
=== Pilif12p_ is now known as Pilif12p
=== sandy|lu1k is now known as sandy|lurk
=== duane is now known as okloco
=== okloco is now known as duanedesign_
=== duanedesign_ is now known as _duanedesign
=== _duanedesign is now known as duanedes1gn
mahenhi everyone19:07
duanedesignmahen: hello19:21
mahenhi duane19:21
duanedesignkklimonda_: this session looks very popular https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdevs-desktop-n-encouraging-game-development/20:02
duanedesignmight need to move it to a bigger room :P20:02
kklimonda_duanedesign: heh, I have a feeling that this is going to be a very heated discussion ;)20:03
kklimonda_hmm, how can I stop syncing some folder ($HOME/Pictures to be exact) but keep the data on server?21:10
kklimonda_unchecking the "Synchronize this folder" option removed all files from U1 servers :/21:11
duanedesignu1sdtool --unsubscribe-folder21:12
kklimonda_ah, thanks21:20
kklimonda_duanedesign: are you already in Orlando/21:21
duanedesignkklimonda_: was just finishing up some stuff around the house21:59
duanedesignkklimonda_: watering the plants, putting timers on someof the lights so they come on while i am gone, etc22:00
kklimonda_bah, I've just finished washering dishes and now should probably get some sleep..22:00
kklimonda_but I'm not tired at all :/22:00
duanedesignkklimonda_: yeah going to be hard to sleep, i am excited22:04
kklimonda_yeah, excited -.-22:05
kklimonda_I'm actually terrified ;)22:05
kklimonda_but that's a standard for me a day before trip anyway22:05
kklimonda_but yeah, I'm also excited22:05
duanedesignkklimonda_: i will see you there22:56
duanedesignkklimonda_: have a safe trip22:56
kklimonda_duanedesign: so have you. see ya :)22:56
duanedesignkklimonda_: looks like you get in about 10p, local time22:58
duanedesignill look for you22:58
kklimonda_ok :)22:59
=== IdleOne is now known as MC_Hammer
=== MC_Hammer is now known as IdleOne

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