
makuI am a newbie here, I downloaded minecraft, but I cannot get it to run. Will someone please help me? I have done everything I can to figure it out00:04
lindowswhat is mine craft00:05
makua game, it logs into the internet00:05
makuit's at minecraft.net00:05
makulike I said, I downloaded it, the webpage says to run it with java..but when I open the file and seqarch what I can run it with it does not have the option to run it with java...00:06
kklimonda_maku: but that's most likely not the right channel to ask this question (unless you are already on 11.04). Try #ubuntu00:06
makuoh ok sorry00:07
kklimonda_maku: i know it works on 10.10 just fine, you have to install java for it to run00:07
kklimonda_but I don't remember specifics at the moment (what package ships java, what command to write to run it etc.)00:08
makuhmm, ok I thought I had it installed but I'll try to check it00:08
BUGabundooh goodie!! Firefox decided to crash... always00:11
BUGabundowhat a nite !00:19
BUGabundogrub broken00:19
BUGabundofirefox 3.6 broken00:19
BUGabundoapport broken00:19
BUGabundo  File "/usr/bin/apport-cli", line 414, in <module>00:19
kklimonda_heh, 11 hours to departure and I can't slee P/00:20
kklimonda_oh well, I'll sleep on a plane00:20
kklimonda_BUGabundo: I see you are  having a great time with natty :)00:22
kklimonda_Linux in a nutshell: "hey, that almost works for me". :D00:27
BUGabundo*** Problem in firefox-3.700:28
BUGabundoThe problem cannot be reported:00:28
BUGabundobad apport00:28
kklimonda_bad apport, no supper for you!00:31
penguin42BUGabundo: Welcome to +1 - at the sharp end of the Narwhal00:32
ubottuMozilla bug 606724 in General "0x00007ffff1779ba5 in raise (sig=<value optimized out>) at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:64" [Critical,Unconfirmed]00:34
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BUGabundoohhhh and evince is broken too01:00
penguin42BUGabundo: Ooh so it is01:04
BUGabundowarning: the debug information found in "/usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/evince" does not match "/usr/bin/evince" (CRC mismatch).01:05
BUGabundoin 5 years ... that's a first01:05
penguin42do you want me to try the same report?01:06
BUGabundoalready did01:06
kklimonda_BUGabundo: that's uncommon but not unseen :)01:06
BUGabundoit is by me01:07
penguin42give us the bug number and I'll confirm it01:07
BUGabundouploading logs01:07
BUGabundoLP is slow01:07
BUGabundoall I see is a rotating star01:08
BUGabundoahh it moved01:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 665747 in evince (Ubuntu) "0x00007ffff3c9b9a5 in g_logv () from /lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 " [Undecided,New]01:09
penguin42BUGabundo: I reckon the settings schema error is more likely the cause01:09
BUGabundowhat was that deb md5 tool?01:10
BUGabundowanna check if anymore packages have bad hashes01:10
penguin42BUGabundo: Is that just an outdated evince-dbgsym package?01:11
BUGabundopenguin42: no idea01:11
BUGabundoits from ddebs01:11
BUGabundo~$ apt-cache policy evince-dbg01:12
BUGabundo *** 2.32.0-0ubuntu1 0        500 mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/ natty/main amd64 Packages01:12
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy evince-dbgsym01:13
BUGabundo  Installed: (none)01:13
BUGabundo     2.32.0-0ubuntu1 0        500 http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/ natty/main amd64 Packages01:13
penguin42yeh same01:13
penguin42BUGabundo: add2b5f350c4bdd01c6a1a90b7bd1911  /usr/bin/evince       ea2180812908096d076dee33364dbdaa  /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/evince01:14
BUGabundodebsums . found it01:14
BUGabundo86c772088166e92b051f642c1bfe0707  /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/evince01:15
