
maheanuuIf anyone is seeing this, would you please email me at maheanuu.tane@gmail.com as I am not seeing any conversations at all in here, although I do see my post after I send it....   I think that it is Mana causing the problem as I had a dickens of a time getting in here just now01:09
aveilleuxmaheanuu ping01:10
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deejoedo we have anyone who speaks persian02:24
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johnny77Anyone up for a conversation about how Gnome and KDE work?03:19
johnny77 I just read that Linux is like legos and Gnome and KDE are just packages. So can any "gnome" program work in KDE and vice versa?03:20
aveilleuxjohnny77: What do you mean by "work"?03:20
collinpLinux is like Legos, but with a singular base - the Linux kernel.03:20
johnny77aveilleux, how they are put together.03:20
aveilleuxjohnny77: As long as the libraries are there on the system, it doesn't matter if the program was written for GNOME or KDE03:20
collinpGNOME and KDE are both desktop environments. GNOME uses GTK while KDE uses QT, but you can run GTK applications on KDE or QT apps on GNOME.03:21
johnny77so the plasma desktop could be loaded in gnome?03:21
aveilleuxjohnny77: Programs written in Qt can run properly in GNOME (see Amarok) and any GTK program can run properly in KDE (see Brasero)03:21
aveilleuxjohnny77: Plasmids could, yes03:21
collinpThe way KDE works is that most everything is dependent upon Plasma, so you would effectively be loading KDE on top of GNOME if you can do that.03:22
aveilleuxjohnny77: You'd generally not run both GNOME and KDE simultaneously, they do the same thing and it would just cause problems03:22
aveilleuxjohnny77: You can, however, run KDE programs on GNOME and vice-versa without a problem03:22
johnny77So I could completely drop the KDE panel and run the gnome panel or run both to get features of both.03:23
aveilleuxjohnny77: Theoretically, yes03:24
johnny77Honestly, I'm finding things in both I like, but don't really want to keep logging in and out. I'm trying to fingure out how I can combine the best of both to get what I want.03:25
johnny77I'm curious how the two work together and independently. i.e. If I load the gnome panel in KDE and edit it, when I log back into gnome will it retain the edit I made it KDE?03:26
aveilleuxjohnny77: Yes, the settings are retained.03:26
johnny77If I play around with something and it "breaks" KDE, I should be able to just log into gnome and reinstall KDE? Probably depends on how bad the break is, right?03:29
aveilleuxjohnny77: You always have the option of reinstallation, but a better idea would be to just clear the KDE settings03:31
johnny77Is there a way to make the icons on the gnome desktop only be on a certain workspace?03:34
aveilleuxjohnny77: Not that I'm aware of.03:34
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johnny77aveilleux, that is one of my favorite features of KDE. I can set up a desktop for a certain function. And then switch to it, when I need to.03:36
aveilleuxjohnny77: GNOME handles the desktop differently03:36
johnny77And how it handles the desktop is a large part of what makes gnome gnome or KDE KDE, right?03:38
johnny77At least that is how I currently understand it.03:38
aveilleuxjohnny77: The desktop itself? That seems like very little of the desktop environment. The desktop itself is just a folder.03:39
aveilleuxjohnny77: The panels, window borders, menus and etc. are larger parts.03:39
=== slidinghorn is now known as zz_slidinghorn
johnny77it's hard to learn two similar, but different OS at the same time. It when I first start to understand, I get lost again.03:42
aveilleuxjohnny77: KDE and GNOME are not OSs. They are DEs, Desktop Environments.03:43
_spacer_hi room03:44
johnny77aveilleux, exactly! :)03:44
johnny77I think the most confusing thing, is coming from windows where window is both the OS and DE.03:45
_spacer_i am a complete ubuntu noob, attempting to achieve a fairly (at least it seems) complex task03:45
aveilleux_spacer_: What task03:45
_spacer_i want to run ubuntu 1010 headless, remotely03:45
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1010 in drivel (Ubuntu) "out-of-date (heat: 1)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101003:45
