
johnny77I have a bottom panel with only workspace switcher. If I uncheck expand, then logout & login the panel moves to the top. Any ideas?00:03
johnny77oh, I have it autohide if that matter.00:04
seidosjohnny77, i hear ya', but i don't see what is happening.  are you using gnome-panel?  can you take a screenshot?  i'm not familiar with your configuration00:09
johnny77seidos, I'm in standard Ubuntu, using gnome-panel. Give me a second on the screen shot.00:11
seidosjohnny77, ah, i'm using 9.10 anyway, if you're using 10.04 or higher i probably won't be able to recreate the issue00:13
johnny77seidos, Yeah, I'm using 10.10. Forgot to mention that.00:13
johnny77seidos, May I ask why you are using 9.10 instead of the latest?00:14
seidosjohnny77, couldn't get 10.10 installed on my notebook.  haven't tried alternate cd as this is my only computer.00:16
johnny77seidos, in the interest of learning and not being a pest, why could you not install 10.10?00:17
seidosjohnny77, i tried, failed.  got a kernel panic error, and something else.  i think my hardware just isn't as happy with 10.10 for some reason00:18
seidosjohnny77, it is probably my notebook.  there have been a few issues that i know other notebook users didn't have00:20
MonthOLDpickleHello! Wondering where a torrent of the ubuntu unr 10.10 is? The main downlaod from site is slow and both times it faisl to install UNITY on fresh install.00:32
seidos!torrent > MonthOLDpickle00:35
ubot2MonthOLDpickle, please see my private message00:35
seidosmmmmm pickle.  gaaaauuum.00:35
MonthOLDpickleubot2: I don't see it..may be my bot sentry00:35
ubot2MonthOLDpickle: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:35
seidoslet me check the link MonthOLDpickle00:35
seidosMonthOLDpickle, sorry, that isn't the right link :(  i wanted http://torrents.ubuntu.com00:36
MonthOLDpickleyea I get loaded to a search site for that00:36
seidoshmmm, i don't see it either.  just the DVD, MonthOLDpickle00:37
MonthOLDpickleI found it00:37
seidosMonthOLDpickle, did you try releases.ubuntu.com?00:37
MonthOLDpicklewell I think thats it but its an img file vs iso00:38
seidosyou're using a netbook MonthOLDpickle?00:38
seidosmaybe the img file needs to be written to usb stick?00:39
MonthOLDpicklereleases.ubuntu.com is better fchoice00:39
MonthOLDpickleffff lol00:39
MonthOLDpickleokay I give up on unity00:51
MonthOLDpickleIt fails to even boot form LiveCD00:51
MonthOLDpickleI was interested cause I saw pictures and read article and I fidn unity gui to be really ugly00:52
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sysanom_0 hello all, I have a question; I am hoping to evaluate gnome vs kde to see if I may want to use kde instead. I was wondering if there is a good site that talks about the fundamental differences between the two?02:29
sysanom_0I know that kde has "Activities", for which there is no comparison in gnome - I am wondering if there is more than that?02:30
screaminbemancan some one help me setup my guest additions in my vbox?02:56
screaminbemancan someone help me setup my guest additions in virtual box02:57
stlsaintscreaminbeman: sure03:00
stlsaintscreaminbeman: what part are you stuck on?03:00
screaminbemani have linux host w/ win 7 in vbox03:01
stlsaintalright, have you select the "Install addition guest...." option in menu?03:01
screaminbemani need help w/ mapping network drive menu in windows03:01
screaminbemani know that there is a \\command that is typed in the folder box. i just can't remember that command03:03
screaminbemancan u help?03:04
screaminbemanstlsaint, can u help?03:05
stlsaintscreaminbeman: hrm, thought you had guest additions issue?03:06
stlsaintscreaminbeman: if you go to your "My Computer" menu, you should see option there03:07
screaminbemanstlsaint, i m trying to finish setting up shared folders as well. i installed guest additions.03:07
* stlsaint doesn't run windows at home, only at work on vista03:07
screaminbemanstlsaint, do u understand what i'm trying to do?03:09
stlsaintscreaminbeman: map network drive? yes i do03:09
stlsaintscreaminbeman: it should be under your "MY computer" screen03:09
stlsainton the toolbar area titled "Map network drive", again this is from vista experience, i have yet to try win703:10
screaminbemanstlsaint, i did that. now i need to know what i type in the folder box.03:10
stlsaintwell where is the network drive?03:10
stlsaintit has to have a name03:11
stlsaintscreaminbeman: maybe this will help: http://www.itechtalk.com/thread3673.html03:12
stlsaintswoody: swoops in to save the day03:13
screaminbemanstlsaint, no that link doesn't help03:17
stlsaintscreaminbeman: well you arent telling me the name of that drive you are trying to connect to?03:18
stlsaintthe link tells you exactly how to assign a drive letter and select drive03:18
screaminbemanstlsaint, on the "map network drive" window it says drive is z:, but the folder option is open. i know that i'm suppose to type something into the folder field. idk what it's suppose to be.03:19
stlsaintscreaminbeman: what is the name of the drive?? you have to "map" the path to the drive03:20
