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MadRobotHi all.01:07
MadRobotHow do I get my system to sleep or hibernate when I shut the led of laptop?01:08
freebird<gabon_> need help to install 10.10 on lap top will not boot from cd01:11
cuzntfreebird:  maybe you need to change your start up options?01:12
cuzntsometimes is F1201:12
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jschallMy netbook stopped suspending when I close the lid. The settings are right and the lid switch is obviously working (i can see the screen turn off automatically when i close the lid) It used to suspend. Suspend works if I do it through the menus.02:37
jschallI've tried doing a cold boot and I've tried messing with the settings. I've looked at dmesg and nothing comes up when I close and open the lid02:38
jschallit also still suspends after 5 minutes, which is what its set to do.02:38
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jschalli can change the setting to shutdown when lid is closed and it will still do nothing.02:39
jschalleverything points to the lid switch except that the lid switch is very obviously working.02:40
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ansongi'm running 10.10 and kde4.5.2, every once in a while, an icon will appear momentarily in my system tray and then disappear03:58
ansongi can never see what it is before it goes away, but it looks somewhat like the old klipper icon or maybe a package manager icon (brown box in the background perhaps)03:59
ansongdoes anyone know how i could determine what app it is?04:00
ansongany suggestions?04:15
dasKreechansong: Packagekit I'll bet04:28
ansongdasKreech: that was totally it. the kpackagekit app when it checks for updates04:30
dasKreechansong: that's what I thought it has different icons there when it's doing different things. and the brown package is when it's downloading or checking the repos (technically also downloading)04:31
dasKreechJust takes a second but it would pop up and be noticable04:31
ansongi've always used aptitude. kubuntu does everything from a gui; i'm not used to it yet04:32
ansongthanks again04:34
LavaEagleHey quick question04:38
LavaEagleAfter installing Kubuntu via wubi04:39
LavaEagleWireless works and is auto enabled but after a restart it is disabled and I can't figure out how to re enable it04:39
valorieI don't know much about wubi04:45
valoriebut do you have a little connection icon?04:45
valorielooks like a dot and waves coming up04:46
valorieclick on that and you should get a menu04:46
valoriesometimes you just have to click on the strongest signal (usually your own) to wake it up04:47
LavaEagleIt's disabled is the problem04:50
LavaEagleand I went through ubuntu's documents and they didn't help04:51
LavaEagleI can't find where to re enable it so it can scan04:51
LavaEagleI'm gonna try again here04:51
valoriejust restart the signal05:06
valorieeven if you have to rescan it05:06
valoriethe little applet does a good job usually05:06
jschalldoes anyone have insight on what causes my microphone to not work when the balance is centered?05:19
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austin_bostoni have no idea how this works, hahah07:22
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n8wim runin 10.10 n everytime the kpackage searches for updates it gets stock in my sys tray...when i close it down,the plasma crashes...08:27
FlashDeluxehi @ all! how can i find out which time my dhcp server has got? i am using dhcpd3.09:21
Wafflei'm trying to edit a .flv in kdenlive but the file type is not suported09:51
Wafflecan anyone help me09:52
jesperhtWaffle: I've never tried editing an flv file directly. In worst case you can always convert it to a format your system supports first.09:53
Wafflejesperht,  like what format? what program?09:54
jesperhtWaffle: Though after some googling I get the impression that you should be able to import anything that ffmpeg can handle. Do you have all pertinent codecs installed?09:54
Wafflei have some of them but not all of them09:56
Wafflejesperht,  not that i know off10:00
jesperhtWaffle: I just tried it on my kubuntu system, and it worked fine. Make sure that "all files" are selected in the file dialog filter, and that you have all the libavcodec packages installed.10:05
Wafflejesperht,  tried that but when i rendered the cropped clip it was the wrong section10:05
Wafflejesperht,  what has gone wrong10:09
Wafflejesperht,  what do i do now?10:17
Waffleedit flv correctley in ubuntu10:20
jesperhtWaffle: Good question. I suggest you query the kdenlive people. Either on IRC - or ideally, through a bug report10:26
FlashDeluxehi @ all! I got a problem, my dhcp3 has got the wrong time and i don`t know how to set the correct time, can anybody help me?11:00