BUGabundoadd2b5f350c4bdd01c6a1a90b7bd1911  /usr/bin/evince01:15
penguin42hmm interesting difference of opinion01:15
BUGabundoso neither of us match01:17
penguin42They shouldn't match01:17
penguin42but I would have thought we should have had the same one as each other01:18
BUGabundo$ debsums -cs01:19
penguin42hmm, it says evince-dbgsym doesn't have md5sums01:21
BUGabundojust a bunch of "no md5sums for"01:21
BUGabundoI don't have that one penguin4201:22
penguin42BUGabundo: do you have evince-dbgsym installed?01:24
BUGabundoonly dbg01:24
penguin42ah, I used dbgsym01:24
penguin42I've never understood why there are the two01:25
BUGabundodiff purpose01:25
BUGabundowe can build gdb more easily and smaller01:25
kklimonda_two wat?01:25
BUGabundobut dbgsym provide more info01:25
BUGabundobut now, LP can rebuild the crash from much less info01:26
BUGabundoso we no longer need dbgsym AFAIK01:26
penguin42kklimonda_: -dbg and -dbgsym01:26
kklimonda_penguin42: -dbg is created manually by maintainers (you have to specify it in d/control and set it up in d/rules)01:27
kklimonda_penguin42: -dbgsym is generated automatically for all binary packages built on ubuntu (official) builders.01:27
penguin42kklimonda_: Is -dbg a -g build ?01:28
kklimonda_BUGabundo: dbgsym provides only info, i.e. there is almost nothing in the binary itself. LP can't retrace crashes without it.01:28
kklimonda_penguin42: no - it's not a program at all.01:29
kklimonda_penguin42: it just contains symbols stripped from a binary01:29
penguin42kklimonda_: So with the -dbgsym there is no need for the -dbg ?01:30
kklimonda_penguin42: gdb can then load those symbols - but it launches normal binary.01:30
kklimonda_penguin42: yeah, -dbg are mostly an "artefact" of debian. But they are useful, you don't have to have ddebs repositories added for example to install them.01:30
kklimonda_Fedora has had an awesome idea how to do it the "right" way.01:31
penguin42kklimonda_: How?01:31
kklimonda_don't know if they have implemented it but the idea was to have a virtual filesystem that pulls the needed files with debug symbols over the network.01:32
kklimonda_because most of the time you only need a subset of those files (or even their content) anyway01:32
penguin42I guess you could do a FUSE for /usr/lib/debug01:33
kklimonda_actually Microsoft has done it even better by integrating their debugger directly with a server that can pull symbols on demand (and then cache them locally).01:34
penguin42neat I guess01:35
kklimonda_yeah, my /usr/lib/debug uses 1.8GB of space01:36
kklimonda_and 1.6GB of it is from modules :D01:36
* kklimonda_ has tried to get systemtap to work01:36
yofelI guess I should clean up a bit then :D01:37
yofel9.1G    /usr/lib/debug/01:37
* yofel blames KDE01:37
BUGabundoyofel: EEEEEWWWW01:37
kklimonda_I tend to keep debug symbols only for things I can actually debug myself :)01:38
kklimonda_I push rest of crashes to LP01:38
kklimonda_I do have local Qt with debug enabled though which is ~1GB.01:39
* yofel has mostly given up on the auto retracer - not reliable enough01:39
kklimonda_and I've tried to get a local gnome build from git01:40
kklimonda_but it fails for some stupid reasons :/01:40
penguin42time to go to bed and see whether Natty manages to hibernate this machine - maverick was awful at it01:40
kklimonda_heh, I had to disable 3d on nouveau because my laptop would not wake up from sleep :/01:40
yofelI don't see the point of hibernate... suspend is a lot faster and even shutting down and booting fresh is faster here01:41
yofeland it never was reliable enough here to hibernate while having stuff still open01:42
kklimonda_well, hibernation is, at least in my experience, completely broken under Linux01:42
kklimonda_it's actually quite fast on Windows01:42
