ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from alpha) | 00:07 |
IdleOne | Jordan_U: does Alpha remind you of ArtArfon by any chance | 00:18 |
Jordan_U | IdleOne: I don't recognize that nick off hand. | 00:19 |
IdleOne | ok. well they seem to be quiet right now, let's see what happens. | 00:20 |
Jordan_U | Looking at logs they seem very similar. Both talk about upstream contributions and called themselves "master". | 00:27 |
ikonia | I'm going to be, exausted | 00:29 |
bazhang | ikonia, exhausted? | 00:30 |
IdleOne | Alpha is ArtArfon, ban evading. | 03:14 |
bazhang | more nonsense | 03:14 |
bazhang | IdleOne, from the BT? | 03:14 |
IdleOne | yup, ban I set on him. same person 100% sure | 03:15 |
IdleOne | tired of him, not putting up with this for a week. he has been told many times about the rules | 03:16 |
bazhang | yeppers | 03:16 |
bazhang | is roadcrosser the one asking for support with a custom redhat kernel? | 03:18 |
IdleOne | don't know | 03:19 |
bazhang | odd if so, as he does not even know basic bash | 03:20 |
bazhang | MasterX (~MasterX@ip-211-215-241-92.dialup.ice.net looks like artarfon or some such (lauterino perhaps) | 05:32 |
ubottu | llutz_ called the ops in #ubuntu (ballcrusher can anyone please mute that troll-kid from *@ip-133-214-241-92.dialup.ice.net) | 05:46 |
rww | Hello. Considering SpaceGhostC2C has apparently taken up the habit of identifying /after/ joining channels, if you want your +b on him in #ubuntu-offtopic to actually be a +b and not effectively a +q, you might want to not apply it against his cloak. | 06:16 |
rww | That would presumably also reduce the amount of PM crap he sends to people in there since he can't send it to the actual channel any more. | 06:20 |
rww | elky: thanks | 06:21 |
SpaceGhostC2C | What exactly has been up lately? I was allowed in, but +q, but now I'm not? Decidophobia? | 06:23 |
elky | You identified after you joined. | 06:23 |
elky | That tends to require intent. | 06:23 |
SpaceGhostC2C | elky: intent to what? | 06:24 |
elky | Evade a ban set on a cloak, usually. | 06:24 |
SpaceGhostC2C | Haha, no. | 06:24 |
SpaceGhostC2C | It's just my client. | 06:24 |
maco | it was a +b not a +q | 06:24 |
SpaceGhostC2C | maco: Probably. I just could join for some reason. | 06:24 |
maco | ...because you werent identified at the time you joined | 06:25 |
maco | as she just said | 06:25 |
SpaceGhostC2C | maco: Then I was removed without any notification. It was odd. I wasn't trying to avoid a ban. | 06:25 |
elky | Well then, your nickname is also now banned so we shan't be having this discussion again. | 06:25 |
SpaceGhostC2C | elky: Awesome :) | 06:25 |
maco | SpaceGhostC2C: ok so a bug was detected in how you are banned, and that bug has been corrected | 06:25 |
maco | lag :( | 06:26 |
IdleOne | what got him banned anyway? | 06:27 |
bazhang | thought he asked to be banned | 06:32 |
maco | was it him or PaddyNI that told me "if i was an op, id ban me"? | 06:34 |
IdleOne | we don't do ban on request | 06:34 |
IdleOne | :/ | 06:36 |
elky | No, he was baiting people and then when told by someone else he was risking ban, he made a joke about me and anal sex. | 06:38 |
elky | Then we were advised that the CC had already dealt with him privately annoying people in the -users mailing list when banned from it, so we decided a +q was insufficient. | 06:39 |
IdleOne | He can be trying. | 06:41 |
IdleOne | was just curious. thanks for the answer :) | 06:41 |
elky | He's taken to saying random attention-seeking things in #debian-offtopic now. we'll see how long he lasts there | 06:45 |
IdleOne | !guidelines > Aemaeth | 08:23 |
Roadcrosser | Nevermind | 09:07 |
Roadcrosser | The problem is solved | 09:07 |
ikonia | Roadcrosser: why are you back asking for support | 09:07 |
