
dfaurestill no go, grub2 doesn't work. I just get a blinking cursor on a black screen.00:00
dfauretried pressing shift to get a menu (according to some wiki), nothing00:00
dfaurenowhere in the grub2 page does it mention the case where nothing happens at all :(00:07
James147dfaure: that shounds like the bios is trying a boot a disk without a boot loader00:08
James147dfaure: do you ahve more then  one hdd?00:09
dfaureindeed there are two00:09
James147dfaure: then either install grub to the other disk, or change the boot order in the bios00:09
* James147 prefures to change the boot order and insall grub the the disk with the os on...00:09
dfaureyeah, especially since the small secondary disk (sdb) is planned to go away once this works ;)00:10
dfaurealas, the boot order seems fine (CD, floppy, big disk)00:12
James147dfaure: then are you sure you installed grub to the right disk?  (to the actual disk not a parition ie /dev/sda not /dev/sda1)00:13
* James147 wonders why floppy is before the hdd.... dose anyone use them any more?00:14
dfaureyeah, I used grub-install /dev/sda -- and anyway the kubuntu 10.04 installation has probably done that too...00:14
James147dfaure: /dev/sda is the larger hdd?00:15
dfaureI don't need to mark partitions as bootable, right?00:15
James147dfaure: is it not?00:16
dfaureno, the installer created the partitions (into the unallocated space, as requested), but didn't mark the "/" partition as bootable. I assume this doesn't matter though, with grub on /dev/sda.00:17
dfaurehmm there was no /boot/grub/device.map, I had to run grub-mkdevicemap to generate it...00:25
dfaureand still update-grub says "cannot find list of partitions"00:25
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wiceunabo dule entra con alegria00:43
muesliwhenever i try to start qtcreator via the launcher (alt+f2) it tries to start an old version from my home dir which i deleted long ago01:11
muesliwhere does it store / get that information from and why doesn't it update itself?01:11
dfauremuesli: there might be a .desktop file left in ~/.local/share/applications01:15
mueslidfaure: indeed, thanks :)01:16
mueslidfaure: you know, the launcher (applications plugin) could stat() the binary to see if it's even worth displaying the entry01:17
dfaureusually desktop files have Exec=foo, not Exec=/full/path/to/foo01:17
mueslidfaure: but i guess i should point that in aaron's directions01:17
mueslieven without an absolute path we could check for a valid binary in the path01:18
dfaureand then if you have a /usr/bin/qtcreator your local qtcreator.desktop file would hide the global one and nothing would have been shown == worse01:18
mueslieven tho it's unlikely that it'd fail in this case01:18
muesliit's clearly because i manually installed qtcreator at some point01:18
dfaureand extracting the binary name from the Exec line isn't even 100% safe, there could be a whole shell command in there.01:18
mueslidfaure: no, because then the local one would either be path-less (exec=qtcreator, works)01:19
mueslior it would be with the /home path and therefore invalid, never hiding the global one01:19
dfaurewrong. The way desktop files work, is that local hides global, no matter what.01:19
mueslidfaure: ah, i guess that's only for desktop files with the same name then01:20
muesliok, didn't hide my global qtcreator then since it was a different .desktop filename01:20
mueslistill argueable, if it makes sense that a invalid local desktop file would overrule a global one01:22
mueslibut i guess it's not worth the effort arguing ;-)01:22
dfauredefinitely not. It's standard, and has been the case since kde1, and it's really a feature, in the big picture.01:23
dfaure(and the file is not invalid)01:24
mueslidfaure: just curious now. why would you show a "dead" .desktop link to the user?01:25
dfaurewe don't know it's dead. It looks perfectly valid.01:25
mueslidfaure: well, that's what i'm saying: we should check if it's dead to see if it's really valid. not just guess it01:26
dfaureif we take the time in kbuildsycoca to look around for executables (!), and store in ksycoca "this desktop file is invalid" then when you (re) install the binary, it will still be marked as invalid....01:26
dfaurethis is just not practical01:26
mueslihm, i wasn't even planning to store that info01:27
mueslithe launcher should just check for it01:27
dfaurewon't make it any faster ;)01:27
mueslii haven't complained about speed so far ;-)01:27
* dfaure has ;)01:28
muesliwell, anyways. just curious and wanted to pick your brain... it's too little of a problem in reality01:28
mueslii'd assume, at least01:29
* dfaure goes to bed - cu01:29
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jimmy51_according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod, i should be able to plug in and use my ipod touch02:41
jimmy51_but it just mocks me by doing nothing in amarok and gtkpod02:41
davidearneynew to linux. anyone around that has some time to assist?02:42
pibarnasdavidearney: 1st lesson: just ask.02:43
davidearneyI'm trying to get my laptop working on wireless.02:43
davidearneyI can't seem to connect to the router here.02:44
davidearneynot my router, and I can connect on my Mac, and on a Windows boot....02:44
davidearneybut not Ubuntu02:44
davidearneywell, kubuntu 10.10 64-bit to be exact.02:44
davidearneyand I'm not sure why.02:45
davidearneyWhen I do a sudo lshw -C network, I'm not seeing any obvious problems based on descriptions from the documentation.02:46
v3xproofim a newb but i got it working the other day02:48
v3xproofusing broadcom hardware?02:49
v3xproof1 sec, ill give you a link02:49
davidearneyBCM4312 on a Dell e655002:50
davidearneydriver problem? even though kubuntu seems to recognize the hardware?02:50
davidearneyI mean, I'm even seeing a driverversion=
ubottuLaunchpad bug 572777 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "NetworkManager or wpa_supplicant timing out when connecting wireless" [Medium,Confirmed]02:52
v3xproofcomment 27 and 2802:52
v3xproofseemed to do it for me02:53
davidearneythanks. Looking now.02:55
v3xproofhope it works for you02:55
davidearneyI'm trying hard to give Linux a try. I've walked away from it in the past, and I just hate Windows enough that I'm willing to tough it out a bit longer this time.02:56
v3xprooflol, same here02:56