FlashDeluxehwclock --show and date are showing me the right time11:03
tommihello all, i have to start krunner manually at each login11:06
moetunesFlashDeluxe:  is there anything in   man dhcpd.conf   that'll help?11:06
tommidoes somebody know how to fix this11:06
moetunestommi:  save the session before you log out11:07
tommiok lets logout :)11:08
FlashDeluxemoetunes: non, it shows me how to configure ntp for time syncing but it doesn`t take any effect11:08
moetunesFlashDeluxe:  is there a config for it in /etc or somewhere that could be overriding your settings?11:09
moetunesI don't use it here11:10
FlashDeluxemoetunes: no11:12
dibblegois kino video editor a dead project?11:16
moetunesFlashDeluxe:  not much on google about it either - you have restarted the daemon?11:18
FlashDeluxemoetunes: of course, doesn`t change anything. Maybe i could tell the dhcp to take the system time? Is that possible?11:19
moetunesFlashDeluxe:  some reading - http://spblinux.de/2.0/doc/dhcp-options.html11:21
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jesse_anyone used drupal11:41
jesse_help required11:41
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olskolirchow do I get kde 4.5?  is there a repository for it?12:24
Space_Manolskolirc: have a read http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.5.212:29
olskolircwithout upgrading to Maverick Space_Man I'm on Karmic12:30
olskolircnever mind Space_Man its not happening12:34
olskolirckde 4.5 requires Maverick that piece of crap12:34
geekosopherdoes kmail support gnupg in maverick?12:54
jesse_is there any one using drupal13:01
jesse_i need some help13:01
naftilos76hi everyone, as Kubuntu 10.10 uses pulse as its' default sound server, i would like to ask this: Can i record a conversation that's taking place on Skype? That is, i need some kind of 'mix' function so that i can re-direct audio streams to an audio recording app like 'audacity'. Is that possible?13:06
faLUCEwell: how can I mount a remote ssh directory, wich requires authentication with user and password on /my/local/dir ?13:07
naftilos76sudo sshfs -p7822 -o allow_other user@domain_name local_mount_point13:09
faLUCEthanks naftilos7613:10
naftilos76faLUCE: try this13:10
faLUCEnaftilos76: but where is the password ?13:10
naftilos76faLUCE: if this is a server on your13:10
faLUCEI have a client, not a server13:10
naftilos76remote server somewhere out there they have to have your IP in a white list or something13:11
naftilos76it will ask you the password when you press ENTER13:11
naftilos76if i remember well!13:12
naftilos76what file manager are you using? dolphin or konqueror?13:13
naftilos76or other?13:13
naftilos76have you installed sshfs? that is the first step13:14
naftilos76sudo apt-get install sshfs13:14
naftilos76if you haven't13:14
naftilos76Anyone on the pulse sound server issue?13:15
cba123How can I change my default dolphin "browse" folder to something other than /home/cba123/Documents?  As in when I click browse in firefox, it goes to Documents by default, and I almost never use that folder to upload things from.13:21
nerdy_kidI am looking for the kdebindings package and cant find it in synaptic.  I found kdebinding-dbg however.  does it exist?13:22
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moetunes!find kdebind13:29
ubottuFound: kdebindings-dbg13:29
moetunesseems that's it13:30
nerdy_kidmoetunes strange...13:32
moetunesnerdy_kid:  it's prob done through something else now13:32
nerdy_kidmoetunes well libkimono4.1-cil seems to do the job, thanks for your help13:34
ubuntudai blz14:52
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sresuAbout KDE Menu Editor, for an applicationunder General tab there is an option 'Place in system tray' to be ticked/unticked. What does this option actually do? It works when the application is running or its part of autostart?16:25
dasKreechsresu: I think when it is running16:39
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sresudasKreech: Ok. Thanks16:48
pajaHi, after succesfully upgraded from Kubuntu (x64) 10.04 ==> 10.10 I have a problem with eclipse and pidgin (maybe some other non qt apps). When I "check" checkbox, it frozen this app. Coud you help me where to start?16:49
paja.. to find bug/solution. There is not problem in java -- jDownloader works fine. I don't know if there is some connection Eclipse-gtk .. (and now I found that there is a problem in Gimp too).16:53
pajaWorks fine when it's started by root!16:55
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LOGANhi is it possible to have a custom icon for a flash USB drive ?16:57
OmnipotentEntitypaja, you might want to try renaming your settings for that app.16:57
pajaOmnipotentEntity: What do you mean? Which settings?16:58
