free up memory beyond 16m?17:25
neurochromedanieru, well what is the outcome of chmod?17:25
neurochromeDr_Willis, yeah... skillz17:25
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  i belive it can do that.. you could copy the contents of the alternatiove installer cd. to a flash drive. and i THINK it will notice/ask to upgrade17:25
quiescensits pretty easy actually?17:25
ThePhysicianIf anyone else could please offer their assistance: http://tinyurl.com/2dh6d3317:25
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m3asmid --- --- ---17:25
IdleOnebluefox83: you can upgrade the packages that way but it won't change the sources.list, so you will only get a one time package update doing it like that. Not to mention security updates17:26
malodixI've been trying desperatly to get flash player 10 working on Lucid for about 2 hours now. It's installed, firefox sees it, yet no embeded flash works. Suggestions?17:26
quiescensmkdir '*'17:26
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:26
danieru<neurochorme> it is in spanish: chmod: no se puede acceder a «*/»: No existe el archivo o directorio17:26
aka1guys anyone can tell me please , how do i scan things from my scanner ? HP17:26
neurochromedanieru, no idea what that says17:26
danieru<neurochorme> translated it are chmod: can't access to <<*/>>: don't exist the file or folder17:26
san_Dr_Willis: can u say what an "aptoncd" is?17:26
Dr_Willisaka1:  i use the 'simple scan' tool thats in the menus17:26
* malodix sighs.17:27
sanjayI am still getting problem with playing audio and video, in  my dell inspiron laptop. While i play an mp3, it is breaking in interval, not playing smoothly. Could anyone help me.17:27
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline17:27
aka1DR_willis wherE?17:27
Dr_Willisaka1:  its right ther ein the graphics menu here.17:27
[thor]aka1: Applications -> Graphics -> Simple Scan17:27
malodixIt would nice to have a 'ticket' system in here, like at meat counters, where everyone with a question gets assigned a number, and a queue is formed.17:27
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD17:27
bluefox83so is there much difference between 10.04 and 10.10?17:27
aka1[thor] Dr_Willis , thank you guys.17:27
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  updated packages for most everything. and a few new features.17:28
akabkn__PUSH: does anybody know how to free up memory beyond 16m?17:28
bluefox83from what i saw on the website it looked pretty much the same17:28
akshit_Hi, everyone. I need Help in Ubuntu.17:28
bluefox83Dr_Willis: any good new features?17:28
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  artwork has changed some.. but what do you expect. :)17:28
neurochromebluefox83, yeah.. gparted doesn't work in 10.10... menus are sluggish (if they open at all)17:28
akshit_Is there a way I can run .exe files on Ubuntu17:28
bluefox83<3 new artwork17:28
san_obottu: how can i use that?17:28
Dr_Willisbluefox83:  depends on what you like.  Ive had no issues with 10.1017:28
IdleOnemalodix: good idea, what happens if the one person who knows the answer leaves before your number is up. Ask and ye shall receive (hopefully)17:28
neurochromeakshit_, wine17:28
akabkn__akshit_: wine17:29
Dr_Willis!wine | akshit_17:29
ubottuakshit_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:29
malodixIdleOne: Asked numerous times, still waiting. :)17:29
danieru<neurochorme> translated it are chmod: can't access to <<*/>>: don't exist the file or folder17:29
akshit_Thanks all!!17:29
m3asmichmod not working ?!17:29
Dr_Willisdanieru:  whats the exqact command you are using anyway?17:29
IdleOnemalodix: have you tried searching the ubuntu forum?17:29
wackyshutuse wine17:29
malodixI've been trying desperatly to get flash player 10 working on Lucid for about 2 hours now. It's installed, firefox sees it, yet no embeded flash works. Suggestions?17:29
akabkn__!AppDB wine17:29
sanjayI am still getting problem with playing audio and video, in  my dell inspiron laptop. While i play an mp3, it is breaking in interval, not playing smoothly. Could anyone help me.17:30
fepi get these errors when "patch -Np0 -i patch.patch" : root@fep-laptop:/home/fep/atheros# patch -Np0 -i channel-negative-one-maxim.patch : patching file b/net/wireless/chan.c Hunk #1 FAILED at 49. Hunk #2 FAILED at 76. 2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/net/wireless/chan.c.rej17:30
rusivimalodix: How did you install it, via Firefox AddOns or Synaptic/Aptitude?17:30
stwg_have anybody system lockup after switching to console ctrl-alt-f1 and after back to tty7?17:30
fepwhy is that, and whre should i run the patch ?17:30
danieru<dr_willis> sudo chmod 0755 -R \*/17:30
wackyshutyour welcome17:30
malodixIdleOne: I have, to no avail. I've been trying to fix this problem for over 2 hours now. I've (nearly) tried everything. I'm sure that whatever I haven't tried, works, but I dont what what that is. ;)17:30
rusivimalodix: Ubuntu Software Center?17:30
neurochromedanieru, have you tried chmod 0755 -R "/media/Disco E/dwload/*/"17:30
fepits a channel problem with my wireless17:30
sanjayHi all17:30
IdleOnemalodix: have you installed flashplugin-installer package?17:31
danieru<neurochrome> the same result17:31
mage3070have you tried restarting firefox?17:31
malodixrusivi: Aptitude. I removed flash player 9, to install flashplayer 10. That's when the problem started.17:31
m3asmihow can I force chmod17:31
pksadiqdanieru: can you cd to \*?17:31
Dr_Willisdanieru:  you have a directory named *. Hmm..    could be you should do some fancy quoteing. or rename it using some other file manager.17:31
Dr_Willism3asmi:  clarify what you mean.17:31
malodixIdleOne: Yup. I've also tried removing all flash player related packages and trying only flashplayer-nonfree, as supposedly that works for a lot of people but no joy.17:31
neurochromedanieru, try mv "/media/Disco E/dwload/*/" "/media/Disco E/dwload/newfolder/"17:32
danieru<dr_willis> i try all, windows, terminal, nautilus, sudo ....17:32
IdleOnemalodix: you also restarted the browser after installing that package?17:32
m3asmiDr_Willis: when I exec $chmod 755 * nothink chage17:32
malodixIdleOne: Yep.17:32
Dr_Willisdanieru:  try the 'mc' file manager.  why are you trying to chmod it and not rename it?17:32
danieru<dr_willis> i can't remenber it because ubuntu says that it no exist17:33
Dr_Willism3asmi:  check the owner of the files/dirs in question. what dirs/file sare you trying  to do this ti.17:33
neurochromeDr_Willis, his perms are fucked... but mv then chmod might work better17:33
webroastershi guys, if I sent mail out from my server, where's the mail logs by any chance?17:33
mrb_./* is the key...17:33
pksadiqdanieru: , try moving all the other files & folders from the parent directory keeping "*" alone, then try the command for fi in <path>/ ; do sudo  mv $fi ~/Desktop/testing ; done17:33
volcom7205i need acpi help!!17:33
san_how to configure gtalk in pidgin???17:33
ninjaihey guys, using KDE 4.5 in 10.04 here, and I was wodnering how I can manually upgrade my kwin to something newer17:33
Dr_Willisneurochrome:  yes. i whoudl think it would be much better to give it a normal name first.17:33
danieru<neurochrome> nothing, it say the same, mv: can't do <<stat>> for /media/Dis....17:34
m3asmiDr_Willis: my own fles17:34
noob-tuxDr_Willis: i'm just encountering some minor problems(i just labeled it minor not really that serious matter but annoying tho) regarding to my desktop, everytime i typed on my mozilla firefox web browser i can see some flickerin stuff on it....not always but it can caught my attention to worry a lil bit...wat seems to be the problem to this?17:34
sanjayhi all17:34
LinkI have a questions about how to set the Down arrow on your keyboard back to the default settings. I've been all through Gconfig-editor and cannot find the key to switch. Can anyone help me out?17:34
sanjayi am getting problem with audio and video17:34
Dr_Willism3asmi:  check the ownership of the files.  are they in your /home/username or some other location?17:34
fwaokdai installed phpmyadmin but idk how to get access to it.  I tried http://localhost/phpmyadmin but didn't get anything17:34
m3asmiDr_Willis: my own files  ; same as root17:34
neurochromedanieru, then I'm stumped...17:34
duolosHow would I go about searching for (and deleting) folders that do NOT contain a certain type of file?  I'm specifically looking for a command that will search my music folders and delete any that don't contain music files.17:34
volcom7205anyone have knowledge they coiuld share about my acpi problem?? The thing is battery appears as not present and therefore any battery applets will never work, not showing how much power is left -let alone getting full acpi support when unplugging the AC cable, such as adjusting screen brightness, hard drive energy saving policies, etc.17:34
Dr_Willism3asmi:  your own files are not the same as 'root'.. what do you mean by that..17:34
jerrychackohello all..17:35
m3asmiDr_Willis: my /media/disk/17:35
san_anyone........ how to configure gtalk in pidgin?????17:35
Dr_Willism3asmi:  and what filesystem is /media/disk ? ntfs? vfat? ext2/3/4?17:35
neurochromeduolos, that is a job for a bash script17:35
=== Link is now known as Omni_Link
sanjay@ san_ : use empathy17:35
volcom7205san_ http://www.manast.com/2007/05/11/how-to-configure-pidgin-to-work-with-google-talk/17:35
Dr_Willism3asmi:  that answers your question then.. you DONT chmod/chown ntfs filesystems.. you MUST set the options for them WHEN you mount them.17:36
duolosneurochrome, okay... but how do I pass the results of a search to the rm command?  I'm VERY new to bash scripting17:36
Dr_Willism3asmi:  same applies for vfat.17:36
volcom7205please i need acpi help.... anyone???17:36
san_anyone........ how to configure gtalk in pidgin?????17:36
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danieru<pksadiq> it say that mv cant do <<stat>> for {folder}17:37
m3asmiDr_Willis:how to do it17:37
danieru<neurochrome> ok, don't worry thanks for try17:37
volcom7205@san_ http://www.manast.com/2007/05/11/how-to-configure-pidgin-to-work-with-google-talk/17:37
neurochromeduolos, seriously read up first... you'll need to do a loop... try asking in #bash17:37
Dr_Willism3asmi:  i make a /etc/fstab entry for my ntfs filestystems with the options i need.17:37
volcom7205san follow my link for gtalk with pidgin17:37
neurochromedanieru, np... have you tried renaming in Windows? what happens?17:38
duolosneurochrome, hmm.. was hoping someone much smarter than I may have had the same idea in the past and already written a script lol17:38
pksadiqdanieru: are you using windows Vista or 7?17:38
jduany advice as to font rendering of qt3 programs under ubuntu 10.04 with gnome?17:38
danieru<pksadiq> i have a dual boot for ubuntu 10.10 and vista... but now i use ubuntu 10.1017:39
neurochromesan, gtalk is just jabber is it not?17:39
neurochromesan, XMPP17:39
Braber01Can sombody help me, #latex isn't much help,17:39
bdbdbdcan someone help me set up mail?17:39
Omni_LinkCan anyone help me with a keyboard setting & How to undo keyboard changes?17:39
pksadiqdanieru: did you edit the ownership settings of the folder  in vista ?17:39
[thor]i use Empathy to do my Gtalking17:39
danieru<neurochrome> yes i try but error, i don't remember that it says but it are a error17:39
[thor]very painless setup17:39
sanjay_empathy is cool17:40
neurochromeduolos, they have... I have a script that looks for folders that contain a .nfo and lists them in a text file...17:40
neurochromedanieru, is the contents of the folder important?17:40
sanjay_is anyone getting problem with audio, while upgrading to 10.1017:40
jduOmni_Link: setxbkmap <desired keyboard layout>    is useful17:40
Braber01I guys who here uses LYX?17:40
danieru<pksadiq> i think that yes... but i change all partition... then because only have a error in this folder??17:40
fepdoes ubuntu 10.10 use compat wireless as default?17:40
pksadiqdanieru: if you can browse in terminal install clex which is a terminal file browser17:41
danieru<neurochrome> yes it have, some importants files for me17:41
loculinuxbuenas tardes... alguien sabe algun programa parecido a ciber control para loculinux??17:41
neurochromeduolos, scripts are something of a dark art for n00bs, it's best to read a bash book before tinkering... you don't want to break anything... or you could ask for help from the guys over at #bash who live for that shit17:41
jduany advice as to font rendering of qt3 programs under ubuntu 10.04 with gnome? I believe I need to configure subpixel smoothing without access to corresponding qt3 gui tools17:41
Omni_Linkjdu: So would i enter "setxbkmap downarrow" or "default"? (i've only been running Ubuntu for about 3 weeks17:41
ninjaiwhere can i find git packages or whatever or kde 4?17:41
jduOmni_Link: what do you want to do?17:41
Braber01If I have a mla.sty document in ~/Papers and my Paper in ~/Papers/papername.* will the mla style be avalible to me?17:41
ikonianinjai: the kit releases aren't packaged17:41
danieru<pksadiq> wait... i installed it17:42
fepdoes ubuntu 10.10 use compat wireless as default?17:42
m3asmiDr_Willis: I don't inderstand the file languge17:42
neurochromedanieru, good luck17:42
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jduOmni_Link: my time to help is unfortunately very limited17:42
Dr_Willism3asmi:  you mean the format of the /etc/fstab file?17:42
danieru<neurochrome> ok thanks for all17:42
Omni_Linkjdu: Set my Downarrow back to moving down.17:42
honeypothi, how is ubuntu 10.xx special, I have a problem with my graphic card which never appeared with previous versions17:42
Dr_Willis!ntfs-3g | m3asmi17:42
ubottum3asmi: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions17:42
NRemorsehow do i  do a memoryh test with 10.10 live cd?17:42
honeypotold VIA VGA onboard17:42
Dr_Willism3asmi:  you coudl also install and run the 'ntfs-config' utility as root.17:42
danieru<pksadiq> nothing, clex have de same problem that nautilus... clex can't see the folder17:42
jduthe setxkbmap command is followed by two letter abreviations such as us or de or longer keyboard layout names such as dvorak17:43
pksadiqdanieru: try  sudo clex17:43
neurochromeNRemorse, when the grub splash comes up press spacebar and the menu will come up with memtest as an option (not very user friendly IMO)17:43
jduOmni_Link: one moment17:43
NRemorseneurochrome thank you...trying that now17:43
IdleOneneurochrome: may I message you?17:43
neurochromeIdleOne, go for it17:43
neurochromeIdleOne, what's up?17:44
danieru<pksadiq> nothing, the same...17:44
ninjaiikonia: Basically I'm looking fo a newer version of kwin.  I have a problem where it just runs like crap on opengl or xrender and apaprently people have fixed it with upgrading kwin.  Is there any way for me to upgrade it? There is no newer version in my repo17:44
pksadiqdanieru:  exit clex and try the find command, does it shows your folder?17:45
aateLots of questions around here xD I'd like to join in! I know just about nothing of the newest ubuntus, and need to set up tor&privoxy for luxid lynx. After reading ubuntuforum for some hours I'm still trying to get things working..17:45
NRemorsewow already found failing memory!17:45
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danieru<pksadiq> yes...  it shows the folder17:45
Dr_WillisNRemorse:  not a good sign.17:45
jduOmni_Link: research xmodmap which allows you to change the function of keys when you know the key's identification number17:46
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NRemorseDr_willis: no not at all apt-get and aptitude starting bugging out on me17:46
NRemorsewell there was other signs too but...whatever17:46
NRemorseill get new memory17:46
Dr_WillisNRemorse:  ive had memory slots be bad also.   you coult try removeing the ram and reseating it/moveing it around.17:46
jduOmni_Link: i.e. man xmodmap to look up the manual page17:46
NRemorsedr_willis: good advice17:46
jduOmni_Link: and the other command to obtain the corresponding key identification number, I'm trying to remember or find what that is17:46
Dr_WillisNRemorse:  and be sure to UNPLUG the pc from the wall befor removing the things. :)17:46
Omni_Linkjdu: ok, i will look it up and see what i can change. I tried setxkbmap us and it did not change it. So i'll look at that. :)17:47
NRemorse;) gotcha17:47
Omni_Linkjdu: i know the keybord usb code. it is 0x7005117:47
miosechi,all,1,sysv-rc-conf 2.i make the runlevel2 same as runlevel1 3now,somthing wrong with me,how can i fixed it?17:47
pksadiqdanieru: try piping that output to something, I'm not having deeper knowledge in piping17:47
Omni_Linkjdu: the Up arrow is 0x7005217:47
m3asmithinks for all  ntfs-config is work :)17:48
Dr_Willismiosec:  by default in ubuntu runlevel 2 and 3 are the same I belive. what are you tying to accomplish?17:48
jduOmni_Link: ok good, there are also two digit number representations17:48
pksadiqdanieru: does find shows the content of that folder?17:48
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.17:48
jduI am unsure which you need17:48
wowajabac stare baby17:48
danieru<pksadiq> but how i can try a piping??17:48
jduOmni_Link: the command: xev17:48
meowsusI ran a backup tar command on root and everything went fine except for these socket errors, can anyone tell me what they mean, exactly? http://pastie.org/123851617:48
Omni_Linkjdu: i dont know the 2 number one. but i'll look around through the manual real quick and see if that helps me.17:48
JedcatДе йа?!17:49
miosecthankyou for you help.i just only use the terminal when i start the computer.17:49
jduOmni_Link: run the command, a window appears, hover your mouse over the window, and type the arrow key17:49
pksadiqdanieru: can you see the subfolders/files using the find command?17:49
danieru<pkasiq> i can see the cotent of this folder with the ls of the grub17:49
randyrkellyheloo can some one help me out with wine?17:49
jduOmni_Link: the output in the terminal will indicate information about the key or mouse events17:49
jduincluding the corresponding numbers17:49
danieru<pksadiq> no, i can see the subfolders with find... but i see yesterday the files with grub17:49
jduOmni_Link: ok, must go, best of luck17:50
Omni_Linkjdu: thank you very much for yor help17:50
crunchyhello everyone17:50
meowsusrandyrkelly, red or white?17:50
pksadiqdanieru: is that the only directory there?17:50
meowsusWhat's your issue?17:51
MattLinuxmeowsus what problem can i help you with?17:51
danieru<pksadiq> no, i have two directories, * and img...17:51
danieru<pksadiq> i can access to img17:51
pksadiqdanieru: did you try sudo nautilus ./*17:51
danieru<pksadiq> yes, i try it, but always say the same... the directory don't exist17:52
TanetrisHow the heck does one disable ctrl+alt+s bringing up Tracker Search Tool in 10.10? It's not under the Keyboard Shortcuts prefs.17:52
meowsusMattLinux, I was wondering about these errors i get when i perform a tar.bz2 archive of my root for backup purposes.17:52
jhintadoes any one know why my usb harddisk stops woring afer a wile and only reboot will work?17:52
meowsusMattLinux, http://pastie.org/123851617:52
jhintalinux-xbmc btw17:52
pksadiqdanieru: better to go back to vista and change the ownership settings17:52
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danieru<pksadiq> ok i go to try it... i'll come back to tell you17:53
pksadiqdanieru: did you try sudo nautilus ./*                   This will open all your directories, try17:53
danieru<pksadiq> yes i tried this...17:53
pksadiqdanieru: did you try * sudo nautilus ./*                                          *17:53
danieru<pksadiq> it open the img directori but not the * directory17:54
pksadiqdanieru: k, then be back to vista17:54
MattLinuxmeowsus usely when you get a error with the tar.bz2 meaning the bz2 isnt installed or your not typing the bz2 file name correctly usely has to be how ever the file is spelled to work17:54
danieru<pksadiq> ok17:54
techbreakhi all , cant receive video from others but they can see mine in skype.. any help ??17:54
pksadiqand change the writing, reading permissions etc17:54
techbreakmy skype is not working properly...17:55
pksadiqtechbreak: are you using amd64?17:55
nitswhat happened techbreak17:55
MattLinuxtechbreak what is your skype doing?17:55
meowsusMattLinux, but the backup worked just fine - other than these few files which were all socket errors... I guess i don't really know what a socket error is, nor if any of these files would be extremely nessissary for my backup17:55
techbreakpksadiq, no17:55
techbreaknits, MattLinux cant receive the videos from frens17:55
techbreakMattLinux, nits it was not the case few days before17:56
skulltipjust install ubuntu, found out my SSD died :/ what's a good tool to view all my harddrives and partitions, and see how much space they have?17:56
MattLinuxteachbreak it also helps if you installed the requirments for skype that is listed on skype.com page17:57
Dr_Willisskulltip:  'sudo fdisk -l' for starters17:57
meowsusMattLinux, http://www.zimbra.com/forums/administrators/27974-solved-error-during-compression-socket-ignored.html  there we go17:57
MattLinuxive found that it helps techbreak17:57
meowsusMattLinux, thanks for your help anyway17:57
MattLinuxand meowsus looking up the sock issue sec17:57
skulltiptrying to go more gui and graphical managers17:57
Dr_Willisskulltip:  it pays to learn the basics.17:57
skulltipyea.. translating blocks and devs is lots of fun too17:58
meowsusMattLinux, they're just zero level files created by daemons that don't need to be backed up - since the daemon controls their creation / destruction.17:58
Dr_Willisskulltip:  your Solid state drive died after how long of ussage?17:58
* meowsus plays air guitar!17:58
MattLinuxmeowsus ok then if you need anything else later on just let me know =)17:58
skulltipover a year, maybe the buffers filled up?17:59
techbreakMattLinux, what helps?17:59
Dr_Willisskulltip:  still under warrenty?17:59
skulltipit might be17:59
GoldfischOn an old laptop, I ran dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda. Later, my wife told me I had backed up a very valuable document on that machine. I already ran photo_rec on it last night (using a live cd), and didn't find ANYTHING. Any other data recovery tools you know of?17:59
MattLinuxtechbreak usely what they listed for requirments on there is needed for skype you can go to synaptic package manager under System > Administrator to do such18:00
skulltipdf -hT will show me the drives and allocations, have to mount them all18:00
Dr_Willisskulltip:  ive been watching the prices of those drop. but havent seen to much info on how reliable they are.  New laptop i have - has 2 hard drive pays. :) a SDD for a boot drive woule be nice.18:00
techbreakMattLinux, all those r done18:00
MattLinuxtechbreak then it should work fine what type of error you getting18:00
skulltiponly put OS on it, use hd for more 'safe' solution18:00
Dr_Willisskulltip:  theres always gparted.18:01
MattLinuxhave you tried to reinstall? teahbreak18:01
techbreakMattLinux, when my fren on other side starts sharing video.. the pop up window just shows white screen..18:01
techbreakMattLinux, but other side ppl can see mine properly18:02
quiescensgoldfisch: if you did a complete run of dd if=/dev/zero, there is essentially nothing that can recover the data at a software level, and very probably nothing that can be done even if you pay actual data recovery people to try18:02
MattLinuxtechbreak yes. ubuntu and skype alwes had a big issue with video sharing its mainly skypes lack of support for ubuntu at this time hopefully its resolved in 10.1018:02
GoldfischAnyone use SpinRite from Gibson Research? I didn't know if their product targets this situation.18:03
MattLinuxi to get this when i do video with friends techbreak18:03
MattLinuxill see if i can find something that might help techbreak18:03
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techbreakMattLinux, I am in 10.10 only. and it was working fine few days back.. my frens in 10.10 are fine with it18:04
loveHi, I'm looking to solve this trivial problem of mine: if I fullscreen any window (alt+ENTER), switch workspace and opens another program or maximise a program, the GNOME menues are placed over top the fullscreen window when I switch back to first workspace. Any ideas?18:04
MattLinuxtechbreak did you install uvc for your camera ? maybe that might help18:04
techbreakMattLinux, my camera is working fine.. they can see me18:04
twister004hi guys.. what is the 'snoop' equivalent command i can use in ubuntu to watch packets?18:05
danieru<pksadiq> nothing... i changed the permises in vista but all is equal... don't worry.. i tried to download a old distrubtion of ubuntu to tried read it18:05
danieru<pksadiq> thanks for all18:05
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pksadiqdanieru: k18:05
pksadiqdanieru: try to learn using grub, might be enough for you at this situation18:06
TanetrisHow the heck does one disable ctrl+alt+s bringing up Tracker Search Tool in 10.10? It's not under the Keyboard Shortcuts prefs. Anyone?18:07
MattLinuxtechbreak try reinstalling skype it says there is a driver issue and to sometimes fix this is by reinstalling skype18:08
techbreakMattLinux, i reinstalled it four to five times18:08
MattLinuxtechbreak oh didnt know that =/18:08
lovetechbreak: I don't run the 10.10 yet, but check the compiz configuration where you can make several commands (myself I'm using the Windows button + different other buttons to start programs)18:09
MattLinuxtechbreak weird it still acures =/18:09
lovetechbreak: sorry, that was ment to Tanetris18:09
techbreaklove, with love no problem :) :) thats fine18:09
techbreakMattLinux, yeah18:10
akshit_Hello All18:11
akshit_Want to ask a question18:11
akshit_How can I change the Login Screen in Ubuntu like we change the theme18:11
nemo 2670 nemo      20   0  216m 101m 2964 S    0  2.6   7:54.98 ubuntuone-syncd18:12
tonysanI have some text files which is encoded in big5, when I transferred them to ubuntu server, it becomes a mess...I tried fromdos, changed vim encoding, none of them is working..18:12
nemook. why is something I never use so darn memory hungry18:12
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nemo 1394 root      20   0 1080m 658m 214m S    2 17.2   1285:27 Xorg18:13
nemoand I'd love to know what is going on there, too :(18:13
negr0chat solo e inglés?18:13
Pici1es | nemo18:13
Pici!es | negr018:13
ubottunegr0: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:13
Picinemo: mistab, sorry.18:13
negr0idsculpen primera vezque lo uso18:14
nemowe guessed18:14
gridbagUpdate Manager has been "Updating grub.cfg" for a day now. Now what?18:14
skulltipdragging 18.1Gb of data from one drive to another on same system - 1 hour 45 minutes, though the minutes count are bouncing around18:14
ZhouQuick question: using iBus, is there an easy way to get traditional chinese characters using pinyin input? I am running 10.1018:15
aciculaskulltip: big files or lots of data?18:15
skulltiplots of files, most are photos, some school work and excel sheets18:15
aciculaperfectly normal then18:16
monty_halli just d/led flash player 64-bit, I have a libflashplayer.so, where do I place this?18:16
thomas82Hi, I've got 2 monitors + Ati card. One of them works fine, on the second I see just a black screen (but I can see the cursor or monitor number in the corner) any ideas?18:16
SeeKer320Hello. Does anyone know how to change the content of the "desktop-login" variable that is called at startup with canberra?18:16
nemomonty_hall: I thought the 64 bit player was now in package management...18:17
nemomonty_hall: otherwise, you can just shove it in ~/.mozilla/plugins unless you'd rather something more central18:17
monty_hallthe problem is, I have this new computer w/ damaged hard drive.  working w/ live 64-bit cd.18:17
monty_halllive-cd package manager doesn't have this.18:17
gladiatorhi. there used to be a plugin for cpu temperature once. i cant seem to find it. i installed lm-sensors, xfce-sensors-plugin. restarted. but still dont see any plugin18:17
gladiatorany clue?18:18
TanetrisHuh... Uh. I just did something wrong. Trying to find where the compiz configuration is as love suggested I went into terminal and typed "compiz", got "Starting gtk-window-decorator", screen got a bit messed up, went back to the terminal window, ctrl+c to try to end it, and now things are -really- messed up.18:18
aciculagladiator: lm-sensors-applet18:18
aciculaif by plugin you mean a gpanel app that is18:18
nemomonty_hall: I bet it might if you updated :)18:18
