psusi | is anyone over at UDS? I didn't realize until today that it's actually across town from me, instead of on the other side of the world, and I'm debating bailing on work tomorrow to crash it | 02:21 |
psusi | but I'm trying to figure out when the most opportune time to go would be and what I would do | 02:22 |
achiang | psusi: | 02:23 |
psusi | yea... I don't really see anything there that jumps out at me as I need to go to... | 02:24 |
psusi | though some face time with scott james remnant and cjwatson would not be amiss... | 02:25 |
psusi | hehe... I actually got to meet DJ Delorie from redhat last week in california at the Renesas Devcon.... | 02:26 |
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ggeorgy | from h | 06:01 |
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micahg | pitti: can you accept my -proposed ubufox upload before the Linaro freeze | 15:58 |
jdstrand | dpm: | 16:02 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 626178 in Ubuntu Translations "ufw package contains mo files" [Low,Triaged] | 16:02 |
neeraj | Hi, I am maintaining sugar packages for ubuntu. At present we have "sugar-0.88" in Maverick. At that time this package was synced from debian. Now for NAtty we want to rename the package to sugar-0.90 and replace the 0.88 one. But still we don't want to break sugar-0.88 users | 16:02 |
neeraj | I mean on running upgrade, they should be able to install "sugar-0.88" | 16:02 |
crimsun | neeraj: I'm unsure where your question is. | 16:09 |
neeraj | crisum, when a user runs upgrade on "sugar-0.88" then it get replaced by "sugar-0.90". Here appart from changes in files, the package name also changes. | 16:11 |
neeraj | The real messy situation is that even though the in the package names we have provided "sugar-0.88", "python-jarabe-0.88", but while installing they get installed in folder named "sugar", "jarabe" at revelant places. | 16:12 |
crimsun | neeraj: I think that's diametrically opposed to your desire to keep both packages parallel-installable. Also, we should have this conversation in #ubuntu-motu, probably. | 16:13 |
neeraj | First I tried to install "sugar-90" manually, then it gave me conflict error that the contents are same as in sugar-0.88, but when I added sugar-0.88 in the control:: Replaces, Conficts fields, the error didn't go away | 16:14 |
stgraber | akgraner: ping | 16:15 |
neeraj | crimsun: Ok. Thanks for pointing that out. :) | 16:15 |
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darwin | hello everyone | 16:21 |
darwin | does anyone know if it's possible to install ubuntu from a gentoo box that has no cd-reader? | 16:23 |
micahg | darwin: USB? | 16:23 |
darwin | micahg: don't have a usb drive available atm | 16:24 |
darwin | :( | 16:24 |
darwin | i sold my macbook pro yesterday and i'm stuck with this pentium 3 box for a couple of weeks | 16:26 |
darwin | :) | 16:26 |
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slangasek | bdrung: so... who hand-picked eclipse-cdt for syncing from Debian unstable in the middle of the eclipse-cdt session? :) | 16:30 |
tumbleweed | darwin: grab an installer netboot image file and tell grub to boot it ( ) | 16:31 |
cjwatson | note that that only works if you don't need to repartition the disk that you're running the disk image from | 16:31 |
bdrung | slangasek: i don't know. | 16:31 |
slangasek | bdrung: huh, ok :) | 16:32 |
slangasek | bdrung: I went to go do a batch sync of new packages into natty and was surprised to find that it was already in the queue... :) | 16:32 |
darwin | lol | 16:32 |
darwin | tumbleweed: you rock | 16:33 |
tumbleweed | cjwatson: oh good point | 16:33 |
darwin | thnx | 16:33 |
tumbleweed | darwin: ^ not what cjwatson said | 16:33 |
tumbleweed | note | 16:33 |
bdrung | slangasek: oh, you wanted to know who put eclipse-cdt into the queue? that was me. | 16:33 |
darwin | i could keep the current partitioning so i guess im all go | 16:33 |
slangasek | bdrung: ah; how was that injected? | 16:34 |
bdrung | slangasek: syncpackage | 16:34 |
slangasek | hmm | 16:34 |
bdrung | but for new package sync request are better | 16:34 |
slangasek | strange, LP appears to be giving me .changes files from the queue without GPG signatures | 16:34 |
slangasek | bdrung: I disagree - having the archive admins batch-sync such packages from Debian as is supposed to happen is better :) | 16:35 |
bdrung | slangasek: it was removed in karmic. would the batch-sync pull the new version of eclipse-cdt? | 16:36 |
slangasek | yes | 16:36 |
slangasek | hmm, eclipse-cdt is already in natty right now | 16:37 |
pitti | slangasek: would ubufox maverick SRU be okay linaro-wise? | 16:37 |
slangasek | so the one in the queue is redundant | 16:37 |
pitti | slangasek: I'll review/accept linux-meta, since that goes together with the linux SRU | 16:37 |
slangasek | pitti: what changes are in the SRU? We have images pulling firefox, so we want to be sure that's in good shape | 16:38 |
pitti | slangasek: fixes link to release notes and changelog (from lucid to maverick) | 16:39 |
pitti | looks straightforward | 16:39 |
slangasek | pitti: yeah, that's fine | 16:39 |
pitti | right now you land on the lucid LP pages | 16:39 |
slangasek | pitti: thanks for asking :) | 16:39 |
pitti | ok, thanks | 16:39 |
cjwatson | bdrung: I heartily agree with slangasek - please don't work around us being slow to process new packages in bulk, ask us instead | 16:40 |
