
T0aDhi guys :)00:26
T0aDhi guys, im trying to upgrade a real old ubuntu server dist (6.10) and I encounter this error while trying to install libdevmapper: mkdir: cannot create directory `/dev/.static/dev/mapper': Read-only file system. Any suggestion welcome :)00:26
owhT0aD: How are you doing this upgrade?00:43
T0aDlike explained on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Edgy00:43
owhWhere in that process are you?00:45
T0aDat : sudo ./feisty --frontend DistUpgradeViewText --mode=server00:45
T0aDit downloaded all packages, it was to suppose to remove 1 package, upgrade some, install a lot00:45
T0aDit blocked at removing this single package libdevmapper00:46
T0aDyeah not installing my bad00:46
T0aDSetting up libdevmapper1.02 (1.02.08-1ubuntu10) ...00:46
T0aDmkdir: cannot create directory `/dev/.static/dev/mapper': Read-only file system00:46
T0aDdamn that sucks00:47
owhAre you running this off the machine itself, or did you boot from something like a live-cd?00:49
T0aDof the machine itself00:50
T0aDits in production00:50
owhThat sucks.00:50
owhIs this an LVM volume, or a crypt one?00:52
T0aDnope and nope00:52
T0aDa dummy software raid 1 on 1 single and unique partition00:52
T0aDi know nothing about this devmapper stuff00:53
owhIs the software raid Linux software raid, or a funky motherboard software fake raid?00:53
T0aDits mdadm00:54
owhIs the raid module loaded?00:54
T0aDits a monolithic kernel and the raid support is running fine it seems00:54
owhYour own kernel or a ubuntu one?00:55
T0aDmy own00:55
owhI *think* you might be missing a module that ubuntu expects.00:55
owhFYI, this is a *WAG*00:55
T0aDwag ?00:56
owhWild Ass Guess00:56
T0aDyeah I understand this is no easy issue00:56
T0aDI thank you for your trial though00:56
T0aDIm wondering if I shouldnt just buy a new box and migrate services but thats gonna be a pain in the ass00:56
owhHow much data is on this?00:57
T0aD200 gB00:57
T0aDbut it has a lot of stuff00:57
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owhGot a spare drive?00:57
T0aDa mysql server, a mysql proxy, a qmail install, a vpopmail dir, 10,000 websites of users, a hacked apache install, several CGIs binaries00:58
owhThis was never going to be easy was it :)00:58
T0aDan imap server, a ftp server, tons of crons, a dns server, Im probably forgetting stuff :)00:58
T0aDwell it would be easier if I had more specialized servers separated in farms :)00:59
T0aDbut im at the starting point so...00:59
T0aDwhat about the spare drive ?00:59
T0aDto copy the data ?00:59
owhYou could do a fresh install on a spare drive.01:00
T0aDon the same box you mean ?01:00
T0aDwhile the server is running ?01:01
owhHold up.01:01
T0aDlike how ? using virtualization or something ? i dont get you01:01
owhWhen you built your kernel, did you start with the ubuntu .config file in /boot?01:01
T0aDah you want me to spot the differences01:02
T0aD# diff -u /boot/config- /boot/config-  | wc -l01:02
T0aDhmpf :)01:02
owhThat would be helpful. But I'm wondering if you didn't fsk around too much, it may have also compiled the appropriate modules, just not loaded them.01:02
T0aDthere are no more modules01:03
T0aDmodules are for the weak !01:03
owhIs lvm installed?01:05
T0aDnot sure, but it isnt used01:06
owhdpkg -l | grep lvm01:06
owhDoes this help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62084201:07
owhBetter still: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70427301:09
T0aDwell the first topic is very cryptic01:10
owhI suppose the thing to take from it is, do you have any pinning set?01:10
owhFYI: I'm going to have to run in 5 minutes.01:10
T0aD"I've got lot work, and I've put lots of effort in this server. Reinstall and re-setup everything could take me longer than a month. For me it's not really a problem, however my boss don't share this opinion."01:10
T0aDlol, sounds like me :)01:10
T0aDpinning set ?01:11
T0aDsorry english ain't my native language01:11
owhHave a look in /etc/apt/preferences01:12
T0aDnice it seems the release process is always overwriting logs in /var/log/dist-upgrade01:13
T0aDls: /etc/apt/preferences: No such file or directory01:13
owhWhat about the second link I showed you?01:13
T0aDunfortunately not useful01:14
T0aDI still dont understand why its written post-installation in this log while it was telling me (I think now.. not so sure) it was about to remove it01:14
T0aDanyway, maybe I should unpack deb file and read this post-installation script01:15
owhI still think there is an issue with your kernel, with modules missing. Can you boot into a standard ubuntu kernel and do the upgrade from there?01:15
T0aDany reboot / downtime is risky01:15
owhReading the post-install script is a good idea.01:15
T0aDyeah I might just hack it and blow this stuff01:15
T0aDnow i just need to find how to do that01:16
T0aDdpkg -x it seems01:16
owhI should be back in a couple of hours, there are others here who might be better able to help.01:16
T0aDowh, I doubt it, but thanks for your time anyway :)01:17
owhkirkland: nijaba, have you got anything to add for T0aD's problem? Gotta run.01:17
T0aDwell dpkg -x doesnt help but it seems scripts are in /var/lib/dpkg01:19
T0aDlol all the postinst script does is that mkdir01:20
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T0aDalright hack successful01:30
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erichammond1What was that fix released recently that helps protect Apache2 servers from clients that connect but don't send a request (perhaps with a timeout)?  I have a custom Apache config that I think needs to have this applied quickly.03:24
T0aDwell apart from a firewall rule03:24
T0aDI dont see what 'fix' would be realsed03:24
T0aDiptables -I INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 80 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 12  -j REJECT03:25
T0aDtry that one03:25