aveilleux_spacer_: Graphically? It can't be done.03:46
aveilleux_spacer_: X configures itself intrinsically, meaning it has to have a monitor attached.03:46
_spacer_not at all?03:46
Cheri703once it is set up it can be aveilleux...03:47
aveilleux_spacer_: There's really no reason to. Everything that can be done graphcally can be done in the command-line03:47
aveilleuxCheri703: No. You can't boot properly into the graphical environment without a monitor attached.03:47
Cheri703I did it earlier today03:47
Cheri703and then remote desktopped into it03:47
Cheri703because I moved my computer and hadn't hooked up the monitor yet and needed a file03:48
aveilleuxCheri703: I've been trying to do this since 9.04. The VNC engine won't run without a proper X session. Unless you set up a virtual X host, which is godawful to set up.03:48
Cheri703uhm, I did it earlier today03:48
_spacer_i dont doubt that, but i have very little experience with this system03:48
Cheri703I have it set to auto login, and I turned it on, it did its thing, and then I was able to access it03:48
_spacer_ok monitor or no, no big deal at this point03:49
aveilleuxCheri703: X refuses to start entirely without a monitor, or boots into safe graphics mode and won't let you connect until a user logs in (which is interrupted by the safe mode warning dialog)03:49
aveilleux_spacer_: Look into SSH. It's a command-line remote login system. Literally everything that has a graphical system can be done with the command-line (apart from obviously graphical things, like games)03:50
Cheri703ok, aveilleux I get what you're saying, but I did it earlier today. I went in via remote desktop with NO monitor connected, got transmission running, did my downloads via the web interface, then later hooked up the monitor, AGAIN remoted into it, opened "monitors" and then it recognized and came up03:50
_spacer_i am using remote x11vnc, and the ssl/ssh vnc client03:50
aveilleux_spacer_: This has nothing to dow ith VNC.03:50
_spacer_im getting hung up on reboot03:50
Cheri703I also ssh -X 'd into it without the monitor hooked up03:51
aveilleux_spacer_: Yes, because X (the graphical environment) can't start properly without a monitor.03:51
aveilleux_spacer_: Look into PuTTY. Text-mode.03:51
Cheri703I am using the older kernel, so maybe that's got something to do with it, but...03:51
Cheri703it still works03:51
aveilleuxCheri703: Some hardware starts with a virtual monitor, that could be it. Certain types of video cards do, that is03:51
_spacer_there is a monitor attached for now, ideally i'd like to loose it but if i cant then it is fine for now03:51
aveilleux_spacer_: What are you looking to do on this system?03:52
Cheri703I will try it with a different video card, just to check03:52
Cheri703give me a bi03:52
_spacer_i have putty aswell, doesn't seem to be required with the ssl/ssh version of tight vnc03:53
aveilleux_spacer_: Ignore VNC. Answer my question, please.03:53
_spacer_well at the moment, iam03:53
_spacer_what i want to do with this system?03:53
aveilleux_spacer_: Yes.03:54
_spacer_mostly just to learn the system, i'd love to be free of the windows environment03:54
_spacer_a couple of things are of interest03:54
aveilleux_spacer_: A headless system is not the best learning point for Linux.03:54
_spacer_1 a file server03:55
_spacer_i'm sure its not but if i can tuck the case away in my closet and access it from my laptop, well that would be pretty cool03:56
Cheri703aveilleux, _spacer_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System03:56
aveilleux_spacer_: You can do everything you want to do with that from command-line.03:56
Cheri703x is designed to be used over a network and NOT specifically through attached harware03:56
Cheri703aveilleux: as a new person, they may not WANT to use the command line, whether possible or not03:57
* Cheri703 doesn't want to if avoidable03:57
aveilleuxCheri703: It will simplify matters a hundredfold.03:57
Cheri703not to people used to gui's03:58
aveilleux_spacer_: I run two servers from command-line, and they operate as Web, file, SHOUTcast and game servers. And they run from command-line.03:58
