
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
Lex79Riddell: around?01:03
shadeslayerudslogger: its KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS01:36
shadeslayerand where did you go?01:36
shadeslayer!find kfixx11.h01:47
ubottuPackage/file kfixx11.h does not exist in maverick01:47
shadeslayer!find fixx11h.h01:49
ubottuFile fixx11h.h found in kdelibs4-dev, kdelibs5-dev01:49
shadeslayer!find kwindowsystem.h01:50
ubottuFile kwindowsystem.h found in kdelibs5-dev01:50
JontheEchidnashtylman: Oh, Northfield, New Hampshire. :(02:17
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* claydoh|werk should have taken this week off from work instead of next week, and hitchhiked to florida02:32
valoriethanks shadeslayer03:35
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valorieclaydoh: or just requested sponsorship?04:08
valoriethe worst they can say is NO04:08
valorieand heck, they sponsored ME04:47
valoriepossibly the least-technical person in the room here....04:48
nixternalvalorie: actually the worst is when they don't respond. no would be better than no response at all :)04:51
claydohvalorie: lol you are a much more active person than I am. you deserve the trip04:51
valorieI did wait quite awhile to be told I was accepted04:52
valorieyou applied and they never responded?04:52
nixternalyes ma'am04:52
nixternalexpected since i pissed the king off i guess :D04:52
valorienow I feel like I'm taking your place04:52
nixternali am useless anyways, so that isn't a place you don't want to take :)04:53
claydohanyway, nest week was a big dog flyball tournament I was going to attend, but we can't go this year,  expenses ran out :(04:53
nixternalthat sounds hillbilly as all hell04:53
valorienixternal, I linked to your blog04:53
claydohnixternal: lol you are much loved04:53
valorieyour IRC comments are NOT useless04:54
valoriethe opposite04:54
valorieclaydoh, I have a friend who did flyball with her dog04:54
valoriejust loved it04:54
nixternalhad to google flyball, now i know what it is04:54
valorieshe doesn't have the dog anymore though04:54
claydoh:) I have 2 that do it04:54
valorieI have mini-dachshunds04:54
nixternalwith the wind and tornados coming tonight, my dog would be able to do flyball04:55
valorieand the one who would do it (a foot off the ground)04:55
valorieis now blind and deaf04:55
claydoh :(04:55
valorieweird weather this year04:55
nixternalyeah, chicago and surrounding areas have the 2nd biggest severe outbreak in history on their way04:55
valorieCalifornia is flooding in places04:55
nixternalthey keep telling us to tie shit down, i didn't, figured i would let mother nature clean my yard for me04:55
claydohwe have a wiemaraner and a toy fox terrier, plus a 12 y/o mutt who is a retired agility dog04:56
valorieI saw in the paper04:56
nixternaland to think, i almost raked leaves the other day04:56
valorieeasier to just mow the lawn04:56
nixternali will be pissed if at least my leaves don't fly away04:56
valorielet the mower chew em up04:56
nixternalvalorie: haha, that's what i do :)04:56
valoriebetter for your lawn, really04:56
valorielazy is almost always better04:56
nixternalbut my niece and nephew like to play in the leaves, so i was going to be a nice uncle04:56
nixternalgot drunk instead :D04:56
valorieyes, I remember doing that04:57
valoriewith my grandpa04:57
valorieunder the big maple tree04:57
nixternaloh, thought you meant you remembered getting drunk04:57
nixternali rarely remember getting drunk04:57
valorienothing like that crunch04:57
valorieI remember the last time.....04:57
nixternalafter my bike race on sunday, i got drunk...oh and there are plenty of pictures of me drunk04:57
valorieman that pitcher of margaritas was tasty!04:57
valorieagave syrup instead of simple syrup04:58
valoriedecent tequila, and fresh squeezed limes04:58
valoriea bit too delicious04:59
nixternalhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/seemann/5113060608/in/set-72157625110266069/  <- that's me on the right getting ready to smack that rider in the ass. adidas hat, sweathshirt, pants, and shoes :)04:59
nixternalholding what, of course a beer04:59
nixternalstanding next to a guy dressed up as super woman05:00
nixternalif the margaritas wasn't made with cabo, don julio which isn't really a margarita tokillya, or patron silver, then it wasn't decent :)05:00
valoriepatron should just be sipped05:01
valorienot mixed with anything05:01
nixternalnot the silver05:01
nixternalanejo ok05:01
valoriewhy were you gonna smack that poor guy?05:01
nixternalsilver or repasado no way05:01
nixternalthat is called heckling. it is part of the sport known as cyclocross. you race, drink beer, and tell the racers they suck, they don't know what they are doing, and you hand them donuts, twizzlers, spaghetti, beer, you name it05:02
valorienixternal: one of the nice things about getting older is being able to afford good alcohol05:02
nixternaloh so much fun05:02
