wgrant | lamont: radium is sad. | 00:45 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
dothebart | hm, fancy this string won't translate: https://translations.launchpad.net/citadel/trunk/+pots/webcit/de/+translate?batch=10&field.alternative_language-empty-marker=1&old_show=all&show=untranslated&start=0 | 11:19 |
persia | dothebart, The suggested translation doesn't match the template (5 occurrences of %s rather than 5) | 11:21 |
persia | Err, rather than *6* | 11:21 |
dothebart | ah | 11:21 |
dothebart | ahhh! ;) | 11:22 |
martisj | Hi, I just tried to change my preferred languages, and launchpad gave me an error regarding no refererer header | 12:09 |
martisj | How can I fix this? | 12:09 |
jml | martisj: are you using edge? | 12:56 |
martisj | no firefox and mac os x 10.6.4 | 12:56 |
martisj | if by edge you mean browsing from an iphone | 12:57 |
jml | martisj: sorry, I meant what URL is giving you problems? | 12:57 |
martisj | oh, it's miros site | 12:57 |
martisj | the translation system | 12:57 |
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | edge is having trouble. Try disabling the beta redirect if you encounter difficulties | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | ||
jml | martisj: what URL on Launchpad? | 12:58 |
martisj | now I tried https://launchpad.net/~m-sjastad/+edit and it gave me the same error | 12:58 |
jml | martisj: can you please paste the text of the error at http://paste.ubuntu.com ? | 12:59 |
martisj | http://paste.ubuntu.com/518676/ | 13:00 |
martisj | jml: i think i know what was wrong, developer tools had referrers disabled | 13:03 |
martisj | sorry to bother you | 13:03 |
martisj | woops | 13:04 |
martisj | it's still giving me the same error | 13:04 |
martisj | nope | 13:05 |
martisj | sorry | 13:05 |
martisj | this is so silly | 13:06 |
martisj | my bad | 13:06 |
martisj | It's working now... | 13:06 |
martisj | it was really weird, because I turned off the disable referrers and clicked a link, and sure enough the disable referrers was checked again :S | 13:06 |
jml | martisj: no worries :) | 13:07 |
martisj | jml: do you happen to be australian ? or is "no worries" an international thing | 13:07 |
jml | martisj: I'm Australian. | 13:08 |
martisj | jml: cool. have a good night, and take it easy! | 13:08 |
jml | martisj: thanks :) | 13:08 |
martisj | jml: Thanks for your help | 13:08 |
geser | is edge for somebody else slow too? it doesn't happen everytime but often enough to "reproduce" it. Firefox needs long time to load the page and in the end only a part of it gets loaded (no timeout) | 15:38 |
blueyed | I would like to open the DpkgTerminalLog.gz files directly in the browser, but the application/x-gzip content type prevents this. Therefore it should get served as text/plain I think. Is this a launchpad issue or is apport responsible for this? | 17:10 |
blueyed | I have tried manually changing the content-type to text/plain, still the same. | 17:10 |
blueyed | example bug: bug 665268 | 17:11 |
blueyed | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postfix-policyd/+bug/665268 | 17:11 |
ubot5 | Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/665268) | 17:11 |
ubot5 | Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/665268) | 17:11 |
crimsun | how can I disable the edge redirect now? | 17:22 |
crimsun | geser: I can reproduce that symptom (using multiple browsers, so I don't believe it's that) | 17:22 |
nigelb | crimsun: unjoin from launchpad beta testers | 17:26 |
geser | nigelb: not needed | 17:27 |
crimsun | nigelb: err, that's rather drastic. I was looking more for something to append to a URL. | 17:27 |
geser | crimsun: you should have in the footer of a page a "Disable edge redirect" link | 17:27 |
geser | (the same way you can enable it later again) | 17:28 |
crimsun | geser: ah, thanks | 17:28 |
nigelb | geser: oh, right. I forgot abut that | 17:28 |
ronnie_vd_c | for creating bugs with the LP api, and bug_target is needed (https://edge.launchpad.net/+apidoc/1.0.html#bug_target) how do i get one? | 19:20 |
geser | where do you want to file a bug? in Ubuntu or in a upstream project? | 20:17 |
exarkun | So I guess... stuff doesn't... work how I thought... | 20:19 |
exarkun | what's up with this? https://launchpad.net/pyopenssl/+milestones | 20:19 |
exarkun | How do I delete a milestone? | 20:29 |
BUGabundo | evening | 22:18 |
BUGabundo | is Main better then edge? | 22:19 |
BUGabundo | I see /topic recommends so | 22:19 |
BUGabundo | let me try | 22:19 |
BUGabundo | humm doing something wrong here... can't get the disable redirect button | 22:20 |
kklimonda_ | BUGabundo: look for it in the bottom right | 22:46 |
kklimonda_ | it's on every page other than the main afair - and yes, I can't find the button on main myself ;) | 22:47 |
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