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anygivenname | does fail2ban have anything to do with Ubuntu log-in access ? | 00:06 |
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legodude | hi everyone, I'm starting a kde development package, what do I need installed to able to compile and target kde4 libs? | 00:47 |
dfaure | legodude: `sudo apt-get build-dep kdelibs5-dev` | 00:52 |
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muhdazmilug | hye | 01:44 |
muhdazmilug | my external screen seem don't work..how to fix it? | 01:44 |
alex_ | After upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10,I got this error:we are sorry,plasma workspace closed unexpectedly...Executable: plasma-desktop PID: 2155 Signal: 11 (Segmentation fault) | 01:45 |
alex_ | can anybody tell me how to get this gone? | 01:45 |
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ubuntu__ | Hi using a livecd and packagekit is asking for a password | 02:55 |
ubuntu__ | blank does not work | 02:56 |
mvk | ubu try apt_get onstead | 02:59 |
mvk | Open a terminal | 02:59 |
kexman_ | i am using kubuntu | 02:59 |
kexman_ | latest | 02:59 |
kexman_ | and i have only wifi connection | 03:00 |
kexman_ | using wl driver for it (broadcom chipset) | 03:00 |
mvk | Type: sudo apt-get install packagename | 03:00 |
ubuntu__ | mvk: need it to run partitioning app | 03:00 |
kexman_ | but the connection sux a bit | 03:00 |
kexman_ | i would like to install ndiswrapper driver or b43 but how ? :) | 03:00 |
kexman_ | i dont want to loose internet connection | 03:00 |
kexman_ | i dont have cable right now | 03:00 |
kexman_ | anyone could help me ? | 03:00 |
kexman_ | btw i love kubuntu :D | 03:00 |
kexman_ | nice job on the 10.10 | 03:00 |
mvk | Kexman why does it suck | 03:00 |
FloodBotK1 | kexman_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:00 |
kexman_ | mvk: sloooow and laggy and packet losses | 03:01 |
mvk | Kex try to observe wpa supplicant errors | 03:01 |
kexman_ | i tryed another linux distro and with the wl driver and with the b43 driver it was working much faster | 03:01 |
kexman_ | butter | 03:01 |
kexman_ | mvk: hmm /var/log/wpa-... ? | 03:01 |
mvk | Kexman got latest kernel? | 03:01 |
kexman_ | mvk: dunno lemme check | 03:02 |
kexman_ | mvk: i must do everything carefully since i dont want to loose net connection or im toast :) | 03:02 |
kexman_ | hmm now that i think again im prolly better off using this driver :) cause it works :P | 03:02 |
mvk | Kexman u can use wpa-supplicant client or such to connect to the wpasupp | 03:02 |
mvk | Process | 03:02 |
kexman_ | rather then loosing conn | 03:02 |
kexman_ | so mvk what should i do again ? | 03:03 |
kexman_ | where to start ? | 03:03 |
mvk | Kex but do what I said, you can hook into it and get verbose output | 03:03 |
kexman_ | mvk: any command that would do that for me ? :) | 03:03 |
mvk | Kex google wpa supplicant client verbose | 03:03 |
mvk | I'm on my phone, types a bit sucky | 03:04 |
kexman_ | mvk: uff that a bit hard on me right now :) | 03:04 |
kexman_ | no problem :) | 03:04 |
mvk | Well, types types. Swypes | 03:04 |
kexman_ | mvk: im connected should i do this what you suggest while connected ? | 03:04 |
kexman_ | googling | 03:04 |
kexman_ | i have no idea what im looking for :) found alot of stuff :) | 03:05 |
* mvk is offline, 4pm.. Its been a day for long enough now :) | 03:07 | |
MOM4Evr | It's crazy to think of all the different time zones here. It's 10:00 pm for me. | 03:08 |
kexman_ | i read an article that kubuntu falls behind a bit in all term of UBUNTUNESS compared to its gnomish broter Ubuntu | 03:12 |
kexman_ | why is that ? | 03:12 |
kexman_ | and i can indeed tell you that it is a bit ... "behind" | 03:12 |
MOM4Evr | I dunno. I have both. And I like different features of both more. | 03:13 |
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kexman_ | kubuntu people | 03:44 |
kexman_ | do i need to enable any source or something to be able to see b43 at the Additional Drivers scren ? | 03:45 |
moetunes | !b43 | 03:54 |
moetunes | !broadcom | 03:54 |
ubottu | Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx | 03:54 |
kexman_ | im doing that | 03:56 |
kexman_ | and i installed b43-fwcutter also | 03:56 |
kexman_ | and i still cant see the b43 driver in additional drivers | 03:57 |
kexman_ | using the guide from http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#Other_distributions_that_are_not_mentioned_above | 04:18 |
kexman_ | made it :) | 04:18 |
kexman_ | somehow :) | 04:18 |
kexman_ | finaly :) | 04:18 |
FloodBotK1 | kexman_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:18 |
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Guest78721 | anyone know where the wine libraries are installed? eg for q4wine | 04:49 |
DarthFrog | Guest78721: "sudo updatedb && locate q4wine" | 05:00 |
irdecoy | 再来试试讲中文会有什么反应 | 05:12 |
irdecoy | 哇哈哈 | 05:12 |
maco | !cn | 05:12 |
ubottu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 05:12 |
powerinside | I Just tried to connect to my wifi using some commands etc in non GUI mode just to try and now in GUI mode, I can't get the network manager icon down to work (to connect to network) I can only do it using terminal! how can I fix it back | 05:14 |
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Guest78721 | DarthFrog: I dont know it didnt work im looking for the wine libraries not q4wine, I think they are under /usr/lib32 | 05:26 |
powerinside | How can I remove the password nagging while accessing windows drives from dolphin? | 05:35 |
DarthFrog | Guest78721: You can use KPackageKit (AKA Software Management). In "Get and Remove Software", use the "Only Installed" filter, then search for wine using "Find by name". Select one of the displayed installed packages. In the bottom of the window, the "More" dropdown combo box will have the "File List", which will show you which files were installed by that package and their locations. | 05:51 |