claydohcyclocross always did look more fun05:02
claydohto me05:02
valoriemore exciting than documentation, I guess05:02
nixternalcabo reposado is the best tequilla for ritas. sipping you can't beat anejos05:03
* claydoh cant afford booze, not at the prices I see it at now05:03
claydohgood thing I hardly drin05:04
nixternalblancos, platas, jovens, and reposados aren't sipping variants at all...way to young to sip :)05:04
claydoherr drin05:04
nixternalyou are acting like you can afford to drink and have been drinking all night with your speeling there :p05:04
claydohlast bottle I bought was some sort of cheeeep rum, way back in '0105:05
valoriebest alcohol for sipping is single malt whiskey05:06
claydohthough I do buy wine for cooking, and sometimes have a taste05:06
valoriebetter to buy wine for drinking, and cook with it too05:06
valorieif it isn't good enough to drink, it isn't good enough to cook with either05:06
nixternalyeah, not a whiskey kind of guy, and definitely not a wine type of guy05:07
* claydoh either needs a less old laptop with a non-wiggly kb, or a fancy smartphone05:07
* valorie needs to go to bed05:07
nixternalgood home-brewed or micro-brewed beers, IPA usually or a nice stout when it is cold, and tequila05:07
valoriebreakfast comes early around here05:07
claydohregular wine , even cheap assed stuff is better for cooking05:07
valoriehey DarkwingDuck05:07
nixternalyeah, it is midnight there already05:07
valoriewhat are you doing still up?05:07
DarkwingDuckwho me?05:08
valorieyup, midnight05:08
DarkwingDuckI don't sleep... just ask nixternal05:08
nixternalyou don't want to be late to the start in the morning. they have been known to send people home for being late in the morning05:08
valoriethat's my secret to doing documentation05:08
valoriework in the night.....05:08
nixternali am staying up to wait for the tornados05:08
nixternalhave camera ready05:08
DarkwingDuckwith jussi as my roommie I wont get up late05:09
valorieI had a 20 min nap earlier, but I need the sleep tonight05:09
nixternaldebating on heading a little west for some storm chasing, since I can't do shit else tomorrow05:09
claydohI plan to wait for my wife to doze off soo i can steal her new android phone and play with it05:09
nixternalDarkwingDuck: rgreening was my roommate. you couldn't sleep with his snoring, so you would never be late05:09
DarkwingDuckOh yeah... I'm one of three co-leads in the California LoCo now05:10
valoriesoon I will be of washington05:10
nixternalat one uds, i did wake up late, but thankfully kwwii had his own vehicle, so we made it there before the UDS bus did :)05:10
valoriesoon as I poke 'em with a sharp stick05:10
claydohdarn Best Buy and their free phone promotions :( the wifey didn't get me one05:11
valorieI can always show up in my nightgown with no breakfast......05:11
valorienighters all!05:11
DarkwingDuckhey nixternal... about the docs.05:11
nixternalwhat docs?05:11
nixternalwe are switching to unity, it is so good it doesn't need to be documented05:12
DarkwingDuckhow hard would it be to write a script to build the docs?05:12
* DarkwingDuck barfs05:12
nixternalthat or we are mergine with the manual project, so they can do all of the work05:12
nixternalDarkwingDuck: it is called a Makefile, and it is already in the docs :)05:12
nixternalmake all05:12
nixternalyou mean package the docs?05:12
nixternalhere, let me teach you how to package the docs without translations05:12
nixternalsudo apt-get build-dep kubuntu-docs05:12
nixternalbzr export kubuntu-docs_11.04.tar.gz lp:kubuntu-docs05:13
nixternaltar -xf kubuntu-docs_11.04.tar.gz05:13
nixternalmv kubuntu-docs_11.04 kubuntu-docs-11.0405:13
nixternalcd kubuntu-docs-11.0405:13
nixternaldch -i05:13
nixternalfill out the debian changelog05:14
nixternaldebuild -S -sa -k$GPGKEY05:14
nixternalcd ../05:14
nixternalpbuilder-natty build *.dsc05:14
DarkwingDuckThat's it?05:14
nixternalyou will need to install pbuilder debhelper dh-make lintian cdbs quilt ubuntu-dev-tools pkg-kde-tools05:14
nixternalDarkwingDuck: yeah, without physically doing it here, that is pretty damn close05:14
nixternalthen when you have pbuilder & ubuntu-dev-tools installed05:15
nixternalmkdir ~/bin05:15
nixternalcd ~/bin05:15
nixternalln -s /usr/bin/pbuilder-dist pbuilder-natty05:15
nixternalpbuilder-natty create05:15
DarkwingDucknixternal: when it comes time, want to coach me through?05:15
nixternalthat will build your pbuilder natty environment05:15
nixternali just did :)05:15
DarkwingDuckIt's copied05:15
nixternali will go through and document it, but I think i am pretty damn close with what i typed to be honest05:16
nixternalthe bzr export may be off though05:16
nixternalmight have switched the tar.gz and the lp:kubuntu-docs05:16
DarkwingDuckThanks nixternal05:16
nixternalalso, $GPGKEY needs to be set in .bashrc, unless you only have one GPG key05:16
nixternalalso you need debfullname and debemail set in your .bashrc05:16
nixternalholy hell, ubuntu development is hard :p05:17
