
is_Hey guys, I found what seems to be a minor security issue, but I'm not entirely sure if it is or not, and I don't really know where to report either00:43
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drcooperAny member of Ubuntu Bug Control please set https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/666768 to wishlist15:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 666768 in unity "Make sidebar translucent (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]15:32
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hggdhdrcooper: this is not an Ubuntu bug (yes, it is Unity, but the *upstream* Unity. We cannot deal with it, sorry15:34
drcooperhggdh: ok..15:35
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ubot2Launchpad bug 666746 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "Screen locked after hibernate (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]15:51
drcooperwhich package should this bug be associated to15:51
drcooperwhich package should the 666746 bug be associated to? new to bug squad pls help16:01
rusivibug 66674616:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 666746 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "Screen locked after hibernate (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66674616:01
rusividrcooper: You nailed it for now. I'll quickly test to get it confirmed.16:04
drcooperrusivi: it was not reported by me...i doubt if it should be reported as a gnome-screensaver bug16:05
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drcooperrusivi: i think it affects pm-utils package or something like that16:06
micahgbug #?16:06
rusivibug 66674616:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 666746 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "Screen locked after hibernate (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66674616:07
rusivimicahg / drcooper: I already found?! another bug in Maverick -> System -> Admin -> Login Settings, I did not have the opportunity to auto-login as my originally created user account :D16:08
micahgrusivi: I think that should stay in gnome-screensaver since the settings aren't being honored16:08
rusivimicahg: Agreed.16:09
rusivimicahg: What do you think about the Login Settings "bug" is that intentional or buggable?16:09
micahgrusivi: the setting might have moved, maybe check in #ubuntu before filing16:10
drcoopermicahg: rusivi but how would hibernation be related to screensaver settings16:10
micahgdrcooper: I've actually been experiencing a bug where my screensaver is activated after resume as well, but I actually use the lock feature, if the setting says don't require a password ever, then that should be respected, there might be 2 bugs in fact16:11
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* micahg seems to recall a setting for no password on resume as well16:12
drcoopermicahg: thats debatable as u set LOCK screen to be enabled16:12
drcoopermicahg: there should be some lock16:13
drcoopermicahg: rusivi i think its apt to confirm the bug16:16
* micahg would suggest someone reproducing it :)16:16
drcoopermicahg: yes it does happen that way16:17
drcoopermicahg: i tried16:17
micahgdrcooper: feel free to confirm then explaining what you did16:18
rusividrcooper: you beat me to the punch :P hehe16:20
* micahg found an upstream bug16:20
drcooperrusivi: ?16:20
rusividrcooper: jk16:20
drcooperrusivi: again ?16:20
rusividrcooper: I'm a jokster don't mind me.16:20
micahgare you both using the same version of gnome-screensaver as the reporter?16:21
drcoopermicahg: yes16:23
micahgdrcooper: does the gconf key mentioned in the upstream bug help?16:25
drcoopermicahg: sorry, did not get you16:27
micahgdrcooper: I linked an upstream bug to the LP bug, can you read that and see if the gconf key helps16:27
micahgrusivi: can you try the gconf key?16:34
drcoopermicahg: setting the key fixed it !!16:36
drcoopermicahg: so what shud be done with the bug16:36
micahgdrcooper: :), well that's good news, I'll post to the upstream bug, maybe it can be fixed16:36
micahgdrcooper: thanks16:36
micahgdrcooper: this one? /desktop/gnome/lockdown/disable_lock_screen=true16:37
rusivimicahg: Let me check it out16:37
drcoopermicahg: yaes16:37
micahgrusivi: 'tis ok16:37
micahgdrcooper: thanks16:37
rusivimicahg: Regarding /desktop/gnome/lockdown that's a little over my head, where do I go to find that file/folder?!16:39
micahgrusivi: you need to use gconf-editor, it's already been confirmed, so you don't need to do it unless you want the fix16:39
drcoopermicahg: so thats how a bug is triaged !! :D16:45
micahgdrcooper: one way :)16:45
drcoopermicahg: turns out to be my first experience16:46
micahgdrcooper: cool, well thank you for confirming16:46
micahgdrcooper: generally, it makes it to triaged where there is enough information to reproduce and it's a confirmed bug (upstream bug link almost always makes a bug triaged)16:47
drcoopermicahg: ohhk..16:47
mreiterHi, I filed a bug about failing hibernation on Thinkpads in 10.10 and I think it is ready to be triaged according to the wiki (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage/). Could some Bug Control member maybe have a look and triage it? Here's the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/66171117:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 661711 in linux (Ubuntu) "Hibernate fails on Thinkpads (affects: 9) (heat: 54)" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:22
mreiterI really did everything I could to make the report as complete as possible and according to the criteria in the wiki, the report is ready to be triaged. I can't do it, because I'm not a member of Bug Control. The wiki says to ask here in this case. It would be really awesome if this get fixed and it shouldn't be difficult, because I am not able to reproduce the bug with a newer kernel version...17:27
micahgdrcooper: duplicate bug? bug17:39
micahgbug 59978317:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 599783 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "proxy capplet is not IPv6 aware (affects: 1) (heat: 32)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59978317:39
sensedrcooper: Seems indeed duplicate17:42
