
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
alouriegood morning10:01
buxyHi, who is behind all the latest twitter/Ubuntu_OS stuff on facebook/twitter/identi.ca?10:26
alouriebuxy: what kind of stuff? There are many things going on there...10:29
buxyalourie: the new @Ubuntu_OS on twitter, the new @ubuntuos on identi.ca, the facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Twitter-Ubuntu_OS/160745310624742 that got promoted on the main ubuntulinux page10:31
buxyBTW who is responsible/admin on the official facebook page http://www.facebook.com/ubuntulinux10:32
buxyALso it's not clear where is the place to be if you want to interact with the team10:49
buxyReading https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news-team/2010-October/001186.html mentions moving to stuff hosted on @gmail.com for mailing lists ??10:49
alourieI think Amber (akgraner) should answer some of these questions11:07
alouriebut she's probably sleeping now11:07
alourieor busy with UDS11:07
akgranerHi all16:28
akgranerbuxy great questions16:28
akgranerI don't know who is behind that particular twitter feed you are referring to16:28
akgranerbuxy, no we have some gmail emails until we can get the ubuntu.com ones in place but we don't really ask people to send to them..  (prob need to pull that from the documentation til that gets sorted)16:32
akgranerOh crap the wrong email for the team is on that mailing list16:35
alouriehi Amber!16:35
akgraneralourie, hey16:35
akgranerIf someone can check the wiki page to make sure the team mailing list ubuntu-news-team@ubuntu.com that would be great16:35
akgranerthe only gmail one that should have been listed was the editor one - sigh16:36
alourieakgraner: on which wiki page? On the current issue?16:38
akgraneralourie, news team wiki  - NewsTeam and UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter16:38
akgranerI'll check in a few just in the middle of something atm16:39
alourieUWN wiki page doesn't have it16:40
akgranerone sec16:41
alourieso I must be missing something16:41
akgranernope you're correct16:41
akgranerOh these wikis need to be fixed :-)16:41
akgranerhey guys -  who is up for looking through issue 215 and seeing what should go into General Community News16:45
akgranerhighvoltage, :-)16:46
alourieakgraner: note that UDS is coming? :-)16:46
alourieor, rather began...16:46
Pendulumakgraner: I can after this session16:46
akgraneralourie, I just had to tend to something else yesterday so I am a day behind :-/16:59
* highvoltage takes a look17:37
* highvoltage also just found out that his US visa got approved (if only it could have happened a week earlier!)17:37
highvoltageeek, I'm being called (brb)17:38

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