OmnipotentEntity~/.purple for pidgin16:59
pajaOmnipotentEntity: I've deleted ~/.eclipse configuration files and doesn't help ..16:59
OmnipotentEntitythen it might wind up being a permissions issue17:00
OmnipotentEntityI don't know enough about eclipse to give you better advice though.17:00
pajaOmnipotentEntity: ok, but I hope the problem is not in eclipse. I have test it in gimp => all config is removed and reinitialized .. this is "in" the "checkbox", not in app.. it freeze this application only if it is checked (unchecking is fine).. maybe i can try to ask in some #GTK chat17:04
OmnipotentEntityperhaps, you can also try renaming the gtk configuration files?17:05
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pajaOmnipotentEntity: all ~/.g* deleted :-) and it not helped me.17:08
OmnipotentEntitywhy are you deleting the files?17:09
OmnipotentEntityjust rename them....17:09
pajaOmnipotentEntity: I'm lazy and it doesn't make me a problem..17:09
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pajaOmnipotentEntity: and I have a `trash` utility17:11
johnny77I was playing around in KDE yesterday and noticed that it seemed while the desktop icons changed with the desktop, the windows of all desktops where always shown. Is there a way to only show windows from the current desktop?17:19
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Kalidarnis it normal for different cores to spike17:33
Kalidarni guess they're sharing the load17:34
ftg2is there a way to change the data source on this "Weather Forecaste" plasmoid? a source that is not wetter (seems to be the only source configurable from settings)17:34
Kalidarnftg2: ive wondered that myself i've been wanting it to get data from bom.gov.au17:37
Kalidarnfor australian unfortunately their reports are not offered in JSON or XML17:37
Kalidarnbut instead are crappy TXT documents17:37
dasKreechjohnny77: Where?17:37
dasKreechftg2: They pull from a common weather data engine backend you can submit a URL and parser for that and the plasmoids will all magically gt that option17:38
johnny77dasKreech, in the panel.17:38
dasKreechThe taskbar?17:38
dasKreechgo to the taskbar settings and set how you want to see the windows17:39
johnny77dasKreech, Yeah, sorry. I'm new to Ubuntu and especially to KDE.17:39
dasKreechjohnny77: welcome to Linux :)17:39
dasKreechand special welcome to KDE :)17:39
ftg2dasKreech: ahh. i see. do you have a url where i can learn more about this backend? i'd like to use wunderground, or one of the other local (us) xml sources17:39
dasKreechjohnny77: You should have a button at the end of the panel on the right normally17:40
dasKreechclick that and you will be in edit mode. Right click on the taskbar and you will have an option for taskbar settings. Explore there17:40
dasKreechftg2: #plasma would be a good place to start inquiry17:40
ftg2dasKreech: thanks17:41
johnny77dasKreech, thank you. I'll check it out.17:41
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Kalidarnhey anyone aound17:56
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ftg2bah. i give up. there is no way to get wunderground into a weather app short or writing it myself. :(18:02
ftg2and the terms of service are restrictive, so even if i did write it, redistribution would be impossible18:02
Peace-ftg2: ?18:08
ftg2Peace-: do you know where i can get more info on the weather dataengine used by kde? google has told me very little. all i managed to find was a thread explaining why the sources are so limited. ... the terms of service on most of these weather api's do not allow it18:11
Peace-i dunno maybe in #kde-dev18:12
Peace-or something like that18:12
ftg2right :\18:12
johnny77How do I delete activities?18:14
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sresu!info kdebase18:25
ubottuPackage kdebase does not exist in maverick18:25
sresu!info kdebase lucid18:25
ubottukdebase (source: meta-kde): the K Desktop Environment, base applications. In component main, is optional. Version 5:55ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 8 kB, installed size 36 kB18:25
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johnny77In the application launcher menu there is a favorite list. Where can I edit that list?18:42
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Peace-johnny77: mm i think you can't18:51
Peace-i dunno18:51
Peace-you have only to add and remove18:51
Peace-then ytou can try to modify the order18:52
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Peace-KillJoy: oh18:59
Peace-KillJoy:  digita  /join #ubuntu-it-chat19:00
Peace- KillJoy                 /join #ubuntu-it-chat19:07
pawleeqon kubuntu 10.10 with kde 4.5.1 suddenly up arrow key stopped working, any clue? (it works with defined shortcuts)19:17
