
twbSilly question: is there anything like a 1:1 correspondence between LSB dependency headers (e.g. Depends: $network) and upstart start/stop conditions?02:58
twbEr, "Required-Start: $network", I mean.02:59
ionSome future release of Upstart will parse those files and generate jobs with equivalent semantics internally. At the moment, no.03:02
twbHum, OK.03:03
twbI was basically noticing that 1) Debian's LSB headers are correct enough that startpar is on by default now; 2) a lot of those scripts aren't upstartized in Ubuntu yet; so 3) can Ubuntu leverage pere's work for those not-yet-upstartized init scripts?03:05
ionAs i said, that’s the plan, but it’s not implemented yet.03:08
twbOkey dokey.03:08
=== robins is now known as robinsmidsrod

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