=== Pilif12p_ is now known as Pilif12p | ||
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uvirtbot | New bug: #665408 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common 2.2.14-5ubuntu8.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/665408 | 01:26 |
=== COXN is now known as coxn | ||
aegis | Is there anyway to set sshd_config to allow passwordauthention for but any other IP would only allow publickey ? | 03:32 |
* flyback anyone thing mabye the whole wikileaks release thing is all a big ploy to get a internet "patriot act" passed? | 04:39 | |
virmin | Bah! | 04:40 |
* flyback bbl | 04:51 | |
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_ | ||
i_is_broke | does anyone know of a good doc on how to setup kvm without a gui on a ubuntu-server? | 06:44 |
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_ | ||
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_ | ||
i_is_broke | ok, does anyone have kvm running on a server with no gui? | 08:15 |
helloren | could anyone here help me, and i ask here becouse the ubuntu channal is kinda full right now | 09:13 |
helloren | Reading package lists... Done | 09:13 |
helloren | Building dependency tree | 09:13 |
helloren | Reading state information... Done | 09:13 |
helloren | E: Couldn't find package tree | 09:13 |
helloren | i keep getting this | 09:13 |
helloren | i am tying to install tree to a openssh server | 09:13 |
helloren | apt-get install tree and i get | 09:14 |
helloren | Reading package lists... Done | 09:14 |
helloren | Building dependency tree | 09:14 |
helloren | Reading state information... Done | 09:14 |
helloren | E: Couldn't find package tree | 09:14 |
helloren | i was looking at forms and saw this Reading package lists... Done | 09:16 |
helloren | Building dependency tree | 09:16 |
helloren | Reading state information... Done | 09:16 |
helloren | E: Couldn't find package tree | 09:16 |
helloren | sorry | 09:16 |
helloren | www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sources.php | 09:16 |
helloren | so i used the apt-get sources deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ lucid free non-free | 09:18 |
helloren | and it said "can not open file" | 09:19 |
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_ | ||
_ruben | !info tree | 10:44 |
ubottu | tree (source: tree): displays directory tree, in color. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.3-1 (maverick), package size 30 kB, installed size 96 kB | 10:44 |
_ruben | !info tree lucid | 10:44 |
ubottu | tree (source: tree): displays directory tree, in color. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.3-1 (lucid), package size 30 kB, installed size 96 kB | 10:44 |
_ruben | helloren: if you have universe component enabled, you should be able to install tree just fine | 10:44 |
_ruben | afk again | 10:45 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #665512 in samba (main) "can't print after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/665512 | 11:16 |
Madkiss | good morning | 11:27 |
un | morning | 11:39 |
=== AStorm is now known as AstralStorm | ||
LinuxAdmin | hi guys | 12:08 |
LinuxAdmin | I'm trying to configure pptpd server and everything seems to work between server and client, but I cannot ping internal network hosts | 12:09 |
LinuxAdmin | I configured a server on the same public network of the host, so I can test routing | 12:10 |
LinuxAdmin | that server knows where to rout the vpn network address but the packets do not get there | 12:11 |
LinuxAdmin | I ran tcpdump and I can see packets arriving at ppp0 on the vpn server, but it seems that it's not forwarding those packets | 12:12 |
LinuxAdmin | I have packet forwarding configured on the vpn server, I ran "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" | 12:13 |
LinuxAdmin | firewal is disabled to troubleshoot | 12:14 |
LinuxAdmin | can someone help? | 12:14 |
Zeu5 | hi there, i set up a ubuntu server on amazon. and now i want to deploy my code on the server via git and projectlocker a git public repo however i appear to have SSH issues because i get prompted for password please advise on how to troubleshoot | 12:20 |
Zeu5 | i did this cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub and copy pasted the public key into project locker, but i am not sure i am unable to do git pull. | 12:21 |
=== AStorm is now known as AstralStorm | ||
=== AStorm is now known as AstralStorm | ||
Zeu5 | hi there, anyone there? | 12:59 |
AstralStorm | Zeu5: never. | 13:19 |
AstralStorm | why don't you ask your real question instead? | 13:19 |
Zeu5 | hi AstralStorm | 13:19 |