maco | wow. i would use: dpkg -L wine | 05:51 |
DarthFrog | maco: That works. :-) But I'm trying to learn the GUI way of doing things. :-) | 05:52 |
DarthFrog | maco: I guess I'm getting sensitive to the criticism that a newbie to Linux will be expected to master the command line. | 05:53 |
DarthFrog | maco: Tho' "dpkg -L wine" is much more effcient, I strongly agree. :-) | 05:53 |
DarthFrog | Actually, it'd be wine1.2 or wine1.3, depending upon which version you have installed. | 05:55 |
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amidia | anybody here? | 06:59 |
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Renovatio | hi there, i recently installed windows on my system (on a different partition) so it overwrote my MBR. now i'm trying to restore my grub throught this (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2) but when i execute "update-grub" it returns with "no images found"...who can help me? | 07:43 |
neverwhere | are there seriously people up right now? It's late where i'm at. | 08:12 |
ussher_ | Ive had to reinstall because the Hard drive crashed. Where is the setting to make the task bar only show windows from the current screen. Lost it. | 08:48 |
colorsoundboy | I have wired and wireless internet however the wired internet connection is temporary closed, but I cannot close the Eth0 for a while How can I do that? | 08:48 |
colorsoundboy | I have wired and wireless internet however the wired internet connection is temporary closed, but I cannot close the Eth0 for a while How can I do that? | 08:50 |
ussher_ | colorsoundboy: try rephrasing your question. im not sure i understand what your trying to do. | 08:51 |
colorsoundboy | hmm dutchy english :) the wireless connection cannot used because the wired is still connected | 08:52 |
colorsoundboy | but have no internet for some days so I will take internet from a source outside the building :) | 08:53 |
ussher_ | ah right. I havent used wireless for a while, but dont you have the option to select which connection to use in knetworkmanager ? | 08:53 |
colorsoundboy | but I have to unplug the wired | 08:54 |
colorsoundboy | no still this take the wired one :| | 08:54 |
colorsoundboy | so i was trying the command ifdown eth0 but is not reacting | 08:55 |
colorsoundboy | johan@colorsound-balancing:~$ sudo ifdown eth0 | 08:55 |
colorsoundboy | [sudo] password for johan: | 08:55 |
colorsoundboy | ifdown: interface eth0 not configured | 08:55 |
pushpesh | can some one tell me how to play windows games in kbuntu. | 08:56 |
pushpesh | ??? | 08:56 |
colorsoundboy | install wine | 08:56 |
pushpesh | i have installed | 08:56 |
bazhang | !appdb | pushpesh | 08:56 |
ubottu | pushpesh: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help | 08:56 |
pushpesh | ut that is not helpng | 08:56 |
bazhang | pushpesh, join #winehq after checking the appdb | 08:57 |
colorsoundboy | wget http://www.kegel.com/wine/winetricks | 08:58 |
colorsoundboy | sh winetricks msxml6 gdiplus gecko vcrun2005 | 08:58 |
ussher_ | is there a way to get to "task manager settings" from command line? right clicking is not working. | 08:59 |
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anygivenname | how do I configure Wicd to acquire IP before system startup password has been entered ? | 09:14 |
neverwhere | wake up!!! | 09:26 |
neverwhere | screw wine, it's nothing but a port to infect your system. I don't condone using windows,anything :( | 09:33 |
Rapp | hi everyone! since 10.10 i do not have this traybar thing anymore that notifies me of update. where can i find it, or some replacement for it? don't even know the name to look for... | 09:54 |
Rapp | hm, the software update in the system settings works fine, but i do not get the notifications, so the traybar notifier is definitely missing or broken | 09:56 |
ussher_ | anyone know of an online alternative to gnotime. gnotime is great, but a recent harddisk total failure makes me go looking for an online alternative. | 10:09 |
bigbrovar | ussher_: I am not familiar with gnotime. what does it do? | 10:14 |
ussher_ | bigbrovar: it puts an icon in the system tray, click on it to start/stop the timer running. open the interface and you can add projects and keep dairy entries. like a work log. | 10:16 |
sresu | !info update-manager-kde | 10:16 |
ubottu | update-manager-kde (source: update-manager): Support modules for KPackageKit. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.142.20 (maverick), package size 51 kB, installed size 156 kB | 10:16 |
sresu | !info update-manager-core | 10:16 |
ubottu | update-manager-core (source: update-manager): manage release upgrades. In component main, is standard. Version 1:0.142.20 (maverick), package size 192 kB, installed size 1040 kB | 10:16 |
Rapp | sresu: thanks. i have that installed, but i don't get the notifications | 10:16 |
Rapp | the system settings also have the setting enabled to notify me, but it never happens... | 10:17 |
sresu | Both update-manager-core and update-manager-kde are part of Maverick updates or Lucid LTS? | 10:17 |
sresu | Rapp: Oh.. I had questions on it :) | 10:17 |
Rapp | oh :-D | 10:17 |
Rapp | never mind then. i have problems with those :) | 10:17 |
sresu | What problems? | 10:18 |
Rapp | i do not get the update notifications | 10:18 |
Rapp | i can manually install updates via system settings, and the settings also say "make some notification on available updates", but since maverick, they never appear | 10:18 |
mah454 | who i can change keyboard layout in kde 4.5.1 ? | 10:18 |
mah454 | who i can change keyboard layout in kde 4.5.1 ? | 10:18 |
sresu | Rapp: Have you tried asking that in #kde as well? | 10:19 |
Rapp | sresu: nope. | 10:20 |
Rapp | will do that later :) | 10:20 |
mah454 | in #kde not answering to this question ! | 10:27 |
mah454 | who can change keyboard layout in kde 4.5.1 ? | 10:27 |