nemomonty_hall: but, yeah, that's silly. just toss it in ~/.mozilla/plugins18:19
aciculatick software sources apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree18:19
gladiatoracicula, yes.18:19
aciculathen that, be sure to run sensors-detect first to configure sensors18:19
besogonthomas82: I've never have any problem with 2 monitors. Detect it with the tool and tune it in right way. The second way ia in using  xrandr command. (I used free ati drivers)18:19
monty_hallHow do I update, is this the same as reload in the package manager?18:19
aciculareload updates the package lists18:19
nemomonty_hall: hm. I just checked. still using ndiswrapper in my up-to-date 10.10 - so. yeah. you're better off doing that.18:19
DragonKeeperhas anyone here got the Region 2 patch for sims3 for the newest update 1.15.34 ????18:19
monty_hallI "find . -name "*plug*" in .mozilla and I see nothing.  Do I just make the dir?18:19
aciculayou need to hit upgrade in the update-manager to actually upgrade18:20
nemomonty_hall: yeah. make the directory18:20
nemomonty_hall: then hit about:plugins to make firefox pick it up18:20
nemo(or restart of course)18:20
monty_hallnemo: success.  thx again.18:21
gladiatoracicula, Unable to locate package lm-sensors-applet18:21
prajul_sysctl_sched_latency can it be changed to improve performance18:22
aciculagladiator: sensors-applet18:22
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aciculawhat does it do?18:23
pksadiqgladiator: may just run sensors18:24
ssj6akshatwhat do I do when I participate remotely at the UDS?18:24
wild_oscaris it possible to have a DAAP share over the internet?18:24
wild_oscaron, say, rhythmbox18:24
gladiatoracicula, i dont see any new applet18:24
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aciculayou have to add it first18:25
aciculato the panel that is18:25
acicularight click add applet18:26
aciculaor add to panel or we18:26
gladiatoracicula, i meant there is no new applet to add18:26
tjchi,i cant unzip word documents its appears this caution: filename not matched18:26
Doonzhow do i make it so fsck wont run a check on the drives after a certain ammount oof reboots18:27
nemotjc: mind giving the syntax for how you are doing the unzip?18:28
nemotjc: or describing it, if using gui18:28
eastern_gardensCan anyone tell me if it is possible to install a grammar checker for OOO writer18:28
erUSULDoonz: why? it is safety measure against data loss18:28
AbhiJiteastern_gardens, #openoffice.org18:28
Doonzcause its a 18tb array18:28
AbhiJitbye all18:28
javier_join/ #lin-u-es18:28
tjceither extract either drag and drop the same message pops up18:28
aciculaDoonz: tune2fs on the filesystem lets you set the default interval i think18:29
nemotjc: ok. so you're using archive manager?18:29
erUSULDoonz: fair enough ;P see "man tune2fs"18:29
javier_join/ #ubuntues18:29
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:29
javier_join/ # ubuntues18:29
pksadiqjavier_:  /join18:30
tjcshould i use 7zip?18:30
nemotjc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file-roller/+bug/294215 - probably that bug18:30
tjcor smth like that18:30
nemotjc: the file has a special character in the name?18:30
tjcno only ?????????????????????????18:30
nemotjc: the joys of cross-platform file naming - funny 'cause windows have banned characters too18:30
nemothis isn't banned really, just clearly is not quoting correctly18:31
nemo(to avoid glob patterns - ? is a glob pattern)18:31
nemotjc: do it from the commandline for now18:31
nemoand consider renaming the file to something sane18:31
cjaeso because of network manager starting after login, I cannot connect to box via ssh or vnc without logging in first? wifi18:31
nemotjc: what bugs me about that bug is that it was supposedly fixed almost 2 years ago18:32
aciculacjae: you can but not using nm-applet18:32
nemotjc: so, maybe they did a silly fix that only fixed that particular glob pattern.  you might want to file a new bug on this18:32
aciculacjae: set a static configuration using wpasupplicant.conf and /etc/network/interfaces18:32
tjci dont know why18:32
nemotjc: also. do you need instructions on doing it from the commandline?18:32
tjcdo u thing that with other program its could be solveed?18:33
cjae!info wpasupplicant18:33
ubottuwpasupplicant (source: wpasupplicant): client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i). In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.10-2 (maverick), package size 351 kB, installed size 896 kB18:33
nemotjc: like I said, it'll probably work on the commandline18:33
nemotjc: also. it might work from file roller if you unpack the entire archive. not just a single file.18:33
aciculacjae: unless you set the box to autologin so your gui and nm-applet are started18:33
nemotjc: er. from archive manager I mean - your current tool.18:33
tjcok could u please tell how to do it through command line?18:34
nemotjc: is the zip file on your desktop?18:34
DragonKeeperhow do you stop programs turning off extra montiors18:34
tjcno in the download folder18:34
Dr_WillisDragonKeeper:  ive never seen a program turn off my extra monitors... what program are you refering to?18:34
cdcdcdcquestion about "install from linux" with a maverick alternate ISO: the official instructions assume grub not grub2. i don't understand the /etc/grub.d scripts. is there an easy way to get my iso to boot?18:34
cjaeacicula: right, which might be ok since it is on my home lan18:34
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tjcbut i could copy it18:34
tjcin the desktop18:34
nemotjc: well. actually, make a new folder on your desktop, say, temp18:34
sindegraHey, I was updating my grub boot to go from a text only to a GUI boot, but now my encrypted  ecryptfs drive won't automount at login anymore. Anyone know the answer to fixing this?18:34
aciculacjae: dont forget to autostart the remote login then too if you want to use vnc on it directly18:35
nemotjc: move the zip file there, then open the commandline, type.  cd ~/Desktop/temp;unzip *.zip18:35
Dr_Williscdcdcdc:  grub2 can boot ISO files.. grub1 cant.  The docs may be old if they are still refering to grub1.18:35
aciculaerr remote desktop viewer thing or whatever it is you use to run vnc with18:35
DragonKeeperi run a game e.g.  sims 3  or AOE 3 and my extra monitors turn off  and game is displayed on the main screen18:35
nemotjc: it might work in the gui tool if you unpack the whole zip, not just a single file, though.18:35
Dr_WillisDragonKeeper:  thats more of a 'wine' issue , then a ubuntu issue. Theres proberly wine settings that can stop it from doing that.18:35
sindegraHey, I was updating my grub boot to go from a text only to a GUI boot, but now my encrypted  ecryptfs drive won't automount at login anymore. Anyone know the answer to fixing this?18:36
DragonKeeperhmm   ok18:36
Dr_WillisDragonKeeper:  proberly could run the apps in a window, or set wine to run 'in a windowed desktop' setting may smack them into shape.18:36
cdcdcdcDr_Willis: so i don't have to mess with initrd & vmlinuz in /boot and add to grub menu?18:36
DragonKeeperok ill try that18:36
Dr_Williscdcdcdc:  grub1 can boot an ISO file directly.  -  Not sure what you are trying to do. I got iso files set as a rescue type option18:37
rethushow can i print wit an "command" to a specified uri?18:37
tjcno zipfiles found18:37
tjccannot find or open *.zip, *.zip.zip or *.zip.ZIP.18:37
cdcdcdcDr_Willis: I am trying to do a complete install from alternate iso without cd or usb18:38
thevishycdcdcdc, What is the problem you are facing18:38
Dr_Williscdcdcdc:  ive set up grub2 to boot from a hard drive. or usb drive. and boot ISo files.18:38
nemotjc: did you move the zip file to the temp folder ?18:38
cjaeacicula: right, I was looking into wpasupplicant before but couldnt seem to get it work, wasnt sure if I had to edit /etc/wpasupplicant or /etc/network/interfaces18:39
cdcdcdcthevishy: my install is 64 bit and i think borked. i want to install 32 meerkat but I have no CD or usb. so i'm trying 'install from linux partition' method18:39
sindegrahey after I updated my grub 2 boot my encrypted drive won't automount at login. anyone know a fix?18:39
Dr_Williscdcdcdc:  so what OS do you have installed? is it using grub1 or grub2 ?18:40
thevishydo you have a grub ?18:40
rethushow can i print wit an "command" to a specified uri - like ffgtk-uri:/ for fax18:40
cdcdcdcit's meerkat 64 - grub 218:40
Terrancehow can I reinstall apt-get?18:41
thevishythen just go to command prompt , edit 40custom file in /etc/grub.d and then run a sudo update-grub18:41
e01can somebody helpme with qq, i can`t login it from the empathy18:41
TerranceI dont have Ubuntu Software Center anymore18:42
cdcdcdcthevishy: i just add the iso to that custom_40 script somewhere? i am not too much with the shell scripts18:42
thevishyyou can edit the file using Dr_Willis sample entry in 40custom - http://pastebin.com/whbT087k18:42
nothingspecialTerrance: That`s a good one. Do you have dpkg?18:42
seismicmikeis there, by chance, a third party repository out there that has current versions of firefox and thunderbird?18:42
cdcdcdcthevishy: oh cool thx18:42
thevishycdcdcdc, do you have a 32 bit ubuntu desktop edition then that page will correctly show you what entry to make in 40custom .18:43
thevishyand then update-grub18:43
cdcdcdcthevishy: I have 32 bit alternate18:43
nothingspecialTerrance: You may be able to chroot from a live cd and do it that way18:43
seismicmikeI find it severly annoying that I have to either wait until the next release to get an updated version, or I have to manually download the source and install it side by side with the old version....18:43
TerranceI some how manage to delete everything im ussing the ubuntu CD to be able to use my PC nothing is working18:43
thevishyalternate you can install apparently - desktop edition works in GRUB218:44
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sindegrahey after I updated my grub 2 boot my encrypted drive won't automount at login. anyone know a fix?18:44
nothingspecialTerrance: Mount your file system, chroot it and  apt-get install apt18:44
thevishygot DC18:45
shane2peruhow do I remove all these locales it is installing in the upgrade procedure?  I only need two.18:45
cdcdcdcthevishy: i see that alternate is in there as well i think. what i don't understand is how the install will work if it's booting and installing from the same hd that it installs to. I guess it forces me to partition?18:45
thevishyI got disconnected , last I tried Ubuntu Alternate didnt let me do anything via grub2 :(18:45
shane2peruI should have done that before upgrade, but didn't think of it.18:45
cdcdcdcthevishy: oh so i need the desktop. ok np.18:46
thevishyYes cdcdcd  I think that would be the case , but why not install a fresh OS in your case ?18:46
brett_his it possible to see the (debian) changelog file of a package without downloading the source?18:46
kenaj1what files do I place downloaded print drivers?18:46
thevishyi have a sysrescuecd that boots from ISO in that method , but never tried OS installation from there . though it looks like its possible as much . Dr_Willis might know more18:46
aciculashane2peru: apt-get remove <package>18:46
cdcdcdcthevishy: what do you mean by a fresh OS? that is what I am trying to do i thought.18:47
thevishyI mean yes , so you dont have a CD or USB with you ?18:47
shane2peruacicula, I probably would be better off in synaptic looking for locales because there are a lot of them.18:47
looping_Does anyone know how to use an external parallel port IDE drive box with ubuntu ?18:48
thevishyDr_Willis, when we install OS like that wouldn't that keep the current parition intact ? I mean you cant install on the complete hdd18:48
nemoquestion for #ubuntu - Desktop is still ~/Desktop right?18:48
Terrancenothingspecial: /usr/bin/python: can't find '__main__.py' in '/usr/share/command-not-found'18:48
maconemo: yes18:48
nemo'cause tjc says he made a folder called temp on his desktop, but ~/Desktop is empty18:48
cdcdcdcthevishy: I don't have either of those. so it will make me partition the HD then i can delete the old partition i guess18:48
thevishycdcdcdc, do you have another computer ?18:48
Terrancethats what i get i did a chroot18:48
erUSULlooping_: once apon a time linux have a driver for those ...18:49
nemoI was trying to make using the commandline as easy as possible, but tjc has me believing in magic now18:49
thevishyFine try it out18:49
shane2peruthevishy, I think it depends on what options are selected during installation18:49
nothingspecialTerrance, it sounds like your install is toast, what did you do?18:49
cdcdcdcthevishy: yeah i have an old PC running lucid on the network18:49
shane2peruthevishy, as far as the partitions part is concerned18:49
maconemo: did he maybe change his settings so that the desktop as in where the wallpaper is displays the contents of home? it's an option...18:49
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nemomaco: ohhhhh18:49
nemomaco: but wouldn't there be more junk in there then?18:49
nemotjc: did you do that? :)18:49
shtylmananyone know anything about libtool? and how i can make it do what I want :)18:49
Terrancenothingspecial: something like sudo apttitude unistall or delete18:50
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thevishyFine shane2peru  , cdcdcdc - you can do PXE install if you have another computer and a cross over cable ( router's cable )18:50
Terrancei dont remember i was tring to reinstal all my pkgs18:50
cdcdcdcthevishy: i think i have one somewhere. i'll look that up.18:50
thevishyi took 2 days to figure out PXE boot properly but its an option if you have no CD and USB . check it out18:50
jukwhy irssi when it feels good gets connected to ubuntu when not says invalid argument?18:51
erUSULlooping_: and still does .... amazing ;P /lib/modules/2.6.32-25-generic/kernel/drivers/block/paride18:51
nothingspecialTerrance: oops, do you know hao to chroot?18:52
adrian_hi guys18:52
looping_erUSUL: thanks a lot, I couldn't remember the name of the driver...18:52
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cdcdcdcthevishy: eh i don't know seems beyond me. maybe i'll just buy a usb.18:52
Terrancechroot /directory/partition(withubuntu)18:52
nothingspecialYep, then try to apt-get apt18:53
nemomaco: FYI, that is exactly what tjc had done18:53
nemomaco: thanks :)18:53
maconemo: np18:53
Terrancenothingspecial: /usr/bin/python: can't find '__main__.py' in '/usr/share/command-not-found18:53
nothingspecialTerrance:Are you on live cd?18:54
tjingboemi have broken packages and cannot start x anymore. How can i repair it?18:54
loveIf anyone loves to work with the keyboard in graphical user interfaces.. use an hour or so to set up compiz properly. I can start all programs I use every day, position them as I want and usually do, I've got 16 workspaces and can do everything without mouse (if I'm not browsing or doing some image editing)18:54
loveit's real power!18:54
nothingspecialTerrance: I think you`ve killed it, unless I`m missing something18:54
nemotjingboem: try setting vesa as your graphics driver in your xorg.conf - if that's an issue for you to do, try moving your xorg.conf to xorg.conf.backup18:55
lgp171188Hi all I am trying to run a small python script from crontab. The python script notifies user using libnotify using pynotify module. The code gets executed, but the notification never comes up. Any clues?18:55
nemotjingboem: then run usual repair steps18:55
nemotjingboem: like the one in synaptic18:55
blakkheimlgp171188: it's being run as root18:55
Dr_Willislgp171188:  i think thats an X security type feature. You dont want to let just any app access other users X sessions18:55
lgp171188blakkheim: The entry to run the script is in the user's crontab only18:55
gantrixxI just installed MySQL on Ubuntu 10.10, but I can't seem to access it with just "mysql -u root" as the documentation says I should.  I keep getting "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)" error.18:56
tjingboemnemo, thanks, ill try18:56
jukgantrixx: you should sudo mysql -p18:56
cdcdcdcgantrixx: did you make a password? try -p18:56
gantrixxno, I just installed it18:56
nemotjingboem: normally vesa is triggered on X startup probs - that's the low graphics mode18:56
erUSULlgp171188: export DISPLAY=:0 in the crontab line18:56
gantrixxI've not set the password yet18:56
nemotjingboem: but it isn't foolproof by any means18:56
lgp171188Dr_Willis: I am just trying to run it under my user account. Running the python script as my user works fine18:56
nemotjingboem: for example, in upgrading to 10.10 I got things completely screwed up due to fglrx being moved around18:57
tjingboemnice to know :)18:57
lgp171188erUSUL: I will try that and get back18:57
Terrancenothingspecial:  is there a way to install ubuntu on top of the old one witout loosing stuff ?18:57
nemotjingboem: fixing it was a real pain, I had to manually remove some paths that were registered in apt, then reinstall the driver18:57
Dr_WillisTerrance:  that would be  upgradeing the os.18:57
gantrixxcdcdcdc, I get "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)"18:57
nemotjingboem: fglrx being the ATI proprietary driver18:57
Dr_Willis!upgrade | Terrance18:57
ubottuTerrance: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:57
nothingspecialTerrance: seperate /home18:58
cdcdcdcgantrixx: how did you install?18:58
roy_hej Shayen18:58
gantrixxcdcdcdc, I did it from the Software Center18:58
nothingspecialDr_Willis: He`s killed his install, he`s removed apt & dpkg and can`t chroot18:58
Dr_WillisTime to boot a live cd and backup and resinstall then I guess..18:59
Terrancethanks a lot18:59
* Dr_Willis wonders how one removes apt....18:59
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shawnboyHow do I add an image to a PDF using PDFedit?18:59
thevishycdcdcdc, suggest use USB its not so difficult as it looks18:59
lgp171188erUSUL: Does setting that env variable matter - because I am programmatically invoking libnotify through pynotify API18:59
nothingspecialTerrance: /dev/sda1             9.2G  3.0G  5.8G  34% /19:00
nothingspecialTerrance: sorry wrong pastebin19:00
TerranceI np19:00
erUSULlgp171188: well at the en you are running a graphical app and that app needs to know where to display things ... cron jobs have almost not env. no PATH no DISPLAY etc ...19:00
nothingspecialTerrance: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome19:01
cdcdcdcgantrixx: maybe try again with apt-get uninstall and then install? it should ask you to configure a root user plus password on install19:01
nothingspecialI mean clipboard..... must stop drinking19:02
cdcdcdcthevishy: thnx i think i'll go that route19:02
FiReSTaRTjust a quick confirmation question... if i run lucid server, i can select for it not to install LAMP?19:02
lgp171188erUSUL: Thanks that did the trick and I learnt a new thing today. Thanks a ton :)19:02
FiReSTaRTwell AMP :P19:02
macoFiReSTaRT: right19:02
shawnboyjust a squirrel trying to get a .... n u t . . . .19:02
gantrixxcdcdcdc, is 'uninstall' and 'remove' the same thing?19:02
erUSULlgp171188: no problem19:02
macoFiReSTaRT: itll give you a menu of things to choose from... ssh, lamp, mail, etc.19:02
shawnboyhow do I add an image to PDF using PDFedit?19:02
gantrixxcdcdcdc, if so, I did19:02
FiReSTaRTthanks maco.. trying to run a very minimalist version, with just asterisk19:03
cdcdcdcgantrixx: yes right19:03
gianyhow can I see a list of available updates?19:03
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FiReSTaRTmaco and whatever's needed for *19:03
Dr_Willisshawnboy:  try drag/dropping it into the program..  amazing how many things support drag and drop these days19:03
shawnboytried that Dr_Willis19:03
gantrixxI don't get it, I'm following the documentation, but it doesn't work.  How can access be denied for root@localhost right after the install?19:04
shawnboyDr_Willis, seems like an easy thing to do ... if PDFedit can't do that then I can't imagine what it's for.19:04
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gianyhow can I see a list of available updates? something like yum check-update on rhel?19:05
ZhouAh. Now I understand- Traditional characters have to by typed with bopomofo because thats what they do in taiwan. *sigh*19:06
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nemoZhou: I could ask my taiwanese coworkers how they do it19:06
nemoZhou: several use linux19:06
nemoZhou: not that I have any idea what "bopomofo" is :)19:07
Galvatron_2Whenever an ADSL modem (Sagem F@st 800 E4 or SpeedTouch 330) is plugged in, my Ubuntu 10.10 (GNOME) stops loading after showing up wallpaper and pointer. All I can do is pressing Alt + SysRq + B, because nothing else works. I happens always during a clean boot and after first reset/reboot. I already tried the newest build of the kernel 2.6.36-RC8, Xorg-edgers and numerous connnection configuration methods.19:07
cdcdcdcgantrixx: mysql -u root -p  (with password as my root pass. it works for me. other than that I don't know)19:08
q0shey guys. i am running maverick and atheros ar9285 chipset. my kernel has the ath9k module loaded, but there is no wlan0. the interface is missing ... can someone help?19:08
erUSULGalvatron_2: and if you plug the modem after the mchine has booted up copmpletly? it does not crash?19:09
Galvatron_2erUSUL: I didnt try it completely19:09
nothingspecialqos: Do you have ath0?19:10
Zhounemo, I was just on facebook chatting with taiwanese people and that seems to be the method they use under windows, anyway. Apparently PinYin only yields simplified characters now (although it is otherwise much more intelligent than the last time I used it). I think I will just use a Simplified to Traditional converter19:10
Galvatron_2erUSUL: but Sagem can't synchronise if plugged after system is loaded19:10
steevoGalvatron_2:I've read that this could be a hardware issue. Even if it works fine in windows,linux will not take.can you replace your adsl?19:10
simontolHi, is HAL totally deprecated? Can I remove it?19:10
furii need help with music applet, after configuring it and making it, it doesn't show up in the "add to panel" list. using 10.10. what should i do?19:10
Galvatron_2steevo: I have two SpeedTouches and one Sagem, but nothing else19:11
erUSULGalvatron_2: i've used SpeedTouch 330 in the past and had no problems with it... but it was a few releases ago ...19:11
Galvatron_2Same here19:11
Galvatron_2It started suddenly, after a partition table crash I had in Karmic19:12
Galvatron_2Before that, SpeedTouch worked perfectly in karmic19:13
Galvatron_2I'm planning to switch to router, but I don't know when can I19:13
pushpopHi all, I'm trying to mount a windows share.  I am successful but I can only write to the share if I am root any other user I can't.  I chmod'd the mounted share but the chmod fails... any idea's?19:14
gianyhow can I see a list of available updates? something like yum check-update on rhel?19:14
m4kI want to make wildcard subdomain for localhost like xyz.localhost.local asd.localhost.local or any thing19:14
jukZhou: isn't cantonese same as traditional19:14
m4kgiany: apt-get update19:14
miniCruzergiany: sudo aptitude safe-upgrade, too19:14
manlymatt83Hi folks.  Quick question.  I'm thinking of upgrading my T42 (1024x768 display) to a T510 (HD+).  I haven't used any wide screen laptop before, and I'm obviously super used to the larger text size.  Someone has told me not to upgrade, as I'll think text is just too small, and someone else has told me to upgrade to the T510, but adjust settings in my OS to "increase text size across the board".  Is that possible in Ubuntu?  Can I run in HD+ resolution bu19:14
twageranyone else having problems with  startup disk creator ?19:15
steevopushpop,chown the file if possible to your  home account. then chmod19:15
shane2perum4k,  you have to edit /etc/hosts  and where localhost is plugin what you want, back it up first. :)19:15
mehworkwhen i do 'sudo umount /mnt/foo' it says 'device is busy, see manpage for umount.cifs'. any idea why?19:15
Galvatron_2erUSUL, steevo: In kerle log it looks like connecting and setting DNS is the last thing logged before reset.19:15
pushpopsteevo what do you mean chown19:15
rohithmanlymatt83:  yeah u can configure how text should look like !!!19:15
neriukaschage group19:15
Zhoujuk: I don't think so? I think cantonese is a different dialect and usually written with simplified characters19:16
rohithmanlymatt83:  it wont be a prooblem u can adjust text apearence as the way u want19:16
m4kshane2peru: i added in /etc/hosts but  subdomains will be dynamic not fixed i even tried *.localhost.ltd but it dint work19:16
StrangeCharmhow can i automatically dial a vpn when i log in, connect or reconnect to a network, or the vpn breaks?19:16
rohithtwager: yup ubuntu 10.10 doesnt seem to work on startup disk creation using tool in ubuntu 10.04 and unetbootiin19:17
meHrishinapster: hi19:17
shane2perum4k, ohhh, wait, I'm sorry, are you setting that up for a server?19:17
tjingboemi think i have a real problem: gparted does not see my file system. Can i repair ir?19:17
shane2perum4k, like a domain name, not just an internal shortcut?19:17
nibbler_StrangeCharm, you mean how to auto-reconnect a network-manager managed openvpn?19:17
twagerrohith: Thanks...Not just me then..:-)19:17
rohithtjingboem:  what do u mean .. what gparted shows u19:18
steevopushpop:go to a terminal and type 'whatis chown' without quotes19:18
ExitusIs any1 else having problems with GnomeDO's dock opinion?19:18
StrangeCharmnibbler_, yes that sounds like what i want to do19:18
twagerrohith: Google says bug in syslinux19:18
furii need help with music applet, after configuring it and making it, it doesn't show up in the "add to panel" list. using 10.10. what should i do?19:18
tjingboemi lost my boot partition, and gparted does not see it as a known file system19:18
rohithtwager: i installed release candidate and had terrible experience with 10.10 lol... i am staying wid gud 10.0419:18
StrangeCharmnibbler_, i normally connect using network-manager applet19:18
erUSULGalvatron_2: sorry i think i can not help further19:19
nibbler_StrangeCharm, the network-manager applet is not the best imho. either call sudo openvpn in a shell or a script, then it will auto-reconnect, or use gopenvpn.sourceforge.net - thats what i do19:19
ExitusI cant change it to "dock theme" cause there is no option for it19:19
rohithtjingboem:  is der any data in the boot partition other than boot data?19:19
twagerrohith: Does it work ok in 10.04 ?19:19
rohithtwager:  let us they will fix it sumhw19:19
m4kshane2peru: yes like a domain name i created mak.com and also created a file in /etc/apache2/sites-avalible/mak.com and its working but i'm not able to access www.mak.com19:19
tjingboemrohith, no i have another partition with my data...lucky me19:20
rohithtwager:  I dont remember hw i installed 10.04 ... but it works i think19:20
Typh_is there a simple way to figure out where the binaries go when you do an apt-get install?19:20
erUSULTyph_: dpkg -L packagename19:20
shane2perum4k, hhmmm, I have done that but it was a while ago, I followed some guides, and trouble shot a lot.  I don't remembe rnow.19:20
Typh_erUSUL: holy hell thankyou19:21
nibbler_Typh_, there /var/lib/dpkg/info/*list are lists19:21
rohithtjingboem:  soo dont worry bro.. just partition ur drive with as a linux filesystem re install grub on it19:21
shane2perum4k, you did install all the lamp server options right?19:21
okapi14Ho all, I am in Marvrick and having problem everytime I run a administrative application..19:21
nibbler_erUSUL, ah dpkg -L , nice, too ;-)19:21
rohithtjingboem: better use a live cd for this.. if u need help in this.. am here :)19:21
Picim4k: did you enable that site? sudo a2ensite mak.com ?19:21
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Typh_ah. /usr/sbin/ isn't on my path. Is that... normal?19:21
shane2perum4k, did you install the server from the disk as a fresh install?  or did you install desktop then server stuff on top.19:21
steevookapiil4:what kind of problem. some more details please19:21
m4kPici: yes everything is installed and working19:22
tjingboemrohith, the liveCD does not see the partition anymore19:22
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Talon_i have two monitors setup as seperate X sessions. I want to reduce the number of workspaces on the second monitor, if I right click workspace switcher on the second monitor and go to preferences it opens the preferences for the first workspace switcher and modifies the one on the primary monitor, how do i change how many workspaces the second monitor has?19:22
