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micahglifeless: I just had convert to question time out on non-edge, do you need the OOPS?03:04
lifelessmicahg: no we have the one from earlier03:05
lifelessmicahg: edge and nonedge run the exact same code now03:05
micahglifeless: ok, that second thing was what I was wondering, thanks :)03:05
* micahg tries again to convert to question03:06
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rryanpush/pull from bazaar.launchpad.net isn't working right now.. "bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist." anybody else seeing this?08:09
spivrryan: pastebin the full output?08:10
webrsksame error occurs for me too08:10
spivOh, hmm, I do see an issue.08:10
spivLOSA ping: codehosting appears to be busted08:11
spivspm: see that pastebin link, I get it too08:11
spivValueError: bad marshal data" importing bzrlib.08:11
spivspm: which implies srv/bazaar.launchpad.net/production/launchpad-rev-9885/eggs/bzr-2.2.0-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/bzrlib/builtins.pyc is broken08:12
spivWhich would be very weird, but perhaps try deleting that .pyc file I just mentioned?08:12
spivOr better, rename it out of the way08:12
spivso we can look at it later to see if there's any clues to be found in it :)08:13
spmrenamed, try now?08:13
spivspm: looks better now08:14
spminteresting. same file size, but diff reports differences. dunno if significant differences or not but... curious.08:14
spivspm: hmm!08:14
al-maisanI was able to push my branch now. Thanks!08:14
spivspm: it's EOD for me, so I guess post to the lp list about it08:15
spivspm: but I'm very curious :)08:15
spmspiv: it's EOD for me too :-)08:15
spivspm: hopefully it's not a sign of hardware flipping bits... :/08:15
mthaddonok, let's not rush to blame hardware here guys :)08:17
webrsknow works fine !! able to push and pull :)08:21
al-maisanI am getting a "ssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection refused" when pushing a branch08:26
al-maisanIs this expected or looked at already?08:27
al-maisanlosa ping re. ^^08:28
spmI think a restart might be warranted...08:29
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spmew. a ps listing looks unhealthy. definitely a restart needed.08:29
spmoh. it's crashed. that's why.08:30
spmal-maisan: try now?08:30
mthaddonseems better from here08:31
al-maisanspm: worked now, thanks!08:33
al-maisanone only realises how critical LP is when it stops working :P08:34
vilacan we please keep it down a few hours so we can give better error messages from all apps relying on it ? :-D08:38
vilabut I still get 'Connection refused' here...08:38
vilaon both and (if that helps)08:39
vilawow wow, it came back online briefly in the last minutes (my hudson botnet was able to connect successfully once out of 3 attempts (from 3 different jobs))08:41
vilamthaddon: is lp still reachable for you and should I search for something specific to me or did it get down again ?08:50
mthaddonvila: can you be more specific - what part isn't working for you?08:51
mthaddonvila: I don't think you've ever been able to ssh to launchpad.net have you?08:52
vilano, but shouldn't it display the debug messages for keys attempted ?08:52
mthaddonvila: I mean, try bazaar.launchpad.net08:52
vilaargh, yes, just realized and verified that :(08:53
vilasorry for the noise08:53
fta(can't login using the API on LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT)09:13
ftastarted less than 3h ago09:14
bacfta: what were you trying to do?  you say you can't login but the OOPS shows that you were logged in, i think.  i'm currently able to use lplib against production.09:41
fta    builds = ppa.getBuildSummariesForSourceIds(source_ids = chunk)09:44
fta  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/lazr/restfulclient/resource.py", line 528, in __call__09:44
fta    url, in_representation, http_method, extra_headers=extra_headers)09:44
fta  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/lazr/restfulclient/_browser.py", line 277, in _request09:44
fta    raise HTTPError(response, content)09:44
ftalazr.restfulclient.errors.HTTPError: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable09:44
ftabac, ^^09:45
bacfta: i was wrong, i see you were not logged in09:45
bacfta: and this failure is ongoing?09:46
ftabac: yes, still there09:46
ftait's a timeout in getBuildSummariesForSourceIds() so i'm logged in (confusing error page btw)09:47
bacfta: i'm having an admin check.  we saw a similar problem over the weekend.  thanks for reporting it.09:48
pmjdebruijnsilly question, when I add my PPA, my packages are also available via software center, however, my package does not have a screenshot... how do I upload a screenshot for it... please do note, there is no equivalent package in the main repos09:59