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JeroenDeDauw | I'm looking for a plasma widget that displays my machines sound output as a graph over time, much like cpu and network monitors do. Is there such a widget? | 10:40 |
ubuntu__ | kubuntu 10.10 is very nice. good work guys & gals! | 10:41 |
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Peace- | JeroenDeDauw: that sound like how can i get plasma crahsed with sick widget | 10:47 |
Peace- | xD | 10:47 |
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sresu | Is there any widget based on conky? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/06/Conkyubuntu.png | 11:28 |
moetunes | sresu: you can use conky http://conky.sourceforge.net/faq.html | 11:33 |
sresu | moetunes: Yes.. But I cannot see it as the link says. It only comes as black small window. I heard that we cab configure it but I cannot find any options for that | 11:35 |
moetunes | sresu: here no3 on that page worked | 11:36 |
sresu | moetunes: I installed <conky> than from sf | 11:36 |
sresu | package | 11:36 |
Newbee | hello | 12:10 |
Newbee | I have kubuntu 10.10 installed, but the boot-splash looks very ugly. The resolution is not fittig, I guess. What can I do about that? | 12:10 |
rork | Newbee: there should be a setting for the bootsplash resolution, let me see if I can find it | 12:26 |
Newbee | ok | 12:28 |
Newbee | that would be nice | 12:28 |
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JohnFlux | Hey all | 12:34 |
rork | hi | 12:34 |
JohnFlux | How do I get my HP laserjet 1018 working? :-D | 12:34 |
JohnFlux | When I plug it in, it's recognised and I can print to it | 12:34 |
reither | HELLO | 12:34 |
JohnFlux | it just doesn't actually print | 12:34 |
rork | Newbee: this is what I could find: http://principialabs.com/bootsplash-resolution-in-kubuntu/ | 12:37 |
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Newbee | rork: does maveric use usplash anymode? I thought is uses plymouth | 12:42 |
rork | hm, that could be indeed | 12:42 |
PasNox | Hi all | 12:44 |
PasNox | i'm still experiencing my password dialog problem - when system ask me root/current user password - the password dialog reject me | 12:44 |
PasNox | it's not having the probleme with all password dialog ( kdesudo works fine ) | 12:44 |
PasNox | any idea? | 12:44 |
PasNox | i have created a new user and use it for testing - same problem :/ | 12:44 |
PasNox | i just installed same version on my dell studio - no problem ... | 12:45 |
PasNox | so i don't understand :/ | 12:45 |
Newbee | I have to buy some food now. So I am away form keyboard for now. If anybody knows the solution for the problem, I'll be glad to read it. | 12:48 |
Newbee | beye | 12:48 |
cuznt | PasNox: did you check for caps lock? | 12:49 |
rork | Newbee: this is probably what you're looking for then: http://open-help.blogspot.com/2010/09/how-to-fix-ugly-plymouth-logo-on-ubuntu.html | 12:50 |
PasNox | cuznt: for sure ;) i even tested easy password like: toto etc | 12:51 |
PasNox | still not working | 12:51 |
PasNox | and i can't understant | 12:52 |
PasNox | cuznt: could u list me the groups you are member of ? | 12:52 |
PasNox | maybe there is a group i'm missing ? | 12:52 |
PasNox | my girlfriend took took the dell at work, so i can't check now | 12:52 |
James147 | PasNox: which dialog boxes are rejecting you? | 12:53 |
PasNox | let me some seconds for creating a small video | 12:53 |
James147 | PasNox: you could try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1378941 | 12:54 |
James147 | (assuming thats the dialog) | 12:54 |
PasNox | James147: checking now, thanks ;) | 12:55 |
PasNox | James147: hm ... policykit - no such package :'( | 12:58 |
James147 | PasNox: try policykit-1-gnome | 12:58 |
PasNox | wow no gnome here - kde :D | 12:59 |
James147 | and policykit-1 | 12:59 |
PasNox | oki, let try | 12:59 |
James147 | PasNox: nor here, but its installed non the less :S | 12:59 |
PasNox | James147: hm apt dl the file for installing it ??? strange | 12:59 |
PasNox | so it seem policykit was not installed on my system? | 13:00 |
mvk | oo | 13:00 |
James147 | PasNox: it might be redownloading them... | 13:00 |
PasNox | no | 13:00 |
PasNox | because for the gnome package | 13:00 |
PasNox | it ask me to dl dependencies that are not installed | 13:00 |
PasNox | it ask confirmation :/ | 13:00 |
PasNox | so i assume - it was not installed | 13:01 |
PasNox | still not working, does i need reboot or X restart? | 13:02 |
James147 | PasNox: wouldnt have thourght so, but it wont hurt :) | 13:03 |
PasNox | let try | 13:03 |
PasNox | James147: still not working :( | 13:11 |
PasNox | and bad thing | 13:11 |
PasNox | after reboot | 13:11 |
PasNox | my desktop was all black - only mouse cursor visible | 13:11 |
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PasNox | i had to restart kdm service | 13:11 |
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=== weiguo is now known as piku | ||
PasNox | and now my desktop is not having the layout it had :/ | 13:12 |
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=== weiguo is now known as piku | ||
James147 | :S | 13:12 |
PasNox | it's not big problem is i can fix this policykit problem | 13:12 |
PasNox | ;) | 13:12 |
PasNox | what i can try now ? | 13:14 |
Machtin | how to find out what my kernel is doing, when it uses up all cpu-time? | 13:14 |
PasNox | i'm pretty sure my probleme is policykit based | 13:14 |
PasNox | i have reinstalled the desktop-privilege package let try | 13:15 |
PasNox | Machtin: look in the process panel what is getting most of % ? | 13:15 |
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PasNox | James147: still not working, another idea? | 13:19 |
James147 | PasNox: been looking cant find anything relevent :( | 13:20 |
PasNox | James147: arg, i will try to search for policykit problems, thanks for your help | 13:20 |
PasNox | James147: does i need to be member of certains groups for policykit ? | 13:21 |
PasNox | i'm sure it was not installed before | 13:21 |
