
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
allenaphenninge: Fancy an easy one to start?09:47
henningeallenap: sure! ;)09:47
allenaphenninge: Thanks :)09:47
henningeallenap: He! 872 lines ...09:47
allenaphenninge: It's nearly 900 lines, but almost all of it is search-n-replace.09:47
allenaphenninge: The interesting files are propertycache.py and propertycache.txt.09:48
henningeallenap: np, I'll be fine09:48
henningeallenap: You are the native speaker but is the "in" not misplaced here:09:55
henninge557+The property cache for an object can be cleared by passing in the09:55
henninge558+object to `clear_property_cache()`.09:55
henninge"by passing the object into ..."09:55
allenaphenninge: I think both work, but your suggestion is better.09:56
henningeallenap: Also, I first thought this was the same test twice.09:56
allenaphenninge: I think I can trim it to make it look a little different.09:57
henningeallenap: or just make it clearer in the narrative that this is an alternative use of the same function.09:57
allenaphenninge: Okay.09:57
henningeWow, the new code looks much simpler. Good job!10:00
allenaphenninge: Cheers :) I should have done it this way from the start. Never mind, I learnt a lot... the hard way.10:01
henningeallenap: that really was an easy one. Thanks! r=me10:02
allenaphenninge: Cool, thanks10:02
bachi henninge11:44
henningeHey bac! ;)11:44
bachenninge: hey we're in testfix mode and i wonder if you'd sanity check this patch: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/519603/11:45
bacnormally i'd think the geo data has changed out from under us.  but best i can tell it hasn't, as we're getting the GeoIP Lite data from our PPA11:45
bachenninge: so, do you think the approach here of accepting both until we sort it out is sane?11:46
* henninge looks at the failure11:46
henningebac: oh yes, I think that is sane.11:47
bacok, well i'll just land it rs=bac then and not implicate you11:47
henningebac: I have never worked with geopip before.11:48
baconly minimal for me11:48
henningebut if you say "I know we may get one of these two values and we have yet to figure out why", I say your patch is a good way to get us going again.11:48
henningebac: r=me in that case.11:49
bachenninge: that is what i'm saying11:50
bachi jtv.11:55
jtvhi bac!11:55
jtvhappy end-of-buddhist-lent day11:55
henningeHi jtv!12:09
jtvHi henninge.  I'm not here.12:10
lifelesshenninge: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/edge/+merge/3923314:25
* henninge looks14:25
henninge186-On launchpad.net, the version and revision numbers are presented only in an14:27
henninge187-HTML comment.14:27
henningelifeless: How is that handled now? Are they always visible?14:28
henningeI don't mind, just curious.14:28
lifelessthey are in a <-- section14:28
lifelesshit ctrl-U on launchpad.net14:28
lifelessdown the bottom14:29
lifelessbut also I've put the revno on prod after chatting with mpt14:29
lifeless(by taking it outside a tal:condition)14:29
henningeOk, I knew that. I just thought it had changed because the test is deleted. But now that I looked closer at it, the test is not about them being in a comment but about them *not* being displayed.14:31
henningeSo that's ok. ;)14:31
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henningelifeless: thanks for removing the "bleeding edge" ... ;-)14:35
lifelessI haven't done a full test run yet, this may have some breakage, but shoud be minor14:35
henningelifeless: this still mentions edge. Is that OK?14:36
henninge921-         - is_edge/is_lpnet etc (thunks through to the config)14:36
henninge922+         - server.is_edge/is_lpnet etc (thunks through to the config)14:36
lifelessbah, I missed that; thanks14:37
lifelessit should be server.lpnet14:37
henningelifeless: also, you seem to have removed all references to "staging" from the on-edge script but left edge in there.14:38
henningeI think that script needs a complete renaming now.14:39
lifelesshenninge: I filed a bug about it14:40
lifelessuhm, I think you're reading the hunks wrongly14:40
henningeah, cool ;)14:40
lifelessWe should, i think, delete the script entirely14:40
henningewhy am I reading them wrongly?14:40
henningeor rather "how"14:41
lifelessit still calls staging_revision = on_staging()14:41
lifelessits just that theres no longer a use case for 'just edge'14:41
lifelessbecause edge is approximately gone14:41
lifeless+ staging_revision = get_staging_revision()14:42
henningeyes, I saw that but the command line option for staging is still there.14:42
lifeless- '--staging-only', action='store_true',14:43
lifeless1022- help="Only show revisions not on staging. Do not consult edge.")14:43
lifelessits gone :)14:43
henninge1023+        '--edge', action='store_true',14:43
henninge1024+        help="Show revisions on edge.")14:43
lifelessthats for edge14:43
henningeWhile we still have it?14:43
lifelessfirst we remove all the differences14:44
lifelessthen we put a redirect in place14:44
lifelessand a that point we need qa stuff to move from edge to qastaging14:44
