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drizzledoes anyone know what we do with a bug like01:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 665876 in babl (Ubuntu) "package libbabl-0.0-0 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: cannot access archive: No such file or directory (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]01:06
AbhiJitwhat is the package name to submit bug for sticky notes?03:34
paultagsorry, AbhiJit^03:35
AbhiJittomboy is different naa?03:35
AbhiJiti mean there are two -03:35
AbhiJitone is tomboy and another one is 'sticky ' notes03:35
paultagAbhiJit, http://projects.gnome.org/tomboy/ <-- this is what I was talking about03:35
AbhiJiti want the sticky notes03:35
paultagI have not a clue03:35
paultagI try not to use GNOME ;)03:36
AbhiJittomboy is different03:36
AbhiJitgnome is great103:36
paultagAbhiJit, all I can find is http://library.gnome.org/users/stickynotes_applet/03:37
AbhiJitpaultag, yah its the one. but what is the package name?03:38
paultagNo clue. It might be part of gnome-applets, but I dobut it03:39
paultagI wonder if tomboy provides the applet03:39
paultagWell I'll be damned03:39
paultagAbhiJit, gnome-applets is right, from bug #46059203:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 460592 in gnome-applets (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "stickynotes applet: context menu doesn't work (affects: 7) (dups: 1) (heat: 25)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46059203:40
AbhiJitpaultag, ok. now submitting bug. thank you.03:41
paultagAbhiJit, godspeed.03:41
paultagAbhiJit, good luck03:43
AbhiJitpaultag, ok03:44
AbhiJitbug submitted03:44
AbhiJitpaultag, see this03:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 666109 in gnome-applets (Ubuntu) "Sticky notes not focusing on new note (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]03:45
paultagAbhiJit, thanks for the report -- wait around for someone who uses GNOME to test that and triage it :)03:45
paultagAbhiJit, thanks :)03:45
AbhiJitpaultag, :)03:46
stlsaintohh me me me03:52
AbhiJitstlsaint, ??03:53
stlsaintAbhiJit: care if i triage?03:54
AbhiJitstlsaint, sure! :)03:54
paultagstlsaint, :P03:57
RedSingularityI have a bug thats in another language.  What can I do with it?03:59
paultagRedSingularity, what language?04:00
stlsaintAbhiJit: poke04:00
AbhiJitstlsaint, yes04:00
stlsaintAbhiJit: where did you get sticky note applet from? repo package: screenlets-doc ??04:01
AbhiJitstlsaint, dunno. it is inside ubuntu by default since jaunty.04:01
RedSingularitypaultag:  good question.  Here is a sample::: В кэше04:01
AbhiJitright click on panel=>add to panel=>sticky notes04:01
paultagRedSingularity, mind pasting the bug number?04:01
RedSingularitysure.....bug 66508704:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 665087 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "update-manager crashes on upgrade to 10.10 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66508704:01
paultagRedSingularity, thanks :)04:01
RedSingularitypaultag:  look at the attached files04:02
stlsaintAbhiJit: aye04:02
AbhiJitstlsaint, yah04:03
paultagRedSingularity, looks Russian?04:03
RedSingularitypaultag:  lol i have no idea :)04:03
paultagRedSingularity, yeah, and his LP profile looks to say he speaks both English and Russian04:03
stlsaintAbhiJit: nice, well i have confirmed the bug04:03
RedSingularitypailtag:  there ya go04:03
paultagRedSingularity, so I'd find someone who speaks Russian to help :)04:04
paultagRedSingularity, but google translate might be passable04:04
paultagRedSingularity, the errors look pretty standard to me04:04
AbhiJitstlsaint, thank you!04:04
paultagRedSingularity, and it looks to be an internal issue with update-manager, it is getting junk data into a string and bombing -- it may be his "fault", but update-manager should know about this, looks like a valid bug to me04:05
stlsaintwell i didnt mark, i am unable ( i think )04:05
stlsaintAbhiJit: i am not bugsquad member :(04:05
stlsainti know i know04:05
stlsaintbut this will be my first bug i will be viably trying to triage04:05
stlsaint(i think i just made that word up)04:05
stlsaintAbhiJit: alright if you dont mind i will send this bug to my mentor to continue triage :D04:06
stlsaintAbhiJit: thanks a bunch :D04:06
AbhiJitstlsaint, sure np04:06
RedSingularitypaultag:  yeah the errors look good to me....i just wish i could read them :)04:07