PasNox | maybe i need to add missing membership group policykit? | 13:21 |
Machtin | PasNox: when i check htop, nothing has more than 1 or 2%.. but the cpu-bars on the top are all red (kernel-something) | 13:21 |
PasNox | Machtin: what tell top ? | 13:22 |
Machtin | PasNox: didn't check. you think top has other information than htop? | 13:23 |
Machtin | i'll check next time it happens, if so | 13:23 |
PasNox | dunno but i never use htop | 13:23 |
PasNox | only top | 13:23 |
PasNox | in the top of top ( yeah strange ;) ) there is cpu usage | 13:24 |
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Machtin | same in htop.. and it's with nice graphics ;) | 13:24 |
Machtin | it just doesn't appear to be a specific process.. seems to be something kernel-intern, i guess. | 13:25 |
Machtin | thought it might be TRIM, but my harddisk-led doesn't light up | 13:25 |
bigbrovar | I am receiving some kdepim updates I don't know if its safe to upgrade them | 13:25 |
bigbrovar | am running kde 4.5.2 on kubuntu 10.10 | 13:26 |
PasNox | Machtin: no other idea :/ sorry | 13:26 |
Machtin | PasNox: thanks :) | 13:27 |
PasNox | James147: do u know where i can find the policykit proeprties so i can edit the file ? | 13:28 |
PasNox | maybe my properties is empty :/ | 13:29 |
PasNox | anyon having idea where is policykit proeprty file ? so i can edit it by hand? | 13:43 |
James147 | PasNox: found this on my system, but I am not sure if its the one you want: http://paste.ubuntu.com/518698/ | 13:50 |
zorr | Anyone around who would be able to help a Linux learner with some display issues in 10.10? | 13:54 |
James147 | !ask | zorr | 13:54 |
ubottu | zorr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 13:54 |
zorr | Okay. | 13:54 |
sresu | What all things to llok for in <dmesg> output? | 13:55 |
sresu | *look | 13:55 |
PasNox | James147: thanks | 13:56 |
zorr | Issue is this - have installed Kubuntu 10.10 x64 as a fresh install and have installed the nVidia drivers for my card and attempted to set up my dual monitors (used to easily do it in 9.04 btw) but the desktop firmly remains on the primary display and whenever I mouse over to the other monitor the cursor turns to the X cursor | 13:56 |
James147 | zorr: are you using twinview or seprate screens? | 13:57 |
zorr | Attempting to configure them as individual screens... I believe Twinview is the one where it clones the screen? Because that worked well enough | 13:58 |
BajK | Do I need to restart my computer for the uninstall of pulseaudio take effect? | 13:58 |
BajK | I just again noticed that upgrading to 10.10 again installed that shitty pulseaudio | 13:58 |
PasNox | James147: can u paste the one of packagekit ? | 13:59 |
James147 | zorr: twinview creates one large virtual desktop over both screens... seperate screens sets them up as two invidual screens, the problem with this is that it requires two seperate plasma-desktops running, which currently is not supported (although I think there is work into getting it to work)... its best to use twinview for now | 13:59 |
zorr | ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh | 14:00 |
BajK | James147: with separate screens, can I attach two indepentend mouses (or is the plural of computer mouse mice as well? :P) and use those two screens as if they were separate computers? | 14:00 |
James147 | BajK: I dont think so... the mouse is shared over both screens | 14:02 |
James147 | but there could be software that elts you ahve two mouses... but I do not even know if that exises | 14:02 |
James147 | PasNox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/518707/ | 14:02 |
PasNox | damn same content | 14:03 |
PasNox | James147: is there some user / local possibility of these file so i can delete them ? | 14:03 |
James147 | PasNox: not sure... | 14:04 |
James147 | PasNox: you could... try purging policykit and then installaing it (that should remove all the config files) ... but I dont know how safe that is | 14:04 |
PasNox | James147: let try :) | 14:05 |
zorr | Well, it worked | 14:05 |
PasNox | James147: any idea on the commande line to type ? | 14:05 |
zorr | But KDM crashed inbetween... :P | 14:05 |
PasNox | sudo apt-get purge --reinstall policykit-1-* ? | 14:05 |
BajK | James147: hm :( | 14:05 |
James147 | PasNox: to purge: "sudo apt-get purge <packagename>" | 14:05 |
James147 | PasNox: then reinstall by "sudo apt-get install <packagename>" | 14:06 |
James147 | PasNox: although that wont | 14:06 |
James147 | PasNox: ^^ might not remove the config files for dependiencys | 14:06 |
=== muzer is now known as MuzerAway | ||
PasNox | oki | 14:06 |
zorr | Another question then - I need to reinstall Windows 7 but it is a grumpy old man and wants my MBR all to itself | 14:07 |
James147 | PasNox: I would run a "sudo aptitude purge ~c" before installing (will remove the config files of all removed packages) | 14:07 |
zorr | Is there an easy workaround with GRUB to keep GRUB as the boot loader? | 14:07 |
James147 | !grub2 | zorr | 14:07 |
ubottu | zorr: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 14:07 |
zorr | thx | 14:07 |
PasNox | James147: oki ! thanks | 14:07 |
James147 | zorr: see the "reinstalling from livecd" section of that link after you install windows | 14:07 |
zorr | Will be fun... :P | 14:09 |
James147 | zorr: thats assuming windows dosent complain about there being a linux install already on the disk ;) ... | 14:09 |
Backglass | who can help me to download paralel from two SSID ? | 14:10 |
Backglass | I have two interfaces connectd to SSID | 14:10 |
zorr | Windows XP I can handle and bully... but Windows 7 is quirky in ways I don't quite understand yet | 14:10 |
Backglass | who can help? | 14:10 |
PasNox | James147: i have no aptitude installée, whay is the dpkg / packagekit equivalence ? | 14:14 |
PasNox | for purging all files of non installed package? | 14:14 |
BajK | Is it possible that when I put another graphics card (the same I already have) in my pc and attach a third monitor to it, that it works? :D | 14:15 |