Roadcrosser | I'll stop bothering you people | 09:07 |
ikonia | you where told you where not supported | 09:07 |
ikonia | Roadcrosser: you will - your banned | 09:07 |
Roadcrosser | Umm | 09:07 |
Roadcrosser | My problem is solved | 09:08 |
Roadcrosser | So there is no need to ask | 09:08 |
Roadcrosser | I'll focus on upgrading my software now | 09:08 |
ikonia | you won't be allowed back into the support channel again | 09:08 |
ikonia | so you won't be able to try to get any more help | 09:08 |
ikonia | problem now solved | 09:08 |
Roadcrosser | Don't really have to | 09:08 |
ikonia | ok, then please leave this channel | 09:08 |
Roadcrosser | Unless I have a real question | 09:08 |
Roadcrosser | But I won't | 09:08 |
Roadcrosser | Bye guys | 09:08 |
ikonia | grat, bye | 09:08 |
ikonia | nope, not meowbuntu | 09:18 |
bazhang | chell shilling for roadcrosser? | 09:19 |
ikonia | Chell: one moemnt | 09:20 |
ikonia | megh: can we help ? | 09:20 |
bazhang | we dont discuss others bans with outsiders do we? | 09:20 |
ikonia | bazhang: I'm not going to | 09:20 |
bazhang | Chell, ^^ | 09:20 |
Chell | -.- | 09:21 |
ikonia | Chell: be with you in one moment | 09:21 |
ikonia | megh: do you need anything from this channel | 09:21 |
ikonia | Chell: just let me resolve any issue for megh then we can talk | 09:21 |
Chell | ok | 09:22 |
ikonia | megh: if you are not going to speak, please leave the channel | 09:22 |
ikonia | ok - can someone please remove megh | 09:23 |
ikonia | Chell: apologies for the delay, be with you ASAP | 09:23 |
ikonia | !ops | megh idling for no reason | 09:23 |
ubottu | megh idling for no reason: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler! | 09:23 |
ubottu | ikonia called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (megh idling for no reason) | 09:23 |
ikonia | Chell: ok, first are you still helping roadcroisser now ? | 09:24 |
Chell | yeah | 09:24 |
ikonia | is he still online | 09:24 |
Chell | on another IRC Network, yes | 09:24 |
ikonia | ah | 09:25 |
ikonia | he's not actually using ubuntu | 09:25 |
ikonia | so we can't support him | 09:25 |
Chell | hmm | 09:25 |
Chell | so you don't support server issues? | 09:25 |
ikonia | we do | 09:25 |
ikonia | fully | 09:25 |
Chell | ah | 09:26 |
ikonia | he's not using ubuntu server | 09:26 |
ikonia | be aware when supporting him | 09:26 |
Chell | he said to me, he's using Ubuntu 9.04 | 09:26 |
Chell | server, that is | 09:26 |
ikonia | he's not he's using a modified version by his isp | 09:27 |
Chell | ...damn ISPs | 09:27 |
Chell | so I guess that justifies that | 09:28 |
Chell | ill now continue trying to get him to boot a java app with lower ram access | 09:28 |
ikonia | thats up to you | 09:29 |
Chell | bya | 09:29 |
ikonia | ok - why is eagles joining #ubuntu-motu, and asking motu's to join #kubuntu-offtopic to help with ubuntu kernel support issues | 09:50 |
ikonia | why is he just not directing the users to #kubuntu | 09:50 |
elky | why does he do anything? | 09:52 |
eagles0513875 | hi guys :( | 09:52 |
ikonia | hi eagles0513875 thanks for joining | 09:52 |
eagles0513875 | what did i do wrong now :( | 09:52 |
ikonia | I just wanted to ask why you where joining #ubuntu-motu, asking specific development members to join #kubuntu-offtopic to do support ? | 09:52 |
elky | o.O | 09:53 |
eagles0513875 | ikonia: blueskaj was having issues with his maverick box and nobody helping him as i have never experienced a problem like he had | 09:53 |
ikonia | so ? | 09:53 |
eagles0513875 | tbh its quite a show stopper | 09:53 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: was part of the reason you where banned from those channels due to a.) asking specific people for support b.) asking for support in development channels | 09:53 |
