head_victim | lontra: just checking the control centre | 00:00 |
gilir | phillw: good news :) | 00:03 |
head_victim | gilir: to keep it consistent I'm really just ripping off phillw's howto for minimal and changing what needs it :) | 00:04 |
gilir | head_victim: sounds good :) | 00:11 |
* gilir is a bite disconnected, it will be better next week :) | 00:12 | |
phillw | gilir: how do I do about torretning the little horror (I mean iso) | 00:12 |
phillw | gilir: let me try that again... slowly; How do I go about getting the iso torrented ? | 00:13 |
gilir | phillw: do you create the file .torrent for it ? | 00:15 |
phillw | it's sat on my server, whilst they will allow betas of lubuntu on there, they do not allow torrenting or IRC stuff. | 00:16 |
phillw | gilir: Derrick, however, will once we get the ubuntu 10.10 server set up on his dedicated server :) | 00:17 |
lontra | so my fonts at lxdm are sharp but when i enter lxde they are all fuzzy ... any ideas? it's really quite painful to my eyes | 00:20 |
phillw | lontra: I've been following the chat, but I'm sorry that I have no ideas as to what the problem may be. :'( | 00:21 |
lontra | yeah googling this doesn't seem to solve anything | 00:22 |
lontra | i tried using gnome-appearance-properties but that only installs gnome and then it doesn't work in lxde anyways | 00:23 |
phillw | lontra: could you ask on the mailing list? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved We don't spam, and there could well be one of the people there who can help you. | 00:23 |
lontra | the lxde developers mailiing list? | 00:24 |
lontra | brb | 00:25 |
phillw | we all work in different time zones, no, the lubuntu mailing list - if we get no joy from there, then feel free to ask on the lxde group; I'd prefer it is sorted within lubuntu as someone else will have the same problem. But you're welcome to mail both lists. | 00:25 |
lontra | ok | 00:26 |
gilir | phillw: To start the torrent, it will be nice that people which have the .iso, also download the torrent, so they can immediatly start to seed the .iso | 00:26 |
phillw | gilir: okies, I can seed for a while as I've just topped my 3G dongle up. | 00:27 |
phillw | gilir: once head_victim has got it written up, I'll email the list and ask that people become seeders. | 00:28 |
lontra | phillw, i don't actually see mailing list | 00:31 |
phillw | gilir: it was quite an outstanding piece of work. Reading the email I could barely follow the convoluted process that was needed, but do seem to have a working alternate install :D | 00:35 |
lontra | so i have to join the lubuntu team to be on the mailing list? | 00:37 |
gilir | phillw: yes, it will be very useful :) | 00:37 |
phillw | lontra: As far as I know, you need a launchpad account to join a mailing list. | 00:38 |
phillw | gilir: just on the other topic of i586, is it feasable to support 10.04 ? | 00:42 |
lontra | phillw, email sent ... i think | 00:45 |
lontra | yeah if you look here ... http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/enable-smooth-fonts-on-ubuntu-linux/ | 00:49 |
lontra | i want the first image not the second image | 00:49 |
gilir | phillw: if it's only support updates for LXDE packages and Lubuntu specific packages, yes it's feasable | 00:49 |
gilir | phillw: it could also be a good training for someone who want to start learning packaging ;) | 00:50 |
phillw | gilir: I've just read the email. I have no problem with the 10.04 link back up, seems like we do need it. | 00:51 |
phillw | gilir: I'll ask on UBT to see if there is a slave who is interested in that (ooops, meant padawan). | 00:51 |
phillw | I've currently got my maximum of 2, although I may granted an exception for bioterror. | 00:53 |
lontra | does lxde get it's fonts from a separate place than lxdm? | 00:53 |
phillw | gilir: ^^^ ? | 00:53 |
lontra | again brb | 00:55 |
* lontra playing and testing fonts | 00:55 | |
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gilir | ah fonts problem ... | 00:56 |
gilir | the only way to modify fonts with a GUI, is to used lxfontconfig, in lxadmin (using this PPA https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lxadmin-team/+archive/testing) | 00:59 |
* gilir is leaving | 01:00 | |
head_victim | lontra: I think I lead you astray it's possible font rendering isn't available to Lubuntu but you might just be able to sort it out by adjusting the default fonts or the size of them. | 01:05 |
Mountian_Man | hello, have i joined the lubuntu channel correctly | 01:31 |
Mountian_Man | ? | 01:31 |
head_victim | Yes | 01:32 |
head_victim | This is the support channel for Lubuntu :) | 01:32 |
szczur | and we're here to help you :) | 01:33 |
Mountian_Man | thank you head_victim. does anyone know how to use different screen resolutions for different uses? | 01:33 |
Mountian_Man | I have two users who need large letters for their poor vision. while the other two of us, would really prefer fitting as much info on the screen as possible. however i havnt found a way to save resolution preferences per user. the only way i can find to adjust the resolution, does so for all user. :( | 01:35 |
slooksterpsv1 | hmmm are they using ldm or gdm as their display manager? | 01:36 |
slooksterpsv1 | *lxdm | 01:37 |
szczur | slooksterpsv1, we're using lxdm as display manager | 01:37 |
phillw | hiyas slooksterpsv1 | 01:38 |
slooksterpsv1 | yeah I should know that one; I think gdm may have better results in changing the resolution when changing users | 01:38 |
slooksterpsv1 | ih phillw | 01:38 |
slooksterpsv1 | I can't say for sure, but... well I'll try it in a vm and let you know if that works ok Mountian_Man | 01:39 |
Mountian_Man | I am sorry, I am still learning linux. it is the default. the cammand (when i looked under propperties of the icon) is " lxrand" i think sorry ditracted by toddler | 01:39 |
phillw | Mountian_Man: If they sign on as different users it should save their profiles | 01:40 |
phillw | lxrand is the one to alter screen properties, however it should remember them for each user. | 01:41 |
stlsaint | xfce and lxde are more amazing everytime i see them :D | 01:41 |
Mountian_Man | nope i have signed in as each user individually and it adjusts the resolution for all. (preferences>monitor settings) | 01:41 |