nixternalthat was kind of poking fun at persia from one of today's tracks at UDS05:17
nixternalif he reads what I wrote, he will tear it a part with a fine toothed comb05:18
DarkwingDuckI liked the bit about steve :D05:18
nixternalif you haven't met him yet DarkwingDuck, you have to. just look for the guy who looks like james bond smoking really expensive cigarettes. he is the coolest most intimidating person in the world!05:18
DarkwingDuckthe one always in a suit?05:18
nixternalmight not be a suit, but definitely slacks and a jacket, maybe a turtle neck underneath05:19
DarkwingDuckSlicked back hair. lol05:19
nixternalyou met him i take it :)05:19
DarkwingDuckOh yeah... cool ass dude05:19
nixternalor was my description just that damn good?05:19
valorieif we are thinking of the same fellow05:19
valoriesuit, yeah05:19
nixternaland ScottK is the easiest one to pick out, he is the old guy using the walker05:20
nixternalthough this year he might be in a HoverRound05:20
DarkwingDuckMet all the Kubuntu guys.05:20
DarkwingDuckHarold is funnier in real life05:20
nixternalohh lord, you didn't go in a hot tub did you?05:20
valorieDavid -- surname?05:20
valoriey'all are treading on dangerous ground.....05:21
* valorie is the oldest kubuntu member!05:21
valorieharald is hilarious05:21
DarkwingDuckvalorie: ScottK got you beat by 137 years05:21
nixternalvalorie: oh no, you can't be older than ScottK! you will ruin all of my poking of fun at him05:21
valorienixternal: that's the only reason he voted for me!05:22
nixternalwatch out for harald, he is cookoo for cocoa puffs05:22
DarkwingDuckNo kidding... jussi is a bit... off.05:22
valoriehe got my netbook on the net today.....05:22
DarkwingDuckThough, he's cool05:22
nixternaland watch out for Riddell. he will have you in a hot tub and the pictures will be on the internet before you even get out of it05:22
DarkwingDuckGood thing I turned it down.05:22
nixternalturning it down doesn't help05:22
nixternalwhen the tracks are over with for the day, go to dinner with him, get back to the hotel, and hide for the next hour and a half05:23
nixternalonce that hour and a half is up, then it is safe to head out of your room05:23
DarkwingDuckI never gave him my room number LOL05:23
nixternalhe knows your last name05:23
nixternaland getting room numbers from the staff at the hotels they get for UDS, is whicked simple05:24
DarkwingDuckYeah I know.05:24
nixternalespecially if he knows your roommate, which of course he does05:24
nixternalso he acts like he is jussi, and booyah, he has your room key05:24
DarkwingDuckThis is a nice venue though05:24
nixternalbeen there, done that05:24
nixternalthere have been nicer venues. the nicer the venue, the easier it is05:24
nixternalremember, you are there with hackers. part 1 of being a hacker, being a social hacker05:25
DarkwingDuckIt's all in one place. No busses05:25
nixternaloh damn, so you get to sleep in. so not fair!05:25
DarkwingDuckHence the reason I'm not worried about being late05:26
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dasKreechhi nixternal06:00
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sheytanHello ;D11:50
sheytanwhy is so quiet here? :D11:51
sheytanI need some community blogs links. If someone can send me some, i'll be thankful :)11:51
sheytanRiddell hey12:12
sheytanRiddell do you have a blog? :D12:12
sheytanone that i can link in the new kubuntu page in 'community blogs' ;)12:13
alsheytan, you could just go through the feeds listed on http://planet.ubuntu.com/12:15
sheytanal well, but think we need here only kubuntu devs. Ubuntu devs will be linked :)12:16
alsheytan, kubuntu folks are in there too12:18
ale.g. http://www.kdedevelopers.org/blog/5712:18
sheytanok, thank you :)12:18
ryanakcasheytan: You can get at least three of them by grepping for 'kubuntu' in config.ini bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~planet-ubuntu/config/main/ (my branch is out of date, others my have since been added) ... if you want more, you can just hunt for people's ircnicks in the file (there's a nick = <ircnick> field in each entry).12:53
sheytanCool, thanks :D12:54
* ryanakca really ought to blog about that software freedome day stand of his12:55
ryanakca225 fellow uni students were impressed with Kubuntu and took CDs :)12:56
ryanakcaOnly downside is that I got a nice big bill in the mail that needs to be payed by Nov 1st for all of those CDs :(12:58
sheytanhey guys13:04
sheytanhow do you  like this social integration into the new web page http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/6246/communityblogsmicroblog.jpg13:05
macodoes kobby crash on load for everyone else?14:12
* udslogger is sleepy eyes14:20
DarkwingDuckudslogger: what time did you crash last night?14:25
udslogger2-ish I think14:25
shadeslayerudslogger: where are you? bonaire 8?14:25
udsloggerin the back, sleeping :P14:26
shadeslayerRiddell: i found the issue with lp14:26
shadeslayerRiddell: look at your screen!!!14:26