Cheri703and a lot of people are comfortable with that, a lot of people are not03:58
Cheri703_spacer_: check this link out: http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO.html03:59
Cheri703sorry if you're getting caught in the middle there _spacer_03:59
_spacer_thats the thing, like most people i learnt on a gui system.  i'm planning on learning the command line, but my wife is up one side of me and down the other for all these friggen computer and cables all over the place04:00
_spacer_no worries04:00
Cheri703yeah, I'm a gui person who learns cli as needed :)04:00
paultag_spacer_, rock out with the GUI until you're cool with it04:00
Cheri703hopefully that xdmcp thing will help04:00
paultag_spacer_, keep at it. Cheri703 rocks, listen to her :)04:00
Cheri703_spacer_: one thing that may have helped mine was to set up auto login, it's under system > administration > login screen04:00
Cheri703ha! I'm still learning04:01
_spacer_thanks paul i will04:01
Cheri703that way you don't end up with it stuck in limbo or something04:01
Cheri703I have NO idea if that is the missing piece, but something to try04:01
Cheri703also you will need to set up the password for connecting (this threw me for a while)04:01
_spacer_thats one other thing i was tring to avoid... auto login04:01
Cheri703ok, hang on then, one sec04:01
_spacer_i actually tried to use that but i was getting hung up on the whole keyring pass thingy04:02
_spacer_sure sp04:02
Cheri703ok, go to system > preferences > remote desktop04:02
Cheri703and I know you're using some other vnc program, but start there, set up access04:03
_spacer_ok there04:03
Cheri703ok, that *should* let you log in via vnc from another comp, and I *think* you have to be logged in to use that04:04
_spacer_i have allow view, control04:04
_spacer_and user pass thats it, oh and never display and icon04:04
_spacer_+ my network ip04:05
Cheri703yeah, put in a password on that, yeah04:05
Cheri703then try from another computer, just to check that you have access04:06
_spacer_yeah if i reboot, im done.  need to run down and enter the pass word04:06
_spacer_oh i can vnc np, its the whole login thats messin me up04:06
Cheri703ok, so that's where we will try the auto login, just to check things out. I will look to see if there's another method (probably is)04:07
Cheri703oh, ok...sorry, was confused on that04:07
Cheri703ok, so go to system > administration > login screen and choose the auto login04:07
Cheri703might have to go to users and choose "not asked at login" or something04:07
_spacer_i read somewhere about ssh into the box, login that way is that a possibility?04:07
Cheri703uhm, maybe? I have ssh'd, but not to do that04:08
_spacer_i can get in via ssh, but unable to start the vnc server04:08
_spacer_or display for that matter04:08
Cheri703AH, ok04:09
Cheri703you want just file server mainly?04:09
Cheri703at the moment?04:09
* Cheri703 got distracted by all of the other stuff04:09
Cheri703from terminal type: ssh -X IPAddressOfServerComputer04:10
Cheri703wait...are you on a linux computer now?04:10
Cheri703sorry...I need to ask these things first04:10
_spacer_really just want to be able to have complete control of the desktop remotely, file server and all that stuff is secondary04:10
_spacer_yes i am running both at the moment04:10
Cheri703because you can access files graphically via ssh, but not the desktop that way04:10
Cheri703from terminal type: ssh -X IPAddressOfServerComputer  it will ask you to confirm stuff and login and whatnot04:11
_spacer_i am running xp on my laptop (for now)04:11
Cheri703why don't you want it to auto login?04:11
_spacer_oh sorry,flippin touchpad just went all wrangy on me04:12
_spacer_i dont want to auto login because i have a 15 yo son04:13
Cheri703that makes sense :)04:13
_spacer_hey is currently on internet ban, and would do anyhting to get on his msn04:13
_spacer_ok so where were we04:14
Cheri703I'm pondering04:14
Cheri703I think we got thrown off track initially by the whole boot into x headlessly or not topic04:14
Cheri703so here's what I understand: you want to a. be headless, b. have full desktop control, c. not auto-login04:15
_spacer_you got it exactly04:15
_spacer_am i asking too much?04:15
Cheri703I don't think so04:15