stlsaintjust enter for example: computername/at/user/location03:21
stlsaintas long as you have permission to this drive you should be good03:21
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
screaminbemancan someone help me finish setup shared folders in my virtual box03:42
screaminbemancan someone help me setup shared folder in my virtual box04:02
screaminbemancan someone help me04:06
AndrewMC!ask | screaminbeman04:07
ubot2screaminbeman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:07
screaminbemani need help setting up shared folder in virtual box. vbox is running win 7.04:08
seidosscreaminbeman, i hear you, but i've never set up shared folders.04:48
seidosscreaminbeman, what are they for?04:48
Paulo_Hey guys, can someone help me?05:21
Paulo_I tried to find a solution on the forum after my Desktop folders, files, everything vanished. What I've got now is "Standard Icons", Home, Pics, Videos, etc.05:21
Cheri703so they're not showing up or they're completely gone?05:21
Cheri703like, if you go to places > desktop, do the files show up?05:22
Paulo_Cheri, they are not showing up at all and if I try to make a search for a specific file the search won't find it05:22
Cheri703what did you do right before that happened?05:23
Paulo_the issue is that I have two profiles on this laptop, the other profile is intact, but mine is screwed.05:23
Paulo_I was using a DESKTOP RECORDER, I was trying it05:23
Cheri703if you go to filesystem > home, what do you have in there?05:24
Cheri703should be the 2 profiles I believe05:24
Paulo_Yeaph, that is the thing. Inside my home folder I have PICS, VIDEO, DOCUMENTS, TEMPLATES and the very last file I saved before that happened.05:26
Paulo_I've got a wget-log file document also05:26
Paulo_the files inside HOME FOLDER and DESKTOP are the same05:27
Cheri703I'm seeking input from others because I'm not sure05:28
Paulo_man... I'm getting a bit desperate, I have an exam tomorrow and I need those files..... and today was the backup day.05:28
Paulo_Ok, thank you very much05:28
Cheri703you're using regular ubuntu or ?05:29
Cheri703also, when you did your search, were you being specific with capitalization? ubuntu is cap specific05:29
Cheri703I've "lost" files that way before :/05:30
Paulo_I'm using 9.10, desktop version on a laptop05:31
Paulo_I tried to find "RMIT", my main folder and the best it can give me is a couiple of files05:31
Paulo_I removed the desktop recorder via Synapse, restarted and the same thing05:32
Paulo_and right now, ICONS VANISHED, RIGHT CLICK no go and STANDARD WALLPAPER05:33
Cheri703k, do you have access to the other profile?05:34
phillwPaulo_:  I'd suggest running an fsck on your disk. from a live cd, but others may a different answer05:35
phillwbut if files / directories have vansihed, that is where I would start.05:35
Paulo_I have access to the other05:36
phillwdo NOT run fsck on a booted system, only from a live cd / usb stick (been there, got the 'T'-shirt)05:36
Paulo_ok, phillw what is a fsck?05:37
Paulo_Cheri, I can access the other profile, and come back to the chat. Is that what you want?05:37
phillwfsck is file system check, you can use it in interactive mode (where it keeps asking you to say yes) or in auto repair mode (where it just gets on with it)05:38
Cheri703well, go with phillw's thing first :)05:38
Cheri703mine was fishing05:38
Cheri703his seems more likely to do something for you :)05:39
phillwbut you must NOT run it from your system, you must boot from a different source (like live cd)05:39
Cheri703isn't there a way to set it to run a disk check at boot?05:40
Cheri703I could be wrong05:40
phillwCheri703: yup, that can be done.05:40
Paulo_ok, so... I'll download the 9.10 disk, then burn it, restart and run fsck? Is there any code or option.05:40
Cheri703I thought so, I've had it do it on its own05:40
Paulo_Ah, ok so I don't need to have a live CD?05:40
Cheri703go with whatever phillw is suggesting :) he's more experienced than me, I was just trying to verify05:41
bioterrorit's always good have a livecd somewhere around05:41
bioterrorjust in case05:41
Cheri703very true bioterror05:41
Cheri703I keep the isos and a few cd's05:41
bioterroryou have to run "sudo fsck /dev/sda2" or something like, it depends what's your partition table like05:41
phillwPaulo_: I'm just trying to find a link for you, to hold your hand.05:42
Paulo_ok.... so, I'll download the 9.10 disk, then burn it, restart and run fsck? Is there any code or option.05:42
bioterrorCheri703, I've got lubuntu pendrive usb-stick in my bag with TOOLS! ;)05:42
Cheri703I'm working on building my tool set05:42
Paulo_you right Bioterror, I have ubuntu in three computer at home.... I live live CD for 2 of those... and Murphy's Law05:42
phillwbioterror: you will be more familiar with fsck, I have used it, but not for about 3 years.05:43
bioterrorwhen I used to service servers, I preferred to use Gentoo's cd's :)05:43
bioterrorphillw, I've couple of times fixed mrs. terror's filesystems :)05:43
Paulo_Ok guys, I'll do it now05:43