DarkwingDuckRiddell is not at his computer at the moment.14:26
shadeslayerudslogger: im forwarding you something14:27
DarkwingDuckheh udslogger sleeping already?14:27
udsloggershadeslayer: is it a picture of nakkid CIA-96?14:27
udsloggerDarkwingDuck: I do not get what they are talking about is fitting multimedia :P14:27
shadeslayerwhee... kobby crashes again :>14:28
udslogger...but oh well...14:28
udsloggerwhy do you people use *obby again? :P14:28
udsloggerget rid of it, make it die, pirates ftw!14:28
DarkwingDuckudslogger: agreed... however, you know how devs are... grasshopper minds and circular arguments... :P:P14:29
shadeslayerim sure its a network problem now14:29
udsloggercouldnt they fix libinifinity instead?14:29
shadeslayerudslogger: did you get my mail?14:29
udsloggershadeslayer: I also have a jumpy mouse today14:30
shadeslayerudslogger: just slide your finger across the touchpad14:30
shadeslayeritll fix itself in a few mins14:31
DarkwingDuckudslogger: however, I heard you fixed valorie netbook last night.14:31
udsloggerI am not going to fix yours :P14:31
udsloggershadeslayer: what do I do with that mail?14:32
DarkwingDuckudslogger: not asking you to... just had that question last night about acpi events14:32
udsloggerdid moving the scripts in the right dir not fix it?14:32
DarkwingDucklearned quickly that you are a fan of sarcasm14:32
shadeslayerudslogger: well... theres a bug against rekonq ... now i know its a KIO issue.... go fix KIO 14:33
DarkwingDuckNot implemented yet. I'm taking the dev approach14:33
DarkwingDuckWhen is the doc freeze? I'll change it two days prior. 14:33
DarkwingDuck4.5 anyone? 14:34
* DarkwingDuck mutters14:34
shadeslayerRiddell seems lost14:35
DarkwingDuckHe looks like he got about 5 minutes of sleep14:35
udsloggershadeslayer: he is up front?14:35
DarkwingDuckup and to the left.14:35
shadeslayerudslogger: look on your right14:35
udsloggerdesign fail14:35
jjesselook on your right, look on your left, i'm on a horse14:36
udsloggertotally sparta14:36
udsloggershadeslayer: so, I still miss context on the mail14:37
shadeslayerudslogger: rekonq cant save comments to bugs.lp14:37
=== ulysses_ is now known as ulysses
shadeslayerits a issue in KIO14:37
shadeslayergo fix it14:37
udsloggersure it can14:37
udsloggershadeslayer: also, what is the proof that it is kio?14:37
shadeslayerudslogger: because benjamin says that it worked with webkit 2.1 but not when he used it with KIO14:38
udsloggerthat is no sufficient reason14:38
udsloggerthere is a bunch of other stuff that could be at fault14:38
shadeslayersuch as?14:39
shadeslayerryanakca: fancy making a manpage ?14:39
shadeslayerGLUE ... hahaha14:39
udsloggershadeslayer: do not make others waste time :P14:40
shadeslayersee that is why im not making one14:40
DarkwingDuck25 people in the room, 25 computers and they are using a damn marker for an argument. :P14:40
shadeslayermaco: where are you?14:40
macoshadeslayer: i left the qt one because it was all opengl not the phonon stuff i expected and headed over to kernel14:40
DarkwingDuckmaco: I still have yet to meet...14:41
shadeslayer^ me too14:41
DarkwingDuckwhere are you shadeslayer? I know youre in the room14:41
shadeslayerim in the 3rd Row14:42
DarkwingDuckHAHAHA I'm effing blind14:42
udsloggermaco: there is more phonon in the kernel session?14:42
udsloggershadeslayer: lets go kernel14:42
DarkwingDuckfor 5 more minutes?14:42
shadeslayerhmm.. well... im pretty lost either way14:43
udsloggerDarkwingDuck: I draw whole class diagrams manually14:43
DarkwingDuckudslogger: aye... I prefer chalk14:44
udsloggerI wonder why they have no chalk here...14:44
shadeslayersomeone should give Riddell some coffee14:44
udsloggershadeslayer: well, the stuff they are talking about surely does not help ^^14:44
DarkwingDuckor something... he looks like he is in bad shape.14:44
udsloggerso, where is udslogger going after this cuteness14:45
DarkwingDuckI'm going outside for some "fresh" air.14:45
udsloggershadeslayer: I would talk to dfaure about it, or generally throw it out on #kde-devel14:46
shadeslayerudslogger: #kde-devel isnt nice 14:46
DarkwingDuckwhoot... upstream14:46
shadeslayerin matters pertaning to rekonq14:46
udsloggerupstream downstream sidestream whipped cream14:46
udsloggershadeslayer: I wonder why that is14:47
udsloggerclearly there is no reason for it14:47
DarkwingDuckhey now, I don't need to know your fantasies... 14:47
DarkwingDuckHoly mother of god... https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Packaging14:47
udsloggerthis sessions is way too interesting14:47
DarkwingDuckcircular arguments 14:48
udsloggerthe wiki is where you put content to die14:48
DarkwingDuckyeah, my favorite is the bullet with ...14:48
DarkwingDuckand that is it.14:49
udsloggerDarkwingDuck: redirect that page there14:49
DarkwingDuckudslogger: how you going to tell me to forward it while you were editing it??? LOL14:51
udsloggerI am not editing it14:51