phillw | Mountian_Man: I'll file a bug, the devs will get it fixed for you, just give them a bit of time. | 01:42 |
slooksterpsv1 | nope that didn't work :( | 01:43 |
head_victim | Hmm | 01:44 |
head_victim | How are you changing the resolution? | 01:44 |
Mountian_Man | phillw thank you very much I noticed in ubuntu that there were two different routes to adjust the resolution. is there a similar possible alternative for lubuntu? | 01:44 |
slooksterpsv1 | head_victim: lxrand | 01:45 |
Mountian_Man | head_victim (preferences>monitor settings) | 01:45 |
slooksterpsv1 | *lxrandr I cannot type I apologize | 01:45 |
head_victim | Heh I was wondering if there was a place in somewhere you could put a lxrandr line in a post login that you could change for each user. | 01:46 |
Mountian_Man | phillw is there a way i can follow the progress of the bug report? | 01:48 |
head_victim | Mountian_Man: if you subscribe to it on launchpad you'll receive all changes/comments | 01:48 |
Mountian_Man | btw i absolutely love this os. my aunt has a pc that was given to her and it was like watching grass grow trying to use it. but with this lubuntu the pc is flying. | 01:49 |
phillw | Mountian_Man: yes you can subscibe to a bug, but I've filed it via our mailing list as all the devs and other gurus will receive it. (It's a dirty cheat and not really supposed to be done). | 01:49 |
Mountian_Man | thank you phillw so are you a dev? | 01:50 |
phillw | Mountian_Man: no, I'm a documenter; I try to keep our hep files up to date. | 01:50 |
phillw | *help* | 01:51 |
Mountian_Man | phillwoh ok cool | 01:51 |
phillw | Mountian_Man: so the devs do cut me a bit of slack when I go nag them :) | 01:51 |
Mountian_Man | slooksterpsv1 well thank you for trying. | 01:52 |
slooksterpsv1 | Mountian_Man: you're welcome, lol trying to see if there's a way I can get it to work, not going over so well lol | 01:52 |
Mountian_Man | yeah i have been at it, though i have limited knowledge of linux system admin, all day | 01:53 |
slooksterpsv1 | awesome lol | 01:54 |
Mountian_Man | i am just stoked i was able to use this pc as a print server for a couple of windoze laptops aswell | 01:54 |
slooksterpsv1 | I love Lubuntu - I just want a 64-bit iso port | 01:54 |
slooksterpsv1 | oh yeah, the whole Debian area of Linux seems to make things easier and easier, and with Ubuntu they make it even easier | 01:55 |
Mountian_Man | yeah even with out the 64 bit i am thinking about switching from ubuntu to lubuntu on my main laptop | 01:55 |
slooksterpsv1 | well you can get the 64-bit version of Lubuntu either with having Ubuntu 64-bit installed then install lubuntu-desktop or there's also another way on the wiki, going through I believe a netinstall | 01:56 |
phillw | Mountian_Man: you can use the 64 bit kernel for lubuntu, just we do not have an iso image for it. | 01:56 |
phillw | Mountian_Man: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall | 01:57 |
slooksterpsv1 | when it does come out I'll be the first one using it haha | 01:57 |
Mountian_Man | oh ok. would it still keep the speed up if i used gnome apps though? | 01:57 |
slooksterpsv1 | should - I don't see any reason why not | 01:58 |
phillw | Mountian_Man: if you drag in the gnome library, your machine will slow down horrendusly | 01:58 |
slooksterpsv1 | phillw: but doesn't some of the lubuntu programs use gnome libraries? | 01:58 |
phillw | I did a remove with a guy earlier and he could not believe how faster his machine was after it. | 01:59 |
Mountian_Man | meaning in my reasearch the selction of aps helps a great deal. i for sure saw a difference between lubuntu and linux mint xfce | 01:59 |
phillw | slooksterpsv1: no gome libraries. | 01:59 |
phillw | *gnome* | 01:59 |
head_victim | Mountian_Man: couldn't you insert a lxrandr setting into the Session startup for each user? | 02:03 |
slooksterpsv1 | phillw: ok then I use a lot of gnome programs haha | 02:04 |
Mountian_Man | head_victim I'm willing to try though i do not know how i would do this? | 02:06 |
head_victim | I'm googling, I need more bash scripting skills to accomplish this how I was thinking, through /etc/lxdm/Xsession | 02:09 |
Mountian_Man | head_victim thank you for your effort. | 02:09 |
Mountian_Man | i have to leave for a bit. ill be back though in an hour or so. (food!!!!) thank you all for being so helpful. | 02:22 |
head_victim | Mountian_Man: no dramas, if I find a workaround I'll let you know | 02:22 |
slooksterpsv1 | phillw: so gnumeric and gnome-player don't require gnome libraries? | 02:25 |
slooksterpsv1 | question for anyone that can answer, if Chrome (google chrome) is version 7.0.xxx why is Chromium for Lubuntu still 6.0.xxxx | 02:29 |
slooksterpsv1 | head_victim I gots a question | 02:32 |
head_victim | What's that (sorry the reboot was because I was trying to find a keyboard shortcut and hit the wrong one :/) | 02:32 |
slooksterpsv1 | if Chrome (google chrome) is version 7.0.xxx why is Chromium for Lubuntu still 6.0.xxxx | 02:33 |
phillw | slooksterpsv1: it's because chrome is the version that sends all the spying bit to google and chromium does not. | 02:34 |
phillw | slooksterpsv1: we prefer the spyware free version ;) | 02:34 |
slooksterpsv1 | nice to see you drop in phillw haha | 02:34 |
phillw | slooksterpsv1: PM | 02:34 |
head_victim | slooksterpsv1: chrome is a google product, chromium is an open source version of chrome, so they do have differences. | 02:35 |
slooksterpsv1 | ok I like chromium then yay chromium | 02:35 |
head_victim | slooksterpsv1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromium_%28web_browser%29#Differences_between_Chromium_and_Google_Chrome | 02:37 |
slooksterpsv1 | head_victim: thank you =D | 02:37 |
head_victim | No worries, I hate paraphrasing stuff I'm not 100% certain on so I always try to find a half decent source | 02:37 |
head_victim | Mountian_Man: I can't get what I want to work sorry | 03:03 |
Mountian_Man | hi all im back! | 03:03 |
head_victim | But http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-resize-screen-size-quickly.html could be something to look at until the bug is fixed | 03:03 |
Mountian_Man | thats ok i really appreciate you trying though | 03:03 |
