
harrisonkI turned off seeing who came on and loged off of IRC in the client irssi how do I turn it back on>00:22
harrisonkhi pedro300500:23
pedro3005hi harrisonk00:23
harrisonkdo you know how to do this:00:23
harrisonkI turned off seeing who came on and loged off of IRC in the client irssi how do I turn it back on>00:23
seidosoh i know!  install xchat.  :>00:25
aveilleuxharrisonk: look in ~/.irssi00:25
harrisonkwhat will I be looking for?00:25
aveilleuxharrisonk: Find this and delete it (the guide tells you where)00:25
pedro3005aveilleux, uhm.. won't that screw up his entire configuration?00:26
aveilleuxpedro3005: I don't mean, delete the entire file00:26
aveilleuxharrisonk: Look for that code in the file mentioned00:26
harrisonkfound and deleted00:29
harrisonkseidos: xchat doesn't work on servers00:30
seidosharrisonk, sure it does!  you just need a server with a gui :x00:31
harrisonkbut then it isn't a server!00:31
harrisonk(or rather a headless server)00:32
seidosit a server with skin.00:32
harrisonkI know, I know I could use VNC but I like SSH00:32
seidosnah, irssi is fine.  i was just being silly.00:32
harrisonkI know :)00:32
harrisonkI have lots of friends like you00:33
* seidos laughs00:33
seidosoh, obnoxious?00:33
pedro3005oh, a hoop00:33
harrisonkthat is a smaller group00:33
pedro3005I gotta stop doing that00:33
harrisonkwhats a hoop?00:34
* seidos puts a ball in the hoop00:34
seidosso anyone else unable to get maverick running?00:34
seidoswell, i got it running from live usb, then it stopped working :'(00:35
harrisonkwhat!!!! Maverick not working!00:35
seidosi think my next install is going to have to be alternate cd install.  hopefully that will run from live usb00:35
seidosminus the cd of course00:35
seidosi guess maverick is too mavericky00:36
harrisonkseidos it would be an alternat USB00:36
seidosit's like "no!  i'm a maverick!  we do our own thing!"00:36
harrisonkwhat happens?00:36
seidoskernel panic00:36
seidossomething else too, can't recall presently00:36
harrisonkall I get is a squashfs can't mount error00:37
seidosi fixed this problem with live usb not working...something about syslinux 3.6.3 being too old, had to upgrade it00:37
* seidos looks up bugs in launchpad00:37
seidoshere it is:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+bug/66031100:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 660311 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Glib-warning **: getpwuid_r(): error when booting maverick from live usb (affects: 1) (heat: 459)" [Undecided,New]00:38
harrisonkhere is my bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/63671100:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 636711 in ubuntu "10.10 can't mount squashfs file system (affects: 9) (heat: 123)" [Undecided,Incomplete]00:40
harrisonkthey may not be related but "maverick won't start" is the problem in both.00:41
fitsnuglyI'm having some issues figuring out what is causing a system hang (not a kernel panic)00:58
aveilleuxfitsnugly: If you type "top" into Terminal, you can see what is taking the most amount of resources00:58
fitsnuglywould be an option if I could ssh into the box after the hang, but I can't...00:59
aveilleuxfitsnugly: Ah, the whole system is going down? Hm00:59
johnny77If I installed a program, then installed a beta release of the same program, would the repository pick it back up when the beta is released stable?00:59
aveilleuxfitsnugly: Type "dmesg |tail" into Terminal and seen if there's any kind of crash there00:59
aveilleuxjohnny77: Well, "beta" software never goes live, usually. "Beta" is just test software01:00
aveilleuxjohnny77: Er, never goes stable01:00
fitsnugly[   84.292545] Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -238074925 ns)01:01
fitsnuglyis that anything?01:01
aveilleuxjohnny77: When the software goes back up into stable, then the stable version of the software will be newer than the beta, so it'll be upgraded from the beta01:02
johnny77aveilleux, well beta may of been the wrong word. Between releases dropbox releases what the call forum builds. After installed the last stable, I installed a forum release. Now they are going to release it soon.01:02
johnny77aveilleux, Thanks that is what I was wondering.01:03
aveilleuxfitsnugly: Evidently that's just a message stating that the system clock is unreliable -- for example, in variable-speed CPUs (such as those with AMD Cool 'n' Quiet or Intel's SpeedStep)01:04
aveilleuxfitsnugly: Just pastebin the output of dmesg |tail, please01:04
aveilleux!pastebin | fitsnugly01:04
ubot2fitsnugly: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:04
fitsnuglyit hangs every time I try to compile Android at random times... could be 2 minutes, could be 4501:07
aveilleuxfitsnugly: It sounds like it's a problem with the Android compilation, because I don't see anything here that's a problem01:07
fitsnuglyfrustrating because i can't see what's causing the error to fix it...01:08
fitsnuglyi was able to compile android when I was on 9.10, i recently clean installed 10.10 and nothing but hangs01:09
aveilleuxfitsnugly: 9.10 to 10.10? That's an odd jump. Normally people who miss releases go from LTS to LTS, which are even-numbered *.04 releases (ie. 8.04, 10.04)01:10
fitsnuglyi usually run windows ... i didn't bother with ubuntu for a long time and decided to clean install 10.10 when it came out01:11
aveilleuxfitsnugly: ah, fair 'nuff.01:11
fitsnuglyi usually grab nightly builds of CM... but when the buildbot died for a week I decided to compile it myself01:12
fitsnuglyand now it's to the point it's pissing me off why i can't figure it out ;)01:13
aveilleuxfitsnugly: I don't know much about Android, what kind of build environment is required?01:13