v3xproofonce you do get it connected02:56
v3xproofyou will probably want to disable ipv6 also02:57
v3xproofif you have slow browsing issues02:57
v3xproofthats the other issue i ran into02:57
v3xproofhttp://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu-1004.html -- incase you need it02:58
v3xproofgonna log02:58
davidearneyI guess I can do that get from a USB stick02:59
davidearneyhow do you use kpackagekit to install a package from a USB stick?03:44
jmichaelxdavidearney: i would not know, but installing such a package would be easy from the command line03:52
jmichaelxdavidearney: i can tell you how, if you'd like to give it a try03:53
davidearneyI have the file on a USB stick03:54
jmichaelxdavidearney: is this package from an official ubuntu repository? (just curious)03:54
davidearneythe package is wpasupplicant_0.6.10.orig.tar.gz and I got it from http://packages.debian.org/sid/wpasupplicant03:54
jmichaelxdavidearney: is there a reason why you would need this package as opposed to the wpasupplicant that comes with kubuntu by default?03:55
davidearneywifi isn't working03:56
claydohdavidearney: you should just be able to double-click it to install,  but iirc wpasupplicant is already installed by default03:56
davidearneyI'm trying to get my broadcom 4322 on a dell e6550 to work.03:56
davidearneyI'm having some wireless problems.03:56
jmichaelxdavidearney: i don't think that installing this package is what you want to do03:57
davidearneyI'm running kubuntu 10.1003:57
davidearneylet me describe my problem03:57
davidearneyI'm not on my own network, for one.03:57
jmichaelxdavidearney: have you tried running 'additional drivers' (kde-jockey)03:57
davidearneyI have not....I'm brand spanking new to linux. I installed earlier this evening.03:58
davidearneyI'm in IRC on my MacBook Pro trying to figure this out.03:58
jmichaelxok, go to your main kde menu, go to 'system', then select 'additional drivers'03:59
davidearneythe most I've figured out how to do so far was get my machine dual booting with Windows and kubuntu.03:59
jmichaelxdavidearney: you do have a network connection , do you not?03:59
davidearneyI do not. wireless only.03:59
jmichaelxinternet connection*03:59
jmichaelxbut you are connected to the internet?03:59
davidearneyI'm not at home. I'm travelling....and will be doing so for months.03:59
davidearneyyes, on my Mac.03:59
davidearneynot on my linux box.03:59
claydohdavidearney: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx?highlight=%28BCM4322%2904:00
claydohmore info there, tho some of the gui instructions are Gnome-centric04:00
jmichaelxdavidearney: i think there is a good chance that if you could connect the PC to the internet via Ethernet, and the run 'additional drivers', that may get you off the ground04:00
claydohI agree with jmichaelx04:01
davidearneyOkay....let me move to another room with both laptops.04:01
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jmichaelxdavidearney: also, let us know which version of kubunt you are using04:02
davidearney10.10 64 bit04:03
davidearneylet me see if I can find my grandfather's switch in all of this mess in his computer room.....04:03
jmichaelxdavidearney: ok, give 'additional drivers' a try... i may take a few minutes04:04
davidearneyOkay, found the switch, and I'm running additional drivers now.04:06
jmichaelxdavidearney: keep us posted04:07
davidearneylooks like it's run04:08
davidearneyrestarting now, for good measure.04:08
jmichaelxgood deal04:09
claydohdavidearney: not really necessary, but won't hurt04:09
davidearneyso used to Windows....change a desktop background.....reboot04:09
davidearneyjust a habit really.04:09
jmichaelxbroadcom has actually released some open source drivers for their wireless chipsets recently, so hopefully in the future, some of these bcm adapters will work out of the box04:10
davidearneythis is my first taste of linux on a personal box. At least for full deployment use.04:11
davidearneyIf I like it, I'll just burn my W7 partitiion.04:11
davidearneyinteresting...now the box won't reboot at all. no dual boot prompt window or anything.04:13
davidearneyokay, good to go, had to reboot a second time.04:13
davidearneyOkay.....I'm at least seeing the card now.04:16
davidearneyOkay....step two jmichaelx04:19
davidearneyI'm able to see the network adapter, and the available network....but I can't connect.04:19
davidearneyit's a shitty old AT&T DSL modem here, and the encryption type is WEP.....do people even use that anymore?04:20
jmichaelxdavidearney: people do still use WEP, but they shouldn't04:23
davidearneyit was sarcasm on my part.04:23
davidearneylooks like the linux box is attempting to negotiate an IP on wireless right now.04:23
jmichaelxdavidearney: i feel that with the correct info entered, you should be able to connect... double-check obvious things like the WEP key, etc04:24
davidearneyNow....whoever set up this network used a number as the passphrase....I'm going to set my key type to passphrase, right?04:25
davidearneyas opposed to Hex or ASCII Key04:26
jmichaelxdavidearney: likely... if that does not work, try hex (if the number could possibly be hex)04:27
davidearneydoesn't seem like it would be since it's only 10 digits, but I'll try both ways if necessary.04:29
davidearneyOkay, I'm connected.04:30
davidearneyFor the moment.04:30
davidearneythanks so much for your help everyone, especially jmichaelx04:31
davidearneyI'll get my updates and such installed and then come back when I know I've broken something else.04:31
jmichaelxdavidearney: hopefully your updates won't break anything!04:32
jmichaelxdavidearney: on another note, i do hope your laptop does not have mobile intel graphics, or you may be in for a rough ride04:32
davidearneycan you help me with looking that up?04:33
davidearneywhat's the terminal query?04:33
jmichaelxdavidearney: open a terminal (i.e. Konsole), and enter 'lspci | grepVGA', and give us the output04:33
jmichaelxlspci | grep VGA04:34
jmichaelx(there should be a space between 'grep' and 'VGA'04:34
davidearneynot good04:35
jmichaelxwhat does it say?04:35
davidearneyIntel Mobile 4 Series Chipset04:35
davidearneyrev 0704:35
jmichaelxyou may be all right04:35
jmichaelxgive it a whirl04:35
jmichaelxi have a laptop with the 945gm chipset... it's horrible in 10.1004:35