dasKreechpawleeq: you mean if you open kate and want to use the up arrow to move up in a document it doesn't work?19:21
pawleeqdasKreech, yes, also in konsole, firefox etc19:23
dasKreechWorks here in 4.5.219:23
pawleeqwell thats nice, I think this started after I changed theme for GTK apps, but I can not say, whether this an be the reason19:25
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chiiiiizCan anyone help me configuring my sound on Kubuntu1010?19:25
chiiiiizI have a M-audio Delta1010LT, the sound works, but only on 1 channel (I have 4 analogic channels, that I want to dispatch between my phones, desktop  loudspeakers, home-cinema loudspeakers.19:25
chiiiiizIt works with Ubuntustudio10.04... and I do not manage to have it working with KDE and phonon...19:25
chiiiiizI have the latest alsa packages installed (not compiled by myself, so maybe there are options to be mentioned, that were not, like --with-cards=ice1724...)19:25
FloodBotK2chiiiiiz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:25
chiiiiizI must also add that all DAC channels are at 100% in Kmix..19:27
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ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:35
ubottukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts19:37
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:40
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:40
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apparlehello guys20:00
apparleI am in the mood to help. anyone needs it? :P20:00
sresuI need help with knetdockapp. knetdockapp is Network activity monitor applet for KDE...20:01
sresu!info knetdockapp | apparle, Will you please install it?20:02
ubottuapparle,: knetdockapp (source: knetdockapp): Network activity monitor applet for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.82.3-1 (maverick), package size 113 kB, installed size 436 kB20:02
apparlesresu: doesn't apt-get install do it?20:03
sresuapparle: Nah... I didn't say I want to install it. Do you have it installed? Or have you used it?20:03
apparlesresu: is it there for lucid. I am yet to shift to maverick.... I'll check20:04
sresu!info knetdockapp lucid20:04
ubottuknetdockapp (source: knetdockapp): Network activity monitor applet for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.82.3-1 (lucid), package size 113 kB, installed size 436 kB20:04
sresuYes, I'm on lucid20:04
James147sresu: knetdock app looks like a kde 3 program :S20:05
James147sresu: what exactly do you need help with?20:06
apparlesresu: too big a download for me... :( it will take hours20:07
sresuJames147: Yeah, It lists the devices and displays network activity with data received/sent rate. I want to find command for it show eth) details like what all should be with <knetdockapp> to show only about eth0 and not selection of devices.. in CLI?20:08
sresuapparle: No problems. Thanks for considering the question20:08
James147sresu: not sure I understand20:08
sresuJames147: Umm.. I didn't frame it properly. Sorry20:09
sresuJames147: Run <knetdockapp> in CLI. What do you get?20:09
James147sresu: dont have it installed, and dont really feeling like installing the kde3 dependcies :(20:09
halizahhello, any one can help me about kopete?20:09
James147!ask | halizah20:10
ubottuhalizah: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:10
prowerhello :> i've read the disappointing news recently that natty is going to ship with Unity as it's default shell for GNOME, even despite the fact that copyright has to be assigned to Canonical to develop for it :< Will Kubuntu continue to use a mostly stock KDE, or are there plans to replace its interface with a proprietary one as well?20:10
sresuJames147: Whats your platform version?20:10
James147sresu: running maverick with kde 4.520:10
apparlesresu: did you try ifconfig20:10
sresuJames147: I installed it on KDE 4.5.1 in lucid20:11
uscinstalled phphmyadmin yet when i type the url localhost/phpmyadmin i get the following error The requested URL /phpmyadmin was not found on this server.20:11
uscApache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 8020:11
James147prower: dont know why they would replace kde with something else... the whole point in kubuntu is that it uses kde20:11
sresuapparle: Yeah.. I know about that.. but knedockapp gives the info I need :)20:11
apparlesresu: what info exactly20:11
sresuJames147: I installed it on KDE 4.5.1 in lucid and there was no problem20:12
James147sresu: I would just use the network manager widget (not knetworkmanager) it give me all the info I need with a nice graph :D20:12
prowerJames147: Well yes, that's true...then again, Canonical also claims that Ubuntu proper will always be a "GNOME distribution" that will not be using GNOME Shell in the future :P What they say doesn't necessarily equate to what they mean20:12
