
Nu-Buntudoes anyone know where resolution settings are stored? I was tinkering and made it too high02:27
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:30
likemindeadSettings > Settings Manager > Display02:30
Nu-Buntuok thx gonna try this, I can't see anything on my hdd so I gotta try the live cd02:31
Nu-Buntuhow do i get to recovery mode? i tried hitting escape before xubuntu boots but it doesn't work02:34
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:35
likemindeadNu-Buntu, try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" at a prompt.02:39
likemindead(And then reboot.)02:42
Nu-Buntuok at the start you mean ctrl+alt+f1 into terminal?02:43
likemindeadThat'll do it.02:44
Nu-Buntudidn't work it is still showing horizontal lines02:50
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Nu-Buntulikeminded do you know where the xorg file is I think I have to edit that02:53
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:55
likemindeadHmm... that's the same link(s).02:56
Nu-Buntui tired the sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart also02:56
Nu-Buntuno luck02:56
likemindeadWhat'd you do to upset it?03:04
ToStItOsHow do drag and drop my videos files from my music folder to my usb flash drive?03:10
likemindeadWhat's the problem?03:11
ToStItOswhen I try to drag my media files to my flash drive they just drag back to the music folder03:11
likemindeadHighlight, copy, & paste?03:12
ToStItOstried that too no luck03:13
likemindeadWeird permissions?03:13
Nu-Buntulikemindead I was just messing around with the resolution thinking it would switch back if i messed up but it didn't03:13
ToStItOsHow do I fix that?03:13
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:14
ToStItOsI lost some media files in the process trying to mess with VLC. I did convert and save and now I cant play my files anymore. Are my files lost forever?03:15
ToStItOsSo does anyone know how do I execute a permission for my flash drive (sorry new at this)03:18
=== sparkie is now known as magic_ninja
bcgrownwhy do I keep getting the "additional plugins are needed" message in Firefox,  but then when I click on "Install Missing Plugins," nothing is listed?  I have flashplugin and sun-java6-plugin installed04:58
bcgrownhttp://www.spaenaur.com/view_pdf.asp?Page=C2  <-- this is one page that gives me the message04:58
bcgrownxubuntu 10.10 32-bit, btw04:59
Balsaqgood morning Lords of the Code...06:30
Balsaqdoes anyone know how to speed up xubuntu by using a flash drive?08:25
Sysiif you're not talking about ssd disk, i strongly doubt it's possible08:28
Balsaqi am updating my ole 9.04 xubuntu as we speak08:31
Balsaqi heard the updates were all done now?08:31
Balsaqmust not be yet08:31
Sysii still could someday try putting swap partition to usb-drive, as fast as possible08:31
Sysithey do have fast search times08:32
Sysi"updatea all done now"?08:32
Balsaqsounds possible08:32
Balsaqis xubuntu 904 all finished now are they done supposrting it?08:32
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.08:33
Balsaqok so it ended 3 days ago08:33
Balsaqi just reinstalled it08:33
Balsaqand i am getting 259 updates08:33
Balsaqso they must quit giving new updates...but the old ones still happen.08:34
Sysiall mirrors not down yet08:34
Balsaqahhh ok thats why08:34
Balsaqso when the mirrors are all down....wut will happen to my old 90408:34
Balsaqjust no more updates right?08:35
Sysiafaik no repositories08:35
Balsaqbut i can still use synaptic for what it has in ther before i hope?08:35
Sysino if nobody provides packages08:35
Balsaqin other words i can still installany software that was in its repository before they cut it off..i hope08:36
Sysinot sure but i think not08:36
Balsaqor else i would have to go in now and check off everything and install all of them now!08:36
Sysii wonder if i needed less than 512mb to test that swap-thing08:36
Balsaqsee this computer only has 256 so it perfect to test it08:37
Balsaqyet it runs good on the 25608:37
Balsaqi think so08:37
Sysi1.1 is killing slow08:37
Balsaqjust did 259 updates in like 7 minutes08:37
Balsaqon a ole 2.26 single core and 256 slow ram08:38
Balsaq904 still runs fast08:38
Balsaqbut if i lose synaptic entirely its dead08:38
Balsaqill bet is i make a big swap on a 2.0 flash drive it will fly08:39
Balsaqubuntu wont run like this on 256...not the new one anyway08:39
Sysifast development, i now have 4gb08:41
Balsaqon xubuntu?08:41
Balsaqholy shiddt08:41
Sysidon't really need but got it kinda cheap08:42
Balsaqbe careful u may get hurt08:42
Balsaqi have a machine with xp and ubuntu and it has 4 gigs of ram08:42
Sysiand nowdays this isn't high-end08:42