eagles0513875 | was just trying to get him some help in a nut shell | 09:53 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: you have been told MANY times about this | 09:53 |
eagles0513875 | ikonia: that was the only time since i have been unbanned | 09:54 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: 1.) kubuntu is the support channel 2.) don't ask specific people 3.) the development channels are not support channels | 09:54 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: yes, but you where ubanned and told to stop it | 09:54 |
ikonia | yet you do it again | 09:54 |
ikonia | what has to happen to get it through to you | 09:54 |
eagles0513875 | most of the time i just idle quietly | 09:54 |
ikonia | but you didn 't this time | 09:54 |
ikonia | again | 09:54 |
ikonia | after being told and a blanket ban being put on | 09:54 |
ikonia | what has to happen for you to be able to grasp the rules of the channels | 09:55 |
ikonia | why was he not pointed to #kubuntu for support | 09:55 |
ikonia | why did you seek out senior developers | 09:55 |
eagles0513875 | he asked in there already | 09:55 |
ikonia | why was he told to not log a bug/check for existing bugs and follow the proces | 09:55 |
ikonia | process | 09:55 |
ikonia | why where you then using the development channels for support | 09:55 |
ikonia | those are questions I'm tired of having to ask | 09:55 |
eagles0513875 | it wont happen again | 09:56 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: I've brought you in here to check there was no missunderstanding, it's clear there is not, so I'm going to speak to the council about having your blanket ban put back | 09:56 |
ikonia | I don't think you need to be in the development channels and you've made it clear you can't deal with the topics of those channels | 09:56 |
ikonia | I just wanted to check there wasn't a mistake and be up front with you about it | 09:57 |
eagles0513875 | can i be frank with u | 09:57 |
ikonia | please | 09:57 |
eagles0513875 | senior devs should know bout bugs like this and lp has so many bug probably bout half of them are from shelved releases, that...that they should be closed. also for future release they should eb aware of a serious problem like this to prevent it in the next release | 09:58 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: no - they shouldn't | 09:58 |
eagles0513875 | y not | 09:58 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: it is not up to individuals to resolve issues like that | 09:58 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: and it is not up to you to decide you know better than the developers dealing with bugs | 09:59 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: did you check if there was a bug on launchpad, no, did you log a bug to pass it forward, no | 09:59 |
eagles0513875 | ikonia: i admit i dont | 09:59 |
ikonia | you just jumped into a development channel asking for developers to support an inidivdual issue | 09:59 |
eagles0513875 | he did and hes seen bugs posted that are related to it and havent even been touched | 09:59 |
ikonia | so progress a bug | 09:59 |
ikonia | add to it's value with information | 10:00 |
ikonia | the person who had the bug was in the same development channels and wasn't asking for support | 10:00 |
ikonia | yet you saw it fit to ask on his behalf even though you know it's not the doen thing | 10:00 |
ikonia | that's where it is and that's where I stand, I'll progress this with the council | 10:01 |
ikonia | on a side issue, I do appreciate how hard it is to get bugs resolved | 10:01 |
ikonia | sorry to have pulled you in on such a negative note, but it needs to be raised | 10:02 |
* eagles0513875 thinks this is totally unfair. the entire ubuntu community against me | 10:02 | |
