
shane4ubuntuok, I upgraded to 10.10 heard there was significant improvments for U1, but I don't think it is connected, how can I restart the daemon02:12
kklimonda_shane4ubuntu: System->Preferences->Ubuntu One02:17
kklimonda_shane4ubuntu: then, in the Devices tab, you can select Restart02:17
ubuntu4shaneok, I had to switch to my laptop, did anyone come up with a way to restart ubuntuone???  via commandline in 10.10???02:21
kklimonda_shane4ubuntu: System->Preferences->Ubuntu One02:22
kklimonda_shane4ubuntu: then, in the Devices tab, you can select Restart02:22
kklimonda_or, from the command line, kill both ubuntu-sso-login and ubuntuone-syncdaemon and then relaunch it by typing "u1sdtool --connect"02:23
ubuntu4shanekklimonda_, thanks!  isn't the same as clicking on my username -> ubuntuone ?  When I do that on the desktop it doesn't comeup02:23
ubuntu4shanekklimonda_, ahh, that is what I was looking for.02:23
kklimonda_yeah, it's the same02:23
kklimonda_if it doesn't come up then you may have some problem with your u1 configuraion02:23
kklimonda_see links from topic for the further help02:23
ubuntu4shanekklimonda_, thanks a bundle!02:24
ubuntu4shaneI always forget to look at the notes when I log onto a channel02:24
ubuntu4shaneI guess it is working because there is a lot more uploaded now then before, but the GUI won't open on the desktop, seems odd.03:04
duanedesignubuntu4shane: Me Menu > Ubuntu One does not open The Preferences Panel?03:49
ubuntu4shaneno, seems like it doesn't do anything for me, only on the desktop03:49
ubuntu4shaneI don't reboot that often, I tried the shutdown commands and reconnected and seems to be working, though no gui duanedesign03:50
duanedesignubuntu4shane: does System > Preferences > Ubuntu One?03:50
duanedesignubuntu4shane: can you try opening the Preferences from the Terminal. Run the command:  ubuntuone-preferences03:51
ubuntu4shaneif I ssh in I should be able to run u1sdtool --connect right and it should start up?03:51
ubuntu4shaneyes, when I did that I got an error, something about no reply from the server?03:51
duanedesignis it a dbus error?03:52
ubuntu4shaneone second let me put my baby girl to bed and I can check.03:52
duanedesignFailure: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Activation of com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon timed out03:52
duanedesignubuntu4shane: ok03:52
ubuntu4shaneyes I'm about 99% sure that was the error03:52
shane4ubuntuok, here was the error:  ubuntuone-preferences03:55
shane4ubuntuERROR:dbus.proxies:Introspect error on com.ubuntuone.Preferences:/: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.03:55
shane4ubuntuERROR:ubuntuone-preferences:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.03:55
shane4ubuntuso, not really the same dbus error.03:56
shane4ubuntuduanedesign, ^^^03:56
duanedesignahh, ok03:56
shane4ubuntuI'm going back to the laptop.03:56
ubuntu4shaneit is odd because on the laptop it works fine, however it gets rebooted regularly, desktop doesn't, seems like a service restart would work, but doesn't seem to have03:58
ubuntu4shaneoh desktop has ufw running too, but I don't think that is blocking it.03:58
duanedesignshane4ubuntu: you might try: killall ubuntuone-preferences03:58
duanedesignif it doesnt return: ubuntuone-preferences: no process found04:00
ubuntu4shanenope that killed it04:00
ubuntu4shaneapparently the preferences was locked up.04:00
ubuntu4shaneha ha, apparently I did the same on the laptop, because it wouldn't come up here either, ran that, and then Me Menu -> Ubuntu one and it worked04:01
duanedesigni use the command: ps aux | grep ubu   if i need to check which ubuntuone processes are running04:02
ubuntu4shaneahh, ok, what does ps aux stand for?  if I understand it I will remember it better.04:03
ubuntu4shaneprocess ?  aux?04:03
duanedesignps: returns the current running processes04:03
duanedesigna is all processes04:05
ubuntu4shaneoh, aux must be options for ps04:07
ubuntu4shaneok, checked the man page, thanks for the info. I thought aux was a separate app or command or something04:08
ubuntu4shanegot it x seems to mean it wasn't started in a tty or terminal therefore graphical, and u seems to mean any legitimate user, not sure I understand that one. :)04:09
UpAllNightBrainAny ETA on Lucid contact sync?  Nothing's in proposed.  Bug 422178 still don't show anything for Lucid.04:13
ubot4`UpAllNightBrain: Bug 422178 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/422178 is private04:13
UpAllNightBrainis ubot4 a bot or real person?  Why is bug 422178 private?04:15
ubot4`UpAllNightBrain: Bug 422178 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/422178 is private04:15
UpAllNightBraina bot I see.04:16
duanedesignUpAllNightBrain: there is an Ubuntu One stable PPA that contains the version in Maverick for Lucid04:23
UpAllNightBrainduanedesign:  So is it coming for proposed and should I wait or should the PPA suffice.04:26
duanedesignUpAllNightBrain: i am not sure if it is coming to proposed. It might be too many changes.04:30
duanedesignsudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuone/stable04:32
UpAllNightBrainduanedesign:  Thanks for the URL.04:32
karniany hints on following UDS from Europe ;) ?15:49
deanI just reinstalled maverick, and setup U1 with my details, there is a key for ubuntuone in seahorse (im not using NM btw, im using interfaces file) and its just sat doing nothing while "sync in progress".  My sync folders are reporting as set to sync, so its all setup, just waiting for U1.18:50
deanmind you, I used my netbook thats setup with it earlier and there was approx 5 files (a few megs) different and it took a long time..18:51
deanI'll wait a while longer.. biab.18:53
duffydackIm still having trouble connecting/authenticating after my reinstall.  It worked earlier when it pulled all my stuff but now its not authentication.  According to u1 indicator its trying and then disconnecting.20:03
ryeduffydack, seeing the same thing, checking with admins20:06
duffydackrye, thanks.  when it sync`d, it took an age.. thank god it sync`d at all, I needed my stuff...  I have backups but whenever I copy them to the folders and then setup u1 it uploads the lot all over again :(20:08
mahenhello there20:25
duffydackStill problems with auth21:30

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