Balsaqand i have one with w7 and ubuntu and it has 6 gigs of ram08:43
Balsaqru running 32 bit08:43
n2diyI just built a 10.04 box, is there an "easy" way to clone my 8.04 box to the 10.04 box?08:46
Balsaqru talking about clonezilla?08:47
Sysin2diy: settings etc?08:47
Sysior programs08:48
n2diySysi: obviously /home, but also everything I've added with synaptic too.08:48
n2diyBalsaq: I don't know?08:48
Sysithere's not really good list about installed packages in apt08:48
Sysithere's *something* but it sucked hard when i tried08:49
Balsaqclonezilla will basically take an copy of every byte on your computer08:50
n2diyBalsaq: ok, can I do it over a LAN?08:51
Balsaqi dont know08:51
Balsaqbu they have a chat room08:51
Balsaqand there is a lot of info and vids about it08:51
Sysii think clonezilla is for backups08:51
n2diyBalsaq: on this server?08:51
Balsaqi am going to get into it myself but havent yet08:52
Balsaqon freenode yes08:52
Balsaqi was there once but only 4-5 ppl were there08:52
n2diyBalsaq: ok, let me see what they have to say, thanks.08:52
Balsaqyoutube may show u how?08:52
Balsaqit works like norton ghost but its free08:52
Balsaqstill not sure if thats wut u are looking for08:53
Sysiyeah, thatäs for backups, not like that fancy mac-thingy08:53
Balsaqru running 1010 sysi?09:03
Sysinot yet/anymore09:03
Sysii think updating netbook09:03
Balsaqu were trying it i thought09:04
Balsaqwut di u do go back to 1004?09:04
Sysiit worked better as beta than final :P (fixed now)09:04
Sysiand i put arch to smalles netbook09:05
Balsaqthats odd09:05
Balsaqis arch hard to deal with09:05
Sysiyou need to know what you're doing, even if their wiki is great09:13
SysiIMO installer is horrible09:14
Balsaqyeah i kinda figured that09:20
Balsaqwell since 904 is all done i am upgrading10:51
bivohello, how do I disable tapclick?10:52
Balsaqi got a feeling u can't unless we have acoder in here...10:55
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad10:56
BalsaqTemporary fix I discovered.10:57
BalsaqFrom the command line:10:57
Balsaqubuntu:~$ synclient MaxTapTime=010:57
Balsaqthat does it. Gotta redo it every time I reboot or log out, but it's a fine temporary fix.10:57
UT84726I am new to linux and am not sure how or why distributions differ and what I should look for in choosing a specific distribution.  At this point I am just using a flash drive dist. of Xubuntu.  This is my first time in the world of linux10:59
bivomark76 well I tried this to no avail... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134266010:59
moetunes you can put that command in autostarted apps Balsaq10:59
bivowho the hell thought tap click on by default was a good idea? It's the most irritating thing ever concived!11:00
Balsaqah hah11:00
mark76What's tapclick? :/11:00
Balsaqwhen does 9.10 expire?11:00
mark76Next year, isn't it?11:00
bivomark76 its a feature for laptop trackpads, instead of using the click button, tapping clicks, but it's useless as it thinks you're doing it when you don't want to, making you accidentially click on random things11:03
Balsaqseems to be sow?11:04
bivoBalsaq thanks much! it worked!11:04
Balsaqi dunno how to do the auto thing someone suggested but that sounds even better11:04
Balsaqi upgraded to 910 and now firefox isnt at the top of my screen anymore?11:07
Balsaqthey couldnt possibly have done that?11:07
Balsaqduring my upgrde it said abiword is not supported anymore?11:54
Balsaqwassup withthat>11:54
Balsaqi wonder who the Whizz Bang is that came up with that idea?11:56
mark76Sounds a bit odd11:56
Balsaqdid we get a new word processor?11:56
mark76Not that I know of11:57
Balsaqabi word is good11:57
Balsaqin fact i put it on some of my windows computers over OO11:57
mark76It'd be a shame to lose the only alternative to Ooooo Writer11:57
BalsaqOO runs in the background...big time11:57
mark76I'm checking Synaptic11:58
Balsaqsucks a lota juice...abiword just sits there quietly until u use it..11:58
Balsaq,aybe they mean they just dont support it, but its still there?11:58
Balsaqabi word is just....its just cool11:59
Balsaqit personifies open source software...11:59
mark76It's still in Synaptic on my system12:00
Balsaqit just said "not suppoerted"12:00
mark76Ah right12:00
Balsaqbig window during my upgrade to 100412:00
Balsaqbut i say...why?12:00
Balsaqwhy not?12:00
Balsaqcan we vote on this stuff?12:01
Balsaqall in suport odf abiword say....Yeah!12:02
Balsaqi hope 1004 runs faster than 91012:04
Balsaqi kept 910 for about.....30 minutes?12:05
Balsaqnow doing 100412:05
mark76We're on 10.10 now12:05
Balsaqi know but its still a wild cat12:05
Balsaq1004 is the shhhdddt12:05