fitsnuglyand my linux skill level is on the upper end on newb.  i can get around (with tons of google help), but can't diagnose much01:15
fitsnuglyI used this tutorial: http://goo.gl/RY4Z01:15
aveilleuxfitsnugly: You should run on 32-bit, since (I noticed this) the 64-bit part of the guide just tells you to also include the 32-bit compatibility libraries.01:17
johnny77I'm getting a message every time I boot that says Ubuntu One is full. I never signed up for an account. How can I disable this?01:18
aveilleuxfitsnugly: Take out that small complication, and it'll be easier to diagnose any problem.01:18
aveilleuxjohnny77: System > Preferences > Startup Applications, disable Ubuntu One01:18
fitsnuglyso reinstall 32bit? ugh.01:18
johnny77aveilleux, some times it seems just too easy :)01:19
aveilleuxfitsnugly: I don't entirely want to make you do that, but since Android needs a 32-bit build environment, it would make things just less complex overall01:19
fitsnuglyseems odd that others can compile it in 64bit tho?01:20
aveilleux'fitsnugly: It seems odd as well, but this person also only used the Beta and not the final release. Things have changed since the beta.01:21
fitsnuglywell thanks for your time...01:24
stlsaintyo yo yo01:42
johnny77I've been using Ubuntu for a couple of weeks doing common desktop activities. I know few basic, but want to learn some more. Maybe help somewhere. Do any of you have a suggestion as where to start?02:38
stlsaintjohnny77: the forums02:42
stlsaintjohnny77: best place to give support02:42
stlsaintand in here of course ;)02:42
johnny77stlsaint, where would you suggest to go to learn some more beginner level stuff?02:46
stlsaintjohnny77: head over to the ubuntu forums02:47
stlsaintjohnny77: ubuntuforums.org02:47
stlsaintin the beginners section with learning the fixes that people give for issues and then start giving some from your own experience02:48
johnny77stlsaint, thank you.03:10
stlsaintjohnny77: np03:12
harrisonkstlsaint: hello03:28
=== harrisonk is now known as harrisonk_away
LeMoiLibHello world! My USB drive are not mounted automatically any more. But using the disk utility I can mount them there! What is going? How can I make my system mounting automatically again?08:31
LeMoiLibCould not launch Adobe Reader 9.3.4. Please make sure it exists in PATH variable in the environment. If the problem persists, please reinstall the application. Where is PATH??????08:39
bioterroris it hard drive?08:44
bioterroryou have to add it to the fstab08:45
bioterrorand what comes to Adobe Reader, is it in a correct place like /usr/local/bin or something like that08:45
tdnI have recorded some videos with my digital camera. What program can I use to edit the video clips?08:55
tdnKubuntu 10.04 LTS.08:55
bioterrorI've tried editing videos with linux and it's pain in the ass, there's no tool that like OS X's tools08:57
LeMoiLibHi bio! What is fstab?08:58
bioterrorcat /etc/fstab08:58
LeMoiLiband then should I edit it?08:58
bioterrorwhat ever you use as your text editor08:59
bioterrorgedit, leafpad, nano, vi, vim08:59
LeMoiLibyes, no that! What should I edit?08:59
bioterroraeh, I cannot get access to my home network so I could show you an example09:00
bioterrorbut you can see your default drive from there09:00
LeMoiLibok let me try that!09:00
bioterrorUUID=<insert  your usb-drive's UUID> mountpoint fstype 0 209:01
bioterrorif I remember right09:01
LeMoiLibis the cathope so!09:01
bioterrorUUID=1231231-123123123-123123-13123 /media/Warez ext4 0 209:01
bioterrorsomething like that09:01
LeMoiLibis cat a command?09:02
bioterrorcat shows you the file09:02
bioterrorin terminal09:02
LeMoiLibthis is the file09:03
LeMoiLib# /etc/fstab: static file system information.09:03
LeMoiLib# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier09:03
LeMoiLib# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name09:03
LeMoiLib# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).09:03
bioterrorUUID kicks ass09:03
nlsthznLeMoiLib: Have a read here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB might solve your issue ;)09:05
bioterrorI added week ago one pata drive to my desktop and I use sata drives. that pata drive is recognized as /dev/sda now and UUID saved my day becouse my original /dev/sda is now /dev/sdb09:05
LeMoiLibI don't understand the jargon!!!!!09:06
LeMoiLibI browse before landing here, but thing looks to alien for me09:06
LeMoiLibbio I'm up reading your link!....09:09
LeMoiLibAny suggestion for the Adobe PATH thing???09:10
nlsthznLeMoiLib: As far as I can tell you will have to add the path to where the application is installed in a file called .bashrc which I assume is in your home directory... let me investigate further and get back to you...09:12
LeMoiLibWhile you are at that, I wish to know how to install software like that directly in /usr/local/ ? That might be the issue!09:14
nlsthznLeMoiLib: Did you install from a .deb or compile from source?09:15
LeMoiLibI install form a bin that I downloaded!09:15
LeMoiLibI also install some other stuff from source but all of them out of /usr/local because I don't know how!09:16
tdnHow do I allow some specific commands to be run with sudo without asking for password, while having other commands require passwords?09:18
nlsthznLeMoiLib: I have maybe compiled from source once so I don't have the knowledge but AFAIK it has something to do with editing the make file or something before running the configuration script or some such but I am not sure...09:19
nlsthznLeMoiLib: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3199 link has someone adding a PATH variable to there .bashrc file, have a look and try that and see how it goes :)09:20
nlsthzntdn: Run man sudo in a terminal and read the description, explains nicely09:22