pitti | slangasek: btw, would you have a minute at some point to review the lucid udev SRU? (it's from me) | 16:40 |
slangasek | pitti: I hope so - I got partway through the review then got yanked away | 16:40 |
pitti | oh, cool | 16:40 |
pitti | thanks | 16:40 |
tumbleweed | pitti: re bug 666494 it's in the queue | 16:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 666494 in glusterfs (Ubuntu Lucid) "Data Corruption bug in GlusterFS 3.0.2" [High,Fix committed] | 16:46 |
pitti | tumbleweed: ah, ok | 16:46 |
poolie | meeting now about bzr and ubuntu in #ubuntu-uds-curacao12 | 17:15 |
micahg | pitti: thanks | 17:58 |
kpoman | hello to all ! guys, I had a failed upgrade. now everythiing is stuffed... and the machine is 2500km from here. I need to resume an upgrade via ssh. help ! | 18:00 |
benste | searching for a software-center developer -- someone here ? | 18:36 |
manusheel | benste: Hi Benste. | 18:39 |
benste | hi - could you tell me which kind of authentification it uses ? - because the auth isn't working anymore in multiple gnome parts too - but no one knows what to do - because all thought it would be gksu - which is working finde | 18:40 |
benste | sry finde → fine | 18:40 |
benste | manusheel: do you know something about this ? | 18:40 |
psusi | should be policykit | 18:40 |
benste | psusi: k looks like I'll have to troubleshoot this after dinner :-) | 18:42 |
benste | thanks for the information | 18:42 |
benste | psusi: thank you very much reinstalling solved the whole issue | 18:46 |
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tmzt_ | hmm, so this might be a *little* pre mature but is there any interest in a build a native test image for running ubuntu mobile/touchscreen images on modern/recent Android devices as an installable .apk alongside Android? | 19:17 |
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Jewkonia | Hello Everybody | 20:03 |
Jewkonia | My name is Jewkonia | 20:03 |
Jewkonia | ikonia's Jewish cousin | 20:04 |
dmart | micahg: hi there, here's the wiki link for the ARM porting info you were interested in: | 20:11 |
dmart | micahg: | 20:11 |
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micahg | dmart: thanks | 20:14 |
rhys_ | So I'm trying to roll my own package. I need to package the newest version of the Amanda project, which is currently just pulled straight from Debian. | 20:20 |
rhys_ | The packaging system is gigantic. The last place I worked on packages was Archlinux, where there are 2 tools (pacman and abs) which do absolutely everything. To create any package, you needed 1 bash script + diffs. | 20:21 |
rhys_ | Debian/Ubuntu seems to have every tool in triplicate that all do different things. Is there any link spamming I can get from more experienced packagers for Ubuntu? | 20:22 |
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rhys_ | Oh. | 20:29 |
rhys_ | nobody is on IRC | 20:29 |
rhys_ | lol. | 20:29 |
RAOF_ | !packagingguide | 20:30 |
ubottu | The packaging guide is at - See for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at - See also !backports | 20:30 |
maco | sure we are..just in other channels | 20:30 |
maco | also, there's #ubuntu-packaging | 20:30 |
ogra_ac | maco, not true, i'm here | 20:31 |
maco | well i was refering to the #ubuntu-uds-* channels | 20:31 |
ogra_ac | :) | 20:31 |
maco | are you here? i havent seen you | 20:31 |
maco | where here = uds | 20:31 |
* ogra_ac is in bonnaire 6 | 20:31 | |
ogra_ac | -n | 20:32 |
soren | ogra_ac: are? | 20:32 |
soren | I thought I was. | 20:32 |
ajmitch | heh | 20:32 |
ajmitch | surely the room isn't that big? | 20:32 |
soren | It's not. | 20:32 |
soren | Hence my confusion. | 20:32 |
* ogra_ac looks underneath the chairs for soren | 20:32 | |
soren | Oh, I'm in 8. | 20:32 |
soren | Never mind :) | 20:32 |
ogra_ac | lol | 20:32 |
ogra_ac | forgot your glasses ? | 20:33 |
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ajmitch | an easy mistake to make, I'm sure :) | 20:33 |
soren | Does it actually say anywhere on the inside of the rooms which room it is? | 20:33 |
soren | I couldn't find a sign, so I looked at the schedule :) | 20:33 |
ogra_ac | soren, on the IRC screen | 20:33 |
soren | Clever you. | 20:33 |
ogra_ac | heh | 20:33 |
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bdrung | doko: bug #667446 | 20:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 667446 in eclipse-cdt (Ubuntu) "Missing dependency on eclipse-pde" [High,New] | 20:47 |
doko | bdrung: thanks. I see this is usually hidden, because recommends are installed by default | 20:49 |
slangasek | pitti: bug #667436> by "discussed with the community", you're not referring to Linaro, are you? Linaro has no requirement for this to be in maverick :) | 20:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 667436 in eclipse-cdt (Ubuntu Maverick) "eclipse-cdt for Linaro 10.11" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 20:58 |
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m_101 | hi! | 22:43 |
m_101 | i'm searching to have symbols while i debug using gdb | 22:43 |
m_101 | i've been following this guide : | 22:43 |
m_101 | installed the corresponding aircrack-ng symbols | 22:44 |
m_101 | but not symbols with coredump | 22:44 |
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