m4kshane2peru: i'm using desktop version and i want it for my development environment19:22
Cyber_Beasthow to recover hjsplit files.. "001, 002, 003....." in ubuntu file system EXT4?? PS: scalpel doesn't work, because it supports very less known extension formats.19:23
Cyber_BeastPlease? ANYONE?19:23
m4kPici: yes i enabled it19:23
rohithtjingboem: hey friend u just format the partition not down its nmber like sd1 or hda1 like that then manually mount it to ur root partition boot folder19:23
meHrishiHi all19:23
shane2perum4k, understand I did the same thing.  There were two different ways of setting up and installing the server stuff, installing after desktop is a bit more complex, but not that hard, configuring though afterwards can be a pain19:23
jukZhou: yeah I see, kindof hybrid traditional + simplified if you want traditional try installing ibus-chewing19:24
NicolaLdov'è l'aito ubuntu ita?19:24
Picim4k: Is that the actual domain name that you have?19:24
Pici!it | NicolaL19:24
ubottuNicolaL: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:24
rohithtjingboem: if u can trust me i can do that for u19:24
Cyber_Beasthow to recover hjsplit files.. "001, 002, 003....." in ubuntu file system EXT4?? PS: scalpel doesn't work, because it supports very less known extension formats.19:24
rohithtjingboem: what u have to do is just boot into ur system with a live cd19:24
tjingboemrohith, i should use a liveCD right?19:24
Bob_DoleI don't feel that this'd be the best place to ask about OpenOffice, but #OpenOffice doesn't really seem to exist19:25
rohithtjingboem: yes. u just boot into ur system with a live cd19:25
PiciBob_Dole: its #openoffice.org19:25
tjingboemrihith, right19:25
NicolaLubottu, grazie19:25
Bob_DolePici: thanks19:25
steevoBob_Dole:try your luck19:25
pvl1how can i add scripts to my profile19:25
m4kPici: no it is not it is virtual, actually we have 3 desktop and we are working on web app which got dynamic subdomains, now to have a reall world environment i was trying to make the virtual domain19:26
rohithCyber_Beast:  u mean u want to recover deleted files or join splitted files>>>19:26
ExitusCould anyone help me a little with Gnome Do docky?19:26
manlymatt83rohith: thanks19:26
shane2peruExitus, did you install gnome-do-plugins  if not you may not have those options.19:26
steevoBob_Dole:#openoffice.org-de for this server19:26
rohithExitus: yup !! i f i know ...19:27
Cyber_Beastrohith: I want to recover splited files... 001 002 003...19:27
Exitusshane2peru: yes I installed those19:27
FriGiNDesKafternoon all.. got a linksys/ralink 2870 that is randomly losing connection and pc needs restarted to get it back , i got the compat-wireless but i dont know how to check to see if its working on that or the standard driver19:27
rohithCyber_Beast:  did u accidentely delete dat files?19:27
herii installed ubuntu but on the grub i want to make windows default.how do i do that?19:27
Cyber_Beastrohith: Yes..19:27
shane2peruExitus, that is all I know to suggest, Gnome-do became a resource hog last time I used it.19:27
steevoExitus:press windows button and the space bar the program should come up if installed properly19:27
rohithCyber_Beast:  let me do a research i will come up wen i find a good solution ..19:28
nemohm. why was I here... oh yeah.  VIRT/RES/SHR for Xorg and ubuntuone-syncd reporting as 1132m 706m 266m and 216m 100m 2664 respectively19:28
nemothose seem a little high19:28
Exitussteevo: yeah yea, I know how it works, I just cant make it as dock19:28
heriany one now?19:28
nemois Xorg leaky these days?19:28
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Picim4k: #httpd might be a better place to ask for complex apache setup questions.19:28
Exitussteevo: The newest version should have option for "docky theme" but there is no that on mine19:29
Cyber_Beastrohith:  excellent.19:29
alzieheri: install startupmanager from synaptic is the easiest way19:29
rusiviFriGiNDesK: You may be able to check the wifi driver type being used via System ->Administration -> Hardware Drivers19:29
nemoAlso, the Xorg memory resident usage is now 706 - it was 658 when I signed on this channel19:30
the_filehi is there anyway to print a pdf that doesen't allow printing?.19:30
nemojust 1¼h ago19:30
=== shane2peru is now known as shane4ubuntu
tjingboemrohith, i am running a liveCD. How can a mount a partition that cannot bee seen?19:30
=== FriGiNDesK is now known as FriGiN-DesK
takamarouHI all, I just installed 10.10 off of a livecd..  after the install finished I did a reboot (as prompted)...  when it tried to load grub I got the error "error: the symbol 'grub_xputs' not found.", and then it drops me to the grub_rescue prompt....  How do I fix this?  I've got a dual boot setup with Win7 and Ubuntu, and now I can't access either of them!19:31
rohithtjingboem:  plss open gparted from system administration19:31
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rohithtjingboem: it has some alternative name19:31
m4kPici: thanks19:31
rusivitakamarou: Did you MD5SUM the iso before burning to the CD?19:31
jayserni installed redis-server using aptitude on Lucid Lynx. How do I check which version of redis this is ?19:32
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takamarourusivi, yeah.. and I tried redownlaoding the ISO and starting over.. same problem.19:32
boxbeatsyjaysern: not sure, but i installed redis yesterday nad it was 2.1 (i know through an traceback)19:32
herii installed ubuntu.but i want to make windows default on the grub.how do i do that??????19:32
alzieheri: install startupmanager from synaptic is the easiest way19:32
FinnishHow do I make an internet connection in macerick with bluetooth, laptop and mobile phone?19:32
Sikthhi, I'm trying to connect different commands in the terminal, can someone point me to a webpage on the different types of ways to connect them, and their results?19:32
rohithtjingboem:  hello.. I pm u ??19:33
jaysernboxbeatsy: i found out that certain commands don't work .. for instance, some operations involving sorted sets. i was wondering if it's because it's an older version of redis that aptitude installed19:33
rohithtjingboem:  can i pm u?19:33
tjingboemrohith, i use kubuntu..19:33
christozhello, has anyone managed to run ie7 or ie 8 via wine ?19:33
tjingboemtrying to locate gparted...19:33
rohithtjingboem: now u r kubuntu live cd>>??? :(19:34
rusivitakamarou: Well as the new saying goes, dual-booting is for the dinosaurs. My recommendation is to reinstall w/ Lucid or Maverick (which ever works for you) use entire disc (no side-by-side/dual-booting) and virtualize Windows if an absolute must.19:34
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rohithtjingboem:  hmm ... things geting little bit complicated...19:34
tjingboemi will browse for a ubuntu cd19:34
brad8171get rid of Windows19:34
takamarourusivi, not an option.. I use this laptop for work and for personal use..  need both on there.  It can't possibly be the solution that I just can't.19:34
rohithtjingboem:  coz am not so familier with kubuntu any ways dont worry ...19:34
boxbeatsyjaysern: hmm, yea not sure how to check version.  i had to build 2.0 from source for what im doing.19:35
rohithtjingboem: open comand prompt and type sudo gparted19:35
rusivitakamarou: Is this a biz provided laptop or personal one used for biz purposes?19:35
tjingboemright, command not found19:35
takamarourusivi, personal used for biz purposes19:35
steevotakamarou:I was lucky enough to install (triple boot temporarily) xubuntu and that grub did the work for me.19:35
tjingboemwait i look for Ubuntucd19:35
jaysernfound the solution: aptitude show redis-server19:35
rohithtjingboem: can i pm u ???19:35
FriGiNDesKhaving problems with a ralink/linksys wireless nic losing connectivity after some time and not able to reconnect.. gotta restart, got suggested to get compat-wireless but its still doing it. not sure to check what driver is driving my nic19:35
uLinuxim going to remove pulseaudio but it says ubuntu-desktop will be removed! should i continue?19:35
jaysernlooks like i have version 2:1.2.0-119:35
rohithtjingboem:  private msg>>19:35
tjingboemof course19:36
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions19:36
takamarousteevo, so install a third OS, and that grub will fix my current one?  That's a pretty cool idea.19:36
uLinuxwhat is "ubuntu-desktop" package19:37
steevoSikth:the basic way to connect a programs output to anothers input is with a pipe |,the ; allows only one command19:37
rusivitakamarou: Well I'm not speculating no solution exists for your particular problem, I bet one does. I'm just not into diving down the rabbit hole.19:37
takamarourusivi, alright..  well thanks for the help.  I'll wait for my alice.19:37
steevotakamarou:its cool yes. its what worked for me. Just find a solid distro19:38
Sikthsteevo, if one command fails, will the rest continue, or stop with piping?19:38
uLinuxim going to remove pulseaudio but it says ubuntu-desktop will be removed! should i continue?19:38
FriGiNDesKhaving problems with a ralink/linksys wireless nic losing connectivity after some time and not able to reconnect.. gotta restart, got suggested to get compat-wireless but its still doing it. not sure to check what driver is driving my nic19:38
steevoSikth:I'm not sure its been a while. If you cannot connect too many commands then put the commands in ( example command|example)19:39
rusiviuLinux: Not a good idea to remove ubuntu-desktop.19:40
steevoSikth:the headline says it has what you need http://www.dartmouth.edu/~rc/classes/ksh/print_pages.shtml19:40
uLinuxrusivi: i want to remove pulseaudio. it sucks19:40
rusiviuLinux: What do you find about pulseaudio that makes it suck?19:41
uLinuxbugs  i just want alsa19:42
rusiviuLinux: Any bug(s) in particular?19:42
TomV-415I was thinking of upgrading my Dell Studio 1745 from 10.04 to 10.10, but just to check it out first, I installed it on a 16GB usb stick.  I was surprised how much slower it was running, and I see that there are others that have upgraded and seen the same problem (search ubuntu 10.10 slow to see threads.)  Mouse is VERY unresponsive, etc.  Any guess when the kinks will be worked out?19:43
FriGiNDesKhaving problems with a ralink/linksys wireless nic losing connectivity after some time and not able to reconnect.. gotta restart, got suggested to get compat-wireless but its still doing it. not sure to check what driver is driving my nic19:43
rusivi[14:29] FriGiNDesK: You may be able to check the wifi driver type being used via System ->Administration -> Hardware Drivers19:43
itsjustmehi everyone - I'm searching for a software to combine two videostreams into one (picture-in-picture) on demand and live - any suggestions?19:44
jaysernwhen I ran aptitude show redis-server, it said: Version: 2:1.2.0-1 <-- so is that redis version 2? or version 1.2.0 ?19:45
FriGiNDesKrusivi: hardware drivers is not there that i see... do i need to install a package19:45
shane4ubuntuitsjustme, I'm not sure this meats the live and on demand part, but Openshot19:45
pushpopHi all I'm trying to change the default web port in the ports.conf after chaging the  default listen port I restart apache2 but I can't connect to the site after I change the port.  IS there anywhere else I need to change the port?19:46
rusiviFriGiNDesK: Ok, you clicked on System -> Administration and did not see Hardware Drivers?19:46
napster"tar -c --file=x.tar" gives me "tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive"19:46
napsterwhat to do?19:46
napsterI would like to create an empty archive19:46
FriGiNDesKrusivi: correct i see "additional drivers" but no hardware anything19:47
llutznapster: why?19:47
itsjustmeshane4ubuntu: it has to be able to composite live from two video sources. Basically all I need is to activate or deactivate one videostream from a cam in the lower left corner, while the other video source is playing in the main window19:47
rusiviFriGiNDesK: Ok, check out Additional Drivers and see what it has to say.19:47
brontoeeepushpop, router?19:47
Estragonhi, just a little question, where can I change the wallpaper (by command line, not by usual gui)19:47
napsterllutz: To use with one of my program19:48
pushpopbrontoeee tryign to access on local lan first19:48
juklol, connecting to ubuntu with irssi like rolling dice, at port 8000 and 800119:48
shane4ubuntuitsjustme, that is what I thought you meant by live and on demand, but wasn't sure, forget openshot. :)19:48
mrq hi, im trying to build mysql server in non-root environment but i get this message when running mysql_install_db: ERROR: 1049 Unknown database 'mysql' ??19:48
FriGiNDesKrusivi: onlything listed is the nvidia driver nothing else.19:48
gnubuntuI've tried booting the 10.10 i386 using two disk drives and a USB drive and I get the following error each time: Busybox... (initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squash.fs failed: Input/output error     Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs19:48
itsjustmeshane4ubuntu thanks for the suggestion anyway. :)19:49
brontoeeepushpop, ok, you do know that you have to specify the port like http://cowserver:81 ?19:49
rusivi!realtek | FriGiNDesK19:49
ubottuFriGiNDesK: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b19:49
daleRunning Ubuntu 10.1019:50
Estragonsomeone knows what file contains the wallpaper being used ?19:50
steevoHow do you test a working xampp installation. I can't connect from the outside.Computer demilitirized zone outside router19:50
FriGiNDesKrusivi: i've read that however i'm using the 2870 not the 8187b so i didnt follow19:51
itsjustmeEstragon its no file, its a setting in the gnome-configuration19:51
trismnapster: I'm not sure tar will let you, you could create an archive with an empty directory though; mkdir x; tar cvf x.tar x/; otherwise might help to know what you're trying to accomplish19:51
FriGiNDesKrusivi:  WUSB54GC v3 802.11g Adapter [Ralink RT2870]19:51
olmariHello, is there an way to blacklist certain device from working?19:52
rusiviFriGiNDesK: I would try the following command at the Terminal: dmesg | grep realtek19:52
nimbioticsI use my (ubuntu 10.04) laptop to make phone calls thru google voice using a USB headset. I also need to record some of those calls and have been trying to do so with Audacity 2.3.12 but I only get my voice. I followed instructions at http://tinyurl.com/25mx4bd in order to get audio from stereo mix but now, as soon as I connect my USB headset; audio output is lost. What can I do to: 1)...19:52
nimbiotics...Recover normal operation of USB headset output and 2) record my phone calls. TIA19:52
olmariI mean I want mine old integrated bluetooth disabled but keep new dongle enabled, bios doesn't have any switch19:52
FriGiNDesKnothing returned19:52
olmariand OS doesn't seem to have option to kill just one of them19:52
rusiviFriGiNDesk: using grep it's case sensitive so try the different permutations: RealTek REALTEK Realtek realtek19:53
llutzFriGiNDesK:  dmesg | grep -i realtek19:53
glitchdhow would i find a playing stream if i wanted to rip it?19:54
FriGiNDesKllutz: rusivi: still nothing19:54
napstertrism: I have a list passed as a parameter in my program. I could remove about n iterations of a loop if I could create an empty archive19:55
mbeierlUrg.  upgrades and backward compatibility: I cannot run a program anymore due to some sort of change in ncurses with the upgrade to maverick.  The error is exactly as described here http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/ncurses-based-program-had-to-be-recompiled-on-a-different-pc-same-os-838894/ but in my case, I do not have the source code.  Anyone?19:55
pdtpatrick_@Frigin -- does lshal and lspci return anything ?19:55
QuadrescenceOkay, some package installed a font called "monospace". It is NOT the one installed by default (dejavu), but it is a font I guess literally named "monospace" and is a courier like font. Can anyone figure out which package installed this?19:55
Typh_probably the wrong channel, but one of my django pages is locking apache, I believe, but I can't find which page it is. Can anyone recommend a tool for finding such a thing?19:56
TomV-415I'm curious if anyone else here has experienced a major performance hit when moving from 10.04 to 10.10.  I'm wondering if my issue affects a relatively small number of users.19:56
brontoeeeTomV-415, gnome or everything?19:56
FriGiNDesKpdtpatrick_: not for the wireless card. the lspci does, but i can lsusb -v and get the info for my card19:56
Typh_whoops, I typed that in the WRONG wrong channel, haha19:56
mbeierlQuadrescence: dpkg -S monospace .  dpkg -S does a search on which packages installed the program after the -S19:57
glitchdanyone know how to track down a playing stream?19:57
TomV-415brontoeee: I think gnome.. mouse is slow, and basically unusable for me.19:57
mbeierlQuadrescence: note - it's pattern match so it'll find any file with the phrase monospace in it19:57
brontoeeeTomV-415, i've installed the murrine engine from maverick to lucid and there is some menu-opening speed limit, but still quite usefull19:58
FriGiNDesKok guys.. i got lunch up.. i'll have to get back at this in a bit. thx for tryin i'll be back in like 15... i'll scroll back and see if any suggestions pop between now and then19:58
trismnapster: found a workaround in the tar manual, try: tar cvf empty-archive.tar --files-from=/dev/null;19:58
TomV-415brontoeee: if you google 'ubuntu 10.10 slow' you will see several threads from unhappy users... but I'm wondering if it's been a hot topic here.  If not, it's probably only affecting a small number of us.19:59
suseyCan I simply dd the netbook remix .iso to a usb stick?19:59
KB1JWQsusey: I think there's a bit more to it.19:59
napstertrism: Just seen it a couple of minutes ago. Thank you :)20:00
m4kI want to create a DNS server for a LAN to be used by 8-9 system. which DNS server is easiest to install and configure ?20:00
suseyKB1JWQ: So doing dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdd won't make it a bootable usb?20:00
KB1JWQsusey: Not when I tried it. :-)20:00
suseyKB1JWQ: The problem is, I'm not on Ubuntu right now, nor Windows.20:00
suseyKB1JWQ: I don't have an "Ubuntu USB bootup creator"20:01
TomV-415susey: what system are you using?20:02
suseyTomV-415: opensuse20:02
Guest16128Howdy ya'll!!20:02
suseyTomV-415: But I want to put the Ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix on a usb stick for my netbook.20:03
cececedojjI'm looking at moving a small business to use Ubuntu desktops. Would winbind let users log in through the GUI? In the howtos they show command line login.20:03
fwaokdaIf I'm in a folder and want to copy all the files within that folder to another location how do i do that through terminal? like this "sudo cp * /destinationfolder" or will that copy everything on my drive to that location20:04
TomV-415I did that, but what I did was first create a "live Cd" and THEN from there installed regular 10.10 netbook remix (from the downloaded .iso) to another USB drive..20:04
llutzsusey: install syslinux, run "isohybrid ubuntu.iso" and then "dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/whatever"20:04
suseyllutz: Never heard of that. I'll try it out.20:04
Guest16128I used to use something to mount my 3 SATA drives NTFS at boot. I installed NTFS config but it fails to launch. Any program to try?20:04
xanguasusey: you can use unetbootin to create an usb live20:04
glitchdis there a universal stream ripper in ubuntu?20:05
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brontoeeefwaokda, i think cp -R ./ /new/location20:05
llutzsusey: that should make the iso an hybrid-iso (i wonder why ubuntu doesn't offer that by default) and this you can dd to an usb-device20:05
suseyllutz: Got it.20:05
suseyllutz: With the opensuse .iso's, they all can be made into a bootable usb with dd.20:06
suseyllutz: Nice to learn about the isohybrid trick with syslinux. Thank you. I'm going to try it now!20:06
llutzsusey: all isos today should be hybrid ones20:06
rohithllutz: what is hybrid iso?20:06
cececedojjanyone have experience with winbind?20:06
fwaokdabrontoeee, thanks20:06
TomV-415susey: check out method 3 in this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:06
jca1981After upgrading to Ububtu 10.10 my mounted usb harddrive is disapering efter some time. is there somthing powering my drive down in 10.10 ?20:07
llutzrohith: thats an iso you can write to cd or usb and it just will boot, without tricks20:07
nimbioticsI use my (ubuntu 10.04) laptop to make phone calls thru google voice using a USB headset. I also need to record some of those calls and have been trying to do so with Audacity 2.3.12 but I only get my voice. I followed instructions at http://tinyurl.com/25mx4bd in order to get audio from stereo mix but now, as soon as I connect my USB headset; audio output is lost. What can I do to: 1)...20:07
nimbiotics...Recover normal operation of USB headset output and 2) record my phone calls. TIA20:07
suseyTomV-415: I'm going to install 10.10 netbook remix to my netbook (hard drive), so the usb stick is only temporary (just to install it.)20:07
DragonKeepery does ubuntu say all my iso images are not ISO's   but i know they work as i have managed to mount burn and install there contents on a different OS20:07
rohithllutz:  thanks man .. its a new info for me :)20:08
suseyllutz: I did "isohybrid ubuntu.iso" and it finished in less than a second. Is that normal?20:08
TomV-415susey: you may want to try both 10.04 and 10.10... I ran 10.10 netbook remix and it is running very slow/unusable on my fairly beefy laptop, but 10.04 runs like a champ... may be some specific hardware configurations don't quite work yet, so beware.20:09
TomV-415Try both as liveCDs..20:09
cececedojjseems like there is no support for Ubuntu + small business20:09
monstersteve84hi all im just wondering which is the best graphical shiny full of gadgets distro?20:10
suseyTomV-415: I have 10.04 on another laptop. I prefer LTS. But I want to have 10.10 on my "less important" netbook. But I'll still be using the netbook a lot.20:10
llutzsusey: idk, i only used that once long time ago. i'd suggest: try it :)20:10
DCGstudiosMorning guys, so i'm finishing up a script which has to be run with root privileges, and as it makes directorys as root, that becomes the default owner. Is there a command that can give me the logged in user for a variable? (not whoami)20:10
euthymosI'm using Ubuntu 10.10. Update manager provided me a kernel update, but after the update the kernel had the same version as before. What happened?20:11
suseyTomV-415: Yes, going to play with the live usb for 10.10 netbook remix before installing it. Mainly to make sure it plays well with my hardware. Webcam, mic, wireless, etc.20:11
euthymosThat update appeared 1-2 days ago (I don't remember)20:11
d0uglasHi. SDs mount fine in Gnome but not KDE. In KDE, get nothing but if I jump into a gnome session, i'm good. help pls20:11
euthymosis it normal, is it a bug, is it the C.I.A. :D ?20:11
TomV-415susey: good plan, that's what I did and found problems...20:11
monstersteve84i asked last night on here and someone mentioned a distro beginning with a lol narrows it down i know but any ideads?20:11
DragonKeeperhow can i mount my iso's in ubuntu ?20:11
m4kI want to create a DNS server for a LAN to be used by 8-9 system. which DNS server is easiest to install and configure ?20:11
cececedojjok fine we will just use Windows 7 now20:11
TomV-415cececedojj: why do you think that there is no small business support?20:12
DragonKeepercececedojj  DONT GIVE IN  :)20:12
rohithsusey: hmmm 10.10 just didnt fall in love wid my h/w so i have to go back to old sweet 20.0420:12
suseyI'm very happy with 10.04 on my other laptop. Really nice job, and the least issues and most stable and consistent. Even after updating every other day or so with the update manager.20:12
glitchdanyone able to answer a question?20:13
suseyI just don't like the upstream gnome regressions that ubuntu 10.04 includes. :(20:13
masternetrawell you can mount iso's in Ubuntu 10.10, by right clicking the iso and selecting Archive Mounter20:13
TomV-415cececedojj: Have you checked out http://www.ubuntu.com/support/services  ?20:13
brontoeeeDragonKeeper, rmb, open with archive mounter?20:13
suseyrohith: 20.04? Daaaaaaaaaaang!20:13
cececedojjTomV-415: yes, but i had a quick question up above20:13
DragonKeeperbrontoeee it says not 9660 ISO20:13
rohithsusey: 10.04 typo ... just dont care .. :)20:13
cececedojjTomV-415: [14:01] <cececedojj> I'm looking at moving a small business to use Ubuntu desktops. Would winbind let users log in through the GUI? In the howtos they show command line login.20:14
suseyrohith: Thought you got a sneak peak into the future.20:14
seyfarthWhich GNOME panel applet contains the wireless/network settings? Help! I'm on the phone with my mom and she hid it and is now very mad!20:14
rohithsusey:  lol... in my dreams..20:14
DCGstudiosseyfarth, its network-manager20:14
suseyGonna test out this usb now on my netbook. Thanks all, and thanks llutz for that trick! Very handy!20:14
rohithsusey: best of luck !!20:15
DCGstudiosseyfarth, 'service network-manager restart'20:15
jca1981After upgrading to Ubuntu 10.10 my mounted usb harddrive is disapering efter some time. is there somthing powering my drive down in 10.10 ?20:15
KenBW2I have the same PC at home as I do at work. I know the graphics card plays nicely with ubuntu and want to buy the same one for my home PC. How do i find out what model it is?20:15
jagan185seyfarth: I think its indicator applet20:15
masternetra@Dragon Then its probably not a iso, or it might be corrupted?20:15
brontoeeeDragonKeeper, i'd read the 'mount' command help, man20:15
rohithKenBW2: lspci20:15
rohithKenBW2: in terminal20:16
seyfarthDCGstudios: any idea what it would be called in the "add to panel" applet?20:16
seyfarthDCGstudios: I know it's buried within a colleciton of things20:16
masternetra...or CD/DVD secuirty or something *shrugs*20:16
DCGstudiosseyfarth, yea notification area20:16
DragonKeepermasternetra   its not corrupt as i have used them all before20:16
rohithseyfarth: notification area20:16
DCGstudiosseyfarth, right click > add to panel > notification area20:16
coder1my headphones not working with lucid20:17
coder1can anyone help me out20:17
rohithcoder1: try to install latest alsa,goto alsa homepage20:17
TomV-415cececedojj: looks like you could just add an icon to the desktop that ran the auth script for users to connect to AD..20:17
RustyBeeis headphone muted in mixer?20:18
coder1rohith: will that work20:18
IdleOne!sound | coder120:18
ubottucoder1: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:18
rohithcoder1: do it only if ur laptops speaker works and not head phone ...20:18
Agent001i'm disappointed that the openoffice calc that came with my ubuntu cannot make pareto graphs20:18
KenBW2This is the output from lspci: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV516 [Radeon X1300/X1550 Series]20:18
KenBW2Which part of that is the model of the graphics card I would buy?20:18
rohithcoder1: b4 dat try alsamixer config20:18
josemotahow can i scan wireless networks and find their security protocols in the command line?20:19
cececedojjTomV-415: we want it to replace the current Windows login screen20:19
coder1rohith: ya i have the same problem20:19
rohithtry alsamixer in a terminal and see if sumthng is muted20:19
cececedojjTomV-415: and allow continued account management through the Windows Domain box20:19
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coder1rohith: no nothing is muted20:20
Agent001Anyone know how to address my issue?20:20
jrib!helpme | Agent00120:20
ubottuAgent001: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude20:20
Sonderbladehow can you replace empathy with pidgin in latest ubuntu?20:20
rohithcoder1: any previous ubuntu sound worked in ur laptop.. i mean in headset?20:20
TomV-415cececedojj: Ah, so at login, user would authenticate via AD?20:20
IdleOneSonderblade: install pidgin20:20
cececedojjTomV-415: correct20:20
SonderbladeIdleOne: i meant the panel integration20:21
coder1rohith: no but in other operating system it worked20:21
nimbioticsI use my (ubuntu 10.04) laptop to make phone calls thru google voice using a USB headset. I also need to record some of those calls and have been trying to do so with Audacity 2.3.12 but I only get my voice. I followed instructions at http://tinyurl.com/25mx4bd in order to get audio from stereo mix but now, as soon as I connect my USB headset; audio output is lost. What can I do to: 1)...20:21