micahgdrcooper: you can mark it a duplicate, please use the response on the responses page17:42
sensedrcooper: Do you know how to mark a bug as a duplicate?17:43
drcoopersense mark as dulicate right?17:43
sensedrcooper: THere is a list of stock responses at <http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses> you can use when responding to bug reports, it saves you some time.17:43
sensedrcooper: yes.17:43
micahgdrcooper: it's good to make a comment when marking as a duplicate using the response from the responses page sense gave you17:52
drcoopermicahg: as a comment before marking as duplicate?17:52
micahgdrcooper: yes17:52
drcoopermicahg: can i add it now17:52
micahgdrcooper: yes17:52
* micahg will be back later17:53
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JimmyJohnHey, I think this bug has been reported before but I'm not sure. I'm on a toshiba satellite e205 s1904 and can't finish installing. gives me a "child_rip" error and just halts, reading 0x0 0x2019:26
JimmyJohnI got it to go farther and actually got ubuntu to boot once by turning off acpi but it won't work again19:26
JimmyJohnit crashed after that anyway19:26
JimmyJohnAnybody know anything about this?19:28
mrandJimmyJohn: Google turns this up: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1496796, which seems to imply it isn't a bug with Ubuntu.19:30
JimmyJohnbut it also turns this up19:32
JimmyJohnand the OP isn't even on a toshiba. not to mention i've checked the site, no bios updates19:32
mrandMany computer vendors use the same chipsets and BIOS, so I don't think it much matters that it isn't toshiba specific.  The first thread links to a bug which then points to a work-around (kernel patch)19:37
JimmyJohnwould you mind telling me what I'm supposed to do with that? I'm at the link from the first thread.19:40
mrandJimmyJohn: short of compiling your own kernel with that patch and/or continuing going down the  acpi route, unfortunately the answer appears to be that the bug in the BIOS is blocking your computer, and many like it, from properly using Linux.19:46
mranddown the non-acpi, that is.19:46
JimmyJohnI think i just got a kernel from a guy. He posted it in one of the linked threads, after compiling it, so now i have a .deb and a .patch, i just don't know what to do with them. Others are saying this fixed it though19:47
mrandJimmyJohn: .deb are normally installed with dpkg.  Not sure what you would do with the .patch.  You might try asking on #Ubuntu.  this channel is more discussing the process and processing of bugs rather than debugging.19:52
guntbertwhat is the meaning of "One Hundred Paper Cuts" ?20:27
BUGa_badmoodquick fixes20:28
guntbertBUGa_badmood: thx -- if your nick is "true" I won't bother you any more :-)20:30
BUGa_badmoodguntbert: in a bad mood, cause I missed the delivery guy20:32
BUGa_badmoodnow will have to wait another day to get my hands on my new Desire HD20:32
RedSingularitylol HATE when that happens!20:32
guntbertBUGa_badmood: sorry to hear - no neighbors around to take it for you?20:32
BUGa_badmoodthey don't do that20:33
BUGa_badmoodits a 500+€ piece20:33
BUGa_badmoodno leaving on the neibour20:33
guntbertbut back to my question: is there anyplace to read up on the "One Hundred Paper Cuts"?20:34
rusiviguntbert: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PaperCut20:37
guntbertrusivi: thx20:37
guntbertabout https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/CommonTasks  : there is stated about kernel bugs that "For Hardy (8.04) - Lucid (10.04) the correct package is linux". I guess that is/will be true for current and future releases as well. I f no one objects I'm going to change that to "For Hardy (8.04) and later releases the correct ..."21:08
rusiviguntbert: Sounds good.21:13
guntbertrusivi: done21:18
njinhello, there's a finnish here to triage this ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/43192221:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 431922 in ubuntu "dead_stroke broken in some applications (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:22
MoLE_Quiet in here - everyone must be at UDS21:38
MoLE_any suggestions on how to advance bug 558431 ?21:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 558431 in parted (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "gparted crashes at startup - Assertion failed (affects: 20) (dups: 3) (heat: 100)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55843121:38
RedSingularitymicahg:  are you going to address bug 643736 or should i move my comment about wish-listing there?22:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 643736 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) ""What's new in Thunderbird 3" reappears on minor upgrades (affects: 1) (heat: 102)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64373622:37
micahgRedSingularity: yes, I think I'll mark it won't fix though22:38
RedSingularitymicahg: for which bug?22:39
micahgRedSingularity: the one you just said22:39
RedSingularitymicahg:  your going to handle the other one about 2.0 migration?22:40
micahgRedSingularity: yes, when the user replies22:40
RedSingularitymicahg: ok22:40
micahgRedSingularity: nm, I found an upstream bug22:43
micahgRedSingularity: why did you post an apport-collect message on bug 643736?22:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 643736 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) ""What's new in Thunderbird 3" reappears on minor upgrades (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64373622:44
RedSingularitymicahg:  get more info about the system22:44
micahgRedSingularity: there is no more information22:44
RedSingularitymicahg:  damn, i didnt even notice he used apport to report it at first.22:45
RedSingularitymicahg:  telling him to disregard22:46
RedSingularitymicahg:  you notified mozilla team?22:48
micahgRedSingularity: huh?22:48
RedSingularitymicahg:  it says assigned to mozilla bugs22:48
micahgRedSingularity: that means it's linked to an upstream bug22:48
RedSingularitymicahg: alright22:49
RedSingularitymicahg: marking as "wont fix"?22:49
micahgRedSingularity: huh?22:49
micahgRedSingularity: I changed my mind as I noted above22:49
RedSingularitymicahg: oh you did link it....ok22:50

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