wgrantpmjdebruijn: I'm not sure that's possible. Ubuntu Software Center uses screenshots.debian.net.10:03
bacfta: it looks like you are requesting summaries for a large number of source ids at once and the query is timing out.  can you restructure your code to request fewer in one go?  i've done that interactively and see that it works.10:04
pmjdebruijnwgrant: I was afraid of that :)10:05
ftabac, i fetch by chunks of 25 source ids, it worked for months10:05
pmjdebruijnwgrant: I guessed as much, thanks for confirming10:06
ftabac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/520087/10:08
bacfta: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/662523 ... you filed this bug last week?  it seems to be the same issue.10:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 662523 in Soyuz "Archive:EntryResource:getBuildSummariesForSourceIds times out (affected: 1, heat: 19)" [High,Triaged]10:39
ftabac, that was against edge, i've been told to use the production server instead and it works for ~2 days without timeout10:40
bacfta: ok.  might be good to add that extra info to the bug if you would10:41
leoquantanyone a linkage to the livestreams from the uds orlanda? (wiki maybe?)10:47
ftabac, done10:55
lifelessfta: edge and production run the same code11:05
lifelessfta: using production is good, thank you for doing that.11:05
lifelessuntil we fix the bug though, it will timeout from time to time.11:05
ftalifeless, atm, it timeouts 100% of the time. even with chunks of 1511:06
ftatrying 1011:06
lifelessfta: yeah, it sucks.11:07
lifelessfta: its the pg8.4 transition; our previously tuned queries are fail against pg8.4, we need to retune the *entire app* - thats hundreds of qqueries.11:08
lifelessyour one is in the pile of worst-offenders.11:08
poolieistm the broken people vocabulary is a bit critical11:17
poolieyou cannot add new users to a code review for example11:17
poolieoh ok it did work after a few attempts, but i'm seeing mostly timeouts11:18
lifelesspoolie: its being worked on11:22
poolievila, if you have time you could look into bug 66664211:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 666642 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "Error bzr branch lp:openobject-addons (affected: 2, heat: 10)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66664211:37
MrJonesI just attempted to register an account since I want to report a bug (and I guess an account is required for that) and I just get "Invalid OpenID transaction" when clicking on "Login/Register"11:45
MrJonesoh well... enabling cookies for launchpad.net helped. maybe that error message should be changed to something more obvious :x11:47
pooliegood idea11:49
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odonyHello, we have a bazaar branch that seems corrupted on the Launchpad servers,  we have opened a bug on launchpad-code project, but no-one seems to handle it there... anything else we could do to repair this branch?17:46
odony(for reference, that's bug 666642)17:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 666642 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "Error bzr branch lp:openobject-addons (affected: 2, heat: 10)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66664217:47
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odonyI wonder what all these connected users are... only bots?18:23
odonyno-one from Launchpad here?18:23
jcsackettodony: it's UDS--a lot of the lp developers are there. let me see if i can get someone to help you.18:37
thekornjcsackett: too slow ;) he already left18:39
jcsackettthekorn: ah, so he did.18:40
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mwhudsoni want the title links on bug 1111 in text back19:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 1111 in gst-plugins0.8 (Ubuntu) "doesn't extract last track (affected: 0, heat: 1)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111119:43
mwhudsonif it works by ajax that's fine19:43
mtaylorweird problem - my branch (https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mordred/drizzle/bug666814) has been "updated branch" for ... a while19:56
shtylmandoes the self hosted launchpad install support building packages as well?19:59
shtylmani.e. can I build packages against various internal PPAs etc?19:59
mwhudsonwith sufficient effort, sure20:00
shtylmanhow much "effort" are we talking :)20:00
mwhudsonshtylman: https://dev.launchpad.net/Soyuz/HowToUseSoyuzLocally is a start20:02
shtylmanmwhudson: thx20:04
mtaylormwhudson: launchpad hates me today20:05
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lbieberThis branch was uploaded over an hour ago, but still says updating.... https://code.launchpad.net/~mordred/drizzle/bug66681420:11
lbieberwhy the hangup?20:11
lifelessmtaylor: ask your question20:32
