
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
pseudocubeHey everybody04:25
pseudocubeThat took a little too long to figure out how to connect. :P04:26
pseudocubeAnyway... does anyone know where ubuntu's cursor file is located?04:27
rwwpseudocube: this channel's for operator issues in the Ubuntu namespace, and isn't a support channel. Try #ubuntu.04:28
pseudocubeOh, sorry. I'll try there. Thank you!04:28
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
SergioMenesesI need help with the Cloak17:44
SergioMenesesanyone can?17:45
PiciSergioMeneses: Could you plesae link to your Launchpad Profile?17:45
SergioMenesesPici, yes https://launchpad.net/~sergiomeneses17:46
SergioMenesesand thanks for answering17:46
PiciSergioMeneses: Give me a moment to find a freenode staffer to turn it on.17:47
SergioMenesesPici, don't worry :D17:47
PiciSergioMeneses: you're all set!17:54
SergioMenesesPici, yes... :D17:54
SergioMenesesthanks so much17:54
PiciYou're welcome17:55
SergioMenesesright back!!!17:56
erUSULSo it happened ... ubuntu forked gnome... :(20:18
guntberterUSUL: ?20:33
m4vit didn't, Ubuntu is going to use Unity instead of Gnome Shell, is not a fork.20:35

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