paultagRedSingularity, hehe, yup. Run it through Google Translate and hope for the best. Worst comes to worst, try getting someone in the russian loco to help04:07
paultagRedSingularity, thanks for rocking :)04:07
RedSingularitypaultag:  good idea...thanks a lot!04:08
paultagRedSingularity, cheers, good luck!04:08
RedSingularitypaultag :)04:08
stlsaintAbhiJit: oh, hehe, i was able to mark as confirmed04:10
AbhiJitstlsaint, nice!04:10
paultagAbhiJit, stlsaint has fixed up your bug and is forwarding it upstream now. Be sure to give him a hug :)04:26
* stlsaint holds arms out for AbhiJit 04:27
paultaghe's afk there stlsaint :)04:30
AbhiJitthank you paultag stlsaint :)04:34
paultagI did nothing :P04:34
AbhiJitI know! :P04:34
AbhiJitpaultag, what is whube?04:39
micahgAbhiJit: do you mean WUBI?04:40
paultagAbhiJit, it's a small bug tracker that I've been toying with for a few years now.04:40
AbhiJitmicahg, no04:40
paultagno, sorry micahg04:40
paultagmicahg, it's a project that I have on the side :)04:40
paultagto be fair, I was using the name before wubi ;)04:40
AbhiJitpaultag, oh i as confused to see that famous man's photo on their web site.04:40
micahgpaultag: cool04:40
paultagAbhiJit, it's not stable or useful, just kinda doodling about04:40
paultagAbhiJit, Che rocks :)04:40
AbhiJitpaultag, yah04:41
RedSingularityI have filed a bug against virtualbox ose.  If anyone here handles virtualbox please take a look at bug 665449 when you get a chance.  Thanks.07:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 665449 in virtualbox-guest-additions (Ubuntu) "Guest additions dont work in 10.10 guest (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66544907:44
paultagRedSingularity, installing a fresh image to test, I posted on the bug -- mind pasting the error log?08:03
paultagMan, I have insomnia.08:03
RedSingularitypaultag:  Heeeey i have a case of that myself.  Got medicine recently.08:04
paultagRedSingularity, sucks, hunh :)08:05
RedSingularitypaultag:  not doing much tho.  Yeah it sucks big time!08:05
paultagRedSingularity, I got it so bad I did not sleep for about 3 to 4 days. Can't remember much about it, I started to hallucinate08:05
paultagRedSingularity, it was kinda cool. For the first hour or so. Then it was lame.08:05
paultagRedSingularity, I'm also going to test this on another WM just to be sure. It looks like a core issue, so hopefully we can reproduce08:06
RedSingularitypaultag: I never got to the hallucinations but i figure i will sooner or later.08:06
paultagRedSingularity, What TZ are you in?08:06
RedSingularitypaultag:  New york -40008:06
paultagRedSingularity, Same here08:07
RedSingularitypaultag:  what error log you want?08:07
paultagRedSingularity, in the screenshot it mentions /var/log/vboxadd-install.log08:07
paultagRedSingularity, if you could paste that, that would rock08:07
RedSingularitypaultag:  indeed.  Standby a moment while i boot.08:08
paultagRedSingularity, roger doger08:08
paultagperhaps unrelated, but I don't want a bug left un-triaged when it gets to the hackers08:08
RedSingularitypaultag:  true08:09
RedSingularitypaultag:  posted log08:11
* paultag hugs08:11
paultagRedSingularity, I'll try and duplicate and post logs and such08:12
paultagRedSingularity, Hey, I see you're in the New York LoCo, do you know Chaz?08:12
RedSingularitypaultag:  Chaz.....that his real name?08:13
paultagRedSingularity, nah -- my main man Charles Profitt <cprofitt>08:13
RedSingularitypaultag:  Oh yes.  I mean online tho.  Not in person.  I never went to any local meetings before.08:14
paultagWho else is over there. deejoe, right?08:14
paultagI love deejoe, great guy.08:14
RedSingularitypaultag: Yes mr deejoe as well.  go to meetings before?08:15
paultagRedSingularity, I'm in Ohio, Boston by birth08:15
paultagRedSingularity, I've met a few of them, and work on a few teams with the rest08:15
RedSingularitypaultag:  Oh i see.  How do you know the New york loco guys then?08:16
paultagRedSingularity, I run the Ohio LoCo, so I try and meet our neighbors. I am on the Ubuntu Beginners Team council with Chaz, and I've met up with deejoe in Boston, that and a lot of NY folks head to Ohio Linuxfest08:17
paultagRedSingularity, you should hang out with them :)08:17
RedSingularitypaultag:  I have thought about attending a gathering.  I really should.08:18
paultagtotally, there's even an awesome hackerspace in Rochester RedSingularity -- I have one of their stickers on my netbook08:18
RedSingularitypaultag:  Is it a convention?08:19
paultagRedSingularity, it's a building -- they have a bunch of hacking tools ( like EE / Hardware hacking, not cracking ) and some space where you can just hang out08:20
paultagInterlok IIRC08:21
RedSingularitypaultag:  Nice.  I was looking into getting a building we can use for launch partys and such.  I told profitt i was will to look around08:21
paultagInterlock *08:21
paultagRedSingularity, http://www.interlockroc.org/ <-- this guy here08:21
RedSingularitypaultag:  Your host machine lucid?08:22
paultagRedSingularity, yeah08:22
RedSingularitypaultag:  ok good.  You should be able to reproduce with no problem then.08:23
paultagRedSingularity, but I'm getting really odd messages. I also have a very vulgar guest box name, so I might have to reproduce again08:23
paultagRedSingularity, I'm getting errors about my filesystem, I'm going to need to re-install and all that08:23
paultagRedSingularity, have you been able to do this on more then one guest box?08:24
RedSingularitypaultag:  Reproduce that error?  Yes.  I reinstalled 10.10 guest a few times.  Same error tho.08:24
RedSingularityonce you get it up and running you should be able to produce that bug with no problem08:25
RedSingularityI kept trying over and over08:25
paultagRedSingularity, yeah, I'm going to have to grab an ISO. Startting download now08:25
RedSingularityI am running 32 bit 10.10 fyi08:26
paultagRedSingularity, kk08:26
RedSingularityas guest i mean08:26
paultagI saw that :)08:26
RedSingularitygood lad!!08:26
paultagRedSingularity, Oh, so I'm stalking your wiki -- You're on Long Island? I was dating a girl from garden city ( Hempstead in Nassau ) for a while. Glad that's over, but I got to know Long Island well enough08:27
RedSingularityYes sir!  I am in merrick!  Near bellmore and freeport08:28
paultagah, sure sure08:28
paultagRedSingularity, small world :)08:28
RedSingularityyes it is!08:29
RedSingularityyou part of "bug control"?08:29
paultagRedSingularity, yessir08:30
paultagRedSingularity, not too much anymore08:30
paultagRedSingularity, I just do a bug now and again for fun08:30
RedSingularitycool beans.  I would like to apply sooner or later for it08:30
paultagRedSingularity, it's pretty cool. Remember, the whole deal with this stuff ( MOTU, Control ) is just when it becomes silly to the process08:31
paultagRedSingularity, so if you're not getting work done because you have to keep asking people to do stuff, the time's right. It's not about a shiny pin for what you've done :)08:31
RedSingularityI agree.  I want to build some experience with bugs first before applying.08:32
paultagRedSingularity, well of course :)08:32
RedSingularitypaultag:  SLOWLY, mind you, I am learning.08:33
paultagRedSingularity, all good things in due time, my friend08:33
RedSingularitythats it08:34
paultagRedSingularity, so what year in school are you?08:34
RedSingularitywhat packages you specialize in?08:34
RedSingularitypaultag:  3rd year school08:35
paultagRedSingularity, Senior at Uni here08:35
paultagRedSingularity, I work on Fluxbox. I maintain in upstream ( Debian / fluxbox.org ) and try and keep Ubuntu's section clean as well08:35
paultagRedSingularity, That's a good bit of my time, at least wrt bug / motu stuff08:35
RedSingularitypaultag:  All of ubuntu or any specific packages?08:36
paultagRedSingularity, I usually just stick to Fluxbox and watch for issues there ( because they are usually my fault )08:36
paultagheh, we're all learning, y'know08:37
paultagRedSingularity, like I said, I don't do much bug work these days08:37
paultagRedSingularity, it's mostly loco / debian atm08:37
RedSingularitypaultag:  Major in programming?08:37
RedSingularityat school08:37
paultagRedSingularity, computer science :)08:37
RedSingularitypaultag:  Any sector?  I am in networking myself.08:38
paultagRedSingularity, I like making the distinction because anyone can program, it is a fine art to understand how the stuff works :)08:38
paultagRedSingularity, Operating Systems are my love08:38
paultagRedSingularity, I wrote a kernel for fun last semester. It was awesome. Got credit for it, too08:38
RedSingularitypaultag:  I took a programming course.  I am no good at it tho.  I guess its a matter of interest too.  I mean I love the networking sector of computing so i find it easy.08:39
paultagRedSingularity, for sure, man, for sure08:39
RedSingularitypaultag:  picked up a ubuntu certified pro book to study.  Want to get the certification :)08:40
paultagRedSingularity, Hell yeah! :)08:40
RedSingularitypaultag:  I am going to try laying down again.....see if i can get an hour or two of sleep.  Tired as hell :(  Talk soon i guess?08:44
paultagRedSingularity, sure thing. Ping me anytime. Well met.08:44
RedSingularitypaultag:  of course man.  Have a good one :)08:45
paultagRedSingularity, back atcha, good luck!08:45
* RedSingularity is going to try for some sleep.08:46
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njinhello to all, i can reproduce this, but i can't imagine where it came from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/548859 it's easy to reproduce. could someone test?14:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 548859 in ubuntu "Can not set a background image from a mounted archive (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:18
njinI'm not sure to blame nautilus because the image are substituted with a blank background14:21
njin*with a withe background14:23
njinDraggin image to appearance settings works14:24
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njinpedro_: hallo, are you at the UDS ?16:59
pedro_njin, hello, yes16:59
njinpedro_: wonderfull17:00
njinpedro_: i just ear session on bonaire517:00
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xeroadminI am unable to unmount a drive, despite trying everything I can think of. Everything I do gives the error, umount: /media/527A6BA97A6B8895 is not in the fstab (and you are not root)17:43
micahg!support | xeroadmin17:44
ubot2xeroadmin: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org17:44
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njinhello, can someone explain me what mean this 'cannot set freq 16000 to exp 0x86' thanks19:35
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pedro_vish, hey hey, where are you?20:15
vishpedro_: hey,  in the app review session..20:15
vishpedro_: where are you?20:16
pedro_vish, ok i'm on the gwibber one20:16
njinpedro_: can i disturb ?20:32
pedro_njin, disturb where? :-P20:32
njinpedro_: i can reproduce this, but i can't imagine where it came from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/548859 it's easy to reproduce.20:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 548859 in ubuntu "Can not set a background image from a mounted archive (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete]20:33
pedro_njin, looking20:34
pedro_njin, so which part you can reproduce?20:34
pedro_njin, because in the report you said you cannot20:35
pedro_that's confusing20:35
njinpedro_: yes i  don't follow because i want to hear your opinion20:35
pedro_njin, it might be a nautilus bug, i remember something similar though so it might be a duplicate20:36
pedro_njin, but i still don't understand if you can or cannot reproduce it20:36
pedro_njin, could you make that clear in the bug report?20:36
njinyes, is clear in the last post20:37
pedro_ok thanks20:38
njinpedro_: I've tried to mount a compressed image then drag it to desktop press Alt, release mouse button and select use as background, but instead the image i've got a withe background, so i'm not convinced on blaming noutilus20:44
pedro_njin, i'm not 100% sure either, that's why i said it might be that20:46
pedro_njin, i prefer to have the bug assigned to a package instead of being in the huge pool of bugs without a package20:46
njinpedro_: sure, is better, then i assign to nautilus20:47
pedro_thanks again njin20:47
njinpedro_: thanks to you and sorry for my distraction20:48
njincan explain this  ###cannot set freq 16000 to exp 0x8620:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 567565 in ubuntu "cannot set freq 16000 to exp 0x86- Lucid Boot Failure (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete]20:52
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vishbug 666508 bug bug 66651022:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 666508 in launchpad-code "in code review, show changes to images (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66650822:00
vish bug 66651022:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 666510 in loggerhead "support diff of images (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66651022:00
semperbobsup guys23:53

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