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kenvandinerobert_ancell, what time sunday?01:54
robert_ancellkenvandine, checking on tripit...02:07
* RAOF wonders if we could get a canonical tripit account or something.02:08
nigelbdream on...02:11
* nigelb hides02:11
kenvandinerobert_ancell, ok... i get in at 7pm02:17
nigelbfinally, some action with the facebook bug :D02:29
kenvandinenigelb, yeah.... lets hope they actually do something...02:33
kenvandineit has actually hasn't failed for me in the last 48 minutes02:34
kenvandinesince right after it got assigned...02:34
* kenvandine might just be overly hopeful02:34
* TheMuso had better go and pack.07:18
RAOFSurely that's reserved for flight time minus 2 hours?07:19
TheMusoNot for me. I'd like to have tomorrow off completely, i.e not think about work/the trip.07:28
lifelessTheMuso: you leave sunday?07:30
TheMusolifeless: Yeah.07:31
hyperairwhat's the recommended method to request a session restart in GNOME?07:35
hyperairi've been using gnome_client_request_save, but it seems that libgnomeui is getting deprecated?07:36
RAOFFire up d-feet and find the dbus method on org.gnome.session?07:36
* bilalakhtar wishes he could go to UDS07:37
hyperairRAOF: surely there's an easier way..07:38
RAOFhyperair: You're after org.gnome.SessionManager.SaveSession()07:58
hyperairRAOF: right, but didn't gnome_client_request_save do more than that?07:58
hyperairdropping a wrapper for a raw dbus interface seems wrong to me.07:59
RAOFI don't think so?  What more would it do?07:59
RAOFWell, there may be a cooked interface available for you, too.07:59
* hyperair shrugs07:59
RAOFBut that's just what I thought of first.07:59
hyperairi think i saw something in EggSMClient or something07:59
hyperairwhich hasn't been ported anywhere useful08:00
hyperairwell i'll just ask seb128 what he wants me to do about it later08:00
RAOFTime to make some fritata.08:00
RAOFAnd think about what my 24 hour plane hack will be.08:00
RAOFNow taking requests!  May not be X related!08:01
lifelessRAOF: compiz perf on an x201s08:01
lifelessRAOF: note though that this is atrick question08:01
lifelessRAOF: I have it off on my full blown desktop too, because it feels slow there as well.08:02
* hyperair wonders what his 5-hour bus hack will be.08:02
RAOFlifeless: Maybe I should make that stronger - *Shall* not be X related :P08:02
pittiGood morning08:05
nigelbRAOF: darn, you should advertise these for creative requests08:05
pittikenvandine: will have another SRU round today08:05
lifelessRAOF: pick up jamesw's api branch for LP and move it forwards?08:05
nigelbRAOF: if you could hack on LP blueprints, a lot people will bow down to you :p08:05
RAOFI'd need a launchpad install for that, which sounds scary.  Is that something I could easily grab in the ~12 hours before I need to go, most of which I'll want to sleep in?08:42
lifelessRAOF: yes08:44
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cyphermoxgood morning!13:10
ricotzalf_, hello, have you started looking into packaging clutter 1.4?13:29
alf_ricotz: Hi! No, I haven't looked into clutter 1.4 packaging (just some old experiments with the 1.3 branch).13:34
ricotzalf_, it works pretty fine with the old packaging, but the new one causes some trouble since there were a lot of changes/refactoring with egl stuff13:36
alf_ricotz: The problem is with the patches or the packaging itself?13:38
ricotzalf_, the whole source directory structure has changes since 1.3.14 or so13:39
ricotzso yes the patches needs to be redone13:40
alf_ricotz: yes, and some of them just need to be dropped since they have been applied upstream13:42
ricotzalf_, would be great if you could have a look at it13:44
alf_ricotz: sure, I am waiting for UDS to see what decisions will be made there for clutter packaging13:46
ricotzalf_, ok, i might need to have a look then cause i wanted to start updating gnome-shell this weekend13:50
alf_ricotz: You can probably drop all (my) patches if you care only for desktop GL.13:51
alf_ricotz: those patches are mostly GLES related13:52
ricotzalf_, yeah, i could do this, but iirc you insisted on this change13:52
ricotzso i wanted to follow this packaging which has gotten a bit problematic13:53
alf_ricotz: ok, I just meant drop the patches for a quick experiment (not for an official package)13:54
ricotzalf_, alright, would be the easiest way13:56
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aboelnourI'm interesting to develop a gedit plug-in with C can any one provide me with useful tutorials?15:13
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robbiewpitti: mvo: do you think Till wants a UDS session for this blueprint -> https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-desktop-n-automatic-printer-driver-download-should-support-signed-packages15:22
robbiewtkamppeter: ^^?15:22
* robbiew didn't see tkamppeter's nick...:/15:23
pittirobbiew: yes, he mentioned that yesterday15:27
robbiewpitti: ack15:27
seb128hey pitti15:31
seb128how are you?15:31
seb128how are things in the desktop world? :-)15:31
seb128hyperair, re nautilus-share, can't use just use the dbus interface that update-manager etc are using?15:32