tdnnlsthzn, I just did that. I have not gotten much nearer a solution. Actually this documentation looks more like being about how to use the sudo command more than how to configure it.09:29
tdnnlsthzn, can you provide an example?09:29
nlsthznAFAIK you will always need to give a password for sudo, except if you have given one in the last 15 minutes by default then it isn't required (from the Description)09:31
nlsthzntdn: Hope you figure something out, I got to run... cheers all09:33
tdnnlsthzn, it is, at least possible to specify a NOPASSWD option.09:34
tdnnlsthzn, I just want this to apply only for specific commands.09:34
=== zz_slidinghorn is now known as slidinghorn
jappieI am trying to install java Version 6 Update 22. I downloaded it, copied the file to /usr/java, verified that I have the right permissions (and right file size 20.2 mb) set but when I run the file I get this message: "./jre-6u22-linux-i586.bin: 86: ./install.sfx.6187: not found Failed to extract the files."13:05
nlsthznjappie: What file did you download, a deb?13:17
jappieno a bin file13:17
jappiethe "Linux self extracting binary file"13:18
nlsthznYou are running Ubuntu I assume?13:20
jappieyes I am running 10.1013:22
bioterrorjappie, enable canical partner from the sources13:23
bioterrorand then dpkg -l |grep openjdk13:23
bioterrorremove all the openjdk files and then sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre,bin,plugins,fonts13:23
bioterrorcanonical partner13:23
jappiebioterror, how do I do this?13:23
bioterrorfrom the software sources13:24
jappiein the synaptic manager?13:24
nlsthznVersion 6b18-1.8 is in the software center by default...13:25
bioterrorii  sun-java6-jre                         6.22-0ubuntu1~10.04                             Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture ind13:26
jappiebioterror: do I run this command in Terminal? "dpkg -l |grep openjdk" ?13:26
bioterrorjappie, yes13:26
bioterrorit lists what openjdk softwares you have installed already13:26
bioterrorand you can remove them13:26
bioterrorbecouse openjdk and sun-java doesnt work together13:26
bioterroryou can have only one13:27
jappiebioterror: can I remove them through synaptic?13:29
bioterroryou can13:29
bioterrorand install13:29
bioterrorif that's easier for you13:29
bioterrorbut you have to enable those software sources13:29
jappiebioterror: I have removed the openjdk packages and it is automatically downloading java 6...13:32
jappieyes, sun-java-6-bin13:33
bioterrorthere you go13:33
jappieI still need to enable it?13:33
bioterrorno need to touch that that .deb file from the site13:34
bioterrorusually you find from synaptic everything you need13:34
bioterrorhttp://www.macrumors.com/2010/10/22/steve-jobs-comments-on-apples-java-discontinuation/ read that while you're enjoying your fresh java on linux ;)13:34
bioterrormmm.. fresh cup of java... ;)13:36
nlsthznjust for my own enlightenment, why use sun java over open jave?13:36
bioterrornlsthzn, becouse propietary java works13:36
bioterrorand openjdk doesnt13:36
bioterrorI'm using danske bank as my bank and they use java in login applet13:37
bioterrorgues what: OpenJDK crashes13:37
bioterrorbut propietary works13:37
nlsthznbioterror: Makes sense, thx (now I understand why I have not been able to get Minecraft to work :D )13:37
jappiebioterror: I have the same problem with my online banking.13:38
jappiebioterror: I restarted firefox aand went to the test page but Java is not enabled. So I went to firefox preferences/advanced but there is nothing there to enable java...any idea?13:38
bioterrorit is enable instantly when it's instantly13:39
bioterrorrestart your browser13:40
jappiebioterror: I restarted but java is still not running..13:43
bioterrordid you install -plugin, bin, jre and fonts?13:44
jappiebioterror: hold on: I need to install additional plugin....I let you know if this is it, ok!13:44
bioterroryou need that one too13:44
bioterrorthen you hit yourself to that page13:44
jappiebioterror: thanks! Now it runs great!13:49
bioterroreasy like a sunday morning13:49
jappienlsthzn: thankx to u2!13:49
nlsthznjappie: All thx to bioterror, we both learnt something new :)13:49
* bioterror bows :D13:50
jappiebioterror: If I want to update the jave (it tells me update available) can I just run:  sudo apt-get update sun-java6-jre,bin,plugins,fonts ?13:54
nlsthznjappie: That will update only if those packages that is in the repo's have been updated, and seeing as you just installed I would doubt it...13:55
jappieOk, so How can I update? or will it do this automatically?13:56
nlsthznbio!  Where is he when one needs him (oh, away... great)... I don't think so... how ever once the repo gets an update and you run apt-get update it will be available...13:58
nlsthznSilver_Fox_: Hi, so whats the problem :D14:08
nlsthznSilver_Fox_: lol, just asking if there is anything that you need assistance with (sorry, wrong wording on my part).14:10
Silver_Fox_Oh I see, I have no technical problems.14:10
nlsthznSilver_Fox_: Any non-technical problems?14:14
johnny77If I uninstall something will it automatically remove the items from the software sources?14:21
nlsthznjohnny77: I am not quite understanding what you mean, but uninstalling an application from a certain software source doesn't alter the software sources that are enabled, and also won't alter what sofware is available in those sources AFAIK (sorry for the late reply, had some shopping to do)15:14
johnny77nlsthzn, So when I installed google chrome it added a repository to the software sources. If i now uninstall google chrome, i will have to manualy go in and remove the software source.15:16
nlsthznAFAIK... but that is easy, System->Administration->Software Sources15:18
hobgoblinjohnny77: yep15:18