Mountian_Man | yeah thanks i will give that a try and i bet they wont mind a one click solution for now :) | 03:05 |
head_victim | It's as simple as you're going to get without making it automated I think. | 03:05 |
Mountian_Man | so are there and kind of reputation score on here, you know where i could show others how much i appreciate head_victim's assistance? | 03:06 |
Mountian_Man | or just a sincere thank you? | 03:07 |
head_victim | A thanks is all I do it for, not sure if there is any system. | 03:08 |
head_victim | I usually learn as much out of it all as you will | 03:08 |
phillw | Mountian_Man: just saying thank you is reward enough for any of us that help. | 03:09 |
stlsaint | i take monetary thank you's as well | 03:16 |
Mountian_Man | um, how do i do this with out gnome? | 04:38 |
Mountian_Man | Right click on desktop > Select Create Launcher | 04:39 |
Chiz | Hello, guys! | 08:33 |
Chiz | Anybody here? | 08:33 |
bioterror | I am | 08:33 |
Chiz | Hi! | 08:34 |
Chiz | Can you help me to start LXDE instead of curent GUI in ubuntu??? | 08:34 |
bioterror | what? | 08:34 |
Chiz | :-) | 08:34 |
bioterror | you're running something | 08:34 |
bioterror | and you want to start LXDE | 08:34 |
Chiz | Ubuntu | 08:34 |
Chiz | Yes | 08:34 |
bioterror | okay | 08:34 |
bioterror | you have installed lubuntu-desktop? | 08:35 |
Chiz | I don't know :-) | 08:35 |
Chiz | How to check? | 08:35 |
bioterror | open terminal and say "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop" | 08:35 |
bioterror | and answer yes if it asks something | 08:35 |
Chiz | ok | 08:36 |
Chiz | It processing smth | 08:36 |
Chiz | Outputing y all the time | 08:37 |
bioterror | :D | 08:37 |
Chiz | That is all? I'm downloading and starting your virus? :-) | 08:37 |
bioterror | yes | 08:38 |
bioterror | when you have that login screen | 08:38 |
bioterror | you can choose which desktop to use | 08:38 |
bioterror | Gnome, LXDE | 08:38 |
bioterror | and so on | 08:38 |
bioterror | from the left bottom of the screen | 08:38 |
bioterror | (at least, that's how it used to been ;) | 08:38 |
Chiz | Thanks! | 08:39 |
Chiz | How long are going to be here? | 08:39 |
bioterror | well, I'm kinda always here | 08:39 |
Chiz | That is great! :-) | 08:40 |
bioterror | it's Session | 08:40 |
bioterror | that menu where you can choose what you want to use as your desktop environment | 08:40 |
slooksterpsv | bioterror: is there a difference from Lubuntu and LXDE for sessions? | 08:42 |
bioterror | well | 08:42 |
bioterror | lubuntu is that lxde | 08:42 |
slooksterpsv | right | 08:42 |
bioterror | !lubuntu | 08:46 |
ubot5 | lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu | 08:46 |
slooksterpsv | so does that mean that the components that make up Lubuntu will be loaded for like power management, etc. where LXDE would use the defaults from what Ubuntu uses? | 08:48 |
bioterror | yes | 08:48 |
bioterror | when you install lubuntu, you get those loaded automatically on login | 08:48 |
bioterror | you dont have to worry about those | 08:48 |
slooksterpsv | lol I installed Lubuntu desktop alongside ubuntu desktop | 08:50 |
bioterror | yeah | 08:50 |
bioterror | you can do that | 08:50 |
bioterror | and when you run lubuntu desktop, you can remove ubuntu desktop ;) | 08:51 |
slooksterpsv | NOO that removes all my applications I use hehe | 08:51 |
bioterror | Chiz, have you downloaded all the needed files? | 08:56 |
len | Thumbs up on the speed and low memory usage for 10.10. I tried 6 different distro to try to breath life into an ancient 266 Mhz, 128MB notebook. Lubuntu was the only one I could even get to install. I thought it was a lost cause, but it actually runs OK. Unbelievable! | 09:02 |
bioterror | nice to hear | 09:03 |
bioterror | len, we have now a alternate install cd, which makes installation on that kind of machines even easier | 09:03 |
bioterror | an alternate... | 09:03 |
len | I also has an old 600mhz 512MB machine with Kubuntu 10.10 installed. It ran so sluggishly it was unusable. I changed it to Lubuntu 10.10 and it's snappy now. The difference is incredible. | 09:04 |
bioterror | oh yeah | 09:04 |
bioterror | 512MB and 600MHz is not enough for KDE 4 | 09:04 |
bioterror | it might look nice, but the desktop is sloow | 09:05 |
bioterror | KDE is the most resource hungry Desktop Environment you can find for X | 09:05 |
len | bioterror, Cool. I wish I'd had that because the install took hours and hours becuase the intall program itself took every drop of memory and it was paging back and forth to disk for hours. | 09:05 |
slooksterpsv | tru | 09:05 |
bioterror | len, it became public last night ;) | 09:06 |
len | Great. Manybe I can revive some more "junk" machines from the grave now :) | 09:06 |
bioterror | I et you can | 09:07 |
bioterror | bet | 09:07 |
len | Stability is great too, with one exception. One one of the notebooks, the screensaver closes the session when it kicks in and brings it back to login. I assume it is crashing x-server. | 09:08 |
bioterror | yes | 09:09 |
bioterror | I usually disable the xscreensaver | 09:09 |
len | It works fine with screensaver disabled. | 09:09 |
len | I don't care about fancy screensavers, but I would at least like the "blank screen" on to work. | 09:10 |
bioterror | I put my laptop on sleep when I dont need it. it resumes so fast and connects to wireless | 09:11 |
bioterror | that it's almost same | 09:12 |
len | can you set it to go to sleep automatically and x minutes of inactivity just like a screensaver? | 09:13 |
bioterror | len, press the battery icon on your systemtray and click prerences. there's "display" put display to sleep when iactive for: | 09:14 |
bioterror | len & Chiz, can you join #lubuntu-offtopic | 09:15 |
bioterror | it's more layback channel without logging for talking about lubuntu and other stuff, this channel is mainly for helping with prolems ;) | 09:15 |
len | Ah, OK. I don't have a battery widget for some reason. I assume that is supped to be there by default. Maybe it only shows when you're on battery. | 09:15 |
bioterror | ahh yes, you can configure it from there | 09:15 |
bioterror | plug the powercord off and click the icon | 09:16 |
len | Yup, that was it. | 09:18 |
bioterror | now you get blank screen | 09:18 |