erichammond1Ah, looks like mod_reqtimeout03:26
T0aDoh there is a module for that03:26
erichammond1though I can't find it in Karmic03:27
T0aDthats nice, and whats about other services ?03:27
T0aDthis module wont help you I think03:27
T0aDwell suit yourself03:27
erichammond1T0aD: Thanks, but I'm not sure that the connections are coming from the same IP address and the number of available server connections can easily be overwhelmed by not that many parallel connections that take a long time to send the request.03:28
T0aDwell there is nothing you can do then03:28
T0aDexcept configuring Timeout03:28
erichammond1If they don't send a request, I just want to time out on them and move on to the next request.03:28
T0aDits in the basic apache configuration03:29
T0aDim personaly using Timeout 3 and KeepAliveTimeout 303:30
erichammond1I'll give that a try.  I thought that perhaps Timeout did not kick in until the request started getting sent which was why the mod_reqtimeout patch was released.03:33
T0aDyou should read this module page and experiment03:34
T0aDTimeout 3 rocks anyway03:34
T0aDexcept for 14.400 bauds modems of course03:35
erichammond1T0aD: Yep, "Timeout 3" does not start the countdown until the first "GET" line is sent by the client.03:38
erichammond1T0aD: A client that connects and sends nothing, uses up an Apache child.03:38
erichammond1mod_reqtimeout looks like it solves that.03:39
erichammond1"Available in Apache 2.2.15 and later" so not in Karmic.03:39
erichammond1I wanted to upgrade that server anyway.03:40
T0aD<erichammond1> T0aD: Yep, "Timeout 3" does not start the countdown until the first "GET" line is sent by the client.03:40
T0aDhm yes it does03:40
erichammond1T0aD: I just tested it on my Apache 2.2.12 server and I can take much longer than 3 seconds to type in "GET /" and it's still listening.  If I type "GET / HTTP/1.0" it hangs up 3 seconds later.03:41
erichammond1What Apache are you using?03:41
T0aDhm maybe KeepAliveTimeout then ?03:42
erichammond1I have that low, too.03:42
T0aDwell I tried and its working fine here funny03:42
T0aDbut I have this setting for years03:42
T0aDdid you correctly restart your server ?03:43
erichammond1Since the 3 second timeout is now working after the "GET" (it had been set to the default of 300) I believe I did, yes.03:43
erichammond1This also appears to be how it is documented.03:43
T0aDhm maybe Im confused with another directive..03:44
T0aDno that should be it03:44
T0aDproceed to a full restart (not graceful) to experiment anyway03:45
T0aDroot@ns1:/tmp/tmpRktNYU# time nc 8003:45
T0aDinteresting, maybe its adding timeout+keepalivetimeout03:46
erichammond1T0aD: I'm off.  Thanks for your help.03:49
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uvirtbotNew bug: #666614 in samba (main) "package samba-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66661405:46
n8whnphey, I have a really dumb question about openldap in ubuntu server 10.1005:58
n8whnpI know that the transition has been made to the cn=config style configuration05:59
n8whnpis there any way to set the default password to connect and configure things. dpkg-reconfigure is not doing that05:59
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osmosispatdk-lap, why 100 for swappiness? other guides are telling me lower is better, like 10 or 0.06:28
z3ckaHello, I'm having a strange issue with my server, when logon through the terminal at tty1 the "Welcome to Ubuntu!" message is there twice, once for 10.10 and once for 10.4 … any ideas what would cause this?06:47
T0aDcat /etc/motd06:48
T0aDor issue or issue.net06:48
z3ckayep, that give me the welcome message06:49
T0aDholy crap06:49
T0aDupgrade to 8.04 breaks my klogd06:49
z3ckawell, the real issue is it says one use is logged into 10.4 and 0 users are logged into 10.1006:51
z3ckayet, eth0 has 10.10's ipaddress06:51
z3ckaso my network is confused06:51
T0aDi really start to think do-release-upgrade is a bad idea06:53
T0aDim currently upgrading a big production server from 6.10 to at least 8.0406:53
T0aDand this is hell06:53
z3ckaifconfig says eth0 is but my /etc/motd says eth0 is
T0aDwell who cares about motd anyway06:55
T0aD> /etc/motd06:55
T0aDand maybe motd is speaking of your old address06:55
z3ckai don't i'm just trouble shooting my network issue06:55
T0aDwell dont you worry06:56
T0aDmotd aint involved with networking06:56
z3ckaping 127.0.01 doesn't even resolve06:56
z3ckatrue, i think it gives me a clue as to what's going on06:56
T0aDtry w or who in that case06:56
z3ckaright, that tells me i'm logged in, but logged into what?06:58
z3cka10.10 or 10.4?06:58
z3ckais it possible that they are both running?06:58
z3ckamotd says i'm logged into 10.406:59
T0aD<z3cka> is it possible that they are both running?07:01
z3ckaso now that07:01
z3ckaso now that's funny to you?07:01
T0aDI havent laugh like that for a long time, thank you07:01
T0aDcheck out your logs07:02
T0aDIm not sure what your problem is exactly07:02
z3ckaproblem is, i'm getting an IP address network seems to not be functioning properly07:04
T0aDseems seems pretty clear07:05
z3ckawhich logs should i look at?07:06
z3ckabasically i get 100% packet loss no matter what ip i ping07:07
z3ckaeven 127.0.0107:08
T0aDifconfig should tell you which interfaces are up07:09
T0aDcheck that07:09
z3ckayep, all seems well there07:09
T0aDcheck sysctl icmp_echo to see if you re not ignoring pings07:10
T0aDit could be so many things, firewall, kernel07:10
z3ckaerror: "icmp_echo" is an unknown key07:11
T0aDsysctl -a | grep icmp_echo07:11
z3cka…icmp_echo_ignore_all = 007:13
z3cka…icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts =07:13
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z3ckawhat is eth0:metedata from ifconfig?07:20
eagles0513875|2hey guys any dovecot squirrelmail post fix experts in here07:22