nimbiotics...Recover normal operation of USB headset output and 2) record my phone calls. TIA20:21
cececedojjAgent001: this might help? http://gurrier.wordpress.com/2009/11/14/creating-pareto-charts-in-openoffice-ireland-in-a-deep-hole/20:21
jca1981Help me - After upgrading to Ubuntu 10.10 my mounted usb harddrive is disapering efter some time. is there somthing powering my drive down in 10.10 ?20:21
RustyBeeHow do I modify the bootloader? The xubuntu CD complained when I tried to mount Windows, so didn't install it to grub.20:21
TomV-415cececedojj: Did you look at this: http://sadms.sourceforge.net/20:22
cececedojjTomV-415: no, but am reading now20:22
fwaokdaif i installed packages via "sudo apt-get install" and I still know which packages I installed how can i uninstall them?20:22
jrib!apt | fwaokda20:22
ubottufwaokda: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)20:22
TomV-415cececedojj: I get the impression it is not actively maintained, so beware... :-)20:22
brontoeeeTomV-415, cececedojj seems to be in repos20:23
Kartagissudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified <--- do you think if I add this user to sudo group, this problem will be resolved?20:23
brontoeeesadms is the name20:24
Saur0hi can anyone help out with a simple shorewall config question ?20:24
HapticI need some help installing and using Emerald Theme Manager. I've tried before but I couldn't get it to work.20:24
jrib!emerald | Haptic20:24
ubottuHaptic: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.20:24
Hapticwhat is an alternative that is supported?20:25
rohithcoder1: see it here .. what she did was she upgraded her driver to latest http://www.mail-archive.com/alsa-user@lists.sourceforge.net/msg20526.html20:25
Hapticoh, nvm20:25
vigge_sWehow can I flush my DNS?20:25
jribHaptic: maybe #compiz knows of some options for you?20:25
gary_inNYCis there a way to have tap zones with a touchpad which triggers navigate forward/back actions for e.g. Firefox and Nautilus?  this functionality is SORELY absent20:25
rohithcoder1:  ask sum1 here how to find alsa version and what is the latest version available20:26
jribgary_inNYC: « man synaptics » have anything promising?20:27
rohithwhat is the latest version of alsa(stable/unstable) and how to find alsa version in ubuntu20:27
coder1rohith: ok20:27
chris__i have a problem installing the driver of mi video card nvidia20:27
gary_inNYCjrib: i've checked, and none of the gui options in synaptic had anything to enable tap zones20:27
jribgary_inNYC: ok, I'm not saying the option exists, but the gui may not expose everything that is in the man page20:28
rohithwhere can we find settings to set how much line to scroll when we use scroll wheel20:28
mrqhlasi /lastlog mrq20:28
gary_inNYCjrib: ok, so where should i start?20:28
rohithwhat is the latest version of alsa(stable/unstable) and how to find alsa version in ubuntu20:28
jribgary_inNYC: read the man page, it lists the options20:28
rohithwhere can we find settings to set how much line to scroll when we use scroll wheel20:28
gary_inNYCjrib: will do thx20:28
chris__someone can tell me what i can do to install ubuntu 10.04_20:28
chris__the ubuntu don[t recognice my videeo card20:29
R00byN00byrohith: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/alsa-oss20:29
rohithis der ny way to downngrade ubuntu?20:29
rohithR00byN00by: thx buddy20:30
=== google-fu is now known as Guest10374
rohithXiphias3: ii20:30
rohithXiphias3: hiii20:30
R00byN00bynp, which version of ubuntu do you have?20:30
Xiphias3has anyone here done cross-compiling ffmpeg on ubuntu?20:30
cececedojjbrontoeee and Tomcat_ha thanks for the help!20:30
josemota:window show 220:30
josemotaoops sorry20:30
=== kira is now known as Guest26962
chris__some one here have a video card nvidia_20:31
coder1i have sound problem in dell laptop20:31
ActionParsnipchris__: indeed I do20:31
shayandoes anybody know how install Microsoft in ubuntu?20:31
aeon-ltdrohith: you can downgrade, but its not reccommended and would prob break about 90% of your packages, the only real way to 'downgrade' is to have a separate /home and just reinstall on /, that wauy at least your user settings are preserved20:31
R00byN00byhere is something on how to downgrade ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DowngradeHowto20:31
wedwo-shayan, please go troll somewhere else20:32
DannyGuousing wine20:32
ActionParsnipshayan: you can't install Microsoft ANYWHERE, It's a company, not a software20:32
aeon-ltd!details | coder120:32
ubottucoder1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:32
brontoeeeshayan, sudo apt-get install Microsoft ?20:32
shayani have a latest patch20:32
chris__with a program like crossover or winre20:32
DarsVaedais there a software for ubuntu that i can use to manipulate live recordings from mic? like bass, mid, height and so20:32
malodixshayan: What wedwo- said.20:32
DannyGuoshayan, wine is fine20:32
vigge_sWehow do I change DNS servers in ubunut?20:32
rohithaeon-ltd: thx 4 da info !!20:32
ActionParsnipvigge_sWe: in your network manager20:32
ActionParsnipvigge_sWe: if you dont use one you can raw edit /etc/resolv.conf20:33
brontoeeeDarsVaeda, ardour maybe20:33
rohithaeon-ltd: edit connections and select ur connections ipv4 settings and add dns20:33
Kartagissudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified <--- how can I fix this?20:33
jribgary_inNYC: RTCornerButton and similar can probably achieve what you want20:33
rohithaeon-ltd: sorry not 4 u20:33
coder1ubottu: dell studio1558+ubuntu lucid+no sound in headphones+sound coming in inbuilt speakers20:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:33
PiciKartagis: When are you getting that message?20:33
KartagisPici, in apache error log20:33
chris__how i can install the driver of the nvidia cards_20:34
aeon-ltdcoder1: can you use terminal?, if so check alsamixer20:34
ActionParsnip!nvidia | chris__20:34
ubottuchris__: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:34
vigge_sWeActionParsnip: thanks20:34
DarsVaedabrontoeee thx i'll give it a try20:34
Jibadeehafinally got Empathy to work with MSN ubuntu 10.10 - can go to sleep now lol20:34
vigge_sWedo I have to run some command to make it go into effect?20:34
nimbioticsPlease help. I use my (ubuntu 10.04) laptop to make phone calls thru google voice using a USB headset. I also need to record some of those calls and have been trying to do so with Audacity 2.3.12 but I only get my voice. I followed instructions at http://tinyurl.com/25mx4bd in order to get audio from stereo mix but now, as soon as I connect my USB headset; audio output is lost. What can I do...20:34
PiciKartagis: Er.. What are you doing that is trying to sudo from apache?20:34
nimbiotics...to: 1) Recover normal operation of USB headset output and 2) record my phone calls. TIA20:34
josemotais the wireless connection problem fixed? i've seen a post in the forum where lots of people complain about it and i'm sensing the same issue for me as well.20:35
coder1aeon-ltd: tell me what i have to do20:35
DCGstudioshey guys, so im working on a variable for a bash script, trying to pull the current logged in user. So far I have 'w -hs | grep gnome-session | cut'  .. Im not too familiar with the cut command and was wondering if someone could provide me with the correct syntax20:35
aeon-ltdcoder1: open terminal, type alsamixer, press enter20:35
KartagisPici, run a cgi script, and that script is trying to restart cups20:35
coder1aeon-ltd: done then20:35
=== homecable2 is now known as homecable
nick3Is it safe to update to 10.10 yet via update-manager -d?20:35
DCGstudiosits never safe to dist upgrade20:35
Picinick3: No.20:35
aeon-ltdcoder1: using the up arrow key, max out all bars for outputs20:35
josemotathe post i mentioned before: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159041520:36
nick3Then, how do I upgrade? or is it not safe?20:36
n0a1iascan any one see this?20:36
brontoeeeDCGstudios, whoami ?20:36
FriGiNhey guys network cut out again.. ok here's the basic problem i have a linksys/cisco/ralink wusb54gc/2780 and i lose connectivity, i tried to install the compat-wireless last night and to the BEST of my knowledge its installed.. but i need to find out what driver is ACTUALLY being run and if its not the compat-wireless swap to it and see if that fixes my problems.20:36
coder1aeon-ltd: done20:36
Picinick3: Do not use 'update-manager -d', follow the proper directions to upgrade.20:36
nick3Do I have to do a full re-install instead up upgrade?20:36
DCGstudiosbrontoeee, naw that wont work the script is run with root privilages20:36
jribgary_inNYC: here's an example of someone using that option to do exactly what you asked: http://stuffivelearned.org/doku.php?id=os:linux:general:synapticstouchtricks .  However follow the ubuntu wiki on how to configure synaptics as it has changed a lot in recent releases (though using synclient as on that page should probably work)20:36
Agent001Thanks cececedojj , i couldn't find that20:36
ActionParsnip!upgrade | nick320:36
ubottunick3: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:36
markbostonnick3 updating you system always has risks20:36
Picinick3: The -d switch means that you want to upgradee to the latest development release, which is Natty at this point.20:36
n0a1iasAgent001, can you see this?20:36
aeon-ltdcoder1: do any of them show 'MM' at the base of the bars?20:36
ActionParsnipnick3: use the server upgrade method, much easier20:36
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 2011 - For announcement, see http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/47820:37
* jca1981 is away, auto-away after 15 minutes, (log\off pager\on)20:37
nick3Thanks all :) so responsive, this is why ubuntu rocks20:37
jrib!away > jca198120:37
ubottujca1981, please see my private message20:37
coder1aeon-ltd: yes two of them20:37
IpSe_DiXiThi how do i get rid of the pop-up little windows appearing on the right corner of my screen everytime i chat or things like that?20:37
gary_inNYCjrib: ty for the info, i've got some reading ahead of me20:37
DCGstudiosanyone good with the cut command? need help with some pretty basic syntax.20:37
aeon-ltdcoder1: press 'm' to unmute them20:37
jribDCGstudios: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)20:37
nick3Does the common user upgrade their distro, or just wait to do a full re-install?20:37
ActionParsnipIpSe_DiXiT: disable the libnotify plugin in your chat client20:37
euthymosI'm using Ubuntu 10.10. Update manager provided me a kernel update, but after the update the kernel had the same version as before. What happened?20:37
DCGstudiosjrib, i did but its too long to explain20:37
KartagisPici, well?20:38
markbostonnick3 reinstalling is safer20:38
jribDCGstudios: well no one can help you if you can't explain your problem20:38
ActionParsnipeuthymos: there is a security upgrade for your current kernel20:38
coder1aeon-ltd: done then20:38
mezzoforte<euthymos> : securoty updates20:38
DCGstudiosjrib, if you know how to use the cut command, you can help me.20:38
markbostonnick3 but if you backup your data and then upgrade you should be ok if your paranoid about it20:38
alzienick3,  it's personal preference, many wait about a month before updates so that any issues can be ironed out20:38
svendHi. I got a program with installing. I'm trying to install netbeans(with sudo apt-get install netbeans), but it gets stuck at "Unpacking replacement libapr1". Any idea, what i can do?20:38
jribDCGstudios: no I can't because I don't know what your question is...20:38
EddiXnick3: I always do a clean install, but I use only LTS releases so I don't have to do it that often.20:38
aeon-ltdcoder1: test sound, using a source that works correctly20:38
llutzDCGstudios: "man cut"20:38
DCGstudiosjrib, so im working on a variable for a bash script, trying to pull the current logged in user. So far I have 'w -hs | grep gnome-session | cut'  .. Im not too familiar with the cut command and was wondering if someone could provide me with the correct syntax20:38
n0a1iascan you see this?20:38
brontoeeeDCGstudios, use pastebin20:38
DCGstudiosthe man page is useless20:38
jribDCGstudios: ask the channel20:38
mrbdotseDCGstudios: how about "USER=$(id -un)" ?20:38
aeon-ltdn0a1ias: yeah20:39
euthymosI see, and why is the version the same (just curiosity...)20:39
ActionParsnipDCGstudios: use $USER  instead20:39
n0a1iasoh, cool!20:39
PiciKartagis: I'm thinking.  Its not usually a good idea to run www-data will full root priveleges.20:39
jribgary_inNYC: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad on how to configure synaptics20:39
DCGstudiosActionParsnip, that will put out 'root'20:39
coder1aeon-ltd: not worrked20:39
R00byN00bywow, we got 1600 people in here, hell of a party! lol20:39
13WAALREDit is no problem for dualboot with Windows? I am going to buy a new notebook soon and they are all available with stupid windows only but it's too good (and to expensive!) for just formatting it. Can I resize the partition and put ubuntu on that laptop? or do I need to resize partitions via Windows or .. ?20:39
shadow98how do i install a specific version of mysql with apt-get20:39
icerootPici: Kartagis its never a good idea20:39
ActionParsnipDCGstudios: then launch it as your user using sudo and it will be your user20:39
nick3The thing is that I'm a software developer and am implementing a 3rd party repository.  I want to make sure that the upgrade doesn't mess it up.20:39
jribDCGstudios: why do you want it?  What are you going to do with it?20:39
DCGstudiosActionParsnip, jrib, for a script variable, it needs to be ran as root.20:40
ActionParsnip13WAALRED: you can resize the partition, alternatively look for OS free lappys, or ones preloaded with Linux20:40
markboston13WAALRED if you want to dualboot windows and linux use wubi20:40
iceroot13WAALRED: you can buy a notebook without windows20:40
markbostonmuch easier20:40
ActionParsnipDCGstudios: thats what sudo is for20:40
aeon-ltdcoder1: what model of laptop is this?20:40
IpSe_DiXiTActionParsnip: itz not just the chat client, itz also my connection, everytime i get connected it notifies me about it, and chat as well, and some other things. im talking about those black pop-up windows, its not about pidgin only20:40
=== 13WAALRED is now known as BajK___
coder1aeon-ltd: dell studio155820:40
jribDCGstudios: if you tell us what you want to accomplish with it, we might be able to tell you of a better way instead of helping you do something suboptimal20:40
DCGstudiosActionParsnip, then it would output the user as "root", therefore setting the directory owner it creates as 'root', NOT the logged in user20:40
llutzDCGstudios:  w -hs | grep gnome-session|awk '{print $1}'20:41
markboston13WAALRED i have yet to get grub working with a dualboot its too much of a pain the ass20:41
ActionParsnipIpSe_DiXiT: if you want to get rid of it totally remove the libnotify1 package and they will ALL go20:41
DCGstudiosllutz, thank you, someone with compitance.20:41
PiciKartagis: I'm thinking that it might be wise to write a script that is owned by root, but setuid so that any user can run it with elevated priveleges.20:41
markboston13WAALRED windows likes to think its the only OS that exsists20:41
aeon-ltdcoder1: ok i'm researching now, you may need a module to work the headphones socket20:41
IpSe_DiXiTActionParsnip: kk, but i didnt have this happening with 9.04 since i installed 10.04 its like this, thatz why i thought it was something coming with it, anyway thanks20:42
DCGstudiosllutz, works perfect. well done.20:42
ActionParsnipDCGstudios: andy@D420:~$ sudo echo $USER        ouptutted: andy20:42
llutzDCGstudios: if you insist on cut: w -hs | grep kde|cut -f1 -d" "20:42
llutzDCGstudios: if you insist on cut: w -hs | grep gnome-session|cut -f1 -d" "20:42
FriGiNhey guys network cut out again.. ok here's the basic problem i have a linksys/cisco/ralink wusb54gc/2780 and i lose connectivity, i tried to install the compat-wireless last night and to the BEST of my knowledge its installed.. but i need to find out what driver is ACTUALLY being run and if its not the compat-wireless swap to it and see if that fixes my problems.20:42
coder1aeon-ltd: please solve this.........20:42
DCGstudiosllutz, awk is fine, cut was just the original idera20:42
johnnybhi everybody! can anybody tell me how I can scan the wifi networks in my area and enter one (WPA encription) using the command line?20:42
=== cripy is now known as kickflip
DCGstudiosActionParsnip, your missing the point.20:42
ActionParsnipFriGiN: when it drops run:  dmesg | tail    the output will give clues20:42
EddiXnick3: I have upgraded twice from one release to another and both times my system became pretty unstable because of some old configuration files left over. You can call it bad luck, but I ALWAYS do a clean re-install nowadays.20:43
ActionParsnipFriGiN: to see the driver you can run:   sudo lshw -C network20:43
kickflipme too20:43
nick3EddiX, thanks for the advice20:43
FriGiNits the 287020:43
ActionParsnipjohnnyb: sudo iwlist scan20:43
euthymosthank you20:44
svendHi. I got a problem. Whenever i try to install some, it gets stuck at "Unpacking replacement libapr1". How do i fix this?20:45
shadow98is there anyway i can get this to work..  apt-get install mysql-server-5.020:45
KartagisPici, or in that script, run that command with sudo -u user?20:45
shadow98it is saying it wants me to install 5.120:45
jribshadow98: why do you want 5.0?  It seems like 5.1 is what is in the repositories, not 5.020:45
aeon-ltdcoder1: ok, type or paste this into terminal, 'cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec'20:45
FriGiNActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/517639/ thats my dmesg | tail output20:46
shadow98jrib: becaues im installing an additional slave into my existing master, slave configuration20:46
shadow98i need same version...20:46
jribshadow98: what version of ubuntu are you using?20:46
RustyBeeHi, I tried adding windows to my boot menu  as in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=610557 but on reboot, I got no menu offered, just booted xubuntu20:46
ActionParsnipFriGiN: is the device pluged into a USB hub or directly into the system?20:47
shadow98jrib: 10.0420:47
EddiXnick3: No problem. But on the other hand an upgrade might work too, so you might want to try it out first and then do a re-install if the system's not working properly. Anyway, may the source be with you.20:47
PiciKartagis: Well my suggestion wouldn't require any interaction once it was run.20:47
jribshadow98: in 10.04 only 5.1 is in the repositories, 5.0 is not.  I have no idea what you mean by slave and master20:47
coder1aeon-ltd: any progress??20:47
nick3Do people sort of expect programs to break when they upgrade?20:47
MrCraigI do20:48
aeon-ltdcoder1: yeah apparently this works, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1459518#320:48
ActionParsnipnick3: ive seen a lot of problems with it, I always do a clean install personally, less heartache20:48
jribshadow98: although now I do... What distro is the master running on?20:48
shadow98jrib: ok that is beside the point..if i want to install version 5.0 how can i do it..20:48
FriGiNActionParsnip: its direct20:48
coder1aeon-ltd: lets try20:48
shadow98jrib: 10.01 i think..20:48
ActionParsnipshadow98: you'll need a ppa then20:48
DCGstudiosnick3, dist upgrades yes, normal upgrades no20:48
jribshadow98: there's no such version as 10.0120:48
mrbdotseshadow98: the trick is finding a repository that has it...20:48
QuadrescenceCan the cursor in Xubuntu be changed to a solid box (as opposed to a blinking bar)?20:49
ActionParsnipFriGiN: sounds like your power switching on your usb is a bit flakey. Is it any better in a different port?20:49
FriGiNActionParsnip: here is both commands run so you can see it http://paste.ubuntu.com/517645/ right now wireless is disconnected because im connected via easytether via cell phone20:49
nick3DCGstudios, ok, I won't be that worried about it then20:49
shadow98how do i do that..20:49
QuadrescenceHitting "Insert" does so (well, it blinks), but I prefer not to type with "insert" on (or off?)20:49
jribshadow98: you should probably use the same distro for master and slave20:49
MrCraigI still have more or less the same problems when installing any distro as I had 5-10 years ago, in spite the strides that have been made.  Wifi never works out of the box and stable, there's always a problem with either sound input or output, and there's possible video issues too.20:49
Buttons840anyone know how i can increase the window resize margine up from the 1 pixel default?20:50
FriGiNActionParsnip: never thought about doing that.. but yes that seems to be what the problem amounts to.. when the desktop goes to sleep or anything it dies, as well if im not transmitting anymore it dies..20:50
ActionParsnipFriGiN: people are saying it soundslike its not getting enough power20:50
ActionParsnipFriGiN: do you have a lot of usb devices attatched?20:51
KartagisPici, I got a 500 when I did setuid on the file20:51
FriGiNActionParsnip: no im down to mouse keyboard and wifi atm thought the same i have 2 usb pci headers on my computer atm too.. but not in use20:52
shadow98looks like im using jaunty20:52
aeon-ltdButtons840: it involves editing the gtkrc of your theme, found in /usr/share/themes. after editing you'll need to reload it20:52
jribshadow98: then you need to upgrade anyway20:52
jrib!jaunty | shadow9820:52
ubottushadow98: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.20:52
tekkhey guys, i have an alsa compatible audio input which i can access by specifying the alsa hw-id e.g.  hw:1,0 for example with tools such as ffmpeg, however is there anyway i can assign a /dev/name to this sound device so i can use it with other software a little easier?20:53
ActionParsnipFriGiN: is your BIOS up to date?20:53
FriGiNActionParsnip: yes20:53
RustyBeeHow do I get the grub menu to show up on boot?20:54
mifadirhow to fix modem sync erroc20:54
ActionParsnipFriGiN: what release are you using?20:54
ActionParsnipRustyBee: hold shift at boot20:54
aeon-ltdRustyBee: hold Esc20:54
FriGiNActionParsnip: 10.10 maverick20:54
RustyBeewhich one?20:54
mifadir ubuntu can't detect it after deconnction20:54
mifadirit's an huawei ec12220:54
farmer|alchemistThe Ubuntu wiki lists keyboard problems on the Asus EEE PC 1005PE that can be fixed with a BIOS upgrade. What problems are these?20:54
ActionParsnipFriGiN: try disabling ACPI at boot20:54
aeon-ltdRustyBee: its dependant on your grub version20:55
aeon-ltdRustyBee: my advice : try both20:55
RustyBeeI shouldn't need to hold anything!20:55
delinquentmeHEY all! so im looking to take a single background and have it span both of my monitors .. the native res is 3360 x 1050 ..  or 1680x 1050 for each20:55
jawashinHas anyone encountered an issue with alien not outputting the package in 10.10?20:55
ActionParsnipRustyBee: you can edit the timeout in /etc/default/grub    you should have given more info with your question, dont you think....20:55
Spaztic_OneI know this is going to be kind of dumb, but I am having issues getting things uninstalled. Presently, I am plagued with several copies (I think) of POV-Ray, and I'm not sure how there got to be so many. I checked the SW center, and removed it there, but the two I have found on the filesystem are still there. (not sure, then, what I did remove, if anything) However, Synaptic is showing that...20:55
Spaztic_One...it is removed now. I think what may have happened was that I installed it via the SW Center, but couldn't locate the files myself since they never appeared in the application menu and I was not aware of where it installed it on the filesystem, so I manually went to the POVRay site and downloaded the files and installed them per their instructions, which was again, vague. Help?20:55
jribjawashin: no one sane relies on alien20:56
ryanni have an entry in /etc/fstab for an external disk:  /dev/sdb1  /backup  ext4  auto,nofail,defaults  0  0  however, my system fails to load if this disk is missing, although i've specified the "nofail" option.  Any ideas here?  I've googed it and I see bug reports from 2009, but nothing recent.20:56
jawashinjrib:  Welcome to .rpm based packages20:56
guntbertRustyBee: its been part of the boot acceleration project to not show the menu by default - what ubuntu version do you have?20:56
genralliCan you empty your whole / with sudo and rm?20:56
delinquentmeCURRENTLY ive got the oversized background centered on both monitors20:56
acmeincDoes anyone know of a method for installing to a separate hard drive while already logged into the system?20:56
llutzryann: use "noauto" and mount manually later if disk is attached20:56
ActionParsnipacmeinc: if its an internal then no, the power must be off20:56
jribjawashin: what exactly are you installing?20:56
ActionParsnipgenralli: yes20:57
ryannllutz: will "noauto" mount if it does exist?20:57
jawashinjrib: I am actually trying to generate a .deb, which appears to be being automatically cleaned up20:57
acmeincI'm just trying to build a bunch of hard drive's with Ubuntu on them.20:57
llutzryann: nope20:57
jawashinbut I am trying to repackage TSM20:57
RustyBeePlease excuse me ActionParsnip, I use Mandriva most of the day.20:57
jribSpaztic_One: remove the stuff you installed manually20:57
llutzryann: external media should be handled by udev20:57
jribjawashin: what is "TSM"?20:58
ActionParsnipRustyBee: that's moot20:58
RustyBeeno it has a gui boot configuration tool20:58
jawashinjrib Tivoli Storage Manager (IBM's backup product)20:58
ActionParsnipRustyBee: you need to edit the timeout option in your grub config, if you use grub2 you can edit the timeout in /etc/default/grub   you dont need a GUI20:58
jawashinwhich is only available in a .rpm20:58
bobbione question, when entering echo "$[3*2]" in the terminal it displays the result 6, but when placed in a scriptfile (#!/bin/sh) it wont calculate?20:59
ActionParsnipRustyBee: after you edit ti run: sudo update-grub     to apply the setting20:59
ActionParsnipjawashin: you can use alien20:59
ActionParsnip!alien | jawashin20:59
RustyBeeWhat do I edit it to cleverclogs?20:59
ubottujawashin: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)20:59
jawashinI know20:59
xorwhyAre you sure he doesn't need to just hold shift? Grub2 requires that you hold shift to display the boot menu.20:59
FriGiNActionParsnip: followed "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=317554&highlight=acpi" but neither of the commands (the backup or the gedit command) works i got a blank file when i did gedit20:59
ActionParsnipRustyBee: drop the attitude, k20:59
jawashinthe issue is that alien appears to be eating the .deb file20:59
RustyBeeyou too ActionParsnip20:59
ActionParsnipRustyBee: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub    to get write access, then read20:59
ActionParsnipRustyBee: I'm giving you instructions here, theres zero attitude21:00
guntbertRustyBee: stay polite please21:00
FriGiNActionParsnip: lol u anwered me too thx :P21:00
xorwhyRustyBee: He doesn't get paid for this, and he's here all the time helping people.21:00
Mike632TSince I get some mails forwarded to me as attachments I quite frequently want to drag an attached email to the inbox in Evolution but in 10.04 this doesn't seem to work, it does work on my Debian box - anyone else confirm that they also get this problem..?21:01
RustyBeeGRUB_TIMEOUT=10 atm21:01
jawashinI am about to do evil things that involve converting to tarballs21:01
ActionParsnipxorwhy: I think theres a dualboot installed and holding shift would be a little tiresome. Grub should just show etc21:01
RustyBeei know that!21:01
jawashinbut I prefer to run with package management21:01
evidentin the login screen I can choose between the different window managers I can use (Fluxbox, Gnome, XTerm console, ...)... Where are these stored? I would like to change the command fluxbox starts with...21:01
xorwhyActionParsnip: But then it's not the timeout function, it's the "hold shift to display menu" function.21:01
aeon-ltdRustyBee: ok, for future reference please have some humility, you come here for help and they offer help for free. unless you'd rather contact professional help for extortionate prices please cut the attitude21:01
coder1aeon-ltd: hey you know problem solved21:01
jawashinevident: you could opt for a .xsession startup21:01
coder1aeon-ltd: thanks21:02
ActionParsnipRustyBee: you know what?21:02
FriGiNActionParsnip: nvm that didnt give me the kernel options but i got a start there21:02
noob-tuxif someone ask me which operating system i used is it right to say ubuntu rather linux? for my point of view linux is a kernel...not an operating system.....am i correct?21:02