sresuJames147: Whats the name of widget?20:12
apparlesresu: its a nice app.20:12
James147sresu: you might need to install "plasma-widget-networkmanagment" (this will uninstall knetwork manager)20:13
sresuJames147: E: Couldn't find package plasma-widget-networkmanagment20:14
James147sresu: Then it should be in the add widgets dialog under "network managemtn" i believe20:14
sresuoh -ok20:14
James147sresu: plasma-widget-networkmanagement   :)20:14
apparlesresu: what info do you need exactly?20:14
sresuapparle: Yeah.. A moment please :) Let me try out that widget if it helps :)20:15
apparleprower: give me the link to the news you are referring to, I have not read it20:15
sresuJames147: How to use it? Does it come as part of widget installation in panel?20:17
James147sresu: its used lick any othwer widget20:18
sresuJames147: What?20:18
James147sresu: you can add it to the systray through the systray settings, or drag it to the panel/desktop20:18
James147*like any other*  ^^20:18
sresuJames147: Are you talking about the widget which comes with shows a small port as icon with the small RJ45 ?20:19
James147sresu: ??20:20
sresuJames147: Are you talking about the widget which shows a small port as icon with small RJ45?20:20
sresuJames147: Yes.. Thanks :)20:24
sresuapparle: Thanks.. Got it now20:24
apparlesresu: but what were you looking in the first place?20:24
dasKreechprower: Canonical isn't as tightly concerned with Kubuntu as it is with the GNOME distro Ubuntu. Seems more and more that's a boon for us20:27
dasKreechprower: So vanilla shipped KDE for Kubuntu :)20:28
kusihello! how do I mount a directory (which is set up in fstab) in dolphin?20:30
dasKreechkusi: click on it as long as you have rights to mount it20:31
kusidasKreech: I have rights to mount it. when i click on it in dolphin, it just opens the empty directory20:32
dasKreechkusi: Sorry I meant on the side panel in places20:32
kusiI dragged the folder to the side panel in places, but still the same behavior20:33
kusiit doesn't perform the mount20:33
dasKreechThe partition should turn up20:34
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dasKreechwhat are you mounting? somethign local or a remote dir?20:34
dasKreechah hmm20:35
dasKreechI'd probably press F4 and type sudo mount -a :)20:35
kusiwell, yes, that works of course :)20:36
kusimount mydir  on the command line works20:36
kusiin kde 3.5, there used to be a special type of file which you could put onto the desktop. a .deskop file I believe. when you clicked on it, the directory was mounted20:38
Peace-file.destop is a laucher20:39
Peace-so you can do whaterer you want20:39
Peace-just you have to set in the proprieties20:39
Peace-of file.desktop20:39
prowerdasKreech, sorry for the delay there, and thanks, that's good to hear :> at least those of us that don't want to be locked into canonical's increasingly-proprietary solutions will have an alternative without having to switch distros20:39
kusiPeace: i can define a directory to be mounted in the .desktop file?20:40
Peace-kusi: you can do what you want20:40
Peace-if you click on the desktop20:40
Peace-you can create a laucher20:40
kusia plasma widget?20:40
Peace-for an application or20:40
Peace-or a place20:41
Peace-just set the desktop like folder view20:41
Peace-right button on the desktop20:41
Peace-folder view20:41
Peace-right button on the desktop   -------___> desktop activities-------->folder view20:42
Peace-then toyu can create your lika to application20:42
kusiPeace: nothing happens if i right click on the desktop20:45
nUboon2Age Kubuntu fans, if anyone wants to participate in bringing Kubuntu on Ubuntu One to fruition, i started a team on LP called KubuntuOne, with the membership open (at least for now):  https://launchpad.net/~kubuntuone  udslogger / apachelogger said he'd consult to help it happen.20:46
kusiso KDE 4 cannot mount a directory??20:47
kusineed to go back to kde 3.5?20:48
nafrihello, I'm trying to run vmware on kubuntu but vmware can't find kernel header... any idea?20:48
nix0nfind russian channel20:50
olskolircwhat version of kubuntu nafri?21:01
nafriolskolirc: latest version 10.1021:02
olskolircgo to #vmware nafri21:02
olskolircim not touching 101021:02
olskolircit has enough problems21:02
dasKreechprower: To be honest you can simply uninstall Unity and install GNOME3 Shell if you want so there isn't that much lock in21:03
dasKreechkusi: Ah well yes you can do that was well but maybe ask in #dolphin what the proposed solution is?21:04
dasKreechkusi: You need to make the .desktop explictly executable in KDE4 so people don't e-mail viruses21:05