davidearneystill planning to give it a whirl, and no problems with the little I've been using it.04:36
davidearneyI'll be interested to see how this works out for me.04:36
jmichaelxdavidearney: if you do have a lot of graphics problems, i would suggest installing 10.04.1 instead04:36
davidearneyI mostly compute for productivity these days, and I'm not trying to do anything like gaming on the platform.04:37
davidearneybrowser recommendations?04:37
jmichaelxdavidearney: i recommend both firefox and chromium-browser.... the default browser 'rekonq' is not too bad either04:38
davidearneyOkay, I was planning on getting firefox and chromium04:38
davidearneyso no surprises there.04:38
davidearneyI'll be installing Open Office as well.04:39
jmichaelxdavidearney: open office should already be there04:39
davidearneyoh, didn't know it was bundled.04:40
davidearneyjmichaelx, I'll have a look.04:41
davidearneyI'll be damned.04:41
davidearneyrecommended IRC utility?04:42
davidearneyor is quassel good enough?04:42
jmichaelxi've never used quassel, so i cannot say. i really like konversation, personally04:44
dearneywell, now I'm here on two machines04:44
davidearneyor I was anyway.04:45
davidearneyhad to reboot the Dell04:45
davidearneyall of the updates completed.04:45
davidearneythanks for the help04:46
davidearneyI'll be back tomorrow more than likely, with more grilling for ya'll.04:46
jmichaelxno problem at all, just glad that we were able to help04:46
davidearneythanks very much.04:46
mueslii noticed i got one system running irqbalance, another one isn't05:15
mueslihow / when does kubuntu decide to run it?05:15
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RadSurferI've installed 'kdenetwork-filesharing' and tried dozens of things, I still cannot get one K-box to connect to another kubuntu box! HELP! can someone /msg and walk me thru this PLEASE06:05
RadSurferconnects fine to a winblows shares. stupidly enuff06:06
bluekbI set kwin's global shortcuts so that Meta + (numpad home, etc) would switch to desktops.  While it seems to have accepted the shortcuts, they don't actually work.  Any ideas why?07:51
bluekbEg, Meta + Home should switch to desktop 1.  But it seems not to be working.07:52
naftilos76hi everyone, everytime i open up my PC i get a message from KDESudo: 'No command arguments supplied! Usage: kdesudo......' It's like there is a preconfigured action on every start up. The thing is that i have not put anything in ~/.kde/Autostart or anywhere else! Can anyone help? How can i disable this message dialog?07:58
naftilos76Well, it seems that it is a bug... I just googled it and came up with some info referring to it as a bug in prev versions as well.08:01
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noaXesshey all09:21
noaXessi get this if i do a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade09:21
noaXesswarning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 41518 package 'virtualbox-3.0':09:21
noaXess error in Version string '3.0.12-54655_Ubuntu_karmic': invalid character in revision number09:21
ericlksanyone here using a mac to run ubuntu09:22
noaXessi have installed vbox version for 10.10.. vbox works.. think that entry is just a error from the 10.04 to 10.10 upgrade. how to remove that lines?09:22
asdkjfaskdjfaksdhi guys, can i aks a question about Kubuntu 10.4 (LTS) here too?09:54
YabbapappaHello, how I can build up an ad-hoc network in Kubuntu 10.10?09:58
nebulamacro recorder (replay ) best pogram ????09:58
Sarpernebula, what is your question?10:01
nebulaSarper, I suggest a program for auto mouse click on the desktop ...???10:04
Sarperkinda like autohotkey for windows?10:04
Sarpernebula, look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=478990310:05
nebulafor k/ubuntu10:05
Sarpernebula, http://xmacro.sourceforge.net/  will compile on any linux dist10:07
smooph1hi guys I have 2 problems ... on my lenovo t60 the touchpad is not working ... drivers? the other is how does autofs work ... i can't get it running10:09
smooph1autofs is not that important10:09
Sarpersmooph, get the synaptic drivers from the debian lenny dist and compile10:10
Sarperkubuntu's version is slimmed to generice10:10
smooph1Sarper: thanks10:12
smooph1Sarper: Hey I have tried to find the package ... can you be of assistance10:45
chiiiiizcan anyone tell me how I can install kontact/kmail helpfiles?10:46
Sarpersmooph1, http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=xserver-xorg-input-synaptics10:47
chiiiiizI have a message "the folder or file 'help:/kontact/index.html' does not exist10:47
chiiiiizI want to change the theme of the "message preview panel" that is located below my messages list in Kmail10:48
Sarperchiiiiiz, it is usually located in ~/.kde3/10:49
chiiiiizyou mean .kde4? Thanks10:49
SarperI use Debian w/kde3 just here for tech supprot10:50
chiiiiizsorry, but a search for a htm* file in ~/.kde/ did not show anything dealing with kmail... only with kopete10:52
Sarperchiiiiiz, that is because it is xml isnt it10:56
smooph1the package manager tells me a more current version is already installed o.O10:58
Sarpero, rly10:59
Sarperwell then Im not sure why it isnt loading10:59
Sarpercheck your xorg.conf file11:00
VeliMiesOk. Maverick 10.10 is great but I need to get rid of pulseaudio and replace it with alsa. Does anybody know how to do this?11:06
smooph1"sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio" ?11:09
VeliMiesYes... and there after "apt-get install alsa" perhaps.....11:11
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n8wim tryin to solve problems related to "hibernation" on 10.10....the first error i get is this: hibernate-disk:Warning: Tuxonice binary signature file not found.12:00
n8wim testin it by usin --dry-run.... sudo hibernate-disk -v2 --dry-run12:02
n8wanyone havin the same problem?12:02
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ToxinPoweanyone uses KDE activities here?12:32
Tm_TI do12:33
ToxinPoweI have a problem, when I reboot/restart KDE my apps don't remember activities settings12:34
ToxinPowefor example firefox for "work" any help?12:35
WolfcastleI have a problem with my cpu frequency12:35
