
drifting-on-a-drSpent the entire day with this, it's losing it's charm gone midnight :-)  Still no tuners !!!00:23
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stratagem_botDoes anyone use the hdhomerun?01:31
stratagem_botOr are familiar with network packetloss/high pings while recording?01:31
stratagem_botMaybe I should put myth backend and hdhomerun on its own switch and uplink to router switch instead?01:32
stratagem_botor maybe I should get dd-wrt on this shitty asus router01:34
rhpot1991stratagem_bot: I run one02:13
rhpot1991I run it on its own network02:13
rhpot1991I know several other people who run them as well, but on their main network02:14
stratagem_botmulti-homed backend?02:14
stratagem_botwhen recordings are going, my desktop pc, completely separate from the backend gets packet loss and high pings to the outside and internally02:14
stratagem_botboth are connected to a asus wl520gu02:15
stratagem_botmy desktop is also using a linksys powerline adapter02:15
stratagem_botI've seen this happen on two separate routers02:15
rhpot1991I don't know what you mean by multi-homed backend02:15
rhpot1991smells like a bottleneck somewhere in your network02:15
stratagem_botmulti-homed means two nics on two networks02:15
stratagem_botsame box02:16
rhpot1991I have my main network with everything on02:16
rhpot1991then I have a pci card in my backend, and the HDHR is hooked directly to that02:16
stratagem_botah yeah. was considering doing that.  maybe I have some spare nics around02:16
rhpot1991I did it originally to test some corruption in recordings, and just have left it that way02:17
rhpot1991are the powerlines inbetween the router and your HDHR?02:18
rhpot1991or the box that you are pinging from02:18
stratagem_botpowerline adapters are between my desktop pc upstairs, and my router downstairs02:18
stratagem_botbox pinging from02:18
stratagem_botmy iphone cnonected wireless will show signs of packetloss/latency02:19
rhpot1991I'd start eliminating parts02:19
rhpot1991powerline can be an issue02:19
rhpot1991stock firmware on the router?02:19
stratagem_botit's updated to the latest ASus provides02:19
stratagem_botbut I'm thinking about giong dd-wrt02:19
* rhpot1991 runs openwrt02:20
stratagem_botbetter than dd-wrt?02:20
rhpot1991I'd eliminate the powerlines first02:20
stratagem_botI have no experience with either02:20
rhpot1991bad wiring or something could be causing issues02:20
rhpot1991I like it, but if you aren't comfortable with messing around some it may not be for you02:21
stratagem_botwish I could run a line down the wall, but can't really go digging behind these ancient center city warehouse walls02:21
rhpot1991its normally pretty painless to go back to the stock firmwares so you could give it a try and see02:21
rhpot1991have return vents anywhere?02:21
rhpot1991I ran a wire from floor to floor through a return vent pretty easily, then hid it under my baseboards02:22
rhpot1991you can try asking in #hdhomerun, they can do some debugging on the units but I'm not sure if they can help at all with this issue02:22
stratagem_botreturn is at the end of the hallway.  there is ducting but everything is in awkward spots.  plus the ceilings are high.  and the studs are metal with those boxes crimped to the side of them. I'd have to start cutting nit othe wall, and trying to rundown the side somehow assming there is a space to go down totthe first floor.02:23
stratagem_botThe weird thing is that none of the recordings have issues really.  all seem to come ni clearly02:25
stratagem_botunless t here is really high fault tolerance02:25
stratagem_bottaking QAM from cable line02:25
stratagem_botI have a laptop up here that connects wireless that also experiences the packet loss02:26
stratagem_botwhich is why I didn't think the powerline adapters were the culprit02:26
stratagem_botI just need to do some thorough testing.  and begin eliminating things.02:27
rhpot1991ya sounds like the router/network02:30
=== Gibby is now known as Gibby_away
gandalfcomeI am trying to use flash streaming on my mytbuntu 10.04 running mythweb. Do i need to install special packages?08:42
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[Vex]halp! I need help getting my remote working... anyone? I have iMon Knob, mythbuntu maverick11:29
[Vex] how do I configure the buttons on the remote, now that they stopped using lirc and shifted to using input/event ?11:30
[Vex]or how do I switch back to using lirc?11:30
rhpot1991[Vex]: well you have 2 options14:31
rhpot19911. ignore lirc it really isn't needed14:31
rhpot19912. configure lirc as a devinput14:31
[Vex]I'd love to skip lirc ;)14:31
[Vex]but... how do I configure my remote then?14:32
rhpot1991[Vex]: should just work, and it should send keys to the system, then you just need to make sure they match up with the mythtv keybindings14:32
[Vex]how do I "read" the keys?14:32
[Vex]earlier I used irw14:34
rhpot1991[Vex]: looks like there is a command evtest14:34
rhpot1991which should help you14:35
[Vex]then I could see what came in, and could configure lirc14:35
rhpot1991more like see what comes in then change the bindings in mythtv to match14:35
[Vex]would be fine too ;)14:36
rhpot1991if you want to have lirc in the middle, configure it as a devinput and then you can use lirc as the middleman and avoid changing the mythtv key bindings14:36