kklimonda_but it does take ages on Linux and doesn't work half of the time01:42
yofelreally? I think the speed is the same, XP gave you a progress bar though01:43
BUGabundoI stop using hibernate two cycles ago01:43
kklimonda_Windows 7 doesn't give any progress bar01:43
BUGabundobut now, when battery ends , it goes into some kind of state01:43
BUGabundothat's not suspend nor hiberate01:43
BUGabundoand never resumes01:43
yofelthen again, *any* swap operation seems to be awfully slow these days, last time I needed like 100MiB of swap my system got almost unusable o.O01:44
BUGabundoI don't have swap01:44
yofelI don't need swap most of the time, but it's better than oom-killer01:44
kklimonda_actually any i/o operations are awfully slow these days.01:44
kklimonda_I have to use ionice -c3 when I unpack big archives or I risk freezing Firefox and few other applications.01:45
* BUGabundo blames barriers01:46
* kklimonda_ doesn't have enough data to decide where to put blame but still hates it :/01:48
bjsniderit's the scheduler, probably01:58
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BUGabundoit been getting worse since lucid beta02:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 664107 in Ubuntu "Launchpad trademark" [Undecided,Invalid]02:25
* BUGabundo ducks02:25
kklimonda_it's old news :)02:25
BUGabundoReported by Greg Auger on 2010-10-2002:26
kklimonda_BUGabundo: it made reddit, identi.ca and few other places ;)02:26
BUGabundoits weekend02:26
BUGabundoI've been offline02:26
kklimonda_you? offline? :P02:26
kklimonda_or have you completely switched over to the dark, droidish side? ;)02:27
BUGabundolaunchpad trademark LOL02:31
BUGabundon8 peeps03:38
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pepeehi. is there a good channel for resolving problems other than #ubuntu?05:27
pepeeif someone can help me: got this from a kernel panic  http://pastebin.com/WVE4Ayts  (ubuntu maverick)05:28
ubottuPlease don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.05:29
rwwplus, maverick is offtopic for this channel.05:30
pepeesadly, no one is helping me... anyway, thanks.05:30
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robertfI'd like to try ubuntu natty, when the iso images will be available?12:14
penguin42robertf: I think a while yet; I'm not sure when the ISOs start; things like do-release-upgrade and update-manager -d don't happen yet; the only way to try it is by editing sources.list and doing an apt-get dist-upgrade at the moment - it's very early12:16
robertfpenguin42: i prefer a fresh install :)12:18
jbicharobertf: very litle has changed so far14:09
BUGabundo!info smartmontools14:17
ubottusmartmontools (source: smartmontools): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.39.1+svn3077-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 422 kB, installed size 1016 kB14:17
BUGabundoI knew something was wrong with it14:18
BUGabundosomeone uploaded the wrong file/pocket14:18
penguin42BUGabundo: I seem to have 5.39.1+svn3124-114:18
BUGabundome too14:18
BUGabundobut that one is higher14:19
BUGabundobut fails to upgrade cause it was removed14:19
penguin42BUGabundo: Me thinks that bot needs its brain updating14:19
BUGabundono, my APT db says the same14:19
penguin42apt-cache show shows 3124 for me14:20
BUGabundoand good afternoon everyone o/14:20
BUGabundo  Installed: 5.39.1+svn3077-1ubuntu114:20
BUGabundo  Candidate: 5.39.1+svn3124-114:20
BUGabundo     5.39.1+svn3124-1 0        500 mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/ natty/main amd64 Packages14:20
BUGabundo *** 5.39.1+svn3077-1ubuntu1 0        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status14:20
penguin42yeh so you're just not upto date14:23
BUGabundoI can't ... it fails to fetch the file14:24