Cheri703a. should not be a problem04:15
Cheri703b. in theory shouldn't be a problem04:15
_spacer_i didn't think so either04:15
Cheri703c. is where I'm not super familiar but I will look04:16
_spacer_if you can do anything from command line, then it shouldn't be a stretch to think that the login could be satisfied from ssh session04:17
shahanI have a xubuntu 10.10 cd, now I want to create an .iso from this cd and want to store the .iso on my PC04:17
_spacer_can you not download the .iso?04:18
Cheri703yeah, I think I've found something04:18
Cheri703_spacer_: see if this is helpful/makes sense: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8913391&postcount=1004:18
Cheri703shahan: if you can't download it, you *may* be able to use brasero (or whatever the xubuntu equivalent is, I have no idea) to create the iso, I would suggest testing it once created though04:19
_spacer_reading brb04:20
_spacer_thx btw04:20
shahanCheri703, I am on Maverick. just want to create the .iso from that xubuntu cd..... ok... I am trying04:20
Cheri703shahan: in brasero, it'd be the "disc copy" option04:21
Cheri703_spacer_: no problem :) if you can deal with my fumbling over myself, and something helpful is in there, then awesome :)04:22
shahanChanServ, its for cd/dvd to cd/dvd  copy04:22
Cheri703no, you can choose image file04:23
Cheri703under "select disc to write to" there should be the option for "image file"04:24
_spacer_read thru looks like it makes sense, im gonna give it a go.04:25
Cheri703good luck!04:25
Cheri703let me know if it works04:25
Cheri703I'm going to bookmark that page :)04:25
_spacer_yeah, its getting late gonna try in the am, thx for your help.  I'll stop back in tomorrow and let you know how it works out.04:34
_spacer_thanks for all your help either way.04:34
Cheri703kk, sure :) have a good night04:34
_spacer_and you04:34
Cheri703shahan: did you find it?04:35
shahanCheri703, Brasero is creating a .toc file05:04
shahanits not .iso file05:04
shahanCheri703, tnx... hope it will be helpful.05:09
shahanelectricity gone....05:10
shahanwill be back after an hour05:10
Cheri703k, bye05:10
ggeorgyhi ? :)  how create a shortcut to a sh file? :)05:40
JoeMaverickSettggeorgy: right click > Make link > drag that link to anywhere you want :)05:44
ggeorgyok thanks :)05:46
safetynetThis is a new install of Meercat, I download a file and cannot find it in the "Download" folder under "Places" Any idea's what going on ? ?07:10
safetynetAh never mind I found it.......07:11
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shahanI am from xubuntu now07:40
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Rahihow can I add ubuntu repository on xubuntu?07:42
Rahirepositoy is not downloading anything07:43
hobgoblinRahi: if you added it did you also update?07:44
Rahihobgoblin no07:46
hobgoblinthen you need to - add repository - update - stuff in new repo available07:47
hobgoblinno idea what gui tool is available in xubuntu - but in a terminal sudo apt-get update will work07:47
Rahihmm.... xubuntu 's gui is not strong ....07:48
Rahihave many bugs I think07:48
bioterrorI would like to know about these bugs08:03
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hobgoblinbioterror: I think bug in this case = I don't know what I need to do as I can't find it08:10
bioterrordont say it like that! the problem is never between the seat and the display08:10
shahangetting no sound on my MAVERICK08:56
jappiebioterror, sorry I never reacted yesterday...my internet connection had problems and it took nearly all day to get it fixed! You were saying about my imap problem that I have to adjust where I store my send emails?09:35
* bioterror hamemrs head09:37
bioterrorI dont have a evolution near me (i'm at work ;)09:37
bioterrormaybe I could soon try go google something09:38
jappiebioterror, thanks! Kind of a bummer that it won;t work well with evolution. ...I tried a bunch but maybe I have to switch back to pop3 or something.09:44
bioterrorno you dont09:45
bioterrorpop3 is not an option09:45
jappiethat's what I hoped for:-)09:45
jappieps..any idea why my media-tech mt40290 webcam will not work with actual calls in skype? I works fine in skype test mode.09:46