ct529I am on 10.04 LTS on my production machine .... whilst I really like the kde envrionment, the colour combination is doing my head in .... is there a way to definitively get rid of the windows colour and adopt either a green, or a brown (kind of human theme in ubuntu) or a soft purple .... I have tried in many ways, but I do not seem to be able to change all the colours so I awlays have some part of the windows or the panel or the plasmoid that12:36
ct529 retain the old colour12:36
ct529Wolfcastle: what problem?12:36
Wolfcastleit seems to be set at 1.2 GHz when my max speed is 2Ghz12:36
WolfcastleIt may have ocurred after installing cpudyn i'm not sure12:36
Wolfcastlehowever I now installed cpufreqd instead12:36
ToxinPoweTm_T: Do you have this problem too?12:37
Wolfcastleand I'm using cpufreq-set -r -f 2Ghz to change the frequency but nothing happens12:37
Tm_TToxinPowe: hmmm, I don't know about that, sorry12:37
Wolfcastlecpufreq-info still shows I'm running at 1.2 GHz12:37
ToxinPoweTm_T: ok, np12:37
Tm_Tct529: in systemsettings, you can change color scheme to your liking12:38
Wolfcastleany ideas?12:38
ct529Tm_T: nope, you can change a lot of things, but I want to remove the old colour scheme *completely *, without any track of the standard colour eithe rin the windows, the panel the plasmoid the bootstrap screen12:39
ct529Wolfcastle: just one sec12:39
Wolfcastlect529: thanx12:40
Tm_Tct529: plasma has its own theme, but all the rest is handled thru the color scheme12:40
Tm_Tct529: I don't have any blue other than icons in my desktop (:12:40
ct529Wolfcastle: are you sure the frequency you have ste is among the allowed frequencies?12:40
ct529Wolfcastle: try first by setting the frequency for one sincgle CPU or core12:41
Wolfcastleyes I'm sure12:41
Wolfcastleok i will try just one12:42
Wolfcastlect529: nope nothing happens12:43
ct529Wolfcastle: try cpufreq-set -c 0 -f 2.00 Ghz as root12:43
ct529Tm_T: what do you mean by plasma has its own colour theme?12:44
TopGear gtkpod won't recognize my ipod touch second gen... it doesn't see it, and it isn't mounted anywhere where I can find it.. lsusb:  gtkpod won't recognize my ipod touch second gen...12:44
TopGear<TopGear> it doesn't see it, and it isn't mounted anywhere....12:44
ct529Tm_T: If I change all the colours in the colours theme, I still have some areas in the windows that maintain the old colours12:44
TopGearthat's certainly no lsusb :p12:44
TopGearlsusb: Bus 002 Device 006: ID 05ac:1293 Apple, Inc. iPod Touch 2.Gen12:45
Wolfcastlect529: nope nothing, is it relevant that /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq is empty?12:45
ct529Wolfcastle: what do you mean empty?12:46
Wolfcastlect529: there's no files in it12:46
ct529Wolfcastle: there should actually be directories in it12:46
Tm_Tct529: tried any other color scheme entirely?12:47
ct529Wolfcastle: which governor are you in?12:47
TopGearis there someone who knows what i should do now?12:47
Wolfcastlect529: however in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/bios_limit the value is 120000012:47
Tm_Tct529: and about plasma, it uses its own themes, the color scheme doesn't affect to it much12:47
ct529Wolfcastle: what governor are you?12:47
Wolfcastlect529: userspace it seems12:48
ct529Tm_T: what is covered by the plasma theme?12:48
ct529Wolfcastle: oh that is the problem ....12:48
ct529Wolfcastle: your userspace governor only allows 1.20 Ghz12:48
ct529Wolfcastle: your have to change governor12:48
ct529Wolfcastle: go to governor ondemand if you have it12:48
Tm_Tct529: the panel, desktop and widgets in it, some system dialogs12:48
WolfcastleI did change it to performance and not much happened12:48
ct529Wolfcastle: no, change it to ondemand12:49
Wolfcastlect529: i will try that thanx12:49
ct529Tm_T: yes, you see that is one of the problems .... I want to change the colours also there12:49
Tm_Tct529: then you have to change to some other plasma theme12:50
Wolfcastlect529: ok now there is a ondemand directory there12:50
ct529Tm_T: oh I see .... I do not like any of ones I have seen. How do I develop a new one?12:50
Wolfcastlect529: doesn't seem to be going any faster though12:51
ct529Wolfcastle: exactly .... and also a stats directory I imagine12:51
Wolfcastlenop no stats12:51
ct529Wolfcastle: no wait, now run cpufreq-info and pastebin please12:51
Wolfcastlect529: ok http://pastebin.com/u0QkuPBZ12:52
JuJuBeeAnybody able to tell me why when I (knichel) ls -al Default/ I get http://pastie.org/1252509  but if I sudo ls -al Default/ I get http://pastie.org/125249612:52
ct529Wolfcastle: there is aproblem with the definition of your governors, look at line 1212:54
ct529Wolfcastle: your governors do not allow you to change the frequency to anything but 1.20 Ghz12:54
ct529Wolfcastle: your have to modify the governor definition12:55
Wolfcastleany idea how to fix that, cause I don't12:55
ct529Wolfcastle: "cpufreq-set --min 1.20 GHz --max 2.00 GHz" as root in governor ondemand12:57
Tm_Tct529: plasma themes are mostly svg graphics, you can see tutorial in http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma/Theme12:57
ct529Tm_T: thanks a lot for your help12:57
ct529Tm_T: is it also possible to change things like the radius of the corners of the windows?12:57
Tm_Tct529: depends on the windeco you're using, some window themes has settings for that12:58
ct529Tm_T: I meant if I wanted to do my own, I do not want to waste time anymore in trying to create satisfactory set ups, because I am unhappy with the results12:59
Wolfcastlect529:  ok i did that but that line still says the same13:00
Wolfcastlewhat an annoying bug13:00
ct529Wolfcastle: try that13:04
ct529Wolfcastle: cpufreq-set -c 0 -g ondemand --min 1.20Mhz --max 2.00Ghz13:04
ct529Wolfcastle: then pastebin the result of cpufreq-info13:04
Wolfcastleok thanx13:04
ct529Wolfcastle: everything as root!!!!13:04
Wolfcastleyes of course13:04
ct529Tm_T: I would also like to modify the bootstrap sequence because that bubbly theme makes me sick :-D13:07
Wolfcastlect529: still nothing dude: http://pastebin.com/gYGrTFCa13:07
ct529Wolfcastle: then there must be a bug in your cpufreq utils .... what version / what kubuntu release?13:08
Wolfcastlekubuntu 10.10 and cpufreqd 2.4.213:09
Wolfcastlethat's nice13:09
Wolfcastlethink i'll try out fedora 14 see how that works13:10
ct529Wolfcastle: try one last thing .... cpufreq-set -c 0 -g userspace, then  cpufreq-set -c 0 -g userspace --min 1.20Mhz --max 2.00Ghz13:10