ikonia | no | 10:02 |
ikonia | you just can't follow the rules | 10:02 |
ikonia | it's your own fault | 10:02 |
eagles0513875 | why not get the dev channels on a different irc network then | 10:03 |
eagles0513875 | a private one for the devs | 10:03 |
ikonia | no-one elses, the sooner you grasp that and resolve it, the problems will go away | 10:03 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: why not respect the rules | 10:03 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: why should we have to move the dev channels because YOU can't follow the rules | 10:03 |
ikonia | why don't you join a different network so your not tempted ? | 10:03 |
ikonia | (it's the same idea you've just suggested) | 10:03 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: and ranting about it in ##club-ubuntu won't help you | 10:04 |
ikonia | irc council - you can expect a mail on me about this shortly | 10:06 |
bazhang | ryaxn and teadict advertising that channel earlier in -ot | 10:06 |
bazhang | ryaxn wanted to conduct a poll on it in -ot as well | 10:07 |
elky | they so very much know better :( | 10:08 |
topyli | maybe banforwards to ##club would be in order :) | 10:09 |
elky | I like this plan. | 10:09 |
ikonia | topyli: can you raise the issue of eagles blanket ban re-instment of development channels with the council after you've just saw the exchange above | 10:10 |
ikonia | I will of course follow it up with a mail, but I'd like this progressed quickly rather than the normal time | 10:10 |
topyli | let me read | 10:10 |
ikonia | sure, (picked on you while your active and it's fresh) | 10:10 |
topyli | oh ok, seems sadly familiar | 10:12 |
ikonia | yes, it does | 10:13 |
ikonia | and it's more the resolution atttitude too | 10:13 |
ikonia | move the channels, rather than show self control | 10:13 |
topyli | yep | 10:15 |
ikonia | topyli: I'll raise this formally with the council (as I assume you'd like) but if you could progress this to get it moving, that would be great | 10:17 |
topyli | i have brought it up now. yes a mail would still be good | 10:17 |
ikonia | typing it now | 10:18 |
topyli | thanks | 10:19 |
ikonia | sent | 10:33 |
=== ts2 is now known as tsimpson|n800 | ||
IdleOne | is it just me, or is he ignoring our answers? | 15:02 |
IdleOne | messaging him to see if that helps a little | 15:02 |
bazhang | yep, he's just spamming | 15:03 |
IdleOne | sent a PM no answer yet. will leave on mute for now. | 15:03 |
bazhang | repeating in the channel twenty times is not a fast track for approval | 15:04 |
IdleOne | nope | 15:04 |
bazhang | he was directed to -irc as well | 15:04 |
IdleOne | still no response, I guess they either don't know irc at all or they were just trolling | 15:06 |
bazhang | likely not a native speaker, judging from the IP | 15:06 |
IdleOne | they quit, removed the +q | 15:08 |
IdleOne | wow why did ubottu just flood me with 19 ban review messages? | 16:24 |
elky | a week ago, you played whackamole? | 16:27 |
elky | ok, now i got spammed | 16:28 |
IdleOne | seems like ubottu had a fit, repeated same ban 2-3 times | 16:28 |
elky | 6 times for me | 16:28 |
IdleOne | lol | 16:28 |
jussi | hrm.. | 16:31 |
jussi | ts2: what do you make of that? | 16:31 |
IdleOne | they are all from Oct 16 also | 16:31 |
IdleOne | I don't recall that being an excessive ban setting day for me | 16:31 |
jussi | looks like there is a repeat in the db, as they all have different ban numbers | 16:32 |
IdleOne | jussi: yup | 16:32 |
elky | yeah | 16:32 |
elky | jussi, see PM please | 16:32 |
jussi | ignore it for now, buit still check the bans and review them. Ill look into it with tsimpson | 16:33 |
Tm_T | I feel so excluded, got no spam ): | 16:34 |