mtaylorweird problem - my branch (https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mordred/drizzle/bug666814) has been "updated branch" for ... a while20:34
mtaylorand when I say "a while" - I mean over 4 hours20:36
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henningeHi henninge_!21:41
henninge_Hi henninge! ;)21:41
shtylmanI am trying to do the "make schema21:52
shtylman part of the lp install21:52
shtylmanand it is complaining because it can't find bin/py21:52
shtylmanin my devel tree21:52
shtylmanthis is right after doing the rocketfuel-setup step21:52
daniloshi henninge_ and henninge!21:53
henningeHi Daniels!21:54
henninge_Auto complete playing a trick on henninge21:54
daniloshenninge: *who* are you? :)21:55
danilosaaah, my eyes, my eyes, double henninge21:55
* danilos runs away in terror21:56
henninge_henninge: Go away, you are hurting him!21:56
henningeNo, you go!21:56
* henninge leaves21:58
jcsackettthat was just weird.21:59
jcsackettfunny, but weird. :-P21:59
henninge_finally ...21:59
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
henningejcsackett: IRC from an Android phone is phun ... ;)21:59
bigjoolsshtylman: did anyone answer you?22:10
shtylmanbigjools: nope... but I deleted the tree and am rerunning the rocket script again22:11
shtylmanjust to see if I messed anything up there22:11
bigjoolsshtylman: you need to run utilities/link-external-sourcecode22:12
bigjoolsand then make22:12
shtylmanbigjools: k.. I will try that once the momma sources download22:12
shtylmanbigjools: I did that... but make fails with the same problem22:47
bigjoolsshtylman: so link-external-source completes with no error?22:55
shtylmanassuming I did it right22:56
shtylmanin devel I did: ./utilities/link-external-sourcecode ../../lp-sourcedeps/22:56
shtylmanbut that might not be correct?22:56
shtylmanit seemd to be fine22:56
bigjoolswhat does "make compile" say?22:56
shtylmancurrently sitting at: utilities/shhh.py PYTHONPATH= ./bin/buildout \ configuration:instance_name=development -c buildout.cfg22:58
shtylmanis that normal?22:58
bigjoolsyeah it takes a while22:59
shtylmanit finished23:09
shtylmanseemingly successfully23:10
shtylmanrunning "make" now23:10
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shtylmannow I just get an ssl connection error message23:43
wgrantshtylman: Try restarting Apache.23:44
wgrantWhat's the error?23:44
shtylmanalso.. it said that /var/tmp/bazaar .. ppa.. archive23:44
shtylmando not exist23:44
shtylmanwhen restarting apache23:44
wgrantThat's fine.23:45
shtylmanUnable to make a secure connection to the server. This may be a problem with the server, or it may be requiring a client authentication certificate that you don't have.23:45
shtylmanthat is the error when I go to launchpad.dev23:45
wgrantWith which browser? Is there a more detailed error code?23:45
shtylmanError 107 (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR): SSL protocol error.23:46
wgrantIs there anything in the Apache error log?23:46
wgrantAnd you did *restart* Apache, not just reload it?23:46
shtylman[Tue Oct 26 18:46:55 2010] [error] [client] Invalid method in request \x16\x0323:47
shtylmanthat is the only thing that seems of interest23:47
wgrantIt sounds like it's trying to speak HTTPS to an HTTP port.23:47
shtylmanthe launchpad install is http by default23:48
wgrantIt redirects to HTTPS.23:48
shtylmanthat is what I see happening23:48
wgrantWhat happens if you wget the HTTPS URL directly?23:49
wgrantWhich URL are you going to?23:50
shtylmanConnecting to launchpad.dev||:443... connected.23:50
shtylmanOpenSSL: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol23:50
wgrantYour /etc/hosts is broken.23:50
shtylmanUnable to establish SSL connection.23:50
wgrantDid you not use rocketfuel-setup?23:50
shtylmanI did... but then something else might have fixed my /etc/hosts after that23:51
shtylman(company runs puppet...)23:51
shtylmanso that might have... ahem.. "corrected" it23:51
wgrantIt should have added this to it:23:51
wgrant# Launchpad virtual domains. This should be on one line.23:51
wgrant127.0.0.88      launchpad.dev answers.launchpad.dev archive.launchpad.dev api.launchpad.dev bazaar-internal.launchpad.dev beta.launchpad.dev blueprints.launchpad.dev bugs.launchpad.dev code.    launchpad.dev feeds.launchpad.dev id.launchpad.dev keyserver.launchpad.dev lists.launchpad.dev openid.launchpad.dev ubuntu-openid.launchpad.dev ppa.launchpad.dev private-ppa.launchpad.dev       shipit.edubuntu.dev shipit.kubuntu.dev shipit.ubuntu.dev ...23:51
wgrant... testopenid.dev translations.launchpad.dev xmlrpc-private.launchpad.dev xmlrpc.launchpad.dev23:51
wgrant127.0.0.99      bazaar.launchpad.dev23:51
wgrant127.0.0.77      vostok.dev archive.vostok.dev23:51
shtylmanwgrant: thank you23:52
shtylmanpersonal launchpad for the win!23:58

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