James147 | PasNox: dont know... i would just install aptitude :) | 14:16 |
PasNox | too much dependencies | 14:16 |
BajK | but I don't want to spend 300 euro on that stuff and end up in it not working^^ | 14:16 |
* PasNox hates GTK/GNOME | 14:16 | |
* James147 didnt think aptitude required gtk or gnome | 14:17 | |
BajK | PasNox: me too :D | 14:19 |
PasNox | James147: it seem u right, but there is many dependencies i want not :D | 14:19 |
James147 | PasNox: well try installing it and see... | 14:20 |
PasNox | sudo dpkg --purge --pending | 14:21 |
PasNox | seem to be what i wanted ;) | 14:21 |
=== gp[8]_ is now known as kb8 | ||
=== kb8 is now known as gp[8] | ||
PasNox | janek_: still not working, and can't find anything iteresting on google :'( | 14:32 |
diskettix | hi | 14:33 |
=== Mike_ is now known as Guest75424 | ||
=== mren|off is now known as mren | ||
me_ | Hi all. Moment ago I made the 'sudo apt-get install kde-plasma-netbook' and switched from gnome. All I can see is the background. I can launch apps by looking for them with alt f2 and switch between them with tab alt. How can I start the 'regular' interface? | 14:44 |
me_ | exit | 14:48 |
=== MuzerAway is now known as muzer | ||
PasNox | Does it exists a policykit editor for kde 4.5.x ? | 15:04 |
=== vezeena is now known as genjix | ||
BajK | okay, pulseaudio removed and now sound works as expected :) | 15:11 |
BluesKaj | Hi Yas | 15:14 |
me_ | Hi. What or is there any difference between installing kubuntu and activating plasma netbook interface and choosing kubuntu netbook from netinstall's menu? | 15:32 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: know something about udev? | 15:53 |
BluesKaj | Peace-, destails pls | 15:54 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: i was creating a script to syncronize my nokia 5800 | 15:56 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: so i thinked to use udev to run a script when my device is attached to computer | 15:57 |
Peace- | and so ... | 15:57 |
Peace- | i have created a 80-nokia.rules | 15:57 |
Peace- | but this sick evil files doesn't work | 15:57 |
Peace- | it doesn't do anything when i plug in the device | 15:58 |
Peace- | look at this | 15:58 |
Peace- | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1603921&highlight=udev+nokia | 15:58 |
Peace- | the string | 15:58 |
Peace- | SUBSYSTEMS=="usb",DRIVERS=="usb",ATTRS{idVendor}== "0421", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0156", OWNER="root", GROUP="disk", RUN+="/tmp/aresyn-qt-bash" | 15:58 |
Peace- | doesn't work | 15:58 |
Peace- | xD | 15:58 |
BajK | What setting was changed in 10.10 that systemsetting's icons are much more compact than in 10.04? In my vbox fresh install i noticed that but in my upgraded install systemsettings icons are still much spaced | 15:58 |
FloodBotK1 | Peace-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:58 |
Peace- | BajK: new kde | 15:59 |
BajK | Peace-: nope | 15:59 |
BajK | Peace-: I have 4.5.2 on both machines | 15:59 |
Peace- | mmm? | 15:59 |
Peace- | kde 4.5.2 is on lucid? | 15:59 |
BajK | maverick? | 15:59 |
BluesKaj | maverick default is 4.5.1 afaik | 16:01 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: have some idea? | 16:01 |
BluesKaj | Peace-, no, afraid not | 16:01 |
Peace- | :( | 16:01 |
BluesKaj | dunno much about udev | 16:02 |
Peace- | i guess it's nice to have a syncro tools for nokia | 16:02 |
Peace- | but i can't go on without udev | 16:02 |
Peace- | maybe on #ubuntu-dev | 16:03 |
BluesKaj | Peace-, I can't even get moto to work with my cellphone, supposedly others have , but I haven't had much luck | 16:06 |
BajK | BluesKaj: don't matter. The fact is: the in a clean 10.10 the icons in systemsettings are much more compact (which is good) while on my upgraded installation from 10.04 they are the same huge width | 16:06 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: my nokia is mounted by kde without issue | 16:07 |
Peace- | BajK: but i would like run that script whne i attach my phone | 16:07 |
Peace- | bah | 16:07 |
Peace- | xD | 16:07 |
BajK | ? | 16:07 |
BajK | ah wrong addressee^^ | 16:08 |
Peace- | oh sorry | 16:08 |
Peace- | xD | 16:08 |
=== zi is now known as Guest6779 | ||
voicu | Hi all, is anyone using an nvidia dual monitor setup that wanna help me with something? :D | 16:26 |
voicu | I need to know how I can make wine apps see more than the desktop's resolution | 16:26 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: nice i got it :) | 16:28 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: SUBSYSTEMS=="usb",ATTRS{idVendor}== "0421", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0156",GROUP="disk", RUN+="/tmp/resyn-qt-bash" | 16:28 |
Peace- | worked :D | 16:28 |
BluesKaj | Peace-, where are doing these commands , what app ? | 16:34 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: you have to create it on /etc/udev/rules.d | 16:36 |
Peace- | example | 16:36 |
Peace- | i have create this file | 16:36 |
Peace- | 80-nokiaphone.rules | 16:36 |
Peace- | in that directory | 16:36 |
Peace- | into that file i written | 16:36 |
Peace- | SUBSYSTEMS=="usb",ATTRS{idVendor}== "0421", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0156",GROUP="disk", RUN+="/tmp/resyn-qt-bash" | 16:36 |
Peace- | now when i plug in my phone | 16:37 |
Peace- | RUN+="/tmp/resyn-qt-bash" is loading :D | 16:37 |
Peace- | yeaaa | 16:37 |
BluesKaj | Peace-, not into udev ...don't understand the commands | 16:37 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: sorry but... what youi don't understand | 16:38 |
Krishnandu | Hey guys what colour scheme does kubuntu uses by default..?? | 16:38 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: ah ok | 16:39 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: command it's just a script i have done | 16:39 |
Peace- | to syncronize it with my pc | 16:39 |
Peace- | now i have to mount but i know how to do this | 16:39 |