ct529Wolfcastle: on the first cpu please (-c 0)13:11
Wolfcastlect529: ok done, but I still get the between 1.20 and 1.2013:12
ct529Wolfcastle: I am using 10.04 LTS with cpufrequtils 006.13:12
ct529Wolfcastle: are the cpufrequtils properly installed, could you please check with dpkg, synaptic or whatever your use?13:12
ct529Wolfcastle: could you please pastebin again?13:13
djbeeniecan anyone help me? every time I restart my ubuntu system (dell d630 laptop) with dockingstation with two external monitors.  I setup my displays in "display and monitor"...everytime I reboot, I have to RE-Configure my monitors which is quite annoying, can anyone help me?13:14
ct529Wolfcastle: that is weird, it must be a bug with version 007-1.13:16
ct529Wolfcastle: sorry, I will not move to Maverick for another couple of months at least13:16
Wolfcastleyes very weird13:16
Wolfcastlenp thanx for the help13:16
Tm_Tct529: you might be interested to know about aurorae, see http://kde-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=8113:17
Wolfcastleit was working fine in 10.04 AFAIK13:17
Wolfcastlei just noticed it was a bit slow recently13:17
ct529Wolfcastle: it is definitively working fine on mine13:17
ct529Wolfcastle: the interesting thing is that the ondemand governor works fine on yours .... but still ....13:18
WolfcastleI'll try it in some other distro to see if it works13:19
ct529Tm_T: thanks! what is Aurorae though?13:26
Tm_Tct529: windeco engine that uses similar themes than plasma13:27
Tm_Tas in, you don't have to code your own windeco entirely13:27
ct529Tm_T: so by modifying the plasma theme, you also modify the windows decoration?13:28
Peace-lucid have not kde 4.5.2?^13:28
Peace-that is bad13:28
Tm_Tct529: no, but you can easily port the changes13:28
ct529Tm_T: I was hoping that creating new windows decoration and new plasma theme was much easier ....13:28
ct529Tm_T: thanks13:28
Tm_Tct529: you change image in one, you copy the changes over tro the other (:13:28
ct529Tm_T: I thought kde3 to kde4 was all about making it easier to build new desktop functionalities including themes13:29
Tm_Tct529: it is easier now, way easier13:31
ct529Tm_T: do you have any good link for changing the bootstrap / login theme as well?13:31
Tm_Tunfortunately no13:32
ct529Tm_T: thanks for all your help ....13:37
Tm_Tnp, glad to be of any help13:38
prowerhello :> i'm using maverick, i was wondering if anyone else has had the following problem: occasionally when i log out i get an error stating that nepomuk-services has crashed, it gives the option to restart or file a bug report. it happens inconsistently so i'm not sure how to track down what's causing it :<13:51
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renatoho, I have installed kvm on kubuntu 10.10 but when I launch virt-manager I am told: Error, no active connection to run on.... do you guys know what this is about?14:01
renatoI hav used this help page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation14:02
zoggyanyone know why klipper lost it's ctrl-alt-v (invokde clipboard) and clipboard search functionality? what a ball ache.14:06
zoggyit was called "Show Kilpper  Popup-Menu and could be found in the global keyboard shortucts. it's still listed there in maverick, but doesn't work anymore14:07
* node808_ just installed kubuntu for the first time yesterday....yay me!14:16
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naftilos76hi, can anybody tell me how to play MMS content from firefox?14:23
alex_hello,I downloaded leo-like-bespin-pack (icons,toolbas.),can anybody tell me how to install it?14:29
alex_actully,it is a rar format,14:35
alex_no body can teach me,I googling for one hours,no any instructions?14:44
collabrawhere did you download it from?14:45
zoggyhi sorry to bother, i'm looking for a more up-to-date version of kdevelop than is in maverick. is there a nightly .deb by any chance? thanks a lot14:46
alex_I found it in kde-look,but was redirected to this url14:47
alex_and there is a french installation instruction,but  O O14:50
alex_any body know how to install rar format theme?15:01
collabrasudo apt-get install unrar15:02
collabraafter this is loaded,.. you'll be able to 'unrar' it.15:02
collabraby right clicking the package and choosing extract here15:03
alex_I got some png files15:05
collabranice,... but my expertise has run out, and i apologize for that... but also under system settings > apperance > what is it and icon set,... there's a way to install these somewhere in there.15:07
collabrathen again,.. it just may take 'rar' files...not too sure.15:08
collabrai'm listening to 'enigma' best of,.. so don't fault my mood.15:09
noaXesshey all15:10
noaXesshave upgraded a 10.04.1 to 10.10.. while the upgrade process wa finisched and the message: remove obsolete packages, my sun ;).. has pressed the power button from the pc .. grrrr..15:10
noaXesshow can i remove obsolete packages now? system runs ok, sudo apt-get auroremove doesn't have packages to remove15:11
dasKreechnoaXess: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get autoremove ?15:16
smoophHi guys ... I have a problem with akregator ...it doesn't save the feeds next time i log in they are gone15:16
noaXessdasKreech: does nothing, means also, alls ok.. no error messages15:17
smoophmaybe everything is ok15:18
dasKreechnoaXess: Hmm maybe the computer is faster than your sun (sic)15:19
noaXessdasKreech: i hope15:20
noaXessi have another problem with mic.. in 10.04.1 all works fine, sound and mic.. but now.. mic won't work, i see it in pavucontrol, but can't get it working, also if i mute/unmute it..15:20
dasKreech2 smooph!15:20
smoophHi guys ... I have a problem with akregator ...it doesn't save the feeds next time i log in they are gone15:22
Peace-maybe you should open a bug15:22
Peace-smooph: i woudl like know ... but if you create another user ...15:23
Peace-smooph: akregator does the same?15:23
smoophPeace-: what are you thinking ?15:27
dasKreechsmooph: what happens if you manually close akregrator?15:28
smoophmanually closing the akregator, kontact asks to be closed and now without restarting the system they are still there15:29
smoophyou think loging out doesn't give kontact enough time to close akregator down correctly15:30
lelamalhi all, does anyone know where kubuntu stores contacts?15:35
