
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== emma is now known as EMMA
lucentbug 657081 needs some love from anyone who knows how to get changes applied to Maverick05:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 657081 in linux (Ubuntu) "New firewire stack unreliable with Texas Instruments TSB82AA2 IEEE-1394b (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65708105:25
lucent(from stable)05:25
crimsunlucent: please reference the upstream linux-2.6 git changeset hash in a comment05:31
crimsunlucent: depending on the invasiveness of the changesets, you might want to submit it for inclusion in 2.6.35.x (send an e-mail to stable@kernel.org)05:32
lucentoh. okay.05:32
lucentcrimsun: it's a revert, "Revert commit 54672386ccf36ffa21d1de8e75624af83f9b0eeb"05:33
lucentdoes that make sense?  or does the revert have its own hash for the action of reverting05:34
crimsunit does make sense, and yes, a revert has its own git changeset hash.05:35
crimsunyou're of course speaking of commit aa0170ff05:35
lucentoh okay, so there's some point where my brain stopped working :)05:35
lucentnow I am looking and making sense of http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/ChangeLog-2.6.3605:36
lucenttwo minutes before, I was too confused to notice05:36
lucentcommit 7f81c56cf29c0af66a1d0cdbce48441cdaf9fa1605:36
crimsunerr, not precisely05:36
crimsun7f81c56c is the merge changeset05:37
crimsunthe actual commit to cherry-pick is aa0170ff05:37
lucentadd to the bug, thanks for the guidance05:37
lucentseperately I have affected some USB serial code, which is up for review to be included in 2.6.37-rc105:38
lucentis it helpful for me to file a launchpad bug about that?05:38
lucentthe cause is determined, upstream knows, just that I'm confused how will Ubuntu kernel get these changes05:39
crimsunit depends on the Ubuntu release(s) to which you're referring.05:42
crimsunif it's the current development one (2.6.37), then the changes are rebased nominally in natty.05:42
lucentokay, you're right... I did not say.  I'm thinking of Maverick05:43
lucentMaverick is the only release that is affected by my findings of the usb serial and firewire regressions, here, because the regressions are since 2.6.3505:43
crimsunthe easiest approach in that regard is to request that the relevant changeset(s) from linux-2.6.git be merged into 2.6.35 stable via gregkh05:43
lucentah okay05:44
PascalFRbug #66030212:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 660302 in module-init-tools (Ubuntu) "e1000e ethernet link down (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66030212:35
PascalFRanyone has eth which uses e1000e on maverick ?12:35
lucentnot I13:10
=== EMMA is now known as emma
ai2097I'm trying to build/install a custom kernel following <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild>, but step 8 (make-kpkg) fails. Tail-end of output (with the command issued at the very end) at: <http://pastebin.com/67rhtEVh>17:12

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