
icekkhey, my CPUs are maxed out on ubuntu desktop and im doin nothing, any good tools to analyze my stuff/00:44
icekkto see whats  using what cpu00:44
icekksystem monitor dont seem to do much00:44
Amaranthicekk: You should join #ubuntu for support but if the System Monitor isn't showing anything using the CPU you should go View->All Processes or perhaps there really is nothing using the CPU00:55
icekkWHat does it mean when backend is using 50% cpu? amaranth00:58
desrtanyone on the ground yet?01:08
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faganIs the keynote being video streamed this time around?12:49
faganI suppose no one is looking at IRC at this time12:50
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geserfagan: you might have better chances to get an answer in #ubuntu-uds15:05
fagangeser: im in there now15:05
faganand yeah the stream is up15:05
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G__81the link in the topic which should show the bugs open does not show it17:18
G__81i am interested in fixing bugs but wanted to see is there something that i could start working on so that i could get a feel of it as this would be my first step in contributing to Ubuntu17:18
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devildantemmm, can we view the keynote as a video?17:53
kklimonda_it should be available at some point17:56
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=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
pedro_pitti, are you tracking bug 544994 ?20:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 544994 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "the rhythmbox mtp code hijacks cameras (affects: 6) (dups: 1) (heat: 51)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54499420:11
pedro_pitti, it was re opened and set to in progress by someone that's not you but it's still assigned to you, so just wondering about it20:12
pedro_if it's really in progress or not ;-)20:12
davidbarthDaviey: ping? can you help with unity session scheduling?20:50
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czajkowskikenvandine: so handy to be able to show you when it's being stupid :)21:33

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