lelamalAkonadi Configuration shows Personal Contacts, and it correctly points to ~/.local/share/contacts/, but the target folder doesn't exist15:35
noaXesswhat about java and sound? does this test works on any of your machines? http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/sound/samples/JavaSoundDemo/15:37
smoophit looks like a shutdown doesn't give kontact enough time to close akregator directly15:38
dasKreechlelamal: In mysql?15:38
noaXessor need i install an extra packages to get java sound working?15:38
dasKreechsmooph: probably15:38
dasKreechsmooph && lelamal: #akonadi can probably give you appropriate answers15:39
lelamaldasKreech: ok thanks!15:39
Peace-smooph: have you tried with a new user?15:40
dasKreechlelamal: The default store for akonadi is a database so it's probably there15:40
smoophdasKreech: akregator as far as i know doesn't use akonadi15:40
Peace-lelamal: $HOME/.kde15:40
dasKreechPeace-: It works when he closes akregator manually so it's something with doing a shutdown that makes it not save15:40
smoophPeace-: no i didn't I don't think trying a different user would help15:41
Peace-smooph: try expeccially if you have upgraded kde15:41
Peace-trying is without pain15:41
lelamalPeace-: /.kde contains a lot of folders, can you be more specific, please?15:41
dasKreechsmooph: far as I know it doesn't either but you said kontacts asks to be closed so might be related15:42
dasKreechactually #kontact might be better for you15:42
Peace-lelamal: lelamal googing  $HOME/.config/akonadi/mysql-local.conf .15:42
Peace-i guess15:42
smoophdasKreech: I just found that from a while ago I still had kontact in the session manager: exclude programs ... maybe that was it15:43
smoophdasKreech: kontact doesn't ask to be closed ... only if I close akregator via system-icon than (expected behavior) it want's to close all of kontact15:44
dasKreechsmooph: Ah right what happens if you just ^Q ?15:44
BluesKajhiyas all15:46
smoophdasKreech: ... I will stop for now ... I have to go home anyways but ... the session thing looks like it could have been the error ... I will keep an eye on it and ask again if that wasn't the reason15:46
dasKreechsmooph: Cool :)15:49
dasKreechhi BluesKaj15:49
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SubCoolHey, i am on webchat,freenode.net Can anyhelp help me with a crash? My KDE crashed. I uninstalled KDEbase to fix it, but now i cant reach grub to reinstall it. IS there a path or something i can follow?15:56
KukuNutSubCool:  logon to recovery mode15:57
SubCoolKukuNut: how?15:57
SubCool< oh you know what, someone was telling me to do that. but i cant get there- i cant seem to get to grub or anything so that i can use CLI15:58
KukuNutSubCool: soory I didn't see you can't see grub15:58
KukuNutSubCool: what else did you do to mess grub when you are just un-installing kdebase?15:59
SubCool_ok, what?16:01
SubCool_how do you get to grub, im always use to it just popping up?16:03
SubCool_i loaded up a live CD, what file do i edit so that i can get this done- this is taking me way too much time.16:03
SubCool_whats going on for Halloween16:04
SubCool_ugh- c.p16:04
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nerdy_kidSubCool <shift> will give you grup16:07
SubCool_wow- talk about a idle room16:20
SubCool_HOw do you get to recovery mode?16:24
Peace-SubCool_: reboot16:27
Peace-SubCool_: press shift16:27
Peace-select kernel recovery16:27
SubCool_just hold down shift?16:27
Peace-or something like that16:27
SubCool_after bios slapsh?16:28
Peace-SubCool_: press shift a lot  after rebooting16:28
Peace-you see the grub windows16:28
Peace-SubCool_: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8qdyclOnG0A/THLXuZK2iLI/AAAAAAAAAWA/KPdv20Ya_NU/s1600/grub2.jpg16:29
Peace-that is the menu16:29
Peace-like you can see there is recovery16:29
Peace-select the first voice you can see16:29
SubCool_my problem has been getting to it16:30
SubCool_after the bios slapsh, it goes STRIAGHT to the kubuntu slpash. i never have a chance16:30
SubCool_let me try..16:30
SubCool_is there a file i can edit so that it will come up?16:30
Peace-SubCool_: yes there is16:31
Peace-SubCool_: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/09/18/kubuntu-karmic-grub2-and-kernels-menu-set-timeout/#comments16:31
Peace-good luck16:33
Peace-pkill konversation16:33
SubCool_thanks a lot!!!16:34
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SJrHow do I stop X from starting when I boot up?17:08
Pici!nox | SJr17:09
ubottuSJr: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode17:09
SJrHmmmmm I don't seem to have a /boot/grub/menu.lst file17:13
bluekbI have a Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000.   When I go into the kde control center to set global shortcuts, I have tried to map Meta + KP_7 or Meta + KP_Home to go to desktop 1.   When it defines the mapping, though, it seems to miss that it's the /keypad/ keys, and instead either defines the mapping for the 7 above they qwerty keys or the regular home button.  When I try to actually test it by typing Meta+KP-Home, nothing happens.17:31
bluekbAny ideas?17:31
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SubCool_i just edited my systesm grub file, and grub still didnt show during boot17:53
bluekbSubCool_, which file did you edit17:56
SubCool_my keyboard is acting up, srry17:57
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bluekbAlso, there is a grub option for hiding the grub loader - you might look into whether it needs to be set to false.17:57
SubCool_ugh. /etc/default/grub17:57
bluekbSo you've probably got the new grub.17:57
bluekbDid you run the command to install grub after editing?17:57
SubCool_.. i do?17:57
SubCool_no, im on a live cd17:57
SubCool_trying to recover17:58
bluekbUm...  then /etc/default/grub is not the right file to edit.17:58
bluekbI think you will want to edit ... (checking)17:58
bluekb/boot/grub/menu.lst if it's the older version of grub.17:59
bluekbI'm not an expert.  I recently did some recovering myself.17:59
bluekbThe way I solved my problem was to install a new ubuntu live cd onto a blank partition, edit the grub configuration file (/etc/default/grub) and add an option for grub to scan other partitions for operating systems.18:00
bluekbSomething along those lines might help too.18:00
