
=== FryGuy is now known as FryGuy-
peitschiehiya everybody :)02:38
spivHi :)02:49
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spivmgz: thanks so much for reviewing doxxx's mergetools patch06:31
spivvila: I just used run_script for the first time, and it basically Just Worked for me.  Nice!06:47
vilaspiv: cool !07:26
vilahi all !07:26
peitschiehiya vila :)07:28
vila _o/07:29
vilaalleluia, bzr-2.2.1 made it into maverick-updates :)08:01
peitschievila: congrats!  was it as painful as it sounds?08:08
vilano, not painful, but since I didn't understood the process ,I was impatient :)08:09
peitschievila: hehe... i understand that feeling :S08:10
=== FryGuy is now known as FryGuy-
* KombuchaKip needs get Stallman to consume more raw fruits and vegetables.08:23
rryanhey.. I screwed up and accidentally pushed a branch I was working on to my projects trunk because its remembered location was the trunk. I then pulled this push from my trunk branch and so I don't have a copy of what the trunk was before I pushed it. Nobody else has pulled this yet, so I'd like to push --overwrite the Launchpad trunk back to what it was. How can I restore my repository to the state it was in at a certain revision-spe08:32
rryansorry this is all on Launchpad08:33
rryanlike, in my history the trunk head was 'rryan@mit.edu-20101024063322-8b3jtqyn77k5c32t'08:34
vilarryan: bzr push --overwrite -rrevid: rryan@mit.edu-20101024063322-8b3jtqyn77k5c32t08:36
vilaIt seems I can't connect to lp via ssh right now though08:36
vilaCan anybody confirm or is it only me ?08:37
vilaright, confirmed in #launchpad08:37
rryanthanks vila, all better now08:54
pooliehi vila?10:19
vilapoolie: hey ! Wow, you're up ?10:20
poolieyeah, up a bit early10:20
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pooliehi jam?15:05
jamhi poolie15:05
jamHaving a bzr sprint at UDS next spring sounds good. I just need to double check if it overlaps with my wife's travel15:05
jamI think that was april, though15:05
pooliecool, thanks15:06
poolieKareem can come :)15:07
pooliewe have plenty of +easy bugs15:07
jambeuno: if you are around, I just checked the meliae dump you sent me, and it only sees 11MB of content... :(15:31
jamyou seem to have a lot of "function" objects (15k), but that really doesn't explain 1GB of ram15:32
beunojam, we don't know either  :/15:35
jambeuno: what code is this? (do I have access to it?)15:35
beunojam, this is a django server from ubuntu one15:37
beunoI can surely give you access to it15:38
jambeuno: I don't know django code particularly well. I don't see any smoking guns just looking at the memory dump15:39
jammeliae could only find about 113k objects, which is pretty small.15:39
beunoyeah. we are puzzled15:40
jambeuno: what version of python?15:40
jamI think you mentioned that this is only reproducible on the server/ec2 ?15:40
jamI assume this dump is from that process while it was at high mem?15:41
beunojam, 2.4, and yes, this dump is from when the usage is high15:41
jambeuno: there is a possibility w/ 2.4. Do you do any heavy math?15:41
jaminteger or floating point?15:42
jamIIRC 2.4 allocates integer arenas, and never returns that memory to the os15:42
jamso any sort of "do lots of stuff here, and then stop" will still have a lot of memory15:42
jamit can be re-used by the process, but it isn't returned to the os15:42
beunojam, not really. It's actually pretty simple, we stream files from amazon S3 and do basic db requests to return some data15:43
jambeuno: would you be holding the content?15:43
jamI certainly don't see big strings here15:44
jamAre there any custom extension types? like S3 apis, or db apis, etc?15:44
jamI'm assuming the "Method", "InterfaceClass", "Implements", etc classes are all coming from zope.interfaces code?15:45
beunowe do have custom S3 apis15:46
beunoI don't think we use any zope15:47
jambeuno: are they Python "extensions" ? (C level code, not Python level code)15:47
beunojam, nope, this is all python15:48
beunowe thought about that as well15:48
beunobut no c extensions15:48
mwhudsoni _guess_ you could try running it under valgrind15:48
mwhudsonbut i guess it only happens in production?15:48
jambeuno: twisted uses zope.interfaces, and you certainly have 'twisted.python.zipstream' loaded15:48
beunomwhudson, right, can't reproduce it locally15:49
beunojam, right, we may from twisted15:49
jam(total of 773 modules loaded, so I don't know everything, but there is certainly a lot loaded)15:49
jambeuno: psycopg2.extensions15:50
beunoyes, we use psycopg215:50
jambeuno: are you using python2.4 locally as well?15:51
jambeuno: you are also using protocol buffers, would those have compiled extensions?15:51
jam(it looks like python code, but it is something that might be involved)15:52
jam'ubuntuone.web.musicstreaming.views', sounds like something that could have large content blobs15:52