bioterrorbut I think those were ext2 or ext305:43
bioterrorno probs. wif ext405:43
Paulo_I'll be back soon to let you know how it went05:43
Paulo_since I converted to Linux I always had help from you guys, I sometimes find the solution myself.... this time is beyound me, I'm glad I could come here and have some help.05:45
Paulo_I'll be back soon05:45
Paulo_THANK You!05:46
phillwbioterror: http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8 has the running of fsck, but as I said, it was a while back05:46
Paulo_Ah... the last think phillw... I've got this message when I was trying to restart Nautilus05:47
Paulo_"paulo@paulo-laptop:~$ (nautilus:4730): Eel-CRITICAL **: eel_preferences_get_boolean: assertion `preferences_is_initialized ()' failed  ** (nautilus:4730): WARNING **: No marshaller for signature of signal 'UploadFinished'  ** (nautilus:4730): WARNING **: No marshaller for signature of signal 'DownloadFinished'  ** (nautilus:4730): WARNING **: No marshaller for signature of signal 'ShareCreateError' Initializing nautilus-gdu05:47
Paulo_Nautilus-Share-Message: Called "net usershare info" but it failed: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error No such file or directory Please ask your system administrator to enable user sharing."05:47
phillw!pastebin | Paulo_05:48
ubot2Paulo_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:48
Paulo_do you think it might be something to do with the Sharing config?05:48
Paulo_Sorry guys, I didn't know05:48
Paulo_my complete code is on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10027152#post1002715205:49
phillwPaulo_: I'm not trying to palm you off, but I've now been up 22 hours and am really tired.05:55
Paulo_no worries mate, if I don't make it work I guess I 'll need to go with something else. I'll do what you asked me thank you05:56
phillwPaulo_: how long to burn the cd etc ?05:57
Paulo_if everything goes all right about 5 minutes05:59
phillwPaulo_: Cheri703 has the instructions, I'll hang on for 10 minutes.06:00
Paulo_thank you!06:00
Paulo_Ok, I'll connect to the chat with a different computer and keep the linux one free to do the thing06:03
Paulo_I'll connect as Paulo206:03
Paulo2back again06:05
Paulo2Burning it right now06:05
Paulo2almost there06:08
phillwPaulo2: talsemgeest has experience of fsck, he's kindly agreed to pop on and run through it with you.06:09
* phillw is so tired I could amke a real bad mistake.06:09
Paulo2thank you phillw, thank for for being honest mate06:10
talsemgeestHehe, hi Paulo206:10
Paulo2have a nice sleep phillw!06:10
Paulo2hey talsemgeest, how are you? Thank very very much for helping me06:11
talsemgeestNo problem, I am always happy to help :)06:12
Paulo2thank you! I'm just checking if the Live CD is ready to go06:12
Paulo2I believe it is,06:13
Paulo2so, I just need to restart now... ok?06:14
talsemgeestYup, go ahead :)06:14
Paulo2I'm there at the initial screen06:14
Paulo2try, install, test disc06:15
talsemgeest"Try" is the one you want06:15
talsemgeestThat will allow you to do all the stuff you need06:15
Paulo2ok. Clicking it now06:16
Paulo2man, takes ages.... it was never that slow06:18
Paulo2yes, we've got the desktop man06:21
talsemgeestSweet. Ok, so could you go over with me what you are trying to do? I just want to make sure phillw hasnt left anything out06:22
Paulo2Yes, I was using the laptop when all the icons, files and folders on my Desktop vanished.06:23
Paulo2I tried to find them via Search and the system said it couldn't be found06:23
Paulo2I made sure Nautilus was running all right but the best I could do was to get the normal icons back06:24
talsemgeestOk cool, so on the live cd, go to Applications>Accessories>Terminal06:24
Paulo2none of my beloved files can be traced, but they must be somewhere06:24
Paulo2terminal is here06:24
talsemgeestThen type in "df -HT"06:25
Paulo2yeap... a list06:25
Paulo2do you want the full list?06:26
talsemgeestThat should tell you which /dev/sdxx is your hard drive. It should have the filesystem ext406:26
talsemgeest(or perhaps ext3)06:26
talsemgeestCan you tell which one it is?06:26
Paulo2it is /dev/sda106:27
talsemgeestExcellent. Ok, now to check that hard drive for errors06:27
talsemgeestRun "sudo fsck -y dev/sda1"06:28
talsemgeestEek, sorry06:28
talsemgeestScratch that06:28
talsemgeestShould be "sudo fsck -y /dev/sda1"06:28
Paulo2ok... was close06:28
talsemgeestSorry, its been a long day ;)06:29
Paulo2no worries man06:29
Paulo2it is telling a warning. Yes?06:29
talsemgeestWhat is the warning?06:30
Paulo2it says06:30
Paulo2trying to paste but doesn't work06:32
Paulo2 Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause SEVERE filesystem damage. Do you really want to continue?06:32
Paulo2the SEVERE in cap letter is not from me :)06:33
talsemgeestOk, looks like the hard drive might have been accidentally opened. Lets go with "No" for now06:34
talsemgeestOnce that closes, run "sudo umount /dev/sda1"06:34
Paulo2yes, and it just jumped to the next line06:35
talsemgeestSweet, now try run "sudo fdisk -y /dev/sda1" again06:36