Peace- | with udev | 16:39 |
voicu | how do I change entries in the context menu? | 16:49 |
Peace- | voicu: ? | 16:50 |
Peace- | voicu: change what?= | 16:50 |
Peace- | who where | 16:51 |
voicu | entries in the context menu of dolphin or konqueror | 16:51 |
voicu | the one that appears when you right-click stuff | 16:51 |
Peace- | voicu: you have to create your own service menu | 16:51 |
voicu | nono, I want to change the default one | 16:52 |
Peace- | on kde apps you can find service menu | 16:52 |
Peace- | voicu: i guess it's a bit harder | 16:52 |
voicu | the entry for running things with wine fails for some reason | 16:52 |
Peace- | voicu: mmm wine? | 16:52 |
voicu | yes, the windows emulator? | 16:53 |
drbobb | damn, I set my quassel to autoidentify on connect, but it's not doing it | 16:53 |
Peace- | that shoudl be saved on your $HOME/.kde/share/kde4/services/ | 16:53 |
Peace- | drbobb: usekonversation | 16:54 |
Peace- | nickserv password | 16:54 |
drbobb | uh now I see it actually does | 16:54 |
drbobb | except it does it _after_ joining channels | 16:55 |
Peace- | of course | 16:55 |
Peace- | after | 16:55 |
Peace- | :) | 16:56 |
Peace- | even konversation do the same | 16:56 |
drbobb | hell that's wrong | 16:57 |
skfin | There was something like join_delay setting for xchat | 16:57 |
drbobb | there are plenty of channels you cannot join unless identified | 16:57 |
skfin | Just use irssi | 16:57 |
skfin | Or use server password | 16:57 |
skfin | Set your ident to same as your NickServ account name and use your NickServ password as server password for freenode | 16:58 |
drbobb | ahh right, that's what I was looking for | 16:58 |
=== root is now known as Guest66153 | ||
iksik | hello | 17:03 |
iksik | anyone know why my flash player is crashing ie. on youtube? | 17:04 |
smooph | I have a problem with my kmail ... it always stops working | 17:07 |
smooph | I cannot recieve mail | 17:07 |
Peace- | iksik: welll.. | 17:11 |
Peace- | iksik: xD there are a lots of answers here | 17:11 |
Peace- | wich did you install | 17:11 |
Peace- | how many did you install xD | 17:11 |
iksik | Peace-, # dpkg -l | grep -i flash | 17:13 |
iksik | ii flashplugin-installer Adobe Flash Player plugin installer | 17:13 |
iksik | ii flashplugin-nonfree Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package) | 17:13 |
iksik | Peace-, this one | 17:13 |
FloodBotK1 | iksik: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:13 |
iksik | ok | 17:13 |
* James147 notes that the -nonfree isent needed anymore | 17:14 | |
iksik | then... how make it works? :( | 17:15 |
Peace- | James147: udev expert? | 17:15 |
Peace- | iksik: have you konqueror? | 17:15 |
James147 | Peace-: nop :( | 17:15 |
Peace- | James147: xD shiiiii i am near solutions :D i need only to understand how to luch graphical apps via udev | 17:16 |
iksik | Peace-, yes, but not using it | 17:16 |
Peace- | iksik: so... try this | 17:16 |
Peace- | iksik: download flashplayer | 17:17 |
Peace- | iksik: tar.gz | 17:17 |
Peace- | unpack it on your $HOME/Documents | 17:18 |
Peace- | then open konqueror | 17:18 |
Peace- | go in settings | 17:18 |
Peace- | plugin | 17:18 |
FloodBotK1 | Peace-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:18 |
Peace- | advaced | 17:18 |
Peace- | and add $HOME/Documents like folder | 17:18 |
iksik | Peace-, download it from where? | 17:19 |
Peace- | iksik: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/flashplayer_square_p2_32bit_linux_092710.tar.gz | 17:21 |
iksik | hm, 32bit... | 17:23 |
Peace- | iksik: use your brain | 17:23 |
Peace- | if you have 64.. | 17:23 |
Peace- | go in the website... and.. | 17:23 |
Peace- | download it xD | 17:23 |
iksik | i've just changed 32 into 64 in this url ;P | 17:23 |
andres_ | hola a todos | 17:24 |
Peace- | iksik: then you have to do scan ... konquerro should get flash plugin | 17:24 |
Peace- | iksik: then go on youtube | 17:25 |
Peace- | xD | 17:25 |
andres_ | saben que programa me permite instalar un telefono para el kubuntu? | 17:25 |
Peace- | !spanish | andres_ | 17:25 |
ubottu | andres_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 17:25 |
andres_ | sorry | 17:25 |
Peace- | noproblem | 17:25 |
andres_ | thanks | 17:25 |
Peace- | i am italian xD | 17:25 |
andres_ | jejej | 17:25 |
Peace- | ls960: :) | 17:26 |
andres_ | but, can you helpme? | 17:26 |
Peace- | andres_: for what? | 17:26 |
ls960 | Peace-: ;) | 17:26 |
iksik | Peace-, ok, and how to use some normal browser with flash player? :D | 17:26 |
andres_ | look | 17:26 |
andres_ | i need to install a phone to my kubuntu | 17:26 |
andres_ | i mean | 17:26 |
Peace- | iksik: welll... i have chromim and with the default installataion flash i get no crash | 17:27 |
Peace- | andres_: which phone ? | 17:27 |
andres_ | i want to talk on phone in the kubuntu | 17:27 |
Peace- | andres_: could you explain better you want use your phone like modem ? | 17:27 |
Peace- | or... what? | 17:27 |
Peace- | xD | 17:27 |
andres_ | Peace-: mmm no... i have seem a program than you can to speak from your SO to the telephone line | 17:29 |
Peace- | skype? | 17:29 |
DarthFrog | !skype | 17:29 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga | 17:29 |
Peace- | andres_: there is skype for ubuntu too | 17:30 |
andres_ | yes, i know | 17:30 |
=== mig is now known as Guest32987 | ||
geekosopher | how do I know what kind of RAM do I have (SD, DDR2, DDR3) on system? | 17:59 |
on3_g | hi to all | 18:01 |
on3_g | someone know's how can i sync a blackberry with kde? | 18:02 |
obsoleteman | geekosopher: sudo apt-get install lshw && sudo lshw | 18:06 |
geekosopher | obsoleteman: ok... so the difference was that of 'sudo'... i was giving lshw without sudo | 18:09 |
obsoleteman | geekosopher: some information is not provided without sudo | 18:10 |
geekosopher | obsoleteman: but still I do not get the type of RAM in the 'memor'y section | 18:10 |
rysiek|pl | hey all | 18:10 |
RiotingPacifist | when i login to a tty, what gets run and tells me about updates? | 18:10 |