IdleOne | expect spam soon | 16:35 |
IdleOne | probably right now | 16:35 |
Tm_T | actually got immediately after saing I don't | 16:40 |
IdleOne | yup | 16:41 |
IdleOne | that is when ubottu saw you active | 16:41 |
IdleOne | so she jumped on you :) | 16:41 |
Tm_T | brrrh | 16:41 |
jussi | hehe | 16:45 |
* jussi huggles ubottu | 16:45 | |
ts2 | jussi: probably a ban sync messing with the db | 17:02 |
jussi | ts2: that sounds about right | 17:10 |
ikonia | good old idoru | 17:59 |
ikonia | how many members are in the community council currently ? | 20:36 |
ts2 | ikonia: 8 it seems, https://launchpad.net/~communitycouncil/+members | 20:39 |
ikonia | ts2: thats what I was reading, 8 seemed a lot | 20:41 |
ts2 | the whole "delegation of powers" thing is quite new, so is had to be a large-ish team | 20:43 |
ikonia | I can see why, I just didn't remember 8 people getting voted in | 20:43 |
ikonia | just questioning it in my head | 20:43 |
maco | well mark doesnt get voted on | 20:48 |
ikonia | 7 still seemed more than I remembered | 21:18 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, zico said: ubottu: but the update is not accepting my user account password :(...an' it's askin me for one..:P | 21:23 |
ikonia | I find spaceghosts personal irc channel rules ironic based on the problems he causes in offtopic http://amberlampdesign.com/#IRC | 22:10 |
ikonia | when did ubottu start spitting out bug information in +1 | 22:14 |
ts2 | has done for a long time. even though +1 is a support channel, it makes sense for bug info to be enabled there | 22:17 |
ikonia | I've never noticed it | 22:18 |
ts2 | at least for the whole of the maverick release cycle, maybe longer | 22:18 |
ikonia | abortici1e: can we help you ? | 22:44 |
abortici1e | no, i just joined by accident | 22:44 |
ikonia | if you don't need anything can you please leave the channel as there is a non-idle policy | 22:44 |
abortici1e | acvtually ... | 22:45 |
ikonia | msr: thanks for joining, be with you in a moment | 22:45 |
abortici1e | how can i install virtualbox ? | 22:45 |
ikonia | abortici1e: that's not a topic for this channel | 22:45 |
ikonia | abortici1e: your in #ubuntu - ask in there | 22:45 |
msr | ikonia, dont ever want to speak to you again, your as rude as they come on the internet. | 22:45 |
ikonia | msr: if you could please hang on for a moment | 22:46 |
abortici1e | oh ... | 22:46 |
ikonia | abortici1e: if you don't need anything from the operator team, could you please leave the channel | 22:46 |
abortici1e | anyways you could go ahead and do your deeds with msr, i have some questions for you later | 22:46 |
ikonia | abortici1e: then come back later | 22:46 |
msr | ikonia 's actions are overboard, bans for common language, as well as being rude. | 22:46 |
abortici1e | will it take long? | 22:46 |
ikonia | abortici1e: please leave the channel until you have something you need | 22:46 |
abortici1e | ah i didn't want to inconveniance you or anything .. | 22:46 |
ikonia | abortici1e: ask your questions now then, and I'll talk to msr when you are done | 22:46 |
msr | just for the logs because i know im not the only one | 22:47 |
abortici1e | well it was about the 'spam policy' | 22:47 |
ikonia | msr: if you would please hang on, that would be great | 22:47 |
abortici1e | i got banned for 'spamming' two seconds ago | 22:47 |
abortici1e | but marienz unbanned me | 22:47 |
ikonia | abortici1e: what about it | 22:47 |
abortici1e | i was wondering if you could give me tips on how to avoid that | 22:47 |
ikonia | abortici1e: talk to freenode staff, idoru is there bot | 22:47 |
abortici1e | because i wasn't acutally spamming | 22:47 |
ikonia | their bot sdorry | 22:47 |
abortici1e | i dont' know anything about idoru, its the ubuntu bot | 22:47 |