hobgoblinI'd also be less than amused if installing something added a repo15:18
nlsthznNormally, the user has to add the repo or allow it to be added before it can be15:19
johnny77hobgoblin, why? shouldn't they always add this so that I can stay updated?15:20
nlsthznjohnny77: Adding a repo without you knowing would be an issue15:21
johnny77nlsthzn, Understand I'm a new ubuntu user. Please explain why this would be an issue.15:22
hobgoblinif I add a repository to my sources list I am in control of what can be installed to my system, hence I can trust what happens - if installing an application does so they are in control and I cannot trust my sources15:24
nlsthznI would suspect that keeping tabs on all your system updates becomes an issue the more repo's there are (I am also still new but I am pretty sure having the wrong repo's enabled would put your system more at risk of exploitation etc. but I stand corrected) plus what hobgoblin said :D15:24
hobgoblinthough at some point you have to trust that the repo you add is trustworthy :)15:26
nlsthzn... or have no more software :D15:26
johnny77hobgoblin, But it would be ok, for the company to be upfront, saying this will add to your repos, right? Then you could choose whether to install.15:26
hobgoblinI tend to only add ppa's anyway - and they are not uncommon ones so it would soon show up15:26
hobgoblinjohnny77: well yes at that point you have the choice - I would just rather add the source if I want to and ten install the software15:27
hobgoblinjust willy nilly installing things ends up being the same as windows with no real trust involved15:27
johnny77hobgoblin, maybe that is my problem, still have that stupid windows mentality. :)15:28
johnny77hobgoblin, So I should always be aware of what is in the software repos and know what they are for. Duly noted.15:33
* nlsthzn thinks that learning has taken place :)15:33
hobgoblinjohnny77: only if you actually want to take control of your machine :D15:36
hobgoblinI'd agree nlsthzn15:37
johnny77hobgoblin, I can't be completely in control; i'm still dual-booting with windows. :)15:37
hobgoblinyou can be completely in control of windows as well - just not so easy to do15:45
nlsthznhobgoblin: I think you can think you are completely in control ;)15:46
hobgoblinnlsthzn: I do not like omgubuntu at all15:47
hobgoblinand that lp blueprint is written by a child troll :)15:47
nlsthznhobgoblin: :) where did the omgubuntu statement come from?15:48
hobgoblinI assume that you are the same nlsthzn as the nlsthzn on the forum - I was just reading the unity thread15:48
nlsthznhobgoblin: :D that's what I thought (but I was like, what is the chances, I just posted there two minutes ago)15:50
hobgoblinI am trolling the cafe looking for bad peoples :)15:50
nlsthzn:) second question, sorry, Ip blueprint?15:52
hobgoblinwhat the thread is actually all about - launchpad blueprint to use unity - at which point I will give up using ubuntu - instead of gnome15:54
nlsthznOh ok... I didn't even bother to read it, the OP is a kid from the same country that hit me with the link to his thread in IM and asked my opinion...16:02
hobgoblinI have refrained from posting in it :)16:02
nlsthznhobgoblin: Just got a heads up in Facebook (yes, sad I know) that it is now Official that Unity will ship with 11.04... Ubuntu 11.04 will ship the Unity environment by default - more details and clarity at http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/25/ubuntu-11-04-to-ship-unity/ - this is going to rock! @jonobacon16:02
nlsthznsite doesn't want to load for me16:02
hobgoblinthen I'll not be using ubuntu then ...16:04
bioterrornlsthzn, you got it right16:05
johnny77I hope i'm not interrupting, but unity is the new UNR enterface right?16:05
nlsthznjohnny77: Yes, the one shipping with 10.1016:07
johnny77nlsthzn, now they are going to use that with desktop too?16:07
hobgoblinI'd much rather have gnome3 working16:08
nlsthznjohnny77: There has been a rumour going around it will be considered... now there is a rumour going around it will ship with 11.04 (I doubt it will and hope not)16:09
johnny77Gnome is the term for the desktop environment, right? Sorry for the stupid questions, but i'm not sure of all the terms yet.16:10
hobgoblinjohnny77: yes ubuntu uses gnome, kubuntu - kde, xubuntu - xfce and lubuntu uses lxde16:12
johnny77hobgoblin, so if Ubuntu replaces gnome with unity in 11.04 (thats the rumor right?), then because I hate Unity, I can still use ubuntu, but with a derivative.16:14
nlsthznjohnny77: Ubuntu was using Gnome, so if they go with Unity there will have to be a new derivative to use standard Gnome... which would be called something else...16:14
nlsthznGubuntu or some such :)16:15
johnny77nlsthzn, could they just drop it?16:15
hobgoblinoh lord nooooooo - I hate that gubuntu thread ;)16:15
nlsthznjohnny77: Well, technically Unity is still Gnome, just mutilated... and sure, the creators of Ubuntu can do what they want I guess16:17
nlsthznhobgoblin: Lol16:17
nlsthznhttp://techhaze.com/2010/05/gnome-shell-and-unity-the-future-ubuntu-interfaces/ some light reading16:17
hobgoblinI fuse to read it - I'z trolling now :D16:19
nlsthznGot to keep in mind that Unity is a Ubuntu thing, and might alienate Ubuntu even more from the other distro's and Gnome... maybe thats what they want?!16:19
nlsthznAnother link to say Ubuntu moving away from the standard Gnome http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/25/ubuntu-11-04-to-ship-unity/16:25
aveilleuxnlsthzn, The phrase "standard GNOME" is an oxymoron16:26
johnny77Let me get this straight. In reality Ubuntu refers more to the kernel. And Ubuntu just happened to be using gnome while the other distros were being made. So Ubuntu has almost been synonymous with gnome. But now if they are moving away from gnome then Ubuntu will refer to Unity and a distro will be made for gnome.16:27
