
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_
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ScottKDarkwingDuck and shadeslayer: Are you here/awake?02:47
ScottKseele: We're at UDS in Florida.  Riddell wants to know when the hurricane is coming.02:49
seeleScottK: lol02:52
ScottK<Riddell> so... when is it coming?02:52
seeleHurricane Richard is going to hit Mexico instead02:53
seelelucky it's missing you02:53
seelealthough a tropical storm is forming east/southeast of florida. by the end of the week it could hit!02:53
DarkwingCellScottK you there?03:01
ScottKDarkwingCell: Yes.03:01
ScottKWhere are you?03:01
DarkwingCelltower 3 top floor.03:01
ScottKseele: Excellent adventure factor.  Last UDS it wasthe volcano.03:01
DarkwingCellwhere u at? I wanted to grab a drink before going to bed03:02
ScottKDarkwingCell: If you can make it to the bar near checkin in the next 5 minutes you can meet Riddell before he crashes.03:02
DarkwingCellon my way. I'm in a black marvin the martian t shirt and ubuntu hat03:03
ScottKGreat.  See you soon.03:03
ScottKjussi: arrived?03:08
* claydoh hopes you all have a great time in Florida, wish I was there03:30
DarkwingDuckitll be good03:38
ScottKLex79: Why does kdebindings have both  libqyotoshared2 and  libqyoto2?  The first one is an empty package.05:12
ScottKLex79: I accepted it anyway, but please look into that and get it sorted out.05:14
Lex79ScottK: I forgot to disable in control libqyotoshared2 package, like Debian do05:16
Lex79I will fix tomorrow maybe05:16
ScottKLex79: OK.  Sounds good.05:16
DarkwingDuckScottK: you still up?05:34
ScottKDarkwingDuck: Barely.05:34
DarkwingDucksleep my friend. lol im still stuck on west coast time05:34
DarkwingDuckwho from the kubuntu group is from findland?05:35
DarkwingDuckjussi is right?05:35
ScottKDarkwingDuck: He lives in Finland, but he's from Australia.05:38
DarkwingDuckand hes my roommate lol05:38
DarkwingDuckand im crashing05:39
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shadeslayerScottK: i slept at 7 PM, couldnt get up on account of jetlag ... ill see you in a few mins/hours :)12:56
=== Trouble is now known as JustinTrouble
=== apachetransit is now known as udslogger
udsloggeruds stream urls are all differente again13:41
shtylmanno stream for the main room?13:45
udsloggerapparently not13:46
udsloggeror not yet13:46
udsloggerthis supports my theory that our dictator will announce the switch of unity to Qt :P13:46
udsloggerso that the news stays hot - no stream ;)13:46
nixternalhrmm, gobby broken for anyone else?13:50
nixternaludslogger and shtylman ^^13:51
nixternalthat will be the live stream for the main room, video baby! \o/13:52
shtylmannixternal: yea.. I saw in the main room IRC chan.. thx13:52
nixternalwhat ist he main room irc chan?13:53
nixternalwow, no community tracks this summit. interesting13:55
nixternali have video, 'WELCOME'13:56
nixternalwasabi Riddell!!!14:00
Riddellshadeslayer: I haven't met you yet, where are you about?14:01
shadeslayerRiddell: im with ScottK14:02
Riddellshadeslayer: ah hah, I'm behind you to your left14:03
ScottKRiddell: I have my netbook to give to mgraesslin if I can find him.14:03
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-uds
=== DWonderly is now known as DarkwingDuck
=== DWonderly is now known as DarkwingDuck
txwikingerDo we have an amarok plugin for the streams again?14:17
shadeslayertxwikinger: yeah14:18
shadeslayerapachelogger released one14:18
shadeslayertxwikinger: we also have video this time14:20
txwikingershadeslayer: Yes.. I watch it atm14:20
shadeslayerand the plenary started about 20 mins ago, so you can easily tune it14:20
shadeslayerah kewl14:20
shadeslayerim just behind the camera guy :P14:20
txwikingeryou  mean all the rooms have video streamed?14:20
shadeslayerjust the plenaries i think14:21
shadeslayernot entirely sure ..14:21
ScottKIs Kobby crashing for anyone else?14:28
shtylmanwhen is kobby not crashing?14:28
