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scott-workpesia: is it too late for the ubuntu studio blueprint Brian had made?13:42
persiaNo.  Do you need it discussed at UDS?13:51
persia(and which blueprint?)13:51
scott-workpersia: i don't know if it *needs* to be discussed at UDS14:23
persiaOh, it probably ought be discussed.  The "Brian" confused me.14:26
persiaAnyway, seems to be scheduled for UDS.14:26
persiaYou probably want to push for the specification to be written :)14:26
persiaAnd you probably want to try to make the session, if you can (remotely, so IRC+audio stream).14:27
scott-workpersia: sorry for the late reply, work it keeping me busy lately15:12
scott-worki am woefully inexperience with blueprints, UDS's, and specifications15:12
scott-workwho would nominally work up the specification?15:13
scott-workare there examples that might be used?15:13
scott-workwhere can i find out when this is scheduled so I know how much time is left?15:13
persiaThere are three people associated with each blueprint: an Approver, a Drafter, and an Assignee..15:18
persiaThe Approver is responsible for determining when a blueprint is Approved: this switches the responsible person from the Drafter to the Assignee.15:19
persiaThe typical workflow is that some Registrant files the blueprint, the Drafter writes up a Specification (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SpecTemplate ), the Approver approves it, and the Assignee coordinates the implementation.15:20
persiaBlueprints may be scheduled for Sprints.  UDS is a Sprint.  You can see UDS schedules at summit.ubuntu.com15:20
scott-workpersia: i found that it is scheduled for Tuesday16:15
scott-worki also found the ubuntu studio specification: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntustudio16:16
scott-worki can use that as an example16:16
persiaheh, indeed.16:16
scott-worknormally i would presume that I would be the "approver"?16:16
persiaFor stuff that would significantly change how Ubuntu Studio behaves, I'd hope so, or at least that you implicitly trust the approver.16:17
scott-workbut i suggest that i might also be involved in the drafting as well16:17
scott-workit looks like daniel and luke are subscribed as well to the blueprint16:20
scott-workand assuming that they both will be at UDS-N then i feel relieve as this probably will not turn out to be completely useless without intervention16:21
persiaThe Drafter is responsible for coordinating drafting, and usually does the first draft.  The Specification is intended to be the result of collaboration.16:21
scott-workpersia: i'll take some time from work this afternoon, sequester myself in an unused meeting room with white board, and work something up for a draft16:35
scott-workhopefully, i can convince others to look over it and improve it over the weekend16:35
scott-workpersia: if there are any key bullet point items you would like to see addressed i would greatly appreciate those16:36
* scott-work has so much going around in his head currently that i can't even begin to formulate a direction or specific concerns currently16:36
persiaMain thing I'd like offthe top of my head is no-thought-required pulse/jack integration16:37
scott-workthat is the only thing that i thought of previously and feared i was missing many other ideas LOL16:37
persiaBut I'm planning to attend the session and watch the implementation, and will probably make lots of points (some completely wrongheaded) along the way.16:37
scott-workbut my understanding was that it would take further tinkering by pottering/upstream in pulse audio to properly integrate them16:38
persiaI'm a little uncomfortable with autostart-jack-when-detect-audio-interface-on-the-firewire-network16:38
persiaBut that needs more discussion, more than anything else.16:38
scott-worki hope that i am incorrect and that we have the capacity to further the integration fully16:38
persiaSure, needs some upstream tinkering, but diwic might be happy to do some of that.16:38
scott-workwho is diwic?16:39
persiahttps://launchpad.net/~diwic (the Registrant for the spec)16:40
* scott-work presents an embarassed grin for all to see16:41
scott-workfor some reason i thought "brian" had create the blueprint16:41
persiaHence my 'The "Brian" confused me' at 13:27 :)16:42
scott-workyes, i realize that now, at the time it confuses me :P16:45
scott-workmy larger concern was that the blueprint wasn't focused and my lack of attention would leave the work at the sprint unfocused and therefore not as productive as it could be16:46
persiaUDS isn't a hackfest: it's just talk.16:52
persiaHaving a focused agenda for a spec helps, but unfocused ones happen sometimes, and sometimes end up with good results.16:52
persiaReally depends on the subject and who is present.16:52
persiaMy main concern is that the work that diwic clearly wants to do oughtn't adversely affect Ubuntu Studio.16:53
scott-workheh, my ignorance shines again :P16:53
scott-workwell, that makes me feel better then :)16:54
scott-worki'll still take some time later today and work on it a little then16:54
astraljavaI'm beginning to like PPAs less and less as days go by. People have genuine trouble interpreting the nature of them vs. official repositories.19:05
persiaI liked PPAs for about 3 months, when they were only available to members of ~ubuntu-dev and didn't actually protect against shooting yourself in the foot (wrong versions were OK, etc.)19:06
persiaNow that they are functional third-party release archives, I have the same feeling about them as I have for e.g. getdeb.19:07
persia(the main bit being: "Why not work as *part* of Ubuntu?")19:07
astraljavaYeah. It's bad enough with all different flavours and derivatives and what have you, but now it feels like people are separating _inside_ ubuntu.19:08
persiaI tend to think of flavours as an opportunity to collaborate.19:09
persiaBut I dislike most derivatives (the exceptions being Sabily, Ichthux, and gNewSense: all because they have very good reasons to be out-of-archive, and otherwise play well).19:09
persiaAnd I just don't see the point of folks who have out-of-archive repos that aren't also Ubuntu developers.19:10
persiaThings like the various browser every-browser-release-every-Ubuntu-release-automatic-backports repos make some sense.19:10
persiaAs do some of the test-this-weird-feature-before-I-upload ones.19:11
persiaBut the vast majority just seem to be invitations to *not* contribute to Ubuntu.19:11
astraljavaI hear ya.19:11
TheMusoI agree with the above re PPAs. For me, they are only useful for testing/provide daily builds from upstrea for testing. In the Vinux project, we use PPAs because some changes that are made are not yet archive worthy, but hopefully will eventually be.23:52
persiaWhat is Vinux?23:53
TheMusopersia: Its an ubuntu derivative focusing on accessibility. It was started by someone else in the community, but I am now using it as a testing ground for new accessibility integration work, so once its ready in vinux, we can then move it to Ubuntu proper.23:54
TheMuso...Unfortunately some of the things the community have done with that project are aweful, aweful, aweful hacks.23:54
persiaheh.  It's so sadly that way for derivatives sometimes.23:55
persiamakes me like flavours even more every day.23:55
TheMusoYeah, with time though, i intend to fix those hacks.23:55
persiaBut it might be worth getting the Vinux folk in touch with the LP folk: there's some work ongoing to make first-class derivatives in certain cases, which should ease merging (in-LP MoM equivalent stuff).23:56
TheMusoHrm ok, the vinux folk currently use remastersys/whatever else out there to remaster an existing live CD.23:57
TheMusoSO I wonder in what way LP and official derivitives will solve image creation, if at all.23:58
persiaWon't do a thing for image creation.23:58
TheMusoI suspected as much.23:58
persiaWill provide for per-package bug tracking, and remix/derivative distinctions, and archive concentrations, etc.23:58
persiaDepends on how much is in the PPA: getting it out of PPA and into the "Vimux Repository" has brand value, if nothing else.23:59
persia(course, all this is *well* off-topic here :) )23:59

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