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dev001what package installs/provides "stddef.h"?01:10
penguin42dev001: Interesting I don't see one in /usr/include, but gcc-4.4 provides one in  /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.4/include/stddef.h01:20
dev001penguin42: I have gcc-4.4 installed, but i still get lots of 'makedepend: warning: ... cannot find include file "stddef.h"' messages01:21
ebroderI only see a /usr/include/linux/stddef.h on my machine01:21
ebroder(in linux-libc-dev)01:22
dev001been googling for hours ... lots of instanced of the problem, no solutions that actually SOLVE it01:22
ebroderDo you need to #include <linux/stddef.h> instead of just <stddef.h>?01:22
penguin42dev001: That sounds like a makefile problem though, I *think* if you #include <stddef.h> it should pick it up from the gcc directory (if it doesn't thats broken)01:22
dev001ebroder: perhaps ... it's a "standard" build from source of openssl that's throwing the error, atm.  no my own pkg.  works perfectly on every _other_ platform I build on.01:23
dev001i've also installed requisite "gcc build-essential libc6 libc6-dev xutils-dev".  no help -- still getting that error.01:23
ebroderdev001: Are you building with the Ubuntu source package, or with a download from upstream?01:23
penguin42dev001: a hello world that #include's <stdef.h> works for me01:23
dev001ebroder: upstream01:24
dev001all our openssl builds are latests source, from upstream01:24
dev001fwiw, this is a nominal, headless install -- adding packages only as req'd.  _maybe_ something's missing, but i'll be darned if i can find it atm01:26
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jubeihello. I am doing "make" on some software but the output is too long and dissapears on the terminal's buffer. I tried make | more but doesn't work. I tried make >> make.log but I only get the 1st line. Any tips?12:01
lennixmake >log 2>logerreur12:12
jubeilennix, thank you I'll try it12:18
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BUGabundoBoa tarde o/14:21
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ggeorgyhi  :D14:42
jubeihello. my compiler complains during linking that it cannot find some libraries i.e. cannot find -lopencv and others15:01
micahgjubei: in Natty?15:05
jubeiI have compiled and make install opencv manually soo.. I'm kinda lost15:05
j1mcmicahg: howdy15:05
jubeimicahg, natty? i:ve no idea what it is. I'm trying to compile a ustom app15:05
micahgjubei: which version of Ubuntu?15:06
jubeimicahg, latest15:06
micahgjubei: yes,  but is that 10.10 or 11.0415:07
jubeimicahg, 10.1015:07
micahgjubei: if you're installing opencv from source and you're missing opencv, I think that's beyond the scope of the channel, you might want to try #ubuntu-app-devel15:09
micahghi j1mc15:09
jubeimicahg, thanks15:10
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bitshufflerHello. Is there some site that allows me to identify which package contains a file? (reasoning is that I'm trying to setup a 10.10 chroot on OBS which doesn't work ootb so I now have to debug it without having an Ubuntu version installed so any help would be really great)16:15
bitshufflerOr more verbose: it currently fails during procps' postinstall - sctrace is http://pastie.org/pastes/1245069/text . I'm just wondering what makes it fail there ;D16:17
penguin42bitshuffler: packages.ubuntu.com16:18
penguin42bitshuffler: You can also use apt-file to search or dpkg -S to find which package a file on your system comes from16:19
bitshufflerpenguin42: Thanks you :)16:19
bitshufflerpenguin42: heh, yes, but that only works if it is already installed16:20
penguin42apt-file finds it even if it isn't16:20
bitshufflerpenguin42: but that doesn't work in a minimal chroot, right?16:20
penguin42true, you need apt-file installed16:20
penguin42but apt-file is a truly wonderful thing16:20
bitshuffler(as in I don't have any real Ubuntu installation available but just trying to fix 10.10 for OBS)16:21
bitshufflerHm, why does procps fail if it can't connect to upstart? As in in a chroot that is only used for building packages I don't run any services so I _thought_ I wouldn't need upstart. Any ideas what the "proper" solution would be?16:34
penguin42is it trying to do    start procps ?  Thats an upstart command isn't it?16:36
penguin42(although I spent an hour fighting procps start up this week - any incompatibility in the set of sysctl settings causes it to fail....)16:37
bitshufflerpenguin42: yes, "start procps" is what it is trying to do which fails with "cannot connect to upstart" (somehow obviously since it is only a chroot with no servies running).16:38
penguin42bitshuffler: Yeh well start is an upstart command16:38
bitshufflerpenguin42: well, upstart should be installed but not running - am I right that /com/ubuntu/upstart is a socket which only exists when upstart is actually running?16:40
penguin42bitshuffler: I'm not sure where that path comes from - there is no /com16:41
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bitshufflerpenguin42: the postinstall of procps fails with "start: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused" when trying to do "start procps"16:42