SubCool_well, what i need is to reinstall KDE. i uninstalled the base to fix a problem, now i have no recovery mode18:02
SubCool_i have 10.04 kubuntu installed, i think i would have the new one, uless the new one is on 10.1018:03
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subcoollaptop died, who was i talkming to?18:30
subcooli need to updae my grub from a liveusb.. and i cant do the update-grub18:31
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ch3mtailHas there been a couple of complaints going around about elevated fan speeds since upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 ?18:41
lontrapretty impressed w/ rekonq so far. but boy is that a silly icon18:45
lontraargh.. i can't uninstall emacs23 w/o install emacs23-lucid ? what?18:51
lontrahmm .. now it's install emacs22 when i uninstall emacs23 ... something is screwed up18:52
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flatsI'm a fairly new  buntu user.  I've been noticing that I as I try various flavors of Linux some distros automatically find all my windows shares on all the PC's in my house and some don't and say I need to go thru a whole Samba config.  What is different that some distros automatically find everything?18:58
flatsWhat is used to automatically find all my Windows shares?18:58
RadSurferRegarding Skype: Would I download Ubuntu 32-bit version of Skype, or Debian Lenny? just to be certain.19:03
lontraRadSurfer: are you running ubuntu or debian?19:05
RadSurferLenny is for Sidux/Aptosid?19:05
lontraRadSurfer: lenny is for debian lenny19:05
RadSurfernot actually debian...19:05
lontraRadSurfer: then you want the one for ubuntu19:05
RadSurferjust debian-compatible :)19:05
lontraubuntu isn't debian compatible19:06
lontraat least not with binaries19:06
lontrathey can sometimes install ok but it's bad practice to install a .deb from debian on a ubuntu machine and vice versa19:06
RadSurferonce kubuntu settled down on this machine, after running a few days, its been fine.19:07
dfaurehow do I ensure that the eth0 uses a fixed IP, without disabling networkmanager completely?19:11
dfaureI configured an entry in knetworkmanager, but I still have to manually select it after boot, by default it uses DHCP19:12
geekosopherrecently switched from jaunty to maverick (fresh install)... now whenever, I start my computer and login, the desktop effects are disabled by default, I have to manually start them everytime I boot19:15
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geekosopheralso a notification pops up that 'another program suspended by desktop effects'19:16
gNewPowerHi.  Though I mostly used GNOME, I am using a lot of KDE applications.  How can I increase the size of the fonts in the KDE applications I am running?  How can I mute all sounds from the KDE apps I am running. Thanks!19:16
dfauregNewPower: systemsettings, Fonts  (or Alt+f2, fonts,  or kcmshell4 fonts)19:17
gNewPowerdfaure, alt-F2 gets me to the GNOME sys settings19:17
dfaureyou're not using kubuntu?19:17
dfaurecouldn't know, given the channel name ;)19:18
dfaurerun systemsettings, then19:18
dfaureor type "kcmshell4 fonts" in a terminal19:18
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LOGANhi im installing through WUBI and after done it ejects the CD and asks for reboot. Reboot into windows? into Kubuntu? and do I need to reinsert the CD to finish up installing under Kubuntu?19:38
jschall_is the 2.6.36 kernel going to be made available in meerkat?19:39
dfaureLOGAN: install is done, so reboot whereever you want ;) typically into kubuntu, though.19:41
dfaureyou don't need the cd again19:41
* dfaure is helping people but nobody is helping him with networkmakager and fixed IP :(19:41
LOGANthanks dfaure as last time I tried it seemed that it needed cd for finishing install. hmm ok I try rebooting into kubuntu19:43
LOGANheh now new Ubuntu will get Unity, will there be a Gubuntu that will keep traditional Gnome?19:45
LOGANhmm upon reboot into kubuntu I get finishing install and press esc for more options. will it continue by itself?19:50
LOGANYeah I'm a noob :)19:50
dfaureLOGAN: that's without the cdrom in the drive?19:52
LOGANdfaure: yes now I try with CDROM20:02
LOGANon first try I ended also in command prompt apparently20:02
dfaurecan't follow at all. When I install kubuntu, I need to boot on the CDROM only once.20:05
LOGANit stated it could not find installation files20:07
LOGANso I thought, it needed the cd rom after all20:07
LOGANdon't forget I used the fancy WUBI install20:08
LOGANhmm now its just a black screen atm20:08
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LOGANok I see kubuntu screen20:08
LOGANso ill have to wait hehe20:09
JuJuBeeWhat is a decent 2D drawing program for architecture? Don't need full architect stuff, just to sketch a house layout.20:15
florian_windows is kacke20:17
LOGANflorian_: but what is kacke?20:17
DJWKfreeCAD might work for that20:17
florian_kacke = shit20:18
slush1000Try Sweethome3d20:18
LOGANoh florian_20:19
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LOGANhmm I hope the booting will improve lol20:20
LOGANstill kubuntu boot screen20:20
LOGANbut at least I see a cursor that I can move20:21
* LOGAN rolls his eyes20:21
JuJuBeeDJWK: I will check that out, thanks20:22
dfaureLOGAN: still booting on the CDROM? that's of course much slower than from the harddisk20:22
LOGANdfaure: no it boots from HDD20:23
JuJuBeeDoes Ekiga work with skype?20:23
LOGANbut apparently it needed some files from CD rom to install20:23
LOGANgosh the HDD still active. well it's a faster install than windows, hehe20:24
LOGANbut in live I would have been booted up20:24
LOGANnext time Ill better install from USB20:24
LOGANhmm I heare a sound..... a windows sound20:25
LOGANhmm, ok re-booting into Kubuntu20:26
matteo_c'è qualcuno??20:30
dfaure!it | matteo_20:31
ubottumatteo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:31
matteo_there is anybody alive outthere ??20:31
LOGANyay kubuntu booted20:32
matteo_# Spikeblood20:35
chris_help... I can't see the videoes with vlc anymore...20:36
node808Hey everyone, I just installed kubuntu on my laptop...looks great, runs great of course.  I have one issue and that is with the atheros wifi adapter.  The device is setup properly and working...I was able to scan and it showed several ap's in the area, but I cannot connect to any of them.  Can someone point me in the right direction?20:39
