
kklimonda_hey, can someone with upload rights take a look at bug 658069 ?00:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 658069 in gvfs "Empty files written over gvfs by some editors" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65806900:21
crimsunkklimonda_: uploaded00:46
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kklimonda_crimsun: thanks01:53
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lucidfoxit's not enough for Planet Ubuntu posters to just shove Twitter links in my face, now they post Twitter screenshots. In big letters.02:43
* lucidfox sighs02:43
Laneytwitter is so offensive to you that you can't even stand to look at screenshots?02:44
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kklimonda_what is the "twitter screenshot"? A screenshot of twitter website? :)04:45
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AnAntHello, how do I compile a plymouth plugin ? I mean what are the flags I should give to gcc to get a proper .so file for plymouth plugin ? I do know what libs to link against07:44
anon^_^this is probably a topic that's usually better suited to #ubuntu, but I was hoping for Ubuntu-dev feedback07:53
anon^_^or maybe you can point in a better direction07:53
anon^_^can someone explain the rationale behind the switch from gnome to unity?07:53
anon^_^hmm actually probably better suited for #ubuntu-uds07:54
\shanon^_^: well..other timezone now...and your correct dude to raise the question is jono ... he wants to answer all questions08:05
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Copernic_is there a irc channel for the ubuntu security team?11:18
jpdsCopernic_: #ubuntu-security ?11:19
Copernic_k thx11:19
twbIt's -hardened11:20
twbAt least, that's what I've been using...11:21
twb#ubuntu-security appears to be "join only", which IIRC is a freenode bug when it tries to redirect you to a channel you're already in11:21
AnAntHello, how do I compile a plymouth plugin ? I mean what are the flags I should give to gcc to get a proper .so file for plymouth plugin ? I do know what libs to link against11:47
twbAnAnt: I don't know, but maybe "apt-get source" an existing plugin and have a look at how they do it11:50
AnAnttwb: I did apt-get source plymouth, but it has a little complex build system (configure script, libtool), and the build log doesn't show what goes on11:51
twbAnAnt: maybe there is e.g. a kubuntu plymouth plugin that is simpler?11:52
AnAnttwb: it is also in the plymouth source package11:52
twbI haven't had much luck with code that canonical/ubuntu produces themselves; YMMV.11:53
twbAbout all I know how to do with plymouth is to change the purple background to black11:53
AnAnttwb: anyways, do you know how to produce an .so file from a .o file ?12:09
twbI can't remember; ask ##workingset12:10
twbIt's something trivial12:10
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AnAnttwb: thanks12:46
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nascentmindHi. When I install a dbg library. The next time I compile and link will it be using the dbg version of the library?14:17
nascentmindor do i need to restart my machine?14:18
ebrodernascentmind: The -dbg libraries just have debugging symbols. They don't actually change the library14:18
nascentmindebroder: yes so would it be loaded next?14:19
ebroderThe next time you attach gdb or something, the debugging symbols will be found14:19
ebroderYou could probably kick gdb to find them without even restarting it, but I can never remember how to do that14:19
nascentmindebroder: I am not finding it14:19
nascentmindwhen I step into it doesn't go into the function of the library.14:20
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andreolihi, can a PPA host kernels targeted to different distros (lucid and maverick)?14:43
micahgandreoli: yes14:44
micahgandreoli: you just have to worry about the 2GB limit14:45
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andreoliok, I'll wipe out old packages14:45
andreoliI get this: EE: Previous or current ABI file missing!14:46
andreoliI am pretty sure the current maverick kernel version is 2.6.35-22.3514:46
andreoliThe git log tells me it is actually 2.6.35-22.3614:46
andreoli2.6.35-23.36, sorry14:47
micahgandreoli: well, that might be what they're working on, but 22.35 is in the repos ATM14:47
andreoliok thx14:47
andreolithen I maybe forgot to push "skipabi=true" in rules.d/amd64.mk14:48
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lifelesskees: ping16:18
lifelessbony 8, mate! [sec input needed for arm ppa discussion]16:19
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DktrKranzcjwatson: hi! if you're doing more archive stuff, mind adding an entry for ubiquity in sync-blacklist? There are chances to see a completely unrelated ubiquity source in Debian, so it won't be overwritten by accident.17:05
pittiDktrKranz, cjwatson: I'll do that ^17:05
DktrKranzpitti: thanks!17:05
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ebrodercjwatson: It looks like the current lua grub-extras don't have a way to get the output from a command, just the return code18:35
ebroderSo getting the lspci output could be difficult18:35
ebroderMight be easier from a parsing standpoint to just add a lua function to iterate over PCI IDs18:35
ebroder(Keeps us from having to parse the lspci output)18:36
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lagmaco: Can you let me know when you're back online please?19:52
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macolag: hi!20:13
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BUGa_badmoodhey maco20:22
macolag: are you in the kernel session right now? i just walked in20:27
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lagmaco: Yep, I'm sitting next to you! :)21:18
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ebroder*sigh* How do I deal with http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/520340/ ?21:27
ebroder(I know it's because I'm not branching off of ~vcs-imports/grub/main, but I don't know how to override that logic)21:27
ajmitchlooks like one of the lp branches needs upgraded, you may want to check in #launchpad for the right way to go about it21:30
ebroderI appear to have attracted the attention of an LP developer sitting behind me, so I'll bug him more after this session :)21:30
ajmitchoh good :)21:31
cjwatsonebroder: understood21:36
cjwatsongeser: vim> ack, will do21:36
cjwatsonebroder: maybe there should be a different LP project for each of the GRUB extras, since they really aren't the same source base21:37
gesercjwatson: do we have to keep the whole history of vim merges? the history is currently 9x larger that the remaining changes itself21:45
ebrodercjwatson: In any case, barring superhuman bzr manipulations, I have a patch at r20 of lp:~broder/+junk/grub2-extras-lua-enum-pci. Is there a list to e-mail to get that pulled upstream?21:46
showardHi - I'm looking for someone to upload an SRU to maverick-proposed. It has already been approved by the SRU team. It's for the vino package and can be found at bug #65296121:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 652961 in vino (Ubuntu) "vino-server won't start (SIGSEGV) when UPnP is enabled (SRU)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65296121:55
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cjwatsongeser: I don't have a strong opinion.  it would be good to keep at least recent history though22:26
cjwatsonebroder: grub-devel at gnu.org22:26
gesercjwatson: I'll think about where to draw the line for the next merge (I think about keeping the merge entries since lucid). Currently the last Ubuntu changelog entry is for warty from Sep 200422:34
gesercjwatson: btw do you have an opinion on bug 572627?  disabling setting "syntax on" by default would fix it but probably make other people unhappy again23:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 572627 in vim (Ubuntu) "ftdetect scripts not loaded from directories added to runtimepath" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57262723:12
crimsungeser: true, but we can't please everyone.  We should also just loudly publicize the change.23:29
ari-tczewwho is familiar with .desktop files? I have to determine MimeType. does my .desktop is correct with standards? http://paste.ubuntu.com/520405/23:31
crimsunari-tczew: see desktop-file-validate(1) in the desktop-file-utils package23:33
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