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=== IndianaJones is now known as Mohan_chml | ||
thevishy | how do I enable wireless | 14:15 |
thevishy | !wireless | 14:15 |
ubot5 | Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 14:15 |
thevishy | hi | 14:22 |
thevishy | could you help me with network connection by default in LXCE | 14:23 |
bioterror | yes | 14:24 |
bioterror | what's your problem | 14:24 |
sulumar | is there a gwibber like application for Lubuntu | 15:16 |
thegladiator | hi how can i set the frequency seletor | 16:18 |
thegladiator | I need to have show desktop featue also | 16:21 |
bioterror | one speed means full speed! ;) | 16:21 |
bioterror | next from lxde menu | 16:22 |
bioterror | is show desktop | 16:22 |
thegladiator | i have lxde menu file manager and web browser | 16:22 |
bioterror | http://images.maketecheasier.com/2010/05/lubuntu-desktop.jpg | 16:23 |
bioterror | you see that chromium | 16:23 |
bioterror | next to it | 16:23 |
thegladiator | Oh that one ok :) | 16:24 |
thegladiator | also this frequency selector applet is not letting me change freq | 16:24 |
thegladiator | I need that because the computer heats up fast hence need to reduce cycles | 16:25 |
thegladiator | otherwise LXDE is just fast and good | 16:26 |
bioterror | you cant change those from BIOS? | 16:28 |
thegladiator | no I just need to lower it when required it just cools up | 16:29 |
thegladiator | Gnome has that CPU selector thing | 16:29 |
bioterror | is it really so that the CPU Frequency application does not work? | 16:31 |
thegladiator | there is a plugin you can add to panel called spufrq front end that doesnt allowq me to change just view | 16:31 |
bioterror | hmmm | 16:32 |
bioterror | uno momento | 16:32 |
bioterror | I'll fire LXDE to my desktop | 16:32 |
thegladiator | Right | 16:32 |
bioterror | okay | 16:33 |
bioterror | I dont have one? | 16:34 |
thegladiator | add to panel | 16:34 |
thegladiator | and chose cpu freq front end | 16:34 |
bioterror | add / remove panel items | 16:34 |
thegladiator | Yeah | 16:34 |
bioterror | I would like to know what you've installed | 16:36 |
thegladiator | lxde basically | 16:37 |
thegladiator | Do you see add items ? Many of them | 16:37 |
thegladiator | Add Panel Items - Panel Applets - CPUFRQ fontend | 16:37 |
bioterror | I'm running 10.10 | 16:38 |
bioterror | and I dont have one | 16:38 |
bioterror | cant find anything like that with my apt-cache | 16:39 |
thegladiator | I installed maverick and then installed lxde . It appears in my comp as cpufreq frontend . its a applet you can add to the Panel | 16:40 |
thegladiator | how do I search the apt-cache ? | 16:40 |
bioterror | apt-cache search something | 16:40 |
thegladiator | or lets say view an installed package ? | 16:40 |
bioterror | apt-cache show something | 16:40 |
bioterror | thegladiator, dpkg -l | 16:41 |
thegladiator | not sure but when I give a search it says thegladiator@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-cache search cpufreq frontend | 16:41 |
thegladiator | xfce4-goodies - enhancements for the Xfce4 Desktop Environment | 16:41 |
bioterror | haha | 16:41 |
bioterror | niice | 16:41 |
thegladiator | lol | 16:41 |
bioterror | * CPU frequency management plugin (xfce4-cpufreq-plugin) | 16:42 |
thegladiator | will install that | 16:42 |
bioterror | that was from the xfce4-goodies | 16:43 |
thegladiator | oh | 16:43 |
bioterror | apt-cache show xfce4-goodies | 16:43 |
bioterror | ;) | 16:43 |
thegladiator | right so i think have to check some other options because its not in LXDE | 16:43 |
bioterror | well | 16:46 |
bioterror | thegladiator, come hang with us on #lubuntu-offtopic ;) | 16:46 |
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mmaksimov | does anybody know md5 of the alternate iso? the link on the maillist appears broken... | 17:03 |
head_victim | mmaksimov: is it the same link as on the wiki at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/AlternateInstall | 17:11 |
head_victim | http://phillw.net/lubuntu-10.10-alternate.iso | 17:11 |
mmaksimov | head_victim, not the link to the iso but md5 checksum of it | 17:39 |
mmaksimov | how do I change the key that switches keyboard layouts? | 17:55 |
head_victim | mmaksimov: if it helps I can md5 a copy of it here that worked for me? | 17:58 |
head_victim | mmaksimov: as far as shortcut keys go have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1422861 for ideas | 18:00 |
head_victim | Sorry I'm a bit slow at the moment, coming and going from the computer. | 18:02 |
czz | my eth0 won't register sometimes until i reboot and it's fine. | 18:03 |
head_victim | czz: does it give any errors? | 18:07 |
head_victim | If it mentions unmanaged networks then have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall#Unmanaged%20Wired%20Network for some solutions | 18:09 |
mmaksimov | head_victim, it would be nice to have an md5 of a known-to-work image. | 18:19 |
head_victim | mmaksimov: 1932a563c99ae40721d1f37c3804c372 | 18:23 |
czz | head_victim, no, it doesnt recognize my nic card | 18:23 |
head_victim | czz: and it's never had a problem before? | 18:23 |
czz | it has happened before | 18:23 |
czz | even on unr | 18:23 |
czz | it always solves the issue once i reboot | 18:24 |
mmaksimov | head_victim, unfortunately lubuntu-rc.xml does not have a binding for keyboard layout switching.... any other ideas? ugh, and thanks for the checksum | 18:26 |
head_victim | czz: I'd say it's a hardware issue then if it's an intermittant fault with different installations. | 18:28 |
Slurpee | anyone have experience installing Virtual Box guest additions for Lubuntu? | 18:28 |
head_victim | Slurpee: work fine for me | 18:28 |
head_victim | mmaksimov: read the last comment on the forum post. | 18:29 |
head_victim | czz: is it a pci card? If so I'd try removing it, cleaning the contacts and reseating it. | 18:30 |
mmaksimov | head_victim, which comment? lubuntu-rc instead of lxde-rc? I know which one is correct, however it does not have the binding to switch layout (and I don't think it is done this way) | 18:32 |
Slurpee | head_victim, I am able to get the VBox additions to install, but I run into X Window driver issues and can't go full screen. Any ideas? I have tried updating, upgrading, grabbing gcc, dif headers, etc. | 18:33 |
