
EladI recently noticed that my server had more processes running than normal so I did 'ps ax' and noticed that I have probably 100-150 pop3-login processes running... there are only like 20 users that have access to email on that box and only about 10 of those users use the email. How do I get rid of the processes? I did a 'killall -I pop3-login' but within ms they return, and show up as a 'new auth connection' in the syslog00:00
pr0xyWill Gnome 3 be available in Maverick Meerkat?00:00
ron_anyone have any idea when i dual monitor i can only mirror, not dual and i get lines when i do?00:01
jacksonr_Pr0xy install gnome shell00:01
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ZykoticK9pr0xy, there is "gnome-shell" the interface for gnome300:01
pr0xyMaverick Uses Gnome 2.3200:01
semperbob@ron, does your video card require any proprietary drivers?00:02
gasullslidinghorn, aeon-ltd: I go to System->Preferences->Network Proxy->Manual Proxy Configuration->Use the same proxy for all protocols, and set the proxy there.  It doesn't work.  The proxy is working for Firefox with Foxyproxy extension.00:03
gasullsorry, typed that out of my readline00:03
MagusOTBpr9xy: I would assume it'll be in once it's stable, isn't it slated for release in april or something?00:03
pr0xyGnome 3 should be out in april 2011, just in time for Natty Narwhal. I answered my own question :P00:03
jacksonr_gnome shell is going to be what gnome 3 will be. It can be installed through a ppa or git repository00:03
SalahGoHi, anyone could help me on "make" command?00:04
jacksonr_try ./make00:04
pr0xyok. Should I add KDE over my standard GNOME-ubuntu install, or start from scratch with Kubuntu?00:04
Hrimfaxianyone know a sysinfo plugin for xchat? (similar to darkengine for mIRC)00:04
SalahGoi got Atlantis plugin src files for Compiz00:05
SalahGo& i can't compile them00:05
x0rswould it be easy to create a bash script to run just 1 command? I want to send the command to transfer data via rsync00:06
pvl1is there a way to get sh tab complete script option00:06
pvl1x0rs, yes extremely00:07
x0rspvl1: do I just start script with !#/bin/bash and then follow that with my command?00:07
x0rspvl1, sorry new to scripting00:07
ubuntuhow do I mount a raid drive in the terminal?00:08
MagusOTBDoes anybody know how to change the resolution of the login screen?00:08
pvl1x0rs, its ok im not that great at it either, but i personally prefer /bin/sh but yeah pretty much00:08
Guest97378<Aro> ow ._.00:08
MagusOTBit's stuck at 800x600 since I insalled ati driver00:08
x0rspvl1, thanks =)00:08
pvl1x0rs, actually its #!/bin/bash00:08
x0rspvl1, yeah, i noticed that after i hit send =P thank you00:08
pvl1x0rs, also be sure to remember to make the script executable with a chmod, and no problem00:09
pr0xyI'm stuck with the ugly nomodeset plymouth thing. can I add customized Plymouth startup screens?00:09
x0rspvl1: excellent, thanks much00:09
metap0dHi everyone, whenever I login to Ubuntu I am prompted to enter my password for 2 separate keyrings ... I'm completely new to Linux/Ubuntu and I'm not sure how to turn them offf00:10
pr0xymetap0d, are you admin?00:10
pvl1metap0d, do u want to turn off both passwords? they keyring will be a bit moer diffiult, is this a wireless laptop00:10
goltoofgot this mouse issue where i can't click anything, comes back after a minute or two.  please halp!00:11
MaahesI keep having my touchpad driver keep losing sync which blanks out the screen and can cause xorg to crash, is there any way to fix this permanently? doing sudo rmmod / modprobe psmouse works for a few minutes00:11
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pvl1goltoof, look at ur logs00:11
mbeierlwhy is mp3 ripping so incredibly slow in rhythmbox/meerkat?00:11
goltoofMaahes, same boat, not same issue.  bamboo pad is bugging out my system00:11
Olytibarhi, I want to get information about a video file in the shell (eg length). How can I do so?00:11
ActionParsnipmbeierl: try a different app00:12
metap0dpr0xy: As far as I know I am the admin ... whenever I do anything that requires sudo I have the password00:12
goltoofpvl1, any one in specific?00:12
mbeierlActionParsnip: which one?00:12
metap0dpvl1: I'd like to turn both off and no it's a wireless desktopp00:12
ActionParsnipOlytibar: try mencoder or mplayer (i believe they can show details)00:12
ubottuFor information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar00:12
stalkeri zero'd a drive then parted and formatted it with mkfs.ntfs, it was being reconized though, so i tried parting and formatting with a variety of windows disc utils, and now it locks up my linux and windows systems if i plug it in (its a external usb) any ideas????00:12
MagusOTBOlytibar: check out mplayer's options, I think it has one that does that.00:12
pvl1goltoof, syslog first, messages, kernel maybe00:12
stalkerits wasnt being reconized***00:12
ActionParsnipmbeierl: soundjuicer looks ok00:12
pvl1metap0d, well you can enable an autologin if you like, that sonly for the first login screen00:12
pr0xyok. what kind of computer do you have metap0d?00:13
goltoofpvl1, hmm.. guess it's about time to learn myself what logs do what00:13
metap0dpvl1: Oh I like being prompted for my user password when I login to Gnome  ... but it prompts me for 2 separate keyrings after I login and those are what i'd like to disable00:13
ubuntubecause it says its mounted, but wont umount00:13
metap0dpr0xy: Just a standard desktop connected wirelessly00:13
pvl1goltoof, eh nto really, i just look at syslog msot of the time or search them all and take searh for what i need with keywords00:13
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pvl1metap0d, oh ok so its the 2 keyrings you would like to disable00:14
mbeierlActionParsnip: btw, it's not the encoding, it's the reading from the cd that's really slow...00:14
utopiahola a todos00:14
pr0xymetap0d, I need to help with dinner, pvll can help.00:14
utopiaalguien para charlar00:14
metap0dpvl1: Yep .. I am 99% sure one of them is for my wireless connection ... the other one I have no idea.00:14
goltoofpvl1,  where is syslog?00:14
ActionParsnipmbeierl: then try using hdparm to enable dma if its disabled00:14
rww!es | utopia00:15
ubottuutopia: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:15
SalahGoanyone could tell me the make command of this git clone?00:15
coraxxmetap0d: I can help you...cuz I now why ...and how to remove :-)00:15
SalahGogit clone git://anongit.compiz.org/compiz/plugins/atlantis00:15
mbeierlActionParsnip: sorry - it's not the drive speed that's slow, it's the paranoia or something....00:15
dw-anyone on ubuntu have or don't have trouble browsing the AdSense control panel with FireFox?  all i get is a blank page00:15
metap0dpvl1: I managed to find a "Passwords and Encryption Keys" dialog but I don't want to edit/delete anything without being sure ... and I couldn't find an accurate google answer00:15
pvl1goltoof, /var/log         try something like cat /var/log/* | grep KEYWORD00:15
mbeierlActionParsnip: used to be able to turn off all the skips protection/etc.00:15
ActionParsnipmbeierl: then use a lower paranoia setting00:15
stalkeri zero'd a drive then parted and formatted it with mkfs.ntfs, it wasn't being reconized though, so i tried parting and formatting with a variety of windows disc utils, and now it locks up my linux and windows systems if i plug it in (its a external usb) any ideas????00:15
metap0dcoraxx: Oh? Please share : )00:15
mbeierlActionParsnip: that's the thing that I'm searching for.  don't know how to find it in rhythmbox or soundjuicer00:16
coraxxmetap0d: you need to remove "Default" ... and _KEEP_ "login" ...after that, you have to right click on login, as choose it as the default.00:16
pvl1metap0d, Go to Applications -> Accessories -> Password and Encryption Keys00:16
ActionParsnipmbeierl: http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109928900:17
coraxxmetap0d: restart ...and it should be fixed:  you might have to re-insert you wireless once more...but that should do it00:17
semperbobI'm having a weird problem -- rebooting doesn't seem to reset gdm properly00:17
dw-anyone on ubuntu with adsense ads running with probs under firefox in CP?00:17
mbeierlActionParsnip: of course!  gconf-editor!  why didn't I think of that ;)00:17
mbeierlActionParsnip: thanks!!00:17
ActionParsnipmbeierl: np bro00:17
metap0dcoraxx: Ok I'll restart and give it a go00:17
semperboblike, any settings that I create don't take effect unless I use the service gdm restart command even after rebooting the system00:18
metap0dpvl1: Thanks I'm there I'll brb!00:18
goltoofany idea what bkl-orbiter, bkl-investigator  would be used for?00:18
coraxxmetap0d: ok...see you it a bit then00:18
goltoofi know what it is, but what is it used for and how do i get rid of it?00:18
goltoofno man entries, or any info on how to remove bkl-orbiter/bkl-investigator00:18
Sean931i cant kill transmission, what should i do?00:18
pvl1goltoof, why do u think its anything to do with bkl00:19
ActionParsnipSean931: run:  ps -ef | grep trans    you can kill the PID00:19
iskinIn gconf>desktop>gnome>session>required_components_list, if I put gnome-do, and/or docky, will that cause it to reload if it closes?00:19
goltoofpvl1, separate question.. but bkl- got appeared on my system after installing wacom tablet drivers, which is when the mouse bug showed up00:20
MagusOTBgoltoof: looks like it has something to do with watching the FS for changes. I just googled it.00:20
Sean931ActionParsnip: still doesnt kill00:21
pvl1goltoof, oh ok jw00:21
ActionParsnipSean931: then use: kill -9 PID00:21
goltoofMagusOTB, not installed by default, i'd like to remove it but it might break something else00:21
Sean931ActionParsnip: i did00:21
ActionParsnipSean931: is the process owned by your user?00:21
goltoofMagusOTB,  tried sudo apt-get remove bkl-orbiter ... can't figure out command to get rid of it00:21
MagusOTBgoltoof: try dpkg -S bkl-orbiter00:21
Sean931ActionParsnip: how do i check?00:22
MagusOTBit'll tell you what package it belongs to00:22
Reverend_RuffSean931: you're entering the PID and not just typing "PID" after the kill command, are you?00:22
ActionParsnipSean931: the output of the command will state the user on the left00:22
T0aDhi guys, im trying to upgrade a real old ubuntu server dist (6.10) and I encounter this error while trying to install libdevmapper: mkdir: cannot create directory `/dev/.static/dev/mapper': Read-only file system. Any suggestion welcome :)00:22
Maaheshow can I explicitly set the Frequency Scaling Governors?00:22
Sean931yes im the user00:22
Sean931and yes im usid the PID00:22
Reverend_RuffT0aD: are you upgrading to 10.10?00:23
goltoofMagusOTB,  yes, i see but what to do with this information? :)00:23
ActionParsnipSean931: then -9 should definately kill it good, -9 is the biggest hammer00:23
T0aDReverend_Ruff, heu from 6.10 to 7.04 in a first step :)00:23
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tortoiseIs there a script or something I could use to get ubuntu to have a "reminder" on the desktop?00:23
MagusOTBIf you really want to get rid of it, apt-get removing the package that it says its a part of will get rid of it.00:23
goltooftortoise, screenlets?00:23
Sean931ActionParsnip:  i've tried it doesn't kill it00:23
MagusOTBalthough I'm not sure what problems getting rid of it will solve, I'm kind of jumping in mid conversation00:23
Gobihi guys :) How can I give one user to have all privileges over other users files?00:24
metap0dcoraxx: Thanks a lot that did the trick : D00:24
tortoisegoltoof: what is that?00:24
Gobiis there a tut for that00:24
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ActionParsnipSean931: try: sudo kill -9 transmission     ,should do it00:24
coraxxmetap0d: yup, I thought so ;-)  you're welcome00:24
Reverend_RuffGobi: add them to the sudoers file.00:24
MagusOTBActionParsnip: you mean killall?00:24
ActionParsnipMagusOTB: yeah, do'h00:24
goltoofMagusOTB,  i think it has to do with the wacom drivers i installed, which probably use it to keep it up to date?  all i know is it installed when i installed the drivers, i want to reinstall wacom anyway, so..00:25
ActionParsnipSean931: MagusOTB: sudo killall -9 transmission00:25
coraxxmetap0d: it usually occurs when you install Ubuntu ...and you choose to start up "live" first ...then connect to a wireless network...and then begin the installation.00:25
GobiReverend_Ruff: Otherwise it would be ok, but I don't want to every time hit the password..00:25
MagusOTBgoltoof: how did you install them?00:25
goltooftortoise,  Applications > Accessories > Screenlets00:25
tortoisegoltoof: nevermind I got it. But I was wondering if there was a way I could do it via terminal00:25
Sean931its still running00:26
goltooftortoise,  i assume you're looking for some kind of sticky reminder app for your desktop.. screenlets has stuff like that00:26
MagusOTBSean931: have you tried xkill?00:26
Sean931there is no window00:26
Reverend_RuffGobi: just enter them into the sudoer's file with "user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"00:26
GobiReverend_Ruff: Oh, thx. Ill try that out :)00:27
x0rspvl1: thanks again, that works perfectly... rsync is amazing00:27
MagusOTBSean931: oh. killall -s 9 transmission doesn't do it?00:27
goltoofMagusOTB, need to backtrack.. there are different ways people go about setting up wacoms00:27
ActionParsnipSean931: can you give the output of: ps -ef | grep -i trans     use http://pastie.org   to give the output00:27
Reverend_RuffGobi: or you can just add them to group "wheel" and then just uncomment the appropriate wheel line (with or without passwd). Then you can just add/remove people from that group.00:27
pvl1x0rs, im not a fan of it00:27
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MagusOTBgoltoof: yeah, and I've never used one, so it just apt-get removing whatever you used to install them then apt-get autoremove not doing it?00:28
x0rspvl1: really? for uploading files to my webserver it's instantaneous00:28
pvl1x0rs, unsecure, but i guess for that purpose it wouldnt matter, in most cases00:28
MonthOLDpicklewhere can I find a torrent of Ubuntu 10.10 UNR?00:28
x0rspvl1: yeah, I am just using it to sync my local files to my web-server for quick updates to my page00:29
MonthOLDpickleEverytime I download it from site and go to install it fails to install the Unity GUI00:29
ActionParsnipReverend_Ruff: Gobi: By doing this you absolutely cripple the security in your OS00:29
MagusOTBpvl1: isn't it relatively easy to run it through a secure pipe?00:29
metap0dIs there a default shortcut for Ubuntu 10.10/Gnome to launch a terminal window?? I've tried googling this and all I find are methods to move between virtual consoles00:29
metap0ddefault keyboard shortcut*00:29
ActionParsnipmetap0d: CTRL+ALT+T00:29
MonthOLDpickleThe downlaod si slow fromt he main site00:29
pvl1MagusOTB, with stunnel or with an encrypted port forward, or openvpn, there are a few ways00:29
metap0dActionParsnip: Awesomee : )00:29
goltoofMagusOTB,  bkl-orbiter i think triggers bkl-investigator.. which occasionally eats up tons of cpu00:29
pvl1x0rs, hm, for that purpose yaehi can see it being wonderful00:30
ActionParsnipmetap0d: or install guake or tilda (Gnome) or Yakuake (KDE) to get a quake like terminal drop down00:30
goltoofMagusOTB,  sudo apt-get remove works on neither00:30
ActionParsnip!download | MonthOLDpickle00:30
ubottuMonthOLDpickle: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!00:30
Reverend_RuffActionParsnip: He asked to give a user privileges over all other users - I took that to mean he was aware of the risks.00:30
Reverend_Ruffguake is really nice, in my opinion, but I usually just use CTRL+ALT+T as a terminal keyboard shortcut.00:30
Sean931ActionParsnip: http://pastie.org/124877400:30
MagusOTBgoltoof: yeah, you want to dpkg -S `which bkl-investigator`, it'll tell you what package its part of, then you can apt-get remove that.00:31
MagusOTBgoltoof: but it's probably a better idea to remove whatever installed it as a dep and then apt-get autoremove.00:31
goltoofMagusOTB,  it also indexes thumbnails, just like ~/.thumbnails ... i really don't think need this extra service00:31
ActionParsnipSean931: so I'm guessing you were running: kill -9 238700:31
ActionParsnipSean931: seems its not killable and you must kill the parent process00:32
goltooflibbickley-0.4-0: /usr/lib/bickley/bkl-investigator00:32
ActionParsnipSean931: technically its already dead00:32
MagusOTBgoltoof: regardless, most things don't like it when you rip dependencies out from under them. I'd suggest disabling whatever it does in whatever package installed it. I don't know how to display deptrees with apt, but I bet somebody in here does.00:32
Sean931ActionParsnip: what is the parent process?00:33
ActionParsnipSean931: ps -ef | grep defunct | awk '{print "kill -9 ",$3}'     try that00:33
MagusOTBgoltoof: so apt-get remove libbickley will get rid of it.00:33
MagusOTBgoltoof: if that's what you want to do00:33
Reverend_RuffActionParsnip has no love for stubborn processes it would seem. = / lol00:33
ActionParsnipReverend_Ruff: they suck, zombies getting in the way00:34
Reverend_RuffYou gotta shoot 'em in the head.00:34
goltoofMagusOTB,  sudo apt-get remove libbickley  does not compute00:34
ActionParsnipSean931: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/suse-novell-60/howto-kill-defunct-processes-574612/00:35
Sean931i getkill -9  100:35
Sean931kill -9  506200:35
ActionParsnipSean931: shows how to find the parent, kill the parent and the zombie will die00:35
MagusOTBkill -9 1?? that's a bad idea...00:35
MagusOTBI almost want to try it just to see what will happen.00:35
goltoofugh.... it's doing it again now!!  as i helplessly type in the window i was already in unable to click freely00:36
sort_-RHow can I disable joins quit shits on xchat-gnome shit ! (shit...)00:36
ActionParsnipSean931: if its parent is 1 then you're going to have to reboot00:36
ron_anyone have any idea when i dual monitor i can only mirror, not dual and i get lines when i do?00:36
IdleOne!language | sort_-R00:36
ubottusort_-R: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:36
Reverend_RuffMagusOTB: it doesn't do anything.00:36
pvl1ron_, are u ati or nvidia00:37
IdleOnesort_-R: right click on the channel name and disable joins/quits00:37
ActionParsnipsort_-R: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41713100:37
m_fulderI can't get the 1680x1050 resolution to work on my screen it just starts to blink really much .. why is that? :(00:38
sammyis there a new feature that auto-mutes the audio when it's above a certain volume? I'm trying to listen to audio that correctly routes to the front jack when I plug in my headphones, but it seems when the audio gets too loud, it's muted at a system level00:38
ActionParsnipm_fulder: what video chip?00:38
ron_pvl1: ati00:38
pvl1ron_, where did uget the drivers00:39
sort_-RActionParsnip: Worker(TM) Thanks.00:39
m_fulderActionParsnip,  Im getting my image from my motherboard: ASUS P5G41T-M s-77500:39
sort_-RActionParsnip: Worked(TM) Thanks.00:39
goltoofugh.... it's doing it again now!!  as i helplessly type in the window i was already in unable to click freely00:39
hploading ubuntu on another laptop and i need some help to figure out partioning i dont want to delete the other partition00:40
ActionParsnipm_fulder: wat is the output of: sudo apt-get install -y pastebinit; clear; sudo lshw -C display | pastebinit00:40
pvl1ron_, try to download and install the propriety driver, or at least install amdcccle or hwoever its called from the rpos00:40
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ron_ok ty00:40
pvl1ron_, no problem, id try the second solve first00:41
m_fulderActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/F6HaYLKf00:41
rachel___hey can someone help me with manual partitioing loading ubuntu00:41
sort_-RActionParsnip: With no effects, IdleOne: No "disable joins/quits" appears...00:41
gabon_trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on gateway lap top will not boot from cd00:41
m_fulderActionParsnip, the funny thing is that this resolution did work for some minutes ago :S00:42
goltoofhow about this... say you got this bkl-orbiter daemon running in the background.  you don't care about how it got there, you just want to douche out of your system.  what do you do?00:42
IdleOnesort_-R: should be in the right click menu of the Channel tree under Settings.00:42
ActionParsnipm_fulder: did you get an ati driver update recently?00:43
goltoofsort -R,  in xchat right click on the room, it's under settings00:44
m_fulderActionParsnip,  No I didn't but hm Radeon 2100 isn't that a "real" graphical card ... as said Im just ruinning throught motherboards graphical output00:44
acacioshello?what should i do now?00:44
acaciosconfigure: error: X development files not found. Wine will be built00:44
acacioswithout X support, which probably isn't what you want. You will need00:44
acaciosto install development packages of Xlib/Xfree86 at the very least.00:44
acaciosUse the --without-x option if you really want this00:44
FloodBot3acacios: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:44
ActionParsnipm_fulder: yes, its a video chip00:45
LjLacacios: have you considered using the WINE that's in the repositories rather than compiling your own?00:45
m_fulderaha okey good ActionParsnip  ... but still what's causing this weird problem? :P00:45
ActionParsnipm_fulder: try setting a different refresh rate00:45
acaciosLjl,yeah,i have tride it .but this one is wine 1.3.500:45
m_fulderhigher or lower?00:45
Maahesquestion, I had fast-user-switcher kept crashing from gnome-panel, so I removed it, I went to add it back, and I only saw user-switcher, which is markedly different (for one, I don't have the ability to enter shutdown from it)00:46
m_fulderActionParsnip,  its 60Hz default .. I've tried to set it to 75Hz but same thing happends00:46
sympt0mhow can i find out where a package was installed to?00:46
s0diumcan anyone tell me why when i have installed Ubuntu 10.10 my resolution looks slightly different?00:46
ActionParsnips0dium: different driver, different Xorg version00:47
IdleOnes0dium: different default font00:47
Reverend_Ruffsympt0m: which <package>00:47
m_fulderActionParsnip, also, maybe this doesn't matter, but Im running dual screen (HDMI and VGA output)00:47
s0diumah thanks Idleone!00:47
ActionParsnipsympt0m: they dont get installed to a specific place, the files in the package get put in many places00:47
s0diumwhat was the default font before?00:47
acaciosLJL,I have tride wine1.2,but now i am trying wine1.3.500:47
ActionParsnipm_fulder: try with just the VGA connection00:47
is_I think I might've identified a minor issue, but I'm not entirely sure if it  consitutes a problem and I'm not sure where I'd report it if I were.00:47
IdleOnes0dium: don't remember, I like the new Ubuntu font :)00:47
rwws0dium: Deja Vu Sans00:47
rwws0dium: aka "Sans" on Ubuntu systems00:48
IdleOneahh rww to the rescue00:48
s0diumis it easy to change back00:48
sympt0mlike, i want to put the main file in a certain directory, so i can access it with terminal without navigating to different places for different programs00:48
s0diumcheers guys00:48
rwws0dium: yes. System → Preferences → Appearance → Fonts00:48
sympt0mbut i dont know where to find that file, so i can copy it00:48
s0diumthanks found it00:48
sammyanyone? has anyone heard of anything like this? an audio device auto-muting when the output is above a certain level?00:48
ActionParsnips0dium: sure, just change the theme, right click desktop -> change background then click the leftmost tab then click customize00:48
LjLacacios: the PPA mentioned at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine has 1.3.500:48
sympt0mi thought they all got installed to /usr/local/bin00:49
sympt0mbut i cant find it in there00:49
acaciosLjL,ok,thank you.00:49
m_fulderActionParsnip, same error with only VGA in00:49
maximi89hhi guys, how can i load ubuntu toram, 10.0400:49
maximi89just "toram" should work?00:49
ActionParsnipsympt0m: the binary will be put in /usr/bin but other files will be placed in other places00:49
ActionParsnipmaximi89: i wish it did :(  I submitted it on brainstorm00:50
rachel___can anyone help me with partioning00:50
sammyand because the mute toggle LOCKS the audio level (whose idea was that?) I have to stop the music to turn it down, because it doesn't stay unmuted long enough to let me turn the volume down.00:50
is_rachel__: Sure, what do you need?00:50
s0diumone more thing, could someone please tell me the command to register a nickname on irc please?00:50
maximi89ActionParsnip: so it should not work?00:51
rwwubottu: register | s0dium00:51
ubottus0dium: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode00:51
bigmikeis this where the neebs hang out?00:51
josephseraosHey, is still MySQL free?00:51
ActionParsnipmaximi89: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/1503/00:51
ActionParsnipjosephseraos: yes, its in the reops and is free00:51
ActionParsnipbigmike: this is the support channel00:51
dw-LjL: woot thats gonna fix my wine system tray problem thx :)00:52
IdleOnebigmike: Do you have a Ubuntu support releated question?00:52
=== rudy_ is now known as Guest92946
bigmikenot yet...but now I know where to ask00:52
dw-add: ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa to repositories in synaptic !00:52
sympt0mstill cant find it =/00:52
Guest92946hey, I used rm on all the folders in my home directory that started with a '.' (period) and restarted.  now all my bookmarks and themes and such are gone, I was wondering if I might have done any actual damage to my software?  The only thing noticeable besides my themes being back to default is that I no longer have color highlighting in the terminal.  all output is just white00:53
nsahoohi guys. how do I install regular updates without supplying password?00:53
bigmikeI am still getting use to my new 10.10.......just a week on linux.....00:53
ActionParsnipdw-: easier to run:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade00:53
nsahooif I am using update manager?00:53
josephseraosActionParsnip, Sorry, I dont uniderstand "reops"00:53
blakkheimnsahoo: /etc/sudoers00:53
ActionParsnipjosephseraos: those are the servers you get updates from00:53
=== richard is now known as Guest66340
=== v-himanshu is now known as himanshu
josephseraosI'm not American00:53
dw-ActionParsnip: your e-p is much larger00:53
ActionParsnipjosephseraos: me neither00:53
rwwGuest92946: no, you haven't, though you probably want to do "cp /etc/skel/.* ~/" to get back the default .bashrc (the lack of which is why you don't have color highlighting)00:54
ActionParsnipdw-: -p?00:54
Leon_Nardellajosephseraos, reops > repos > repositories00:54
dw-ActionParsnip: e-peen.. nm.. jokes. thx for the tip00:54
s0diumthanks for the help guys00:54
nsahooblakkheim: I think I have it correctly setup, what should I look to do there?00:54
=== Guest66340 is now known as majormede
gustavderdrachemy system takes anywhere from 5-20 minutes to boot, could someone help me inspect the boot charts?00:54
SoulShadow|Lappy5-20 minutes??00:54
josephseraosOh, yeah!00:54
=== v-himanshu is now known as himanshu
gustavderdracheSoulShadow|Lappy: on a Core i7, no less00:54
IdleOnerww: don't all the . folders have a .old or .bak that he could cp?00:55
SoulShadow|Lappymy c2d 5 year old laptop boots in like..2 minutes, heh.00:55
josephseraosLeon_Nardella, ActionParsnip  But on MySQL's website I can't find it00:55
=== Guest92946 is now known as rootsashes
ActionParsnipgustavderdrache: run:   dmesg | less    observe the time on the left, when you get large gaps, those are the points of issue. I also suggest you test your RAM00:55
bigmikeok..when I have a serious issue...I'll be back00:55
ActionParsnipjosephseraos: you don't have to, use software centre and it will be installed00:55
gustavderdracheActionParsnip: i've got the output of bootchart if you want to see that00:55
rootsashesdoes deleting all the folders that start with a period (.) in your home folder actually do anything besides deleting settings that can just be re-set00:55
ActionParsnipdw-: how do you mean: e-p ?00:55
rwwrootsashes: no00:56
rootsashesi deleted them all00:56
rootsashesand rebooted00:56
Leon_Nardellajosephseraos, http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/00:56
rwwrootsashes: assuming you're not using some silly application that stores user data in dotfiles.00:56
crimsunrootsashes: it might depending if you have things like encrypted Private00:56
ActionParsnipgustavderdrache: as far as I know, dmesg is just a text based version of that00:56
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
rootsashesthere was only one folder that it wouldn't let me delete and it said it was being used, but there was nothing inside of it00:56
gustavderdracheActionParsnip: yeah, it's just tough to read 20 minutes' worth of boot log info sometimes :P00:56
josephseraosYeah. Here I have it. But I want show for my friend00:57
goltoofany way to encrypt the entire hard drive without reinstalling Ubuntu?00:57
dw-it did fix my wine system tray. yayz00:57
josephseraosActionParsnip,  Yeah. Here I have it. But I want show for my friend00:57
rootsashesthanks alot y'all00:57
josephseraosLeon_Nardella, ActionParsnip : Thanks00:57
rootsashesquestion:  Why do I no longer have color highlighting in the terminal?  all output is mono-color text00:58
=== rocco is now known as rocco_
dw-goltoof: whybother just encrypt home and swap00:58
ActionParsnipgustavderdrache: its not much text, you'll just have big gaps in the time00:58
rwwrootsashes: because highlighting is set in the .bashrc file that's copied to the home directory of new users. which you deleted. hence me recommending you copy it back from /etc/skel/ earlier.00:58
goltoofrootsashes,   should be profile option00:58
josephseraosI were looking it for00:58
ActionParsniprootsashes: run:  gedit ~/.bashrc00:58
gustavderdracheActionParsnip: "task modprobe:816 blocked for more than 120 seconds."00:59
rootsasheshaha yeah.. maybe I shoulda not deleted that stuff00:59
ActionParsnipjosephseraos: like I said, large gaps in the time (its in seconds) on the left colomn00:59
goltoofdw-, good call00:59
zmbmartinI just got a hp envy 17 and my number pad is not working any ideas?00:59
ActionParsniprootsashes: find this line:    if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then00:59
dw-goltoof: your night will be more pleasant :p00:59
josephseraosActionParsnip, ?01:00
rwwActionParsnip: .bashrc doesn't exist. he deleted it. hence me telling him to copy it back.01:00
ActionParsniprootsashes: uncomment ALL of that if statement, save the new file, close gedit and run:   source ~/.bashrc01:00
rwwnobody listens to rww :(01:00
josephseraosActionParsnip, Great!01:00
josephseraosActionParsnip, Thank you01:00
ActionParsnipjosephseraos: when you find something causing an issue, you can search for guides relating01:00
rachel___i got ubuntu installing but could someone msg me so i can ask some questions01:00
ActionParsniprww: i see :)01:00
rootsashesaight i copied the file and now it works01:01
ActionParsniprachel___: ask in the channel01:01
FunkyDudehello, i'm trying to copy the FlexSDK to the /opt folder, but that folder only has root permissions, how can I copy the folder there or change my access to it?01:01
rootsashesany other files that I should copy?  like .profile for instance01:01
rwwrootsashes: I'd just copy everything in /etc/skel/, personally01:01
zmbmartinAlso isn't the intel i7 q720 only a 4 core. Ubuntu system manager show 8 cores01:01
josephseraosActionParsnip, I thought it was not more free01:01
rootsashes/etc/skel is like the skeleton for the home dir eh?01:01
ActionParsnipzmbmartin: you have hyperthreading so its effective 8 core afaik01:02
rachel___Actionparsnip i did the partiotions exactly as help screen said but i still have 90 gigs free I didn't want to erase entire drive01:02
dw-TF2 is going to suck through wine, isn't it?01:02
flan_suserootsashes: Yeah, I think of it as a "new user template".01:02
rootsashesthere's gotta be some docs that tell me what all these files are01:02
ActionParsnip!appdb | dw-01:02
ubottudw-: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:02
josephseraosActionParsnip, People are saying that Oracle is ending the open tools01:02
gabon_<gabon_> need help to install 10.10 on lap top will not boot from cd01:02
flan_suserootsashes: Keep in mind there are also hidden files (beginning with a dot) inside as well.01:02
joaoi need help01:02
joaourgent help01:02
josephseraosActionParsnip, like Java, MySQL, OpenOffice01:02
ActionParsnip!lamp | josephseraos01:02
ubottujosephseraos: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:02
joaohey, i need help with something :S01:03
josephseraosActionParsnip, Do you know anythink about?01:03
joaoi need help with my soundcard01:03
rootsashesyeah, and I was deleting those cuz it seemed like i had litter left behind from programs that I uninstalled, and they were leaving behind their .folders and it was just junk.  junk files, i need a method for identifying them01:03
joaoi can't seem to fine it01:03
ActionParsnipjoao: just ask, you dont have to say "I need help", by asking your question we can assume you need help01:03
dw-joao: did you open the tower01:03
ruffleShi. does anyone know where i could download a low resolution version of mark's keynote speech in UDS-N?! my internet connection is way too slow to download the one i found on blip.tv. thanks in advance01:03
ActionParsnipjoao: if you run:   sudo lshw -C sound    you will be shown your sound device01:03
joaoi know, the thing is01:04
joaoi know my soundcard01:04
ActionParsnip!ot | ruffleS01:04
ubotturuffleS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:04
joaobut i can't seem01:04
dw-thanks AP very helpful link, great to know TF2 will run flawless.. wow ;)01:04
joaoto mute the speakers, while having headphones plugged in, nor can i have sound in my headphones01:04
MK13I want to run some dedicated servers from my server, but I don't want them all to run at start up. How do I make it so I can run "start ded_server", or what is this method called so I can look more information up?01:04
flan_suseHow come laptop-mode under Lucid will not change based on the AC/battery status? The service runs, and the settings are applied with no issues. But when I unplug the AC or plug it back in, laptop-mode doesn't toggle between enabled and disabled.01:04
dw-7GB download later... :)01:04
crimsunjoao: please file a bug using "ubuntu-bug alsa-base"01:04
ramiroI have a box (1) running ubuntu desktop. I want to, from another box (2), login and use the graphical interface on (1)01:04
joaohow do i do that?01:04
ramirowhat's the best way to do this?01:05
FunkyDudehow do i change permission on a folder?01:05
Maahesmy user-switcher crashed and lost half of it's settings (away, available, etc, quit suspend) how can I fix this?01:05
crimsunjoao: open a Terminal and type `ubuntu-bug alsa-base'01:05
malgorathAnyone know how to stop a screen from auto-blanking? I've turned off all I can see in screensaver01:05
MK13ramiro... you might want to look at x forwarding01:05
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ActionParsnipFunkyDude: look into chmod and chown01:05
joaoso what do i do now?01:05
ActionParsnipmalgorath: i know how in xorg.conf01:05
_BEASTChmod 77701:05
josephseraosActionParsnip, Do you program?01:05
john38Why does top right panel is jumbled at startup sometimes??01:05
crimsunjoao: Applications > Accessories > Terminal01:06
malgorathActionParsnip, how?01:06
josephseraosC, C++, Java,...01:06
joaoyes i know. i reported it x)01:06
josephseraosActionParsnip,  C, C++, Java,...01:06
_BEASTAlt + F1 +Esc  UAVTest01:06
rootsasheswhat is folder ".gvfs"01:06
crimsunjoao: you wait for me to look at it.01:06
ActionParsnipmalgorath: http://pastie.org/124882201:06
joaookok. thanks.01:06
crimsunjoao: it would help if you told me the bug number01:06
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ActionParsnipjosephseraos: none at all, some simple bash scripting to make life easier01:06
joaoi just clicked send report, as it told... ok, i'll send it01:06
Zelfjehi, i want to catch incomeing faxes from my dsl telephone line, what would be the best/cheapest hard/software combination for that?01:06
john38Why is the top right panel jumbled at startup sometimes?01:06
josephseraosActionParsnip, Great! Me Too!01:06
acovrigI can't mount a raid01:07
dw-Zelfje: its all free for ubuntu, load Synaptic and search for fax01:07
john38anybody else get that problem01:07
bigmikeI have an older DELL INSPIRON 2200 with a celeron M.....could I have went amd64...or was I right to go i38601:07
ActionParsnipmalgorath: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf    and paste in that text, next X restart (or reboot), the setting will be applied01:07
FunkyDudewhy is the /opt folder set to root access?01:07
josephseraosI have read about to connect database -> shell script + MySQL01:07
joaohow do i do that? :x01:07
ActionParsnipbigmike: celeron M will most likely be a 32bit CPU01:07
dw-Zelfje: try google "best ubuntu fax program" :)  <301:07
Zelfjedw-: dont i need some hardware for that? or could it go trough the soundblaster?01:07
malgorathActionParsnip, dude, your awesome01:07
josephseraosI'm Computing Engineering student01:07
acovrighow do you mount a raid device?01:07
bigmikethat's what I thought....thank you01:07
dw-Zelfje: oh well ya you need a modem01:07
crimsunjoao: eh, I guess you could just wait 10 minutes01:07
ActionParsnip!raid | acovrig01:08
ubottuacovrig: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:08
dw-Zelfje: i just use www.pamfax.com ;)01:08
HaPK_PerCarhai people01:08
john38Why is the top right panel jumbled at startup sometimes?01:08
Zelfjejust an old pci modem will suffice?01:08
PianesiPHey all\01:08
ActionParsnipmalgorath: i try, just been around too long really01:08
joaoi can... but why? (i know i'm a bit noob with all this stuff... sorry about that :S)01:08
bigmikeok...I'll be back01:08
PianesiPAnyone want to make money, via paypal?01:08
ActionParsnip!ot | PianesiP01:08
ubottuPianesiP: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:08
furiusing the n52te on 10.10 is not working with a version of nostromo for linux. when i try opening nostromo_daemon it just turns on then off. what should i do?01:08
mankashmy system suddenly hangs freezes and then I have to restart it, how to find the problem, is there any kind of log01:08
HaPK_PerCarI need to log in into Second Life, but it won't run... what am I missing?01:08
Zelfjethx dw-01:08
malgorathActionParsnip, I been in linux a while but I'm special ed so its taken my years01:09
PianesiPis the owner of ubuntu on?01:09
ActionParsnipmankash: can you restart the X server instead?01:09
aeon-ltdPianesiP: canonical's ceo? i doubt it01:09
mankasheverything freezex01:09
mankashActionParsnip: Whole computer freezs01:09
ActionParsnipmankash: have you tried?01:10
Alonski_hello I have a problem with virtualbox can someone help me please?01:10
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:10
mankashwhen keyboard is not workign, how can I try01:10
ActionParsnip!details | Alonski_01:10
ubottuAlonski_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:10
mankashActionParsnip,: when keyboard is not workign, how can I try01:10
Alonski_All right I tried mounting an external hard drive01:10
Alonski_not windows wants to format it01:10
ActionParsnipmankash: it may not be, it may be accepting input01:10
Alonski_and it shows up as 0kb...01:10
josephseraosActionParsnip, I'm going now.01:10
chris1967how do i put beer smith on ubuntu 10.1001:10
josephseraosActionParsnip, see you!01:10
ActionParsnipmankash: if the display freezes you wont see reaction to inputs but input may still be possible01:11
mankashActionParsnip,: how to restart x server01:11
_BEASTi fixed f1 key01:11
ActionParsnipmankash: i thought you said you'd tried.....01:11
FunkyDudeif my lampp stack is installed in the /opt folder01:11
ActionParsnipmankash: ALT+K+PrintScreen   will restart it01:11
mankashno I didn't know that01:12
boysenim downloading ubuntu 10.1o version via bittorrent do i have to burn that cd after Download?01:12
mankashI will try next time01:12
ActionParsnipboysen: you can transfer it to USB if you want to install from USB01:12
Alonski_ActionParsnip did you see what I wrote?01:12
ActionParsnipboysen: remember to MD5 test the ISO once its downloaded01:12
josephseraosBye folks01:12
m_fulderActionParsnip, I've still not solved my resolution problem..I tried to download the new drivers for my chipset but can't install it : "default:v2:i686:lib::none:2.6.32-25-generic-pae; make sure that the version is being"01:13
hax0r1where can ubuntu's theme be downloaded, e.g. do they have a git repo?01:13
boysenhow do i md5 test i actionparship?01:13
hayleywin 10.10, when in a browser with flash loaded, i cant get sound in VLC to work (or totem or xine). works fine with the browser closed.  how do i fix this?01:13
FunkyDudeif my lampp stack is installed in the /opt folder, will changing the permissions screw it up?01:13
ActionParsnipAlonski_: if you make the guest access the mount point as a 'share' it will be accessible. The closed source virtualbox has usb accessing ability01:13
chris1967how do i put a windows baised program on ubuntu 10.1001:13
ActionParsnip!wine | chris196701:13
ubottuchris1967: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:13
furialright, i have the daemon up and running, but the mappings are NOT changing from the default.01:13
seidos!md5 > boysen01:14
ubottuboysen, please see my private message01:14
Alonski_ubottu I didn't understand what actionparsnip wrote can you help me?01:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:14
boysen!md5 in my shell console?01:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:14
Alonski_hmm a bot01:15
seidosboysen, yeah, md5 filename, then compare the values with the md5 file on the web01:15
=== _BEAST is now known as _F-117
m_fulderbtw how do I add a new resolution option with a new update rate? I've just tried:  xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1680x1050 -r 7001:16
seidosAlonski_, ubottu is really a bot.  he has factoids, you can private message him to see if you can find them.01:16
rwwshe **01:16
boysenif the values is the same then burn into cd?01:16
seidosboysen, indeed01:16
Zero_ShakalHi peopples01:17
seidos!br > Zero_Shakal01:18
ubottuZero_Shakal, please see my private message01:18
boyseni cannot telnetmy box but i cant ssh any hint why cannot telnet my box let me know what should i do in order towork my telnet01:18
_F-117Cntrl+alt+ F1 systems go01:18
hayleywboysen, install telnetd-ssl01:19
Disk1of5can some one steer me in the right direction... i have an android phone with ubuntu and im looking for a way to sync music an playlists but i haven't found any software that supports m3u playlists.. lil help plz :) ?01:19
seidos!telnet | hayleyw boysen01:19
ubottuhayleyw boysen: telnet is not safe. Please use ssh instead. See !ssh01:19
_F-117Needs Android BAD01:19
dw-ive got a weird repeating log line in ~/.xsession-errors  :: http://paste.ubuntu.com/519942/ any ideas?  I think it's causing kdenlive to crash when I browse folders...01:19
seidos!ot > _F-11701:19
ubottu_F-117, please see my private message01:19
hayleywseidos, dont tell me.01:20
boysenwhat is telnet is not safe01:20
seidosboysen, it isn't encrypted.  but no one can force you to use ssh01:20
ChogyDandw-: are you using 32bit pluggins on 64bit?01:20
dw-ChogyDan: could be01:20
dw-ChogyDan: not intentionally01:21
boysencan someone use my box if im install telnet server?01:21
dw-ChogyDan: just did .04 to .10 upgrade01:21
LjLboysen: more than likely.01:21
ChellAfter installing vim-gtk and mc, making sure i changed all the update-alternatives vi/vim/view, MC still defaults to vim instead of vimgtk. Does anyone else have this?01:21
wmaroneis it possible to make the live-cd installer use 4K sectors instead of 512B sectors?01:22
LjLboysen: with telnet, your password (and everything) goes in *plaintext* on the internet, with no encryption at all.01:22
boysencan they get in without password in telnet01:22
gartralhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/519801/ can someone advise on this please? reinstalling ubuntu is not an option at this time01:22
LjLboysen: they can sniff the password01:22
ChogyDandw-: it is weird that it looks like you have nsplugin source code installed to that folder or something01:22
LjLboysen: so, yes01:22
HaPK_PerCarok, I'm trying to run second life in maverick, but seeing the errors in the terminal, the executable script doesn't has the required permissions... so how can I give it this permissions?01:22
dw-gardar: thats bad01:22
ChogyDangartral: have you tried sudo apt-get clean?01:23
dw-gardar: do some backups01:23
macki have a question when i installed wubi the first part installed but it didnt give me a boot screen any ideas?01:23
boyseni have a bot can i use ssh to communicate with my bot?01:23
gartraldw-: no cd rom drive, no external storage01:23
conffreyhi everybody01:23
dw-gardar: send it to ftp :) dreamhost.com or somethin01:23
HaPK_PerCarplease people... help with this... I need second life running soon!01:24
drebosanyone have any info on if a wubi will be released for 10.10?01:24
conffreyI've 10.4 on my HP G62, all worked fine until one day ago, now PC doesn't start, I have a blank screen01:24
HaPK_PerCarok, I'm trying to run second life in maverick, but seeing the errors in the terminal, the executable script doesn't has the required permissions... so how can I give it this permissions?01:24
dw-gardar: i only ever see i/o errors when drives are bad :S01:24
gartralChogyDan: apt-get clean just returns me too prompt01:24
ChogyDangartral: yes, but do you still have the error?01:24
donmdrebos: it's on the disc image--just download and mount with daemontools or something01:24
seidosdw-, do you mean gartral?  i don't see a gardar talking01:24
dw-seidos: yep thx01:25
ChogyDanHaPK_PerCar: chmod +x script01:25
drebosoh really? silly me. thanks a bunch donm01:25
boyseni just finish downloading ubuntu 10.10 via bit torrent when i type !md5 in my console not found01:25
sympt0mwhat does "make" actually do?01:25
gartraldw-: i know this hdd is going, but i'm trying to get a faulty kernel out of my system01:25
sympt0mvs installing01:25
donmdrebos: no, I was confused too01:25
HaPK_PerCarChogyDan, it's already set as executable, I even tried to run it under sudo and it didn't work!01:25
ritzt3chis there a way in the CLI to view excel files xls01:25
Auv5sympt0m, it runs the "makefile" with the default configuration01:26
Auv5A makefile is something that builds the application01:26
ChogyDansympt0m: typically make compiles the program.  install puts the execs in your folder scructure01:26
seidosboysen, did you click the link that ubottu sent you?  it has a guide on how to do it.01:26
boysenhow do i md5 test i actionparship?01:26
dw-gartral: if the kernel is on a bad part not sure you will be able to :s01:26
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
seidosritzt3ch, that would be cool if there is...maybe there is a way to import the excel file into a mysql database.  only think i can think of.01:27
dunnyubuntu win shares r really playin up on me01:27
seidos_F-117, what are you saying?01:27
acovrigcan someone help me mount a raid device?01:27
ChogyDanHaPK_PerCar: maybe you can pastebin the error msg01:27
dunnyits like the connection to the network share just gets tired and stops and then starts working again, sometimes asking me for passwords01:27
sympt0malright, so if i have two programs, both in seperate folders in my home folder, and i have "make"'d both of them, how would i go about installing them both so that the executable program of each are in the same folder?01:27
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:28
=== vincent is now known as Guest7097
sympt0msorry >.>01:28
dw-ChogyDan: I haven't rebooted since .04->.10, fwiw. maybe i can reinstall a package or something01:28
gartraldw-: no, the kernel is fine, but it lacks the module for moving bad data blocks, so now i have 122 bad sectors not being moved01:28
Gumby`hi all.  does anyone know if there is something wrong with the 10.10 torrent?  I've been sitting at 99.99% now for 30 mins when it only took 15 or so to get to that point.01:29
dunnyneone know why my network shares stops and then starts working again, sometimes asking me for passwords01:29
mackactually i had that wrong..My computer installed installed ubuntu but didnt give me a choose os screen after reboot any ideas?01:29
HaPK_PerCarChogyDan, http://paste.ubuntu.com/519946/01:29
xivenCan someone please help me with why Wubi always gives an error at 99-100% that says it couldn't retrieve the installation files?01:30
dw-gartral: you sure that module is necessary?  cant just find some software? :) /ignorance01:30
Sean93what is the wine channel?01:30
boysenwhen i type !md5 in the console not found01:31
furiSean93: i think it's #wine, but i think i'm wrong01:31
gartraldw-: quite sure; disk scans see the errors, but report something along the lines "Misaligned Headers, can't locate blahblahblah.ko"01:31
seidosboysen, did you click the link that ubottu sent you?01:31
HaPK_PerCaranyway, I'm downloading the updated version of the second life viewer01:31
gartraldw-: that's been happening since before the drive was going01:31
xivenI also notice that pyrun seems to have a big problem at start with error dialogs saying drive not available or something, it probably gives me 15-20 of them "right off the bat". I just keep clicking the mouse and the installer pops up shortly.01:32
boysenwhatis cd5?01:32
boysenwhat is cd501:32
boysenthe program cd5 not installed01:32
boysenpackage cd5 from universe01:33
wedwo-boysen, you're not paying attention- if you need help pay attention to seidos01:33
xivencd5 sounds like a command-line utility for reading or writing a cd.01:33
dw-gartral: youre sort of like kramer in that seinfeld episode where he drives a demo car to E.. man buy a HD. that sucks01:33
AnonJLHI have a question01:33
AnonJLHI need a different IRC client01:33
EagleScreen_I try to figure why 'update-grub' is not updating 'grub.cfg' file01:33
ChogyDanHaPK_PerCar: have you checked the permissions of the cited files?01:34
boysensudo apt-get install cd501:34
AnonJLHIm not really liking xchat or konversation that much01:34
HaPK_PerCarChogyDan, no...01:34
AnonJLHAny suggestions?01:34
seidosAnonJLH, irssi, xchat?01:34
ChogyDanAnonJLH: pidgin01:34
wmaroneis there a way to make ubiquity use a non-512B sector format?01:34
HaPK_PerCarChogyDan, but anyway, that's an outdated version of the client01:34
HaPK_PerCarChogyDan, got the recent one and it works fine01:34
AnonJLHI don't want a terminal-based IRC client either01:35
HaPK_PerCarChogyDan, thanks anyway01:35
dw-gartral: wish i had more advice g/l i dont envy ya :p01:35
AnonJLHIt must be a GUI IRC client01:35
UnholyTerrorany ubuntu one users here? trying to use rhythmbox and it loads fireefox to  login?01:35
seidosxiven, sudo apt-cache search cd5 says it's a checksum checker for tracks on a cd or something01:35
gartraldw-: that's not very high on my list of priorities.. food befer hardware01:35
dw-gartral: dont lose the vidso f your ex... ;)01:35
Gumby`AnonJLH: pidgin can do IRC, xchat is an IRC client, there are more01:36
seidosAnonJLH, xchat, empathy.  i haven't tried pidgin.  i prefer xchat.01:36
AnonJLHCan someone point me to a GUI IRC client for ubuntu?01:36
ChogyDangartral: doesn't look easy: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+question/1209301:36
ChogyDan!pidgin > AnonJLH01:36
ubottuAnonJLH, please see my private message01:36
AnonJLHI don't like xchat01:36
sakekasiAnonJLH use empathy01:36
Brown_MouseAnonJLH,Opera chat01:36
furiAnonJLH: i think XChat is what you're looking for01:36
furiAnonJLH: but i haven't really used a lot of IRC clients01:36
furiAnonJLH: sorry.01:36
seidos!caps | AnonJLH01:37
ubottuAnonJLH: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:37
sakekasiAnonJLH add an irc account to empathy chat.01:37
Gumby`AnonJLH: perhaps you should state what you do/dont want in your request01:37
Out_Coldweird question, but if i want to unpack an iso and add some stuff before burning, just mount the iso and burn a new data cd?01:37
seidosi actually thought empathy was pretty nice when i used maverick for a bit01:37
Out_Coldpidgin ftw01:38
UnholyTerrorno, you have to chroot it first... then add your data01:38
seidosftw ftf01:38
AnonJLHI don't want xchat, konversation, or empathy. I also don't want any browser-based clients or terminal-based client. I want a nice GUI IRC client...01:38
blakkheimAnonJLH: why not terminal-based? it's a text-only protocol..01:39
xcaliburhi there, can anyone tell me how to prevent php from sending mails from www-data@domain.com ?01:39
Gumby`xchat, empathy, pidgin are ALL GUI IRC clients01:39
seidosAnonJLH, mirc in wine?  :)01:39
Out_ColdUnholyTerror, for me? so mount then chroot?? even if it's just a cd?01:39
Brown_MouseAnonJLH,Do you want jam on it too?01:39
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multipassAnonJLH: Kvirc01:39
Out_Colduse finch it has an amazing gui01:39
AnonJLHWINE is giving me problems01:39
blakkheimAnonJLH: no need to use caps again, and you didn't answer the question01:39
sakekasihow do i change the default jre from openjdk to sun-java6-jdk? I have already installed sun-java6-jdk01:39
wmaroneAnonJLH has some crazy terminal fear01:39
Gumby`mirc is a HORRID irc client01:39
sakekasiI second Gumpy01:39
multipassAnonJLH: kvirc is very good, check the screenshots01:40
Out_Coldmirc is irc as ubuntu is for linux... easy for beginners01:40
UnholyTerrorgoogle it... you have to enter the iso as a filesystem, make your changes, then burn.01:40
Out_Coldcool thanks UnholyTerror01:40
wmaroneand like ubuntu it keeps you from stabbing your eyes out ;)01:40
xcaliburcan someone tell me how to prevent php from sending from www-data@domain.com?01:40
sakekasihow do i change the default jre from openjdk to sun-java6-jdk? I have already installed sun-java6-jdk01:40
multipassanytthing that keeps u from stabbign eyes out is pretty coo01:40
blakkheim!repeat | sakekasi xcalibur01:40
ubottusakekasi xcalibur: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:40
furiew... the empathy client is kinda weird on irc...01:40
UnholyTerroryou can run updates and everything as if the iso is your current filesystem.01:40
furixchat is so different01:41
AnonJLHI saw... Empathy is a "no"01:41
xivenI wouldn't call pidgin much of an IRC client, it's not much more then a window with the three essential text areas.01:41
AnonJLHChecking pidgin01:41
UnholyTerrorAnonJLH, what is the problem?01:41
Out_Coldpidgin's irc is the same as empathy01:41
Out_Coldnothing to look at01:41
xivenProbably because Empathy is based on Pidgin01:42
AnonJLHNevermibd then01:42
Gumby`AnonJLH: what are your requirements for your IRC client besides GUI?01:42
AnonJLHNo to pidgin as well01:42
seidosAnonJLH, there's a list of irc clients here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:42
rudy__i'm noticing that when I remove a program through the ubuntu software center, it is leaving behind litter in places like /etc.. is there a way I can remove software that does not leave behind all this annoying litter!!01:42
furiAnonJLH: picky picky picky01:42
AnonJLHI don't want xchat, konversation, or empathy. I also don't want any browser-based clients or terminal-based client. I want a nice GUI IRC client... Also, no pidgin01:42
blakkheimrudy__: aptitude purge pkgname01:42
muaddib_has anyone ever experience DNS lookup via IPv6 even with ipv6 is configured on your machine01:42
rudy__for example i removed ardour2 but ardour  -related folders are still found randomly everwhere01:42
ChogyDanAnonJLH: why not pidgin?01:42
xivenI wouldn't mind the ability to skin or theme pidgin aside of the gtk/gnome theming system.01:43
she_dyedAnonJLH: theres alwasy flash =)01:43
blakkheimAnonJLH: many suggestions have been made already, i think you're too picky01:43
rudy__how dO i find out the package name01:43
Gumby`AnonJLH: you've been given multiple GUI clients.  what do you need in your client that the ones posted do not have?01:43
UnholyTerrorOut_Cold, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization01:43
AnonJLHIm basing it off of what others have said01:43
seidosAnonJLH, just check out that list for yourself.  you can install the packages and see which one you like01:43
dominicdinadaso 10.10 is all messed up ? Noticed that when i edit network files it zeros them out it will let me read them no problem but when i hit save it zeros out the file. and the ~ backup01:43
AnonJLHEveryone seems to be complaining about the ones given01:43
xivenAnonJLH: You might give HydraIRC a try, I believe it runs on Linux. It's much better then pidgin's bare effort.01:43
Out_Coldthanks UnholyTerror was just looking for that01:43
Gumby`AnonJLH: ah, well you best try them out yourself.  its only a few clicks or command like words away01:44
AnonJLHLinux or ubuntu? There are core differences01:44
Gumby`lots of ppl hate Ubunut too.  yet, you are here01:44
Out_Coldahhh UnholyTerror but this is for a live cd... i wonder if i'm not loading a live environment if it follows the same standards01:44
Gumby`try em out, see what suits you01:44
Brown_MouseAnonJLH,weechat is cool :D01:44
AnonJLHI've checked out weechat01:45
AnonJLHAlmost what in looking for01:45
Gumby`isnt weechat command line?01:45
she_dyed+1 weechat01:45
blakkheimspams "no terminal" in all caps and then says weechat is almost what he wants01:46
UnholyTerrorOut_Cold, what?01:46
Gumby`AnonJLH: dont phear the command line01:46
Gumby`embrace it01:46
Gumby`it is your frned01:46
rudy__this is driving me insane.. i need to delete like 3/4's of these files because I straight don't use the software!!  @_@01:46
rudy__and there is so much litter!01:46
rudy__my bad01:47
blakkheimrudy__: welcome to ubuntu01:47
seidos!ot > rudy__01:47
ubotturudy__, please see my private message01:47
AnonJLHwhat if terminal gives me a virus?01:47
dominicdinada!ot | Gumby`01:47
ubottuGumby`: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:47
* Gumby` thinks AnonJLH might just be a troll01:47
* furi thinks Gumby` is true01:47
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UnholyTerrorOut_Cold, I don't really think it matters if it's a livecd or not. A filesystem is a filesystem.01:47
AnonJLHCouldn't terminal fuck up my system?01:48
furiweechat sounds cool; can i get a link, or should i just get off my lazy butt and google it?01:48
blakkheimfuri: sudo aptitude install weechat01:48
seidos!language > AnonJLH01:48
symetrikAnonJLH isn't actually a troll, just a stupid. :)01:48
ubottuAnonJLH, please see my private message01:48
Seeker`!language | AnonJLH01:48
ubottuAnonJLH: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:48
furiblakkheim: thank you01:48
dominicdinada!ot > furi01:48
ubottufuri, please see my private message01:48
rudy__why must programs leave behind their files after they've been removed?  they did this in windows too.  i'd un-install a program, and then have to go through the HDD removing the left-behind crap01:48
blakkheimfuri: i've heard good things about it but i prefer irssi (both are similar)01:48
dominicdinadarudy__: bleach bit it ?01:48
seidos!terminal > AnonJLH01:49
dominicdinadarudy__: purge it01:49
ubottuAnonJLH, please see my private message01:49
iflemarudy__ in a terminal          apt-get remove --purge <packagename>01:49
Out_Coldfuri, nearly every app we discuss in here is available from apt or aptitude or synaptic.... all the same place01:49
UnholyTerroron the off chance you reinstall... your settings are still there.01:49
rudy__thanks alot yall01:49
xanguarudy__: someone already told you how to purge; and if you are refering about configuration files in your home you will need to manualy search them and delete them01:49
furiblakkheim: i believe i've tried irssi, but i think i remember it not really being anything of my interest; the lack of mouse control gets to me a little, because it's all controlled via keyboard commands01:49
AnonJLHJust a question... Do kids use this room?01:49
dominicdinadarudy__: this will wipe everything  dpkg -l | awk  '/^rc/{print $2}' | sudo xargs dpkg -P01:50
blakkheimfuri: weechat is that way too01:50
nematichi, appreciate your help with this - on booting 10.10 installation media (second disc i've tried), i get the following " (initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: input/output error .. can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs "01:50
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rudy__xangua: yes, but I am also noticing left behind files in places like /etc01:50
AnonJLHWhat's with all you puddles who can't handle language?01:50
Out_Coldfuri, that's irssi's best feature01:50
seidos!ot > AnonJLH01:50
ubottuAnonJLH, please see my private message01:50
seidos!caps > AnonJLH01:50
HaPK_PerCarhey people01:50
furiOut_Cold: well, idk... sorta got used to all of vista's stuff that never even lets you know about its cmd01:50
blakkheimi knew someone would do that01:50
Seeker`AnonJLH: Yes, kids do use the chatroom01:50
Seeker`seidos: stop that01:51
dominicdinadafuri: offtopic discussion about clients is not a support topic01:51
iflemarudy__ or synaptic has a way to remove config files aswell "mark for complete removal"01:51
furidominicdinada: my opologies01:51
furidominicdinada: apologies* wow, can't spell01:51
rudy__dominicdinada:  does that wipe everything on the HDD or just left behind files from programs that have been removed?01:51
frank__anybody get toshiba laptop webcams to work?01:51
AnonJLHSo... Does anyone have the IRC client I want?01:51
dominicdinadarudy__: it flushes all programs removed and there orphans01:51
j_hey all01:52
dominicdinadarudy__: no it doesnt wipe the drive01:52
UnholyTerrorAnonJLH, now you stop01:52
dominicdinadaso 10.10 is all messed up ? Noticed that when i edit network files it zeros them out it will let me read them no problem but when i hit save it zeros out the file. and the ~ backup01:52
furiblakkheim: one last question: how do i start it up? weechat isn't a command, apparently01:52
iflemaAnonJLH what do you want it to do?01:52
blakkheimfuri: i'm not familiar with it, i use irssi01:52
rudy__dominicdinada should I use sudo to run that command as root?01:52
AnonJLHIs 10.10 a version of the client?01:52
dominicdinadarudy__: i do :/01:52
furiblakkheim: alright. i'll just give irssi another go.01:52
furiblakkheim: it'd be useful to have a notification area icon, however01:53
HaPK_PerCarI'm trying to install the driver for my Ethernet chipset from the driver's source, but I can't follow the instructions correctly... something about not having configured the main linux headers and a missing autoconf.h... I'm on maverick, ethernet is an atheros AR815201:53
furiblakkheim: and notifications01:53
rudy__alright y'all thanks again01:53
dominicdinadasigh 10 10 busted google chrome and all network files had 3 open with 1000 - 4000 lines of code and bam it zeroed them01:53
blakkheimfuri: maybe a gui client would suite you better. notifications and all that stuff isn't really what irssi/weechat is for01:53
sympt0msuper noob question. what type are files that have an icon that looks like a diamond with gears? are they .bin? and how do i install them?01:53
AnonJLHI don't want xchat, konversation, or empathy. I also don't want any browser-based clients or terminal-based client. I want a nice GUI IRC client...01:53
dominicdinada!ot > blakkheim01:53
ubottublakkheim, please see my private message01:53
furiblakkheim: alrighty then; i'll stick with xchat.01:53
blakkheimfuri: they're great when you just have ssh shell access to a machine and you can run them with screen01:53
nematicany ideas? no idea if this squashfs filesystem mount fail is common but i've managed to install previous distros with this disc drive before01:53
Seeker`AnonJLH: I think thats pretty much all of them.01:53
blakkheimdominicdinada: i have PMs on ignore :)01:53
AnonJLHAll of what?01:54
UnholyTerrorso what's wrong with xchat?!01:54
Seeker`AnonJLH: the major clients01:54
AnonJLHI didn't see the list you posted, sorry?01:54
she_dyedcolor palette on xchat is daft, for one thing01:54
Seeker`AnonJLH: the list you posted that you don't want to use01:54
xanguaAnonJLH: then open the software center and look for some client you like01:54
j_ 4 machines running ubuntu in my lan and none of them can see each other or connect to the other machines running windows. I dont care about the windows part for now but how do i allow the linux machines to show on the network?01:55
xangua!irc | AnonJLH01:55
ubottuAnonJLH: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines01:55
AnonJLHWhere is the center at? Is it in My Documents somewhere?01:55
seidosSeeker`, did you mean part from this channel?01:55
Seeker`seidos: no01:55
dominicdinadasigh 10 10 busted google chrome and all network files had 3 open with 1000 - 4000 lines of code and bam it zeroed them01:55
dominicdinadasigh 10 10 busted google chrome and all network files had 3 open with 1000 - 4000 lines of code and bam it zeroed them01:55
furiblakkheim: oh, wonderful, irrsi looks GREAT in one of the full-screen terminals01:55
dominicdinadaso 10.10 is all messed up ? Noticed that when i edit network files it zeros them out it will let me read them no problem but when i hit save it zeros out the file. and the ~ backup01:55
FloodBot3dominicdinada: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:55
blakkheimfuri: yeah, i really love irssi, probably won't ever use anything else01:56
xanguaAnonJLH: aplications>software center01:56
dominicdinada!ot | blakkheim01:56
ubottublakkheim: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:56
gartral_also, in on a very patchy 3g connection, how do i poke around to restart a stalled download?01:56
seidosdominicdinada, i'm sure it's working for some people, so i don't know if i'd say it's "messed up"01:56
frank__has anyone been able to get toshiba's builtin webcam to work?01:56
xangua!manual | you might also want to read it AnonJLH01:56
ubottuyou might also want to read it AnonJLH: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:56
AnonJLHI think I deleted my Applications directory... Whoops01:56
imperfect-Anyone here having issues with vmwaer workstation being a hooker due to kernel source issues in 10.10?01:56
blakkheimfuri: if you ssh into remote systems a lot it would be good to learn about gnu screen - goes great with irssi/weechat01:56
seidosfrank__, i have a u305-s7448 satellite, and it works in cheese...audio isn't presently working though for some reason from built in mic in cheese, but it works in sound recorder01:56
furiblakkheim: is there a way to create an application launcher that brings me to one of the terminals?01:57
furiblakkheim: gnu screen?01:57
frank__seidos, cheese?01:57
imperfect-Also: ever since I've done dist-upgrade my drives appear to be changing designation01:57
imperfect-like right now they're /dev/sda01:57
blakkheimfuri: yeah, you can add an item that opens xterm or whatever terminal you use and executes irssi01:57
seidosfrank__, sudo apt-get install cheese i think.  it's a webcam software01:57
imperfect-but on bootup they think they're /dev/dc01:57
blakkheim!info screen | furi01:57
imperfect-er dsc01:57
ubottufuri: screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 595 kB, installed size 1020 kB01:57
furiblakkheim: well, i'd actually like to bring myself to a fallback terminal, which i already have irssi on. or is that a good idea?01:58
seidos!info cheese | frank__01:58
frank__downloading it now01:58
ubottufrank__: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 61 kB, installed size 260 kB01:58
blakkheimfuri: screen would be great for that01:58
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!01:58
dominicdinadaseidos: loosing all of google chrome, tried purging reinstalling nothing, tried software center versions nothing, lost 3 weeks work in 10 mins01:58
sympt0msuper noob question. what type are files that have an icon that looks like a diamond with gears? are they .bin? and how do i install them?01:58
blakkheimsympt0m: what is the file extension?01:59
dominicdinadablakkheim: while your at it you have been one of 5 people flooding the channel with offtopic discussions on irc clients01:59
sympt0mi'm not sure, that's the problem. it just says the file name01:59
sympt0mand i dont know how to make the file extensions show like i have on my windows machine01:59
nematicinstallation media //filesystem.squashfs mount fail...anyone?01:59