talsemgeestYay, I got it right that time ;)06:36
Paulo2sudo fdisk or sudo fsck06:36
talsemgeestDamnit, told you it had been a long day...06:37
talsemgeestI'm very sorry, I'm glad someones awake ;)06:37
Paulo2man... it was ok.. it says /dev/sda1 clean xxxxx files, xxxxxxx blocks06:38
Paulo2xxx = numbers06:38
talsemgeestHmm Ok then, lets take a look around the hard drive to see if the files are there06:39
talsemgeestFirst off, "mkdir ~/sda1"06:40
talsemgeestThen "sudo mount /dev/sda1 ~/sda1"06:40
talsemgeestThen "nautilus ~/sda1"06:40
talsemgeestThat should open up a window with all the folders on the hard drive06:41
talsemgeestJust tell me when you are there :)06:42
Paulo2yes, it opened a window, the sda1 folder but also gave us "Eel- CRITICAL ** eel_preferences_get boolean: assertion `preferences_is_initialized ()` failed06:42
talsemgeestOdd, but hopefully it shouldnt be a problem.06:43
Paulo2man.. my files are not there man.....06:43
talsemgeestOk, so can you go into the "Users" folder, and see if your username is in there06:43
talsemgeestCarp, sorry again06:44
talsemgeestThat should be "home" folder06:44
Paulo2when I navigate through the folders, I go to Paulo via HOME folder and I've got the 2 profiles there06:44
Paulo2the only files I can see are the one I could see before doing the procedure.06:44
Paulo2I guess I lost them06:44
talsemgeestNot yet, lets try something else. Go back into the original folder "~/sda1"06:45
Paulo2I'm there06:46
talsemgeestOk, try go into the "lost+found" directory06:46
Paulo2yes, it says that I don't have permission to see it06:47
talsemgeestCool, close the window And in the terminal type:06:47
talsemgeest"gksudo nautilus ~/sda1"06:47
talsemgeestThen try again06:48
Paulo2I tried once, now I can see the folder and it is empty06:49
Paulo2Nautilus says "please ask your administratot to enable user sharing"... but I don't know if it has anything to do06:49
talsemgeestDamn, that was what I was afraid of.06:50
Paulo2me to06:50
talsemgeestOk, were the files big? (Over a few gigabytes)?06:50
Paulo2man, my whole University files were there06:51
Paulo2the weird is that the Download folder still has the files I put in there yesterday06:52
Paulo2but, Desktop erased everything06:52
talsemgeestOk, try going to Applications>Accessories>Disk Usage Analyzer06:52
talsemgeestScan the filesystem, and see if any of the folders in ~/sda1 have the size of the files you lost in them06:53
Paulo2yes, it says that I have 180 G in total and total usage of 12 G, which is about right06:53
talsemgeestOk, so click on the disk icon in the toolbar, which should scan everything06:54
talsemgeestThat will tell you which folders have all the stuff in them (but unfortunately it includes all the system files as well)06:55
Paulo2ok.. sorry, I got a bit lost06:56
Paulo2to scam the file system I click on the File System link and?06:56
talsemgeestYeah sorry, it is a bit difficult to explain06:56
Paulo2don't be sorry man, you are helping me06:57
talsemgeestWell, once it has completed it will tell you which folder is taking up how much space. You can go down the folders to see if one of them has the right size of your files06:57
Paulo2makes sense, but how do I scam the folders like that?06:58
talsemgeestHmm, after you have clicked the "Scan filesystem" button it should tell you for example, that "/usr" is taking up soething like %20, 1.5GB etc...06:59
talsemgeestDoes it tell you how big each folder is?06:59
Paulo2that is the thing07:00
Paulo2I have 2 File Systems07:00
Paulo2One called File System, it has Ubuntu installation files on it07:00
Paulo2the second has a big encrypted number and it has thousands of items on it. My screwed Desktop is mounted on the second one07:01
talsemgeestWell then, the second one is what you are after, but it shouldnt have thousands of items in it....07:02
talsemgeestIs there any folder in it that looks like it is around the right size?07:03
Paulo2yes, I'm on the second one now......07:03
Paulo2no... there should be hundreds of files, but is doesn't07:04
Paulo2I tried hidden files07:05
talsemgeestDamn. There is one other option that I can think of, and that is raw file recovery. It may not work, but if the files are anywhere on the hard drive intact, even if deleted, it should find them07:05
Paulo2would you be still interested in trying?07:06
talsemgeestHowever, its time for me to have dinner, so if you can wait 30 minutes or so I could walk you through it, otherwise I'm sure phillw could help you out again tomorrow?07:06
Paulo2Man... I'll wait for you. No worries.07:06
talsemgeestCool cool, see you in half an hour07:07
Paulo2see you!07:07
talsemgeestOk Paulo2, I'm back :)07:31
Paulo2hey man07:31
talsemgeestAllrighty, so, are you still on the live cd?07:31
Paulo2yes, things are on the same spot07:32
talsemgeestCool, so first off close all the nautilus windows, and back to the terminal07:34
talsemgeestThen run "sudo apt-get update"07:34
talsemgeest"sudo apt-get install testdisk"07:34
talsemgeest"sudo umount /dev/sda1"07:34
Paulo2I need to be online for that do I?07:35