head_victim | Ah k, I was only going on what they were suggesting. | 18:33 |
czz | head_victim, not a pci card | 18:33 |
head_victim | Slurpee: you might need to update virtualbox itself, older versions don't support xorg 1.9 | 18:33 |
head_victim | Slurpee: I had that issue before 3.2.10 came out | 18:34 |
Slurpee | head_victim, thanks for feedback. Trying new version of vbox now. | 18:36 |
head_victim | czz: oh ok, just seems odd it's happening to multiple installations. | 18:36 |
head_victim | Slurpee: no worries mate | 18:36 |
Slurpee | head_victim, looks like ubuntu repo kept defaulting to 3.10. I am manually grabbing 3.2.10 from vbox site. | 18:43 |
head_victim | Slurpee: yeah I use the PUEL version from the site, has much better USB support | 18:44 |
Slurpee | k looks like I need to remove 3.10. going to reboot to be safe. | 18:47 |
Slurpee | ill let you know how it goes :) | 18:47 |
Slurpee | brb | 18:47 |
head_victim | Slurpee: no dramas mate cheers | 18:47 |
stlsaint | head_victim: howdy | 18:48 |
head_victim | stlsaint: morning | 18:49 |
Slurpee | head_victim, whoa this vbox upgrade is a big diff! | 19:04 |
Slurpee | Do all of the 3.2 versions have the Oracle stuff plastered everywhere? ;0 | 19:04 |
stlsaint | yep :D | 19:04 |
phillw | Slurpee: head_victim is heading for bed, as it is 03:30 in Australia :) | 19:05 |
Slurpee | Well hopefully Oracle fixes my issue :) | 19:05 |
Slurpee | I created lubuntu2 vm with the new version | 19:06 |
Slurpee | figured i will start fresh on both systems. | 19:06 |
Slurpee | I was installing all sorts of headers, packages, dkms, etc. | 19:06 |
Slurpee | I updated my host too. | 19:06 |
Slurpee | Shall I run anything special in fresh version of lubuntu to fully install all of the vbox guest additions? | 19:07 |
mmaksimov | huh, another try.... how do I change the key that switches keyboard layouts? | 19:24 |
hblount | hi. i just installed lubuntu on my old acer aspire 1.5ghz 512mb ram laptop. i had ubuntu on it before. with ubuntu the left-right scroll thing on my touchpad worked,but not with lubuntu. the up/down scroll works on lubuntu though. and the power button on ubuntu used to bring up prompt to shutdown/restart/logoff, but on lubuntu nothing happens. i thought ubuntu and lubuntu were the same thing. can i fix this? | 19:58 |
stlsaint | hblount: they are not the same, linux based yes but different environments and tweaks | 20:00 |
phillw | hblount: I'm confused (nothing new) " left-right scroll thing on my touchpad worked,but not with lubuntu. the up/down scroll works on lubuntu though" | 20:02 |
bioterror | I havent had any problems with that scrolling on touchpad | 20:02 |
bioterror | ahh, yes up n down | 20:02 |
phillw | neither have I | 20:02 |
bioterror | I've never owned that new touchpad, or hitech ;) | 20:03 |
hblount | up/down works. left/right don't. on ubuntu it did. someone told me ubuntu is supposed to function same but guess not | 20:03 |
* phillw repeats :) | 20:03 | |
bioterror | lubuntu != ubuntu with gnome | 20:03 |
bioterror | did I remember that one right :) | 20:04 |
phillw | hblount: are you on launchapd? | 20:04 |
phillw | *launchpad* | 20:04 |
hblount | phillw: whats that | 20:04 |
phillw | hblount: it's where you tell the ubuntu community a bit about about you. | 20:05 |
hblount | oh.no sorry im noob | 20:05 |
hblount | do i ever need an antivirus or spyware thing with lubuntu? | 20:06 |
bioterror | no you dont | 20:06 |
phillw | hblount: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved that will allow you to email to the devs, that way they can have a look at your problem for you and you even get a reply :) | 20:07 |
hblount | phillw: cool thanks. i like lubuntu alot so far | 20:07 |
phillw | hblount: thanks for that, it makes what we do all worthwhile when people say it :) | 20:08 |
phillw | hblount: you may consider joining the #lubuntu-offtopic channel, we just chill out in there and have a laugh. | 20:09 |
bioterror | that's active channel | 20:10 |
bioterror | alot of talk in there nowdays ;) | 20:10 |
phillw | bioterror: well, to be honest, 10.10 has been that stable it's been pretty boring in here !!! | 20:11 |
bioterror | hahaha | 20:12 |
bioterror | too good | 20:12 |
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=== brbmore is now known as claymore_ | ||
hblount | how smooth does live boot lubuntu on a usb drive run? | 20:19 |
bioterror | depends on machine | 20:20 |
bioterror | with my dell d420 it's fast and quick | 20:20 |
bioterror | with hp nc8320 or something like that it was, it was slow | 20:20 |
bioterror | with hp 2540p it was fast | 20:20 |
hblount | ok cool. how different is running off usb vs installing on HDD? | 20:21 |
bioterror | with usb you get lags becouse it's not that fast | 20:21 |
bioterror | ~8MB/s vs 40MB/s ; | 20:21 |
bioterror | ;) | 20:21 |
hblount | makes sense. thanks | 20:22 |
bioterror | yeah | 20:22 |
bioterror | i like to boot sometimes my pendrive | 20:22 |
bioterror | which I made installing from CD-R to my USB stick | 20:22 |
bioterror | I can suggest it | 20:22 |
hblount | cool.do u get all functionality with usb boot? | 20:24 |
bioterror | yes | 20:26 |
hblount | cool. i want to try usb boot and tether my smartphone for mobile broadband | 20:26 |
bioterror | :) | 20:26 |
bioterror | if you end up buying a new laptop, you can go to store, stick your pendrive into that machine and boot up and do some testings :D | 20:27 |
hblount | never thought of that. thats sounds fun | 20:28 |
bioterror | yeah, if it doesnt work out of the box "sorry, no deal" :D | 20:29 |
hblount | haha | 20:32 |
czz | pendrive? | 20:32 |
bioterror | czz, linux on usb key | 20:32 |
bioterror | key, stick, what ever you want to call it | 20:33 |
czz | just curious | 20:34 |
phillw | hblount: it's also an idea to test if the WiFi works, else if it is broadcom, you need some extra stuff. | 20:38 |
hblount | oh | 20:38 |
bioterror | new hp compaq's uses broadcom :P | 20:39 |
phillw | hblount: broadcom chips are not a problem, just *buntu cannot include the drivers by default. | 20:39 |
hblount | phillw: i see. thanks | 20:40 |
phillw | hblount: the latest chip set is covered at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx But it's not too hard to navigate back. | 20:42 |
