lwizardl | Hello | 03:16 |
lwizardl | any video editors here tonight ? | 03:16 |
ScottL | lwizardl, sure | 03:46 |
ScottL | lwizardl, but i use blender for editing, not many use it though | 03:46 |
lwizardl | ScottL, ok what i'm looking to do is setup a Ubuntu Studio to mimic a similar setup to an AVID video editor system | 04:16 |
ScottL | sorry lwizardl , i don't know anything about the avid system | 04:43 |
lwizardl | ok basically it is ProTools etc | 04:43 |
lwizardl | using the external console control boards | 04:44 |
ScottL | if you can describe the workflow maybe we can find you an alternative workflow within linux | 04:44 |
ScottL | although i need to log off for a while so i can upgrade my system | 04:46 |
nevyn | note alternative not equivilent sometimes people get confused about this. | 05:15 |
Blank__ | cinelerra and ardour are probably the closest you'll get | 05:31 |
lwizardl | yeah I wall looking at ardour | 06:52 |
lwizardl | and seem similar | 06:52 |
lwizardl | but wasn't sure if it would support the USB controllers for audio mixing | 06:53 |
nevyn | lwizardl: are they midi control surfaces? | 06:54 |
nevyn | or something more exotic. | 06:54 |
nevyn | like the ethernet connected transportMSP controls are unlikely to work | 06:54 |
nevyn | standard midi controls should justwork. | 06:54 |
lwizardl | from my understanding they are just controllers that simulate having real mixing boards and are design to function within the ProTools software | 06:55 |
nevyn | lwizardl: which ones do you have? | 06:55 |
lwizardl | I don't have any yet | 06:55 |
* nevyn has a bcf2000 which is a 8 ch fader control surface that works with ardour quite happily | 06:56 | |
lwizardl | I plan to only use linux tools and only wanted to buy them if they work for linux | 06:56 |
nevyn | well a bcf2000 is cheap but the motorised faders are kinda noisy | 06:58 |
nevyn | I don't have experience with anything else but control surfaces can get mighty expensive. | 06:58 |
lwizardl | yeah I think these are like $200+ each | 06:59 |
nevyn | a bcf2000 is more than 200 new | 07:00 |
lwizardl | I plan to setup a small studio for doing video editing and audio recording for me, family, etc and I know I can do everything with just the mouse | 07:00 |
nevyn | a MCU with 16 channels could be 1-2 grand | 07:01 |
lwizardl | but for quicker access these might help | 07:01 |
nevyn | right so a base mcu is like 1200 bucks and a 8 ch expansion is like 800 | 07:03 |
lwizardl | damn ok pass on the control surfaces seems they are like 9k each at guitar center | 07:04 |
nevyn | right but a cheap control surface like the BCF2000 is about $300 or so | 07:04 |
lwizardl | ah ok | 07:05 |
lwizardl | and those are linux compatible for studio ? | 07:05 |
nevyn | but it's made in china by behringer and theres stigma associated with that. | 07:05 |
nevyn | and the faders are noisier than the good mackie/a&h stuff | 07:06 |
nevyn | but it's about a 5th of the price | 07:06 |
nevyn | they work with ardour yes. | 07:06 |
lwizardl | cool | 07:07 |
lwizardl | this is it ? http://www.synthtopia.com/synth_review/Behringer/Behringer-BCF2000.html | 07:08 |
nevyn | what's your budget? what do you need are you planning to do music or just happy clips | 07:08 |
nevyn | yep that looks like mine | 07:08 |
nevyn | I got mine for $140 at the local thrift store because someone screwed up the firmware. | 07:09 |
nevyn | loaded firmware and it's good as gold. | 07:09 |
nevyn | thats $140 australian not us (tho they're roughly equivilent currently) | 07:09 |
lwizardl | well the goal for now is to be able to edit my videos I shoot and then edit the audio as needed to fix any distortions, and also I would like to be able to record my own voice for voice overs, and such | 07:10 |
nevyn | so you're not after ultra fidelity 96/24 but you need a reasonable voice mic and a way to interface it to the pc. | 07:11 |
nevyn | you're not planning to record any live music? or a band. | 07:12 |
lwizardl | yeah exactly | 07:13 |
lwizardl | I was thinking about getting the M-Box to do the interface | 07:13 |
nevyn | umm be careful with usb interfaces. | 07:14 |
nevyn | which M-Box were you considering? | 07:14 |
nevyn | what's your total budget and what pieces are you missing? | 07:15 |
lwizardl | mini 2 was the one i was looking at http://www.guitarcenter.com/Digidesign-MBox-2-Mini-Educational-2009-106071921-i1452802.gc | 07:16 |
lwizardl | so far all i have is the computer | 07:16 |
nevyn | camera? | 07:16 |
nevyn | microphone[s] | 07:16 |
lwizardl | dual core 2.9ghz, 4 gb ram, 1tb hdd | 07:16 |
nevyn | capture interfaces? | 07:16 |
lwizardl | camera i just have this generic bestbuy 720p thing | 07:17 |
nevyn | that's cool | 07:17 |
lwizardl | nope nothing else | 07:17 |
nevyn | I've got to go home. | 07:22 |
lwizardl | ok I was just looking at what all i will need | 07:23 |
composingmotion | hey, I recently installed ubuntu studio audio package on my kde install, which had the effect of killing my audio where should I start? | 12:23 |
Blank__ | no idea... but if you don't mind a reformat, check out KXStudio - KDE based studio distro that i'd say is even better than ubuntu studio | 12:24 |
persia | When you say "killing my audio", what do you mean, in detail? | 12:24 |