talsemgeestYeah, you do07:35
Paulo2man, it says coudn't find package testdisk07:37
talsemgeestOk, one sec07:37
talsemgeestWhich version of ubuntu is the live cd you are on?07:38
Paulo2is the 9.10 man07:39
talsemgeestOk, go to System>Administration>Software Sources07:39
Paulo2we're there07:40
talsemgeestOk, make sure the "Universe" repository is ticked07:41
Paulo2ticked now07:41
Paulo2try again?07:42
talsemgeestCool, close the window07:42
talsemgeestThen try the "sudo apt-get install testdisk" again07:42
Paulo2ok, downloading and I'll try now07:42
Paulo2testdisk ok07:44
Paulo2sudo umont ok07:44
talsemgeestCool. I should mention that you will need somewhere other than the ubuntu partition to store the deleted files. Do you have anything?07:45
Paulo2I have an external hard drive07:46
talsemgeestExcellent. Ok, plug it in, then run "sudo fdisk -l" to see which device it is07:47
Paulo2ok, sudo fdisk does not give anything.. sudo fsck?07:49
talsemgeestNope, fdisk is the one. Try "df -HT"07:49
Paulo2it says it is the sb107:50
talsemgeestCool, so lets mount it up: "mkdir ~/external"07:51
talsemgeest"sudo mount /dev/sdb1 ~/external"07:51
Paulo2yes... so far so good07:52
talsemgeestCool, now we run photorec: "sudo photorec"07:52
Paulo2man, I've never seen those codes07:53
Paulo2new window07:53
Paulo2the photorec window07:53
talsemgeestOk, does it have a list of your hard drives?07:54
Paulo2man it has, sda ATA, then sdb the external and sr007:55
talsemgeestCool, select sda then push enter07:55
talsemgeestOn the next screen "Intel" should be selected. If so, push enter07:56
Paulo2yes, inside new menu07:56
Paulo2it has Intel, Mac, None, Sun, Xbox and Return07:56
talsemgeestCool, intel is what you want07:57
talsemgeestNow it probably says "Linux, extended, Linux swap"07:58
talsemgeest"Linux" should be the one you want, assuming that is the one you want to recover the files from07:58
Paulo2yes, but at the start it has a "No Partition" it might be the cd07:58
Paulo2yes, the sum of extended and swap is equals Linux Partition07:59
talsemgeestNo, "no partition" simply means it ignores the partition table and scans the whole disk for files. You can do that if you want, but it shouldnt be necessary07:59
Paulo2ok. Enter?07:59
talsemgeestThats the one, enter08:00
Paulo2free and whole08:00
talsemgeestTo be safe I would say whole. It will take longer but it will scan everything08:01
Paulo2ok. Enter08:01
talsemgeestOk, now it should have a list of folders in the home directory. Is "external" there?08:01
Paulo2man, I pressed twice and I'm inside Desktop folder08:02
Paulo2which button to return? sorry man08:03
talsemgeestOk, well if you select ".." and push enter, it will take you up a folder08:03
talsemgeestGot it?08:04
Paulo2na... I'm stuck08:05
Paulo2I'm inside a folder with BIN to VMLINUZ08:05
Paulo2can I exit and go there again>08:06
talsemgeestOk, so you have gone to "/". Go into "home"08:06
Paulo2in Home, there is Ubuntu, .. and .08:07
talsemgeestI'm guessing in there is a folder called "ubuntu"08:08
talsemgeestCool, go into ubuntu08:08
Paulo2now, yes!08:08
talsemgeestThere ya go ;)08:09
Paulo2external is there08:09
talsemgeestExcellent, select that and push enter08:09
Paulo2yes, there08:09
talsemgeestExcellent, now push "y"08:10
talsemgeestThat might take a while, depending on how big your hard drive is08:11
Paulo2look, it started to work and it will take gazillions of years to finish08:11
talsemgeestYeah, I'm afraid data recovery does take time. How big is your hdd?08:12
Paulo2180, but used was about 2008:12
Paulo2are the files going to be inside a folder when it finishes or a iso sort of file?08:12
talsemgeestIt will put them in a bunch of different folders on your external HDD08:14
Paulo2ok, now I've got to wait.... if it doesn't work should I give up? Honestly08:15
talsemgeestYeah, if this doesnt find them they are well and truly gone08:16
talsemgeestAlso, the files that are recovered might not have their original filenames, so they can be a little difficult to sort through08:16
Paulo2man... how is that posible? does it has anything to do with the version of Ubuntu?08:16
talsemgeestI honestly dont know, but it shouldnt have anything to do with the version you're using08:18
Paulo2ok.... man, look... thank you very much for your help. I lost my day trying to fix this, you gave me a big hand to find a solution.. I'm hopeful we can fix it, if not I will deal with that better knowing that there was nothing we could've done08:20
Paulo2Thank you very very much, you guys are the best08:20
talsemgeestI just really hope I have been of some help, and that you get your files back :)08:20
hobgoblinI think it is because it just finds a 'file' - they get numbered in the order they are found08:21
Paulo2I hope so, I have this exam tomorrow and without the files the only option would be going to a Doctor and getting a certificate!08:21
Paulo2yeah,,, I hope doesn't take 35 hours as it says now!08:23
Paulo2thank you talsemgeest, I'll post here tomorrow the result!08:25
Paulo2Have a good one mate08:25