abortici1e | oh its their bot | 22:47 |
abortici1e | is idoru in this channel too? | 22:47 |
marienz | abortici1e: what banned you was idoru, a ferenode bot | 22:47 |
ikonia | abortici1e: it's a freenode bot, talk to staff in #freenode | 22:47 |
marienz | freenode, too | 22:47 |
marienz | abortici1e: I already explained roughly what happened. | 22:48 |
abortici1e | does #linux have idoru, marienz? | 22:48 |
marienz | yes. | 22:48 |
abortici1e | i know, but i was like 5 seconds apart each of my messages! | 22:48 |
ikonia | abortici1e: please take this up with marienz in #freenode, it's not an ubuntu issue | 22:48 |
abortici1e | and it was only 2! | 22:48 |
abortici1e | okay | 22:48 |
ikonia | msr: won't keep you | 22:48 |
ikonia | abortici1e: if your done in this channel can you please leave | 22:49 |
ikonia | abortici1e: I can see you now active in #freenode | 22:49 |
ikonia | msr: almost done | 22:50 |
msr | so yeah, ikonia is out of line. he is pushing a puritan agenda, and my language was not outa line. (hes ignored so i cant hear what hes saying) hes nitpicking words that really arent disruptive and taking disruptive actions from them, like banning users. | 22:52 |
ikonia | abortici1e: if you're done can you please leave | 22:52 |
ikonia | others are waiting | 22:52 |
msr | whoever gave him op should consider de-oping him | 22:52 |
ikonia | msr> Somelauw, your machine is fucked. | 22:53 |
abortici1e | test | 22:53 |
ikonia | it's not acceptable langauge, asking you to stop using it is not rude | 22:53 |
abortici1e | am i still here? | 22:53 |
ikonia | abortici1e: yes | 22:53 |
ikonia | you are | 22:53 |
ikonia | abortici1e: type /part | 22:53 |
abortici1e | i did | 22:53 |
abortici1e | oh wait maybe its macro'ed i was playing with it earlier ... | 22:53 |
msr | when i say "sounds like your machine is fucked. that signal ..." and then a ban that is out of line | 22:53 |
ikonia | abortici1e: /type part | 22:53 |
abortici1e | i think /part was being macroed because iw as playing with logigng | 22:53 |
abortici1e | is there another way? | 22:54 |
ikonia | abortici1e: type /part | 22:54 |
abortici1e | i did its not working | 22:54 |
abortici1e | can you hear me? | 22:54 |
ikonia | yes | 22:54 |
abortici1e | is there another way to leave? | 22:54 |
ikonia | marienz: can you please kick him to help him leave | 22:54 |
ikonia | abortici1e: I don't know what client your using | 22:54 |
IdleOne | click the X top right of the window | 22:54 |
ikonia | marienz: thanks | 22:55 |
ikonia | msr: sorry about that, | 22:55 |
ikonia | msr: you where banned because after me asking you to control your language you told me to watch my rudeness | 22:55 |
ikonia | msr: asking someone to control their language is not rude | 22:55 |
ikonia | I brought you in here to discuss it as to not discuss it in the #ubuntu-support channel | 22:55 |
ikonia | msr: "fucked" is not acceptable language | 22:56 |
marienz | ikonia: sorry about that, I guess I should've prodded him in #freenode to begin with instead of replying in here | 22:56 |
ikonia | marienz: I was only pushy as msr was waitng and I got the impression he was trying to see the show | 22:56 |
* marienz nods | 22:57 | |
ikonia | msr: that's where you wheere banned, if your comfortable controlling your language, we can remove the ban and get you back into #ubuntu | 22:57 |
ikonia | msr: actually I've just read the scroll back and see you have me on ignore (or say you do) | 23:00 |
ikonia | IdleOne: are you still active | 23:00 |
IdleOne | msr: are you here? | 23:00 |
msr | ikonia, i know this isnt apropriate to say (since i have you ignored and cant hear your reply) but you really are out of line for banning for use of common, non-disruptive, language. this is not preschool, we are adults. "fuck" is one of the most versatile words in the dictionary, and even has its wikipedia article. in the context i used it, it was appropriate and in no way obscene or indecent. consider how your actions effect o | 23:00 |