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=== brbmore is now known as claymore_ | ||
phillw | !grub2 | kosaidpo | 21:53 |
ubot5 | kosaidpo: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 21:53 |
kosaidpo | phillw: okies | 21:53 |
kosaidpo | thanks | 21:53 |
kosaidpo | phillw: i got this as vesrion grub-install (GRUB) 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu3 | 21:55 |
phillw | kosaidpo: that's grub2 | 21:56 |
MonthOLDpickle | I have a resolution of 1024x600 | 21:56 |
kosaidpo | uhm how so it says 1.98 : D | 21:56 |
phillw | kosaidpo: because they have not decided to make it v2.00001 yet. but 1.98 is grub2 | 21:57 |
kosaidpo | hahaha okies i see | 21:58 |
MonthOLDpickle | what is the aspect ration of that resolution? | 21:58 |
phillw | MonthOLDpickle: if you tell me the monitor, I'll go and see if I can google it for you. | 21:58 |
MonthOLDpickle | dell monitor | 21:58 |
MonthOLDpickle | on a netbook | 21:58 |
MonthOLDpickle | I am going to go with 16:9 | 21:59 |
MonthOLDpickle | cause the math is like 16:9.375 | 21:59 |
andai | yo! | 22:00 |
andai | is laptop support good? | 22:00 |
stlsaint | very | 22:00 |
stlsaint | well, depending on what your asking!? :D | 22:00 |
phillw | okies, if you have problems, shout out on here & I'll go do some digging for you, for your information there is a dell area on the main support forum at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=342 who are familiar with Dell computers. | 22:01 |
andai | it boots? lol | 22:01 |
stlsaint | andai: uh, yea lubuntu does boot | 22:01 |
andai | basically i'm considering upgrading to the newest Ubuntu, but i thought instead of wasting time upgrading to a new version of the same crap, i might try Xubuntu again instead | 22:01 |
andai | but then I thought, Xubuntu was pretty fast, but still pretty slow compared to some really lightweight stuff i've tried | 22:02 |
andai | and i remembered Lubuntu was both lightweight and noob-friendly | 22:02 |
andai | ( this is my mom's laptop :D ) | 22:02 |
phillw | andai: give lubuntu a try, if you don't like it; don't pay us any money :D | 22:02 |
stlsaint | andai: if your looking for a light distro than yes lubuntu will server your purpose | 22:02 |
andai | haha :D | 22:03 |
andai | another thing: I have a 8GB flashdisk and 3GB VirtualBox WinXP install that i'd like to use | 22:03 |
andai | i'm wondering what distro i should run it on | 22:03 |
stlsaint | i hear theres a distro called.....crap...um | 22:03 |
stlsaint | oh yea | 22:03 |
stlsaint | LUBUNTU | 22:03 |
stlsaint | that works great | 22:04 |
andai | how much disk space does it take up | 22:04 |
andai | i was surprised the ISO was over 500 mb | 22:04 |
andai | ( tinycore is 11mb ) | 22:04 |
stlsaint | well ive been told it can be installed in 1gb | 22:04 |
andai | does it come with a bunch of stuff i can uninstall | 22:05 |
stlsaint | tinycore also is not meant to be a daily fully used desktop system | 22:05 |
stlsaint | andai: what do you mean? | 22:05 |
andai | Yeah, but i'm not using it at all, i'm just using it to run VirtualBox which i'm using to run a minimal XP install | 22:05 |
andai | so i just need barebones linux + vbox | 22:05 |
andai | Tinycore has a VirtualBox package but you need to do stuff i'm not familliar with (stuff apt-get usually does for you) | 22:05 |
phillw | andai: you can go via minimal install and lubuntu core. | 22:06 |
andai | phillw: minimal install? | 22:06 |
stlsaint | aye, minimal install | 22:06 |
andai | does the CD offer that? | 22:06 |
MonthOLDpickle | andai do you have bluetooth? | 22:06 |
andai | maybe, never need it | 22:07 |
MonthOLDpickle | than lubuntu is for you! | 22:07 |
MonthOLDpickle | personally love lubuntu myself but I am using crunhbang | 22:07 |
andai | but Ubuntu supports bluetooth, so aren't there packages for that? (does Lubuntu use the repositories?) | 22:07 |
phillw | you can do it via https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall I've just got to update it for the core install. | 22:07 |
MonthOLDpickle | I have tried over and over | 22:07 |
MonthOLDpickle | its really buggy | 22:07 |
andai | ah | 22:07 |
stlsaint | andai: really it comes down to what you are looking for in a distro | 22:10 |
andai | MonthOLDpickle: You there! Briefly compare Lubuntu & CrunchBang for me, if you will :) | 22:10 |
MonthOLDpickle | Well I use a dell mini 9..I have upgrade mostr internal parts, liek the ssd hard, wifi, memory. | 22:15 |
MonthOLDpickle | I got sick of windows...I went through a bunch before finding Lubuntu. | 22:15 |
andai | ahh | 22:16 |
MonthOLDpickle | What I loved about Lubuntu was it was using the sudo apt-get commands which I am learning about mostly and everything worked out of the box. It had chromium as default and pidgin there too. | 22:16 |
MonthOLDpickle | Lubuntu is really fast on my single core intel atom 1.6ghz PC. FLash even works awesome can watch in full screen. | 22:16 |
MonthOLDpickle | just I use a bluetooth mouse and BT is not too high on the list of features. I even tried installing Ubuntu than doing sudo apt-get lubuntu-desktop to install over ubuntu and it didn't fix it. | 22:17 |
MonthOLDpickle | Now I have this | 22:17 |
MonthOLDpickle | http://i52.tinypic.com/2zxuoar.jpg | 22:18 |
MonthOLDpickle | In terms if speed | 22:18 |
andai | haha i love your bg | 22:18 |
MonthOLDpickle | Lubuntu is faster and it pretty much will work out of box. Care to tell me what system you have / specs of the machine? | 22:18 |
MonthOLDpickle | >.> | 22:19 |
andai | Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2,40 GHz | 22:19 |
andai | 2 GB RAM | 22:19 |
MonthOLDpickle | what screen size? | 22:20 |
MonthOLDpickle | YOu can run practically any distro you want | 22:20 |
MonthOLDpickle | How new are you to linux? | 22:20 |
andai | been messing with ubuntu for a few years | 22:21 |
andai | i'm relatively familliar with the command line | 22:21 |
andai | at least i know enough to startup the graphical stuff and repair xorg when i mess it up (but i think xorg's changed and those days are over) | 22:21 |
MonthOLDpickle | try out arch linux | 22:21 |
andai | Yeah? Why? :P | 22:22 |