talsemgeestExcellent, and good luck :)08:25
Paulo2cheers mate08:25
jappieI am running into two challanges: the first one is with skype. My usb webcam is not working in actual calls. Before it did not work at all but I changed startup command to: [ash -c 'LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype'] . When I do a test in skype options under video it works, but when I make an actual call it does not! Any solutions would be greatly appreciated:-)08:57
jappieI have problems with Evolution IMAP option. I get my email fine and I can also send emails, but my send emails are not saved on the server. I tested my imap email with tboth hunderbird and outlook and in both it works fine but I really like evolution and would like to keep using it!09:48
bioterrorjappie, you have to adjust correct place where it stores them10:07
Puck`hello team10:17
iktheya Puck` :)10:21
shahanwhat is the coustom command of TERMINAL? as vlc player custom command is vlc10:27
shahanhow can I start Terminal from http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/881/openwith.png10:30
JoeMaverickSettshahan: try gnome-terminal10:34
shahanJoeMaverickSett, tnx10:39
JoeMaverickSettshahan: your welcome. :)10:39
sunit_I am trying to run a jar file in ubuntu 8.04 server at boot time10:43
sunit_ the ubuntu server is console based , without any gnome destop10:44
sunit_where and how shall I place the jar file so that it will run at boot time ?10:44
sunit_shall I write a script and place it in ubuntu ?10:45
geirhaDoes it daemonize itself?11:03
geirhaAt any rate, the "proper" way in Ubuntu would be to write an upstart job for it11:06
geirhaOh wait, 8.04. Not sure if that one had upstart or just used init.11:07
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shahanhow to configure PPOE internet on ubuntu11:30
shahanhttp://forum.linux.org.bd/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1306&p=5679&hilit=ppoe#p5679 is it this one?11:31
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JohnJimmyI need help dual booting. It says its completing installation and then scrolls through a big list and stops. should i just wait a while or is there something to do?13:55
iktgood question13:55
Silver_Fox_How long have you beeb waiting ?13:55
Silver_Fox_And do you have an example of some of the content from the "big list" ?13:56
nlsthznJohnJimmy: 10.04?13:56
JohnJimmyi waited for about a minute or two. and i'll try, it's just that it is on this laptop and i don't want to write all this shit down and boot up in windows again13:57
JohnJimmyand 10.1013:57
JohnJimmythe last item says something about child rip? haha forgive my inexperience13:57
JohnJimmyI'll try and boot again now and write it down if you like13:57
iktall good :>13:58
JimmyJohnokay. back14:09
JimmyJohnthe last line is as follows14:10
JimmyJohn[0.885616] [<ffffffff810141e07>] ? child_rip + 0x0/0x2014:11
JimmyJohnpreceded by: [0.885554] [,ffffffff8184d6e3>] ? kernel_init + 0x0/0x15614:12
iktthat's not gone well :P14:13
iktif you reboot does grub pop up allowing you to choose between ubuntu and windows?14:14
ikti assume it's windows you're duel booting with14:14
JimmyJohnyeah, it lets me choose each time just fine14:14
JimmyJohnI don't know what i could've done wrong =/ i went to the ubuntu legit site, dl'd the windows installer, and it went fine. then it said i needed to reboot to finish it and i did.14:15
Silver_Fox_Would this be WUBI JimmyJohn  ?14:17
iktif it's installed fine and is running fine then that's cool14:22
iktI prefer dual booting with ubuntu installed straight through14:23
iktit gives you the option when installing it to install alongside windows14:23
JimmyJohnwell it installed fine (i think), it simply won't boot. like, it gives me the option to choose it but it never gets there14:24
JimmyJohnAnd is there someway that I can simply remove it and install it using some other way that you reccomend?14:25
JimmyJohnI feel like if i was going to try to do it another way it'd be good to first remove it the wrong way haha14:26
JimmyJohnnevermind. I can just uninstall it like any other program on windows, right?14:28
iktJimmyJohn, sorry I'm not very good at multi-tasking14:42
iktit's easier to install windows first14:43
iktthen dual boot with ubuntu14:43
iktthan the other way around14:43
ikthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot <- this was good but 10.10 has a much better installer14:44
iktshould just be able to chose install side by side with windows14:44
iktand it will do so14:44
=== Guest58851 is now known as MichealH
KimbisHej! I noticed when using my headpset the other day that my microphone doesn't work. The headphones work and I can hear sound, but can't record any sound. And it's not a problem with the microphone since I tested it on another computer. It started after I installed ubuntu. I've checked the settings and it's not muted either.15:06
hobgoblinanyone what?15:22
ikthis issue with the microphone15:23
iktsound is not my forte :/15:23
hobgoblinwell I'd not know that I just got in here ;)15:24
Kimbisher issue :)15:25
