
Seeker`so, with all of the documenting the IRCC has been doing over the last 10-11 months, where is the definition of who gets to be a core op written down?00:01
nhandlerSeeker`: An email was sent out requesting people to add their ideas to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/DefiningCoreOps00:02
Seeker`so we have the team structure set up for what is an as yet undefined term00:03
nhandlerSeeker`: Not really. None of the recent changes to LP have had anything to do with that (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-ircops was created back in 2009)00:04
Seeker`so the team was created on LP00:06
Seeker`and over 10 months later, we still don't know who actually gets to be in it00:06
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from anonjlh)01:50
seidosSeeker`, what did i do wrong?01:51
Seeker`spamming someone with factioud like that isn't helpful01:51
Seeker`it won't help them stay calm01:51
seidoshis questions weren't helpful.  what would you recommend?01:51
Seeker`not spammign him with 3 factoids in 30 seconds01:52
seidosall right, i'll just ignore them from now on.01:52
Seeker`seidos: please can you part if there isn't anything else we can help you with01:54
Seeker`@bansearch AnonJLH01:56
ubottuMark: by FloodBot1 in #ubuntu on Oct 26 2010 00:50:48 (ID: 34419)01:56
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (AnonJLH appears to be abusive - 5)01:58
ubottublakkheim called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:58
IdleOnehad a feeling that was coming :(01:58
tonyyarussonhandler keeps spamming me through Launchpad :S02:05
IdleOneban him02:06
IdleOnewarn him first02:06
IdleOnethen ban him!02:06
tonyyarusso!spam | nhandler02:08
tonyyarussostupid ubottu02:08
* nhandler gets out his ban and kline hammers ;)02:09
IdleOnehaha, that is not right02:09
IdleOneyou can't wield both hammers, not fair02:09
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
mamasanHey any ops around?03:27
IdleOneHow can I help you Mamarok03:27
IdleOnesorry Mamarok03:27
mamasanI just came on this network to ask some questions about the netbook 10.1003:28
mamasanbut it seems that #ubuntu unable to join channel (address is banned)03:28
mamasanand this is my first visit to this net03:28
h00kubottu: where are you.03:28
ubottuThe operation succeeded.03:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:28
IdleOnemamasan: your ident contains an undesirable word. the bots auto ban for that03:29
mamasanmy bad :/03:29
IdleOnechange that and you should be able to join03:29
mamasanthanks alot03:29
IdleOnesure thing03:30
KB1JWQWhat a lovely chap.03:31
KB1JWQI'm sure he's positively brimming with useful contributions!03:31
IdleOnehe was polite, the nick/ident choice is yucky03:31
KB1JWQYeah, I just don't get why if "this is his first time to this network" he'd show up with that. :-)03:32
IdleOnewhy does anyone chose one nick over another03:33
KB1JWQWell "profanity in the ident string" just seems like a poor idea is all.03:33
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
MTecknologyI'm not sure if it got updated. My hostmask changed, any chance the ban in #ubuntu-offtopic could get updated?04:06
ubottuilovefairuz called the ops in #ubuntu (inbog)05:52
h00kWhy is my byobu so laggy. C'mon.05:53
h00kbazhang: thanks.05:53
bazhangh00k, imminent kline for him coming05:53
h00kbazhang: cool.05:53
ikoniaI'm not %100 but keep an eye on hayseus is looks like bacta home isp06:30
ikoniaand the religious comments fit in with his recent "jewkonia" relogious trolling06:30
IdleOnegoing to +q jasa he is just rambling nonsense06:44
IdleOnenapster: can we help you?06:44
ubottuilovefairuz called the ops in #ubuntu (AcidBarrel)06:45
IdleOnecan we remove napster from the channel please.06:48
napsterIdleOne: I was kicked out from #ubuntu because of my connection prblems06:58
napsterIdleOne: How can I rejoin?06:58
IdleOneyou should be able to join now06:59
IdleOnenapster: /join #ubuntu07:00
napsterIdleOne: thank you07:00
Jordan_UThere a small flame war in #ubuntu.09:31
ubottuGnea called the ops in #ubuntu (_F-117 is offtopic, drunk and trolling)11:18
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
ikonia11:38 <mondova> you think i want help from a mindless shithead like you?11:38
ikonianow spamming me 100+ times11:38
topylii guess he doesn't :)11:40
ikoniahe's got my number though11:40
topylii also like gnea's summary above :)11:40
ikoniayes, quite good11:40
ikoniaammussed me11:40
ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu (printf_1 foul language)13:08
elkyjussi, don't be tempting me to pull out cowsay and figlet...14:07
jpdsIdleOne: Haha, this will be fun.15:22
IdleOneforwarded here, he intentionally swore and parted channel after warning15:23
IdleOnejpds: what was going to be fun?15:25
=== andrewsinclair is now known as andrewsinclair-l
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm17:33
PiciI dug up my django factoid project today.17:34
jpdsHmm, Django.17:35
PiciYes, that.17:35
PiciI only had to change about 5 things for it to work with the current django trunk.17:35
PiciKB1JWQ: thanks for taking care of that :)18:42
KB1JWQPici: No worries.  Sorry if I stepped on toes, but it wasn't stopping.18:45
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (kn1017 appears to be abusive - 6)19:37
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (pplqywnq appears to be abusive - 6)20:26

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