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eagles0513875|2i followed the guidelines on the wiki for each of those and im having issues connecting to the imap server07:22
eagles0513875|2i have dovecot configured for imaps07:22
eagles0513875|2could that be the issue07:22
RoyKeagles0513875|2: with a self-signed certificate?07:35
eagles0513875|2RoyK: think i have isolated my issue to squirrelmail07:35
eagles0513875|2i have dovecot setup tp use imaps only how can i config squirrelmail to do the same thing07:35
eagles0513875|2RoyK: ^07:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #666625 in openldap (main) "slapd no longer installs default database since 10.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66662507:42
RoyKeagles0513875|2: don't remember - I haven't use squirrelmail for years - but then, if you run squirrelmail on the same host as dovecot, the only thing you'll need is a redirect from the sqm running http, right?07:47
RoyKas in <?php location('https://host.tld'); ?>07:47
eagles0513875|2ya i have it mostly setup i needed to do some configuration of squirrel mail a bit07:48
eagles0513875|2using sudo squirrelmail-configure07:48
eagles0513875|2to allow tls connection as well as use the imaps port07:48
RoyKas in <?php header("Location: https://host.tld'); ?>07:48
dubphilHello ! I have switched from Debian to Ubuntu and I would say that I'm quite happy, good work !07:50
dubphilWhen I put service squid stop on a script I have this error : exec: 129: stop: not found, how can I stop and start squid in a script ?07:52
dubphilwhere are the squid init scripts ?07:53
eagles0513875|2dubphil: it would have to be somethign like this07:53
eagles0513875|2sudo /etc/init.d/squid stop07:53
eagles0513875|2all startup shutdown and restart scripts are in /etc/init.s07:53
dubphileagles0513875|2: thats was the debian way, but there no more squid scripts in /etc/init.d07:53
eagles0513875|2dubphil: try sudo squid stop07:54
eagles0513875|2hey dubphil im gonna need your expertise with getting squid setup07:54
dubphileagles0513875|2: it is a script launched by root in a crontab07:54
dubphilyes tell me07:55
eagles0513875|2dubphil: where to begin lol07:55
eagles0513875|2dubphil: mind if i pm you07:56
RoyKdubphil: you won't notice much difference :)07:56
eagles0513875|2dubphil: basically is squid easy to setup07:57
eagles0513875|2im going to need it as im hosting a few sites and my server connectivity wise is quite fast, but sometimes it gets bogged down07:57
z3ckaT0aD: eucaluptus-cloud was causing the trouble08:02
dubphileagles0513875|2: yes it is quite easy but more complex scheme you need the more it will be difficult to setup ;)08:03
z3ckasudo apt-get remove eucaluptus-cloud did the trick08:03
z3ckaeth0:metadata went away08:04
z3ckafrom my ifconfig08:04
dubphilRoyK: yes for sure, the lonely difference for now is the localisation of the squid init scripts08:04
dubphilwhere damn are they ?08:04
RoyKsquid-langpack - Localized error pages for Squid08:05
dubphilRoyK: squid is working well, my problem is just to stop or start it in a root cronjob08:07
dubphileh I understand Iwould have not use "localisation" I ment "the place they stand"08:08
T0aD<z3cka> sudo apt-get remove eucaluptus-cloud did the trick08:12
RoyKapt-get remove --purge \* # :D08:14
* RoyK does not recommend that08:14
* T0aD wonders if RoyK thinks rm -fr / is funny too ?08:15
RoyKT0aD: that's far worse08:15
RoyKthat apt-get gives you a pretty good warning08:16
T0aDits still as funny as eddie murphy08:16
RoyKthat rm of yours doesn't08:16
* z3cka wonders if T0aD is really a troll08:16
* T0aD hides his hair08:16
T0aDz3cka, I just dont see why that is 'funny' :)08:17
z3ckaT0aD: i just don't see why you have to quote me and lol08:17
T0aDwell that was funny08:18
T0aDinstalling a cloud and having networking issues08:18
T0aDand removing it being called 'a fix'08:18
z3ckayou got me08:18
z3ckathat's true08:18
z3ckawell… i wasn't using it08:18
T0aDyeah, that was truly funny :)08:18
z3ckai'm sure is i installed it again it would probably work08:19
T0aDno idea, im still a cloud virgin08:19
* T0aD is the innocent little flower08:20
z3ckaplayed with it a bit on the local lan but didn't get far08:20
z3ckaand then the update seemed to break the rest of the network08:21
z3ckamore specifically added eth0:metatdata entry to ifconfig08:21
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z3ckaso i searched eth0:metadat and all i got was entries about problems with eucalyptus08:22
z3ckaso i removed it08:22
z3ckahense, fixed :-)08:23
T0aDyou cant trust software written by koalas08:23
z3ckaerrr *hence08:23
z3ckathat's true08:23
z3ckaor just Australians in general...08:24
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Zeu5hi there, i am at my devt machine. I ssh into my server. From my server, i am trying to do a git pull from a public repo like projectlocker. I am always prompted for my ssh passphrase. i followed this but i am still prompted. please advise.http://help.github.com/working-with-key-passphrases/08:40
twbIMO agent forwarding is evil and wrong08:42
twbI prefer -oProxyCommand08:42
twbAdmittedly it wouldn't help in your case...08:42
twbZeu5: that article doesn't seem to mention agent forwarding.  Do you have it on, or off?08:43
twbZeu5: btw, if you're in an Ubuntu desktop environment, ssh-agent is started automatically when you log in, so you can skip that step.08:44
Zeu5twb: this is my config file08:49
Zeu5this is my config file in ~/.ssh  http://gist.github.com/64642608:49
Zeu5twb: does that indicate whether i have agent-forwrading on?08:49
twbAnd you're running "ssh staging"?08:50
Zeu5twb: i am actually trying to get capistrano working. but somebody told me to do this. so i did so. if it s wrong i will gladly remove it08:50
twbcapistrano is a hostname?08:50
Zeu5capistrano is a deployment tool08:51
Zeu5twb: let me go remove the config file first08:51
