
cuppedHow long does it usually take to be approved on the launchpad group?00:11
crimsunbug 66547102:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 665471 in grub2 (Debian) (and 1 other project) "[natty] GRUB no longer finds kernel with separate /boot partition (affects: 10) (dups: 2) (heat: 66)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66547102:57
nyoHi, I never reported a bug, I found one in ubiquity install, can I write about it here? its quite simple07:00
RedSingularitynyo:  Have you added the bug to launchpad?07:48
RedSingularityAnyone here able to change importance for me?09:04
RedSingularityIf anyone sees this message can you please set bug 664265 to "Low"?09:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 664265 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Can't play flash videos full screen on firefox and google chrome with intel driver and compiz (affects: 3) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66426509:10
nyoRedSingularity Hi, i've just created a launchpad account09:13
nyoi should post about ubiquity? it's this the name of the app?09:13
nyothe installer app09:13
RedSingularitynyo:  you post yet?09:18
RedSingularityok, can you post from the machine with the problem?09:18
nyono, since i've got another prob with grub so now i'm reinstalling ubuntu09:19
nyothis is the text i've prepared for the bug09:20
nyoHi, i would communicate that I find a little bug in the ubiquity install gui interface.09:20
nyoat the page of "personal information" in the Username field, it should make a red x if you put a Uppercase character or a number, instead now is working showing a green V. I was in a situation that all the field were "ok" with a green V but with the "go forward" button disabled.... then i figured out it was as explained above09:20
nyois it clear enough?09:20
RedSingularityYeah thats fine....you will also need to explain the steps to produce the error.09:21
RedSingularityso we can try and produce it ourselves09:21
RedSingularityCan you boot a live CD on the problem machine and post from the live cd to launchpad?09:21
nyojust boot with the livecd and start the install09:21
nyook i can do it09:21
nyosince i have to reinstall...09:22
RedSingularityok, there is a command to run and it will lead you through the different steps as well as add essential system info to the report.  Thats why you need to report this bug on the error computer.09:23
RedSingularity"from" the error computer i mean09:23
nyoproblem is that it requires me to put the pid09:26
nyowhere is the field to write it?09:26
RedSingularitywhat is asking?09:26
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nyo"what kind of prob you want to report? sound - display - security - other" i choose other and it put out an error telling i need to specify pid see --help etc09:27
RedSingularitylaunchpad is asking?09:27
nyonot launchpad09:28
RedSingularityubuntu-bug ubiquity is the command to run09:28
RedSingularityth3k0rn: you there?09:30
nyoanyway is not a real bug is a suggested hint to add to that window09:31
th3k0rnRedSingularity: yes, sort of09:31
RedSingularityth3k0rn: good man!  can you mark a bug "low" for me?09:31
RedSingularitynyo:  thats fine09:31
th3k0rnRedSingularity: sure, bug id?09:32
RedSingularitybug 66426509:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 664265 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Can't play flash videos full screen on firefox and google chrome with intel driver and compiz (affects: 3) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66426509:32
RedSingularitynyo:  we may be able to get "wishlist" for it09:32
RedSingularitynyo maybe...09:32
nyobut where should i put the text? in launchpad or in ubuntu-bug ?09:33
RedSingularityubuntu-bug should have opened a launchpad page09:33
nyook i see now09:33
nyothe pc is slow now :D ehhe09:34
RedSingularitynyo old pc?09:34
th3k0rnRedSingularity: done09:34
RedSingularityth3k0rn Thanks so much!!  :)09:35
RedSingularitynyo: ahh i see09:36
th3k0rnRedSingularity: btw, instead of requesting sth. like rm -r ~/.mozilla, you should request   mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.old09:36
RedSingularityth3k0rn:  yes i discussed it with micahg.  Will do next time :)09:37
th3k0rnokidoki, cool. I guess he alos told you about sudo not being neccessary there ;)09:37
RedSingularityth3k0rn:  lol yes sir09:38
RedSingularityth3k0rn:   thanks again :)09:38
RedSingularitynyo:  done?09:40
nyook, bug: 66718809:40
nyogoing take coffe eheh see u later (15min)09:40
=== th3k0rn is now known as thekorn
RedSingularitynyo:  I am headed to bed....I will take a look at the report tomorrow if no one else does.  :)09:42
RedSingularitybug 66718809:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 667188 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "not a real bug, I would suggest that a message is missing.. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66718809:43
RedSingularitynyo:  If there is any info still needed i will ask in the report.09:44
* RedSingularity saying goodnight :)09:44