ScottKshtylman: Worse than normal.14:29
ScottKI just uploaded a maverick rebuild to my PPA to see if that'll fix it.14:30
shtylmanis Riddell even awake yet?14:35
shadeslayershtylman: yeah14:36
shtylmanvery good :)14:36
shadeslayerhes typing something.... :P14:36
txwikingerScottK: My kobby seem to work so far.. Haven't opened a document yet though14:40
ScottKThat's farther than I got.14:40
ScottKRebuild didn't help.14:41
* ScottK looks at ryanakca.14:43
rgreeningmorning all. 14:44
udsloggerlooks like a crash14:44
udslogger  g_assert(priv->group != NULL);14:45
udsloggerhere in particular14:45
shadeslayerudslogger: where are you?!14:45
udslogger3rd row, right side14:45
shadeslayerah ok14:45
udsloggerERROR:infc-browser.c:867:infc_browser_connected: assertion failed: (priv->group != NULL)14:46
udsloggerScottK: I do not think kobby is at fault14:46
rgreeningnooooooooo... harold goes to UDS and im not there... damn man... 14:46
shadeslayerhehe :P14:46
ScottKudslogger: Please fix.14:46
Riddellrgreening: still time, it's just down the road from you14:46
udsloggerI do not want to14:46
Riddellquite far down but14:46
rgreeningmaybee I jumps in a boat and jigs my way south14:47
nixternalrgreening: get to chicago, we can drive down from here. only about 12 hours i think :)14:47
shadeslayerudslogger: even choqok isnt working properly :P14:47
udsloggershadeslayer: even? hahah14:48
=== DWonderly is now known as DarkwingDuck
nixternaloh shit, 19 hours :)14:48
nixternal10 to 12 hours to atlanta :)14:48
DarkwingDuckYou crashing tha party nixternal?14:48
nixternalunfortunately not14:48
nixternalaviation sucks14:49
nixternalwhy are we watching sabdfl in black & white?14:49
ScottKHe is black and white.14:49
DarkwingDuckScottK: there is purple at the bottom...14:50
DarkwingDuckWell, Canonical is in purple...14:50
ScottKWell sure.14:50
nixternalit's not purple! it is aubergine!14:50
DarkwingDucknixternal: +114:50
Riddellpst, gnome desktop just got dropped, might want to concentrate on what he's saying :)14:50
udsloggerglib is the suck14:51
nixternalhard to understand what he is saying, but i know i didn't hear gnome just got dropped14:52
shtylmanRiddell: :p14:52
udsloggerRiddell: ScottK told me to fix bugs instead :P14:52
shtylmanone cd for both desktop/netbook... sounds familiar :)14:52
Riddellnixternal: not gnome, gnome's workspace replaced with unity14:52
nixternaloh yeah, knew that was coming already14:53
udsloggershtylman: I wonder where that idea came from :P14:53
nixternalshould make more people either switch to kubuntu or another distro :p14:53
shtylmannixternal: doubt it14:53
nixternalrickspencer3-uds: you sure love your graphs don't you :)14:53
ScottKI don't think the word Gnome has been mentioned once.14:54
udsloggerScottK: because it is legacy14:54
udsloggeroh gosh14:54
udsloggerlibinfinote is scary14:54
rickspencer3-udsnixternal, corrext, I love me some graphs14:54
ScottKAh.  There we are.14:54
udsloggerhere comes gnome14:54
nixternali heard zeitgeist at least once, and unity a bunch of times14:54
DarkwingDuckAnd people wonder why I use KDE14:55
nixternalunity is pretty sharp, but for me it takes a bit to getting used to for some reason14:56
DarkwingDuckI'll stick to plasma workspaces.14:56
nixternaleveryone is watching the video now. lag big time14:56
shtylmanplasma workspace is not that great either14:57
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
DarkwingDuckice cream?15:03
DarkwingDuckThree releases plus the Unity move...15:06
DarkwingDuckudslogger: what's up with Kobby? You work too fast to follow :P15:07
udsloggerit is broken, it is fucking broken, it is so horrible code, I think I need to leave and throw up15:07
DarkwingDuckudslogger: that bad?15:07
udsloggerglib is like a fly in ice cream!15:07
DarkwingDuckudslogger: too bad it isn't Harry Potter chocolate flys....15:08
udsloggerI also want such a fly15:08
udsloggerso it fails in inf-communication-manager.c:43915:09
DarkwingDuckOf course it does...15:09