twbBleh, more ruby gank08:51
Zeu5twb: i am a ruby noob. more so than being a ubuntu noob. ha08:51
twbUnfortunately I have no idea what that tool does08:52
Zeu5its okie twb08:52
Zeu5right now i just want this ssh forwarding to work.08:52
twbRather than sshing into a server and doing a "git pull" there, I guess what I would do is "git push" to the server directly08:52
twbYou can try "ssh-add -l" to see what keys are enabled in your agent on each host08:53
twbNote that you need to run ssh-add [~/.ssh/id_rsa] to add a key to your agent.08:53
Zeu5is it safe for me to paste my output when i run ssh-add -ls08:54
Zeu5is it safe for me to paste my output when i run ssh-add -l ?08:54
twbA line like this is safe to publish: 2048 4d:cd:2c:5b:9f:a5:d1:cd:f6:f1:2f:30:f8:74:8b:47 /home/twb/.ssh/id_cyber (RSA)08:55
twbIt's basically the same as your public key08:55
twb(In terms of information disclosure.)08:55
Zeu5username@server:/var/www/abc.biz$ ssh-add -l08:56
Zeu52048 bf:8a:cf:e1:97:24:86:6d:8f:8a:f0:7b:86:17:5c:7f /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)08:56
Zeu5so am i doing everything correctly so far?08:56
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twbThat means "server" has your key usable in it08:57
twbSo it should work without prompting for a passphrase08:57
Zeu5twb: i am still prompted when i do a git pull from server08:58
twbWhat is the command you're running?08:58
Zeu5twb: http://gist.github.com/64650809:00
twbOK, for some reason it is ignoring /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa and trying to use /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa instead (or first).09:03
twbYou could try moving that key out of the way, but other than that you're going to have to ask #openssh, since this is where my experience with agent forwarding runs out.09:03
twb(You can also try just hitting ^D which will make it try the next key.)09:03
Zeu5twb: i apologise beforehand. i wanted to keep my username secret. its all ubuntu09:04
Zeu5twb: sorry for the misunderstanding09:04
Zeu5twb: i have to go off. will be back in an hour's time to try my luck again. thank you for your assistance. appreciate it. sorry for misleading you about my username. will definitely try #openssh as well09:07
twbWhich, kids, is why we you don't try to elide useful, non-compromising information from your tech support staff.09:08
MACscrany recommendation for resolving the following apt-get upgrade errors? http://pastebin.com/WByrVRjp09:13
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twbMACscr: turn -security back on?09:19
twblibssl-dev: Depends: libssl0.9.8 (= 0.9.8k-7ubuntu8.1) but 0.9.8k-7ubuntu8.3 is installed09:20
twb0.9.8k-7ubuntu8.3 comes from lucid-security and lucid-updates.09:21
twbThe fact that it's trying to install an older version suggests that either those components are disabled, or you haven't run "apt-get update" lately.09:21
twbI suppose it could also happen if you're using a binary package that needs a binNMU (i.e. it links against the obsolete version).  lucid-security should fix that, too.09:22
MACscrits enabled09:27
MACscrall the defaults are09:27
MACscrand i ran apt-get update right before i attempted the upgrade09:27
MACscrnvm, its working now. Weird09:29
MACscrsimple reboot seemed to fix it09:29
Zeu5hi there, i am at my devt machine. I ssh into my server. From my server, i am trying to do a git pull from a public repo like projectlocker. I am always prompted for my ssh passphrase. i followed this but i am still prompted. please advise.http://help.github.com/working-with-key-passphrases/09:49
mgolischZeu5: do you start ssh-agent ?10:18
Zeu5mgolisch: how do i do that?10:18
Zeu5i did notice that when i run "ps", there is no ssh-agent10:18
twbIt may be called "gpg-agent" (it can do both jobs).10:19
Zeu5twb: when i run ps all i see is ps and bash10:21
mgolischis ssh-agent installed at all?10:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #666682 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66668210:22
mgolischthis page you linked seems to add stuff to your shellconfig to start ssh-agent automaticaly10:22
twbthat's keychain's job, yeah10:22
twbExcept that if you do a GUI login to an ubuntu desktop, ssh-agent is already started automatically, and (I assume) agent forwarding means THAT agent is the one used on the remote server.10:23
Zeu5twb: i apologise. i am really not very good with this whole agent forwarding business. so are you saying tat i made a mistake in the first place?10:23
twbDamned if I know.10:24
twbI'm just saying that (AFAIK) if you login with gdm, you don't need keychain10:24
Zeu5twb: since i am sshing into server, i guess tat means i am not login using gdm yes?10:30
twbYou're using agent forwarding, so your local agent (started by gdm) will talk over the ssh link to *something*10:32
twbWhether that something is ssh (directly) or a remote ssh-agent (indirectly), I don't know.10:32
twbAs I said, I'm not a fan of agent/x11 forwarding.10:32
Zeu5twb: i see. thank you.10:34
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SAngeliI have ubuntu server 10.10 64 bit installed and have to install Conexant HSF softmodem driver for making hylafax work with my softmodem PCI card. It is a Conexant System modem. I am following this article http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/downloads-installer.php  but when I run the script I get this error: Package not compatible with your system. Kernet module can't be compiled11:04
SAngeliwhat do I have to do, please?11:04
RoyKcheck what distros are supported11:05
RoyK10.10 obviosly isn't11:05
RoyKor at least 10.10/6411:05
RoyKnot a very promising list11:06
RoyKno x64 at all11:06
RoyKI guess perhaps an x86 install of 10.04 or even 10.10 might work with the bottom one11:07
RoyKx64 will not work11:07