thekornRedSingularity: wait09:45
thekornit's a duplicate of bug 54919509:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 549195 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Ubiquity should give visual feedback that username cannot contains capital letter(s) (affects: 8) (dups: 2) (heat: 63)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54919509:45
RedSingularitythekorn:  Really?  Lets see.09:45
thekorn...as far as I understand the bugreport09:46
RedSingularitythekorn:  yes.  Seems like it...09:46
RedSingularitygood catch so quick!09:46
RedSingularityI guess I will mark as duplicate then.09:46
thekornyes please09:46
thekornRedSingularity: super. now, sleep tight09:50
RedSingularitythekorn: lol  Will do!09:51
* RedSingularity is finally off to bed09:51
epos85Hello. I have some bugs to report.09:51
epos85First. Myspell(Myspell-nb) gives me many lines(bad flagvector) in terminal when:$ sudo gedit file. Logs from otrace tells me that something is wrong with myspell-nb.09:55
epos85Second. Mouseproblems when using external mouse and having laptop with touchpad. Sometimes i have to click with touchpad buttons to get the other mouse-buttons working again.09:57
epos85Not only that. I have tried to deactivate touchpad(cause its annoying when using mouse) in synaptics and gpointing-device-settings. But touchpad go active sometime after again.09:59
shankaoyou should be using launchpad for filling bugs10:00
epos85Source: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad:: IRC: Ubuntu BugSquad members can always be contacted through IRC on the #ubuntu-bugs channel on irc.freenode.org for help or collaboration.10:01
shankaoyes, but launchpad will make your bug permanet and accessible to a wider range of people that are not here or not now10:01
epos85Feel free to update site then. I actually installed irssi to write here.10:02
shankaoI use to think on the irc channel as a complement to that, not the primary way to post bugs10:02
shankaofor reporting bugs, you should also use the command "ubuntu-bug packagename"10:03
shankaothat automatically takes the necessary info from your system (i.e. logs, versions installed) so devs. can actually make something about the bug10:04
shankaothat all is indicated in the wiki page I have told about10:04
epos85And btw. I have reported error at launchpad earlier10:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 657052 in myspell (Ubuntu) "error when i save a file (affects: 3) (heat: 244)" [Undecided,New]10:06
thekornhmm, let's see, I've seen such bug before10:09
thekornepos85: your bug is a duplicate of bug 58391110:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 583911 in gedit (Ubuntu) "bad flag alias index & bad flag vector alias errors (affects: 9) (heat: 37)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58391110:09
thekornepos85: I will mark it as such, thanks for reporting it10:10
epos85Importance should be greater than low. Its affecting the distro system-wide10:11
thekornepos85: so, you see the same error for other applications?10:12
thekornor what do you mean by system-wide?10:12
epos85Ooo-applications, gedit, etc.. Slow, have to be killed sometimes. Takes many seconds to close applications.10:12
epos85Every applications that use myspell10:13
epos85Ex. When i do: sudo gedit /etc/modules .. I get many 'bad flagvector' when opening. And same thing when saving/closing.10:14
epos85Had no problems with myspell in 10.0410:14
thekornepos85: sorry, I've no time right now to look closer at this bug, but I will later today. Maybe there are even more duplicates of this issue in launchpad, which would of course result in a higher importance10:16
epos85A newb ubuntu user told me that his Ubuntu was slower than Windows 7 in WmWare. He said that "Notepad didnt take forever to close".10:16
epos85I also want to notice about gpointing-device-settings and synaptic and mouse application. Its impossible to deactivate touchpad10:17
epos85Or should i post a new Bug?10:18
thekornepos85: best is to post a new bug10:18
epos85Ill do.10:18
thekornthat's the best way to get the attation of relevant people10:18
thekornalthough it might take some time ;)10:18
thekornbut we are early in the release cycle, so there is a good chance10:19
epos85Hehe. Ive noticed. But its actually the Myspell that kills my joy. Im using my laptop at school.10:19
epos8510.04 had no bugs like this, so i hope its a isolated error10:20
epos85Thanks for now. Ping me if i can assist.10:20
kcjIs there any way I can stop this happening https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/665734 It really isn't fun anymore.12:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 665734 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Xorg freezes when viewing website in Firefox. (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]12:20
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pedro_vish, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestones15:10
vishpedro_: thx..15:10
pedro_you're welcome15:10
