
=== mukul is now known as mukul_afk
=== dfarning_afk is now known as dfarning
grantbowdfarning: hello02:50
dfarninggrantbow, hello02:51
grantbowI'm at UDS.  What do I need to know about the work of running Sugar on Ubuntu and Ubuntu on the XO?02:51
dfarninggrantbow cool.02:52
grantbowI have a 1.5 I will be showing off this week02:53
grantbowthough it will be better if I can run Ubuntu on it02:53
dfarninggrantbow in maverick you should just be able to install 'ubuntu-sugar-remix'02:54
grantbowusing a ppa?02:55
dfarninggrantbow, the guys from puppy linux have done some work trying to make puppy run on the xo.  We really haven't started working getting ubuntu to run on the XO02:55
grantbowah, ok02:55
dfarninggrantbow, Ubuntu-sugar-remix is in universe.02:55
grantbowhow stable is it?02:55
dfarninggrant there are some processor/firm ware quirks on the xo.x so we really need a system level guru to get ubuntu going on the xo.02:56
grantbowyeah, red hat's work has been significant02:57
dfarninggrantbow, it is pretty stable... the only thing really bad is the browser:(02:57
grantbowI heard that at olpcsf.org/summit this weekend02:58
dfarninggrantbow,  if you could it would be great if you could see about the plans for xulrunner vs. webkit.02:59
grantbowI can be in a room, but someone who knows more than I participating well remotely would get more out of it once we find the right session to attend on the schedule03:00
dfarninggrantbow, webkit is not stable enough yet  and support is spotty for xulrunner.  I think we just got caught in a squeeze while ubntu shifts.03:00
grantbowwhile the packaging work is underway? ok03:01
grantbowwhich session on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-n/ and which people do I need to talk with?03:01
grantbowdo you know?03:01
dfarninggrantbow, that would be great. lucian is the browse/surf maintainer.03:01
timClicksgrantbow, I recommend running ubuntu-sugar on something that runs sugar04:10
timClickserr ubuntu04:10
timClicksthe XOs are cute, but can be a pain for demos04:11
timClicksbecause they run fairly slowly04:11
timClicksplus their screens are quite small, which doesn't lend itself to letting lots of people view what is happening04:11
timClickswhere is UDS this year?04:11
grantbowOrlando, FL04:13
grantbowday 1 just concluded a few hours ago04:13
grantbowtimClicks: thanks for the hint.  I'll see what I can dod04:14
=== manusheel is now known as manusheel_afk
=== manusheel_afk is now known as manusheel
=== dfarning is now known as dfarning_afk
grantbowanyone else at UDS?14:34
=== dfarning_afk is now known as dfarning
* grantbow waves from the Ubuntu Developer's Summit in Orlando.18:47
grantbowanyone else at UDS?18:48
=== mukul_afk is now known as mukul
=== mukul is now known as mukul_afk
grantbowdfarning: the Gesture Support in GTK/GNOME Applications session was moved to tomorrow at 4:15 http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-n/2010-10-27/21:33
grantbowblueprint is at https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdevs-dx-n-gesture-support-in-applications/21:34

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