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pawleeqmy up arrow is not working (kubuntu 10.10, kde 4.5.1).. it works while used with shortcuts, but itself e.g. for scrolling within the document it does not21:25
pawleeqany clue pls?21:25
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dfaurepawleeq: and down works??21:41
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Guest30794IRC #Desu-recruit @ irc.rizon.net21:43
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pawleeqdfaure, yeah down works21:49
dfauretype xev in a terminal, does it react similarly when you press "down" and "up" ?21:50
lontrahi is there a way to get the new kubuntu icon to replace my kmenu one?21:51
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pawleeqdfaure, well it names key up and down when these are pressed21:56
dfaurepawleeq: ok so keyboard and X11 are fine; then I suspect a global shortcut in kde21:56
pawleeqlontra, right click the icon and choose Setings, click on the icon in following dialogue21:57
pawleeqdfaure, good, is there any app which could have eaten my up key? :)21:57
dfaureany ;) check kcmshell4 keys21:59
fgnfgnryWhy do you prefer Kubuntu?22:00
fgnfgnryWhat's so good about KDE?22:00
dfaurekde is great, customizable, efficient, all-purpose22:00
dfaureconsistent, extensive, powerful22:01
dfauremodern, slick, flexible22:01
* dfaure is going to run out of adjectives somewhen....22:01
fgnfgnryso KDE is better than GNOME?22:06
dfaureby far22:06
pawleeqdfaure, lame question, how to check those keys?22:16
dfaurejust go through the items in the combo and see if Up appears in the list below22:16
dfauresorry, no better idea22:16
noaXesssomeone also have microphone problem after upgrading to 10.10?22:16
LOGANI think my laptop is to slow for kubuntu. I can move mouse but it seems other menus are unresponsive22:18
dfaureLOGAN: try disabling nepomuk ("Desktop Search") in systemsettings22:19
LOGANdfaure will that help against being unresponsive after a few minutes of using?22:20
dfaureit might22:20
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LOGANhmm does kubuntu have a software store like ubuntu?22:26
LOGANwas thinking about trying Blender22:26
LOGANand maybe replacing some preinstalled applications by some more familiar ones22:27
lontraif i have an ati card should i just use radeon or should i use fglrx?22:29
lontrawhy does quassel try to open links in winebrowser ... what is winebrowser?22:34
Space_Manlontra: it depends on the type of card22:43
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lontrahere it's a little faster22:43
Space_Manfglrx doesn't support older cards22:43
lontraanyone know why rekonq doesn't have plasma notify integration? or does it?22:43
dfaureuse konqueror (possibly with kwebkitpart)22:44
lontrabut rekonq is quite usuable here and nice22:44
* dfaure wonders if kubuntu 10.10 ships kwebkitpart22:44
lontraoh i don't even think 10.10 ships w/ konqueror22:46
dfaurewhy do I even bother.22:47
lontrawell rekonq is ok22:47
dfaureyeah, rub it in - I just spent 10 years working on konqueror....22:47
lontraoh really?22:48
lontrai said rekonq is OK not brilliant22:48
dfaureyep (well, and on other parts of kde which are fortunately used by everything else, so it's not all wasted...)22:48
lontrado you know why quassel is trying to open winebrowser when i click on a link?22:49
dfaurebecause you don't have konqueror installed?  hahaha22:49
dfaureno seriously, check `kcmshell4 componentchooser` and `keditfiletype text/html`22:49
lontradfaure: ok it was the second reason22:50
lontrastupid wine22:52
LOGANis it normal that updates are not digitally signed?22:52
James147LOGAN: no..22:53
LOGANkununtu showed there were updates, and then came with "you are about to install unsigned.."22:54
James147LOGAN: can you pastebin the error from "sudo apt-get update"22:54
LOGANim on Windows here22:56
LOGANand a Linux noob22:56
lucian_hey whats the command to get all the upgrades for kubuntu23:12
lucian_ all the little packs23:12
lucian_ for effects23:12
lucian_and all that?23:12
James147lucian_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:12
James147lucian_: but what do you mean by 'little packs'?23:13
lucian_i have installed ubuntu first and after from symanteck iǘe installed kubuntu desktop23:14
lucian_and i can use dextop effects23:14
johnny77I have a folder view widget on one of my desktops. I thought one time I saw it showing the contents of the folder it points to, but I can only see a large folder icon until I click on it.23:34
James147johnny77: remove the widget and re add it23:34
johnny77James147: I still see just a big folder icon.23:36
James147hmm, ... try adding it on a new user, that will tell you if its a problem with the config files (most likly ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc)23:37
nerdy_kidjohnny77 a big folder icon?  folder view doesnt show up as an icon unless it is in a panel (or its bugged)23:37
nerdy_kidare you sure it is not quick access?23:38
johnny77nerdy_kid: Yes, because when I right click on it one of the options is Folder View Settings.23:40
nerdy_kidjohnny77: hmm ok.  mind posting a screenie?  gotta be quick though, I have to go soon.23:40
johnny77nerdy_kid: how?23:41
johnny77nerdy_kid: and what should i use so you can see the screen shot.23:42
nerdy_kidjohnny77: hit the "prnt scrn" button on your keyboard, ksnapshot will pop up.  then upload it to http://imageshack.us/ and post the url here23:42
nerdy_kidjohnny77: and resizing the folder view applet doesnt work?23:43
johnny77nerdy_kid: I think there is something wrong. One of my desktop just lost the icons i had on it...23:44
nerdy_kidjohnny77: well if it is really messed up, then do what James147 suggested.  Create a new user and see if the problems happen from there.23:45
nerdy_kidjohnny77: I have to go now, good luck.  If you still cant get it to work you can always post a thread on ubuntuforums.org23:46
johnny77nerdy_kid: thanks for your help, but after my desktops rest, the folder view works...23:46
nerdy_kidjohnny77: yeah you should start a thread or stick around for someone else to help you.  I gtg, good luck :)23:47
johnny77nerdy_kid: thanks23:47

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