
tikiking1Netbook Version requires some sort of "Unity" driver that I apparently don't have. How to get?02:19
tikiking1anyone there?02:20
tikiking1I'm out.02:21
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b14ck_Is there a way I can switch from ubuntu to xubuntu to give it a try? And switch back if I don't fancy it without formatting?03:31
autifif you have a lot of disk space, you an use a virtual machine03:58
Dracarisanyone know how to install ppu-gcc  on xubuntu 10.04?08:07
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!09:28
rasanyone here?10:22
Sysipop a question and will be10:22
rasHow can i add a custom menu item to "Places" on side bar?10:23
Sysiwhat kind of?10:24
rasmaybe a link to a specific folder.10:25
rasOther than Documents, Music, Downloads, etc10:25
Sysijust drag on filemanager10:25
rasI am draggin a folder, I opend from thunar to Places on site bar. But nay, I could not add it as a link int places.10:27
rasWell forget, drag drop. Is there any way I can edit the contents of "Places"?  A xml file some sort?10:31
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rasHello, after logout my icons on the desktop lose their previous positions. Is there any way to fix their locations for all sessions?13:40
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murphy_anyone else having problem where you have to continuously move the mouse around in order to do anything with 10.10 release?17:31
TheSheepdo anything?17:32
TheSheepwhat happens when you stop?17:32
murphy_it freezes17:32
murphy_it did this throughout the entire installation process as well17:33
murphy_wondered if anyone else is having similar issue?17:34
charlie-tcanot here17:39
=== neriukas is now known as nerka
morbidcrackerjust installed a fresh copy of the  10.1018:12
morbidcrackercannot for the life of me find the install for nvidia drivers18:13
charlie-tcaSystem -> Hardware Drivers18:13
morbidcrackerthe list is broken18:13
morbidcrackerit isnt showing18:13
morbidcrackeri got additional drivers but they arent showing in the additional drivers list18:14
morbidcrackermaybe a repository list goof??18:14
charlie-tcaIs that an older card?18:15
charlie-tcaIf it requires the -96 or -173 driver, it is in the release notes18:16
morbidcrackeryes its an older card18:20
morbidcrackerso i need to check the release notes then???18:20
morbidcrackerokay thank you ^_^18:20
morbidcrackerwell shat -_-18:24
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rustx_hi there .. may I ask you one question ?23:43
rustx_I am trying to get dual montior working in my xubuntu 10.10 version, but I can't have two screens detected at the same time using the display manager from the brain new xfce desktop environment23:44
rustx_I have to configure dual monitors using grandr each time I plug a new screen on my laptop ..23:44
rustx_does anyone can tell me why xfce does not support dual monitors natively in Ubuntu Maverick ?23:45

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