bioterrorjappie, it might take a while from to get evolution running. so I'm hoping someone with already running evolution could help you09:53
bioterrorI'm stuck for another 5 to 6 hours at my work plus an hour for traveling back to home ;)09:53
jappiebioterror, now worries and no hurries! If anybody else can help great, if not I can wait until tonight or tomorrow! Thanks !09:55
bioterroryeah, I'll help you as soon as I can09:56
bioterrorI'll promise ;)09:56
jappiebioterror, I really appreciate it;-)10:00
jappiegood luck at work!10:00
bioterrormoving profiles over network10:00
bioterrorI just noticed that this chick has some m4a files and moving her profile folder takes a little longer than it usually takes. I should have walked downstairs, take her laptop and use usb drive10:01
LeMoiLibHello world! I have this error when trying to update my packages:10:15
LeMoiLibW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ lucid/partner Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_lucid_partner_binary-i386_Packages)10:15
LeMoiLibDoes anyone know what's wrong?10:15
bioterroryou have same source twice10:16
bioterroropen your software sources from synaptics or what every you use and check it10:16
LeMoiLibhi bio, looking....10:18
LeMoiLibBio I found the same source twice and I remove one! It works fine now thanks. Bio, I know its not the place here but you might be able to help me, which channel do I go to if I have some programming issues?10:24
bioterrorI'm not a programmer :)10:24
bioterrorI'm local it support guy at tv/radio station ;)10:24
ManikDepresifI have a question regarding to HP ProLiant Microserver and ubuntu installation10:39
ManikDepresifanyone can help around?10:39
LeMoiLibHey bio, hope still around! My old notebook just went to one of his long inner meditative state! I really admire you supporting other at tv/radio! I'm not a programmer myself, actually only lot of books with theory. But I wanted to learn on my own, but I promise you that's not easy! You'll hardly found a manual out where they don't assume basic clicking is obvious! The book you have to learn are not IDE specific unless sponsored by M$. Result ne10:58
bioterrorresult ne11:03
bioterrorends there11:03
kristian-aalborghi all12:11
kristian-aalborghow do I stop linux from looking for my soundcard at startup?12:16
kristian-aalborgit doesn't find it, so I added it to a startup script.. thus there is no use of spending time on it during the "regular" boot12:17
friTTe|but it works ok?12:25
kristian-aalborgI'm just looking to maximize boot time ;)12:44
bioterrorkristian-aalborg, you have to download kernel source and compile with minimal hardware configuration12:49
kristian-aalborgcan't I just throw in a # somewhere?12:49
bioterrormaximize boot time sounds fun12:49
kristian-aalborgbioterror: it is12:50
bioterrordid you rather mean "minimize" :D12:50
kristian-aalborgmaximize it from the viewpoint of the user, that is ;)12:50
* kristian-aalborg saved it 12:50
bioterrorkristian-aalborg, http://www.linuxdocs.org/HOWTOs/Kernel-HOWTO.html start from there12:54
kristian-aalborgthanks, but kernel-building is beyond my capabilities12:55
kristian-aalborgthere must be a script where I can disable looking for the sound card12:55
bioterrormy lubuntu boots fast12:55
kristian-aalborgso does my slitaz... I'm just slightly annoyed by this12:56
duanedesignkristian-aalborg: have you looked at Bootchart yet? It automatically makes a chart of your system’s boot performance.12:56
bioterrorI cant understand how disabling soundcard would make it "faster"12:56
kristian-aalborgit spends time looking for it... then does not find it12:56
bioterrorahhh, it was searching for something that doesnt work12:56
kristian-aalborgit does work, due to a line I added in some configuration file or other... but not via the normal boot12:58
danielmonttHello, I have a problem with Ubuntu 10.04; I can run the Live CD with option "noapic", no problem, it runs quite well, then I install it to the hard drive and when it starts after a while it hangs up and that's it13:46
yipI got something weird. I tried installing frontpage with Wine. Something went terribly wrong and now I can uninstall it anymore. I re-started my machine and now when I start my Evolution mail I get a dialogscreen "openshh" which will not go away and I don;t want to type any of my passwords here...help please13:48