nlsthznaveilleux: Standard Gnome - Also known as default Debian :D16:27
nlsthznjohnny77: lol, give me a sec, you almost got it but not quite16:28
aveilleuxnlsthzn, Debian is not affiliated with GNOME. GNOME is just a desktop environment, it can be configured however you want. Red Hat, for example, ships with a modified GNOME interface as well.16:28
aveilleuxjohnny77, "Ubuntu" does not refer to the kernel. Linux is the kernel. Ubuntu is a distribution, a collection of software (most of which is composed by GNU).16:29
nlsthznaveilleux: Was joking, just pointing out that you won't get closer to a "Standard" gnome look than a default Debian install... I am well aware of the differences ;)16:29
aveilleuxjohnny77, GNOME is just a desktop environment, it's a graphical shell placed on top of the tty shells (text-mode).16:29
aveilleuxjohnny77, Ubuntu used GNOME by default, and other derivatives were made to include other DEs (the "K" in Kubuntu refers to KDE, the desktop environment used in Kubuntu)16:30
johnny77ok, thanks I understand now.16:31
aveilleuxI'l be supremely disappointed if Unity ships default with the next version of Ubuntu. It's AWFUL.16:31
johnny77nlsthzn, You mentioned something about alienation?16:33
nlsthznjohnny77: I did?16:34
johnny77Got to keep in mind that Unity is a Ubuntu thing, and might alienate Ubuntu even more from the other distro's and Gnome... maybe thats what they want?16:35
johnny77don't know if quoting is a feature...16:35
aveilleuxjohnny77, You mean quoting on IRC? No, but you can always copy/paste :-P16:36
nlsthznOh, yes, Ubuntu has gotten a lot of fire from other entities in the open source world that they don't give enough back and only takes... now they have possibly branched off even further doing there own thing and I am sure some wil not like this16:37
johnny77Canonical is the company behind Ubuntu right? They make the decisions?16:47
aveilleuxjohnny77, Yes16:48
newboon2agethen again, maybe others will like Unity and adopt it.  after all its pretty slick. johnny77, nlsthzn17:00
newboon2ageaveilleux: you don't like Unity?17:01
aveilleuxnewboon2age, Not at all17:01
nlsthznnewboon2age: From what I have heard Unity sucks big time...17:01
johnny77newboon2age, i hate it.17:01
newboon2agei was impressed with it so far.  what don't you like?17:01
aveilleuxnewboon2age, It's extremely sluggish, for me. Also, I strongly dislike that Unity takes over my panels, so I can't configure them properly17:01
aveilleuxnewboon2age, Plus, it just feels like I turned "baby mode" on... like the system was designed for children17:02
newboon2ageit looks like its designed for touchpad.  a uPad perhaps?17:03
aveilleuxnewboon2age, Also, when I try to run it virtualized it complains that I don't have the proper driver installed and tells me to choose GNOME, leading me to believe that Unity *requires* hardware acceleration. This will most definitely turn off many users.17:04
newboon2agesomeboday said right now Unity requires mutter.17:06
nlsthznaveilleux: In the speech of Mark's he apparently hinted that Unity will only be avaiable to those that meet the hardware requirements (3D etc. I assume)17:06
aveilleuxnlsthzn, That frustrates me.17:06
aveilleuxnlsthzn, That implies that Ubuntu should only be for those whose hardware supports new technologies, something that has been indicative of more... proprietary operating systems17:07
aveilleuxnlsthzn, Ubuntu being able to run flawlessly on older hardware is one of my key selling points when I talk to people about GNU/Linux.17:07
newboon2ageaveilleux: agreed17:08
nlsthznaveilleux: It may mean that you could get a traditional Gnome desktop if you want ;)17:08
aveilleuxnlsthzn, I'm sure you can; you always have been able to choose what DE you want. One of the important aspects of my project is that you get to choose a DE before installation.17:10
nlsthznaveilleux: What I mean is, rather than getting a "Unity" Gnome installation you get something closer to the current Gnome interfaces... and it is still official etc.17:11
Alexandermag89Hi, I am trying to boot Ubuntu 10.10 off of my thumb drive from a mac. Can anybody help me?17:11
nlsthznAlexandermag89: Hi, Did you follow the instructions on the ubnuntu web site to make sure the USB is bootable?17:12
=== JoeMaverickSett is now known as JoeSett
Alexandermag89Yeah, but when I restart and select the disk to boot off of, it only shows my Mac Hd and my thumb drive is absent17:13
nlsthznIn the Bios you should be able to select USB as an option to boot from17:14
aveilleuxnlsthzn, Macs work differently.17:14
aveilleuxAlexandermag89, How did you create the Flash drive?17:15
nlsthznaveilleux: That is what I was afraid off...17:15
Alexandermag89Through terminal17:15
aveilleuxnlsthzn, Expecting a Mac to conform to standards? Madness17:15
aveilleuxAlexandermag89, You used the dd command?17:15
Alexandermag89sudo dd...17:15
nlsthznaveilleux: Even though they now use standard hardware... would have thought that the Bios was pretty similar17:16
aveilleuxnlsthzn, Of course not, they use EFI.17:16
Alexandermag89I converted it to a .img.dmg file, I think that it just uses the .dmg17:16
Alexandermag89Is there any way that a thumb drive cannot be seen as a disk when booting? Like if it doesen't have the correct files/file types?17:18
nlsthznaveilleux: Cool, learnt something new... good wiki article on EFI ;)17:18
nlsthznAlexandermag89: http://www.webupd8.org/2009/04/4-ways-to-create-bootable-live-usb.html See this, might work for you17:21
Alexandermag89Thank you17:21
aveilleuxAlexandermag89, When I made a boot USB drive, I didn't need to convert it to a dmg17:22