blakkheimsympt0m: run "file /path/to/file" in a terminal to see what kind it is01:59
wmaroneman wtf01:59
blakkheimsympt0m: it's probably a binary or a bash script01:59
seidosdominicdinada, sorry to hear that.  so you tried chromium too?  no luck?  i don't know what you mean by "losing" won't run?01:59
wmaronewhy can parted read my disk normally, but the installer can't?02:00
she_dyedbecause parted reads from someplace else02:00
sympt0melf 32bit executable02:01
blakkheimsympt0m: then it's just a binary02:01
sympt0mhow do i install that file?02:01
furiblakkheim: screen?02:01
blakkheimsympt0m: depends on what it is02:01
furiblakkheim: sorry, i'm really unfamiliar02:01
blakkheimfuri: yeah what about it?02:01
imperfect-Can someone take a look at that and tell me what I can do to clean it up so I can get vmware to like me again?02:01
dominicdinadano editing network files via kate... zeroed out the file and backups, hit save tried opening the file in firefox then noticed it was blank... reopened the file in kate/ blank ctrl h'd for hidden all 0 bytes02:01
sympt0mgot it from a .tar, "make"'d it, now what02:01
dominicdinadaseidos: no editing network files via kate... zeroed out the file and backups, hit save tried opening the file in firefox then noticed it was blank... reopened the file in kate/ blank ctrl h'd for hidden all 0 bytes02:02
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furisympt0m: the process is usually "sudo su" then "./configure" then "make" then "make install" after extracting the tar02:02
=== zeroedout_ is now known as zeroedout
sympt0mso what can i do now? or do i have to redo the whole process?02:03
blakkheimfuri: basically you run screen and it looks like a regular terminal. you can run irssi in that and then detach from it and it's still running, then you can reconnect to it later02:03
Guest32832Hi, just upgraded to meerkat. now my bottom panel bar is empty except for the recycle bin icon at the far right. i can't see my open programs on the panel, nor do i have my multiple desktop widget. Google search was fruitless. Suggestions?02:03
dominicdinadaseidos: tried chromium from the software center boots up and closes just as the google download02:03
Bossmanbeta...is it possible to create an LVM over two USB hard disks, mounted in fstab manually (not auto-detected), drives that are always connected?02:03
seidosdominicdinada, don't get it.  i'll bow out now, hopefully someone else understands.02:03
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=== Guest4923 is now known as matts45acp
furiblakkheim: yes, i know, but i'd like an applet that, when i click it, it goes to a pre-specified screen, like, an alternative to ctrl+alt+F302:03
wmaroneno, I've got it now02:03
Sean93what is a good free download manager for google chrome on ubuntu?02:03
=== Guest32832 is now known as freebased
dominicdinadaopen up a file and type Hello World.... hit save... file is 0 bytes lol02:04
xangua!panels | freebased02:04
wmaronethe installer and gparted aren't reading the device sector size, so they do the math wrong :(02:04
ubottufreebased: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:04
dominicdinadaFail upgrade02:04
blakkheimfuri: oh. hmm, you could make it open a terminal that reconnects to the screen session with "screen -r"02:04
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furiblakkheim: and after -r, i put the number of the screen, right? or am i not getting this?02:04
nematicseriously can someone tell me why wubi just says 'permission denied' after extract, and alternatively burning installation media to disc gives me squashfs mount errors at boot? can't get any install method to work02:04
blakkheimfuri: if you only have one screen session open, just -r will work, but if you have multiple then you need the session number which you can get from "screen -ls"02:05
freebasedxangua, that fixed my bottom panel, but i lost my icons in the top panel :/02:05
freebasednot too big of a deal for me to reconstruct02:05
freebasedthanks for the help02:05
Sean93what is a good free download manager for google chrome on ubuntu?02:06
furiblakkheim: it returned "There is no screen to be resumed."02:06
blakkheimfuri: you have to start one first :P02:06
osmosis2Sean93, google for chrome extensions maybe02:06
furiblakkheim: but i did, it's on ctrl+alt+f302:06
furiblakkheim: and irssi is started up on it02:06
blakkheimfuri: did you detach from it with ctrl+a+d02:06
furiblakkheim: no, actually02:07
furiblakkheim: i'll try that02:07
furiblakkheim: ctrl+a+d does nothing02:07
blakkheimfuri: you need to detach all of them for -r to work, or you can just use -x to join the same session02:07
kk9822i want toknow why this error comes when i run one softwareActive Server Pages error 'ASP 0126'02:07
kk9822Include file not found02:07
kk9822The include file '/angelconnection/connection.asp' was not found.02:07
multipasswhats the first thing i should do if ubuntu wont run live or install on my computer? also i have ubuntu on a hard drive and it wont load--- It freezes during the startup of all 3 of these things02:08
furiblakkheim: i don't understand...02:08
furiblakkheim: sorry02:09
blakkheimfuri: while you have screen open with irssi in your virtual console, open a terminal in your X session and run "screen -x"02:09
furiblakkheim: when i do that, it simply restarts that screen02:09
blakkheimfuri: and it will take you to the same one02:09
furiblakkheim: now it's saying there's none to be attached02:10
blakkheimfuri: does "screen -ls" list any?02:10
furiblakkheim: so, i go into a fallback terminal and press ctrl+a+d. it restarts that terminal and i log back in. then i press ctrl+alt+F7 to return to X. i then open a terminal and put down screen -x, which returns what i said.02:10
furiblakkheim: trying that02:10
UnholyTerrormultipass, bad hardware02:10
furiblakkheim: No Sockets found in /var/run/screen/S-furi.02:11
multipassbrand new up to date hardware, might be too new for ubuntu02:11
blakkheimfuri: it looks like you don't have any screens open then02:11
starnWhy wont Ubuntu wont let me make file trusted? I'm trying to use wine on a game.02:11
furiblakkheim: but...i have the F3 one open...02:11
blakkheimfuri: it would be listed then, maybe you just ran irssi in a regular console by accident02:12
d3drocksabout ready to punch a nice big hole in my screen. sound was working great a few minutes ago, but after installing the nvidia drivers, sound no longer works and I cant even find my soundcard in the sound settings. all that shows up is "dummy sound device" what the hell? this isnt normal is it?02:12
SingAlongI'm going to buy a new laptop today. can anyone suggest a good developer machine that works well with ubuntu? (no fan or wifi problems)02:12
xanguastarn: does the file has permission to launch as program¿ right clic>properties02:12
furiblakkheim: well, idk what i'm doing.02:12
dominicdinadaanyone have a problem with kate/ ubuntu 10 10 erasing entire file contents02:12
MechanicalYetimultipass: does it always freeze at the same point?  If so, when?02:12
blakkheimfuri: ok, mind if i PM you?02:12
furiblakkheim: all i know is ctrl+alt+F3 brings up a login screen on a terminal, and i log in, and i can command irssi.02:12
SingAlongI've had hell of a time with acer laptops (they use some obsolete wifi cards)02:12
furiblakkheim: let me get on xchat really fast02:12
starnyes. it does and i click it to give it and check the box and it unchecks it self02:12
sychoCan anyone recommend a streaming audio ripper for 10.04? Preferably one that does a decent job parsing files. I'm looking to use it with grooveshark02:13
Out_ColdUnholyTerror, i found isomaster to do the trick with adding files. not sure if it chroots or not02:13
multipassMechanicalYeti: yeah, its always at the splash sreeen with graphical Ubuntu logo with loading bar... just freezes during that02:13
she_dyedfuri that s a virt terminal or VT, using ctl-alt-f1 thru F6, its different but you weren't doind anything wrong, just not screen02:13
furishe_dyed: oh, i see02:14
MonthOLDpickleIs there a netbook channel for ubuntu?02:14
LicuadoraHello, is there a way to download and install google earth from the terminal?02:14
ChrisPitzeri'm having some ssh trouble.  I can log in to a server once, say "yes" to accept the finger print... great.  I try to log in again, "possible dns spoofing detected" and I have to go delete the key from known hosts.  happens EVERY time.  I have to delete the key after every login.02:14
UnholyTerrorOut_Cold, you can probably follow that link I sent whether it's a livecd or not probably doesn't matter.02:14
ChrisPitzerany ideas what might be happening?02:14
she_dyedfuri they come in handy for problems with the GUI session02:14
LicuadoraI cant install the .bin file, it is corrupted02:14
d3drocksabout ready to punch a nice big hole in my screen. sound was working great a few minutes ago, but after installing the nvidia drivers, sound no longer works and I cant even find my soundcard in the sound settings. all that shows up is "dummy sound device" what the hell? this isnt normal is it?02:14
rodney_u there02:14
starnxangua: is it because i have auto login turned on to skip login screen??02:14
furishe_dyed: i've had some trouble and used it on the first day of using ubuntu02:14
MonthOLDpickleI fnot I have a question about the unity gui?02:15
MonthOLDpickleWHy can't I gof ull screen when I max a browser?02:15
furiblakkheim: you can PM me now02:15
dominicdinadaWell locally it saves the file no problem, remotely it kills files02:15
UnholyTerrorany ubuntu one users here? trying to use rhythmbox and it loads fireefox to  login?02:15
xanguastarn: just give it permissions to run.... right clic > properties02:15
starnxangua i doo. it unchecks it self it wont let me..02:15
imperfect-Anyone know how I can clean that up -- the proper way?02:16
d3drocksUGH SOUND STOPPED WORKING OUT OF NOWHERE . sound was working great a few minutes ago, but after installing the nvidia drivers, sound no longer works and I cant even find my soundcard in the sound settings. all that shows up is "dummy sound device" what the hell? this isnt normal is it?02:16
starnxangua: when i go to "Execute: allow exeuting file as program" and check the box it instantly unchecks it self02:16
Out_ColdLicuadora, you have to set the file as executable.. right click and02:16
LicuadoraI am in linux02:16
UnholyTerrortry restarting the sound... /etc/init.d/alsa restart02:17
Out_ColdLicuadora, i would hope so.. right click the file and change permissions02:17
d3drocksunholyterror: trying now02:17
LicuadoraOut_cold: I keep getting this message http://pastebin.com/WvLKawK802:17
d3drocksok i restarted it with no changes02:18
d3drocksive also rebooted my pc like 3 times02:18
UnholyTerrord3drocks, what does lspci say02:18
Out_ColdLicuadora, check here for solutions02:18
LicuadoraOut_Cold, thx02:18
LicuadoraOut_Cold,  Nah, i try to add the repository and it failed! Someone told I did not need the repository02:19
d3drocksAudio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller Audio device: nVidia Corporation High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1)02:19
d3drocksthats odd02:19
d3drocksunholy terror: would you happen to know how to switch it back to the other device as default? it strikes me now that my videocard has an HDMI port02:20
starni keep getting this The file '/media/01CB7496B055A3B0/Program Files (x86)/World of Warcraft/Wow.exe' is not marked as executable.  and it wont let me right click > properties > permissions > Allow executing file as program. it just unchecks it self02:20
d3drocksstarn: are you using wine to run windows programs?02:20
d3drocksright click it, and his "open with wine"02:21
starni did that as well same thing d3drocks02:21
starnd3drocks should i reboot?02:21
d3drocksis it installed into wine, or are you running it off of a windows partition stark?02:21
UnholyTerrord3drocks, no, I don't02:21
frank__so guys, any other suggestions besides cheese for getting a toshiba webcam to work?02:22
d3drocksok, well thanks for the help unholyterror, youve manged to solve part of my problem02:22
starnd3drocks i have it installed on external harddrive as well as windows.. i have never had this issue before..02:22
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she_dyedfrank__: oh you mean apps for webcam?02:22
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d3drocksstarn: is it the first time you have had this issue on this particular install of ubuntu? have you ever done this before on that computer or install?02:23
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/02:23
AutonomiserWow, why does windows 7 run better in Virtualbox under Ubuntu then on it's own?02:23
dominicdinadaAutonomiser: your computer is bad ?02:23
starnwell i just updated to 10.10 from 9.10. and never had issues back than.. same windows install though02:23
frank__no. i need my toshiba webcam to work02:23
she_dyedAutonomiser: its running on a real OS02:23
dominicdinadawin7 works flawlessly02:23
UnholyTerrord3drocks, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70067602:24
d3drocksupdate wine starn, or try using play on linux02:24
Autonomisershe_dyed i hear you02:24
Sean93in "chmod a+x" what is the a for?02:24
Charbelfglrx is the name of the closed-source, proprietary driver from AMD/ATI. It conflicts with the open-source "radeon" driver. If the "fglrx" kernel module is loaded at boot, X will be able to start using the "radeon" driver but "Direct Rendering" (DRI) will be disabled. This results in a severe performance reduction. Use System->Administration->Hardware Drivers to make sure "ATI accelerated graphics driver" is not in use.02:24
d3drocksthanks again unholyterror02:24
d3drocksI will look at taht right now02:24
judaxSean93: "all"02:24
UnholyTerrorI didn't look deep02:25
Sean93judax:  when should it be used?02:25
starni am using 1.3 i believe of it is that latest? for aptget says it is..02:25
she_dyedfrank__: was it detected, any indicator lights, does dmesg/lshw/lsusb show the  make and model02:25
frank__it's built in, so no lights02:25
judaxSean93: chmod a+x would set the executable bit for "all", where all=user, group and other02:26
starnd3drocks:  sudo apt-get install wine02:26
starnReading package lists... Done02:26
starnBuilding dependency tree02:26
starnReading state information... Done02:26
starnwine is already the newest version.02:26
FloodBot3starn: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:26
starn0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 68 not upgraded. seee i assume i have latest considering what this says...02:26
gustavderdrachemy system is taking between 5-20 minutes to boot02:27
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frank__she_dyed, not seeing it in there.02:27
gustavderdrachei just finished testing both the RAM and my HDDs, and they both checkout okay02:27
frank__so i think i'm out of luck02:27
UnholyTerrorgustavderdrache, drop windows!02:27
d3drocksstarn: you might need to install it fresh into wine unfortunately. thats the only way ive ever gotten around problems like that02:27
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: lol, even windows boots faster02:28
she_dyedfrank__: and there's no extra entry like /dev/vide0 and video1 (usually graphics card is the first)02:28
UnholyTerrordrop antivirus02:28
Mr_Crunchbangstarn: make sure you use pastebin to post multiple lines of text02:28
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: does 10.10 even install an antivirus by default?02:29
MarathonDoveHow do I partition my HDD with OS X?02:29
Maahes_does anyone have any experience with the fast user switcher breaking? It no longer works right, and I did a locate for applet and it's not even in there.02:29
UnholyTerrornot to my knowledge.02:29
Maahes_gustavderdrache, anti-virus is not necessary by default02:30
gustavderdracheMaahes_: yeah, figured02:30
gustavderdracheMaahes_: just trying to find the culprit for my boot times :)02:30
UnholyTerrorwhat part of boot takes so long?02:30
rammyIRChow to download streaming media from URL from command line02:30
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: it varies02:30
gustavderdracheit was modprobe once, sometimes it's plymouth, ...02:30
UnholyTerrorpress alt f2 during boot02:31
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: wouldn't that just be the same information i can find in dmesg?02:31
starnwhy is it ubuntu won't let me set programs to be executable? everytime i click to allow it unchecks it self02:32
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: then i can read that info now and save about 20 minutes' worth of work :)02:32
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: I also installed bootchart, so i can share pictures if you want to see 'em02:32
MarathonDoveI can't find Chatzilla in my list of applications. Halp?02:32
rammyIRCcan i use wget02:33
she_dyedstarn: i think its because its on the windows partition and they dont really save permissions like nix does02:33
UnholyTerrori don't kno what the problem would be02:33
Sean93should i install java in /usr/java or my home directory?02:33
MonthOLDpickleguys purge command ore remove?02:33
starnbut what about my external hd? it won't let me on there and i never had this issue before in the past..02:33
d3drocksaplay -l02:34
d3drocksaplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found...02:34
d3drocksagh, thats annoying02:34
starnhow would i give my self full power to force these programs to run using wine?02:34
UnholyTerrortry reinstalling alsa???02:34
UnholyTerrorlook in synaptics to see what your system is using - reinstall those.02:35
d3drocksits alsa for sure02:36
seidosd3drocks, sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils force-reload or cat /proc/asound/cards?02:36
Maahes_gustavderdrache, http://www.bootchart.org/02:36
Maahes_Anyone: Does devilspie work with Compiz?02:36
gustavderdracheMaahes_: it's been installed for awhile, i've got a coupld of renders02:36
* Maahes_ is at 8 days uptime on his laptop, w00t02:37
frank__she_dyed, sorry nothing02:37
she_dyedyeah frank__ at this point i'd google in other forums not just ubuntu to see if there is hope02:38
d3drocksseidos: already tried the force reload, and proc/asound/cards lists: chris@chris-desktop:/etc/init.d$ cat /proc/asound/cards02:38
d3drocks 0 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel02:38
d3drocks                      HDA Intel at 0xfccf4000 irq 2202:38
d3drocks 1 [NVidia         ]: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia02:38
d3drocks                      HDA NVidia at 0xfeafc000 irq 1702:38
FloodBot3d3drocks: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:38
d3drocks 2 [default        ]: USB-Audio - Mbox 202:39
d3drocksdidnt mean to do that02:39
larryhello all02:40
gustavderdracheMaahes_: i put the most recent boot charts in my Dropbox, interested?02:41
earthshadeHello darkness my old friend02:41
Omen_20Hi. When installing some development environments you are told to add stuff to your Windows path! What is the equivalent in Linux? I need to be able to use commands from any directory.02:41
Sean93where is google chrome installed in ubbuntu?02:41
Maahes_sure :)02:41
Dr_WillisOmen_20:  echo $PATH02:41
Dr_WillisOmen_20:  export the PATH variable as needed/set it as needed.02:42
gustavderdracheMaahes_: tarball or list of files?02:42
rammyIRCdo u guyz how to download streaming media in linux02:42
Maahes_tarball is fine :)02:42
Dr_WillisrammyIRC:  depends on the stream.02:42
earthshadeStill trying to find those drivers...02:42
gustavderdracheMaahes_: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/570560/bootchart.tgz02:42
UnholyTerrord3drocks, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/23236202:42
d3drocksok, instead of messing with this i think im gunna go to ubuntu 10.1002:44
mackhow can i install adobe flash on a amd 64-bit02:44
d3drocksand work from there then02:44
xanguamack sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer02:45
Dr_Willismack:  i normally install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package.  that pulls in flash and other things you proberly want.02:45
Maahes_gustavderdrache, what's the stats of the machine?02:45
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gustavderdracheMaahes_: 2 1TB Seagates, Intel Core i7 975, an embarrassingly large volume of RAM, and an Nvidia GTX 29502:46
gustavderdracheMaahes_: to summarize: "runs Crysis well"02:46
mackhow do i do that dr_Willis02:47
Omen_20thanks Dr_Willis02:47
Maahes_ja rly, your boot time should not be 300+s, *looking around*02:47
blakkheimgustavderdrache: considered an SSD?02:47
Dr_Willismack:  its in  the package manager tools.. or use the 'sudo apt-get install PACKAGENAME' type method.02:47
gustavderdracheblakkheim: I have, but my boot times used to be pretty awesome02:47
starnoh oh could my issue be due to fact of me not logging back into windows since i installed ubuntu?!02:47
d3drocks0_o 65 kbps to the ubuntu repos. guess i'll check back in the morning02:47
kionI found that I can program rules to be added to UFW with the at command...02:48
kionsay... AT 16:0002:48
kionufw allos ftp02:49
kionit works02:49
kionbut i cannot delete a rule02:49
kionwith at02:49
wilfridoSpeak português02:49
kionbecause ufw asks a question  .. do you really want to delete rule 1 ?02:49
GryllidaIs Synaptic the default package manager in Ubuntu prior to 10.04?02:50
wilfridoalguem fala portugues aki02:50
blakkheimGryllida: synaptic is just a gui02:50
kionhow can we handle that?02:50
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
tortoiseI'm using this (http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/DNS-HOWTO-2.html) little howto for a dns server, and they're saying that I should be able to telnet and get my own machine, but I dont' think it's working like it should.02:50
blakkheimGryllida: it uses the debian package manager, apt02:50
tortoiseIt gives me the message telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused.02:50
tortoiseAnd when I try to ssh it, it works, but it requires a root password which I don't know.02:50
tortoisethat is, when I sudo ssh
Gryllidablakkheim, it doesn't answer my question, I do know it's the gui for apt02:51
blakkheimGryllida: your question was "is synaptic the default package manager [..]" and it's not a package manager at all02:51
MechanicalYetiIn a pinch, you could use sudo to set a root password.02:51
furitesting irssi02:51
furii am in the #ubuntu channel, correct?02:52
blakkheimfuri: yes02:52
furiblakkheim: i love this already02:52
she_dyedyes furi02:52
tortoiseMechanicalYeti: was that directed to me?02:52
MechanicalYetiYeah, sorry, should've specified.02:53
tortoiseMechanicalYeti: That's alright, but how do I do that? Because it's asking for a root@'s password?02:53
furiblakkheim: is there a way to scroll through the chat?02:53
blakkheimfuri: page up/down02:53
furiblakkheim: thanks02:53
Gryllidablakkheim, what does a package manager do than, I thought apt is one02:53
blakkheimGryllida: apt is one, but synaptic is just a GUI frontend, it doesn't actually do the work02:54
furiblakkheim: what about the color of highlighted text? like, when someone says furi: blahblahblah02:54
furiblakkheim: i mean, changing it02:54
blakkheimfuri: i don't know offhand, but irssi.org has some great documentation02:54
MechanicalYetisudo su02:54
furiblakkheim: thank you02:54
Gryllidawas synaptic the default gui to anage applications prior to 10.04, whent he software center appeared?02:54
MechanicalYetithen passwd02:55
blakkheimGryllida: synaptic is a gui for apt for noobs to easier manage packages, and the "software center" is an even more noob-friendly gui that does more or less the same thing02:55
GryllidaUnholyTerror, is this 'yes' to me?02:55
raj-kI loaded Ubuntu onto my flash drive with Unetbootin, and start up my computer. I press "Try Ubuntu without Installing", screen is going black. No keys do anything. What should I do?02:55
tortoiseMechanicalYeti: Wouldn't that just change my own root password? Or is the same as me?02:55
sudoerwhen I su to someone else, why doesnt /etc/profile get run?02:55
Gryllidatortoise, the same as me, yes02:55
mackdr_Willis when i put my password in it gets stuck any thoughts02:56
sudoerI have echo "test"  in /etc/profile and it never spits out nor seems to run02:56
tortoiseGryllida: thanks02:56
jiohdiraj-k: how long?02:56
raj-kjiohdi: been 15 minutes02:56
Gryllidablakkheim, so its getting a boob-friendly os, I see02:56
blakkheimGryllida: yes exactly02:56
blakkheimsudoer: try /bin/echo02:56
jiohdiraj-k: I would say your unentbootin did not work, try to redo it02:57
tortoiseAnd when I'm telnet'd into myself ( as root, how do I get out and back to my usual user@laptop_name: prompt02:57
Gryllidatortoise, ctrl+d, or 'q', or ctrl+c02:57
blakkheimtortoise: exit02:57
raj-kjiohdi: Are there a better software for making bootable usb?02:57
sudoerblakkheim: no, it doesnt run with /bin/echo 'test'02:57
tortoiseThank you, for some reason, I can never remember that lol02:57
* Gryllida wonders which one worked02:57
jiohdiraj-k: there must be, but I am not sure which one02:57
sudoerthe first line of /etc/profile says: # /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for the Bourne shell (sh(1))02:58
sudoerdoes /etc/profile get run when suing to another user ?02:58
tortoiseGryllida: I used exit, if that was directed to me.02:59
starnhow do i force this to apply permissions? it won't let me everytime i click apply permissions it reverts to old ones.02:59
matts45acpcan somone tell me a good irc chat client ot use03:00
Gryllidamatts45acp, irssi, xchat, empathy, pidgin03:00
GSF1200Sdoes anyone know how to get the layer option to work in openbox?03:01
Gryllidamatts45acp, try them all by installing them in the software center, and pick the one you feel more comfortable with03:01
mackxangua flash is installed but its not stable03:01
GSF1200Sit works for me but I cannot get a friends computer to show it03:01
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GSF1200Sneed always on top03:01
MechanicalYetiI don't like empathy for irc.03:01
GryllidaI use irssi03:01
k0d3g3armatts45acp,  xchat... its the bomb03:01
blakkheimirssi here too :303:01
furiare there any aliased monospace fonts i can use?03:02
furii mean, that come with the system03:02
furimonospace is antialiased, so...03:02
MadMax_you guys are all penises03:03
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aartist_Hi, How can I run Ubuntu from a portable HD ? I haven't downloaded /installed anything yet.'03:03
blakkheimMadMax_: then why are you here?03:03
MadMax_blakkheim: dont be a penis03:03
IdleOne!codeofconduct | MadMax_03:04
ubottuMadMax_: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .03:04
MadMax_or should i say Anders Nyström03:04
MadMax_of Stockholm, Sweden03:04
furiMadMax_: shoo troll, don't bother me, shoo troll, don't bother me...03:04
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helloNetbookUbunhello room03:05
raj-kjiohdi: I tried installing Unetbootin again, still black screen show up when I start Ubuntu. I checked MD5, integrity is good. What else could be the problem?03:05
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starnhahaha!! command line super user worked! woot03:05
UnholyTerrorf4 boot options03:05
Sean____How come on the Ubuntu site 32bit is recommended? Is there some problems with 64bit?03:06
matts45acpwhere can i find someone command lines for irssi03:06
Sean____Just curious since I'm gonna be trying out Ubuntu.03:06
helloNetbookUbunanybody play wow on ubuntu?03:06
Maahes_gustavderdrache, how old is your filesystem? Also are you using any sort of RAID? If so what kind03:06
UnholyTerrori run 64bit all day long03:06
Reverend_RuffhelloNetbookUbun: many people do03:06
gustavderdracheMaahes_: no RAID, system was installed just a few days ago03:06
gustavderdracheMaahes_: fresh, mind03:06
Maahes_okay, so it's not any disk fragmentation errors.....hrrrm03:06
helloNetbookUbuni get like 1 frame a second is it possible to tweak it so i get like 14fps03:07
UnholyTerrorwhat have you installed03:07
EberGuys... which machine should I get if I want to run a full Linux notebook? Which machine will give me the best experience I can get with it? Any hints? A Dell machine would be nice (I can get Dell in Brazil..)03:07
blakkheimEber: anything that doesn't have broadcom wifi and ati graphics03:07
furidoes anyone know of a good aliased monospaced font?03:07
Reverend_RuffhelloNetbookUbun: Do you have the appropriate video drivers installed? Is Wine configured correctly? Check those two first.03:07
Sean____Alright then, I'll use 64bit. Should be fine then.03:07
ToStItOsI cannot drag and drop my video files from my music folder to my flash drive. How do I fix this?03:07
jiohdiraj-k: how old is the hardware?03:07
raj-kjiohdi: about 8 months old03:08
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: my packages?03:08
Eberblakkheim: any other graphics card will wrok? intel? nvidia?03:08
helloNetbookUbuni'll check my video driver, but let me ask .. is it because i have an intel card?03:08
judaxEber: You can get many Dell systems with Ubuntu pre-installed03:08
blakkheimEber: intel and nvidia are both well supported03:08
Reverend_RuffEber: Linux and Intel get along well. =)03:08
UnholyTerrorSean____, you can install 32bit libs if needed.03:08
she_dyedfuri there is inconsolada03:08
jiohdiraj-k: does anything happen at all, when does it go black?03:08
EberCool, good to know!03:08
UnholyTerrorgustavderdrache, yes03:08
furishe_dyed: thank you, i'll check that03:08
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Sean____Alright. In what circumstance may I need 32bit libs if I am running 64bit?03:09
EberI just upgraded my VM with 10.10 I wish I had a machine to enjoy it at full speed!03:09
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: developer-y stuff, perl modules, some libraries, google chrome03:09
EberIt looks gorgeous!03:09
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: off the top of my head, don't know how to get a full list of packages (is there a way to pull it out of apt-cache?)03:09
raj-kjiohdi: No. I am pressing all buttons; "Try Ubuntu without installing," "Instal Ubuntu onto hard drive", etc. but all just show black screen. No sounds03:09
jiohdiraj-k: so it does get to the menu screen?03:10
UnholyTerrorI mean, was it booting fine (normal) then not after a software install?03:10
Eberjudax: I'll try to find them over here... But I think they are not selling those anymore (in Brazil)...03:10
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: oh, no, it's always been sluggish03:10
UnholyTerrorSean____, there may be some apps you want to run that require 32bit...03:10
raj-kjiohdi: Yes. "Unetbootin Menu: then lists all options. But after I click one option, nothing is happening03:10
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: but only with this version of linux -- it's had Slackware and it used to run 9.04 for quite awhile03:10
starnhow do i make command line wine run in a fixed window size? for sudo wine /media/FA507AA9507A6BEF/WorldofWarcraft/WoW.exe -windowed 1024x756 did not work.... better yet how about that set rez in full screen?03:10
gustavderdracheall those worked just fine03:10
UnholyTerrorgustavderdrache, why not try to reinstall?03:11
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: hmm... because that would be a logical option i didn't think about? :P03:11
Sean____alright. Is it an easy procedure to get 32bit libs? (Sorry first time using Linux/Ubuntu so just wanna understand it all)03:11
starnReason i ask is WoW keeps trying to display 2560x102403:11
judaxEber: Good luck and have fun!03:11
UnholyTerrorSean____, in the repositories. Use Synaptics03:11
Eberjudax: Tks!03:12
Maahes_gustavderdrache, okay, acouple more angles. What's your bios and version? And also, do you have any strange peripherals hooked up. Anything you would not find in a stock pc these days?03:12
UnholyTerrorI don't use them.03:13
blinkieI'm installing 10.10 server ed. 64bit on a machine. want to use it for serving files to other units on the same LAN and also stream media, for instance to ps3's. I would also like it to be a webserver (definitely very low traffic, mostly me playing around), have an irc "bouncer" (screen+irssi, I guess) and act as a torrentbox. I need to control it from outside the LAN, and be able to transfer03:13
blinkiefiles to and from it (again outside the LAN) without anybody in the middle being able to see what the traffic is.03:13
gustavderdracheMaahes_: no strange peripherals as far as I know03:13
blinkieis this really really hard to do?03:13
gustavderdracheMaahes_: BIOS is.. uh... tell me there's a way to find this out without having to reboot03:13
she_dyedgustavderdrache: not a usb boot is it?03:13
gustavderdracheshe_dyed: nope, boots off a SATA drive03:13
Maahes_gustavderdrache, if you know your motherboard type03:13
raj-kjiohdi: Yes. "Unetbootin Menu: then lists all options. But after I click one option, nothing is happening03:13
gustavderdracheMaahes_: actually, one sec, i think i might be able to dig up the info03:14
UnholyTerrorgustavderdrache, hold up...03:14
Sean93how do i update a tracker in transmission?03:14
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: eh?03:14
Sean93and is there a better torrent client?03:14
Maahes_even a usb boot shouldn't be that bad, I've got maybe a 40s boot for my USB on weaker hardware than what he's running03:14
gustavderdracheMaahes_: it's a Foxconn, uses the X58 chipset03:15
Maahes_Sean93, depends what you mean by better. Some people like bittornado, some like using utorrent on ubuntu, if you hang out in the console, rtorrent is excellent03:15
UnholyTerrorI wonder if System->Administration->Sytem Testing would show you anything03:16
toshibawhy this is so quilty >03:16
Sean93utorrent in wine or is there a linux version?03:16
Sean93im not fond of wine03:16
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: I ran a disk test, and it's okay, but haven't run any of the other tests03:16
toshibait is ?03:16
toshibasudo apt-get update03:17
kionAnybody with an alienware M15x?03:20
starnhow do i make command line wine run in a fixed window size? for sudo wine /media/FA507AA9507A6BEF/WorldofWarcraft/WoW.exe -windowed 1024x756 did not work.... better yet how about that set rez in full screen?03:20
ToStItOsHow can I set up permissions for my Usb flash drive to accept media files from my music folder03:21
UnholyTerrorgustavderdrache, system testing gives a nice thorough report of your system.03:21
she_dyedit should be x786 stern03:21
she_dyedor x768 stern maybe it rejected03:21
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: system testing has decided to sit and wait instead of being useflu03:21
UnholyTerrorcan you pull up a terminal?03:22
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: always :)03:22
UnholyTerrorwhat does 'top' tell you?03:22
she_dyedUse 1024x768 starn maybe it rejected03:22
starnok i shall try she_dyed03:22
UnholyTerroror System Monitor03:22
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: that 99.9% of my CPU is idle :)03:22
jiohdiToStItOs: easiest way is to open a terminal... sudo -s  pw: xxxx and then type the name of your file manager... you will be in super user mode... and you can move any file anywhere03:23
macabre_ola, is there any reason why apt-upgrade is holding back kernel 2.6.32-25 ?03:23
starnshe_dyed only reason i am doing this is for it wont let me set premissions for it by right clicking :\03:23
UnholyTerroris the HD light on(alot)?03:23
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: nope03:23
starnodd i did normal sudo said i do not own .wine03:24
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: there we go, killed it and restarted it :)03:24
UnholyTerrorbecause you don't03:24
blakkheimmacabre_: sudo aptitude full-upgrade03:24
starnits dumb  i have to run wine is super mode..03:24
UnholyTerroryou shouldn't need to run wine as super-user03:25
starni know..03:25
furihow do you install fonts? what is the file extension required?03:25
starngonna uninstall it03:25
ToStItOsjiohdi, but how do I get my usb flash drive to let me drag and drop media files03:25
she_dyedbut at least starn might be able to get to play03:25
gustavderdracheUnholyTerror: starting all the tests, including the hibernate one03:25
Reverend_Rufffuri: file extension is irrelevant in *nix environments.03:25
furiReverend_Ruff: i see03:25
starnsoo like this she_dyed? sudo wine /media/FA507AA9507A6BEF/WorldofWarcraft/WoW.exe -1024x78603:25
furiReverend_Ruff: but nevertheless how do i install fonts?03:26
jiohdiToStItOs: once in your file manager, you can back click on a folder for your  media and change the permissions in properties03:26
Nu-Buntuanyone kno how to reset resolution in xubunt?03:26
she_dyedstarn: its 768, sorry03:26
Reverend_Ruff!xubuntu | Nu-Buntu03:26
ubottuNu-Buntu: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels03:26
rammyIRChow to read pdf in terminal03:26
starnno prob i'm dyslixic as well03:26
jiohdiToStItOs: in the super user file manager you can drag and drop anything anywhere03:26
rammyIRCany special package available03:26
starnYAY she_dyed IT worked thank you so much!!03:27
furihow do i install fonts?03:27
seidos!fonts > furi03:27
ubottufuri, please see my private message03:27
she_dyedstarn: lol nice!03:27
furiwell then, now i need to know how to change tabs in irssi...03:27
starnnow the sound is missing she_dyed. oh well screw sound03:27
blakkheimfuri: alt+arrow key03:27
grrRunning 10.10 gnome. will installing xfe have an adverse effect on system?03:27
blakkheimfuri: or alt+number of the tab you want03:27
grrxfe is file manager03:27
she_dyedstarn: you'll find out soon...03:27
seidosgrr, xfe?  or xfce?03:28
grrxfe file manager03:28
rammyIRChow to read pdf file03:28
starnit toook me over 3 hours to come up with running wine in sudo su mode....03:28
Nu-Buntuthx reverend but the other chat is pretty vacant03:28
she_dyedstarn: always have a cold one in teh fridge for the challenges03:29
she_dyedrammyIRC: where in X? theres evince...03:30
rammyIRCevince ??03:30
grrseidos, looks like xfe is 10MB download and 31MB installed, but really I don't want to mess up other gnome stuff03:30
rammyIRCim tryin to read it from the command line03:30
UnholyTerrorjust double click on it...03:30
matts45acpcan somone tell me how to change my default nickname in irssi03:31
UnholyTerrorevince /path/to/pdf03:31
UnholyTerrorforward slash nick nickname03:31
she_dyedrammyIRC: look at ghostscript/ghostview03:31
=== SortiE is now known as SortiE|A
YoMamaHey does anyone else if they sorted out the problem with netbook 10.10 and the slowness reladted to mutter or intel video?03:32
endhiranan application to convert .mp3 sound file to .aac sound file? does anyone know.........:'(?03:32
matts45acphow do i have that name automatically use when i start irssi03:33
puffSometimes - now is a case in point - when I maximize a window (in this case emacs), the bottom edge goes off the screen.  I can only see the top edge of the emacs buffer line, and I can't see the microbuffer line at all.03:33
puffHow can I adjust this?03:33
rammyIRCinstalling ghostview has any prob03:33
rammyIRCany known issues03:33
tim_I am having trouble finding a network manager to replace the one on the default panel using AWN. I keep seeing that it is in the extras trunk. I have that installed but it is not showing up in my applets list. Am I missing something?03:33
UnholyTerrorwouldn't that be in prefs?03:33
KB1JWQYoMama: Check the bug tracker.03:33
scampbellIs there anyway to get evolution to use vlc or mplayer as it's default player for media files?03:34
YoMamawhere can I find that?03:34
KB1JWQYoMama: In launchpad.03:34
IdleOne!bugs | YoMama03:34
ubottuYoMama: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:34
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/03:34
YoMamaahh sweet thanks alot03:35
Juachoquie estan por aca03:36
she_dyed!es > por favor juacho03:37
matts45acphow do i have that name automatically use when i start irssi03:38
Juachohablemos de ubuntu quieres03:38
Gnea!es | Juacho03:38
ubottuJuacho: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:38
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furii saw a preview of irssi with split tabs. how can i do this?03:39
Barriduswhy is a file copy in terminal so much slower from a /mounted network windows share slower than the same file copy if i mount it via nautilus and copy that way with the gui?03:41
Maahes_gustavderdrache, okay, lots of sleuthing, but no definite answers. One question: Did you buy this motherboard in 2008?03:42
gustavderdracheMaahes_: nope, '0903:42
Barridusor even copy it via the terminal from the ~/.gfvs folder with command prompt.  that is also much faster than via the first method via /mount03:42
Maahes_okay, then its probably not one of the screwed up Foxconn boards that shipped in 200803:42
gustavderdracheMaahes_: i'd probably see boot problems with Windows if that were the case, wouldn't I?03:43
Maahes_gustavderdrache, no it was linux specific03:43
gustavderdracheMaahes_: ah03:43
matts45acpcan somone tell me how to make my nick name the name irssi uses when i start it03:43
Barridusis GVFS that much faster than /mounting a  network resource?03:44
Maahes_Recommendations: Find your bios for your mother board, upgrade to the latest version. Then: Try a different kernel, such as low-latency or whatnot. Then: Try an older kernel.03:44
Maahes_after that, if none of those work: Try disabling Plymouth, then ureadahead03:44
ToStItOsjiohdi, ok hel me out so how can I get my usb drive to have the permission to drag and drop? What do I need to do?03:44
gustavderdracheMaahes_: are alternate kernels easy to get to via apt, or do i get to go compile from source like was intended for all of mankind?03:44
Maahes_gustavderdrache, there's several alt kernels in apt03:45
gustavderdracheMaahes_: darn :)03:45
JoeMaverickSettmatts45acp: although this is not an irssi support channel, it's at #irssi use that channel next time, you can do /set nick03:45
Maahes_matts45acp, the solution to your problem is sudo aptitude install weechat ;P03:45
she_dyed+1 Maahes_03:46
gustavderdracheMaahes_: how do i go about disabling plymouth/ureadahead?03:46
gustavderdracheMaahes_: i03:46
gustavderdracheMaahes_: I'm making notes so I don't forget :)03:46
jiohdiToStItOs: check your im from me03:46
Maahes_gustavderdrache, ureadahead can be removed via apt. Plymouth can only be sort of commented out: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-mint-84/how-to-disable-plymouth-in-mint-ubuntu-827422/ you may also, try when you boot to press escape and see if booting hangs specifically on any one message03:51
Maahes_(escape gets around Plymouth and shows text)03:51
SeqTrying to update-grub, I get this. Any ideas? /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: Couldn't find PV pv1. Check your device.map.03:51
gustavderdracheMaahes_: okay, cool03:52
gustavderdracheMaahes_: I don't see a low-latency kernel specifically in apt, am I missing it or is it named something else?03:52
Maahes_it might have been renamed, lemme look03:52
gustavderdracheMaahes_: okay, thanks03:52
rokniri recently upgraded to 10.10 and i'm seeing tons of /bin/sh /usr/bin/xdg-screensaver suspend processes building up on my system.  anyone know what the problem may be?03:53
Nv1diaAnyone not afk? I need help with a terminal command, and its a tad too advanced to google.03:55
rokniri'm not afk, but i may not be able to help either.  whatcha got?03:55
Nv1diaWell, i need to search through an entire directory of source code for any indication of Si4907.ko03:56
Nv1diaim trying to track down a driver.03:56
roknirgrep -ri Si4907.ko /path/to/files/*03:56
Nv1diaproblem is, the driver isn't created in the compile, which makes me think(or hope) its commented out.03:56
Sean93im trying to install skdownloader with google chrome, i get the error Could not find java > 1.6 in your system03:57
Sean93Please install Java from "http://www.java.com"03:57
Nv1diaill give it a shot = )03:57
roknirgood luck Nv1dia; hope it works.03:57
rww!java | Sean9303:57
ubottuSean93: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.03:57
rww!partner | Sean9303:57
ubottuSean93: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »03:57
Sean93how do i download it using terminal?03:58
rwwSean93: run the add-apt-repository command from ubottu's last message, then sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin03:59
rww!cn | a03:59
ubottua: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:59
DrManhattanlame I can get russian but not chinese03:59
rwwDrManhattan: I use Google Translate ;)04:00
Quantum_Ionright Google Translate is good04:00
she_dyedor do you mean on your terminal DrManhattan04:00
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい04:01
monty_hallanybody know how to restart the sound server unbuntu 10.10?04:01
Quantum_Ionthat japanese script looks GOOD04:01
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rwwa's speaking in Chinese…04:02
TeruFSXmonty_hall sudo killall pulseaudio04:02
Random832a: 这是一个聊天室 - 我们在这里说英语04:02
TeruFSXshould do it04:02
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:02
Random832[google translated "this is a chatroom - we speak english here]04:02
TeruFSXa: 我不是说汉语的人。我不认为这里大多数人都讲汉语。04:03
Quantum_IonThe price tag is your behind04:03
Random832a: 我不知道中國。我用了一個網站,自動翻譯04:03
toal193Once I used a GTK+ GUI tool to change applications volume preferences in pulseaudio, but I've forgotten it's name? Does anyone know?04:03
Random832a: http://translate.google.com 我用04:03
kyawDo Ubuntu desktop and netbook versions support touch screen input?04:04
Sean93how do i delete a diretory from terminal?04:04
kyawlike tablet04:04
rwwSean93: rm -r directory/04:04
TeruFSXi know that they have at least rudimentary, hard-to-use touchscreen support04:04
Random832a: people in here do not speak chinese.04:04
Random832!cn | a04:04
ubottua: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:04
TeruFSXbeyong that I donot know04:04
Maahes_I just barely have enough space to install a new kernel and find out if that fixes my problem04:04
she_dyedMaahes_: living on the edge eh?04:05
rwwthis is why I don't separate /boot and / :(04:05
kyawIf I install netbook version on a tablet pc, I can only use mouse and keyboard for input?04:05
Maahes_she_dyed, heh, yeah :) I've already almost hosed this install once by updating too much at once04:06
TeruFSXkyaw you can probably use the touchscreen to some extent on some tablets04:06
TeruFSXi don't really know much about touchscreen support, besides that it exists04:06
jacksparrowhow do i dl compiz fusion in the terminal all comands iv found dont work iam runing back track 404:06
rww!backtrack | jacksparrow04:06
ubottujacksparrow: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)04:06
Maahes_I'm sincerely considering removing more things. If I could be certain my usb would still work I'd install awesomeWM and a lightweight login manager and remove gnome and gdm04:07
kyawI saw a video on engadget. Title is "Ubuntu 10.10's multitouch Unity UI demoed on Dell, makes multitasking look easy".  The video is convincing to install Ubuntu04:07
TeruFSXMaahes_ why wouldn't it04:07
h00ka: /join #ubuntu-cn04:08
kyawthat video is which version of Ubuntu?04:08
she_dyedMaahes_: archlive has lxde that you can switch to awesome, fyi04:08
Maahes_TeruFSX, I tried creating a new user myname and giving it a password, not only would gdm not let me log in, it hung the system, crashed, and then I had to repair casper-rw because of a lot of dead inodes04:08
Maahes_she_dyed, arch also has absolutely no dependency management.04:09
TeruFSXa: 你是唯一的华人在这里发言。我们不能提供一种语言,我们不理解支持。请检查其中一个讲中文的聊天室。04:09
rwwTeruFSX: they're gone04:09
TeruFSXyes, he is04:09
TeruFSXhe apparently just gave up04:09
Maahes_So yeah whilst I want to replace gdm, I'm reluctant to do it yet.04:10
she_dyedgdm, the login manager?04:10
TeruFSXi think that installing another display manager would allow you to reconfigure them04:10
TeruFSXat least that happened when I tried to install kdm04:11
she_dyedyeah they followsome basic rules04:11
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kyawwhat version of Ubuntu is this? http://www.engadget.com/2010/10/25/ubuntu-10-10s-multitouch-unity-ui-demoed-on-dell-makes-multita/04:12
TeruFSX10.10 Netbook Edition04:12
=== toastcfh is now known as toastcfh|afk
dennythe networking seems to have completely stopped working on my Compaq netbook with my most recent set of updates.  Wireless and LAN, neither of them are seeing my network.  Anyone know what could be going on there?04:12
kyawSo netbook edition supports touch screen input?04:13
TeruFSXkyaw yes04:13
hasenjcan Unity run on a normal laptop? my processor is Core-i7 and video card is ati radeon with the open source driver, but Unity doesn't run on it, what's up with that?04:13
kyawdoes desktop version support also?04:13
TeruFSXhasenj that driver might not have 3D rendering support04:13
k0d3g3arne1 here know if all models of eeepc machines have Nvidia video in them?04:14
hasenjTeruFSX, how can I tell? the glxgears runs fine on it04:14
TeruFSXkyaw desktop supports touch input, but i don't know if touchscreen support will be enabled by default and if it isn't i don't know how to enable it04:14
jacksparrowhow do i dl compiz fusion in the terminal04:14
k0d3g3arand where do I download the nvidia drivers for Ubuntu 10.10 with opengl support?04:14
kyawok thank you04:14
jacksparrowall the comads i have tryed dont work04:15
kyawnetbook version is defaultly enable touch input?04:15
TeruFSXk0d3g3ar some eeepcs have Intel video04:15
TeruFSXgo to System> Administration> Additional Drivers and check for a driver for your video card04:15
TeruFSXkyaw to my knowledge, yes04:16
TeruFSXjacksparrow try opening Synaptic and looking for compiz04:16
TeruFSXalso again we cannot help you out past that04:16
TeruFSXyou aren't using Ubuntu04:17
roknirdoes anyone have any good links about how to resolve a driver "activated but not in use" message in jackal for the nvidia drivers?  i have nvidia-current installed and ran nvidia-xconfig, but no matter what i do i can't get that additional drivers window to say the driver's actually in use.04:17
furithe theme isn't changing in irssi, but it says it was changed. how come?04:17
k0d3g3arTeruFSX, do you know how to tell what video card is installed in a unit?04:18
kyawCan I install netbook version on desktop computer?04:18
TeruFSXk0d3g3ar it should offer the driver if you have a supported nVIDIA chipset04:18
k0d3g3arTeruFSX, ok, thanks.  I'll check it out04:19
adamkexhey, what's up with this "Unity" interface instead of GNOME Shell for 11.04?04:19
roknirk0d3g3ar: lspci | grep VGA04:19
TeruFSXubuntu already uses Unity04:19
TeruFSXyeah roknir's tip is better04:19
adamkexin 10.10?04:19
JohnFluxHi all04:19
Sean93how do i use skdownloader with google chrome?04:19
JohnFluxUbuntu 10.10 is really slow for me04:20
JohnFluxGoogling I think it's a bug between ati drivers and xorg04:20
yagookyaw, u probably can but I bet you shouldnt.04:20
TeruFSXadamkex yes also 11.04 will already be in package freeze when GNOME 3.0 comes out04:20
TeruFSXwith GNOME shell04:20
psusiUnity is the shell for netbook edition04:20
bluefoxicywhy the hell04:21
bluefoxicydoes flash not work in chromium04:21
adamkexpsusi: but isn't that for single task computing?04:21
root_i'm using backtrack 404:21
psusibluefoxicy, works for me... at least as well as adobe's horrible products usually do04:21
root_how can teach me crack wap04:22
psusiadamkex, no04:22
bluefoxicypsusi:  everything says I don't have flash, but it works in firefox04:22
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)04:22
TeruFSXhey, root_ read that. also, I can't teach you how to crack WEP.04:23
jacksparrowy cant i post to backtrack channel??04:23
furithe theme isn't changing in irssi, but it says it was changed. how come?04:23
bsmith093anyone kniow of a quick way to demux the audio from an avi ( and i mean just copy the audio track asis to an mp3)04:23
TeruFSXjacksparrow I don't know.04:23
root_hey TeruFSX, I can teach you how to crack wep04:24
adamkexpsusi: ok.. do you think most people would like it? i just looked at a 1600x900 screenshot if it and it looked undesirable imo..04:24
TeruFSXroot_: I'm not interested.04:24
rwwjacksparrow: they have unidentified users quieted for some reason04:24
rwwubottu: register | jacksparrow04:24
ubottujacksparrow: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:24
psusiadamkex, that kind of defeats the purpose.... the whole point is that it is for SMALL screens04:24
Bossmanbetabsmith093, mplayer ./input.avi -dumpaudio -dumpfile output.mp304:24
jacksparrowic ty04:25
Sean93how do i use skdownloader with google chrome?04:25
adamkexpsusi: ok, so what will the regular non-netbook users use? everything seems very unclear to me04:25
TeruFSXadamkex non-Netbook users will use the standard GNOME 2.3 desktop04:26
psusiadamkex, whenever gnome3 finally ships, it will be gnome-shell04:26
jacksparrowjoin #freenode04:26
Random832gnome-shell X_X04:26
TeruFSXagain GNOME 3.0 and GNOME Shell will not be in 11.0404:26
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jacksparrowlol woops my bad04:26
virtualhi there04:26
tortoiseWhere can you see what version Kernel you are using?04:27
roknirtortoise: uname -a04:27
virtualhi, anyone know how do i login remote on my xubuntu??04:27
tortoiseroknir: Thanks04:27
adamkexTeruFSX psusi: ok, i just read on slashdot.org/linux that ubuntu is moving away from GNOME Shell04:27
psusiadamkex, yea.. it's full of it04:28
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roknirtortoise: or more concisely, uname -r04:28
adamkexpsusi: this all seems so confusing, thank god i prefer xfce04:28
BkFlameBroiledi like gnome cuz it seems faster, but kde looks nicer04:28
furihow do i change the background color of a fallback terminal?04:28
TeruFSXadamkex: that summary is bad04:28
TeruFSXalso it's a bit inflammatory; Unity is just a shell for GNOME04:29
adamkexTeruFSX: this is why i am asking questions here, because it didn't seem to be 100% accurate04:29
psusiI need to go check out unity on my netbook... should be pretty nice... last time I tried gnome-shell on my desktop it was pretty sweet too... just buggy04:29
TeruFSXI can understand why they wouldn't use GNOME Shell. Mainly, it wasn't yet finished.04:30
TeruFSX*won't yet be finished then.04:30
pseudocubeQuestion-- can anyone tell me where Ubuntu's cursor file is located, and whether I can copy it and use it in XP?04:30
furihow do i change the background color in the fallback terminal?04:30
virtualwow we have a lot of doubts here, i'm  going out...]04:31
psusiI wouldn't be so sure it won't make it into 11.0404:31
adamkexTeruFSX: maybe most people, especially "converts", would dislike it04:31
BkFlameBroiledhey does anyone know how i can turn my old laptop with s-video out into a decent htpc? I tried running boxee under hardy and it was soo sluggish, doesnt help i only have 32mb video memory either04:31
psusithey already delayed it once... doesn't seem very likely that it will need delayed again... but time will tell04:31
tortoisethe networking-howto at tldp seems to be written in 1998...is it still useful?04:31
TeruFSXtortoise It is likely marginally useful for wired networks. Otherwise, it is probably useless.04:32
psusiadamkex, I dunno... converts from windows maybe... but it seems a lot like my wife's macbook to me04:32
tortoiseI'm reading through the DNS howto, and it says that I'll need to configure a few files, and would be instructed on that in this howto.04:32
TeruFSXWhat files?04:32
k0d3g3arfuri, give Terminator a try if you haven't downloaded it already04:32
adamkexpsusi: it seems very unorthodox.. but i am very biased considering that i liked XMonad before04:33
furik0d3g3ar: idk, i can't switch to it with ctrl+alt+f#, can i?04:33
StFSHi. I'm running an ubuntu server as a guest in VirtualBox and I seem to have lost my network interface in the guest. It may have something to do with me changing the MAC address of it in the configuration on the host. Where (in the guest) should I look for configuration to get it back up?04:33
tortoiseIt says "You also need good /etc/nsswitch.conf, /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts files as a starting point, since I will not explain their function here. If you don't already have all this set up and working the Networking-HOWTO and/or the Networking-Overview-HOWTO explains how to set it up. Read them."04:33
tortoisethat is in addition to being able to telnet in and out of your own machine (which I know I can do).04:34
k0d3g3arfuri, huh?  Its a separate program.  Download through Synaptic04:34
she_dyedfuri yes because what you 're planning on isn't as trivial as GUI desktops are04:34
furishe_dyed: huh?04:34
tortoiseActually now that I think about it. I can't telnet, but I can sudo ssh ..is there a critical difference in those?04:35
k0d3g3arfuri, try using the base level widget first, with a 11.1" cork04:35
furik0d3gear: i'm sorry, i have no idea what you're talking about04:36
she_dyedfuri look at bashish for theming the VT's04:36
furishe_dyed: bashish? is that in apt-get install?04:36
TeruFSXokay apparently 11.04 will use some form of Unity for desktop users as well04:36
tortoiseCould anyone help me with this?04:37
she_dyednot sure but check out the homepage to see if yo really want to go there04:37
BkFlameBroiledhows GPU performance in 11.04?04:37
destr0hi there, i got some problems with sending files by pidgin or any other form (hotmail using email etc) anyone can help me? im using ubuntu 10.0404:38
BkFlameBroiledare you behind a router/firewall?04:39
destr0i dont know, i just installed ubuntu today.04:39
destr0i have updated it, and some programs but im new in linux04:40
BkFlameBroiledis there other hardware between your comp and you modem?04:40
destr0BkFlameBroiled: nothing else04:41
tortoiseCan someone help me with this? I'm reading/doing a DNS HOWTO on tldp.org and this part: "You also need good /etc/nsswitch.conf, /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts files as a starting point, since I will not explain their function here.", it's giving me a bit of an issue.04:41
tortoiseI'm not sure if I have these "good" or not, or even what that means.04:41
jacksparrowwow realy i did less to get bt4 runing and make a client and update it than your asking for regestration so i can ask a question04:41
destr0BkFlameBroiled even i can recieve files with pidgin but i cant sent it04:41
antoniusmoved over one time zone...changed my system time in the panel 8 times today..keeps switching back...anyone?04:41
destr0BkFlameBroiled and i cant upload it to rapidshare or gmail or anything :/04:41
BkFlameBroiledthats weird...are you working on a fresh install?04:42
AndrewMCantonius: You may have to set your BIOS clock04:42
destr0BkFlameBroiled yes, i have Ubuntu 10.04 Lt? (something like that) i just downloaded it yesterday and installed today.04:43
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she_dyedtortoies they;re explained in thenetworking HOWTO, at least those portions you menntioned are still relevant04:43
BkFlameBroiledthats prolly nothing goign on with ubuntu then, prolly an issue with your isp04:43
antoniusAndrewMC: never changed the time in bios, was out of town for 2 months, just changed ubuntu options04:43
wgwinnhas anyone experienced the 'No DEFAULT of UI Configuration directive found!' error using the latests 32bit desktop .iso booting from a cd known to be good on multiple systems? all i can find on google talks about usb drives giving the error not actual systems04:43
wgwinner, not actual cds.04:44
destr0BkFlameBroiled im using AMD64 version.04:44
MonthOLDpicklewhat version of wine is best to i nstall04:44
pseudocubeI would like to copy the Ubuntu default cursor onto my desktop, as I find the one XP uses on my dualboot system to be hideous. My goal is to get the same cursor on both systems. Where can I find the .cur file?04:44
tortoiseshe_dyed: hrrmm...I'm not finding that section in the howto :|04:44
she_dyedtortoise: which howto04:45
roknirdoes anyone know a good way to get a list of packages that would be installed in 10.10 by default?  i went crazy with installing some compiz stuff and want to uninstall a lot of it, but i think purging compiz* would remove much more than i added.  any ideas?04:45
tortoiseI read through all of the networking-overview-howto, and didn't see it in there either.04:45
toshibasudo apt-get upgrade04:45
toshibadoes it ?04:46
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she_dyedtortoise: see if there is a miniHowto for internet04:46
furii just tried bashish, i got some errors so i had to uninstall04:46
roknirtoshiba: no, apt-get upgrade would just update any out-of-date packages i have.04:46
tortoiseshe_dyed: not seeing one04:50
linelevelhi, i just upgraded today from lucid to maverick. my laptop froze most of the way through the maverick installation. after rebooting i ran the partial upgrade to finish up the install and installed all updates and says everything's fine. But i notice that the splash screen during startup and shutdown has text instead of a logo, and i see shell text on top of the splash screen that i think should be hidden.04:50
shadowsceneHas anyone seen a user called Vicissitude in this channel recently04:50
roknirlinelevel: use at your own risk since i haven't done this personally, but this may be helpful: http://linuxhub.net/2010/09/fix-ugly-plymouth-screen-on-ubuntu-10-10-using-a-simple-script/04:51
she_dyedas in today? shadowscene04:51
shadowsceneany day04:51
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shadowscenewithin the past week04:51
SteveThinghello all04:51
virtualdcan anyone recommend a calendar application, other than evolution?04:51
SteveThingi'm having issues with 10.10 netbook remix04:51
Gumby`virtuald: there is one in kontact04:52
DrManhattanso im wondering what I can do to improve VM 3d performance with an ubuntu guest OS04:52
rwwshadowscene: no04:52
virtualdgumby`: and preferably not a kde one :p04:52
shadowscenerww: thank you04:52
DrManhattanI would like to use my linux VM to play wolfenstein enemy territory but I have my doubts as to whether that is feasable or not04:52
LavaEagleHow can I make Wubi install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS?04:52
Gumby`virtuald: lol04:53
Gumby`then I got nothin.  google cal  hehe04:53
LavaEagleOr just a different version04:54
akfaewafter i installed kubuntu-desktop on a regular ubuntu, when the system loads i get a text based splash-like screen saying "Kubuntu" and four dots below it. how do i change it back to the default ubuntu?04:54
SteveThingI'm using 10.10 netbook remix on an Asus 1005HA w/ 2GB ram. When I close an app, the screen goes completely black for 10-30 seconds most of the time, or just hangs forever.04:54
SteveThingHow do I diagnose and fix this?04:54
tortoiseshe_dyed: Actually, I think I may have found it in the networking-howto04:54
she_dyedyes its there tortoise, stop wasting our time04:55
furii have two issues i need fixed: first of all, my n52te has always remained in the same mapping, and pystromo didn't work. nostromo for linux has worked fine, and i can get the daemon up, but the m52te still remains in the same state. second of all, music applet is giving errors whenever i try to put it onto the panel.04:55
virtualdi guess i'll have to try kcontact then but i don't expect it to be any good without the rest of kde04:55
tortoiseshe_dyed: Sorry, I didn't realize your time was so precious that you couldn't help noobs, being that you *are* sitting in the ubuntu support channel. Sorry, I'm an idiot.04:56
virtualdgumby`: you meant korganizer didn't you?04:56
virtualdgumby`: hmm seems to be the same thing04:57
Gumby`virtuald: well, korganizer is part of kontact.  kontact is sort of the suite04:57
Gumby`I like it.  *shrug*04:57
virtualdi don't need the suit, just the shirt please04:58
Gumby`you can install it without installing kde.  it'll install a bunch of deps that are kde libs, but you dont have to install a full blown kde04:58
Gumby`you can probably just get away with the calendar app then04:58
Gumby`not sure how adding calendar events you get via email would work though.04:58
jimtuv@akfaew You can follow the directions on the page to revert to pure Ubuntu http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome05:00
jimtuvor should I say genome05:00
akfaewjimtuv: i need the kde, i just don't want the Kubuntu loading message05:01
SteveThingI'm using 10.10 netbook remix on an Asus 1005HA w/ 2GB ram. When I close an app, the screen goes completely black for 10-30 seconds most of the time, or just hangs forever.05:01
SteveThingHow do I diagnose and fix this?05:01
bcgrowni'm on xubuntu 10.10 32-bit and I keep getting "additional plugins required" messages in firefox.  when i click "install missing plugins", nothing is listed.  i have flashplugin and sun-java6-plugin installed,  and all packages are up to date.  anyone know what's going on?05:01
roknirsorry, my googlefu fails me.  is there a command to get a list of all currently installed packages?05:01
blakkheimroknir: dpkg --get-selections05:02
bcgrownhttp://www.spaenaur.com/view_pdf.asp?Page=C2  <-- this is a page that gives me the message and doesn't display anything05:02
SteveThingbcgrown, have you restarted firefox since the install completed?05:02
bcgrownSteveThing: yes05:02
pseudocubeWhere is the default ubuntu cursor file located?05:02
SteveThingbcgrown, hmm, sorry.. that was the extent of my knowledge... :/05:03
roknirblakkheim: granted, this seems like a dumb question, but, some of them show up as deinstall.  does that mean i had it installed at one time but have since removed it?05:03
imizaelI've just installed 10.10 and ran a b43 firmware installer (i have the b4312 low power chipset), and now windows refuses to recognize any wireless networks.  how can i install the default b43 firmware for my wireless card?05:03
angelmanimizael, good reason to get rid of Windows, Ubuntu is better05:03
imizaelthat's be great, angelman, but wireless refuses to work in ubuntu as well05:04
rwwimizael: the b43 driver doesn't work with bcm4312. remove it, install bcmwl-kernel-source, shutdown your computer *and turn it off* (to reset the card), then restart.05:04
Maahes_pseudocube, if you want to install new cursors, you can drag them into the cursors tab of appearance05:04
bcgrownSteveThing: can you view that link i pasted?05:05
imizaelrww: working on that now, i had uninstalled ubuntu in the interim05:05
angelmandont restart or shut down until you do what rww said05:05
pseudocubeactually, i want to copy the cursor file to the desktop05:05
imizaelangelman: can't help it, have to-- i'm currently reinstalling ubuntu05:05
Maahes_I'm having a problem 10.04, I tried to upgrade my kernel, and it fails exit status 2, this is the output of my apt/log http://pastebin.com/aDYfbnPA05:06
rwwimizael: I'm assuming that that will also sort out Windows' problems. I've never run Windows on mine, so I don't know for sure.05:06
boysenim using ubuntu 10.4 i have to reconnect my wireless connection over and over again and asking me to type the password of my network any idea ?05:06
SteveThingbcgrown, it appears it uses some type of adobe plugin that isn't made for firefox05:06
SteveThingbcgrown, have you tried using another browser?05:06
bcgrownSteveThing:  no...  didn't think of that :)05:06
Maahes_pseudocube, otherwise you want to do locate cursor or find -name cursor and look for image files, to start05:06
boysen disconnect my wireless connection05:07
imizaelrww: i'd think so too.  the problems began when i tried the new firmware. i'd note that this card is apparently the low-power version of it.  should i still install the same package?05:07
imizaelrww: the package i installed was firmware-b43-lpphy-installer.05:07
bcgrownSteveThing: doesn't work in Chrome either,  I just get a big grey screen at the bottom05:07
rwwimizael: the card I have claims to be "LP-PHY", which I assume means low-power05:07
hunabqwhy use chomre05:08
SteveThingbcgrown, do you have a windows box to try it on?05:08
jimtuvakfaew From your discription I think what you want is to change your plymouth theme. That is the first animation that shows up when you boot up correct?05:08
SteveThingbcgrown, it appears to be a PDF type of plugin that is required05:08
imizaelrww: yes, that is the card05:08
bcgrownSteveThing: yeah, if i HAVE to :)05:08
Jordan_Uhunabq: Because when flash crashes in chrome it doesn't take the browser with it.05:08
rwwimizael: but yeah. the b43 driver and the associated firmware have some issues on at least 10.04 and 10.10. It'll probably get sorted out eventually, but bcmwl (which doesn't need a firmware installation) is the way to go right now.05:08