yipnow suddenly the openshh disappeard....do I need to be worried?13:51
jappieI think I have a problem; When I start Evolution I get a "openshh" terminal and it won't let em do anything except write a password. I can't close the terminal and all other applications are not accessible. ON my desktop appears the message "could not grab keyboard. A malicous client maybe eavesdropping on your session". Not sure if it is related but this started appearing after  installed some software with Wine and this went wron18:37
jappieg and could not uninstall it(  I finally managed to uninstall but "openssh" keeps poping up in Evolution.  How do I close/stop this...18:37
bioterrorhi jappie18:39
bioterrorjust got home from work18:39
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jappiehi Bioterror..18:50
jappiehope u had a good day!18:50
bioterrorI had to buy some chocolate and grapefruit limonade for my wife18:50
jappiemust have mad her happy;-)18:51
bioterrorwell, hope so18:51
jappieI hope so too....mine is sometimes less easy to please...18:51
bioterrorabout evolution18:52
jappieyes please18:52
jappiedid you read about my openssh problem?18:53
bioterrorsounds weird18:54
jappieyes..it worries me! I did try to change some email setting for the imap to see if had some effect but that was much ealier.18:55
jappieWhen I use Wine or virtual box with XP installed, can I get Window virusses and such or no?18:56
bioterrortrojans you might get ;)18:56
bioterrorand basic malmware18:56
bioterrorbut that machine should be behind NAT18:56
jappieso should install anti-virus in VB and Wine?18:57
jappiewhat is NAT?18:57
bioterrorNetwork Address Translation18:57
jappieps...I do have Ubuntu Firewall installed and does not show anything in its log18:58
bioterroryou should have AppArmor by default18:59
jappieAny ideas what I can do to get rid of the openshh?19:01
bioterrorjappie, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100890619:02
bioterrorI use openssh all the time19:03
bioterroryou dont want to get rid of that?19:03
jappieI want to get rid of the fact when I open Evolution that it brings up openshh and everything freezes. (Probably not openshh)19:05
bioterrorcan you take screenshot?19:05
bioterrorjappie, waiting my daughter to fall asleep19:08
bioterrorthen I can check  that evolution19:08
jappiebioterror...great..will check up on my 2 boys and kiss them goodnite...and be back in a bit:-)19:09
bioterrorjappie, that was easy! ;D19:28
bioterrorjappie, Edit -> Preferences -> Mail Accounts -> Edit your account -> Defaults tab -> Sent Message Folder -> Choose your remote folder19:30
jappieim back....will start what u suggested...19:36
jappieBioterror...U R the MAN!!!! It works great!19:43
bioterrorofkooz ;)19:44
jappiebioterror,  (I think...oeps) I figured out what it was with the openshh. I created a new email account and played around with the (wrong) options. I deleted this account from Evolution and now the openshh is gone. I will re-create it in a minute and configure it correctly.19:47
kosaidpoany idea how to kno the size of the installed packages ?21:44
zeacuss\what is this22:27
zeacussis this a chat22:27
aveilleuxWell then.22:33
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johnny77I was looking for a gmail notifier in KDE and found that Google has developed one. I've pastebinned how they told me to install. Now while I trust Google, I'm curious from a learning point what they are telling me to do. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/521044/23:20
aveilleuxjohnny77: They're having you download the source and compile it yourself23:22
aveilleuxjohnny77: Instead of using sudo make install, though, you should do sudo checkinstall23:22
johnny77aveilleux: thanks again!23:24
johnny77aveilleux: do you use or familiar with KDE 4.5?23:27
aveilleuxjohnny77: No, not really23:27
johnny77aveilleux: ok, just checking.23:27
johnny77In trying to install gmail notifier made by google I ran into this error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/521049/ Can anyone help?23:32

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