aveilleuxAlexandermag89, If anything, converting to a dmg probably broke it17:22
nlsthznWas fun and I learned a lot, thanks all17:23
Alexandermag89Well when you run "hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ~/path/to/target.img ~/path/to/ubuntu.iso" it converts it into a .img, but OSX adds .dmg17:24
Alexandermag89If i just delete the converted file, and reformat the thumb drive, will it be back to how it was before I started?17:30
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
DiegoTcping Silver_Fox_18:10
Silver_Fox_Sorry, slightly busy DiegoTc . Talk later.18:11
DiegoTcokay Silver_Fox_18:11
DiegoTcguys I got a little(huge) trouble with the grub18:11
hobgoblinhi DiegoTc18:12
DiegoTcI was trying to recover the grub after a windows instalation https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:12
DiegoTcand now i get the problem that no grub appears :( no windows neither ubuntu18:12
hobgoblinand what has happened?18:12
DiegoTconly a black screen18:12
DiegoTcwith a little white line18:13
hobgoblinDiegoTc: did you just do it the once - or did you go back and try again?18:14
DiegoTci did it 2 times18:14
DiegoTci thought something went wrong18:14
DiegoTcI was thing to solve the problem if i removed the grub completely from the live cd18:15
DiegoTcand then18:15
DiegoTcinstall it again18:15
DiegoTcbut i am not sure about that18:15
hobgoblinyou in the livecd now?18:16
hobgoblinI gotta go - just got a call - but quickly - which method did you use to reinstall it?18:18
DiegoTchobgoblin: SIMPLEST - Copy GRUB 2 Files from the LiveCD18:18
DiegoTcthat one18:19
hobgoblinok - I have only ever used the chroot method - worked for me18:19
hobgoblinbut I would check then if the grub files are actually on the mounted partrition if you did it the other way - mount it and then   ls /mnt/whatever/boot/grub18:20
hobgoblinDiegoTc: obviously change /mnt/whatever to where you mount it - sorry I have to go now - will be back a bit later though18:20
johnny77In Ubuntu gnome is there a way to get your workspaces to be a dropdown list instead of the four horizontal boxes>18:55
hobgoblinjohnny77: not that I am aware of - though if you know what workspaces you have you don't actually have to have the workspace switcher on the panel - as long as you remember how to get to them :) I only use 2 and have them on alt+f1 and f219:23
bioterrorI use alt+arrows left n right19:23
bioterrorctlr+alt + arrows19:24
bodhizazenAnyone want to see a "live" demo of my new style for my web pages ?19:42
bodhizazenDoes not support IE19:42
maheanuuIaOra from the Sacred Isle....   Boy am I having probs this morning, seems the harder I work the loster I get20:34
maheanuuI am trying to copy or move a folder (Downloads) to an external drive I prefer to move it rather than do a copy but I, for the life of me cannot seem to do either20:35
slidinghornmaheanuu, in a terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal) type  sudo mv original/file new/file20:36
aveilleuxmaheanuu, If you press and hold Ctrl as you drag the folder into the external drive's directory, then it will move instead of copy.20:36
maheanuuI am told that It is a read only file and I do not have permission, I have tried to change permission and no joy20:36
maheanuuHang on lemme try that20:37
maheanuuNope still not working still need permission changes20:39
slidinghornmaheanuu, what are you trying to move?20:40
aveilleuxmaheanuu, The drive may have not been mounted properly20:40
maheanuuSome photos, videos and music files nothing that should be "read only"20:41
maheanuuIt is showing as /dev/sdb120:42
slidinghornmaheanuu, you can try adding a -f modifier to the mv command20:43
aveilleuxmaheanuu, what is the name of the directory? (as in, where is it mounted in /media?)20:43
maheanuuI am working with a bunch of island kids and we're sorta in the blind leadin the blind stage working on linux (Ubuntu) I am the only person on this island using linux (and not very well yet)20:43
maheanuuthe directory is named Downloads120:46
maheanuusorry got pulled away by family for a min there20:47
maheanuuWhat I really need is a beginners instruction manual that I can work my way thru and also teach the kids around here to use also, we have about an 80% unemployment ratio for the island20:48
aveilleuxmaheanuu, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual20:49
maheanuuIt is in /home/maheanuu/Downloads120:50
slidinghornmaheanuu, what about the path to the external drive?20:51
maheanuuIs that what you wanted Aveilleux?20:51
aveilleuxmaheanuu, No, I wanted to know where the drive is mounted. It should be something like /media/*20:52
maheanuuIt is showing /dev/sdb120:52
maheanuuI am beginning to think that i'm TSTO20:53
aveilleuxmaheanuu, Then the drive was not mounted properly. Open up Terminal for me (Applications > Accessories > Terminal) and type the following command:20:53
slidinghornmaheanuu, you're not...we were all beginners at one point.  Linux systems are a continual learning process :)20:53
maheanuuterm is up20:53
maheanuunot seeing any command ave20:54
aveilleuxsudo umount /dev/sdb1 && sudo mkdir /media/usbdrive && sudo mount -o rw /dev/sdb1 /mount/usbdevice20:54
slidinghornmaheanuu, a quick explaination of that command:   unmount sdb1.  (&& = and then) make a directory called /media/usbdrive (and then) mount everything in /dev/sdb1 to /mount/usbdevice20:56
maheanuumaheanuu@maheanuu:~$ sudo umount /dev/sdb1 && sudo mkdir /media/usbdrive && sudo mount -o rw /dev/sdb1 /mount/usbdevice20:56
maheanuu[sudo] password for maheanuu:20:56
maheanuumount: mount point /mount/usbdevice does not exist20:56
maheanuuNow what???20:56
aveilleux!pastebin | maheanuu20:57
ubot2maheanuu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:57