stlsaint | MonthOLDpickle: lol...you are anti lubuntu i see :D | 22:22 |
MonthOLDpickle | no I love lubuntu | 22:22 |
MonthOLDpickle | its perfect except for the BT =p | 22:22 |
MonthOLDpickle | but he has a beefy system he can do w/e he wants | 22:22 |
andai | btw i'm considering two very different things here | 22:23 |
andai | 1. super barebones install with X, to run VirtualBox | 22:23 |
andai | 2. minimal distro that my noob mother can use (don't make me install Windows 7 :D) | 22:23 |
stlsaint | andai: i would not suggest arch for a system that requires small amounts of resources, stick to the lighter alread configured distros, with arch you will have to manually configure everything yourself and you will probably not be able to tweak it lower than say, #! or lubuntu | 22:23 |
MonthOLDpickle | mother..ubuntu for sure | 22:23 |
stlsaint | andai: also your grandmother CANNOT use arch!! :D | 22:23 |
MonthOLDpickle | He has same specs as my work laptop | 22:23 |
MonthOLDpickle | 5 years old | 22:23 |
stlsaint | andai: arch is one of the more advanced distros | 22:23 |
MonthOLDpickle | can run photoshop and autocad at same time | 22:23 |
andai | haha yeah i run tons of crap on here | 22:24 |
andai | but i was recently looking through the system monitor, the processes | 22:24 |
andai | and saw tons of default-installed crap i didn't need | 22:24 |
MonthOLDpickle | that CPU is a great CPU | 22:24 |
MonthOLDpickle | also whats your GPU | 22:24 |
MonthOLDpickle | onboard intel? | 22:24 |
andai | ohh my GPU is tricky | 22:24 |
andai | some mobility radeon, ati | 22:24 |
MonthOLDpickle | ah | 22:24 |
andai | to even get it to work at all you can't have more than 3gb ram | 22:24 |
MonthOLDpickle | mine has nvidia 7600 or 7800 gt | 22:25 |
andai | my laptop has two 2GB sticks, i had to remove one | 22:25 |
bioterror | I'm configuring Arch atm. | 22:25 |
MonthOLDpickle | if its like my laptop | 22:25 |
bioterror | this is... well... not that fun :-) | 22:25 |
MonthOLDpickle | the mobo limnits the amount of ram to 2GB | 22:25 |
bioterror | and the packages are more limited than with ubuntu | 22:25 |
andai | ( there's a workaround but it's complex and i was expecting it to be fixed by the next release ) | 22:25 |
MonthOLDpickle | also andai you comptuer is most likely 64 bit | 22:25 |
andai | yup | 22:25 |
bioterror | and AUR is not that hot | 22:25 |
MonthOLDpickle | bioterror: http://i52.tinypic.com/2zxuoar.jpg | 22:25 |
andai | but 64bit is causing some trouble with java and i can't play minecraft :P | 22:25 |
MonthOLDpickle | Why do I come off as a lubuntu hater? | 22:26 |
andai | lol they're jealous | 22:26 |
MonthOLDpickle | I PLAY MINECRAFT | 22:26 |
andai | of you sexing with other distros | 22:26 |
MonthOLDpickle | I have a server install on the server @ work lol | 22:26 |
bioterror | MonthOLDpickle, what are you running?-) | 22:26 |
MonthOLDpickle | crunchbang | 22:26 |
bioterror | ahhh ;) | 22:26 |
stlsaint | bioterror: my experience with arch is more or less...love hate :D | 22:26 |
bioterror | stlsaint, I feel you man | 22:26 |
MonthOLDpickle | I open up to andai about how much I love lubuntu | 22:26 |
bioterror | ;) | 22:26 |
MonthOLDpickle | that I am watching it | 22:27 |
andai | :D | 22:27 |
MonthOLDpickle | and I am called a hater =p | 22:27 |
* stlsaint must admit that he is currently running #! on this second lappy :D | 22:27 | |
MonthOLDpickle | oh I wish I knew how to quit you | 22:27 |
stlsaint | MonthOLDpickle: ^^ | 22:27 |
andai | i think i'll get Lubuntu and CrunchBang to start out with, mess with them in vBox | 22:27 |
stlsaint | andai: with that combo you cant go wrong | 22:27 |
MonthOLDpickle | don't bother with Lubuntu in VB | 22:27 |
kosaidpo | MonthOLDpickle: i like the wallpaper can you send it to me please btw ohw uget these info in ur desktop u use conky ?? | 22:27 |
slooksterpsv | MonthOLDpickle: why not? | 22:27 |
MonthOLDpickle | just install it on the laptop aas second os | 22:27 |
stlsaint | andai: im running #! with less than 100mb ram running and lubuntu was even lower in my vm after a few custom tweeks | 22:28 |
MonthOLDpickle | Yea I used conky | 22:28 |
MonthOLDpickle | I am trying to make a calendar on it | 22:28 |
slooksterpsv | MonthOLDpickle: it works in vbox very well, just when you install the drivers you have to do it like so: sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run && sudo reboot | 22:28 |
MonthOLDpickle | kosaidpo: what resoultion do you have? | 22:28 |
kosaidpo | MonthOLDpickle: can you send me ur wallpaper please | 22:28 |
MonthOLDpickle | vb works for me it was completely different on my netbook =p | 22:29 |
* andai 's short on CDs, can I install it without burning to CD | 22:29 | |
MonthOLDpickle | Yea I am asking what resolution you have cause its 1024 x 600 | 22:29 |
MonthOLDpickle | http://wallbase.net/wallpaper/183431 | 22:29 |
kosaidpo | MonthOLDpickle: 1024 | 22:29 |
MonthOLDpickle | andai let it be known | 22:29 |
MonthOLDpickle | once bt is fixed | 22:29 |
MonthOLDpickle | I will be going back to lubuntu | 22:29 |
andai | 1366x768 | 22:29 |
stlsaint | andai: yep, use usb | 22:30 |
bioterror | andai, that's tv resolution | 22:30 |
MonthOLDpickle | people still use CS | 22:30 |
bioterror | with hd ready tv | 22:30 |
* MonthOLDpickle is omgwhy | 22:30 | |
stlsaint | MonthOLDpickle: sure cover up your anti-lubuntu sentiment now :P | 22:30 |
andai | Yeah, pirated movies work perfectly | 22:30 |
MonthOLDpickle | Andai this room is logged | 22:30 |
kosaidpo | MonthOLDpickle: thanks | 22:30 |
MonthOLDpickle | and that is OT so /join #lubuntu-offtopic | 22:30 |
andai | Yeah, pirating isn't illegal in holland, but seeding is, so if you use torrents you're fucked | 22:31 |
MonthOLDpickle | btw making jello shots out of 190 proof | 22:31 |
andai | lol | 22:31 |
andai | aaanyway, so, Lubuntu = OK for noobmother? | 22:31 |
MonthOLDpickle | andai we have an ot channel | 22:31 |
MonthOLDpickle | I would just slap on ubuntu for her | 22:31 |
MonthOLDpickle | than..sneak in lubuntu later | 22:31 |
andai | no i'm on the laptop now, running ubuntu | 22:31 |
andai | it's fine | 22:32 |
andai | lemme take a screenshot | 22:32 |
bioterror | arch linux isnt that much minimal than what debian is | 22:32 |