rwwalthough it's not free-software, which sucks.05:09
hunabqchrome seems like another ripoff05:09
imizaelrww: so.. if i use the bcmwl software, it won't reload new firmware? because i believe that to be the issue.05:09
hunabqwith a sweet face05:09
jimtuvakfaew To change themes from the KDE just enter this in the terminal and select a new theme. sudo update-alternatives –config default.plymouth05:09
Jordan_Urww: Won't help for current cards but it looks like broadcom finally stepped up and is releasing Free drivers.05:09
rwwimizael: I think it will, but I have no idea where it gets it from. might be part of the module itself, iono.05:09
imizaelrww: okay, i'll give it a shot.  thanks for the help, lets see if it works.05:10
jimtuvakfaew make sure to update when finished sudo update-initramfs  -u05:10
rwwJordan_U: free drivers with closed-source firmware. it's the same situation as b43 right now :(05:10
boysenany idea why my wireless got disconnected all the time and i i have to type the password05:10
boysento type the password of my ssid05:11
she_dyedboysen: weak signal05:11
hunabqboysen >> how close are you to the accesspoint?05:11
boyseni have to idea05:11
boysenno idea05:11
SteveThing10.10 x32 UNR, Atom based Netbook, Colsing an app makes screen go black for 10-30 seconds or hardlock... any ideas how to fix it?05:12
boysenwhen im only  using my laptop 10.4 ubuntu05:12
mak_69how do i upgrade adobe-flashplugin, i'm not able to view videos presently05:12
Sikthmak_69 did you install the ubuntu restricted extras?05:12
she_dyedSteveThing: try calling the app from terminal then close it, maybe theres messages repeating, if we're lucky05:13
mak_69sikth: nope, can u assist on how to do that05:13
bcgrownSteveThing: installing the bloated Adobe Reader made it work05:13
camer0n_hi guys, i have a ubuntu server install problem.. can some one help please?05:14
she_dyedjust toss it out camer0n_05:14
bullgard4What document does inform about the Natty development and release milestones?05:14
mvraki upgraded to maverick and when i ssh to my system there is fancy information on the bottom of the terminal, what program is that? what is that called?  I want to install it on my lucid server >.<05:15
rwwbullgard4: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule05:15
rwwmvrak: byobu05:15
Sikthmak_69, go to Applications>Accessories>terminal then once in the terminal type in 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' without the''05:15
fictiveis this the right place to ask for help? =)05:15
rwwfictive: with Ubuntu? yes05:15
fictivealright. I'm having problems with my bootloader05:16
camer0n_I have been getting stuck at 75% when installing ubuntu server 10.10. it says "storing languages". i have pressed ctrl+alt+f2 and it says "Please press enter to activate this console." I have pressed enter and it freezes, and i cannot press ctrl+alt+f1,2,3...etc05:16
MagusOTBis there some strange way to install flash player with APT or should I just do it adobe's way?05:16
rwwMagusOTB: generally, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer05:16
hunabq32 and 64 bit, beware05:16
hunabqyou choose the right one05:17
mvrakrww: i installed byobu, i want it fancy on my lucid server like it is on my maverick desktop qq05:17
fictivehad ubuntu and windows installed, working fine, then had to reinstall windows because I found a rootkit. now all I see when I boot up is the grub CLI, my usb bootable 10.10 only boots into grub recovery, but my unetbootin bootable usb with 10.04 boots into live05:17
gustavderdracheMaahes_: so i went ahead and removed ureadahead and plymouth05:18
fictiveI've searched google for a couple of hours now but I can't seem to fix it05:18
rwwfictive: which version of Ubuntu?05:18
rwwand Windows05:18
fictive10.10 installed05:18
gustavderdracheMaahes_: boot time is down to 370s05:18
mak_69sikth: k, once i finish that i can upgrade using the command 'update apt-get adobe-flashpugin' right??05:18
Maahes_gustavderdrache, damn.... did you try the other solutions? (new bios, different kernel, old kernel?)05:18
bullgard4rww: Thank you very much for your help.05:18
gustavderdracheMaahes_: nope05:18
Maahes_given your machine specs, you *should* be having around a 15s boot time.05:18
rwwfictive: try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 , section "Restore GRUB2 - Recovering from a Windows XP / Vista / 7 Reinstallation". I haven't done it myself, but it looks applicable.05:18
gustavderdracheMaahes_: should be, but don't :(05:19
rwwfictive: (it says 10.04 liveCD, but 10.10 would also work, as would a liveusb)05:19
excisionDebian or Ubuntu webserver?05:19
mvrakis byobu running on top of bash or is it a separate shell05:19
excisionWhich is better?05:19
Sikthmak_69 I dont think you'll have to. Just close your browser, then reopen it and you should be good to go05:19
camer0n_I have been getting stuck at 75% when installing ubuntu server 10.10. it says "storing languages". i have pressed ctrl+alt+f2 and it says "Please press enter to activate this console." I have pressed enter and it freezes, and i cannot press ctrl+alt+f1,2,3...etc05:19
rwwexcision: whichever you prefer. I've used both; there isn't a whole lot of difference.05:19
jschalldoes anyone have insight on what causes my microphone to not work when the balance is centered?05:20
camer0n_i am installing via usb stick, onto a usb stick05:20
Maahes_gustavderdrache, I mentioned trying those solutions because they're more likely to work, removing ureadahead and plymouth aren't really suggested, well plymouth doesn't matter so much, but ureadahead *should* result in a faster boot time05:20
excisionhmm, thank you. I am using debian now, and I see that some people use an ubuntu.05:20
excisionI was thinking about fedora.05:20
mak_69sikth: thank u for ur kind help. tc.05:20
rwwexcision: if you're more familiar with Debian, I'd use Debian05:20
Maahes_but it does tell us that neither ureadhead nor plymouth are the culprits05:20
fictiverww: I'll give it a go right now05:20
MonthOLDpickleI asked in winehq but how do I make my c drive bigger in wine?05:20
Sikthmak_69 np05:20
excisionalright, that does make sense.05:21
gustavderdracheMaahes_: still don't know where to find the low-latency kernel05:21
Maahes_You're pretty i/o bound and it corresponds fairly heavily to modprobe, which may mean some kernel module is screwing up, thus trying different kernels is useful05:21
hunabqisn't ubuntu based on debian?05:21
rwwhunabq: yes, it is05:22
Maahes_gustavderdrache, low-latency is what they used to call it, its been replaced by -rt, you can also try server, generic-pae and I forget the other one (virtual and ec2 aren't useful)05:22
hunabqthats why i use it05:22
mvrakhow do i make Byobu start when I ssh in? instead of typing byobu once im there05:22
hunabqusing debian ensures you dont have to learn different os'es05:23
excisiontalking about ssh.05:23
fictiverww: I'm getting a "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?)."05:23
hunabqand their languages05:23
fictiveat "sudo update-grub"05:23
excisionI try to use ssh from school05:23
she_dyedcamer0n_: the only thing i can think of is, open f2 ahead of time, dont wait for languages, and stay on that screen05:23
excisionand it looks like port 22 is blocked.05:23
excisionWhat is another good port to use?05:23
rwwmvrak: I haven't used byobu much, but I believe that there's an option for that in the settings menu for byobu (F2 or something? I think it says the key combination on the screen)05:23
gustavderdracheMaahes_: I still don't see a "-rt" anywhere05:23
camer0n_she_dyed, mmm will try... just annoying that it takes so long to get to that point05:23
rwwexcision: you can use any. I go with 2222, because it's easy to remember ;)05:23
hayseusport 66605:24
she_dyedcamer0n_: do you have a cold one in the fridge05:24
ps4newby to xchat. i installed netbook 10.10 and the mouse hovers over unity icons, screen blanks out. help?05:24
excision2222, ill have to try that05:24
excisionand port 666 lol, thats what DOOM uses.05:24
camer0n_she_dyed, no :(05:24
* she_dyed uploads a cole one to camer0n_05:25
camer0n_she_dyed, lol thanks :P05:25
excisionIn case port 2222 is blocked too, do you think I could use the https port?05:25
gridbagHow do I access my Password Manager to delete an entry?05:25
imizaelrww: i'll have you know you just solved my months-long wrestling match with b4312 drivers in linux :) now to see if you fixed my issues in windows05:25
she_dyedgl camer0n_05:25
hunabqjust open the damn port05:25
blakkheimexcision: or even port 8005:25
boysenfdora better tan ubuntu?05:25
mvrakrww: thanks i got it, it was obvious i just wasn't looking hard enough05:25
rwwfictive: hrm. what are you booting from, liveusb? it might be getting confused by the liveusb system. I'm not familiar enough with it to help, unfortunately :(05:25
excisionI have tried port 80 and apache has it already.05:26
hayseusd00d dont use 80 lol05:26
fictiverww: it's a live usb, yeah05:26
Deigratiaany xiphos users here?\05:26
fictiverww: thanks for giving it a shot, though :)05:26
rwwexcision: I've used the HTTPS port. I got the occasional attempted HTTPS connection to my ssh server, which has fun log entries, but apart from that it was fine.05:26
rwwDeigratia: I've used xiphos, yes.05:26
rwwfictive: no problem. good luck :)05:26
excisionso I think I will give https a go then. The stupid proxy server at school can't see that port I think05:27
ps4does anyone know issue with netbook unity interface problems? when mouse-over unity icons, screen blanks for a second and nothing happens but blink.05:27
excisionI can use any secure(normally blocked) site.05:27
imizaelrww: both linux and windows wireless solved in one fell swoop! i owe you a beer, friend :) thanks again.05:27
fictiverww: I have a netbook live cd here, should work with the desktop installed on the laptop, right?05:27
rwwimizael: You're welcome. Glad we got it figured out; those things can be confusing :)05:28
imizaelcheers, friend :)05:28
Deigratiaodd thing, verse selection won't work...any ideas...05:28
rwwfictive: yep. Terminal might be a little harder to find, but all the same commands should work.05:28
ps4fictive: i've installed netbook on desktops with success.05:28
boysenany idea what is the safest daemon for telnet server05:29
Jordan_Ufictive: You probably forgot to chroot, or to mount /dev within the chroot.05:29
rwwboysen: there is no safe telnet daemon, really. The protocol itself mandates sending passwords unencrypted, which means that anyone between you and your server can see them.05:29
rwwboysen: Generally, we recommend using openssh instead.05:29
boysendaemon telnet server to install05:29
fictiveJordan_U: I did nothing of the sort :o could you give me a little guidance?05:30
boysenbut using ssh i cannot connect with my eggy05:30
Jordan_Ufictive: What guide were you following?05:30
tmbgI know it's not supported, but what does it take to get kqemu installed/working? ( my machine doesn't support VT so kvm isn't an option)05:30
fictivehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Restore GRUB2 - Recovering from a Windows XP / Vista / 7 Reinstallation05:30
fictivethis one, Jordan_U05:30
hunabqthe server should support ssh as well05:30
ps4anyone know of netbook unity issues?05:31
Maahes_http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/ <----where are the kernel image files located? I click on kernel, and nothing is there05:31
rwwDeigratia: hrm, odd. I haven't experienced that. Occasionally, xiphos got confused and I had to close it and reopen it, but verse selection hasn't been an issue for me.05:31
Jordan_Ufictive: Wow, that guide is just completely wrong.05:31
MK13I am trying to run a command from ssh... how can I make it so that it runs in the background so i can still use the ssh, but also that it keeps running after I close the connection?05:31
mak_69is it safe to install ubuntu restricted extras05:31
hunabqman ssh05:31
fictiveJordan_U: well that's great then! hehe, got any corrections I could make use of?05:31
Maahes_MK13, tmux or screen05:32
rwwJordan_U: hrm. If you find better instructions, can you edit it or poke me with them and I'll edit it?05:32
Maahes_MK13, I recommend tmux, its better than screen05:32
mak_69sikith: is it safe to install ubuntu restricted extras??05:32
MK13Maahes_, thanks05:32
MathuinI have a box on 10.04 netbook that I cannot update to 10.04.1 LTS because that breaks it.  How can I update only the packages that changed without going all the way up to 10.04.1 LTS?05:33
hayseus0_o o_005:33
Jordan_Urww: fictive: The best instructions for re-installing grub from a liveCD are these: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide05:33
boysenthe only way i can connect to my bot is to use telnet05:33
ps4unity issue help?05:33
mak_69sikth: is it safe to install ubuntu restricted extras??05:33
fictiveJordan_U: thanks, I'll look into it :)05:34
Sikthmak_69 yes very05:34
Jordan_Ufictive: You're welcome.05:34
rwwJordan_U: thanks05:34
spacebug-How can I put stuff in /etc/resolv.conf without NetworkManager overwriting it?05:34
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Deigratiarww: thanks anyway!05:35
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camer0n_hi guys.. if i have console access while an install is happening.. can i skip out part of the install i know will fail?05:35
excisionIn debian, how do I allow ssh connections to port 44305:36
fuzzybunny69yHey everyone! I have a directory on my computer that has a whole bunch of subdirectories(and sometimes directories in those) and I want to move all the files in all the subdirectories and place them in the top level directory if that makes sense. Does anyone know how I would go about doing this?05:36
excisionI edited the sshd_config05:36
excisionI just have no clue how to actually allow it through the system.05:36
blakkheimexcision: this isn't a debian support channel05:36
Sikthmak_69 read this if you are unsure. it explains why Ubuntu can't come with the extras http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu-restricted-extras05:36
rwwexcision: try #debian for Debian support ;)05:36
excisionOhh, thats right.05:36
excisionI keep forgetting that Im on my ubuntu machine.05:37
excisionThank you05:37
rww(and #ubuntu for Ubuntu support; they don't support us either ;)05:37
Jordan_Urww: There is one small problem and one complete error in the Ubuntu wiki instructions. The small problem is that it installs grub using the utils of the live system, which may not be the same version as the installed system's grub (which can sometimes cause problems). The complete error is that update-grub, when run from the Live system, will try to update the live system's grub config (not the installed systems).05:37
hunabqedit your sshd_config05:37
Maahes_gustavderdrache, evidently they dropped support for low-latency and -rt in maverick, that kinda sucks. Although if you added ubuntu-studio's repo you could get the -preempt kernel05:37
Maahes_I'm having a problem 10.04, I tried to upgrade my kernel, and it fails exit status 2, this is the output of my apt/log http://pastebin.com/aDYfbnPA05:37
Jordan_Urww: Using chroot solves both problems, but has the downside that it can't be used when the Live system is 32 bit and the installed system is 32 bit.05:37
rwwJordan_U: ah, hence the chroot. I see.05:37
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gustavderdracheMaahes_: rats05:38
gustavderdracheMaahes_: i'm booting the server kernel right now05:38
gustavderdracheMaahes_: it was doing fine until it decided to check the battery state05:39
hunabqexcision >> and change #Port 22 to Port 443 without the #sign05:39
hunabqthen restart your ssh daemon via < etc/init.d/ssh restart05:39
Maahes_gustavderdrache, after trying a different kernel and an old kernel you may look into shutting off ACPI support. It may make your boot a lot faster, but it'll kill your battery life.05:39
gustavderdracheMaahes_: i don't have a battery05:40
Maahes_gustavderdrache, then it just affects suspend and hibernate I believe.05:40
Jordan_Urww: Thank you for actually updating the wiki documentation BTW. I always mean to do it myself but usually put it off because getting the formatting right is tedious :)05:41
gustavderdracheMaahes_: i booted the server kernel... but i can't find the X display05:41
gustavderdracheoh, bah, stupid nvidia modules05:42
fictivehaha! Jordan_U, I LOVE you, man05:42
fictivethank you so much for your help, Jordan_U and rww =)05:42
rwwJordan_U: ah, looks like we missed something. The very top of w.u.c/Grub2 links to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 , which appears to accurately describe the chroot method.05:43
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rwwJordan_U: I'm checking to make sure everything on the help.ubuntu.com page is on the wiki.ubuntu.com page, then will redirect wiki to help.05:43
rwwJordan_U: sorry, everything on the wiki.u.c page is on the help.u.c page...05:44
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camer0n_hi guys.. if i have console access while an install is happening.. can i skip out part of the install i know will fail?05:44
Genieliuwhich command do i need to use to unistall KDE?05:44
rwwGenieliu: and get back to GNOME Ubuntu?05:44
Genieliui have gnome yet05:45
rww!puregnome | Genieliu05:45
ubottuGenieliu: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome05:45
Genieliurww: just want to remove all the KDE environment05:45
ilovefairuzGenieliu: how did  you install it05:48
gustavderdracheMaahes_: no luck getting it to boot faster with the server kernel05:48
Maahes_gustavderdrache, try an older version of the -generic kernel05:49
monty_hallHow do I enable/disable desktop effects in unbuntu.  In freebsd & gnome/compiz, there were a whole slew of effects that I can enable/disable.  I cannot seem to find an app to enable these effects.05:49
monty_hallI only get none,some,custom.05:49
monty_hallI want cube effect, etc.05:50
ilovefairuz!info ccsm | monty_hall05:50
ubottumonty_hall: Package ccsm does not exist in maverick05:50
ilovefairuz!info simple-ccsm | monty_hall05:50
ubottumonty_hall: simple-ccsm (source: simple-ccsm): Simple Compizconfig settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 50 kB, installed size 620 kB05:50
duliisnt't grub capable of manage iMac boot proccess? I mean, if I install ubuntu on my iMac will I need to do any procedures other than a standard pc?05:51
excisionThat is possible?05:51
gustavderdracheMaahes_: I only see 2.6.35 packages, which is the one i have installed05:51
inbogsup shitheads05:51
inbogeat any fat dick today?05:52
ilovefairuz!ops | inbog05:52
ubottuinbog: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!05:52
inbogshut up ilovefairuz05:52
giantpunehi, im looking for the source code for the "disk utility" that comes packaged with ubuntu.  does anybody know where this would be?05:53
Hrimfaxidoes anyone know a good sysinfo script for xchat?05:54
wolfricdid he actually part? (not kicked)05:54
MathuinHrimfaxi: the first step is identifying which package the "disk utility" comes with.  I don't know which one it is.05:54
rwwgiantpune: the package name is "gnome-disk-utility"; to get the source code for a package, you'd do "apt-get source gnome-disk-utility"05:54
Gneawolfric: he was removed05:54
HrimfaxiMathuin, I think you meant to direct that to wolfric05:55
giantpunesweet.  and where does it put the source when i do that rww ?05:55
rwwgiantpune: the current directory05:55
ilovefairuzgiantpune: make a new dir, cd to it and execute the command05:55
MathuinHrimfaxi: giantpune actually, whoops. :-)05:55
wolfrici didn't realise you could force someone to part unless they were a server op?05:55
Hrimfaxioh, oops, xD05:56
rwwwolfric: freenode has a /remove command that regular ops can use.05:56
MathuinWasn't you!  Sorry about that. :-)05:56
rwwwolfric: it removes them from the channel, not the network.05:56
wolfricrww: why not a simple kick?05:56
rwwwolfric: because some clients autorejoin on kick05:56
MathuinLooks like this "upgrade" is gonna take forever, and I bet it won't work. :-P05:56
wolfrici didn't even know irc support forcing part. nice to know05:57
giantpunereally, i just need a way to get a filesystem from a given path.  something like "df -T /path/to/some/file"  except that when this spits out a filesystem, it doesnt always work for mounted NTFS drives05:58
warshave china people?05:58
giantpunedoes anybody know where the disc utility gets its information?05:58
warsmy friend05:58
rww!cn | wars05:58
ubottuwars: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:58
ilovefairuzgiantpune: /proc and /dev05:58
warsthanks rww05:59
giantpunelol.  thanks ilovefairuz.  but theres like 5000 files in there.  and i cnt read the /dev/sd... ones without root05:59
rwwgiantpune: what sort of output are you looking for? the filesystem format, the /dev/ node for the partition, the mountpoint?06:00
ilovefairuzgiantpune: are you trying to find which mount point/partition a file belongs to?06:00
giantpuneall a care about is the filesystem.06:00
giantpuneso i want to give a filename and get back a filesystem06:01
rwwgiantpune: What I'm asking is, what do you mean by "a filesystem"?06:01
giantpunei want the name of the filesystem... fat32, ntfs... ext406:01
rwwgiantpune: try "stat -fc %T /path/to/file.ext"06:03
h00kI am having an issue with console-kit-daemon on ubuntu-server 10.10 and I'm not sure what's going on. Under top, Time+ for console-kit-daemon says 56365051h06:03
h00kI lied, it's 10.04.06:03
warswho use per python?06:03
warsmy friend06:03
giantpunerww, that returns "unknown" for NTFS06:04
niknoki need help where is the link for wine?06:04
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu06:04
h00k!wine | niknok06:04
ubottuniknok: please see above06:04
rwwgiantpune: fun. there goes my bright idea >.>06:04
niknoknice bot :)06:04
giantpuneand it just says a generic "ext2/ext3"06:04
mustuGood Morning!06:05
niknokinstall the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables06:05
niknokwhats that error means?06:05
ilovefairuzniknok: you're trying to use WINE to run a .NET program, not a native one06:06
ilovefairuzniknok: install mono and try: mono file.exe06:06
niknokubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about mono < hahaha06:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:07
lenDoes anybody know how to get sound working on a Thinkpad 600 with Maverick?  The snd-cs4236 module loads and show up with lsmod, but alsa doesn't see it.06:07
niknokand it answer back nice06:07
lenThere is some note about something on launch pad about changes that need to be made to the alsa-utils package to enable sound to work for thinkpad 600 users, but It's not clear if it is done, or needs to be done.06:09
niknokThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or06:09
niknokis only available from another source06:09
niknokE: Package mono has no installation candidate < when i type sudo apt-get install mono06:09
blakkheimmono is bad06:10
hayseusmono > *06:10
niknokwine doesnt work it ask install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables06:10
ilovefairuzniknok: mono-complete06:11
niknokok wait06:11
os2macSo. Unity in a VM environment. Driver issues?06:11
niknokE: Couldn't find package mono-complete06:11
niknokbash: mono-complete: command not found06:12
ilovefairuzniko: what ubuntu version are you running? type: lsb_release -a06:12
roknir$ sudo apt-cache search mono-complete | grep mono-complete06:12
roknirmono-complete - complete Mono runtime, development tools and all libraries06:12
niknokim running backtrack06:13
ilovefairuz!backtrack | niknok06:13
ubottuniknok: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)06:13
earthshadeIs still on the quest to find printer drivers :)06:14
Coder365so im having trouble getting the 'at' command to work right. 'echo "touch test.txt" | at (time)' works, while 'echo "amarok -t" | at (time)' doesn't. thoughts?06:14
ilovefairuzearthshade: installing packages is still slow?06:15
earthshadeilovefairuz: No the drivers arent supplied by canon for ubuntu for my printer06:15
earthshadeilovefairuz: I checked their site06:15
os2macAny idea why I can't get Unity to work in a Virtualbox Guest enviroment.?06:15
ilovefairuzearthshade: they don't have to be, what the model number?06:16
earthshadeilovefairuz: But I read that you can use the ubuntu drivers for a similar printer and it will work06:16
ilovefairuzos2mac: ask in unity's support forums or channel ?06:16
Renderspecis there a way to set up the firewall in ubuntu to only allow only selected software, for example Firefox only, to access the http 80 port? Does anybody know if it can be achieved with firestarter firewall?06:16
nesto1000Sup you guys06:17
nesto1000Can anyone help me out with a little mouse problem that I'm having?06:17
coz_Renderspec,  I do not..but  if no one can answer here  at this point... try ##linux channel06:17
ilovefairuzRenderspec: that default outgoing policy should be 'deny' and then add a rule to allow firefox06:17
earthshadenesto1000: I only do rat infestations. Sorry.06:17
ilovefairuzRenderspec: or use the default firewall that comes with ubuntu, check: man ufw06:18
MathuinHuh.  This time, it worked.06:18
Renderspecilovefairuz, I know how to set the port but how to make a rule to set the Firefox binary?06:18
ilovefairuz!details | nesto100006:18
ubottunesto1000: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:18
nesto1000a touch pad problem that i'm having on my lappy06:18
earthshadenesto1000: :D06:18
nesto1000ok hold on06:18
ilovefairuzRenderspec: it won't be specific to firefox, any thing communicating on port 80 will pass06:19
MathuinI really hope this works.  It'll be awesome if I can repurpose this old Eee PC 700 as a security camera. :-P06:19
ech0Asusanyone know if firesheep has a linux port yet?06:19
ilovefairuzRenderspec: try SELinux if you're looking for that kind of locked down configuration but good luck with that!06:20
Renderspecilovefairuz, thanks.06:20
nesto1000I have a problem with my touch pad. I'm using 10.10, and the windows drivers for this laptop are Elantech drivers and not the alps or symp ones...  they worked fine on 10.0406:20
nesto1000Oh and the problem is that it's not functioning like its supposed to06:20
earthshadenesto1000: Your lucky drivers are usually crap on 10.0406:21
earthshadeFor me at least  :)06:21
nesto1000wat u running earthshade?06:22
ilovefairuzearthshade: did you see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=590571 ?06:22
sikilpaakeum.. question: does ubuntu come with an svn client by default?06:22
ilovefairuzsikilpaake: no, sudo apt-get install subversion06:23
earthshadeilovefairuz: No but i will take a look06:23
sikilpaakeilovefairuz: mm...06:23
sikilpaakeilovefairuz: i can't even checkout stuff?06:23
ilovefairuzsikilpaake: it doesn't come INSTALLED by default, use this command to install it06:24
sikilpaakeilovefairuz: thanks a lot, man06:24
ilovefairuzit's the same cross-platform  client06:24
mtx_initmy vlc just randomly got rid of the pop up menu when fullscreen, any idea on how to retrieve that?06:24
songerwho has used ircshow?06:25
hayseusjesus has06:25
songerwhere's jusus?06:26
ikoniahayseus: if you've not got a genuine response - don't speak06:26
ilovefairuzhayseus: songer: offtopic06:26
songercome on06:26
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songerif noone has pronles why can not talk06:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:27
ikoniasonger: it's a support channel, please try to keep to that topic06:27
hayseusthey dont like havin fun here06:27
songeri see now06:28
MonthOLDpicklehow do I increase the size of my home folder?06:28
ikoniahayseus: as before, if you've not got a genuine answer to a support question, please don't speak06:28
ikoniaMonthOLDpickle: increase the size of the partition it sits on06:28
n2diyif you want to have fun go to unbuntu-offtopic06:28
MonthOLDpickleits ubuntu I did it on all one partition06:28
jasaMorning all.06:29
ikoniaMonthOLDpickle: then you need to increase that partition06:29
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ilovefairuzmorning jasa06:29
nesto1000I have a problem with my touch pad. I'm using 10.10, and the windows drivers for this laptop are Elantech drivers and not the alps or symp ones...  they worked fine on 10.04 and the problem is that it's not functioning like its supposed to.06:30
nesto1000btw im not stupid and tried installing windows drivers on ubutnu...06:30
MonthOLDpicklethe partition is at max06:30
MonthOLDpickleit says its 20gb06:30
MonthOLDpickleI been trying to fix this in winehq06:30
MonthOLDpicklebut its reporting I onyl have 200mb drive06:31
n2diyI have a chance to sell one of my Ubuntu boxes, the dude would like me to give him the box, and then pay me on pay day.. Can I set up the box so his password expires in a week, or something like that?06:31
ikonian2diy: not really06:31
=== dtcummin_away is now known as dtcummin
ilovefairuzn2diy: he can easily reset it06:31
nesto1000any help you guys?06:31
ilovefairuz!patience | nesto100006:32
ubottunesto1000: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:32
n2diyikonia: ilovefairuz, ok, I don't think he is that computer savy, so...?06:32
ikonian2diy: not really -06:32
nesto1000i found something on the net but i dont understand it06:32
bradgn2diy: Why not just give it to him when he actually has cash? What benefit is there for you to give it to him early?06:32
ilovefairuzn2diy: man passwd06:32
nesto1000How bout I post the link on here06:32
ikonianesto1000: is it a link to do with ubuntu ?06:33
n2diybradg: makes room for the next box. :)06:33
n2diyilovefairuz: roger on rtfm. :)06:33
ikoniaabhinav_singh: what ?06:35
MonthOLDpickleMan I can't figure out why it says 200mb when I have 20gb free06:36
jasaHmm, come to wonder around, they have not added that of those 3G providers an label on top of products, you might not be able to use some internet services with those of.06:36
nesto1000also, another question that you guys might be able to answer is... Why does the 64bit Ubuntu have amd on it? Is it because it only works correctly on amd based machines, or because amd came up with the 64bit instructions?06:37
jasaWell just moments ago put on, havent checked if proper places on at housing areas could be found.06:37
darkfnesto1000: amd came up with x86_6406:37
darkfhence amd6406:37
jasaBut from main things it's from Wimax 30 ms to hdspa of min at 90+ and usually 200+, partially some seconds.06:37
cutouthow can I assigne domains and subdomains on ubuntu? (i.e www.myserver.com and mail.myserver.com) on the same machine?06:37
nesto1000that didn't really answer my question darkf06:38
hayseusyes it does06:38
darkfnesto1000: I confirmed your suspicion that it's because amd came up with the instruction set, so yes, I did answer it06:38
jasaAs for Warcraft3 the thing went on getting kicked from automated hosting bots, cause of having bit too high latency ...06:38
ilovefairuzcutout: the same A record (contain the IP address) in your DNS management interface06:38
AcidBarreli love ubuntu06:39
ilovefairuzcutout: containing **06:39
AcidBarreli use ubuntu everyday to watch pr0n06:39
nesto1000it sounded like u were correcting me on something or other darkf... but uh ok06:39
IdleOne!guidelines > AcidBarrel06:39
ubottuAcidBarrel, please see my private message06:39
cutoutilovefairuz so it is not related to ubuntu I can do it from firewall or something?06:39
AcidBarreldid i do something wrong?06:40
IdleOneAcidBarrel: Please stick to support.06:40
jasaAcidBarrel, have to admit the media playback functioning is far better than on Windows side with proper players of. = ) Still main thing would land on finishing that of some coding things but yeah. -.-06:40
ilovefairuzcutout: you *could* divert your DNS management to a DNS server (like bind or dnsmasq) on your ubuntu machine, but for a simple configuration like this, A records are just fine06:40
AcidBarreloh i see06:40
AcidBarrelsorry gents06:40
nesto1000is there a way to manually install drivers on ubuntu?06:41
cutoutilovefairuz: OK thanks06:41
earthshadenesto1000: It's a PIA06:41
hayseushi Architect06:41
earthshadenesto1000: ilovefairuz will help u06:41
Architecti used to have ubuntu06:41
Architecti think ill try arch linux next06:42
Architectfor obvious reasons06:42
hayseusI C06:42
darkfhave fun with that06:42
wizsome help please06:42
wiz<wiz_> i cant get a cannon cam to pick up on the usb any ideas?06:42
wiz<wiz_> useing lmde06:42
hayseusnesto1000, wat drivers you want to install06:42
AcidBarrelguys have you heard of the make love command? how come mine doesn't work?06:42
ilovefairuzearthshade: nesto1000: not that familiar with Xorg, you could check the /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see if there are any relevant errors06:42
=== wiz is now known as Guest2683
AcidBarrel? anybody06:43
ilovefairuz!ot | AcidBarrel06:43
ubottuAcidBarrel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:43
jasaGuess if some position would exist to have that of constant flow of 100 ms, it would be acceptable.06:43
nesto1000hayseus, elantech touchpad drivers06:44
AcidBarrelim new to ubuntu, my friend told me to type make love, it will create the drivers and such but it gives me error06:44
jasaThe kamasutra of placing equipment on around house. -.-06:44
ilovefairuzenough is enough?06:44
Guest2683having trouble getting a cannon cam to pick up on the usb in lmde any ideas whats missing?06:45
nesto1000ilovefairuz, do you want to see it?06:45
texas319hey all06:45
nesto1000the log?06:45
ilovefairuznesto1000: pastebin it06:45
AcidBarrelhaving trouble with the make love bash06:45
ilovefairuz!ops | AcidBarrel06:45
ubottuAcidBarrel: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!06:45
i5nocGuest2683 - lsusb and pastebin it06:46
texas319anyone had any luck with Crossover and Adobe CS206:46
IdleOneAcidBarrel: there is no such command.06:46
i5noc!pastebin | Guest268306:46
ubottuGuest2683: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:46
AcidBarrelwhy did my friend tell me it gets drivers than06:46
AcidBarrelso ...06:46
n2diyAcidBarrel: your friend played a joke on you?06:46
IdleOneAcidBarrel: cuz your friend is probably a funny guy. Please read our channle !guidelines.06:47
i5nocGuest2683 - if you don't see your device there, youve real issues, if you do then its a driver issue or something else. which we'll address at that point i spose :)06:47
nesto1000ilovefairuz, http://pastebin.com/qUXxX3aD06:47
hayseusnesto1000, you might need xf86-input-synaptics package06:47
AcidBarreloh make love i get it :/06:47
hayseusfor touchpad06:47
AcidBarrelhow do i create a .cfg file06:48
hayseusnano lol.cfg06:48
obs3rv3rtouch lol.cfg :P06:48
MathuinOkay so I got Zoneminder installed, but it doesn't see the camera.  What the heck?06:49
ilovefairuznesto1000: synaptics gets loaded, is there a touchpad tab in system > preferences > mouse ?06:49
AcidBarrelwhats the bash command to make a txt than?06:49
hayseusecho "" > lol.txt06:50
darkfnano lol.txt06:50
AcidBarrelk thanks06:50
nesto1000ilovefairuz, yes there is06:50
obs3rv3rAcidBarrel: Just ask it to make a txt ... it will :P06:50
ilovefairuznesto1000: paste: xinput list-props "ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad"06:51
AcidBarrelis it possible to make the .txt have similar to .bat properties?06:51
hayseusbat guano06:52
nesto1000what now ilovefairuz?06:52
ilovefairuznesto1000: is there a touchpad enable key shortcut on yout keyboard? fn + something? what's your laptop model06:52
MathuinAcidBarrel: chmod +x foo.txt <-- this command will make the file foo.txt executable, like a batch script.06:52
ilovefairuznesto1000: what's the paste url?06:52
nesto1000Uhhh... I got an Asus A52F06:53
=== xuekan is now known as rabbit_kan
arrrghhhcan i choose to ignore a dependency on an aptitude or apt-get install?06:53
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:54
rabbit_kanhi why my wine cann't uninstall?i've already deleted all the wine* files,but when i reinstall, it says that wine has already installed.what's wrong and what should i do?06:54
nesto1000ilovefairuz, http://pastebin.com/7KMv9rka06:54
=== demon_spork is now known as demonspork
ilovefairuznesto1000: what's your kernel version? uname -a06:54
AcidBarrelHelp... Wine just brought up something about windows i was told it was openoffice plugin06:55
nesto1000Linux Nesto1000 2.6.35-22-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 20:45:36 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:55
IdleOneAcidBarrel: ask #winehq06:55
nesto1000ilovefairuz, Linux Nesto1000 2.6.35-22-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 20:45:36 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:55
rabbit_kananyone can help?06:55
ilovefairuznesto1000: echo "options psmouse force_elantech=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf06:56
ilovefairuznesto1000: sudo modprobe -r psmouse && sudo modprobe psmouse06:57
ilovefairuzrabbit_kan: are you trying to uninstall or reinstall ?06:58
nesto1000uhhh.... what now ilovefairuz?06:59
ilovefairuznesto1000: test ?07:00
ilovefairuznesto1000: use the mouse dialog to adjust tapping settings07:00
nesto1000mouse dialog?07:01
ilovefairuzsystem > prefs> mouse > touchpad07:01
rabbit_kanilovefairuz,I am trying to reinstall now,but something just went wrong, i seemed uninstalled it,but apparently it didn't.Iso i deleted all the related files.07:01
nesto1000ilovefairuz, mouse dialog?07:02
ilovefairuzrabbit_kan: don't delete files manually, to reinstall use: sudo apt-get install --reinstall wine07:02
ilovefairuznesto1000:  ^07:02
rabbit_kanilovefairuz,thank you very much, I will try it.07:02
nesto1000thank you for you help ilovefairuz07:03
nesto1000it somewhat made it better07:03
AcidBarrelis it possible when i exit any commands or... like binaries in ubuntu for it to say END OF LINE07:03
nesto1000but i guess that i can deal with it...07:03
AcidBarreli just think it'd be neat07:04
ilovefairuznesto1000: what's with it?07:04
MagusOTBHow do I make empathy IM make sounds when I get a message?07:04
nesto1000I can't right click with the 3 finger touch like on 10.04 or windows ilovefairuz07:05
rammyIRCcan anyone tell me how to get hold off the streaming content online07:06
bobthemilkmanAcidBarrel: export PS1="END OF LINE\\n\\[\\e]0;\\u@\\h: \\w\\a\\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\\u@\\h:\\w\\$"07:07
bobthemilkmanType that into bash and then see how long it takes until it drives you crazy.07:07
doc|homeanyone know how I can get a volume icon back into my notification area? I accidentally deleted it :/07:08
bobthemilkmanActually, better command: export PS1="END OF LINE\\n$PS1"07:08
AcidBarrelsweet thanks guys07:08
nesto1000bye ilovefairuz, thanks for all that you've done... I'm heading to bed now...07:08
AcidBarreli owe you, better get my knee pads out ;)07:08
ilovefairuznesto1000: you're welcome07:09
bobthemilkmanAcidBarrel: That technically puts it at the start of each command prompt, not at the end of the previous command.07:09
ilovefairuzhello sobersabre07:09
bobthemilkmanBut in bash, that is only different for the first command.07:09
sobersabrehow can I recreate the default structure of /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ddebs.list ?07:09
sobersabre(on meerkat)07:09
bobthemilkmanYou can run: echo export PS1="END OF LINE\\$PS1" >> ~/.bashrc07:10
bobthemilkmanTo make it permanent, but I'd advise against that07:10
bobthemilkmanWoops,  echo export PS1="END OF LINE\\n\\$PS1" >> ~/.bashrc07:10
ilovefairuzsobersabre: /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list07:10
JohnTeddyDoes all that /etc/network/interfaces and dhclient3 wlan0 stuff work anymore?07:10
JohnTeddyOr is that deprecated now?07:10
n2diyMy box is acting weird, the shutdown window appears on its own, and sometimes I have to cancel it numerous times?07:10
sobersabreilovefairuz: good idea...07:10
ilovefairuzJohnTeddy: why would it be deprecated?07:10
AcidBarrelbobthemilkman i already did it07:11
bobthemilkmanWell, enjoy your END OF LINE message.07:11
bobthemilkmanjust run gedit ~/.bashrc and remove the line if/when you get tired of it.07:11
JohnTeddyilovefairuz: I don't know, some new networking software, under network manager or something? I don't know what the new software is.07:11
jenkinbrwouldn't it be more intuitive to have it read END OF FILE'07:11
AcidBarrelkk i love tron so ill never get bored of it.07:11
ilovefairuzJohnTeddy: yes network manager is installed by default but you may elect to remove it and use the  interfaces file07:12
JohnTeddyilovefairuz: I can connect to my access point with the gui NM fine. I am trying the command line, and it doesn't work. I have no encryption, WEP or WPA. I do 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid linksys; sudo dhclient3 wlan0; and it fails. It repeats the DHCP Discovery several times, and doesn't hand me an ip.07:12
JohnTeddyilovefairuz: I see, so they can't both be used?07:13
=== jenkinbr is now known as rbnicknej
ilovefairuzJohnTeddy: NM will take over the interface if it thinks it should, anyhow, check your wirless network in: iwlist scan   .. perhaps you need to change the channel07:14
=== MohammadAG51 is now known as Guest22636
=== uLinux is now known as Guest35627
AcidBarreli just invented an mmo, called runescape and wanted to play it. now that ive created it. is there anyway ubuntu security solutions can assist my product07:18
earthshadeAcidBarrel: WTF?07:19
Shad0wZtoo obvious.07:19
hyperstreamHey guys, im having issues with the latest desktop (32bit) image via ubuntu.com, it seems if i burn to disc, or create a usb startup, on all 3 of my machines(2 desktops + 1 laptop) - it attempts to boot, i see a message about SYSLINUX 3.64- Debian... then it says, Unknown keyword in Configuration file. Then just sits on boot:07:20
hyperstreamIs there an error in the latest .iso perhaps?07:20
ilovefairuzhyperstream: did you verify the ISO before burning?07:20
moldedhi all, I have an interesting problem with paginate.  I need to paginate two record sets on one page and I am not sure if paginate can handle it.  To make it even more interesting, I need to paginate two record sets for the  same model07:20
ilovefairuz!verify | hyperstream07:20
ubottuhyperstream: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:20
hyperstreamilovefairuz, ill do that now, thanks07:20
moldedoops sorry wrong channel07:21
hyperstreamilovefairuz, yes its an exact match07:22
ilovefairuzhyperstream: verify the cd, use /dev/cdrom instead of the ISO file07:23
tamiri want to cube Desktop kde 10.04 but it is not activated effects??07:25
ilovefairuzhyperstream: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/syslinux/+bug/608382 although it's reported for USB only, the CD should work fine (if burned well)07:26
bobthemilkmantamir: Download ccsm.07:26
bobthemilkmantamir: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager07:27
tamir<bobthemilkman>v ccsm??07:27
tamiryes i install07:27
=== earthshade_ is now known as earthshade
bobthemilkmanNow hit alt-f2 and run "ccsm"07:27
bobthemilkmanThen feel free to customize all the desktop effects you could ever dream of.07:27
bobthemilkmanThis is assuming that your gnome/KDE have desktop effects enabled.07:28
tamir<bobthemilkman> i  configred  then noticed not activate cube desktop and some some efects07:28
bobthemilkmanYou'll want "rotate cube" and "desktop cube"07:28
bobthemilkmanthen ctrl-alt-left mouse click should be able to rotate your desktop cube.07:29
tamiri ll try again07:30
seth_gi have an asus mb, it has dual pci-e -- one pci-e is geforce 8400 GS, the other is geforce 9400 gt. why oh why does only one ever show up? always as 1:0.0 from lspci. the one in the primary (blue) slot is the one that works.07:31
linux_hacksHello Guys07:32
linux_hackssince few days, I am having problem with my ethernet with slow or no network connection07:32
petsoundstalking about desktop effects, is the nvidia driver in maverick still beta? it's laggy (at least for me)07:32
linux_hackscould some one tell me what I should be doing?07:32
linux_hacksit is frequently dropping07:33
seth_gpetsounds, is that an open source one?07:33
petsoundsseth_g, no its the proprietary one07:35
seth_gwell forget my earlier question until i try this new driver07:36
seth_gthere is one on nv site from oct 1307:36
MagusOTBlinux_hacks: tried a different cable?07:38
steevowhere are the screensavers at in ubuntu07:39
Jordan_Usteevo: System > Preferences > Screensaver07:39
Jordan_Usteevo: You can install additional screensavers from Applications > Ubuntu Software Center.07:40
Winkiehey, my camera flash has two partitions on it, and i want to try and prevent one of those partitions from automounting07:40
steevoJordan_U:No. I'm trying to find the screensavers in a file so I can use them as the skydome in the compizfusion07:40
Winkieany idea how to go about this?07:40
petsoundsalso when playing audio/video files pulseaudio uses all my cpu resources. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2075532/Gallery/GILWAYS/Screenshot-1.png07:41
Simon-MPFHI upgraded from 8.04 desktop to 10.04 at the weekend and then onto 10.10 but it has broken Thunderbird ("upgraded" from 2 to 3)07:41
Jordan_Usteevo: Does compiz support xscreensaver hacks?07:42
Simon-MPFHIt is slow even after turning of indexing and often greys out while moving a message from one IMAP folder to another07:42
blahsphemerevince is unable to open a .ps file. it says access is denied07:42
blahsphemerbut I am the owner07:42
Simon-MPFHIs this a known problem or have I done something wrong?07:42
blahsphemerand the access permissions says, I can read and write the file07:42
steevoJordan_U:there is a animate skydome feature. I thought I'd give it a try,but I don't know where the gl matrix screensaver is on file07:42
SchuylerI know I'm going to regret asking this, but where does the Ubuntu rubygems package look for gems?07:43
Jordan_Usteevo: /usr/lib/xscreensaver/, but I'm not optamistic that it will work the way you expect.07:43
SchuylerI upgraded to Maverick from ... Hardy, and the gems I have in /var/lib/gems/1.8 which worked great before the upgrade can now not be found by 'irb -rubygems'07:43
acaciosXRender_AlphaBlend not supported - XRENDER headers were missing at compile time07:44
acacioswhat should i donow?07:44
steevoJordan_U:thank you!07:44
Jordan_Usteevo: You're welcome.07:45
acacios XRender_AlphaBlend not supported - XRENDER headers were missing at compile time07:45
acacioswhat should i do now?anybody help me?07:46
mostafadoes anyone know why no one has answered my question yet http://drupal.org/node/952822?07:47
mostafais there a way to find out if people have read it?07:47
dyllanHi all.07:47
acacioswho can help me?07:47
acacios XRender_AlphaBlend not supported - XRENDER headers were missing at compile time07:47
acaciosi don't konw what should i do now07:48
dyllanI am running Ubuntu 10.10 without installing from the LiveCD, (boot up from USB Flash Drive), I want to format /dev/hda but the OS doesnt seen /dev/hda at all. Any ideas? - thanks07:48
Jordan_Udyllan: Devices are now named /dev/sdX, even if they're IDE.07:49
windowskillawhat is the off-topic channel for this channel07:49
mreccan anyone advice a small usable email server for linux which is not too difficult to configure? (sending/receiving mails from the internet with password authentication)?07:50
dyllanJordan_U: Brilliant, thank you!07:50
Jordan_Udyllan: It worked? How do you set it up specifically?07:50
acaciosmrec:you mean  evolution?07:51
mrecacacios: for evolution, I need a server07:51
windowskillamrec : sendmail?07:51
wolfricmrec: don't think there is any real simple one.07:51
mrecexim4 has a weird bad documented configuration07:52
wolfricmrec: depends what you mean by simple. There isn't going to be a next next new user set password now online window in linux07:52
dyllanJordan_U: Yup, well im doing something pretty weird. I only have a 2GB HDD and I want to install Gentoo Minimal on that HDD, then attach a USB and install Gentoo on the USB (8GB).07:52
petsoundsok imma repeat my question. is the nvidia driver in maverick still beta? its laggy, so i need to go back to lucid. and still in maverick how can i fix pulseaudio that uses all my cpu resources when playing audio and video files? screenshot http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2075532/Gallery/GILWAYS/Screenshot-1.png07:52
Jordan_Udyllan: Sorry, I had you mixed up with steevo.07:52
dyllanJordan_U: So I need to format /dev/hda (which you kindly pointed out is seen as /dev/sda), then install gentoo minimal on /dev/hda, then reboot the device and it will boot up into gentoo minimal from the 2GB, then plug in my USB Flash of 8GB and proceed to install gentoo onto the 8GB.07:53
dyllanJordan_U: np ;)07:53
DtatchDis there any way to make .html files open as a default in gedit rather than firefox?07:54
Jordan_UDtatchD: Right click > Properties > Open With (tab at the top).07:55
DtatchDJordan_U, yes but my question is in regards to avoiding that07:56
SergesВсем привет07:56
Jordan_UDtatchD: Then you'll have to clarify what you're trying to accomplish.07:56
Jordan_U!ru | Serges07:57
ubottuSerges: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:57
DtatchDExcuse me I meant to say .xml files so I can double click to open with gedit as opposed to firefox07:57
DtatchDthank you though you did answer my question07:58
Good_D_ayHello friends, I am using ubuntu for one of our product. I want to know about user space processes. Is it there that one user space application in case halted can cause system to halt ? Do one user space process can access other user space process undesiredly ?08:06
rwwGood_D_ay: Two fun facts: 1) A fair number of #ubuntu people are also in #debian. 2) Lying to avoid being told to go to the correct channel is a bad idea.08:08
Good_D_ayrww: Thank you, I got your saying. I am new to IRC and I am not aware of it.08:11
_Shade_hi there08:13
mickster041~eave not really here08:13
_Shade_I just installed unity to check out how it works, and now when I removed it - i've lost my gnome panel, desktop icons, everything08:14
_Shade_what can I do to bring it back?08:15
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
coz__Shade_,   try logging out  then log in but before you hit enter  look at the sessions and make sure you go into gnome session08:16
mandrovaer nvm :o08:16
mandrovaso i whenever i do apt-get update and upgrade it says there's no new updates, but my openssh version is 4.708:16
mandrovawhy does it say no updates when something is so out of date?08:16
coz_mandrova,  try  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:17
mustkillmy notebook benq S72 under Ub 10.10 soud card can not word08:17
mandrovacoz_: same story. no new updates08:17
mustkillsomeone can help me?08:18
uLinuxim trying to get out of console with ctrl+alt+f7 but its saying Checking battery State08:18
mandrovaplus its not like it says packages waiting but not updated, there are no new updates08:18
uLinuxyeah sudo restart gdm works but..08:18
mandrovai'm using 8.1008:18
AkshitbWhich one is Better?? Ubuntu or Lubuntu08:18
uLinuxAkshitb: it/s the same thing except Ubuntu comes with more packages08:19
uLinuxLubuntu is lighter08:19
AkshitbuLinux - It is but i read its also has less functionality08:20
mandrovadoes ubuntu use backports or something which would lead to security updates occuring without full version upgrades?08:20
Akshitband some software doesn't work fine with it08:20
uLinuxwell Ubuntu is the most complete08:20
Zeu5hi there, i am at my devt machine. I ssh into my server. From my server, i am trying to do a git pull from a public repo like projectlocker. I am always prompted for my ssh passphrase. i followed this but i am still prompted. please advise.http://help.github.com/working-with-key-passphrases/08:20
Zeu5this is my config file in ~/.ssh  http://gist.github.com/64642608:20
blakkheim!cn | toshiba_08:20
ubottutoshiba_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:20
uLinuxtoshiba_: /join #ubuntu-cn08:21
mustkillthere no support.08:21
blakkheimif you can ask in english, you can ask here08:21
blakkheimbut chinese support has to be in the chinese channel08:22
mustkillubottu ,i like here although i am chinese.08:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:22
SpandiHello I wonder if anybody could help me. I had installed Ubuntu Karmic Kaola version on Windows Vista. It ran very well for some days and all of a sudden it just wouldn't boot. It shows up some few commands to choose from and thats all. I cant get into UBUNTU. Has anyone faced this problem before ?08:23
[thor]Spandi: what choices are you given?08:23
=== Guest35627 is now known as uLinux
SpandiThor let me just get all the choices... I will have to log out and get into another machine so that I can let you know08:25
[thor]is it something like a list of linux-generic-pae-???-???-???08:26
[thor]as well as "safe modes" ?08:26
SpandiOne second I need to be precise than waste your time..08:26
seidoswhat does pae stand for?08:26
hgbHi.  I have a laptop here running ubuntu where wireless don't work.  The 'enable wireless' item in nm-applet is greyed out.08:26
[thor]Spandi: http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/Cocasoca/grub.jpg08:27
[thor]like that?08:27
hgbIt's Ubuntu 9.04, the wlan chip is Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 530008:27
obs3rv3r!pae > seidos08:27
ubottuseidos, please see my private message08:27
hgbAny ideas?08:27
n8wim runin 10.10 n everytime the kpackage searches for updates it gets stock in my sys tray...when i close it down,the plasma crashes....08:27
hgbGuess I should upgrade, but it's a work laptop I'm just borrowing08:27
seidosobs3rv3r, thanks08:27
Gnea!9.04 | hgb08:28
ubottuhgb: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.08:28
tecoholichgb: check wether any hardware switch is there and make sure its on08:29
SpandiHello Thor yes this is the one except mine is on VISTA08:29
hgbtecoholic: Yeah, I've thought of that.  Didn't find one though.08:30
hgbtecoholic: Until now!  Got it.08:30
Jordan_Uhgb: You should still tell the company to upgrade. Right now it's not quite a security risk as it hasn't been EOL long, but it will be.08:30
tecoholicIts ok..08:31
hgbJordan_U: Yeah, will do.  Thanks.08:31
hgbCan I easily upgrade with apt?08:31
tecoholichgb: you should feel easier with the update manager08:32
hgbtecoholic: Okay.  Will look at it.  Breakfast now, I think.  Thkisw08:32
hgberr..  Thanks.08:32
tecoholicya will do08:32
[thor]Spandi: that is GRUB, you may be able to use the recovery mode get your boot back in order08:33
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.08:33
[thor]!grub2 | Spandi08:33
ubottuSpandi: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:33
Zeu5hi there, i am at my devt machine. I ssh into my server. From my server, i am trying to do a git pull from a public repo like projectlocker. I am always prompted for my ssh passphrase. i followed this but i am still prompted. please advise.http://help.github.com/working-with-key-passphrases/08:34
Zeu5my server is a ubuntu machine.08:34
obs3rv3rZeu5: did you put passphrases while generating those keys ?08:34
Zeu5obs3rv3r: yes i did. and i am able to successfully do a git pull after being prompted for passphrase08:36
Zeu5obs3rv3r: i want to avoid being prmpted for passphrase everytime08:37
obs3rv3rZeu5: I don't have any passphrases in the keys I generate for github.08:38
Zeu5obs3rv3r: so that means i am doing it wrong?08:38
narcislinuxhow can work with ubuntu software center and synaptic at the same time ?08:39
obs3rv3rZeu5: Its upto you. You can do as suggested in that url you referred to. or not have a password for the ssh key .08:39
Zeu5okay. the problem i have is that my ssh-agent is not working thereforecausing me to enter the passphrase everytime i do a git pull08:39
Zeu5obs3rv3r: did you set up a ssh-agent as suggested in the same article?08:40
obs3rv3rZeu5: No I just did not put any passwords in my key with github.08:40
Zeu5obs3rv3r: i see. thank you.08:40
Zeu5hi there, i am at my devt machine. I ssh into my server. From my server, i am trying to do a git pull from a public repo like projectlocker. I am always prompted for my ssh passphrase. i followed this but i am still prompted. please advise.http://help.github.com/working-with-key-passphrases/08:40
sunitI am trying to run a jar file in ubuntu 8.04 server at boot time08:42
narcislinuxhow can have Synaptic Package Manager running at the same time as Ubuntu  Software Center ?08:42
sunitthe ubuntu server is console based , without any gnome destop08:43
mondovadoes anyone know why openssh won't update when it says no updates available?08:43
murtuzaCan anyone help me with ATI Radeon drivers on Ubuntu 10.10.08:44
sunitwhere and how shall I place the jar file so that it will run at boot time ?08:45
mrkoJust killed my server when I tried to upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 :( any help would be much appreciated08:48
murtuzaHi, Can anyone please help me with ATI drivers on ubuntu 10.1008:48
git__mrko, you should invest time in kvm08:48
coz_murtuza,  you may fair better in the #radeon channel08:48
git__mrko, u gotta be more specific08:49
xiambaxWhere does chrome store its flash plugin08:49
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[thor]murtuza: i received a recent update in 10.10 specifically for ATI cards08:50
murtuzathanks coz_08:50
coz_murphy,  you can also try   sudo apt-ge update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:50
coz_murphy,  sorry08:50
coz_murtuza,  you can try   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to see if the driver is updated08:51
anhtrinhhave a question about ssh08:54
anhtrinhany know please help08:54
anhtrinhwhen i do "ssh localhost export"08:54
anhtrinhit doesn't show all the environment variables08:54
anhtrinhform bashrc08:54
mrkogit__: sorry...  upgraded with "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" and now it wont start. GRUB loads fine, but after that it fails to find any disk to boot from and I'm dropped to BusyBox. Managed to take a look in GRUBs menu and the only options are to boot 8.04, no 10.04 options available.. me thinks something went bad during the upgrade08:54
hyperstreamHow does one install the server edition when they only have USB keyboards?08:55
hyperstreamCant choose english from the menu.08:55
anhtrinhhyperstream, can u use tab08:55
hyperstreamanhtrinh, no keys are registering(they do at cmos/bios area08:56
anhtrinhi believe USB keyboard should be fine, i did once with Ubuntu Server edition 7.0408:57
anhtrinhperhaps it changes08:57
hyperstreamGot a roll up keyboard(zipp) HP keyboard, and a MS keyboard all USB, bugger08:58
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Guest43697Hello everyone08:58
hyperstreamTrying to get a ubuntu os (desktop/server) on this old P4 2.8GHz, looks like i might have to attempt another distro at this point08:58
anhtrinhanyone know SSH?08:58
anhtrinh"ssh localhost export" doesn't show the same result as export08:59
hyperstreamThe desktop image, boots- can use keyboard, but if i select anything other than Check Memory, it just sits there loading for a long period, screen switches off after 10 mins of loading :/08:59
n2diy I just built a 10.04 box, is there an "easy" way to clone my 8.04 box to the 10.04 box over the LAN?09:02
n2diyhyperstream: have you tried any of the boot options for the install?09:04
hyperstreamn2diy, yes spent a long while going through the process09:07
hyperstreamDid i try sshing into the box?09:08
samtihenOk, so, I'm using 10.10. Everything was fine. I use Chrome and Firefox. Now, for some reason, I decided to install "kde-standard". Booted into KDE once, went back to Gnome. Now, fonts inside of Chrome and Firefox windows aren't anti-aliased. They were before.09:08
n2diyhyperstream: ok, GL.09:08
anhtrinhsorry my question about ssh09:08
FloodBot2anhtrinh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:08
samtihenthe rest of gnome is still anti-aliased properlu09:09
anhtrinhhave any tried "ssh localhost export", and see that the export list is not as full as "export"09:09
samtihenjust the actual pages in both firefox and chrome09:09
anhtrinhwhich it should be (I think)09:09
samtihenin the apearance settings, everything looks fine. i reset everything just to be sure, and shut down/restarted just to be sure09:10
rob0917I have ubuntu 10.10 on a A21M laptop IBM and when I adjust volume with the slider I get a squelching sound ,what can I do?09:10
samtihenany idea what installing kde did to my font rendering?09:10
Crash1hdHow do I grep a filename exclusivly I mean I can do grep [f][i][l][e][n][a][m][e][.][e][x][t] and that works but is there an easier way?09:12
diverdudehello i have a problem with finding things in ubuntu repositories. nomatter what i try to install the package does not exist09:14
uLinuxwow nice bugs in linux09:14
diverdudehow may i solve that09:14
uLinuxcouldnt execute a command..09:14
hyperstreamuLinux, just as many in windows.09:14
uLinuxneed to press reset09:14
uLinuxhyperstream: who talked about windows?09:14
hyperstreamuLinux, i did ?09:15
* uLinux ignores hyperstream 09:15
hyperstreamWhat a silly question..09:15
uLinux"Linux never freezes, never crashes" not true at all09:16
uLinuxor maybe it's Ubuntu that sucks09:16
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:17
MagusOTBuLinux: What did you do?09:17
Jordan_U!ot | uLinux09:17
ubottuuLinux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:17
hyperstreamuLinux, Where does it state that?09:17
uLinuxJordan_U: not offtopic09:17
ilovefairuzuLinux: what's your ubuntu support question?09:18
Cmdr_W_T_RikeruLinux: or maybe it's some driver that's misbehaving, or an hardware issue09:18
GneauLinux: you don't make the rules here.09:18
MagusOTBuLinux: If you have a problem, describe it and we'll try to help you fix it. if you're going to make nebulous complaints, talk to your parents.09:18
uLinuxMagusOTB: i already described it.09:18
uLinuxilovefairuz: what to do when I can even execute commands in terminal? reset ftw?09:19
uLinuxCmdr_W_T_Riker: possibly09:19
uLinuxGnea: did i made any rule?09:19
Jordan_U!sysrq | uLinux09:19
ubottuuLinux: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key09:19
GneauLinux: what you were talking about was offtopic. perhaps you could explain what is happening with your system when it freezes so that we could help you make it stop freezing.09:20
DJonesCompassion invite you to join author and speaker Tony Campolo and singer/songwriter Graham Kendrick as they share their passion for social justice.09:20
DJonesSorry, mis paste09:20
* Gnea eyes DJones 09:20
diverdudeit seems that nomatter what i try to install from the repository i gert soure unkown09:20
Gneadiverdude: could you pastebin the entire error?09:21
anhtrinhis SSH an off topic in this forum?09:22
uLinux(ot) users like hyperstream, instead of helping just start talking about linux vs windows, are a bad example for the community09:22
anhtrinhbecause it behaves different from OSX, supposedly both are using bash09:22
Gneaanhtrinh: that depends on the problem you're having with it and how you ask :)09:22
MagusOTBuLinux: community metadiscussion isn't much better. What's the prohblem you're having with ubuntu?09:22
rwwuLinux: It's been five minutes since that conversation died. Stop trying to reignite it, thanks.09:23
uLinuxMagusOTB: terminal couldnt execute any command09:23
Gneaanhtrinh: well bash is just the login shell, ssh is just a program that's separate of that09:23
MagusOTBuLinux: what's it say when you try?09:23
anhtrinh"ssh localhost export" gives different result "export"09:23
hyperstreamuLinux, Your ability to not read the guidelines, and or present a problem in a decent manner, is a bad example of a young user who has no respect for such places as these.09:23
uLinuxMagusOTB: nothing, it just hangs09:23
MagusOTBuLinux: terminal as in ctrl-alt-F1 or gnome-terminal/konsole/xterm/whatever?09:24
anhtrinhwhen I do export alone, it gives everything from .bashrc, but "ssh localhost export" only gives a few09:24
MagusOTBuLinux: and what command are you trying?09:24
uLinux!guidelines > hyperstream09:24
ubottuhyperstream, please see my private message09:24
Gneahyperstream: no need to egg him on.09:24
uLinuxMagusOTB: any command i was trying to reboot09:24
MagusOTBanhtrinh: is your bashRC set up to behave differently based on your $TERM?09:24
GneauLinux, hyperstream: you're both better off burying it now.09:24
uLinuxMagusOTB: i think it's wireless driver fault09:25
MagusOTBuLinux: specifically what did you type into the console and what resulted?09:25
anhtrinhnot that i know off09:25
uLinuxMagusOTB: i execute the command and than nothing happens09:25
Jordan_UuLinux: What command?09:25
MagusOTBuLinux: what command?09:25
anhtrinhMagusOTB: how can I check?09:25
hyperstreamGnea, not egging, stating the facts. He is clearly making trouble over nothing.09:26
uLinuxJordan_U: ANY command, like ls, cd..09:26
hyperstreamGnea, you concerns have been noted, thanks.09:26
xiambaxwhats your issue09:26
uLinuxi was trying also to "sudo reboot"09:26
xiambaxthis is redic to enter chan and then read all this redundant stuff09:26
xiambaxyou have to sudo reboot -n09:26
MagusOTBuLinux: and it just hangs? what terminal are you using?09:26
uLinuxMagusOTB: gnome09:27
uLinuxMagusOTB: also in tty whatever that is .. i couldnt type any command there too09:27
MagusOTBdo you get the normal username@hostname dir$ prompt?09:27
GneauLinux: what happens if you try this:  sudo shutdown -r now  ?09:27
Jordan_UuLinux: I'm still not clear on what happened. Did the freeze appear to be caused by a command you ran, or did the machine freeze and to recover you tried to run commands?09:28
xiambaxsudo facepalm09:28
GneauLinux: okay, if you couldn't type anything, could you use sysrq?09:28
uLinuxJordan_U: I could execute commands in terminal, couldnt restart using GUI, nothing09:29
xiambaxctrl c to see if it end the command if one is running09:29
MagusOTBor ctrl-Z if that fails and see what gets backgrounded.09:29
uLinuxtried that too of course09:29
xiambaxyou try the old hold the power button down and wait for a reboot?09:29
MagusOTBif you open a new term do you get a prompt?09:29
uLinuxhyperstream: stop giving me guidelines in pvt09:29
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:29
anhtrinhbasically, i have something in .bashrc, some commands in ~/bin (jrc, jrrun), and I tried "ssh localhost jrc -version", it said command not found09:30
xiambaxyou need guidelines in private09:30
xiambaxdont be rude09:30
uLinuxxiambax: why are you trolling?09:30
GneauLinux: was that to me about 'tried that too'?09:30
uid0owlhow may i prevent 10.10 from autoupdating kernel? is it even possible?09:30
uLinuxGnea: ctrl+c ctrl+z09:30
GneauLinux: ah, what about sysrq commands?09:30
Jordan_UuLinux: Did the freeze appear to be triggered by a command you ran? I would still like a better description of the events leading up to the freeze.09:31
xiambaxuLinux, http://paradoxdgn.com/junk/avatars/trollface.jpg09:31
Cmdr_W_T_RikeruLinux: if you installed the ssh server, you could try logging in from another computer09:31
xiambaxIts not trolling.09:31
yj_hi, i have a problem: how can i put "mount --bind old-dir /tmp" in /etc/fstab09:31
Gnea!ot | xiambax09:31
ubottuxiambax: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:31
Cmdr_W_T_Rikeryj_: man mount09:31
uLinuxCmdr_W_T_Riker: the computer was fine, just couldnt execute commands.09:31
Cmdr_W_T_Rikeryj_: or fstab entry is: /olddir /newdir none bind09:32
uLinuxJordan_U: i think it was Wireless driver09:32
Jordan_UuLinux: Please describe the events leading up to the freeze.09:32
uid0owlin particular, how may i prohibit changing default kernel after upgrade?09:33
Gneauid0owl: why would you want to prevent it?09:33
MagusOTBuid0owl: you could use /boot/grub/brub.conf to point to the old one. Any reason you want to?09:34
uLinuxJordan_U: i was trying to connect to wireless using wicd with a patched driver that should be the problem.09:34
cjaehow may I tell if samba is running09:34
Jordan_Uuid0owl: Why do you want to prevent new kernels from being installed? If you had a particular problem after a kernel update perhaps we can help solve that so you don't need to prevent updates.09:34
uid0owlGnea, maverick broke nvidia support, described here http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=233529509:34
Gneacjae: ps axf | grep smbd09:34
MagusOTBcjae: ps -e|grep smb perhaps?09:35
tiagospina #ubuntu-br-artwork09:35
n2diywhen creating a seperate /home partition, does it matter whether it is primary or logical?09:35
