
crimsunScottL: it's true for the case that everything works00:13
holsteinScottL: im in03:14
holsteinsorry i got kinda busy03:14
holsteinwhich is great actually03:14
holsteinseems like buisness has been slow for a couple years now03:14
holsteinand starting to get back to normal03:14
holsteinBUT, im into whatever03:15
holsteinScottL: you want to pick a day for a site meeting?03:15
holsteinfor voting and what-not?03:15
ScottLholstein, i was actually hoping you would help pick the day for the meeting03:20
ScottLand maybe send out a few emails and post at ubuntu forums as well03:20
holsteinScottL: i can do that03:27
holsteinwhen you say ubuntu forums03:27
holsteinyou mean studio specific ones?03:27
* holstein not a big forum user actually03:29
holsteinScottL: is november 10th to late?03:30
holsteini was thinking i would try and instigate monthly meetings03:30
holsteinthe 2nd wednesday of the month03:31
holsteinwe could go for the first mondays though03:31
holsteinand that would be sooner03:31
holsteinnovember 1st03:31
holsteinScottL: i found the forums :)03:37
aboganiScottL: No but I'm working on it on these days.07:11
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