
andaistill shrinking damn partition00:02
andaislow flashdisk is slow00:02
bioterrorI've a one laptop at my work with SSD00:02
bioterrorit's faaaast00:02
andaii have one that's a bit bigger than this00:03
andaiwrite speed 4mb/s00:03
andailol wow00:06
bioterror4MB/s :D00:06
bioterroryou're living the dream, man!00:06
andaithis is a different one00:08
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MkaysiIs there alternate install disk avaiblade?16:23
MkaysiI am just rying to install Lubuntu to very old Compaq presario, with pentium 2.16:24
MkaysiIt's booting!16:25
MkaysiAnd now it stopped to show fi_FI.UTF-8...16:29
MkaysiWhich is heavier? Windows 98 or Lubuntu?16:34
slooksterpsvdepends, how much ram does the P2 have?16:35
MkaysiI don't know.16:35
MkaysiI don't even know if it has hard drive.16:35
MkaysiNow I'm checking disk for errors.16:37
leszekLubuntu is heavier16:37
leszekWindows 98 runs on a 386er :P16:37
MkaysiWhy clickinng Download Lubuntu at http://lubuntu.net/ downloads .iso, not .torrent?16:38
MkaysiThen I must try smaller Linux.16:38
Mkaysi"checking ./casper/filesystem.squashfs"16:40
Mkaysi"check finished: no errors found".16:41
MkaysiSo it's because of that computer, not disk.16:42
leszekMkaysi: which pc is it ?16:42
MkaysiCompaq presario something16:42
leszekram, cpu ?16:43
MkaysiI don't know :)16:43
MkaysiCompaq desktop pro16:43
leszekmaybe a too old cpu if you are trying to install 10.1016:44
MkaysiYes, I think so.16:44
MkaysiMaybe I'll try Puppy Linux16:45
leszek10.10 dropped i586 support16:45
leszekMkaysi: 10.04 has still i586 support16:45
MkaysiOk, so i'll try it.16:45
slooksterpsvdang he left I was gonna say TinyCore16:47
slooksterpsvor Puppy16:47
cyclist_2Hello, there! I removed an icon from the Panel that comes pre-installed and now I do not see a way to re-add it; I refer to the first icon [red in  colour] from the right which opens the 'Shut down / restart / hibernate / end session / cancel'; once removed, can it be added again or is it gone?18:30
bioterrornice nick ;)18:31
bioterrorright click on panel18:31
bioterroradd / remove panel items18:31
cyclist_2bioterror: well..., I can only try...! ;)18:31
bioterrorapplication launch bar18:32
bioterrorand when you edit it, there should be shutdown18:32
bioterrorjust a moment18:32
cyclist_2bioterror: no, I am afraid, it is not there anymore...18:33
bioterrorhmmm, in lubuntu that doesnt work18:33
bioterrorI'll give you a terminal command18:34
bioterrorjust a moment18:34
bioterrorcp /usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/panels/panel /home/sad157/.config/lxpanel/Lubuntu/panels/panel18:35
bioterrorchange that sad157 to your username18:35
bioterrorit's best to return to the square one18:36
bioterrordid it work18:39
cyclist_2bioterror: it did, but the icon is different18:40
bioterrorit you got it back?-)18:41
cyclist_2bioterror: it looks like a square standing on a corner instead of the traditional 'switch off' type18:41
cyclist_2but it did work...18:42
bioterrorjust a moment18:42
bioterrorI'm gonna do a experiment18:42
bioterrorin terminal18:43
bioterrorcd .config18:43
bioterrorrm -rf lxpanel18:43
bioterrorthen logout and login18:43
cyclist_2bioterror: I logged out and back then logeed in: no change18:48
cyclist_2bioterror: I restarted: no change18:48
cyclist_2bioterror: the only thing I have not done yet is switch it off completely; but as long as the option to shutdown is there, I am happy eith it18:49
bioterrorI got my panel just like it was18:50
cyclist_2bioterror: I guess the image for that icon is either corrupted or missing; but I think I can live with that18:52
bioterrorcould you take screenshot?18:54
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:54
bioterroryou can take screenshot with command scrot shot.png18:54
cyclist_2bioterror: http://imagebin.org/12002318:58
bioterrorgotta think a moment19:01
bioterrorthat looks like a default application icon19:04
bioterroror something like that19:04
cyclist_2I have this notion that the file 'panel' itself is incorrect at this stage19:05
* bioterror summons someone with 10.0419:06
bioterrorcyclist_2, could you upgrade to 10.10?-)19:06
cyclist_2should not there be an 'image=/path/to/icon/image.png'?19:06
cyclist_2bioterror: I would rather correct what I can without upgrading yet19:07
cyclist_2could you copy and paste your '/usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/panels/panel' ?19:08
bioterrorsoon, I'm on my gnome machine19:08
bioterrorlistening couple of songs and then I'll move back to my laptop19:08
bioterrorare you in a hurry?19:08
cyclist_2no, not at all19:08
bioterrorI had to visit my wifes parents today. so I'm relaxing with listening to Pink Floyd19:09
cyclist_2wow...! in-laws...19:10
bioterrorcome to #lubuntu-offtopic ;)19:10
cyclist_2later; now I have got to go for a while; but I will be back today!   o/19:12
bioterrormaybe we can catch someone with 10.0419:12
bioterrorbecouse I have only 10.1019:12
cyclist_2ok; see you later :D (y)19:13
sghhey. can you tell me how to change the screen resolution? Apparently there's no GUI for doing this19:36
bioterrormenu -> preferences -> monitor settings19:36
sghcan you tell me the name of the application? its not in my menu, probably due to the fact that this isn't a fresh Lubuntu install19:38
sghso I need to install it first19:39
phillwsgh: from memory it is lxandr that you need.19:42
phillwleszek: thanks for confirming :)19:43
sghokay thank you :)19:44
sghwell the panel looks like it used to before (1024:768), but everything is much smaller than before (meaning it looks like I use a higher resolution)19:46