aveilleuxShoot. I mistyped the command.20:57
slidinghornmaheanuu, oh, he accidentally used 2 different names....type sudo mount -o rw /dev/sdb1 /media/usbdrive20:57
slidinghorninstead of /media/usbdevice20:57
aveilleuxslidinghorn, maheanuu, yes the device name is important to get exactly right20:58
aveilleuxmaheanuu, so now just type:20:58
aveilleuxsudo mount -o rw /dev/sdb1 /media/usbdriv20:58
maheanuuOk it is mounted now but still I cannot move or copy files as it is telling me that I do NOT have permission21:00
maheanuuI have tried to change permission in the gui but nada, rien21:00
maheanuuI have to learn the terminal, I used to be really good at dos, but then doze came along and like a fool I continued down the evil path21:01
aveilleuxmaheanuu, that's odd. What kind of drive is it?21:02
maheanuuIt is a seagate free agent that I have removed their stuff from and reformatted and partitioned so that I can use it as a portable storage unit21:03
maheanuuMy download directory is on my sda drive21:03
maheanuuit is a notebook sized 250gig sata21:04
maheanuuAha, it is telling me that I am not the owner and am not allowed to change permissions now....21:06
maheanuuI just  brought the drive up in properties21:06
slidinghornaha!  sudo chown <newowner>21:07
aveilleuxmaheanuu, sudo chown /media/usbdrive <your_user_name>21:09
aveilleuxmaheanuu, sudo chown <your_user_name> /media/usbdrive21:12
maheanuuIt is now telling me that Operation Not permitted21:19
maheanuuI have it formatted as NTFS as most of the people here are using windoze21:20
maheanuuwith the exception of the very, very few mac users21:21
maheanuuThis is what I typed   sudo chown maheanuu /media/usbdrive21:21
aveilleuxmaheanuu, Ohhh..... NTFS drives are buggy under Ubuntu....21:23
aveilleuxmaheanuu, try this:21:23
aveilleuxsudo umount /dev/sdb1 &&  sudo mount -t ntfs3g -o rw /dev/sdb1 /mount/usbdevice21:24
Mjiighello, does anyone know of a place on a standard ubuntu install that I could extract a large wordlist to use in programs (plain text, xml or whatever)21:32
aveilleuxMjiig, Does it matter what program is using it? Because your home folder would work fine in this case.21:36
Mjiigsorry, i wasn't clear, I meant does ubuntu come with a word list in a file that's on a standard install21:37
aveilleuxMjiig, Again, what program21:38
Mjiigprograms that i write myself in C plus the python and ruby interpreters21:39
aveilleuxMjiig, text files can reside anywhere. I don't know of anything that you are referring to... I suppose I just don't understand what you mean by "word list"21:40
Mjiighow can i put this... There are programs in ubuntu that must have a dictionary to operate, i wondered if this came from a file somewhere in the system folders. If it is I could make use of it.21:42
aveilleuxMjiig, There are dictionary files used by OpenOffice, they're not standard in Linux though. They're application-specific.21:42
bodhizazenMjiig: a dictionary or a library ?21:45
bodhizazenyou want a dictionary, like ispell ?21:46
Mjiigbodhizazen: a dictionary21:46
bodhizazendictionary for what ?21:46
bodhizazenspell checking ?21:46
bodhizazenI can not tell if you are asking for a library, the way you are asking about programming21:47
aveilleuxbodhizazen, I think they want a dictionary library21:47
Mjiigsorry, i literally mean a list of words in the English language21:47
aveilleuxbodhizazen, something like aspell21:47
Mjiigbodhizazen: just found what i want21:48
bodhizazenMjiig: what was it ?21:49
Mjiigbodhizazen: /usr/share/dict/words21:50
slidinghornhey zkriesse how are you21:58
zkriessehallo slidinghorn Im ok21:59
johnny77I'm trying to find a way to take the horizontal workspace switcher and make it vertical like a drop down box. I found this applet, but wanted to let you guys check it out if that is ok. Just wanted to make sure I can trust it. http://bit.ly/cHV2vc22:15
slidinghornjohnny77, omgubuntu is usually a pretty trustworthy source -- I've never run into a problem in that area with them22:16
aveilleuxjohnny77, Looks fine to me22:16
screaminbemancan someone help me setup shared folders for use w/ my linux & virtural box (win xp)?22:18
johnny77Ok thanks, I was talking to a couple of people on here about being careful what you install.22:18
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, Which is which? Linux host or linux guest?22:19
screaminbemanavielleux, linux is host. i have win xp in virtural box.22:19
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, what is the name of the share?22:21
screaminbemanaveilleux, i don't have any shared folder yet.  i was told i need 1.  i am new @ this & don't know what to do to access my files in windows.22:22
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, first, turn off the XP guest if you haven't already22:23
screaminbemanaveilleux, i am shutting it down now22:24
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, once you've shut it off, open up the Settings22:24
screaminbemanaveilleux, are you talking about vbm settings?22:25
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, The virtual machine's settings, in virtulabox22:25
screaminbemanaveilleux, i opened the settings. now what?22:26
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, at the bottom of the sidebar there's an option for shared folders. Open that, and click the folder with a plus (+) icon next to it to add a new shared folder.22:27
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, hit the down arrow, and select "other..." and navigate to the folder you want to share (on the host machine) and hit Open.22:28
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, change the folder name to something that's easy (in the second box) and hit OK22:28