psusibug #502699 for some reason is tracked in lucid... shouldn't that only be the case if it is requesting an SRU?  Since this doesn't seem to make a case for an SRU, should that task be closed?15:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 502699 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "upgrade to cryptsetup 1.1.0 (affects: 7) (heat: 14)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50269915:49
jibelpsusi, only lucid is affected by this so the status is correct, but the dev task should be set to 'fix released'15:52
psusijibel: yea, I just set the dev task to fix released, but why is there a lucid task when this isn't apparently a request for an SRU?15:57
psusiand without an SRU, it will not be fixed in lucid15:57
mortalhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/667336 <- weird17:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 667336 in compiz (Ubuntu) "weird compiz crash, pointer on top of a long url in pidgin, compiz crashes (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]17:05
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RedSingularitymicahg:  The "importance" page says to forward all triaged/confirmed bugs upstream.  Is this true?19:07
RedSingularityThe triage page i mean19:08
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micahgRedSingularity: if it's an upstream issue, yes, not everything is an upstream issue19:28
RedSingularitymicahg:  whats an example of an upstream issue?19:29
micahgRedSingularity: generally something in the app itself, not install failures or menu issues19:30
RedSingularitymicahg:  Is bug 643736 forwarded upstream?  I see it has been assigned to mozilla bugs19:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 643736 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) ""What's new in Thunderbird 3" reappears on minor upgrades (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 20)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64373619:32
micahgRedSingularity: yes, that's what an upstream bug link looks like19:32
RedSingularitymicahg:  I have another "wishlist" item.  Should bug 638744 be forwarded?19:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 638744 in update-manager (Ubuntu) ""Restart to complete update" should not be signaled until the update has completed (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63874419:34
micahgRedSingularity: no, we're upstream for update-manager19:35
micahgRedSingularity: also, ,you might want to check for dups in that bug19:36
RedSingularitymicahg: Where do you see that we are upstream?19:36
micahgRedSingularity: well technically we're not, there is an upstream project, but bugs for update-manager are generally kept in Ubuntu19:37
* micahg wonders if we ever got a list of packages where we *don't* forward bugs19:37
RedSingularitymicahg:  Yes that would be nice19:38
RedSingularitymicahg:  that bug is confirmed.  I tested it on another machine as well.  Cant it be "triaged"?19:39
micahgRedSingularity: have you checked for duplicates?19:40
RedSingularitymicahg doing so......stand by19:40
njinmicahg: who blame here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/665947 video attached (nautilus?)19:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 665947 in ubuntu ""Open With" section of properties dialogue starts re-adding applications (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:42
RedSingularitymicahg:  doesnt seem to be any dups19:43
micahgnjin: to find out what is running a window, run: 'xprop | grep CLASS' and click on the window19:43
njinmicahg: Thanks a lot19:44
micahgRedSingularity: bug 40900219:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 409002 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Restart prompt before update finished (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 38)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40900219:46
RedSingularitymicahg: I saw that....... even though its for another release tho??19:47
micahgRedSingularity: same wishlist, right?19:48
RedSingularitymicahg:  yea19:48
RedSingularitymicahg:  If that release had reached EOL would it still be a dup?19:49
micahgRedSingularity: yes, it's not a release specific request19:49
RedSingularitymicahg:  ahhhh19:49
RedSingularitymicahg:  so I mark my bug to the older one.  Can the older one be marked triaged then since it is connected with the more recent bug?19:51
micahgRedSingularity: yes19:51
RedSingularitymicahg: i see, ok I will mark19:51
micahgnot because it's connected, but because there's enough information for a developer19:51
RedSingularitymicahg:  so if the original report didnt have the needed info I would have to get it even though It has been confirmed in the other bug?19:52
micahgRedSingularity: or dupe the other way19:53
RedSingularitymark the older as dup of the newer?19:53
micahgRedSingularity: we try to dupe to the older bug, but if the newer bug has more info, you can dupe to the newer one19:53
RedSingularitymichag:  ok that makes sense19:54
micahgRedSingularity: generally asking if someone upgrades is not a good first triage question19:56