Balsaqi have a few computers running it in the ubuntu style and it is a good one12:06
mark76Abiword appears to be part of the Universe repos12:06
Balsaqi recently used ubuntu 1004 to rescue files from an infected windows computer...wow, what a distro!12:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 1004 in Baz (deprecated) "UI request: baz mkdir" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100412:08
mark76You liked it?12:08
Balsaqyes i liked it a lot12:08
mark76Cool :)12:08
Balsaqwell i didint like rescuing their shddt12:08
Balsaqbut 1004 made it sooo easy12:08
Balsaqits even easier than linux tools that were purposely made for that IMO12:09
Balsaqwell if its a known bug then fix it ubutto dont just sit there...sheez12:10
Balsaqi think he is half under the bag...12:11
mark76Ubutto a bot :p12:11
Balsaqnontheless if he knows about a bug he should get it fixed before it torments a consumer12:11
mark76I don't think AI is quite that advanced yet12:12
Balsaqwell this is coders paradise....someone can do it12:12
mark76A bug fixing bot?12:12
mark76What about all the human developers?12:13
Balsaqthem too12:14
mark76It's raining here :(12:16
DBeetsGeeze #ubuntu is a circus13:36
DBeetsI need to stop the Xserver, and I don't have gdm installed13:36
DBeetseverywhere I look I see "stop gdm"13:36
popeydo you have any dm?13:43
DBeetsno, just X and fluxbox.13:44
DBeetsI suppose I could drop to single user... telinit 3 does not kill it13:45
Thermimy taskbar and start bar have disappeared15:15
ablomenThermi, alt+f2 and then type xfce4-panel15:15
Thermiknown bug?15:16
ablomenit sometimes happens, if the particular bug that caused it is known i don't know15:16
Thermity for your help15:17
ablomenno problem15:17
PeterDarknessDoes anyone here know anything about the ati fglrx driver?15:25
zeldahi, where is the theme for gdm on xubuntu? gdmsetup has no options16:12
=== Thermi_ is now known as Thermi
xubuntu276Hi how much quicker is xubuntu in comparison to ubuntu? Is there a rule of thumb?16:29
likemindeadNot really.16:31
xubuntu276quicker or rule?16:31
likemindeadIt is generally quicker. No real rule of thumb.16:32
likemindeadIf, by quicker, you mean less resource intensive.16:32
likemindeadFirefox, OOo, Movie Player will work about the same, etc.16:33
xubuntu276I have only 512Mb ram and ubuntu 10.04 was quite slow in comparison with 8.04. :(16:34
xubuntu276Will it help to run xubuntu root on a usb 2.0 stick and have swap and home o?n hard disk?16:35
likemindeadI have Xubuntu on Pentium III's and IV's with 512MB RAM and they're quite nice.16:36
likemindeadFlash videos are a bit sluggish on the PIII's is all.16:36
xubuntu276I think flash uses only cpu power and not graphic acceleration as in windows.16:37
likemindeadXubuntu is awesome. Xfce is much less buggy than GNOME, in my experience.16:38
xubuntu276I did run xubuntu some time ago, but it did not support cut & paste and drag & drop within the stardard programs. ubunutu did in comparison.16:40
xubuntu276but I will give it a new try16:41
xubuntu276thanks for your answers I will restart and test now. :)16:42
likemindeadHave fun!16:45
=== andrewsinclair is now known as andrewsinclair-l
ThibaudHello there. :)18:27
ThibaudIs there a soul kind enough to help me?18:28
KhedronThibaud: whats up?18:48
ThibaudHi Khedron18:48
ThibaudThanks for answering.18:48
ThibaudWell, I wanted to install xubuntu on my old PC so I burnt the CD (10.10) but it freezes at the beginning just after the "setting sensors limits" step.18:50
KhedronThibaud: hmm, how much ram does it have?19:25
Thibaud512 Meg19:25
Khedronand sorry for the slow reply, was eating dinner :)19:25
Thibaud(np, I'm about to do the same)19:26
ThibaudDo you think that it may be the cause of the problem?19:26
Khedronno 512 should be fine, but, perhaps try the alternative cd, it has a different installer19:26
ThibaudI'm burning the 10.4 to try.19:27
ThibaudBut the alternative cd sounds better.19:27
Khedronthe alternative cd usually has less install problems19:27
Khedroni've used it on a few machines that dislike the live19:28
Thibaudok, thank you Khedron that's what I will try.19:28
ThibaudI have to go. (eat) Bye. :)19:28
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
josh1how do I add my own user picture to my user account so I can see it when I log in to xubuntu, I have 10.0423:37
sir_tyrionHey, is the only difference between ubuntu and xubuntu the desktop environment?23:37
sir_tyrionif I install both sessions, is it like having both installed on my comp?23:37
sir_tyrionnm got answer (yes)23:41
josh1any help?23:43
josh1how do I change my user account picture/icon in xubuntu 10.0423:51

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