MonthOLDpickle | you should use eubuntu lol!!! | 22:32 |
MonthOLDpickle | arch is debian | 22:32 |
MonthOLDpickle | isn't it | 22:32 |
bioterror | or it is | 22:32 |
bioterror | less packages in repos :D | 22:32 |
andai | eubuntu? | 22:32 |
bioterror | hahaha | 22:32 |
bioterror | had to compile some apps by myself | 22:32 |
stlsaint | bioterror: thus i say arch is more advanced than the average use is used/prepared for | 22:33 |
MonthOLDpickle | andai http://edubuntu.org/ | 22:34 |
andai | http://s1.bild.me/bilder/290710/5540011craptop.jpg | 22:35 |
andai | Can i make ubuntu look like this | 22:35 |
andai | *lubuntu LOL | 22:35 |
bioterror | huh | 22:35 |
andai | MonthOLDpickle: Why would i give my mom edubuntu? She's not senile yet | 22:35 |
bioterror | horrible desktop | 22:35 |
andai | lol i know | 22:35 |
andai | that's all my shit in there | 22:36 |
andai | you said this is logged so i blurred out the porn and pirated movies | 22:36 |
bioterror | I havent seen anything that disgusting for a while :) | 22:36 |
bioterror | who those icons are HUUUGE? | 22:36 |
MonthOLDpickle | what is this | 22:36 |
andai | yup | 22:36 |
MonthOLDpickle | what am I looking at! | 22:36 |
andai | haha | 22:36 |
bioterror | :D | 22:37 |
andai | anyway i meant the taskbar | 22:37 |
bioterror | "oooo mi eyez!" ;) | 22:37 |
bioterror | http://www.newsrealblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/what_has_been_seen_cannot_be_unseen_695.jpg :D | 22:37 |
andai | lubuntu uses openbox by default? | 22:40 |
stlsaint | andai: openbox? | 22:41 |
stlsaint | no | 22:41 |
stlsaint | lxde | 22:41 |
andai | menu>Other has "Openbox Session" | 22:42 |
andai | i clicked it and didn't notice anything change | 22:42 |
andai | but now it's running as a process | 22:42 |
stlsaint | andai: you will need to install tools required to do a multisession setup | 22:46 |
andai | ah | 22:47 |
andai | i mean.. why is it there | 22:47 |
andai | lol | 22:47 |
stlsaint | andai: options are always available ;) | 22:48 |
andai | can i easily install Lubuntu to flashdisk? :D | 22:49 |
kosaidpo | guys whn i go in recovery mode i dont have that root line | 22:53 |
bioterror | what you have then? | 22:53 |
kosaidpo | a line to fix broken packages another one to go in network as a root | 22:55 |
kosaidpo | i dont rmbr the others | 22:55 |
bioterror | there should be "shell" or something like that if I remember right | 22:55 |
kosaidpo | ill reboot okies bioterror | 22:55 |
bioterror | you migt have to say sudo passwd root in your normal boot | 22:56 |
=== IdleOne is now known as MC_Hammer | ||
=== MC_Hammer is now known as IdleOne | ||
bioterror | !lubuntu-desktop | 23:18 |
ubot5 | k/ed/x/l/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading. | 23:18 |
kosaidpo | bioterror: i kno its meta one but shud i remove it cus i already did with leafpad one time | 23:20 |
kosaidpo | wht u advice me guys | 23:20 |
phillw | kosaidpo: you do not remove it with leafpad !!!, just allow it to be removed :) | 23:21 |
slooksterpsv | phillw is right | 23:21 |
slooksterpsv | I'm going to reboot I'm bored of LXDE gonna reboot to XFCE :P bb in a few | 23:21 |
kosaidpo | phillw: thats philo hihii | 23:21 |
kosaidpo | phillw: so in the end its not installed right ? | 23:22 |
phillw | kosaidpo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp#Remove%20lubuntu-desktop | 23:22 |
kosaidpo | phillw: okies thanks | 23:23 |
kosaidpo | phillw: btw im plainin to launch a blog is there any cool logo for lubuntu to put on my blog ? | 23:23 |
phillw | kosaidpo: the documentation area does keep me busy :) | 23:23 |
kosaidpo | phillw: cus my sucky understandin in english or mybe i did im jst not really sure so | 23:27 |
phillw | kosaidpo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Artwork would be a good place to head, I use http://forum.phillw.net/viewforum.php?f=18 but that includes a link to down load it. | 23:27 |
kosaidpo | if will upgrade i shud put this --no-install-recommends in he end of the cmmd like last night | 23:28 |
phillw | kosaidpo: are you running 10.10 lubuntu? | 23:28 |
kosaidpo | yeh | 23:28 |
phillw | kosaidpo: you will have an option called update manager in your menu system. | 23:29 |
kosaidpo | phillw: yeh i do have that app | 23:30 |
kosaidpo | update-manager you mean right ? | 23:30 |
phillw | kosaidpo: that will keep you up to date when you ask it to. | 23:30 |
phillw | kosaidpo: if there is anything urgent, it will tell you. | 23:31 |
kosaidpo | yesh i kno : ) but the last time i guess cause of the lack of that lubutu-desktop pacjage asked me to do a partialupgrade first | 23:31 |
kosaidpo | partial upgrade first when tryin to go to 10.10 | 23:31 |
phillw | kosaidpo: partial updates are not really recommended. Ensure that you have the lubuntu-desktop meta installed. | 23:32 |
andai | what's the default username on livecd? | 23:32 |
andai | i logged out | 23:32 |
phillw | andai: none | 23:32 |
kosaidpo | theres none | 23:32 |
andai | enter ; enter doesn't work | 23:32 |
kosaidpo | i guess | 23:32 |
kosaidpo | phillw: is it | 23:33 |
andai | how do i login | 23:33 |
phillw | else it will be root, and no password | 23:33 |
kosaidpo | jst sudo with no psw required | 23:33 |
andai | I'm at the login screen | 23:33 |
andai | there's a textbox asking for a username | 23:33 |
andai | nothing doesn't work | 23:33 |
phillw | use the name root | 23:34 |
andai | i logged out cause i killed the pcmanfm process and then the desktop vanished :P | 23:34 |
kosaidpo | andai: i guess it shud if u use a livecd it go throu automaticly | 23:34 |
andai | root/blank doesn't work either :P | 23:34 |
phillw | andai: just reboot :) | 23:34 |
phillw | if you killed pcmanfm, then you have a non working system. | 23:35 |
andai | lol | 23:41 |
andai | i started it up again | 23:41 |
andai | but it didn't load the desktop | 23:41 |
kosaidpo | andai: uhn how so | 23:42 |
kosaidpo | wht do u have ? then | 23:42 |
andai | i mean pcmanfm :P | 23:42 |
kosaidpo | oh it crashes you mean wht lubuntu u have ?? | 23:42 |
andai | i mean i killed it to free up 20mb of ram and when i started it up again it wouldn't load the desktop :P | 23:52 |
MonthOLDpickle | andai installing lubuntu? | 23:59 |
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