Zeu5 | hi there, i set up a ubuntu server on amazon. and now i want to deploy my code on the server via git and projectlocker a git public repo however i appear to have SSH issues because i get prompted for password please advise on how to troubleshoot | 13:19 |
ikonia | Zeu5: I've explained this to you | 13:19 |
Zeu5 | i did this cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub and copy pasted the public key into project locker, but i am not sure why i am unable git pull. | 13:20 |
AstralStorm | this is fine, you should get prompted for a pass | 13:20 |
ikonia | Zeu5: wait for git locker to respond why THEIR application is not accepting your key | 13:20 |
Zeu5 | AstralStorm: yes you are right i was prompted for a password | 13:20 |
AstralStorm | of course your .pub doesn't mean a thing | 13:20 |
ikonia | Zeu5: as long as you have the matching private key on your server in the right placfe, then you need to wait for project locker to respond | 13:20 |
AstralStorm | what needs to be checked is if the gitlocker uses that key | 13:20 |
AstralStorm | and whether your id_rsa is there too | 13:21 |
Zeu5 | ikonia: i respect your stand. since i explicitly asked you whether i am forbidden to ask questions relating to an official release of AMI, and you did not say no. I wil ask my questions. thank you for your kind assisntace thus far. | 13:21 |
AstralStorm | I mean, on the place you're pulling from | 13:21 |
ikonia | Zeu5: I've told you the problem | 13:21 |
ikonia | Zeu5: your asking the same question over again | 13:21 |
AstralStorm | you need id_rsa and id_rsa.pub in your ~/.ssh | 13:21 |
AstralStorm | not just the latter | 13:21 |
ikonia | Zeu5: if your private key is in the right place, then project locker has to tell you why their server is not accepting your public key | 13:21 |
Zeu5 | ikonia: i want to talk to AstralStorm . i dont wish to be rude by ignoring you. let me ask AstralStorm a few questions okay? | 13:22 |
ikonia | Zeu5: no | 13:22 |
Zeu5 | AstralStorm: they are there | 13:22 |
ikonia | you are wasting peoples time asking the same questions over and over again | 13:22 |
Zeu5 | i mean id_rsa and id_rsa.pub are in my server's ~/.ssh | 13:22 |
AstralStorm | ok, that sounds about right | 13:23 |
Zeu5 | AstralStorm: am i bothering you with my questions? like what ikonia is saying? | 13:23 |
AstralStorm | now, does the other end has your key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys? | 13:23 |
ikonia | Zeu5: if your public key is in the right place then it is project lockers repsponsability to confirm why the public key is not being accepted | 13:23 |
Zeu5 | AstralStorm: they have a form for me to upload the public key | 13:23 |
Zeu5 | which i did | 13:23 |
AstralStorm | ok | 13:23 |
AstralStorm | so it should work | 13:23 |
AstralStorm | you should pull with git pull ssh+git://theurl | 13:23 |
Zeu5 | AstralStorm: and since i was able to successfully do a git push to the public repo from my own ubuntu desktop, i do not think its the public repo's problem | 13:24 |
ikonia | Zeu5: your not using your desktop | 13:24 |
AstralStorm | well, it might be | 13:24 |
ikonia | Zeu5: stop referencing your desktop | 13:24 |
Zeu5 | i may have done something or not done something with the server | 13:24 |
AstralStorm | or it might be a problem on that server | 13:24 |
ikonia | Zeu5: I'll say this one last time | 13:24 |
AstralStorm | I mean, on your server | 13:24 |
ikonia | Zeu5: if your private key is in the right place, and your public key is not working project locker will confirm the problem and resolve it with you | 13:24 |
Zeu5 | AstralStorm: how shd i troubleshoot? at least to narrow down my possiblities of where i went wrong | 13:24 |
AstralStorm | so, take a peek there in that /root/.ssh or /home/foouserthatspulling/.ssh | 13:24 |
AstralStorm | so, which user is that git pull ran by? | 13:25 |
Zeu5 | AstralStorm: okay i am there | 13:25 |
AstralStorm | also, sharing keys like that is a bit insecure | 13:25 |
Zeu5 | AstralStorm: what do you mean by user? sorry today is my first time doing this | 13:25 |
AstralStorm | you should make a new key | 13:25 |
ikonia | AstralStorm: the user doing a git pull is on a different machine than the server thats failing | 13:25 |
AstralStorm | and also upload it via a form | 13:25 |
Zeu5 | AstralStorm: i did create a new key. | 13:26 |
AstralStorm | ikonia: I've figured. now | 13:26 |
AstralStorm | Zeu5: ok, and uploaded it too? | 13:26 |
Zeu5 | and upload it to the public repo form | 13:26 |
AstralStorm | hmm | 13:26 |
Zeu5 | yes. | 13:26 |
AstralStorm | ok, is that key in the right place? again, which user is running git pull? | 13:26 |
ikonia | its the remote server not taking the key | 13:26 |
