[00:37] Hi, does anyone know a way to disable the transparent terminal window that the Ubuntu Dust theme sets? FYI, it is not the same as the transparency setting for the terminal profile. [14:26] vish, hey guy [14:26] coz_: hey! [14:26] vish, I was wondering..if you get any free time..if you wouldnt mind looking through the ccsm icons i made and see if anything is wrong with them? [14:27] coz_: sure, but i'm at the UDS this week.. [14:27] ah yes I completely forgot [14:27] vish, ok no problem [14:27] sorry didnt mean to disturb you [14:27] coz_: no probs, just give me a link, i'll have a look at it when can sneak a moment :) [14:28] vish, cool I really appreciate this :) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/compiz%2B%2B/ccsm-Tango.tar.gz [14:28] coz_: thx.. [14:28] vish, a comment was made that they are no on the "pixel grid" and therfor blurry [14:29] coz_: yea, if icon is not pixel aligned, it becomes blurry.. [14:29] vish, ok I will have to goolge to understand that precisely [14:30] coz_: hmm.. well, you have to make icons with gird displayed.. [14:30] ok I can probably edit these easily then [14:32] coz_: take the example of ccsm-Tango/scalable/apps/plugin-animationsim.svg [14:32] ok [14:32] open it in inkscape... you'll see the lower rectangle [14:32] select view ยป grid [14:33] ooo [14:33] you'll see that the border lines dont align with the grid.. hence it is blurry [14:33] understood [14:33] damn I should have paid more attention to this [18:33] Hi all! [18:34] I saw the new advertisment (this one : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYTJPaM82nQ&feature=player_embedded ) [18:35] I would like to know if I could get the source ? I would like to make a french version. [18:36] Obviously, I will totally understand if you don't want to share your great work ^^ (I know it would be cause some problem...) [18:38] Or maybe I am not in the right place ? [19:09] (I repost my message since some person came) [19:09] I saw the new advertisment (this one : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYTJPaM82nQ&feature=player_embedded ) [19:09] I would like to know if I could get the source ? I would like to make a french version. Obviously, I will totally understand if you don't want to share your great work ^^ (I know it would be cause some problem...) Or maybe I am not in the right place ? [22:06] vish are you attending the gtk themeing session [22:07] islington: hey, i'm now in the chinese design session.. [22:08] ooh interesting I thought that was restricted to tomorrow morning