DarkwingDuckWhy would it work?15:09
udsloggergood sofware ought to work15:15
txwikingerAntigua 4 ?15:39
=== DWonderly is now known as DarkwingDuck
ulyssesudslogger: shout a loud „EXTERMINATE”!16:26
udsloggertoo shy16:30
agateaudoes anyone know where libpolkit-grant2 want in Maverick?17:11
* agateau can't build polkit-qt from kdesupport trunk because of that :/17:14
Lex79ScottK: when you have time, kdebase is in binary new17:20
shadeslayerQuintasan: ping17:25
shadeslayerQuintasan: come to #ubuntu-uds-Bonaire217:26
nixternalhrmm, plenaries should be at the end of the day and not right after lunch.18:01
* udslogger was all sleepy20:01
udsloggeroh, actually I still am20:01
nixternaludslogger: you silly bum, you forgot bonaire 3 in your script :p  easy fix20:09
nixternal<-- looking at u1 stuff....holy shit it hurts my brain...now i see why you tossed it udslogger :p20:47
JontheEchidnafangs and claws? orly?20:47
nixternalyeah, it was good....everyone was gasping, going 'no, really?' and then some20:48
jjessesorry not following UDS20:48
jjessein response to what?20:48
JontheEchidnahttp://blog.nixternal.com/2010.10.25/uds-remotely/ the next-to-last bullet point20:49
JontheEchidnayay @ kobby finally being usable20:49
jjessehaha the default browser discussion20:50
* JontheEchidna goes browsing the UDS kobby docs20:50
nixternalthe docs are really slim it seems20:52
DarkwingDuckGobby crashed for a few hours20:52
JontheEchidnaoh, is there still a session going on? the ubuntuone thing is changing20:53
DarkwingDuckThe gobby server20:53
JontheEchidnaalmost over though :(20:54
DarkwingDuckvalorie is updating the Kubuntu ones...20:54
JontheEchidnaI knew that merging kmail2 into trunk was a bad idea from the start20:57
JontheEchidnaand no, this isn't a case of "hindsight 20-20", I really did think it was a bad idea then20:57
JontheEchidnaafter the kaddressbook port20:58
JontheEchidnawow, two Qt talks going on in the same timeslot tomorrow. Qt is getting popular21:01
crimsun"getting popular for *buntu?" ;)21:01
JontheEchidnaI'll try to make it to the KubuntuNattyCode talk via remote participation21:02
JontheEchidnadepends on how circuits lab goes tomorrow21:02
JontheEchidnaman, I never thought it would suck to have the talks happnening in your own timezone like that ;-)21:04
shtylmantaco where are you located?21:04
nixternalhe is in new york or mass...somewhere out east21:04
shtylmaneast I figured21:05
shtylmanI am east21:05
shtylmanwas just curious what local21:05
nixternalit isn't chicago, and that is all that matters :p21:07
udsloggerI am the master21:52
shadeslayerudslogger: 0_o21:52
shadeslayerwhere are you?!21:52
udsloggerin the hall way21:53
udsloggerand actually we have need for you21:53
udsloggervery urgently21:53
shadeslayerwhich one?21:53
udsloggerat the exit21:53
shadeslayerah coming 21:53
shadeslayerI am a fish21:54
shtylmanI think tonight I will begin my multi part rant on kde environment :)22:01
shtylmanblog entries22:01
udsloggerfregl: tell shadeslayer about attica or I will tell lydia that you refuse collaboration22:04
freglmoin, whazzup?22:05
* fregl goes home and to bed instead of giving lectures now22:06
udslogger!find aurorae22:08
ubottuFound: aurorae-themes-artwork22:08
udsloggerfregl: ok, shadeslayer do not complain to fregl while he is asleep22:09
macoudslogger: whatd you do to valorie's machine???22:39
udslogger[22:52:40] <udslogger> I am the master22:40
udsloggerthat I did22:40
macoudslogger: she said you turned on 3g. whered you turn on 3g?22:40
shadeslayermaco: when are you arriving?22:47
macoabout 10pm22:47
shadeslayerah ok22:47
udsloggershadeslayer: http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/blah.license23:30
Riddellrickspencer3: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdevs-kubuntu-n-rekonq-wishlist23:43
shadeslayervalorie: http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/blah.license23:46

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