aeon-ltdcoder1: awesome! :), glad i could guide you in the right direction21:02
SolvedI need to re-install GRUB on a nearby computer that does not have internet connection. how can I do this?21:02
aeon-ltdSolved: using a livecd21:02
Yautja_cetanu2I just install ubuntu 10.10 and then updated to the nvidia drivers and everything has broken, I think I need to reinstall21:02
DCGstudiosSolved, pretty sure you can throw in a live cd and run grub-install21:02
aeon-ltd!fixgrub | Solved21:02
ubottuSolved: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.21:02
Yautja_cetanu2Is it normal to have to reinstall ubuntu all the time? If I want to use this as my production PC how do I protect all my settings?21:02
coder1Solved: use a live disk to reinstall grub21:02
xorwhyAnyways the reason I originally came here; if I remove libwebkit-1.0-2, is it going to break anything assuming I don't use a webkit browser?21:03
Solvedthnx coder1 and DCGstudios, I will try this21:03
xorwhyBecause mozilla uses that other one I think, the one that netscape used.21:03
jawashinwhat pulled it in xor?21:03
DCGstudiosxorwhy, out of curiosity why?21:03
aeon-ltdYautja_cetanu2: "your" settings are always in /home, system wide however are in /etc, having separate partitions helps a little21:03
xorwhyDCGstudios: It's 19MB21:03
Spaztic_Onejrib: I'm not entirely sure where their scripts installed everything.21:03
LicuadoraMaybe it's a bug. I was burning this Ubuntu image in Braser, i set it to 16x, but it's burning at 40x21:03
xorwhyjawashin: As far as I can tell, it comes installed by default.21:04
SolvedDCGstudios: wait, I want to get rid of ubuntu though21:04
noob-tuxif someone ask me which operating system i used is it right to say ubuntu rather linux? for my point of view linux is a kernel...not an operating system.....am i correct?21:04
DCGstudiosxorwhy, lol seems minimal in my opinion, mabey google it and check out if its a dependency21:04
Spaztic_Onejrib: I am also not sure which I should use, the SW Center's version, or the direct version?21:04
jawashinxorwhy check with aptitude for auto vs manual install21:04
LicuadoraI burned a 64bit image earlier, and when i try the liveCD, it was kind of slow21:04
alzienoob-tux yes yes you are21:04
jawashinxorwhy: as it is probably a dependency21:04
DCGstudiosSolved, you want to reinstall grub and get rid of ubuntu? lol21:04
ActionParsnipRustyBee: if you edit GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true    to    GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=false   save the file then run:  sudo update-grub    it should work. What did you know earlier?21:05
jribSpaztic_One: you should use the SW center version in general.  As for removing what you installed manually, you need to check the documentation for your software21:05
Yautja_cetanu2aeon-ltd: Is there something similar to windows "System Restore" where I could backup to an external hard drive (I realise system restore doesn't do this)21:05
noob-tuxalzie : thanx21:05
noob-tuxbye for now21:05
RustyBeeThanks ActionParsnip21:05
n0a1iashey, im new to linux, whats the first thing i should do now that im on?21:05
Spaztic_Onejrib: OK, now for things that don't get installed into the application menus, how do I locate them to use them?21:05
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: upgrade21:05
nimbioticsis there a way to have ALL audio settip go back to a previous state?21:05
SolvedDCGstudios: I'm not sure if its grub, but I get this error: refer to  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9962887#post996288721:06
llutz!manual > n0a1ias21:06
ubottun0a1ias, please see my private message21:06
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade21:06
MaverickXeroHey guys I just updated my packages and the new JDK (I use Sun/Oracle's) came with VisualVM but it doesn't work since the "jdkhome" variable isn't set. What's the "right" way to set this in Ubuntu cause I don't wanna have to do this everytime I update the JDK21:06
aeon-ltdYautja_cetanu2: i'm not aware of one, though others here might21:06
glangevident: /usr/share/xsessions/*.desktop21:06
shadow98Aborting downgrade from (at least) 5.1 to 5.0.21:07
shadow98dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.0_5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.5_amd64.deb (--unpack):21:07
shadow98 subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 121:07
QuadrescenceIs it possible to include all fonts, bitmap and otherwise, in the "standard" font chooser?21:07
jribSpaztic_One: well you can read /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE/README.Debian* like a good debian user :) and you can also use « dpkg -L PACKAGE | grep bin » to find binaries the package installed, and you can read the software's official documentation on usage21:07
coder1Solved: you should try this one http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1071854.html21:07
Quadrescencebitmap, xfonts, etc?21:07
john38anybody here21:07
Ceazerhi i need to install the cross-compiler for mipsel how i can do it any help plz21:07
john38anybody know anything about configuring nvidia x server21:08
Ceazeranyone here21:08
Ceazeri need some help here21:08
aeon-ltd!ask | carlos201021:08
ubottucarlos2010: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:08
DCGstudiosCeazer, always people here, ask a question.21:08
ActionParsnip!ask | Ceazer21:08
ubottuCeazer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:08
aeon-ltd!ask | Ceazer21:08
aeon-ltdcarlos2010: sorry wrong person21:08
Ceazerhi i need to install the cross-compiler for mipsel21:08
nadavhey, a quick question: I'm downloaded something with my ubuntu OS, but now I need to use that something from my Windows, how can I extract it from the ubuntu root?21:08
Solvedcoder1: I have tried this before and had some trouble with it21:09
ActionParsnipnadav: you can copy the file to the NTFS partition21:09
nadavthe ubuntu was installed on a ntfs partition21:09
Ceazer!ask install the cross-compiler for mipsel21:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:09
nadavand is a on ntfs partition21:09
john38im having trouble viewing fullscreen on second monitor/TV21:09
ActionParsnipnadav: oh like wubi?21:09
SolvedI'm getting a weird error on my computer. Refer to:    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9962887#post996288721:09
roris there a way to retrieve a secret pgp key?21:09
ActionParsnipnadav: you can copy the file to /host21:09
nadavno other way? that I can do it without logging on my ubuntu again21:10
ActionParsnipnadav: if you copy it to /host it will appear on the windows partition21:10
nadavbut for that to happen I need to login to ubuntu21:11
Spaztic_Onejrib: haha, ok. Thanks21:11
progre55hi people! can anyone suggest any video-capturing/recording soft for ubuntu?21:11
john38im having trouble viewing fullscreen on second monitor/TV21:11
ActionParsnipnadav: you may be able to mount the wubi image, why can't you log in to ubuntu?21:11
geekpunkhttp://aws.amazon.com/free/ sweet21:11
john38anybody know anything about configuring nvidia x server21:11
ActionParsnipjohn38: use nvidia-settings21:11
Spaztic_Oneprogre55: I suggest VLC21:11
DCGstudiosyou can record with VLC?21:12
ActionParsnipDCGstudios: sure21:12
DCGstudiosdidnt know that21:12
FriGiNActionParsnip: im lookin evertwhere but the acpi main page is saying do "To disable the acpi driver completely, set the kernel environment variable hint.acpi.0.disabled to 1." how do i do that.21:12
progre55Spaztic_One: huh? does vlc capture video??21:12
progre55Spaztic_One: wow, how come I didnt know..21:12
DCGstudiosprogre55, apparently yes21:12
Spaztic_OneYep, record from screen or webcams21:12
sipp11I have a question about how I should setup my server. I have 2 servers (Xeon, 16GB RAM) the project will be PHP with mySQL. Should I separate one for Apache and the other for mySQL? Or I should do for LAMP and the other one for failover? or should I go for things like Citrix Xenserver?21:12
SolvedI'm getting a weird error on my computer. Refer to:    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9962887#post996288721:12
daincredibleholghow can I align my new SSD best for ubuntu installation? does the installation already mention the SSD?21:12
ActionParsnipFriGiN: add the boot option in /etc/default/grub21:13
john38ActionParsnip, i am but i've tried every possible configuration21:13
ActionParsnipdaincredibleholg: use ext2 to prolong its life21:13
* progre55 gone to test vlc =)21:13
BaribalHi. I updated from 9.x to 10.04 and on starting OpenGL applications now get this error: 'Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".' I reactivated the FGLRX driver; no change. How do I fix it?21:13
Spaztic_Oneprogre55: Yeah, I only found out about this approximately 3 weeks ago and have tried it several times and I like it.21:13
progre55Spaztic_One: swell! thanks21:13
Spaztic_Oneprogre55: No problem. Have fun!21:14
Kevin147Hello. I just did updates on my desktop/server, and now its not booting up. I get to the Ubuntu screen and it just sits there and it doesn't goto the login screen. I have Ubuntu 10.10 and I want this problem fixed because I have 11GB of music first of all, and all my personal files and pictures and such are on there. I just re-did my laptop because it wasn't working correctly, and I didn't put the files back on my laptop. I need thi21:14
Kevin147s problem fixed please.21:14
FriGiNActionParsnip: my grub.cfg doesnt look anything like the examples.. where do i add it and what syntax should i use so i dont brick my drive and need to reinstall.21:14
ActionParsnipFriGiN: you dont edit grub.cfg21:15
syzygyabout to install ubuntu on a 900A EEEPC w/4G SSD and 8G SD card. Can somebody point me to a web resource? I know this is not as straigtforward as on your usual desktop PC.21:15
ActionParsnipFriGiN: run:   gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub21:15
daincredibleholghmm, ok ActionParsnip. You think the ext3 / ext4 "extension" will kill the SSD? Is any other filesystem also "better" than standard ext3 / ext4?21:15
DCGstudiosFriGiN, all configurations for grub2 are done via /etc/default/grub, or /etc/grub.d/21:15
FriGiNActionParsnip: sorry yes thats what im in.. however it still doesnt look like the example21:15
chilicuilhi there, I was just wondering what happens if I upload a revoke key to another keyserver different to the ubuntu one, will they be sync automatically?, keyserver.ubuntu.com is down21:16
][-e-][alguien habla español ?21:16
jendahi, can someone be so kind and support linux newbie with some stupid questions?21:16
ActionParsnipFriGiN: add   noacpi     inside the quotes next to:   quiet splash    then save the new file and run: sudo update-grub21:16
FriGiNActionParsnip: DCGstudios: my current http://paste.ubuntu.com/517664/21:16
SolvedI'm getting a weird error on my computer. Refer to:    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9962887#post996288721:16
FriGiNActionParsnip: killer thx.21:16
aeon-ltd!ask | jenda21:17
ubottujenda: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:17
MaverickXeroI use XChat for IRC, is there one that's easier to follow what's going on in the channel or some settings that might make XChat better... there are just so many messages mixed with connection/disconnection notices21:17
ActionParsnipdaincredibleholg: ext3 and ext4 have a journal which gets written to a LOT. ext2 doesn't have this. As SSD drives have limited writes so ext2 will prolong the lif21:17
ActionParsnipMaverickXero: you'll learn as you use the app21:18
brontoeeeMaverickXero, rmb click on channel and disable join/part stuff21:18
FriGiNMaverickXero: i'm 99.9% postitive you can disable join/part messages somwhere in xchat. look for that  tho i dont know how where21:18
aeon-ltdMaverickXero: i suppose you could look for themes to make it easier to focus, (note i've never used Xchat and i'm not aware if they support themes)21:18
SolvedI have the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (32 bit) CD that I requested from Ubuntu. I have two desktop computers, and after trying Ubuntu out for a month or so on my newer computer (which also has Windows XP on it), I decided to try and put it onto my older computer. Unfortunately, now whenever I start up my older computer, it runs through an Intel Pentium screen (which tells me to hit F2 if I wish to run setup, and F12 to boot from the network). After this screen, the21:18
Solved computer beeps, and I get the message:21:18
Solvederror: No Such Device: 4b5b3e5c-77b3-4c56-8fa0-b6ld2db2246121:18
Solvedgrub rescue> (I can type here).21:18
SolvedI am unsure of what to do, because currently, I wish to rid the older computer of Ubuntu, while keeping Windows XP, and do not know how to.21:18
FloodBot4Solved: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:18
SolvedI am not very experienced with Ubuntu, and have already tried a lot of the other threads solutions, but they either did not work in my situation, or I did not understand how to do them.21:18
MaverickXerothanks guys I admit that was kind of a lazy question21:19
daincredibleholgthx ActionParsnip. Is the journal the only "Plus" in ext3?21:19
FriGiNActionParsnip: Thanks for all your help .. i guess i will be able to tell in a minute.. see if we can boot. appreciate you and markboston  helpin me21:19
ActionParsnipdaincredibleholg: ext3 == ext2 + journal   thats it as far as I know21:19
SolvedI need some help. Refer to http://paste.ubuntu.com/517665/21:19
Kevin147Hello. I just did updates on my desktop/server, and now its not booting up. I get to the Ubuntu screen and it just sits there and it doesn't goto the login screen. I have Ubuntu 10.10. I need help!21:20
Mike632TNo such thing as a stupid question21:20
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SolvedI need some help. Refer to http://paste.ubuntu.com/517665/21:20
ActionParsnipKevin147: when you see the splash screen shows, press ESC and you can see the boot21:21
=== despr is now known as despair
ryannis it possible for udev to automount based on uuid?21:21
coz_Solved,    you might want to go to the #grub channel... either to fix the grub issue or help with reinstalling  xp  mbr     where you type here   type   /join  #grub21:21
MaverickXeroSolved: don't ask again so quick21:21
daincredibleholghmm, so the only con is that dataloss on unexpected shutdown is a little bit more supposable than with ext3? hmm, good tipp ;)21:21
john38im having trouble viewing fullscreen on second monitor/TV21:21
DCGstudiosActionParsnip, Kevin147, for me i have to press the up arrow for that21:21
john38anybody know anything about configuring nvidia x server21:21
daincredibleholgthanks for your help21:21
Kevin147Ahh okay, I'll try it. Thanks21:21
Mike632Tjohn38: what do you want to do21:21
MaverickXerojohn38: did you try the nvidia configuration tool21:21
sipp11solved: if I were you, I would use live CD and go checking /setting up GRUB.21:21
despairanyknows, if u can stop ohci_hcd if its compiled into the kernel?21:22
coz_Solved,    also try  #windows  channel  for reinstalling MBR21:22
MaverickXerodespair: rmmod ohci_hcd21:22
john38Mike632T, MaverickXero, im not totally familiar with nvidia x server configuration21:22
MaverickXerojohn38: are you using the TV as your only display or do you have a monitor too21:23
john38basically when i go full screen on second monitor/TV from live video feed i can only see 3/4 of screen21:23
DCGstudiosMaverickXero, despair, i dont think thats the module name, try firmware_ohci21:23
jendahi, why is asking wifi for password always by starting the system? (new installation of ubuntu 10.10 )21:23
Mike632Tjohn38: OK - most stuff is most easily done using nvidia-settings.  Does X start at all?21:23
john38i have monitor as primary and then TV21:24
Kevin147ActionParsnip: I did that, it went to the terminal so I tried to restart gdm, and its saying: "Failed to acquire org.gnome.DisplayManager21:24
MaverickXerojohn38: open a terminal and type nvidia-settings like Mike632T said21:24
MaverickXerojohn38: that's the easiest way to change the settings (and there are tons of them)21:24
sipp11jenda: is that keyring password or wifi one?21:24
john38i can access System>Administration>Nvdia X Server21:25
][-e-][alguien habla español ?21:25
][-e-][speak spanish ?21:25
DCGstudiosjohn38, same thing21:25
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:25
DCGstudiosjohn38, make sure u got both moniters plugged in when you log in though, or else it might not detect it.21:25
jendasipp11: I'm newbie with linux, how can I save the keyring password?21:25
MathuinHrm.  Can't install Ubuntu 10.10 on my 4G Eee.  Complains about undefined video mode 314, and no matter what I enter, it won't work.21:25
john38hold on21:26
despairum, im not running ubuntu per say, running backtrack4r1, and ohci_hcd, ehci_hcd are not compiled as modules, dont know exactly.. but if u do menuconfig they are marked with * if u know what i mean..21:26
nimbioticsho can i make volume control visible on panel?21:26
GenscherI really have to say that I am normally an Ubuntu fanboy ;) But the UI for the 10.10 netbook edition is quite...ahm..unattractive ;)21:26
MaverickXeroDCGstudios, John38: I'm pretty sure there is a redetect displays button in that program21:26
DCGstudiosdespair, whats the module used for in bt?21:26
sipp11jenda: well keyring is I don't know why it's existed, but you can just use *blank* at first to not see it again.21:26
DCGstudiosMaverickXero, good to know, wasnt aware of that.21:26
ActionParsnipKevin147: in a command line, run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm21:26
jendasipp11: where is possible to change keyring password?21:27
Kevin147ActionParsnip, okay21:27
MaverickXeroDCGstudios: that's only if I remember right... the laptop I'm on now has an intel card :/21:27
jendaI will try to make it blank21:27
FriGiNDesKActionParsnip: it died almost immediately on reboot. i disabled wireless and reenabled it, and this is my dmesg's http://paste.ubuntu.com/517670/21:27
despairgot a usb 2.0 device that should be taken care of ehci-hcd, instead dmesg says it loads with ohcd_hcd21:28
DCGstudiosMaverickXero, naw your definitely right, its in the X server display configuration section.21:28
MaverickXeroNot to spam but just wondering if anybody who joined since I asked knows: I just updated my packages and the new JDK (I use Sun/Oracle's) came with VisualVM but it doesn't work since the "jdkhome" variable isn't set. What's the "right" way to set this in Ubuntu cause I don't wanna have to do this everytime I update the JDK21:28
ActionParsnipFriGiNDesK: ok remove the boot option and re-run the sudo update-grub  command to undo the change21:28
sipp11jenda: it's just like another layer of security; if you wanna change you can go to Accessories -> Password and Encryption Keys21:28
DCGstudiosdespair, so your booting BT4 from live USB right?21:28
despairno, its a hd installation, its a wireless usb stick21:29
sipp11jenda: click on password tab; Right click over Passwords: login; select "change password"21:29
ActionParsnipdespair: backtrack isn't supported here21:29
ActionParsnip!backtrack | despair21:29
ubottudespair: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)21:29
DCGstudiosPM me when dispair21:29
Kevin147ActionParsnip: Ok, I did that. Now what?21:30
SpaceMinthttp://pastebin.com/x0HCyUwG  is a report from gparted's check function - was any data actually lost? I'm confused by the report21:30
sipp11jenda: if you change keyring passwd to the same as your account password, you won't get prompted for keyring.21:30
ActionParsnipKevin147: search for the error you got in the pastebin to find guides. You could also submit a bug21:30
ActionParsnipsipp11: or make it a blank password21:30
john38Im at Nvidia X server settings GUI21:31
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john38How do i configure this to fix my problem21:32
MaverickXerojohn38: there should be a section with TV output settings, it should have resolution adjustments... I'm working from memory though21:32
Kevin147ActionParsnip, How exactly do I do that?21:32
=== BinaryDigits_ is now known as Bit-iPhone
john38MaverickXero, yeah the Display coniguration but the TV on goes up 1024*76821:33
lindowshow is possible i copy a phpinfo / folder to /var/www and when i try localhost:port/phpinfo21:33
lindowsi dont get nothing21:33
ActionParsnipKevin147: your error is:   device descriptor read/8, error -7121:33
FriGiNActionParsnip: disabled acpi, and put it on the main board instead of a daughter pci board, its worse now i cant even seem to connect21:33
ActionParsnipKevin147: you should also log a bug21:33
Kevin147ActionParsnip, ok21:34
ActionParsnipFriGiN: now you removed the option, you should reboot to use the original option21:34
MiMeI am using inkscape, but many of its shortucts are the same as compizconfig, is there any way to disable them while running inkscape?21:34
MaverickXerojohn38: 1024x768 is the max for non-HD TV connections, if stuff is getting cut off try a lower resolution21:34
lindowshow is possible i copy a phpinfo / folder to /var/www and when i try localhost:port/phpinfo i dont get nothign!!!21:34
john38MaverickXero, lower resolution cuts it off more21:34
john38MaverickXero, i have a old TV (CRT)21:34
john38MaverickXero, not LCD21:34
sipp11lindows: is webserver running?21:35
lindowsi get phpmyadmin21:35
lindowsand i get phpsysinfo21:35
lindowsbut this one not21:35
MaverickXerolindows: is phpmyadmin in /var/www21:35
FriGiNActionParsnip: whats the bath again..21:35
lindowsnertil@Maverick:/var/www$ ls21:35
lindowsinfo.php  phpinfo  phpMyAdmin  phpsysinfo21:35
lindowsthis two i get but phpinfo not21:36
ActionParsnipFriGiN: /etc/default/grub     you can use the cursors to see the old commands you ran21:36
sipp11lindows: what about permission for that phpinfo?21:36
john38MaverickXero, its still the same21:36
MaverickXerolindows: what does "ls -al /var/www" give you21:36
MaverickXerojohn38: hold up looking into this for u21:36
FriGiNActionParsnip: i was forgetting default.. thats why i wasnt seeing it.. im gettin used to *nix again after 15 years.21:36
lindowsdrwxrwx---  2 root nertil 4096 2010-04-30 19:03 phpinfo21:37
lindowsdrwxr-xr-x 13 root root   4096 2010-10-21 05:57 phpMyAdmin21:37
lindowslrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     21 2010-10-21 18:34 phpsysinfo -> /usr/share/phpsysi21:37
voxynHello i just installed ubuntu desktop on a computer but i wish to remove the ubuntu desktop since im only going to use it for the command line and through ssh how do i do this?21:37
ActionParsnipFriGiN: it's all learning21:37
guntbert!pastebin | lindows21:37
ubottulindows: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:37
sipp11lindows: your webserver doesn't have permission to read/execute this file I assume.21:37
guntbertlindows: and please take it easy on the <enter> key :-)21:37
lindowssipherdee how to fix the permision for the webserver ?21:38
sipp11lindows: try "chmod a+x /var/www/phpinfo"21:38
xorwhyCan I remove libgl1-mesa-dri, if I am using proprietary Nvidia drivers?21:38
xorwhyIs there a way I can start my computer with the CPU at maximum speed? I don't like having to adjust the processor speed with the gnome panel every time.21:39
MaverickXerojohn38: is your screen setup as a dualview or a clone21:40
ryannis anyone here familiar with udev enough to walk me through a simple configuration?  i wish to have a specific external disk recognized and mounted as /backup21:40
ryanneither by label, uuid.. whatever.21:40
MaverickXerojohn38: what I mean is do you have 2 desktops or do both screens show the same thing21:40
Omni_LinkCan anyone help me with a keyboard problem? I cannot get the Down Arrow to repeat the move while being held down. Up Arrow does it w/o a problem And it works on KP(2).21:41
aeon-ltdryann: not really a expert on this, but shouldn't you really be looking into fstab instead?21:41
MaverickXeroxorgwhy: I'm pretty sure you still need mesa dri for compiz21:41
john38MaverickXero, well i only have the option of setting it to Twinview then clone21:41
john38MaverickXero,  or the right of, left of, below, above21:41
ryannnot for removable media, aeon-ltd.21:41
MaverickXerojohn38: but right now is it showing you the same thing on both screens?21:42
MaverickXeroryann: fstab is what you want aeon-ltd is right21:43
john38MaverickXero, no i have it set to right of monitor21:43
sms_Does someone know of success stories updating iphone firmware on linux?21:43
ryannMaverickXero, how can it be?  fstab ignores the nofail mount option.21:43
MaverickXerojohn38: and when you move a window to it and maximize it it cuts off some?21:43
icerootsms_: ##iphone21:43
ryannif the device is not connected at boot, the boot sequence stops and looks for user input21:43
samyhello world :)21:43
n0a1iaswho wants to teach me how to install .deb files please?21:44
earthmeLonYay.  Upgrading to 10.10 for that hot new kernel action21:44
icerootn0a1ias: dpkg -i file.deb21:44
FriGiNActionParsnip: the dongle plugged directly into the mainboard acpi command removed and its working worse than it was b4..21:44
earthmeLonn0a1ias or double click the file :P21:44
samylol easy to use ^21:44
MaverickXeroryann: if you put a device in fstab and it does not find it it does not stop for user input unless you set it to21:44
Mike632Tdpkg -i package.deb21:44
john38MaverickXero, well resolution is on Auto when i use the fullscreen function for those live video feeds it only shows 3/4 of screen21:44
n0a1iasuhh, thats it/ ice79921:44
xorwhyI'd like to remove passwd, for security reasons. Will this have any affect on currently established passwords?21:44
shazzrAnyone tried to use a SMARTBoard 680 on Ubuntu 10.10? I have issues with getting the touchpad part of it to work. Only regular mous can be used.21:44
icerootxorwhy: remove passwd?21:45
icerootxorwhy: /etc/passwd?21:45
ryannMaverickXero: I have not requested it to break for user input!21:45
xorwhyiceroot: Nevermind, it says it's going to make me remove a ton of other things if I do that.21:45
Dr_Wi11isTHE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO KNOW WHEN YOU COMMENT ON SPAM, THE GAY NIGGERS WIN. NOW YOU KNOW, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! GO NIGGER!!! Dr_Wi11is gian_ sebikul samy Technoviking Kaco mnoyce gnubuntu Shai-Tan_ zilla aleixosk gakkun message144 IRCRover DaZ PaulEycks jono ThePhysician xorwhy kanwarpreet richie Mike632T marjo_ honeypot v3nd3tta`` pickett hippychick kibble MiMe lindows m4dv0y Bit-iPhone shazzr FriGiN Wo-TaoYan sphenx21:45
MaverickXeroryann: put your fstab in pastebin21:45
ActionParsnipFriGiN: well te boot option and the system was as it was when you started21:45
n0a1iasiceroot, thats it? nothing else between opening up the terminal. and typing that?21:45
icerootn0a1ias: you want to disable the user-password you mean?21:46
Technovikingoh freenode op:)21:46
FriGiNActionParsnip: yes however i put it directly to the mainboard instead of a daughter pci that i have usb 2.0 on..21:46
earthmeLonn0a1ias You have to cd to the dir you downloaded the file to21:46
icerootxorwhy: put the output to pastebin, normally dpkg is not removing other packages21:46
Mike632TSince I get some mails forwarded to me as attachments I quite frequently want to drag an attached email to the inbox in Evolution but in 10.04 this doesn't seem to work, it  work on my Debian box - anyone else confirm that they also get this problem..?21:46
earthmeLonn0a1ias so, if you use ff you might have put it in /home/USERNAME/Downloads/21:46
n0a1iaswhat no...21:46
john38MaverickXero, do you know anything about panning?21:46
n0a1iasi just want to install a .deb21:46
ActionParsnipFriGiN: i'd try the usb2 card21:46
MaverickXerojohn38: ok but if you take a window (anything, try a web browser) and make it maximized on the tv is it cutting off21:46
icerootn0a1ias: and i told you how21:46
xorwhyiceroot: It's not a big deal, I'm going to ignore that one. Thanks for offering your help though.21:47
MaverickXerojohn38: not really21:47
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb21:47
FriGiNActionParsnip: thats where it was to begin with to get it higher up in the air for better reception21:47
ActionParsnipFriGiN: the USB drops for some reason21:47
john38MaverickXero, no im able to see whole thing21:47
MaverickXerojohn38: oh... then your tv is setup right, how big are the video feeds21:47
n0a1iasyea, i was asking if there was anything else to dype between opening the terminal and that, sometimes people leave out changing directorys and the like21:47