udsloggermoinmoin is made out of python14:51
DarkwingDuckThis page was opened for editing or last previewed at 2010-10-26 05:48:34 by Harald Sitter.14:51
DarkwingDuckYou should refrain from editing this page for at least another 7 minute(s), to avoid editing conflicts.14:51
udsloggerDarkwingDuck: http://moinmo.in/HelpOnProcessingInstructions#A.23redirect14:52
DarkwingDuckUnless there is another Harald Sitter out there.14:52
udsloggerI am not editing it14:52
shadeslayerudslogger: where are you?15:00
Riddellshadeslayer: what issue with lp did you find?15:03
shadeslayerRiddell: seems like a KIO issue because the XHR is compressed15:03
shadeslayerill forward you the mail15:04
shadeslayerRiddell: come over to antigua 1, Debian Health Check15:04
RiddellI'm in a top secret Qt meeting15:05
shadeslayerah ...15:05
shadeslayerits not top secret anymore :P15:05
shtylmanRiddell: secret eh?15:06
shadeslayerQt Private Meeting ... fancy15:06
shtylmanScottK: ^15:06
shtylmanI started outlining some random ideas15:06
shadeslayerRiddell: who else is there?15:06
shtylmanor complaints.. things I think we can polish with default settings or whatnot15:06
shadeslayeroh oh oh15:07
Riddellshtylman: Qt people, Linaro people, canonical people15:07
shtylmanfeel free to give feedback on the page15:07
shtylmanRiddell: :)15:07
shtylmanwhat is linaro?15:07
shtylmana build toolkit?15:07
shadeslayerScottK: Riddell did you guys register the rekonq improvements blueprint ?15:07
shtylmanI tried to google for them15:07
shtylmanbut it is vague15:07
shadeslayerScottK: linux on ARM15:07
Riddellsee shtylman that's why you shouldn't disappear for a cycle, you miss everything :)15:07
ScottKshadeslayer: You  were going to do it.15:07
shtylmanRiddell: yea... :(15:08
shadeslayerScottK: i thought you guys were going to do it :PO15:08
shadeslayerill make one15:08
shtylmanit is sadness15:08
Riddellshadeslayer: rekonq scheduled for tomorrow morning15:09
shadeslayerah kool15:09
shtylmanfigured some of those points I put on the wiki can go into the kubuntu natty coding meeting15:10
dantti_workRiddell: why there are so few kubuntu session this time? :P15:10
shadeslayerdantti_work: i have a bug for you15:11
shadeslayerhold on15:11
dantti_workoh noes :P15:11
* dantti_work leaving...15:12
shadeslayerdantti_work: well in developer tools section, you can edit the top bar which has "Debugging" etc15:12
dantti_workshadeslayer: edit how?15:13
shadeslayeri could eariler double click and edit "Debugging" to "ZOMG" 15:13
shadeslayerright now... i cant reproduce it15:14
dantti_workah right, again double click problems15:14
shtylmandid the samba sharing stuff make it in?15:14
shtylmanfor natty15:14
dantti_workshadeslayer: the fix is easy, not sure it worth a new package right now..15:14
shadeslayerdantti_work: http://imgur.com/Zm2gy15:16
DarkwingDuckI really need to get my ssh server back online.15:16
shadeslayerwhere are all of you? :P15:16
dantti_workshadeslayer: yes I see I can reproduce it15:16
DarkwingDuckI'm out in a wall fixing my sys15:17
shadeslayerdantti_work: ok, just wanted to make sure you know about it15:17
shadeslayerit doesnt warrant a new package15:18
dantti_workshadeslayer: btw I got a bounch of bugs about kpackagekitsmarticon crashing, but I can't reproduce it, and the backtrace shows a bug probably in kdelibs, are you having them?15:20
DarkwingDuckudslogger: really?? All the cool kids are doing it? ROFL15:20
shadeslayerdantti_work: how do i reproduce it?15:20
dantti_workshadeslayer: It just happens, after a while, have you never saw it?15:21
dantti_workcause I can't see it crashing too :/15:21
shadeslayerhmm .. i dont use kpk alot, but i havent had a randomn crash15:21
shadeslayerdantti_work: maybe ask reporter to try KDE 4.5.2 ?15:21
dantti_workshadeslayer: http://pastebin.com/gD3ta2Ub15:22
dantti_workthis fix your double click bug15:22
=== sheytan_ is now known as sheytan
DarkwingDuckudslogger: I see you're a packaging tutor... :P15:24
udsloggerI am the master15:24
Riddelldantti_work: we have a fair number of sessions.  the natty packaging and natty coding are the most all encompasing ones and we may well have to have one or two more of those to cover everything15:25
DarkwingDuckgood, I know who to bug when I break... erm... have questions.15:25
Riddelldantti_work: anything you'd like to discuss?15:25
dantti_workRiddell: don't have anything in mind, unless kpk changes aren't being well accepted (which seems not to be the case)15:27
dantti_workRiddell: btw I have a bug about the kubuntu distro updater not scrolling the terminal, where do I assign it?15:27
udslogger// Create and initialive a new browser15:35
shadeslayerudslogger: wha ...15:40
udsloggerno wonder it crashes15:42
udsloggerit initialives variables15:42
Riddelldantti_work: feedback from kpk is all good that I've seen, people love it15:42
udsloggerwhat if it does not want to be initalived15:42
Riddelldantti_work: bugs on dist upgrade tool on launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager15:43