SAngeliRoyK, I have to find out if I can make hylafax work with my modem. I am not able to find any distro or a Hylafax IRC Chanel to ask. How can I make this work?11:11
SAngeliAny advice?11:12
SAngelieven by reinstalling ubuntu or another distro11:12
SAngeliRoyK, what if I install the 32 bit version of ubuntu 10.10? If not can I install a earlier verion of ubuntu server that wil be compatile with ?11:14
SAngelianyone can reply, pleaze11:22
adamk-plSAngeli: i would go for 32bit11:24
adamk-plof 10.411:26
twbApart from legacy / proprietary programs and specialist compilers, I see no reason to install i386 on an amd64 system.11:27
twb("specialist" meaning that it has one developer, and he's too overworked to port it to x86-64)11:28
SAngeliadamk-pl, can you please tell me where to download the 32 ver or ubuntu server 10.4, please11:37
SAngeliand thank you for your reply11:37
SAngeliadamk-pl, is it this one? Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS (Lucid Lynx)11:38
SAngeliadamk-pl, found it: http://mylayn.blogspot.com/2010/05/download-ubuntu-104.html11:39
twbSAngeli: uh, maybe you should try ubuntu.com; it probably has a download link on the front page11:39
adamk-pltwb: exactly !11:41
adamk-plmylayn links point to torrent files, so if you prefer torrent go for torrent, i think i still seed LTS11:42
evidentHi everybody! On my server I get dependency problems when calling apt-get upgrade: http://hpaste.org/40892/upgrade ... can anybody tell me how I can fix these?11:43
twbadamk-pl: I would trust any link I found on <random blog post>11:44
twbevident: please run "export LC_ALL=C" and re-run the command11:45
adamk-pltwb: sure11:45
twbevident: that will give it in English :-)11:45
twbevident: also, paste the *whole* output.  You can do this by running "script", which will make a copy into the file "typescript"11:46
evidenti annotated the paste with the full output (in english)11:46
twbOK, thanks.11:47
evident(other question: Will my outputs be in english forever now? If so: Great... been trying to do that for a while)11:47
twbThe procps issue shouldn't be happening; have you got bad entries in /etc/sysctl.conf?11:47
twbevident: only while you stay in the shell that you ran export LC_ALL=C in11:47
evidentaha ok11:48
twb"LC_ALL=C" means "use the C (none/us english) locale for all locale settings"11:48
twbSee "man 7 locale"11:48
evidentthis is my sysctl11:49
twbOK, that's strange.  You'll have to debug /etc/init/procps.conf11:49
garymcis there a room for help with setting up an SSL web serveR?11:53
evidenthow would I debug this? Do you see anything strange in there?11:53
garymcor converting my current one to SSL11:53
twbgarymc: did you check the ubuntu server guide?11:55
twbgarymc: also, your existing httpd probably has documentation on the subject.11:55
dubphiltwb I don't think so :)11:55
dubphilit always afraid people to deal with ssl11:56
twbevident: sorry, I don't really want to deal with upstart.  It's fucking annoying.11:56
evidentok thank you anyways11:56
twbevident: however, it does look like that's the only error there -- everything else is just complaining because it wants procps to finish first.11:57
evidenthmm ok... I'll try and see if I can find a way to fix it... thanks11:58
twbYou can bug #upstart about it, too11:58
megaTarzanhello. I have iptables error while starting virt-manager local connexion's default network12:22
garymcDo I have to purchase an SSL certificate?12:30
twbgarymc: no.12:31
garymcIm told by the bank i need an intermediate SSL certificate12:31
twbSSL is an hierarchical, asynchronous crypto/auth infrastructure.12:31
twbIt allows anyone who has your public key to know that you're "you".12:31
twbIn the context of web browsing, however, your end users will only have your public key *in advance* if you get your keypair signed by someone they already trust -- i.e. a signatory in the browser's default trust list.12:32
twbThat basically means that you can either pay someone like instantssl or verisign, or inconvenience your end users.12:33
twbThe latter is usually referred to as a "self-signed certificate"12:33
garymcso if I get a verisign. That cost money? and would they set it up for me?12:34
twbYou pay for them to say "I trust garymc."12:37
twbWhich really means "I trust that garymc has a credit card and can afford to pay me $10/year"12:38
twbDon't mind me, I'm just pissed off about the hierarchical nature being hijacked as a license for verisign et al to print money.12:40
garymcyeah, Verisign seen as trusted now though :(12:42
garymcAnyone heard of 3D secure?12:59
garymcOk I dont want 3D secure13:01
twbIn practice nobody cares *who* signs your key, just as long as there's a hierarchy of trust that ends in something that's in the default list for firefox and ie13:02
twbI've heard the name instantssl(.com) being bandied about the office; I've never bothered to buy a cert myself, so I can't vouch for them personally.13:03
garymcHow can I tell if I have OpenSSL installed on my server?13:06
twbgarymc: dpkg -l, or some variation thereof.13:08
twbgarymc: in Ubuntu (and unix in general) there are two competing implementations: OpenSSL and GNUTLS.  Within Ubuntu each program is basically pre-compiled against one of the two; you don't get to pick which, but usually it should Just Work.13:10
yann2with likewise-open, how can I do an alias to allow user to authenticate using login instead of domain\\login ?13:16
twbIIRC that's proprietary software which isn't supported here13:19
twbThe native LDAP solution is OpenLDAP (server) and PADL libpam-ldap/libnss-ldap (client).13:19
twbOh, it appears to be GPL.13:20
mgolischyann2: did you read its documentation?13:30
yann2mgolisch, went through the 100 pages yes13:32
yann2scrolled through and didnt find anything in that direction :(13:32
twbSearching for Ubuntu 10.04 "Likewise Open" yields https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/likewise-open.html13:39