msr | thers before taking them, and retribution is not an appropriate reason for a ban. | 23:00 |
msr | IdleOne, yes | 23:00 |
ikonia | IdleOne: if he does not remove ignore I'll not remove the ban | 23:00 |
ts2 | msr: that word is not acceptible in #ubuntu | 23:01 |
ts2 | if you refuse to accept that, choose another channel | 23:01 |
IdleOne | msr: The language rule is not debatable. you have to either follow our channel policies or you can not be in the channel. Also you need to remove the ignore on ikonia or the ban will not be removed. I want to help get you back in #ubuntu but you got to work with us here. | 23:02 |
msr | the ignore will not be removed. i do not need to get into #ubuntu, so not much harm done. if i cannot use common language and get banned within 5 minutes for doing so, then the channel is not worth going to and i will find help elsewhere. thank you for your input tho. | 23:03 |
IdleOne | msr: Will you agree to follow our policies? | 23:03 |
IdleOne | msr: that is fine. have a good day. | 23:04 |
IdleOne | msr: if you change your mind you can come back and we can discuss it then | 23:04 |
msr | :) if i remember | 23:05 |
IdleOne | ok, please part the channel since we seem to be done here. | 23:05 |
IdleOne | hey Jordan_U | 23:07 |
ikonia | thanks guys | 23:08 |
IdleOne | ikonia: leave the ban. he can come back if/when he wants to talk like an adult with us | 23:08 |
Jordan_U | Hi, are you watching m4h3m in #ubuntu? | 23:08 |
ikonia | I am now | 23:08 |
bazhang | heh beat me to it | 23:08 |
Jordan_U | Thanks. | 23:08 |
IdleOne | ikonia: no problem :) | 23:09 |
bazhang | wow 15 messages from ubottu | 23:09 |
ts2 | ignore 2/3 of them :) | 23:09 |
IdleOne | seems I have the record so far, got 19 earlier :P | 23:10 |
bazhang | okay :) | 23:10 |
IdleOne | now fix empathy,pidgin,skype for me so I can cam with my little girl :/ | 23:11 |
=== IdleOne is now known as MC_Hammer | ||
=== MC_Hammer is now known as IdleOne | ||
bazhang | seems I have been deactivated | 23:20 |
IdleOne | deactivated? | 23:20 |
bazhang | no reason given by nhandler , just that I am not a member of the ubuntu-irc team anymore | 23:20 |
nhandler | bazhang: ~ubuntu-irc hasn't been used for anything for a long time | 23:20 |
nhandler | We are re-purposing it | 23:20 |
IdleOne | lol | 23:21 |
nhandler | All direct members were removed | 23:21 |
bazhang | nhandler, I was never on the access list there, to my knowledge | 23:21 |
bazhang | if you are referring to the channel #ubuntu-irc | 23:21 |
nhandler | bazhang: ~ubuntu-irc had nothing to do with being on the access list in any channel. It was what we had before we had multiple LP teams for each channel | 23:21 |
nhandler | bazhang: It doesn't have anything to do with #ubuntu-irc | 23:22 |
bazhang | nhandler, so this is completely unrelated to the ubuntu operators team? | 23:22 |
nhandler | bazhang: It was basically a depricated team | 23:22 |
bazhang | nhandler, so completely unrelated to the ubuntu operators team then? | 23:27 |
IdleOne | yes, sorta kinda | 23:29 |
nhandler | bazhang: The team used to be for ubuntu operators, but it hasn't been used for any real purpose since we setup the other LP teams. In short, you have nothing to worry about wrt the deactivation | 23:30 |
bazhang | nhandler, I see. thanks for the clarification. | 23:30 |
IdleOne | bazhang: you should have +o in #ubuntu-irc | 23:32 |
IdleOne | oh you don't have membership | 23:32 |
bazhang | nope only @ubuntu have it. | 23:33 |
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