uid0owlGnea, i've tried all kernels from 36 to 33 with no luck, it currently works only with in 32, as in LTS09:35
tgywaany idea on the error ... "  ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available "09:35
asishcan anyone tell me how to install adobe flash in maverick09:35
cjaeGnea: thanks09:36
Gneauid0owl: you might be able to pin/hold the kernel package that works09:36
Gneacjae: cheers09:36
Gnea!pin | uid0owl09:36
ubottuuid0owl: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto09:36
brandoneyHello everybody!09:36
brandoneyI upgraded from Lucid to Maverick without problems.  But then an update with about 53 changes ran from Update Manager,09:36
Jordan_Un2diy: No, it does not. But unless you're sharing /home between two distros you might want to reconsider making one at all: http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/1093664654/no-need-to-complicate-your-life09:36
brandoneynow x won't start and a lot of other issues.  I wonder if I made the wrong choice when  I upgraded to maverick.09:36
brandoneyDid I choose the wrong /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ?09:36
FloodBot2brandoney: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:36
uLinuxJordan_U: btw the machine didnt freeze.. terminals didn0t respond any time i executed a command09:37
asishcan anyone tell me how to install adobe flash in maverick09:37
MagusOTBasish: sudo apt-get install flashplayer-installer I believe09:37
MagusOTBor flashplugin-installer09:37
uLinuxasish: you can open firefox, go to youtube, and it will ask you if you want to install it09:37
cjaeGnea: know how to get it to rebuild smb.conf? tried rm smb.conf and reinstalling samba but no smb.conf09:37
asishi m tryng09:37
n2diyJordan_U: Ok, your a mind reader, it is a a Xubuntu box, and I'm installing Ubuntu on it too. Didn't realize I could share /home between them, let me go read your link.09:38
Gneacjae: not sure why you'd want to rm it when you could've just mv'd it elsewhere, but what command are you using to reinstall?09:38
uLinuxasish: are you in livecd?09:38
asishno i have installed maverick09:39
cjaeGnea: sudo aptitude install samba09:39
Gneacjae: try this:  sudo aptitude reinstall samba09:39
asishit shows E: Unable to locate package flashplayer-installer09:40
uLinuxasish: it's flashplugin-install09:40
MophistoliuI am trying to upgrade to ubuntu10.10, but i am stuck while installing the cups-ppdc.09:40
uLinuxasish: it's flashplugin-installer09:40
cjaeGnea: start: Job failed to start09:40
asishi have downloaded the package09:41
MophistoliuDoes anyone have the problem before?09:41
asishbut i dont know how to install in linux09:41
supernickopulseaudio seems to suck09:41
lallu_hi can anybody tell me i have gnome ubuntu but i want KDE as well on same machine09:41
jpds!kde | lallu_09:41
Jordan_Un2diy: To share the /home partition, in the second install select the manual partitioning option in the installer. Make a new partition for the root, and select '/' for its mountpoint and select '/home' for the mountpoint of the already existing partition used as /home in the other install. Just make sure that the "format" box is not checked on the /home partition.09:41
ubottulallu_: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.09:41
Exploiterasish, go to terminal and type: sudo apt-get install softwarename and it will install it09:41
lallu_thank u09:42
supernickois there a safe way to remove pulseaudio and use alsa instead?09:42
uLinuxasish: have you installed Ubuntu Restricted Extras?09:42
lallu_i'll do this09:42
supernickoin 10.1009:42
=== wonder is now known as Guest7827
TheG0blinIs there any program like wireshark that you can run in terminal wihtout x?  :)09:42
Maahes_I'm having a dependency problem trying to install a kernel image, can someone give me some advice please? http://pastebin.com/3HieTV7c09:42
uLinuxsupernicko: sudo apt-get autoremove pulseaudio09:42
Jordan_UTheG0blin: tcpdump09:43
n2diyJordan_U: ok, Xubuntu is a fresh install, so formating it would do a lot of damage. So I only need to create a / partition for the new install? How do i set my mount points, I can't have two / directories, can I?09:43
Maahes_aptitude is preferred over apt-get, because aptitude does dependency resolution09:43
supernickouLinux, cheers. What would then be required for a working alsa system?09:43
TheG0blinJordan_U: ok thanks! :)09:43
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide09:43
Jordan_UTheG0blin: You're welcome.09:43
sprungisgodsupernicko, speakers?09:44
Gneacjae: not sure... maybe you need to remove it, then install it again?09:44
diverdudehow do i enable the multiverse repository ?09:44
asishit showsE: Unable to locate package install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz09:44
asishE: Couldn't find any package by regex 'install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz'09:44
Maahes_anyone have knowledge of kernel conflict resolution?09:44
Jordan_Un2diy: Each install has its own /etc/fstab and no idea what partitions the other is using or how.09:44
uLinuxsupernicko: I just removed pulseaudio, but i miss Sound preferences, where you can change theme sounds etc09:44
cjaeGnea: Im not sure it reinstalls .conf and that may be why it will not start09:44
rigvedyes, like it's said: "Aptitude has super cow powers"09:45
Exploiterasish, are you running from live cd?09:45
mrkoTried to upgrade my server from 8.04 to 10,04 using "sudo do-release-upgrade -d", and now it wont start. I get these messages: http://paste.ubuntu.com/520073/09:45
supernickouLinux, yup, can see that being a problem. I can't seem to get skype to play nice though with pulseaudio09:45
uLinuxGnea: btw aptitude doesnt come installed in Maverick09:45
asishno im not running livecd09:45
asishi have installed as dual boot09:46
Gneacjae: might need to make sure everything gets purged then:  sudo apt-get purge samba09:46
Jordan_Un2diy: So when you do the second install there will be no indication that sda4 (or whatever you selected to be /home on the first install) is a /home partition at all, it will just show up as an ext4 partition and you will need to specify how it will be used in the second system.09:46
uLinuxasish: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:46
n2diyJordan_U: ok, I aborted the Ubuntu inlstall because the manual partitioner removed / and /home from the Xubuntu partitions, they were still there, just the mount points were gone.09:46
uLinuxasish: after you install restart firefox09:46
GneauLinux: ah, didn't know that, weird09:46
Jordan_Un2diy: That's normal, because the second install will have no concept of the way those partitions are used by the first.09:47
Exploiterasish: try this sudo apt-get install gsfonts gsfonts-x11 flashplugin-nonfree09:47
asishit shows command not found09:47
n2diyJordan_U: ok, so when I install Ubuntu, I just set up the / partition, and /home and swap will be shared by both?09:48
roberto_ci sono italiani09:49
Scarra3Anyone use a sony vaio E series laptop and are having trouble with the touchpad in ubuntu 10.1009:49
uLinux!it | roberto_09:49
ubotturoberto_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:49
anhtrinhanyone has any ideas? basically, i have something in .bashrc, some commands in ~/bin (jrc, jrrun), and I tried "ssh localhost jrc -version", it said command not found09:49
uLinuxasish: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"09:49
Jordan_Un2diy: Yes, the swap can also be shared, as long as you don't plan to hybernate, but you'll have to explicitly mark that the partition should be used as swap in the second install.09:49
Mophistoliuanyone stuck in the installing cups-ppdc while upgrading to 10.10?09:50
asishits getting installed09:50
uLinuxasish: ok after it completes installation restart Firefox and try to watch a video on youtube09:50
n2diyJordan_U: ok, the partitioner did show it as swap, with out any intervention from me. Well, here goes.09:51
asishya of course09:51
=== claus is now known as Claus_
asishthanx ulinux the video is streaming09:54
uLinuxasish: no problem09:54
* itguru loves 10.1009:54
asishdo there is any command like Ctrl+alt+del on linux09:54
itguruHey guys, if there are any devs in here, 10.10 kicks ass! I love it09:55
Gneaasish: yes, ctrl-alt-del :)09:55
itguruasish: What do you want to do, bring up a task manager?09:55
ghisenGnome restarts when i open the ATI Control center... Anyone had this problem?09:55
uLinuxasish: System > Administration > System Monitor09:55
asishwen i open more than one application the system crashes and i have no other option than to restart09:56
Gneaasish: also, you could right-click on the bar across the top, click on add-to-panel, and select the system monitor from there09:56
adiyamando you use ltsp?09:56
itguruI'm intrested in this new sound thingy - does this mean that I can stream sound from my LT, to my DT connected to the most awesome sound system? (someone say yes!) (and this is all built into ubuntu?)09:56
Gneaitguru: it is possible, yes, if you configure it properly to09:57
adiyamando you have any idea on sending commands to ltsp thin client?09:57
n2diyJordan_U: does it matter which partition has the bootable flag, at the moment it is the Xubuntu partition, which is what I would like the default to be.09:57
* itguru is going to figure it out!09:57
itguruThat *would* possible be the sweetest thing ever09:57
uLinuxasish: what are your computer specifications? memory.. cpu?09:58
asishi have 1gb ram09:58
asish160gb memory09:58
uLinuxasish: that's the harddrive09:58
uLinuxasish: and your CPU?09:58
asishi have insatalled win7 alond ubuntu 10.1009:59
asishintel dual core09:59
uLinuxasish: ok it's good09:59
asishwats the use of dat system monitor10:00
toaderHi, how to get milliseconds under Linux? thanks10:00
uLinuxasish: to show list of processes, how much RAM you are using etc10:00
Gneaitguru: there are a number of tutorials for it, this one seems to work, although it's been a few releases since I did this:  http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/582-stream-music-wirelessely-using-pulseaudio-server-device-chooser10:00
uLinuxasish: like it says "System monitor"10:00
ka1seranyone know if there is something in ubuntu that set/unset Path MTU (pmtu) functionality??? I keep getting fragmentation needed packets to what seems to be a lacking pmtu functionality on my side... this is almost new 10.04 box...10:01
* itguru looks as Gnea: Thanks for that! :)10:01
Scarra3How come alps touchpads for laptops don't work on ubuntu 10.1010:01
=== Fi is now known as cm_
uLinuxasish: you should learn the basics. start here https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/newtoubuntu/C/index.html10:02
adiyamanno one use ltsp?10:02
asisho i understand is der any shortcut to kill apps?10:02
=== Exploiter is now known as Tankman
uLinuxasish: you can use system monitor or the terminal10:02
=== david is now known as Guest57672
Scarra3Ok I just got a new Sony Vaio Laptop the model # is VPCEE32FX E Series Anyways the touchpad on it in ubuntu 10.10 does not work its an Alps touchpad and people have linked me to multiple places and none of them worked.10:05
m0p0hi all10:05
tecoholicasish: is the app you are talking about a gui one or a background one?10:06
m0p0есть кто жывой?10:06
shirishhi all, I came to the ubuntu site after a long time. I have a launchpad account as well. The site seems to have re-designed, If I remember correctly Canonical used to ship free ubuntu CD is that still the case or not ?10:06
Scarra3I have tried multiple things an dnone havve worked10:06
Tankmanashish: type in terminal killall appname10:06
g0tchaanyone know if its possible to set a background in ssh terminal?10:06
shirishforget it, I was talking about shipit, will come in later.10:07
g0tchalike when ssh to my ubuntu, can it have a background image?10:07
* shirish out10:07
Scarra3Any Ideas?10:07
asishok gnea i will read the documentation10:07
cjaeGnea: so I guess there is one @ /usr/share/samba/smb.conf10:07
c0nv1ctg0tcha, no10:07
c0nv1ctg0tcha, the background is set locally, the background does not come from the remote connection10:07
g0tchac0nv1ct, ah thats too bad.. what about the terminal window on ubuntu desktop?10:08
uLinuxI am getting static sound in ALSA. any fix?10:08
c0nv1ctg0tcha, it is all set from the terminal, all you can do remotely is set the prompt colors10:08
Scarra3Anyone know how I can get the alps touchpad to work10:08
Gneacjae: excellent.10:08
c0nv1ctg0tcha, i mean, from the terminal application, locally10:09
asishthanks gnea10:09
GneauLinux: static sound?10:09
Gneaasish: cheers10:09
uLinuxGnea: or just static, some noise10:09
GneauLinux: like  cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp  ?10:09
GneauLinux: check speaker connections, make sure they're plugged in all the way10:10
uLinuxGnea: already checked10:10
GneauLinux: k, are there any lingering applications utilizing libasound?10:10
uLinuxGnea: maybe i will reinstall ALSA but im afraid to lose sound..10:10
k333IM new10:11
Gneak333: hello new10:11
uLinuxremove ALSA and purge all the settings and then install again10:11
k333Hello Gnea.10:11
g0tchac0nv1ct, i see10:11
GneauLinux: that's a bit extreme. how about checking for lingering applications?  sudo lsof | grep libasound10:11
k333Im kinda lost :p10:11
Crash1hdis there a way to svn over smb? IE svn update smb://server10:11
Gneak333: how so?10:11
Crash1hdI keep getting folder doesnt exsist10:11
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k333I was trying to join a piano sheet music channel but I got here instead.10:12
ka1seranyone know if there is something in ubuntu that set/unset Path MTU (pmtu) functionality??? I keep getting fragmentation needed packets to what seems to be a lacking pmtu functionality on my side... this is almost new 10.04 box...10:12
SAngeliHi, i am runnign ubuntu server 10.10 and have started a command (cu -l ttyS0) for hylafax but it is stack to >started and do not know how to stop it or kill it. How to do so, please?10:12
brandoneyI upgraded from lucid to maverick without trouble, then update manager installed ~53 updates, now  x won't start and lots of other issues.10:12
Gneak333: I see, do you happen to know the name of that channel?10:12
brandoneywhat is best approach to get back to where I once belonged?10:12
k333Channel: #ps-invites10:13
cjaeGnea: and as soon as the file is replaced samba reinstalls as expected10:13
Gneak333: first step:  /server irc.p2p-network.net   second step:  /join #ps-invites10:13
cjaejust in case it helps someone10:13
Gneak333: that should get you there right away10:13
Scarra3Anyone have touchpad problems with the Alps touchpad not working at all and have a solution10:13
Gneacjae: good10:13
uLinuxGnea: the sound works, but when im not playing anything and put the headphones i can hear static10:14
GneauLinux: *only* with headphones?10:14
ttiiccI just read about the kolab project. is it competing against thunderbird?10:14
uLinuxGnea: dunno gonna test10:14
GenieliuHelp!I am stuck while upgrading to ubuntu10.10.It shows that installing cups-ppdc.:(10:15
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mondovadoes anyone know why openssh won't update when it says no updates available?10:15
=== Guest22636 is now known as MohammadAG51
GneaGenieliu: how long has it been 'stuck'?10:16
g0tchawont update when it says no updates are available?10:16
Gneamondova: because that's the way it is.10:16
Jordan_Un2diy: The boot flag is mainly used by microsoft's boot code. grub ignores it. To make one install manage grub and not the other run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" in both installs. On the install that you want controlling grub make sure that your hard drive is selected as an install device (and *no* partitions). On the install you don't want controlling grub make sure *no* install devices are selected.10:16
GenieliuGnea: About 1 hour...10:16
=== MohammadAG51 is now known as Guest12805
SAngeliis there a channel to ask for Hylafax or can I ask here in this chanel?10:16
GneaGenieliu: installing from GUI or terminal?10:16
GenieliuGnea: GUI10:16
mondovag0tcha: ssh is out of date but apt-get won't update it10:17
uLinuxGnea: maybe the sound is too high10:17
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hellejoin /gentoo10:17
n2diyJordan,  ok, I'm installing now, so hopefully there won't be any issues to worry about?10:17
uLinuxGnea: and i cant get sound in front jack.. already tried to find the appropriate model for VIA VT1708S10:17
=== unitedp0tsmokers is now known as unitedpotsmokers
GenieliuGnea: Do u know what will happen if I kill the procedure?10:18
uLinuxwith Pulseaudio it works10:18
Scarra3Ok I just got a new Sony Vaio Laptop the model # is VPCEE32FX E Series Anyways the touchpad on it in ubuntu 10.10 does not work its an Alps touchpad and people have linked me to multiple places and none of them worked.10:18
GneaGenieliu: odd... have you tried looking at the log console?10:18
JimmioHey all. Plymouth spits out some things just before loading the GDM. It said something about pulse being configured for user... and something about performance. I have 3 second delays in sound events at times. What can I do to fix it?10:18
=== claw_ is now known as claw
GenieliuGnea: I did.10:18
=== Staffan_ is now known as StaffanE
GneauLinux: odd... has the front jack ever worked?10:19
uLinuxGnea: :P yes with pulseaudio10:19
GneauLinux: is it a desktop or laptop?10:19
Gnea!pm | Scarra310:19
ubottuScarra3: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:19
SAngeliis there a channel to ask for Hylafax or can I ask here in this chanel?10:20
Scarra3Gnea I have 5 time and no one seems to notice my message, ive been also asking for the past 24 hours when I can get on10:20
GneaScarra3: did you try ubuntuforums.org?10:21
uLinuxGnea: desktop10:21
Scarra3Yup I have looked and tried many things that did not work10:21
GneaScarra3: what's the URL to your ubuntuforums.org post?10:21
camer0n_How does one install Ubuntu Server via usb stick, to a usb stick?10:22
Scarra3I didn't make a post I dont want to sit around for 3 days waiting for someone to reply to a thread I find it a lot easier to ask in irc I mean that is the point of the channel to get support10:22
Jordan_Ucamer0n_: Same stick?10:22
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camer0n_Jordan_U, different stick... but i can use the same stick if it is easier :S10:22
GneaScarra3: well you've already sat around for 1 day here, so if you ask here and post there, maybe you'll only have to wait around for 2 days.10:22
QQihow get ip address from lan hostname?10:23
Scarra3So do you have a clue Gnea10:23
GneaScarra3: yes, but if no one is aware of the issue or doesn't know how to fix it, then you're better off asking in both places and maybe someone will find the time to do so10:23
anubhavQQi, ping that hostname10:23
Scarra3Gnea: Would you mind sharing then so I can get this problem figured out10:24
GneaScarra3: no I do not, that's why I'm suggesting you get a bit more aggressive in the number of places you ask.  10.10 is brand new and is full of problems.10:24
GneaScarra3: that's up to you, get registered and make a post about it on ubuntuforums.org, post as many details as you can.10:24
jattisn't 10.10 a stable release?10:24
bekorhello anyone have time for a question10:24
Jordan_Ucamer0n_: Unetbootin should work with the server images.10:24
Gneajatt: no, that's 10.0410:24
Gnea!anyone | bekor10:25
ubottubekor: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:25
Tankmanubottu is rite..10:25
Scarra3Gnea: Oh sorry I miss read your comment I thought you said you knew sorry for miss understanding and thanks for the suggestion10:25
GneaScarra3: no problem, best of luck10:25
camer0n_Jordan_U, so use unetbootin to put iso to install usb, then install onto other usb stick?10:25
uLinuxGnea: Maverick is stable but not LTS10:26
bekorthanks iwas wondering if someone knows how to get the add ons for super os 10.10 on ubuntu 10.10?10:26
QQianubhav:  $ ping USER-PC   ping: unknown host USER-PC what's wrong? T_T10:26
GneauLinux: if it's not an LTS, it's not really considered 'stable'10:26
Jordan_Ucamer0n_: Yes.10:26
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.10:27
uLinuxGnea: in that case "stable" is subjective.. for me not stable = beta10:27
GneauLinux: pretty much.10:27
spndiHello My Ubuntu installation is over Windows Vista. It ran for a few days and suddenly it conked off. It now gives the screen saying Minimal BASH commands  GNU GRUB version 1.97 ~ Beta 4.10:27
Scarra3Wait so 10.10 was not offically released?10:27
anubhavQQi, do you also have some DOMAIN name, for eg. USER-PC.DOMAIN.COM10:27
GneaScarra3: it is officially released, it's just stale like 10.04 is10:28
GneaI said that wrong10:28
GneaScarra3: it is officially released, it's just as stable as 10.04 is10:28
spndiBefore that no WUBI builder HDA something10:28
brandoneyany irc client suggestions let me read history without forcing to bottom when it scrolls, will hide non-msg lines and will beep on my nick?10:28
Gneaspndi: yeah, I wouldn't trust Vista with anything important. are you trying to recover the wubi installation or is it not important?10:29
Tankmanbrandoney, most client can do that, inc xhchat10:29
uLinuxGnea: I get static not only with headphones. maybe i've set sound too high in alsamixer.. i dont know that why i want to remove alsa but i have to be sure after install it again i get sound otherwise i would need to reinstall ubuntu :x10:29
brandoneyempathy sux, xchat or xhchat?10:30
spndiGnea : I am a newbie so I installed it and now it sin't working I am not sure whats happening hence logged in10:30
uLinuxbrandoney: irssi (CLI) xchat (GUI)10:30
uLinuxbrandoney: or you can use mIRC with Wine..10:31
fep_how do i reinstall the kernel modules only ?10:31
fep_like "apt-get install linux-modules-2.6.35-22-generic-pae" doesnt work10:31
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brandoneyyeah, i like mirc but I don't wanna try to wine right now., Ill try xchat10:31
Gneaspndi: have you read through the wubi guide?10:31
GneauLinux: what soundcard do you have?10:32
uLinuxGnea: intel hda  codec: VIA VT1708S10:33
brandoneyI guess xchat is full deal and xchat-gnome is simplified?10:34
uLinuxbrandoney: i suppose10:34
brandoneycool, ill be back.10:34
spndiGnea Wubi is the installer right10:34
camer0n_fep, hi...10:35
spndiGnea :I did sucessfully install Ubuntu so the installation is over.10:35
camer0n_fep, i wouldn't have a clue... sorry...10:35
Gneaspndi: right, but the guide is for more than just installation10:37
uLinuxGnea: maybe the static is fans working?10:38
GneauLinux: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119135610:39
spndiThe error message displayed is (hda,0, NTSF5, no wubibldr) while trying to choose UBUNTU10:39
uLinuxGnea: well I get sound but the model isnt correct10:40
^elf^anyone know how to get apps maximised full screen in unity? so that the window covers the dock thing on the left? netbook version10:40
brandoneyNow I feel civilized.10:40
bekorhey friends how can i get the features of super os 10.10 in the regular 10.10 ubuntu?do you think it all could be found in the software center?10:41
Gneaspndi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146946010:41
brandoneyI upgraded from Lucid to Maverick and everything worked just fine.  Then update manager downloaded ~53 updates10:41
* popey shudders at super os10:41
brandoneynow x wont start and a bunch of other problems.10:42
bekoroh is their issues?have you tried it/10:42
brandoneyhow do I get back and figure out why update didn't work?10:42
spndiThanks Gnea No it isnt a 2 minute hang I had looked through this earlier. It just hangs foreer10:43
fazzilhi all10:44
fazzilwhat is ubuntu tweek?10:44
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chimican anyone confirm that fat32 has a max file size of 2gb10:46
chimii keep getting out of space errors when trying to copy10:47
chimiits a 5gb or so iso10:47
blakkheimthat's why10:47
Crovax-31Hi, is there an easy way to log twice in parralel with the same user on ubuntu (to use in parralel differents desktops)10:47
chimiso what file system should i use10:48
Crovax-31using gdm10:48
blakkheimdo you need compatibility with windows?10:48
chimisamba share for linux and windoze clients10:48
blakkheimor linux only10:48
blakkheimif it's a samba share the filesystem doesn't matter10:48
unopCrovax-31, on the same machine right?10:48
Crovax-31unop: yes10:48
spndiTHOR : The error message displayed is (hda,0, NTSF5, no wubibldr) while trying to choose UBUNTU10:48
unopCrovax-31, sure then, look at gdmflexiserver and gdmxnest10:49
chimiblakkheim: i do have to format the drive at some point10:49
blakkheimchimi: yes10:49
chimiblakkheim: i chose fat32 and am getting error10:49
blakkheimchimi: because of the 4gb filesize limit10:49
blakkheimchimi: you will have to reformat it as something else10:50
chimiblakkheim: thats no problem10:50
chimiblakkheim: ntfs?10:50
blakkheimis it on the linux system or the windows?10:50
blakkheimi usually go with good old ext3 on linux since ext4 has had some problems10:50
chimiblakkheim: ubuntu not the os's drive10:50
chimiblakkheim: thank you! so ext3 is relatively win friendly?10:52
rigvedhi everyone10:52
blakkheimif it's a samba drive on linux that windows needs to access, the filesystem does not matter since windows isn't accessing it directly10:53
blakkheimit accesses it over the network10:53
rigvedcan anyone tell me where should i ask questions related to GNU/Debian?10:53
spndihello Could you name a good book for Ubuntu beginners ? I am an absolute newbie10:53
Propelext4 is the latest right?10:53
Propelwell the most widely used, right?10:53
blakkheimit is the latest yes but it has had some problems so i avoid it10:53
Propelsuch as?10:54
blakkheimbut it's up to you what you use10:54
Propelmajor ones?10:54
blakkheimdata loss10:54
Propeldamn lol10:54
chimiblakkheim: ok so thats what you ment by filesystem does not matter lol10:54
willhey guys, can anyone running 10.10 tell me what version of compiz they've got? i have 0.8.4 on 10.04 and want to check out the new version without any messing about with ppas or anything that might break the OS10:54
rigvedspndi: ubuntu pocket guide10:55
vdubhackwhats is the proper way to remove a wireless driver and module that is install default?10:55
Crovax-31unop:  gdmflexiserver --xnest --startnew10:55
Crovax-31** (gdmflexiserver:8125): WARNING **: Not yet implemented10:55
unopCrovax-31, hmm, not sure what that means -- try it without any options.    gdmflexiserver10:57
SAngeliwhere to ask for help with ubuntu server ?10:57
SAngelithis chanel???10:57
spndithanks Rigved I will check it out ..10:57
supernickohey folks, is there a command that will tell me the motherboard model details?10:57
supernickoor a proc file to cat?10:57
Crovax-31unop: it's bring me back on my running session10:57
icerootsupernicko: dmiencode (imo)10:58
unopCrovax-31, strange.  how about   gdmflexiserver -n10:58
icerootSAngeli: just find out, there is also #ubuntu-server but normally the questions are general and not specific to ubuntu-server10:58
Crovax-31** (gdmflexiserver:8208): WARNING **: Not yet implemented10:58
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supernickoiceroot, cheers :)10:59
Crovax-31I have 2.30.510:59
unopCrovax-31, i've 2.20.11-210:59
Crovax-31  -n, --xnest               Ignored - retained for compatibility11:00
unopCrovax-31, I'm wondering if you're missing some backend for the flexiserver11:00
SAngeliI have ubuntu server 10.10 64 bit installed and have to install Conexant HSF softmodem driver for making hylafax work with my softmodem PCI card. It is a Conexant System modem. I am following this article http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/downloads-installer.php  but when I run the script I get this error: Package not compatible with your system. Kernet module can't be compiled11:03
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rigved!patience | SAngeli11:07
ubottuSAngeli: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:07
Crovax-31unop:oups, used logout feature ^^11:07
willcan anyone running 10.10 run compiz --version and tell me the results? thanks :)11:08
azmogswill: compiz 0.8.611:09
willazmogs: thanks very much! i want to check out the new versions and was wondering whether i should upgrade from 10.04 or not11:09
willthanks again :)11:09
azmogswill: my pleasure11:09
* camer0n_ wishes installation would hurry up :S11:13
mondovadoes anyone know why apt-get won't update openssh even though its out of date?11:13
babuI have very low memory 512mb11:13
* Gnea looks at _F-117 11:14
babuUbuntu seems very heavy for my pc. Its working slow. How to increase performance?11:14
camer0n_babu, low? i am installing onto 128mb :S11:14
Gneamondova: is it pinned?11:14
_F-117Gnea: roger cntrl+Alt +F111:14
mondovaGnea: what does pinned mean?11:14
Gnea!pin | mondova11:15
ubottumondova: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:15
willbabu: if you're after something lighter, you could try out lubuntu :P11:15
Gneamondova: also, how do you know it's out of date?11:15
jgbhow do I run a command line app with ubuntu-tweak's script-worker?11:15
camer0n_will, babu, or even xubuntu?11:15
mondovaGnea: its 4.7 and ssh is up to 511:15
_F-117off subject but god dam i am hung over11:15
camer0n_will, is that still about?11:15
Gneamondova: you're using which version of ubuntu?11:16
Gnea_F-117: indeed, go drink some water11:16
mondovaGnea: 8.1011:16
willcamer0n: xubuntu is still about, but i've never heard anything but bad things about it. lubuntu is still about too, though it never seems to make the official cut11:16
Gneamondova: 8.10 is no longer actively maintained, what did you expect?11:16
_F-117Gnea: I like your status11:16
mondovaGnea: its still supported11:16
willcamer0n: well not BAD things, but more the fact that it doesn't seem lighter enough to warrant not using gnome11:16
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.11:16
brandoneywhy would firefox be sending & receiving ~100KB/s constantly?11:16
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:16
Gneamondova: negative.11:17
=== zz_slidinghorn is now known as slidinghorn
_F-117Gnea: Single?11:17
camer0n_brandoney, kill firefox? memory leak?11:17
Gnea_F-117: would you like to be forcibly removed from here?11:17
willcould be a dodgy firefox addon11:17
yakuphi, is there a way using the computing power of my hard-driveless computer via ethernet or somethong? what is the name of this operation, please?11:18
mondovaGnea: well 4.7 is from ages ago11:18
_F-11710-4 over & out11:18
camer0n_yakup, thin client?11:18
yakupmaybe, i'm checking.. thanks :)11:18
Gnea!ops | _F-117 is offtopic, drunk and trolling11:18
ubottu_F-117 is offtopic, drunk and trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!11:18
willsee you guys - thanks for the help11:18
mondovaGnea: what can i use? my laptop is old and the new ones are so bloated11:18
brandoneyhmm, i figured it would have memory problems, but didn't know it would send and receive11:19
camer0n_yakup, there is still a need for a some sort of hard drive.. but it is minimal.11:19
_F-117Gnea: THX11:19
Gneamondova: it can't be THAT old11:19
babuI have used Xubuntu but when I use firefox, gimp and play music simultaneously it gets hund11:19
Gnea_F-117: anytime.11:19
camer0n_brandoney, maybe virus?11:19
mondovaGnea: 9.04 runs noticeably slower11:19
yakupcamer0n_, so the ram is not enough? i'm researching..11:19
_F-117Gnea: lol11:19
brandoney100KB  I thought I was running a torrent11:19
Gneamondova: that's likely due to the GUI you're using. if you didn't use gnome, and used something else, like xfce or e17, it might run a bit nicer11:19
camer0n_yakup, i suppose you could run from a livecd, connecting to a server to run everything else.11:20
mondovaGnea: thanks i'll try xfce11:20
babuI am a web developer so I would be using firefox, gimp and playing music all at same time. And then the pc gets hung and very slow even if   I use Xubuntu.11:20
camer0n_yakup, livecd only requires ram as well... no storage though?11:20
Gneamondova: you MIGHT be okay with a backport of openssh-server, if you can find it11:20
Gnea!backport | mondova11:20
ubottumondova: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:20
egyptwhere is the chinese ubuntu ?11:21
Gnea!cn | egypt11:21
ubottuegypt: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:21
mondovaGnea: you say 8.10 stopped being supported in april this year. openssh 4.7 came out in 200811:21
_F-117Gnea: Alias ?11:21
Gnea_F-117: check with the /disc command11:22
_F-117Gnea: 10-411:22
Gnea_F-117: you'd need to type it here11:22
babuI am a web developer so I would be using firefox, gimp and playing music all at same time. And then the pc gets hung and very slow even if I use Xubuntu.11:22
_F-117Gnea: what is this troll thing people speak of?11:23
Gnea!repeat | babu11:23
ubottubabu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:23
blakkheimbabu: sorry, got disconnected11:23
mondovaGnea: no response?11:23
Gneamondova: yeah, not sure what relevance that has to anything11:23
yakupcamer0n_, my hdd is burnt and i can't buy a hard drive in the near future, so i want to use my desktop computer as an extension for my laptop.11:23
babuIts ok Blakkheim. I respect and thank your concern to help11:23
mondovaGnea: the point is apt-get hasn't updated openssh since 200811:23
mondovaGnea: and my version of ubuntu stopped being supported this year11:24
JohnFluxIt no longer takes 3 seconds to switch between windows in 10.10 :-)11:24
Gneamondova: that's why I suggested the backports. they may or may not work.11:24
JohnFluxIt seems the ATI bug fixes go into upstream at last :)11:24
mondovaGnea: the point is apt-get didn't update openssh even when the version of ubuntu was supported11:24
mondovaGnea: meaning that is not the reason it didn't update11:25
babuMy primary problem is in windows I can use firefox,play music and use photoshop at same time without any problem but in ubuntu its  quite impossible11:25
Gneamondova: I have no idea, I'm not a package maintainer.11:25
mondovaGnea: also i get updates frequently11:25
mondovaGnea: exactly, you're spouting misinformed nonesense11:25
babuThis is only reason I still cannot transfer my work environment to Ubuntu11:25
Gneamondova: no I'm not, it's quite accurate. I told you that 8.10 is no longer supported, which it's not, and even verified it with you using an *official* method. I also gave you a possible method for finding a supported, more up-to-date openssh-server package. if it's not there, then that's not my problem and not my fault.11:26
JohnFluxbabu: what's the problem?  too slow?11:27
itgurubabu: Umm... Your having a problem multitasking in ubuntu?11:27
mondovaGnea: are you listening the point is it didn't update even when 8.10 WAS SUPPORTED11:27
babuYes too much. It gets flaky11:27
JohnFluxbabu: define flaky?11:27
babuYes I hope its problem with multitasking11:27
JohnFluxbabu: is this Ubuntu 10.10 ?11:27
JohnFluxbabu: do you have an ATI video card? :-)11:27
Diamondcitebabu: How much ram do you have? How many tabs are open in firefox?11:28
babuI mean the mouse disappears when am moving it and reappears due to slowness in processing11:28
Gneamondova: which, again, was not my problem and not my fault.  also, have you bothered to check the changelog for your current version to make sure that the patches DIDN'T actually make it in without the main version # changing?11:28
camer0n_yakup, how much ram have you got?11:28
babuI have via unichrome vm 800]11:28
JohnFluxbabu: ATI video card?11:28
itgurubabu: What ur proc speed, and do you have things like Desktop effects turned on?11:28
mondovaGnea: how on earth would i check that?11:28
slidinghornmondova, the conversation's getting old -- point being, you need to upgrade to a supported version of Ubuntu.  Once upgraded, if the included openssh isn't new enough for your purposes, you can upgrade it as well.11:29
Diamondcitebabu: any swap space? (512 isn't much today.. least not when firefox has many tabs open to sites with media...)11:29
mondovaGnea: and how would i upgrade it as well?11:29
mondovaGnea: by compiling from source?11:29
JohnFluxmondova: sorry what are you trying to do?11:29
slidinghornmondova, yes11:29
babuMy video card is not Ati, Its via unichrome vm 800. My processor is amd athlon 280011:29
JohnFluxmondova: upgrade openssh on 8.10 ?11:29
Gneamondova: by knowing how to use the system itself and not insulting those who are just volunteers helping you that you didn't pay for support from in the first place.11:29
babuswap space is 1gb11:29
mondovaJohnFlux: apt-get won't update openssh and it hasn't since 2008 even though 8.10 stopped being supported april 201011:29
mondovaGnea: you're spreading misinformaiton. the reasons you stated are not the reason it did not update11:30
JohnFluxmondova: and you need an updated version openssh?11:30
Gneamondova: am I? check your facts and your sources again.11:30
DiverdudeI have a laptop with no other ethernet interface than a wireless card (ie. no cable). I have installed ubuntu 10.10 and i cannot make the netcard work...itsimply does not  detect any networks even though i know there are some around. I think there is some problem with the driver. Is there any way i can see the chipset of the wireless card in that laptop, find the correct driver using another computer, download it, transfer11:30
Diverdude it using usb and install it on the laptop?11:30
babuIn my graphics card the desktop effects are defaultly not supported and cannot be enabled ever11:30
mondovaJohnFlux: yes. its 4.7 way out of date11:30
yakupcamer0n_, 4 gigs of ram and a quad cpu i think it'll help me with intense operations i make during graphic processing11:30
Gnea!attitude | mondova11:30
ubottumondova: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:30
JohnFluxmondova: you could change your /etc/apt/sources  to the latest ubuntu version11:30
mondovaGnea: what is the reason it didn't update since 2008 then?11:31
JohnFluxmondova: and then _just_ install openssh11:31
JohnFluxmondova: then switch your sources back again11:31
mondova!attitude | Gnea11:31
ubottuGnea: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:31
Gneamondova: I've already explained why.  It's not my fault you refuse to accept it.11:31
mondovaJohnFlux: nice thanks mate11:31
slidinghornJohnFlux, mondova that is not a viable solution, that can wreck the installation completely11:31
Diamondcitebabu: May I PM you? Too much scrolling in the main channel.11:31
JohnFluxmondova: it usually works :-D  if it tries to update your entire system, then cancel :-D11:31
babuO sure diamondcite11:32
mondovaGnea: you have NOT explained why it didn't update since 2008 when the distro version is supported until 2010. if you did pls quote it11:32
GneaJohnFlux: even if he's being insulting, I don't believe that breaking his system is a proper response.11:32
JohnFluxmondova: but if it only wants to upgrade a few packages, it's probably fine11:32
mondovathanks JohnFlux11:32
JohnFluxmondova: np11:32
Gneamondova: I don't have to, now go learn how to utilize /usr/share11:32
mondovaGnea: you are a dribbling piece of shit. you keep saying 8.10 isn't supported as the reason11:33
FloodBot2mondova: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:33
slidinghorn!language | mondova11:33
ubottumondova: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:33
ikoniamondova: your language is unacceptable, stop it11:33
Gnea!caps | mondova11:33
ubottumondova: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:33
JohnFluxmondova: to be safe, you could write down the list of packages that it installs.  If it screws up, just remove those packages and reinstall (with the apt/sources.conf pointing to the 8.10 repos)11:33
Gneamondova: seriously dude, get a grip11:33
ikoniamondova: your attitude needs to calm down towards users, please11:33
ikoniaGnea: easy, lets move it on now,11:33
JohnFluxikonia: to be fair, people do seem to be baiting him11:33
camer0n_yakup, you should be set :) there should be some live studio cds out there some where too11:33
camer0n_yakup, good luck :)11:34
mondovaikonia: gnea is intentionally misleading newcomers including myself11:34
mondovaikonia: how is that helpful for the community11:34
* Gnea throws his hands in the air11:34
ikoniamondova: I'm sorry, I don't see him missleading you11:34
ikoniamondova: what exactly is the problem ?11:34
slidinghornmondova, ikonia he is not...he is simply stating that your version of ubuntu (8.10) is not supported, therefor we can't really offer any suggestions except to upgrade your installation and see if your problem is solved...if not, we'll be glad to help11:34
yakupcamer0n_, thank you, i'm contacting a specialist friend...11:35
mondovaikonia: he keeps referring to 8.10 being unsupported when this problem has been since 200811:35
mondovathat is clearly not the reason11:35
Gneamondova: I'm sorry, but I have been very patient and have tried to listen and provide you with the answers you are seeking. You have been nothing but rude, unappreciative and have even stooped to calling me names.11:35
ikoniamondova: that doesn't change the fact that 8.10 is currently unsupported, you should look to upgrae to current supported versions11:35
slidinghornGnea, I'd just let it go...it'll get worked out.  Carry on with your support :)11:36
she_dyedgnea have some iced tea or something first =)11:36
JohnFluxmondova: just being "supported" doesn't mean it has the latest packages up to that point11:36
Gneashe_dyed: ha, just polished off some green tea, thanks :)11:36
mondovaJohnFlux: why not?11:36
ikoniamondova: the reason you've not had any updates from 2008 on sshd is because there hasn't been a package update, now that 8.10 is not supported there won't be any additional updates11:36
JohnFluxmondova: openssh would have _only_ been upgraded if there was a serious security flaw11:36
she_dyedgnea you're welcome, i was 'been there done that'11:36
deadroothello. is it possible to ls files owned by a particular user?11:36
mondovaikonia: right thankyou. so why was gnea suggesting that was the reason there was no update?11:37
mondovaikonia: when it clearly wasn't true11:37
JohnFluxdeadroot: "find" has an option for that11:37
mondovaJohnFlux: by upgraded you mean in the packages?11:37
JohnFluxdeadroot: man find11:37
ikoniamondova: because it's true11:37
JohnFluxmondova: right11:37
Gneamondova: think about what you just said.11:37
mondovaikonia: you are as stupid as Gnea. please uninstall ubuntu you don't deserve to use it11:37
ikoniamondova: a.) ssh recieved few updates in general as it's quite secure b.) 8.10 is not supported so there won't be any more updates11:37
deadrootJohnFlux: thanks11:38
DiverdudeI have a laptop with no other ethernet interface than a wireless card (ie. no cable). I have installed ubuntu 10.10 and i cannot make the netcard work...itsimply does not  detect any networks even though i know there are some around. I think there is some problem with the driver. Is there any way i can see the chipset of the wireless card in that laptop, find the correct driver using another computer, download it, transfer11:39
Diverdude it using usb and install it on the laptop?11:39
azmogsDiverdude: you can check for the chipset/model using lspci11:40
evidenthi everybody: Can anybody tell me what these dependency problems mean and how I can fix them: http://hpaste.org/40892/upgrade ? Would be great if anyone could help11:40
chimiblakkheim: thanks again that did fix the problem11:42
deadrootbtw, does anybody happen to know if anything was changed recently with the packages? today, when i reinstalled ubuntu 9.04 and copied over the apt-get archives that i have stored locally, apt-get wanted to download an additional 190MB of archives. normally it didn't need to download anything as i had everything it needed11:42
Bauldrickhello all - I've askes a few times this.. Why my samba shares can no longer be seen in ' Places > Network' - I have to manually input them always?11:42
tgiesso gnome-keyring is driving me nuts11:43
tgiesit doesn't seem to want to store the passphrase to my ssh private key, which i understand it is supposed to do11:43
ikoniatgies: I may have learnt a valuable lession here11:43
tgiesi further understand that ssh-add is then supposed to automatically load that key on login, which it also doesn't seem to want to do11:44
ikoniatgies: are you expecting a popup to ask you for your passphrase11:44
reenignEesreveRcan i open a virtual network interface which is just an throttled wrapper for another network interface?11:44
tgiesikonia: i think?11:44
ikoniatgies: hang on, I've recently done a ton of detail on this11:44
tgiesI thought ssh-add was supposed to have found my keys in ~/.ssh on login, said "oh hey, i should load these", loaded them into the agent, prompted me for my passphrase, stored it in gnome-keyring, and never asked again11:45
tgiesinstead i have to manually run ssh-add11:45
ikoniatgies: hang on11:45
tgiesand provide my passphrase (at terminal; ssh-askpass never happens)11:45
monndovaikonia: do you feel like parroting anymore mindless information in your abject ignorance of the facts? ssh4.7-2008, ubuntu 8.10-2010. these are the facts. spouting unrelated rubbish about 8.10 being out of date post april 2010 is mindless.11:46
ikoniatgies: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/57803511:46
monndovawhy not parrot it once more to give yourself the illusion of being useful11:46
fepi need to reinstall kernel modules, how do i do that? (to roll back som wifi drivers i misconfigured)11:47
tgiesikonia: oh great11:48
tgiesyeah, i did a lot of googling11:48
ikoniatgies: took me a lot of effort to get that info, but it fixed it for me11:48
tgiesand what i found seemed to suggest that this was just broken11:48
jenueguys,what other burning software for ubuntu?11:48
fepwhat is the modules package for the kernel named for ubuntu 10.10 ?11:48
fepsince the modules and the core are seperate11:48
ikoniatgies: that documentation is pretty hard to find, so it does look like it's broken until you find out the real info11:49
fepcan you see what im writing?11:50
tgiesikonia: see, i ran into another mention that you had to have the pub key too11:50
tgiesbut here's the thing: I do11:50
ikoniatgies: check the permissions on it, that matters too11:50
tgieswhat should they ought to be11:50
fepi need to reinstall the kernel modules, not only the core... how do i do that easelly ?11:51
ikoniatgies: they need to be in ~/.ssh, have 600 permissions, and the public key needs to be $name_of_private_key.pub11:51
bobthemilkmanIs there any problem with installing gcc-3.4.6 with --prefix=/usr/local?  Should I use /opt instead?11:53
fepHello, i wonder how i reinstall my kernel modules, since a apt-get install --reinstall dont install the modules, just the core11:53
ikoniabobthemilkman: it doesn't matter11:53
bobthemilkmanInstalling it into /usr/local won't cause any conflicts later on with, say, /usr/local/lib and choosing the correct version of a library?11:54
ikoniabobthemilkman: if you do --prefix=/usr/local it will use /usr/local/lib, it will only conflict with things that share that path11:55
bobthemilkmanHalf of my system uses that path for stuff from gcc-4.411:55
=== Auv5 is now known as Auv5[Away]
ikoniabobthemilkman: it shouldn't gcc 4 should be in /usr11:55
ikoniabobthemilkman: not /usr/local11:55
bobthemilkmanOh really? Great.11:56
zambai want to set up dual monitors in X.. i have a laptop and an external monitor.. but i'm not able to set the external monitor as the primary one (meaning the one with the desktop icons, the taskbar, the launcher and so on).. how can i do that?11:56
bobthemilkmanTypically everything I install from source I put into /usr/local (except for things compiled with icc which go into /intel, my own special deviation from standard filesystem structure).11:57
fepHello, i wonder how i reinstall my kernel modules, since a apt-get install --reinstall dont install the modules, just the core11:57
Harold_parkerzamba, System->Preferences->Screen Resolution11:57
zambaHarold_parker: haven't got taht11:58
konayaI just installed Maverick. I have a problem with my touchpad being completely dead when resuming. Googling produces a lot of "this problem has been solved in Maverick, case closed", but... Apparently not all problems have been solved. How to troubleshoot this?11:58
=== unix is now known as Guest37527
zambaHarold_parker: only have Monitors under System-Preferences11:58
zambaHarold_parker: and there's no option there to chose "primary" screen11:58
she_dyedmaybe its a pirated version...11:59
bobthemilkmanikonia: You wouldn't happen to know if there's some way to compile xgcc with different flags from how xgcc compiles gcc?11:59
bobthemilkmanIt seems like it'd be a lot faster to compile xgcc with -O0 and then gcc with -O3.12:00
bobthemilkman(Or -O2)12:00
Harold_parkeryeh no shit12:00
n2diy! grub12:00
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.12:00
Harold_parkerits optimising that takes time12:00
Harold_parkersorry don't mean to be a prick12:01
n2diy! grub212:01
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:01
Harold_parkeri didn't mean that in a nasty way12:01
azmogszamba: xrandr --output <monitor> --primary12:01
zambaazmogs: sweet!12:02
zambaazmogs: apart from the fact that the desktop icons stayed on the secondary screen12:02
bobthemilkmanOh wait12:02
azmogszamba: yeah, they do that... but i always could live that :)12:02
Guest37527pettson you fuckin wanker12:02
jpdsGuest37527: Please be civil.12:03
zambaazmogs: i guess i have to live with that as well :)12:03
Diamondcitekonaya: It maybe 'solved' but not commited, Perhaps you might want to read through the post to see what their solution was.12:03
bobthemilkmanI *LOVE* how gcc-3.4.6 doesn't compile without modifying one line of source code.12:04
she_dyedzamba not nvidia?12:05
konayaDiamondcite, most state explicitly that the fix has been committed.12:05
zambashe_dyed: nope12:05
bobthemilkmanHave to change file gcc/icontrol.c:1537 to include "777" as an additional argument in one of the lines... :(12:05
jeka_z ffffff12:08
jpdsjeka_: Hello.12:08
DiverdudeIm trying to follow this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405990    I have downloaded the tar file and untar'd it. But when i run the install.py it gives me permission denied....So i try instead running sudo python install.py it gives me please run without root privieges?12:08
i5nocDiverdude, whats the guide for?12:08
i5nocwhat are you attempting to install?12:08
naxais there a good free data recovery solution for (re)formatted ntfs?12:09
bobthemilkmanDiverdude: sudo -s, then run it.12:09
i5nocThis method is no longer supported and could possibly cause more problems than it fixes. I'm going to leave it up, but just remember - use it at your own risk.12:09
i5noca guide that starts like that begs you to continue googling12:09
i5nocor read the whole thread12:09
i5noci wont support it12:09
bobthemilkmanThis application is in no way supported by Canonical, the Ubuntu forums or its staff. Use of this application is at your own risk.12:10
konayaDiverdude, chmod +x install.py, then try running it.12:10
ExitusCould any1 help me with "VirtualBox+Windows XP+Wireless" Problem?12:10
i5nocthat sounds interesting whats up Exitus12:11
she_dyedzamba the old way was to look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and switch things in "Server Layout"12:11
tgiesikonia thank you, it turns out i'm an idiot. my permissions were all perfect but somehow i ended up with an id_rsa.pub in that weird ascii-armored RFC 4716 format instead of openssh format12:11
magicblaze0071i just bought a r705 toshiba protege and loaded ubuntu on it. Whenever I try to download/update software from the gui, the machine hangs. Anyone knows how to debug this?12:11
i5nocyour host os is which and your guist os is which?12:11
tgiesiirc i didn't have my public key immediately handy so i tried to generate it from the private key but did so improperly12:12
i5nocmagicblaze0071, open a terminal at applications > accessories -> terminal12:12
Exitusi5noc: The problem is pretty common, Xp just wont find my wireless hardware, so that I cant connect to wireless12:12
i5nocsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:12
tgiestaking that and running it through ssh-keygen -i -f id_rsa_bad.pub > id_rsa.pub fixed me12:12
i5nocExitus, xp is the host os or guest os?12:12
sindicatogalera, blz?12:12
magicblaze0071i5noc: rebooting now12:12
sindicatohey guys12:12
Exitusi5noc: Hmm not sure, pretty new with virtual box12:13
magicblaze0071i5noc: hanged as soon as i logged in this time12:13
sindicatomy ubuntu server has stucked on yesterday. It seems that there's not enough space on my hd... I've cleaned some stuff and it worked again..12:13
Exitusi5noc: Is there some way to check it?12:13
magicblaze0071i installed 10.1012:13
sindicatoBut is there any app to clean automatically?12:14
i5nocExitus, the host is the one running virtualbox and the guest is running inside of virtualbox12:14
DiverdudeIm trying to follow this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405990    I have downloaded the tar file and untar'd it. But when i run the install.py it gives me permission denied....So i try instead running sudo python install.py it gives me please run without root privieges?12:14
i5nocmagicblaze0071, when booting to go grub menu and take out quiet, and take out splash12:14
i5nocyou might wanna add in 'verbose'12:14
magicblaze0071i5noc: I did apt-get upgrade last time. it worked12:14
Exitusi5noc: Ahh then it is guest12:14
magicblaze0071i issued the commands again12:15
i5nocExitus, then it doesnt need to see your wireless12:15
sacarlsonDiverdude: from that I assume you are having problems with broadcom wifi?  did you look at this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104489812:15
i5nocit only needs networking12:15
magicblaze0071seems it hanged again12:15
i5nocwhether the host is connected via wireless or wired should be transparent to the guest12:15
magicblaze0071yum, those commands hanged in the middle12:15
i5nocits setup automagically typically12:15
magicblaze0071yup = yum12:15
i5nocmagicblaze0071, then you might have some repos that cant be found12:15
i5noccan you pastebin the output somehow?12:16
magicblaze0071i5noc: its not the apt-get, the machine hanged12:16
Exitusi5noc: It still didnt connect, ahh I try to restart the windows12:16
zambashe_dyed: i've already fixed it12:16
i5nocmagicblaze0071, try dmesg|tail12:16
i5nocor dmesg|grep sd12:16
i5nocor grep sd /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog12:16
she_dyedzamba: where did you do the fix?12:16
=== Marcus_Jah is now known as MarcusRasta
zambashe_dyed: xrandr12:17
she_dyedzamba: nice12:17
zambashe_dyed: xrandr --output "screen" --primary12:17
she_dyedzamba: let me get some popcorn then12:17
SmailikWho wants to talk on skype,i study English (I am a Russian)12:17
zambaSmailik: wrong channel12:17
vltHello. What pkg do I need to get "pdflatex"?12:18
nathan7vlt: uh, sec12:18
magicblaze0071i5noc: lots of messages with "grep sd"  on dmesg12:18
i5nocmagicblaze0071, can you pastebin it or post a screenshot somewhere?12:18
tgieshmm see now i need to figure out what magic the UNR default gnome session is doing to get ssh-askpass going so i can replicate it in my hacked-together xmonad session ;/12:18
nathan7vlt: texlive-latex-base12:18
i5nocfor the record12:19
tgiesi already have the Startup Applications and what have you being invoked12:19
i5nocanyone who has some issue with a guest machine having networking in virtualbox - take it a step back, power down the vm, and open the 'virtualbox' main window. go to file -> preferences and then click on network and setup a network; done!12:20
tgiesand the basic keyring stuff is working as evident from the fact that network manager manages to connect to my wlan12:20
magicblaze0071i5noc: paste.pocoo.org/show/28159712:20
vltnathan7: Thanks12:20
nathan7vlt: You're welcome =)12:21
seth_gi made a 10.10 startup disk amd64, it boots to 'boot:' and says cant find kernel image: linux -- how can i confirm that i the version i choose will work anyway?12:21
magicblaze0071i5noc: messages-> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/28159912:23
gergobarczaHi! I am trying to install ubuntu 10,10 server on an intel s3240 board with intel esrt2 raid1 array and the installer cannot find the appropiate driver for it, and i do not know how could i solve this problem. Can you help me?12:23
=== MarcusRasta is now known as Marcus_Jah
i5nocmagicblaze0071, can you get to the recovery terminal instead of gui easily?12:24
lallu_sudo apt-get install wine                what is this ?12:24
bobthemilkmanlallu_: What is what?12:25
magicblaze0071i5noc: what is a recovery terminal?12:25
bobthemilkmanThat's the command to install wine, a windows "emulator."12:25
i5nocwhen you start up the machine if it doesnt give you grub lines, then hold shift till you see them, first is normal boot, second is 'crap we're in trouble' boot12:25
lallu_what happens with this command?12:25
bobthemilkmanlallu_: It will install wine.12:25
magicblaze0071i5noc: i'm on grub screen12:26
i5nocmenuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-22-generic-pae (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {12:26
i5nocone of those12:26
magicblaze0071i5noc: ubuntu -> recovery mode boot?12:26
azmogsgergobarcza: i have no experience with that controller, but maybe this http://users.emt.ee/aigark/wp/?p=47 might help12:26
lallu_please tell me what is wine?12:26
i5nocyeah select one of the recovery modes12:26
zoidberg-Hey guys, if i want to compile C programs on ubuntu, what packages do i need to install ? (im running ubuntu hardy) ?12:26
bobthemilkmanwine is a program used to run windows programs in linux.12:26
i5noclallu_, wine lets u run some windows binaries12:26
i5noc!wine | lallu_12:26
ubottulallu_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu12:26
gergobarczaazmogs: yes i've done it but after that it asks for the driver12:27
magicblaze0071i5noc: I'm in12:27
lallu_thank u guys12:27
grid_i have also a second hdd, now how can i identify it from the cli instead of the gui? the volume label is data ;) i want to do adduser Guest --home /users/Guest so i want to leave /users/Guest/ on my second HDD12:28
azmogsgergobarcza: no clue then, sorry :/12:28
grid_please ;)12:28
magicblaze0071i5noc: its printing this: EXT4-fs re-mounted , Opts: errors=remount-ro, commit=600?12:28
zoidberg-what package provides the c development libraries?12:29
mick0n00bmany users out there running maverick, having trouble with policykit?12:29
magicblaze0071i5noc: any idea?12:29
zoidberg-ahhh build-essentials12:30
gergobarczaazmogs: what should i do now? :) where should i search?12:30
vltnathan7: Hmmm, I get this error message when trying to run markdown2pdf: Please install the 'ucs' package from CTAN:12:30
blueghostconky 怎么设置 半透明啊12:30
nathan7vlt: CTAN?12:31
nathan7vlt: not CPAM?12:31
blueghost找到一个属性, 但是只能 全透明的12:31
nathan7!cn blueghost12:31
nathan7!cn | blueghost12:31
ubottublueghost: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:31
vltnathan7: Yes, copied the msg. Any idea how to install that 'ucs' package?12:31
blueghostsorry , i into wran chanel12:31
nathan7vlt: ah, it's like CTAN12:31
commodoorhi, are there people who installed ubuntu 10.10 on HP envy 14Inch?12:32
Aemaethgrid_, is it in /media/ ?12:32
nathan7but for tex12:32
nathan7nathan@armadillo:~/firesheep$ apt-cache search ucs tex12:32
nathan7texlive-latex-extra - TeX Live: LaTeX supplementary packages12:32
_CommandeR_why is the ubuntu font so messed up in the terminal ?12:32
nathan7_CommandeR_: How'd you mean, messed up?12:32
mick0n00blooks ok to me12:32
nathan7Define "ubuntu font"12:32
_CommandeR_nathan7, let me show a screenshot12:33
vltnathan7: Thanks, I'll try the -extra pkg12:33
grid_Aemaeth: yes, it is there, label data, but how can i set a user to it, like adduser Guest --home <path on the disk data> ?12:33
nathan7vlt: =)12:33
Aemaethi changed my font to wingdings12:33
nathan7This makes me realize how nice it is to hear thank you12:33
commodoori'm having problems with the touchpad12:33
nathan7In Holland, nobody ever says thank you12:33
grid_thank you, and i'm from holland ;)12:34
nathan7grid_: =p12:34
commodoornathan7, i'm in holland and people always say thank you to me :P12:34
nathan7*most people*, okay?12:34
=== slidinghorn is now known as zz_slidinghorn
_CommandeR_nathan7, http://data.fuskbugg.se/dipdip/____Screenshot-1.png12:34
nathan7what the12:34
grid_Aemaeth: can you explain?12:34
nathan7What font is that?12:34
_CommandeR_nathan7, ubuntu font12:34
nathan7Just named 'Ubuntu'?12:34
mick0n00blooks like ur dpi might be screwed12:34
Dr_WillisYou did set the terminal to use the monospaced version?12:34
mick0n00bor is it just terminal..12:35
_CommandeR_just terminal i noticed.12:35
nathan7Sure it's monospace?12:35
_CommandeR_got Use the system fixed witdth font12:35
grid_how can i see the mount point of my hdd?12:36
nathan7Which HDD?12:36
nathan7If it's your root, / =p12:36
_CommandeR_nathan7, Dr_Willis got Ubuntu selected on all fonts in Fonts12:36
Dr_Willisnathan7:  theres no ubuntu mono variant that ive seen...12:36
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  you want to use monospaced font for the terminal. Otherwise they wont look right12:36
nathan7Then, set it with a monospaced font12:36
Dr_WillisTry the Droid Mono variants.12:36
nathan7I like the Monospace font personally12:37
Dr_WillisUnless im missing some fonts.. I dont see any Ubuntu Mono variant.12:37
grid_nathan7: i have a second hdd, that has a label data, it is at /media/, i can open it from the gui, but now i want to do adduser Guest --home <dir on the Data hdd>, but i do'nt know it's path12:37
nathan7grid_: ah, mount12:37
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, droid mono is no default font ?12:38
grid_nathan7: thanks, /dev/sda3 on /media/Data type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks) i got ;)12:38
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  no idea. I install lots of fonts... I dont know whats installed by default12:38
Dr_WillisHmm. I got a 'ubuntu' font and a 'ubuntu-title' font i notice.12:38
i5nocmagicblaze0071, mm not right offhand but you could install smart utils and check the disk12:39
grid_if you chmod at dir, and you remove that dir, and you create it again, do you need to chmod it again to the same level12:39
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, Droid Sans Mono?12:40
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  any mono font should work.12:41
Dr_WillisDroid has mono and normal variants.12:41
Nielsonanyone with a HP envy 14 using ubuntu 10.10 around here?12:42
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  http://www.webupd8.org/2010/07/7-of-best-ubuntu-terminal-fixed-width.html12:42
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, hm it worked thanx12:43
Dr_WillisI think ive noticed in KDE's Konsole - it lets you only select Mono spaced fonts.. whild gnome-terminal lets you select anything.12:44
hotstewHey guys, I've got a problem connecting to the internet with Ubuntu 10.1012:44
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, yeah think it is odd12:44
gergobarczaHi! I am trying to install ubuntu 10,10 server on an intel s3240 board with intel esrt2 raid1 array and the installer cannot find the appropiate driver for it, and i do not know how could i solve this problem. Can you help me?12:45
DiverdudeWhere can i find the b43fwcutter software for maverick as a .deb package i can download?12:45
Dr_Willisthat inconsolta font on that url i gave. looks nice..12:46
DiverdudeWhere can i find the b43fwcutter software for maverick as a .deb package i can download?12:46
=== zz_slidinghorn is now known as slidinghorn
Dr_Willisi wonder if that 'get deb' web site has urls to all the debs.. They should be on the various update/apt/repository servers. if you looked for them12:47
azmogsDiverdude: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter12:47
she_dyed tries a search on debian.com itself Diverdude (but practice safe se-- er I mean use with caution)12:47
she_dyedthere you go azmogs had it12:48
azmogswhich wasn't that hard to find really ;)12:48
Dr_Willis!info b43-fwcutter12:48
ubottub43-fwcutter (source: b43-fwcutter): Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In component main, is optional. Version 1:013-2 (maverick), package size 15 kB, installed size 80 kB12:48
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Diverdudeazmogs, no i need to install it on another computer which does not have internet, so i need the .deb package12:49
brandoneyI upgraded from Lucid to Maverick and everything worked fine.  Update manager installed ~50 updates, and x stopped working.12:49
azmogsDiverdude: it is on any ubuntu mirror then ready to be downloaded12:49
brandoneyWhat is the basic procedure for backing out from latest update?12:49
v_vhotstew: hey guy, maybe you can give some details so that people can know what the problem is12:49
she_dyedDiverdude: apt-get -d install... <-- from azmogs command12:49
Dr_WillisDiverdude:  http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/b43-fwcutter/12:49
psycho_oreos!broadcom | Diverdude12:49
ubottuDiverdude: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:49
Diverdudeazmogs, mmm i tried this one: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/utils/b43-fwcutter   but it gives an error when i try to install it so i figured it was beause it was an old version12:49
Dr_WillisI thought the use of that fwcuter was outdated now a days..12:50
psycho_oreosfollow the link for offline installation12:50
grid_/dev/sda3 on /media/Data type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks) i got, but i can't type cd /dev/sda3, what is wrong?12:50
she_dyedDr_Willis: me too12:50
Dr_Willisgrid_:  you cd to the mountpoint NOT the device...12:50
psycho_oreosthe ubottu's link?12:50
grid_Dr_Willis: what would be the correct syntax?12:50
Diverdudeshe_dyed, so if i use -d flag where is the package then stored?12:51
v_vgrid_: /dev/sda3 is a device, what you can cd  is usually a directory, so you can 'cd /media/Data', in fact you cd /dev/sda312:51
hotstewsorry I got disconnected12:51
ActionParsnipgrid_: or you can run:  nautilus /media/Data12:51
she_dyedDiverdude: usually /var/cache/apt/archive take a look around,12:51
Dr_Willisgrid_:  you cd /media/whatever   not cd /dev/ANYTHING12:52
hotstewdoes somebody have Orange Switzerland's current apn and network id for Internet Everywhere Young?12:52
Dr_Willisgrid_:  you dont cd to '/dev' things...12:52
Dr_Willis!mount | grid_12:52
ubottugrid_: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:52
she_dyedi have lemon not orange...12:52
Diverdudeshe_dyed, and should it then work even though the machine i do sudo apt-get -d install b43-fwcutter  on is a 10.04 and the machine which needs the package is a 10.10 ?12:52
ActionParsniphi houeibib12:53
grid_i wasn't aware i didn't try cd /media/Data before12:53
ActionParsnipgrid_: the device is mounted to the mouunt point, so you access the mount point, not the device12:53
she_dyedDiverdude: the question is, would 10.10 need something ancient better check those links from Dr_Willis12:55
Dr_WillisI thought the b43 drivers were included/replaced by the sta drivers these days.. but i dont have a laptop with those drivers any more12:56
she_dyedthats the thing Diverdude12:57
ActionParsnip!es | juanjuan12:58
ubottujuanjuan: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:58
bazhangjuanjuan, /join #ubuntu-es12:58
kjellehi. can i set a default -j 7 for my ubuntu desktop 10.04?12:59
kjelleon gentoo i could do so12:59
Dr_Williskjelle:  clarify what you are meaning..12:59
Gneakjelle: for compiling?12:59
kjelleDr_Willis: I want to set the default -j (jobs) for make on my system12:59
kjelleGnea: yes12:59
palihapizheloo guy12:59
Gneakjelle: who compiles so much in ubuntu?13:00
azmogskjelle: MAKEOPTS environment variable should do it13:00
kjelleazmogs: ty13:00
Gneayeah, MAKEOPTS will do it13:00
palihapizi need some help with ubuntu netbook 10.1013:00
kjelleI got an i7 cpu, and want to make more use of it. Gnea i compile a lot :-)13:01
Gneakjelle: ok :)13:01
palihapizmy touchpad ao532h not working..someone can help me?13:01
gsedej_workhi! Any idea if I can hotswap off SATA disk (after unmounting)?13:01
gsedej_workSATA II I think13:02
Dr_Willisgsedej_work:  i think the controller needs to support that feature.13:02
gsedej_workDr_Willis, how can I check?13:02
cjjnjusthi, how to change the disk name ?13:03
gsedej_workcjjnjust, use Disk Tools13:03
=== darkenemy23 is now known as Bruno_ubuntu