KimbisI'll repost: Hej! I noticed when using my headpset the other day that my microphone doesn't work. The headphones work and I can hear sound, but can't record any sound. And it's not a problem with the microphone since I tested it on another computer. It started after I installed ubuntu. I've checked the settings and it's not muted either.15:25
KimbisI think I'm going to lose my mind. I like to Skype now and then and I can't now. :(15:28
hobgoblinKimbis: not that I am going to be able to help much - but does it only not work in skype or does it globally not work?15:30
nlsthznKimbis: Have you ran alsamixer from terminal to check everything is unmuted and volume levels are high enough?15:32
Kimbisnlsthzn: no15:33
Kimbisdo you mean what I have?15:34
hobgoblinyes :)15:34
Kimbisno idea :-/15:35
hobgoblinif you don't know lspci | grep audio15:35
hobgoblinI guess you;ve not done much searching of issues then if you don't know :D15:35
KimbisI did try two different solutions, but they didn't help.15:36
Kimbiswhen I open the alsa mixer, nothing is muted.15:36
nlsthznKimbis: Remember to press F5 for all and make sure all of the volumes are up...15:38
Kimbishobgoblin: **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****15:41
Kimbiscard 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC883 Analog [ALC883 Analog]15:41
Kimbis  Subdevices: 1/115:41
Kimbis  Subdevice #0: subdevice #015:41
Kimbiscard 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 1: ALC883 Digital [ALC883 Digital]15:41
Kimbis  Subdevices: 1/115:41
Kimbis  Subdevice #0: subdevice #015:41
hobgoblinjust a quick thought - try muting one of them - possibly the digital and see if that makes a difference15:41
hobgoblinbut - I am not going to be able to help much I'm afraid - the peril of having hardware that usually works is that I've rarely got firsthand experience of fixing stuff15:43
KimbisI did lspci -v | less and no audio device shows up.15:45
hobgoblinwhy did you do that?15:46
Kimbisi read that it was to check if the sound card was recognized by the hardware.15:47
hobgoblinKimbis: have you tried muting one yet?15:47
hobgoblinyou have soundcards - the command you ran for me showed them :)15:47
KimbisI'm really no good at this. Some things I fix, but this one is hard. I don't have the background for it.15:48
hobgoblinKimbis: go back to the alsamixer thing15:49
hobgoblinand I was rubbish 3 years ago, and am only a bit better now :)15:50
Kimbisi'm rubbisher15:50
hobgoblinKimbis: if you do F6 can you see the card changing - in the top left there is a line that starts Card:15:50
KimbisI must be in something else.15:52
hobgoblinstart alsamixer in a terminal - command is alsamixer15:52
Kimbisaha. i was starting from somewhere else.15:53
Kimbispulseaudio it says15:54
hobgoblinoh - no idea how to get it to be alsa then :) maybe nlsthzn does15:55
Kimbisbtw when I did F6, it was on default. perhaps I should choose HDA ATI SB15:55
KimbisI'm in the alsamixer, but under card it says pulseaudio.15:55
hobgoblinyes - try that15:55
hobgoblinyou might even have 2 of the hda ones - digital and analog15:57
Kimbisi see only one15:58
hobgoblinok - go along with the right arrow - as you move the description changes - see if you find one that says analog/digital - if it is not mted (MM) mute it with M and see if that helps15:59
hobgoblinbut if it was set to pulseaudio then turning up the mic volume would make no difference if the mic volum on the hda card was muted - at least that is my understanding16:00
Kimbisbut when i changed from default, the card says HDA ATI SB16:01
Kimbisnot pulseaudio16:01
hobgoblinyes - so change the mic vol and check the dig/analog things in the hda card16:01
Kimbisi don't see the dig/ana things16:04
Kimbismeh. i give up.16:06
hobgoblinKimbis: ok - then have a look at the mic volume in the hda card - not in pulse16:07
hobgoblinif that doesn't help then I am afraid I can't either :(16:07
Kimbisit has MM under it16:07
Kimbisboth line and mic16:07
hobgoblinthat is muted - hit M16:08
hobgoblinshould cahnge to OO then use the up arrow to increase volume16:08
KimbisI thought it was just one M that was mute. *dying slowly of embarrassment*16:08
hobgoblin:) no worries - I had to ask on the forum how to bump a thread16:09
hobgoblinunless you are one of those lucky lucky people who were born knowing all then you are the same as the rest of us and learn something daily16:10
KimbisThank you!16:11
hobgoblinwell it might not work yet16:11
hobgoblinKimbis: go and try the mic now16:12
Kimbisit works. it's super loud.16:12
hobgoblinoh cracking :)16:13
Kimbisyeah, scared the piss out of me.16:14
hobgoblinha ha ha16:14
KimbisNow I can go eat. I've been messing around so long, I'm getting woozy.16:14
hobgoblinfirst time I installed ubuntu it set my soundcard to digital - I almost killed my speakers when I found out and hit M16:15
hobgoblinalways a good time to eat that is16:15
hobgoblinKimbis: I'm off for a bit now so cya next time16:15
Kimbisok! Thanks again!16:15
shahangetting no sound on my Maverick16:52
Silver_Fox_Is it muted ?16:56