RedSingularitymicahg: If they did upgrade tho i want to do it as well to reproduce....19:57
micahgRedSingularity: yes, but you can try to reproduce w/out knowing that...that should not be a factor most of the time, it's something to keep in the back of your mind, but in most cases not an issue19:58
RedSingularitymicahg:  alright......saves me time as well :)19:58
RedSingularitymicahg:  I guess you can mark bug 638744 "triaged".  I linked the other two because the more recent one seems to have a better flow of information and i has all the required data for the dev's.20:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 638744 in update-manager (Ubuntu) ""Restart to complete update" should not be signaled until the update has completed (affects: 6) (dups: 2) (heat: 116)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63874420:01
micahgRedSingularity: the title was self explanatory in this case, but ok20:01
RedSingularitymicahg:  is there a team that looks at "confirmed" bugs and makes sure they are ready for triage status?  I read that on a post on another site.20:04
micahgRedSingularity: well, that's for bugsquad to do, that's part of bug days20:07
RedSingularitymicahg:  oh cool.  Do you have to be part of bug-control to participate?20:07
micahgRedSingularity: no20:07
RedSingularitymicahg:  great20:08
amastronardihi everyone21:38
amastronardibug #645138 is requesting to upgrade a package to a version that is currently in beta21:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 645138 in spyder (Ubuntu) "update Spyder to Version 2 (affects: 1) (heat: 106)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64513821:39
amastronardiDoes Ubuntu include beta software by default? Shall I consider that request valid?21:39
micahgamastronardi: what's the bug #?21:40
micahgbug 64513821:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 645138 in spyder (Ubuntu) "update Spyder to Version 2 (affects: 1) (heat: 106)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64513821:40
micahgamastronardi: hmm, I was looking into that, I think there's a request in Debian for it21:40
micahgoh, there's not a request in Debian21:41
micahgamastronardi: it depends on the maintainer in Debian or Ubuntu21:42
amastronardiif I'm not wrong, that package comes from debian21:42
amastronardiubuntu maintainer is Ubuntu MOTU developers21:44
micahgamastronardi: why did you add a math tag?21:46
amastronardibecause it is a math program21:46
micahgamastronardi: yes, but we don't use tags like that21:46
amastronardiok, sorry... I didn't know :s21:46
micahgamastronardi: you can leave it for a developer who wants to deal with it I guess, most likely nothing will happen until 2 is released, but that depends on teh Debian maintainer or if an Ubuntu dev wants to do something with it21:47
amastronardiDo we have any doc about the use of tags? Or... can you explain me quickly how do we use tags here?21:48
micahg!tags | amastronardi21:48
ubot2amastronardi: We use some common tags for tracking bugs on Launchpad.net See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Tags for common usage.21:48
amastronardiok, thanks, will leave that to a dev21:48
amastronardithanks ;-)21:48
micahgamastronardi: generally any bugs which are requests to updating to a new version you can leave for the devs21:49
amastronardimicahg, in this case shall I use 'upgrade' tag?21:50
micahgamastronardi: sure21:50
amastronardiok, just fixed that mistake21:51
kcjCan someone help me with this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/665734 ?22:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 665734 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Xorg freezes when viewing website in Firefox. (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]22:19
kcjI found this: Oct 24 11:23:05 laptop0 kernel: [ 2952.597363] *pde = 4629b06722:21
kcjHere: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/58113737/messages22:21
kcjIs pde an invalid pointer that's causing the crash?22:22
RedSingularitymicahg:  I deal with a lot of bugs where another user has the same problem and they post accordingly.  Should I have them make a new report or is it ok to have them posting on the other users bug?22:50
micahgRedSingularity: depends on the bug22:51
RedSingularitybug 66675522:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 666755 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Flash player crashes (blank area) on Ubuntu 10.10 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66675522:51
RedSingularitymicahg:  perilla in this case22:51
micahgRedSingularity: well, this shouldn't really be happening anymore22:55
RedSingularitymicahg:  what?  The bug they are describing?22:55
micahgRedSingularity: yes, in this case, the user should probably file a new support request22:55
RedSingularitymicahg:  Why shouldn't it be happening?22:56
micahgRedSingularity: well, not exactly true, but it's an older issue I'll have to go into later22:56
micahgI have to run now22:57
RedSingularityno prob :)22:57

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