sghI will log out and in and report if this doesn't change19:47
* bioterror feels that it might be a case of Xorg -configure19:47
bioterrordid it do the trick?19:49
sghlogging out and in helped19:49
sghthank you guys for your help19:49
bioterrornp, it's our duty ;)19:50
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
bioterrorI would like to know our success percentage, phillw?-)19:50
andaihow do i turn services on/off20:47
bioterrorsudo service <service> stop20:50
bioterrorsudo service <service> restart20:51
bioterrorsudo service <service> start20:51
andaii mean disable20:53
andaibut i think i found it, preferences > desktop session?20:53
bioterroryes, those are only desktop applications20:54
andaiiḿ sure i read about a GUI for this in lubuntu20:54
hydroziiis there a way to auto login to keyring each time?20:55
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bioterrorhydrozii, you mean that wlan thing?20:58
bioterrorhi again21:01
cyclist_2bioterror: hi, there!21:01
bioterrorhow's the icon in your lxde menu?21:02
cyclist_2I had no luck, trying a few thing; it is not a problem, really [just an icon image]21:02
hydroziiidk i guess21:03
hydroziieverytime i log in it asks for keyring pass to connect to wlan21:03
hydroziiand i was wondering if i could just make it automatically log in to that each time21:04
hydroziihow can i adjust the colors for a theme?21:16
bioterrorhydrozii, right click the wlan icon, edit connections, take wireless tab open, edit your wireless connetion and make it available to all users21:20
bioterrorthen it wont ask it anymore21:20
hydroziiawesome thanks21:22
bioterrorcolors for a theme21:23
hydroziiyah i havent found a gui option to edit a theme21:24
bioterrorfor the panel you can change the background image21:25
bioterrorand menu -> preferences -> customize look and feel21:25
hydroziii dont have a "customize look and feel" option21:26
Kurdistanhey my internet family22:17
hydroziii have to say lubuntu is pretty sick22:20
hydroziiso far no bugs or anything22:21
Kurdistanhydrozzi :) welcome. buntu is quite boring. :P so stable.22:21
Kurdistan:) I am testing avast for fun22:21
hydroziii've used xubuntu and ubuntu before22:22
KurdistanI have used :) xubuntu and ubuntu also before22:22
Kurdistanany many others22:22
hydroziii like lubuntu the best so far22:22
hydroziistill havent found the options to edit hotkeys though22:23
Kurdistanhydrozzi, my english s-cks.22:23
Kurdistanwhat is hotkeys?22:24
hydroziium.. a combination of keys to make stuff happen22:24
hydroziilike turn up sound22:25
KurdistanI see, no idea. :) I dont use hotkeys. :P22:25
hydroziioh well i like to hit function + or function - to turn the volume up and down22:26
Kurdistanhydrozzi, maybe other knows22:26
hydroziiits okay ill figure it out eventually22:27
hydroziifor some reason minecraft framerate is really really low in lubuntu?22:27
Kurdistanminecraft, pc game?22:28
hydroziiand also does anyone know how i can setup aqualung to automatically grab all the music from my music folder when i open it?22:28
hydroziiyah minecraft is a java game22:28
Kurdistanhydrozzi, have you tried install the closed graphic drivers?22:29
hydroziiin hardware drivers?22:29
hydroziiin other buntus it usually has a 3d graphics driver i can activate but in lubuntu there are no options22:30
Kurdistanyou have ati or nvidia?22:30
hydroziihow do i go about getting the driver and such22:31
Kurdistanhydrozzi it is really easy22:31
bioterrorhydrozii, .config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml there's your keyboard shortcuts22:31
Kurdistando you use lubuntu 10.10 or 10.04?22:31
hydrozii10.04 i think22:31
Kurdistanlike me then22:31
Kurdistango to synaptic and install nvidia common22:32
Kurdistanjockeys is installed hydrozzi?22:33
hydroziiawesome worked perfectly22:33
Kurdistanafter you have installed nvidia common. you can go to hardware drivers22:33
Kurdistanthen pick nvidia-current (recommend)22:33
Kurdistanrestart your computer22:34
hydroziiyup restarting brb22:34
Kurdistanthen you are done22:34
djs how do i check what video driver i'm using?22:39
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Kurdistandjs, system tole and profile22:39
djswould it also be in the xorg file?22:40
hydroziiholy crap minecraft runs at like twice the framerate it did in xubuntu22:40
Kurdistanhydrozzi, good or bad?22:41
Kurdistandjs, look to systeme profiler and benchmarker22:41
Kurdistan:) hydrozzi great22:41
hydroziiokay so how exactly do i edit .config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml to set hotkeys?22:43
hydrozii<keybind key ="??"> ??22:43
bioterrorthere's examples22:46
hydroziiwhat do i put for function +, function -22:47
Kurdistanhttp://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Bindings   hydrozzi look to this site22:53
hydroziithanks :)22:55
Kurdistanhydrozzi, did it help you anything+22:58
hydroziium just barely started reading it23:05
hydroziii was messing with my music and other things23:05
hydroziibut it looks good23:05
Kurdistanhydrozzi, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1422861   try look here23:06
KurdistanI am going to bed. have nice evening you all.23:06
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
hydrozii_C- is ctrl, A- is alt, but what is function?23:21
andaijava applets not working. greyed out.23:25
hydrozii_ugh my aqualung is messed up... anybody else use aqualung?23:48
phillwhydrozii_: I've used it, but not for a while. what's the problem?23:53

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