john38MaverickXero, how big?21:48
MaverickXerojohn38: yeh what resolution is the feed coming in at21:48
ryannMaverickXero: sure.  http://pastebin.com/4YTPJVfk21:48
john38MaverickXero, their normal size until i click fullscreen21:48
earthmeLonn0a1ias We have no idea of knowing where your file is.  You will need to cd to that dir or do something like dpkg -i /home/user/blah/blah/file.deb21:48
FriGiNActionParsnip: shouldnt i see the same kinda things happen with stuff like external hdds and such when plugged in? or does the pc automatically recover from the problem before i notice it just wireless wont21:48
MaverickXerojohn38: what program is displaying them21:48
Mike632Tn0a1ias: filename need to be in the same directory or you can specify the full path to the deb file...21:48
john38MaverickXero, probably small box at center of screen21:49
xorwhyIs there any way to have my computer start with the processor running at maximum frequency?21:49
ActionParsnipFriGiN: it seems to also affect drives too21:49
icerootxorwhy: normally you dont want that21:49
icerootxorwhy: you want dynamic stepping21:49
john38MaverickXero, i use diffrent feeds everyday this one is FLVZ21:49
ryanni was told to replace nofail with noauto, MaverickXero..21:49
xorwhyiceroot: I want full frequency when plugged in, and dynamic when on battery.21:49
CkhiKuzadIs it safe to format my other partition on this drive, which is on a lower SDA level than my current distro of ubuntu, and move my partition that i am using over?21:50
FriGiNlast night when i couldnt get it online i watched a good 2+ hrs of tv/movies on my external hdd no loss of video21:50
earthmeLonxorwhy Do you mean that you want it to be able to run at maximum frequency?21:50
n0a1iasim getting an error21:50
john38anybody here know anything about panning on Nvidia21:50
n0a1iasdpkg: error processing google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb (--install):21:50
n0a1ias package architecture (amd64) does not match system (i386)21:50
n0a1iasErrors were encountered while processing:21:50
n0a1ias google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb21:50
FloodBot4n0a1ias: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:50
earthmeLonxorwhy There are settings available for that in Power Management21:50
n0a1iasi didnt mean to send that link21:50
icerootxorwhy: you can enable it in the energy settings, maybe you need the cpud kernel-modul21:50
icerootn0a1ias: use the i386 version21:50
xorwhyearthmeLon: I understand the purpose of dynamic frequency scaling, but there is a delay. It simply does not up the CPU fast enough when it comes to graphics (compiz).21:50
n0a1iasthere isnt one...21:50
icerootn0a1ias: dpkg is telling you that you have i386, but you want to install amd6421:51
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: try:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install chromium-browser21:51
n0a1iasthatlink that i didnt mean to send was to the download page21:51
Mike632Tn0a1ias: you have the 64 bit version of the package - you machine needs the 32-bit version21:51
icerootn0a1ias: of course there is i38621:51
sipp11anyone can guide me where to find info about how I should setup server? failover/backup and such. I always work in Xenserver, but I'm willing to learn anything.21:51
MaverickXeroryann: looks good to me, yeh noauto is what you want, but you're saying that makes it request user input if it's not there at boot?21:51
ryannMaverickXero: yes.21:51
Mike632Tn0a1ias: user the fist option on the download page   '32 bit .deb (For Debian/Ubuntu)'21:51
ActionParsnip!backup | sipp1121:51
ubottusipp11: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:52
ryannMaverickXero: I want the server to boot properly if (for some reason) the attached device fails/disconnects21:52
icerootn0a1ias: and use the ppa instead of the deb-file21:52
n0a1iasMike632T, no, i have 6 gigs of RAM, don't assume stupidity.21:52
icerootn0a1ias: dpkg --print-architectur will tell you i38621:52
cicatrix1iceroot: doesn't the chrome .deb install the PPA?21:52
FriGiNActionParsnip: rebooted again .. on the daughter board. lasted bout 5 mins. stil dies. nothing else usb connected but keyboard/mouse. is it pretty well hopeless?21:52
ActionParsnipFriGiN: i'd log a bug21:53
john38anybody here know anything about panning or adjusting +0 +0 values on Nvidia21:53
MaverickXerojohn38: flvz seems to be a flash based player and that would be the problem... flash on linux has a hard time doing full screen on multi display setups, it thinks your tv is the same resolution as your monitor and that is the problem21:53
ryannand, if the device is reattached while the box is on, it should remount as /backup.. which is what udev handles.21:53
icerootn0a1ias: sudo dpkg --print-architecture21:53
Mike632Tn0a1ias:  'package architecture (amd64) does not match system (i386)' would suggest that even though you may have a 64bit system you are running the 32-bit version of ubuntu21:53
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: 32bit + PAE can address 12Gb RAM21:53
john38MaverickXero, how do i work around that21:53
MaverickXerojohn38: either you can make your monitor resolution the same as your tv or just not use fullscreen21:53
icerootn0a1ias: you can have a 64bit kernel and a 32bit package-system21:53
sipp11ActionParsnip: Thanks21:54
icerootn0a1ias: or you have pae21:54
ActionParsnipcicatrix1: not the daily ppa ;)21:54
FriGiNActionParsnip: likely response time on that bug rept? cuz i have got to get my pc up and runnin faster than asap. and im thinking at this point the ONLY solution is to to ahead and reformat with win 7 as much as it pains me21:54
MaverickXerojohn38: sorry i know that's not the answer u want to hear...21:54
john38MaverickXero, the whole point of this was to eventually use fullscreen21:54
cicatrix1actionparsnip: ... heh21:54
ActionParsnipFriGiN: as long as it takes21:54
john38MaverickXero, you anything about panning or the +0+0 values21:54
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: the commandi gave will install the daily build21:54
FriGiNActionParsnip: thats what i was afraid you'd say.. damn 7 it is. what a shame.21:54
john38MaverickXero, i saw something online about someone centering it doing that21:55
nothingspecialFriGiN: No shame in that, whatever works :)21:55
cicatrix1Do you think he wants the daily?  I doubt it21:55
MaverickXerojohn38: they won't help you... if you can maximize a browser window and see everything then panning adjustments won't help. the problem is with flash not your tv setup21:55
n0a1iasit says couldn't find package chromium-browser21:55
ActionParsnipcicatrix1: works great, plus it doesn't have google's tracking snag21:55
ChrisBuchholzHey guys. I have a problem where, if i run 'gnome-terminal --command screen' it opens screen with some environmentals that makes it not function right when it comes to colors, but if i open gnome-terminal first and then type 'screen' inside and hit return, it works fine. What is going on here, and how do i fix it? I'm on 10.10 btw21:55
MaverickXeroryann: understandable... what is the exact prompt it gives you when the drive is not attached on startup21:56
nothingspecialChrisBuchholz: Do you have a .screenrc?21:56
ChrisBuchholznothingspecial: yes indeed21:57
john38MaverickXero, so theres no way around this21:57
n0a1iasActionParsnip, it says couldnt find package chromiom-browser21:57
nothingspecialChrisBuchholz: Have a look at byobu, it simplifies things21:57
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: did the ppa add ok?21:57
MaverickXerojohn38: sadly no, flash sucks (more) on linux21:57
n0a1iasi beleave21:57
ChrisBuchholznothingspecial: people at #screen recommended me to install screen without it:D21:57
john38MaverickXero, when i go fullscreen its 3/4 of the screen then the top is black21:57
nothingspecialChrisBuchholz: Well I recommend you try it ...... not that I know anything ;)21:58
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa     what is the output? use:   http://pastie.org   to give the output21:58
ChrisBuchholznothingspecial: i will, but i bet i wont tell me why this 'bug' is happening21:58
mulambohi, I cannot blacklist modules -> irda and smsc_ircc2 I put them into /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf they will load anyway21:58
nothingspecialChrisBuchholz: I don`t suppose it will :)21:59
ActionParsnipmulambo: did you add them prefixed with:   blacklist21:59
john38MaverickXero, how about if i was connected through D-Sub21:59
john38MaverickXero, like the flat panel21:59
mulamboyes I did21:59
n0a1iasActionParsnip, http://pastie.org/123915221:59
MrCraigwifi is painfully unstable :-/21:59
MaverickXerojohn38: the problem is that 1 screen is higher resolution then the other, if you have 2 screens set at the same resolution you will be fine21:59
john38MaverickXero, how high do flat panels go?22:00
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: look at the command you ran, compared to what I said to run. You can copy and paste to the terminal you know22:00
n0a1iasthats what i did22:00
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: I give the full command so you can copy and paste22:00
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: add-apt-repsitory != add-apt-repository22:00
john38MaverickXero, i can see the monitor to 1024*758 like tv but it still wont work22:01
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: (21:58:19) ActionParsnip: n0a1ias: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa22:01
kevin_I'm trying to add the medibuntu repository, but I keep getting this error: http://pastebin.com/mB5DdXtJ22:01
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: so, no, you didn't did you22:01
MaverickXerojohn38: so you set them both to 1024x768 and rebooted and it still cuts off?22:01
Buttons840i'm trying to remember the command you use to change java to mean sun-java instead of open-java/22:01
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: ok then run: sudo apt-get install python-software-properties22:02
lindowsi like ubuntu maverick22:02
john38MaverickXero, all i have to do is click Apply that sets it but it still the same if not worse22:02
MaverickXeroButtons840: sudo update-alternatives --config java22:02
n0a1iasand then your command again?22:02
=== Pilif|afk is now known as Pilif12p
MaverickXerojohn38: but flash needs to reload it gets the resolution settings on startup22:03
n0a1iasActionParsnip, i did that, then ran your command again, and got the same thing22:03
Buttons840MaverickXero: that's it, thanks22:03
ActionParsnipkevin_: add this to /etc/hosts packages.medibuntu.org22:03
tacomasterhas anyone heard of planeshift the mmo if so does anyone know if its safe to install?22:04
john38MaverickXero, whevever i reboot settings disappear22:04
ftornellquestion: have a wifi card (Dlink DWA140 that only works when I use "sudo rmmod rt2800usb") I have to do that every time I boot the computer. Is there anyway of removing that completely so I don't have to manually do the removal every single time?22:04
john38MaverickXero, i have to enable twinview again22:04
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: then access software sources, click to add a repo and add: ppa:chromium-daily/ppa    to the system22:04
MaverickXerojohn38: you have to save settings to xorg config... there is a button for it22:04
ActionParsnipkevin_: then try again22:04
john38MaverickXero, i think if i was able to have high resolution on TV i could get whole picture22:05
n0a1iasActionParsnip, ok 1 sec22:05
kevin_ActionParsnip: still getting the same problem after adding that22:05
mulamboActionParsnip something is loading them obviously? http://pastebin.com/B5jXvCRH22:05
ActionParsnipftornell: add the module name in /etc/modules22:05
ActionParsnipmulambo: loading what?22:05
john38MaverickXero, ok i just saved it I think22:06
MaverickXeroNot to spam but just wondering if anybody who joined since I asked knows: I just updated my packages and the new JDK (I use Sun/Oracle's) came with VisualVM but it doesn't work since the "jdkhome" variable isn't set. What's the "right" way to set this in Ubuntu cause I don't wanna have to do this everytime I update the JDK22:06
ActionParsnipkevin_: so if you run: dig packages.medibuntu.org    does it resolve to ?22:06
ftornellActionParsnip, add the module? i want to remove that module so my d-link works...they collide!22:06
mulamboActionParsnip cannot blacklist modules -> irda and smsc_ircc2 I put them into /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf they will load anyway22:06
n0a1iasActionParsnip, it says i need the APT line22:06
ActionParsnipftornell: then blacklist it in /etc/modeprobe.d/blacklist-ath_pci.conf22:07
ActionParsnipmulambo: not sure then22:07
ftornellsweet, ill give it a try22:07
john38MaverickXero, now???22:07
ActionParsnipn0a1ias: add: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu maverick main22:08
john38MaverickXero, reboot?22:08
kevin_ActionParsnip: no,
MaverickXerojohn38: yes22:08
ActionParsnipkevin_: thats why, its the wrong IP. are you sure you added the line in /etc/hosts   and did you save the file ok?22:08
john38MaverickXero, should i set them as clones or absolute22:09
MaverickXerojohn38: not clones unless that is what you want22:09
kevin_ActionParsnip: I do have it, http://pastebin.com/BThF42RP22:09
n0a1iasi tryed that, and then ran the command again, and i got an error saying Broken packages22:10
=== Jyggaa is now known as Jygga
ryannMaverickXero.. the error was basically something like "disk is not ready.. press S to skip or M to manually repair"22:10
n0a1iasActionParsnip, i tryed that, and then ran the command again, and i got an error saying broken packages22:10
MEMEyouwhy does the disk utility in ubuntu tell me i don't have enough components to start the raid?22:11
ben_qHello, what does "Segmentation fault" mean and how can I work around it? I'm trying to mount rar-archives, some work, some don't22:11
ActionParsnipkevin_: looks ok according to many sites22:11
ZykoticK9n0a1ias, if you have broken packages try running "sudo apt-get -f install" from a terminal to see if it fixes it22:11
copproI am having trouble connecting to a PEAP network with network-manager22:11
copprosomething keeps forcing the wireless card back to no ESSID when it attempts to connect22:12
ActionParsnipben_q: you dont mount rar archives, you extract them22:12
JoeCoolNetbookHow do I create a symlink in nautilus22:12
ben_qActionParsnip, no, I want to mount them22:12
ActionParsnipben_q: you can't, its not a block device22:12
ben_qActionParsnip, I don't have space to extract tons of 8gb+ archives22:12
john38hahah it works22:13
john38MaverickXero, thanks22:13
ben_qActionParsnip, but why does it work for some archives?22:13
ben_qmount.fuse works fine on some22:13
kevin_ActionParsnip: and when I run the commands to get medibuntu, it tries to connect to this:
ActionParsnipben_q: archives like what?22:13
kevin_idk whats wrong.22:13
MaverickXerojohn38: did it work?22:13
ActionParsnipkevin_: in the command you could change the name for the IP...22:13
john38MaverickXero, well now its centered perfectly22:14
MaverickXeroryann: i'm still looking into this it seems that it's an ubuntu specific quirk22:14
john38MaverickXero, i guess the saving then reboot22:14
ActionParsnipben_q: stupid windows may see an ISO as an archive and show an archive icon but thats only because winrar can extract ISO files. ISO files can be mounted as they are block devices22:14
MEMEyoumount doesn't require  'block device' to work22:14
ActionParsnipMEMEyou: you can't mount a rar file22:14
MEMEyoui didn't say you culd, lol22:15
john38MaverickXero, ok let me understand this if i change resolution now on monitor to work firefox is still saved22:15
ryannthank you MaverickXero22:15
MEMEyouok you can mount a rar file, there i said it now22:15
kevin_ActionParsnip: when I do that it times out. T_T22:15
MaverickXerojohn38: only way to know is to try22:16
ZykoticK9MEMEyou, actually, no you can't mount a rar file...22:16
ActionParsnipkevin_: you may need to restart networking22:16
LectricBillI've found an apparent bug in VLAN operation during Meerkat operation.  I've reverted to Lucid, and all is well.  But I'd like to report the problem.  Advice please.22:16
ben_qActionParsnip, read: I have mounted rar-archives already with mount.fuse, and it works on some, but not on all archives. same type, splittet rars, sfv-check is clean for all of them22:16
spinningcompassZykoticK9: You're missing the point. ;)22:16
shark360_ciao a tutti22:16
MathuinLectricBill: has a bug been submitted?22:16
kevin_ActionParsnip: will a reboot restart networking?22:16
MEMEyouanyway - anyone know why the disk utility won't start a degraded raid?22:16
shark360_hi all22:16
shark360_there are italians?22:16
LectricBillMathuin, don't know where to look for the reports.  That's why I'm asking here.22:17
ZykoticK9!it | shark360_22:17
ubottushark360_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:17
ZykoticK9MEMEyou, lol - what does that have to do with Ubuntu?22:17
MaverickXeroryann: since this is a server... do you have the gui installed (xorg and gnome/kde)22:18
MEMEyouwhat doesn't it?22:18
ben_qyah.. I'M wondering why I get advice for windows here °_°22:18
MEMEyoudid u try using it?22:18
MathuinLectricBill: I found some useful information at the first Google hit on "ubuntu bug report".22:18
ben_qno, I use mount and fuse to mount stuff on linux22:19
ZykoticK9LectricBill, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu22:19
ben_qand I like freeware22:19
MEMEyoumount and fuse arn't freeware22:19
LectricBillMathuin, Yeah, I see that, but foolowing the trail leads to a list that omits meerkat22:20
LectricBillZykoticK9, thanks, I'll take a look22:20
ben_qwell, then i must be a damn pirat becaue I didn't pay for them :>22:20
MEMEyoui think you are confused with what freeware is22:20
MaverickXeroryann: you still there i think i have a fix22:21
tyebudHola.  Has anyone had any success making uswsusp the default for suspend/hibernate in 10.04?22:21
ryannMaverickXero yes22:22
ryanni've been writing a shell script to workaround this for me22:22
ben_qtyebud, suspend works like a charm since lucid22:22
ryannthe external disk is for an rsync script that's crontabbed.. so i added a few lines to check if the device is mounted, trying to mount if it is, and existing if it's not mounted/not found22:22
MaverickXeroryann: it seems this has been a bug for the past 4-5 releases but ubuntu ignores noauto unless you change a setting in system>preferences>removable drives and media>storage you want to disable mount removable media when inserted22:23
tyebudben_q: Hmm.  I'm getting poor results on my eee.  I installed uswsusp and it works a ton better22:23
ChogyDananyone know how I can install netbook remix without a clean install from the unr image?22:24
MaverickXeroryann: once you do that fstab will work like every other distro and not try and mount devices with noauto22:24
MathuinChogyDan: have you tried installing the ubuntu-netbook package?22:24
ryannMaverickXero: i think there's a miscommunication.22:24
tyebudI just can't figure out how to get power manager to recognize it.  I wouldn't be opposed to using another power manager..22:24
ryannfstab is ignoring the device if the device reads noauto22:24
ryannthis is a headless server, by the way22:25
ryannfstab, however, was not ignoring the device if it had nofail22:25
thomasis the gtkmm channel still around?22:25
ChogyDanMathuin: thanks! looking,   any suggestions on any of the rest of the ubuntu-netbook-* packages?22:25
ben_qwell, again, does anyone have experience with mounting rar-archives under _ubuntu_ ?   I get segmentation faults on some archives22:25
ryannso there is no way for the drive to mount automatically via fstab at boot without the system still booting properly if the device is absent.22:25
snailon ubuntu i want to commandline script the conversion of a sequence of gifs into a PDF. what tools should I be looking at?22:25
MaverickXeroryann: use neither nofail nor noauto then22:25
MaverickXeroryann: just set the option to user22:26
ZykoticK9ryann, noauto in fstab = don't automatically mount22:26
Diamondcitesnail: This might not be too much help, but you might have an easier time going from gif to .ps(postscript) first.22:26
ryanni understand that ZykoticK9.  thanks22:26
MaverickXeroryann: nofail is supposed to prompt you because it's not supposed to fail to mount... you just want it to mount if it's there so just use user22:27
ryanni want the disk to automatically mount, however fstab breaks during boot if a device listed in fstab is not present during the boot process22:27
MaverickXeroryann: it should only break during boot on nofail22:27
ZykoticK9ryann, your statement above is true22:27
ryannwell, that's no good for a headless machine!22:28
MaverickXeroryann: you were saying it breaks with noauto... which it should not because noauto means it isn't trying to mount it, is that what is happening?22:28
ryanncan't have it reboot for whatever reason and fail to come back up, waiting for a keypress!22:28
Omni_LinkCan anyone help me with a keyboard problem? I cannot get the Down Arrow to repeat the move while being held down. Up Arrow does it w/o a problem And it works on KP(2).22:29
opendhe2, test22:29
ryannMaverickXero: I'm sorry, no.  It is breaking on nofail.  The pastebin I sent you had noauto as previously suggested.22:29
MaverickXeroryann: have you tried just user as the option22:29
opendhe2, test22:29
ryannjust changed && rebooting22:29
MaverickXeroryann: nofail was working the way it should, same with noauto, but I don't think you want either of these behaviors22:29
ryannMaverickXero: this is why I was trying to get udev working with the device, so that it would automatically mount when found.22:30
ZykoticK9ryann, what are you trying to do?  why is the device sometimes there and sometimes not?22:30
ryannZykoticK9: in a perfect world. the device will always be plugged in and powered on.22:31
MaverickXeroryann: udev is configured through fstab so i'm not sure I understand what you mean22:31
ryannbut the system is going to be 2000 miles away, and the world is not perfect ;)22:31
MaverickXeroZykotic9: it's an external backup for a server22:31
ryannMaverickXero: yes, the device now automatcailly mounted using user as the option22:31
ryanni will now unplug the device and reboot22:31
MaverickXeroryann: cool it should work22:31
ZykoticK9!tab > MaverickXero22:32
ubottuMaverickXero, please see my private message22:32
bildirgecchi all!22:32
MaverickXeroZykoticK9: why did you send me a note about using tab?22:32
ZykoticK9MaverickXero, cause you typed my NIC and incorrectly the first time22:33
extorwhich virtualization platform does ubuntu server usually like, xen? kvm? openvz? Which one is most associated with u-s?22:33
bildirgeccHow to compress a directory as 7z format giving it password and level (ration) as zero (i mean to do store) on Ubuntu 10 from terminal ?22:33
MaverickXeroZykoticK9: oh sorry... yeh i know about the tab thing but I don't want a comma after the name and I don't feel like deleting it everytime, but thanks22:34
MEMEyouman 7za?22:34
etherealiteIs there such a thing as a preconfigured `leet` desktop package with things like  irssi integration, tiling window manager, hardware monitors and the like so I can look like a guru whilest not  knowing sh*t and being a lazy *ss?22:34
MaverickXeroextor: I use VirtualBox on my ubuntu netbook and it works great22:34
zamnedixso is there a limit to how many people  can be in an irc room? because i would think 1518 exceeded that limit.22:34
extorIm talking about ubuntu SERVER as in for production environments22:35
ZykoticK9zamnedix, i've seen Ubuntu channels over 2000 on release day - and it's OT for this channel ;)22:35
Omni_LinkCan anyone help me with a keyboard problem? I cannot get the Down Arrow to repeat the move while being held down. Up Arrow does it w/o a problem And it works on Keypad(2)22:35
Jordan_Uextor: kvm22:35
ohiretherealite: search the web for suitable .jpg and learn how to setup your wallpaper :>22:35
bildirgeccHow to compress a directory as 7z format giving it password and level (ration) as zero (i mean to do store) on Ubuntu 10 from terminal ?22:35
MEMEyouubuntu for a server?  you're fired22:35
ryannMaverickXero: with the user mount option, the boot process broke again.  The message reads:  The disk drive for /backup is not ready yet or not present.  Continue to wait; os press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery.22:35
trojan_spike>> gnomelook22:35
ZykoticK9extor, KVM does require your CPU to have virtualization support22:36
extorWow so many pretty little heads responding to the question in here lawl22:36
ionwindalguien que hable español¿¿22:36
etherealiteohir hmmm, not sure if thats `l44t` enough.22:36
ademslm millet22:36
Jordan_U!es | ionwind22:36
ubottuionwind: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:36
ionwindok gracias :)22:37
snailfor the record: i solved my problem: i installed a2ps which delegated the job to imagemagick. installing a helper package was faster than figuring out the imagemagick options. i've seen this before.22:37
MaverickXeroryann: got it this time... make your options "defaults,errors=continue"22:37
ademturk yokmu arkadşlar22:37
ftornellguys, whats your opinion on ubuntu server 10.10? ( im from the windows world and only use linux for my desktops at home, but considering changing windows server 2008 R2 to ubuntu server 10.10 at home as well; storing documents, pictures, music, remoting from work...)22:38
sdeHi guys, i have a couple of Ubuntu LTS servers22:38
sdewhat's the best way to backup the wholeserver?22:38
fooobarhi im getting a notification for "disc might fail soon" due to smart values. problem is that that disc is in a raid 10 array. so how do i find which disc it is22:38
Jordan_U!turkish | adem22:38
ubottuadem: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.22:38
ryanngreat, thanks MaverickXero.  rebooting now22:39
ademjordan sim22:39
mobashersde=>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508722:39
MaverickXeroNot to spam but just wondering if anybody who joined since I asked knows: I just updated my packages and the new JDK (I use Sun/Oracle's) came with VisualVM but it doesn't work since the "jdkhome" variable isn't set. What's the "right" way to set this in Ubuntu cause I don't wanna have to do this everytime I update the JDK22:39
sdethanks ill look22:39
mobasherftornell=>> depends ...some like 10.04 some like 10.10..it's up to u22:40
rahsputinhi. i just installed Lucid LTS. On reboot, this message shows up ...[drm] nouveau 0000:01:0.0 GPU Lockup - Switching to software fbcon        i have a NV34 Geforce FX5200 GFX-Card22:40
he2i would like to change my login screen22:40
he2how can i do so?22:41
ftornellmobasher, any big difference there? 10.04 is LTS i suppose... only hosting documents, pics, movies, mp3s for the family members...22:41
Aemaethhe2, ubuntu-tweaks22:41
Benkinoobyhi i have a strange problem. i can listen to music via a virtual terminal (unsing xmms2) but as soon as i startx i don't hear anything22:41
he2Aemaeth: just downlod and change?22:41
ActionParsniphe2: http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/1322:42
Aemaethhe2, just about22:42
furitried to ./configure and make music applet but it doesn't appear in the add to panel list. using 10.10.22:42
ZykoticK9he2, changing the GDM login screen, since GDM2 came out is non-trivial for sure.  Ohh! excited to read ActionParsnip's link ;)22:42
he2Aemaeth: i'm using 10.1022:42
mobasherftornell=>> not much...same deal...depends on your hardware...if it can carry server otherwise both work just fine..i have both22:42
=== fooobar is now known as Raydiation
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: you can change the wallpaper and the login box theme only, not a huge change22:42
ActionParsniphe2: its the same22:43
Benkinoobyhi i have a strange problem. i can listen to music via a virtual terminal (unsing xmms2) but as soon as i startx i don't hear anything. i use 10.0422:43
ryannMaverickXero: unfortunately, same error.22:43
seidosBenkinooby, you don't hear anything in any sound applications?  or in xmms2 you don't hear anything?  my guess is that alsa is configured in terminal, and somehow pulseaudio might not be configured properly in gnome22:43
he2i used crunchbanfg statler till a few days and there was just an easy gui for changing22:43
ownerwell it's fixed.  ubuntu's disk utility seems to depend on "md" yet - ubuntu doesn't install md support in the kernel - wtf?  bad package management and kernel build, imho22:43
