
micahgchrisccoulson: around?02:33
fta2"Ping timeout: 265 seconds", the infamous UDS effect :)14:15
fta2jcastro, hi, trying to watch the live stream, video is acceptable, sound is very far, very difficult to hear the speaker, but applauds are ok :P14:17
fta2(not even sure you can read this) ;)14:17
ftadpm, hi15:59
dpmhey fta, I'm just answering your e-mail ;)16:01
ftadpm, ok16:01
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
ftadpm, i just noticed a few &#xxx; codes in the untranslated strings (none in the translated ones), it's no big deal. it's a problem upstream (i'll try to fix it). imho, you can make the announcement16:04
dpmfta, ok. I think I might wait with the announcement until after UDS, a I'm not sure how available or how much time I might have16:05
ftadpm, ok, too bad.16:14
* BUGabundo picks up the shotgun and kills firefox for good23:19
BUGabundo[reed]: what's up with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/519905/23:26
BUGabundo  Installed: 3.6.12~hg20101023r34698+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd123:27
[reed]BUGabundo: mozilla bug 583582 maybe?23:28
ubot2Mozilla bug 583582 in Spelling checker "hunspell double buffer w/gcc-4.5*" [Normal,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58358223:28
BUGabundoI've filed 2 or 3 already23:29
BUGabundowhen FF crashs,it asks to send23:29
BUGabundoso I send them23:29
BUGabundo[reed]: I'm going mad here23:29
BUGabundonot being able to use my browser grrrr23:29
BUGabundo[reed]: btw you know why greasemonkey wasn't been updated to FF4? or Oxymoron Nightly Tools ?23:30
[reed]Nightly Tester Tools is getting revamped23:30
[reed]dunno about greasemonkey23:30
Mook_sbgreasemonkey is being updated - at least, they have a branch for firefox 4 work23:31
BUGabundothose too, plus greader and nosquint are the missing parts to let me move onto ff423:32
BUGabundoand I'm usually the guy that runs trunk :\23:32
Mook_sbfirefox 4 has been very extension-breakage-happy, yes :)23:33
BUGabundoand without nightly tools.....23:34
BUGabundoI've forced a few to run23:34
BUGabundobut even still, some will refuse23:34

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