hyperairseb128: i guess i could try15:35
hyperairseb128: where can i find sample code?15:35
* hyperair isn't familiar with libdbus15:35
seb128well nothing else use libgnomeui in ubuntu15:36
seb128so somewhat there is a way to do what you want to do without it15:36
seb128not sure exactly what this api is doing15:36
seb128but I know mvo ported the "restart required" code to the new gnome-session dbus api15:37
seb128so maybe use update-manager as an example15:37
seb128or ubiquity, I think they do that as well15:37
aboelnourI'm interesting to develop a gedit plug-in with C can any one provide me with useful tutorials?15:38
seb128aboelnour, you should try asking on #ubuntu15:38
seb128this channel is to organise work on ubuntu15:39
seb128seems nobody there has a reply to your question15:39
aboelnourseb128: thanks15:42
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pittihey seb128, ca va15:50
pittiseb128: had a look at the hotel web page today, looks really nice!15:50
pittiseb128: don't you hang out in the pool all the time?15:51
kenvandinepitti, i bet he is there right now, sipping on a drink with an umbrella :)15:54
cyphermoxpitti, I suggest we add the Caribe Pool room, and schedule Desktop sessions there15:55
seb128pitti, sorry I was having a swim, couldn't use the keyboard ;-)16:04
seb128yes, hotel is nice16:05
seb128when do you arrive?16:05
pittiseb128: 1810 at the airport tomorrow, with about 10 other people16:05
pittiso, should be around 7 at the hotel16:06
seb128pitti, ok16:06
rodrigo_seb128, desrt: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/tree/plugins/gconf <- a 1 way GSettings->GConf bridge, as we discussed16:24
rodrigo_desrt, I'd appreciate a review to see if there's nothing bad, although I've just kept it one way, so changes to GConf are not propagated to GSettings at all16:25
rodrigo_seb128, although for proxy stuff, we might move the auth details to the keyring, so it will break apps that use GConf to read those16:25
rodrigo_desrt, oh, btw, I've found g_variant_get_strv returns const gchar, but says you should free the returned value, shouldn't it be just 'gchar **'?16:26
bbordwellHello, I have a bug that has a possible patch and a branch that has been requested for merging 20 days ago and no one has looked at it yet. Could somone please do so? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-applets/+bug/64009616:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 640096 in light-themes (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "cpufreq using grey almost invisible font (affects: 57) (dups: 9) (heat: 212)" [Medium,Triaged]16:49
ayanis there a way to determine which process emitted a dbus message?16:51
ari-tczewhey, what do you think about merge compizconfig-backend-kconfig ?16:53
vishbbordwell ¦ Cimi is doing the light-themes16:59
bbordwellvish, okay thanks16:59
bbordwellCimi, are you around?16:59
Cimibbordwell: yep17:03
bbordwellCimi, I was wondering if you could take a look at this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-applets/+bug/640096, it has a proposed patch from 20 days ago but no one has taken a look at it.17:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 640096 in light-themes (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "cpufreq using grey almost invisible font (affects: 57) (dups: 9) (heat: 212)" [Medium,Triaged]17:05
Cimibbordwell: yeah I forgot to add that line17:07
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seb128pitti, still there?17:34
hyperairyay ibus taking 200M of memory =.=18:31
bbordwellRAOF, are you around?19:07
seb128bbordwell, it's like middle of the night on a friday to saturday night where he lives19:11
bbordwellseb128, alright thanks19:11
cyphermoxseb128, have you seen my merge for gtk+-3.0 ?19:23
seb128cyphermox, no19:23
seb128where? when?19:24
cyphermoxseb128, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/gtk/gtk3-amd64-natty-build/+merge/3908119:24
cyphermoxI was looking for the link ;)19:24
seb128I think I will delay that, busy at the sprint and UDS coming19:25
seb128it could lead back to the never finish building issue19:26
seb128but thanks for the fix ;-)19:26
cyphermoxseb128, I tested on my PPA and it worked fine ;)19:26
cyphermoxit did finish, pretty quickly in fact19:26
seb128ok, I guess we will not know why the previous one was buggy19:26
cyphermoxnah :(19:26
cyphermoxanyway, it's not rush, just curious as that was a side-effect of the gtkbuilder porting of synaptic I'm still working on19:27
seb128how is that one going?19:27
cyphermoxpretty good19:27
cyphermoxuntil this morning, it would compile and work19:27
cyphermoxexcept there were a few optionmenus to change to combo boxes, and other small things to fix19:28
seb128hum, need to go, bbl19:28
cyphermoxnow I changed it to compile against gtk-3.0 so I'm fixing the issues that are coming up.. it doesn't compile anymore19:28
seb128get the gtk2 version working first I guess19:29
seb128then clean for the new gtk19:29
seb128it will probably be easier to review for mvo and we might not want to depends on the new gtk yet19:29
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