rysiek|pl | is there a way to make KDE and Amarok in Maverick use Pulseaudio? | 18:11 |
geekosopher | it just says DIMM... what is that? | 18:11 |
rysiek|pl | found some info, but nothing on Maverick, it would seem | 18:11 |
obsoleteman | geekosopher: here is my ram definiton | 18:11 |
obsoleteman | *-bank:0 | 18:11 |
obsoleteman | description: SODIMM DDR2 Synchronous 800 MHz (1.2 ns) | 18:11 |
geekosopher | obsoleteman: mine is... | 18:12 |
geekosopher | -bank:0 | 18:12 |
geekosopher | description: DIMM 667 MHz (1.5 ns) | 18:12 |
rysiek|pl | aand, how to choose sinks? | 18:13 |
rysiek|pl | I would like to have amarok play both locally and to a network remote sink | 18:13 |
obsoleteman | geekosopher: :S | 18:14 |
obsoleteman | i do not know why | 18:14 |
geekosopher | even I am wondering | 18:16 |
geekosopher | the product and vendor field is 'none' | 18:16 |
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh | ||
naftilos76 | hi everyone. i am getting ready to upgrade to 10.10 from 10.04 (KDE 4.5.1). i have added a few repos: 1) sane-utils, 2) virtualbox, 3) google chrome and 4) ppa backports for lucid. Would it be ok if i just unchecked the repos in the "Edit software sources section" and run a "sudo apt-get update" or do i have to remove/purge the binary packages as well? | 18:20 |
u19809 | HI all, I just upgrade to 10.10 from 10.04 and now my X server does not want to start. It gets an error . dixgetprivateaddr assert failure or something | 18:21 |
u19809 | Suggestions appreciated ! | 18:21 |
naftilos76 | u19809: what is your graphics adapter? | 18:22 |
u19809 | NVIDIA | 18:22 |
u19809 | want the type too ? Haveto boot under windows for that | 18:22 |
naftilos76 | well, nvidia should be treated smoothly... | 18:23 |
naftilos76 | no no | 18:23 |
u19809 | It ran under 9.x and 10.04 but failed under 10.10 ... | 18:23 |
naftilos76 | well i guess you have to run a config app that resets xorg.conf to a generic state and then try to purge (not remove) anything related to your graphics adapter and try to reinstall | 18:25 |
u19809 | ok could try that | 18:25 |
u19809 | any way to test my X env without having to reboot all the time ? | 18:26 |
naftilos76 | start by typing in your konsole "man xorg.conf" and the available options for configuring / reseting your xorg.conf | 18:27 |
naftilos76 | u19809: try also "nvidia-xconfig --help" and "sudo nvidia-xconfig <options>" to do the trick | 18:36 |
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=== flavio is now known as Guest52650 | ||
Guest52650 | Hola | 18:39 |
Guest52650 | hI | 18:39 |
naftilos76 | u19809: any progress? | 18:40 |
=== MuzerAway is now known as muzer | ||
=== hiro2 is now known as hiro123 | ||
hiro123 | Hi, how can I install kubuntu when I already have 4 primary partitions + unallocated space? | 18:50 |
James147 | hiro123: you cannot... you will need to formate one of the existing partitions and make it extended instead of primary | 18:52 |
James147 | ... by formate I mean delete and recreate the partition... | 18:52 |
hiro123 | is it ok if I delete windows recovery partition? | 18:53 |
hiro123 | so I can then create a new primary partition | 18:53 |
hiro123 | for kubuntu | 18:53 |
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James147 | hiro123: ... dont think that would be big enough... if you want to use the unalocated space you need to recreate one of the partitions next to it | 18:54 |
hiro123 | No I already have 15GB of unallocated space | 18:54 |
hiro123 | I mean, by deleting the recovery partition I can then create a new primary partition for kubuntu on the 15GB unallocated | 18:55 |
hiro123 | or will that destroy my win7 installation? | 18:55 |
James147 | hiro123: you can try... but I am not sure if the partitions can be out of order | 18:55 |
James147 | hiro123: the recovery partition shouldnt be important... but you wont be able to run a system recovery from windows anymore | 18:56 |
hiro123 | i don't mind about that.. what do you mean the partitions can be out of order? | 18:56 |
James147 | hiro123: I am not sure if they can be... | 18:57 |
hiro123 | ummm ok thanks | 18:57 |
James147 | hiro123: give me 5 mins and I could test to see if you can if you want | 18:57 |
hiro123 | ok :D | 18:58 |
hiro123 | you'll test on a virtual machine or something? | 18:59 |
James147 | hiro123: testing with a flash drive | 19:01 |
=== surya is now known as Guest79830 | ||
me_ | I 'accidentaly' deleted the 'page one' tab. How can I create new one or restore the previous? | 19:03 |
James147 | hiro123: seems you can create them out of order, so you should be able to delete any partition then recreate one on the unallocated sapce | 19:04 |
=== vezeena is now known as genjix | ||
James147 | me_: on plasma-netbook interface? | 19:07 |
hiro123 | ok thanks :D | 19:07 |
me_ | James147: Excacly. | 19:09 |
me_ | James147: http://www.kde.org/workspaces/plasmanetbook/screenshots/netbook.png the page one tab. | 19:10 |
James147 | me_: you need to change the activity type of the search and launch page to something other then search and lauch... then you should be able to add more pages | 19:10 |
James147 | me_: unfortinatly you cannot add pages from the search and launch page... but you can change its type back after you have added another page | 19:11 |
me_ | James147: Thank You. | 19:12 |
me_ | James147: Ah, one more thing: how can I change activity type? I don't want to screw another tab. | 19:13 |
James147 | me_: the the semi circle in the corner of the screen (it should be on the opposite side of the screen from the panel) then configure page or activity | 19:14 |
me_ | James147: Thank You again. | 19:14 |
=== Drachenblut is now known as Lord_Drachenlbut | ||
=== Lord_Drachenlbut is now known as Lord_Drachenblut | ||
me_ | James147: Do You knew any reason why suddelny the mentioned half circle stops comming out? Sorrty to bother You. | 19:20 |