udsloggerRiddell, dantti_work: they have all sorts of ideas for software center15:43
dantti_workRiddell: good to hear :D I guess I'll work on finishing printer-manager15:43
Riddelldantti_work: that was my next question :)15:43
dantti_workRiddell: I'm out to lunch, but about it I guess it does'nt misses too many things15:45
* udslogger fixed kobby15:45
sheytanIf anyone is interested, this is a todo list of what's left to make the new Kubuntu page complete http://pastebin.com/ZmEBWu5v :D:D15:46
DarkwingDuckudslogger: ppa?15:47
udsloggernot production quality fixe15:47
udsloggerin fact it is more of a workaround :P15:47
udsloggerand the bug is coming from the network connection15:47
DarkwingDuckWe have a posted workaround then?15:47
udsloggerpreventing kobby from adding the default connections fixes the crash15:47
DarkwingDuckI can't even get hat far into kobby15:48
DarkwingDuck*Get that15:48
sheytanshadeslayer hey ;)15:59
shadeslayerhey :)15:59
sheytanshadeslayer i can't find that neon ppa with kde 4.6 for maverick. I found only an old15:59
shadeslayersheytan: yeah ... we havent finished yet... but its in launchpad.net/~neon16:00
shtylmanRiddell: you going to the qt gesture thing?16:00
sheytanshadeslayer does it mean, the packages aren't uploaded yet?16:01
udsloggercan someone who is not at uds please fire up gobby (with kdebugdialog turned on for everything) and paste me the output?16:01
udsloggerpretty please :)16:01
shadeslayerthere are packages...16:01
shtylmanudslogger: what server params?16:02
sheytanshadeslayer, sorry, now i see them :)16:02
sheytanthank you :d16:02
udsloggershtylman: none, random, whatever16:06
shtylmanudslogger: there was no output16:08
shtylmangobby is a gtk app16:08
shtylmanudslogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/520214/16:09
* udslogger thinks our qinfinity is not built with dbg16:10
udsloggerryanakca: ^^^^^16:11
Riddellshtylman: yes here now16:12
shtylmanany juicy gossip? :p16:12
shtylmanunity is going all qt isn't it :)16:13
udsloggerhere is the deal16:13
udsloggerapparently kobby gets 2 connections16:13
udsloggerwith at least the same name16:13
udsloggerrandom guess: they are the same connection16:13
udsloggerrandom guess #2: trying to setup 2 connections that are really one crashes libinfinity16:13
shadeslayerudslogger: fixing kobby?16:16
udsloggermore like breaking it16:17
sheytanshadeslayer hey, is there a magic command to install kde from neon? I'm on Ubuntu16:21
shadeslayersheytan: nope, just add ppa -> install project-neon meta package16:21
shadeslayerbut its not ready yet16:22
sheytanshadeslayer does it means i can't install it now? :D16:22
shadeslayeryou can probably install it, but idk if you can start it and such from KDM16:23
shadeslayeryou can probably start it from a tty16:23
sheytanshadeslayer "This metapackage includes all packages provided by the neon project." is it this package? :D16:23
sheytanok, thank y ou :)16:23
shadeslayerudslogger: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdevs-kubuntu-n-rekonq-wishlist16:27
udsloggeris it youtube?16:27
udsloggerI only will open youtube videos today16:27
udsloggerfor I am fedoralogger today16:27
shadeslayeryes, its a youtube vid16:28
udsloggerSTUPID KOBBY16:29
shtylmantechnically that is a double negative16:30
shtylmanmeaning it makes sense16:30
udsloggershtylman: you are fortunate enough to not be at uds because right now you would have scored a day of sarcasm16:31
udsloggerwell then16:36
udsloggerhere is the complete research16:36
shadeslayerRiddell: where did you go?16:37
udsloggera) kobby gets 2 signals that leads to it adding 2 connections16:37
udsloggerb) libinfinity does not like 2 signals (probably becuase they have the same name) and crashes16:37
udsloggerc) those 2 signals have the same name because they are essentially the same except one is ipv4 and one ipv616:38
udsloggerso this is a bit of a horrible thing...16:38
shadeslayerudslogger: the local connections?16:39
udsloggerb) should simply not lead to a crash and c) probably needs to be resolved16:39
udsloggerah, right, local connections those are16:39
ryanakcashadeslayer: Writing a manpage for ... ?16:39
shadeslayerryanakca: WMIface16:39
udsloggerdiscoveredd via dnssd16:39
shadeslayerits on kde-apps.org16:39
udsloggeraka avahi16:39
ryanakcashadeslayer: Ah, never used it. Can't write documentation for an app I haven't used :)16:39
udsloggerryanakca: you go poke upstream ^^^^^^^16:39
udsloggerthere is a pile of crap going all awoga on kobby16:40
ryanakcashadeslayer: use help2man.pl or kde2man.pl or whatever it is. It's in the kdesdk package iirc16:40
* udslogger ppas workaround16:40
shadeslayermgraesslin: ^^ your app wont get packaged because ryanakca wont write a man page :P16:40
mgraesslina man page for that app?16:40
shadeslayermgraesslin: yes... the WMIface app, its done, just needs a man page16:40
mgraesslinsee README not enought?16:41