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, Then OK again, and now start the XP machine again22:28
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, Have you installed the VirtualBox Guest Additions? (in the guest machine)22:29
screaminbemanaveilleux, i have installed the guest additions.22:29
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, Okay, let me know when XP is up.22:30
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, What did you name the folder?22:30
screaminbemanaveilleux, i named folder on host as "Windows Files". Folder name for xp is "SharedFiles".  I have win xp running.22:31
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, Right-click My Computer and click "Map Network Drive"22:32
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, in the second box, put "\\vboxsvr\SharedFiles" without the quotes22:33
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, then his Finish. It might take a really long time to finish loading, Windows sharing is godawfully slow.22:34
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, if it takes too long, hit Cancel and then Finish again, it'll come right uop22:36
screaminbemanaveilleux, can i access my flash drive in win xp also?22:36
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, Not with the version of VBox that's in the default Ubuntu repositories.22:37
screaminbemanaveilleux, how do i access the files on my flash drive thru win xp?22:38
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, You can add it as a shared folder, that's the easiest way22:38
screaminbemanaveilleux, do i use flash drive volume name as the folder name?22:39
aveilleuxscreaminbeman, It doesn't matter what the folder name is as long as it's unique. Or do you mean in the first box?22:39
screaminbemanaveilleux, i understand now.  THANK YOU very much for your help.22:40
=== slidinghorn is now known as zz_slidinghorn
=== MichealH is now known as MichealH_
realeyeshey guys i need some help with ubuntu 10.1023:26
bioterrorwhat kind of23:26
drubinrealeyes: Sure what is your question23:26
realeyesI switched from 10.04 and my grub or grub2 screen isnt recognizing it23:26
realeyesIt says fatal error and failed to load before 10.10 comes up23:26
realeyeshow do i update my grub/grub2 screen?23:27
realeyesi also have another question about my ethernet connection, it doesnt want to connect to it at all. I dont know if there is something wrong iwth my settings or something but it just stopped working overnight.23:27
realeyesAutoEth0 is a selection, but once I choose it it just says disconnected23:28
collinprealeyes: If you are still here, I don't exactly have the time to try to assist you at the moment but I'll try to find someone that can.23:33
realeyescollinp: that'd be great man.23:34
realeyesI have no idea whats going on with it. It was working just a few days ago.23:34
collinpaveilleux: Think you may be able to help realeyes with their issue?23:36
drubinrealeyes: Are you in a live cd now?23:36
collinpOr that drubin guy over there.23:36
aveilleuxcollinp: I don't know what realeyes issue is, I just got back in here23:36
realeyesIm on a different PC because my linux machine will not connect23:36
drubinrealeyes: Do you have a live cd?23:37
realeyesuhm, my first question was: How do I update grub2 in order to show Ubuntu 10.10? I just upgraded from 10.0423:37
realeyesNo, I dont have a live CD.23:37
drubinrealeyes: If you can't get to the grub screen sadly you are going to need a live cd.23:37
realeyesMy other question is, why wont my machine connect to the internet? It wont connect on win7 either. Cord is in. Green light is on with orange flashing23:38
drubinunless people know of magic you can do before grub (but there is no OS loaded there)23:38
realeyesI can get to the grub screen, it just wont show 10.10, it shows my older versions23:38
drubinrealeyes: your 2nd question might be firewall issue. Do you get an IP address?23:38
realeyesim dual booting win7 and 10.1023:38
realeyesWhere would I find out if I get an IP or not?23:39
drubinrealeyes: oo so you can log into your 10.04 then you can update grub from there.23:39
realeyesno i can log into my 10.1023:39
realeyesi dont have 10.04 anymore23:39
drubinrealeyes: O you wont.23:39
* realeyes c.c;23:40
realeyesyeah so... what should I do?23:41
drubinrealeyes: Your no internet issue might be firewalls. to check if you get an IP you can go to network manager or you can type "ifconfig" with out the quotes in a terminal23:41
drubinrealeyes: if windows and ubuntu can't get on the network it seems firewall (on you router) or hardware related though23:41
=== newboon2age is now known as nUboon2Age
realeyesit has to be23:42
realeyesi typed "ifconfig" so now what should I be looking for?23:42
drubininet addr:<stuff>  Bcast:<stuff>  Mask:<stuff>23:43
drubin<stuff> can be any thing23:43
realeyesinet6 addr: <something something>23:45
realeyesCome on guys, what should I do here? What am I looking for?23:45
realeyesdoes anyone here know how to update grub?23:45
=== bgs100_ is now known as bgs100
drubinrealeyes: why do you want to update grub? It lists 10.10 and windows no?23:46
realeyesIt does not list 10.1023:46
realeyesit lists an older version of ubuntu and when i hit enter it says23:46
realeyesFATAL ERROR23:47
realeyesFailed to load23:47
realeyesgeneric 2.6.blah blah pae23:47
realeyesthat is the old version23:50
realeyesand its listed four times23:50
realeyesgah this is no help23:51
seidoser, there's a grub guide somewhere, but i've never used it, because i've never needed it :/23:52
seidosrealeyes, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:53
seidosrealeyes, sudo update-grub?23:53
drubinrealeyes: sorry I wasn't more help.23:54

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