James147 | me_: make sure the panel page and widgets are unlocked | 19:21 |
me_ | James147: Mostly strange. After I added virtual desktop and then made the it back to previous state (one) I found the aplication list on right top changed behaviour. Previously it was drop down menu now it's fancy 3d. As for mentioned half moon I can see it through transparent panel in the left right corner. I don't how this happend? | 19:24 |
me_ | James147: Ok got the circle working, changed type of page now how can I add a new one? | 19:31 |
James147 | me_: click the circle again, there should be an option to add a new page (or an option called "activities") | 19:32 |
me_ | James147: I just clicked something that makes me move parts of panel instead use them... | 19:36 |
James147 | me_: you can move widgets on the panel when the panel settings are open | 19:39 |
me_ | James147: Indeed...tu. | 19:39 |
me_ | Need to restart X. | 19:43 |
me_ | James147: It worked. Thx for tips and patience. | 20:07 |
q_a_z_steve_ | okay, I have a few basic questions, and then some very odd stuff to discuss... | 20:17 |
q_a_z_steve_ | how do I check what version kubuntu I'm running, /etc/*version* shows debian 4.0 | 20:19 |
q_a_z_steve_ | never mind that. | 20:32 |
q_a_z_steve_ | Help | 20:32 |
q_a_z_steve_ | I found that this system is running 7.04 due to some proprietary limitations for other software... Can someone please help me figure out why my 2 nic's don't work when both are connected. | 20:34 |
Peace- | q_a_z_steve_: what? | 20:34 |
Peace- | 7.04 is not supported anymore | 20:35 |
q_a_z_steve_ | I am on that machine, on the internet with one nic plugged in, but as soon as both get a cable, avahi gets involved and I only end up with a 169.254.x.x | 20:35 |
hellslinger | does anyone know how to get ssh server working ? | 20:41 |
hellslinger | this is really really frustrating... ssh never used to have problems in ubuntu, now it doesn't work anymore | 20:42 |
ryrych | hello | 20:46 |
ryrych | can anyone help me? I wrote about my problem here: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=107&p=174673&sid=827cd4009ec1a25cc5a597766471a1f4#p174673 | 20:46 |
Peace- | ryrych: reading right now | 20:49 |
ryrych | Pleace- cool :) | 20:50 |
Peace- | ryrych: mmm looks like a messed system.. | 20:51 |
Peace- | ryrych: i dunno but... | 20:51 |
Peace- | ryrych: this is what i will do ... | 20:51 |
Peace- | i will create a brendnew source.list | 20:52 |
Peace- | then i will go on recovery console | 20:52 |
Peace- | i will remove kde .... | 20:52 |
Peace- | with sudo apt-get remove .... bla bla | 20:52 |
Peace- | and then i will reinstall sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 20:52 |
Peace- | to remove kde desktop search pure gnome | 20:53 |
Peace- | should find this | 20:53 |
Peace- | http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome | 20:53 |
Peace- | remove kubuntu ... | 20:53 |
Peace- | PLEASE note do not use the last command sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop | 20:54 |
Peace- | that command need only to remove every packages... | 20:54 |
Peace- | remember to delete apt cache | 20:55 |
ryrych | Peace- do I need to do it in pure console? | 20:55 |
ryrych | text mode | 20:55 |
Peace- | ryrych: select kernel recovere on grub menu | 20:56 |
Peace- | ryrych: do you know kernel recovery? | 20:56 |
Peace- | ryrych: i mean grum menu-..... kernel recovery.... | 20:56 |
Peace- | grub | 20:56 |
ryrych | yeah, used once or twice | 20:56 |
ryrych | Peace: as for "I will create a brand new source.list" - can you upload it? | 20:57 |
Peace- | !source.lst | 20:59 |
Peace- | wait a second | 20:59 |
Peace- | ryrych: should be this one http://pastebin.ca/1971222 | 21:03 |
Peace- | ryrych: wait | 21:03 |
Peace- | ryrych: here it is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources | 21:03 |
Peace- | anyway... in that wiki there are not written ... | 21:04 |
Peace- | damn | 21:04 |
Peace- | ryrych: that was my sources.list | 21:04 |
ryrych | Peace- thanks, let me try it out :) | 21:05 |
Peace- | ryrych: remove every ppa | 21:05 |
ryrych | and wish me luck | 21:05 |
Peace- | ryrych: in my sources.list there are ppa | 21:05 |
Peace- | ryrych: remove them ... | 21:05 |
Peace- | ryrych: make suer on /var/cache/apt/archives/ there are not debian packages too | 21:07 |
Peace- | ryrych: if you have ... | 21:07 |
Peace- | kdesudo dolphin /var/cache/apt/archives/ and remove debian packages | 21:07 |
Peace- | it shoudl be made by | 21:07 |
ryrych | Peace- what about kubuntu-ppa? | 21:07 |
Peace- | ryrych: remove ppa | 21:07 |
Peace- | if you want... then ... you can add them | 21:08 |
Peace- | but... | 21:08 |
Peace- | before... get the default system | 21:08 |
Peace- | i will do that if was in you | 21:08 |
Peace- | sudo apt-get clean ; #before install stuff | 21:09 |
=== muzer is now known as MuzerAway | ||
ryrych | Peace- OK, thanks dude, bye for now :) | 21:11 |
Peace- | good luck | 21:11 |
=== md_ is now known as Guest38573 | ||
LogicallyDashing | Desktop Effects supposedly aren't available on my system, but they're also enabled. http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/7469/paradox.png What the heck? | 22:23 |
LogicallyDashing | So, I'm thinking my configuration for desktop effects is bad, and I'd like to delete it and start over, but I don't know what file it is. | 22:27 |
=== IdleOne is now known as MC_Hammer | ||
=== MC_Hammer is now known as IdleOne | ||
=== dt_ is now known as `DT` | ||
`DT` | how do i get vlc to play to the correct audio card? i have two, onboard is no god, so using pci card. kubuntu recognizes the card and plays system sounds through it | 23:22 |
`DT` | everything worked fine unti i shut down the mchine | 23:22 |
`DT` | !vlc | 23:31 |
ubottu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 23:31 |
=== muesli_ is now known as muesli | ||
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn |
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