penguin42yeh I can see from that strace16:42
bitshufflerpenguin42: on what version are you? (we have that problem only with / since 10.10)16:44
penguin42bitshuffler: 10.1016:45
bitshufflerhm, makes me wonder how that postinst worked for you ;D16:45
penguin42I think it's just something I don't understand about socket naming - I can also see the connect(3, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path=@"/com/ubuntu/upstart"}, 22) = 016:46
bitshufflerwhere do you see that?16:47
penguin42strace of start procps16:49
penguin42ah - Linux has a private namespace for sockets that aren't in the filesystem - I can see it with a netstat16:49
ionhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/ReleaseNotes, search for “Upstart jobs cannot be run in a chroot”, run the two commands in the chroot.16:50
penguin42yeuch nasty work around :-)16:51
bitshufflerion: thanks for the pointer :)16:52
bitshufflerhm, when exactly would I run that command since I currently can't create the chroot?16:53
penguin42bitshuffler: What OS are you running on?16:54
bitshufflerpenguin42: opensuse - but what I'm trying to do is to fix the 10.10 chroots on their build service so it should work on pretty much any linux distro16:54
penguin42bitshuffler: If I was trying to create an ubuntu chroot I'd use debootstrap16:55
bitshufflerpenguin42: well, all that stuff is a bit hard to do if you have no native ubuntu install around ;D16:55
penguin42bitshuffler: No, I think you can download debootstrap from somewhere and use it to unpack a minimal chroot16:56
bitshufflerhm, reading about that it sounds somehow sensible, not sure why it isn't used16:58
penguin42can use it for most debian and ubuntu17:00
bitshufflerotoh it makes me wonder how that debootstrap then installs the chroot since it must run into the same problem17:01
iondebootstrap seems to handle the initctl thing automatically. /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/maverick:echo \"Warning: Fake initctl called, doing nothing\"" > "$TARGET/sbin/initctl"17:01
penguin42bitshuffler: Get yourself a debootstrap from the most recent ubuntu and it should handle older ones as well17:02
bitshufflerhm, sounds shiny. Do I have to compile debootstrap myself or is it just some perl script?17:03
ionIt’s implemented in sh.17:05
bitshufflerah, nice17:05
bitshufflerHm, your repo layout is pretty confusing tbh - where would I find a debootstrap package at http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/linux/debian/ubuntu/dists/maverick/ ?17:13
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bitshuffleroh, so the distro just contains the package lists with versions and then it gets taken from the pool which contains packages for all the distro versions?17:16
penguin42bitshuffler: Yeh pretty much17:16
bitshufflerah, now it make sense :D Thanks a lot :)17:17
ionOne can find a link to the package quite easily via http://packages.ubuntu.com/17:17
ionAlso https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debootstrap17:18
bitshufflerWhere would that link be? (I was at http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/debootstrap but saw no link to a repo)17:18
Laneyclick wher eit says "all"17:19
Laneyor the .tar.gz on the right for the source package17:20
ionThe architecture: all link under “Download debootstrap” for the built .deb; “Download Source Package” for the sauce.17:20
bitshufflerheh, that prolly was the only link I didn't click, cheers :)17:20
bitshufflerhm, does debootstrap have some "minimal" option - as in 144 packages is a bit much, not?17:32
ionThe minbase variant perhaps.17:33
bitshufflerion: is there a list with what variants exists? --help claims there are just "buildd, fakechroot & scratchbox17:34
dev001hi. i can't seem to find the 'right place' to get this actually posted, so, while i figure THAT out, a courtesy fyi in here ... for anyone that may be interested.17:36
dev001i've tried to submit an openssl-on-ubuntu bug to openssl-rt last week; it never posted.  tried again today -- waiting.  i see also that @launchpad, openssl trunk is tracked only @ openssl-rt. hm.  in any case, i've filed this @ RT (https://gist.github.com/991e5c720926687bb620).  Will try again to get it to appear there ...17:36
ionbitshuffler: The man page mentioned minbase. The help text seems to lag behind the code. /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/maverick contains the authoritative list of variants supported for maverick.17:38
bitshufflerion: ah, nice, thanks for the pointer17:42
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yassineis there some mutter developer in here?19:42
yassinei get this here when i try to start any application in my ubuntu maverick box: Oct 24 20:32:53 suncemoje kernel: [  793.258275] mutter[1988]: segfault at 0 ip 01dfa11c sp bf8a3a00 error 4 in libclutk-0.3.so.0.360.0[1deb000+4e000]19:46
darkenvy6hello, I just have a question21:32
darkenvy6a handheld device that runs ubuntu? (non ARMEL)21:32
darkenvy6an eee-pc is the closest I found but its not pocket sized. I figured this channel would know21:32
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