twbSo it's covered in the norma Ubuntu server guide.13:39
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mgolischyann2: so maybe read the link twb posted13:40
mgolischit covers that13:40
mgolischiam sure their documentation does too13:41
mgolischatleast i remember seeing that in there13:41
yann2ouch so that's what it meant13:41
yann2sorry I actually also read that page :(13:41
mgolischyou set the default domain13:43
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EgonisI want to use proxyarp in ufw, and can't seem to find a howto -- I have been using shorewall all this time for basic firewall, forwarding and arp proxying.14:51
taxhi there14:55
taxanyone overhere?14:55
pmatulistax: there are 297 people in this channel14:55
taxis there anyone that can help me configuring squid and dansguardian?14:57
taxsorry for my bad english14:57
pmatulis!ask | tax14:57
ubottutax: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:57
taxi'm having trouble installing squid and dansguardian15:00
garymcHi, ive just setup my server to use SSL but when i load up the https://www.mysite.com version. Firefox says this is an untrusted site. How do i get it to be a trusted site?15:14
patdk-wkget a real ssl certificate15:17
iceflatlinegarymc: you have to get a cert signed by a trusted authority. GoDaddy sells them pretty cheap.15:20
garymcgod damn15:20
iceflatlineIf this is more or less a private server, then I wouldn't worry about it. Just add the cert to FF list of trusted authorities and be done with it.15:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #666795 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.6 failed to install/upgrade: no hi ha cap seqüència en la versió nova del paquet - s'està abandonant" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66679515:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #666796 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.6 failed to install/upgrade: no hi ha cap seqüència en la versió nova del paquet - s'està abandonant" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66679615:31
SAngelisorry but I need help installing a driver for the modem15:47
SAngelihttp://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/install.php  this is what I am following15:47
SAngelii had ubuntu server 10.10 64 bit installed and now have 10.04 32 bit15:48
SAngeliI get the same error saying that I cannot install because the kernel module cannot be compiled15:48
SAngeliI need to install a No Pre-Compile package.15:49
SAngeliCould please anyone advice me what to do so that I can solve this issue and resume my work on this server?15:49
SAngeliI have a Conexant System softmodem (made by US Robbotics) and need the hsfmodem driver to be installed15:50
SAngeliPlease lelp15:50
cfairlesOn an 8-cpu machine, vmstat is reporting 30k context switches a second. So thats on avg 3.75k per cpu per second... sound a little high?15:51
SAngeliThis is whay I currently have: Distribution: Ubuntu 10.04.115:51
SAngeli  Kernel version: 2.6.32-24-generic-pae15:51
SAngeliKernel architecture: x8615:51
SAngeliand this is the error I get: ERROR: The generic package is not compatible with this system since kernel modules can't be compiled. There is also no pre-compiled package available for your kernel.15:52
SAngeli./precompiled-vs-generic: 29: let: not found15:52
uvirtbotNew bug: #658023 in eucalyptus "registration token computed incorrectly" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65802315:53
MTecknologyHow do I forcefully remove a broken package?15:55
SAngeliit seems this chanel is for the moment paused MTecknology  cfairles15:55
MTecknologyI tried aptitude purge package.. but the package is broken so it won't uninstall15:55
cfairlesMTecknology, have you tried dpkg -P ?15:57
MTecknologycfairles: nope, thanks :)15:59
SAngelihow can I solve my issue? Anyone has an advice?15:59
SAngelisolve the problem, myself.16:05
pmatulisSAngeli: what did you do?16:09
SAngelipmatulis, I start reading carefully as linux "always" writes you what is wrong and what you miss. not having so much experience with linux and being used to Microsoft GUI sometimes when I get errors I frick out rather than read. I had to install gcc16:11
pmatulisSAngeli: ok16:11
blackxoredhello everybody16:14
blackxoredI woke up this morning16:14
blackxoredand I though It is possible to bond a ethernet interface with a wireless one16:14
SAngeliI am reading and trying to check if I comunicate with my modem following this first part http://www.hylafax.org/content/Handbook:Basic_Server_Configuration:Checking_your_Modem  but it hangs at Connected. Is this ok to try on ubuntu? I type cu -l ttyS0  (ttyS0 being my PCI Internal modem) Or should I add sudo or ?16:14
blackxored*if* possible, how do you do it? and I'd get the same benefits as normal eth bonding: increased bandwith, HA, etc?16:15
alcyAnyone got a clue why I am getting "FATAL: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-22-server/modules.dep No such file or directory" ? This is in Virtualbox with 10.10 64-bit. Although I am able to login fine and everything else is working, but still, anyone faced this before ?16:19
\shblackxored: where do you have a "increased bandwidth" with16:23
ChmEarlalcy, only in chroot have I ever got that msg, usually when trying to initramfs16:23
\shbonding? (aka bond-mode 2)16:23
alcyChm this is on a i7 cpu, so just to check I increased the no. of cpus to 8, and it works. not sure how bad a setting that is though.16:24
ChmEarlalcy, using $(uname -r) in chroot16:24
alcyuh ChmEarl16:24
alcyChmEarl: might also just be vbox specific issue. will see if I run into problems.16:26
SAngeliIs setserial a good tool to test the internal modem? Anyone knows? When I use cu it hangs16:28
SAngeli<patdk-wk>  this is wehre I got it: http://www.hylafax.org/content/Handbook:Basic_Server_Configuration:Checking_your_Modem16:30
