
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
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=== BlackZ is now known as Guest50856
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=== Guest58851 is now known as MichealH
maheanuumay I ask a noobie question in here?18:03
pleia2maheanuu: you'll want #ubuntu for support, we just host classes here18:04
maheanuuI do, and I was in the beginner room for over 45 mins and no one is answering in fact there doesn't seem to be anyone active there at all18:05
SergioMenesespleia2, rigth18:05
maheanuuAll sorts of peeps on the list18:05
maheanuuOk, I don't want to bother anyone, I will see if I can find another support room18:06
pleia2maheanuu: you need to be patient, someone tried to get more information from you in -beginners and you /quit18:06
SergioMenesesmaheanuu, jaja peeps xD18:06
maheanuuIf it was yesterday I had an emergency run to the hosp with one of the my sister in laws kids...   The honeydew list starts early around here and ends late18:07
maheanuuPolynesia, you would have to live it to believe it18:08
pleia2this was a half hour ago18:09
pleia2we're all volunteers, you have to be patient and stay around when people try to help :)18:10
maheanuuI was still there until I came into this room and never saw any answer on my screen18:10
maheanuuI realize that, I thought that It might me our ISP "mana" causing the problem......18:11
maheanuuI will go back and wait again18:11
maheanuuthank you18:11
=== kdrsx is now known as kuadrosx

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