
=== Dominus is now known as Guest35356
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mr_booi'm now inside ubuntu studio 10.04 with my M-Audio Delta 1010LT card15:51
mr_booand i have no sound in any application or pulseaudio15:51
mr_booany ideas?15:51
mr_boowonder if my irc client just crashed15:57
AGECannonixpossibly :p16:01
mr_booi'm trying to get sound to work with ubuntu studio 10.04 and my M-Audio Delta 1010LT soundcard16:08
mr_boopcm meters are moving in envy24control16:10
mr_boobut no sound from soundcard16:10
mr_booany ideas?16:11
mr_booi've confirmed that the soundcard works with my win xp16:19
mr_boodoes anyone in here have an M-Audio soundcard?16:20
grantsmithi have one16:22
grantsmithan m audio firewire solo though16:22
grantsmithgot it working last night on standard ubuntu 10.416:23
grantsmithwith ffado16:23
grantsmithand jack / ardour216:24
mr_boograntsmith: are M-Audios supposed to work with Ubuntu Studio in particular?16:24
grantsmithwell i'm not sure, but I know the firewire solo has always worked16:24
grantsmithi'm not amiliar with the PCI ones sorry16:25
AutoStatic1010LT doesn't work ootb with PulseAudio16:25
AutoStaticThere's ahuge bugreport on Launchpad16:25
mr_booAutoStatic: of that I'm aware but in Ubuntu Studio in particular my 1010LT doesn't work with any app16:26
AutoStaticWith JACK?16:26
AutoStaticOr with PulseAudio?16:26
mr_booAutoStatic: nope16:26
AutoStaticif you're trying to use the 1010LT without JACK you are using PulseAudio16:27
AutoStaticAnd the 101LT doesn't work well with PulseAudio16:27
mr_booAutoStatic: actually audacity allows to choose the device specifically16:27
AutoStaticthat's right16:27
mr_booAutoStatic: my ICE1712 chipset is listed in there and the levels are flashing in ency24control pcm output meters16:28
mr_boobut no sound whatsoever16:28
AutoStaticthat's because Audacity uses another backend/library16:28
AutoStaticBut sound still gets played through PulseAudio16:28
AutoStaticAnd as long as the 1010LT doesn't work well with Pulse you won't get sound16:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 178442 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Lucid) "Pulseaudio fails to initialize ICE17xx chipsets" [Low,Triaged]16:30
mr_booAutoStatic: i've applied the bug workaround already16:30
AutoStaticAh ok :)16:31
mr_booAutoStatic: and it worked for my regular ubuntu Lucid Lynx16:31
AutoStaticBut not for Studio?16:31
mr_booAutoStatic: nope16:31
AutoStaticThat's weird16:31
AutoStaticIt shoudln't make a difference16:31
mr_booAutoStatic: also i could use all but pulseaudio in regular Lynx16:32
mr_booAutoStatic: here audio is muted at all times under all circumstances16:32
AutoStaticSo in regular 10.04 you couldn't use PulseAudio either?16:32
mr_booAutoStatic: not prior to workaround no16:32
AutoStaticAnd you've applied the workaround to Ubuntu Studio too I reckon16:33
mr_booAutoStatic: of course16:33
AutoStaticStrange, there are no real differences on that level between regular and studio flavors16:33
mr_boois there a way to mute pulseaudio only?16:35
mr_booanyway thanks16:45
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