beunojam, no, 2.6 locally15:53
jambeuno: that could certainly be the isuses15:53
* beuno nods15:53
jamprotocol buffers could be doing lots of integer ops15:53
beunoubuntuone.web.musicstreaming.views accesses S3 to streaming multi-mb files15:53
jamthough it should be "peak ops"15:53
jamfor example, encoding a multi-mb file into a protocol buffer15:54
jamwould be a lot of 4-byte integers15:54
jambeuno: also 64-bit vs 32-bit could be something15:54
jambeuno: I also don't 100% guarantee meliae works on python2.415:54
* beuno nods15:54
jamI know some of the code is 2.5, but I think the scanner is 2.4 safe15:55
beunoso a good thing to do is push for the lucid upgrade15:55
jambeuno: it sounds useful, but I won't guarantee it solves your problems :)15:55
beunojam, it's a lot of new things to chase, thanks15:56
mwhudsonprotocol buffers might have leaks?15:56
jambeuno: my biggest suspect is python2.415:56
jammwhudson: python2.4 doesn't return integer allocations back to the os15:56
jamso it always allocates the peak integer arena15:56
jamwhich should be reusable (without "leaks")15:56
jambut you might have a big peak15:56
jambeuno: which would show up as VmPeak being high, but VmRss being much lower15:57
beunoit does seem like we get peaks, and in fact see some MemoryErrors now and then15:57
beunowe usually see virtual mem at 1.5gb, and rss at 250mb15:57
jambeuno: well, VM includes mmaped files, etc15:59
jamI mean 'cat /proc/PID/status' and the VMPeak vs VMSize or VMRss sort of thing16:00
jamif python2.6 "fixes it" the Peak would be the same, but the active size would be lower16:00
* beuno nods16:00
beunoI'd have to look at it again16:00
mwhudsonthe integer blocks might show up in /proc/$pid/maps?16:01
mwhudsoni can't remember how all this works16:01
mwhudsonbeuno: you should try using pypy instead :-)16:01
beunoI have not written 90% of this code, so it's been intersting trying to debug it16:03
jambeuno: so it looks like the Implements and InterfaceClass may be protocol buffers stuff16:03
jambeuno: clearly you need to look closely at that 10% then :)16:03
beunoyes, that makes sense16:03
beunojam, heh. It has been failing for over a year16:03
beunoso the only thing that can be blamed on me is increased usage16:04
jambeuno: you've peaked my interest, if you want to give me a peek at the code16:04
jambeuno: I can blame anything I want on you. Doesn't mean I'll be correct :)16:04
beunojam, I will add you to the team now16:04
jambeuno: so the idea behind python2.4 vs 2.6 is that the actual peak is happening at some point in the past16:06
jamand we are just holding on to the memory now16:06
jambut it isn't in "active" objects, so meliae can't find it16:06
jamI wonder about doing evil hacks and walking the actual PyInt buffers16:07
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aaronfayI have been using the bzr_upload plugin, fantastic btw, but I have a problem: the first time I uploaded I used a location that was wrong, now when I specify a new location, then use saved location it uses the old one, how can I change that?20:42
mgzfunny post on the mailing list. I wonder how large the set of users is that we render bzr inaccessible to by using such things as 1) configure 2) https 3) the gpl20:46
mgzit might only be him.20:47
aaronfaylifeless: Ah, fantastic.  And now I see it in the manpage also, I couldn't find it before.  Thanks.20:51
lifelessmgz: 'not using configure' ?20:53
mgzhe even linked us to his website where he explains why he doesn't like configure.20:54
mgzI... didn't try and understand too hard.20:54
lifelessI can understand20:54
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-brb
roryydidn't know one had to run ./configure for bzr21:14
mgzI looked at the message again, and he appeared be be complaining about bzr using python... which uses configure21:20
roryythe taint of configure21:23
AJenboHi i'm trying to pull a branch of openarena, but i keep getting a permission denied error :(22:01
AJenboPermission denied (publickey).22:01
AJenboDo i need to identify my self or some thing?22:03
AJenbobzr branch lp:ubuntu/maverick/openarena22:03
poolieAJenbo, hi, there's a bug on the server, it should be fixed soon22:14
poolieAJenbo, hi, i think it's bug 66664222:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 666642 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "incorrect data check branching lp:openobject-addons (affected: 2, heat: 10)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66664222:15
pooliewe're going to look in to it22:15
AJenbook, it's been there for a while now22:18
AJenboany workarounds?22:19
peitschiemornin all :)23:30
=== Ursinha-brb is now known as Ursinha
maxbAJenbo: I think poolie may have mixed up two projects with "open" in their name, I can't see how that bug can apply to your issue23:39

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