lifelessso theres future tweaks to do here14:44
henningeSo, this script was just about easily figuring out how far you revision had propgated through the various branches.14:45
henningethat may not be needed anymore now.14:45
lifelessso devel -> stable -> deploy qastaging -> qa'd -> lpnet14:45
lifelessand db-devel -> db-stable -> staging -> ??? -> monthly release14:45
henningeSpeaking of which: I just created a draft for the 2011 release calendar (see your mail). We will still be having monthly releases, right?14:46
lifelessuntil we get db flexability in place14:47
henningelifeless: r=me14:49
lifelessthank you14:50
allenaphenninge: Do you fancy another easy one?15:25
henningeallenap: please! ;)15:29
allenaphenninge: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/ditch-get-bug-notifications-recipients-bug-659085-devel/+merge/3927715:29
allenaphenninge: It's big... at first glance.15:29
allenaphenninge: But it's actually almost all reviewed. Just a little diff (in the description) to review.15:29
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge, abentley || Reviewing: -, - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
henningeallenap: I have never seen a doc test import from a unit test. Is that a good(tm) practice?15:36
allenaphenninge: I don't think it's a problem, but it is a bit odd. Certainly BugTaskSearchBugsElsewhereTest.__init__() smells bad.15:38
allenaphenninge: Arguable those helper methods should have been put in a mixin or just a separate class, but as it is it's reasonably easy to figure out what's going on. I don't think there's much harm in it.15:40
henningeArgh! Now I get what that is doing.15:40
henningeallenap: Luckily it's not part of this review ... ;-)15:41
allenaphenninge: Yes, that's what I thought :)15:41
henningeallenap: could you call the result "naked_bugtasks" here?15:42
henninge+        bugtasks = [removeSecurityProxy(bugtask) for bugtask in bugtasks]15:42
allenaphenninge: Sure.15:42
henningeI think there was an agreement to clearly mark naked entities as such ...15:43
henningeallenap: r=me for the handy diff. ;-)15:44
allenaphenninge: Thanks :)15:46
rockstarhenninge, abentley, can I send a review to one of you?16:13
henningerockstar: I am almost done. Sorry.16:14
henningeIn fact, I am done ... ;)16:14
rockstarhenninge, it's VERY short.  :)16:14
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: abentley || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
henningerockstar: sure16:14
henningeshort & fun - always!16:14
leonardrabentley, pretty easy branch for your consideration: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/lazr.restful/fix-unicode-error/+merge/3927916:18
abentleyleonardr: Okay.16:19
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: abentley || Reviewing: leonardr || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
abentleyleonardr: you have conflicts.16:20
rockstarabentley, can you also review my branch?16:20
rockstarabentley, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rockstar/launchpad/fix-queue-permissions/+merge/39278 plz.16:20
abentleyrockstar: Sure.  I thought henninge was looking at it.16:20
henningerockstar, abentley: I am!16:20
rockstarhenninge, oh!  I thought you were being sarcastic.  :)16:21
henningerockstar: not my nature ... :)16:21
leonardrabentley: argh, coordinating with benji16:22
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abentleyleonardr: I am a bit confused by line 187; shouldn't that have a unicode escape, not \xc3\xa7?16:24
henningerockstar: Have you started your own Canonical spin-off? A bit obvious, don't you think?16:25
henninge136-# Copyright 2009-2010 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the16:25
henninge137+# Copyright 2009-2010 aanonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the16:25
rockstarhenninge, huh.  I'll fix that...16:25
leonardrabentley: no, because the test suite (i think, benji might know better) decodes the unicode string16:25
abentleyleonardr: Did you consider making this a unit test?16:27
benjiactually it's the other way around; it doesn't attempt to decode the string, so you just get the bytes16:27
henningerockstar: r=me ;-)16:27
rockstarhenninge, thank you sir!16:27
abentleybenji: so that's a platform-specific value, then?16:28
leonardrabentley, that's a huge pain, but i'll try16:29
abentleybenji: looks like utf-8 to me, not utf-16, which AIUI is the internal representation on Ubuntu python.16:30
benjiabentley: theoretically it could vary, but practically shouldn't16:31
abentleybenji: I don't think pretty sure it's the plain bytes of the unicode string, because on Ubuntu, the internal representation is utf-16, and that's utf-8.16:32
abentleybenji: I think it's more likely that it was encoded as utf-8.16:32
leonardrif i'm able to make it a unit test i should also be able to control the encoding16:33
allenapsalgado: Are you available to do UI reviews? It's not urgent.16:33
abentleyleonardr: true, but as a unit test, you can just compare against a unicode string.16:33