BUGabundomaybe it's the list of mirrors that is outdated14:24
* BUGabundo snake eyes jpds14:24
BUGabundoThe following packages have unmet dependencies:14:26
BUGabundo  python-paramiko: Depends: python-crypto (>= 2.1.0-2) but 2.0.1+dfsg1-4ubuntu2 is installed.14:26
BUGabundothis ones have been dragging since I upgraded to natty14:26
BUGabundoW: Failed to fetch mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/pool/universe/c/compizconfig-settings-manager/compizconfig-settings-manager_0.8.2-0ubuntu2_all.deb14:31
BUGabundo  404  Not Found [Mirror: http://cesium.di.uminho.pt/pub/ubuntu-archive/]14:31
BUGabundoone of the mirrors much be wanky14:31
BUGabundogetting bad keys too14:32
BUGabundochanging to MAIN mirror14:33
penguin42anyone know if Atoms can do 64bit?14:33
BUGabundo2nd gen, maybe14:34
BUGabundo1st gen, no14:34
penguin42know how I can tell?14:34
BUGabundoby the chip model14:35
BUGabundothose N something14:35
BUGabundolet me read it up, in wikipedia14:35
penguin42I'll check on Intel's site14:36
penguin42bah, 32 bit14:36
penguin42It's the N270 I've got14:36
BUGabundosome of the n2, and all n3 and n4 are 64bits capable14:38
BUGabundothey no longer are really low power, are they?14:38
penguin42BUGabundo: Yeh this guy isn't http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=3633114:38
BUGabundofrom 2w to 13w :\14:38
penguin42well, it's still 1/10th of a high end one14:38
penguin42but yeh 13W is getting a bit silly14:39
penguin42most annoying, I was looking at the v4l code 32/64bit compat code but the only machine I've got with a camera is 32bit14:40
BUGabundo  Depends: python-crypto (>=2.1.0-2) but 2.0.1+dfsg1-4ubuntu2 is to be installed14:51
BUGabundoanyone can get that installed?14:51
penguin42oh no14:52
penguin42yeh paramiko is stuck for me as well14:52
BUGabundobeen like that for over two weeks :(14:53
BUGabundoI wish any of my both browser WOULDN'T CRASH14:59
penguin42is it a plugin?14:59
BUGabundoI guess it mozilla way of tellimg me to finally move to FF415:00
BUGabundoI've never run any "old" app so long15:00
BUGabundoI usually upgrade to that latest browser version available15:01
BUGabundobut one of my most used plugins doesn't work, nor did grease monkey15:01
BUGabundolet me check now15:01
penguin42BUGabundo: I don't use ff heavily on this machine that I've got natty on, but it's just played a youtube video OK15:14
BUGabundooh it works great for a while15:16
BUGabundocrashes are randonm15:16
penguin42yeh, I don't use it that regularly - are you usign 64bit flash or 32bit +nspluginwrapper?15:17
BUGabundo"square" preview 215:24
penguin42yeh well, I do like having my Flash in a separate process15:25
BUGabundotime to remove it then15:27
BUGabundolets see how long I survive15:27
BUGabundostill can't move to ff415:46
BUGabundo~/.mozilla$ mv plugins/libflashplayer.so .16:06
BUGabundoFlash BE GONE16:06
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robertfjbicha: thank you19:46
RoC_MasterMindAnyone else get a boot hang after installing ubuntu server to an iscsi root?  I get this: http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/9383/screenshotwrw.png21:16
BUGabundoPriority Inbox  225,936k22:06
BUGabundoInbox (1) 371,836k22:06
BUGabundoSeesmic 633,708k22:06
BUGabundochromium really likes its memory22:06
bjsniderBUGabundo, did gmailchecker work for you?22:08
BUGabundolet me retry22:09
bjsniderin what sense did it not work?22:09
BUGabundo  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/desktopcouch/start_local_couchdb.py", line 236, in start_couchdb22:09
bjsnideri thought he'd fixed that issue22:12
bjsniderit doesn't work for me either, but only because the inbox link doesn't show up in the messaging menu22:13
knittlwhen should i upgrade? :]23:27

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