=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk [18:37] grah [18:37] Traceback (most recent call last): [18:37] File "fti.py", line 714, in [18:37] sys.exit(main()) [18:37] File "fti.py", line 664, in main [18:37] con = connect(lp.dbuser) [18:37] File "/var/launchpad/test/lib/canonical/database/sqlbase.py", line 796, in connect [18:38] con = psycopg2.connect(connect_string(user, dbname)) [18:38] psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL: database "launchpad_dev" does not exist [18:38] make[1]: *** [create] Error 1 [18:38] Failed to create database or load sampledata. [18:38] make: *** [check] Error 1 [21:12] does Launchpad.log_with need the second parameter [21:13] login_with [21:17] lifeless: is the second param the cachedir path? [21:17] i think all the params are required. [21:35] jcsackett: no, its instance apparently [21:35] default is, of all things, staging [21:35] speaking of staging, its help is terrible. [21:35] lifeless: huh. good to know. [21:35] where should folk create accounts for staging ? [21:36] https://login.staging.launchpad.net/+new_account [21:37] lifeless, you should have a staging account already; my understanding is that periodically account info from the lp sso is moved to the staging.lp sso. [21:37] i can't tell you where i gleaned that info though, or even if it is correct. [21:40] jcsackett: its not for me [21:40] jcsackett: its for the help text on stging [21:41] ./lib/lp/registry/help/home-page-staging-help.html [21:41] lifeless: ah, i see. [21:41] I'm touching that file [21:41] and it seems bogus [21:41] yeah, so, i should say that one *can* make an account via that link. i have no idea if they *should*. [21:41] so I wanted to update it while I was here. [21:41] lifeless sounds good. [21:41] but it seems nonobvious :) [21:42] so perhaps you could file a bug ? [21:54] lifeless: does it need a bug if you're updating the docs now? or have i misinterpreted something? [21:58] I don't know what to update them with [21:58] we don't know what we should be saying [21:58] I'm removing references to 'edge' [21:59] and I don't want to block on figuring out the right answer to an opportunisitic fix. [22:16] lifeless: fair. i'll throw in a bug saying we need better staging documentation. [22:16] reference that file perhaps ;) === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha