
cjohnstonjcastro: ping01:51
vishczajkowski: where are the crew supposed to meet?01:55
sensegood evening02:12
nhandlerlol, we already have a video from jono up for UDS-N: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vqe-kOlPd-U&feature=feedu02:43
sensenhandler: Hurray!02:48
doctormoIs anyone here in Olando?04:52
doctormoi'm stuck at the airport04:52
doctormoand could do with some help.04:52
cjohnstonwhats up doctormo04:53
cjohnstonwhats wrong04:54
doctormoCan't find my shuttle buddie. Stranded.04:54
cjohnstonwho is your shuttle buddy?04:54
doctormoRyan Lortie04:54
doctormoI see Fabián Rodríguez should be here soon too, so perhaps he will want to share too.04:55
cjohnstonright now it looks like his flight is estimated to arrive at 21004:56
cjohnstonfor both of them04:56
doctormo2:10am? that might explain a lot. Ryan's flight wasn't even listed on the board.04:59
cjohnstonit looks like they are on the same flight05:00
doctormocjohnston: Looks like it, hmm. I wonder why I read that wrong.05:02
doctormocjohnston: Thanks for your clearer eyes. :-)05:02
doctormoI wonder if I should wait for them?05:02
cjohnstonmy clearer eyes need to go to bed05:02
cjohnstontotally up to you dude...05:02
doctormoIf I remember Orlando has no public transport and no walkways, so you have to drive or fly (if your super man)05:03
cjohnstonya.. pretty much05:03
cjohnstonthe bus system sucks05:03
doctormoI don't think I can afford my own bus/taxi, so I guess I'm waiting for tomorrow.05:03
duanedesigndoctormo: there is a public transit but no bus stops close to hotel05:03
cjohnstonand caribe is WAY too far to walk05:03
doctormocjohnston: That's good, I'm not staying there, I couldn't afford the hotel.05:04
cjohnstonwhere are you staying?05:04
cjohnstonsame place we talked about?05:04
doctormoHoliday Inn Express, 1 mile south of the carab-ka-ching.05:04
duanedesignthe bus will get you within 2miles of caribe05:05
cjohnstonstill too far to walk05:05
doctormo2 miles south or north?05:05
doctormo(if the bus is still running)05:05
duanedesignle t me see05:05
doctormowell if it's 2 miles south, I might as well take it, it's still going to be  mile to walk.05:05
cjohnstonlooks like mears will get you to the caribe for 20$05:07
cjohnstonor round trip 3305:07
nhandlerduanedesign: Look at the times for that trip05:08
duanedesignand the 12 mile walk to the first stop :P05:08
nhandlerThat is a 5.5 hour trip ;)05:08
nhandlerTrue ;)05:08
doctormoduanedesign: And it's not possible to walk out of the airport, I asked last time I was here.05:10
duanedesigndoctormo: from what i can tell, it is too late for the public transit out of the airport :/05:10
doctormoyea, 8pm basically is the cut off for that.05:11
paultagdoctormo, take a cab05:11
doctormopaultag: Aye sir, will be checking prices next.05:13
paultagdoctormo, godspeed :P05:13
duanedesigndoctormo: cost me about 45 bucks for the cab05:13
doctormoduanedesign: couldn't you have waited? ;-)05:13
vishthe meers shuttle is $2005:13
doctormoThere is no way I can justify $45 though.05:14
nhandlerMight be worth just finding a quiet corner in the airport and catching some sleep (shouldn't be too hard) until someone else shows up.05:14
doctormovish: I will check that out, thanks.05:14
doctormoTime to sleep my laptop and execute on these ruminations.05:15
duanedesigngood luck05:16
paultagwhoah wait doctormo05:22
paultagnhandler, doctormo: Don't sleep! You'll be left laying in the corner like a hobo05:22
paultagdoctormo, get the mission done and crash at the hotel. Much love, godspeed!05:22
paultagI know, I was left sleeping at an airport05:23
paultaglesson learned, I'll tell you what05:23
czajkowskikim0: gutted yer not here10:24
kim0yeah crappy .. are you up that early !10:24
czajkowskibecasuse goig to bed at 1am my body says it's had enough sleep10:25
czajkowskistupid body10:25
kim0hehe :)10:25
kim0apt-get install ntp10:25
Pendulumakgraner: morning :P11:12
akgranerPendulum, :-) morning11:12
akgranerczajkowski, hey you're awake11:13
Pendulumwe're all awake11:13
czajkowskiof course11:13
czajkowskiwhat time are folks heading to breakie at ?11:15
czajkowskiI beleive the JD I was drinking last night was getting stronger and stronger with less and less coke in it11:15
Pendulumczajkowski: I believe you11:16
duanedesign'lo all11:49
Pendulumhi duanedesign11:49
duanedesignhowdy Pendulum11:49
duanedesignczajkowski: what is the crew irc channel you created?11:51
AlanBellduanedesign: she kicked me out of it!11:52
czajkowskino I didnt11:55
czajkowskiI pointed out what it;s for11:55
czajkowskiI didnt op up :p11:55
duanedesigni went up to the bar last night for the crew meeting. I did not recognize anyone though. I was a little late getting down there11:55
czajkowskiduanedesign: I have a glass of jd in my hands at all times11:56
czajkowskiPendulum: is/was beside me in wheel chair11:56
AlanBellczajkowski: ok, encouraged me to leave, but nicely as always :)11:56
* Pendulum hugs AlanBell 11:56
duanedesignczajkowski:  ahh, i think i might of seen you :)11:57
duanedesignthat was the first time i had ever been to a bar that packed and no one was watching the football game. :)11:57
czajkowskican anyone get on gobby ?14:09
kim0czajkowski: post 652314:09
popeyczajkowski: its down i think14:16
czajkowskipjust got on14:16
czajkowskibut damn slwo14:16
czajkowskiso is the net actually14:16
Pendulumalso you have to use the new gobby14:16
czajkowskijustvery laggy14:16
cjohnstonthe net connection is bad here14:17
doctormoJono is talking....14:26
czajkowskiif the guy behind me does not stop talking he will get throttled14:27
Pendulumczajkowski: I'll help14:27
doctormo"Sorry I accidentally punched you in the face."14:28
Pendulumdoctormo: oops sorry I ran over you14:28
cjohnstonuh huh14:28
doctormoBah, Mark contrasting Free Software with Commercial software. Even though Free Software can be commercial software.14:40
doctormoThis is why I have no confidence in the ubuntu software center's ability to deliver commercial free software.14:40
doctormoIt never gets worded right.14:40
czajkowskiand it only took you 2 hours to start :p14:42
czajkowskitke that conversation to #ubuntu-uds channel14:42
doctormogood point14:42
czajkowskiI know I'm getting good at this lark14:43
czajkowskiclearly the candy and coke is working ;)14:43
cjohnstonand jack14:43
Technovikingall I have to say is, oh boy.15:06
Technovikingczajkowski: ping15:08
akgranerjcastro, I added today's video sessions to the wiki15:17
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
Technovikingakgraner: ping16:02
=== ara_ is now known as ara
popeyhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/9424/why-is-ubuntu-11-04-switching-to-unity in case anyone has some insight and fancies sharing it17:47
vishjcastro: ^ popey's Q  in askubuntu.. maybe someone can copypast jono's reply or maybe link it..?17:58
nlawsonhello ... i was hoping to have a professional conversation with someone who might have the time18:29
nlawsoni am currently at Media Bridges in Cincinnati Ohio18:30
nlawsonand am requesting that an Ubuntu Developer attend a small fucnction on Nov 8th at 1pm18:30
nlawsonthat would involve a Proctor and Gamble Senior Researcher who would be interested in developing a dialogue with your community18:31
duanedesignnlawson: hello18:54
duanedesignnlawson: this week everyone is at a Developer Summitt, so you might have a hard time catching someone18:55
nlawsonim in conversation with paul tagliamonte in the ubuntu-us-oh chatroom18:55
nlawsonand he is working to bring about an amicable situation for the function18:56
duanedesignnlawson: yeah  he is a good contact18:56
duanedesignnlawson: good luck, gotta head into a meeting.18:57
nlawsonmake something aesthetically stunning when you get a chance18:58
czajkowskipaultag: oi buddy yer missing from council channel get yer bum in there19:25
=== ara_ is now known as ara
nhandlerdholbach: maco reported that the HoF stopped updating the askubuntu stats a few days ago, any ideas?21:21
nhandlerAlso, does anyone else think that blueprints for stuff like UDS should really all be assigned to teams with individual work items assigned to individuals? Having a blueprint assigned to an individual just feel wrong to me21:22
czajkowskiit's for the burn down charts nhandler21:23
czajkowskias a team cannot be assessed21:23
nhandlerczajkowski: I thought the burnout charts worked off of the work items in the whiteboard (as that is the real number of tasks remaining, not the # of blueprints)21:25
czajkowskiyes it works off the whiteboard21:27
czajkowskibut a team still cannot be responsible21:27
czajkowskiie we have the LC assigned to the LC atm21:27
czajkowskibut that needs to change21:27
jussinhandler: I fixed the blue print21:29
nhandlerczajkowski: Sounds like a bug in the burn down charts if you ask me.22:08
Technovikingis Charlie from IS team at UDS?22:38
czajkowskilooking for him as well Technoviking22:44

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