patdk-wkoh, that cu16:30
patdk-wkya, cu is like telnet for modems16:30
SAngelibut it hangs after I run it16:30
SAngeliit stops at Connected16:31
patdk-wkit should16:31
patdk-wkmodems only talk back16:31
patdk-wkdid you type at and hit enter?16:31
patdk-wkand are you sure your talking to the modem's serial port?16:31
SAngeliand how shuld I get the output of what the link displays?16:31
SAngeliI only typed: cu -l ttyS016:31
SAngeliit is wrong?16:32
SAngeliafter I hit enter I get Connected. then I am unable to see or type anything16:32
SAngeli<patdk-wk> I need to make sure it works and verify its class to make sure it is for fax modem and not data16:33
patdk-wkare you sure ttyS0 is your modem? normally it isn't16:36
patdk-wksetserial -a /dev/ttyS0 might give you some info16:36
patdk-wkbut if I remember right, you where using a softmodem16:36
SAngeliit is not a serial modem. It is a PCI modem patdk-wk16:38
SAngeliyes, it is a softmodem and ttyS0 is for PCI modmes as I read.16:38
SAngeliI also have another modem, much older still PCI made by 3Com. Who knows if it is a softmodem or not.16:39
SAngeliyes, it is another winmodem16:40
patdk-wkyou don't have pci modems :) you might have a modem with a pci interface16:40
patdk-wkbut all modems are serial based (well a few are parallel but not many)16:40
SAngeli<patdk-wk> sure. This is what i was intending to say16:40
patdk-wknow softmodems are just soundcards, and require a program to convert16:40
patdk-wkbut I would find it very very unlikely it's using ttyS016:41
patdk-wkwhat does setserial -a /dev/ttyS0 say?16:41
patdk-wkfor the first line?16:41
SAngeliI have to install it first16:41
SAngeli<patdk-wk> here is the outpup: /dev/ttyS0, Line 0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 416:42
SAngeli Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 016:42
SAngeli closing_wait: 300016:42
SAngeli Flags: spd_normal skip_test16:42
patdk-wkya, that so can't be your modem16:44
patdk-wkwhat /dev/tty* devices do you have, that don't start with numbers?16:44
SAngeli<patdk-wk> here is the answer (if I did right):16:46
patdk-wkthose sound much more promising :)16:46
SAngeliI can use scanModem as this article https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/ScanModem  says16:46
patdk-wklooks like that connects to all nd looks for modems16:47
patdk-wkshould work16:47
SAngeliso what do I have to do to check the modem status and if it is working and its specs?16:48
sommerivoks: heh, I don't deny :-)16:49
sommerivoks: passion motivates is my point16:49
patdk-wkwell, I can't test that scanmodem thing, as I have no computers with modem in them at the moment16:49
ivokssommer: i know16:49
patdk-wk(and I refuse to load that bastard softmodem for intel hda) for my laptop16:50
patdk-wkbut once you know what device your modem is on16:50
SAngelipatdk-wk I am sure it is ttyS0 because if I test all other ttyS* I get unknown. Same as for ttySHSF*16:50
patdk-wkit's easy to send it the correct at commands to find it's abilities16:50
SAngelithe only one that repors properly is ttyS016:50
SAngelipatdk-wk OK. What command should I send to inquiry it?16:51
patdk-wkthat is the onboard serial port in your computer16:51
patdk-wkbeside that +fclass thing, there is the ati0 to ati9 commands16:51
patdk-wkbut just typing at <enter> should give you an OK or 0 reply16:51
SAngelican you please give me line by line from the start? I type at but what should I start with?16:52
SAngeliwith at I get: Garbled time16:52
SAngelipatdk-wk, what should I start with? I do not have experience with it16:55
SAngeliis it so hard to help me? I was almost there and suddently I am alone again17:01
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SAngeli<patdk-wk> I tried cu with the correct modem (as you said) being ttySHSF0 and got this message: Connected.17:11
SAngelicu: Got hangup signal17:11
SAngeli Disconnected.17:11
SAngeli<patdk-wk> any suggestion to complete my work or I have to sto hylafax as being installed and most likely running?17:12
uvirtbotNew bug: #666862 in samba (main) "shared folders doesn't think samba is installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66686217:17
uvirtbotNew bug: #663990 in vsftpd (main) "package vsftpd 2.2.2-3ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: 子进程 已安装的 post-installation 脚本 返回了错误号 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66399017:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #663336 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: 子进程 新的 pre-installation 脚本 返回了错误号 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66333617:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #661371 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common 2.2.14-5ubuntu8.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66137117:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #656813 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common 2.2.14-5ubuntu8.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65681317:52
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uvirtbotNew bug: #579736 in samba (main) "upgrade from hardy to lucid uninstalls samba" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57973619:11
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patdk-wkman I wish there was a version of zerofree for btrfs20:23
yann2sorry about going back to this : https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/likewise-open.html  - after installing likewise-open on 10.4 I dont have a /etc/samba directory - though the documentation suggest I change a file there to use a default domain. Any hints?21:08
yann2http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1430347 *sigh* :(21:18
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=== k56731 is now known as k5673