shadeslayerit needs to be lintian clean, else udslogger will eat me for lunch16:41
ryanakcaudslogger: You can file all of your Kobby bugs on bugs.kde.org16:43
udsloggerryanakca: there is one16:43
udsloggerfrom may16:44
udsloggernot triaged16:44
udsloggerno nothing16:44
udsloggerkobby is the shit16:44
udsloggerI shall create my own solution16:44
Riddellshadeslayer: back to the top secret Qt meeting16:44
shadeslayerRiddell: did you see the mail i sent you?16:45
ryanakcaudslogger: I'm not sure upstream is still maintaining it, now that I look at it, my merge request from April is still sitting there, no commits since 2010-04-09.16:45
Riddellshadeslayer: what's an XHR?16:45
udsloggerI request that we shall not use legcay software16:46
shadeslayerRiddell: XML Http Request, just google it :P16:46
shadeslayerit handles form submission and stuff16:47
Riddellso naughty kio16:47
shtylmanRiddell: are you gonna make it to the coding metting?16:47
Riddellshtylman: yes16:47
shadeslayer2 Riddell's are enough for world domination :>16:47
shtylmanno secret mettings after this one?16:47
ryanakcaudslogger: If you want to fork Kobby and give me new upstream releases, I'll gladly update my packages in Debian :)16:47
macoRiddell: its the X of AJAX!16:47
shadeslayermgraesslin: http://community.kde.org/Plasma/Tasks#Window_List_Plasmoid << the stuff i was talking about yesterday16:47
udsloggerI want it to go away16:48
shtylmanxml is teh suck16:48
shtylmanjson all the way!!16:48
ryanakcaudslogger: I think upstream may have lost interest because nobody was using it...16:48
udsloggerI mean come on16:48
udsloggera software that requires server and client apps?16:48
udsloggerin the times where my office suite is running in a flipping browser16:48
Riddellmaco: yay, buzzwords that don't match to anything in reality!16:48
udsloggerthat is like us using CDs as primary distribution media16:48
udsloggerhold on16:48
udsloggerryanakca: well of course no one was using it, IT IS CRASHING :P16:49
ryanakcahaha :)16:49
shtylmanwho would use it in this day and age with internet!!16:49
shtylmandoesn't make sense16:49
shadeslayerrofl... the face udslogger was just making16:49
ryanakcaudslogger: Well, if you don't like it, I guess you could always go back to Gobby, with it's pretty GTK interface and what not :P16:50
shadeslayer^^ just use gobby + oxygen-gtk16:50
Riddellshadeslayer: but you had the lp bug comment problem in arora too no? and that doesn't use kioslaves16:51
udsloggerwe should not use gobby or kobby for flobby or butterfly unicorn rainbow monster16:53
shadeslayerRiddell: its working with arora now, which is weird ... it wasnt working the last time16:53
udsloggerwe should use a solution that runs in a browser16:53
udsloggerperiod <---16:53
sheytanshadeslayer hmm, startkde doesn't work. any ideas? :D17:04
shadeslayersheytan: its installed in /opt/neon17:04
shadeslayerso the path will be different17:04
sheytanok, thanks17:05
shadeslayersheytan: please do tell us if it works :)17:07
dasKreechudslogger: filed a bug?17:13
dasKreechudslogger: ah wait there was no need eh?17:14
* dasKreech catches up17:15
dasKreechhi Riddell17:47
* dasKreech waves at rickspencer3 as well17:47
rickspencer3hi dasKreech17:47
dasKreechWas there a list of criteria for Koffice to be considered up to muster?17:48
Lex79ScottK or Riddell: when you can, please move kdebase from binary new (due to libkonq5 -> libkonq5a), thanks17:49
macobtw, any of you noticing that the "view" button in notifications for quassel dont take you to the channel/pm if quassel is already focused when the notification pops up?17:57
sheytanIsn't there a payed job for my from canonical? :D Can't find anything in my city ://18:15
shtylmansheytan: you work remotely18:54
shadeslayermaco: where are you!18:54
shadeslayeri have to empty half my bag :P18:54
shtylmanRiddell: I am gonna listen in on the artwork session18:55
shtylmansheytan: ^ (iirc you also do artwork)18:55
sheytanyes, ido :)18:57
shadeslayerudslogger: are you in  the plenary?19:02
udsloggerI am the master!19:02
udsloggerin the front19:03
shadeslayerudslogger: come back a bit19:03
* udslogger notifies shtylman19:03
udsloggershadeslayer: no19:03
udsloggerI do not want too far for my panda19:03
udsloggernot worth it19:03
shadeslayerudslogger: because your minion demands it!19:04
udsloggerthat is way out of line19:04
* udslogger setups a notification to alert about that19:05
udsloggereveryone please sit down19:06
udsloggerno pandas today :(19:07
Lex79interesting: http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/10/26/qt-is-going-modular/19:08
udsloggerthat is not news...19:11
Lex79udslogger: well it was predictable, but it's a news written today :P19:14
udsloggerit is not news @uds :P19:15
shtylmansome of us aren't at uds :)19:15
udsloggerthat is surely not my fault :P19:22
udsloggerkobby kobby kobby19:23
DarkwingDuckudslogger: I will hate the word kobby after this.19:23
Nightroseudslogger: http://community.kde.org/GoogleCodeIn/2010/Ideas add tasks if you have any19:24