Dr_Willisgsedej_work:  no idea..  I imagine the external sata porta re that way.. but for an internal sata port.. Im not sure its very common.13:03
gsedej_workcjjnjust, under System -> Administration -> Disk tools13:04
Bruno_ubuntuAlguem pode me ajudar?13:04
gsedej_workand change label13:04
cjjnjustgsedej_work, got it13:04
slidinghorn!br | Bruno_ubuntu13:04
ubottuBruno_ubuntu: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:04
azmogscjjnjust: sudo tune2fs -L <label> /dev/sdx13:04
palihapizmy touchpad ao532h not working..someone can help me?13:04
Diverdudewhat is the newest version of broadcom-wl- which will fit into maverick?13:05
printf_1Hi all - I'm running Windows 7 which is pretty much a piece of shit. Can I install Ubuntu by double clicking some Ubuntu icon so I can get rid of Winshit?13:06
cjjnjustazmogs, how about u disk?13:06
Nielsonmy HP envy 14 1020ED touchpad is having problems13:06
Nielsonit's one big pad.. without buttons... actually the buttons are the pad13:06
slidinghorn!language | printf_113:07
ubottuprintf_1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:07
ActionParsnippalihapiz: try adding one or more of the boot options:  i8024.reset    i8024.nomux=1    irqpoll13:07
printf_1ubottu: Fuck off, cunt.13:07
ActionParsnipprintf_1: keep the language PG or be kicked13:07
slidinghornprintf_1, #1, it was me, not the bot.  #2, this is a family friendly channel.  If you do not like that, you can feel free to go elsewhere for support13:08
printf_1ActionParsnip: Please refrain from further attempts at threatening me or you may force me to call my lawyer regarding such harassment.13:08
ActionParsnip!ops | printf_1 foul language13:08
ubottuprintf_1 foul language: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!13:08
Dr_Willis!wubi | printf_113:09
ubottuprintf_1: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe13:09
Diverdudewhat is the newest version of broadcom-wl- which will fit into maverick?13:09
ActionParsnipDiverdude: if you are compiling then the release is moot13:09
printf_1Thank you, Dr_Willis.13:10
ActionParsnipprintf_1: if you want rid of win7 you can boot to livecd and remove the win7 install to install ubuntu on 100% of the space available. This will destroy all currnt data13:10
* Dr_Willis bets he will be back..13:12
MrBlue_NL1.) Download ISO 2.) Burn ISO 3.) Start the CD when booting your computer 4.) Get excited with the live cd 5.) Install Ubuntu13:12
* airtonix throws down two pennies13:12
slidinghornDr_Willis, don't threaten us!!  ;-)13:12
ActionParsnipMrBlue_NL: you forgot 1a) MD5 test ISO13:13
cbush15Is there any way to install a vpn on ubuntu?13:13
ActionParsnip!vpn | cbush1513:13
ubottucbush15: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN13:13
MrBlue_NLlike he knows how to do this in Win ActionParship13:13
ActionParsnipMrBlue_NL: then research should be done13:13
airtonixcbush15, probably the easiest way is to install Zentyal Server and use the VPN web management interface it provides13:13
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:13
cbush15airtonix: You got teamviewer?13:14
MrBlue_NLhow many of those autoreply from ubottu are there? :p13:14
slidinghorn!brain | MrBlue_NL13:14
ubottuMrBlue_NL: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:14
=== vincent is now known as Guest79729
airtonixcbush15, no i do not. but i was pretty impressed at how simple Zentyal Server made the whole vpn server affair (it even generates a windows client complete with your zentyal servers ssl certificate)13:15
cbush15Can someone help me set this vpn please via teamviewer13:15
=== hamid_ is now known as Guest48075
xeroadminI am having trouble with an external USB hard drive13:15
cbush15airtonix: ok, can u step me through this :D13:15
ActionParsnipMrBlue_NL: loads, the factoids.cgi page has them all. it makes support easy as loads of people ask the same questions13:15
naftilos76hi everyone, as ubuntu 10.10 uses pulse as its' default sound server, i would like to ask this: Can i record a conversation that's taking place on Skype? That is, i need some kind of 'mix' function so that i can re-direct audio streams to an audio recording app like 'audacity'. Is that possible?13:15
MrBlue_NLnice... i will stop going offtopic in here13:15
ActionParsnip!details | xeroadmin13:16
ubottuxeroadmin: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:16
xeroadminit sometimes mounts, then unmounts a few seconds later, and sometimes just gives me a, improperly formatted error13:16
xeroadminI am running 10.04 lucid on the gnome desktop13:16
Guest48075any body know why "echo" doesn't work in vim 7.2?13:16
airtonixcbush15, first you need to acknowledge that you will no longer be able to use network-manager if you run zentyal server...since zentyal server is an enterprise server control package (it used to be called ebox)13:16
cbush15whats network manager13:16
cbush15all i use my vps is for irc and openfire13:17
cbush15and a few irc bots13:17
airtonixcbush15, it's the handy thing that powers the network icon interface in your notification tray...13:17
cbush15ok which one do you recommded me install13:17
airtonixcbush15, i don;t recommend you install Zentyal Server on a desktop/workstation... typically you use a dedicated machine for it.13:18
slidinghorncbush15, network manager is installed by default13:18
cbush15i have a vps13:18
cbush15So which 1?13:18
azmogsnaftilos76: http://bit.ly/a5g2KQ looks promising13:18
=== neil__ is now known as nlsthzn
ubottuFor information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar13:19
airtonixcbush15, thats up to you... i'm simply saying that Zentyal Server is an option if you want a full time VPN server... if you're willing to dedicate a machine to it.13:19
tuxtotiOkie, this is a cross-post i have done to #rsync and ##linux :  i'm looking for an option in rsync which would copy the delta content into a different file instead of merging it with the original one . Any clues ?13:19
airtonixcbush15, http://www.zentyal.com/en/products/server/13:20
Dr_WillisGuest48075:  if using the vim on a default install. you may want  to install the full 'vim' package / the default is  a tiny version of vim with a lot of features removed.13:20
airtonixcbush15, it just uses openVPN as its vpn server... but the web interface is pretty good.13:21
cbush15Should I install that?13:21
albyhey all13:21
cbush15It will not stuff up my irc server?13:21
airtonixcbush15, no idea13:21
ActionParsnipcbush15: no as it uses a different port13:22
airtonixcbush15, it does take control of the iptables and dhcp server on the machine you install it on though13:22
cbush15airtonix: can I give you the details to install this13:22
cbush15airtonix: The task is to big for me lol13:22
airtonixcbush15, you should be fine if you know what you're doing when it comes to logical configuration of a network server13:22
fr4ghi, i tried booting ubuntu from usb, but after a dark red screen with a keyboard symbol I only get blackscreen13:22
grid_can someone tell me why this doesnt work? sudo adduser -m Jan --home /media/Data/Users/Jan13:22
cbush15airtonix: I will pm you a normal username and password?13:23
slidinghorn!doesntwork | grid_13:23
ubottugrid_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.13:23
xeroadminI am running Ubuntu 10.04 on gnome. I am trying to mount an external NTFS drive, which before was giving me no grief, however now, the best I can get is it mounting for a maximum of 10 seconds before unmounting again, and that's when I don't get an error message13:23
airtonixcbush15, no thanks.13:23
cbush15oh ok13:23
cbush15how do u create files in ssh13:24
cbush15Create file /etc/ppp/peers/YOUR_COMPANY with this content:13:24
slidinghorni won't lie...I've been waiting for a chance to use that one..13:24
airtonixcbush15, try to refrain from using the enter key as punctuation13:24
cbush15airtonix: what do u mean13:25
ActionParsnipcbush15: you can mount the file system using sshfs13:25
Guest48075any body know why "echo" doesn't work in vim 7.2?13:25
cbush15airtonix: How do i create that file in ssh13:25
airtonixcbush15, well your message is spread out over three lines, you were lucky that time no one interrupted you with a large message of their own/13:25
=== Putr is now known as Putr|Away
ActionParsnipcbush15: or you can simply ssh over, then create the file in cli13:26
cbush15I am in ssh13:26
manhunterActionParsnip: hi13:26
airtonixcbush15, i assume you use the ssh command line to first log in to the server ... ssh username@servername13:26
anirudhrxeroadmin, Are you mounting it from fstab? What are the options set?13:26
cbush15How do i create that directoru13:26
cbush15Yes Done that13:26
ActionParsnipcbush15: if you have sample file content you can open the file with nano, then paste the text in13:26
airtonixcbush15, then i would check to see if that directory exists yet... ls /path/to/directory13:27
xeroadminBefore, I could just connect to USB, and it would automount, without any issues, however now, I can't seem to find any way of reliably mounting it13:27
cbush15hold up plz lol13:27
=== |Zippo|_ is now known as |Zippo|
anirudhrxeroadmin, What does your /etc/fstab look like?13:27
cbush15I have ran the sudo command to install one of the vpn's now what13:27
ActionParsnipxeroadmin: when you connect the device, run: dmesg | tail    it may give clues13:27
xeroadmin# /etc/fstab: static file system information.13:27
xeroadmin# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier13:28
xeroadmin# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name13:28
xeroadmin# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).13:28
FloodBot2xeroadmin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:28
nerdy_kidI am looking for the kdebindings package and cant find it in synaptic.  I found kdebinding-dbg however.  does it exist?13:28
ActionParsnipxeroadmin: ok then find out what that error code meansusing websearches13:29
cbush15etc/ppp/peers i have only got that directory13:30
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=== MohammadAG51 is now known as Guest76195
cbush15can someone help me!13:31
IsharaComixHello all. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04, and I'd like to install Python 3 for testing purposes. Does anyone know if installing the package will interfere with my current version of Python?13:31
aeon-ltdcbush15: really? in / you only have /etc?13:32
airtonixcbush15, try : sudo nano /etc/ppp/peers/NAME_OF_FILE_TO_MAKE13:32
aeon-ltdcbush15: sorry context fail13:32
remoteCTRL1what do you guys use to rip ccds?13:33
cbush15what do i put my vpn login13:33
airtonixcbush15, then you can ctrl+shift+v to paste what you mgiht have previously copied from elsewhere, and to save you would press ctrl + o, and to exit it would be ctrl + x13:33
aeon-ltdremoteCTRL1: please don't run polls, please ask about reccommended cd rippers not what everyone uses13:33
airtonixcbush15, as far as your config details...13:34
remoteCTRL1aeon-ltd: i frankly spoken dont care if i get everbodys choices or general recommendations if i get a program that works for me13:34
toor_How do I stop the xserver? I don't have gdm installed btw13:34
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remoteCTRL1aeon-ltd: so? someting useful to contribute also?13:34
magicblaze0071my ubuntu 10.10 frequently hangs on my toshiba protege r700. Any ideas on how to debug this. i5noc : are you still here?13:34
aeon-ltdremoteCTRL1: sound juicer, that comes with ubuntu13:35
airtonixremoteCTRL, this is not a polling channel.13:35
spacebug-how can I put my own stuff in /etc/resolv.conf without NetworkManager overwriting it? (Must be a way to tail/head stuff to it even when using networkmanager, right?)13:35
aeon-ltdremoteCTRL1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping#Ubuntu%20Default%20CD%20Ripping%20Software13:35
_CommandeR_Need help with empathy, for some reason it starts 2 windows for 1 chat.13:35
=== Guest76195 is now known as MohammadAG51
remoteCTRL1aeon-ltd: i'd really use that one if i only knew how to teach it to use 320kbps ant not 128...13:36
_CommandeR_with double me13:36
cbush15I am stick on In the above line, adjust subnet values ( if needed13:36
ActionParsnipspacebug-: you need to edit the connections, then set the interface to DHCP (address only)13:36
airtonixspacebug-, yes there is i think you needt o look at /etc/default somewhere13:36
ActionParsnipspacebug-: you can then add the DNS you wish in the iput box below, you dont need to edit any files by hand13:36
Bouazzahello !13:36
spacebug-ActionParsnip: I want to change the timeout and attpemts options and there is no way to change them there.13:36
spacebug-airtonix: hum ok13:37
BouazzaI need some help before filling a bug report at launchpad13:37
cbush15Help plz!13:37
airtonixspacebug-, maybe not, but there is a place where you can impose a global set of  DNS ips13:37
ActionParsnipspacebug-: that I am not sure of13:37
=== sipherdee_ is now known as sipherdee
JimmioHey all. Plymouth spits out some things just before loading the GDM. It said something about pulse being configured for user... and something about performance. I have 3 second delays in sound events at times. What can I do to fix it?13:38
Bouazzamy laptop is slowing down after nearly 15~20 minutes of music playing13:38
jackjackciao atutti13:38
spacebug-actually I dont really want to change them, I read it was possible to change the default behaviour and that was made by editing /etc/resolv.conf and put options there andnow I cant let it go.. want to know how hehe13:38
BouazzaI checked the CPU usage and it was normal ( nearly 5% )13:38
Bouazzabut the laptop responds very slowly13:39
cbush15need help13:39
cbush15something went wrong13:39
cbush15I followed the instructions but cant connect to vpn at my home13:39
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:39
BouazzaI checked the iowait and it was near 30~40%13:39
airtonixspacebug-, does /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf look like what you want ?13:40
Bouazzahow can I get more information about my problem ( the responsible processes for example ) ?13:40
spacebug-airtonix: it might be.. I have been looking around in that file13:41
she_dyedBouazza: the default conky config shows the top 3 cpu/mem hogs iirc13:41
spacebug-some forums talkas about putting own stuff in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail but that directory does not excist13:42
airtonixspacebug-, can't hurt to try making it ?13:42
spacebug-I did try, did not work ..hum13:43
spacebug-guess networkmanager does now use it13:43
aeon-ltdremoteCTRL1: try some of these, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26934513:43
JimmyJohnSorry to interrupt - can anyone help me set up dual booting?13:43
Bouazzashe_dyed: ok thanks, but that's the same job "top" does, isn't it ?13:44
cbush15ughh no one is helping me13:44
JimmioBouazza: I have a funny feeling it's Pulse. 10.10's pulse or its config causes nearly total freezes of my eight core, 12GB DDR3 system.13:44
spacebug-well tnx anyway airtonix, I will let it be. No really need to change it, more that I wanted to know how13:44
she_dyedBouazza: but focused on the abusers instead of cluttered13:45
prestigehelp pls for vdr13:45
magicblaze0071does anyone have a toshiba r705 laptop here?13:45
JimmyJohnlol no13:45
meghhi, how can i use zsync behind an authenticated proxy, i ve already set environment variable for proxy still cant zsync to work  :-(13:45
slidinghorn!ask | prestige13:45
ubottuprestige: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:45
remoteCTRL1aeon-ltd: ya same stuff everywhere... ripperX produces broken output, sound juicer only produces low quality output as changing the lame encoders options wont help, etc... this is really annoying... but thanks for your help, i appretiate it...13:45
Bouazza@Jimmio: I don't know if it's due to the 10.10, because I didn't test other versions . But I killed Rhythmbox et Pulseaudio ( it keeps restarting it self when I kill it ), and the freezes are  still there .13:45
magicblaze0071Jimmio: 10.10 freezes on my r705 laptop as well...13:45
JimmyJohnI haven't gotten 10.10 to boot. it shows up in boot options next to 7, scrolls through a big ole list, and then just sits.13:46
aeon-ltdremoteCTRL1: if you like cli, i heard abcde is really configurable13:46
magicblaze0071my 10.10 boots, but freezes every few minutes13:46
Bouazzashe_dyed: okay, I'll try conky . I have just to get the name of that ****ing process to fill a bug report13:46
magicblaze0071should i install another version?13:47
prestigenot work13:47
she_dyedBouazza: also check messages or logs, might be something relevant13:47
JimmyJohnI just wish i could get it to boot? IDK if i should just wait a while since its the first boot or what.13:47
slidinghornprestige...you need to provide full details of your problems.  Please keep your question to one line, as well.13:47
remoteCTRL1aeon-ltd: what ever works :D thanks dude :)13:47
xeroadminas it turns out, I'm getting errors -62, and -71: http://paste.ubuntu.com/520166/ results from dmesg | grep usb13:47
Bouazzashe_dyed: the problem is that I don't know which logs to check, because I don't know what's the source of the problem13:48
she_dyedBouazza: aye13:48
Alphanauthey all, is there a good program to use to image an ubuntu partition.  i want one that wont require me to sector copy all the empty space on my ubuntu partition, only the data so the image isn't 100GB13:48
JimmioThere's a definite issue with 10.10.. I just can't find it. No crazy CPU usage, no crazy RAM usage.. Something got broken, and since I have gnome issues (controls flash repeatedly from focused and not focused states) and audio issues, I think it has something to do with the North/Southbridge access drivers. I really can't put my finger on it :S13:48
popeyAlphanaut: clonezilla13:48
azmogsAlphanaut: clonezilla13:49
Alphanauti have one for winblows (true image), but it will only sector to sector copy the ubuntu part13:49
ActionParsnipxeroadmin: ok, what do thy mean13:49
FloodBot2Alphanaut: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:49
Alphanautoops, i didnt mean to flood13:49
ActionParsnipAlphanaut: partimage13:49
Alphanautthank you all13:49
xeroadminI can't seem to find them on any official, or unofficial, ubuntu website. I have found someone getting just -71s, but his issue is different to mine, I already tried what he did13:50
aguitelanyway to try unity in 10.04 lts ?13:50
ActionParsnip!info unity lucid13:50
ubottuPackage unity does not exist in lucid13:51
ActionParsnipaguitel: http://digitizor.com/2010/05/10/how-to-install-unity-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/13:51
JimmyJohnSo. it's "completing installation" on the first boot but idk why it won't actually start.13:51
_CommandeR_How do I enable Xinerama ?13:51
aguitelActionParsnip, you like it?13:51
spacebug-I had lots of strange problems with 10.04 at first. Problems people would just not understand, neither did I. Finally found out it was my harddrive that was broken, though to heavy usage without using fan to cool it.13:52
commodoorBouazza, do you have family in Holland?13:52
ActionParsnipaguitel: not prsonally13:52
aguitelActionParsnip, ok13:52
qwertyjustinhello. odd question: i have xp and ubuntu on a dualboot, and after every couple of days or so i need to reinstate grub, as when i turn the computer on the computer is unable to find the mbr, why must i update/rewrite the grub everytime. why does it loose the mbr info?13:53
jemadux11.04 no gnome ?13:54
ActionParsnipjemadux: natty is offtopic here13:54
popeyqwertyjustin: maybe your antivirus is messing with the mbr, or perhaps you have a BIOS option to lock the mbr?13:54
brandoneyIn Lucid I setup virtual interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces an that broke Network Connections applet.  Can I add two IPs to one interface in the new Network Connections applet in maverick?13:54
qwertyjustinill have a look see13:55
Alphanautwill clonezilla or partimage also save the MBR so i can save the state of my dual boot laptop?13:55
Alphanauti dont see a screenshot where it grabs the mbr13:55
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ActionParsnipAlphanaut: not sure on the MBR, not had to restore my image yet tbh :)13:56
Alphanauthmm that could be a problem then13:57
Alphanautnobody knows?13:57
commodoorAlphanaut, yes13:57
Bouazzaerr... do you find it normal if the %iowait reaches 30~40% ?13:57
commodoorAlphanaut, i use clonezilla for full image13:58
azmogsAlphanaut: it does restore it13:58
Alphanautby it do you mean clonezilla or partimage?13:58
ActionParsnipAlphanaut: you can reinstate grub from livecd but obviously if you are using the image on more than 10 systems it will get a bit arduous.13:58
commodoorAlphanaut, i always restore dualboot ubuntu and Win with clonezilla and works everytime perfect13:58
azmogsAlphanaut: clonezilla13:58
Alphanautok commodoor that's exactly what i was wondering, thanks very much.  you too azmogs13:59
qorephow can i make a å with the US dvorak-intl layout?14:00
qorepcan't compose with the o14:01
steveccchi all - are there any comprehensive hardware testing programs available with ubuntu - I have a machine I would like to test14:01
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Dr_Willisqwertyjustin:  ive noiticed a similer issue on my laptop. but not seen it happen lately. Im wondering if it had somthing to do qwith me havbing linux on one hard drive.. but the GRUB  on the MBR of the OTHER hard drive...14:04
Dr_Willisqweqweqwe:  a handy trick i did was take a spare flash drive and run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' and told it to install grub to the MBR of the flash drive. - that way when i lost grub. I could boot the flash drive. that would then boot the PC's hard drive. get me back to my normal system. where i could rerun 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' and reinstall to the MBR of the HD.14:05
hexonxonxDoes anyone know why dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg exits immediately (command done as root)?14:06
Dr_Willisqweqweqwe:  i have noticed that now that i reinstalled to the laptop. with GRUB and linux both on HD#2 - the issue has not happened again.14:06
bronckobuster_anyone in here a freenode admin?14:06
Gneabronckobuster_: try #freenode14:07
popeybronckobuster_: join #freenode14:07
zambatry #freenode14:07
popeyhexonxonx: what are you expecting that to do?14:07
grid_my samba is working perfectly. it also stores user profiles, it is a pdc, with a winxp client, now i made a user to /media/Data/Users/ instead of home, now it won't save the profile of winxp, what do i need to change?14:08
hexonxonxpopey: I'm expecting it to run me through the blue and grey console screen14:08
popeyhexonxonx: to achieve what?14:08
Dr_Willisgrid_:  you could link /home/Username to /media/data/whatever   perhaps..14:08
grid_Dr_Willis: how would you do that?14:09
Dr_Willisgrid_:  ive not done 1/5th the things you seem to have done with samba. :)14:09
Dr_Willisgrid_:  ln -s /home/whatever  /media/whatever14:09
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Dr_Willisgrid_:  ive done that trick befor to move a single users 'home' to a spare hard drive so thtye had a lot of space.14:09
hexonxonxpopey: Well, I _wanted_ to configure framebuffer and default desktop manager to xdm or the like..14:09
grid_you mean i link the map virtually?14:09
Dr_Willishexonxonx:  i dont think that dpkg-reconfigure has asked such questions in a long long time..14:10
Gneagrid_: #samba could likely help you out better that way14:10
grid_yeah i'm there also14:10
hexonxonxI may be horribly mistaken14:10
Gneabut if I was going to link a home directory between samba and unix, I'd use nfs14:10
Gneait's tricky, but it can be done14:10
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.14:11
grid_Dr_Willis: i think ln -s /home/whatever /media/whatever has nothing with samba to do, but it will redirect the home to the other dir?14:11
Dr_Willishexonxonx:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm     --> asks to use gdm./xdm.kdm or whatever else you have installed.14:11
Gneagrid_: is the directory on the same system?14:11
hexonxonxDr_Willis: _that's_ what it was-- lol thank you.14:11
Dr_Willisgrid_:  yes it will. and it could be your user not being in the normal /home/ location is confuseing the samba 'homes' special share.14:11
grid_Gnea: yeah, not the same partition ;)14:12
Dr_Willisgrid_:  i normally just use teh homes special share. :) so thats about the e4xtent of my samba-kunf-fu skills.14:12
Good_D_ayThanks everybody have a Good Day.14:14
grid_Dr_Willis: if you use ln -s /home/whatever /media/whatever ln -s, are the files hard stored at the /media/whatever dir ?14:15
Gneagrid_: yeah, I'd just use nfs14:15
BlaDe^Hi guys, when using wget http://se.php.net/get/php-5.3.3.tar.gz/from/this/mirror -- it tries to write to a 'mirror' file not the actual gz even though it shows a http 302 and Location: http://us3.php.net/distributions/php-5.3.3.tar.gz [following]14:15
nascentmindHi. When I install a dbg library. The next time I compile and link will it be using the dbg version of the library?14:16
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Gneagrid_: just setup the nfs server on the same system as the samba server14:17
ethereticI salvaged a lot of files from disk A to disk B with testdisk, leaving it to run overnight. Now disk B has 0 free bytes, and deleting files from disk B doesn't increase freespace. Heeelp.14:17
erUSULetheretic: fsck disk B14:17
qorephow do I ignore permissions on an external drive?14:17
Gneaetheretic: you're supposed to use a larger disk to put the files on14:17
qorep(it's ext4)14:18
ActionParsnipetheretic: if you had a backup, you wouldnt have had to use testdisk14:18
Gneaqorep: sudo14:18
jribqorep: you don't...14:18
ethereticGnea: miscalc. 8)14:18
qorepGnea: no, not good enough14:18
qorepjrib: of course I do, shouldn't some umask do the trick?14:18
ethereticActionParsnip: it WAS the backup which got bad blocks.14:18
jribqorep: no.  Like I said, you don't14:18
qorepwould be neat if I could do it from gui though14:18
grid_Gnea: i can't because my hdd1 can't handle so much memory14:18
jrib!permissions > qorep14:19
ubottuqorep, please see my private message14:19
qorepjrib: eh, why?14:19
Gneaqorep: it doesn't get any better than that, but maybe you're not asking the right question14:19
qorepjrib: yes, I know about permissions14:19
nastasetheretic: silly question but the disk B is internal or external?14:19
ActionParsnipetheretic: surely then just get a new drive and make a new backup as the original data is ok - right?14:19
jribqorep: then set them to what you want them to be and be done with it14:19
Gneagrid_: I'm not following...14:19
ethereticnastas: external.14:19
lqkwnelhi there, having a problem with maverick: every other time instead of asking me for login and pw it stops loading at the purple screen and only shows me the mouse pointer. I have to load the command line and reboot14:20
nastasetheretic: did you check for hidden files on this drive?14:20
ethereticActionParsnip: it's the orig disk which has 0 bytes free.14:20
ActionParsnipetheretic: oh boy14:20
Gnealqkwnel: can you login via the console?14:20
lqkwnelyeah I can, I reboot with sudo reboot now after logging it14:21
grid_Gnea: i will store profiles of my winxp to a different media, instead of /home/samba/profiles/14:21
Gneaetheretic: you probably filled it up with logfiles14:21
ethereticnastas: I deleted a couple of GB archives - still no freespace.14:21
nastasetheretic: yes but did you check for hidden files?14:21
grid_Gnea: they must be stored at /media/Data/Users/User/profile14:21
Gneagrid_: so you run out of storage, and have plenty of ram?14:21
lqkwnelI dont know if I can proceed with gnome instead of rebooting, but even if I could it wont be too handy14:21
ethereticno hidden files, logfiles.14:21
Gnealqkwnel: you didn't run out of space on any drive, did you?14:22
nastasetheretic: browse the hard disk B and press ctrl+h14:22
nastasetheretic: you might see a .Trash file.\14:22
ethereticnastas: did. nada .files.14:22
lqkwnelno, 30gb free on ubuntu drive and it loads fine every other time14:22
delxDoes anyone know if INOTIFY_FILE_CREATED is issued after a file has been completely written or as soon as it is created?14:23
Gnealqkwnel: is this 10.04?14:23
lqkwnelMaverick is 10.1014:23
Gneadelx: depends what filesystem14:23
nastasetheretic: you mean that you tryed the ctrl+h?14:23
delxGnea, ext3/4 for example?14:23
Gnealqkwnel: oh, didn't see maverick. fresh install or did you upgrade?14:24
grid_Dr_Willis: how do you undo this commando ln -s /home/whatever /media/whatever ? and if you undo it, the files are only left at the /media/whatever ?14:24
Gneadelx: I'd check the documentation on those to see... usually it's in the source code14:24
ethereticI could format drive A, unmount B, copy everything from B to A, format A, and copy back.14:25
grid_Dr_Willis: and if you link them being root, does it take effect for every user?14:25
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ethereticSilly there aren't built in failsafes against such situations.14:25
ethereticmedia$ fdisk Black1-5T-2/14:27
ethereticlast_lba(): I don't know how to handle files with mode 4070014:27
ethereticYou will not be able to write the partition table. Unable to read Black1-5T-2/14:27
lqkwnelany thoughts besides clean install?14:27
krillewhere to go if i need help with audio problems?14:28
gidivaldosou um iniciante unbuntu14:28
shadow98how do i install apache mod status14:28
shadow98i did a aptitude search apache and don't see it14:28
Picishadow98: It looks like its included in the -common apache2 package.14:30
hvipenhi, 1 question - best way to make a system backup in Ubuntu 10.10?? , using tar does it keep file rights?14:32
shadow98i don't see it the option to enable it in apache2.conf14:32
Picishadow98: sudo a2enmod status, see /etc/apache2/mods-available/status.conf for setting options.14:33
mbroekerhvipen, tar as root will preserve file permissions14:33
hvipenso, sudo tar cv.. backup.tar.bz2 --exlude etc will do it?14:34
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brandoneyIn Lucid I set eth0 with private IP and eth0:1 subinterface with public IP and have samba, nfs and other services bound to private IP only.14:35
brandoneyNow maverick upgrade setup DHCP and got a public IP exposing everything to the romainian hackers.14:35
mbroekerhvipen, exclude /sys/ and /dev/ too14:36
hvipenty vm14:36
brandoneyso how do I setup subinterfaces or assign multiple nets to eth0 in maverick?14:36
krilleis there anyone who knows how to get spdif optical sound working14:36
traubisodai'm trying to update my ubuntu 9.14 to 10.04 LTS. when i run apt-get dist-upgrade it says the 'ubuntu-desktop' will be removed. is that a problem?14:36
bullgard4[Maverick] Applications > Accessories > Tracker Search opens the window »Tracker Search Tool«. If I type in the Search field the term »interface«, Tracker will list 19 filenames. What directories did Tracker search to find these 19 files?14:36
blakkheimtraubisoda: no14:37
traubisodablakkheim thank you :)14:37
ethereticActionParsnip: can you suggest a way to fix the problem without loosing data?14:37
popeytraubisoda: thats now generally how we recommend you upgrade14:38
ActionParsnipetheretic: no idea dude, your space limitations is really crippling you14:38
traubisodapopey: what do you mean?14:38
unimatrix9hi there14:39
amijaican any of you help me with Canola2?14:39
popeytraubisoda: doing dist-upgrade to go up one release isn't the recommended approach, we recommend update-manager or do-release-upgrade, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades14:39
amijaiI added the PPA and installed it14:39
amijaibut I can make it follow symlinks14:39
traubisodapopey: i'm skipping 9.10 and upgrade directly to 10.04. that's why i'm not using the update-manager. may it cause problems?14:41
ethereticforgot to mention, disk A is ext3, B ext4.14:41
popeytraubisoda: we dont recommend it, and if it break you get top keep the parts14:41
izinucspopey: traubisoda dist-upgrade is used only to get newer versions of packages in your *current* release. It's never used to go from one release to another.14:41
SwedeMiketraubisoda: that upgrade path isn't tested, so yes, itmight cause problems.14:41
popeyizinucs: it can be used, its just not recommended14:41
izinucspopey: can you show me an example of how dist-upgrade is used to go from one release to another?14:42
traubisodaizinucs i've edited the sources.list14:43
popeyizinucs: as traubisoda editing sources.list and doing an update/dist-upgrade, it's do-able, but not recommended14:43
hvipenare other languages allowed in this channel?14:43
grum419Can anyone help? Upgraded and Gnome login doesn't recognise keyboard or mouse input anymore...14:43
izinucspopey: traubisoda ah!  that's how.. yea.. that's really not a good way to do it for sure..14:43
bullgard4hvipen: No.14:44
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hvipenis there a swedish ubuntu channel?14:44
traubisodapopey: so can you tell me how to upgrade 2 versions the 'official' way?14:44
popeytraubisoda: there is no official way to do that14:44
bullgard4hvipen: Try #ubuntu-se14:44
popeytraubisoda: other than 'dont skip versions'14:44
popeytraubisoda: dont get me wrong, it might work, but there's no guarantee because we never test that combination14:45
traubisodapopey: too bad:) thanks for your help anyway14:45
mkzis there chinese?14:45
bullgard4traubisoda: There is an official way. Upgrade in 2 steps.14:45
ethereticWho here is best at fixing disk problems, and can this person pm me for a step-by-step solution?14:45
izinucstraubisoda: the only way to skip versions is from LTS to LTS.. or if you have a separate /home partition then a fresh install leaving the /home intact.14:45
popeyizinucs: he's not on LTS14:45
izinucsfigured that.14:45
popeyalso izinucs you dont need /home on a separate partition to do that14:46
traubisodapopey: I've done it like this many times, but ubuntu-desktop at the remove section caught my eye14:46
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popeyizinucs: you can just install over the top and use manual partitioning and it will delete old install and install over top, leaving /home intact14:46
popeyInferus: you just need to make sure you don't tick "format partition"14:46
popeytraubisoda: do you have many apps? you could do a clean install?14:47
bullgard4[Maverick] Applications > Accessories > Tracker Search opens the window »Tracker Search Tool«. If I type in the Search field the term »interface«, Tracker will list 19 filenames. What directories did Tracker search to find these 19 files?14:47
traubisodapopey: not so many, the PC is being used in an office (making docs, tables etc)14:48
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Dr_Willisgrid_:   a soft link is a special kind of file. remove it like you do any other file.14:51
grid_Dr_Willis: wouldnt it be a hard link?14:52
azertyuhi there14:52
azertyui can't the /tmp partition what i have to do ?14:52
azertyuto find it again ?14:53
jpdsazertyu: You're missing a verb there.14:53
grid_Dr_Willis: what would be the file in this case? ln -s /home/whatever /media/whatever14:53
grid_to remove14:53
azertyui can't find /tmp partition14:53
icerootazertyu: by default /tmp is not an extra partition, its part of /14:54
ActionParsnipazertyu: did you make one at install?14:54
hrhodes3This is nice14:54
azertyui don't know14:54
azertyuwhere i can i find it ?14:54
ActionParsnipazertyu: if you dont know then it will just be a folder in /14:55
azertyuwhen i do fdisk -l i just only all disk14:55
delxIs it possible to create a "virtual" folder - and when I like to write to this virtual folder, for examplew in virtual/path/xy.png, then there's a callback which translates path/xy.png into a different path?14:55
icerootazertyu: df -h is showing you the partitions very nice14:55
azertyuthx let me check14:55
SingAlong_hi all14:55
xnorbiehi all14:55
icerootdelx: softlink14:56
xnorbieplease anybody can help me with boot process of ubuntu 10/04?14:56
iceroot!details | xnorbie14:56
ubottuxnorbie: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:56
SingAlong_I just got a new laptop and I'm trying to install ubuntu on it. I freed up some space and it sppears as "unstable" in the partition manager when i try to install ubuntu14:56
delxiceroot, but softlike does not allow to generate paths dynamically?14:56
ActionParsnipdelx: you can symlink a folder to a different partition, the folder will appear to the OS as just a normal folder but the OS will actually be storing the data on the place you link to14:56
xnorbiei starting my ubuntu and have a sproblem: unreadhead-other main process (936) terminated with 414:56
xnorbieand system is not react for long time14:57
icerootdelx: they point to another place, so everything you write into the softlinked folder is going into the real folder14:57
azertyui don't have information about /tmp with df -h14:57
xnorbiei'm waiting to long14:57
icerootazertyu: then /tmp is part of /14:57
xnorbiebut nothing happens...14:57
ActionParsnipazertyu: neither do I, it's just a folder in /14:57
icerootazertyu: there is no problem if /tmp is part of the /-partition14:57
xnorbiei pressed ctrl+alt+del and system goes for reeboot14:57
Newahow can I report a bug on user switching? Quite often, when trying to switch to another user's desk in ubuntu 10.04 the system freezes in a black screen and doesn't react to keypresses anymore14:57
xnorbiehow i can solid this problem? plesase help14:57
delxiceroot, ActionParsnip, I know about links, but the problem is: I don't know the file name before it arrives. I'd like to store the filename in some sub-folder (related to the md5 hash), for example a/3/f/e/file.png - so I can't create the links before the file arrives!14:58
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:58
delxI need a callback WHEN the file arrives...in order to generate the path14:58
DBeetsIs ~.xprofile the recommend location for resolution settings in Maverick?14:59
ks3delx, The simplest solution would probably be a cron job to move the files and create symlinks14:59
xnorbieiceroot, have any idea?14:59
azertyuok what should contain the /tmp folder ?14:59
xnorbiecan i enter to the some mode by some hot keys to try changing something in the system?15:00
xnorbiesystem is Ubuntu 10.0415:00
tensorpuddingazertyu: /tmp is full of temporary files15:00
xnorbieanybody heard me?15:00
tensorpuddingazertyu: sockets used for IPC, for the most part15:01
=== guy is now known as Guest21232
tensorpuddingazertyu: but it's also a place for dumping temporary text and data15:02
tensorpuddingazertyu: basically anything which is not permanent, that needs to be accessible to programs15:02
azertyuis it possible that ppl can use that for backup ?15:02
tensorpuddingazertyu: define what you mean by using it for backup15:03
azertyui  mean on  a server15:03
azertyui mean for saving data on a server15:03
azertyufor a example15:03
tensorpuddingazertyu: all the files on it get purged on reboot, so if you meant using it for storage it's the antithesis of a good idea15:03
xnorbieok there is my question again. I have the Ubuntu 10.04 TLS system. And when i tried to boot up i get halting in boot process... after the checking of my disks i read this message: unreadhead_other main process (923) terminated with 4... and nothing... boot process paused. no messages no reaction... only ctrlaltdel is working wich rebooted the system... what can i do?15:04
Sean93i have a process (rtorrent) that i cant kill. as far as i know its not a zombie because its still using alot of cpu. how do i kill it?15:05
xnorbieSean93, try in shell: ps aux|grep rtorrent15:06
xnorbieSean93, killall rtorrent15:06
unimatrix9from bash ? gnome terminal  , killall rtorrent ?15:06
Newaxnorbie: you might have unnecessary entries in your /etc/fstab: http://tech--help.blogspot.com/2009/12/ubuntu-solved-ureadahead-other-main.html15:06
xnorbieSean93, OR: kill -9 PIDofRTORRENTprocess15:06
azertyui say that because i own a dedicate server15:07
sonnycoz_, hi!15:07
azertyuwhere i used to reboot my pc15:07
azertyuand i often got on /tmp  a folder and files15:08
azertyuwith lots of data15:08
=== barend is now known as Kaidelong
azertyuso there is no purging data on /tmp15:09
xnorbieNewa, thanks bro!15:09
Sean93kill -9 PID doesnt kill it15:09
azertyuam i right or not ?15:09
tensorpuddingazertyu: there's lots of data in /tmp when you startup, because lots of programs use it15:09
xnorbieSean93, are you root?15:09
xnorbieSean93, sudo kill -9 PID15:09
Sean93ah no im not15:09
xnorbieSean93, can you try this?: sudo kill -9 PID15:09
coz_sonny,   hey guy15:09
tensorpuddingazertyu: for instance, pulseaudio, that starts at boot15:09
tensorpuddingazertyu: but even if it wasn't purged, storing those files there is inappropriate15:10
Sean93xnorbie: it still wont die15:10
sparky8251Sean93: PID stands for "process ID"15:10
sonnycoz_, remember me? we talked yesterday15:10
tensorpuddingazertyu: or at least, as inappropriate as storing them any old place on the filesystem15:10
coz_sonny,  yes :)15:11
BlaDe^Hig uys i'm trying to build php and get this error: libtool: link: `ext/date/php_date.lo' is not a valid libtool object15:11
BlaDe^what's the cause?15:11
Sean93i used "sudo kill -9 17855 26308" there are 2 instances running15:11
sonnycoz_, i installed lubuntu15:11
zealiodis it possible to configure an ethernet card to accept all 802.11q tagged packets? Currently any packets that are tagged are being dropped15:11
xnorbieSean93, reboot? ))15:11
tensorpuddingazertyu: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/01/19/changing-the-tmp-cleanup-frequency/ configures the frequency that tmp is dumped15:11
coz_sonny,  and...you like it?  .. yes?15:11
azertyuthanks tensorpudding15:12
sonnycoz_, yeah, it's good15:12
coz_sonny,  there you go :)15:12
sonnycoz, i can install libgtk2.0-dev15:12
sonnycoz, but my problem dosn't solve :D i should contact to support of my application15:12
coz_sonny,  :)15:12
sonnycoz_, anyway i just want to say thank you :)15:13
coz_sonny,  no problem :) I kind of thought you might like lubuntu15:13
Kaidelongso many GTK progrms have these unresizable dialog boxes with buttons to close them trapped below my screen15:14
Kaidelonganything I can do about this or do I have to struggle with windows bigger than my screen that can't be moved up or resized?15:14
xnorbiehow i can mount the /dev/sda5 with RW rights?15:14
tensorpuddingKaidelong: Alt+F8 allows you to resize a window15:14
jribxnorbie: what filesystem?15:14
tensorpuddingxnorbie: what filesystem/15:14
sonnycoz_, yeah it's good enough for me15:14
jrib!permissions > xnorbie15:14
ubottuxnorbie, please see my private message15:14
xnorbiemount /dev/sda5 /media/somemedia -o rw?15:14
tensorpuddingxnorbie: rw is implicit, you don't need to specify it15:15
jribxnorbie: ext4 supports permissions, set them as you wish (see ubottu)15:15
coz_sonny,  cool...and later if you want... you can always install something else for a test :)15:15
Kaidelongtensorpudding: alt-F8 allows me to make the things bigger but not smaller15:15
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papohello. I'm wondering whether I should install the 64bit or the 32bit version of maverick. I always went with the 32bit version so far for compatibility with flash and wine and stuff like that, but as far as I understand these packages just depend on some 32bit compatibility packages... so what about other advantages/disadvantages?15:16
tensorpuddingKaidelong: trying hitting the left and down arrows15:16
xnorbiei dont understand (15:16
jribxnorbie: what don't you understand exactly?15:16
xnorbiei have /etc/fstab file on my mounted media and i wnat to edit him15:16
xnorbiebut have not permissions15:16
xnorbiewhat can i do?15:17
Kaidelongtensorpudding: it moves the cursor but it doesn't actually resize the window15:17
tensorpuddingxnorbie: are you using sudo?15:17
jribxnorbie: did you read the page I had ubottu send you?15:17
tensorpuddingKaidelong: hit enter15:17
azertyuwhen o15:17
xnorbieyes i'm from root shell15:17
xnorbiesudo su15:17
xnorbiewait a moment15:17
ZykoticK9papo, if you need to ask - you should probably go 32bit.  If you decide to go 64bit you should have 4GB or Memory or more - and you might want to look into the "getlibs" script.  good luck, whichever you choose.15:17
azertyuwhen you run a server how sysadmin does for backup data on a server ?15:17
azertyuhow that it happen ?15:17
tensorpuddingxnorbie: is your media mounted read-write? check the return of 'mount'15:17
Kaidelongtensorpudding: enter makes the cursor go away but doesn't resize anything15:18
azertyu" backup data on a server " with OS ubuntu ?15:18
tensorpuddingKaidelong: maybe it's a window that can't be resized15:18
ZykoticK9!backup | azertyu15:18
ubottuazertyu: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:18
Kaidelongtensorpudding: that is what I think, there are tons of them and they're all bigger than my screen resolution15:18
Kaidelongisn't there something I can do to metacity to get it to not do this to me?15:18
Kaidelongor GTK15:18
rookswhat is the best most mature software for creation of diagrams in linux?15:19
Sean93any time i start this torrent the program frezes. what should i do?15:19
tensorpuddingKaidelong: what program is this?15:19
TanLizxxxhow to rm a file which file name contains a '-'?15:19
sparky8251Sean93: get a different one?15:19
tensorpuddingKaidelong: I don't have any problem using Alt+F8 to resize GTK dialog boxes15:19
Kaidelongxchat-gnome has a preferences dialog that does that15:19
ZykoticK9TanLizxxx, try using double quotes around the "file name"15:19
Kaidelongevolution's starting wizard15:19
KaidelongI can, interestingly, maximize them, but that doesn't help15:20
Sean93sparky8251: program or torrent15:20
tensorpuddingmaximize should make them fit in the desktop anyway15:20
Kaidelongit makes the bottom cut off15:20
ZykoticK9Kaidelong, you can also hold shift down and drag windows around with your mouse.15:20
Kaidelongthen there is strange behavior where clicking the window makes it move15:20
papoZykoticK9: ok thank you. I have 4 GB of RAM. I also understand the physical addressing problems etc., but I just don't know about the actual impacts... I guess it's a theory vs. practice thing15:20
pjarnahomplease any one give me lucid DVD repository links15:20
Kaidelongbut you can't actually do anything with the window anymore15:20
Sean93sparky8251: ive tried transmission and rtorrent, both freze15:20
TanLizxxxZykoticK9: does not work.mv: unrecognized option '-------.jpg'15:21
tensorpuddingKaidelong: yeah, alt+drag moves windows around15:21
KaidelongI'll try that15:21
sparky8251Sean93: maybe a different torrent then15:21
jgayre: bottom of screens being cut off. If I wanted ot fix the behavior of Unity, where I would I start?15:21
ZykoticK9papo, i'm very happy with 64bit on my desktop - but it takes a little more "hacking" to get things working sometimes.15:21
azertyu\ban jgay15:21
TanLizxxxthat file name is --------.jpg , i want to rename it.15:21
jgayAnd, for my previous question, might I be better off asking this questino elsewhere?15:21
jgayazertyu, huh?15:21
Kaidelongtensorpudding: dragging works where using the titlebar to drag fails. Thank you.15:21
azertyufuck change your name15:21
ZykoticK9TanLizxxx, did you use, double quotes "15:21
IdleOne!language | azertyu15:22
ubottuazertyu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:22
jpdsazertyu: Please be civil.15:22
jgayazertyu, it's my family name15:22
=== dashua_ is now known as dashua
jgaymy name is Joshua Gay15:22
TanLizxxxthe command like this: mv "-----.jpg" x.jpg15:22
ZykoticK9TanLizxxx, that looks fine15:22
papoZykoticK9: OK, I'm not afraid of that, so I'll just try the 64bit build and fall back to 32bit if it's too cumbersome to maintain. Thank you for your advice15:22
=== PeterD is now known as PeterDarkness
TanLizxxxZykoticK9: I once read a blog about that.but forgot it.15:23
Sean93any time i start this torrent the program freezes. what should i do? ive tries transmission and rtorrent15:23
PeterDarknessHey, I'm having some trouble with the ATI fglrx driver15:23
ZykoticK9TanLizxxx, lol - i see your problem!15:24
PeterDarknessSearched the forums and nothing came up. Whenever I try to shutdown or restart, the screen locks up with black\white lines15:24
TanLizxxxZykoticK9: ?15:24
thevishywhich is the best interface for chess15:24
TanvirWhat is the best audio-video converter for ubuntu?15:24
ZykoticK9TanLizxxx, i just tried to create a file with -- for filename, i get the same error as you.15:24
icerootTanvir: the one you like most15:24
glaucousI'm having problems that some applications (games, wine, minecraft (woo)) get somewhat low FPS when CPU governor/powersaver is set to ondemand. This is fixed by setting it to performance (constant max speed). Would I get better results with ondemand if I changed cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold and sampling_rate?15:25
ZykoticK9TanLizxxx, if possible, i'd try renaming it with a GUI program...  good luck man.  I got no further ideas.15:25
tensorpuddingTanvir: if you're looking for one and have no idea, try Arista Transcoder15:25
TanLizxxxZykoticK9: lol..15:25
Tanvirtensorpudding, that will covers maximum file formates?15:25
TanLizxxxZykoticK9: TKX.15:25
Sean93how do i use skdownloader with chrome???15:26
Bauldrickwhat would cause directories to NOT appear when plugging in a USB device (they are there but don't show up)15:26
thevishymaybe handbrake?15:26
tensorpuddingTanvir: It's designed for transcoding video to mobile formats, so it might not have everything15:27
Tanvirtensorpudding, I like a converter that will cover almost all. Like Formate Factory in windows.15:27
blakkheimTanvir: ffmpeg15:28
ethereticOne of my external hds, a 1.5tb wd, says 0 bytes free in nautilus, and 9.64gb free in gparted.15:28
tensorpuddingTanvir: It supports WebM, H.264 and Theora as outputs.15:28
Guest1172Bauldrick: If they begin with a  .  (dot) then they are hidden. It also depends on the format of the drive and permissions it is mounted with.15:28
=== Guest1172 is now known as rusty149
tensorpuddingTanvir: If you want lots of different formats, you'll have to use a tool like transcode, which doesn't have a GUI but is well-supported15:29
tensorpuddingTanvir: http://www.transcoding.org/15:29
Tanvirtensorpudding, but I need the GUI. :(15:30
BauldrickGuest1172 - it automounts to /media/usb1 - most of the directories I can see , but a few (most important ) aren't there.. (no they aen't '.'15:30
badpenguin86HP with beats audio will not use good laptop speakers. Help?15:30
=== dell is now known as wiira
PeterDarknessHey, does anyone know anything about the ATI fglrx driver?15:30
xinelfdisk and parted cannot see my hard drive but lshw -C disk does, any ideas on how I can format it?15:30
Quantum_Ionlearn to use the command line15:31
tensorpuddingTanvir: Handbrake might support transcoding15:31
TanvirOkay tensorpudding, thanks for your help. I'll try to find out some other time.15:31
ZykoticK9PeterDarkness, ya, ATI sucks for linux.  That's what "I" know, perhaps you should ask a more specific question.  Good luck man.15:31
thevishyTanvir, you can use Form Factory with Wine - thats one way15:31
rusty149Bauldrick: so I assume you can see these directories on another computer? windows?   Try: sudo ls -la /media/usb115:31
PeterDarknessWell, whenever I reboot or shutdown, the screen gets covered in black\white lines and I have to do a hardshutdown, ZykoticK915:31
JohnnyLhow do I remove (or even list for that matter) the package for apache2?15:31
thevishytry winff allso15:31
Tanvirthevishy, Wine supports Formate Factory? You sure?15:32
PeterDarknessI'm tempted just to disable the driver, because I had a corrupted update a while back due to this issue15:32
Tanvirthevishy, Hmm.15:32
TanvirOkay thank you thevishy!15:33
tensorpuddingTanvir: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1789315:33
thevishyNp !15:33
tensorpuddingTanvir: some version of it works, anyway15:33
Sean93 how do i use skdownloader with chrome???15:33
ZykoticK9PeterDarkness, sorry man, I don't use ATI at all - so I'm no help.15:33
genoshIs there some good tutorial on getting good fonts quality on Ubuntu?15:34
Quantum_IonI remember ATI back in the days had great Linux support15:34
genoshSpecially in Firefox the rendering is a bit bad.15:34
ZykoticK9Quantum_Ion, a LONG time ago, my first linux 3d acceleration was on ATI cards.  But that was with open source drivers at the time.15:35
Bauldrickhmmm, I have to be root - sudo ls -la /media/usb1 doesn't show them, but when root I can15:35
trojan_spikecan some1 tell me where the application shortcuts for start menu are located??15:35
ZykoticK9trojan_spike, ? alacarte is the program name15:36
BluesKajQuantum_Ion, well, nvidia support for the older cards isn't so great either especially the geforce 8 series15:36
Sean93 how do i use skdownloader with chrome???15:36
=== karlmarx is now known as Guest93138
ZykoticK9trojan_spike, i would "guess" it is stored in a database or gconf somewhere.  (they aren't shortcuts like they once where)15:37
Quantum_IonBlueEagle, maybe it is best to deal with an Intel Graphics card15:37
atticushey, does anyone know of any good guides out there about using ubuntu securely for a 350 workstation network? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160546215:37
TanLizxxxZykoticK9:  i figure out.  just write like this:mv ./----------.jpg x.jpg15:37
genoshBluesKaj: 8600gt here, works pretty well.15:37
rusty149Bauldrick: the most unusual part is that only some directories do this. Can you see any difference with them? I has to be permission based. Check the mounting options15:37
trojan_spikeare they all over the place then?15:37
ZykoticK9TanLizxxx, NICE.  thanks ;)15:38
BluesKajQuantum_Ion, my 7600gt is just fine on this newerpc , but the 8400gs on my older desktop sucks15:38
Guest93138e cineva ce vb in romana?15:39
Diana214can anyone help me solve a desktop effects issue, I installed 10.10 but my desktop effects turn off after launching any application15:39
ZykoticK9trojan_spike, to edit the menu, use System / Preferences / Main Menu15:39
Sean93 how do i use skdownloader with chrome???15:39
badpenguin86HP with beats audio will not use good laptop speakers. Help?15:39
BluesKajgenosh, my cursor skips and jerks , the fps is 25 on full scrn in glxgears ...it's worse than ati onboard x200m15:39
ZykoticK9!repeat | Sean9315:40
ubottuSean93: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:40
pjarnahomlucid DVD repositories please....15:40
FuhreCan i install Ubuntu inside of Windows ?15:40
BluesKajgenosh, the 8400gs that is15:40
Diana214I installed 10.10 but my desktop effects turn off after launching any application, How can I enabled them?15:40
trojan_spikelol,, i know that mate,, just putting stack in cairo15:40
defrysk!wubi | Fuhre15:40
ubottuFuhre: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe15:40
ZykoticK9Fuhre, Yes it's called Wubi (i don't personally recommend it)15:40
genoshBluesKaj: ouch.15:40
jgayDiana214,  I can help15:40
jpdspjarnahom: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/lucid/release/15:40
FuhreZykoticK9, why not ?15:40
genoshBluesKaj: no problems here, even quake 4 and games work well.15:41
BluesKajgenosh, which driver you using ..the current ?15:41
ZykoticK9Fuhre, making Ubuntu reply on Windows is a bad idea IN MY OPINION (opinion only)15:41
pjarnahomjpds, thank you...15:41
genoshBluesKaj: yes, 260.19.06 according to nvidia-settings.15:41
FuhreOkej, either i do dual-boot or i installit inside windows, don't know yet15:41
jgayDiana214, when you go under Press System → Preferences → Advanced Desktop Effects  what does it say?15:41
ZykoticK9Fuhre, dual boot is a better idea (again, in my opinion)15:42
BluesKajyup genosh , the same15:42
lyraehow do i change my computer's name?15:42
FuhreOkej, i think i will go with your opinion :)15:42
lyraeaka, what shows up after @ on terminal15:42
Fuhrethanks :)15:42
Diana214jgay, well for some reson when I enable desktop effects and maximize a window it disables the effects15:42
shane4ubuntuok, I'm importing my large, extensive, vast f-spot db into shotwell, is it going to take my pictures and duplicate them and store them on my disk twice?15:42
ZykoticK9!hostname | lyrae15:42
ubottulyrae: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.15:42
jgayDiana214, sorry, I maent, ystem → Preferences → Appearance → Visual Effects15:42
genoshBluesKaj: do you have desktop effects activated?15:42
lyraeZykoticK9, thanks15:43
Diana214jgay, it says none15:43
Steven_Krebsbest would be to through out your windows and fully switch to ubuntu.15:43
glaucousWhy doesn't cpufreq-selector work in crontab (as user)?15:43
jgayDiana214, ok, Select Extra effects to enable more advanced visual effects.15:43
Diana214jgay, i have an ATI CARD15:43
uLinuxnvidia gives less problems15:44
=== AcidBarrel- is now known as Acidbarrel
BluesKajgenosh, yes,, but that shouldn't make a lot of difference , the card is supposed to handle those effects without any probs15:44
jgayDiana214, do you know what model card you have?15:44
Diana214jgay, the same thing happens15:44
=== toliveira is now known as maldrake
genoshBluesKaj: yes i think so, although it might make a difference if the driver is buggy, that is... make things more manageable.15:45
Diana214jgay, is a radeon cd15:46
=== rene is now known as Guest20648
ZykoticK9Diana214, find the output from "lspci | grep -i vga" for exact model15:46
jgayDiana214, you just enter what ZykoticK9 wrote (without the quotes) into the terminal.15:48
BluesKajgenosh, at first i thought the card was defective , but after installing it on a windows 7pc I became convinced lucid and maverick support for my card sucks15:48
Diana214ZykoticK9, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV380 [Radeon X600 (PCIE)]15:48
ZykoticK9Diana214, the output isn't for me, but for the channel, now everyone knows your card.  Best of luck (i'm no help with ATI issues)15:49
pksadiqhow to clear dnscache for firefox? because I get the following error when visiting some sites "If you feel you have reached this page in error, please contact the web site owner:"15:49
Diana214jgay, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV380 [Radeon X600 (PCIE)]15:49
Quantum_Ionyou have to becareful what you buy today a lot of the products just are not really that good anymore15:50
=== sh_ is now known as dreamcat_sh
pksadiqhow to clear dnscache for firefox? because I get the following error when visiting some sites "If you feel you have reached this page in error, please contact the web site owner:"15:53
ZykoticK9!repeat | pksadiq15:54
ubottupksadiq: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:54
pksadiqZykoticK9: going on15:54
=== sam_fisher is now known as Guest5336
Guest5336Am thinking of installing Ubuntu 10.10 on my HP 625 so am gonna boot from the live cd and see that everything works. Is there any app in ubuntu that make driver download easier or do i have to do every singel one manually?15:55
th3hateis it possible to install unity shell on ubuntu 10.10 desktop?15:56
ZykoticK9Guest5336, sorta - most drivers should be in the kernel and looked after automatically, for any others try System / Admin / Additional Drivers15:57
* airtonix shudders15:57
dios_miowho else gets problems with totem player? sometimes it stops playing the mp3 after the first 10 seconds15:58
fghhow do i modify the ubuntu iso and then create a new one? ive seen a howto before but cant find it anymore15:59
=== thegeek1024 is now known as Guest13767
ZykoticK9!remaster | fgh16:01
ubottufgh: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility16:01
jcrawfordguys what does * * * * * mean in cron? there are several jobs which use asterisk for all time periods16:01
Picijcrawford: Run every minute.16:01
jcrawfordPici, thanks16:01
TheGeek1024hi i just created a live USB for version 10.04 how do I disable the install and try Ubuntu prompt?16:02
PeterDarknessWell, I found a workaround for my driver issue. I can't reboot or shutdown from the GUI without hanging16:04
CodenutHey there16:04
PeterDarknessSo I'm going to have to do that through the terminal16:04
CodenutI have a couple of questions16:04
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:05
Codenutconcerning wine and getting serial ports to work with programs within wine16:05
TheGeek1024I just created a live USB for version 10.04 how do I disable the install and try Ubuntu prompt?16:05
CodenutIf I were to simply type the ln command into a dos window, does that stick or go away every power down?16:06
mankeletorIs this the best distro for an AMD Phenom desktop PC?16:06
icerootCodenut: this is ubuntu-support not windows/dos-support16:06
incandenzaTheGeek1024: just boot from the USB and don't run the installer16:06
xrohi, i'm looking for a soft the allow to read sound and video in slow motion.... do you know one?16:07
tacomastermankeletor: "best distro" is a matter of opinion16:08
TheGeek1024icanhazAMD: so i cannot just turn off the prompt?16:08
th3hateis it possible to install unity shell on ubuntu 10.10 desktop instead of gnome shell?16:09
xro<mankeletor>, what do you need to do with your pc?16:09
incandenzaTheGeek1024: when you boot the USB drive, it will put you in the ubuntu desktop.  it won't install unless you double-click the 'install ubuntu' icon16:09
tarzeauprakash: did you study physics?16:10
mankeletorAll that i need is support for Quard Core processor16:10
raidghostA good ubuntu compatible computer? ASUS G73JW 17.3" Full HD16:10
raidghostGeForce GTX 460,Core i7-740QM,6GB RAM,500GB SSD/HDD,DVD±RW,webcam,BT,W7H16:10
=== nibbler_ is now known as nibbier
xromankeletor, so ubuntu 10  supports it (64bits versions)16:11
dalton2345hi everyone, is there a program like ccleaner for linux?16:12
anon33_what's the difference between apt-get and aptitude16:12
TheGeek1024incandenza: on mine it doesn't do that16:13
jemaduxwill natty have no gnome ?16:13
incandenzaTheGeek1024: what does it do?16:13
root_I have two nvidia graphic cards with a total of 4 monitors. How should I configure it so I can use them all simultaneously (one user)?16:13
mankeletorxro, top is telling that avidemux uses 199%... but for Quad core processor.. shouldn't have to be 399%? Im using 32bit Ubuntu 10.0416:13
TheGeek1024it goes to he prompt like the live CD does16:13
jemaduxwi root_16:14
root_jemadux, ?16:14
xromankeletor, what you mean when you said 199%... do you have an i7?16:14
jemaduxroot_: nothing ....16:15
TheGeek1024incandenza but then i have to choose try Ubuntu each time16:15
mankeletorxro, AMD Phenom(tm) 9950 Quad-Core Processor16:16
incandenzaTheGeek1024: oh, like the boot selection?  yeah, I think you just have to do that16:16
TheGeek1024incandenza nono not rhe boot selection after booting16:16
xromankeletor, no experience with amd... but with intel i7 ubuntu 10 woks fine... the 4 process are multi threaded and it like i have 8cpu... All are use when it's needed....16:17
incandenzaTheGeek1024: sorry, I haven't booted the live CD/USB in a while so I can't quite remember which prompts appear16:17
xromankeletor, but you need some app that are able to use all you CPU or use many different app16:18
incandenzaTheGeek1024: maybe you want to set up a persistent USB install: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:18
shane4ubuntuI imported my f-spot database into shotwell, and it missed an entire year??? any ideas???16:19
recon69_laphey everyone, got a web cam and it's working ok. but it's giving 640/480, it a 20m pixel camera, are there drivers that I can install to get full use of the camera or it that as good as its likely to get?16:19
anon33_where are the stock backgrounds located on the file system?16:20
agentgasmaskHi all. Is it posible to "rip" songs off an IPOD? Songs are in proprietary Apple format. Looking to go to mp3 or ogg.16:20
berefeiragnome places broke, showing appearance..help?16:20
mankeletorxro, hmmm that's all about.. i see... maybe i can recompile it from source adding some specific flags for  multi threaded16:20
TheGeek1024incandenza i will give that a try16:20
xromankeletor, do you have already installed your ubuntu10 64bits?16:21
=== tchad is now known as tchad_
mankeletorxro, nope... i just got the 32bit version16:22
recon69_laphmm, quite in here, ubuntu must be working well :)16:22
mankeletorxro, i38616:22
xromankeletor, you need the 64bits version to get a better support...16:23
mankeletorxro, well i wil go to download it.. thx dud =)16:24
recon69_lapthe cam is a Bus 007 Device 003: ID 093a:2900 Pixart Imaging, Inc.16:24
xromankeletor, install it the open your sytem monitor to see how many cpu do you have16:25
xromankeletor, finally code a little loop that need cpu and start as many as you have cpu...16:25
xromankeletor, you should see all your cpu at 100%16:25
Wavesonicsi've got a Wubi install i really want to migrate to a physical partition, any way of doign this?16:26
=== tchad_ is now known as tchad
athena_hi there16:28
agentgasmaskIs it posible to "rip" songs off an IPOD? Songs are in proprietary Apple format. Looking to go to mp3 or ogg.16:28
raidghostagentgasmask: google16:28
Euais online?16:28
om26eri happened to format an ipod from palimpsest and now ipod dont play even if i fill it with a few song from rhythmbox16:29
om26eri feel like something *unsupported filesystem*16:29
agentgasmaskraidghost: Realy?16:29
FlynsarmyHow can i make nautilus send tcp keepalives for FTP?16:29
athena_anybody speaks chinese16:29
MPXFuckin' a! I finally did it!16:30
MPX:@ sorry16:30
maco!cn | athena_16:30
ubottuathena_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:30
maco!language | MPX16:30
ubottuMPX: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:30
maco!cn | Eua16:30
domi007hello everyone16:30
ubottuEua: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:30
domi007I got a custom livecd, which doesn't boot, saying: /dev/sr0 not found16:31
domi007I have squashfs support built in the kernel16:31
domi007I need help asap16:31
macoEua: #ubuntu-cn16:32
domi007anyone here experienced in kernel development and livecds?16:32
Euaok, English16:32
whiten0iseif i am installing ubuntu 10.10 on a SSD, is there any sort of write block sizing or putting certain parts on my storage HDD and referencing them that i should be aware of16:33
pksadiq!info chntpw16:34
ubottuchntpw (source: chntpw): NT SAM password recovery utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.6-2 (maverick), package size 49 kB, installed size 144 kB16:34
athena_anybody updates to ubuntu10.10?How is it16:34
rypervencheI installed totem-pps but when I load it all of the channels are blank. How can I fix this?16:34
Kerberowhiten0ise: i just installed without any special settings16:34
rypervencheathena_: I did, and it had a few problems at first, but it's nice.16:34
whiten0iseKerbero: on a solid state, right?16:34
grindholdhello anyone. i just recognized 10.10 is out and i remember rumors about maverick supporting RGBA Gtk+ out of the box. is that true (sorry. googling that only returns the guys on forums discussing about wheter it's coming up or not)16:34
FlynsarmyHow can i make nautilus send tcp keepalives for FTP?16:35
j_athena: I recommend doing a clean instal vs upgrading16:35
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furidoes irssi have alert sounds when you get a highlighted message?16:35
W4RH4WKathena_: i recommend that too16:35
domi007using a custom livecd with a custom kernel: /dev/sr0 no such file, kernel has squashfs in it, anyone?16:35
mattt_Anyone ever had apt-get run from the apt cron.daily script freeze?16:36
Kerberowhiten0ise: yes16:36
domi007anyone here with livecd and kernel expereience?16:37
domi007is there a special channel for live cd creatrs?16:37
athena_really? I've downloaded an iso file of version10.10,but what i want is to update from my ubuntu10.0416:37
rypervencheathena_: My main problem was with the Chinese support, but aside from that, it's a lot like 10.04 with a few extra features.16:37
j_there is a channel for kernel discussion16:38
XlaitsHello everyone. Is anyone here familliar with AweMUD?16:39
j_ athena: I had startup errors - my initramts.conf file got messed up and a lot of other stuff - i finally ended the headache by doing a clean install and everything is fine16:39
XlaitsIs anyone famillaiar with Error 2?16:40
Kerberowhiten0ise: you wight want to add noatime and nodiratime in your fstab file16:41
venikHow do I get the focus of a window in Ubuntu 10.10?  I used to be able to just click anywhere within the window, but not I need to click on  the Title bar.  HELP!16:41