prowerdasKreech, Well that's fair enough, although being Canonical I'm sure they'll be working toward eliminating choice rather than preserving it :> In either case I'll have to return shortly, time to start up KDE!21:08
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snarkstercan anyone tell me why there is a greyed out show terminal button on the upgrade dialog?21:13
snarksteri mean why even have it if its greyed out?21:13
smoophHey i want to openup a port in kubuntu ... that seems to be closed by default ... i don't have a firewall ... how can i do that ?21:23
James147smooph: kuubntu's firewall is disabled by default... all ports should be open21:29
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.21:29
smoophJames147: thats what i thought but when i do a netstat -la I can see that port 6546 is LISTEN but when nmaping its not there21:30
smoophuppps even though i cannot see it, it still works ... is telnet invisible?21:32
gr0gmintwhats the text editor for KDE4 called? :$21:36
Unksiyoure welcome21:36
prowerhello :> well kde seems to be working out great so far but i've encountered one problem...i use evolution for e-mails and other contacts but when i start it, plasma-desktop segfaults :<21:42
DanaGWeird... Gtk under kde4 is not using KDE's gtkrc.21:45
snarksterso everything locked up during the dist-upgrade. how do i restart it?21:47
DanaGAnd, how are you supposed to log out?21:47
James147DanaG: kmenu > leave > logout    or alt+F2 > type "logout"21:48
BlackTenshiHello all21:48
DanaGAh.  Plasma-netbook doesn't have an obvious logout.21:48
James147ah, netbook :) if i remember right, one of the widgets in the panel will logout you21:49
snarksterif i was doing a dist-upgrade and it locked up how do i restart the upgrade?21:50
DanaGFor a pen tablet PC, KDE's bulkiness (pixels, not RAM) helps.21:53
DanaGOr more correctly, Oxygen is bulky.21:54
DanaGHmm, it still won't use my Gtk theme.22:01
rikardHi all, i am kinda new to Kubuntu and do not even know if I am asking this in the right forum - but can someone please help me set up a NFS mapping of a NAS server in Kubuntu? :s22:03
DanaGArgh!  I even copied the dang qtcurve.sh.... Still doesn't work!22:08
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dasKreechrikard: Hallo22:12
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.22:12
rikarddasKreech: yes, i have been looking at it but I still doesnt get it to work22:13
rikardIn my NAS (Synology DS207+) the only settings I can make is;  Hostname, R/RW and Root squash22:15
rikardthen I edit my /etc/fstab accordingly in Kubuntu terminal22:15
rikardafter I have made the directories22:16
rikardso in my case I have made a folder (in Kubuntu) called /media/video/22:16
rikardin fstab I have written a line like this:  /media/video nfs    _netdev,auto,user              0  022:18
rikardstill my /media/video shows up empty on my Kubuntu client22:19
rikardI thought that NFS was the way to go when using Linux...?22:20
BlackTenshiTryin' something, BRB22:23
dasKreechrikard: did you try sudo mount -a ?22:25
rikarddasKreech: It works if I in the terminal just write: sudo mount /media/video22:32
rikardbut if I write it in the fstab it does not work...22:32
rikardand shouldnt I write any options and stuff in the fstab?22:33
Flutiju`rikard : I put " /media/STORAGE/public  nfs     rw,intr,soft    0       0" in my fstab and nfs works fine22:37
rikardFlutiju: is "rw,intr,soft    0       0" necessary and what do they do?22:41
rikardisnt that set on the server already?22:41
rikardwhy do I have to write that in the clients fstab?22:41
Flutiju`On the server you "allow  rw" on the folder, but when you mount you have to tell how do you want to mount22:42
Flutiju`(Here you wanna mount with the rw rigths)22:42
Flutiju`(Well, if you want of course)22:43
BlackTenshiMy top part of the window is gone...22:57
dfaureI just installed kubuntu 10.4 from the standard .iso, but it didn't install either lilo nor grub, so it won't boot (!). I noticed when mounting the partition again from the livecd... no lilo, no grub, what am I missing?23:02
dfaureah! found grub-pc. Can't find config files though.23:03
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:05
dfaureyep, thx, found docu. still no idea why a fresh install didn't boot, but let's see...23:06
mueslisince kubuntu 10.10, my system only boots with a text logo23:19
mueslinot that it's a big issue or anything23:19
mueslii'm just curious what happened there23:19
muesliplymouth theme is still set to kubuntu logo23:19
muesliis there a tool like startup-manager for kde?23:23
Fanfaremuesli: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/plymouth did work for me (german)23:31
Fanfaredont think there is a kde frontend already...23:31

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