k5673Yo! 'Sup!21:39
k5673I'm having an issue with samba/ubuntu_9.04_server. I'm getting random files/folder's names truncated. But the contents of the files are allright. Any ideas?21:41
k5673 I'm having an issue with samba/ubuntu_9.04_server. I'm getting random files/folder's names truncated. Like FTHH9O~L, but the contents of the files are allright. Any ideas?21:41
taxdoes anyone know how is the syntax of ACL in squid3?21:43
k5673tax: what do you want to do?21:46
k5673tax: http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/SquidAcl21:47
* RoyK hands k5673 a beer21:49
RoyKk5673: what filesystem are you using?21:50
taxi try to make a squid and dansguardian21:50
taxand i'm stuck to the configuration of squid21:51
taxwhen i try to put the ip range of my localnetwork into squid.conf and allow it,21:52
taxi get this message and squid doesn'nt work21:52
tax2010/10/26 23:54:19| WARNING: Netmasks are deprecated. Please use CIDR masks instead.21:54
tax2010/10/26 23:54:19| WARNING: IPv4 netmasks are particularly nasty when used to compare IPv6 to IPv4 ranges.21:54
tax2010/10/26 23:54:19| WARNING: For now we will assume you meant to write /021:54
k5673RoyK: ext321:56
guntberttax: use /24 instead of /
RoyKk5673: reboot into single, or just init s, and fsck that21:57
k5673RoyK: I'll try it. It's my 1TB fileserver, in a highschool.21:58
k5673RoyK: the fail wrecked havoc among the teachers.21:58
RoyKk5673: if filenames are truncated, first check for data errors in dmesg21:59
RoyKif you have data errors, well, it's not your fault21:59
RoyKif it's ext3 fucking up, not your fault either21:59
taxcan you tell me what does 24 mean?21:59
k5673RoyK:I know, i know.21:59
* RoyK uses zfs for storage these days21:59
k5673tax: the network mask22:00
k5673tax: 24 stands for
RoyKtax: => bits22:00
RoyKsimple addition22:00
taxok, try it at once22:01
guntberttax: If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:02
taxguntbert: soory, i'm new to irc22:04
guntberttax: no problem :) it just makes it easier to see your responses22:04
RoyK!tab guntbert test22:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:04
RoyKhm... didn't work too well22:05
RoyK/me uses the old commands22:05
taxk5673: it works22:05
Picitab is a key on your keyboard...22:05
taxthanx to RoyK too22:06
k5673tax: OK22:06
taxk5673: so the proxy is working, but my goal is to make it work with dansguardian22:07
taxand to make it transparent22:07
k5673k5673: in order to make squid transparent, use http_port 8080 transparent, where 8080 is the port which squid is listening22:08
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taxk5673: I try to find how it works and i will post back here if i have some trouble22:09
k5673k5673: and you have to add the rules.22:09
k5673k5673: i have a running squid setup, but with iptables. I've never user dansguardian.22:09
k5673k5673: i can share my squid.conf with you.22:10
k5673k5673: want to see?22:10
guntbertk5673: don't talk to yourself :-)22:10
RoyKthe port isn't important, but you'll need to configure squid to allow transparent connections where squid plays the webserver22:10
taxk5673: ok22:11
k5673tax: Just redirect all the web traffic from/to your firewall to the squid22:12
=== SasaGloc is now known as SasaGloc_afk
* SasaGloc_afk is away: Gone away for now22:12
taxk5673: the aadvantage of dansguardian is that it can blacklist some sites22:13
taxk5673: i tried to make it with firestarter, but it doesn't work fine22:15
taxk5673: but i have to keep it working because it was the only way to share internet connexion that was working for me22:15
k5673tax: http://pastebin.com/bRxzjmSF22:16
taxk5673: thank you22:17
=== SasaGloc_afk is now known as SasaGloc
* SasaGloc is back.22:18
* RoyK runs22:18
k5673tax: and my iptables script http://pastebin.com/6XSrLZzH22:19
k5673This one is important...22:20
k5673tax: i thing you can do a lot just using iptables.22:20
k5673tax: i'm managing 200 users and 8 servers with squid and iptables22:21
k5673In a common PC22:21
taxk5673: wow!22:24
RoyKwhat did I miss_22:24
taxk5673: can you have a traffic monitoring?22:24
k5673tax: Evil, isn't.22:25
k5673tax: AND, if you wank to see what your peers are looking, just tail -f /var/log /squid/access.log22:25
k5673Nope. No more pizza for RoyK. Sorry.22:26
taxk5673: what do you mean by 'tail'?22:26
k5673tax: Sorry.22:26
k5673tax: tail -f /var/log /squid/access.log22:26
k5673tax: tail is a command22:26
taxk5673: ok22:27
k5673tax: to see the end of a file, and the -f switch makes tail follow the file in progress.22:27
taxk5673: i get an error22:28
k5673tax: let's see.22:28
tax==> /var/log <==22:28
taxtail: Erreur lors de la lecture `/var/log': est un dossier22:28
taxtail: /var/log: ne peut déterminer la fin de ce type de fichier; abandon sur ce nom22:28
taxtail: Ne peut ouvrir `/squid/access.log' en lecture: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type22:28
taxk5673: sorry22:28
k5673tax: the file doesn't exist22:29
Piciget rid of the space between /var/log and /squid/access.log22:29
taxk5673: do i have to create it?22:29
k5673tax: do not worry22:29
k5673tax: no, the file is created by squid22:30
taxk5673:it was the space22:30
taxPici:Thank you22:30
Picitax: no problem22:30
guntbert!pastebin | tax (lesson 2 :-))22:31
ubottutax (lesson 2 :-)): For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:31
taxguntbert: sorry, didn't know22:32
guntberttax: don't worry - this channel is rather quiet :-)22:33
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taxback here after a few hours squid is not transparent23:28
taxPici: do you know how to configure dansguardian?23:29
Picitax: Sorry, no. :/23:30
taxPici: and what about to make squid transparent?23:30
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=== Pilif12p|afk is now known as Pilif12p

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