AstralStorm | (check whoami on that remote server) | 13:26 |
ikonia | AstralStorm: he can't, it's a project locker server | 13:27 |
AstralStorm | nooo | 13:27 |
ikonia | AstralStorm: hence why he needs project locker to tell him, he has no remote access to the server that's failing | 13:27 |
AstralStorm | I mean, on the place that's running git pull | 13:27 |
ikonia | AstralStorm: that's a differnt machine | 13:27 |
Zeu5 | ikonia: i am sure there are other people that deserves your assistance and attention more than my case since you deem it as a non case | 13:27 |
ikonia | AstralStorm: that one is working | 13:27 |
ikonia | AstralStorm: he has one working machine and one failing machine with a different key | 13:27 |
AstralStorm | so, he's tryign to pull from two places, one works, the other doesn't | 13:27 |
AstralStorm | the other one needs fixing | 13:27 |
Zeu5 | thank you for your attention would you mind letting me and AstralStorm to ourselves | 13:27 |
AstralStorm | I'm asking him to log in to the other and check if the keys are in the right place | 13:28 |
ikonia | AstralStorm: the failing machine the remote servers are not taking his key | 13:28 |
AstralStorm | Zeu5: so, care to do that? | 13:28 |
AstralStorm | if you cannot, then you should ask the admin of it to check it for you | 13:28 |
ikonia | praise $deity | 13:29 |
Zeu5 | AstralStorm: my deployment server is on amazon webservices. there is no server admin. i am the one who used canonical amazon machine images to create an instance | 13:29 |
AstralStorm | uh | 13:30 |
AstralStorm | there's always some contact form | 13:30 |
AstralStorm | use it | 13:30 |
Zeu5 | AstralStorm: let me go try again to pull | 13:30 |
ikonia | Zeu5: the problem is the git repo not taking the key | 13:30 |
ikonia | that is project locker | 13:30 |
ikonia | contact project locker | 13:30 |
ikonia | the repo IS project locker | 13:30 |
ikonia | therefore the key has to be on their server | 13:30 |
ikonia | you've filled in the form to put the key on their server, and it's not working, it's prompting for a password | 13:31 |
AstralStorm | so, there's some misconfiguration in project locker | 13:31 |
ikonia | the key is not there/working - so contact them | 13:31 |
ikonia | yes | 13:31 |
AstralStorm | and that needs to be fixed by their admin | 13:31 |
ikonia | yes | 13:31 |
ikonia | (or his key is wrong, in which case project locker can confirm) | 13:31 |
=== koolhead17 is now known as koolhead17|away | ||
=== Cromulent_ is now known as Cromulent | ||
un | is it possible to install ubuntu onto btrfs yet? | 14:36 |
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=== un is now known as RoyK | ||
Zeu5 | AstralStorm: i am seeking help from github support since i am duplicating the same issues over there as well. thanks for help :) | 15:02 |
larsemil | trying to setup a ssh tunnel for my webbrowsing, ssh -D 8080 serverhost and then i set proxy to localhost:8080 but no luck... | 15:14 |
=== Pilif12p is now known as GoHawks | ||
=== LyonJT_ is now known as LyonJT | ||
=== koolhead17|away is now known as koolhead17 | ||
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iarp | larsemil: can you set SOCKS host on whatever you're using? | 19:56 |
larsemil | i got it working thanks | 19:59 |
lba_ | join #ubuntu-virt | 20:08 |
Datz | where can I set default terminal setting? | 20:20 |
Datz | I'd like to set UTF-8 as default | 20:21 |
lba_ | How do I get an invite to join #ubuntu-virt? | 20:26 |
pmatulis | lba_: it doesn't exist, redirected here | 20:31 |
lba_ | pmatulis, Thanks. | 20:40 |
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_ | ||
nikolaj_basher | Is there a front, program wich can controll domain, mails etc. if I want to have more domains on my server? | 21:45 |
k5673 | Hello Yo! | 22:26 |
k5673 | I'm having a issue with vmbuilder. | 22:26 |
k5673 | When trying to build a lucid vm, no matter if using archive.ubuntu.com or iso option, vmbuilder always fails to install grub. | 22:27 |
k5673 | The trace points to /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/dapper.py | 22:28 |
k5673 | Somebody with the same problem? | 22:28 |
BbluE__ | I see someone reported that before as a bug; | 22:33 |
BbluE__ | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vm-builder/+bug/610652 | 22:33 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 610652 in vm-builder "vmbuilder randomly fails to install grub" [High,New] | 22:33 |
k5673 | OK | 22:38 |
BbluE__ | Yeah, looking to see if anyone has worked around that, I haven't found anything yet. | 22:38 |
k5673 | But the output says apt can't find grub | 22:39 |