athena_sorry,I'm a newman in linux.16:41
juandp77_hi all how can i install pae kernels in maverick16:41
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Crash1hdAnyone have any advice (besides uninstalling windows lol) any way to run svn every 10 mins or so16:41
whiten0iseKerbero: i'm currently installing. i also don't have a swap, so we'll see how it all works out.16:42
domi007j_: what is the name of that channel?16:42
W4RH4WKCrash1hd: cronjob?16:42
Crash1hdW4RH4WK, like cronjob yes16:42
XlaitsHello, anyone gonna help me? I need Error 2 help...16:42
W4RH4WKCrash1hd: why not using a cronjob?16:42
Crash1hdW4RH4WK, but on windows (I realize that this is the ubuntu channel) but I was hoping there was a way to do it on ubuntu through the network16:43
lallu_which has more graphics interface   ubuntu gnome or ubuntu kde16:43
Crash1hdW4RH4WK, over smb or something16:43
KylindraUhm.. for some reason I cannot uninstall phpbb3. It's telling me that "/var/lib/dpkg/info/phpbb3.prerem phpbb3 apache 50: webserver apache is not supported."16:43
Kylindra... except I have apache2 installed.16:43
XlaitsI don't have much time. I've got school in a little bit.16:43
Kylindra-prerem +prerm16:43
W4RH4WKCrash1hd: hm.. windows has something like cron i think.. called taskschedual or something like that16:43
Crash1hdW4RH4WK, yeah it sucks lol16:44
Crash1hdW4RH4WK, create a batch and run it that way16:44
Crash1hdW4RH4WK, that might work16:44
yairgowhat's the best way to install openoffice for ubuntu 10?16:44
whiten0iseyairgo: with apt-get16:44
W4RH4WKCrash1hd: there is also a little tool / script language called autoit16:44
yairgowhiten0ise: thx16:45
W4RH4WKCrash1hd: maybe that can help you out, it offers a lot more options than batch16:45
Crash1hdW4RH4WK, thanks :)16:45
XlaitsI really dislike being ignored here, people. And I'm on a time limit...16:45
juandp77_hi all how can i install pae kernels in maverick16:45
W4RH4WKCrash1hd: your welcome16:45
KylindraWe can't even help you with a generic 'error 2'16:45
KylindraAssuming anyones' here who can.16:45
Djjoin #basslover16:45
athena_just use the terminal to install. like "sudo apt-get install openoffice"16:45
XlaitsI gave the specifics a moment ago.16:45
macoXlaits: you havent asked an answerable question.16:45
jinkXlaits: In a single line would help. :)16:46
ZykoticK9juandp77_, i was under the impression it installs automatically if it detects more then 4GB RAM...16:46
macoXlaits: you asked about an "error 2" which is completely meaningless16:46
jinkAn error 2 in AweMUD16:46
Xlaitsjink, I did.16:46
jinkXlaits: Not in a single line. ;)16:46
PiciXlaits: Can you just ask again? :)16:46
juandp77_ZykoticK9,I will take a look at that one more question its beeter to install 32bits with pae or 64bit16:47
XlaitsI'm trying to compile, and install AweMUD server. After using the make or make install command, I get, as an output, error 2. I have a forum thread with the full error codes on it, if that might help.16:47
goltoof_Xlaits:  linky link16:47
ZykoticK9juandp77_, 64!  PAE is a hack, it can't let any one program use more then 3.?GB memory, where 64bit can.16:48
W4RH4WKXlaits: *going to have a look*16:48
XlaitsLink: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=4139808#post413980816:48
ENC_CERCANOShelp me16:48
jinkXlaits: See?  It isn't that hard, really. ;)16:48
Kylindrah... Oh, I see what's wrong with this16:48
KylindraIt's got some damaged packages16:48
jinkENC_CERCANOS: You haven't specified what you want help with.16:48
Xlaitsjink, sorry. I wasn't as verbose as that time.16:48
* Kylindra goes to fix the soruces and sees if I can uninstall phpbb3 then16:48
ethereticactionparsnip: still there? got hold of a new 1.5 tb drive now.16:49
juandp77_ZykoticK9, thanks a lot16:49
KylindraUninstalling mysql-common reinstalls all of mysql and some postgresql stuff.16:49
KylindraWait, what? *heads off to google this(*16:49
ENC_CERCANOShi jink16:50
=== Kerberos-Heimdal is now known as Kerbero
ENC_CERCANOSis on openldap, install any version 4.2.1921?16:50
Xlaits-loves his dual monitor setup, having terminal on one monitor, and irc in the other-16:50
spectre^Yeah my 2nd monitor is my TV16:50
spectre^I like to keep movies going in it16:50
ZykoticK9etheretic, AP isn't here right now...16:51
spectre^while I irc/whatever16:51
Xlaitsspectre^: Yeah, I have an old PC monitor hooked up to my laptop.16:51
eda_How can I get my floppy drive to read my Floppies? I mount it, click on it and a File manager window opens, but it is blank. Thanx ---ed16:51
W4RH4WKXlaits: oldschool setup ftw16:51
XlaitsW$RH$WK: Thanks. My other PC's an Alienware.16:52
athena_maybe it doesn't work16:52
ZykoticK9eda_, in a terminal I'd try "df" and see if floppy is listed, and if it's 1.4MB free (meaning nothing on the  floppy disk)16:52
jinkXlaits: configure ran without problems?16:52
ENC_CERCANOSread me?16:52
eda_I have some valuable Assembly language programs on them + other import stuff.16:52
ethereticZykoticK9: ah. know anything about situations where you end up with 0 bytes free on an external hd and it won't unmount?16:53
Xlaitsjink: I believe so, let me run it again, and check.16:53
robinroHi, is it possible to merge to gnome-keyrings? I have ones called "login" and "default" but only login gets unlocked on login and networkmanager stores everything in "default"16:53
ZykoticK9etheretic, not really...  "cd / && sudo umount /mount/point"?16:53
Xlaitsjink: would you like the output?16:54
jinkXlaits: If it runs fine, I trust you. ;)16:54
tim__hey whenever I log into ubuntu I have to put a password into the key ring manager. I appreciate this but I have to do it twice. So total I have to put my password in three times to log into ubuntu. How can I fix this?16:54
Kylindrahm, OK, so.16:54
Xlaitsjink: ok, it seems all fine and dandy after ./configure16:54
jinkXlaits: Hold on.16:54
taroventim__: Resetting the keyring manager password to blank (nothing there) will make it not ask you for it anymore.16:55
KylindraNope, that hasn't fixed phpbb316:55
jinkXlaits: I get the same error. :)  Very nice. ^__^16:55
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:55
tim__taroven, how?16:55
* Kylindra wonders if purging the archives would work.16:55
athena_<tim__>I have the same problem16:55
brickCan DevEde convert ISO files to ISO DVD?16:55
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!16:56
eda_<ZykoticK9> Sda1 - 4 only listed16:56
ENC_CERCANOSis on openldap, install any version 4.2.1921?16:56
tim__athena_, it's not so much a problem as it is an annoyance....16:56
Xlaitsjink: good. So it's not just me.16:56
ethereticZykoticK9: drive busy error.16:56
jinkXlaits: Guess not. ^__^16:56
taroventim__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38490516:56
athena_<taroven>how to16:56
whiten0isebah, first time i ran the livecd, wireless worked fine. second time, it refuses to connect. just goes on and on then tells me it needs a key. i know it needs a key. i gave it the correct one. same one as last time.16:56
whiten0isebuggy drivers, i guess.16:56
ZykoticK9eda_, they your floppy isn't mounted - it will show up as sdX where X is your next available drive letter16:57
taroventim__ / althena_: Google is your best friend sometimes. =P16:57
ZykoticK9etheretic, try logging out and back in perhaps?16:57
rusiviwhiten0ise one thing you may want to try as a workaround is changing the encryption type on your router16:57
tim__taroven, yes it is my best friend more often than not...16:57
Xlaitswhiten0ise: try connecting to a wireless connection that dosn't have a password.16:57
taroventim__: ^_^16:57
whiten0iseexcept i want my network passworded.16:57
brickCan DeVeDe convert ISO files to ISO DVD?16:58
ethereticZykoticK9: thought about shutting down, disconnect the two errant disks, connect/formt the new one, and salvage what I can from the two 1st disks with testdisk.16:58
athena_what's iso dvd?16:58
ZykoticK9brick, typically DeVeDe converts a video file to a DVD iso...16:58
Xlaitsjink: how's progress?16:58
brickI mean, converting Video files to an ISO.16:58
LOGANhi is it possible to have a custom icon for a flash USB drive ?16:59
tomcatjoshLOGAN: Probably16:59
kneauxSomething's disabling my networking every time I boot16:59
eda_ZykoticK9, The floppy icon shows it's mounted16:59
athena_just burn it to a blank dvd16:59
brickI mean, how do I convert multiple Video Files to ISO? From There converting it ISO DVD with Devede. IF that is even nescessary.16:59
W4RH4WKLOGAN: yeah, you can customize every icon16:59
tarovenAnyone aware of a way to create a directory symlink usable in both Windows and Linux? ln -s works great if I'm only working in Linux, but Windows of course doesn't agree with that.16:59
ZykoticK9eda_, they try looking in ~/.gvfs and see if anything is in there16:59
W4RH4WKLOGAN: just have a look at /usr/share/icon....16:59
venikHow do I get teh focus of a window in U-10.10?  I used to be able to just click anywhere in the window, but now I must click on the Title bar-- HELP please!17:00
W4RH4WKLOGAN: but it's a little bit complicated17:00
LOGANW4RH4WK: thanks but I mean that the icon resides on the flash drive itself and shows its icon upon insertion17:01
ENC_CERCANOSinstall any open ldap 2.4.21?17:01
XlaitsI've got about 30 minutes to solve this, before I have to log off for about 2 hours...17:01
liciaHello all,  I want to install ubuntu on a usb stick. I remember i did it once with my flash stick but now I read it is necessary to have at least 2GB of free space, but I have only 1. Is there a lighter or older version which I can eventual boot?17:01
tarovenlicia: You might be better off with a minimal Debian install.17:02
eda_ZykoticK9, The terminal states: /home/eda/.gvfs: is a directory17:02
W4RH4WKLOGAN: hm, okay, i don't know if thats part of the gnome theme icons or just a nautilus specific icon... you could try looking thru the /usr/share/icon dir.. and find it.. then replace it17:02
ZykoticK9eda_, correct - it's where Gnome mounts its "virtual" stuff17:02
tomcatjoshGet an older version, install it and just update to 10.10 :)17:02
tim__athena_, did you get it?17:02
W4RH4WKLOGAN: otherwise that might be in some nautilus related folder17:02
obenkada orang indonesia?17:02
brickI mean, how do I convert multiple Video Files to ISO? From There converting it ISO DVD with Devede. IF that is even nescessary. Can one convert video files into zip and use that in DeVeDe?17:03
liciatomcatjosh: I can't remember which one I got17:03
eda_ZykoticK9, Now what?17:03
ZykoticK9eda_, is anything in that directory?17:03
venikI guess I am running compiz (64 bit)17:03
tomcatjoshlicia:Give me a second17:03
venikcan anyone help me with this window focus issue?17:03
athena_sorry i don't known how to17:03
eda_ZykoticK9, How do I find out?17:03
ZykoticK9eda_, look inside that directory with Nautilus (file manager) or use "ls" in a terminal17:04
LOGANW4RH4WK: thanks. I don't think going through the usr folder is the route to go to get a specific icon for that particular icon as it would need to show the icon as well if you insert it in another computer17:04
tomcatjoshlicia: do you remember what version of Ubuntu you were using??17:04
xovertheyearsxim am so lost on this IRC thing...17:04
=== andrewsinclair is now known as andrewsinclair-l
FloridaGuynone of my gui's that require root are acceping my password...all saying invaild password...but if i open them thru terminal they work17:05
W4RH4WKLOGAN: oh you mean that icon...17:05
Sebboh-Can I set up NAT/routing magically via a GUI in 10.10?17:05
xovertheyearsxchat how does this thing work?17:05
jinkXlaits: http://sourceforge.net/projects/awemud/files/ says the file's from 2006.  Stuff might've changed in the meantime... :)17:05
ENC_CERCANOSinstall any open ldap 2.4.21?17:05
Quantum_IonFloridaGuy, reboot and check and see if caps lock button is on17:05
tarovenxovertheyearsx: Very carefully?17:06
tomcatjoshlicia: Netbook or Desktop?17:06
enavhello... i need some help here... i lose the tittle bar of my windows when i maximize them....  what i can do to fix it17:06
LOGANW4RH4WK: I think I found a solution through autorun file17:06
liciatomcatjosh: I guess it was less than one year ago. Desktop17:06
Xlaitsjink: DAMNIT! I have the Grendel project as backup, but I'm having trouble with installing KYLIX. Something about libgtk...17:06
LOGANill experiment with that :)17:06
FloridaGuyQuantum_Ion, i have rebooted and no caps are on...if caps were on...they would not work in terminal either17:07
eda_ZykoticK9: This is what I did & reply:  eda@Lin:~$ ls17:07
eda_Desktop    Downloads          Music           Pictures  Templates17:07
eda_Documents  libflashplayer.so  Passphrase.txt  Public    Videos17:07
Crash1hdW4RH4WK, thanks again I just wanted to share what I just found (I think this works perfectly) :) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/919822/how-do-i-automatically-update-a-subversion-repository17:07
jinkXlaits: Can't really help you out there, I guess. ^__^17:07
prowerwill there be any way to switch back to an actual gnome desktop in natty rather than be forced to use Unity on _desktop_ machines? i'd rather not be pushed into using a piece of software that requires you assign copyright on all contributions to Canonical17:07
tomcatjoshlicia: Probably 9.1017:07
ZykoticK9eda_, you need to "cd .gvfs" first17:07
brickI mean, how do I convert multiple Video Files to ISO? From There converting it ISO DVD with Devede. IF that is even nescessary. Can one convert video files into zip and use that in DeVeDe?17:07
W4RH4WKCrash1hd: thx17:08
LOGANarg, the pointer I found is someone adding a linux icon on a windows machine :(17:08
W4RH4WKLOGAN: yeah autorun file might work... like in windoze17:08
athena_<FloridaGuy>try not to use the number key on the right side of the keyboard17:08
Xlaitsjink: Really? I think I just need to either install libgtk, or update it... T_T And I'm a total newbie...17:08
liciaThanks, I'll have atry.17:08
Crash1hdW4RH4WK, no problem Knowledge is power and if I can help you help someone else in the future why not :)17:08
bastidrazorbrick: if you've actually looked at the interface of devede then you would see it gives you the option to add multiple files to be converted17:08
W4RH4WKneed to go.. cu17:08
FloridaGuyathena_, im not useing the number key...my password has no numbers17:09
Kylindraso I've narrowed my problem down to the fact it thinks I have apache installed when I had apache217:09
tomcatjoshlicia: The Netbook is 1 GB flash drive17:09
liciaI was trying with debian lenny but dd the live to the flash drive doesn't boot17:09
LOGANim trying to make a product flash drive that shows the product icon and hopefully open an html file on the flash drive17:09
=== lallu_ is now known as mangu
tomcatjoshlicia: The Desktop is 2 GB17:09
KylindraBecuase from what I can see it's telling me that while apache is not supported i don't hveit installed.17:09
liciatomcatjosh: ah, thank, so I user to be more clever17:09
kisukeok, im tring to install ubuntu to a removeable HDD, any thing special i will need to do?17:10
jinkXlaits: If you want to compile something, you might need something like libgtk2.0-dev17:10
xovertheyearsxtaroven: thanks hahah17:10
tomcatjoshlicia: I believe you should give 8.10 i try: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ubuntu-810-persistent-flash-drive-install-from-live-cd/17:10
xovertheyearsxim just new to this whole IRC thing, figured id give it a try, see what the deal was17:10
jinkXlaits: Anyway, gtg.17:10
eda_ZykoticK9: I entered eda@Lin:~/.gvfs$ ls  & got this: eda@Lin:~/.gvfs$ ls17:10
Xlaitsjink: well, KYLIX is from a CD, running from a .sh file...17:11
etheretic1ZykoticK9: I've shutdown, disconnected the two errant drives, am currently formatting the new drive to ext4 from fat. They are all 1.5TB WD elements drives, btw.17:11
ZykoticK9eda_, so it doesn't seem like your floppy is mounted?!  Sorry I'm not sure what's wrong - best of luck.17:11
tomcatjoshlicia: Just upgrade all the way up to 10.10. IMO i would just go buy a new 2GB Drive :) Good luck in any case!17:11
tarovenkisuke: Probably not, but if you're planning on using it on multiple computers you may run into some odd issues.17:11
kisuketaroven: i just did, busybox chocked, and im no good with busy box17:12
liciathanks tomcatjosh17:12
ENC_CERCANOShelp me any?17:12
eda_ZykoticK9: Thank you. I used to know how to do all this when I started with my XT PC with DOS.17:13
Guybrush88hi, i have a question: what can i use for vectorial graphics?17:13
etheretic1Guybrush88: xara.17:13
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liciaapt-cache search?17:13
Guybrush88<etheretic1> thank you17:13
etheretic1Guybrush88: xara xtreme17:13
tarovenkisuke: Nor am I. The problem with any OS is that it tries to tailor itself to the system. You may want to look into using a portable environment rather than a straight-up Ubuntu install - ie, make the external HD act as a livecd.17:13
ZykoticK9eda_, have you tried "sudo mount /dev/fd0 /mnt"?17:13
raidghostAnyone that have idea what laptop to buy for gaming17:13
raidghostI heard that i5 and i7 was not a smart choose17:14
kisuketaroven: fun, i have a partiton set a side for it to >:(17:14
raidghostDualcore still owns people sdays17:14
ZykoticK9raidghost, i5/i7 is CPU - not really related to "gaming".  That more a video card issue.17:14
tarovenkisuke: Shouldn't be too tough. I remember seeing a guide for it on 9.04 forever ago.17:14
etheretic1raidghost: methinks a powerful gfx card is the most important.17:14
raidghostlow clock frec17:15
XlaitsOk, I'm having an issue with KYLIX installation. I have libgtk2.0-dev, but it says I can't install, because: "Libgtk version >= 1.2.0....FAILED" HElp?17:15
kisuketaroven: 9.04 is deffiniatly supperior to which even the new one is, it sure as heck worked better17:15
whiten0isedoes ubuntu have problems with RT2870 drivers or something?17:15
ZykoticK9raidghost, getting a laptop/portable with nvidia seems to increase the cost by a lot!17:15
etheretic1How to connect external drives without them getting (auto)mounted?17:16
tarovenkisuke: Heh. I use Debian Squeeze myself.17:16
raidghostZykoticK9: can i pm you?17:16
ZykoticK9etheretic1, you can add them to fstab17:16
ENC_CERCANOSinstall any open ldap 2.4.21?17:16
Spyzerhi all is there an virtual webcam driver or any such tool for ubuntu which can emulate my desktop as the webcam stream and other users are able to view my desktop as a webcam stream on many chat applications17:16
tarovenkisuke: Haven't bothered with Ubuntu in a while now... Too much to tweak and avoid breaking.17:16
ZykoticK9raidghost, i doubt I have any more input...  but go ahead.17:16
Spyzerplease tell anybody17:16
BliepoI have recently installed Ubuntu 10.10, and made a back-up of my Firefox profile. I restorered it, but noticed that clicking on a link with the middle mouse button opens it in the current tab and not in a new one. How do I fix this? I checked about:config and browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick was set to true, so that is not the problem.17:16
Jimmioraidghost: The CPU will not affect a game performance nearly as much as the video device. I'd shoot for Nvidia and current gen (so GT 210 or better. GTX 495 is the highest desktop device)17:16
tarovendj: Hi.17:16
raidghostJimmio: ASUS G51JX 15.6" 3D-panel HD LED17:17
raidghostGeForce GTS360,Core i7-740MQ,4GB RAM,500GB HDD,DVD±RW17:17
kisuketaroven: i might just switch to it here in a little bit, tring to set up a recovery OS for school/work (PC repair in HS FTW)17:17
djyou from?17:17
pksadiq!find libgtk17:17
ubottuFound: libgtk-vnc-1.0-0, libgtk-vnc-1.0-0-dbg, libgtk-vnc-1.0-dev, libgtk2-perl, libgtk2-perl-doc, libgtk2.0-0, libgtk2.0-0-dbg, libgtk2.0-bin, libgtk2.0-cil, libgtk2.0-cil-dev (and 100 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libgtk&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all17:17
XlaitsOk, I'm having an issue with KYLIX installation. I have libgtk2.0-dev, but it says I can't install, because: "Libgtk version >= 1.2.0....FAILED" HElp?17:17
Jimmioraidghost: That sounds lovely. You'll likely be able to run Crysis (under windows). xP17:17
raidghostJimmio: or should i go for some other specs?17:17
Guybrush88<Xlaits> maybe 'sudo apt-get install -f'?17:17
Spyzeranybody i beg you17:18
Steven_Krebsas I myself are using a c2d 2,5GHz with 4GB DDR3 ram and a GeForce 260m gtx for playing (ubuntu 10.10) I can second that17:18
sympt0moverkill much?17:18
lindowswich one is the best HD player for Ubuntu17:18
tarovenkisuke: Heh, yeah, I know how that goes. Like I said, best bet on a portable HD is to use a sort of installed livecd method. You may even look around for a linux distro tailored for installed portability.17:18
bindiHi! I'm using ubuntu on my HTPC, and I have a slight problem. Even though I am using the correct resolution, the image is sized incorrectly (overscan?) and I cant find any options to change this. Ubuntu 10.04, 42" TV using DVI-HDMI.17:18
etheretic1Steven_Krebs: oolite fly reasonably on that setup? :)17:18
crankharderanyone know how to make syslogd aggregate logs from different PIDS so that they are not interweaved in the resulting log file?17:18
xovertheyearsxraidghost: if you want top of the line, most newer games require 64bit proc with at least 4gig ram, freq rate just affects the amount of info the hardware proccesses17:18
Steven_KrebsSpyzer look for applications for "screencasting"17:19
xovertheyearsxraidghost: like starcraft two17:19
pksadiq!enter | ENC_CERCANOS17:19
ubottuENC_CERCANOS: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:19
tarovenbindi: What sort of graphics card does the HTPC use?17:19
bindiOh also, I'm using intel integrated17:19
bindi(i3 530)17:19
etheretic1Steven_Krebs: elite on steroids.17:19
kisuketaroven: well its back to the linux live USB tool17:19
Steven_Krebsah, got it ^^17:19
sympt0msorry, no. newer games do not require 64bit, and 4gigs of ram is recommended but not necessary17:19
XlaitsI looked at the link. Which libgtk do I need?17:19
xovertheyearsxraidghost: u dont really need to worry about the proc though, just the vid card17:19
etheretic1Steven_Krebs: www.oolite.org17:19
sympt0mmost games are mostly reliant on the gpu17:19
FloridaGuysynaptic and software sources....gui's are not taking my password...but if i sudo software-properties-gtk....sudo synaptic...root password..they open17:20
needhelp1i think my laptop fan may be going out, is there a way i can test it in ubuntu?17:20
Steven_KrebsAll I wanted to say is, that this IS overkill, especially for a linux environment17:20
xovertheyearsxsympt0m, youre right, hence why i said top of the line17:20
XlaitsOr, how do I make it download the right one?17:20
eda_ZykoticK9: I tried "sudo mount /dev/fd0 /mnt" the drive light comes on , the icon shows it  mounted & file manager is empty. I tried with several Mfr's floppies & nothing!17:20
kisuketaroven: thanks anyway17:20
xovertheyearsxsympt0m, 64bits are more designed for companies than home owners17:20
ENC_CERCANOSok obottu, install any open ldap 2.4.21?17:20
=== Para is now known as Guest46139
ZykoticK9eda_, you would need to be looking in /mnt with the mount command i gave you...17:21
tarovenkisuke: No prob. Have fun.17:21
needhelp1xovertheyearsx: ?? almost all operating systems, consumer and business are moving to 64bit versions17:21
XlaitsI also used libgtk, and got nothing.17:21
tarovenxovertheyearsx: 100% incorrect.17:21
=== nlawson_ is now known as nlawson
BliepoIs there an easy way to check whether my middle mouse button is working?17:21
sympt0mclick it17:21
Xlaitser, used !find libgtk17:21
needhelp1is there a way to test a laptop fan in ubuntu17:22
Guybrush88little problem on maverick: when i'm playing on some games with snes9express on maverick, i get these games closed without any warning and after a little time after i start playing.17:22
needhelp1i think mine may be going out17:22
XlaitsBliepo: open firefox and middle click a link.17:22
Steven_Krebswell it depens on the gros of applications you tend to use. If they take advantage of the 64bit architecture it's fine. if not it's a waste. no need for indepth benachmarking. simple logic.17:22
BliepoXlaits, that doesn't work, so I thought maybe the mouse mappings were wrong17:22
tarovenGuybrush88: Have you tried running the games from terminal and watching the output there? Usually if there's a crash without warning, the program spits out at least an error message.17:23
needhelp1anyone know of a way to test a laptop fan ?17:23
XlaitsBliepo: I can't do too much. Try using a different mouse, or, if you've got usb mouse, use a different port.17:23
Guybrush88<taroven> yes, i've already tried with a terminal17:23
etheretic1how does one configure the system to show newly connected external drives' icons on the desktop, but not mount them automatically?17:23
sympt0mneedhelp1, try running some benchmark tests, your fan will kick in for sure17:23
BliepoXlaits, I will give it a try. The problem is with my touchpad, so I will try a USB mouse17:23
ZykoticK9needhelp1, re:64bit - FYI due to the way Unix stores the date - in a couple of years everything will have to be 64bit (i forget the date, but I don't think it's to far away)17:23
tarovenGuybrush88: No error messages?17:23
XlaitsOk, I'm having an issue with KYLIX installation. !find libgtk fails, and it says I can't install, because: "Libgtk version >= 1.2.0....FAILED" HElp?17:24
Dekkohello everybody, I wonder do you know if there is something like a precompiled version of P-UAE (a PPA or something, or a deb package?)17:24
Guybrush88<taroven>i can copy-paste the things i got17:24
Steven_Krebsnot until 207817:24
tarovenGuybrush88: pastebin please.17:24
needhelp1whats with ubuntu switching to the unity shell? I enjoy gnome17:24
needhelp1not sure if anyone saw the articles17:24
ZykoticK9Steven_Krebs, really, oh i thought it was a lot soon then that.  my bad.17:24
XlaitsHello, anyone!?17:25
shaunoI believe it's 2038, not 7817:25
Guybrush88<taroven>ok, i'm starting to pastebin17:25
tarovenneedhelp1: Nice thing about Linux is that you're free to use whatever you want. Throwing Gnome back into the mix isn't difficult at all.17:25
Steven_Krebsthat's a generic problem of 32bit based software17:25
XlaitsWhy a, I always ignored!?17:25
ZykoticK9Steven_Krebs, shauno is correct http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem17:25
needhelp1sympt0m: care to point me to a benchmarking test17:25
ZykoticK9Steven_Krebs, still a lot longer then i remembered.17:25
pksadiq!info kylix17:25
ubottuPackage kylix does not exist in maverick17:25
XlaitsOr, at least, seem to be ignored...17:25
Steven_Krebsoh, okay17:25
XlaitsI'm using ubuntu, and installing it from a disk.17:26
fs-aHi, any idea why do I get "cc1: fatal error: 1.c: Value too large for defined data type" on a smb share inside a chroot? (the file is small and works outside chroot)17:26
Steven_Krebswell 2038 means that most important documents nowadays will have to be converted17:26
AndrewMC!details | Xlaits17:26
ubottuXlaits: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:26
lindowswich one is the best HD player for Ubuntu17:26
Guybrush88<taroven> http://pastebin.com/epRC0dHj17:26
eda_ZykoticK9: Thanks for your help. I need to take a break, I'm very tired.17:26
pksadiqXlaits: what is kylix?17:26
sympt0mneedhelp1, i only know of windows ones, not sure what you can find on linux. it won't display any data though, its just purely to tell if your fan is working17:26
lindowswich one is the best HD player for Ubuntu17:26
ZykoticK9eda_, best of luck!17:26
etheretic1needhelp1: system->admin-> system testing or disc utility.17:26
lindowswich one is the best HD player for Ubuntu17:27
Xlaitspksadiq: I have no clue. all I know is, I need it for the grendel project.17:27
needhelp1etheretic1: thanks17:27
lindowswich one is the best HD player for Ubuntu17:27
bindiI'm using ubuntu on my HTPC, and I have a slight problem. Even though I am using the correct resolution, the image is sized incorrectly (overscan?) and I cant find any options to change this. Ubuntu 10.04, 42" TV using DVI-HDMI. Intel integrated graphics (core i3 530) (forgive if i repeated too quickly :p)17:27
ENC_CERCANOSthanks for no help, bye...17:27
pksadiqXlaits: are you trying to compile from source?17:27
xovertheyearsxanyone know about an IRC channel dedicated to PHP and/or Web Dev?17:27
utilitytracklindows: It's mplayer17:28
pksadiqENC_CERCANOS:  ?17:28
bindixovertheyearsx: try #php or ##php17:28
Picixovertheyearsx: ##php , but you'll need to be registered and identified to join.17:28
Pici!register > xovertheyearsx17:28
ubottuxovertheyearsx, please see my private message17:28
Xlaitspksadiq: Source? No, I'm using a shell script on the disk.17:28
xovertheyearsx<ubottu> thanks =)17:29
tarovenGuybrush88: Does this happen with every game, or just some?17:29
tarovenGuybrush88: Also, props on the game choice there.17:29
bastidrazorubottu: tell lindows about best17:29
ubottulindows, please see my private message17:29
ENC_CERCANOSpksadiq ... I asked the question if anyone install the latest version of openldap, no answer17:29
pksadiqXlaits: more details please, is it a script?17:29
Guybrush88taroven: well, it happened with every game i tried17:29
pksadiq!info openldap17:29
ubottuPackage openldap does not exist in maverick17:29
pksadiq!info ldap17:29
ubottuPackage ldap does not exist in maverick17:29
Picipksadiq: openldap is a source package.17:29
ENC_CERCANOS!info ldap17:29
pksadiq!find openldap17:30
ubottuFound: ldap-utils17:30
pksadiq!info ldap-utils17:30
ubottuldap-utils (source: openldap): OpenLDAP utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.23-0ubuntu3.2 (maverick), package size 307 kB, installed size 716 kB17:30
Xlaitspksadiq: KYLIX 3 is on a disk, already compiled. I need to install it, and the INSTALL file tells me to run something called setup.sh17:30
tarovenGuybrush88: Strange. I'm not horribly familiar with snes9x these days, unfortunately. Could you give zsnes a shot and see if something similar happens?17:30
pksadiqXlaits: ok, how did you run it?17:31
ENC_CERCANOSEscribe texto o la dirección de un sitio web o traduce un documento.17:31
ENC_CERCANOStraducción del español al inglés17:31
ENC_CERCANOSThe basic question is if they can set the file ldap.conf slapd.conf as before and there was more ...17:31
FloodBot2ENC_CERCANOS: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:31
ENC_CERCANOSThe basic question is if they can set the file ldap.conf slapd.conf as before and there was more ...17:31
tarovenGuybrush88: Believe it's available in the Ubuntu repos as long as you're not running amd64. Been a while though.17:31
Guybrush88taroven: ok, i can give znes a try, even though i always preferred snes9express xD17:31
Xlaitspksadiq: dragging it directly into terminal, and running it. That's the only way it'll work,17:31
Guybrush88taroven: since before maverick i never had any problem on snes9express xD17:32
tarovenGuybrush88: Heh, I'm the opposite. Always preferred zsnes, never had a single problem with it, and always had issues with snes9x =P17:32
Sh4wnIs it me or is the 'Google' calendar type gone in evolution 2.30.3? (While the usermanual still mentions it)17:33
pksadiqXlaits: ok, do this => copy the folder to Desktop, in terminal type cd Desktop/<folder name> and hot enter17:33
maco!es | ENC_CERCANOS17:33
ubottuENC_CERCANOS: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:33
etheretic1Is there a gui program like testdisk / ddrescue?17:34
Xlaitspksadiq: Copying the disk to the desktop, hold on.17:34
pksadiqXlaits:  if the size is so big, then don't need to copy, you can try alternate ways17:35
Xlaitspksadiq: It's alright. Hold on, 2 minutes left.17:35
mmestnikHello, I'm sure there is a doc on this.  However I can;t find it.  My windows are all maximized and there is no boarder, how can I enable a "proper" window manager?17:35
d3v0hi im having problems mounting an ntfs usb stick in ubuntu17:36
Steven_Krebsdo you use compiz?17:36
Guybrush88taroven: with zsnes will i be able to use savefiles from snes9express?17:36
Steven_Krebsmmestnik are you using compiz?17:36
ZykoticK9mmestnik, are you on desktop or UNE?  try running "compiz --replace" and if that fails "metacity --replace" [assuming desktop]17:36
d3v0i get an error on mount Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1317:36
mmestnikSteven_Krebs: No, though I'd like to turn on screen effects under appearances.17:37
Xlaitspksadiq: What do I do after that?17:37
d3v0ive tried mounting through commandline as well with dev0@dev0:~$ sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt/exhdd -o uid=4795F0A31D34AC6417:37
pksadiqXlaits: what is the folder name ?17:37
tarovenGuybrush88: The saveram (SRM) files are compatible, not too sure about savestates.17:37
mmestnikZykoticK9: "metacity --replace" just flashed and snapped back to this.17:37
Xlaitspksadiq: KYLIX17:37
ZykoticK9mmestnik, so try "metacity --replace" then!17:37
Guybrush88taroven: uhm, i'll give it a try17:38
ZykoticK9mmestnik, oh sorry17:38
mmestnikZykoticK9: I'm not sure what I'm on.  It was working untill I rebooted.17:38
pksadiqXlaits: now in terminal type this => cd Desktop/KYLIX      and hit enter17:38
quiescensd3v0: you have a user who's uid is 4795F0A31D34AC64 ?17:38
ZykoticK9mmestnik, not sure if it will show UNE or not, but in a terminal "lsb_release -a"17:38
d3v0i thought it was uuid17:39
d3v0of the hdd17:39
home-aloneanybody wana chat17:39
Xlaitspksadiq: Done17:39
ZykoticK9!ot > home-alone17:39
ubottuhome-alone, please see my private message17:39
d3v0i get the same error17:39
d3v0when i omit uid17:39
cbush15How do you view user accounts in ssh root?17:40
mmestnikZykoticK9: No it dosen't show UNE.  Looks like metacity and compiz just crash.17:40
mmestnikThey should not daemonize, correct?17:40
ZykoticK9mmestnik, ? perhaps a graphics card issue?  have you tried restarting?17:40
d3v0do you guys need the whole error message?17:41
pksadiqXlaits: now in terminal type => ls *.sh                           does any result is shown?17:41
ZykoticK9cbush15, to list user accounts you can use the old "cat /etc/passwd"17:41
mmestnikOk metacity is running.17:41
d3v0ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup: magic: 0x00000000  size: 1024  usa_ofs: 0  usa_count: 65535: Invalid argument17:41
d3v0ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup: magic: 0x00000000  size: 1024  usa_ofs: 0  usa_count: 65535: Invalid argument17:41
d3v0ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup: magic: 0x00000000  size: 1024  usa_ofs: 0  usa_count: 65535: Invalid argument17:41
d3v0ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup: magic: 0x00000000  size: 1024  usa_ofs: 0  usa_count: 65535: Invalid argument17:41
d3v0$MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0).17:41
FloodBot2d3v0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:41
Xlaitspksadiq: Yeah. setup.sh17:41
mmestnikHowever it's not drawing windows, just making everything maximised.17:41
iknwtrthcan someone suggest me a usb wifi dongle that would work as an access point  - lucid lynx ?17:41
mmestnikThat's why replace just flashed at me.17:42
d3v0my bad17:42
quiescensd3v0: its probably recommended to have windows do a filesystem check first17:42
pksadiqXlaits:  now do => ./setup.sh                                    and paste the output at http://paste.ubuntu.com17:42
home-aloneat waht speed i should burn ubuntu CD.....17:42
d3v0ok let me see17:42
tarovenhome-alone: Slowest possible for your drive is generally best if you're worried about burn errors.17:43
Xlaitspksadiq: command not found17:43
ePirathello, anyone has experience with nettalk on ubuntu?17:43
sfjkgubuntu, i have a problems. the bluetooth manager keep searching for device when device found. i not click forward button. it keep scan, how to stop?17:43
home-aloneI nurnt at 8X but still have eoors17:43
bindiI'm using ubuntu on my HTPC, and I have a slight problem. Even though I am using the correct resolution, the image is sized incorrectly (overscan?) and I cant find any options to change this. Ubuntu 10.04, 42" TV using DVI-HDMI. Intel integrated graphics (core i3 530)17:43
ePiratI want to connect from my mac to ubuntu unsing the apple file protocol, i has configured nettalk, it works, but when i enter the password, doesnt work (wrong password) but the password is right!17:44
bastidrazorhome-alone: did you check the iso before the burn?17:44
Kyle__home-alone: the burnning program is reporting there were burn errors, or you load the disk and there are errors?17:44
home-aloneNo i did not ..how to check it17:44
mmestnikZykoticK9: This happend just after rebooting.17:44
sfjkgbluetooth manager still scan. i see my headset but i not allowed click forward.17:44
bastidrazor!md5 | home-alone17:44
ubottuhome-alone: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:44
karma_policeanyone familiar with clamav and clamtk? i'm trying to scan a windows partition and it locks up when recursive scan is started17:44
pksadiqXlaits: type  in terminal => ls -al *.sh                 and past the output here ( only a single line)17:44
ZykoticK9mmestnik, sorry - i gots nothing...  good luck man.17:45
mmestnikI'll look into the possible kernel/Xorg conflict.17:45
Kyle__karma_police: I'm familar with it, but never had it lock up17:45
Kyle__karma_police: Are you sure it's not just being slow?17:45
sfjkgwhy the bluetooth manager stuck scanning???17:45
karma_policeit started now... just greyed out for about 2 minutes before it tarted scan17:45
home-aloneOK . will try that windows one..what about burnt disc itself17:45
mmestnikkarma_police: Could just be the NTFS filesystem drives, they don't lock up but sometimes they can take more then a min to read a file's size.17:46
karma_policefirst time i have ued it17:46
Xlaitspksadiq: -rw-r--r-- 1 xlaits xlaits 17641 2002-08-01 00:39 setup.sh17:46
JoeCoolNetbookHoly shit it's windy17:46
hell_razeri have installed ubunti withou grub2 (i have other distro with frub 0.96), now i can not configure corrent framebufer resulution resume partiotion and splshy, show me pls your dmesg | grep 'command line'17:46
jwgoerlichOn the Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook edition, how do I enable Unity after installation?17:46
Kyle__karma_police: Try running it in command line mode, see if it's tossing any errors.  It really could have been sitting there gathering meta-data, doing pre-scanning tasks, etc, and be fine.17:46
karma_policeused.. new keyboard too..lol17:46
Draqul!netbook | jwgoerlich17:46
JoeCoolNetbookSay, how do I get the properties panel to also show Unix time?17:46
Kyle__karma_police: It's a rather slow program unfortunately.  I used to run it only weekly on some systems, just because of that.17:46
pksadiqXlaits:  do => chmod +x *.sh17:46
Kyle__JoeCoolNetbook: Which properties panel?  Where do you want to see it?17:47
JoeCoolNetbookIn the properties panel]\17:47
=== Kyoku is now known as Kaizen
Xlaitspksadiq: Nothing happened.17:47
pksadiqXlaits: , don't care, now do => ./setup.sh17:48
Kyle__JoeCoolNetbook: You'll have to be more specific.  Are you talking about in the file manager?  In standard ubuntu, xubuntu, kbuntu?17:48
karma_policelooks to be a last resort program... i work on computers all the time.. this would take forever..lol17:48
JoeCoolNetbookIn the properties panel for a file of the ubuntu operating system.17:48
Xlaitspksadiq: same libgtk error...17:48
gsedejhi! I am using ubuntu-desktop as server. Machine is headless (no keyboard and monitor) and has intel onboard GPU. If monitor is not present it wont boot in to desktop (i need for remote access). Before I had GF2mx and it was no problem17:48
jwgoerlich@Draqul - come again?17:48
gsedej I tried to add "VNC device" to xorg.conf, but it didn't help http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=863617517:48
JoeCoolNetbookIt shows date cerated, date modified in a horrible format17:48
JoeCoolNetbookI would like it to also show Unix time.17:49
mmestnikThe theme "Gnome" is not installed.17:49
mmestnikWhat pkg is that in?17:49
bastidrazorhome-alone: please ask in the main channel.17:49
pksadiqXlaits: copy all that errors and paste at       http://paste.ubuntu.com17:49
Kyle__karma_police: It's possibly the only updated open-source virus scanner you can get.  I usually run it on individual files, not disk-images.  scanning a disk-image at a time is rough for it, it's just not written that way.17:49
Steven_Krebsthere is no theme "gnome"17:49
hell_razeri have installed ubunti withou grub2 (i have other distro with frub 0.96), now i can not configure corrent framebufer resulution resume partiotion and splshy, show me pls your dmesg | grep 'command line'17:49
Guybrush88taroven: zsnes seems to be working. thanks for the suggestion17:50
Xlaitspksadiq: http://paste.ubuntu.com/520253/17:50
tarovenGuybrush88: Happy to help.17:50
mmestnikNow this issue is selective by window.  Good thing new windows are coming in with boarders.17:51
pksadiqXlaits:  check whether libgtk2.0-0 is installed17:53
mmestnikThat is just strange, the bug is being corrected as I work... one window randomly at a time.17:53
home-aloneok. I downloaded and burnt iso using windows .is that possible that image is currepted by virus . Wubi gives me error............invalid argument For more information, please see the log file: d:docume~1\asifna~1\locals~1\temp\wubi-10.04-rev189.log17:53
=== wiz is now known as Guest15767
Guybrush88taroven: last question about zsnes: is there a shortcut to save states?17:53
Xlaitspksadiq: I've got the newest version.17:53
tarovenGuybrush88: f2 to save, f3 to pick, f4 to load17:54
Guybrush88taroven: ok, thanks17:54
tarovenGuybrush88: You can change all that through the options if you're used to something else.17:54
pksadiqXlaits: also libgtk2.0-dev17:54
ubuntu_problems_First of all my english is bad, I break my system installing ubuntu 10.10 and now i am not able to run W7 o Ubuntu, only this live cd. I am trying to do this steps: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html but when i try fdisk -l it said root@ubuntu:/# sudo fdisk -l17:54
ubuntu_problems_cannot open /proc/partitions17:54
FloodBot2ubuntu_problems_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:54
Xlaitspksadiq: I've got the newest version of that, too.17:54
Guybrush88taroven: i only changed the game buttons since i'm used to the buttons of snes9express, but shortcuts to save and load are ok17:55
MPXA link on my desktop is shared on ubuntuone account. Thing is, I never shared it and I cannot "unpublish" it NOR "publish" it. But it sits there. Is there a way to manually remove files from the account using the website?17:56
ubuntu_problems_can somebody help me? I am using live cd 10.10 AMD 6417:56
bullgard4[Maverick] Applications > Accessories > Tracker Search opens the window »Tracker Search Tool«. If I type in the Search field the term »interface«, Tracker will list 19 filenames. What directories did Tracker search to find these 19 files?17:56
DragonKeeperhow can i record desktop or a window and the steromix (record all sound ubuntu is playing)17:56
ePiratcan anyone help me?17:57
rusty149ubuntu_problems_: if you remove livecd and reboot does windows or ubutnu boot?17:57
pksadiqXlaits: sorry, try http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-36084.html17:57
isaiashi, how can i give to a file Permissions to be executable?17:57
Kyle__isaias: chmod.17:57
isaiaschmod and?17:58
tarovenisaias: chmod +x filename17:58
JoeCoolNetbookHow do I show unix time in Nautilus?17:58
AaronMTWoot, got my Ubuntu CD from the Netherlands in the mail17:58
ubuntu_problems_rusty nothing boot17:58
ubuntu_problems_MBR is lost17:58
Kyle__isaias: You need to go through one of the new-user tutorials sometime.  It will help.17:58
ubuntu_problems_thx for reply me :)17:58
anirudhrrusty149, Whatever is on your boot sector will boot. That is, whatever will normally boot will boot. :)17:58
ubuntu_problems_i can see all my data and my partitions using the live cd17:59
ubuntu_problems_W7 instalation, Ubuntu instalation and another NTFS partition17:59
ubuntu_Dear Sirs, I need urgently help with Ubuntu, just few questions17:59
anirudhrrusty149, ubuntu_problems_ If your MBR is lost, you should use the Windows recovery disk to get it back, I guess.18:00
Kyle__Has anyone here actually installed or tried out AVG for linux?18:00
rusty149ubuntu_problems_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275  see section 1318:00
ubuntu_problems_mmm its weird before i cant see fdisk -l18:00
ubuntu_I don-t have problems with ubuntu, but with al the laptop18:00
pksadiqXlaits: in terminal type => sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev          give your password(you won't see anything while typing password)         , Does it say that it is already the newest version?18:00
ubuntu_problems_it seems another process like gparted was using it18:00
ubuntu_problems_and i closed gparted bad18:01
MPXNevermind, figured it out by myself.18:01
Xlaitspksadiq: Yeah18:01
ubuntu_I-m unable to see other partition of my HD, now Im working with a live edition18:02
GrandCouillonHello, Ubuntu 10.10 freshly rebooted. I've "lost" the nautilus toolbar and the file contextual menu. Any idea ?18:02
Kyle__ubuntu_: How are you trying to see the other partitions?18:02
pksadiqXlaits: ok, now in terminal => $ sudo apt-get install libxaw618:03
ubuntu_from partition editor18:03
pksadiqXlaits: ok, now in terminal => sudo apt-get install libxaw618:03
ubuntu_i checked the other partitions18:03
=== Kaizen is now known as Kyoku
Kyle__ubuntu_: Are you familiar with, and comfortable with, the command line?18:03
whiten0isei did a sudo reboot -h now18:03
whiten0iseand its STILL rebooting, about 3 minutes later.18:04
whiten0iseis it updating in the background or something where i can't see? i did install a video driver.18:04
ubuntu_Kyle__for ex, one is sda218:04
wiz_any 1 here messing with lmde?18:04
Xlaitspksadiq: unable to loacate package18:04
ubuntu_Kyle__ok, i will try18:04
Kyle__ubuntu_: that's a partition, not a drive.18:04
furi_is there a way to open .theme files to edit, as opposed to being constricted from opening it with another program?18:04
pksadiqXlaits: sorry ,  its => sudo apt-get install libxaw718:04
enavi was testing unity and when i came back to gnome i lose the titlebar on maximize state.......18:04
Kyle__ubuntu_: sda, sdb, etc, are drives.  sda1 sda2 sdb2 are partitions.18:04
Xlaitspksadiq: I've got the newest version.18:05
pksadiqXlaits: then => sudo ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/libx11.so.6 /usr/X11R6/lib/libx11.so18:05
Evil_Erichi guys18:05
ubuntu_Kyle__ ok, where I could find the drive18:05
Error404NotFoundis there an application using which i can do time logging and management? e.g. i enter a task and do start, it takes screenshots at regular intervals till i click end.18:05
The-JagHi all, little question: is it possible with empathy to have GFire working? Also: is there a way to list all available chat room in an IRC server?18:06
Xlaitspksadiq: No such directory18:06
Evil_Ericis anyone alive here18:06
Evil_Erici just need direction is all18:06
ubuntu_Kyle__using the terminal, wich command I have to use /questione/18:07
ubuntu_Kyle__sorry, but i-ve a bad keyboard map18:07
furi_is there a way to open .theme files to edit, as opposed to being constricted from opening it with another program?18:09
Kyle__ubuntu_: ls /dev/sd* will show you all the drives and partitions.18:09
pksadiq!find libx11.so18:09
ubottuPackage/file libx11.so does not exist in maverick18:09
Evil_Ericive spent half the day trying to figure out how to make my Auvitek AU85X1 PCI REV1.1 (rev 01) digital tv card with linux and i cant even find the drivers for it any where and i just want this to work anyone a place or web site to look at all sujestions welcome18:09
Xlaitspksadiq: I got it to install. It was using an old as hell script.18:09
wiz_is this chat thing working?18:09
whiten0isethis is irc, and yes its working.18:10
oliver_wie gehtz18:10
oliver_ich hab ne frage18:10
oliver_clip grab for xuuntu18:10
whiten0iseoliver_: du spreche English?18:10
oliver_do i18:10
oliver_a little bit18:10
oliver_i have got a question18:11
oliver_can i ask18:11
whiten0iseyes, go ahead and ask and someone will answer.18:11
Steven_Krebsoliver_ ich hab dich privat angeschrieben, da kann ich dir vielleicht helfen18:11
oliver_i have got linux xubuntu18:11
oliver_and i have a problem18:11
furi_can someone put my name in their message? i'd like to see what a highlighted message looks like in this theme18:12
oliver_i can't install clipgrap18:12
utilitytrackoliver_: What is your problem?18:12
pksadiqXlaits: then => sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libX11.so.6 /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so18:12
Tigger_Yum-Yumfuri_ ...18:12
whiten0isefuri_: this is a highlighted message18:12
furi_Tigger_Yum-Yum, whiten0ise: thanks18:12
DciteWhat is it?18:12
Xlaitspksadiq: I did fix it and get it to install.18:12
oliver_do someone can replay18:12
Steven_Krebsa tool for downloading and encoding youtube videos18:12
rusivi!german Steven_Krebs18:13
rusivi!german | Steven_Krebs18:13
ubottuSteven_Krebs: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:13
pksadiqXlaits: how? is it a very very old file?18:13
oliver_do you have an answer18:13
Xlaitspksadiq: Old, yes. It needed a little modification.18:13
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oliver_can someone answer18:14
Dciteoliver_: You can't install or can't run?18:14
pksadiqXlaits: what is that package actually meant for?18:14
furi_so, if i am editing an irssi script, what is the variable that is for highlighted messages? i need to verify just in case if it isn't "hilight"18:14
Tigger_Yum-Yumhave you tried the "DownloadHelper" firefox extension oliver_?18:14
jumbojet_31what's the question?18:14
furi_sorry, not script, but theme18:14
Dciteoliver_: Also this might be off topic but I use downloadhelper for firefox instead in the case of youtube...18:14
Xlaitspksadiq: I need it for the Grendel project, a MUD server.18:14
oliver_you don#t check me18:14
Mudyou need my server Xlaits?18:15
utilitytrackoliver_: For to see youtube videos offline you need to use youtube-dl: sudo aptitude install youtube-dl18:15
Dciteoliver_: "yes" doesn't mean anything... install or run? which is the issue?18:15
* Dcite passes the flag to utilitytrack and runs away.18:15
ubuntuselur1is there a  server administration tool for ubuntu? something like webmin18:15
th3hateis it possible to install unity shell on ubuntu 10.10 desktop instead of gnome shell?18:16
hopeless8009what does 10.10 have that 10.04 did not18:16
Cars10how do i execute modeprobe vboxdrv as root???18:16
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oliver_can someone answer me18:16
badpenguin86I am having weird compositing issues in gnome-shell. help?18:16
Tigger_Yum-Yumversion features are available on the ubuntu website hopeless800918:16
furi_so, if i am editing an irssi .theme file, what is the variable that is for highlighted messages? i need to verify just in case if it isn't "hilight"18:16
Dciteoliver_: Which download did you use?18:16
Therstriumcan anyone recommend any good web frontends to BIND?18:16
hopeless8009Tigger_Yum_Yum, ok Tigger18:17
cansuanyone please tell me how can i enable proprietary drivers ???18:17
Cars10how do i execute modeprobe vboxdrv as root??? Im new to this lz help18:18
cansuthere is always an error in additional drivers app18:18
utilitytrackoliver_: Do as I say.18:18
Protocol84okay, I had 1 installation on sda1 and Installed another on sda2 I transferred all my stuff over to the sda2 installation, now what is the easies way to completely remove the sda1 installation without meddinf everything up?18:18
Protocol84err messing18:19
utilitytrackoliver_: Read this: http://bitbucket.org/rg3/youtube-dl/wiki/Home18:19
cansusomeone help please18:20
cansuanyone please tell me how can i enable proprietary drivers ???18:20
Protocol84manually download them18:20
galerienHi guys, I have a dual GPU laptop (intel and nVidia) and my xOrg can't find any screen anymore... what should I do ? (I can't disable one in my Bios)18:20
cansuthere is always an error18:20
Protocol84get the version number oyut of the app efore it crashes then google them18:20
tioxHey there doods.18:20
Protocol84I had to do that before18:21
ubuntu_Kyle__ok, I used a new dir and connected the new dir to the hard disk18:21
resnowhats a good pdf application that allows adding bookmarks, etc18:21
ubuntu_Kyle__I followed strange commands but it works18:21
cansugalerien , there is nothing you can do , i have the same problem , only thing you can do is18:21
cansugalerien , write , sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current18:21
Dcitegalerien: Doesn't the intel chip auto disable soon as you plug in a graphic card?18:22
cansugalerien , and then in recovery mode , open failsafe x and go back to your default settings18:22
maltonhi.  i just installed unity (to check out the future) but when i attempt to log in it goes to a black screen with the spinner after showing the desktop image for less than a second.  any ideas how i would resolve this?18:22
Protocol84cansu you can also download the nvidia drivers throught sudo apt-get18:22
cansugalerien , trust me im looking for the solutions for it18:22
galerienDcite, I don't know what it does, but it isn't doing it right18:22
whiten0iseever since i did the nvidia driver...my system theme says its there, but its like..default gnome.18:22
=== zz_ng_ is now known as ng_
ubuntu_Kyle__thank you so much18:23
galeriencansu, I trust you ^^. And i've found in the ubuntu control center a "GPU switch", can't it help ?18:23
trismresno: okular supports bookmarks18:24
cansugalerien , there is nothing about it , when you update nvidia from additional rdrivers , somehow your screen is removed from the source18:24
rammyIRCcan i connect the windows remote desktop application using the remote desktop connection in ubuntu18:24
cansugalerien , you login in the prompt and use startx , you will see "fatal error , no screens found"18:24
resnothanks trism ill give it a spin18:24
cansugalerien , sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current , and from failsafeX , go back to default18:25
cansugalerien , until nvidia SOLVES THİS18:25
galeriencansu, I know ^^, and manually specifying the PCI it has to use ?18:25
etheretic1Are there any benefits to format an external usb drive to ext4 instead of ext3?18:25
cansugalerien yep18:25
cansugalerien if you solve it , tell me how :D18:26
galeriencansu, ok, will do ^^18:26
cansuanyone please tell me how can i enable proprietary drivers ???18:26
cansuanyone please tell me how can i enable proprietary drivers ???18:26
galerienI'll write something on ubuntu forum if I manage to18:26
=== ePirat is now known as ePirat|away
utilitytracketheretic1: external HDD? SDD?18:26
etheretic1utilitytrack: hdd.18:27
utilitytracketheretic1: SSD, sorry.18:27
Cars10Im having trouble with modprobe and i dunno how to fix this error. Can anyone help???18:27
etheretic1utilitytrack: 1.5tb wd elements.18:27
cansuwhat is this >>>> installArchives() failed:18:27
cansuwhat is this >>>> installArchives() failed:18:27
KB1JWQcansu: Looks like installing archives failed, but context would be fun.18:28
etheretic1utilitytrack: seems a few tools won't work with ext3 - using synaptic, most seem to be ext only.18:28
Coutinhohello ppl  i have a problem , i cant see youtube videos in fullscreen (i already try update flash version)18:29
utilitytracketheretic1: No difference, if you do not take into account that ext3 used much more long time18:29
KB1JWQ!caps | cansu18:29
ubottucansu: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:29
puffycome va18:29
tomcatjoshCoutinho: Try Reinstalling Flash..18:29
cansuKB1JWQ , for additional drivers , for ubuntu software manager downloads18:29
puffykhjbbvkjhsdrf ikhjsnlòkf18:30
KB1JWQpuffy: Please desist.18:30
cansuKB1JWQ , for updates18:30
cansuKB1JWQ , for everything18:30
etheretic1utilitytrack: are you saying that ext4 is too new/untested?18:30
whiten0iseugh, this wireless buggy thing is getting annoying.18:30
KB1JWQNo ops around?18:30
whiten0iseNet-manager is failing to connect o my wireless network.18:30
whiten0isesometimes if i reboot it'll work, but i've rebooted 3 times now and its not working still18:31
etheretic1!martian | puffy18:31
utilitytracketheretic1: No, I didn't say that ext4 are untested.18:31
Sean93how do i use wget to download this file? http://www.gamershell.com/download_63072.shtml18:31
whiten0isei would like to switch over to using wicd or wpa_supplicant or something.18:31
whiten0iseSean93: wget http://www.gamershell.com/download_63072.shtml18:31
whiten0iseSean93: man wget18:31
etheretic1utilitytrack: so ext4 is fine for external hdd, then.18:32
Sean93that doesnt work18:32
Cars10how do u execute something?18:33
rusty149Sean93: wget http://www.gamershell.com/download.html?id=63072&mirror=cdn&cat=demo&filename=Aion2.0.0.2_FullInstaller.zip&ts=1288114387&auth=21e5yz4z18:33
WhiteDawnCars10, you need to give it execution permisions, right click then go properties to enable it18:34
=== SortiE|A is now known as SortiE
Sean93rusty149: that only fave a file called download.html?id=6307218:34
Protocol84okay, I had 1 installation on sda1 and Installed another on sda2 I transferred all my stuff over to the sda2 installation, now what is the easiest way to completely remove the sda1 installation without messing everything up?18:35
utilitytracketheretic1: In general it's best choise, but you can be interested ReiserFS and XFS also18:35
Cars10WhiteDawn i need to execute modprobe vboxdrv, but i dunno how18:35
Protocol84open a terminal18:36
WhiteDawnopen up terminal, its under accesories, then you just gotta type "sudo modprobe vboxdrv"18:36
Cars10and then?18:36
etheretic1utilitytrack: it is important that it is well supported by programs to recover data, etc.18:36
WhiteDawnCars10, open up terminal, its under accesories, then you just gotta type "sudo modprobe vboxdrv"18:36
katspaughHi! I'm using GMA500 team driver (poulsbo-driver-d2) and cheese doesn't play video from the webcam. It does make photos though. "mplayer tv://" also works fine. What to do, how to get video played in cheese?18:37
Cars10FATAL: Error inserting vboxdrv (/lib/modules/2.6.35-22-generic/updates/dkms/vboxdrv.ko): Invalid module format18:37
katspaugh* poulsbo-driver-2d18:37
=== noisewaterphdmac is now known as noisewaterphd
Protocol84utilitytrack? nonono I don't neef to recover I ahve 2 partionions on 1 drive each with an istallation on it I need to remove the first installations and grow the second partition to fill the drive without messing it all up18:39
WhiteDawnCars10, you might need to rebuild the drivers, run "sudo /etc/rc.d/vboxdrv setup" then try modprobe again18:39
nanovanyexception importing CList [errno 2 ] no esxiste el archivo o directorio '/home/usuario/.config/emesene 1.0/contactlist.py18:39
nanovanyhey help plis!!18:39
nanovanywith this problem18:39
nanovanyexception importing CList [errno 2 ] no esxiste el archivo o directorio '/home/usuario/.config/emesene 1.0/contactlist.py18:40
nanovanyon emsene18:40
Cars10sudo: /etc/rc.d/vboxdrv: command not found18:40
Sean93when i use wget http://www.gamershell.com/download.html?id=63072&mirror=cdn&cat=demo&filename=Aion2.0.0.2_FullInstaller.zip&ts=1288114568&auth=oizrmokc http://pastebin.com/0vjY5aYR. how do i download the actual fine?18:40
FloodBot2Sean93: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:41
Protocol84I tried before but scary things happened18:41
wildc4rdevening all18:41
WhiteDawnCars10, sorry, idk how you installed virtual box then. This is a virtual box problem though not ubuntu, did you install it through synaptic or the application manager?18:42
Sean93when i use wget http://www.gamershell.com/download.html?id=63072&mirror=cdn&cat=demo&filename=Aion2.0.0.2_FullInstaller.zip&ts=1288114568&auth=oizrmokc I get the file http://pastebin.com/0vjY5aYR. how do i download the actual file?**18:42
nanovanyexception importing CList [errno 2 ] no esxiste el archivo o directorio '/home/usuario/.config/emesene 1.0/contactlist.py18:42
nanovanyhelp me with this problem:S:S:S::S18:42
WhiteDawnnanovany, if someone knows how to help you they will, please be patient and try to keep all your words on one line to avoid spaming the channel18:43
Cars10WhiteDawn: I installed it in windows18:43
Cars10WhiteDawn: and with udo apt-get install virtualbox-ose in the VM18:44
whiten0isethis is like my 6th reboot and netmanager still isn't connecting.18:44
whiten0isecan i override netmanager by using wpa_supplicant manually or something?18:44
cansuguys i cant install , firmware-b43-installer18:44
WhiteDawnCars10, so your trying to install the vm tools, you dont need to install virtualbox again inside ubuntu18:44
cansuit seems firmware-b43-installer is really important18:45
nanovany#ubuntu -es18:45
utilitytracketheretic1: There is journals. Why do you worry about data recovering? If your HDD will not contain physical bad blocks only, you not needed to worry about data loss with journalling file systems.18:45
MiMeIs there any disc-emulation tool (like DaemonTools or Alcohol120% in windows) for ubuntu18:45
Sean93cansu: one sec, i'll try to find the site i used18:45
ubuntuselur1MiMe: just right click and open with archive mounter18:45
MiMeubuntuselur1: I know that. I mean some advanced functions, such as digital locks emulations and such things18:46
etheretic1utilitytrack: it started with bad blocks on an ext3-formatted hdd (another 1.5tb wd elements)18:46
goltoof_anyone here use scilab?18:46
SebbohI have set up NAT/masq on this ubuntu 10.10 machine, and the clients can hit the net, but not on port 80.  I suspect firewall trouble on the ubuntu box. (It's a fresh install.) Where do I find logs for dropped packets?18:46
imperfect-Anyone here having issues getting vmware workstation/server to install on 10.10 ?18:46
Cars10WhiteDawn: i need to install vbox in a vbox to test before i do the real install. but of cause the first vbox will not be there18:46
Sean93cansu: here's what i used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:46
utilitytracketheretic1: How many it?18:47
erUSULSebboh: there is no firewall active by default in ubuntu18:47
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Cars10WhiteDawn: im not sure wich of the vboxes is the problem18:47
etheretic1utilitytrack: it what?18:47
WhiteDawnCars10, ubuntu should have installed the kernel modules for you allready. Not sure why you cant load the module18:48
gdoteofcan I build a 4tb fast file server that will serve windows and mac seemlessly?18:48
gdoteofout of ubuntu ^^18:48
WhiteDawnCars10, give this a shot "sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup"18:49
=== ePirat|away is now known as ePirat
danielsouzatI found a bug when updating to 10.10 from 10.04. Libc6 fails to update. I want to try it via chroot. But my 10.04 is x86_64 and I have only a 9.04 i686 to do the chroot as my CD/DVD is broken.18:49
danielsouzatIs it possible?18:49
cansuSean93 , not working :(18:49
Sean93when i use wget http://www.gamershell.com/download.html?id=63072&mirror=cdn&cat=demo&filename=Aion2.0.0.2_FullInstaller.zip&ts=1288114568&auth=oizrmokc I get the file http://pastebin.com/0vjY5aYR. how do i download the actual file?**18:49
rdw200169!firewall | Sebboh18:49
ubottuSebboh: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.18:49
utilitytracketheretic1: How many bad blocks on your external HDD18:49
yuvilioanyone know how to add the echo module to an ubuntu nginx binary? was wondering if there was a way to do it wihtout recompiling nginx18:50
Sean93cansu: what is the problem?18:50
Cars10WhiteDawn: sudo: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: command not found18:50
=== tiox1 is now known as tiox
cansuErrors were encountered while processing:18:50
cansu firmware-b43-installer18:50
cansuE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:50
nanovanyhow can I change to Español xD..18:51
Sebbohthanks erusul and rdw200169.18:51
etheretic1utilitytrack: can't investigate that now - busy analyzing another hdd w. testdisk.18:51
danielsouzatnanovany, type "/join #ubuntu-es"18:51
Sean93cansu: sorry, this is a bit above my head, i'm still a noob :P18:51
utilitytracketheretic1: Ok, good luck you.18:51
danielsouzatcansu,  run at the terminal "sudo dpkg --configure -a"18:52
etheretic1utilitytrack: thanks - 1.5tb+ data to recover - sleepless night.18:52
WhiteDawnCars10, ok you may be missing the modules run "sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules"18:52
=== whiten0ise1 is now known as whiten0ise
tioxSmall issue, folks.18:53
utilitytracketheretic1: What happened with this 1.5TB drive?18:54
Sanky_Hello, what should I try if the MS reader on my laptop doesn't work?  Nothing shows in dmesg if I place it in18:54
tioxI never noticed this until now, but when I use Emerald as the window decorator, the titlebar for Firefox is always a tab behind.18:54
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.18:54
Cars10WhiteDawn: i dont i think is the vbox in my vbox that the problem. Its the guestadds in the host18:54
cansudanielsouzat , didnt work18:55
tioxI don't know why it's unsupported, it's heads over heels better than GTK.18:55
danielsouzatcansu, what the system returned?18:55
cansudanielsouzat , you want me to paste the error to pastebin ??18:55
danielsouzatcansu, yes18:55
cansuok wait18:55
WhiteDawnCars10, possibly but the vbox in ubuntu wont run even if it wasnt virtualized if its missing the ose-modules18:55
cansudanielsouzat , http://paste.ubuntu.com/520275/18:56
Cars10WhiteDawn: i get an modprobe failure when i install them18:56
WhiteDawnCars10, did you run the command i told you to?18:56
resnowhat can i use to merge pdfs, and maitain syling?18:56
furi_so, if i am editing an irssi .theme file, what is the variable that is for highlighted messages? i need to verify just in case if it isn't "hilight"18:57
whiten0iseim pretty sure dealing with netmanager raised my heartrate.18:57
whiten0iseim just going to remove it and use wicd.18:58
cansudanielsouzat , any thoughts ??18:58
Cars10WhiteDawn: yes it is done. however i still get the same error on the vboxdrv afterwards18:58
brontoeeeresno, not sure, but there are plenty of pdf tools in 'software center'18:58
WhiteDawnCars10, yes but you should be able to run "sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start"18:58
WhiteDawnCars10, after installing the modules package that is18:59
cansudanielsouzat , any thoughts ??18:59
imperfect-I think do-release-upgrade has fubar'd me18:59
Cars10WhiteDawn: sudo: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: command not found19:00
bash1hi all19:00
WhiteDawnCars10, strange, it sould exist now. Sorry i have no idea19:00
Cars10WhiteDawn: np thx for your help19:01
pigmentI use Ubuntu 10.10 and have a webcam Logitech Sphere AF. Any ideea where I can find a driver for it?19:01
lagmaco: Hi, I have some things to try with your laptop (suspend/resume) where/when do would you like to meet?19:02
BenTheDesignerHi, anyone know how to completely remove mysql/mysql-server?19:02
BenTheDesignerinstalled via apt-get19:02
zer0c00lI am trying to install ubuntu from local network using PXE. Here is my pxelinux.cfg/defaut file http://pastebin.com/iqjVaeQT. The kernel stops telling me that "waiting for root file system". What i am doing wrong?19:02
=== marc is now known as Guest43041
atyz_apt-get remove mysql --purge19:02
utilitytrackBenTheDesigner: Use # aptitude purge19:02
cansunoone knows how to install that19:02
danielsouzatcansu, sorry I was out.19:03
atyz_utilitytrack: he can't use aptitude because he used apt-get19:03
danielsouzatcansu, try this: "sudo dpkg -i dpkg_1.15.8.4ubuntu3_amd64.deb libbz2-1.0_1.0.5-4ubuntu1_amd64.deb libselinux1_2.0.94-1_amd64.deb coreutils_8.5-1ubuntu3_amd64.deb libacl1_2.2.49-3_amd64.deb libattr1_1%3a2.4.44-2_amd64.deb"19:03
cansufirmware-b43-installer ?19:03
ikki_hello  evryone19:03
qpopHi guys19:03
=== Calinou_ is now known as Calinou
utilitytrackBenTheDesigner: Do you can use aptitude?19:03
cansudanielsouzat , more errros19:04
atyz_utilitytrack: he just said he used apt-get19:04
ikki_is  evryone alright??19:04
cansudanielsouzat , http://paste.ubuntu.com/520280/19:04
tilluxHi all, I've recently upgraded my mother's Samsung N130 from lucid to maverick, so it's now using the new unity interface. BUT the overview feature (when you click the ubuntu logo in the top left corner) doesn't seem to work - it displays the categories, but if you click on them a blank interface is shown19:05
danielsouzatcansu, The problem started whe you tried to install wirelles driver via jockey?19:06
lyraehowcome alt+prtsrcn doesnt work ?19:06