[Vex]would be easier, since I have the config-files14:38
[Vex]then I just need to figure out how to do that ;)14:39
rhpot1991well you'd be overwriting them all14:39
rhpot1991fire up MCC14:39
[Vex]got backup14:39
rhpot1991choose devinput, click the generate dynamic button mappings and run14:39
rhpot1991then see what works with irw14:39
[Vex]ok, thx.... installed lubuntu and mythtv earlier, but might just go back to mythbuntu14:41
rhpot1991[Vex]: the packages are the same either way so it shouldn't matter14:47
rhpot1991you can install mythbuntu-control-centre on ubuntu and use it there14:48
[Vex]I did14:49
[Vex]all you said, but irw reports nothing14:49
[Vex]I can't select devinput, only Infrared14:50
rhpot1991[Vex]: your last words make no sense14:54
[Vex]sry ;)14:54
[Vex]rhpot1991: in mythbuntu-control-center, you said to choose "devinput"14:55
[Vex]is that "Infraed" ?14:55
[Vex]I can't find anywhere, where it sais "devinput"14:55
[Vex]sry if I'm being stupid....14:55
rhpot1991ya on the infared tab14:56
rhpot1991then choose devinput as the remote type14:56
rhpot1991and click the generate dynamic button mappings14:56
rhpot1991then hit apply14:56
[Vex]"Linux input layer (/dev/input/eventX)" right?14:58
[Vex]now something happended....15:00
rhpot1991checking on that to make sure15:01
rhpot1991yep that should be right15:01
[Vex]now I can move the mouse, using the 4 direction-buttons...15:02
[Vex]Am I remembering wrong if i say that irw used to report stuff like "Caption", "Stop", "VolDown" etc ?15:03
rhpot1991[Vex]: should report button presses15:04
rhpot1991some of those remotes have a mouse and keyboard mode, try toggling that15:05
[Vex]oh.... so it's a mouse....15:05
[Vex]THX rhpot199115:09
[Vex]after a reboot, the remote for my iMon Knob works! now I "just" need to reconfigure my Logitech Harmony15:10
rhpot1991[Vex]: good to hear15:13
[Vex]now something else is wrong... darn15:14
[Vex]need mythbuntu-repos15:18
drifting-on-a-drWould it be appropriate to link to the Mythbuntu forum ?16:37
rhpot1991drifting-on-a-dr: in here?16:38
drifting-on-a-drYes, I have been fighting with this ongoing tuner problem, and thought a more through explanation on the website would be wise (My post)16:39
rhpot1991drifting-on-a-dr: its generally a good idea to do a forum thread if you aren't getting help here, more eyeballs there16:43
rhpot1991feel free to link it in here16:43
drifting-on-a-drThat is what I have done, not got many replies their either, getting desperate now, losing loads of the GF's series not recording.16:44
drifting-on-a-drThank you :- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160234816:58
Zinn[ubuntuforums.org]  Tuner problems Mythbuntu 8.4 to 10.4 upgrade, also possible database corruptio - Ubuntu Forums16:58
drifting-on-a-drThats the one16:58
gregLHow would I get the backend upstart job to restart from the command line?16:58
tgm4883gregL, service mythbackend restart17:04
tgm4883or it might be17:04
tgm4883service mythtv-backend restart17:04
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gregLtgm4883, Thanks...I have googled for the proper command and couldn't find it...17:06
rhpot1991sudo restart mythtv-backend17:16
rhpot1991gregL: tgm4883 ^17:16
rhpot1991thats how I do it17:16
tgm4883rhpot1991, that would work too17:19
gregLFor some raeson none of those commands work for me.. I get this error :   restart: Unknown instance:17:24
gregLer reason17:24
rhpot1991try start?17:27
rhpot1991it may not be running17:27
tgm4883or status17:27
rhpot1991ya check status too17:27
rhpot1991assuming you are on 0.23 or greater?17:27
tgm4883although restart should start it if it is not running17:27
rhpot1991tgm4883: ya I thought so17:27
tgm4883gregL, define trunk?17:27
tgm4883Cause there is only one release I know that we have trunk builds for, and it hasn't released alpha1 yet17:28
gregLMythTV Version   : 2694617:28
tgm4883gregL, are you compiling this yourself?17:29
rhpot1991thats prob why17:29
tgm4883are you using our packaging?17:29
tgm4883what happens if you do this17:30
tgm4883service mythtv-backend17:30
gregLmythtv-backend: unrecognized service17:31
tgm4883what about this17:31
gregLI think you hit it...I get this error: /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend: No such file or directory17:33
gregLI have something clearly goofed up..I will have to investigate further..Thanks17:34
rhpot1991I'm confused why aren't you using our autobuilds?17:34
gregLI have been self compiling for a few years...17:35
gregLThe upstart script is from mythbuntu...17:36
rhpot1991gregL: do you build with our packages or with mythtv source directly?17:36
rhpot1991sounds like you don't have our upstart script in place then17:36
tgm4883yea you don't have either script17:36
tgm4883gregL, is there a reason you are self compiling?17:36
gregLI have the one that was on the mythbuntu cd..17:36
gregL I got into self compiling when the HD-pvr came on the scene..17:37
rhpot1991gregL: should look into autobuilds, we do all that work for you now :)17:37
tgm4883s/now/have been for years17:38
gregLYeah, I know,but you never learn anything if someone else does all the work....It's a great service you provide...17:38
gregLThanks, for pointing me in the right direction....17:40

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