Blank__ | (but that's just me) | 12:24 |
composingmotion | well I have no sound now | 12:24 |
persia | None? Not even from aplay? | 12:24 |
composingmotion | aplay? no system sounds, no music, no flash audio... | 12:25 |
persia | OK. Find a WAV file. run `aplay foo.wav`. See if that works. | 12:25 |
* persia is starting at a low level | 12:26 | |
composingmotion | no luck | 12:30 |
persia | No audio, or no luck finding a wav? | 12:31 |
composingmotion | aplay seems to be working, no sound though "Playing WAVE 'airplane.wav' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 11025 Hz, Mono" | 12:31 |
persia | OK. If you run `alsamixer` do you see any muted channels? ('Esc' quits) | 12:36 |
composingmotion | its only showing two,'Master,Capture" neither are muted. I even muted them and unmuted them just to make sure. | 12:39 |
composingmotion | there were more.. than two before | 12:39 |
composingmotion | thank you for your help. btw | 12:40 |
persia | And you have no USB or Firewire audio connections, right? | 12:40 |
composingmotion | yeah, nothing is plugged into either usb or firewire | 12:41 |
persia | And this was just `apt-get install ubuntustudio-audio`? | 12:43 |
composingmotion | I used synaptic, it was ubuntustudio-audio and ubuntustudio-audio-plugins | 12:45 |
persia | synaptic vs. apt-get oughtn't matter in the least. | 12:47 |
persia | And the plugins ought mostly be innocuous | 12:48 |
persia | Hrm. Sorry, I've just looked through a list of packages I'd expect you to have installed, and at some of the relevant scripts that would run during installation, and I'm not sure why you'd end up not showing your mixers for ALSA. | 12:49 |
persia | have you rebooted since the install? | 12:49 |
composingmotion | yes | 12:49 |
composingmotion | my alsa mixer, jack, ardour were all working before.. I just wanted to get the few extra packages.. | 12:50 |
persia | You were using JACK *successfully* before, and now you can't. Ugh. | 12:51 |
persia | I'm sorry. Your issue is lower-level than I understand. | 12:51 |
persia | Something went very wrong, but it's unclear what. | 12:52 |
persia | Please file a bug with `ubuntu-bug audio`: it ends up looking like a kernel bug, but that's OK: the audio team will do the right thing. | 12:52 |
persia | What you have experienced should never happen, and it would be good to get a snapshot of the state of your audio to the relevant developers. | 12:53 |
composingmotion | ok, how do I take said snapshot? | 12:53 |
persia | I *think* `ubuntu-bug audio` will collect all the right logs, etc. | 12:54 |
persia | It might be something silly like needing to reset asound.state or some odd messiness from some settings package. | 12:54 |
persia | Unfortunately, I'd be shooting blind if I suggested any specific thing to do. | 12:54 |
composingmotion | ok thanks for your help,really. I will go ahead and submit the relevant logs after i run ubuntu bug audio | 12:56 |
persia | Thanks. Sorry I couldn't figure it out. | 12:56 |
mr_boo | hi | 14:29 |
mr_boo | does the current release of ubuntu studio use the -generic kernel? | 14:29 |
poine | mr_boo, yes | 14:30 |
mr_boo | my experiency says that the Jack application doesn't run well under the generic kernel | 14:31 |
mr_boo | would this suggest that ubuntu studio Lucid is way better idea than Meerkat? | 14:32 |
mr_boo | do you use the Meerkat version poine ? | 14:34 |
poine | mister boo, I do and I can't use my soundcard since I upgraded | 14:37 |
mr_boo | lol | 14:42 |
mr_boo | wonder why on earth the meerkat version of ubuntustudio even exists | 14:43 |
armitage | hi | 17:41 |
armitage | all | 17:41 |
armitage | can i ask a question | 17:41 |
armitage | ? | 17:41 |
ScottL | poine, if you are interested in a realtime kernel you might speak with abogani when he is on IRC | 18:21 |
ScottL | he may be able to assist you to create a realtime kernel | 18:22 |
ScottL | operative word is "may" | 18:22 |
poine | ScottL, willdo | 18:22 |
ScottL | and you would expect to do the work, not him, but he may be willing to explain the process | 18:22 |
poine | but I don't really have time to devote to this. I devote all my time to another free software project. Music is just.. a hobby | 18:23 |
ScottL | poine, just so you know, abogani was building all of our kernels but doesn't have the time or energy to maintain them all | 18:23 |
ScottL | the reason he dropped them was because of lack of support from users (who did a lot of complaining mind you) | 18:23 |
poine | i know that - I'm very grateful for that - until now I hav always used his kernels, with great success | 18:24 |
poine | and as a free software programmer, I know the bitter feeling of getting only complaints as reward for your hard work | 18:30 |
ScottL | poine, what do you work on as a free software programmer? | 20:53 |
poine | Scottl : http://www.paparazzi.enac.fr | 21:52 |
poine | mmmm | 21:52 |
poine | http://paparazzi.enac.fr | 21:52 |
poine | recently we've added linux-boards to the supported hardware - and I've discovered what a nightmare it is to package and distribute a linux distro and associated cross compilation toolchain. openembedded in this case | 22:02 |
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