Silver_Fox_Do you have your speakers plugged in?16:57
nlsthznLots of sound related issue today it seems16:57
shahaneverything is connected16:58
nlsthznshahan:  Going to go with the same advice earlier I gave someone earlier, run alsamixer in terminal, make sure nothing is muted and all volumes are up17:00
johnny77Is there a way to make the desktops different for each workspace?17:01
johnny77I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 desktop17:01
shahanjohnny77, do u want different wallpaper on each workspace?17:02
Silver_Fox_http://ubuntuguide.net/different-wallpapers-on-each-workspace-in-ubuntu <- johnny7717:03
johnny77shahan, Actually I was looking to put different icons on each.17:03
Silver_Fox_Oh. My link does not apply.17:03
johnny77I was hoping I could set up each workspace with icons pertaining to a activity for which I use my computer. i.e. one for blogging, one for financial apps.17:07
=== elfy is now known as hobgoblin
maheanuuGood Morning from the sacred isle,  I am not able to copy or mount files to a external drive that is installed and showing as "USB Drive" looking at the properties it is showing the owner as root17:31
maheanuuI am trying to move a whole bunch of stuff off my notebook as the notebook is down to only 6 gigs of space and really slow these days17:32
maheanuuI have determined (?) that it is the drive that will not let me copy to it as I cannot move anything from any folder to it but can copy to a new folder on sda17:33
nlsthznmaheanuu: Is the drive empty that you might be able to use disk utility to re-partition/format it and then try a re-mount?17:38
maheanuuIs anyone here today?17:58
pquinleyI am new to Ubuntu. I bought a laptop from an educational facility and it came with a pre-installed password that they created. Each time I attempt to download an update, it ask for the "password" that I do not know. The seller has no idea what the password is.  I can only guess this is an administrator password.  Help!18:10
Cheri703can you create a new account?18:12
pquinleyHi.  Whenever I try to do this it ask for an Authentication password18:14
AndrewMCpquinley: you might want to reinstall then everything is reset18:16
Cheri703or check out this link: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword18:16
pquinleyThanks for the suggestions.  I will try both.  Take Care all.18:17
raubvogelWhy when I rsync'ed /home/me I got less files than if I was in ~me and rsync'ed ../me?18:24
raubvogelIn fact, ls /home/raub shows much less than ls ~raub18:25
raubvogelnvm, I have the accounts created as in a solaris box18:26
earthling_my workplace switcher is stuck, it won't switch19:57
earthling_how to fix?19:57
bioterrorcan you use alt+ctrl and arrows left or right19:58
kristian-aalborgtrying to add a user to my box20:01
kristian-aalborgadduser foo20:01
bioterrorsudo adduser20:01
kristian-aalborgyes, I'm root20:01
kristian-aalborgbut :)20:01
kristian-aalborgadduser -G video guest20:01
kristian-aalborggives: adduser: user 'guest' in use20:02
kristian-aalborgguest is the one who was foo before, obviously20:02
bioterrorwhy dont you do it with graphical tool?20:06
kristian-aalborgI'm on slitaz ;)20:09
earthling_bioterror, no20:11
earthling_nothing happens20:12
bioterrorI would restart my X session ;920:12
earthling_I read some people were having problems with compiz and workplace switcher20:12
earthling_I've never been able to get it working20:12
bioterrorI've disabled it20:13
bioterrordesktop effects20:13
bioterrorad157@bukkake ~ $ glxgears20:13
bioterror5089 frames in 5.0 seconds20:13
bioterrorgetting better frames ;D20:14
earthling_that tells how fast your graphics are going?20:15
Cheri703really? bukkake?20:15
bioterroroh yeah, and tamakeri ;)20:16
Cheri703is that actually your computer name?20:16
earthling_don't judge Cheri70320:16
pleia2bioterror: might want to avoid pasting those in channel, it'll get you banned most places (and it is pretty offensive)20:16
Cheri703just saying, if my computer's name was along those lines, I'd sanitize it for public chat20:16
bioterrornext time, just $ ;)20:17
earthling_linux has built in sanitizing20:17
pleia2thank you20:17
bioterrorearthling_, does the workplaces continue to work if you restart your X session?20:19
earthling_glxgears 6381 frames in 5.0 seconds20:20
earthling_I'm doubtful that will change it20:20
earthling_can I disable compiz without uninstalling it?20:22
decaniusAnyone here?22:31
pedro3005I guess he wanted to be alone22:46
ehcahDoes anyone know to remove the notification applet that remains in the top left hand corner of my screen after the top panel has been deleted?23:20
ehcahxChat, Battery, Connections manager icons all appear in the applet.23:21
aveilleuxehcah: It should have been removed with the panel, but if it didn't, right-click on the little "handle" to the left of the icons and hit "remove from panel"23:28
ehcahHi aveilleux:  That would be the easy way.  I'm beyond that and have been trying to remove and change the config files.23:30

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