cansuwhat is jockey19:06
furiwhen i edit an irssi .theme file, what is the variable for highlighted text?19:06
cansudanielsouzat , it first occured when i tried to install b43-installer from additional drivers19:07
danielsouzatcansu, yes this is a know bug with jockey. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/65511119:07
danielsouzatcansu, one moment please.19:07
furiidk how this color thing works, i'm expireminting with a .theme file and testing what it'll do in the chat thing19:08
dasenis anyone here using unity? I'm using it, and love it, but miss some kind of favorites in the app menu19:08
furiwhat does %Y do in irssi?19:10
BenTheDesignerSorted my mysql problem, guys19:10
danielsouzatcansu download those two files http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/jockey-common19:10
goltoof_how to change permissions on read-only file system?  can't do anything as root19:11
asusCould anybody advice me a channel or server where I can talk about domain names?19:11
utilitytrackBenTheDesigner: Do you can use aptitude?19:11
wedwo-furi go to #ubuntu-offtopic and I'll help you there19:11
danielsouzatand install them with dpkg -i19:11
goltoof_I want to delete a bunch of stuff from a read only thumbdrive19:11
BenTheDesignerutilitytrack, no I used apt-get, I said that to start with19:11
cansudanielsouzat , i removed b43 and installed sta , will it solve my problem you think ?19:12
asusCould anybody advice me a channel or server where I can talk about domain names?19:12
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utilitytrackBenTheDesigner: Please check that aptitude installed: dpkg -l aptitude19:12
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BenTheDesignerutilitytrack, I'm NOT using aptitude19:13
danielsouzatcansu yes, I don't know it will work but it will resolve your problem19:13
cansudanielsouzat , how can i test it now :D19:13
utilitytrackBenTheDesigner: So, it installed or not? Just tell me.19:13
cansudanielsouzat , what was the name of the package for all codecs mp3 things that ubuntu install asks at first to install ?19:14
BenTheDesignerutilitytrack, yes aptitude is installed19:14
rdw200169goltoof: was the drive mounted as a read/write, or was it mounted read-only?19:14
flan_suseubuntu-restricted-extras ?19:14
Temarukhello everyone!19:15
utilitytrackatyz_: He can use aptitude, because it's installed.19:15
utilitytrackBenTheDesigner: Thanks.19:16
xtremoxhi how to install a style in gwibber?19:16
Temarukhave anyone met the "Fitness Ubuntu Feature"? (have to move mouse to make things load/work/run...) :-)19:16
cansudanielsouzat , thanks dude , it worked19:16
BenTheDesignerutilitytrack, what was the point of that? atyz_ only told you hat I did... That I used apt-get19:16
BenTheDesignerI asked how to remove mysql after installing with apt-get, not with aptitude19:17
lafferI'm following a tutorial on how to run win7 from another partition with virtualbox but i'm not getting there19:17
lafferany help with this?19:17
Quantum_IonBenTheDesigner, Use apt-get remove mysql19:17
tarovenlaffer: Any reason to run windows that wine won't cover?19:17
noisewaterphdapt-get remove packagename19:18
laffertaroven: but can i run it from the other partition with wine?19:18
atyz_BenTheDesigner: i answered your question19:18
atyz_apt-get remove mysql --purge19:18
Quantum_IonBenTheDesigner, apt-get --purge remove <package>19:18
noisewaterphdi believe he has been answered 4 times now19:19
Quantum_Ionapt-get clean19:19
tarovenlaffer: Wine is a compatibility layer that allows you to run most Windows programs in Linux.19:19
noisewaterphdapt-get selfdestruct19:19
utilitytrackBenTheDesigner: atyz_ should to realize that we can to use aptitude and apt-get together. No significant differences between them.19:19
zer0c00lCan i use the kernel and ramdisk included in  casper directory of a live cd to network install ubuntu?19:19
ThisistodeAnyone know if it is troublesome to create dual-boot19:19
atyz_utilitytrack: i know that19:19
ThisistodeIm on Ubuntu only and would like to create a Windows dualboot as well19:19
atyz_utilitytrack: but you cant install a package with aptitude and remove it with apt-get19:19
=== Guest32675 is now known as Syria
laffertaroven: but i have win 7 installed on a partition and i'm questioning if with wine i can run it19:20
zer0c00lIt keeps telling me "waiting for root file system" and goes back to shell19:20
flan_suselaffer, no, you can't.19:20
tarovenThisistode: I dual boot without any problems. Grub is awesome.19:20
dooglusI put ubuntu on a friend's laptop.  he recently upgraded to 10.10 and now tells me it won't hibernate if it's running on battery power19:20
flan_suselaffer, I understand what you're trying to do, but that's not how wine works.19:20
dooglusapparently it will hibernate if it's plugged in to the wall19:20
dooglusthis sounds unlikely to me - is it possible?19:20
utilitytrackatyz_: Good trolling.19:20
bash1thisistode the easy way is to install w7 first19:20
flan_suseTrolling? Um.19:20
dasenlaffer: I once managed to do that following a tutorial on the net, you have to edit the file of the virtual disk configuration to point it to a real disk, but I don't remember what exactly I did, and didn't keep a favorite of the tutorial.19:20
atyz_utilitytrack: i never trolled anyone19:20
Quantum_Ionyou mean Grub2 and it sucks19:20
atyz_i'm correct19:20
Temaruk@dooglus: i also have problems with 10.1019:20
ThisistodeYeah that's the problem I got Ubuntu installed already19:20
noisewaterphdlaffer: there is a utility to convert your win7 partition into a vbox or vmware appliance though19:21
ThisistodeAnd I really don't want to remove it or install it again or f- it up19:21
flan_susenoisewaterphd, but I think he wants to use wine, unless I didn't read back far enough.19:21
utilitytrackatyz_: You are wrong.19:21
dooglusTemaruk: hibernation problems?19:21
laffernoisewaterphd: ok. do you know it's name?19:21
tarovenlaffer: You can't run Windows under Wine - Wine is just a method of running specific programs. It's generally preferred to run the program instead of the OS when possible - If you really do need virtualization, I'd be happy to help you there. I just want to make sure that you're not trying to virtualize an OS on another partition when something far simpler can produce better results.19:21
Temaruknot yet :D i have other problems to solve, i have to always move the mouse to make things work19:22
dasennoisewaterphd: is there really?  I'd love to use that(I once managed to do it, but forgot how to)19:22
noisewaterphdlaffer, flan_suse, vmware player in unity mode will be far better than mucking around with wine19:22
flan_suselaffer, wine has gotten better over time. If there's a program you're trying to run, it might actually work out with wine 1.3.5,19:22
goltoofso i guess i'll ask again,  what should i do to format a protected drive?  gparted gives me no option19:22
bash1Thisistode, ok do19:23
Temarukim already after 2 days of opensuse 11.3, i couldnt make my wacom tablet (intuos4) work with that, but in Ubuntu 10.10, it works out of the box19:23
flan_susenoisewaterphd, I would think it depends. I use wine, since I only need to run a few applications. No need for the extra space and resources taken up by virtualization.19:23
lafferdasen: I'm following a tutorial that says that says I can run win7 with Vbox but I'm missing a step19:23
noisewaterphddasen: ya, I did it not too long ago, vbox and vmware both have a utility, I don't remember what they are called though, just google it19:23
bash1Thisistode, sorry what drive you installing w7 on?19:23
Tigger_Yum-YumThisistode the problem is that Windows is greedy, no matter what is already installed it will over-write any current bootloader (such as grub) with its own... If you were to install Windows AFTER ubuntu you would have to make sure to create seperate partitions and then use a bootloader live-cd to create a new bootloader19:23
tarovenThisistode: Grub should be installed automatically when you set up Ubuntu or just about any other Linux distro. If you install WIndows after Linux, then Windows takes over (and won't let you boot into Linux) - There's always ways to fix that though.19:23
aeon-ltdTemaruk: offtopic (kinda), but you should have tried mint, its known for its wider compatibility by stock19:23
ThisistodeSaw a way to fix it just now19:23
Thisistode(live CD and install grub again through a terminal)19:24
bash1there you go what Tigger__19:24
ThisistodeIm going to install WinXP on my built in HDD on my Netbook bash119:24
tarovenThisistode: Yep, that's the way. Should work just fine once you get Grub back up and doing its thing.19:24
peppiniellohello, i have a trouble19:24
Tigger_Yum-Yumi didnt notice the ubuntu live cd had such a feature Thisistode19:24
Tigger_Yum-Yumgood deal19:24
ThisistodeThanks for the help, going to read up a bit19:24
dasenlaffer: can you give me the link to that tutorial?19:25
tarovenTigger_Yum-Yum: The live cd has a lot of pleasant surprises.19:25
=== Malkavian is now known as Malkavian_
Temarukaeon-Itd: yeah, should have, im just slowly losing patience...i wasted 2 days already with installing OSs...19:25
Tigger__eh! bash1 ? lol19:25
ThisistodeBtw, do any of you guys recommend VMware insteadof dualboot?19:25
jinkThisistode: I recommend it for cases when you want both at the same time. :>19:26
ThisistodeIs it possible to run games on it?19:26
ThisistodeOr will it be so slow it's not worth it?19:26
Tigger_Yum-Yumi wouldnt recommend virtualization for home /family use19:26
bash1Thisistode, there are some hardware issues running w7 on vmware19:26
Tigger_Yum-Yumits more for testing purposes19:26
tarovenThisistode: What jink said. I dualboot myself, but I'm finding more and more than Wine covers anything I really need from Windows.19:26
Temarukaeon-Itd: so, did this happen to anyone else? that the mouse must constantly moved in order to make things run?19:26
aeon-ltdThisistode: no unless you were rockin i7 3.0ghz+ and a nvidia 300(+) GTX or higher to get any good experience with modern games19:26
DciteTemaruk: Is this over VNC?19:27
ThisistodeDo I want the vmware player or server?19:27
ThisistodeIm really confused about this thing19:27
peppinielloanybody to help me?19:27
goltoofso yeah it'd be nice if i could format this write protected thumb drive of mine....19:27
SyriaAfter installing Meerkat on the office desktop I've adjusted the system to log in automatically without asking me for a password, and now after booting and pressing enter on the user name I get 3 error messages one of them says that nautilus can't create a folder and you have to give permessions:( it is not booting how can i give permessions or do anything. :(19:27
lafferdasen: is it that tutorial?19:27
aeon-ltdTemaruk: no idea. sorry19:27
bash1Thisistode, just load it and fix grub thats the easy way19:27
DciteThisistode: Also have a looka19:27
Dciteerr Thisistode Also have a look at VirtualBox before you install VMware19:28
W3ird_N3rdis it possible to make the monitor turn off after 40 minutes? I now have to choose between 30 minuten and 1 hour, but I want 40 minutes :-(19:28
* jink hasn't tried VirtualBox (yet).19:28
cansuguys, i deleted charge displayer by mistake , how do i add it again ??19:28
glaucousCould permission problems in /var in any way screw up crontab commands? I can for instance not run GPU clock program, and not cpufreq-selector (as user). The commands do run (create empty log), but probably fails.19:28
DciteW3ird_N3rd: gconf-editor might have what you want.19:29
tarovencansu: You mean from the Gnome application/system tray panel?19:29
dasenlaffer: what ?  I don't understand...19:29
Syriacansu on the panel right click then chose add to panel.19:29
FloridaGuyanyone experencing problems with google loading slow...i even had the samething in mandriva....google as home page and open firefox and it takes a few a min to load19:29
lafferdasen: here's the url for the tutorial http://www.rajatarya.com/website/taming-windows-virtualbox-vm19:29
cansutaroven , Syria , yes from the tray.  i dont know which item it is19:29
lafferdasen: is that the one you saw?19:29
W3ird_N3rdcansu, go to power management, General tab, notification area.. and make sure you add the notification area item (which is an item just like the clock, network connection, etc)19:29
TemarukDcite: no, im sitting in front of my laptop, that has Ubuntu 10.10 running, after hours of installation, and hours of update19:29
cansustria , which is it ?19:29
tarovencansu: Rightclick the panel, Add to Panel -> Battery Charge Monitor (on mine at least)19:30
Syriacansu Are you talking about the battery tray?19:30
tarovenThen click Add.19:30
TemarukDcite: and it took hours, because i didn't notice that i had to move the mouse all time... :(19:30
cansusyria , yes19:30
bash1i dont get why it takes some people so long to load ubuntu19:30
W3ird_N3rdDcite, I suspect so, but if someone knows where the setting is, that would be helpful :)19:30
DciteTemaruk: I never knew of a system which is strange like that...19:30
bash110.10 is the easiest one yet?19:30
Syriacansu yes do what taroven has just said right click on the panel  Add to Panel -> Battery Charge Monitor19:30
DciteErr W3ird_N3rd Hold on =P19:30
cansuSyria , no such thing19:31
tarovencansu: Look through the list, it should be fairly obvious what things do by looking at them. If you don't see anything related to batteries, then there's another step or two to take.19:31
cansutaroven , how ??19:32
DciteW3ird_N3rd: In gconf-editor /apps/gnome-power-manager/timeout19:32
sandkinganyone use cuda toolkit? i need to downgrade it and i don't know if i can just install previous version or if i need to remove and install19:32
Syriacansu after clicking on add to panel just type battery, search in the items listed place it is the only place where you can add anything.19:32
bash1Temaruk, why?19:32
tarovencansu: Are you looking at the Add to Panel list?19:32
W3ird_N3rdcansu, iirc it's the notification area19:32
ThisistodeIs it possible to install a windows dualboot thing xp from an ISO on my Ubuntu OS?19:33
mistermeHow do you obtain the uconfig.h perl 5 header file in ubuntu?19:33
DciteTemaruk: What happens when you don'tmove the mouse? system stops completely?19:33
cansuno battrey word . .  yes i am on that list ,  it is not in the notifications area19:33
DciteTemaruk: Is that's the case, does it work properly while in ctrl+alt+F1 (You are in Ctrl+alt+F7 by default)19:33
W3ird_N3rdcansu, did you add the notification area?19:33
Syriacansu I am not using ubuntu right now. :( please search and try one of the listed items.19:34
cansuit has , mail thing , and wolume19:34
W3ird_N3rddo you have it set to always show icon in power management?19:34
cansui didnt do such thing19:34
DciteW3ird_N3rd, cansu: Maybe it needs to be told to always display the battery icon in the power properties under system19:34
cansuhow do i reset it19:35
bash1Thisistode, no you will need to burn it to a disk19:35
* Thisistode sigh19:35
SyriaW3ird_N3rd He removed it, he didn't check or un-chek boxes.19:35
Dcitecansu: System -> PReferences -> power management19:35
ThisistodeTroublesome bussiness19:35
bash1Thisistode, not really19:35
ThisistodeI have no CD driver on my netbook19:35
ThisistodeIll check if its possible to create a Live CD USB thing19:36
ThisistodeLike I did with Ubuntu19:36
DciteThisistode: Dualbooting on a netbook.. do you really have that much free space?19:36
Thisistode160gb HDD19:36
DciteThisistode: Netbooks don't really have the ost fire power.19:36
W3ird_N3rd System -> PReferences -> power management > General tab19:36
bash1there is an app to do it with w7 can't remember what is called brb19:36
* Dcite fades.19:36
cansuDcite , oh at last , thanks19:36
sandkinghow to quit x and then start it again?19:36
JimmyJohnCan anyone help me get ubuntu running? I've got it installed and had it up once but it crashed. it gives me a "child_rip" error at 0x0 and 0x20 every time i try to boot it19:36
IanWizardDcite: you'd be surprised, I'm on a net book with windows, ubuntu, debian, and VMs19:36
flan_suseDcite, I quad-boot on my netbook. ;)19:37
kn1017THE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO ASK YOU, ARE YOU CHATTING HARD OR HARDLY CHATTING? IRC.HARDCHATS.COM MIGHT BE FOR YOU! /JOIN #GNAA !!!GO NIGGER!!! kn1017 laclasse Rav3nSw0rd testi_ kazoo IanWizard bfiller delinquentme jsurfer DeEM0N Callum__ alakoo carlos2010 brontoeee jgay JimmyJohn sayanriju VCoolio ubuntuselur2 eyedol W3ird_N3rd jenkins rizzuh sandking D3814N CyberGabber pdusen denis_gonzo Kasjopaja U-b-u-n-t-u Malkavian_ swoody anton19:37
brontoeeewhat would be a  half-decet scanning utility?19:37
DciteIanWizard: I have a netbook with Ubuntu + a VM for XP for those activeX things.. not for games.19:37
bash1Thisistode, win2flash19:37
Jordan_Ubrontoeee: Simple-scan19:37
brontoeeeJordan_U, seems to be limited to jpg output only19:37
IanWizardDcite: mines for Windows also, so I can test sites on windows, without reboot19:38
LuciasHello, I have a problem regarding graphics drivers19:38
brontoeeeJordan_U, eh, found png just now, thanks19:38
Jordan_Ubrontoeee: You're welcome.19:38
LuciasOr well, I have a problem fixing the problem with graphics due to a problem with setting my xkb map.19:39
delinquentmeSOo if i want to shrink my main ubuntu OS partition to ... *weeps* make room for windows .. how it this best accomplished?? during a reboot with a live cd? or are there easier ways?19:39
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:39
IanWizarddelinquentme, nope, that's the best way,19:39
SyriaAnybody has an idea why this happened please? After installing Meerkat on the office desktop I've adjusted the system to log in automatically without asking me for a password, and now after booting and pressing enter on the user name I get 3 error messages one of them says that nautilus can't create a folder and you have to give permessions:( it is not booting how can i give permessions or do19:40
Syriaanything. :(19:40
IanWizardbut I tried that and had to wipe everything (after backups were made) and install windows first.19:40
shane4ubuntuI imported my f-spot stuff, imported a 2009 folder, and shotwell still refuses to show any pictures in 2009, any ideas???19:40
LuciasIt appears that my swedish dvorak keyboard layout won't allow me to use slashes in a TTY terminal, hence I am unable to go to the config file I need to change. Setxkbmap only tells be "Cannot open display 'default display'".19:40
LuciasI thought setxkbmap was supposed to work in bash and not require a GUI. Is there any tool for changing my xkb map in a terminal?19:41
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines19:41
glaucousI have a script which does an infinite while [ 1 ] loop, and sleeps 1 minute at the end of each iteration. However, doing normal "stop process" on it doesn't seem to work, only killing the script works. Perhaps there's a way to stop the loop/script without having to _KILL_ it?19:42
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
W3ird_N3rdDcite, thanks thanks thank! I just returned to my computer after 31 minutes (which happens quite often) so you can imagine how badly I wanted to increase this value a little bit :D set to 2400 seconds now :)19:42
Jordan_Uglaucous: while sleep 6019:42
nibbieri'm using maximus, and some windows get maximised with, and others without showing the window title bar. how can i get this one hidden for all windows?19:42
Jordan_Uglaucous: Then if sleep is interrupted the while loop terminates.19:43
nibbier(unmaximise, maximise shows the titlebar also for those windows where it was hidden before, getting rid of this would be extragood)19:43
glaucousJordan_U, while [ sleep 60 ] ? Or how do I check if the sleep is interrupted?19:43
Dciteglaucous: Can't 'kill' it with SIGSTOP and SIGCONT ?19:43
Maahes_I tried to upgrade my kernel and it fails to create the initrd image what can I do? http://pastebin.com/3HieTV7c19:44
DciteThough I gues that misses the scripts processse =/19:44
glaucousDcite, right now I'm using System Monitor. And only End/Kill process works, not Stop Process19:45
Dciteglaucous: Unfortunately I don't have the resources to be of help at the moment then.19:46
nanovanyhow can I see the emesene version that I have?19:46
Jordan_Uglaucous: In bash while runs a command and checks the exit status of that command. If you look you'll see that /usr/bin/[ is a command like any other. So literally: while sleep 60; do echo hello, world; done19:46
bindiI'm using ubuntu on my HTPC, and I have a slight problem. Even though I am using the correct resolution, the image is sized incorrectly (overscan?) and I cant find any options to change this. Ubuntu 10.04, 42" TV using DVI-HDMI. Intel integrated graphics (core i3 530)19:47
ubottuTo set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns.html19:47
ubottuThe Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/19:48
aeon-ltdnanovany: in synaptics, or 'about emesene' in the actual application19:48
Sikthcan anyone break this down for me <for f in *.php; do mv "$f" "${f%.php}.html"; done> Ive looked on the net but found nothing19:49
adahlinhi everyone I'm having some trouble getting X forwarding working. it works for root, but not users... i think i have all the ssh stuff configured correctly, but I guess not. thoughts on where to start?19:49
nanovanyaaah, thanks aeon-ltd !!19:49
adahlinSikth, looks like it renames all .php files -> .html19:49
Sikthadahlin, yeah thats what it does, but I just copied and pasted it off the net, and want to break it all down, like what does 'forr f in> ectt..ectt mean?19:50
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JohnnyLhow do you remove apache via apt-get?19:51
kazooOkay for "/etc/bind/named.conf.options" if i keep it to will it bind to all hosts?19:51
kazooJohnnyL, sudo apt-get remove apache219:51
adahlinSikth, it's a bash script, google "bash scripting tutorial".. that should help. it's pretty standard stuff except the ${f%.php}.html, that's some bash magic...19:51
JohnnyLkazoo: I get: 'it's not installed' if I try that.19:51
kazooThen Apache is not installed on your system.19:52
glaucousJordan_U, indeed that works, thank you.19:52
Jordan_Uglaucous: You're welcome.19:52
plouffeIs it possible to use one Ubuntu computer to give internet access to other computers on the local network? What software is needed?19:52
kazooShould i keep it to my host ip or can i use
kazooplouffe, do you mean you wan't to run a server farm?19:53
shadyabhiplouffe: You can  use ssh for using SOCKS proxy19:53
JimmyJohnHey. I just got a new kernel from a guy who compiled it using a patch for a bios error on some toshibas. what do i need to do to implement this on my own pc to fix the error?19:53
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php19:53
plouffeshadyabhi,  good idea, thanks19:53
Sikthadahlin, lol okay, thanks mate19:53
adahlinSikth, http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/string-manipulation.html look for the heading "${string%substring}"19:53
adahlinSikth, np19:54
bindiplouffe: check that out19:54
plouffebindi,  thanks19:54
shadyabhiplouffe: From other computer on LAN, just do ssh -D 1080 user@ip...19:54
Guest78002i wonder if someone could help me. i am wanting the snow effect on compiz fusion. i am running 10.10 and was if any could help me ?19:54
bindiid' really want my problem fixe19:55
JimmyJohnSo I've got this kernel which was compiled to work around a bios error on my system. What do I have to do to implement this?19:55
^c|0ud^for some reason 10.10 doesnt let me run my OS of a usb.. I can only use 10.0419:56
^c|0ud^not sure why.19:56
mkanyicyGuest37232, what is 'snow effect'?19:56
TechMiXHi all, Why is this problem? : whenever I plug the monitor port into my laptop everything freeze and the solution is rebooting! ... if I wanted to use the monitor output, i have to shutdown the laptop, plug the port, and boot the os. is there anyway to fix this?19:56
dvanstonedoes anyone know a how to use dvc as webcast19:56
mkanyicyGuest37232, not you, sorry19:56
Guest39498its the unsupported snow effect on compiz19:57
dvanstonewait anyone awke yet19:57
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bash1mkanyicy, hes gone19:57
hell_razeri have booted from livecd ubuntu 10.04 and apt-get install openssh-server19:57
hell_razerand now want to connect19:57
mkanyicybash1, I see19:57
hell_razerwhich is default passwords for root and ubuntu?19:57
Guest39498anyone the command to install the unsupported compiz plugins19:58
^c|0ud^it seems when 10.10 boots up it just shows up as a black screen. any suggestions?19:58
mkanyicyhell_razer, there is no default password for root19:58
JimmyJohnYou've gotta be kidding me that nobody in here knows how to use a new kernel. The installed ubuntu doesn't work. I have a kernel which fixes it. What the hell do I do with it19:58
mkanyicyhell_razer, use 'sudo'19:58
sandkingi got apple aluminium keyboard and my function keys work with additional functions (volume down/up etc) but i want standard set (f1-f12) keys - how can i do that?19:58
^c|0ud^but I can install it no problem just after the install process19:58
sandkingto use standard function keys i need to press"fn" key, so it works in reverse to what i though it would work19:58
hell_razermkaay: ssh -lroot no pass => login error19:59
dvanstonemkanyicee I thought he was asking the :19:59
LuciasHello, I attempted to install the proprietary drivers for my ATI Radeon 4670, hoping it would help me get Minecraft working.. Now everything graphical is lagging and I'm unable to use Compiz.19:59
LuciasAny ideas?19:59
bash1JimmyJohn, http://www.sysdesign.ca/guides/linux_kernel.html19:59
nanovanywhat is the best program to chat?19:59
nanovanyemesene, amsn, pidgin?19:59
mkanyicyhell_razer, what happens when you do that as user 'ubuntu'?20:00
nanovanyand which of the soport web cam?20:00
hell_razermkanyicy: its ask password20:00
bash1JimmyJohn, but you dont need the wget bit just untar the kernel you have20:00
Luciasnanovany, it's very much about your own opinion, I believe amsn and possibly emesene have webcam support.20:00
Guest39498Unable to locate package compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported HELP ?20:00
hell_razermkanyicy: i used sudo -s then passwd ubuntu20:00
mkanyicyhell_razer, and then?20:01
mkanyicyhell_razer, im interested20:01
Steven_Krebstried leaving it blank?20:01
W3ird_N3rdnanovany, XChat?20:01
hell_razermkanyicy: ant then login ower ssh - everything is ok20:01
Luciasnanovany, Empathy might have webcam support (the built-in chat application for Ubuntu)20:01
zerwaswhat could cause that a system stops booting at "VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem) on device 2:1"? (no kernel panic, system still reacts if i plug in usb devices)20:01
mkanyicyhell_razer, that should be fine20:01
bash1JimmyJohn, and grub the end not lilo20:01
mkanyicyhell_razer, you can do the same with root, if you must20:01
caoticon a X-less ubuntu, how can I register the ssh service to start (and start every time the machine boots )20:01
mattt_Can anyone tell me what the directory /var/lib/apt/lists/partial is for?20:02
mkanyicyhell_razer, 'sudo passwd'20:02
hell_razermkanyicy: yes, but is strange that i cant google any default pass eg root test ubuntu20:02
Guest39498where do i go to get help on problems with ubuntu is20:02
caoticGuest39498: I think this and the forums are the right place20:02
W3ird_N3rdcaotic, http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/11410720:02
dvanstonehow do I change rooms in chat?20:03
shane4ubuntudoes anyone know how to fix the exif data in images to change the date picture was taken?20:03
bash1lol @jimmyjohn your welcome20:03
caotic dvanstonedepends on your irc application20:03
Jyggahi trying to build a package from source with checkinstall. It breaks at the Requirements part, it has 3 requirements zlib1g-dev libpcre3-dev and openssl, i tried to put them in there exactly like that which gives a syntax error after the first one. Do i have to separate them by "," or sth?20:03
caotic dvanstone: depends on your irc application20:03
Quantum_Ionmattt_,  /var is where Ubuntu dumps a lot of stuff20:03
Jyggai realise that its just a gui to build the command line options so i guess there has to be some delimiter in tehre20:03
mkanyicyhell_razer, the fresh install is such that the 'root' password is disabled (or is not set whatever way you see it)20:03
shane4ubuntuI have a bunch that I thought I fixed with f-spot, but it didn't seem to make a permanent change20:03
mattt_Quantum_Ion, I know what /var is.. I'm curious what that specific directory is used for by apt20:04
W3ird_N3rdcaotic, got link?20:04
mkanyicyhell_razer, hence I am not suprised by what you are observing20:04
mattt_turns out it's in the apt-get manual..20:04
dvanstoneWell I thought this was freenode not ubuntu chaotic20:04
Quantum_Ionmattt_, usually /var20:04
furisorry about this being kinda off-topic, but this is the only place i can ask... what is the #metroid channel for, here on freenode?20:04
Quantum_Ionmattt_, you can purge /var using debfoster20:04
caoticW3ird_N3rd: yeah, but not sure if that is is that is the info I am looking for ( each distro has their service wrappers for start, restart, stop  [status])20:05
mkanyicymattt_, what do you want to achieve?20:05
mattt_mkanyicy, trying to figure out what looks like a bug with apt-get20:05
W3ird_N3rdcaotic, it helped me set up oscom to load at boot20:05
caoticW3ird_N3rd: err: rephrasing every distro has their own wrappers for start, restart, stop  [status] of their services )20:05
shane4ubuntueek, what an overwhelming response to the exif data editing. that isn't good.20:05
VCoolioJygga: the dependencies you can install with apt-get, with spaces as delimiters, not with checkinstall; and why does checkinstall complain? You need './configure' and 'make' first20:06
ThisistodeI forgot what the program to make an Ubuntu usb booter was called20:06
gmitrevhey guys20:06
bash1mattgyver, /var/cache/apt/archives20:06
Quantum_Ionmattt_, apt-get install debfoster20:06
gmitrevi have an ugly problem after updating20:06
bash1sorry wrong matt20:06
gmitrevfrom 10.04 to 10.1020:06
Quantum_Ionmattt_,  debfoster — weed unnecessary Debian packages20:06
ThisistodeWhats the program called again?20:07
gmitrevi cannot login in gui20:07
JyggaVCoolio checkinstall asks to fill out a "Requires" field in the interactive process, i was asking about that20:07
caoticW3ird_N3rd: I may usefull for me to learn the distro independent way to configure the rc.d, but for now I will focus on what ubuntu uses for manipulating that registry20:07
gmitrevthe login screen keeps coming after i write my username and password20:07
ubottuMail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com20:07
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html20:07
caoticerr: It will be usefull ("may" doesnt apply really, since I know it will be )20:07
gmitrevi can still access the terminal and when i do20:07
gmitrevit says there are problems with the PATH var20:07
ubottudebfoster is a command to weed unnecessary .deb packages. See http://www.fruit.eu.org/debfoster/20:07
mkanyicymattt_, good luck20:07
gmitrevi cant use commands like ls20:08
gmitrevand should write /usr/bin/ls instead20:08
gmitrevany advices?20:08
mkanyicygmitrev, thats bad20:09
tensorpuddinggmitrev: that sounds problematic20:09
tensorpuddinggmitrev: have you tried booting recovery?20:09
mrk_i have a problem with opening 'help' since upgrading to 10.4 which may be due to a known bug associated with xulrunner - pasted the strace on http://paste.ubuntu.com/520316/ is there anyone who can help me interpret it?20:09
mkanyicygmitrev, do this 'export PATH=$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin'20:10
VCoolioJygga: as far as I understood, try comma, no spaces, so dep1,dep2,dep320:10
gmitrevin the terminal?20:10
mkanyicygmitrev, that will try to set the PATH environment variable20:10
gmitrevi checked /etc/environment20:10
gmitrevand it's ok20:11
gmitrevim rebooting to try this, thanks :)20:11
tensorpuddinggmitrev: does /bin/ls work?20:11
mkanyicygmitrev, and what about 'echo $PATH'20:11
tensorpuddinggmitrev: and what about 'pwd'20:12
nebpoHi, using a laptop/synaptics, how can I simulate left-right both press like mouse middle button?20:12
mkanyicygmitrev, does that show the same thing as /etc/environment ?20:12
tensorpuddingpwd is a shell-builtin, so it should definitely work20:12
bartosz_what does it mean "mutter bitter" in english20:12
gmitrev@mkanycy i think so20:12
gmitrevi recently edited /etc/environment to add android PATH var20:12
bartosz_any1 knows i need traslate it20:12
bartosz_what does it mean "mutter bitter" in english20:13
gmitrevbut never changed anything else20:13
tensorpuddingbartosz_: context?20:13
JyggaVCoolio yes , works20:13
tensorpuddingbartosz_: it mutter being used as a verb?20:13
hasenhi every body20:13
hasenis here any some one help me?20:13
bartosz_coontext : and then he began to mutter bitter curses against me, or the evil fortune that had brought me there20:13
jarleAfter updating to Ubuntu 10.10 none of the AdobeAIR apps is able to open links in external browser, anybody experienced similar problems?20:13
haseni wanna make IRC channel20:13
svendHi. I'm having some weird problems with skype and pulseaudio. Whenever i chat with someone on skype my microphone "lags". They have to call, and then hang up a few times, before it works again. Any idea, on how i solve this?20:13
mrk_'ENOENT (No such file or directory)' for a file which should be there ...http://paste.ubuntu.com/520316/ - can anyone help please?20:14
tensorpuddingbartosz_: mutter means to speak, bitter refers to the curses20:14
RedSingularityAny terminal commands out there to display the window manager a user is using?20:14
tensorpuddingbartosz_: bitter meaning nasty or cruel in this instance20:14
__dasen__Has anyone tried unity? It rocks!!! IT's gonna blow windows out of the water!20:14
jwgoerlichIs there a trick to enabling Unity on Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook under VirtualBox 3.2.10 r66523? VBox 3D acceleration is enabled but I still get: "No required driver detected for Unity."20:15
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bartosz_tensorpudding, mutter is some slang word?20:15
tensorpuddingbartosz_: no, definitely not slang20:15
haseni wanna make IRC channel, how can i make it?20:15
bartosz_tensorpudding, wo hat does it mean..mutter is mother in german20:15
tensorpuddingbartosz_: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mutter20:15
jarlemrk_: You have gecko installed I presume?20:15
littlebearzhasen: get a server edition of the IRC20:15
fneuwaldI'm making a script to install my own application, and trying to install mysql-server using "aptitude install mysql-server -y" - but, when on installation procedure, aptitude ask me for mysql root password. there is some way to aptitude don't ask mysql root password, or I inform some password via script?20:15
bt4bartosz coś pisał20:16
mrk_jarle: i believe gecko is part of the gnome installation20:16
tensorpuddingbartosz_: in german it's translated to murmeln20:16
bt4bartosz_, elo20:16
bartosz_tensorpudding, ok thx20:16
hasenlittlebearz: what do you mean by server edition of IRC?20:16
bartosz_cze bt420:16
tensorpuddingbartosz_: in polish, mamrocze20:17
bt4bartosz_,  co tam chciałeś bo dopiero włączyłem xchat20:17
tensorpuddingaccording to google translate, i do not know polish20:17
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList20:17
bartosz_bt4,  nic20:17
mkanyicyRedSingularity, you mean window manager (like metacity, compiz, emerald ...) or desktop manager (gnome, kde, xfce, ...)20:17
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mkanyicyfneuwald, I don't think its worth to automate that, installation is once off20:18
fneuwaldmkanyicy: how?20:19
mkanyicyfneuwald, why do you want to write a script to install mysql server?20:19
hasen littlebearz: what do you mean by server edition of IRC?20:19
mrk_jarle, ca i dialogue with you please?20:19
etheretic1anyone proficient in the use of testdisk here?20:20
jarlemrk_: sure20:20
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:20
fneuwaldmkanyicy: no problem, could be, but how can I install via aptitude passing the mysql root password to aptitude?20:20
eblumeHi. My workstation (Ubuntu 10.04 amd64) uses a wired lan. I am attempting to set up bridged networking for a virtual machine, and went to edit my /etc/network/interfaces file to do this. However, I was alarmed to find that it has no networking information in it. How is my eth0 adapter configured if it isn't listed there?20:20
tensorpuddingfneuwald: http://www.posteet.com/view/206020:20
hasenhey guys, how can i make my own IRC channel?20:20
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tensorpuddingfneuwald: might need someupdating, but that looks like what you want20:21
fneuwaldtensorpudding: tsks man20:21
etheretic1hasen: /join #channel-which-doesn't-exist20:21
mkanyicyfneuwald, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98180120:21
eblumehasen - there is an easy answer to your question, but it would be misleading. Please read http://freenode.net/faq.shtml20:21
fneuwaldtensorpudding and mkanyicy, tks a lot, that's it what I need20:22
haseneblume: thanks, but i have read those manuals, there were written some commands that i couldn't understand where should i type them?20:22
eblumeHasen - depending on your client, the command is almost always /join #channel20:23
haseneblume: thanks at all, let see20:23
johnbyrnehi guys20:24
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eblumeAsking another way - My eth0 interface isn't listed in /etc/network/interfaces - how is it being configured?20:24
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eblumePhillip: Help how?20:24
johnbyrneI got a real problem with my eth0 connection on Meerkat....anyone keen to help?20:24
slidinghorn!ask | johnbyrne20:25
ubottujohnbyrne: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:25
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Jyggawhy does dpkg complain about /etc/nginx beeing a directory here?=> dpkg: nginx: warning - conffile `etc/nginx' is not a plain file or symlink (= `/etc/nginx')20:26
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Jyggais that some inconsistency with the configure process of that particular source? (nginx)20:26
pplqywnqTHE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO ASK YOU, ARE YOU CHATTING HARD OR HARDLY CHATTING? IRC.HARDCHATS.COM MIGHT BE FOR YOU! /JOIN #GNAA !!!GO NIGGER!!! pplqywnq CajunLANMan droopal duckydan ericm|ubuntu dlyneswork Bliepo Calinou DeathCrawler swalker_ doomperdicion dixond gregL MTecknology astra-x gravitus le0 johnbyrne dorogon herent marjo r3mix maxb Docteh nagaozen_ ede oldmanstan eZet mikebeecham rusivi LWSdEsigNs alexlea stigat circuitz la20:26
tensorpuddingJygga: what was dpkg supposed to be doing?20:26
pplqywnqTHE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO ASK YOU, ARE YOU CHATTING HARD OR HARDLY CHATTING? IRC.HARDCHATS.COM MIGHT BE FOR YOU! /JOIN #GNAA !!!GO NIGGER!!! c6h12o6free xangua lollo64it rmk PeterEH __dasen__ koltroll DBO jarle littlebearz Kaidelong bartosz_ hasen nebpo wilk furi lewnidas_ LouisJB dinodinis ezraw ayush Steerpike Gujs sacarlson arescorpio guntbert totaam Nertil DrManhattan krabador BeWolF ^c|0ud^ Shishire Soothsayer mrk_ Jygga overl20:26
pplqywnqTHE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO ASK YOU, ARE YOU CHATTING HARD OR HARDLY CHATTING? IRC.HARDCHATS.COM MIGHT BE FOR YOU! /JOIN #GNAA !!!GO NIGGER!!! mvn072 iSkin zesoze plouffe Sikth adahlin BuZZ-dEE1 bfiller Kerias ahisome r0000t Ari| Lucias awe tomatto_ arif_ali testi_ kazoo delinquentme jsurfer DeEM0N alakoo carlos2010 brontoeee jgay VCoolio ubuntuselur2 eyedol jenkins rizzuh CyberGabber pdusen U-b-u-n-t-u Malkavian_ swoody antonpiatek 20:26
pplqywnqTHE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO ASK YOU, ARE YOU CHATTING HARD OR HARDLY CHATTING? IRC.HARDCHATS.COM MIGHT BE FOR YOU! /JOIN #GNAA !!!GO NIGGER!!! Enissay[Away] gilaniali stiltwater toxictux aeon-ltd driverdavid cece asus lyrae Yegor1 blubloblu dan512 aguitel mzgrideng di_giorgio bfox bigbrovar zer0c00l|zZz OiPenguin tankdriver FUN bash1 choonming tohtori StrangeCharm Sanky_ mathuaerknedam Carnage\ yuvilio T44 patcito gdoteof fnmueller s20:26
pplqywnqTHE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO ASK YOU, ARE YOU CHATTING HARD OR HARDLY CHATTING? IRC.HARDCHATS.COM MIGHT BE FOR YOU! /JOIN #GNAA !!!GO NIGGER!!! elkclone resno Biolunar ih8myx Zonetti slow-motion tecoholic v0idnull wainer Protocol84 tyfighter jrocha jumbojet_31 Para-ko l34k v-himanshu wemaflo mdpatrick Steven_Krebs geekpunk florian__ hudnix jrolland-ubuntu KindOne magnet trois_1 tensorpudding Chell ring1 Tigger__ SirDidi themill zackc420:26
pplqywnqTHE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO ASK YOU, ARE YOU CHATTING HARD OR HARDLY CHATTING? IRC.HARDCHATS.COM MIGHT BE FOR YOU! /JOIN #GNAA !!!GO NIGGER!!! Muffler s1kx- dzup2 F|ReSTaRT jiga SamRastin cbush15 jtrucks shadyabhi Tomcat_ha Error404NotFound Sh4wn ViN86 xunilresu badland Bossmanbeta mkquist v3nd3tta`` geoffrey_ Dekko Zeit|awy evident xiong AlbertoP nlawson MasterOfDisaster thos jeremydei bindi Vanadis xerox1 Spyzer r40 MPX jamur2 abkn20:26
pplqywnqTHE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO ASK YOU, ARE YOU CHATTING HARD OR HARDLY CHATTING? IRC.HARDCHATS.COM MIGHT BE FOR YOU! /JOIN #GNAA !!!GO NIGGER!!! InJaKi Therstrium OzoNe Friar geenna mkanyicy solifugus nicoInattendu dngr westmi oski YWork kermit Maxwell pizza-dude esperegu mack claw tchad asig funnylookinhat iYorkie [ND] j6dyck Finnish blackxored coz_ Cleo harjot goshawk Evixion raidghost rooks or4n jcrawford |Zippo| nathan7 wedwo- fgh 20:26
johnbyrneI just updated Meerkat and now my eth0 won't work, I tried powering down completely but no joy, and the live CD (pre update) still works. Any ideas?20:26
tensorpuddingJygga: what was dpkg supposed to be doing?20:26
Jyggainstalling the package i build with checkinstall20:27
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tensorpuddingand nginx was one of them?20:27
blublobluGNAA trolling? What a blast from the past.20:27
Jyggauhm yes tensorpudding20:27
Maahes_I tried to upgrade my kernel and it fails to create the initrd image what can I do? http://pastebin.com/3HieTV7c20:27
Maahes_blubloblu, I know right?20:27
Jyggaits cp'ing the config files to that folder and everything20:28
RedSingularitymkanyicy:  window manager20:28
Jyggabut prints that warning twice20:28
kazoohighlighting me20:28
tensorpuddingdoes the install script create that directory?20:28
Seeker`kazoo: just ignore it20:28
Maahes_johnbyrne, did you upgrade the kernel?20:28
Jyggatest -d '/etc/nginx'            || mkdir -p '/etc/nginx'20:29
Jyggaso yes20:29
johnbyrneI did a standard "Update manager" update, but I don't think the kernel was involved20:29
samuelkadolphHello. I'm resizing an ntfs parition using GParted and read that you have to turn the "round to cylinders" option off to not break Windows. I can't find this option in 0.6.2, was it removed?20:29
Sanky_Epic fail spam20:29
BliepoHello, I have a problem with my touchpad. When I use the middle mouse button, it acts exactly the same as the left mouse button. When I change the mouse mapping for the left button (so it acts like the right button), the middle button mapping is changed in the same way. Does anyone know how to fix this, so my middle mouse button functions normally again?20:29
LuciasHello. I tried reverting to open source drivers from proprietary drivers when I was getting bad performance. Now when I run Ubuntu, I only recieve a purple screen. What to do?20:30
lafferi get this with vbox - Please install the virtualbox-ose-dkms package and execute modprobe vboxdrv as root but it returs FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.20:30
JyggaBliepo obviously there is a different driver for your 3 button touchpad (which is odd btw)20:30
mkanyicyRedSingularity, you have to use 'ps' and 'grep'20:30
BliepoJygga, how can I make it use the correct driver then?20:30
Luciaslaffer: Did you install the virtualbox-ose-dkms?20:30
gmitrevthanks for the help, guys20:31
gmitrevproblem solved20:31
johnbyrneMaashes_: should I have upgraded the kernel? And how can I do that now, without a live connection?20:31
lafferLucias: yes20:31
mkanyicyRedSingularity, like 'ps -e | grep compiz'20:31
Luciaslaffer, then I have no idea20:31
JyggaBliepo i got no idea which exact model is used in your notebook20:31
Jyggaso you will have to find that out first and then google a lot20:31
dlynesworkAre there any backports of 2.6.32 for Jaunty?20:32
Maahes_johnbyrne, have you tried sudo ifdown eth0 sudo ifup eth0?20:32
BliepoJygga, it is a HP Elitebook 8530w, if that is of any help. Is there a way to see which toucpad is used?20:32
dlynesworkWe need to get a kernel with pause frames ability for the forcedeth driver20:32
CajunLANManDoes anyone here run Bonic, that might be able to give me some advice on setting it up?20:32
kazoohaha it's a 200.* ip20:32
kazoototal drone ip20:32
johnbyrneMaahes_ , I tried sudo ifconfig eth0 down (and up) in that order but no dice20:32
tim__hey i accidently deleted /lib/plymouth/themes folder. What is the fastest way to replace those files20:32
tensorpuddingtim__: grab it from backups20:33
VCooliotim__: apt-get install --reinstall plymouth ?20:33
johnbyrneMaahes_, are ifdown and ifup different? I thought they were equivalent to ifconfig up and down20:33
tensorpuddingyes, or reinstall plymouth20:34
tim__says it installed20:34
Maahes_johnbyrne, they are.20:34
mkanyicytim__, but what were you doing with using 'rm' as a root?20:34
tim__apt-get remove20:34
xanguadlyneswork: i believe jaunty is no longer supported, or at least very close20:34
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.20:34
tim__i wasn't i moved a file to plymouth/themes and it deleted /themes20:35
__dasen__Hi guys I upgraded from Karmic to maverick, but the titlebars aren't in the color of the new color scheme of gnome, does anyone know how to change it?20:35
mkanyicytim__, --reinstall will remove and install20:35
tim__used mv- t ect...20:35
horrible__dasen__: switch to the new theme20:36
mkanyicytim__, well well well20:36
tim__mkanyicy, tsk tsk i know20:36
__dasen__horrible: how do I do that (sorry for being so dumb, but I can't find the app to change theme)20:37
heikois there an obvious way to add a program launcher to the "start menu" in ubuntu netbook 10.10?20:37
Maahes_johnbyrne, pastebin the output ifconfig eth020:37
tim__mkanyicy, apt-get --reinstall right?20:37
Maahes_I tried to upgrade my kernel and it fails to create the initrd image what can I do? http://pastebin.com/3HieTV7c20:37
horrible__dasen__: it's in the "appearance" preferences20:37
MagusOTBHow do I set up my sound so that things can't lock down the soundcard?20:38
area51pilot__dasen__: system>preferences/appearence20:38
tim__mkanyicy, never mind20:38
johnbyrneMaahes_: I'll have to go offline for a bit to do that. I'm in a hotel room and my laptop is now running off the Live CD. It's the only way I can get a connection. So I'll have to restart (again) check it and come back. OK?20:38
horribleMagusOTB: set up your apps to use Pulseaudio, if they support it20:38
MagusOTBcause whether or not I can get everything to play sounds seems to be completely arbitrary. and MPD and flash doing it appear to be mutually exclusive, retardless of the fact that MPD is supposed to run through pulse20:38
Maahes_johnbyrne, no you can mount your laptop's hard drive20:39
Maahes_you don't have to boot into it20:39
__dasen__horrible: thanx, it worked :)20:39
horribleMagusOTB: flash will block anything else, it has nothing to do with pulse20:39
MagusOTBhorrible: but the OS sounds work.20:39
mehworkhow can i install google chrome?20:39
johnbyrneOK....I'll mount the drive...hang on20:39
Maahes_MagusOTB, if you're using pulseaudio you should have separate dsp's for each application20:39
LuciasHello, I tried to install the proprietary drivers for my ATI Radeon 4670, however the performance fell. I decided to try to revert to the Open Source-drivers, and now when I boot up normally i just see a purple screen.20:39
johnbyrneMaahes_ : OK...I'll mount the drive....hang on20:40
MagusOTBMaahes_: Yeah, that makes sense, but MPD just straight up makes no sound about every other time I reboot20:40
horrible__dasen__: cheers20:40
furiguys, i've been trying to install the n52te on my computer, and these nostromo-for-linux things aren't working. the installation made it up to the daemon, which starts, but doesn't detect the n52, because the mappings remain the same.20:41
xanguamehwork: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser20:41
dlynesworkxangua, just what i wanted to hear :o20:41
mehworkxangua: why chromium? i thouught you can install google chrome beta now?20:41
johnbyrneMaahes_ : OK...drive mounted....but won't ifconfig respond to my current configuration (in RAM)? Because it's currently working with the Live CD.20:42
MagusOTBIt thinks it's making sound, it doesn't complain about being unable to open the sound device, it just does nothign and doesn't show up in the sound preferences under applications20:42
Maahes_ah, yeah you're right20:42
xanguamehwork: because is open source¿ then go to chrome page and download it20:42
dlynesworkxangua, We've put off upgrading to 9.1/10.04/10.1 because of startup race conditions in the scripts with nfs when using pxeboot...9.04 is the last release that actually works properly with that20:42
slidinghornmehwork, it's been available for a long time...however, at least in my experience, chromium has been less of a problem -- I usually recommend it over chrome itself20:42
horriblehi, how do i deactivate IPv6 in Ubuntu? (completely deactivate the IPv6 stack, not just remove the v6 IP number)20:43
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zealiodcan i pass all traffic to and from a vlan to another interface using iptables?20:44
johnbyrneMaahes_ : I did do an ifconfig eth0 when booted into the hard drive, and the system just doesn't seem to be seeing the network. The interface appears to be functioning and goes down and up upon command.20:44
Nertilhow to edit eth0 ip adreses20:44
RedSingularitymkanyicy:  That did the trick.  Thanks!20:44
=== ePirat is now known as ePirat|away
horrible!away | ePirat|away20:45
ubottuePirat|away: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»20:45
=== Enissay[Away] is now known as Enissay
horrible!away > Enissay20:45
ubottuEnissay, please see my private message20:45
hacked_kernelhow can I know if my laptop touchpad has multitouch support or not?20:45
zealiodahh, annoying20:45
johnbyrneNertil: Right clicdck the network icon and choose edit connections, then click Wired, then click Edit, then IPV4 and edit away20:45
Nertili own ubuntu server20:46
Nertilno desktop20:46
horribleNertil: you could have told us20:46
heikois there an obvious way to add a program launcher to the "start menu" in ubuntu netbook 10.10?20:46
xanguaheiko: launch 'alacarte' and edit the menu20:46
Nertilso now i dont deserv to know20:47
Nertilhow to edit etho ip adreses on server ?20:47
zniavregood evening20:47
k56731Nertil: edit /etc/network/interfaces20:47
johnbyrneNertil : Sorry.....I'm not familiar enough with Server to help you20:47
horribleNertil: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html20:47
k56731Nertil: And change the line "address"20:47
johnbyrneMaahes_ : No ideas? It's a hell of a problem.20:48
zniavreaudacious does not want to switch from gtk-interface to winamp classic without crashing what can i do  please?20:48
k56731Nertil: vim.tiny /etc/network/interfaces20:48
horriblek56731: ^C^C^X^X^X^XquitqQ!qdammit[esc]qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;:xwhat20:49
Maahes_MagusOTB, have you tried anything here: http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/PulseAudio ?20:49
Maahes_johnbyrne, thinking, researching20:49
Maahes_I've forgotten a few of the places device configs are kept20:49
k56731horrible: ?20:49
heikoxangua: thanks20:49
horriblek56731: it's everyone's first vim session20:49
johnbyrneMaahes_ : Thanks for that....Just checking that you were still there :)20:49
hacked_kernelhow can I check if my laptop touchpad has multitouch support or not?20:49
johnbyrnehacked_kernel: What kind of touchpad do you have?20:50
lathanCan metacity bind a keyboard shortcut to the Right Control key? (gnome 2.32, on Maverick 2.6.35-22 )20:51
hacked_kerneljohnbyrne, i have Dell Inspiron 152520:51
gartral__how do i schedule a fsck check on reboot?20:51
keiihi all20:51
Maahes_johnbyrne, okay, just remind me, eth0 is there right? Did it give a whole host of information under eth0 when you ifconfig ed it? or whas it like 1 or 2 lines and mostly didn't say anything?20:51
LjL!fsck | gartral_20:52
ubottugartral_: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot20:52
johnbyrnehacked_kernel: I just googled it and I think you might be in luck. Synaptics touchpads do have multi-touch support, or so it seems. I have a Dell Inspiron 1501 and it has a Synaptic. The google url is http://www.google.com/cse?cx=partner-pub-9300639326172081%3Ac6lzq8-dhwz&ie=UTF-8&sa=Search&q=does+my+touchpad+have+multitouch+support%3F&hl=en20:52
Maahes_johnbyrne, I mean originally when you were logged in your laptop normally20:52
glassresistorso our company just threw ubuntu on 8 laptops, we all have been using linux for years, but this time we setup an admin account and then personal accounts with sudo privledges20:53
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johnbyrneMaahes_: Yep...so do I. It was behaving as if it was working perfectly. I even had the hotel call in the IT staff to 'fix' the connection point. Unfortunately it just won't see the connection. All when booted normally.20:53
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glassresistorbut now gksu synaptic , which is the command in the menu no longer works cause it wants the admin password, not my sudo password20:53
glassresistorbut sudo synaptic does work, any idea on the best way to fix this?20:54
WLUI want to delete all files that start with a particular file name but DOES NOT end with a particular extension. Any ideas, I scoured the internet with no luck (I know that this is not an ubuntu question but hope to get some reponse..)20:54
delinquentmewhats the software package that lets ubuntu interface with a NTFS file system ... like if i want to yank windoez files off of a old HD to save them20:54
lathanglassresistor: gksu is su, not sudo20:55
lathanglassresistor: try gksudo synaptic20:55
glassresistorlathan: i know but look at the command in in the system->admin->synaptic it uses gksu blah blah synaptic and it doesn't work20:56
glassresistorbecuase you have to be root for that to work20:57
DjMadnessHi, i am running ubuntu 9.04 on one of my servers, i was wondering does anyone know which package provides the utility resolveip ?20:57
bastidrazordelinquentme: if you're wanting a GUI method then 'ntfs-config' would be the way to go.20:57
hacked_kerneli ran gesturetest 0 0 0xffffffff  and i get no output20:57
keiiwhat's a good music player for ubuntu?20:57
keiiI don't like rhythmbox20:57
blakkheimDjMadness: 9.04 is no longer supported20:57
blakkheimkeii: mpd20:57
delinquentmebastidrazor, and that would just interface with any usb device?20:57
bastidrazorkeii: i like banshee20:57
celtiberoHello, I can't find the Restricted Drivers Manager in System / Administration20:58
nothingspecialkeii: guayadeque20:58
lathanglassresistor: what is in $USER?   echo $USER20:58
glassresistorlathan: i agree gksudo or sudo does work but in the menu the command is gksu, which is set by ubuntu itself, and works on my home sytem but not using an account with sudo and admin priviledges that wasn't installed during boot20:58
glassresistorlathan: Mike20:59
dlynesworkAre there any dependencies on the ubuntu 2.6.32 kernel from 10.04 that would prevent me from using it on 9.04?20:59
nothingspecialceltibero: They changed it to additional drivers20:59
Chaos2358hey guys i have a complicated question. I have alot of sources and my Ubuntu is really customized. But i am getting a new laptop tomorrow. my question is; can i take the hard drive out of my dell laptop and put it in the new hp laptop and just change drivers to keep my ubuntu the way it is?20:59
lathanglassresistor: and that's you're username20:59
grid_i have a file /etc/samba/smbusers that has only one user that is nobody = nobody, i have no other smbusers files on my computer, however i see 5 users in my samba GUI tool from ubuntu, where are they saved in what file?20:59
bastidrazordelinquentme: i would assume so, yes.20:59
celtiberonothingspecial Oh, ok, thank you.20:59
glassresistorlathan: well not really but yes it prints my username20:59
glassresistorlathan: avoid publically giving out names20:59
lathanglassresistor: fine20:59
lathanglassresistor: because if the $USER variable is different, it expects a different user's password21:00
celtiberonothingspecial My TV card doesn't tune anything at all, since I upgraded from Jaunty to Maverick, (clean installation), any ideas why this happens?21:00
DjMadnessblakkheim: which package provides it in 10.04 then ? i am unable to upgrade due to its a XEN vps...21:00
lathanglassresistor: does this same behavior happen with su?21:00
Chaos2358hey guys i have a complicated question. I have alot of sources and my Ubuntu is really customized. But i am getting a new laptop tomorrow. my question is; can i take the hard drive out of my dell laptop and put it in the new hp laptop and just change drivers to keep my ubuntu the way it is?21:00
nothingspecialceltibero: Never used one, sorry21:00
Maahes_johnbyrne, did you try manually calling dhclient on eth0?21:00
lathanCan you bind a keyboard shortcut to the Right Control key, but not the Left? Within gnome 2.32, on Maverick,21:00
glassresistorlathan: yeah su chokes on a correct password21:00
Maahes_Chaos2358, yes.21:01
Paulyanyone have nokia n90021:01
lathanglassresistor: does that password work fine for logging in?21:01
lathanglassresistor: try changing the password to the same thing21:01
glassresistorlathan: yeah but i can't give you instructions i had to do that for someone with a broken key21:01
Chaos2358Maahas how hard is it to accomplish?21:01
glassresistorlathan: yeah21:01
glassresistorlathan: and sudo works fine etc.21:01
celtiberonothingspecial It's ok.21:02
Chaos2358Maahes would it be a simple transition?21:02
lathanglassresistor: is this gksu being called with the environment variable could be USER=root ?21:02
keiithere's a lot of mpd clients21:02
celtiberonothingspecial thanks anyway.21:02
Maahes_Chaos2358, in general it's pretty easy to update the drivers unless your network drivers are screwed, but even then, you can manually install new drivers, or you can chroot into the laptop drive from a live cd and do an upgrade that way, and it should repair drivers.21:02
lathanglassresistor: I know that keyboard shortcuts are called with a different user21:02
VCooliolathan: the keys are different (check xev output), so yes, at least with xbindkeys21:02
nothingspecialceltibero: :)21:02
delinquentme... is this normal??? 3 hours to shrink a ubuntu partition 20 gigs??21:02
Paulycan i stream 720p Xvid video to xbox 360 using ubunutu 10.10 x64???21:03
glassresistorlathan: i didn't know the about shortcuts21:03
glassresistorlathan: gksu synaptic doesn't work in a term with the user set correctly either21:03
lathanVCoolio: I've looked at xev, but when you try and bind it into metacty shortcuts, I can't get metacity's interpretor to map to that keycode21:03
Chaos2358Maahes ok thanks alot. i spent two weeks getting my computer set up the way it is now but my integrated graphics card is screwing up so i just ordered a brand new laptop and dont want to go through all that crap again21:03
ePirathorrible: sry, my client is very stupid, i will turn off the away nick!21:04
Maahes_Chaos2358, the generic kernel is designed to work with most x86 hardware, your video card, if you don't have the specific driver loaded, will fall back to Vesa or mesa, I forget which, which definitely supports your video card21:04
VCooliolathan: I'm not sure if you can do that with metacity, see if you can enter something specific in gconf-editor at application>metacity21:04
Maahes_I tried to upgrade my kernel and it fails to create the initrd image what can I do? http://pastebin.com/3HieTV7c21:04
lathanglassresistor: can you try  sudo apt-get install --reinstall gksu21:05
glassresistorlathan: let me get the machine on again and ill let you know21:05
Chaos2358maahes ok so how bout this. once i have put the hard drive in the new laptop and got the drivers for it. will lucid remove the old drivers from this dell automatically?21:05
lathanChaos2358: if you do a autoclean21:05
lathanChaos2358: sudo apt-get autoclean21:05
Maahes_what lathan said21:05
Chaos2358lathan ok great thanks alot guys.21:06
nebulahow to bring out the "wine" in the start menu of ubuntu 10.1021:06
lathannebula: could you please clarify? is wine installed, but not showing in the Applications menu?21:06
fepwhere is iptables conf in ubuntu ?21:06
Guest24287hi everyone can anybody help me with my wireless problem?21:06
fepuse to be /etc/iptables21:06
Chaos2358guest24287 what is your problem21:07
glassresistorlathan: one thing ive noticed is that the password prompt looks differnt, it has the save to keyring option stuff, while on my other box this does not show up21:07
Guest24287i installed ubuntu 10.10 but my wireless network is not working21:07
qorepwhat is up with breaking compatability with apt for external sources?21:07
qoreplike when I add a ppa21:07
nebulalathan, yes :(21:07
johnbyrneMaahes_: How do I manually call a dhclient on eth0?21:07
Chaos2358Guest24287, checked in hardware drivers?21:07
horribleqorep: we like to make life hard on you21:08
Maahes_johnbyrne, sudo dhclient eth021:08
qorephorrible: so it would seem21:08
Guest24287yes, it says that firm ware is missing.21:08
horribleqorep: i take personal responsibility for this change21:08
Sean93this torrent keeps freezeing any program i use to download it21:08
qorephorrible: you better!21:08
lathannebula: System->Preferences->Main Menu. Wine should show up (unchecked) in the list for Applications, check it21:08
MagusOTBDoes anybody know how to make PHP display errors rather than dying silently with an HTTP status 500?21:08
johnbyrneMaahes_: ok....I'll need to reboot into the HDD to try it out. I'll be back.21:08
qorepneed a drink to calm me down from this utter brokeness21:08
fepwhere is iptables in ubuntu! ?21:08
DrManhattanMagusOTB, I think display errors is one of the settings in your php.ini21:09
DrManhattanor whatever the modern equivalent is21:09
DrManhattanphp5.ini maybe21:09
Sean93how do i fix it?21:09
fepDrManhattan: where is iptables in ubuntu?21:09
Guest24287chaos2358, it is good on Livecd but when i installed it, its not working anymore21:09
horriblefep: the iptables command is in /sbin/21:09
DrManhattanfep, you got the heck out of me21:09
fephorrible: thanks =)21:09
lathanMagusOTB: why are you asking php questions in a ubuntu channel? just a question...21:10
horriblefep: why do you need to know? just type "sudo iptables" and it should run it21:10
DrManhattanlathan, perhaps his server is an ubuntu one and he wants to see if there's any difference between "stock" and "Ubuntu"21:10
fephorrible: i mean the iptables.conf file21:10
lathanDrManhattan: possible...21:10
fephorrible: iptables.rules21:10
horriblefep: you can store your rule files anywhere21:11
DrManhattanfloodbot is flooding21:11
nebulalathan,  10 X 10 X21:11
lathanfep: see iptables-save21:11
Dcitefep: I.. didn't know iptables had such things.... it's usually controlled by another firewall like shorewall or bastile.21:11
fephorrible: i need to know where they ar e....21:11
lathanfep: man iptables-save21:11
martincxcehi everyone, i as just wondering about that bug with modprobe during boot up... is it going to be fixed? have you got any news or solutions?21:11
feplathan: ok21:11
DrManhattanfirestarter is what I used in Centos for firewalling21:11
DrManhattanand yeah im getting suspicious of floodbot now21:11
horriblefep: you make them yourself21:11
glassresistorlathan: reinstalling didn't help, i looks like its trying to deal with the keyring21:11
tensorpuddingis there a guide on how to use unity somewhere?21:12
glassresistorlathan: reinstalling didn't help, i looks like its trying to deal with the keyring21:12
LaPingvinowhich room is best for ubuntu appdev stuff?21:12
anon33_I accidentally changed my environment to a 'user specified environment' and now find a blank screen when booting up.21:12
anon33_Can anyone help me boot into the log in screen so I can change it?21:13
nebulahelp for GParted    "Inhibit all polling failed: Only uid 0 is authorized to inhibit the daemon"21:13
fephorrible: ok thanks21:13
anon33_Any help would be really really appreciated21:13
Maahes_I tried to upgrade my kernel and it fails to create the initrd image what can I do? http://pastebin.com/3HieTV7c21:13
fephorrible: ill man it21:13
Liammmmm`<LiamS> Url: http://pastebin.com/3HieTV7c - Title: Setting up linux-image-2.6.32- - Kernel install problem - 3HieTV7c - Pastebin.com21:13
lathanGuest24287: #ubuntu-app-devel21:13
glassresistorlathan: hey so reinstalling didn't help, from what i can tell the difference seems to be that its looking to unlock my keyring and not just run a command21:13
Sean93sudo kill -9 2428 doesnt kill rtorrent21:13
DciteSean93: ta21:14
mkanyicySean93, does PID 2428 exists?21:14
lathanglassresistor: yah, the gk...commands might do that21:14
Dcitesean: Thats 2428 is the PID, are you sure it's right still?21:14
glassresistorlathan: how do i give a user control over the keyring?21:14
Sean93yes im looking at it in top21:14
glassresistoror set the keyring to my user21:14
lathanglassresistor: I'm still trying to find it...I don't really like it...did it change names?21:14
DciteSean93: How about killall -SIGKILL rtorrent21:15
mkanyicySean93, paste here the output of 'ps -e | grep rtorrent'21:15
glassresistorlathan: the keyring? no clue not my area21:15
lathanglassresistor: its called Password and Encryption Keys (under System->Preferences)21:15
Sean932428 ?        00:03:17 rtorrent21:16
mkanyicySean93, now try 'sudo kill 2428' (again)21:17
lathanglassresistor: can you test if it is requiring the root password? or is that not available21:17
paranoidihmph, upgraded my ubuntu server and php got broken in users public html, this is not helping http://pastebin.com/8qdydbwB21:17
lathanmkanyicy: Sean93 sudo kill -9 242821:17
mkanyicyanon33_, you finally got going21:17
LiamHWhen running from a USB stick, how do I set it so that I can saved configured values (e.g. network settings) on the stick?21:17
mkanyicylathan, Sean93 did that already21:17
Maahes_does ubuntu auto-detect multitouch touchpads?21:17
Sean93its still alive21:17
lathanSean93: is this an application that you did ctrl-z ?21:18
=== aspire is now known as Guest6026
lathanSean93: was it started in the command line21:18
lathanSean93: in the command line, if you hit ctrl-z it pauses the program, and lets you do something else21:18
martincxcehi, have you heard about this issue with boot up: modprobe: Fatal: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-22-generic/modules.dep: no such file or directory, have you come up with any solution? or know about some fix?21:18
lathanSean93: try typing: 'fg'21:18
mkanyicySean93, can you locate it in top and then quit top and the copy the line with rtorrent and then paste it here21:18
jhaigUsing Ubuntu 10.4.  I'm trying to set the network settings on a machine to have a static IP address (which I have successfully done) and with netmask but it has come up with netmask  The file /etc/network/interfaces has the line "netmask".  Does anyone have an idea why this might not be working?21:19
Sean932428 sean      20   0 17808 7904 2432 R 37.6  0.6   4:39.46 rtorrent21:19
kpomanhello all ! guys how do I change the mirror / repository from the command line ?21:19
lathanSean93: if you type fg, and it says no such job, then its not this...21:19
=== ng_ is now known as zz_ng_
userhow can i rip a mkv to dvd?i want to play a mkv movie on a dvd player21:20
Sean93lathan: it says no suck job21:20
Paulycan some1 help i need to know if ubuntu can stream 720p xvid video to xbox 36021:20
delinquentmebastidrazor, now how about setting up interfacing between a ubuntu and a hardware raid setup .... WHILE maintaining the integrity of the the windows NTFS files currently existing on the raid drives21:20