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, I hadn't seen that link before, so i was hoping for more ;)22:43
ilyakj #iphonedev22:43
ryannMaverickXero: current fstab http://pastebin.com/amYS1phs22:44
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: thats all I got,I just make the background and theme match my desktop theme22:44
gsk_spursHi, Anychance someone could help me with my Ubuntu install?  I'm trying to install 10.10 64bit (have the same issue on 32bit install though).  After a sucessful install, ubuntu won't boot, coming up with 'unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference.  The computer is a HP Touchsmart TM2 2050ea Laptop. Any Ideas?22:44
seidosBenkinooby, you can try running pulseaudio -k in cli or alt-f2 and then try xmms2?22:44
izardstreetsound playback super choppy22:44
izardstreetin vlc22:44
MaverickXeroryann: you've got me stumped... I guess at this point I would just do what you were doing and make a small script to run on startup and mount it without fstab22:44
Benkinoobyseidos, ok, gimme a sec22:44
ryannso strange!22:44
ActionParsnipizardstreet: try a different player, is it the saame?22:45
izardstreetmovie player just crashed22:45
izardstreetthis may have been because of an update22:45
ActionParsnipizardstreet: try it when the player completes22:45
MaverickXeroryann: def a ubuntu thing though... I'm an ex-gentoo user so there are a ton of things I find weird in this distro22:45
pylix_hey people22:45
izardstreetthis is wierd now its working22:46
pepohello people!22:46
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, ooh it's all good!  we've discussed the various gdm customization options before ;)  we're on the same page, was just excited when i say a new link.  FYI thanks from the community for your "uninstall all apt installed flash versions and reinstall only the one" I've given it to a couple of people (with credit to you usually) with great success.22:46
pepodo you want somethind funy about Ubuntu Server 10.10?22:46
MaverickXeropepo: what's that22:46
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Benkinoobyseidos, oh, sorry, seems that i didn't express myself well. i typed 'startx' on ctrl-alt-f1, i listen to xmms2 music on ctrl-alt-f2 but on all ctrl-alt-f# i dont hear anything, if i am not logged in at that specific terminal. my fluxbox (started with startx) is on ctrl-alt-f522:46
LicuadoraIm getting this message in Terminal about firefox22:46
LicuadoraFontconfig warning: Directory/file mtime in the future. New fonts may not be detected22:47
ryannok.  Thank you for the help though MaverickXero.  I greatly appreciate you trying22:47
Licuadora(<unknown>:2227): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead22:47
trojan_spikewe not nothing funny,, serious heads ;)22:47
ademGreetings to the ladies messenger sex yapalımmı sadece_sex_271@hotmail.com22:47
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: thanks dude :)  yeah if you have too many flashes it messes up :)22:47
ademGreetings to the ladies messenger sex yapalımmı sadece_sex_271@hotmail.com22:47
ActionParsnip!ops adem spam22:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:47
ademGreetings to the ladies messenger sex yapalımmı sadece_sex_271@hotmail.com22:47
ademGreetings to the ladies messenger sex yapalımmı sadece_sex_271@hotmail.com22:47
ActionParsnip!ops | adem spm22:47
ubottuadem spm: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!22:47
vulnhello there. I have PostgreSQL 8.4 installed in my Ubuntu 9.10. I'd like to remove it at all. I've tried before, but it's still in the system =/22:47
LicuadoraI was testing some LiveCDs, but when I restarted my monitor resolution was messed up22:47
pepoI have installed ubuntu server 10.10 on server. everything was ok. no errors. after reboot server was halted showing me parameters and hard drive. with no posibility to enter into BIOS22:47
Benkinoobyseidos, after puseaudio everything is silent...22:47
TiZHi. gvfs-open is using Firefox to open FTP filesystems instead of Thunar like it should. It's opening SMB shares correctly, though. What do I do to fix this?22:48
seidosBenkinooby, so sound works fine in one tty, but another?  so if you start x from tty2 sounds works fine in X?  hmmm.  not sure.22:48
ademLet's Have Sex at hello ladies messenger sadece_sex_271@hotmail.com22:48
ademLet's Have Sex at hello ladies messenger sadece_sex_271@hotmail.com22:48
pylix_it's pretty crowded in here22:48
LicuadoraNow when I try to fix it this happens22:48
Licuadoraroot@djiin:~# nvidia-xconfig22:48
LicuadoraWARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.22:48
LicuadoraNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'22:48
FloodBot4Licuadora: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:48
pepoI did it with a 160GB hard drive. decided to make it with another 2TB... the same problem22:48
=== pylix_ is now known as Pylix
ftornellIf I want to set up a mailserver at home on ubuntu server, is it postfix or send mail or is there any other maybe lighter ones out there?22:49
ActionParsnipLicuadora: then restart x and it will be used22:49
Benkinoobyseidos, no it works on every tty i am logged in at.22:49
seidosBenkinooby, i need to think more on it.  you can start pulseaudio again just by typing "pulseaudio" in cli or alt-f222:49
pepoSO! whi cand tell something about it? :)22:49
seidosBenkinooby, i don't understand the problem/question.22:49
Benkinoobyseidos, it says daemon allready running22:49
LicuadoraActionParsnip: can you tell me how to restart x?22:49
Pylixis anyone here free to help a nub?22:49
Benkinoobyseidos, my problem is, that i only have soundn, when i switch to ctrl-alt-f222:50
mobashervuln=>> http://forums.enterprisedb.com/posts/list/1437.page22:50
seidos!ask | Pylix22:50
ubottuPylix: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:50
Benkinoobyseidos, i dont have sound when i am on X22:50
LicuadoraActionParsnip: I have been restarting the system several tiems, and it keeps the same22:50
ZykoticK9Licuadora, use Pastebin for multi-line pastes, but your xconfig command was successful.  it's written the nvidia xorg.conf file - alt+sysrq+k will instantly restart X22:50
ActionParsnipLicuadora: ALT+K+PrintScrn   or you can just reboot the OS22:50
jdurohey guys, I did upgrade-from-grub-legacy and my windows partition is not shown anymore. Is there a document or wiki that could help me to reactivate the windows partition?22:50
Pylixokay will do, let me just read the terms first22:50
seidosBenkinooby, ah, did you check volume levels in X?22:50
mobasher!grub2 | jduro22:50
ubottujduro: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:50
ftornellpostfix comes installed if choosing that one during the installation process? any major configurations that need to be done after?22:50
SorayaHi Guys,is there a way to upgrade my Ubuntu 10.4 to 10.10 with out loosing any data ?22:51
pepoHey! to dificult question? where is guru of ubuntu? :D22:51
ActionParsnipjduro: try: sudo update-grub    and it should add i22:51
ActionParsnip!ask } pepo22:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:51
ActionParsnip!ask | pepo22:51
ubottupepo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:51
pepoSoraya: don't do it22:51
Benkinoobyseidos, what do you mean by that. i put everything on max in alsamixer22:51
ZykoticK9Soraya, "upgrading" saves the home folder by default.  Lucid 10.04 is LTS and by default won't upgrade to 10.10 - but i'm sure it's easy to change.22:52
Benkinoobyseidos, i think it is a permission-thing22:52
mobasherSoraya=>> backup your data first..22:52
LicuadoraZykotiK9: please, can you tell me waht sysrq means?22:52
ZykoticK9Soraya, i don't personally do upgrades - or really recommend them22:52
TiZHi. gvfs-open is using Firefox to open FTP filesystems instead of Thunar like it should. It's opening SMB shares correctly, though. What do I do to fix this?22:52
Sorayaim gona need a HD,thanks22:52
=== Auv5 is now known as Auv5[Away]
jduroActionParsnip, it only says: Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-22-generic Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin22:52
LicuadoraZykotiK9: I dont know what button is that22:52
pepook, I'll repeat :)22:52
ZykoticK9Licuadora, print screen usually22:52
seidosBenkinooby, try this in cli:  speaker-test -c2 -D hw:0,0 -t wav -l122:52
ZykoticK9!tab > Licuadora22:52
ubottuLicuadora, please see my private message22:52
pepoI have installed ubuntu server 10.10 on server. everything was ok. no errors. after reboot server was halted showing me parameters and hard drive. with no posibility to enter into BIOS. How to solve the problem?22:53
ActionParsnipjduro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132278122:53
Benkinoobyseidos, i if use X and type to an terminal emulator: alasmixer it says cannot open mixer: No such file or directory. but on a tty it works22:53
shane4ubuntuSoraya, ZykoticK9  in the terminal update-manager -d22:53
ZykoticK9shane4ubuntu, that's for "development" releases!  not 10.10 i believe.22:53
jduroActionParsnip, its actually windows XP22:53
mobasherpepo=>> your BIOS has nothing to do with ubuntu install..u should be able to get into22:53
Sorayashane4ubuntu: will that command update my ubuntu vertion22:53
ZykoticK9Soraya, not to the right one.22:54
seidosBenkinooby, maybe you should use locate alsamixer and run alsamixer using the full path22:54
Benkinooby$ speaker-test -c2 -D hw:0,0 -t wav -l122:54
Benkinoobyspeaker-test 1.0.2222:54
BenkinoobyPlayback device is hw:0,022:54
BenkinoobyStream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 2 channels22:54
BenkinoobyWAV file(s)22:54
FloodBot4Benkinooby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:54
shane4ubuntuSoraya, I'm with ZykoticK9 I usually don't do upgrades or recommend them either as they tend to be extra work22:54
BenkinoobyALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1401:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card22:54
pepo<mobasher>: I'm not liing22:54
shane4ubuntuSoraya, I believe so, I think I did that on the laptop22:54
seidos!paste | Benkinooby22:54
ubottuBenkinooby: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:54
mobasherpepo...I'm sure..but try turning it off and then try it again22:54
pepo<mobasher>: I tryed with another hard drive. the same issue after ubuntu server 10.10 installed22:55
LicuadoraIt didnt wored22:55
pepo<mobasher>: I did everything22:55
mobasherpepo=>> u rather have a bios issue..not ubuntu22:55
seidosBenkinooby, so...no sound from speaker test?  and speaker test works fine in tty?  has your system always been like this?22:55
pepo<mobasher>: nope22:55
mobasherpepo=>> ubuntu never touces your bios22:55
lucas_just compiled the 2.6.36 kernel on maverick 64 bit. Now it shows 3.7 GB of memory instead of 3.9. Did I do something wrong?22:55
mobasherpepo=>> touches*22:55
pepo<mobasher>: It touches somethind in hard drive22:55
ZykoticK9Licuadora, hold them all down one after the other <alt><sysrq> then press <k>22:56
pepo<mobasher>: do you want to know how to solve problem? I can tell you :)22:56
mobasherpepo=>> yes it does the install on the HD not on the BIOS...u should be able to get into it...what are u running22:56
shane4ubuntuSoraya that being said, this time I updated the laptop (ATI drivers) pain, and am updating my desktop22:56
ZykoticK9Licuadora, what version of ubuntu?  old one was <ctrl><alt><backspace>22:56
Benkinoobyseidos, on. it worked fine all the time. i played around with gdm/xdm and stuff. i wanted to have a faster text-mode boot with console login to fire up fluxbox or gnome manually after login22:56
ActionParsniplucas_: we can't support self compiled kernels22:56
Benkinoobyseidos, no speaker sond22:57
ActionParsniplucas_: i suggest you compile in PAE though22:57
mobasherpepo=>> if you know the answer to your issue then why bother to ask ?22:57
TiZOkay, let me try going into my problem in a little more detail. I'm using Gigolo in XFCE to mount remote file systems, which was working great until now. When I double click a connected and mounted FTP filesystem, it opens in Firefox instead of Thunar. Gigolo is configured to use gvfs-open, and I can't really just put thunar in instead of that; Thunar doesn't yet support remote URIs on its own. So what do I do to get gvfs-open using Thunar ins22:57
TiZtead of Firefox?22:57
pepo<mobasher>: connect hard drive to ubuntu desktop, delete all partitions from hard drive. after connect hard drive to server and voila! you can enter in bios and server also show that no operating system is installed :)22:57
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, PAE is redundant on 64bit22:57
lucas_ActionParsnip: thought that pae was intended for 32 bit architecture22:57
seidosBenkinooby, what about running: cat /proc/asound/cards22:57
Jordan_UActionParsnip: PAE isn't needed  with a 64 bit kernel.22:58
pepo<mobasher>: the question if somebody meet the same problem and know why it happens?22:58
mobasherpepo=>> what does one do when they don't have a desktop in that case what do u suggest..?22:58
lucas_(not that I am not satisfied with the default one, just wanted to try out the new one) ;)22:58
Benkinoobyseidos, no i have sound at tty2 and tty1. on both i am logged in. on tty3,4 no sound not logged in tty5 is muy fluxbox gui without sound22:58
danyhi eveyone22:58
mobasher!ask | dany22:59
ubottudany: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:59
Benkinoobyseidos, if i run /usr/bin/alsamixer again same message : cannot open mixer, no such file or directory22:59
ZykoticK9!latest | lucas_22:59
ubottulucas_: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are  only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.22:59
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: if the kernel only sees 3.7Gb its almost definately 32bit23:00
coz_!hello | dany23:00
seidosBenkinooby, maybe you should simplify your configuration.  how do things work from a fresh boot?23:00
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, good point!23:00
pepo<mobasher>: I'm computers/servers guru 13 years... but damn with experiences.... this is first time when a desktop is halted intializing a hard drive with ubuntu server 10.10 installed. because with  ubuntu server 10.04 everything is ok.23:00
lucas_thanks for your replies!23:00
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, actually isn't it low 3GB? for 32 limitation23:00
Benkinooby seidos output of the command: 0 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel (new line) HDA Intel at 0xfc140000 irq 2223:00
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: usually you'll get 3.4Gb ish23:01
lucas_another thing... I have an avermedia go usb based on an a833 chip and can't seem to make it work. Is there any module I have to compile?23:01
Benkinoobyseidos, let me try. the funny thing is, i tried to make things simpler, get rid of all that stuff and have a fast boot, but atm everything get's worse. speed, stability, sound :/23:01
mobasherpepo=>> i'm sure u're very expereinced...but that's not the solution..computers bios has nothing to do with harddrive partitions and not being able to get into the bios with ubuntu installation23:01
Pylixokay I've recently installed xubuntu and i was hoping to get my desktop to look like this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/71/Xfce-4.4.png i have xfce but i'm new and don't know a thing about customizing my GUI. how would i go about this, and what are good resources for absolute beginners in understanding basic operations and how the OS works.23:01
seidosBenkinooby, well, there are three things that need to be configured for audio.  card driver, alsa, and pulseaudio.  the alsamixer no such file or directory problem is a mystery to me.  you can verify the file is there?23:01
pepo<mobasher>: if you do not have a desktop to connect this hard drive... try to find somebody with a desktop... because you cannot access BIOS23:02
Omni_LinkCan anyone help me with a keyboard problem? I cannot get the Down Arrow to repeat the move while being held down. Up Arrow does it w/o a problem And it works on Keypad(2)23:02
coz_lucas_,   if no one can help right now ,,here...you might also want to try the ##linux channel23:02
seidosBenkinooby, well, yeah, because you are messing with things you don't understand :).  have you considered using supsend (s3) instead of rebooting so much?23:02
Benkinoobyseidos, because of the message, it always speaks of "mixer"23:02
ZykoticK9seidos, fyi pulse actually uses alsa for lowlevel stuff - so you can skip configuring it really.  Benkinooby23:02
seidosBenkinooby, i'm sure if i tried what you are doing my system would be messed up :)23:02
shane4ubuntuwhat is the apt-get fix all line?  apt-get install --fix-all ??23:02
Benkinoobyseidos, so i started mixer and see, i have to install it23:02
lucas_coz_: thanx!23:02
xorwhyI'm trying to create a launcher in the gnome panel that will run a command, and then run a second command. How can I run two separate commands in a single line?23:03
steelrathello! is there a bug on launchpad about Places menu's icons loads slow? and should i create it if not?23:03
mobasherpepo=>> buddy...i have been with ubuntu for so long never heard such thing...and i have worked with tons of desktops...it always works..unless your bios is messed or you don't have a password..it always works23:03
ZykoticK9shane4ubuntu, "sudo apt-get -f install" should work23:03
Benkinoobyseidos, installing csound-utils and some pedendcies23:03
seidosBenkinooby, i thought the mixer was running in one tty.23:03
pepo<mobasher>: what I'm trying to explain... for me it is very strange. it's imposible but it is...23:03
shane4ubuntuZykoticK9, thanks that was it.23:03
ActionParsnipxorwhy: create an alias or a bash script23:03
dany@ pylix try kde-look.org/ you might find what you are looking for there. It looks like it is a theme for KDE23:03
xorwhyActionParsnip: Thanks that's a great idea!23:03
mobasherpepo=>> what kind of desktop you have ?? and what did you install on it?23:03
dany@ pylix sorry wrong one23:03
seidosBenkinooby, there should be packages that are necessary for sound to function.  alsa-base, alsa-utils, and pulseaudio.  not sure what else, if any.23:04
Benkinoobyseidos, it is working. maybe this packages somehow integrates the acces of X to sound. didn't read packages description.23:04
dany@ pylix : i mean xfce-look.org/23:04
notlisteninganyone else getting alsa-utils errors on 10.10?23:04
ActionParsnipnotlistening: none at all23:04
coz_notlistening,   what are you doing when you get this error?23:04
ActionParsniphi pablo196423:05
pepo<mobasher> it's a ASUS NCT-D motheboard with double xeon23:05
Benkinoobyseidos, i have all these packages. see the soudn is working perfectly in every tty i am logged in at23:05
mobasherpepo=>> were u ever able to get inot it before ?23:05
notlisteningupgrading but with proposed updates23:05
jduroActionParsnip, the guy in that forum thread is solving the problem by reinstalling windows. But why I should do that If i can access to the windows partition ???23:06
mobasherpepo=>> del key should work on it..23:06
notlisteningcoz_, ^^23:06
seidosBenkinooby, so...you're good?23:06
Robinuxheya guys, i just installed lamp, and i wanna know where the php config files are23:06
Robinuxand such files23:06
Jordan_Ujduro: What is the output of "sudo os-prober"?23:06
Pylixwell that makes sense dan23:06
pepo<mobasher>: sorry english is not my native language, can you repeat pls? Thx23:06
coz_notlistening,  I see that... mm   out of curiosity.. if you do  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade    are there packages related to sound offered for installation?23:07
pepo<mobasher>: Del key doesn't work23:07
mobasherpepo=>> delete key should work to get into the BIOS23:07
ActionParsnipjduro: try: sudo update-grub223:07
Benkinoobyseidos, no. when i startx the X will be openden at tty5 but i am not logged in at that tty because X is there. so no sound. when i jump back to tty2 sound comes back again :/23:07
jduroJordan_U, /dev/sda1:Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition:Windows:chain23:07
pepo<mobasher>: Doesn't work. It works with another hard drive or without it23:07
coz_pepo,  depending on the  motherboard  it could be  F2  or delete to get into bios  and ... in left field  maybe F323:08
jduroActionParsnip, i already tried it and it gives the same as update-grub23:08
Benkinoobyseidos, to me it seems like my permissions are messed up somewhere so that X can not access/control sound or something. don't knw23:08
ActionParsnipjduro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/45358823:08
pepo<mobasher>: if I delete all partitions from that hard drive, where ubuntu server 10.10 was installed I can enter into BIOS23:08
Jordan_Ujduro: Ok, can you pastebin the output of "sudo update-grub" and the contents of your /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?23:08
pepo<mobasher>: No here is Del key23:08
notlisteningcoz_ 2 not fully installed or removed and the second is ubuntu-desktop which depends on alsa as i tried to remove it and stoped it before it killed my desktop23:08
mobasherpepo=>> that's quite odd23:08
notlisteningcoz_ no other packages at the moment23:09
seidosBenkinooby, don't know.  i will have to try to do some research.  i'm not sure how tty's affect audio.  i was under the impression that if sound is configured properly, audio should function in all ttys23:09
danydoes anyone know the tomcat6 standard password and ligin for webapp manager? ?23:09
Jordan_Upepo: Have you checked for BIOS updates? This is certainly a firmware bug.23:09
coz_notlistening,  you tried to remove ubuntu-desktop/23:09
coz_notlistening, ??23:09
ZykoticK9Benkinooby, FYI i have also experienced issues with sound and multiple virtual consoles/X sessions.  in fact the problem has gotten a lot worse in the last few versions of ?X/Pulse/audio/GDM/Gnome (not really sure where the problem comes from?).  good luck man.23:09
notlisteningcoz_ click happy, I stopped it befor eit processed it23:09
mobasherpepo=>> do have raid build up on the motherboard ?23:09
coz_notlistening,  oh it wanted to remove ubuntu-desktop  you mean?23:10
pepo<mobasher>: I installed a lot of operating systems trying to find an alternative to ubuntu server. I want to make a file server with ZFS, but finally decided to remain with ubuntu server + ZFS23:10
jduroJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/6BvDnw5T23:10
BenkinoobyZykoticK9, it even was not a problem before. i think somewhere i did something wrong. i changed so mayn things. i don't think i can recover all steps i did.23:10
coz_notlistening,  that's odd...  what packages have you installed recently?23:10
pepo<mobasher>: this motheboard has only 2 SATA ports23:10
ZykoticK9Benkinooby, lol - BEEN THERE!23:11
notlisteningcoz_ yeah it did as i tried to remove and replace alsa23:11
mobasherpepo=>> how old is this motherboard23:11
Jordan_Ujduro: Ther is a windows entry there. Can you reboot and confirm that you still see no windows option?23:11
notlisteningcoz_, dpkg: error processing alsa-utils (--configure): is the error i get23:11
jduroJordan_U, yes :0 it now shows23:11
Benkinoobyseidos, i also thought sound would not depend on tty ;)23:11
pepo<mobasher>: 200523:11
BenkinoobyZykoticK9, ?23:11
seidosBenkinooby, ah, so you're saying that sounds *only* works from a cli, and not in X?23:11
Jordan_Ujduro: :)23:11
jduroActionParsnip,  Jordan_U, well sorry for the trouble and thanks for the help23:11
coz_notlistening,   and you are trying to install alsa-utils via  apt .... yes?23:11
mobasherpepo=>> possibilly has to do with the raid configuration on the motherboard..maybe confuesed or something then23:11
Jordan_Ujduro: np, and you're welcome.23:12
ZykoticK9Benkinooby, so many times I can't "undo" all the steps I have done to something and broken it.23:12
seidosBenkinooby, are you trying to play audio from gnome or fluxbox?23:12
pepo<mobasher>: I think that guys from ubuntu changed something in OS partitioning23:12
notlisteningcoz_ yes23:12
coz_notlistening,  let me check here hold on23:12
Benkinoobyseidos, yes. and on tty only after i logged in at that specific tty23:12
mobasherpepo=>> i have a old 2005 motherboard...that works fine ..never hung asus pd5ad223:12
Benkinoobyseidos, fluxbox. but for gnome same problem23:12
jduroJordan_U, the only think i did was this -> apt-get install os-prober23:12
Jordan_Ujduro: Ahh, that makes sense then. os-prober is what update-grub uses to detect other OSs.23:13
pepo<mobasher>: motheboard support RAID0 or RAID1... because it has 2 SATA ports, but I connected only one hard drive 160GB and after that tryed with another 2TB23:13
BenkinoobyZykoticK9, hm, i could your line a lyrics for a song ;P23:13
ZykoticK9Benkinooby, if you're using fluxbox only - then pulse is not a factor.  consider this however, alsa doesn't share audio as well as pulse.23:13
pepo<mobasher>: I drunk a lot of coffee trying to understand understandable..... :)23:13
seidosBenkinooby, you might want to try asking in #alsa.  i can't think of anything.  processing fail.23:14
jduroJordan_U, i did recently a dist-upgrade23:14
coz_notlistening,   ok this is a bit puzzling...  did you  manually "compile"   any packages related to sound  or  any packages at all ?23:14
BenkinoobyZykoticK9, i am sure i didnt mess with sound stuff.23:14
seidosBenkinooby, did you upgrade alsa or anything?23:14
Benkinoobyseidos, hm, i think that will be best. thank you for your time and patience23:14
pepo<mobasher>: I'm sure that ubuntu server 10.10 has different idea of partitioning23:14
mobasherpepo=>> im quite sure it has to do with raid ...it's confused...23:14
Benkinoobyseidos, no23:14
notlisteningcoz_ just standard install everything23:14
* ZykoticK9 wonders if Pulse would actually still be running under fluxbox?23:14
seidosBenkinooby, multitask, they might take a little while to respond23:15
Benkinoobyseidos, i was mainly working on gmd and x system settings23:15
mobasherpepo=>> your motherboard settings are set to raid or something..which maybe doing something funny23:15
pepo<mobasher>: I do not have the same hard drives. only 160GB and one 2TB23:15
coz_notlistening,  mm  very puzzling...  the  sudo apt-get update &7 sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  wanting to  uninstall ubuntu-desktop is what is puzzling me23:15
seidosBenkinooby, have you tried to see if audio works firefox?23:15
pepo<mobasher>: set to Enhanced Mode S-ATA, No Raid, IDE detect 0 sec23:16
mobasherpepo=>> that's fine..but the raid settings on those motherboads have issues..my p5ad2 had a big problem installing 9.04 ubuntu but i was able to get into bios23:16
notlisteningkoz_ the ubuntu-desktop was my fault as i started to remove it but did not let it complete using apt23:16
seidosBenkinooby, i think firefox will try to bypass pulseaudio if it can't produce sound through it.  you might have to kill pulseaudio first for it to work though.23:16
coz_notlistening,  ok  since I cant get past that   I am going to suggest moving over to both #pulseaudio  and #alsa channels ... I am going to guess they have more troubleshooting options  than I can come up with23:16
pepo<mobasher>: how do you explain that this board works well with ubuntu server 10.04?23:16
notlisteningcoz_ it did not actually begin but apt has registered it as removed23:16
coz_notlistening,    mmm   did you try   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?23:17
mobasherpepo=>> anyway...had to qoute what can be done about it...from my expereince it's the bios settings quite sure about it23:17
ZykoticK9pepo, perhaps you should cross post your question to #ubuntu-server and see if someone there has any suggestions?23:18
pepo<mobasher>: I want to show you partitions of this hard drive23:18
notlisteningkoz_ yup can't it depends on alsa so the dependancy is broken and it fails23:18
mobasherpepo=>> sure put it on pastebin23:18
mobasher!pastebin | pepo23:18
ubottupepo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:18
coz_notlistening,  mm  ok  then for sure... go to #pulseaudio and #alsa channels23:19
pepo<ubottu>: Thanks23:19
Cube``i'm trying to find a "RIGHT ANGLE sas ---to---> 4x straight sata" CABLE23:19
lucas_I have managed to boot natively via grub2 on a wubi .disk file. Is it possible to install another distro like opensuse on a .disk file and boot from it?23:19
Benkinoobyseidos, firefox doesnt work, vlc doesnt work23:19