benjiabentley: I forget the exact details, but Python doesn't use utf-8 or -16 internally, it uses 16 or 32-bits per character (depending on how it was compiled)16:33
salgadoallenap, not really, I'm attending some UDS sessions remotely while I wait for my flight to the US16:34
allenapsalgado: Okay, thanks anyway. Have a good trip :)16:34
salgadothanks. :)16:35
abentleybenji: In this bug report, Adam Olsen asserts that it uses utf-16, not UCS2: http://bugs.python.org/issue329716:36
benjiabentley: yep I was thinking of UCS-2/UCS-4, but it does indeed use UTF-16/UTF-3216:37
abentleyleonardr: I'm not saying you have to use a unit test, but in Launchpad, the policy is that doctests should be testable documentation.16:41
gary_posterabentley: five-line-diff version-bump review when you have a moment: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/storm-0.18/+merge/3928616:48
abentleygary_poster: r=me16:49
gary_posterthanks abentley16:49
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leonardrabentley: behold: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/519760/17:31
abentleyleonardr: r=me.17:34
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leonardrbenji: i named launchpadlib 1.7.0 in anticipation of your kwallet branch. you don't need to call this branch 1.8.020:38
leonardrwe usually do 'import cStringIO as StringIO'20:40
benjileonardr: (assuming that comment was for me) ewww  :)20:45
leonardrbenji: actually, we do 'from cStringIO import StringIO', if that makes you feel better20:46
benjimuch better20:46
leonardrbenji, why do you have callback_called as a list instead of a boolean? i imagine it has something to do with the possibility that the callback might be called multiple times?20:49
leonardrbut if so, wouldn't you check the list to make sure it was only called once?20:49
benjileonardr: nope, it's because I can't rebind callback_called, just mutate it20:50
leonardrah, ok20:50
benjiperhaps a note to that effect is warrented20:51
leonardrbenji: the code is weird. bool([False]) is True20:51
leonardri think you should check that the list is [True]20:51
benjimmm, yeah that sounds like a bug20:52
leonardrbool([]) is False, but your use of booleans _inside_ the list strongly implies that you are checking those values20:52
leonardryou could have the callback append object() to the list, and make sure the list was nonempty20:53
benjileonardr: oh, well it's not a bug per se; I'm signaling truth by there being something lin the list20:53
benjiyeah, I'd say appending None would be the most straight-forward20:53
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leonardrbenji: can you run this code in bin/py on your kwallet branch and see if it works for you? i get an error but it might be a version mismatch21:05
leonardr>>> from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad21:05
leonardr>>> f = Launchpad.login_with("bar baz", "edge")21:05
benjileonardr: I get this: TypeError: __init__() takes at most 5 arguments (6 given)21:06
benjiI'll dig into it.21:06
leonardrok, cool21:06
leonardrbenji, review sent. i'm very glad that you were able to fix keyring so that we could use it21:10
benjileonardr: oh, I meant to mention that I was able to do away with the Qt widget bit (I still had to create a Qt "application" but that's not too bad)21:11
leonardrbenji: and that's in keyring, not in our code, right?21:11
benjiI expect Tarek to make a release of keyring this week that includes my changes.21:12
leonardrgreat, where's it coming from now?21:12
leonardrie. if i didn't get that TypeError would i be using your code?21:12
leonardror what would happen?21:12
leonardrbenji -^21:18
benjileonardr: you'd be using the version before my changes (because that's what buildout gets from PyPI), which probably couldn't build the GNOME bits, and it probably couldn't build the encyption bits, so more than likely you'll just be using a file21:20
leonardrbenji: ok, sometime tomorrow i'd like to get the whole thing running with your code so i can do an end-to-end test21:22
benjisounds good21:22
jcsackettabentley: have time for a review?21:23
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abentleyjcsackett: Prolly not.21:40
jcsackettabentley: fair. i wouldn't be able to get in to merge today anyway.21:41
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: abentley || Reviewing: - || queue: [StevenK] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
StevenKabentley: ^ If you have time22:27
abentleyStevenK: Sorry, I've EODed.22:27
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=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
StevenKNo fair dropping me from the queue22:28
=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [StevenK] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
abentleyStevenK: It's an on-call review queue.  No one has agreed to review you, so you can't be in the queue.22:29
thumperStevenK: paste the link22:32
StevenKthumper: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/cronscript-idsjob-testfix/+merge/3932122:33

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