lathankpoman: edit /etc/apt/sources.list21:20
kpomanit is currently set to unicamp.br, my X is dead. I want to change it to usa one21:20
userbest thing would be with a gui21:20
guntbertkpoman: edit /etc/apt/sources.list21:20
delinquentmePauly, thats a pretyt easy google search ... try "ubuntu 10.04 stream xbox360"21:20
lathanSean93: great, zombie process...21:20
kpomanlathan: I dont have the choice there, there is only unicamp one21:20
Paulyi tried windows 7 but it steamed a low qualtity version21:20
Sean93it is "R" in top21:20
mkanyicylathan, how do you know its a Zombie21:21
kpomanguntbert: I dont get the choice there. how do I change as it is changed in the gnome ?21:21
mkanyicySean93, lathan its R for running21:21
lathanmkanyicy: I'm guessing that because it won't die...21:21
lathanok, sry21:21
Paulyanyone use nfs for filesharing?21:21
lathanSean93: can you find its parent id? ps -fp 242821:21
mkanyicylathan, Sean93 but zombies are dead anyway21:21
lathanmkanyicy: yes, that's why they don't die nicely21:21
Sean93sean      2428     1 34 21:05 ?        00:05:40 rtorrent21:22
Sean93ppid is 121:22
guntbertkpoman: use a text based browser (eg w3m) to look for mirrors at ubuntu.com - then edit the file appropriately21:22
lathanSean93: don't kill 121:22
lathanmkanyicy: "the kill command has no effect on a zombie process." from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_process21:23
nubuntuIm having trouble getting my linksys wrt54g wireless router to recognize multiple ubuntu computers. It seems that the default gateway for my router isnt the same as from out of box. any ideas anyone?21:23
kpomanguntbert: but why that graphical tool shows options to me ? isnt there a command line equivalent to it ? like the mirrorselect tool of gentoo ?21:23
=== Connor1_ is now known as Connor1
Sean93i also have a zombie transmission that seems to be using CPU, is this just a top mistake?21:23
guntbertkpoman: I don't know of such a tool21:23
smog91Anyone from the US? PM please21:23
boxbeatsyhi, what does it mean when somebody says they're using the "latest snapshot"?21:23
lathanhow can you bind a custom command to the right control key in gnome?21:23
guntbert!pm | smog9121:24
ubottusmog91: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:24
bullgard4Tracker Search Tool only finds files which have been modified between 2007 and 2009-08. Why? ~/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg apparently does not list time restraints.21:24
nubuntuIm having trouble getting my linksys wrt54g wireless router to recognize multiple ubuntu computers. It seems that the default gateway for my router isnt the same as from out of box. any ideas anyone?21:24
johnbyrneMaahes_" Here is the output from sudo dhclient eth021:24
johnbyrneInternet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.1.321:24
johnbyrneCopyright 2004-2009 Internet Systems Consortium.21:25
guntbert!repeat | nubuntu21:25
ubottunubuntu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:25
johnbyrneAll rights reserved.21:25
FloodBot1johnbyrne: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:25
johnbyrneFor info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/21:25
rcmaehlI need some help. I have this package gnome-do in the start-up applications list but I doesn't start on start-up. How do I make it start?21:25
ka1ser!repeat | ubottu21:25
ubottuka1ser: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:25
TimeRiderI remember some package that formats and serves the linux manual to apache, anyone recall the name?21:25
newhuisHi I need some help installing Ubuntu on my netbook21:25
mkquistanyone know why the 'ati catalyst control center' wouldn't show onscreen while running? on an eee box 1006 btw... 10.0421:26
nubuntuhow do i find the ip address of my router. not the modem but the router itself. when i do ip search i only get my isp asigned ip not my router's.21:26
lathanrcmaehl: is the checkbox checked next to it?21:26
rcmaehllathan: yes21:26
johnbyrneMaahe_: Here is the output from sudo dhclient eth0 - http://paste.ubuntu.com/520341/21:26
newhuis@nubuntu - check under the router, it should be something like
bastidrazorubottu: tell delinquentme about raid21:27
ubottudelinquentme, please see my private message21:27
bastidrazordelinquentme: that is the best i can do. i know nothing of RAID21:27
johnbyrneMaahes_: Here is the output from sudo dhclient eth0 - http://paste.ubuntu.com/520341/21:28
lathannubuntu: if you are directly connected into the router, the last line of "route -n" should have address21:28
mkanyicySean93, 'top mistake' ... lol21:28
newhuisI can't press the forward button on the "who are you" page when trying to install Ubuntu. can anyone help me?21:28
bastidrazornewhuis: use all lowercase in your username21:28
Nesto1000Can anyone help me install aegisubs? It only comes in a tar.gz file, and I don't know how to compile the code my self to install it... and i don't think that there's a .deb file cuz i looked all over google... here's the website where I got the tar.gz file at:  http://www.aegisub.org/21:29
snushi i was wondering which driver i should select for brother dl-5340D since its not in the list21:29
Maahes_johnbyrne, okay, either that means they don't have a dhcp client, which I doubt, that their dhcp client is poorly configured, which is possible, or you have a screwed up lease (maybe) I've had this problem in the past too hrrm21:29
glassresistorlathan: yeah i don't knwo the root password21:29
glassresistorim not suppose to know it21:30
mkanyicyNesto1000, try to do './configure' and then 'make' and then 'sudo make install'21:30
Nesto1000mkaay, where do i do that? in the terminal?21:30
mkanyicyglassresistor, what do you want to do?21:30
glassresistorlathan: sorry boss just looked over my shoulder21:30
Nesto1000mkanyicy, where do i do that? in the terminal?21:30
johnbyrneMaahes_: It was working fine until the update when it just stopped working altogether. So I don't think the problem is on their end.21:30
mkanyicyNesto1000, yes in terminal21:30
mkanyicyNesto1000, you have to 'cd' to the folder with the 'tar.gz' file21:31
glassresistormkanyicy: me personally nothing some of the linux newbs want to gui package manager but it refused to let them open it, says that there passwords are wrong21:31
nubuntumy linksys router wont allow access to more than computer. can someone tell me where to start?21:31
bastidrazorNesto1000: read this it will help a bit on how to compile:: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware21:31
snusits even listed on this page http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/evaluation.html#evalu_d21:31
glassresistormkanyicy: im seeing the same problem but sudo synaptic works just not the menu launcher which has the command "gksu --description /usr/share/applications/synaptic.desktop /usr/sbin/synaptic"21:31
mkanyicyglassresistor, maybe they are not on the sudoers file21:32
Nesto1000how do i do that mkanyicy?21:32
glassresistormkanyicy: we are both admin and in the sudoers file21:32
mkanyicyNesto1000, where is you .tar.gz now?21:32
Nesto1000downloads folder mkanyicy21:32
Nesto1000do you want me to put it on the desktop?>21:33
mkanyicyglassresistor, 'gksudo' NOT 'gksu'21:33
DescaHello, can anyone assist me with installing Ubuntu 10.10 alongside a Win7 partition?21:33
Nesto1000and i don't really understand that bastidrazor...21:33
glassresistormkanyicy: i know but that is what ubuntu has set for the menu option chekc your own system21:33
DescaI got a unallocated partition i want to use21:33
mkanyicyNesto1000, no its fine, open Terminal and then type 'cd ~/Downloads' and then 'ls *.tar.gz'21:34
k56731Desca: Are you installing Desktop or Alternate.21:34
mkanyicyNesto1000, do not include the ' ' quotes21:34
glassresistormkanyicy: and it wokrs on my system, the problem is we have two users admin and peon and peon can't open synaptic that way but admin can21:34
nubuntuis there anyone in the house who is familiar with wifi setup issues concerning a linksys wrt?54g21:34
bullgard4Tracker Search Tool only finds files which have been modified between 2007 and 2009-08. Why? ~/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg apparently does not list time restraints.21:34
DescaShould be the regular 10.10 AMD64 i downloaded21:34
DescaSo should be desktop k5673121:34
Nesto1000yea i know mkanyicy, I may not be that smart... but im sure not dumb21:34
mark7845has anyone read this http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2010/10/shuttleworth-unity-shell-will-be-default-desktop-in-ubuntu-1104.ars21:34
glassresistormkanyicy: but peon is in the sudoers file and the sudo and admin group21:35
Pici!ot | mark784521:35
ubottumark7845: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:35
Nesto1000Ok what now mkanyicy21:35
mark7845intej #ubuntu-offtopic21:35
wesselI have a random algorithm which I would like to run multiple times in parallel, can I create a bash script or something to start up all the algorithms?21:35
mkanyicyglassresistor, can that other user run 'gksudo synaptic' or not?21:35
mark7845j #ubuntu-offtopic21:35
wesselcurrently I start my algorithm java FIX > FIXrun1.txt21:35
k56731Desca: ubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso, right?21:35
mark78453rd time lucky21:35
=== k56731 is now known as k5673
glassresistormkanyicy: i don't have access to the admin user but peon can run but gksudo and sudo just fine21:36
Maahes_johnbyrne, okay try this: edit your /etc/network/interfaces file, and add the following lines: allow-hotplug eth0 ;  iface eth0 inet dhcp. If that does not work, comment out allow-hotplug and put in auto eth021:36
zanusI currently have two VGA comptatible monitors plugged in, but only one shows up in "Detect Monitors"21:36
zanusany ideas?21:36
mkanyicyNesto1000, extract the archive like this 'mkdir mydest' and 'tar xzvf filename.tar.gz -C mydest'21:36
AwayscaBah, seems like i got disconned21:37
=== Awaysca is now known as Descaa
glassresistorwhats wierd is on my machine(same version build etc) it mentions nothing of a keyring but on the company system it askes about saving/not saving to the keyring21:37
=== chris is now known as Guest82394
glassresistorits confusing21:37
johnbyrneMaahes_: Thanks for that. I'll reboot and try it now21:37
mkanyicyglassresistor, so is it admin or peon that has a problem?21:37
Nesto1000mkanyicy, I get this error: mkdir mydest' and 'tar xzvf filename.tar.gz -C mydest21:38
kpomanwhere do I download the main sources.list file ?21:38
glassresistormkanyicy: peon21:38
mkanyicyglassresistor, paste 'id peon' and 'id admin' here21:38
kpomanfor the us.archive.ubuntu.com repo ?21:38
kpomanplease help !21:38
glassresistormkanyicy: my asumption is that admin works fine and that the password its look for is the admin password and not mine21:38
wesselHow can I write multiple outputs of Java to a file? I wish to start:  java FIX > FIXrun1.txt and java FIX > FIXrun2.txt      but if I put this in a bash script it only creates FIXrun2.txt21:38
mkanyicyNesto1000, can I pm you?21:38
Nesto1000yea thats fine21:39
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
lathanglassresistor: go to System->Preferences->Main Menu, find the Synaptic Package manager, hit properties, and change gksu to gksudo21:40
BalSak1hi guys. is there any  chance of a decent voice/speech-recognition in ubuntu? I've often have my hands full or engaged elsewhere, but I'd like to dictate mail verbally21:40
Sean93what would make a torrent freeze whatever program tries to download it?21:40
lathanglassresistor: if that doesn't work, create a new item that does that gksudo...21:40
familia_i have problems with LXDe21:41
lathanCan gnome keyboard shortcuts bind to the right Control key?21:41
aeon-ltd!details | familia_21:41
ubottufamilia_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:41
Draqul!lubuntu | familia21:41
ubottufamilia: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu21:41
justine777wHello. can anyone tell me what this means? Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: sun-java6-jre|icedtea-java7-jre|sun-java6-jdk|icedtea-java7-jdk21:42
guntbertkpoman: no need to download it, 1) edit the file I mentioned earlier, then 2) sudo apt-get update then 3) sudo apt-get upgrade or sudo apt-get install ....21:42
kpomanguntbert: I did that, got a lot of 404 file not found21:42
k5673 I'm having an issue with samba/ubuntu_9.04_server. I'm getting random files/folder's names truncated. Like FTHH9O~L, but the contents of the files are allright. Any ideas?21:42
familia_I HAVE A INTERNET CONNCETIONS WITH lxde, i have ubuntu karic koala21:42
familia_and the connection wifi doesnt work21:43
lathankpoman: that means that your sources.list has a bunch of repositories that no longer exist21:43
kpomanguntbert: that is why I would love to get an original sources.list for us.ubuntu.com lucid21:43
guntbertkpoman: can you !pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ?21:43
k5673Familia: have you tried iwlist?21:43
kpomanguntbert: where do that graphical tool download sources.list from ?21:43
badpenguin86I have an HP laptop with beats audio, but cannot get the good speakers to work. help?21:43
glassresistormkanyicy: uid=1001(peon) gid=1001(peon) groups=1001(peon),4(adm),20(dialout),21(fax),24(cdrom),25(floppy),26(tape),27(sudo),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(fuse),105(lpadmin),112(netdev),119(admin),124(sambashare)21:43
speedrunnerG55how do i install java?21:43
glassresistormkanyicy: uid=1001(peon) gid=1001(peon) groups=1001(peon),4(adm),20(dialout),21(fax),24(cdrom),25(floppy),26(tape),27(sudo),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(fuse),105(lpadmin),112(netdev),119(admin),124(sambashare)21:43
k5673Familia: To see if the card detects the wifi signals21:44
guntbertkpoman: it doesn't download it, it generates it21:44
kpomanguntbert: it is quite complicated, i should copy paste from a pendrive and paste to pastebin21:44
badpenguin86speedrunnerG55, sudo apt-get install java-common21:44
kpomanguntbert: ok, if it generates it, how do I generate it from the command line ?21:44
justine777wcan someone please help me? I need to know what this means: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: sun-java6-jre|icedtea-java7-jre|sun-java6-jdk|icedtea-java7-jdk21:44
=== BalSak1 is now known as kipi
guntbertkpoman: as far as I know, you cannot - but I may be in error21:45
HestonHey, ive got a windows parition that was deleted in windows disk management but wasnt formated. I Then tried to retore the parition in linux using fdisk but windows is asking me to format the drive as if the filesystem was destroyed, when I know for a fact it hasnt been touched. Any recommendations?21:45
speedrunnerG55thank you21:45
kipihi guys. is there any  chance of a decent voice/speech-recognition in ubuntu? I've often have my hands full or engaged elsewhere, but I'd like to dictate mail verbally21:45
kpomanguntbert: quite odd21:45
badpenguin86speedrunnerG55, If that doesn't work, let me know21:45
speedrunnerG55i think it did...let mee see if it works21:45
kpomanguntbert: I am doing a do-release-upgrade -d21:45
familia_but, in gnome desktop21:46
glassresistormkanyicy: uid=1000(admin) gid=1000(admin) groups=1000(admin),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),27(sudo),46(plugdev),105(lpadmin),119(admin),124(sambashare)21:46
FloodBot1familia_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:46
glassresistormkanyicy: those are two id <name>21:46
adambAnyone know a channel i can get help with apache, #apache only have 8 users it seems21:46
bastidrazorkpoman: you've changed your sources.list manually to indicae the newer version?21:46
bastidrazoradamb: #httpd21:46
guntbertkpoman: wait - that will take you to natty (pre alpha)21:46
razz1I need an application that does the following: arranges paragraphs in alphabetical order only based on the first word. Any recommendations?21:46
bratkartoffelwhy do fonts in ubuntu look much nicer than fonts in other distros?21:47
glassresistorlathan: yeah i can do that, was hoping to fix the general problem so that it doesn't keep popping up21:47
speedrunnerG55missing plugin21:47
aeon-ltdfamilia_: try starting the gnome network manager21:47
kpomanbastidrazor: no, I want to use the main tools. the problem is X and graphical tools dont work (they make the computer hang, and the computer is 2500km away from me)21:47
speedrunnerG55it didnt work21:47
badpenguin86speedrunnerG55, in firefox?21:47
kpomanI suppose upgrading distro will help somehow21:47
kpomanbut I need to do all from the command line, whenever I launch X or derivatives (tightvncserver i.e.) it hangs the computer21:47
familia_in gnome wifi works very good21:47
snarksterif i was doing a dist-upgrade and it locked up how do i restart the upgrade?21:47
speedrunnerG55should i use firefox?21:47
glassresistormkanyicy: from what i can tell neither seems to have significant differences21:48
badpenguin86speedrunnerG55, try sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin21:48
mkanyicyglassresistor, i see21:48
kpomanbastidrazor: the main tool being do-release-upgrade afaik21:48
mkanyicyglassresistor, I am a bit clueless21:48
kipihi guys. is there any  chance of a decent voice/speech-recognition in ubuntu? I've often have my hands full or engaged elsewhere, but I'd like to dictate mail verbally21:49
kpomanbastidrazor: and it bases himself on the current distro mirrors / pubs21:49
guntbertkpoman: that will not help but probably make your system unusable - please be patient21:49
speedrunnerG55E: Package 'sun-java6-plugin' has no installation candidate21:49
snarksterrepo not setup21:49
kpomanguntbert: it is already unusable. at least ssh / wget is working. I need to upgrade21:49
razz1I need an application that does the following: arranges paragraphs in alphabetical order only based on the first word. Any recommendations? can I use macros in open office to achieve this? Any help?21:49
johnbyrneMaahes_: You totally ROCK! Thank you SO MUCH! I am now logged in from my normal boot. I made the changes you suggested and then had to do a dhclient request and I am ONLINE! Woohoo!21:49
snarksterneed multiverse to get sun-java6-plugin21:49
kpomanguntbert: this started failing after some update I dont know which one21:49
kpomanguntbert: I will now upgrade to 10.1021:49
badpenguin86 speedrunnerG55 Yeah, you need a repo, snarkster is right21:50
glassresistormkanyicy: i am too, i also can't figure out what ubuntu with use gksu vs gksudo?21:50
snarksterif i was doing a dist-upgrade and it locked up how do i restart the upgrade?21:50
kipirazz1: sort21:50
Maahes_johnbyrne, :) No problem. I've had the same problem, and I used to have to troubleshoot network connections for people in hotels :)21:50
speedrunnerG55whats that?21:50
kipirazz1: & other string-manipulation functions21:50
guntbertkpoman: if you insist - but don't expect support afterwards - with -d you will *not* upgrade to 10.10 but to 11.04 /pre alpha)21:50
aeon-ltdfamilia_: try starting nm-applet21:50
kpomanbut anyway thats not the problem right now ;) the problem is how to do that on command line ! I am trying right now21:50
badpenguin86speedrunnerG55, Open software center, under the applications menu21:50
kpomanit tells maverick here21:50
kpomanguntbert: it downloaded maverig.tar.gz21:51
bullgard4Tracker Search Tool only finds files which have been modified between 2007 and 2009-08. Why? ~/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg apparently does not list time restrictions21:51
Maahes_johnbyrne, sorry it took so long, I was trying to minimize the number of times you had to reboot, whilst I troubleshooted ideas.21:51
mkanyicyglassresistor, I think gksu is wrong for invoking synaptic21:51
badpenguin86speedrunnerG55, hit edit, then software sources21:51
Maahes_bulldog98, did you turn off tracker indexer?21:51
guntbertkpoman: well - I never tried that - so I cannot give support in that case, sorry and Good luck :-)21:51
badpenguin86speedrunnerG55, Check the fourth box, with (multiverse) at the end21:52
johnbyrneMaahes_: Well, thanks again. I can't say it enough. This is absolutely 'mission critical' for me. Have a fantastic day. No problem about how long it took. It would have taken me......well.....a loooong time! And now I can sort this if the same thing happens to my Media PC at home when I update! Thanks again!21:52
speedrunnerG55it has a check21:52
kazooHow can i change my Max Open Files?21:52
badpenguin86speedrunnerG55, Hmm... Lemme look21:52
kazooit's at 1024 yet i need it at at least 999921:52
Maahes_johnbyrne, :) Thank you, I hope the rest of your day goes well21:53
johnbyrneThank you for your help Ubuntu forum......Bye for now!21:53
=== kthomas_vh is now known as kthomas
badpenguin86speedrunnerG55, Is there any there that are not checked?21:53
speedrunnerG55source code21:53
GodfatherofEir1Guys, how would I go about booting a partition from a grub2 prompt?21:53
snarksterwhat is the dpk command to finish nistalling software21:54
grid_how do i set my bash history to a .txt file?21:54
badpenguin86speedrunnerG55, This makes no sense, can you open a terminal?21:54
bullgard4grid_: "set"? 'What do you mean?21:54
aeon-ltdsnarkster: sudo dpkg --configure -a, if your looking for that21:54
grid_bulldog98: i want to write the terminal history to a file history.txt21:55
badpenguin86speedrunnerG55, Type sudo apt-get update21:55
delinquentmeanyone have any idea if there is a chrome-specific IRC channel ... or if anyone can make suggestions for a channel to go and chat about browser security with the advent of firesheep21:55
etheretic1Trying to play a matroska video file in gnome-mplayer. The audio plays, the video not, and the time-elapsed is frozen at 00:00. Have tried different video driver settings, with no change. Playing avi files works fine. What could be wrong?21:55
badpenguin86speedrunnerG55, that will update all your packages21:55
brontoeeewhat would be a decent ppa for gimpshop?21:55
badpenguin86speedrunnerG55, is that done yet?21:56
snarkstersudo dpjk -configure -a does nothing21:56
glassresistormkanyicy: i agree but it works on my system and someone in the Ubuntu dev team either made a decision or a typo21:56
glassresistormkanyicy: check you link, which i assume works, and don't tell me it doesn't say that21:57
snarksterlet me try that again.. sudo dpkg --configure -a does nothing21:57
bullgard4grid_: cat /home/<userame>/.bash_history > history.txt21:57
grid_bulldog98: thanks21:57
razz1kipi: thanks for the help, I have never done this before but looks like the data has to be in a tabular format. What I am trying to do is I have several paragraphs in my document that I want to sort alphabetically using the first word. Does this mean I need to convert the whole document in to a excel spreadsheet?21:57
badpenguin86speedrunnerG55, Is it done?21:58
kazooHow can i change my Max Open Files?21:59
guntbertsnarkster: you probably want sudo dpkg-reconfigure21:59
brontoeeeetheretic1, how about vlc?21:59
gartral|pHow do I schedule fsck to run on teboot?22:00
brontoeeeetheretic1, what is the video codec used?22:00
bullgard4Tracker Search Tool only finds files which have been modified between 2007 and 2009-08. Why? ~/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg apparently does not list time restrictions22:00
snarksterthank you22:00
glassresistormkanyicy: just went in and hardwired some things no luck22:00
drManhattan_fsck runs during startup22:00
kipi hi guys. is there any  chance of a decent voice/speech-recognition in ubuntu? I've often have my hands full or engaged elsewhere, but I'd like to dictate mail verbally22:00
glassresistoranyone on the ubuntu team which knows why gksu is used for launchers?22:01
gartral|pdrManhattan_: its not working22:01
bullgard4kipi: No.22:01
kipibullgard4: thanks22:01
Buttons840can you scp all text files in a directory?  something like scp*.txt     ?22:01
badpenguin86glassresistor, because there is no terminal window. gksudo pops up a dialog in which to type your password22:01
drManhattan_yes you can scp22:02
MathuinButtons840: scp*.txt .22:02
MathuinYou need to tell scp the destination.22:02
gartral|pdrManhattan_: lol, like your name. Just watched the watchmen the other day22:02
Buttons840Mathuin: would that get a text file in /etc/foo/bar.txt   ?22:02
MathuinHow can I make my netbook running 10.04.1 LTS connect to the wifi whenever it's turned on?22:02
kipirazz1: no. if you have a tech document, you can parse the data into segments (seperated by multiple whitespaces), and then sort those segments22:03
MathuinButtons840: no, it would only get /etc/bar.txt22:03
sandkingwhere can i get libgettext? it isn't in synaptics - only for ruby22:03
Buttons840Mathuin: that's what i want, a recurive way to gather files (i want to get all jars from a server, because i can't seem to locate a package)22:03
brontoeeekipi, maybe opera22:03
MathuinButtons840: ssh to and run something like "find /etc -name "*.jar" -print | xargs tar cf /tmp/jarfile.tar", then scp the jarfile.tar where you want it?22:04
Buttons840Mathuin: thans22:04
MathuinButtons840: good luck!22:04
enavI tested unity on my pc but when i came back to gnome i lose the title bar on maximized windows... what i can do to fix it?22:05
brontoeeeMathuin, it works like that here22:05
mkanyicywhat is that package that install all the compilers for c and c++ and stuff, is it build-essential?22:05
ghostknifeFor some reason when I press ctrl+c with "sudo" it asks for the password again. Meaning, if I cancel it I have to press ctrl+c twice. I've ignored it so far, since it's not serious. Though it's quite irritating. Anyone perhaps know why it would do this?22:05
Buttons840Mathuin: i'll probably use finds exec command?22:05
commodoorhi guys22:05
PagosSo uh, I am currently using chromium.22:06
Picimkanyicy: yes22:06
commodoorwhat are the benefits of puting home directory in a different partition?22:06
aeon-ltdcommodoor: reinstalls are easier22:06
MathuinButtons840:  I use xargs because the find command will run once per jar whereas the xargs will run once per many arguments.22:06
PagosAnd the scroll wheel changing tabs is really annoying.22:06
area51pilotcommodoor: recovery or data loss prevention is a nice plus22:06
PagosHow can I turn it off?22:06
Mathuincommodoor: when your videos/pictures directory fills the partition it doesn't crash the OS22:06
commodoordoes a reinstall overwright the home directory?22:06
zanusI obviously have two monitors hooked up, http://pastebin.com/9tKjcJyR . Though no matter what I do.. I even did a "sudo Xorg -configure" I can't get the second one on that list to show up.  At one time it showed a bunch of gray/red/blue pixels at login, but that's about it22:06
MathuinPagos: is the mouse on the tabs and not on the window?  That happened to me too.22:07
PagosIt's on the tabs.22:07
Mathuinbrontoeee:  The 'connect automatically' box wasn't checked.  Oops.22:07
MathuinPagos: move it to the actual window and the problem will go away.22:07
PagosI like to center click to close tabs, and it always switches tabs.22:07
enavmissing title bard after try unity what i can do to fix it?????22:07
guntbertcommodoor: if it is not on a separate partition - yes22:07
guntbert!home | commodoor22:08
ubottucommodoor: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome22:08
etheretic1brontoeee: pardon delay - xv, gl, x11, ...22:08
MathuinAlso, does anyone here actively use zoneminder?  Looks like an awesome piece of software, but it's somewhat thinly documented.22:08
commodoorubottu, thnx for the link, i know what the home directory is, i never used a different partition22:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:09
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brontoeeeetheretic1, install mediainfo, then do : mediainfo file.mkv and post the results into some online pastebin, provide the link, is it playing with vlc btw?22:09
guntbertcommodoor: look at the link you got from ubottu22:09
razz1kipi: is this what you are talking about?22:09
commodoorguntbert, reading it thnx22:09
razz1kipi: sorry: here is the link: http://api.openoffice.org/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/util/XSortable.html22:10
mkanyicyMathuin, what does it do22:10
etheretic1brontoeee: E: Unable to locate package mediainfo22:11
mkanyicycan ffmpeg provide the same audio quality as lame on variable bitrate (VBR) mode?22:11
brontoeeeetheretic1, its not in repos i belive22:11
etheretic1brontoeee: vlc won't run.22:11
mkanyicycan ffmpeg provide the same audio quality as lame on variable bitrate (VBR) mode when encoding mp3 audio files?22:11
drManhattan_why vlc won't run ??22:11
mkanyicydrManhattan_, because its dead?22:12
MagusOTBis there a way to make the function keys on my mac keyboard function as function keys and not media buttons? I need F11 a lot more frequently than I need to turn the volume down...22:12
zanuswhere is xorg.conf in meerkat22:12
mkanyicydrManhattan_, why dont you use MPlayer?22:12
brontoeeemkanyicy, if you use the same lame command line, then i dont see why not, use presets in both cases btw22:12
Quintinwhat is the name of the disk free tool so I can launch it from command line?22:12
zealiodhow can i route all traffic on eth1.111, eth.112 and eth.113 to eth0?22:12
zanus/etc/X11/xorg.conf does not exist22:12
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mkanyicybrontoeee, no I dont need 'presets' I need to set my own average bitrate22:13
speedrunnerG55im back22:13
speedrunnerG55i lost my internet for a minute22:13
commodoorubottu, guntbert thnx i think i'm gonna start using a different partition for home22:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:14
speedrunnerG55but it didnt work22:14
brontoeeemkanyicy, then use --preset yourbitrate22:14
mkanyicybrontoeee, and besides I am a bit choosy about --vbr-old over --vbr-new even on lame, so ffmpeg will find it hard to get my trust22:14
speedrunnerG55sudu apt update?22:14
brontoeeemkanyicy, custom lame command lines are usually very lame, but up to you22:14
commodoorguntbert, ubottu how much should i give the system is 100Gb enough?22:14
mkanyicybrontoeee, I have been using lame for years and I am solid with it, my question is ffmpeg, can it match lame or not?22:15
guntbertcommodoor: ubottu is a bot :-)22:15
commodoorguntbert, lol didn't know haha22:15
Mathuinmkanyicy: I found a bug in lame when I was encoding extremely low quality audio, ffmpeg worked for me. :-)22:15
commodoorguntbert, ah see it now22:16
seth_gi have asus mb M4A89GTD Pro, it has dual pci-e x16 which i am using for two nvidia cards -- one pci-e is geforce 8400 GS, the other is geforce 9400 gt. only one video card ever shows up... always as 1:0.0 from lspci, dmesg doesnt have any errors afaik.. the card in the primary (blue) slot is the one that works no matter which one it is. if i set primary ti internal then internal is the only one that works. i have tried as much as i can fi22:16
seth_gnd from online and whatnot but this isnt an X thing, no number is assigned to the second card. where do i go from here? id like to find a command similar to lspci that tells about errors..22:16
mkanyicyMathuin, brontoeee I am concerned about quality, I need HIGH quality22:16
commodoorguntbert, but 100Gb is enough ? i have 500Gb so the rest is for home22:16
Mathuinmkanyicy: zoneminder is a nifty piece of software that collects, stores and analyzes webcam content and sends alerts as appropriate.  It uses apache2 and mysql.22:16
guntbertcommodoor: lets say, use 20 GB for the system, the rest for /home  --- if you choose tu use LVM it will be more flexible22:16
Mathuinmkanyicy: were it me, I'd install ffmpeg and do some tests.22:17
SeanInSeattleHey all.  Is there a sshfs client that works to reconnect, if the connection to the server is lost, without me having to issue the reconnect command?22:17
evilgeeniusHow can i disable compiz in ubuntu?22:17
bynwi'm having some difficulties with my wireless connection on my laptop. sometimes the network connection applet will just vanish from the panel with or without connecting. and many times my wireless just wont connect to any wireless access point. even though it is fully authorized to do so or at hot spots where it should just detect it and jump on.22:17
MathuinIn my particular case, I was trying to compress Morse code.  I got amazing results -- like 167x -- which was really keen.22:17
commodoorguntbert, i'm gonna use home encrypted because it's my laptop so if it's get stolen i know i will be safe22:17
brontoeeemkanyicy, you just said that you need certain bitrate22:17
ruper_hi world !22:18
brontoeeemkanyicy, so what is it, high quality or bitrate?22:18
Mathuincommodoor: keep in mind that if you do any sort of remote backups of your laptop that you will have to be logged in in order for that partition tobe backed up.22:18
guntbertcommodoor: 100GB for the system is probably too much, especially on a laptop22:18
mkanyicyMathuin, I did with constant bitrate (CBR) @ 320kbps and they were the same22:18
Mathuinmkanyicy: Did you try VBR?  I think that's what you said was your target question.22:18
mkanyicybrontoeee, Mathuin no I didn't22:19
speedrunnerG55i stillcantget java22:19
mkanyicyMathuin, because I think its a bit tricky22:19
speedrunnerG55i still cant get java22:19
commodoorMathuin, thnx, i'm not doing remote backup just local and U122:19
guntbertcommodoor: in that case take a look at http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7568/1.html about encrypted home dir22:19
mkanyicybrontoeee, High quality22:19
brontoeeemkanyicy, well in any case i would actually avoid using ffmpeg, whats wrong with using lame directly?22:19
commodoorguntbert, thnx gonna read it22:19
guntbertcommodoor: and make certain to write down that pass phrase and keep it in a secure/safe place22:20
guntbertno way to your data without it22:21
mkanyicybrontoeee, lame is slower than ffmpeg about 4 to 6 seconds22:21
etheretic1brontoeee: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libmediainfo0 (>= 0.7.36)22:22
trollboyI'm currently experiencing high load averages (60-120) and can't figure out why... I'm looking at the server and ordering by cpu and mem is 0% cpu and .4% mem  any way to see what is going on?22:22
mkanyicybrontoeee, now if you are encoding, say 20 thousand mp3 files, it will be slower 6 times that which can be lots if minutes22:22
commodoorguntbert, thnx, im gonna reinstall ubuntu22:23
commodoorguntbert, with the passphrase i can mount the encrypted home, right?22:23
guntbertcommodoor: have fun -- and *don't ever loose that passphrase*22:24
commodoorguntbert, thnx for the help22:24
guntbertcommodoor: you're welcome :-)22:24
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brontoeeemkanyicy, speed is the reverse of the quality, so i'am not sure what you want22:25
ayushis it not possible to open two windows of an application (say firefox) in the unity interface?22:25
mkanyicybrontoeee, yes but WITH EVERYTHING ELSE remaining constant22:25
brontoeeeetheretic1, i think there are 2 debs that you need to install in correct order22:25
mkanyicybrontoeee, ffmpeg and lame may be using different algorithms22:26
martin_hey, can someone help me with setting default file permissions in a directory?22:26
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mkanyicybrontoeee, by the way --vbr-new and --vbr-old of lame use two different algorithms22:26
brontoeeemkanyicy, files should be bit identical then, encode two and do an md5 on both, if it matches then use ffmpeg22:26
brontoeeemkanyicy, let me find you a link with recommended presets....22:27
mkanyicybrontoeee, I think you can encode the same file twice with lame alone and calculate MD5 checksum it would be different, I bet22:27
etheretic1brontoeee: oh right, got it.22:27
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seth_greferring to my earlier question, only one video card is recognized at a time whether I use the installed 10.04 32 bit or a maverick 64 live usb22:28
mkanyicybrontoeee, no I do not need the presets, I have wrote an mp3 converter script myself, so I need this to check if ever I should improve its speed or not22:28
guntbertblakkheim: referring to me?22:28
starnCan anyone suggest a browser faster than Firefox and Chrome. i'm using google voice for text messaging and would prefer something that uses lil less than 60-150mb memory..22:28
brontoeeemkanyicy, no, two encodes should be identical22:29
mkanyicystarn, w3m?22:29
seth_glspci lists the 'numbers' for each hardware device. if a 'number' (like 1:0.0) is for some reason failing, where is that error logged?22:29
vdubhackhow does one go about removing the realtek driver that gets installed by default. I dont want to blacklist but full remove it properly so I can try other version with patches since in 64 bit the driver causes a memory leak22:29
starnmkanyicy w3m?? whats that?22:29
Draqulstarn: Chromium is about as fast as it gets, imo.22:30
tensorpuddingstarn: it's a text-mode web browser22:30
mkanyicyterminal based web browser22:30
Draqulstarn: Graphical, I mean.22:30
martin_starn: i've found chrome pretty fast, i heard saphari is pretty quick too. honestly though, i dont have much experience with saphari22:30
starndraqul so far i agree but it still uses 100+ memory.22:30
nibbierclicking on the battery/charger applet and preferences lets me define how to behave on AC power, but not on battery anymore. how to acces these settings?22:30
mkanyicystarn, Im with Draqul as well on the GUI, Chromium22:30
bynwi'm having some difficulties with my wireless connection on my laptop. sometimes the network connection applet will just vanish from the panel with or without connecting. and many times my wireless just wont connect to any wireless access point. even though it is fully authorized to do so or at hot spots where it should just detect it and jump on.22:30
Draqulstarn: I know. = / If you're looking for something terminal based, then links is pretty swift. Linx is another good option22:31
martin_can anybody help me with my permissions problem?22:31
starni'll check out w3m probably gonna take hours to figure out how to use it22:31
starnthanks guys. maybe they will work with google voice so i may send text messages with out hogging half my systems memory [not really half but feels like it sometimes when a game like wow can use less]22:32
martin_I need to set a directory's default permissions for new files to be 775, but it wont let me! :(22:32
Draqulstarn: I do not think links, or linx, will work with Google Voice.22:32
starnworth a shot.22:32
Draqulmartin_: sudo chmod 775 <dir>22:32
martin_Draqul, it needs to be for new files, not existing ones22:33
slidinghornstarn,  Draqul you can use the mobile version of the site google.com/voice/m/22:33
martin_it's so that if someone creates a file, it will already have the permissions 77522:33
Draqulmartin_: my bad22:33
starnhmm did not think to use mobile version even though i use it for my DSi all the time! great idea!22:33
seth_gmaybe my question needs to be broken up into the 100 questions i asked myself to get to that conclusion...22:33
slidinghornstarn, thanks :)  I have one every once in a great while ;-)22:34
starni still wanna try this text base broswer stuff ^.^ sounds fun to play with,,22:34
seth_gso when i run lspci, what are the numbers called (like 1:0.0). is that the irq??22:34
grid_i use a samba server, where can you change the default profile path to save roaming profiles from a windowsxp client, the default should be /home/<username>/profile, i already search a day for this ;)22:35
guntbertseth_g: did you already read man lspci ? (I didn't recently)22:36
etheretic1brontoeee: the progress bar is just running back and forth installing libmediainfo.22:36
decaniusI just installed some ati-drivers for my notebook after I installed a fresh version of lubuntu, then I reinstalled my  fglrx and now it just locks at my bootscreen and I can't change the runlevel or anything.. Does anyone have any good tips t how to solve this?22:36
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starnok where and or how do i find or use any  of these text based browsers such as w3m swift or linx? w/e they was..22:37
brontoeeeetheretic1, lucid or? (works fine here with lucid)22:37
guntbert!info w3m | starn22:37
etheretic1brontoeee: meercat 10.1022:37
ubottustarn: w3m (source: w3m): WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/frames support. In component main, is standard. Version 0.5.2-6 (maverick), package size 1077 kB, installed size 1860 kB22:37
mkanyicybrontoeee, ok I have made few test cases, the MD5 sum stays the same for identical settings but changes if you change the vbr algorithm, since lame has at least 2 algorithms with its fastest being slower than ffmpeg, i think ffmpeg is using something else22:37
guntbertstarn: w3m is already installed, you invoke it with w3m <url>22:38
tchad_join #qt-labs22:38
seth_gguntbert, i have. ive tried the Q options and -vv, etc but still only one card.22:38
guntbertstarn: and you quit it later with Q22:38
mkanyicybrontoeee, but anyway its fine, I will do my ground work on google and experiment a bit as time goes on, thanks for the help, now  I will take the md5sum into account!22:38
martin_can i write a script or something so that new files in a directory have a certain permission set?22:39
martin_(like 775)22:39
VCooliostarn: here are some more to check; most are in the repos http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Lightweight_Applications#Browsers22:39
guntbertseth_g: I must admit that I cannot decode them myself22:39
MatBoyman, 10.10 is a pain with a intel 5100 agn card22:39
seth_gassuming ubuntu can 'see' both cards, is there an error log when an irq cannot be assigned?22:39
seth_girq meaning BusID i guess22:40
rammyIRCtrying to find a way to connect to Remote Web Workplace on a Windows SBS 2003 server. RWW only works in IE.22:40
seth_gdmesg has no errors about anything vga related22:40
decaniusI just installed some ati-drivers for my notebook after I installed a fresh version of lubuntu, then I reinstalled my  fglrx and now it just locks at my bootscreen and I can't change the runlevel or anything.. Does anyone have any good tips t how to solve this?22:40
kpomanI am getting a lot of forbidden on a update ! please someone help !!!! http://pastebin.com/78BA3drU22:40
kpomanor how do I get rid of it ?22:41
brontoeeemkanyicy, yes actually, you need to extract only the audio part and do md5 on that (when using different encoders)22:41
starnthanks guys this is amazing!! i know for sure mobile site of google voice works on this w3m. this is amazing!22:41
brontoeeemkanyicy, my mistake here22:41
MatBoywhat is the issue with a intel 5100 agn card ? It sees networks but cannot connect right because of the WPA key or whatever22:41
macoMatBoy: wpa key shouldnt be related to hardware. thats the password you need to connect to that network. the owner has setup a password to encrypt the traffic22:42
seth_gis it possible that a dual pci-e nvidia is not available without crossfire?22:42
Gneakpoman: firewall?22:43
MatBoymaco: yes, but network-manager does not see networks with the card and wicd has password problems22:43
soreauWhat is starting gnome-screensaver? I do not see it in alacarte (sys>prefs>startup applications). What else starts user programs?22:43
etheretic1brontoeee: it's hanging on dpkg.22:44
trismsoreau: /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-screensaver.desktop22:45
blockyis it possible to make my gnome panel task switcher have two rows of tasks?22:45
soreautrism: Why.22:45
rammyIRChow to use  Remote Web Workplace from ubuntu?22:45
rammyIRCany pointers??22:45
soreauSorry, s/alacarte/gnome-session-properties22:46
soreauWhy start starting things in /etc/xdg/autostart/ instead of making them easily configurable by gnome-session-properties as it has been in the past?22:46
trismsoreau: http://standards.freedesktop.org/autostart-spec/autostart-spec-latest.html, it also looks in ~/.config/autostart (that's where startup applications saves them)22:46
pionarGood afternoon everyone!22:46
mkanyicyhi pionar22:47
trismsoreau: and you can copy anything to ~/.config/autostart and it will override the .desktop file in /etc/xdg/autostart22:47
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soreautrism: The spec says ubuntu should start making things less easily configurable by removing it from gnome-session-properties?22:48
rammyIRCdo anybody knew the answer please let me know on Remote Web Workplace.22:48
Pici!patience | rammyIRC22:48
ubotturammyIRC: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:48
rammyIRCoh ok22:48
seth_gso ubuntu cant handle two video cards?22:48
speedrunnerG55i still cant get java22:49
trismsoreau: they are not removed, they are default, system-wide settings, and as I said you can copy the .desktop file you want to override to ~/.config/autostart and gnome-session-properties will let you edit it22:49
wadspeedrunnerG55, you can download it directly from java.com, if you like.22:49
soreau<trism> soreau: and you can copy anything to ~/.config/autostart and it will override the .desktop file in /etc/xdg/autostart <-- this doesn't make two bits of sense to me. What would make sense is having xscreensaver installed would automagically replace gnome-screensaver for startup and configuration22:49
trismsoreau: I didn't write the system, so I don't know why you're telling me22:50
soreauInstead I not only get two entries for 'Screensaver' in the menu, but I don't see a way to change it via GUI22:50
speedrunnerG55wich one?22:50
soreautrism: You responded, so you get latched.22:50
speedrunnerG55which donload?22:51
geitenneukergood morning22:51
seth_galright then, since it seems ubuntu cant use more than one video card at a time, is there a video card available with 4 heads?22:51
zanuslspci shows I have 2 displays, aticonfig shows I have 2 displays, yet Catalyst Control Center only shows 1 of my two ATI cards.22:52
soreauzanus: Who cares?22:52
soreauCanonical really needs to get their act together instead of piling on more crap no one wants or needs22:52
zanusquestion being, why can I not detect my second display when it's obviously showing up22:52
seth_gsoreau, umm zanus cares. i kind of care too22:53
seth_gzanus, try sudo X -configure - is there only one entry for video cards in lspci?22:53
camer0n_hi guys, just wondering if it is possible to do a complete copy of an OS, including partitions, etc, installed on a USB stick, to a iso file?22:54
zanusI tried -configure.. and no.. there are two entries for VGA in lspci22:54
camer0n_i figure dd or something might work?22:54
kjkjavaI'm having trouble getting my JDBC driver to work in Ubuntu.  I used -cp to add the correct jar(s) to the classpath.  I'm just using javac and java... no IDE.  Ideas?22:54
seth_gzanus, you'll need to be sure the second display uses the second device22:54
zanusHere's my lspci http://pastebin.com/5eJA1wPm and here's the ATI config http://pastebin.com/DYXuSQtP22:55
zanusseth_g, how do I make sure of that?22:56
seth_gzanus, its in /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:56
geitenneukergood morning22:56
seth_gzanus pstebin your xorg22:56
zanusseth_g, unfortunately, in meerkat.. that file doesn't exist22:56
tgiesHow would I get gnome-keyring to store my ssh private key passphrase forever? Right now it prompts to unlock the key once per session.22:57
zanusor at least that's what I've experienced22:57
Draqulzanus: xorg.conf has become optional22:57
wadtgies, what do you mean, "once per session"?22:58
wadtgies, you mean after a reboot?22:58
zanuscat /etc/X11/xorg.conf returns an error.. Dragul, but even after I did a Xorg -configure... I still can't find it22:58
geitenneukeri got a problem22:58
geitenneukerany dutch person here?22:58
Draqul!ask | geitenneuker22:58
ubottugeitenneuker: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:58
zanusno wait..22:58
Draqulgeitenneuker: Deutsch?22:58
tgies<wad> tgies, what do you mean, "once per session"?22:58
tgies<wad> tgies, you mean after a reboot?22:58
tgiesactually, if i log out and log back in22:58
geitenneukerdutch! no german22:58
zanusok xorg.conf miraculously appeared!!22:58
tgiesbut obviously a reboot has the same effect22:59
Draqul!du | geitenneuker22:59
tgiesactually maybe it IS just after a reboot22:59
tgiesI'm not 100% sure22:59
tgiesi should check22:59
Draqul!dutch | geitenneuker22:59
ubottugeitenneuker: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl22:59
wadtgies: It's normal to enter your key after a reboot. I just use ssh-add.22:59
tgieswad: yes, ssh-add is automatically being fired by gnome-keyring23:00
wadAh, makes sense.23:00
tgiesand i'm being prompted by ssh-askpass to unlock it the first time i use it per session23:00
tgiesbut I actually would like to store some of the passphrases in the keyring so i *never* have to type them23:00
zanusok.. so I have xorg.conf access now.. Now I just have to figure out how to add my second card in there..23:01
seth_gzanus, im pretty sure you need to add the second device there23:01
zanusis there a good tutorial out there anywhere23:01
wadtgies, same here. If you don't want to be prompted for the password, use a key that's not passphrase protected, I suppose.23:01
seth_gzanus, are those pci-e? this is related to my issue23:01
tgiesit used to work in 8.x23:01
zanusthe one that's not in there is pci-e yes23:01
seth_gzanus, i see that card for sale as pci-e23:01
seth_gzanus, only one is? other is straight pci?23:02
tioxQuickie: What do I wanna get if I want to find the URL of a radio station using a flash widget which does not provide the URL I can use in other media players?23:02
wadtgies, that is strange. I haven't noticed anything different.23:02
zanusthe other is onboard23:02
wadtiox, netstat?23:02
tioxNetstat. I'll take a look at it.23:02
tioxFor 10.10 right?23:02
seth_gwow... i can never get onboard to show up if there is another card in...23:02
etheretic1brontoeee: can't cut/paste from gui version, installing cli.23:03
seth_gzanus, your mb only has one pci-e slot?23:03
zanusumm.. I believe so23:03
zanusI'd have to re check23:03
seth_gzanus, the point you are at would be considered success for me23:04
tgieswad: There used to be an "automatically unlock" checkbox in the askpass dialog23:04
tgieswhich would cause it to save the passphrase to the keyring and never ask for it again23:04
tgiesThat's gone now23:04
wadtgies: Ah!23:04
=== Putr is now known as Putr|Away
zanusso how do I find the BusID of my other card... that seems to be the only thing different regarding a simple copy/paste solution23:05
seth_gzanus its in lspci23:05
seth_gone is 1:05.0 other is 2:00.023:05
seth_gi suspect 2 is the addon23:06
qorepis there some checkinstall alternative that can handle files with spaces in them?23:06
zanusit's weird that it calls the onboard PCI23:06
zanusis there a different syntax for PCI-e in xorg.conf?23:07
zanusor can I just put "PCI:2:0:0"23:07
seth_gzanus same as the other device part of xorg.conf23:08
zanusalright thx seth_g23:08
camer0n_hi, can some one help me? I am trying to clone a drive, but having trouble with dd... is there a better way?23:09
altinhi can someone help me ?23:09
altini have camera problems truying to fifure out for 2h :/23:10
delinquentmedamn! ubuntu is kind of plagued when it comes to video codecs ... has anyone else noticed this? first i cant watch DVDs .. now my .wmv playback is messed up ... and then all the flash playback stuff in browser ... Eh... are there plans to fix this??23:10
Cyber_AkumaUmmm, thats because Ubuntu isn't windows, its not really something broken to "fix"23:10
Cyber_AkumaYou can download "dirty" codecs to play those formats though23:10
gravitusI don't have that problem with ubuntu. I sprinkle Bill Gates dandruff into the disk drive23:11
delinquentmeCyber_Akuma, how do i do this23:11
Quintindelinquentme: apt-get install vlc mplayer ... ?23:11
delinquentmeQuintin, i have VLC installed.. however its not playing .wmv files23:12
Cyber_Akumathats odd23:12
delinquentmeCyber_Akuma, i DID try and install DVD playback ( additional video wonkyness)23:12
Quintindelinquentme: try different wmvs?23:13
Cyber_Akumathe default media player would have asked you to install the codec pack when you tried to play an unsupported file23:13
* twinkie_addict is baffled aptitude wasnt installed by default in 10.10 , i had to install my self . i thought it was what we were suposed to use in cli to install stuff23:13
delinquentmethe sound works ... on all the vids ... but not the video23:14
blakkheimtwinkie_addict: ubuntu is more of a distro for noobs now, i think they don't care as much about the advanced users - but you can install it of course23:14
Cyber_AkumaBTw, is it possible to inswtall Ubuntu and tell it to install grub to it's own parttion rather than to the MBR?23:14
Quintindelinquentme: have you tried many different video files?23:14
delinquentmeQuintin, i just tried 4 .. all the same results23:14
twinkie_addictyeh i installed it :)23:15
BliepoHello everyone, I have a script which I would like to start on boot with root rights, because the script needs to be able to shutdown the laptop. Furthermore, using shutdown now does not shutdown the laptop, but instead opens some sort of recovery menu.23:15
twinkie_addicti got my ubuntu 10.10 cd in the mail did a fresh install and tought it how to boot in to cli :)23:15
Buttons840can anyone suggest a javascript interpreter for ubuntu (a general interpreter, not related to the web)23:16
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LjL!info spidermonkey-bin | Buttons84023:17
ubottuButtons840: Package spidermonkey-bin does not exist in maverick23:17
tgiesso anyone know where that "automatically unlock" checkbox went?23:17
LjLButtons840: uhm. it exists on Hardy *shrug*23:17
mentocI removed gdm and now aplay says it cannot find card '0'.. Any ideas?23:17
drunkenhi everyone. i'm having serious issues with sound since i upgraded kernels on ubuntu 9.1023:17
twinkie_addictsometimes i need the gui apps in gnome but most of the time i dont so run cli only with helps alot as i only 370 megs of ram23:17
drunkendmesg throws up tons of these: hda-intel: spurious response 0x0:0x0, last cmd=0xc3500023:18
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zanuswell seth_g, adding another device section didn't do anything.  I'm guessing I have restart gdm?23:18
drunkenkern.log throws up tons of these:  hda_codec: invalid dep_range_val 0:7fff23:18
* twinkie_addict plans on buying new box next month23:18
drunkenand the startup sounds will play. but when i login. sound goes away23:18
seth_gwell yeah you have to restartx23:18
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seth_glogout and login23:18
grid_if i do mv /home/username /media/data/users/username, and now i do in /home sudo ln -s /media/data/users/username test, how could i get the same permissions to /home/username? because /home/username will not get data from some programs anymore since used ln23:19
mentocIs there a way to get a list of packages that 'apt-get autoremove ' has removed?23:19
drunkenanyone have any ideas?23:20
Bliepogrid_, if i am correct, you cannot make a symoblic link to a driectory23:20
aeon-ltddrunken: check alsamixer23:20
drunkenaeon-ltd: the sound is not muted via alsa mixer23:21
PiciBliepo: sure you can.  You can't make a hardlink to a directory.23:21
grid_Bliepo: you can23:21
aeon-ltddrunken: whats your source of sound to test?23:21
drunkenand with the log file viewer open. everytime i attempt to play a sound a hundred or so of those errors come up23:21
BliepoPici, ah, I always mix the two up :')23:21
drunkenaeon-ltd: As in music? system sounds?23:21
aeon-ltddrunken: can you paste bin the errors?23:21
drunkenyea. i'll put them on pastebin23:21
aeon-ltddrunken: yeah test multiple sources23:21
grid_Pici: perhaps you can help me with the question above?23:22
Picigrid_: change the permissions on /home/username to be owned by username:username23:23
plitterhello, i am trying to get a mic on asus 1005px to work, anyone have an idea?23:23
grid_Pici: it would be actually sudo ln -s /media/data/users/username username, i made a typo23:23
drunkenlovely. pastebin is broke23:23
Picigrid_: I figured23:23
zanusugh seth_g, what am I doing wrong http://pastebin.com/aV3DDVkw23:23
mkanyicybye everyone23:23
Cyber_AkumaIs there a way to install ubuntu with grub/the bootloader completely installed on the partition I installed Ubuntu on and not installed on the MBR at all so I can chainload it?23:24
grid_Pici: so i have to do before i move the use ls -lah to see the permissions, and then i need to set them the same23:24
Sean93why does this torrent freeze and program i use to download it?? and how do i fix it?23:24
Picigrid_: You shouldn't need to check it, as it should be owned by user 'username' and group 'username'23:24
zanusit still shows only only screen in Catalyst Control Panel23:25
zanusand only one card23:25
zanuswhile lspci and aticonfig -lsa say different23:25
BliepoHello everyone, I have a script which I would like to start on boot with root rights, because the script needs to be able to shutdown the laptop. Furthermore, using shutdown now does not shutdown the laptop, but instead opens some sort of recovery menu.23:25
SeanInSeattleHey all.  I'm wondering what options to use with CP in order to copy all files in a directory, recursively, to another directory -- replacing any files that have the same name.  Any ideas?23:26
etheretic1brontoeee: still there? mediainfo output is at http://pastebin.com/cQQCeJZF23:26
TheSelbyanyone alive here ?23:26
TheSelbyi am interested in some help, if possible, related with nvidia and tv-out on ubuntu23:27
drunkenaeon-ltd: http://mysql.paste-bin.com/view/fb2f1f7a23:27
TheSelbycan you help me in this Pici ?23:28
drunkenaeon-ltd: and http://mysql.paste-bin.com/view/65d2686023:28
Dream_thi'm having some difficulties with iptables on ubuntu23:28
Dream_thi'm trying to excecute these commands but the masquerade won't work23:29
Dream_th iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 12000 -j DNAT --to-destination ipaddress:1200023:29
ehcahDoes anyone know how to remove the notification applet that remains in the top left hand corner of my screen after the top panel has been deleted? Icons are things like xChat, Battery/Power, Connections, Open Office etc..23:29
Dream_th iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE23:29
Dream_thwhen excecuting the 2nd commmand i get: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.23:29
PiciTheSelby: I'm not much help with nvidia issues, sorry.23:29
TheSelbyiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s xx.xx.xx.xx/xx -o ethx -j MASQUERADE23:30
Dream_thwhich xx.xx.xx.xx/xx should be the local address right?23:30
TheSelbyPici: thanks ... you know someone that can help me from here ?23:30
zealiodi am receicing this error 'SIOCADDRT: No such process' when i do this command23:30
zealiodsudo route add -net netmask gw dev eth1.123:30
MathuinSeanInSeattle: I would use tar instead.  "cd sourcedir && tar cf - . | (cd destdir && tar xvf -)"23:30
anon33_I'm in quite a pickle and could really use some help.23:30
zealiodIt generally means the gateway is not reachable with your current routes23:31
zealiodIm not sure how to fix - any ideas?23:31
seth_gzanus, im sure the autoconfigure will work at this point23:31
anon33_I've set Ubuntu to autologin. Earlier today I set up awesome wm and now when I boot into ubuntu, I get a black screen that wont display anything.23:32
seth_gzanus, i thought the catalyst drivers were available for ubuntu23:32
drunkenany clues aeon-ltd ?23:32
grid_Pici: it has the same permissions, but programs don't respond to the same folder anymore, like i use for this folder a location for a roaming profile from winxp client that is connection to my samba pdc23:32
zanusI have the catalyst drivers already23:32
anon33_The best I can do is close my laptop, switch user, and try switching the desktop environment but that doesn't solve anything.23:32
Sean93why does this torrent freeze and program i use to download it?? and how do i fix it?23:32
anon33_Any help would be really appreciated.23:32
zanusit's just that in the Control Center, under Display Devices..23:32
zanusonly one shows us23:33
grid_Pici: would you know how this could be, i'm already a day busy with this problem23:33
seth_gwas catalyst installed?23:33
zanusI'm not sure what you're asking...  was is it installed when before I decided to connect another monitor? No23:33
LiamBRT2Free Music Downloads, No Shit, no Software, No Registration, Instant Downloads, No Virus' - muQuick -  http://www.muquick.com23:35
BliepoHello everyone, I have a script which I would like to start on boot with root rights, because the script needs to be able to shutdown the laptop. Furthermore, using shutdown now does not shutdown the laptop, but instead opens some sort of recovery menu.23:36
seth_gzanus, you should install ati's proprietary drivers\23:36
zanusI have23:36
seth_gand a full reboot?23:36
zanusI'm about to try another reboot23:36
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zanusjust to see what happens23:36
TheSelbyany xorg.conf expert here ?23:37
newuberI seem to have a slow boot on my laptop.. Using Ubuntu 10.10 and on boot I have a blank screen for 15-25 sec before anything happens.. I have dual boot for windows but havent installed windozzze yet.. any help?23:37
seth_gok there's gotta be a catalyst application so you can choose orientation of screen and location23:37
zanusyeah.. I have the catalyst application23:37
zanusI can do all that stuff23:37
seth_gunfortunate im using nvidia so i cant try it23:37
zanusbut only with one screen..23:37
zanusand it only detects one video card23:37
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anon33_Grr...could really use some help here.23:38
goltoofzanus,  if you asked me, return the ati card and get nVidia while you still can.  nVidia has way more linux support23:39
sir_tyrionHey, is the only difference between ubuntu and xubuntu the desktop environment?23:39
sir_tyrionif I install both sessions, is it like having both installed on my comp?23:39
anon33_Accidentally specified 'User Defined Session' as the environment and I have auto login setup so I can't change it.23:40
etheretic1Trying to play a matroska video file in gnome-mplayer and vlc. The audio plays, the video not, and the time-elapsed is frozen at 00:00. Have tried different video codec settings, with no change. Playing avi files works fine. What could be wrong? mediainfo output at http://pastebin.com/cQQCeJZF23:40
Dream_thTheSelby: i'm still receiving error while excecuting this: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s xx.xx.xx.xx/24 -o venet0 -j MASQUERADE23:40
anon33_Can anyone please help me out?23:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:40
newuberanon33 normally just ask the question and if someone knows the answer. they usually are good about helping23:41
TheSelby@Dream_th: you are trying to masquerade all from one board to another, right ?23:41
goltoofanon33_, learn how to do what you need with command line :)23:41
Dream_thTheSelby: i'm trying to redirect all incoming connection to a specific ip address and port23:42
anon33_goltoof: I can't even boot into the command line. Seriously need some assistance...23:42
RyanP Anyone want to make 5 dollars per post, on my technology blog?23:42
TheSelby@Dream_th: do something like this:23:43
TheSelbyiptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p TCP -s --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 312823:43
anon33_How do I boot into the command line? What would I.change to.alter the desktop environment?23:43
RyanP Anyone want to make 5 dollars per post, on my technology blog?23:43
RyanP Anyone want to make 5 dollars per post, on my technology blog?23:43
TheSelbythat's how i redirect http traffic to squid23:43
goltoofanon33_,  what do you see now?23:43
anon33_Is it possible to boot into the login screen if autologin is set?23:43
Dream_thTheSelby: let me try23:43
anon33_goltoof: its a black screen asking me for my password. Im able to hibernate my laptop and switch users, but im the only defined user23:44
aeon-ltddrunken: coorslight kernel? are you serious?23:44
goltoofanon33_,  and when you put in your password?23:44
newuberwhy is my bootup so slow 10.1023:45
anon33_goltoof; it stays black.23:45
drunkenaeon-ltd: its my laptops name23:45
Therstriumwhere is the smbpasswd file located?23:45
aeon-ltddrunken: lol any way back on topic23:45
anon33_goltoof: all I need to do is change the session environment before autologin but im unable to do that23:45
drunkencurrent kernel version is 2.6.31-14. everything was peachy until i upgraded to -22.23:46
goltoofanon33_, you might try reinstalling gnome   sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop23:46
drunkenthe issues began happening so i uninstalled the -22 version via synaptic and reverted back to the -1423:46
drunkenand the issues never left ^_^23:46
SeanInSeattleHey all.  I'm trying to use rapidsvn, and I think I've messed up the permissions somehow.  On startup and shutdown it gives me an error saying that it can't write to the user configuration file.  Does anyone here know what that's all about?23:46
anon33_goltoof: how can I access the command line before autologin?23:46
BliepoHello everyone, I have a script which I would like to start on boot with root rights, because the script needs to be able to shutdown the laptop. Furthermore, using shutdown now does not shutdown the laptop, but instead opens some sort of recovery menu.23:47
aeon-ltddrunken: i found a solution, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto#Playing%20with%20probe_mask23:47
drunkenyea. tried that.23:47
drunkeni've googled my brains on  this23:47
aeon-ltddrunken: no luck with that solution?23:48
Bliepogeitenneuker, kies een andere naam wil je?23:48
drunkennope. :(23:48
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:49
=== geitenneuker is now known as neitengeuker
goltoofanon33_, so it just keeps asking for a pw no matter how many times you put it in?23:49
aeon-ltddrunken: is this a laptop?23:50
Blieponeitengeuker, good :)23:50
drunkenaeon-ltd: yes. acer aspire one ao751h23:50
anon33_goltoof: no, only once23:51
BbluEiAnyone here, extremely familiar with Grub2?23:51
aeon-ltddrunken: you may require a specific module to load at boot, sorry but i have to go now, sorry i could find the solution and good luck :)23:51
plitterhello have someone had a problem23:51
drunkenno worries. thanks for the help m823:51
etheretic1Take 3: Trying to play a matroska video file in gnome-mplayer and vlc. The audio plays, the video not, and the time-elapsed is frozen at 00:00. Have tried different video codec settings, with no change. Playing avi files works fine. What could be wrong? mediainfo output at http://pastebin.com/cQQCeJZF23:52
goltoofanon33_, try booting into recovery mode23:53
goltoofanon33_,  hold shift key during bootup23:53
goltoofetheretic1,  try another player23:54
_pg_is there a #transmission?23:54
anon33_goltoof: what commands should I issue? Is there a file I.can alter?23:54
plitterhello has someone found a fix for mic on the asus eee 1005px??23:54
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goltoofanon33_, first i'd try resetting the password23:55
goltoofanon33_,  are you in recovery mode?23:55
MegabyteHello everyone23:55
anon33_goltoof booting up, and I know the password23:55
MegabyteI'm trying to translate xiphos to my mother tongue and I am required to build it to complete the process. However, trying to build it results in complete failure.23:55
MegabyteThis is the log.23:56
MegabyteCan you please give me instructions about what must I do to get xiphos to build?23:56
Dream_thTheSelby: thank you for your help, althou it doesn't work for me, maybe its because its on openvz, anyhow i have to go now. thanks again23:57
goltoofanon33_, ic... try reinstalling gnome, if not that at least you got command access23:57
etheretic1goltoof: same with mplayer.23:57
gasullHi.  I still don't get the thing about "long term support".  Is it recommended to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 or not?=23:58
goltoofetheretic1,  smplayer23:58
eTiger13i upgraded 10.04 server to 10.10 and now the welcome message that appears when I ssh in is doubled. it shows the welcome for 10.10 and 10.04. how can i edit it so it only shows the 10.10 message?23:58
leeeTiger13: check out /etc/motd* ?23:59
DanThirsthey im running 10.10, I'm using gnome and i have amarok installed... it plays like 3 seconds of a song really fast23:59
anon33_goltoof, what was the package name again?23:59
goltoofanon33_,   sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop23:59
etheretic1goltoof: installing...23:59

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