[00:04] phillw [00:04] my windows\lubuntu its alive!!!!!!!!!!! [00:04] thanks for all the help [00:06] nk_: it's why we are here, glad it is alive and kicking :) [00:06] :) [00:38] hello, is there any information how to turn Lubuntu/LXDE into kiosk mode? [00:40] TwoD, yo could install mini.iso and turn that into kiosk [00:41] is there something I can do with an already installed system? [00:42] something that came up last minute and time is of the essence [00:42] http://www.xfce.org/documentation/4.2/manuals/xfce4-session#xfsm-kiosk-mode [00:42] you are awesome, thank you! [00:43] lxde doesn't offer something similar? [00:43] just a moment [00:46] I need asstance with 10.10 [00:47] what's wrong RoughNeck? [00:48] Not wrong, but I want to set up my desk top to be excatly the same as my laptop but I can not rember all things I did [00:48] is there a way to copy everything and set up on another machine? [00:48] scp -r username@laptop:/home/username /home/ [00:48] ? [00:49] remember to install openssh-server [00:49] I have a lot of tweaks and programs installed and need to be able to have it the same on both [00:50] really [00:50] I do not know enough to do this [00:50] yes [00:50] uses clonezilla? :D [00:50] use [00:50] excuse my ignorance [00:50] I am not as good as I should be [00:50] if you have two 32bit or 64bit systems [00:50] you can easily use clonezilla [00:51] http://clonezilla.org/ [00:51] you make a image of the laptop [00:51] what is clonezilla? will it copy all settings, programs ,tweaks and files? [00:51] and you put that image on that desktop [00:51] I wish I knew some one that could just come over and teach me. [00:52] how do I make an image of the laptop? [00:52] ahh.. if you only lived near me, I could come and give some fatherly advices [00:52] http://linuxgravity.com/creating-and-restoring-an-image-of-hard-disk-with-clonzilla [00:52] Could you do it via internet and remote? [00:53] check that url [00:53] I will does it matter that my desktop is dual boot? [00:54] well [00:54] kinda [00:54] :D [00:54] I suggest you to just use scp [00:54] and install all the needed software by hand [00:55] will scp copy all my settings and tweaks? [00:55] johnnyrico@desktop$ sudo scp -r username@laptop:/home/username /home/ [00:56] this sucks I love living in the country but where is a starbucks and geeks when you need them [00:56] reokace username with your username and laptop with your network ip-address [00:56] hahaha [00:56] dont you know [00:56] I'll get you a pic [00:56] not enough just enough to get in trouble [00:57] guess I need to put an add out for a linux/ubuntu gru to come help [00:58] I want to learn how but cant afford to mess anything up. My income depends on these machines [00:58] ok thanks anyways [00:59] just a minute [01:03] RoughNeck, http://tissi.apcdn.com/full/35604.jpg that's the situation in starbucks nowdays ;) [01:04] but good night. you can easily do that scp command [01:05] you can actually do it without sudo [01:05] yeah [01:05] it will copy your home folder to your desktop [01:06] will copying my home folder copy all my settings? [01:06] yes [01:06] and tweaks? [01:06] yes [01:06] but you still have to install all applications [01:06] thank you I will try that [01:06] I can do that if needed [01:06] I do it alot [01:06] ok thanks [01:06] I usualy just copy .config/chromium ;) [01:07] and .Xdefaults [01:07] becouse those are what I need [01:07] I have alot of tweaks and settings that are not normal my whole system is custom [01:07] it may say ubuntu but it is mor like mybuntu [01:08] just wish I had someone to learn more hand on hand with === Rabbitbu1ny is now known as Rabbitbunny [01:13] pasjr@XT-TOSHIBA:~$ sudo scp -r [01:13] [sudo] password for pasjr: [01:13] usage: scp [-1246BCpqrv] [-c cipher] [-F ssh_config] [-i identity_file] [01:13] [-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-P port] [-S program] [01:13] [[user@]host1:]file1 ... [[user@]host2:]file2 [01:13] pasjr@XT-TOSHIBA:~$ [01:16] if you want to copy stuff from laptop to desktop [01:17] you have to run that command from desktop [01:17] and I gave you a exact command how to do it [01:17] but I'm now off to bed [01:17] good night [01:17] o ok === zach_ is now known as zkriesse [03:06] hi, I am trying to find keyboard layout options... how does one do this in lubuntu? [03:12] no one replies again.... lubuntu sucks! NO SUPPORT! [03:12] ... [03:12] You are the support. [03:12] Think about this, how is lubuntu different from ubuntu? [03:13] NO ONE in ubuntu forums discusses or responds to any lubuntu questions! [03:13] i'm going back to gnome or kde or even xfce! [03:14] http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Change_keyboard_layouts [03:14] Stop being a dumbass, think about your problem and how you can solve it yourself. [03:18] I'm the dumbass? I have to read a 100pg manual to change a keyboard setting? [03:18] Go back to ubuntu. [03:18] lxde + lubuntu = joke [03:19] yeah, okay... at least, I will have a decent settings manager... and don't have to read 100 pages about X-Server [03:19] :-/ [03:20] Fuck that guy, thanks for lubuntu. [03:27] prob doesn't know how to read [04:38] lxde+lubuntu??? [04:38] isnt lxde already apart of lubuntu?? thus its called Lubuntu?? === MonthOLDpickle1 is now known as MonthOLDpickle [06:54] nice guy that depenguin or something [06:54] and im answering when im here [06:55] but i have to sleep too sometimes and spend time with family :D === gary_ is now known as Guest4056 [08:11] hello [08:11] anyone here? [08:13] o/ [08:13] hello [08:13] hi [08:13] are you an expert with Lubuntu? [08:14] maybe [08:14] I know something [08:14] it doesnt cost anything to ask [08:14] version 10.10 [08:14] so let's see what we can do [08:15] I just intalled it on at netbook. i have access to the internet via wi-fi and i can't see any of any of my windows drives on the other machines [08:15] ahhh [08:15] open terminal [08:15] and say: sudo apt-get install gvfs-backends [08:15] I okay [08:16] we are really sorry that this package is missing from the .iso file [08:16] ok i'll try it now, hold on [08:16] then restart pcmanfm [08:16] close it and start it up [08:18] thanks a lot, it works! [08:18] np [08:18] seems so that I'm an expert [08:18] :D [08:18] yes it seems! [08:19] anything else in mind? [08:19] i was trying to find out how to do that but I couldn't findy any documents [08:21] previously i tried ubuntu for netbooks. I got it installed but there was no sound from the speakers. only sound from headphone jacks. any idea why this is so? [08:24] users100: did you try to play around with the output device and the connector? sometimes you gotta play with them. as in my experience. :) [08:25] that was not the problem. [08:40] I saw somewhere same kind of problem [08:40] I think it was samsung [16:41] hi [16:43] hi [17:21] a new screencast is out: http://lubuntu.net/blog/lubuntu-screencast-abiword-wordprocessing [17:28] nice work [19:07] hey guys [19:11] hi Kurdistan [19:11] tjena mannen [19:11] tja [19:11] ska vara tråkig o smita direkt =) hållerpå med mat [19:13] gör så. smaklig måltid. [23:19] back for a short time