dasKreechudslogger: you can dent the main dev (hopefully not in a 40 char fir of anger)19:24
* Nightrose goes to visit palo alto19:24
udsloggerNightrose: I alraedy thought a bit about it, somehow I do only have complex crap on my mind ^^19:24
* Nightrose vanishes - hf in florida19:25
DarkwingDuckwhos idea was it to have a rekonq wishlist?19:25
udsloggerWHAT THE FISH19:38
udsloggerthere is a function19:38
udsloggerthat function returns a pointer19:38
udsloggerthe functions is part of a standalone library19:38
udsloggerthen mr kobby comes and says, oh well, surely that pointer is never going to be 0, because right now it is not going to be 0, lets just not implement error handling for getting a null pointer19:39
* udslogger needs to throw up19:39
* udslogger doesnt wanna no moar19:42
udsloggershadeslayer: I broke your browser software :P20:08
shadeslayerudslogger: STOP MESSING WITH IT20:16
udsloggersheytan: btw, the gear in the background of the one template slide is not visible on a projected version20:26
udsloggerlike not at all20:26
sheytanudslogger well, we've got the 2nd version. Without the logo ;)20:26
udsloggeryeah, just thinking, maybe we should just remove it altogether20:27
udsloggerall others work very well20:27
udsloggershtylman: I just got like 3 notifications all at once20:42
udsloggerbattery being low20:42
udsloggereffects being off20:42
udsloggerand something else I did not get to see20:42
shtylmanwhy must life go on like this20:44
sheytani've got something for you guys :D21:09
sheytanudslogger well, we can :) Just leave the one with gray fotter :D21:09
sheytanhey, check this out http://sheytan-files.xt.pl/kubuntu-ad.mp421:10
nUboon2AgeBringing Kubuntu on Ubuntu One to fruition >>>>  i started a team on LP called KubuntuOne, with the membership open (at least for now):  https://launchpad.net/~kubuntuone  udslogger / apachelogger said he'd consult to help it happen.21:14
shadeslayerRiddell: where are you?21:20
Riddellshadeslayer: outside bonaire 121:21
shadeslayerRiddell: why? were in Curacao 121:22
Riddellshadeslayer: oh that got delayed on hour21:22
Riddellpress F521:22
DarkwingDuckudslogger: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11668221:31
ubottuKDE bug 116682 in general "Support fingerprint reader login in kdm" [Wishlist,New]21:31
Lex79Riddell: I'm glad if you can "push the button" to move kdebase from binary new....please :P21:31
DarkwingDuckudslogger: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_enable_the_fingerprint_reader_with_ThinkFinger#KDE21:31
shadeslayermaco: where are you? need to talk21:31
udsloggerSput: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot81.png21:32
macoshadeslayer: im in kernel session21:32
udsloggerdid you ever see that?21:32
shadeslayeroh my21:32
udsloggerI was like messing with zoom and now my quassel is all broken21:32
macoshadeslayer: bonaire121:32
shadeslayermaco: ok ill meet you at 6 when everything is over then 21:32
freeflyingRiddell, qt patch review session finished?21:32
shadeslayerudslogger: that is as broken as rekonq21:32
RiddellLex79: onto it21:33
shadeslayerfreeflying: post poned21:33
Riddellfreeflying: delayed until next hour21:33
freeflyingshadeslayer, Riddell thanks21:33
macoshadeslayer: afraid of kernel folks?21:34
udsloggerSput: apparently my text column was right underneath the timestamp column....21:36
udsloggersorta strange21:36
RiddellLex79: accepted21:38
Lex79thanks :)21:38
sheytanhey guys. Like my ad? :D21:46
freeflyingsheytan, what is that21:50
sheytanfreeflying http://sheytan-files.xt.pl/kubuntu-ad.mp421:51
freeflyingsheytan, should it be "the way you want"21:53
sheytanfreeflying damn. yes, it should :D21:55
sheytansorry 21:55
sheytanwill fix it :D21:55
freeflyingsheytan, good job :)21:55
sheytanfreeflying thank you :)21:56
shadeslayersheytan: dude, fix the file mimetype22:04
sheytanshadeslayer you mean?22:05
shadeslayerLength: unspecified [text/html] << from wget output22:05
shadeslayertext/html for a mp4 ... NOT GOOD22:05
dasKreechThat would explain why rekonq keeps spitting garbage22:11
dasKreechand curl gets me a javascript output22:11
Riddellfabo: ping22:33
Riddellfabo: if you're around join us in #ubuntu-uds-curacao1222:34
dasKreechJontheEchidna: hi!22:55
dasKreechhow are you?22:55
JontheEchidnapretty good22:55
dasKreechJontheEchidna: Who is in charge of the weather desktop now?22:58
JontheEchidnaI still take care of it so that it doesn't completely break or anything22:58
dasKreechok 23:10
dasKreechDoes it use the Weather dataengine?23:10
JontheEchidnadasKreech: Yep23:11
JontheEchidnain fact, the weather wallpaper was what prompted support for dataengine use in wallpaper plugins23:11
dasKreechThat's what I was trying to remember23:13
CIA-96[muon] jmthomas * 1190098 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/muon/FilterWidget.cpp SVN_SILENT: Style fixes23:48

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