Jordan_Upepo: Though it may be triggered by some sor of partitioning, a BIOS should not have any notion of partitioning and if any contents on the drive can prevent you from getting into the BIOS menu it is a firmware bug.23:19
coz_notlistening,  dont mean to sound like I am pushing you away...but if no one else has any suggestions  those 2 channels would be the ones I would immediately go to first23:19
seidosBenkinooby, did you try killing pulseaudio before trying firefox?23:19
SikthIf I want to change the name of about 35 files in a folder from filename.php to filename.html all at once, what would be the easiest way?23:20
mobasherJordan_U=>> that's what we have been discussing..i think it's an old board and it has some BIOS setting which is not set properly23:20
Buttons840when dealing with tomcat6 there are environmental variables such as CATALINA_HOME , how can I determin what these are set to?  they don't appear to be global env vars, but the must be set somehow in order for the application to function?23:20
Benkinoobyseidos, let me kill sound on the other tty too, one momente23:20
pepo<Jordan_U>: and with ubuntu server 10.04 it is not bug? :(23:20
seidosBenkinooby, sound works in a tty and in gnome over here, fyi23:21
Pylixis there open source rar archivers available or must i download a linux version of winra to extract these files?23:21
mobasherJordan_U=>> i had those old ones..they were always a pain23:21
ZykoticK9Benkinooby, try running "pasuspender firefox" to disable pulse for firefox and test if that works.23:21
[thor]Pylix: unrar is the free package, rar is the rarlabs package23:21
coz_notlistening,  if you find a solution  in either of those channels .. i would be interested in knowing what that was :)23:21
lucas_Pylix: there is rar and unrar on the repos23:21
BenkinoobyZykoticK9, it is not only FF it is the whole thing23:22
lucas_I have managed to boot natively via grub2 on a wubi .disk file. Is it possible to install another distro like opensuse on a .disk file and boot from it?23:22
DanRoseHey guys, when you do apt-get dist-update, how do you know what it will take you to? It's 6.06 at the moment...23:22
ZykoticK9Pylix, as [thor] mentioned there are two rar versions in ubuntu default repo23:22
Jordan_Upepo: Yes. Just because a bug can be triggered by a change in Ubuntu does not neccisarily mean that bug is in Ubuntu itslef. In this case, there is no way that the root cause of the bug could be Ubuntu.23:22
danydoes anyone know where to set the username password in tomcat6?23:22
GarandirWill editing the BIOS according to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=869249 effect my windows install?23:22
mobasherdany=>> don't think tomcat needs a password23:23
billy_my wifi stops working when im at university23:23
billy_anyone know why this might me? the connection is fine it says, but i just cant connect to anything and have to keep reconnecting every 2 mins. works fine on xp. ubuntu works fine on the home network23:23
hadeesanyone using an nvidia driver for vga on a tv? i have a small black bar on the botom of my screen and the top is cut off a bit, i think I need move the screen down a touch but i can't figure out how23:23
danyit asks for it when trying to conect to "manage webapp"23:23
FriGiNif i removed the hdd that had the windows partition on it.. and kept the linux partition hdd in there.. and its not booting can i just type update grub or whatever the command is to rebuild or do i have bigger problems?23:23
mobasherdany=>> try tomcat-users.xml   in the conf directory23:23
DanRoseHey guys, when you do apt-get dist-update, how do you know what it will take you to? It's 6.06 at the moment...23:23
Sikthbilly, same problem here, it just shuts off and has to restart for me. I'm there now.23:24
FriGiNDanRose: !update23:24
mobasherdany=>> http://www.mkyong.com/tomcat/tomcat-default-administrator-password/23:24
danyill try mobasher. thnx23:24
=== benedict is now known as Benkinooby2
GarandirWill editing the BIOS according to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=869249 effect my windows install?23:24
Benkinooby2ZykoticK9: sorry, now i am in a text irc clinet23:24
lucas_DanRose: Well after 4 years I think it is a good idea to do a clean install23:24
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:24
FriGiNarent all irc clients text? sorry..23:25
FriGiNhad to ask23:25
notlisteningMicrosoftChat was not only text ;)23:25
Benkinooby2seidos: sorry23:25
danythank you mobasher. I forgot to add the role name23:25
roxdragoni have a nvidia geforce 9500gs ... but don't work on the ubuntu 10.10? :'( sigh23:25
Benkinooby2seidos: changed irc client so that i can chat in text mode23:25
Benkinooby2seidos: what was your last suggestion?23:25
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mobasherdany=>> np23:26
GarandirWill editing the BIOS according to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=869249 effect my windows install?23:26
ZykoticK9Benkinooby2, i doubt you can get multiple X session's audio to work simultaneously man.  best of luck - but i can't help.23:26
seidosBenkinooby2, just to see if firefox audio would work.23:26
ZykoticK9Benkinooby, try running "pasuspender firefox" to disable pulse for firefox and test if that works.23:26
billy_Sikth, then any ideas?23:27
billy_this is a major issue, its literally every 2 minutes, very frustrating!23:27
Benkinooby2seidos: does't work23:27
GarandirWill editing the BIOS according to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=869249 effect my windows install?23:27
seidosBenkinooby2, is that what you are trying to do?  get audio to work in multiple x sessions?23:27
mobasherGarandir=>> try to put a posting there and see if you get a response..from those people...hard to say since you're doing a compile of bios23:27
pepo<mobasher>: http://imagebin.org/11964123:27
DanRoseFriGiN thank you, but I only have CLI access, which is why I asked that specific question.23:27
billy_Sikth, to change the filenames, mv *.php *.html23:28
Garandirmobasher: The thread is locked and two years old.23:28
pepo<Jordan_U>: http://imagebin.org/11964123:28
Sikthbilly, Not really sure. I'm working on it now. I'll let you know as soon as I find out though.23:28
Benkinooby2seidos: i want audio back on my gui. i dont care about sound on my tty23:28
coz_Garandir, good question...you may want to follow that first link on that page  to ask that question23:28
FriGiNDanRose: ko sorry. just a noobie helpin out best i know how.. which isnt best by any means, thought it'd give you a suggestion or two. tho ive been hearing ppl say even from 10.04 to 10.10 you should do reinstall.23:29
Benkinooby2seidos: i will reinstall gnome. this shoudl fix it.23:29
mobasherpepo=>> hd looks fine..but i still think its your bios..i donno my instincts tell me ..lol23:29
seidosBenkinooby2, may the ubuntu be with you23:29
pepo<Jordan_U>: How it's possible that installing ubuntu server 10.10 halt desktop at BIOS screen?23:29
Garandircoz_: They don't support Linux, so I can't ask.23:29
mobasherGarandir=>> try to put a new posting referencing the old one..23:29
Benkinooby2seidos: thx. i am a bit depressd that my intention to sepped up the system and to make it better ended in sh*t :P23:30
Sikthbilly, that only works for single files apparently, it gives an error23:30
coz_Garandir,   oh boy...and  you have already tried to install ubuntu on this motherboard?23:30
seidosBenkinooby2, suspend (s3) is your friend23:30
DanRosereinstalls are wor Windows. IMAO.23:30
pepo<mobasher>: Ok... I will try to find a BIOS update and try again with ubuntu server 10.10, but this is.... I have no comments....23:30
BlaDe^can I reinstall with dkpg or apt ? I don't want to purge the package23:30
Garandircoz_: Yes, I'm trying to fix the ACPI problem they intentionally inserted for Linux users.23:31
DanRoseGarandir, if you do what it's telling you to do, and don't mess it up; and if the instructions do what the instructions claim to; then it should not affect your windows install.23:31
mobasherpepo=>> try to go over the bios settings and their actions in detail rather doing upgrade..update wouldn't be a bad idea23:31
Benkinooby2seidos: i am used to suspend a lot, but i wanted to learn more about the bootprocess and wanted to optimize my X23:31
Jordan_Upepo: Some manufacturer's BIOSs do crazy things. I've made a USB stick that will cause most Apple firmware to hardlock when it's plugged in even if the primary boot device is not USB. This indicates a bug in Apple's firmware, as the description of your problem indicates a bug in your computer's firmware.23:31
Benkinooby2seidos: ok, thank you again for your help ZykoticK923:32
DanRoseI'd be making backups of everything just in case, and get the correct flashing software for the BIOS (assuming/hoping that the affected code is part of that flashing, which you'd expect I guess) and take a flash-tool based backup of the BIOS as well as a backup of the file you edit in Linux.23:32
GarandirDanRose: I figured it would not, since it compiles on Linux.23:32
DanRoseActually I wouldn't, I'd just do it and live without windows if it broke, but *you* should do the backups.23:33
coz_Garandir,  oh man.... not sure what to say  other than you could try the changes mentioned there  at  some risk....  call and complain to the company... perhaps ask for bios update.... check for bios update... other than that I am at a loss... unless you try the #ubuntu-hardware channel  ... I believe they exist23:33
pepo<mobasher>: I made everything with bios, default setting and etc... nothing. BIOS halted after ubuntu server 10.10 installed. I want to mention again.... this problem happens only with version 10.10... not with all ubuntu families23:33
tech2077what kind of bios do you have23:34
Pylixi'm having trouble i extracted the unrar tgz file and in there is these hpp and cpp files but how would i go about installing it? i still can't extract rar files23:34
Garandircoz_: The motherboard isn't even listed ANYWHERE on the site. Not even on discontinued.23:34
coz_Garandir,   yikes23:34
tech2077Pylix, what are you trying to install23:34
ikoniapepo: the bios is nothing to do with ubuntu23:34
coz_Garandir,   what is the motherboard  model number?23:34
tech2077it's in the repos23:35
Garandirc51gu01.. That's sad I've memorizedit.23:35
tech2077you don't need to build from source23:35
mobasherpepo=>> here is the hardware supported on ubuntu..go thru there and see if can dig something out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport23:35
tech2077Pylix, sudo apt-get install unrar23:35
danydoes anyone know a usenet binary upload application for ubuntu server 10.04  that is accessible over a network23:35
ikoniadany: what do you mean ?23:35
danyikonia : Something like yenc powerpost23:36
mobasherdany=>> try ubuntu one23:36
mobasher!ubuntuone | dany23:36
ubottudany: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone23:36
Jordan_Upepo: Can you boot from CD while a hard drive with Ubuntu 10.10 is plugged in?23:36
Pylixis that some kinda command?23:36
tech2077Pylix, yes23:36
danymobasher usenet and ubuntu one are two completely different things. Thank you for your input though23:36
Benkinoobyseidos, ZykoticK9 muhahahahahahahahah, it works. after installing ubuntu-desktop23:36
tech2077open a terminal by pressing ctrl-alt-t23:36
tech2077then paste that in23:37
ikoniadany: most new clients can do uploads23:37
tech2077it installs unrar23:37
mobasherdany=>> didn't know the usenet so gave u an option :)23:37
pepo<Jordan_U>: How? it's impossible, because BIOS is halted...23:37
ikoniatech2077: install the unrar package then23:37
manhunterubuntu is slow23:37
ikoniapepo: the bios is nothing to do with ubuntu23:37
tech2077ikonia, i'm helping him install23:37
ikoniapepo: if your bios is not working, you have a hardware problem23:37
danybut i will deffinatly check it out monasher. online storage is always welcome23:37
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manhunterit takes time to load the desktop and panel23:37
FriGiNok how does one go about killing grub off a drive that isnt in an ubuntu system anymroe23:37
mobasherpepo=>> believe me..everyone will debate you on that ..lol23:38
ikoniaFriGiN: install a new boot loader over it23:38
ZykoticK9Benkinooby, lol - thank you Pulse23:38
danyikonia sabnzbdplus does not have that feature i think23:38
danyi have not seen it in the 2 years i am using it23:38
Jordan_Upepo: Try making the CD the first boot device, before you instert the 10.10 hard drive, then instert a liveCD and your 10.10 hard drive.23:38
BenkinoobyZykoticK9, pulse was not installed.23:38
FriGiNits not a boot drive anymore23:38
ZykoticK9Benkinooby, with ubuntu-desktop it was23:38
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mobashermanhunter=>> what are you running ?23:38
ikoniaFriGiN: then you have nothing to worry about, your bios won't try to boot from it23:38
BenkinoobyZykoticK9, i had it on the system while i had all these troubles23:39
FriGiNikonia: the system will see 2 boot drives tho.. the new hdd that is getting 7 installed on it that was recently ubuntu, and the old 500gb hdd that was windows 7 that has grub on it from installing ubuntu23:39
manhuntermobasher, many23:40
ZykoticK9Benkinooby, pulse is part of the "default" ubuntu-desktop package, i don't know why installing it would solve the problem (doesn't make a lot of sense, you might want to keep testing to verify)23:40
ikoniaFriGiN: if your disk is not set to be the master boot drive, it won't matter, as it will boot off the primary before looking at the secondary23:40
roxdragoni have a nvidia geforce 9500gs ... but don't work on the ubuntu 10.10? :'( sigh23:40
pepo<ikonia>: Report: on this desktop this week was installed the follow operating systems: FreeNAS 0.7, Ubuntu Server 10.04, Openindiana, Openfiller, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Standart Server.... tests halted on Ubuntu Server 10.10 after desktop halted on BIOS screen. If I remove hard drive everything works fine. I can enter BIOS and install ubuntu server on another hard drive till next restart and get new halted BIOS :)23:40
=== shia is now known as shai
ikoniaFriGiN: when windows 7 is installed on a disk, it will replace the boot loader, so grub will go any way23:40
danymobasher, ikonia > thank you for your help im going experimenting again (the plan was to run jbinup on tomcat through a webinterface)23:40
mobashermanhunter=>> i mean to ask is that if it's slow u can try xfce interface instead it's quite fast to load...kde is slow and so is gnome23:40
ZykoticK9roxdragon, are you installing current?23:40
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roxdragoni have a ubuntu 10.1023:41
roxdragonwith kernel lucid23:41
FriGiNikonia: nah its not connected ATM.. i have all but the drive im working with disconnected.23:41
ikoniapepo: when you say "stops at bios" what do you mean, what is actually on the screen23:41
pepo<Jordan_U>: I had the same idea to make CD or USB stick first.. but nothing... halted after hard drive initialized23:41
Pylixctrl+alt+t does not seem to be a working shortcut to the terminal for my keyboard23:41
ikoniaFriGiN: that's what will happen when you do connect it23:41
manhuntermobasher, what about lxde?23:41
tech2077Pylix, what version of ubuntu are you using23:41
ZykoticK9roxdragon, system / admin / additional drivers - is current installed/selected (or the Recommended really)23:41
manhunteris there anything like fluxbuntu or ubuntuopenbox ?23:42
tech2077desktop or netbook23:42
ZykoticK9roxdragon, kernel lucid? are you serious?23:42
manhunterany distro like that?23:42
Jordan_Upepo: What BIOS/motherboard do you have?23:42
ikoniamanhunter: yeah, fluxbuntu23:42
aeon-ltdmanhunter: lubuntu has openbox23:42
mobashermanhunter=>>  both are lightweight and are in debate which is faster23:42
FriGiNikonia: kk thx just making sure im already mad enough i cant get my wireless working proper in ubuntu i would hate to reformat for nothing.23:42
pepo<ikonia>: yes. BIOS on screen, Num Lock works, but no reaction on Del key23:42
hawk3rhey guys i just got 10.10 installed on my 3,1 macbook, and the trackpad works like shit..anyone found a fix?23:42
ZykoticK9ikonia, has fluxbunut released anything since 2008?23:42
ikoniapepo: what are you seeing on screen23:42
aeon-ltdhawk3r: check the wiki]23:42
ikoniaZykoticK9: no idea,23:42
manhunterikonia, where can i download fluxbutu from?23:42
ZykoticK9ikonia, i think it's basically dead23:42
pepoAsus NCT-D  AMIBIOS v.08.00.0123:43
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tech2077Pylix, go to Applications, then go to Accesories , then click on terminal23:43
mobashermanhunter=>> it's more of a personal preference to use either one..xfce or lxde23:43
darkkraimy notifications seem to have been replaced with the older system...23:43
aeon-ltdmanhunter: its in the repos23:43
Pylixok it's open23:43
ZykoticK9ikonia, it was in the Lucid UDS video23:43
AngelovI have problem with USB flash drive23:43
danybtw does anyone know a good wireless N usb 2.0 dongle that works out of the box in ubuntu (so i dont have to go throug that dreadfull list)?23:43
tech2077hawk3r, you would want to look intot the xf86-input-multitouch driver if your interested, but it's nt finished ye23:43
aeon-ltd!details | Angelov23:43
ubottuAngelov: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:43
ikonia!hcl > dany23:43
ubottudany, please see my private message23:43
pepo<ikonia>: Info about CPUs, memory, detected keyboard, CD-ROM and hard drive23:43
Angelovit says its write protected but there is no switch23:44
tech2077Pylix, then paste this in: sudo apt-get install unrar23:44
ikoniaZykoticK9: 9.04 seems to be the last23:44
hawk3rok thanks tech2077 ill give it a shot23:44
Jordan_Udany: You're much more likely to find a supported PCI / PC card, if that's an option.23:44
ZykoticK9ikonia, 2009 ;)23:44
ikoniapepo: probably can't deal with the boot loader so can't progress anywhere23:44
BenkinoobyZykoticK9, the packages i stalled were 3 packages that have screensaver in their name. nothing about sond. anyway. it works :D thank you & bye23:44
Angelovany idea how can I turn off the protection23:44
danybtw does anyone know a good wireless N usb 2.0 dongle that works out of the box in ubuntu ?23:44
AngelovThe Flash Drive is23:44
AngelovTDK 8G23:44
FriGiNdany: good luck man thats why im going 7 right now instead of ubuntu23:44
ZykoticK9Benkinooby, enjoy ubuntu.23:44
amageein ubuntu 10.10, how can i install flash plugin from the command line?23:44
aeon-ltd!flash | amagee23:45
ubottuamagee: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash23:45
roxdragonyes ZykoticK923:45
DiamondciteUse apt-get to install the flash installer?23:45
DeaConbest video card for ubuntu 10.04?23:45
ikoniaaeon-ltd: install the package flashplugin-nonfree23:45
ZykoticK9amagee, use "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"23:45
roxdragoni have ubuntu 10.10 with kernel lucid.. why kernel maverick don't work23:45
ikoniaDeaCon: no such thing as best, research what's supported and meets your budget23:45
pepo<ikonia>: does it mean that bios check boot loader? but if boot loader is wrong you will see NO operating system...23:45
aeon-ltdamagee: see ikonia's message to me23:45
tech2077hawk3r, if you want the repo so you can install it without building from source it can be installed with: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name && sudo apt-get update23:45
DeaConah just want something cheap that will work well23:45
ikoniaroxdragon: what kernel version do you have23:45
danywell frigin i guess we are both *****23:46
FriGiNdany yupp23:46
ikoniadany: no need for language23:46
Diamondciteroxdragon: I've had that happen to a recent asus laptop too.. Maverick kernels don't boot.. lucid does..23:46
roxdragonikonia, 2.6.32-25-generic23:46
ikoniaroxdragon: that's a 10.04 kernel23:46
danyikonia : sorry just a little dissapointed everything was recognized so good and this is a little downside for a ubuntu/linux beginner23:47
roxdragonyes ikonia  ... the kernel ubuntu 10.10 don't work23:47
ikoniadany: did you check it was supported before installing23:47
ikoniaroxdragon: define "doesn't work"23:47
mobasherwifi docs help page is down - sent email to admin23:47
ikoniadany: did it say it was supported ?23:47
roxdragonwhen power on my pc show minimal shell23:47
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:47
danyand it waqs not supported i had to do all kind of trick with a wrapper. So i rather buy a new one that works out of the box23:48
tech2077roxdragon, is it grub shell or something like a root shell23:48
ikoniamobasher: wifi page in that link is up23:48
ZykoticK9!dontwork | roxdragon ;) i love this factoid23:48
ubotturoxdragon ;) i love this factoid: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.23:48
FriGiNdany: my problem is this thing will connect for a while and then it dies, ppl said it was a power issue.. ive done everything i can to figure it ouy23:48
Pylixtech2077 it ask for a pass but i can't even follow because it won't let me type anymore :(23:48
mobasherikonia=>> is down ->  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:48
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ikoniadany: ok - so you found out it wasn't supported, and your surprised it doesn't work out of the box23:48
r3mixthats a lot of users23:48
hawk3rtech2077 some files failed to download from that23:48
ikoniamobasher: no it's not, I'm reading it now23:48
tech2077Pylix, it doesn't show the characters for saftey, just type and press enter23:48
rp2is skype still alive on ubuntu? i can't find 2.1 which is rimored to exist and the 2,0.something i have crashes before i can use it for anything23:48
tech2077hawk3r, which ones23:49
danyyes, because everything was working so perfectly when i assenled the new media center23:49
sigandersonroxdragon, a che punto stai?23:49
ikoniarp2: skype is nothing to do with ubuntu, it's in the partner repos and maintained by the owners23:49
ikoniadany: but you know it's not supported, so why would it work out the box23:49
hawk3r Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/user/ppa-name/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found23:49
hawk3rW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/user/ppa-name/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found23:49
Diamondciterp2, skype is in the partners repository for ubuntu23:49
roxdragontech2077,  root shell23:49
ikoniahawk3r: contact the PPA owners, we don't support ppas23:49
roxdragonsiganderson,  non riesco a parlare inglese -.-23:49
mobasherikonia=>> yes..encryption page disabled :)23:49
roxdragoncome glielo faccio capire che non mi va il kernel xD23:49
killahoproxdragon speack english pls23:50
tech2077hawk3r, probably down now or something23:50
danythat is not the point here. i am asking if someone knows one that works out of the box with usb 2.0 and wifi N. I was not asking if someone could make it magiccaly happen23:50
FriGiNrp2: i got it direct from skype.com in the linux section its worked out the box and no issues.23:50
rp2ikonia: except that it won't update after i add the partner repository. am i doing anything wrong?23:50
Pylixshit 3 incorrect attempts23:50
ZykoticK9hawk3r, "ppa-name" stands out23:50
ikoniamobasher: no, I'm reading it in https23:50
Diamondciterp2, reloading doesn't work?23:50
ikoniarp2: how did you install it if you didn't have the partner repos enabled ?23:50
rp2frigin: i tried, but the link is dead.23:50
ikoniaPylix: control your language please23:50
tech2077Pylix, no need for language, it's the password you sign in with23:50
rp2i don't remember how i installed it. it was 2 years ago.23:51
Pylixnp i got it23:51
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DiamondciteCheck your software sources.23:51
ikoniarp2: remove it, and install it using the repo23:51
ikonia!skype | rp223:51
ubotturp2: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga23:51
rp2i tried to get it from the skype site (fail) and from the canonical partner repository as recommended by the ubuntu help page on sjype (fail)23:51
Pylixi just thought for some reason i had to type sudo 'my pass'23:51
FriGiNrp2: http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/post-download/23:51
ikoniaFriGiN: please don't recommend that23:51
ikoniaFriGiN: ubuntu has the repos setup - use the repos so it's supported23:51
FriGiNikonia: alright then, either way it worked just fine for me. i'll keep it to myself.23:52
Pylixexcuse me. i didn't think i was being so vulgar not like it was necessary anyway23:53
roxdragoni when I start maverick's kernel I get the shell and not gdm23:53
AngelovOk , I have this flash drive TDK 8G and I have some stuffs on it.But now when I will try to mount it, it takes longer time for that , and when I'll try to formated or put some other stuffs to it , it wont let me. It says that the drive is write protect. Any help how to turn it off. The strange thing is the Flash drive dont have switch for lock/unlock23:53
ZykoticK9rp2, did you add partner then run the update either GUI or "sudo apt-get update" before installing skype?  for partner repo see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20Canonical%20Partner%20Repositories23:53
DiamondciteAngelov: Is the drive used alot?23:53
DiamondciteDoes it work on other systems?23:53
rp2ykotic9: yes, i did. no effect. skype is till at 2.0.something23:54
ikoniarp2: then an update has not been released23:54
Jordan_UAngelov: How are you trying to format it? Can you pastebin the exact error message?23:54
ZykoticK9rp2, oh so it is installed?23:54
rp2frigin: thanks. when i open that page with firefox, the "Ubnto 8.10 30bit" link on it is dead. in chrome it isn't . weird23:54
AngelovI will try to paste it, give me a sec23:54
ikoniaFriGiN: you shouldn't open that page - use the repo23:55
ikoniaoops sorry23:55
ikoniarp2: you shouldn't open that page - use the repo23:55
amageein https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash , it has "before" and "after" versions of /etc/apt/sources.list, but the before and after are exactly the same.23:55
ikoniarp2: if you installed it without the repo, using the repo won't allow it to update, as the system is not aware of skype from outside the repo23:55
ryrychUbuntu 10.10, sudo apt-get build-dep gimp and I get: Ignore unavailable target release 'lucid' of package 'gimp' - why does build-dep assumes I'm using Lucid?23:55
rp2ikonia: for the 3rd time: the repo doesn't give me 2.123:55
rp2ok ok23:56
rp2 thanks23:56
rp2so how do i uninstall it??23:56
ikoniarp2: for the final time the update probaly hasn't been released23:56
Pylixinstall seems succesful save the odd msg debconf: unable to initialize frontend Dialog23:56
ikoniarp2: depends how you installed it23:56
adacSince i made an upgrade to 10.10 on my usb stick, when i boot the stick on my notebook the keyboard layout is completely wrong and I can't change the layout . However booting the stick on other pcs is no problem. also booting the stick via qemu shows the corret layout.23:56
ryrychanyone knows?23:56
adacany odea23:56
ikoniaryrych: gimp is in the repos, you don't need to build it23:56
DanRoseHow do I move from 6.06 to 8.04 on the CLI?23:56
Jordan_U!upgrade | DanRose23:57
ubottuDanRose: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:57
ryrychikonia: I want to build from trunk23:57
tech2077just a note for anyone else here building from source, check repos first23:57
FriGiNikonia: i dont have the repo, dont rightly know the best way to get the repo, and its already installed and working.23:57
ikoniaryrych: why ?23:57
ikoniaFriGiN: sorry, I meant that message to go to rp223:57
ryrychikonia: to try it out?23:57
AngelovJordan_U: Error creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: cannot open /dev/sdc1: Read-only file system23:57
ryrychikonia: is a bug or a normal behaviour of build-dep?23:57
ikoniaryrych: then look at the gimp instructions on how to build it23:57
FriGiNikonia: yah i just saw that sorry between the laptop and installing 7 on the desktop cuz ubuntu hates my usb wireless card.23:58
rp2i may have installed it from a .deb from skype.com ... how do i uninstall it?23:58
ikoniaryrych: it's not a bug - it's a dependency failure23:58
ikoniarp2: remove the deb23:58
tech2077ryrych, check if you have dep problems23:58
AngelovJordan_U: That happens when I'm trying to format it23:58
ryrychtech2077: how?23:58
rp2ikonia: my question is: how?23:59
rp2i'm rnning aptitude remove skype now23:59
ikoniarp2: thats a start, but that will only remove debs it knows about (won't know about the one you installed outside of it) you'll have to use dpkg23:59

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