k5673 | In the bug's case, apt finds grub and try to install. But i can't even find it in the repos! | 22:39 |
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_ | ||
ivoks | !webmin | 22:57 |
ubottu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. | 22:57 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #661823 in amavisd-new (main) "synaptic errors - wont update, after Installing ClamAV interrupted by me." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/661823 | 23:02 |
BbluE__ | hey k5673, I'm just shootin' in the wind, but you might be able to find a better distro here... http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=ubuntu | 23:04 |
RoAkSoAx | ivoks: is there anything in specific you'd like me to discuss at UDS for the Cluster Stack? | 23:05 |
ivoks | RoAkSoAx: when is that talk? | 23:06 |
RoAkSoAx | ivoks: tuesday | 23:07 |
ivoks | RoAkSoAx: do you know what time? | 23:07 |
ivoks | ah, i'll check it :) | 23:07 |
k5673 | I tryed with hardy i386, lucid i386 and amd64, maverick i386 and amd64. | 23:07 |
RoAkSoAx | ivoks: 10 am EST | 23:07 |
k5673 | It doesn't work | 23:07 |
RoAkSoAx | ivoks: gmt -5 right now i believe | 23:07 |
ivoks | that's 4PM my time | 23:08 |
ivoks | sounds good | 23:08 |
ivoks | there's no server track? | 23:08 |
RoAkSoAx | ivoks: no now there's cloud-server-n or pkgselection-server-n and so on | 23:08 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #659047 in squid (main) "updated to 10.10 got 'E: squid: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 E: gadmin-squid: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured E: gadmintools: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured '" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/659047 | 23:09 |
RoAkSoAx | they have changed the track naming convention | 23:09 |
ivoks | yeah, i've noticed | 23:09 |
RoAkSoAx | ivoks: anyways, madkiss wants to become Ubuntu Developer now | 23:09 |
ivoks | :) | 23:10 |
RoAkSoAx | that;s good, more help :) | 23:10 |
RoAkSoAx | ivoks: anyways so I guess you will be present | 23:10 |
ivoks | i'll try | 23:10 |
=== IdleOne is now known as MC_Hammer | ||
=== MC_Hammer is now known as IdleOne | ||
k5673 | Hello. I'm having a issue with vmbuilder under lucid. When trying to build a lucid vm, no matter if using archive.ubuntu.com or iso option, vmbuilder always fails to install grub. It says ['chroot', '/tmp/tmpa5EOR4', 'apt-get', '--force-yes', '-y', 'install', 'grub'] Package grub not found. Is not the https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vm-builder/+bug/610652 bug. I tried with hardy i386, lucid i386 and amd64, maverick i386 and amd64. | 23:16 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 610652 in vm-builder "vmbuilder randomly fails to install grub" [High,New] | 23:16 |
k5673 | Hello. I'm having a issue with vmbuilder under lucid. When trying to build a lucid vm, no matter if using archive.ubuntu.com or iso option, vmbuilder always fails to install grub. It says ['chroot', '/tmp/tmpa5EOR4', 'apt-get', '--force-yes', '-y', 'install', 'grub'] Package grub not found. Is not the https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vm-builder/+bug/610652 bug. I tried with hardy i386, lucid i386 and amd64, maverick i386 and amd64. | 23:34 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 610652 in vm-builder "vmbuilder randomly fails to install grub" [High,New] | 23:34 |
ivoks | eh? | 23:35 |
ivoks | i've created probably 100 domains with vmbuilder on lucid | 23:35 |
ivoks | never had this issue | 23:35 |
k5673 | Can you show me your configuration template for vmbuilder? | 23:35 |
ivoks | default one? | 23:36 |
k5673 | The one you are using | 23:36 |
k5673 | I need to get this working | 23:36 |
ivoks | vmbuilder kvm ubuntu --rootsize=5G --user ivoks -a amd64 --suite lucid --flavour virtual --components=main,restricted,universe,multiverse --lang=en_US --timezone=CEST --addpkg=vim --libvirt=qemu:///system -m 512 --cpus=1 -d naty --hostname=naty | 23:36 |
RoAkSoAx | ivoks: btw.. do you have any documentation on which it shows how to setup two different communication paths with corosync? | 23:37 |
k5673 | And... Installing from archive.ubuntu.com, local repo or iso file? | 23:37 |
ivoks | k5673: i used hr.archive.ubuntu.com and local squid proxy | 23:38 |
ivoks | RoAkSoAx: nope | 23:38 |
RoAkSoAx | ivoks: or should I just add another "interface" directive in a different ring? | 23:38 |
k5673 | I'll try it. THX! | 23:38 |
RoAkSoAx | yes I think that's the case | 23:38 |
ivoks | RoAkSoAx: i guess | 23:38 |
=== GoHawks is now known as GoHawks|NoJustNo | ||
=== GoHawks|NoJustNo is now known as Pilif12p |
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